Why sustainable architecture is the needed in modern environment Development consist a continuous process of upgrading improvements in the society. The modern era has witnessed a miraculous amendment around the years. As a pioneer we have seen remarkable routing of development in architectural science. But due to this race of creating indiscriminately building and construction we have put lethal dangers to the environment. If our environment is not balanced and safe then there is no use of reaching to heist peak of development because at the end of the day we are digging grave for atmospheric culture. In that case we should consider the methodology of sustainable architecture which maintains the balance between architecture and environment. We are living in 21st century where we need preserve the usage of natural resources that are the fuel for our lifecycle. The construction should be eco friendly so that we can have breath of natural environment. There are many building construction and architecture Rotterdam but if they will not adopt eco-friendly approach to the architecture so it will be difficult to continue its reliability. Nowadays construction companies prefer green building concept which an innovative move to encourage the eco-friendly architecture. The most important thing should be considered while opting for eco friendly construction is the surrounding of site; it should be pollution free zone, more it must have water efficiency as well as energy efficiency. The ventilation system must be the priority. Encourage greenery all around. As the name refers the sustainable architectural has the quality to function according to the norms of social, economic and environmental sustainability. This theory has surpassed the idea of utilizing renewable resources in an organized way that usually impacts the whole environment. Sustainable projects have the flexibility to make its presence everywhere. It has boosted the vibrant approach of economic and social revolution in architecture as well as social life. It upholds the long term compatibility between eco-friendly standards and social development.