OAS S Masterpiece Red Centre
One way to prove an off-roader is to chuck it in the deep end, as we found out
T by Anthony Kilner
The sun was shining brightly and the wind off Lake Mulwala was chilly. We were getting towards the end of a big day with Dean and Courtney Goudie, of Yarrawonga and Albury Caravans, when Dean headed through a deep-ish bog hole, the road tyres of the Colorado lost traction and brought the van and 4WD to an abrupt stop. Dean was unfazed about his predicament. After a couple of attempts to drive out to no avail we hitched up the winch from my Cruiser and hauled the huge package out of the muck. As I said, Dean was unfazed about being bogged, it does happen and being a solid, practical country lad, it’s often part of a day’s work. He also knew the van would handle this sort of rough treatment because Masterpiece built it to handle rougher treatment – full stop.
It was off to the cleaner for this Oasis