GAAC Jone 2020 News letter

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ISSUE 05, 1 June 2020

Good News The Committee is planning to reopen the clubrooms for MEALS as from Friday the 26 June 2020 with the limit of 50 people

Friday Night Happy Hour We are expecting a large crowd on the first night and as required it will be BY BOOKINGs ONLY. All bookings for Friday nights and the monthly BBQs will on the Club’s

Phone Number 02 6024 6905. Meals, will start at 6.00pm By Law NO BOOKING NO ENTRY Drinks are table service only, NO MEAL NO DRINK If bookings exceed the 50 people allowed in the club at any one time. The Club might put on a second night on the Saturday night (Yes you can come to both) More details in a second newsletter in the week of the 26th.

Notice of the reopening went on Facebook on Tuesday night and by lunch time on Wednesday there were 50 bookings

Therefore there will an extra opening night on the Saturday WHAT IS ON IN JUNE AND JULY 2020? FRIDAY 26 JUNE, HAPPY HOUR WITH ————————- Bruno FRIDAY 3 JULY HAPPY HOUR ————————————- Garry O’brien


The Reclining Rockers

FRIDAY 10 JULY, HAPPY HOUR ———————————— FRIDAY 17 JULY, HAPPY HOUR WITH ————————— FRIDAY 24 JULY, HAPPY HOUR ———————————— FRIDAY 31 JULY, HAPPY HOUR ————————————

Gaven Slater Peter Cominos. Bill Arnold Billy Baldock

Message from Rose Oeser

11th May 2020

Dear Members, Over the last year, when we looked at our books and decided the Club was, perhaps on its last legs, the Committee decided to carry on to the 60th Birthday and then go out with a bang. Sad as that would be. The Corona virus closed us down earlier than expected, creating other problems with it, but now it seems that Leo, Lutz and Paul have negotiated our way out of the decline and I am grateful to them for that. Now this new Committee can manage the Club through a new phase of its life in a slightly different guise, and a slightly different direction. This in no way diminishes the hard work and commitment from previous Committees that have served our Club, and the decisions they have made and the very difficult times they have taken us through and I am so pleased to have served with them. For twelve years now, since 2008, I have been proud to be President, and these last few months where we thought we might close down, and then the virus hit us and things went quiet, I have been away from the daily running of the Club and I have had time to think about things again and have concluded that it is time to hang up my President's cap and get back to doing things I need to do for myself. I have so many people to thank, so I won't name any of them in case I forget someone. But they all know who they are. Thank you to everyone for your input and commitment and friendship. So in closing I would like to wish the Committee all the best and to you the members thanks again for your confidence in me for the last 11 years. See you at the Club..........................

Roswitha Katherine Oeser.

Suzie Nawrocki It is with great sadness we inform our Members of the passing of dear Suzie Nawrocki. Suzie together with Eddie have been loyal members for many Years We will miss Suzie with her happy smiling face which always lit up the room. Our Sincere condolences to Eddie and Family. From the President, Committee and Members of the German-Austrian Australian Club (Wodonga) Page 2

President’s Report

June 2020

Fellow Members all.. Well as the saying goes, The only constant thing in life is Change... As things has been quiet all around because of the Virus, Behind the scenes a lot of things has been happening. The latest is that Rose has regrettably resigned and her shoes are going to be VERY hard to .fill. I'll do my very best to do so..But first, Thank you Rose for the many years of hard work and attention to details you have provided for the Club... A lot of good things has happened.. We have gone from looking at closing the club after the 60th Birthday, to now making 5-10 ten Year plans for a very promising future.. Between the U3Aleasing the premises for Classes during the day and top Chef. Lee Botting ex RSL leasing the Kitchen facilities, the future is looking pretty good.......That is when we can finally get together and enjoy each others company again, hopefully in the very near future.. Also Welcome aboard to Joan Peters as our Entertainment organiser.. It will be interesting to see ( Better still ) hear what she has got in store for us. Now all we have to do is .steam clean and disinfect every surface of the premises according to the immense amount of new rules and regulations we have been saddled with.. Anyway we will get there.. This will do for now.. You all take care, stay healthy till we meet again.. Paul Christiansen.. President..

Secretary’s Report

June 2020

Hi Everyone At the 12 May Executive Meeting, when Rose tendered her resignation, as President, She requested that I print her letter of resignation in the newsletter see page.2 With regret the executive accepted her resignation. Lutz thanked her for the many years of service as President. (see also Lutz’s report on the next page). Meetings with the Caterer, Lee Botting and with the U3A committee, arranging for a deep clean of the clubrooms, submitting application for grants from the state government reading the hundreds of pages of things to do to be coronavirus (covid-19) safe before we can reopen the club etc it has been a busy month for the Executive. The U3A executive were pleased with what we had to offer and will be holding their next Committee meeting at our clubrooms this week where they will decide on the U3A’s executives recommendations and what the Club has to offer. As you will read in the bottom of Lutz’s report we have just received a $10,000.00 grant from the Federal Government and this week submitted a application for a further $10,000.00 State Government Grant and when time permits we will approach the multi cultural commission for further Grants to repaint the clubhouse, replace the carpet etc The Club had it first full Committee meeting in 14 weeks see report page 5

Leo Toussaint Page 3

Treasurers Report

June 2020

Dear Members, This has been quite a year for many reasons. Many of you may know that Rose was ready to retire after the 60th Anniversary Dinner. With the Covid-19 shutdown and uncertainty of the club’s future, Rose is ready to pass on the baton with the hope it may re-energise the next chapter in the club’s future. I have known Rose and her past husband Karl (also a former President) for many years. With the sudden passing of Karl, Rose put her heart and soul into the club. She has led the club over the last 12 years, and the Club’s very existence is a result of her dedication and love of its members. Rose’s eye for detail and presentation was evident throughout those years and will be an awfully hard act to follow. A true example of passion for what you believe in and a Volunteer in the true sense of the word. I wish her only the best in health, a long happy retirement, and hope to see her relaxing and enjoying herself at our Club. I thank Paul Christiansen for stepping up as Acting President until our AGM, which will be held on Sunday 20th September 2020, dependant on Covid-19 restrictions. At the next AGM I will nominate for President and ask for members who want the Club to continue to also nominate for a position on the Committee. We will particularly be hoping for members willing to take on the roles of Secretary and Treasurer. We have been extremely fortunate to have Leo fill the position of Acting Secretary until the AGM. Leo in past years also worked awfully hard ensuring the Club’s survival and is happy to continue as Bar Manager as well as darts manager. The next chapter I think, will be quite exciting. It is highly likely that U3A (AlburyWodonga University of the Third Age) will lease our clubrooms during the week (10am – 3pm approx.), both upstairs and downstairs, for classes. Having a man as talented and passionate for his profession as Lee Botting, (our new kitchen lessee), will be a real asset to our club. Lee has a vision for what he can deliver for the club, which will mean more days that we are open for meals, and more members, thus realizing the Club’s full potential. Finally, the Club’s Financial situation. The Club is in a sound Financial position made even more so with a $10,000 Federal Govt grant, that we have qualified for. Hope everyone is keeping well and safe, Tschuss,

Lutz Peters

NEW MEMBERS The following were approved by the Executive. Manfred & Marie Huber, Douglas Reid, Slobodan Stamenkovic, Joy Grinham, Anthony Keys. Rejoining is Ian & Sue Deegan Please make all new members Welcome Page 4

To all Members who are celebrating a Birthday or Anniversary; Congratulations to you, we hope you enjoy your special day. If anyone is feeling a bit poorly, we hope you get better soon. Our best wishes are with you.

News from the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 2 June 2020 (first full committee meeting in 14 weeks) At the start of the meeting Lee Botting was introduced to the Committee Members. He gave a talk on his experience and what he hoped/planned to do for the Club Catering. All reports and minutes from the Executive Committing meetings held were read and accepted by the committee and all decisions made by the Executive were endorsed. Joan Peters was invited onto the committee as Entertainment director and has been working on booking entertainment for the rest of the year. Functions planned are A. 60th Anniversary function; later in the year when we are allowed a bigger crowd. B. Oktoberfest will be held on the weekend 17th October. C. Melbourne Cup Luncheon 3rd Nov. D. Christmas Party Saturday night 19th Dec. E. NYE party 31st Dec. All will be subject to the government relaxing the lockdown and allow increased numbers. Sunday luncheons; As serving food from the Bain Marie to Patrons is now not allowed by government regulations, we will now offer Table Service, with a main course and sweets. Members $25 and Non Members $30. AGM; The AGM will be held on Sunday 20th September 2020. see notice on next page Other items discussed were U3A, lease of the kitchen (more details as things develop), Courses staff and committee need to do before reopening, Cleaning requirements prior to reopening, ongoing cleaning, Staffing the Bar and surplus Kitchen equipment and food in cool room and freezer. We called an end to the meeting at 5.30 pm Submitted by Leo Toussaint. What’s the latest on the situation in Germany? (from the LOCAL) (just same as in Australia) Travel and social distancing restrictions in Germany continue to be loosened. Germany's tourist travel warning for Europe looks set to be lifted in mid-June, the Foreign Minister, Heiko Maas, has announced at a press conference on Tuesday. Germany extended social distancing rules aimed at containing the spread of the coronavirus epidemic to June 29th, Chancellor Angela Merkel's government said on Tuesday May 26th. Up to 10 people will be allowed to gather in public places but Germans should be in contact with as few people as possible, according to the rules agreed between the federal government and 16 states. As of Monday May 18th restaurants in Germany's 16 states were allowed to open their doors to guests with special measures in place. By the end of May, all states opened their hotels and other tourism infrastructure under tight hygienic conditions.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given the Annual general meeting will be held at the Clubrooms on Sunday 20th September 2020 If you have any items you wish to put on the agenda please contact the Committee in writing or on 0260246905 before 3 Aug. If you are interested in a position on the committee and wish to find out what is involved, please contact the Club Executive. Nomination forms will be in the next Newsletter Just for Laughs After being in lockdown for weeks it is time for a laugh and to that end a member submitted the following: APPARENTLY ONE OF THE SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 IS HAVING NO TASTE? LOOKING BACK ON MY EXES I THINK I’VE BEEN INFECTED FOR YEARS



Out grocery shopping, I tried so hard to suppress a sneeze so I wouldn’t get glares from people I couldn’t hold it so I tried To “internally” sneeze which caused me to fart, pee a little and cough violently Peoples’ faces went from glares to total concern for my life


Who remembers at who’s birthday party was this the birthday cake and the last minute repairs for the tail that fell off

All bookings for private functions, Meetings, Birthday parties etc. are to be handled by the Caterer Lee Botting on Phone Number 04 2578 7649 Deliveries by Kitchen to Kitchen Place your order on 0400 490071 Order & deliver menu: Baked beef cottage pie $12 Lamb & vegetable casserole with creamy mash $14 Indonesian lamb curry with Jasmine rice [mild] $14 Thai green chicken curry with Jasmine rice [sweet & mild] $14 Beef & coconut Korma with Jasmine rice [medium] $14 Pork Stroganoff with mushrooms & buttered noodles $15 Braised beef steak with root vegetables & mashed potatoes $15 Stuffed tortellini with cream & parmesan sauce $12 Classic penne Bolognese bake with creamy cheese sauce $12 Classic penne Napoli bake with parmesan $12 Braised pork sausages with onion gravy & mashed potatoes $12 All meals are packed in foil containers that are oven proof, all meals are delivered frozen. Defrost overnight in the fridge then simply remove from the foil container and heat in a microwave safe dish until piping hot or place in the oven in the foil container until ready, heating instructions for each meal will be attached with your order. We currently deliver to a number of areas which have a small delivery fee, please ask upon placing your order, we have a minimum order of $50.00. Orders close Sunday at 6pm for delivery the following Wednesday or Tuesday 6pm for the following Friday. Payment is required upon placing your order. Delivery times will be between 3pm – 6pm on your chosen day. —–—————————————————

A few things to remember Deliveries must be to the front of the property and cannot be dropped at the back or side of a property or into garages or similar. This is for the safety of our drivers and the security of your property, it will be left somewhere that is deemed safe. Drivers are not permitted to open or unpack the box. Our drivers will leave your order at the door if no one is home. It is your responsibility to ensure that the delivery day you select fits with your schedule. In the instance that it is not safe to make delivery and we cannot get in contact with you, then no delivery will be made and a re-delivery fee may apply. THIS IS THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE GERMAN-AUSTRIAN AUSTRALIAN CLUB (WODONGA) INC. 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga Vic 3690 Telephone 02 60246905 President; Paul Christiansen. Ph. 02 6078 0848, Treasurer; Lutz Peters Ph 04 3794 4207 Secretary and Newsletter Editor Leo Toussaint Ph. 04 0909 8905 Email;


Who is playing music at the club FRIDAY 26st JUNE 2020 HAPPY HOUR and MEAL

from 6pm MUSIC with




MUSIC with




FRIDAY 10th JULY 2020


HAPPY HOUR and MEAL from 6pm MUSIC with



Sunday Luncheon: There has been a price increase Members $25, Non-Members $30 Due to government rules no more BBQ style meals, For the time being it will be a 2 course meal (Main & Sweets) a choice from the menu & table service Bookings Essential Phone: 02 6024 6905

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