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As stated on page 12, the chalets are lockable and we have security on site overnight, so you can build up stock in your chalets. We know that there are two types of replenishment of stock that takes place. A) Small loads of stock that can be taken from your parked vehicle in public car parks. Exhibitors can independently bring this stock on a daily basis using lifting aids detailed on the left. B) Then there are “heavier loads” that require more substantial sack trucks trolleys and potentially the need to get a vehicle close to the cathedral.
Unfortunately, there is no car park or loading bay area that we can use on a daily basis to bring vehicles close to the Cathedral. However there is an emergency gravel drive which was constructed for ambulance access. The Cathedral and the council are happy for us to use this for a very short window early in the morning each morning, but we are capped at x20 vehicles. Full details of the “heavier load” restocking will be given nearer to the event once we have had more consultation with Highways department at the council and with the Cathedral operations team.