Training Calendar_Fall_Winter_Metro

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Table of Contents Class Locations Adult Education Opportunities Information Financial Aid Required Trainings Online Orientation Online Leadership Essentials Troop Beginnings and Leadership Essentials courses Outdoor Trainings Safety Training Schedule Adventure Learning Opportunities Special Opportunities / Events Education Opportunities for Girls Adult Education Opportunity Patch Program Volunteer Resource Center Adult Education Registration Forms Adult Education Patch Order Form

2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22

Training Planner: (record the trainings you have signed up for so you won‘t forget) Training


Location/Directions/What to Bring


Welcome to Volunteer Education Opportunities! The Metro Service Center Volunteer Opportunities Calendar is a resource guide offering courses to adult volunteers and Girl Scout Senior/Ambassadors. The Metro Service Center provides quality courses taught by highly skilled and enthusiastic volunteer learning facilitators/trainers. The training you take as an adult volunteer will assist you in providing the best growth experiences for your girls. Please take advantage of as many courses as you can. As we work together to serve girls in our communities, we need your help to ensure that Girl Scouting reaches out to every girl, everywhere. Sincerely, Deb Giles Volunteer Coordinator 502-636-0900 ext 21200 1-888-771-5170

Adult Education Opportunity Locations Camp Shantituck

Shepherdsville, KY (see Volunteer Essentials)

Camp Stem

Laconia, IN (see Volunteer Essentials)

Girl Scout Program and Learning Center (PLC)

2115 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY 40206

St. Barnabas

3042 Hikes Lane, Louisville KY 40220

St. Pius

3525 Goldsmith Ln. Louisville KY 40220

Home of Diane Price

1120 Harrington Rd. Shelbyville KY 40065

Government Center

7201 Outer Loop, Louisville, KY 40228


Adult Education Opportunities Information Registration  To register for general courses: Mail, fax, e-mail, or deliver the Adult Education Registration form in the back of this calendar to Attention: Rachel Ray, office assistant, Metro Service Center, Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, PO Box 32335, Louisville, KY 402322335. The completed form, along with full payment, if required, must be received at the Metro office 10 business days prior to the course. The decision whether to hold a course will be determined at that time based on the number of participants registered. If a course is confirmed, we will continue to add participants until it is full. Classes which require purchases of food etc. maybe closed 72 hours prior to the training.  Phone, e-mail, or faxed registrations are welcomed if the course is free. Phone inquires may be made, but course fees must be received before registrations will be processed. To register over the phone, please ask to speak with Rachel Ray, office assistant, ext. 20000. Fax registrations to (502) 634-0837 or email to  Registrations will be confirmed in writing. If a course is full or canceled, registrants will be notified immediately.  No walk-ins please! Only those with confirmed registrations should attend training.  Course fees are charged for Adult Education Opportunities where food, craft materials, or an exceptional quantity of materials are required. Course fees are listed with the description. Fees must be sent with registration forms unless otherwise stated. Checks should be made payable to ―Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana‖.  Refunds and fee credits for Adult Education Opportunities events/courses must be requested one week before the date of the course. No refunds will be made after that date. Fees for courses canceled by the Adult Education Dept. will be refunded. If you did not attend a course and did not call to cancel, the fee is forfeited.  Cancellation of courses may occur for the following reasons: - If there are fewer than the minimum number of participants. (See course description for minimum and maximum numbers). - If there is a facilitator emergency such as an illness or death in the family. - If there is a weather emergency or other emergency beyond our control. If a course is canceled, every attempt will be made to notify you. If there is a weather emergency and we are unable to call, please call the council office and enter ext. 40000. You will reach a voice mail message with information about the classes. You should also listen to the radio or watch TV for cancellations.  If you cannot attend, please call the council office to cancel and open the space for another volunteer.  Children may not attend courses unless there is childcare offered in the course description.  Adult Education Opportunities are open to all adult volunteers. Girl Scout Senior and Ambassadors may attend any course except adult only events. Permission slips may be required for some of these classes.  Adult Education Opportunities course descriptions and updated schedules are provided monthly at Service Unit meetings. All Education Opportunity schedules, updates, and information are available on the council web page:  What to bring to class is listed with the course descriptions in this calendar. Additional information on what to bring or pre-course assignments may be sent out with your confirmation, i.e. outdoor training. 3

Adult Education Opportunities Information (continued) 

 

Adult Education Opportunity records are maintained at the service center. Be sure you sign the attendance form at each Adult Education Opportunity. This information is entered into the council‘s database. Wallet sized cards are available at all Adult Education Opportunities for individual record keeping. Adult Education Opportunity location addresses are listed in this calendar. Directions are available by calling the facility or the Metro Service Center. Directions to camps are located in the Volunteer Essentials Resource and CD. If attending an Adult Education Opportunity at the PLC: - Enter through the main doors if after hours. - Ring the bell on the wall to the left of the doors. It may take a few moments for someone to reach the door. - Please plan to arrive early. When the facilitator/trainer begins the course it is very difficult to leave the class to answer the door. To make this a positive learning experience for all please plan to: - Arrive on time. Facilitators/Trainers expect to start class at the time listed. Allow enough time to arrive before the hour listed. - Be prepared. Have all the materials you were asked to bring. - Be willing to share your knowledge, skills, and talents. - Be responsible for your own learning. - Ask questions. - Be aware that cell phones do not work in the basement of the PLC. If you need to be contacted in an emergency, please talk with the facilitator/trainer upon arrival and they will give you the number where you can be reached. - Be willing to learn. - Have a positive attitude. Remember you choose your own attitude. If you have Adult Education Opportunity questions please call Deb Giles, volunteer coordinator at 502-636-0900 or 1-888-771-5170 extension 21200. For registration questions please call Rachel Ray, office assistant, extension 20000.

Financial Aid Service Center Scouterships for not more than $50 are available from the Metro Service Center for girls and adult volunteers to attend adult education courses and events. For information or guidelines and how to apply see Resource Sheet #526. Note: Scouterships are based on financial need. Girls Scouts of Kentuckiana has a limited amount of funds for financial assistance.


Required Training For New Leaders Girl Scout program is delivered through various pathways. (GSUSA pathways include: Troop, Series, Travel, Camping, Events and Virtual). Regardless of pathway, all adults must satisfactorily complete appropriate education in the following topics before working with girls.   

An introduction to Girl Scouting and to the council GSUSA and council safety requirements specific to the Pathway Council policies and practices related to travel; sensitive issues; finance; moneyearning by girls; tobacco, alcohol, drug, and weapons prohibitions; and other policies and practices that may be related to the specific Pathway

« GSUSA Volunteer Orientation (all pathways) – This course is required of all new volunteers and provides the first close-up view of the Girl Scout organization for all new volunteers. Participants will become acquainted with Girl Scouting and the many rewarding opportunities it offers girls and adults. It is available online, home study, or face to face. « Troop Beginnings(Troop Pathway): This session is designed to help new leaders get started with their troop. This course is offered as part of the educational calendar or it can be scheduled with the service unit manager, troop consultant, troop organizer, or membership coordinator. At least one member of the leadership team must complete Volunteer Orientation and Troop Beginnings before meeting with a troop. « Leadership Essentials(all pathways): These training modules will help prepare volunteers to effectively facilitate the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) by using the three keys to leadership of how girls discover their personal best, connect with others and take action to improve their communities. Participants will discover how to use resources to support the delivery of the GSLE, including the Journeys--Girls‘ Book with accompanying Guide for Adult Volunteers, how to facilitate activities so they are girlled, learning by doing, and cooperative learning as well as convey the value of inner leadership practices for themselves and the girls. To enrich your troop‘s program and yourself, register for and attend any of the variety of classes offered by the council. Optional enrichment courses can help you work more effectively with your girls. Enrichment classes include games and songs, crafts, troop finances, adventure programs and more. Many of these classes are offered at your service unit leader meetings or at special weekend training events such as Fall Kickoff, Winter Training Festival and Outdoor Training Weekend. Note on Online trainings from GSUSA: A new training is scheduled to be released this fall from GSUSA: Girl Scouting 101. The easy-to-use Girl Scouting 101 introduces new volunteers to Girl Scouts‘ inspiring national leadership experience, from Journey resources and The Girl‘s Guide to Girl Scouting to cookie sales, safety guidelines, and much more. Spend about 45–50 minutes learning online—whenever you can fit it into your day. This training will replace the current GSUSA Orientation and Leadership Essentials in September 2012. If used, it will be accepted in lieu of the current training. Also watch for an additional training scheduled to be released this fall from GSUSA: Volunteering for Girl Scouts Series and Events. This is a condensed version of Girl Scouting 101. If you‘re a new series/events volunteer, this 25-minute online introduction will give you the essence of Girl Scouts‘ inspiring national leadership experience— whenever it‘s convenient for you. 5

Outdoor Training What Outdoor Training Do I Need? GSUSA requires that adults receive training from their council before participating in outdoor program. These trainings are a part of the council‗s risk management plan and help leaders provide a safe environment for the girls. In Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, there are three levels of outdoor training, and each course is the prerequisite to the next. It is recommended that adult volunteers experience camping with their girls at each level of the program before progressing to the next level. Approval for each level is valid for five years. Camp In (7 hours total) To take girls to camp for the day or stay the night at a winterized building:   

Camp In A will help adults prepare girls for day activities in the out of doors and is available as a home study or as a face-to-face class. You may go to camp for the day after completing this part. Camp In B will prepare adults prepare their girls for overnights in winterized buildings and is only available as a face-to-face class. Both parts are required to reserve winterized buildings for either day or overnight use.

Camp Out (8 hours total): To help adults prepare girls for camping, including camping in tents and other shelters in established campsites, while travel camping or pitching a tent on any site. Outdoor Training Update (4 hours total): To review and update skills and renew training credentials for adults who have taken previous GS Kentuckiana Outdoor Level III training. Successful completion of Outdoor Update renews training credentials/authorization for five years. Outdoor update does not renew credentials for Wilderness Travel. Wilderness Travel (24-30 hours): Prepares adults to take girls trip camping in a wilderness environment

with as little impact on the environment as possible. See ‗Group Camping‗ and Trip/Travel Camping‗ in Safety Activity Checkpoints for detailed information about preparing for emergencies as well as Chapter 4 ―Safety-Wise‖ for the type of First Aid/CPR requiring a Level 2 first aider. To Renew Troop Camping Approval you may do one of the options below:   

Retake current level Take next higher level Those renewing at Camp Out you may take Wilderness Travel or the Outdoor Update

HOW TO TRANSITION OUTDOOR TRAINING FOR RETURNING VOLUNTEERS If you have already completed Level 1 – Outdoor Beginnings, this is equivalent to Camp In A. You will only need to take Camp In B to camp overnight in buildings. If you have already completed Level II-Basic Troop Camping, you are good for overnight in buildings and outdoor cooking, etc. Take Camp Out next, and you are ready to camp in platform tents, pitched tents, etc. (There will be some overlap in skills, but it will serve as a refresher/practice). If you have already completed Level III – Advanced Troop Camping, this is equivalent to Camp In and Camp Out. Now you are ready to take Wilderness Travel. If your training is expiring, you can move up to the next level. If you are expiring from Outdoor III you can take Outdoor Update or Wilderness travel. 6

Online Volunteer Orientation GSUSA Proudly Presents Online Volunteer Orientation

If you have online access, please complete the mandatory Online Volunteer Orientation. Please type in your browser Click English or Spanish under the Online Volunteer Orientation. You will be prompted for a password. Your password is discover (small case). You will need to follow the Learning Log Instructions. Please fill out all the requested information. Under the Council Name drop down box you will need to choose Kentuckiana. When entering your first name please put MT - in front of your name. EX: MT-Jane Once you have fully completed this learning log, click the 'Submit' button to send your information to the council. (Only click the ‗Submit‘ button once.) The Learning Log will need to be completed and submitted before you receive credit and are considered trained. If you do not have online access, the Home Study is available. You will need to fill out the learning log and mail it to Metro service center. If you need a face to face Orientation you will need to contact your service unit manager, troop organizer and/or membership coordinator. IT Specs for PC or Mac: Contact Phone Number: Flash 8 or 9 Sound Card __________________________________. Speakers* Disable Pop-up Blocker Metro Service Center: office number is 502-636-0900 or toll free at 1-888-771-5170.. High-Speed Internet Connect *Headphones are optional Troop Pathway Leaders: The next workshop that you are required to take is “Troop Beginnings”. This workshop is required before you may start meeting with your troop. You will need to contact your service unit manager, troop organizer, membership coordinator or your local service center to set up a course.


Leadership Essentials Online This training is required of all adult volunteers working with girls in any pathway. You may take Leadership Essentials training by accessing the online version or by checking your 2011 – 2012 Adult Education Calendar for dates available in Metro Service Center. The Adult Education Calendar will be available by August 4 and a copy will be in your registration packet.

Online Version of Leadership Essentials To take the online version you will need a copy of the age appropriate Journey. Once your Volunteer Coordinator has verified your completion of the workshop she will provide you with a permanent copy of the ―It‘s Your World Change It‖ Journey for your troop. (One per Troop.) Instructions 1. Go to 2. Click English or Spanish under the Leadership Essentials. Password is ―discover‖ (all small case letters) 3. Click Instructions – this will explain the procedure for completing the course. 4. Click Resources: a. Click ―Let‘s Go On A Journey‖ – This is a optional exercise for you to gain more confidence in working with the girls and the journey b. Click on samples of the first few meetings (Daisy, Brownie, Junior). We strongly suggest that you print out your appropriate age level. (Following these first few meetings will help you start your troop out with confidence and working knowledge of the Girl Scout ways.) 5. Click learning log – fill out the entire volunteer information form. Under the Council Name click the drop down box and click Kentuckiana.

When entering you first name please put MT-in front of your name. EX: MT-Jane Smith

(IMPORTANT – If you do not fill out the correct council name you will not receive credit for completing the course. This is the only way we have to verify you have taken the required course.) **You will need to complete the learning log. (You may refer back to your learning log when taking the course.) After completion please click the SUBMIT button.

If you have any questions, please contact your volunteer coordinator.


Required training for volunteers working with girls Course Descriptions and Schedules To register, use the Adult Education Registration Form found at the back of this calendar. There is no fee for courses unless otherwise noted. Troop Beginnings: This Date Time Location Trainer session is designed to help 8/30 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Salem Kidd new leaders get started 9/6 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM PLC with their troop. This course 9/13 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM PLC Ballard is offered as part of the educational calendar or it 9/20 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM PLC can be scheduled with the 9/22 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM PLC Ballard service unit manager, troop 9/27 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PLC Ryan consultant, troop organizer, 9/27 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM PLC Ballard or membership coordinator. 10/4 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM PLC At least one member of the 10/18 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM PLC Moore leadership team must 10/25 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM PLC complete Volunteer 10/26 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Home of Trainer Diane Price Orientation and Troop What to Bring: Note taking materials. Beginnings before meeting You will receive your leader’s binder at this training. with a troop Prerequisite: Volunteer Orientation (This is available online, on DVD or in person). If the above dates are not convenient for you check with your service unit hanager, coach, or membership coordinator to schedule your Troop Beginnings class. Patch:$1.00 (You can purchase ahead of time or at the training).

Leadership Essentials(LE): This course is required for all adult volunteers who work directly with girls. This course provides the ―how to‖, in facilitating the GSUSA Leadership Experience. (For a more detailed description see page 5 of this calendar).






6;30 PM – 9:30 PM



6:30 PM – 9:30 PM




6:30 PM – 9:30 PM




9:30 AM – 12:30 PM


10/4 10/20 10/27 10/29

6:30 PM – 9:30 PM 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM 9:00 AM – 12:00 N 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM


6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

PLC PLC Home of Trainer PLC Government Center

Gault/Vest Diane Price Goodhue Zimmerman

What to Bring: Leaders Binder (Volunteer Essentials, Safety Activity Checkpoints) and note taking materials. Adult volunteers will receive the Journey Facilitator’s guide and girls book (one per troop/group) at this training. Patch: $1.00 (You can purchase ahead of time or at the training)


Outdoor Training Schedule Date




9/12 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM PLC Ryan/Woelfel Camp In – Part A 10/4 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM Taylorsville Lake Freeman Qualifies volunteers to prepare girls for a day What to Bring: 3 ring binder, Volunteer Essentials and Safety Checkpoints. outing in the outdoors. Is also available in Home Study.

Camp In – Part B Qualifies volunteers to prepare girls for camping overnight in winterized buildings.

Fee: $2 (Send in with registration) Includes patch. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 25 Date 9/18 10/2

Time 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Location Camp Shantituck Camp Shantituck

Trainer Ryan/Woelfel Gilman

*Dress for the weather, you will spend time outdoors. Prerequisite: Camp In – Part A What to Bring: Outdoor Binder(binder from part A), Volunteer Essentials, Safety Checkpoints, Fee: $6 (Send in with registration) Includes food and patch. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 25

Camp Out: To help adults prepare girls for troop camping, including camping in tents and other shelters in established campsites and while travel camping Prerequisite: Camp In (both parts A and B)

Date 9/17

Time 9:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Location Camp Shantituck

Trainer Freeman/Linares/Kidd

What to bring: Participants will receive a letter with information prior to the training. Bring your 3 ring outdoor training binder. Fee: $10 (includes food, materials and patch) Please send fee with registration. Optional overnight: For those who want to experience sleeping out in tents. Please make a note on your registration you plan to stay overnight.

Minimum: 6 Maximum: 25


Outdoor Update, 9/11, 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Camp Shantituck, Trainers: Ryan/Woelfel Purpose: To review and update skills and renew training credentials for adults who have taken Outdoor Level III training. Successful completion of Outdoor Update renews training credentials/authorization for five years. This course includes new practices and reviews other information in areas such as the following:  Updates on GSUSA and council policies/practices regarding group camping, hiking, cooking and other common outdoor practices.  Review of critical information and skills, especially those related to safety and care of GSK equipment and properties  Property updates What to Bring: Mess kit, chair, safety checkpoints. Cost: $8 Minimum: 6 Maximum: 25

Wilderness Travel Prepares adults to take girls trip camping in a wilderness environment with as little impact on the environment as possible. A level II first aider is required if hiking 10 miles or more and away from emergency assistance. Pre-plan session, September 25, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM, home of Diane Price. Actual hike, November 4-6, details and actual hike site will be determined at pre-plan session. Cost: $5 registration fee $25 (for food) due at pre-planning session. If you are interested in attending please notify trainers Diane and Steve Price at 502-321-5635 or


Safety Training Schedule First Aid and CPR classes are limited and fill quickly so register early.

CPR This course is required for a level I First Aider for troop activities and day camp. American Red Cross certification.

CPR Includes adult, child and AED. CPR must be renewed every 2 years.

Date 8/14 10/22 10/26

Time 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM 9:00 AM – 12 noon 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Location PLC Trimble Co. Library St. Barnabas

Trainer Hurst Riley Galt/Vest Ryan

What to Bring: Blanket and note taking material. Wear casual clothing as you will be working on the floor. Fee: $34* Patch: $1.00 (you may purchase ahead of time or at the training).

Minimum: 6 Maximum: 12 *Must also complete a First Aid Course.

First Aid This course is required for a level I First Aider for troop activities and day camp. American Red Cross certification. First Aid must be renewed every 2 years. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 12

Date 10/22 10/28

Time 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Location Trimble Co. Library St Pius

Trainer Galt/Vest Ryan

What to Bring: Blanket and note taking material. Wear casual clothing as you will be working on the floor. Fee: $23* Patch: $1.00 (You may purchase ahead of time or at the training).

*Must also complete a CPR course.

* Participants who sign up to take both CPR and FA will receive a $15 discount. Total cost when taking both classes is $42.


Adventure Learning Opportunities Teams Course Training Team‘s Courses are a series of events, or physical obstacles, which a group is challenged to go through. Some challenges involve swinging on ropes, walking across logs, and balancing on cables. All the events require the group to work together in order to successfully complete the challenge. The ―Teams Course Training‖ will provide the leader with the tools to facilitate groups through the Teams Course while at our GSK camps. Camps with Teams Courses are Camp Stem, Shantituck, Pennyroyal, Twin Ridges, Houchens, Barren Ridge, and Bear Creek. After taking the training the leader can facilitate a group through any of the above mentioned teams courses. For additional dates and times at other camps check the web site Fee: $5

At Fall Kickoff: Saturday, October 15 2011 from 9:00 AM - Noon at Camp Shantituck (register on FKO form only!!!)

Cave Training This cave training at Camp Stem will provide the leader with the skills to take their girls through the cave at Camp Stem in Laconia Indiana. We will be going through the cave and be getting quite muddy! There will also be some crawling and tight spaces. You will need to bring a complete change of clothing for after the cave and a flashlight for the caving. Please contact Jamie Baker, program specialist, with questions at (888) 771-5170 ext. 260. Please register with the Metro Service Center for this course.


Special Opportunities/Events Metro Forum – October 6; PLC: An Opportunity to give your input to GSK Board President, Cynthia Weller and CEO Lora Tucker. Girls (14 years and up) and volunteers are welcomed to come. To RSVP contact Julie Moorman, Metro Regional Director, ext. 26700 or at

Learning Facilitator Job Training: A learning facilitator provides support to leaders through face to face learning opportunities. If you enjoy working with adults and being creative and taking the lead, come join a unique team of volunteers. To learn more contact Deb Giles, ext. 21200. Saturday August 20, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM & Sunday August 21, 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM (you must attend both days). PLC.

Winter Training Festival – January 21 2012: Day of training held on the Indiana side. Watch for the flyer later in the fall.

Outdoor Training Weekend: May 18-19 2012. For adults, Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors. Watch for information coming in February 2011.

Fall Kickoff October 14-16 2011 Registration Flyer available now! 14

Opportunities for Girl Scout Cadettes/Seniors and Ambassadors Striving For the Silver An action-packed workshop for girls who are thinking about or are working on the Silver Award. We will explore what‘s involved: why do it, making a plan, getting started, making it fun, fitting it in, tracking your progress, and putting together a project that‘s right for you and all your own. Minimum: 6

Date 8/8 9/19

Time 6:30pm-8:30pm 6:30pm-8:30pm th

Location PLC PLC

Trainer Ryan Ryan


For: Girls 6 – 8 grade and their Advisors. What to Bring: Note taking material Information: Each girl and adult should register individually. Fee: $1. Please send with registration in advance (covers materials for both girls and adults).

Gold Award Training Training for girls and their adult support on how to earn the GS Gold Award.

Date 8/27 9/27

Time Location 10:00 AM – 12:00 PLC 6:30pm-8:30pm PLC

Trainer Gilman Gilman/Sanders/Morris

Minimum: 6

Information: Each girl and adult should register individually.

For: GS Seniors and Ambassadors and adult volunteer/support What to Bring: Note taking material

Fee: $1. Please send with registration in advance (covers materials for both girls and adults).


Adult Education Patch Program There are participation patches available to volunteers who attend training courses. These patches may be purchased ahead of time by sending in the $1 per patch with your registration. Use the order form provided in this book.

Patches are available for the following courses: GSUSA Volunteer Orientation Troop Beginnings GS Daisy Awards & Opportunities GS Junior Awards & Opportunities Camp In - A Camp Out First Aid Diversity Outdoor Learning Day Camp/Mini Camp Games and Songs Girl Scouting Adventure–Then and Now Trainer (the caboose)

Ceremonies Leadership Essentials GS Brownie Awards & Opportunities GS Cad/Sr/Amb Awards & Opportunities Camp In - B Wilderness Travel CPR Service Team Aquatics Teams/Challenge Courses Arts and Crafts Safety-Wise


Volunteer Resource Center The Metro volunteer library is located at the Program and Learning Center in Louisville. The library is for the convenience of all volunteers. It is cataloged by subjects and by titles and labeled for easy use. Each book has been labeled and placed in a corresponding section of the library. At the back of each book there is a check-out card for listing name, phone # and troop #. Books can be checked out for two weeks. However, returning them sooner is encouraged if the activity is finished. A fine of $.05 per working day is assessed on overdue books. Please take books to the Office Manager, when you check out or return any books. Come in, browse, make yourself at home and begin a scavenger hunt of subjects. You will be amazed at what you find among the 2000 plus books and magazines housed here.

Annual Books Badge Work Careers Cassette CD Ceremonies Crafts Current Handbooks Drama Environment Ethnic Flags Folk Dancing Foods Games General Activities Girl Scout History

CATEGORIES GSUSA Publications GSUSA Resources International Histories International Scouting Leader Development Local History Outdoors Campcraft Outdoors Nature Personal Development Science Songs Special Needs Travel Troop Help Well-Being Women


Adult Education Registration Form Please fill out the following form completely. Return by mail to Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, P.O. Box 32335, Louisville, KY 40232. Or you can fax it to (502) 634-0837. Please use a separate registration form for each person registering. Please remember to cancel if your plans change. Trainers are volunteers using their valuable time to help all of us. Please keep them in mind and let Rachel Ray (ext. 20000) or Deb Giles (ext. 21200) know in advance if you find you cannot make training. Thank you for your consideration!

Name_________________________________________ Phone Day/Cell_____________________ Address_______________________________________ Phone Work________________________ City___________________________State____Zip________ e-mail __________________________ Area# _________ Service Unit________

Troop/pathway #________

Age Level: DA ___ BR ___ JR___ Cad __ SR__ Amb__ / Adult _______ Girl _______ Special Needs (i.e. dietary, physical, etc.) _______________________________________ Please register me for the following courses (When registering please specify age level.)

Course Title

Date & Time



Patch $1.00

See course description for available patches. Amount of fees enclosed, if required $_______ Mail to: Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, P.O. Box 32335, Louisville, KY 40232.

For office use only: Confirmation email__________


Letter sent__________

PO# __________



Adult Education Registration Form Please fill out the following form completely. Return by mail to Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, P.O. Box 32335, Louisville, KY 40232. Or you can fax it to (502) 634-0837. Please use a separate registration form for each person registering. Please remember to cancel if your plans change. Trainers are volunteers using their valuable time to help all of us. Please keep them in mind and let Rachel Ray (ext. 20000) or Deb Giles (ext. 21200) know in advance if you find you cannot make training. Thank you for your consideration!

Name_________________________________________ Phone Day/Cell_____________________ Address_______________________________________ Phone Work________________________ City___________________________State____Zip________ e-mail __________________________ Area# _________ Service Unit________

Troop/pathway #________

Age Level: DA ___ BR ___ JR___ Cad __ SR__ Amb__ / Adult _______ Girl _______ Special Needs (i.e. dietary, physical, etc.) _______________________________________ Please register me for the following courses (When registering please specify age level.)

Course Title

Date & Time



Patch $1.00

See course description for available patches. Amount of fees enclosed, if required $_______ Mail to: Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, P.O. Box 32335, Louisville, KY 40232.

For office use only: Confirmation email__________


Letter sent__________

PO# __________


Adult Education Opportunity Patch Order Form To help you “Get on Board” with Girl Scout Adult Education Opportunities, we are offering special train car patches. The GSUSA Volunteer Orientation patch is free to all volunteers who complete the Orientation. Other Adult Education Opportunity patches can be purchased after course completion for $1. Submit this application to your local Service Center. Depending on your location and/or order, patches will either be mailed to you or sent to your Service Unit Manager for distribution at your local service unit meeting. ___________________________________________________________ Name


Troop #

___________________________________________________________ Street Address

___________________________________________________________ City


Please indicate which patches you are purchasing.  GSUSA Volunteer Orientation  Leadership Essentials (Available soon) GS Daisy Awards and Opportunities GS Brownie Awards and Opportunities GS Junior Awards and Opportunities GS Cadette/Senior/Ambassadors Awards and Opportunities First Aid CPR Outdoor Level I Outdoor Level II Outdoor Level III Outdoor Level IV Girl Scout Adventure: Then & Now Safety-Wise Service Team Teams Course Ceremonies Arts & Crafts Day Camp Diversity Songs & Games Troop Beginnings Outdoor Learning  Aquatics


Free 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Total Amount Due: _______



My Training Record Course




The Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout law.

The Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be Honest and fair, Friendly and helpful, Considerate and caring, Courageous and strong, and Responsible for what I say and do, And to Respect myself and others, Respect authority, Use resources wisely, Make the world a better place, and Be a Sister to every Girl Scout.


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