Important health benefits of Tai Chi Martial art is technique is used to defend you from unwanted attack as well it has the technique of attacking skills. The martial art has developed its space in recent years to reduce the rick of anxiety and stress. Well it is termed as the “meditation in motion” that enhances the internal peace and metal balance. Tai chi is an important part martial art which is known for the defense and huge health benefits. Tai chi as the name suggests is an old Chinese which is believed to be incorporated by the monk of Tai monk Zhang Sanfeng in the 12th century. Well Tai chi is not limited to china it has come across the border like Tai chi London which is now gaining the popularity in masses. Here are benefits of tai chi is highlighted Control depression: - If you take the classes of yang style tai chi then it will be beneficial to come over to the depression. You must attend the weekly tai chi class with depression treatment; definitely you will get the positive results. The article which highlights the benefits of tai chi in depression has been published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Helps to control Diabetes: - According to the study published in British Journal of Sports Medicine it is researched that Tai chi London can increase immunity system of body as well glucose level of body in type-2 diabetes. Reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease: - According to a research held in New Zealand has confirmed that the Parkinson disease patient‘s who attend yang style tai chi are able to move easily and they have improved a lot in posture and falls. Prevent the risk of chronic heart failure: In a research study of Harward medical school it is found that if a person practice Tai chi for a long time he will be able to cut the risk of chronic heart failure, because the person who does tai chi will definitely have the ability to come over of his anxiety and depression which are one of the main reason for chronic heart failure. Work well in Fibromyalgia: - The people who do tai chi is well responding to this martial art. They found that the they get relief in their joint pain while having practicing Tai chi classes on daily routine process according to the research of NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine).