SEO Business Mastery Made Easy

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SEO Business Mastery Made Easy (How To Getting Traffic Online & Keeping Your Business Ahead In The Modern Age!)



MURLI ABOUT AUTHOR Digital Marketing (CONSULTANT), AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor and off-course a Lovable, Respectful and Helpful guy. I spent 12 years working in digital marketing and visual designs. I am primarily a Digital Marketing (CONSULTANT), with a fountain of knowledge SEO/SEM, Content Marketing, Lead Generation and Conversion, Online Advertising, Social media, User Experience (UX). Develop efficient market leading CRM strategies, Marketing Automation and drive inbound enquiries through SEO, PPC and Digital Marketing Strategies. I have Strong Experience in DIGITAL MARKETING - Now I am self-employed (ENTREPRENEUR). I have trained people and companies on ENTREPRENEUR - START, RUN & GROW your business and Digital Marketing. Now, I am focusing on helping other people create their own online empires. It is my goal to help others by teaching and coaching them to achieve their own successes! I love creating content and helping my students reaches their potential. I created each one of them thinking about YOU. Let me help you achieve your learning goals & take you on a journey to success, wealth and happiness! Copyright © by All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author/publisher. DISCLAIMER The contents of this manual reflect the author’s views acquired through his experience on the topic under discussion. The author or publisher disclaims any personal loss or liability caused by the utilization of any information presented herein. The author is not engaged in rendering any legal or professional advice. The services of a professional person are recommended if legal advice or assistance is needed. While the sources mentioned herein are assumed to be reliable at the time of writing, the author and publisher, or their affiliates are not responsible for their activities. From time to time, sources may terminate or move and prices may change without notice. Sources can only be confirmed reliable at the time of original publication of this manual. This manual is a book only and, as such, should be considered solely for basic information. Earnings or profits derived from participating in the following program are entirely generated by the ambitions, motivation, desires, and abilities of the individual reader.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Understanding What Is SEO? - The Basics Of SEO - Keyword Research - On-Page SEO - Link Building - Anchor Text - Local SEO Essentials - Search Engine Optimization Tips - What You Need To Know About SEO & Google? - Choose The Right Keyword For Your Niche - Create Great SEO-friendly Content - PageRank & Link Building Chapter 2: Powerful Free Traffic Source - Podcast - Become A Guest Poster – ESSENTIAL - Document Sharing - Link Round Ups - Adswaps - Twitter - Blog Commenting - Facebook - Not A Fan, But It Works - Instagram Chapter 3: Optimize Your Site - Speed Up Your Site - Social Media Marketing CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

- How To Recover Quickly From A Google Penalty? CONCLUSION MY BONUS COURSE RECOMMENDED RESOURCES CHAPTER 1: Understanding What Is SEO? So you want more people to come to your website… Big surprise, so do literally all the other websites on the internet! But you know something about 95% of website owners don’t have a single clue about: the importance of Google rankings and optimization for those rankings. And by reading this step-by-step introduction into Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you will have gained a competitive edge that will potentially make you thousands of dollars on the internet. So pat yourself on the back, because you made a great decision. You just took your first baby steps into the magic world that is SEO: a world where you have the ability to tame the mighty beast that is Google. The Big G is known to change its algorithm recipe a lot though, so it’s a good idea to get the basics down and keep learning as much as possible in your journey. Utilizing this book to help you make sure you are ready to take on your search rankings adventure. You will learn from the beginning what steps you need to take to influence and improve your website for Google. No prior knowledge required. If you do have some knowledge already, then great, you have a head start! This in-depth course will help you navigate through the jungle of Anchor text strategies, keyword research, and setting up a private blog network and many other useful features to optimize your site. So, starting from nothing, let’s get that website going. The following chapters will help you get started with ease. SEO is by far the most effective way to get visitors to your site. Once you "get" the secrets, you'll be able to create a steady stream of visitors to your website, blog or online business. This course is written for the complete SEO beginner in plain English. You won't find any confusing jargon, or long-winded histories of SEO; just focused, step-by-step strategies you start using today to get more visitors from Google. If you can write a blog post or a web page, I can show you how to turn it into an SEO success. CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Because this is a beginner's guide, it's been proofread many times to make sure it's the easiest guide possible. That said, if there's anything you're still not clear about, please feel free to email me and I'll try to help. My email address is on the last video of this course. Let's get started. ==> The Basics Of SEO In order for visitors to find your website, it is evident that you work with Google’s optimization guidelines. In the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), there’s however much more to be discovered. Let’s start by breaking down the absolute basics of SEO. This chapter will go onto what exactly SEO is, why you need it, and will give an overview of relevant terms that are used in the SEO space. What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is, above all, a way to generate traffic to your website. Many people focusing on SEO as an internet marketing strategy seem to forget this. It is one of many ways to attract targeted traffic to the place you want them the most: your corner of the World Wide Web. Three major distinctions exist, and depending on the type of website you are building, your path will be greatly determined by these major categories of SEO:


Global SEO: Often used in congruency with content marketing – ranking your site for broad keywords that are relevant to your site. Global SEO is the opposite of Local SEO.


Affiliate SEO: Generating traffic for certain product promotions is one of the most lucrative ways to earn money with SEO. Affiliate marketing is a great monetization strategy for your website – This could be product promotion, lead generation or even generating phone calls for clients.


Local SEO: The act of ranking for geo-sensitive search terms. Or in plain English: physical locations become your keywords. For example, if you have a bakery in downtown Manhattan, you attempt to rank your website about your business for search terms such as: “Manhattan bakery”, “New York bread shop”, or “NYC Manhattan wholegrain”.


Glossary In the world of SEO’s, there’s a lot of fancy words floating around. These might confuse beginners, so let’s list a few of the most widely used. This is by no means an exhaustive list of terms, but it’s helpful to refer to when you’re confused what a certain term means: 301 Redirect: A 301 server redirect is the change of a webpage to another page on that same domain (usually the homepage). Used in expired domains to keep the link juice of no longer existing pages. Adwords: Google service for paid webpage clicks. Essentially used for advertisements on Google for any given search term. The Adwords Keyword Planner tool is a very useful tool for easy and free keyword research. Algorithm: The lines of code used by programmers to shape the search rankings. We do know the broad outlines of the Google search algorithm, but we can never know it precisely (the only people who know work at Google). Alt Text: Google’s algorithm cannot read images very well. Wegive alt text keywords to an image in order to let google know the relevance of the contents of the image. Essentially, this is the invisible title for an image only Google can see. Anchor Text: The exact match text that links to your website. Is explained in detail in a later chapter of this book. Authority: How powerful Google deems your website or page to be. Often measured using Majestic / Ahrefs / Moz metrics. Backlinks: The links you are receiving from external websites, which point to a certain page within your own website Black Hat SEO: The so-called ‘dark side’ of SEO practices that is not


necessarily within the Google Terms of Use. Use at own risk, although often highly effective. Bounce Rate: How quickly people tend to leave your site. Essentially this is the percentage of visitors on your site that only visit one page and leave very quickly again. Breadcrumbs: Will show the exact path a visitor of a website has taken. Beneficial to on-page SEO. Canonical issues: Issues with duplicate content. This means you have multiple webpages on your site with the exact same content – horrible for SEO purposes because Google punishes this hard. CMS: Content Management System. Basically the software that is used to build a website. The most commonly applied CMS by SEO’s is WordPress. Citation Flow (CF): Majestic SEO metric that indicated the amount of links coming in to a certainly website. Less important than Trust Flow (TF). Optimally you want this to have a >15 value. Crawler: A bot that quickly analyses all pages on a website. Duplicate Content: See canonical issues. Google Dance: The shift in Google ranking positions (See SERP) that is the result of the algorithm used by Google. Usually happens when using PBN sites (which will be explained in a later chapter in this book). Inbound Links: Links from other websites coming into your website. This is generally regarded as a good thing, especially when the domain that refers to your site has a high authority in Google’s eyes. Indexing / Getting indexed: Google automatically will allow your site to show up in their search engine. This means your page or site is indexed. Keyword Density: How often the keyword(s) you are targeting are present on


a page. Not spamming the keyword is recommended. A few times mentioned is good (especially if it’s in the H1-title tags of your article). Keyword Research: The act of looking for certain words of phrases people are actively looking for on Google. Related to the topic of the website. Keyword Stuffing: The act of putting as much keywords in your ‘Google blurb’ (the little text that you see if you search on Google) as possible without making it look unnatural. Link Building: The act of gathering links to your personal website Link Exchange: To avoid at all costs. A scheme in which links are exchanged between websites. Often used by directory websites where you have to include a link to the directory in exchange for a link to your site. This will have zero impact on your rankings. Link Farm: Group of sites all linking to each other. Bad SEO. Link Juice: The good stuff. If a link is created between website A and B. The power or ‘juice’ is passed on to that page. Link Text: See Anchor Text Long Tail: Keywords which have multiple words attached to them. Very specific search terms. Meta Tag: HTML in the Head section of a page that gathers certain information. Not visible on the page itself. Is visible to Google’s Crawl Engine. NoFollow Links: These links are ignored by Google for ranking purposes. They occur naturally on all websites and are important to add into the mix of inbound links. NoIndex Links: Page not indexed at all by Google Crawler. Page will thus never show up in Google at all when a No Index HTML is inserted into the Head of the page’s HTML. Non Reciprocal Link: These types of links have the most value. Basically, if Site B links to your site (Site A), and you do NOT link back to site B, it’s a non-reciprocal link. Organic Link: Not created by SEO, but gained by someone who found your site important or relevant enough to include on their website. Happy days. Redirect: Certain URL that immediately points to another URL. Will carry over link juice. Scraping: Using a bot to find expired domains which have high power metrics. Trust Flow (TF): Majestic SEO metric indicating the power links coming in to a certain domain. More important than Citation Flow (CF). Optimallyyou want this to have a >13 value. CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

SERP: Search Engine Results Page. Refers to the position of your page in the Google results page. Social Bookmarking: Social Media form in which bookmarks are aggregated for public access. Web 2.0: Websites that encourage user interaction. Examples are Tumblr Blogs, WordPress blogs, etc. White Hat SEO: The type of SEO that adhere to Google’s best practices guidelines. Difficult to pull off compared to black hat SEO. Examples include guest posting, using press releases, or good old-fashioned ‘asking another website owner for a link’-method. Widget: Applications used on webpages for easier use. Often used in WordPress sites. Why Is SEO Important? SEO is a way to generate traffic to your website, so the importance simply lies in the fact that ‘doing SEO’ will give you more people to your site. And if you monetize your website in a clever way, you will indeed be able to get very wealthy from it. Whilst there are multiple ways to generate traffic to your website, SEO is so lucrative simply because you can decide which terms to rank for. And consequently, how targeted this traffic will be. Finding the perfect terms to rank highly for in Google will absolutely help your online business to grow and flourish. Should I Only Do SEO? No. You should not only ‘do SEO’. Even the most hardcore evangelists of the SEO world will diversify their traffic generation strategies at some point in time. Only doing SEO is literally throwing your site at the mercy of Google’s algorithm. I always advice people to use SEO as a main way to lead organic traffic to their website, but also explore other options. If Google changes their rules on how to rank websites (which they did on multiple occasions in their history), you might potentially lose ALL your website traffic. So it’s great advice to also be very active on social media (which in turn will automatically boost your website’s SEO rankings, by the way). There’s a multitude of other options to explore in order to generate traffic to your website: CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

---- Social media interactions ---- Google AdWords ---- Facebook advertising ---- Offline marketing campaigns ---- Network marketing And this is by no means an exhaustive list of traffic generation options. Traffic generation is an endless fount of resources and possibilities. You will often even see that different traffic generation methods are complementary to each other. However, SEO is certainly one of the most effective ways, if you know what you are doing. Let’s dive into the details. ==> Keyword Research Before you even start considering building your website, you should perform a general search of relevant keywords in your particular niche or target market. Following the famous 80/20-principle (where 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort put into something), the act of keyword research is the 20% for achieving SEO results. Many different methods exist of performing proper keyword research, but I’ll explain a very basic and easy (and free) way of finding relevant keywords to target. The tool we will be using for this is called the Google Keyword Planner. Google Keyword Planner What better place to check if a keywords gets monthly searches than using Google’s data itself? That’s why the free to use tool Google Keyword Planner is perfect for keyword research. Admittedly, using the tool is somewhat of a pain sometimes, but at least it’s a great free alternative to tools like Long Tail Pro (which have a monthly fee). The Keyword Planner is actually part of Google AdWords, which is the tool you can use to create paid advertisements on Google’s search engine for specific keywords. Finding the Keyword planner can be complicated because you need a Gmail account to be able to use it, and go through a little maze to find it. Here’s the steps: ---- Type in ‘Google Keyword Planner’ in Google Click top result ---- Log in with your email data Register if needed (only once) ---- Navigate using the top menu to ‘Helpful Tools’ Click on the keyword planner CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

---- Set your targeting range to your preferred nation you wish to target with your website ---- Add your keywords that are somewhat related to your niche in the ‘Your Product or Service’ box at the top. The results should look something like the image below. You can choose from Ad group ideas, which are clusters of keywords related to what you entered in your keyword box, or you can look for specific keywords using the tab called ‘keyword ideas’. Average monthly searches might no longer be very specific, these have been switched with an estimation.

Logic dictates that you wish to select high search volumes with low competition. However, you may also want to go for low volume search keywords with high competition, if there’s a buyer intent behind a certain keyword (such as ‘product X review’ or ‘best product X 2017’. Understanding Keywords There’s a real science behind choosing and understand what keywords to choose for SEO targeting. Whilst most of this will come from simply doing and having experience with what works and what doesn’t, here’s a few beginner’s directions. By following the tips below you will be able to better understand which keywords to choose. CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Know your niche What problem are people trying to solve when they look for your website? What products do these people want to buy or what information would they like to know? Understand the needs of your target audience. Once you have a clear view of what your audience would like to know or have, that’s when you can start looking for keywords related to that.

Go for long-tail It’s pretty normal that the search terms you’re trying to show up for have a lot of competition. That’s why it’s a good strategy to adapt your keyword research and go for longer phrases people are typing into the Google search bar. These types of keywords are referred to as ‘longtail keywords’. And of course, these words need to be specific to your website topic. Check competitiveness This goes back to the previous point: don’t try to rank for keywords with high competition. Focus on the low competition ones, preferably those with a lot of people that are looking for those keywords. If you have barely any competition, it will be much easier for your new website to show up high in the Google search rankings. Make a clear overview When you do keyword research, open up an Excel sheet (or similar) and write down ALL keywords you have found in a list. Mark the most important ones and also write down the competition level, search volume and some additional thoughts about the keywords you found (for example which category they belong to). A clear mind and good research starts with good documentation.

Having an overview of your keywords does that for you. Know What Your Competition Does A simple strategy I like to use is to actually go out and see what otherwebsites are doing. Obviously, I will only look at the websites that are ranked at the top for the keyword I’d like to be number 1 at with my own website. CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

There are numerous tools that will allow you to identify the keyword strategies for certain websites, but in my experience the one that has worked best is called SemRush (it’s an expensive SEO tool). So if you’re serious about this SEO thing I highly recommend you to take a quick peek at what they allow you to do. Now that you’ve got an idea of what keywords to target for your new site, it’s time to put it into action. We will implement our keywords on our site using what is known as ‘on-page SEO’. The details are found in the next chapter. ==> On-Page SEO Now we know what keywords to target, it’s time to break down the act of ‘doing SEO’ on your site. It’s not really complicated at all, but you need to know what components to address. In general, SEO is made up out of the following three elements: On-Page SEO: Using site-relevant keywords in your website pages, so Google can determine the relevance of your site for certain search terms. Determined by (in diminishing importance): page or post titles, URL description keywords, outbound links, links from one page in your website to another, image alt texts, embedded videos, H1-title tags, and relevant content text keywords. Off-Page SEO: Gathering relevant backlinks to your website, preferably with good anchor text diversification. This means that the links that point to your website have been placed with relevant keywords in them, but not in a manner that makes them look spammy in any way. More about link building and off-page SEO can be found in the next chapter. Social SEO: This element of SEO is becoming more and more important recently. Having consistent social media activity supports your on- and 0ff-page SEO and will be the secret sauce on top of your ranking efforts. Social SEO means to place links to your site or articles from social media accounts with high power to them. These could be Web 2.0’s, or similar. Optimizing Your Website The optimization of a website is performed using good on-site SEO. Generally, people who do SEO will be building their site using WordPress, which allows them to install SEO plugins in order to track the on-site SEO performance.


Recommended plugins to track SEO are called ‘All-in-One SEO Pack’ and ‘Yoast SEO’. Both work equally well, but have different systems to them. It’s a matter of preference. If you wish to learn more about WordPress and SEO, please consider reading my other course on WordPress website creation. A link to this WordPress course can be found in the final chapter of this course. I highly recommend checking it out, so you will be quickly on your way to get the best performing SEO website. Forging A Perfect SEO-Optimized Page Quick disclaimer: I do not promise you this will work for you. I do not promise you this will even work tomorrow. But this is what has worked for me, and what works right now as I write this course. I’m positive at least some of this will continue to be relevant forever, so hopefully this will help in your own SEO optimization process. Let’s try to forge the perfect storm for a basic page on your website. What can you do to optimize it so Google will love it? Let’s look at the on-page SEO factors in diminishing relevance. We will take the example of a bakery website that’s trying to rank high in Google for the keyword ‘Chocolate Donuts’. On the next page you can find what such a page COULD look like. The layout, however, does not matter one single bit for SEO purposes. So do not be afraid to diversify.



Page title (H1 Headline) Obviously, your page title should have your exact keyword in it, preferably the very first word(s). Keep the title as short as possible, no keyword stuffing. Also place your exact match keyword title in your Meta Description Title (which happens automatically sometimes). This is the little blurb that you see showing up when you search for websites in Google. Page URL keyword In the example, we target chocolate donuts. But our website is called Make sure that your URL is as short as humanly possible. You can adapt this in the website setting if you’re working in WordPress. For our example site, the most ideal situation for SEO purposes is making our page URL: And nothing more. Then it’s perfect if you are targeting chocolate donuts. The key is to place your exact match keyword directly behind your domain URL. And no other symbols, letters, numbers, or unneeded nonsense. Keep it clean.

Meta description This is one of the most important on-page SEO elements that is technically ‘off-page’. Because the Meta description for a page will not show up on your website, but on Google. The description is nothing more than the little blurb of text you see under a page link, when you search for something in Google. The trick is to place our example keyword ‘chocolate donuts’ at the front of the Meta description title, but also at least once somewhere in the description text. I highly recommend to also include a synonym or similar word to your keyword in your description text, because Google’s algorithm will pick up on this. Don’t just dump or stuff keywords, but make it a coherent piece of text that someone is eager to click. It’s like a tiny sales letter for your page, on Google.


Outbound link to authority site This is omitted from the example image above, but extremely important for SEO. Add an outbound link to an authority website (a website that is deemed super powerful) which is relevant to your keyword. For example, our chocolate donuts article would at least link one time to a Wikipedia article about ‘Chocolate Donuts’. Or a news article on the BBC website about ‘chocolate donuts’. Inbound link to another page on your own site Interlinking is extremely powerful to help your other webpages on the same website giving each other a boost. Place at least one link to another page on your site in the content of your article. For example, if you have a related article on your site about ‘vanilla donuts’, link to that with the anchor text ‘vanilla donuts’. Image Alt Attribute(s) You can at keywords to your on-page images that you embed in your content. These so-called ‘alt attributes’ can be placed using HTML, or in WordPress by changing the media content. Just place the exact match keyword ONLY ONCE in one of the images (so the alt-attribute will be ‘chocolate-donuts’ with a dash)

Embedded video (optional) This will help boost your site even more, but is not necessary all the time. Embed a YouTube video with some traction (a bunch of views and interaction such as likes and comments) that contains your focus keyword. Preferably, this is an exact match keyword. Body text keywords Throughout your article, place the exact match keyword, but (very importantly) also variations of this keyword, in your overall text. The example image above shows exactly how to place these keywords throughout your text. It’s very important to not force this placement, and simply write your text like a normal human being would. Just make sure you use your keyword at least once or twice.


DO NOT overdo it, this will be seen as spam and will seriously harm your SEO for your page. Despite what some so-called experts claim, there is no real rule to when it is ‘too much’. Just focus on providing value to your readers and don’t spam your keyword, is the takeaway message here.


Relevant Factors Influencing On-Page SEO There’s a multitude of factors that will improve your website’s SEO performance in Google’s eyes. Wewill go over them one by one, and give a short explanation. As time progresses, these may become more or less important, as SEO is a dynamic thing, just like the internet itself. Interlinking This has already been touched upon, but it is very important to link between relevant pages on your own website quite often. This way, the link power will flow between the pages, making them stronger in the process. Google will see this as a positive thing and will consequently give you better rankings.

Website Speed It’s very important to keep track of the loadings speeds on your website. Logic tells us that better loading speeds of pages will give you better SEO results. Google provides website owners with a simple to use and understand free tool to track what to improve with regards to website speed. You can find the tool here and simply enter your website domain name to get the results: Responsiveness This basically boils down to the fact if your website design is suitable for mobile users. The internet is increasingly moving towards mobile platforms: smartphones and tablets. The majority of the traffic already comes from these sources and is only projected to grow. No wonder that Google deems it extremely important that your website design is ‘responsive’. If it’s not, fix it immediately. Not having a website design suited for mobile or tablet will completely obliterate your ranking results. Safety What’s relatively new in the SEO space is the need for an SSL-certificate on your website. This is basically only visible in the domain URL – it will show an https://-protocol instead of the regular http:// ones. Having an SSL is beneficial and will be increasingly important as time progresses. Not only for the privacy safety of your visitors, but also for SEO purposes. Your website host is able to give out an SSL-certificate for your site. Sometimes this will cost you a CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

monthly or yearly fee, but in today’s internet that’s more than worth the investment to get that competitive edge from your competitors.

Website Age & Size This one is difficult to influence and will come with time. The older and bigger the website, the more authority Google will give to it. As your site gets older it will collect more backlinks and more domain authority. That’s also a reason why expired domains are so popular in the SEO space. Topical Relevance Having a very specific niche topic to your site, and sticking to that topic throughout your entire site, will be extremely helpful to determine what the site is about, and consequently will help you rank your site for niche keywords in your specific target market. Staying topically relevant and sticking to your topic is thus essential for some good old Google rankings. ==> Link Building Now that we have an overview of what will make the difference in on-page SEO performance, let’s look at the invisible stuff: the off-page link building. Historically, the backlinks have always been the most important factor of ranking a website. Google’s algorithm has been built on understanding and giving value to backlinks from other websites, in order to determine which results should show up where for which search terms. Why Numbers No Longer Matter Until recently, it has been a common practice to, to say it bluntly, spam the shit out of a website in order to rank it. This no longer works. Over time Google has successfully changed its search algorithm to favor sites that have links pointing to them from websites that are authoritative and are visited by large numbers of people.

It is now common for new websites to rank high with only a few websites who point at them. These must be websites who are both authoritative and are relevant to the site that’s getting ranked. CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

You can’t really rank a site about dog toys with an adult video site. Well, technically you could, but it’s not very effective. It’s preferable if you’re making a site about dog toys, to get backlinks from already established websites about dogs or pets. The more QUALITY links you gather from other authority sites in your niche, the more likely it is you will show up for keywords in your website’s niche. Finding Quality Backlinks Now, I can hear you ask: where do you get those links?! And my answer is simple: everywhere they are relevant. If you find an established website in your niche, go ahead and figure out how to get a link from them. Just don’t go swapping links with website owners, because that’s not beneficial to your SEO performance (anymore). In the world of SEO, we distinguish between the hats we put on when we are building links. We’ve got the white hat (the ‘ethical’) methods, and the black hat (the ‘unethical’ or cheating) methods. If it’s a mix of the two, we call that a grey-hat link building method. All of these methods work equally well, and both categories equally breach Google’s Terms of Service. There’s simply no way around that. If you are manipulating search results artificially, you are breaking Google’s ToS. Google knows this, and Google accepts that SEO exists, despite being against the search results. Interestingly enough, Google’s spokespersons have even spoken out about the fact that having SEO is actually beneficial to their overall search results. They also have a version of Google that does not have SEO in it (where SEO activities are filtered out), and the search results are actively worse than the ‘real’ results we get when searching for stuff in Google. So do not be afraid when building links: you are breaking Google’s terms of service, and Google is completely fine with that. If you do it ethically and will not try to ‘break’ the search results for your benefit. And yes, Black-Hat SEO can also be done in an ethical manner, believe it or not (this is obviously an opinion, but Black Hat backlinks are widely regarded as a sound method and are accepted among the SEO community). Now that we’ve got the mandatory speech about breaking Terms of Service out of the way, let’s look at the ways we can actually improve our rankings. Building quality links is what we are after. CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

We do want as much backlinks as possible, but only from credible sources. Spamming sites with backlinks is a thing from the past. In fact, you should try purchasing 10.000 backlinks for $5 from Fiverr and see what it does to your search results. Exactly, you will get banished from the Google rankings. Or more likely, nothing will happen at all. So keep away from the shitty backlinks and start building links to your site manually. It’s completely fine to outsource, but for the love of all that is good and holy, please only purchase links that are proven to work for SEO purposes. And never purchase backlinks if you don’t know what you’re doing yet. Okay, now I’ve discouraged you enough to get you back to reality. So, let’s look at what we can do to improve our website’s visibility. How do we build high quality manual backlinks that will give us good SEO results? Here’s what the real SEO’s are doing to achieve results. White-Hat Methods Guest Posting This is the most common white-hat method that provides value to your site. You will create an engaging piece of content that is well-written on someone else’s website. Preferably, this is an authority in your niche that will give you a powerful backlink! Guest posting means you have the ability to tap into a new audience on someone else’s website that already has traffic. You help build their site by giving them an article that their readers enjoy, and in return you can get one or two backlinks. One will be a branded URL (your website URL – learn more about this in the next chapter of this course), and if possible try to sneak in at least one keyword specific anchor text (again, please refer to the next chapter to understand what this is). It’s very important that you do not link to this article on your own site, because that would nullify the SEO power of it. Google regards backlinks from authority websites that point to your website, but you NOT pointing back to that site, as the most powerful. Press Releases A classic way to gather mass backlinks is to do a Press Release. If you have some news or a big launch on your site, put out a press release. Even it if doesn’t get picked up, a lot of automatic CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

press release sites will embed the article on their site. This will give you heaps of good backlinks. A sound method to get a lot of backlinks fast. They may not all be that powerful, though. So don’t expect a miracle after releasing one press release article. Organic Shares (Have Quality Content) It seems so logical, and I encourage any website builder to do this anyways, but organic shares still work magic. Have AMAZING content that is unique and encourages shares. This includes social media shares, but preferably shares from established websites. Having them mention you organically in their articles is the most optimal way to get a bunch of high quality backlinks to your website. Submitting Links Yourself Some websites allow you to actually submit a link to your site for nothing in return. Find these sites and go ahead and make a link for yourself! Especially powerful for local SEO citations (see Chapter 7). Most sites that allow you to do this are databases or directory sites. Avoid directory sites that ask you for a link in return like the plague, it will not help you rank that much at all. Outreach (Asking for a Backlink) The classic method of asking for a favor. Very important is that you do NOT do link swapping, that will hurt both your site’s SEO. Simply notifying a website owner or author about a piece of content on your site will get you a lot of good backlink results. This goes back to making god, high quality content. If it’s relevant and share-worthy, a webmaster will be happy to give you a link for free. Usually, this method works best if sites already have an article about a certain topic that’s also on your website. Notify them that you help them improve that article by including a link to a piece of your own content. And boom! Free backlink. Black-Hat Methods CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Private Blog Network (PBN) The most important black hat SEO method is the creation of a Private blog Network (PBN). This basically means you will go ahead and purchase a whole bunch of powerful expired domain names and create real websites on them that link back to your ‘money site’ (also known as the site you are trying to rank). Having a PBN is a quick way to generate a boost towards your search engine rankings. However, it does require a significant time and money investment, thus it is only a good option if you are knowledgeable at what you are doing. You do need to learn from an expert how to build PBN’s. Otherwise you will either shoot yourself in the foot building a PBN, or will have no idea where to even begin. Simple steps you need to take: Find niche-relevant expired domains with 13+ Trust Flow and 15+ Citation Flow, at LEAST 10 referring domains, and a clean non-spammy anchor text (use Majestic). Register the domain using WhoIS domain protection OR using fake login details (this is why this method is considered ‘black hat’) Get a separate hosting account (for each PBN site) under a fake name and if possible use CloudFlare to diminish your PBN footprint. Create your website with as little similarities to each other as possible. Create articles on these powerful domains with backlinks to your ‘money site’ (the site you are trying to rank). Backlinks should have good anchor text (see next chapter) and should only have 3 links maximum per PBN to your money site. Needless to say, using this method requires some training and management. It will also cost you a lot of money. Investing in a PBN is, however extremely powerful for ranking purposes if you are doing things correctly. But you NEED training on this, otherwise I guarantee you will not succeed and will get your site penalized by Google. Reducing your PBN footprint is the core difficulty in having a PBN network, apart from the many hosting companies, alias names, and large monetary investment. The method is strictly forbidden by Google, that’s why it is a black hat method. CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

However, I know for a fact pretty much every self-proclaimed SEO expert uses a PBN to some degree. Why? Because it works. And it works fast. If you do it correctly, that is. Buying Backlinks Commonplace in SEO, but strictly forbidden by Google. Exchange money for rankings is not only technically forbidden by Google, it can be dangerous. You do not have control over your

links, even if they come from someone else’s PBN. Good backlinks can be found on marketplaces like, or PBN Butler. Fiverr also has a few but they also have extremely terrible ones. You want to look for manual link building. I do not encourage you to buy links, I am just letting you know that this exists. It is strictly forbidden by Google, thus another Black Hat SEO method. ==> Anchor Text One of the most important aspects about understanding off-page SEO, is having an understanding of what anchor text is and how it can help you rank your website. We will go over both topics and hopefully you will understand the concept a bit better. What is Anchor Text? We all know what it is, because if you ever browsed the internet you’ve seen them. Anchor texts are basically those little clickable words in an article, which will bring you to another CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

page or website. We can implement these clickable words using HTML code (or by simply adding a link in your text in WordPress): Quite literally, the exact wording which you can click on is what we need for ranking our site in Google. For example, if I have a bakery website, I want an authority website about baking bread to link to my site using the word I want to show up for in Google, let’s say: chocolate donuts. So in the ideal situation, I want that authority site about baking to link to my site using a clickable keyword ‘chocolate donuts’. In the image above, the anchor text is ‘click here’. If this clickable word world link to your website, your site will actually have a chance of ranking for the keyword ‘click here’. So whatever that clickable word is that links to your site, you will have a chance to show up for in Google. Obviously, you want to show up for low competition keywords in your niche. So that’s what you try to achieve when you are interacting with other website owners to get backlinks. A guest post would ideally include ‘chocolate donuts’ as clickable word to your site, as well as your website URL. A Private Blog Network (PBN) article would work the same. There’s three types of anchor text: Branded: This includes your website URL, or a variation of your brand name. At least a significant portion of all the links pointing to your site should contain branded anchor text. Non-branded: These are the exact match words that we just talked about. Ideally, these should be the keywords you want to show up for in Google. These are basically all anchor texts that are not the website URL variations, or company brand name. You could have other brand names here, which still counts as ‘non-branded’. Branded anchor text in SEO terms basically means your website brand name. Misc: Everything that’s not text or URL’s. Links within images, terms like ‘click here’, arrow symbols, other obscure symbols or numbers, anything that’s not a search term, URL of your own site, or a variation of the name of your brand or site URL. How Anchor Text Helps You Rank Simply put, the website which has the most QUALITY backlinks with keyword specific anchor text will show up first in Google for that specific keyword (or keyword variation). There’s however a very thin line between using ‘too much’ non-branded anchor texts with only 1 CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

keyword in it and using ‘exactly the right amount’ of them. As a rule of thumb, you want to do a little dance around your target anchor text, ideally. This is what we refer to as the SEO dance. Basically, it means you build only 2-3 exact match keyword anchor texts to your site, and a LOT (just as much as you need to rank for your keyword) of anchor text that partially contains that targeted keyword, or uses synonyms. This is called anchor text diversification. Anchor Text Diversification As an example of an ideal anchor text situation, we take our chocolate donuts ranking. For our example, we assume that all backlinks have equally powerful effect on your site. Then what we would want is 10 sites to have a non- branded anchor text to our site with the following anchor text diversification: Chocolate donuts (2x) Pure chocolate donut (1x) Donut Chocolate flavor (1x) Delicious donuts (1x) Chocolate baked goodies (1x) White choco donut (1x) Pure donut choco flavor (1x) Nutella organic donut (1x) Special chocolatey treats (1x) And the list could be as creative and big as you would like. The SEO dance basically is that you include a part of the desired keyword, but not the exact keyword in its entirety. We only do this to avoid any trouble with Google. If you’re unsure about the anchor text of your own website, go to and check the pie chart of your current state of business. If a lot of non-branded anchor texts pops up, it’s time to gather more diverse backlinks as quickly as possible.

Too much of the exact same anchor keywords can very quickly result in a penalty by Google. Google sees something like that very quickly as spamming a keyword. This could result in your site being marked as a spam site, and it could even get de-indexed, which means it will completely be removed from Google search all together. CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

So be aware of this before you start building backlinks, yet do not let it frighten you. If you follow the example, you will most likely be completely safe. ==> Local SEO Essentials A specific subcategory of SEO, but one that’s very profitable for local businesses, is called local SEO. Basically, this means that in your keywords you also have included a geographic location, such as a city, region, state, province or even suburb and ZIP code. For these search terms, Google shows maps of relevant companies in the specific area. These maps and the attached companies is called a ‘local snack pack’.


The list of companies always used to be around 7 in total, but has since been reduced to a maximum of three companies. As a company, you really want to be in the top 3 search results for that specific reason. There’s a few strategies you should employ to achieve this. This chapter will go over the most relevant factors to rank high for local SEO search terms. This overview is not meant as a guide on local SEO, which could be a completely separate course entirely. Wego over three of the most essential things you should do. Verify Business Ownership If you haven’t done so already, verify that you own your business over at Here you can claim your Google ‘My Business’-page. Simply fill in the details as precise as possible, and place relevant keywords in the description. Choosing correct categories and uploading at least 5 good photo’s is very important to optimize your page (and optimize your local SEO performance). Google Reviews This may seem extremely logical, but there’s literally thousands of businesses that aren’t even looking at this. However, having loads of 4 or 5 star Google reviews will drastically improve your ability to show up in the local search results. It’s very simple: the business with the most reviews that are positive, wins the local ranking game. Actively ask your customers to leave reviews when they had a good experience. Offer them discounts, rewards or other benefits to do this. Your investment will be worth it ten times over. Because having good Google results is worth thousands of dollars monthly, if not millions, depending on the business you are in. Do not underestimate the power of local business rankings for your business success. Local SEO is an easy way to make your company visible to targeted, local (!) customers. Local Citations Your company is likely to already have a few citations, but there’s an opportunity to optimize this even further. Citations are basically mentions of your company website (and social media profiles) in directories such as Yellow Pages, Yelp, and so much more. A full CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

list of category-specific websites to place citations can be found at More citations equals higher local rankings, simple. ==> Search Engine Optimization Tips Coming to the final chapters of this short instructional course on search engine optimization, I want to leave you with a few useful tips & tricks that will help you propel your website forward. From experience, these are the key elements that helped me give my own SEO operations a boost. Here they are. Tip #1: Social Media matters It’s no surprise that social media is an important factor within the rankings of Google. Without social media, our webspace looked completely different. But now that we have things like Facebook and Twitter, it’s best to use them to our advantage. And by that I mean, gain backlinks from them, and not waste your time posting cat pictures or nonsensical stuff that won’t get your results. Focus on your site, not your Twitter account. And if possible automate these social media systems as much as possible. The key is to use them for backlinks, not to waste your time on! Tip #2: Go mobile or go bankrupt In 2017 and beyond, having a responsive website is no longer optional. It is an absolute must. Over 70% of Google’s internet traffic comes from mobile devices these days (either tablets or mobile phones), and the numbers are rising every day. Therefore it’s only natural that Google adapts to this trend by favoring websites that are mobile friendly. For the website you wish to rank in Google, you must perform what is known as a ‘responsiveness check’. This basically means seeing if your website is fit for the many types of mobile devices out there. The process is extremely simple, copy your website URL and go to: Congrats if your website passed this basic test. If it didn’t it’s time to contact your web designer for an update to your site. Google will literally throw your site into the search rankings dumpster if you cannot pass this basic test. Tip #3: Build new sites on high-metrics expired domains There’s a simple reason why the market for buying expired domains is flourishing. The CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

main reason being the metrics that are attached to these expired domain names. Simply visit GoDaddy Auctions and see for yourself for how much some domains go. Not only will you be able to pick up some cool names, looking out for domains with high domain and page power (which are metrics that are retained when a domain expires) are something to look out for. Tip #4: Get SSL security for your website The new safety standard will become ever more important in the upcoming time. For a while now, Google favors websites that have an SSL certificate attached to their site. This will certainly impact your rankings and give you that slight edge over your competition. An SSL certificate can be easily detected by the “https://”-protocol used on your site. If your website does not display this protocol, your website is not SSL-protected. An SSL-certificate can be purchased (or sometimes even obtained for free) from your website hosting provider. Usually, your host will ask a small monthly or annual fee for having an SSL certificate. A basic SSL “https://”- protocol will suffice for SEO purposes. Tip #5: Outsource the tedious and repetitive tasks The only way you can focus on creating the best possible website there is, is to actually go ahead and outsource most of the tedious little tasks that come with performing SEO yourself. This will be the only way for you to scale up your online business and actually get some success. Time is your most precious resource, and the only thing to replace that is money: use your money as an investment to leverage your time wisely. Again, 20% of your actions will generate 80% of the results. Let the other 80% of work be done by hard workers that you have employed. Go to an outsourcing website such as Upwork and hire some writers, for example. It’s really not that much of a money investment as you would think, and it will free up an amazing amount of time for you to do more important tasks. Tip #6: Don’t get lost in the details There’s many small tasks or manual link building to get lost in when you’re doing SEO. Don’t fall into the trap of getting lost in the details. As you outsource more and more small tasks, you can free up your time to focus on the content of your site and not so much on the CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

SEO side of things. Again, 80% of the results are achieved by doing 20% of the work. So choose your tasks, and let others do the time consuming stuff. I cannot stress the importance of this enough. If you want to be successful fast, at least. Tip #7: Silo structure your website I highly recommend if you’re targeting categories or geo-locations, that you look into a website ‘silo-structure’. This means, creating a hierarchy of interlinked webpages on your site. For our baker example, the hierarchy could be:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bakery in Canada Bakery Specialties Donuts Chocolate Donuts Pure Chocolate Donuts

All layers of categories would have their own page, linking to a list of subcategories. This will allow link-power to effectively flow throughout your entire website. The URL structure then could look like the following (when targeting pure chocolate donuts in Canada bakeries): chocolate/. Tip #8: Be aware of changes in the algorithm The internet is always changing, and so will the Google search algorithm. Already there’s a trend going on that mobile and social signals will be more and more important. As the internet develops itself, this will continue to change continuously. Do not get discouraged by this fact, but use it to your advantage! Stay ahead of the curve by constantly adapting to the newest trends on the web. Does a new social media platform emerge? Get on it. Will Google focus more and more on topical relevance? Build your links only to sites that are very relevant to your niche, before the new rules kick in. This way you will eventually become the king of the hill, even though you might not be that right now. Tip #9: Don’t put your eggs in one basket Google is by far the most important player in the search engine world, but there’s more than just Google on this planet. Think for example about Microsoft’s search engine Bing. Or CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

even Yahoo’s search engine AltaVista. People actually use all of these tools to find information on the web, believe it or not. All search engines work in a slightly different manner, so it’s a good idea to look into some of the other search engines as well. Another way to look at this tip is to not have ‘just’ a single website. Putting all your income risk into a single website is a recipe for disaster, income-wise. Always have more than one site that makes you money if that’s your core business and core income strategy. If you find a niche that works, by all means go ahead and dominate the keywords of that particular niche. Make 2, 3 or even 5 websites that are about the exact same topic. If it has proven to make you good money, why not multiple that income? Simply apply the exact same SEO linking strategy too all websites, heck, even give them the same type of content and layout. It’s all perfectly fine in Google’s eyes. They do not care that much who owns the sites. Google only cares about if the content is good and if people enjoy that content (visitor retention statistics). Tip #10: Be patient and persistent Building up your website takes time and effort, there is no doubt about that. Mark your goal and identify the steps needed to get there. Every day, make a list of tasks to do in order to get there. Work off your list every single day and you will have certain success. No website is going to skyrocket in a week or even in a month. If you cannot see results, it means you need to keep building content and keep building quality backlinks to your website. There’s no hack to becoming successful. Tip #11: Look beyond just SEO SEO is just one strategy to generate traffic to your website. Using this together with a sound social media presence will likely propel your site even further into the top of Google. Knowing that paid traffic can also give your site a good boost, especially when you’re running some type of campaign, is important within your success story. Don’t be afraid to implement strategies beyond SEO, even if it is your main, number one strategy for traffic generation. It might seem silly to invest in Google AdWords advertising when you are trying to put effort and money into organic search, but it will be worth it in the shorter term, or for related CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

keywords that you do not yet rank for. And Facebook users will not see your Google results, so by all means go ahead and specialize yourself in Facebook Advertisements. More sources of traffic means more prospects that are willing to buy from you, and in the end will result in an increased income level for your websites. ==> What You Need To Know About SEO & Google? If you've poured your heart and soul into creating a website or blog only to find it doesn't get the traffic it deserves, you're not alone. Getting visitors to your site isn't easy. You probably know you need to learn SEO but the trouble is there are so many SEO "gurus" slithering around you'd be forgiven for thinking it was a mysterious black art that takes years to learn, or can only be mastered by an elite group with insider knowledge. But the truth is, the basics of SEO are straightforward. You can learn them and start seeing increased visits to your website within a week. The first step is to understand that the goal of search engines is to keep users coming back by consistently delivering useful search results. They do that by investing millions every year in developing algorithms to predict as accurately as possible which content users will find most useful in search results. Everything they do revolves around that objective. Once you understand that, you know the golden rule of getting traffic - whether from search engines, social media or content marketing: Create content real people love - on subjects they're searching for - and search engine traffic will follow. Follow that rule and you'll attract visitors who will: • Stay on your site longer • Look at more pages


• Come back to your site again and again • Tweet, Like, and share your content These actions are signals that Google and other search engines look for as quality indicators when deciding how high sites and pages should rank. The more users you have on your site taking one or more of these actions, the higher you will appear in search results. How search engines work There are three main steps search engines take to decide which content should be promoted to the top of search results. 1. They visit your site to create an index of the content to understand what individual pages are about, as well as the overall subject of your site. 2. They count links from other sites and blogs as "votes" on the quality of the content. 3. They count social shares - likes, tweets, etc. - as more "votes" for your content. Although search engine algorithms are a complex mix of hundreds of ranking factors, most aspects of search engine optimization fit in to one of these areas. That's why this book concentrates on those three vital areas. By the end of the book, you'll be an expert in on-page SEO, link-building and getting the maximum amount of social shares for each piece of content you publish. Best of all, by using free tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console (previously called Google Webmaster Tools), you'll be able to see the success you're having in bringing in extra visitors and ranking for more keywords. Note: Don't worry if you're not familiar with either of those tools, we'll look at setting up and using both of them in a later chapter. "White-hat" SEO vs. "Black-hat" SEO


There are two types of SEO. This book is about White-hat SEO. It uses the honest tips and techniques I've used to increase the rankings of my sites and those of my clients over the last eighteen years. Black-hat SEO, on the other hand, uses tricks and loopholes to try to game the system and trick search engines into ranking a site as high as possible, regardless of the quality of the content. I'm sure you've seen ads promising a shortcut to page one of Google. Just buy Product X, adjust a few settings and wait a few days for a torrent of traffic. At worst, products like those are scams. At best, they're software that exploits a loophole. The problem with loopholes is that sooner or later, Google closes the loophole. Not so long ago, an easy way to improve rankings was to write a single article and then use software called an "article spinner" to create and submit slight variations of it to hundreds of different article directories. Within the content of the articles would be links back to the authors site - generating hundred of backlinks in a short time, leading to better rankings. Just one problem. Overnight Google changed its algorithm. Not only did it downgrade almost all article directories to junk status, it kicked sites using the article spinning trick out of its search results. This meant improved search results for users, but a lot of black-hat SEO "engineers" having to undo years of work in an attempt to repair their rankings. That's why I recommend sticking to white-hat SEO techniques. They work and they're a safe, reliable long-term strategy ==> Choose The Right Keyword For Your Niche Great content is essential for a successful website, but if you write posts on subjects nobody searches for, you'll never get any real search engine traffic.

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That's why a smart search engine optimization strategy begins with choosing the best keywords. There's no point being on page one for a search term nobody uses. The best keyword phrases have two essential qualities: 1. Significant number of monthly searches Meaning there are plenty of potential search engine visitors. 2. Low competition Indicating there aren't so many existing results that it will be difficult or impossible to rank highly for the term. Many people struggle with getting traffic to their site because they haven't researched their keywords correctly. Instead, they just guess. But here's an example of how guessing can lead you astray. Take these three keyword phrases: cooking cooking games cooking recipes All are popular search terms, but the one with the largest search volume has over sixteen times more people using it each month than the next most popular. Which one is it? I don't know about you, but my guess would be "cooking". But at the time of writing, these were the actual numbers of people searching for each term every month on Google. cooking 135,000 cooking recipes 49,500 cooking games 2,240,000

That's why it's important to spend time researching keywords. It's often hard to guess what the most popular search terms are. Guessing incorrectly means you waste time and energy CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

targeting keywords that have low search volume and so never bring you many visitors, even if you rank highly for them. Your secret keyword tool There are a number of keyword research tools, but the most accurate and easy to use is the Google Keyword Planner. Important: You may have seen out-of-date guides recommend a different tool called the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. The Keyword Planner replaces the AdWords Tool, which is no longer available. The Keyword Planner is a free tool designed to help advertisers choose keywords when buying ads on AdSense, Google's advertising network. You can use the same information to discover the best keywords to target in your niche. Not just keywords you think people use, but the ones they really do. You'll find the Keyword Planner at:

Because the Keyword Planner is only available to logged in users, you'll need to create an AdWords account to use it. It's free and you can use the same account as the one you may already have for other Google services likes Gmail and AdSense. You don't have to actually have to spend money on an ad campaign to use the planner. Note: In some countries, Google now has two types of AdWords accounts: AdWords and AdWords Express. The keyword planner is only available with a full AdWords account, it's not accessible from an AdWords Express account. If you need help with creating an AdWords account take a look at this link: Using the Keyword Planner

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When the Keyword Planner opens, you'll see a screen with a number of choices. Choose the option that says, Search for new keyword and ad group ideas, then type the keywords you want to check in the box labeled Your product or service. There are a lot of other options on the page, but there's only one that you need to edit. Click the panel that says Keyword Options. Then set Only show ideas closely related to my search terms to On. This setting will stop the suggestions list from becoming too large and unfocused to be useful. To generate your keyword suggestion list, click the Get ideas button. On the results page you'll notice two tabs: Ad group ideas and Keyword ideas. For our purposes, Ad group ideas isn't too helpful, so click the Keyword ideas tab. You'll see your keyword phrase at the top, with a second table under it listing similar keywords. By default this table is ordered alphabetically by keyword, which makes it harder to see which keywords have the most traffic. Clicking the Avg. monthly searches heading reorders the table so that it shows keywords by search volume from highest to lowest. You now have a list of search phrases related to your keyword with the most popular searches at the top. If your keyword search isn't turning up enough results to be useful, or you want to try a different search term, click the Modify Search button and change the keywords under Your product or service. What the keyword table tells you Once you know how to read it, the second table can tell you exactly which keywords will be the most profitable in a particular niche. For keyword research, the only columns we need to consider are Avg. monthly searches and Suggested bid. Avg. monthly searches CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

This column lists the average number of Google searches for each keyword every month, based on the preceding twelve months of data. A dash (-) instead of number indicates "insufficient data", meaning there are so few searches each month there's no sense concentrating on that keyword. Suggested bid This is useful if you're running AdSense or other advertising on your site, doing affiliate marketing, or selling your own product. Keywords with high suggested bids indicate a phrase where the user is said to have "commercial intent". These are phrases used by people who are further along the buying process than the average user. They're typically only one or two steps away from buying a product, which is why advertisers will pay more to reach them - they're easier to make a sale from. For example, at the time of writing, "phone" has a much lower Suggested bid than the phrase "cell phone plans". The second phrase is a money keyword (with "commercial intent") because it's clear the user is only a step or two from buying a specific product, in this case a cell phone plan. When you successfully rank for phrases like these, you bring in visitors ready to click ads, affiliate links or buy products. If you're running AdSense, you also attract advertisers paying the kind of payments you see listed under Suggested bid. Putting it all together: Creating a list of the most profitable keywords in your niche For each potential keyword, we need to know three things: 1. Are there enough people searching for the phrase to generate a worthwhile amount of traffic? 2. How easy will it be to compete with the pages already being listed in search results for that keyword? 3. Is it a "money" keyword?

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Imagine you have a blog about arts and crafts and you're looking for post ideas about scrapbooking. It's a popular subject, but how popular? Running the keyword through the Keyword Planner gives you the search volume but you also need to know how many pages Google already has listed for that term. The fewer there are, the easier it will be for your page to appear near the top of Google results for that phrase. The Keyword Planner doesn't include this information, so you'll need to do a Google search and note the number of results listed at the top of the page. Below is the combined information from Keyword Planner and Google search results for scrapbooking. Include is the Suggested bid, a guide to how much AdWords advertisers need to pay for their ads to appear for that term. scrapbooking Avg. monthly searches: 165,000 Suggested bid: $0.41 Google Results: 44,800,000 scrapbooking ideas Avg. monthly searches: 14,800 Suggested bid: $0.88 Google Results: 33,400,000 scrapbooking supplies Avg. monthly searches: 14,800 Suggested bid: $0.61 Google Results: 13,200,000 digital scrapbooking Avg. monthly searches: 12,100

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Suggested bid: $1.58 Google Results: 14,200,000 scrapbooking paper Avg. monthly searches: 4,400 Suggested bid: $0.46 Google Results: 43,200,000 scrapbooking layouts Avg. monthly searches: 4,400 Suggested bid: $0.49 Google Results: 4,510,000 It's clear that scrapbooking is a good term for SEO. The main keyword, scrapbooking, is popular (165,000 searches per month) but the number of search results (44,800,000) is not that high. In other words, there are lots of people searching for the term but not that much competition from other websites. That's exactly the kind of keyword we're looking for. How Search Volume translates visitor numbers As a rough guide, the top result on page one for any search query will get monthly visits equal to around 40% of the search volume listed in the Keyword Planner, while the tenth result on page one will get around 2% of the volume. Here's how every position from 1 to 10 stacks up: 1 - 36.4% 2 - 12.5% 3 - 9.5% 4 - 7.9%

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5 - 6.1% 6 - 4.1% 7 - 3.8% 8 - 3.5% 9 - 3.0% 10 - 2.2% [source:] For the term scrapbooking, that translates to around 66,000 visits for the first results and 3,300 visits per month for the tenth result. That means even sites on the second page of results for this keyword should be getting a couple of thousand clicks a month. To sum up, look for keywords that relate to your niche and have at least two of the following qualities: 1. High search volume 2. Low competition 3. High Suggested bid If you find a keyword with all three, you've definitely found a "money phrase". Targeting Long Tail Keywords for Increased Traffic A long tail keyword is a phrase of three or more words which is related to your main keywords but has less traffic associated with it. Why would you want to target phrases with less traffic?

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Most content creators go for the big, obvious one and two keyword phrases and ignore these longer search phrases. Thankfully, less competition means fewer pages in the results, making it easier for you to rank highly. Take a look at the Google Keyword Planner and you'll see that many long tail keywords attract a good amount of traffic. For example, at the time of writing, photography has 450,000 monthly searches with over one and a half billion search results, making it an impossibly difficult keyword to target successfully. However, the long tail phrase tilt shift photography has a respectable 10,000 searches a month but only three million pages in the results. That means a good, in-depth post on the subject with only a handful of links to it should rank well for that term. When considering your overall keyword strategy, don't forget long-tail keywords. For many established websites (including the sites I run) the combined number of visits from long-tail keywords is greater than those generated by the main keywords. That's not surprising, given that long tail keywords account for 70% of all search engine queries. But there's another benefit to creating content with the long tail in mind; those queries tend to be used by people about to buy. Someone searching for phones is just browsing, while someone searching for Apple iPhone best price probably has their credit card out already. That means if you're selling products or doing affiliate marketing you should definitely be targeting long tail keywords. If you're generating revenue with AdSense, you'll often find visitors who find your site via long tail searches are more likely to click ads as they continue searching for the best deal. Even if you're not monetizing your site in this way, the long tail can provide your site with a lot of targeted, motivated readers - the kind that share your links and sign up for your email updates. ==> Create Great SEO-friendly Content How to Write Content Google Loves

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"In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by creating high-quality sites that users will want to use and share." The quote above, taken from Google's Webmaster Guidelines, makes it clear how important content now is for SEO. At the heart of a site that works for both search engines and visitors is great content. Without that, no amount of SEO or social media marketing will help. What is great content? Successful sites consistently produce content that is: 1. Readable 2. Usable 3. Shareable Let's look at these in more detail. Readable Not only does your content have to be something people will want to read, it has to be easy to read. Good ways to boost readability include breaking up sub-topics within your content, using images and videos to help explain difficult concepts, and visually highlighting one or two quotable "sound bites" that illustrate key points. Avoid long, dense sentences and paragraphs. Short and punchy works best. Usable Most visitors need information. Check forums, online communities and Q&A sites to find the questions people in your niche are asking. Providing clear answers with actionable points is a sure-fire way of creating content your target audience will love. It's also a highly effective SEO strategy. When you think about it, search engine queries are really questions and if people are asking something on a forum, they're also asking it on Google. Provide comprehensive, accurate answers and you'll rank highly. CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Shareable Getting content shared through social networks is vital for SEO. As well as being original and well-written, the posts that get shared the most also have a killer headline (one that's challenging, thought-provoking, shocking, funny, or intriguing), and a striking, relevant image. Page Titles & Keywords The title of your post or page is the single most important element of on-page SEO. Not only do pages with keywords in the title rank better, taking the time to write a great title will make the difference between a moderate click-through rate and a great one. The reason is simple. The title is the first thing users see in search results. In fact, aside from the text snippet underneath, it's pretty much the only thing users can see. That means page titles have a huge influence on whether a link is clicked. Make sure everything you publish has a title that: 1. Has relevant keywords so it shows up in the right search results 2. Tempts users to click the link to go to your site Take the title 5 Writing Tips to Jumpstart Your Business Blog as an example. It has the keywords blog writing tips buy also sounds inviting by promising five nuggets of info that could have a big impact on a blog. It's hard not to click it. Examples of great headlines One of the best places to see compelling headlines in action is the content marketing blog Take a look at the example headlines below, all taken from Copyblogger posts, and notice how each has both a clear subject and practically begs you to click it. 11 Common Blogging Mistakes That Are Wasting Your Audience's Time The 5 Things Every (Great) Marketing Story Needs How to Write Interesting Content for a "Boring" Topic CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

7 Scientifically-Backed Copywriting Tips Seven Ways Writers Can Build Online Authority with Google+ 9 Persuasion Lessons from a 4-Year-Old The 5 Most Persuasive Words in the English Language 10 Steps to a Secure WordPress Website 22 Ways to Create Compelling Content When You Don't Have a Clue Remember to be punchy and concise. You don't have unlimited space because search engines allow 65-75 characters before cutting off a title. Optimizing Images for SEO Taking the time to find striking images to use in your content will bring extra traffic in two ways: 1. Direct traffic from image searches 2. Increased clicks from social networks updates about the post Here's how to get the most out of each. Optimizing for Google, Bing and Yahoo! image search When optimizing sites for SEO most people concentrate on text searches, ignoring the vast number of image searches performed each day. While accurate, up-to-date figures on the popularity of image search are hard to find, it's known that by 2010 Google Images alone was generating one billion views a day. Even without exact figures, it's clear that image search is huge. Every time an image on your site appears in a Google Images search, the Visit page button that appears next to the enlarged version is a direct link back to your site. If you have a site with plenty of appealing imagery, image searches can be a substantial source of visitors. Because Google is by far the biggest search engine, we'll focus on how their image search option works but Bing and Yahoo! are similar. CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Search engines decide which words an image should rank for based on three things: 1. Name of the image file Give your image file an appropriate, descriptive name and separate each word with a dash. A name like trafalgar-square-london.jpg is much more effective than DSC_3697.jpg. 2. Text that links to the image or describes it When you add an image to a post, take a few extra seconds to make sure the alt and title part of the HTML image tag use a phrase describing the image. In WordPress you can do this by filling in the Title, Alternate Text and Caption boxes that appear when you insert an image into a post. WordPress generates the HTML code for you automatically when you add the image to your content. If you add image tags manually, they should follow this format: <img src="central-park.jpg" width="850" height="420" alt="Central Park, New York City" title="Winter Morning in Central Park, New York City"/> Don't make tags too long. Alt tags should be no more than a few words. Title tags can be longer, up to around 70 characters. 3. Text in the area of the page near the image Try to add some descriptive text in the post near the image or as a caption. Important: to get the benefit of image search optimization, images must be hosted on your website. If you link to an image on Flickr, for example, Flickr will get the link in Google, not you. Using images to get more social shares You've probably heard that posts and updates with good images get shared on social networks more that those that have a dull or cliched image, or worse, none at all. But you might be surprised at just how much better they do. According to a survey by Kissmetrics, Facebook posts with photos get 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-throughs than posts without images. For best results, use images related to the subject that are truly striking, funny or beautiful. Be sure to check the image still looks good even when reduced to thumbnail size.

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Remember that you don't have to use a photo, a good illustration can be equally effective. When you share a link on Google+ or Facebook, the update form automatically includes images published in the post. If you don't see the correct image in the preview of the update, click the arrows near the image preview to select which image is used. If your site uses a lot of imagery, consider adding a Pin It button to allow Pinterest users to easily add images to their boards. For sites with lots of high-quality product, inspirational or instructional images, Pinterest can be a major driver of traffic - especially given that every Pin and Repin of your image includes a link back to your site. Finding good images One of the best places to find images that are free to use is the Creative Commons section of Flickr:

A link back is a condition of use for most Creative Commons photos, so you need to make sure you include it with the image or at the end of the post. You can also use this as a way of getting extra links by visiting the Flickr photo page and adding a comment thanking the photographer for the image, including a link where they can see their image in use. As well as generating a link to your site, it's an extra courtesy that many photographers appreciate. Create Viral Infographics, Even if You're Not a Designer If you ever doubted we're living in a visual age, the continued popularity of the infographic should put you straight. It seems you can't login to a social network without seeing at least one link to an infographic that's doing the rounds. Infographics are like blog posts - some are lame beyond belief but good ones generate a ton of traffic for the creators and are worth every bit of the time taken to create them. If you're an artist or designer you can probably whip one up over your morning coffee. But even those of us lacking graphic design skills can still rustle up a decent looking infographic using one of the web apps listed below.

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It's as simple as selecting a template and adding the data, facts and headings you want the infographic to illustrate. The sources you use for your data will depend on your site niche, but industry associations, authority websites and non-profit organizations are usually a good start. The more surprising the figures are the more attention your infographic is likely to get. Don't forget you can combine facts from a number of different sources into a single infographic. If you're really stuck for an idea, take a look at the big blogs that cover your topic for mentions of recent surveys and studies. Make sure you credit data sources at the bottom of the infographic. You'll also want to add a Created by... credit with your web address. Many of the services below also allow you to create an embeddable version, making it easier for people to be able to share the infographic along with a link back to your site. Free web apps for creating infographics Creating List Posts & How-To Articles That Get Links Creating a truly indispensable resource list takes time. But a good one will generate huge number of links and social activity, bringing you a lot of visitors for years to come. Take a look at these examples, with the number of inbound links they had at the time of writing: 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business54,404 links Blogging Tips for Beginners1,510,000 links How to Write Magnetic Headlines168,000 links Those are some pretty good numbers.

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Indispensable resources usually take the form of either a list post or an in-depth how-to. Creating a list post The key to a successful list post is no more complicated than including a large number of quality items. If you publish a post called the 5 Best Photographers Ever it'll be forgotten in no time. But create an epic called the 100 Best Portrait, Landscape, Architectural and Street Photographers of All Time, featuring twenty-five of each type of photographer with links, a bio and examples of their work and you'll have a fascinating resource readers will love. List posts don't have to be based on links. A post like 101 Tips for Self-Published Authors would also do well, provided each tip was useful, well-thought out and actionable. The power of power lists Creating a list of the top 10, 20 or 50 most powerful or influential blogs and websites in your niche creates plenty of room for discussion, debate and controversy - not to mention links as other bloggers write posts telling you you've got it wrong, or who you've missed out. Once your list starts gaining a bit of traction and fame, you'll find the people listed will naturally start mentioning and linking to you because everyone likes to brag a little now and then. You might want to create a I'm in the Top 20 Power List of... badge to let people boast a bit more. To kick-start things after publishing your first list, contact everyone featured to let them know the link and why they're on the list. How to choose who goes on the list That's up to you. It could be straight science using the number of Facebook Likes, Twitter followers, etc. Or it could be more subjective, looking at things like influence or quality of content. If you're looking to stir up a bit of controversy, never a bad thing if you want to generate links and traffic, then you can decide the list based on nothing more than your own opinion. For best results, update the list regularly (monthly, quarterly or yearly) to keep it interesting and in people's minds. Product lists You can use this same technique for products related to your niche. By combining reviews with the Amazon Best Sellers list for a corresponding category, you can create a definitive list of the current best cameras, kitchen gadgets, or other products related to your niche. CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Use an Amazon affiliate link for each product and you've also got yourself an extra income stream. In-depth how-to posts Take an aspect of your niche that people find difficult and create the most comprehensive tutorial there is on the subject. This could be an advanced topic or a fundamental skill that needs to be mastered before you can really become proficient at something. Include step-by-step instructions and walk the reader through the entire process. Use images and videos if they make the concept or skill you're explaining clearer. As with list posts, the aim is to come up with an absolutely compelling go-to resource. ==> PageRank & Link Building A core concept used by Google since its launch is PageRank. Simply put, the PageRank algorithm says the more links a page has from other pages on the web the higher it should rank. In other words, each link you get counts as a vote for your page. On top of that, the more links that pages linking to you have themselves, the more weight that vote is worth. That means your link building strategy should be to get as many links as possible from the most authoritative sites. Remember that PageRank is just one part of the whole Google algorithm. It's important, but building links to improve PageRank on its own won't catapult you to page one of Google. SEO success needs engaging content and social sharing as well. Natural link-building In the past, standard SEO advice was to get as many links as possible to your site, regardless of the source, and use the same anchor text each time. These days, doing that will get you knocked out of Google in no time. Instead, your goal should be to slowly build a profile of good quality, natural, relevant links. A link is considered to have those qualities if it: • Enhances the content in which it appears • Hasn't been put there just to improve search rankings CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Before looking at the best places to get links, a word about where not to get links. Avoid "bad neighborhoods". These are sites Google associates with spamming, places used only to get free links without publishing meaningful, original content. These include: • Article directories • Reciprocal link directories • Any link built by automated software or submission process A few years ago, all of these techniques were standard SEO advice, which is why you still see them mentioned in out-of-date blog posts, but they should now all be avoided. Paid links are another no-no, whether another site linking to yours, or on your site linking to another site (except for banner ads and ad networks like AdSense). Finding sites to get links from The chances are you already know the major sites in your niche through your interest in the subject and social network connections. But a few targeted Google searches will often uncover new sites to get links from. As well as searching for your main keywords, try related keywords. For example, if your main phrase is Italian cooking, spin-off phrases include: pasta prosciutto Italian wine Italian restaurants Rome While not all those phrases are directly related to Italian cooking, you can see how visitors to a site about Rome would still be interested in reading about Italian cooking. For each new site you find, make a quick assessment. Authority sites tend to have been publishing for a while and have a lots of social shares and followers.


Check for other signs of credibility. Steer clear of sites that have lots of spam comments, have more ads than content, or seem untrustworthy or spammy in some way. Once you've established it's a good quality site, read through the most recent posts to find content that would benefit from linking to one of your posts. This could be where you take the opposite opinion, where you add further info not covered in the original post, or (in the case of a resources list) where you feel your site would be a valuable addition to the list. Suggest your link either through the post comments or by email via the contact page.

In many ways, email is the better option. People don't always check their comments regularly but they're usually on top of their emails. You'll get the best response with an email that's quick and to the point. Just briefly explain what your post is about and why the site owner might want to link to it. Of course, it doesn't do any harm if you can show them a post where you have linked to one of their posts. It's amazing how often you'll get a positive response, provided you: • Keep the email to just a few lines • Take the time to find out the site owners name and use it • Make a sensible suggestion that helps them out Before emailing, read enough of their site to get a good idea of what kind of things they publish. Use that knowledge to suggest areas where your content can fill in the gaps on their site. Try something like, "Loved your post on the '5 Best Free Family Day Trips in London', but have you heard about...." Make sure you follow the site via social media and sign up for their mailing list so you can spot future opportunities. CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Time-Saving Tools for Link Building One of the most time-consuming parts about link-building is actually finding places that will give you links. But with a little detective work you can get a list of sites linking to your competitors, which you can use as a shortcut to get your own. After all, if your competitor can get links from them, you should be able to as well. You may have heard it's possible to find which sites link to another by using a Google search query like Unfortunately, it's not the most reliable method. Even Google admits this command has never listed all sites, just a "small subset". For more accurate results, use one of the free tools below. They'll help you discover blogs, resource lists and directories that link to other sites in your niche. As a bonus, many of these tools also list the authority of the domain, meaning you can target sites that will give you the most SEO value first. ahrefs

Link Diagnosis

Open Site Explorer

Tips for building links Get links from as many domains as possible In almost every niche, high-ranking sites have a greater number of domains linking to them than lower-ranking sites. Get links from long-established sites

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Sites that have been active for several years or more tend to have more "voting" clout than newer domains. Use a variety of link types A high number of links from a single type of source, like forums or blog comments, may raise a spam flag. Keep an eye on the type of links you're getting in Google Search Console and try to even things out if your profile seems to be skewing towards a particular type of link. Vary your anchor text Hundreds of links that all use identical linking text is a sure-fire way to trigger the spam filters of search engine algorithms. Use a variety of words and phrases in links back to your site and make sure they're not all highly-optimized keyword phrases. Aim to be natural. The Best Web Directories for Getting Links Web directories are as old as the web itself. Before Google and other search engines, they were the only way to find new sites on the internet. These days, directory links are unlikely to generate a torrent of traffic but they're a good way to build external links to your site. Additionally, links from specialized directories in your niche will bring in a steady stream of targeted visitors and help reinforce the topic of your site with Google. For this reason, I've found it's better to get five or six listings in general directories and then concentrate on specialist directories. General Web Directories There are hundreds, probably thousands, of blog directories out there. Some are good, some are bad and some are only there to charge site owners a listing fee. Below is a list of the biggest blog directories that have a free submission process and from which you should get some SEO benefit. CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Finding Directory Links in Your Niche Use these types of searches to track down sites that can give you links: your topic links your topic resources your topic websites your topic directory Once you've found a target site, look for a link submission form. If you can't find one, send a friendly note via the contact form or site email address. The Free Web Directories List categorizes directories by region and specialist topic. It's definitely worth exploring if you have a niche interest website or one that relates to a specific geographical region: Curated Content: Getting Featured on Link Roundups Sometimes called curation blogging, content curation means posting collections of useful links, videos, podcasts, infographics, and other resources on a specific theme, along with a little informed commentary. Done well, this type of in-depth, comprehensive post is popular with visitors and Google (which loves content that links to authoritative sources).

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A good example of this type of post are link round-ups like Kristi Hines' Fetching Friday. Every week Kristi features stories related to writing, marketing, productivity and personal development for bloggers. Check out Fetching Friday at:

Finding link round-ups It can be tricky to find out who's publishing link round-ups because not everyone uses that term. That said, here are some searches you can try that turn up results for most niches: link roundup [your topic] daily link roundup [your topic] weekly link roundup [your topic] daily links [your topic] weekly link [your topic]

If that doesn't reveal anything worthwhile, take a look at other blogs and sites in your niche. There's usually someone, somewhere publishing this kind of post. A close relation of the link roundup are link parties (also called blog hops). These are noncurated links lists, where the host blog lets other bloggers post links on a particular theme. The key to getting traffic from blog hops is to post early, so you're near the top of the list, and to use an attention-grabbing headline. Link parties are more popular in some niches than others, notably subjects like crafts, recipes, fitness, organizing, weddings, and parenting. Writing your own weekly link roundup post Because Google likes sites that link out to good quality content, publishing your own curated content can be a very smart move. The trick is only to include the most valuable and useful links on a specific theme. Make sure you tell readers why you recommend a link and provide a mix of links from both big and not so big blogs so that even the biggest media junkies will find something new.

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Send the link to everyone featured in your post. The chances are high that they will link back to you or share the link with their followers. Regular curated content can be quite time-consuming to put together (though less so than writing a new blog post from scratch) but there are some good tools out there that really speed up the process. ContentGems

This a content marketing service that aims to uncover important stories on subjects you define. Free and paid plans are available.

Feedly is web-based app that lets you save content feeds into categories, allowing you to easily dip in and find interesting stories on key topics. There are also Android and iOS apps for mobile and tablet reading and saving. Triberr

Another excellent reason to be active on this blogging syndication platform is an endless supply of stories posted by other bloggers in the same niche. Blog Carnivals Blog carnivals are an ongoing series of posts that link to articles on a theme. They're a sort of cross between curated content and a mini-magazine. Depending on the carnival organizer, posts are either published on the same blog each week or on different blogs in turn. Submissions are usually coordinated through a central point. Taking part in a popular blog carnival will bring a steady stream of visitors from blogs on a similar theme to yours, which means you're likely to pick up new regular readers. Like guest posting, being part of a carnival brings your site to the attention of a lot of readers quickly, but unlike guest posting you're writing for your own site, not someone CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

else. All those new inbound links to your site are good for SEO too. Submitting to blog carnivals is as easy as finding one that fits the theme of your site and suggesting material to the organizer. To find blog carnivals, try searching for [your subject] blog carnival. Good resources for blog carnivals include: CHAPTER 2: Powerful Free Traffic Source You have the most beneficial item on the globe. You may be giving something really worth thousands. You have a good impressive deliver. However in the event you don’t possess virtually any targeted traffic then it’s unreadable, useless and pointless. That could seem to be tough yet sad to say the facts is painful and targeted traffic may make or perhaps bust virtually any internet marketing small business. Should you shortage this, then you’ll shortage sales in case you lack sales then you definitely really do shortage a company. This section is going to take an individual by way of the greatest totally free types of targeted traffic on-line to obtain your own started to working from home. ==> Podcast Actually Appear Skilled Among the finest strategies to create targeted visitors on your lead get page or even web page is through utilizing a podcast. Podcasts continue to be believed by lots of people world wide, and perhaps they are an excellent channel regarding creating desire for the supplying. On this area of the guideline, most of us can look in many things you may need to make note of if you are preparing try using a podcast to aid create targeted visitors to your web page, or even offer you page. Firstly, and maybe this particular goes with out indicating, ensure that your podcast is fascinating on your viewers. Tend not to take these people articles within your podcast this means nothing at all to them CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

or even is additionally old, or simply unrelated about what your business is. If you do this particular, you will discover that men and women can let down very quickly, along with your podcast will quickly kick the bucket available. This will likely allow it to be some sort of spend of your time along with money, since when you are chilling on the podcast you're using up the time that is certainly accustomed to generate income, and it's also just useful undertaking when you set your time and effort into produce a fascinating procedure. Additionally it is smart to aim to produce a great Rss on your own site or even various other area to help you boost your viewers to your podcast. For in this way means that men and women will see this an easy task to latch onto your podcast along with subscribe to this swiftly. This particular produces a lot more of viewers; along with it may help when you are seeking to create targeted visitors on the big level. It is virtually important you create a great Rss. If you're experiencing this particular part of things, speak with individuals exactly who made it easier for pattern the web page in order to find a way to have in which give setup. Lastly, make certain you produce a timetable regarding frequent podcast creation, and stick to it. Once weekly is okay, however something fewer recurrent as compared to this means your podcast are not able to develop a great viewers swiftly. People will forfeit attention until they might tune in to anyone on a regular basis. Start using a podcast to develop targeted visitors, by trying to keep this frequent along with fascinating to your viewers. Podcasting suggests that you produce an viewers exactly who notice anyone as being a great specialist, while you offer you assistance along with facts in an participating approach within your market. ==> Become A Guest Poster - ESSENTIAL You will need a reasonable quantity of work in addition to that’s the reason I like it : Since lots of marketers aren’t interested in pursuing it given it usually takes a little bit of work. But after you enter your swing movement of computer, it will get a whole lot easier. The very first thing to accomplish is produce some sort of 500 term content. The truth is, CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

produce 5 and so you need 5 able to guest article. Anyone don’t have to be way too specific with hitting 500, nevertheless make sure they’re at least 500 text as a general rule website won’t desire to accept whatever a lesser amount of. Of course, whenever it will get to the condition where you've profit your online business you are able to outsource your several articles or blog posts between $30 (high high quality involving course). Will not hold back on the information : If at all poor quality do you really feel an established doodlekit will release it? NOT ANY! And so make sure it’s high quality. Remember, it is where you can display the skills as part of your specific niche market. Once you've prepared these, go through these, next re-read these in addition to get them to great without any grammatical errors or maybe punctuation malfunction. Once you've received the content in concert it is time to emerge at this time there and begin acquiring information sites you are able to guest article upon. In this article you will find a pair of classes: This information sites whom request your writers in addition to... This information sites. You are looking for getting in contact with each. Of course your past are able pertaining to guest paper prints though the magnificence involving getting in contact with your last optionis that they're not necessarily used to it therefore you therefore can be his or her very first at any time guest poster and can acquire actual selling point of his or her targeted traffic. The straightforward thing to do is work with The search engines (obviously). Just work with these kinds of The search engines strings to find sites that want to get information services as part of your specific niche market. “YOUR NICHE” + “Write for Us” “YOUR NICHE” + “Become a Writer” “YOUR NICHE” + “Become an Author” “YOUR NICHE” + “Submit an Article” “YOUR NICHE” + “Write a Post” “YOUR NICHE” + “Submit a Post” “YOUR NICHE” + “Create a Post” “YOUR NICHE” + “Write on”


“YOUR NICHE” + “Content Guidelines” “YOUR NICHE” + “Join as an Author” ==> Document Sharing Turn your present Content material directly into Traffic Not too long ago there was article directories available online that you might submit posts in order to. Pertaining to most of the internet directories, you could also send out back links rear aimed at your website or perhaps websites, which folks could possibly simply click simply because presumed you used to be an authority about that particular issue you used to be talking about. There was clearly a number of huge internet directories linked to this, similar to Ezine Content articles, along with just what transpired was that many folks piled up plenty of traffic by submitting a lot of posts about like internet directories, making use of their back links within the posts. After some time, you can build an increase associated with traffic while folks fell to your content feed along with commonly noticed anyone as a possible skilled. When you got the landing page, or possibly a web page you had an offer about, this particular meant anyone produced lots of money. The search engines improvements arrived along with many of these internet directories were being seen as junk e-mail sources or perhaps content material harvesting (which theoretically many people were). Record discussing web sites and then grew to become the norm. They are excellent ways in whichit is possible to submit your own posts together with back links fastened and obtain great traffic. Internet sites similar to Slideshare let consumers in order to submit Expression docs, Pdfs and several other forms associated with data files which may have back links, and then be sure to are generally seen as as a possible skilled with your area. Most of these back links are generally and then clicked by folks, that check out anyone to bea professional, and then your traffic amounts raise hugely. The key reason why these internet sites do the job consequently nicely is actually actually large, and rich in tens of millions connected with documents which are uploaded by means of people.


Due to the fact they have been packed towards top together with a great number of documents, they have lots of one way links. Just about any website this features that quantity of one way links is almost instantaneously viewed as a great power by means of engines like google for instance Google. Which means they will get ranking most of these sites extremely, plus they get ranking the actual posts and papers which were contributed with most of these sites extremely as well, as outlined by their particular key terms. So long as you could send papers who have the correct key terms in the individual, and you also compose great waste perform; your own links are going to be visited. Using the expert the sites get, this means that you then have a enormous boost involving site visitors due to the fact you've contributed premium quality papers. Additionally, document discussing can be solely free.

Do it sufficient and practice it constantly sufficient, and you should realize that this particular will become a serious site visitors resource to suit your needs as you market your own giving as a result of your own websites on the internet. ==> Link Round Ups With regard to link Round Ups, you'll need a couple issues: Just one website then one weakling good post with your website ideally with a tiny conversation (social giving plus the weird comment) to increase suggest that your post is actually common. Website link Round Ups aren't on the list of that lots of so-called authorities with regards to speaking about visitors. The reason? My partner and i don’t recognize. Maybe it indicates his or her deficit of knowledge or possibly many people experimented with once in addition to failed? Many I am aware is actually them to work and so they work effectively throughout virtually all marketers. The truth is, I’d go in terms of to mention it is successful throughout pretty much every area of interest form online marketing area of interest (which is actually, actually, your most difficult in order to break into). Consequently what is a Website link Round Ups? Straightforward. It’s when a website of your area of interest writes any post rounding up content articles on a distinct subject by round the web. Some web-sites do that month to month, people get it done intended for unique functions and CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

others could even get it done each and every collection day. I’m hoping you can view in which I’m selecting this specific currently? The initial employment should be to come across websites which function these kinds of typical Website link Round Ups. Merely visit Search engines in addition to variety the following phrases: “YOUR NICHE” + “Link Round Up” “YOUR NICHE” + “Monday Link Round Up” “YOUR NICHE” + “Tuesday Link Round Up” “YOUR NICHE” + “Wednesday Link Round Up” “YOUR NICHE” + “January Link Round Up” “YOUR NICHE” + “February Link Round Up” It is possible to possibly think of... 14 over I've got generally there if you're more dedicated about it for 50 percent an extra. Any time browsing using your market, try and end up being quite imprecise about it most. It’s unlikely which you’ll discover a find connected with internet websites covering environmentally friendly HB guide pencils nevertheless it might be much better to come across url around ups for pencils merely. The moment you’ve identified them, it’s a straightforward case connected with emailing them. Yes, I can sort the perfect email to help deliver to the site them nevertheless what’s the actual. Any time emailing, in particular to help consult for being built into a web link find after that you needto find to be a actual person. Form each email to be a brand new email, grow to be welcoming, show them you’re a true person using a interest inside the market and that you like their particular web CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

page. It might take a reasonable chunk of period even so the pay back coming from currently being built into one of these simple link Round Ups is astronomical and will instantaneously develop your current number by means of lots if you acquire integrated about a lot of the favorite expert blogs in your market, not to mention the actual SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION features about the process. ==> Adswaps Whilst there are many strategies to earn money online, when you have an email prospect list almost everything will become a small amount less difficult since you nicely know which is the reason it is important to generate a squeeze page along with post as often visitors to that squeeze page That’s the basics obviously along with the total reason for this kind of e-book. This is in which advertisement trades comes within. Advertising trades are generally just about the most dependable ways that they in order to develop additional customers speedily, simply by discussing the list with people. There exists actually merely one filter to be able to access if you are considering advertisement trades. If the list seriously isn't of a significant dimensions, you're actually handicapped concerning acquiring a advertisement replace cope categorized out. Ideally you'll need to be in a position to send 100 clicks as a result of the list (so 500-1000 customers depending on the responsiveness). Essentially, a advertisement replace is in which a person speak with another person who may have a listing of e-mail customers, and you also determine a new cope in promoting 1 another’s totally free deliver. When you have a big list currently, you'll be able to barter with the many people with your specialized niche along with share the list efficiently. This means marketing his or her company as a result of the report on people, along with they marketing your business as a result of his or her report on email customers. When you have a listing that may be sizable along with just like the other folks, you'll be able to efficiently claim that should you a new directly replace for adverts, subsequently no-one will need to pay nearly anything rendering it a new 100% totally free source of visitors. This is lucrative for both sides of the bargain, and completely no cost. This is why they call it an ad ‘swap’. Ideally you will find people with similar sized lists so that the swap is straight forward. There are a number of websites and services online where you can meet fellow CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

marketers and business owners who can offer you ad swap deals. Just Google the term and you should find that there are plenty of people who can offer you a good deal in this area. Perfect for those that have large lists, ad swaps mean free advertising and a very lucrative outcome. The one area many seem to struggle is finding people to ad swap with in niches that aren’t internet marketing. It’s easy to get on Safe-Swaps or Warrior Forum to find people to swap with if you’re promoting a marketing offer. But what about weight loss, dating, etc? How you can Discovering Adswaps in different Market. There exists a great premiss you'll want to create in relation to in search ofindividuals to adswap within your specialized niche. The actual premiss can be that the owner can be creating a checklist. In fact, all of us consider that premiss additional, all of us think which they’re creating a list of the two the potential buyers but also of individuals which haven’t ordered yet, a list of potential potential buyers. I’m guaranteed you can view where by this can be many proceeding. Therefore, to find people to adswap with, you need to find those sellers and this is where it all gets quite easy. The first port-of-call would have to be Clickbank (although you could go for similiar websites such as JVZoo). Navigate to the marketplace and then by way of your current specialized niche. At this point you have the particular entertaining undertaking of undergoing each one of the detailed items along with contacting each one of the sellers wanting to know when they’d be interested in adswapping. Ensure you incorporate the number of ticks you are able to send out, your current free of charge present and the like etc. You’ll wind up contacting a good couple of along with find yourself using small replies yet you'll get A NUMBER OF replies along with that’s all of your immediately after. Only a couple of adswaps may actually two times your current list dimension so don’t bump the idea to the day’s attempt. ==> Twitter CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

You can’t Overlook this kind of Tweeting Sensation. Tweets features fast turn out to be one of the most successful ways that you can attain targeted visitors to your web page or even web site. Even so, there are several policies that will have to be followed prior to deciding to will begin to determine the use of the website. Of course, if individuals don’t abide by these types of policies, many people swiftly realizethat Tweets has grown to be a spend of your time. Value this, and you ought to soon realize that people can head in your web page or webpage included in a tremendous boost in targeted traffic. Pick immediately after creating a free account is always to commence tweeting. Don’t make the particular mistake that will lots of people make by simply tweeting every aspect of every little thing that they do throughout the day. Twitter is fairly enslaving, however you are looking at issues from a industrial perspective, of course, if you’re heading to attempt to get people keen on your current web site, you have to do issues very carefully and also in the measured way. Telling people you’ve just enjoyed a cheese sandwich is hardly professional. This means tweeting about stuff that is relevant to the audience you are trying to reach. So if you are selling a book about making money, tweet stuff about small businessesand money making opportunities. If you can offer advice in this regard, then do so. Your followers will appreciate it and they will begin to engage with what you are trying to say. Try to follow a few people every day. This is vitally important, because if you follow too many, then people will naturally see you as a spammer who just wants to try and flog a product. This is not the image you want to project if you are trying to build a valuable traffic campaign. And that’s the LEAST of your worries because Twitter will see you as spammer and can, in their own rights, close your account down destroying a potential traffic source. One way in which you can really take advantage of Twitter when you are selling a product or service through a landing page, is to give special offers through Twitter exclusively. Remember that people are only on Twitter for a few minutes at a time, and that the format CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

allows for very short messages. Convey urgency and excitement through your tweets when discussing your offering and you will see an increase in traffic. Twitter is an exceptionally successful platform for many people who are marketing a product or service, but it does require that you build slowly, over time, and connect only with people who are involved in or buying from your industry already.

This guaranteed engagement, and because the platform is free, it makes perfect sense. ==> Blog Commenting Tedious however it Performs, Unfortunately Blog commenting can be as outdated because hillsides, in addition to is liable for some people generating a large amount involving visitors on their sites. It really is amazingly useful, as well as provides two requirements. To start with, it will help they are driving copious amounts involving visitors after a while. However secondly, furthermore, it assists to produce towns, in addition to is in reality a very cultural technique of constructing visitors that numerous men and women find that many people appreciate whenever they have become established. Intended for constructing visitors for your landing page although, this is just about the most beneficial cost-free techniques around currently. The idea is straightforward. You find blogs which are operate by means of people who may very well be your visitors or perhaps come in the market, therefore you begin to go through these individuals every day. This means visiting the blogs and taking the time to take in the content that the writers of the blogs have provided. Once you have done this for a while, you should be able to build up some kind of response to their main ideas or themes. This will allow you to form your own ideas and opinions on what they normally talk about. This is where your blog commenting can begin. Start to write comments on the blogs. Don't write simple comments that don't really mean anything, but instead focus on adding value to the conversation.

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The more you can do this, the more that the blogs will actually value your input and then people will start to click on your links. Nine out of ten blog commenting boxes allow you to put your website link in there. But this is all about responsibility, so make sure that when you do actually start adding comments to blogs, that every single comment you make is relevant to the conversation that is going on and also offers some extra insight that people will find useful. “Great post.” “Thanks!” “I love your writing.” Yeah... None of that please. ADD to the post with your comment. Once you've set up any program for this and are performing it frequently, you'll find your traffic in your site or perhaps web page raises rapidly. This is because individuals will start to benefit your current reviews and see an individual as being a good authority on that one topic. Bear in mind not to junk everyone or perhaps produce incomprehensible reviews. Also, only touch upon websites that are based on your customers as well as to your unique industry and industry.

Acquire of which correct and you ought to discover that website commenting is one of the strongest methods in your collection with regard to creating traffic. ==> Facebook - Not A Fan, But It Works Facebook features swiftly tested themselves to be just about the most energetic social networking systems offered on-line. However, internet marketers have likewise knew its potential far too. Which has a extremely engaged person starting, along with swift communication choices, it could be utilized efficiently to develop targeted visitors to your website your location selling ones product or service. A few points ought to be carried out cautiously right here, along with in this particular area all of us look at learning to make ones Myspace accounts an actual driver associated with targeted visitors. A single essential element of targeted visitors constructing can be to make certain you produce ones pictures large along with attractive. Facebook posts that have large images get twice as much traffic generally and twice as many CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

clicks as posts without images. If you can find some images for your posts, we do recommend that you include them because this is an easy way to build up that traffic quickly. It is also a good idea to keep your messages short. This amplifies engagement and drives more traffic, because people don't spend too much time reading on Facebook. Keep the text lines short and to the point, and eye-catching if possible. The wittier you are, the more likely people will click on the link to your page. If this happens, over time you will see a huge increase in traffic, which obviously means more revenue for you. Talking of being witty, ask fun questions of your audience once you have built one. This encourages them to respond and therefore engage with you and your brand. This will interpret into deals as individuals understand that they can believe you in light of the fact that you're a genuine individual who needs to converse with his gathering of people. Traffic will increment as individuals then expand on the trust to draw in further with you and your offering extra time. Asking witty inquiries is a secure method for expanding on that traffic source. Do not just use Facebook to link to your sales page either. If you can, link it to a blog or other website so that people know you are not just there to sell. This is vitally important for building that trust that will turn into engagement and then into traffic. Don’t link to your page continuously, offer information and help through blog posts and articles and this will help to build up traffic.

Just remember the points raised in this guidebook and you should find that your traffic source from Facebook grows over time to become formidable. It’s another LONG term traffic source that you need to build upon slowly over time. Facebook is a useful way to build traffic, and it's free too. ==> Instagram You should use the Instagram media to build up a strong and consequently crushing traffic source. This indicates a bit of consider your part, but because Instagram is free of charge and so effective, you certainly will be foolish to ignore the ideas. Instagram has been around on a regular basis now, and has developed a reputation for CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

offering fine images and a bunch of personalization possibilities. But there is a lot of mileage in the system for traffic creating activities, and we are going to notice these in this section. Your first job is to always make sure that your bio contains your Link. When you can perform this, this means that your Instagram account and all activity will link back to your website where you are selling your product or service or attempting to build up a list of subscribers. This is important because Instagram is so visual and instant. The speed at which people use the service means that links can be clicked on quickly. In your short bio, include a link back to your page where you are asking for subscribers or even your blog and you will see traffic increases quite quickly. Search around the web and find popular images that are associated with your product. If you are able to do this you can then collect some more as a curator and put them all together in one Instagram post. You can then comment on these images and this will build interest in you. Leads will then engage and link through to your squeeze page. As one of the free services on the Internet, Instagram is a real winner when it comes to building awareness about your product or service. Use it carefully, and ensure that you are transparent about prices and links too. This should mean you get a steady stream oftraffic over time. So however does one GET Traffic from Instagram to your Website?

1. Share Photos from your journal Posts

Most journal posts can have associate degree associated image, right? Share this icon to Instagram and embrace a link to scan the post on your journal. It’s as simple as that.

2. Watermark Them

That’s right, throw a watermark of your website URL into the photo, just in the corner for additional exposure.

3. Hashtags Aren’t Just for Twitter


You might associate the term of Hashtagging with Twitter if you don’t use Instagram but in your description, placing Hashtags on Instagram is ESSENTIAL. Use Tags for Likes to find the best Hashtags for your images. CHAPTER 3: Optimize Your Site Keyword Placement & Density (2 Simple Rules) Keywords and their placement are one of the most written about aspects of search engine optimization, but the reality is that for modern day SEO there are only two things to think about: 1. Am I using too many keywords? 2. Am I using too few keywords? The rule for post titles is easy. Use keyword phrases only once. For the actual content it's a little more complicated. Keyword density is the percentage of words in your content that form a keyword phrase. Most SEO experts agree that the best keyword density is between 1 and 2 percent. That means that in an article of 600 words, somewhere between 6 and 12 words should be part of a keyword phrase. More than that makes content appear spammy; less and it may be difficult for search engines to accurately pick up what the content is about and you may not rank for some phrases. In most cases, just writing in a natural way will give you the kind of keyword density you need. That said, it's a good idea to check your keyword density falls within the range above. There are a number of online tools for doing this, one of the best lets you either paste in text or load a url:

If you're a WordPress user, take a look at this plugin which checks content before publishing:

CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!) Internal & External Linking Strategies When it comes to SEO, there are two types of links: internal and external. Internal links Any link to another part of the same site is called an internal link. As well as links you'd expect to find (within a site menu bar, for example) you can also create internal links by linking to past posts within newer ones. This is known to be a thing Google likes, so get into the habit of including links to related content. This also has the bonus of drawing readers deeper into your site by showing them links to pages they wouldn't otherwise have seen. Don't go overboard with your internal linking or you risk overwhelming the reader. One or two relevant links per post is usually a good maximum, with more in longer posts. It's important to remember that only straight HTML links count for SEO purposes. Links inside Flash files, Javascript or in form elements like dropdown menus can't be reliably followed by search engine spiders, so won't help your SEO. External links Google loves good quality content that links to other good quality content, so don't be afraid to include a link to another site if: • It's a post that inspired you to write yours • It's an authority post or blog in your niche • It's a post you think deserves to be read and relates to your topic Linking out to other reputable sites in your niche is a strategy that pays off. And not just because Google likes it. Most bloggers check their site stats regularly and notice when a new site starts sending them traffic. Often, they'll pay a visit out of curiosity and will try to find a way to repay you either by leaving a comment or by linking back to you.


This happens a lot more than you might imagine, especially if you link to more than just the big sites in your niche. Smaller sites are usually one-person operations, so it's much easier to come to the attention of the content writer and get yourself a mention, a link and hopefully an ongoing relationship with a like-minded blogger. Using "nofollow" correctly Originally devised as a way to combat comment spam, when a nofollow attribute is added to a link it tells search engines that your link to it isn't necessarily a "vote of confidence". Situations where you'd want to use nofollow include: • Affiliate, banner and other paid links • Links where you can't vouch for the content, like links in user comments • Pages on your own site that have no useful content like registration or login pages Link with the nofollow attribute follow this format: <a href="/login/" rel="nofollow">Login</a>

Too many nofollow links can be interpreted as an attempt to manipulate rankings (an outdated tactic called "link sculpting"), so be careful not to overdo it. SEO-friendly URLs: Fixing Common Problems A well-optimized URL is one that isn't too long and contains 2-5 words describing the content. It looks something like this:

Search engines (and users) prefer URLs like that to those that look like this: An unoptimized URL can be off-putting to users because it's not clear where it leads and looks untrustworthy. It's also not good for SEO because it has no keywords and doesn't describe the content. CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

You may find your content publishing system creates optimized URLs out-of-the-box, otherwise you'll need to change it. WordPress, for example, uses this type of permalink format by default: To change it, go to Settings > Permalinks, select Post name and click Save changes. This will give your posts and pages SEO-friendly URLs like the first example above. It's best to set your permalinks to this format when you start publishing. That said, if you make the change later WordPress automatically redirects old URLs to the new ones, meaning there's no loss of visitors or search engine traffic. Forcing Sometimes websites are accessible with both and just In other words, there are two URLs leading to the same homepage and every other page on the site. That could cause what's called a duplicate content penalty in search engines because it's a technique used by spammers to rank multiple times with the same pages. To test whether you have this problem, type your domain name in a browser address bar and hit the Enter key. Do this once using www. before your domain and once without. Watch the browser address bar carefully both times. No matter which version is used, you should be redirected to the same URL. If not, and your homepage is visible both with and without the www prefix, you'll need to fix the problem. Look in your web hosting control panel for an option that allows you to specify that only the www version is used. If you can't find an option to do that, contact your hosting support. If you're using an up-to-date version of WordPress, this feature is built-in so there's no need for you to do anything. Keep your post slugs short The slug is the last part of the post URL, formed by the title in lowercase with spaces converted to dashes. For example, if you write a post called 12 Ways to Enjoy the Amazingly Romantic Nightlife of Paris, your post slug would be: CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

12-ways-to-enjoy-the-amazingly-romantic-nightlife-of-paris Unfortunately, studies have also shown that users are less likely to click web addresses that are overly long with lots of dashes because they think of them as being "spammy". Long slugs also tend to dilute the effectiveness of the keywords they contain. Shorter post slugs are also more user-friendly because they're easier to read and less likely to get split into multiple lines when shared by email, which can make the link stop working. If you're using WordPress, you can edit the post slug by clicking the edit button under the Post Title box.

In our


the original 12 ways-to-enjoy-the-amazingly-romantic-nightlife-of-paris could be shortened to nightlife-of-paris or even just paris-nightlife. This kind of quick edit before you publish will give your posts short, keyword-rich URLs that work better for both users and SEO. Setting Up an XML Sitemap A sitemap is a complete list of all the pages on your website that helps search engines easily find and index all of your content. Submitting an updated sitemap to Google when you publish new content means it gets added to Google faster. Note: The type of sitemap referred to here is an XML file designed to be read by search engines, rather than a special page some sites have to help human visitors find their way around. If you're using WordPress, setting up a sitemap is a two-step process. CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

1. Install the Google Sitemap Generator plugin which creates your sitemap and automatically updates it when you publish new content:

2. Let Google know where your sitemap is by adding the sitemap URL to your site profile in Google Search Console under Crawl > Sitemaps. Once you've done both those things, you won't need to do anything more. The plugin will send a notification to Google (as well as Yahoo! and Bing) every time you publish something new. If you're publishing a substantial amount of video content, it's worth setting up a specific video sitemap:

If you're not using WordPress and need another way to generate a sitemap, take a look at this site which can create one from a URL: Meta Tags: The Ones You Need & the Ones You Don't Meta tags are short pieces of information included in the HTML code of a web page to help search engines understand the topic of the page. In SEO terms, there are three meta tags for web pages: title, description and keywords. The title meta tag is formed from your page title, so in most cases it's automatically generated. The keywords tag was designed to provide a list of keywords related to content. Because of abuse by spammers it's no longer used by Google or any other major search engine, so there's no need to use it. The meta description tag lets you provide a description that search engines can use when listing the page. While it has no impact on your rankings, a well written meta description CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

will increase the number of people who click through to your site. Below is an example of good meta description.

The most effective meta descriptions: • Are around 160 characters long • Are unique to the page • Accurately convey what the page is about • Make the user want to click the link It's important to remember that search engines may not always use your description in their results. Google, in particular, often pieces together its own summary based on the parts of the page that are most relevant to the search query used. Here's an example of an automatically generated description. As you can see, sometimes the description is a little garbled.

Most content publishing systems give you the option to add a description to your pages. In WordPress you can use this plugin to set the meta description: CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

If you need to add it manually, the tag should be placed in the <head> part of your page in this format: <meta name="description" content="Awesome Description Here">

Note: If you need to use quote marks in your description, make sure you only use single quotes. Double quotes cause Google to cut the summary at that point. They may also causes the page to display incorrectly in the browser. Making Your Site Mobile-Friendly Since April 2015, "mobile-friendliness" has been part of the official Google search algorithm. If your site isn't fully usable on a smartphone it won't be considered mobilefriendly and will be ranked lower in search results shown to smartphone users. It's important to note that mobile-friendliness has no impact on search results shown to desktop or tablet users; it only applies to smartphones. That said, over half of all searches are now performed on mobile devices, a figure that rises to 80% for local searches (where users are looking for a business or service near their current location). Given that, there's no doubt having a mobile-friendly site is now a crucial part of effective SEO. To check if Google rates your site as mobile-ready, take a look at the Google MobileFriendly Test: Bear in mind that mobile-friendliness is considered on a page-by-page basis. Even if your homepage passes the test, other pages of your site may not. For that reason, it's important to test as many pages as you can. If you have a large site, where checking dozens or hundreds of pages might be impractical, I recommend testing these three key areas: CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

1. Homepage 2. Top 10-20 most visited pages 3. Sample pages from sections that use specific templates or layouts (user forums, galleries, etc.) Alternatively, check the Smartphone Crawl Errors section of Google Search Console. This will list any problems Google has found on your site. If your page fails the Google Mobile-Friendly Test, there are three areas to focus on: 1. Signaling to Google that your site is designed for smartphones 2. Making sure all site files can be accessed 3. Avoiding elements that cause problems on smartphones Failing in one or all of these areas will prevent a page from passing the Mobile-Friendly Test. Let's look at each area in detail. Signaling to Google that your site is designed for smartphones There are three ways to provide a mobile-friendly version of your site: Responsive Web Design A design that resizes and rearranges the layout in the browser according to the screen size. Dynamic Page Serving The web server detects the screen size and sends a custom page layout that fits the device. Separate URLs Two versions of the site are maintained (one for desktops, one for mobiles) and server code is used to send users to the correct URL based on the detected screen size. While Google recognizes all three methods, using a responsive web design is by far the easiest (and most common) solution.

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The other two methods involve creating and maintaining two versions of your site, along with the programming code needed to make the site switching work correctly. That's a headache most of us don't need, so it makes more sense to use a responsive design. If your site design was created within the last few years, there's a good chance it's already responsive. To check if it is, take a look at your site on a smartphone. If the content is easily seen without a lot of pinching, zooming or horizontal scrolling it's a responsive design. If you need to update your site design to a responsive one, take a look at THEMEFOREST (for WordPress themes) or THEMEFOREST (for WordPress and other publishing platforms). Making sure all site files can be accessed All Javascript and CSS files on your site must be "unblocked". That means Google must be able to access those files so that it can "see" the site as a normal visitor does. Unless you've specifically blocked Google from accessing Javascript and CSS, you're unlikely to have this problem. If you're seeing it listed in the Mobile-Friendly Test, take a look at the robots.txt file on your server (if you have one) and remove any rules preventing access to these types of files. For more information, see the Blocked Resources Report in the help section of Google Search Console. Avoiding elements that cause problems on smartphones Steer clear of the following, all of which make it difficult to use a site on a smartphone and will cause a web page to fail the Mobile-Friendly Test. Flash video This is especially true if the video forms a substantial part of the page content. Flash content can't be displayed on Apple devices like the iPhone and iPad, so make sure the video player you're using doesn't use Flash exclusively. Embedding videos using services like YouTube or Vimeo is a safe option because the player is optimized for the device the video is viewed on. Flash games and apps CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Like Flash video, games, apps and other content in Flash can't be displayed on the iPhone or iPad. Content that can't be played on mobile devices Some video services prevent the display of content on mobile devices, so check this doesn't apply to the content or service you're using. Interstitials or popup content that cover the entire screen If you're using this type of content to promote a mobile app, mailing list, Facebook page, etc., Google is likely to penalize your site if the popup obscures the entire page preventing mobile users from accessing the site content. Instead of overlays, use a banner, graphic or text link for promoted content. If you're using a WordPress plugin to show overlays, there should be a setting to prevent the overlay appearing to mobile users. Slow mobile pages Like desktop content, mobile pages need to load fast. Slow loading pages rank lower in Google results. Google has a handy tool called PageSpeed Insights that will tell you how fast your pages are on both mobile and desktop browsers. It also provides a report of problem areas and fixes. You can find the tool within Google Analytics under Behavior > Site Speed > Speed Suggestions or via this URL:

Note: The following three issues are only applicable if you're not using responsive web design to provide a mobile-friendly site. Incorrect page redirects If you have a separate mobile version of your content, make sure smartphone users are redirected to the equivalent page on the mobile site, not just to the mobile homepage. For example, if your mobile content is on, make sure a page like redirects mobile users to and not to

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Linking between desktop and mobile versions Be careful not to include links within content that lead directly to the desktop or mobile version of a page. Even if the user will be switched to the correct URL based on their device, Google sees these types of links as a bad user experience. Specific redirects based on the device If you're using mobile redirects, they must redirect all mobile users to the same URL. Don't redirect iPhone users to one page and Android users to another. Bear in mind that some older WordPress plugins that serve separate mobile themes to users do so by filtering content based on devices. If you're using a plugin like this, doublecheck the settings to make sure you're not violating this guideline.

Using Rich Snippets to Stand Out on Google Rich snippets are a way of enhancing your listing in search results. To see a live example, do a Google search for New York hotels. Some results will have a star ranking showing the average review under the title. That's a rich snippet. Rich snippets aren't just for hotels. They can also add ratings and other information to products, videos, events, recipes, software, local businesses and more. There's no evidence that rich snippets increase rankings, but because they're eye-catching they boost click-through rates. Note: It's important to use rich snippets responsibly. Adding tags that don't match the visible page content is against the guidelines of both Google and Bing and is likely to get your site penalized or removed from search indexes. Adding rich snippets to your site There are a confusing number of different terms like microdata, structured data and schemas related to rich snippets. Don't let that confuse you. For SEO purposes, we'll just concentrate on adding the HTML code that allows search engines to generate rich snippets.

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If you're using WordPress, the easiest way to do that is with the All In One Rich Snippets plugin: While it doesn't support every type of content that can use rich snippets, the most common types are covered including reviews, events, people, products, recipes, software applications, videos and articles. More content types are planned. If you're not using WordPress, or want to generate the rich snippets code manually, take a look at the Google Structured Data Markup Helper: Local SEO: Getting More Customers From Localized Searches If you have a business that serves the area surrounding it, making sure you're found in local searches can bring in a lot of extra customers. Optimizing for local SEO means more than just making sure your location is clear. You can also use it to show opening hours, reviews and phone numbers (which smartphone users can click to instantly call). Local SEO is really just these six steps. 1. Make sure your name, address and phone number are on your site These must be in text form, not in an image, so that search engines can find and index the information. Good places for your name, address and phone number are the header and footer. Be sure to use a consistent style for your business name, address and phone number. This will help you gain citations, mentions of your business on websites where a link to your site isn't necessarily provided. Citations are important because they boost your visibility in local searches. 2. Create location pages if you have more than one location As well as name, address and phone number (often shortened to NAP in local SEO), list opening hours, and add a map and details of how to get to the location. Each location CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

should have a unique description. If your business only has one location, you can add this information to your "about us" page rather than a separate location page. 3. Publish locally relevant content Blogging with a local customer in mind is a great way of attracting new business and boosting your local SEO profile, which in turn will bring in yet more customers. If you sell products, posts with good pictures will tend to do well on social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest where visual content is central. If you provide a service, write posts which answer the kind of questions customers always ask. You can be sure there are people searching for those answers on Google. Blogging is one of the easiest ways of being seen as the local authority in your industry. 4. Be active on social media You don't necessarily need a large social media presence, just an active one. The more you engage with the local community by responding to comments and questions, the more your Facebook, Google+, Twitter and other social profiles are likely to appear in local searches. Remember that giveaways and discounts can get your business a lot of attention on social networks. Engaging the local media can also work wonders. Reviews by local bloggers, websites and news outlets will frequently appear in local searches and they all help identify your business with a location. 5. Add your business to Google, Yelp and other local directories Although Google will find and list your website automatically, you need to manually submit the location of your business. Once verified, your business will start appearing on Google Maps and local searches. To start the submission process, go to:

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Once listed, make sure you add your business to at least four categories to increase your exposure. Google is arguably the most important local listing to get because they power the greatest number of local searches, but you should also get listed in these other key directories:


Yelp yp It's also worth thinking about creating a LinkedIn company page, especially if your target audience is business users, rather than consumers. There are also four key map data aggregation services in the U.S. Confirming they have the correct information for your business will help gain citations, links and visitors from many more sites including Bing, TripAdvisor and location services provided by Apple. Acxiom

expressupdate factual neustar / Localeze 6. Monitor and respond to reviews on local business directories Encourage user reviews by asking customers to leave ratings and reviews on Google. The more positive reviews you get, the better. Responding to reviews helps. If the review is positive, a simple thanks and "We look forward to seeing you again" works well. If the review is negative, thank them for the feedback and ask them to contact your company

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directly so that you can address the problem. Negative reviews lose a lot of their sting if other users can see the company is trying to put things right. Once you've gained five or more reviews your business listing will start to show the star rating in Google's search results. There's a fantastic free tool that lets you generate an easy-to-follow handout to show customers how they can leave a review for your business on Google. You can customize the handout with your business information and use it either at point-of-sale or in an after visit follow up email. You'll find it here:

Note: Don't be tempted to beef up your review count by asking employees to post reviews (or doing it yourself). Business directories (and users) are quick to spot fake reviews and you'll be penalized, losing the search visibility you've worked hard to gain. While the advice above also applies to other business directories, in the case of Yelp it's against their terms and conditions to ask customers to leave reviews (though you are allowed to say something like, "Hey, check us out on Yelp!"). This might seem odd, but the thinking is that because business are unlikely to ask unhappy customers to leave a review, over time a listing will gain an unnatural bias. For more details, take a look at this Yelp help page:

CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!) ==> Speed Up Your Site Is Your Site Too Slow for Google? Successful sites load fast. Even a small delay can have an impact on visitor numbers, ad views and conversions. When Firefox shaved just 2.2 seconds from the download time of its browser installation file, conversions increased by a whopping 15.4%. Site loading speed has been important for good search engine rankings for years. Google recognizes that even if a site looks promising in search results, users will be disappointed if they hit the back button because the site is taking too long to load. How long is too long? Different surveys give different figures, but most experts agree there's a noticeable loss of traffic if the delay is more than three seconds. That doesn't mean the entire page should load in three seconds, but the basic content and layout should be visible in that time allowing visitors to start using the page as quickly as possible. That means if your site is taking any longer than five seconds to load there's room for improvement. If it takes ten seconds or longer the delayed loading time is almost certainly dragging your site down in search results. Aim to have the basic content and design loading in two or three seconds, with the remaining images and dynamic content loading over the following few seconds. Checking your loading time It's a good idea to check loading time before optimizing your site, as well as after each step in this section to see the improvement you're making. There are quite a few places to do this but one of the easiest to use is the Full Page Test tool at Type in your domain name and the test will give an overall performance grade and tell you how long each element takes to load. This lets you see where the biggest bottlenecks are so you can optimize those first. Bookmarking the report page will give you an archived benchmark report to refer to as you optimize. CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

For accurate results, run checks at the same time of day to make sure loading times aren't affected by periods when the web in general is busier or slower. Spacing tests at least 24 hours apart is a good idea to be sure browser and other web caches have cleared between tests so that you're seeing accurate timings. Setting Up a Cache Plugin to Make Your Site Faster If you're using WordPress, installing a cache plugin is another quick fix that can dramatically improve site performance. Because WordPress stores content and data in a database, each page load needs a number of database queries to transfer that content and data to the web browser. The next time someone visits the page, the same set of queries are run all over again. This happens even if the visit is just a few seconds later and the content hasn't changed. A cache plugin creates static copies of your pages and sends those to browsers instead. Because static copies aren't generated by database queries, they load much faster. To stop pages becoming out-of-date, the cache plugin creates a new, updated copy at regular intervals. There are a few cache plugins for WordPress, but the two I recommend are WP Super Cache and Total Cache. Both can be installed directly from the WordPress dashboard by going to Plugins > Add New and searching for them by name. You can also find out more about them here: Total Cache

WP Super Cache

While Total Cache has many more features, it's more complicated to configure and I've found it can be tricky to get to work with some web hosting configurations. There's no CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

doubt it's a great plugin, but unless you're a technical whizz, my recommendation is to use WP Super Cache. It's just as good but easier to set up. Configuring WP Super Cache Once installed, the plugin will add an extra menu item under Settings > WP Super Cache. Click that and you'll be taken to the Easy configuration panel. This has one setting at the top, Caching On. Make sure that's selected, then click the Update Status button. It's also a good idea to click the Test Cache button on the same page to be sure everything's working correctly. This is the minimum you need to do get the plugin running, but there are a couple of extra settings that will make the performance even better. Click on the Advanced tab. You'll see there are many more options on this page. Here's a list of the options I've found to work well. Make sure all the options on the list below are checked, leaving everything else unchecked. Cache hits to this website for quick access This should already be selected. Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files

Compress pages so they're served more quickly to visitors

Don't cache pages for known users This prevents logged in users seeing cached content, which means as an admin user you'll see changes instantly when updating your site. Don't cache pages with GET parameters

Cache rebuild...

Extra homepage checks

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You may need to adjust these settings a little, but I've found they work great for 95% of sites. I recommend Mobile device support is unchecked (see the Making Your Site MobileFriendly chapter for more). Note: After you click Update Status to save your settings, you may see a message telling you to update your "Mod_Rewrite Rules". This can be done with a button further down the same page. One last thing to do is set the Cache Timeout and Scheduler. Both of these are further down the Advanced tab, under the heading Expiry Time & Garbage Collection. Cache Timeout sets how many seconds a page copy remains in the cache before being updated. A good setting for this is 3600 seconds (one hour). Next, select Scheduler and set the value to 3600. This sets how often static pages no longer being used are cleared from the server. These two settings will work well for most sites, but take a look at the settings suggested by the plugin on that page to see which is likely to work best for your site. When you're done, click Change Expiration to save the settings. After making changes to the cache settings, check your website to be sure everything is running as it should be. Remember you'll need to be logged out, like a normal visitor, to see the cached version. If you're not used to doing this kind of thing, all these settings may seem a bit daunting but in reality it's pretty straightforward. There's also a fantastically helpful support forum for WP Super Cache at:

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Making Images, HTML, CSS & Other Files Load Faster There's no doubt that good use of images can really help bring your site to life and get your message across, not too mention increase "shareability" on social networks, but be careful not to overdo it. The key to optimizing images is to make sure each one is serving a useful purpose and that the file size is as small as possible. How to compress your image file size If you're creating your own images, use as much image compression as you can before the quality starts to degrade. There's no visual difference between a JPEG image exported at 100% and one exported at 85% but the difference in file size can be huge. Likewise, use the best format for the type of image. Photography looks best as a JPEG. Most other types of image look best, and have a smaller file size, when exported as a PNG. WordPress users have the option of a plugin that automatically compresses each new image as you upload. It can also run through images you've already uploaded and compress those. Take a look at this plugin: EWWW Image Optimizer

If you need an online image optimizer, take at look at:

"Minifying" HTML, CSS and Javascript files Even the tidiest of web code has extra spaces and line breaks in it. Minifying code means to strip out all these extras in HTML, CSS, Javascript and other files. It might not sound like something that could have much of an impact on file loading time, but minifying code can give a speed boost of anywhere between 10 and 30%.

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If you're using the Total Cache plugin you'll find it has a minify feature that does a great job of compressing code. Otherwise, take a look this plugin: Better WordPress Minify After activating minifying it's a good idea to thoroughly check the output of your site to be sure everything is working correctly. If you're not using WordPress, or don't want to compress code automatically, take a look at which lets you paste in or upload HTML, CSS and Javascript code and then create a compressed version. Use Reliable & Fast Web Hosting The other techniques in this section won't be as effective as they should be if your web hosting is slow and unable to send pages to visitors quickly. Speed is often a problem on cheap, unoptimized shared hosting because thousands of sites are crammed on a single server. That means just a few busy or badly run sites can hog too much server power and slow response times for you and everyone else on the same server. Free hosting services suffer the same problem but on a larger scale. Because no one is paying for the service, an even greater number of sites are crammed into the servers to keep costs down. That's not to mention that free hosting usually runs ads on your site and won't let you use your own domain name (a major disadvantage for SEO). Pro Secret: Use a Content Distribution Network (CDN) With standard web hosting, one copy of your site is located on a server in, for example, Los Angeles. The further a user is from Los Angeles the slower the site will load because the files have to travel further over the internet. The distances don't have to be that large to make a measurable difference. Anything over several hundred miles will cause a noticeable delay, with users on a different continent to the server experiencing even greater delays.

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With a Content Delivery Network, multiple copies of your site are hosted on a network of servers around the world. Typical locations might include Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Seattle and Toronto in North America; Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Paris and Stockholm in Europe; Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo in Asia / Australia. Instead of all connections going through Los Angeles, users connect to their nearest network location. This gives a huge improvement in loading times. Web giants like Amazon, Facebook and Google have used this type of technology for years, but recently a number of companies have made CDNs affordable for the rest of us. With all the companies below, the system is more or less automatic. Once configured, the CDN automatically keeps the network servers updated. All you have to do is keep publishing as normal. Amazon CloudFront

One of the biggest names in the business. Pricing is somewhat confusing and it doesn't offer a flat monthly rate, charging instead per GB transferred starting at $0.120 per GB. CDN77

Popular but somewhat pricey option which starts at $49 per month. MaxCDN

Plans start from $9 a month, enjoys a good reputation. Free Content Distribution Networks There are two major CDNs that have a free option. The first, CoralCDN, is an open source, 100% free option but having tested it on a couple of sites I recommend staying away from it. When comparing loading stats before and after using CoralCDN I found it actually slowed the sites down. Obviously, that's disastrous for SEO and I'm only mentioning this network as a warning. CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

The second option, CloudFlare, offers a reliable worldwide network with built-in web security and anti-spam features. You can find out more about CloudFlare here:

It's available as a free and premium service but the setup process can be a little complex. That said, the following hosting company offer it as a free option in their control panel, which reduces the installation to a few mouse clicks: BLUEHOST Security Matters: How SSL Certifcates Boost Rankings Online stores have always needed secure pages to keep credit card and other personal information safe. But even if your site doesn't collect sensitive information, it's a good idea to use secure pages. That's because Google now gives a rankings boost to sites that use SSL security certificates. What is SSL? By combining data encryption with verified authentication, SSL creates a private, secure connection between web browsers and websites so that credit card information, passwords and other data can't be accessed by anyone else. When you visit a web page secured with SSL, the browser address bar will display a padlock icon and the page address will start with https (rather than starting with http or www). These two indicators mean the page is secure. When Google announced it wanted to "encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone safe on the web", it started to include the use of secure pages in its algorithm. In other words, sites that use SSL certificates get a boost in the rankings. At the moment, secure pages are a minor signal. Google says SSL certificates carry "less weight than other signals such as high-quality content", but it's clear secure websites are an important long-term SEO strategy. Adding SSL security to your site The three basic steps needed to add SSL to your site are: 1. Buy a certificate 2. Install the certificate on your site

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3. Make sure all site links use https, rather than http Once those steps have been completed, Google will quickly detect the new SSL certificate and include that information when ranking your site. When buying an SSL certificate, bear in mind that there are three levels of validation, each with a number of configuration options. They are: Domain Validation (DV) Organization Validation (OV) Extended Validation (EV) For most websites and blogs, the less expensive DV certificate will work fine. If you're running an online store that collects credit card and other sensitive data, you may want to look into using OV or EV certificates. These provide extra identification features like showing the company name in the address bar. Because you must prove a legal identity for these, buying OV and EV certificates requires more paperwork and takes longer. In contrast, a simple DV certificate is perfect for SEO, can be ordered easily online, and is delivered within a few minutes. The best place to buy an SSL certificate is usually your web hosting company because it simplifies ID and billing issues. In most cases they can also automatically install the certificate for you, which is a major time saver. If your hosting company doesn't offer the kind of certificate you need, or if you want to save money and don't mind installing the certificate yourself, take a look at BLUEHOST. They generally offer the best deals on SSL certificates. Note: don't be tempted to use a free certificate service. Because these are "self-signed" they're classed as untrusted by most browsers and will trigger a security warning. There are two key things to do before installing an SSL certificate. 1. Make sure you have access to the email address associated with your domain registration A security verification email will be sent to this address as part of the buying process, so it's vital you can access the email. If you need to update the address, do it before starting the process of buying your SSL certificate. 2. Update your site to use SSL-friendly links Because mixing secure and unsecure links on the same page can create security errors, all links on your site should be made SSL-friendly before activating SSL. Links are SSL-friendly if they start with https or don't use the domain name at all and are instead written in a /my-page/ format. These are called relative links. Because they work CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

with both SSL and non-SSL pages, you can change links to this format before activating the SSL certificate without any adverse affect on your site. Updating links in site templates is usually straightforward but updating content can be a pain, especially if you have a lot of content to check. For content stored in a database, it should be possible to use a search and replace query to update links used in content. If you're using WordPress, take a look at the Better Search Replace plugin which runs a search and replace from the admin area. There's more info on the plugin here: Note: Before doing a search and replace, make a backup of your database in case something goes wrong. Alternatively, instead of updating content, use a plugin like Easy HTTPS Redirection (see below) which adjusts links dynamically, meaning no changes to the database are needed. Things to do after activating the SSL certificate Once you've completed the buying and installation process and have SSL running on your domain, follow the steps below to make sure you'll get the SEO benefit. 1. Check the SSL certificate is working correctly Test that the https version of your site is working correctly by typing https:// followed by your domain name into the address bar. You should see your normal homepage without any kind of security warning. There should be no missing content or images. Check for the padlock icon at the start of the browser address bar. If you don't see the padlock, or it's showing as a broken icon, check you've really typed https and not http. If that's not the problem, it probably means you still have some old links with the page content or site templates that use http instead of https. 2. Make the https the "official" version If you're using WordPress, update both WordPress Address and Site Address under Settings > General to start with https instead of http. If you've been publishing for a while, and have a lot of links embedded in content that use http, take a look at the plugin below which forces secure https links for every link across a site. Easy HTTPS Redirection

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If you're not using WordPress, check the documentation for your system for the best way to force secure pages. 3. Keep your certificate updated Make sure you keep your SSL certificate up-to-date. If it expires, users will see security errors when visiting your site. ==> Social Media Marketing How to Use Social Sharing Buttons Effectively Social signals - how many times a piece of content is shared, tweeted and liked - have become a crucial part of the way search engines decide which content is the most useful and should be ranked higher. In other words, if two pieces of content are equal in terms of quality, length and keyword usage, the one generating the greatest amount of social network activity will be ranked higher. To help your content attract as many social signals as possible, make sure you have sharing buttons for the major networks close to your content. People are lazy, and if they have to hunt for ways to share the content they may not bother. Effective locations to place buttons include just above or below the content. A floating bar that remains in a fixed position as the reader scrolls down the page (so that the buttons are always in view) also works well with many site designs. This kind of effect can easily be achieved using one of the services / plugins listed below, even if you're not much of a coder. Some services like ShareThis also allow you to track how often readers share your posts, which helps you focus on writing the kind of content most appreciated by your audience. You can sign up for ShareThis here: There are a number of excellent social sharing plugins for WordPress. Two well worth looking at are: Sharebar CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Shareaholic Don't forget to draw attention to your social buttons every once in a while. Simply asking readers who enjoyed a post to share it can have a dramatic effect on the number who do. It's always worth trying different size buttons and layout positions, what works on another site might not work so well for you. Experimenting while keeping an eye on the Social report of Google Analytics, will help you find the best combination for your audience. One of the best things about using social buttons is that once in place, they require no further work on your part. But over time, the build-up of Likes, tweets and +1s will have a major impact on your SEO. Even if you're not active on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter, have social sharing buttons for those networks on each piece of content you produce. If your content uses a lot of images, you'll also want buttons for Pinterest, Tumblr and other image-led networks. If your content is useful to small businesses, freelancers or a specific profession, you'll probably get good traction from a LinkedIn button too. Time-Saving Social Media Marketing for SEO Not so long ago, SEO and social media marketing were different things. The idea was that SEO attracted visitors and social media marketing kept them coming back. These days the two are intertwined. Google and other search engines increasingly use positive social signals as a major factor in ranking. The trouble with social media is that it can quickly become a huge time-suck. That's partly because it's easy to get side-tracked into looking at hilariously grumpy cats or dream travel destinations, and partly because if you follow the standard advice you feel you need to be everywhere all at once. Not only will that overwhelm you, it's physically impossible to do well and above all it isn't necessary.

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Instead, pick one or two networks you like and concentrate on those. You'll get a lot more mileage from focusing your efforts on a network you like rather than feel you have to be active on all of them. Social media from an SEO point-of-view At the time of writing, Google lists over 3.1 billion pages for the phrase "social media", 14 billion for "twitter" and 19 billion for "facebook". But almost all of that content is about building an audience for your Facebook page or Twitter account. Much less of it covers getting visitors from the social networks to your website. Here's a no-fluff guide to doing just that, tips you should be following for each social network you're on. Use a custom profile picture Never use the default icon. It's unfriendly and makes you look like a fake or spam account. Even if you're representing a company, it's better to use a headshot than a logo or icon as your profile picture because people like to see who they're dealing with. Add your web address to your profile In most cases you'll want to link to your homepage, but if there's room you may also want to link directly to key pages on your site. Be sure to check the links work, it's too important a thing to risk a typo sneaking in. Make users want to visit your site What's written in your bio or about text is important. Make it short, snappy and give at least one reason why someone should visit your website. Remember, it may not be obvious to someone who's never heard of you. Don't be tempted to buy followers or fans to make the numbers "look good" You'll get no interaction, visits, or revenue from these accounts. More importantly, Facebook and Twitter in particular, are clamping down on this kind of spam account. Don't just post about yourself Only sending updates about your latest blog post or "exciting" company news is a turn-off to users. Try to share links from others and join in conversations where you can. Once you've built an attentive, loyal audience you'll find that when you do post your own links you'll get more clicks. Check regularly for comments It looks bad if you're asked questions which go unanswered. Be pleasant, courteous and helpful at all times Even if the other person seems unbelievably awful or awkward, you need to keep friendly and professional. Remember, your response could be online for a long time.

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Double-check before posting As well as checking spelling and grammar, look for hidden meanings. Without accompanying body language or facial cues, you might accidentally post something that could be read with (or without) a layer of sarcasm or irony that wasn't (or was) intended. Be interesting Before you post anything, ask why would my followers want to know this? If you can't think of a reason, drop it or change it. Don't be afraid to repost your best content Not everyone checks their Facebook, Twitter or Google+ accounts all day every day, so reshare your most popular posts. Older followers may have missed them and newer ones won't have seen them before. Obviously, you don't want overdo it but there's no harm in keeping your "greatest hits" visible. Above all, remember that for SEO purposes, the idea is not to be popular on Facebook but to appear popular on Facebook. It's a subtle distinction that will improve your SEO efforts while saving you hours of work. In other words, remember that from an SEO and traffic building perspective, the idea is not so much to build up Facebook's pages as to provide users a springboard for visiting your site. Specific Network Advice: Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest Here are some key ways to generate traffic to your website from each of the main social networks. Facebook Post updates with pictures Studies show that updates with pictures – especially featuring animals, babies and other cute things – get more clicks than updates with no pictures. Investigate using Facebook Apps Many apps are free and they'll help you promote your content and links back to your site in more interesting ways that just a simple update. Expert advice There are many Facebook "experts" but the "Queen of Facebook" (495,000+ Likes and counting) is Mari Smith. Find her (of course!) on Facebook: Twitter Repeat your tweets CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

Twitter is fast-moving. When a tweet is more than an hour or two old, it's pretty much off the radar and not likely to get you much more traffic. Given that, there's no harm in repeating tweets at different times of the day to catch followers with different "Twitter hours". One of the easiest ways to do that is with Hoot Suite (see below). Of all the networks, I've found that Twitter is the best for attracting visits to websites. Connect your Twitter account to your Facebook profile Once connected, tweets and links you publish will also appear on your Facebook page. To activate, go to Settings > Apps in Twitter and click Connect to Facebook. Expert advice One of the best online guides to Twitter marketing comes from Kiss Metrics:

Pinterest Particularly if your website has a strong visual aspect to it, Pinterest can be a major traffic generator. Make it easy to Pin your images Use the Pin It button to encourage pinning your images. This button also makes sure the correct image attribution link is generated, so you'll always get a link back to your site. Comment on other people's pins and repins Check to see who's pinning your images by going to: (replacing with your own website) You can then thank them for sharing your content and add a link to another, related page on your site. Expert advice Take a look at this extensive guide from content marketing specialists Hubspot: ==> How To Recover Quickly From A Google Penalty?

Search engine results are in a constant state of flux as rankings for individual pages and CLICK HEREďƒ¨Get My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

sites go up and down, outdated content fades and new pages are published. That means you'll probably notice a normal ebb and flow in your site rankings, especially if you're lower down in the results. But sometimes you'll see a dramatic change of not just a place or two but ten or twenty places or even more. In severe cases a site may drop out of Google completely. There are three reasons why a site falls in search engine results: • Increased competition from other pages which rank better, pushing yours down • Changes made to your site or content that have had an adverse effect • You've had a penalty applied to your site, causing your Google results to drop Here's how to decide which applies to you and what to do about it. Increased competition If the decrease in rankings is relatively slight and happened gradually over the course of a month or more, you're probably just facing increased competition. Sometimes it happens that other sites sneak up from behind and leapfrog over you. The only way forward is to outdo them. Try to create better content than anyone else, get more social shares and become more of an authority site than your competitors. This is usually relatively easy to fix because it just means doing more of the things you should be doing anyway. Site changes that have an adverse effect If you can rule out the possibility of a Google penalty but the rankings slide seems to have started on a particular date, it could be there's been a change to your site that's had an adverse effect. Do a thorough check of your site to make sure it's displaying correctly with no missing content or error messages. If you've recently added a feature or new site design it could be it's slowing the site speed down or causing other problems.


Check Google Search Console for problems encountered while Google tried to crawl your site. Pay particular attention to the Crawl and Security Issues sections. The Crawl section lists errors encountered while trying to index your site, including URL and DNS errors. Take a look at the graph of URL errors. If you see a significant increase in errors on a particular date, especially if it's around the time of a slump in rankings, that's the likely cause. A sustained period of DNS errors, which make it impossible to load your domain name, can cause a loss of rankings. If you see lots of these errors in the DNS report, check your nameservers are set correctly. This can be done through the control panel of your web hosting company or, if your domain name is registered somewhere else, in the admin panel of your domain registrar. The Security Issues panel will show you if Google has detected malware or other security breaches on your site. If you find something listed here, it's important to sort out the problem as soon as possible. Google has an excellent series of walk-through tutorials to help you recover being hacked:

You should also follow any instructions shown in the Security Issues panel. Once you've fixed the problems, request re-inclusion in the index by going to the Google page above and following the Request a review link. The good news is Google is pretty quick at reviewing sites and recovered sites are usually restored to the index within a day or two. Key signs of a Google penalty If Google decides a site no longer adheres to its quality guidelines, they may apply a sitewide penalty pushing the results down for every page. The more infractions, and the greater the seriousness of the infractions, the bigger the penalty and the further the site will drop.

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In the worst cases, a site will drop fifty or even hundreds of places, or be removed from the index completely. The more of the following statements are true, the more likely it is you're suffering from a full or partial site-wide penalty. •The drop is across the whole site, not just a few pages. • The drop seems to have happened on a specific day. Check search engine blogs for reports of an algorithm change on or around that date. Google sometimes announces changes, but not always. • Your site no longer appears when you search for the domain name or another term unique to the site, like the site name. If it looks like Google has applied a penalty to your site, you need to establish the cause and correct the problem before submitting a re-inclusion request. The reasons for a penalty can include any or all of these things: Low-quality website If your content is consistently very short and not original the Google algorithm is likely to consider the site low-quality. Examples include affiliate sites which duplicate product descriptions from Amazon, aggregation sites republishing content "as is" from elsewhere, and sites containing "spun" content (software generated rewordings of articles published elsewhere). The solution is to publish longer, good quality, original content that readers will want to share. Manipulative linking strategies This includes paid links to another site on your site (except banner ads, AdSense, and other legitimate advertising links.), paid links to your site on someone else's, reciprocal link exchange programs involving large numbers of links from low-quality, paid listings directories, and the use of link farms (networks of sites designed to provide thousands of inbound links). CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

It's important to understand that a handful of reciprocal links is not going to do you any harm and neither are paid-for links in the form of legitimate advertising. The problem comes when it looks like there's an attempt to manipulate rankings with a mass of links that have been purchased or manipulated in some way. The solution is simply to stop buying and selling links and try to remove those that already exist by contacting the sites and networks involved. You can also use the Disavow tool in Google Search Console to have the links discarded: Other SEO tricks Google also penalizes sites that engage in other forms of deception like keyword stuffing and cloaking (detecting a search engine visit and show different, highly optimized content). If you have to think about whether something you're doing could be thought of as an attempt to trick search engines, it probably is and you should stop. How to get your site back in Google The first step is to fix all of the problem areas. Unless you do that, a re-inclusion request will fail. Sending your request via Google Search Console will give you the best chance of success. List all the corrections you've made and be as detailed as you can. Once you've submitted your request you may need to wait weeks or even months for your site to be reinstated to the Google index. Not every request is successful, so depending on the scale of the problem you might decide that starting a new site from scratch is actually the less time-consuming option. CONCLUSION First of all, I am very thanks for all you and those who have taken this eBook. Thanks for making it through to the end of SEO, let’s hope it was informative and able to provide you with all of the tools you need to achieve your goals whatever it may be. It will take time and a lot of effort to create a good SEO performance for your site. There’s a lot to it, but do not get overwhelmed or discouraged by what you have learned in this CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)

short course. Whilst it will help to implement all of this into your website(s), it’s certainly not always required to do it absolutely perfectly. The thing is, your direct competition for the search terms you are trying to rank for is facing the same challenges. And no single site or SEO performance is perfect. So you don’t have to be perfect in your SEO either. Set your goal to beat your competition’s performance, do not set your goal to be perfect in SEO. Becoming number 1 in Google means to be better than the rest, it absolutely does not mean you need to be perfect in applying all the SEO rules and tricks. Always remember this when you are into SEO rankings. I hope this short course has given you some more in-depth insight into the topic, and will lead you on a path towards a successful, SEO-optimized website. A path that will not be without obstacles, but certainly a path that will be worthwhile, and in the end will be very profitable indeed. If you are unsure how to start with SEO effectively, I highly recommend you to create a WordPress-based website. There’s heaps of very effective tools for this website building framework that will propel your site building efforts forward much faster. I speak from experience when I say that ALL people that have SEO businesses prefer WordPress sites, for their ease of use. Lucky for you, I wrote a great instructional course on how to get started using WordPress. I hope the WordPress course will help you in your SEO journey, just as learning about WordPress sites once helped my SEO business. Hopefully you are now a little bit more knowledgeable on the topic and will be able to start focusing on ranking your site, and providing the best possible content to your readers. Because, yes, it also matters for SEO purposes how long people will stay on your site. When you build your site and do SEO, please put your effort into the most important tasks that will bring your result, and outsource what you can afford. All the best in your online journey, and my gratitude for giving me the opportunity to get you on your way with your project! But, the results will be worth it! CLICK HEREGet My EXCLUSIVE "GROW YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS 10X FORMULA (Your Online Marketing Success Starts Here!)



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