Organic Traffic To Your Blog With Pinterest

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How To Drive 5x More Organic Traffic To Your Blog With Pinterest Are you wondering how Pinterest could increase your blog traffic? Do you want more blog traffic?

Ways to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Want to increase your leads from Pinterest? Of course, you do! Do you know Pinterest has become one of the biggest sources of traffic for a lot of bloggers. Some blogs get well over 50% to 65% of their traffic from Pinterest alone! boost blog traffic fast with one of the easiest social media platforms in 2019. By following these different tips and tricks though, any blog has the ability to boost site traffic Pinterest can be a powerful source to drive traffic to your website if you know how to use it. In this article, you will learn actionable methods, how to get traffic to your blog with Pinterest by creating viral and shareable content. Ready to get started? 1/9

Let’s do this. STEP 1. Create A Business Blog Board Create a Business Board on Pinterest specifically for your blog articles. This makes it easy for your Followers to find your blog posts, and even Follow your blog Board. Naming your Pinterest business board with keywords makes it more likely to show up in search engines too. When you write a blog post, Pin it to your blog Board. Include: A brief summary, or quote, from the article posts. A great image that represents your post. A link directly to your blog article. For Example:

Create-A-Business-Blog-Pinterest-Board There are 3 areas on Pinterest that benefit from search engine optimization: Your profile Your boards Individual pins Profile SEO Pinterest allows you to include up to 30 characters in your name, so there’s not a whole lot of space for SEO there; just stick with your name or your business name.


Some people do have longer names. Those are folks who’ve been around for a while but haven’t changed their names since before the 30 character limit went into effect. Let’s take a look at my Pinterest profile of Digital marketing & blogging, EDOUP. It can be really tempting to name your Pinterest boards according to your niche keywords. Don’t. Not if you’re using Pinterest for business. Your boards should have clear and concise names and tell users exactly what they’re going to find on them. People search for things like email marketing, blogger tips, blogging, blog traffic, and start a business. They don’t search for flipping flaps. In addition to board games, you should also include longtail keywords in your board descriptions. Remember, though, that these descriptions are content, and content is always for the user first. Don’t just add keywords for the sake of SEO; make sure your copy is helpful and readable your visitors.

long tail board sections SEO Board Sections You can also include sections within your business boards, making them even more useful to your followers and providing even more opportunities to get in some long tail keywords. The same rules apply to these sections as to the boards themselves. Individual Pin SEO 3/9

When we told you that you could SEO Pinterest, we meant all of it. Down to each individual pin that you pin. There’s a pin name and description, and you can make comments on the pin. This is also known as ‘optimising’ your pins which you may have heard of already if you are following our guides to get more traffic from Google. What is the main niche/topic/theme of your blog or website (what are your keywords)? Add this to your Pinterest ‘business name’ found in the profile. For example, if your niche is blog tips for a freelancer, add that to your title. Now add an ‘about you’ bio which includes you’re the main aim of your site and keywords. STEP 4. As with any content marketing strategy, the success of your campaign depends on the quality content itself. Before you jump into Pinterest marketing, be sure that your content is engaging and set up for SEO success. In particular, your blog post or page titles and meta descriptions should be SEO-friendly and eyecatching. These elements will be pulled into your Pins, so having them optimized will increase circulation, getting organic traffic and click-through rate (CTR). After the Pin graphic, the title and description of your Pinterest the board are what users will see to determine whether they are interested in your content or not — so it must be in line with what they are searching for and match what the Pin is about. Understand what really matters in SEO content so that you can set your Pins up for success. STEP 5. Design attention-grabbing Pin graphics The graphics you create for your business Pins are some of the most, if not the most, important factors when it comes to people actually repinning your content and bring more eyeballs.


Design attention-grabbing Pin graphics You simply won’t get the level of engagement you want if your Pin graphics do not entice users. Once you have created graphics for your Pins, you can add them to your content as the featured image or within the content itself. The important thing is that once shared, the Pin comes up with your newly created graphics. STEP 6. Create Pinterest Pins for your Blog Posts Using Canva Before you start ‘pinning’ you need to create high-quality pinnable images to pin! Most bloggers seem to use Canva because it is really easy to use (plus it's free for basic designs, I don’t pay for any designs). There is even a Pinterest Graphic you can edit and this size works best on Pinterest so use this. 5/9

I’m also using Canva for all my graphic and designing work, either banner, books and blog posts. STEP 7. Start Sharing Pinterest Pins and Repining others Pins to grow your Traffic and Page Views I have found there are 2 ways to share your pin’s and re-pin other people’s pins: 1 – – In order to do this you need to join some group boards; I would suggest finding these by looking on Pinterest users profiles that are in the same niche as you, this will give you maximum and targeted traffic to your blog. 2 – . – You may well have heard about Pinterest Facebook groups! Again, in order to be part of one, you need to find one and join one. Type ‘Pinterest for Bloggers’ into your search bar and the following pages plus a lot more will appear! STEP 8. Use “Pin It” Button On Your Blog While a blogger needs to take full advantage of the posting and pinning opportunities the social media platform provides, the content writers need to also, allow readers the ability to share posts through their favourite social accounts as well. This is why providing the “Pin”, In order to get traffic on your blog from Pinterest to your blog and enable the “Pin It” feature on your website. It” button is so important. Any blogger’s main purpose for creating and posting on social media the platform is to get traffic on their blog from Pinterest . However, in order to maximize this potential, it’s necessary to post popular blog content within Pinterest. In order to do this, it’s necessary to create multiple boards and follow the latest trends on Pinterest in your niche. However, it’s important to create boards around these topics and post accordingly. If any blogger opens a social media platform but never uses it, it does them no good and they can’t drive traffic from Pinterest. It will not generate traffic, and the search engines will show posts from the accounts less and less. It’s crucial to remain active on Pinterest and to regularly engage. Like other social platforms, it’s important to not only publish quality blog posts but to comment and interact on the boards of followers. This keeps the blogger’s profile active and in front of other account users. This all begins with posting quality content on a regular basis. 6/9

To , it is important to only repin and like content with viable interest to the blog. Other account holders can see what content has been repined and liked. It isn’t always possible to write a new blog post every day, or week yet remaining active daily helps increase exposure and keep the account active. STEP 11. Focus on TimingThe research revealed that to optimize audience reach on Pinterest pinners should post 10 to 15 times per day. As your fan base grows, deliberately timing pins becomes important to provide a consistent brand message, blog traffic to your platform. You’ll soon learn that pinning at any time isn’t a good strategy. Bloggers can waste lots of effort posting pins whenever they think is the best. Instead, take a pragmatic approach. Examine your website traffic to uncover when are the best days and times to post your business pins. Bring attention to your blog today with the help of social media. Use Pinterest to attract people to your posts. Final Conclusion Learning how to use Pinterest for bloggers can double your traffic or more in just a few months for new blogs. Even for established blogs already getting good search traffic, Pinterest will be some of your most engaged and active visit. Pinterest is one of the most robust and affordable content marketing tools out there, though it has been all but ignored by SEOs and digital marketers alike. By taking advantage of these different tips and tricks, it’s possible to . Use the above tactics and drive traffic to your blog from Pinterest. Don’t miss the developing opportunities to expand your global reach through Pinterest. Pinterest is so useful for traffic and ideas – what have you found that works? What do you think? Have you found an ? Please share your thoughts and advice in the comments below.


Steps To Get Organic Pinterest Traffic To Your Blog A very tiny request: If you liked this post, please share this? I know most people don’t share because they feel that us bloggers don’t need their "tiny" social share. But here's the truth... I built this blog piece by piece, one small share at a time, and will continue to do so. So thank you so much for your support, my reader. A share from you would seriously help a lot with the growth of this blog. Some great suggestions: - Pin it! (I even made a pretty pin for ya!) 8/9

- Stumble it! It won't take more than 10 seconds of your time. The share buttons are right here. :) Thank you so much! P.P.S. Don't forget to subscribe my FREE VIDEO COURSE BELLOW


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