Ambient Mobility - Intelligent Products and Enviro

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Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport, Urban and Regional Development

Ambient Mobility

ISBN 978-3-939358-62-6


Volume 62

Ambient Mobility

Intelligent Products and Environments for Mobile Citizens and Businesses

Volume 62



Ambient Mobility Intelligent Products and Environments for Mobile Citizens and Businesses Hessen-IT Volume 62

Dr. Matthias Donath Olaf Jüptner

Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport, Urban and Regional Development

HA Hessen Agentur GmbH Hessen-IT Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 38–42 65189 Wiesbaden Telephone +49 611 774-8481 Telefax +49 611 774-8620 E-Mail Internet Editorial team: Dr. Matthias Donath Olaf Jüptner Wolf-Martin Ahrend Gabriele Gottschalk

All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, forbidden. © Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport, Urban and Regional Development Hessen-IT c/o HA Hessen Agentur GmbH Wiesbaden 2010 Layout of the translated English version: Ilona C. Konrad, Eich Layout of the original German version: WerbeAtelier Theißen, Lohfelden Translation: Übersetzungsbüro Schnellübersetzer GmbH Print: Druckerei Heppner & Ziegeler GbR, Kassel ISBN 978-3-939358-62-6 Bibliographical information of the German National Library: The German National Library has classified this publication in the German National Bibliography; detailed bibliographical data can be found online at

Ambient Mobility


Ambient Mobility .............................................................................. 9

1.1 The vision of context-aware mobility ............................................... 9 1.2 Chances ............................................................................................ 20 1.3 Challenges ........................................................................................ 25


Fundamentals .................................................................................. 50

2.1 The ambient ICT system .................................................................. 50 2.2 Devices .............................................................................................. 59 2.3 Networks ........................................................................................... 64 2.4 Software ............................................................................................ 70


Applications ..................................................................................... 74

3.1 Automotive ....................................................................................... 74 3.2 Buildings and Living ........................................................................ 79 3.3 Health ................................................................................................ 85 3.4 Clothing ............................................................................................ 92 3.5 Transport ........................................................................................... 96


Ambient Mobility – a model for Hessen ................................... 104


Your partners in Hessen ............................................................... 110


The action-line Hessen-IT ............................................................ 125 The publication series of Hessen-IT .......................................... 127

Dear readers, The internet has fundamentally changed our private and professional lives. The transformation from an industrial to a globalised, knowledge-based society has strongly been driven by the opportunities of the internet. More than half of all Germans currently find that internet and e-mail improve the quality of their lives, and they don’t want to miss it. Today, we face the development of the internet of the future. "Ambient technologies", which integrate a focus on the surrounding environment, link up the physical world, to which we, with our everyday objects and actions, also belong. That is why we also speak of the "Internet of Things". By means of sensitive and adaptive electronics, everyday products and surroundings are capable of perceiving people's and objects' situations and reacting to their needs. Cars quite naturally communicate traffic hazards to other cars or to control centres, ovens and heating can be controlled by mobile phone from outside, parcels find their own addressees, food and medication packaging announce their own sell-by date, our clothes monitor our health and send reports to the doctor, lawn sprinklers start automatically depending on dryness and the online weather forecast – the examples are endless, the potential immense. In our free time, at work, at home, out and about – ambient information and communication technologies (ICT) will change and improve our lives everywhere. The proportion of German gross domestic product spent on ICT is currently around 6 percent. Experts' expectations that this figure will double by 2015 depend decisively on the use of these ambient everyday technologies.

Hessen welcomes this new era, because ambient technologies will further improve the quality of our lives: more comfort, more security, more efficiency, more environmental protection. Our model of Ambient Mobility ( ) for an environmentally intelligent mobility combines two strengths of Hessen as a location – ICT and mobility – and makes people the central focus in the application of ambient technologies. This guide is intended to introduce current research and development, as well as the future market for intelligent products and environments. Contact the experts we have highlighted here, or simply get in touch with the Hessen-IT project team. Hessen is the right environment for you!

Dieter Posch, Hessian State Minister of Economy, Transport, Urban and Regional Development


Hessen-IT Series: New Publications Ambient Mobility – Intelligent Products and Environments for Mobile Citizens and Businesses SOA - Mehr als nur flexible Softwarearchitekturen Notleidende Projekte - Eine Hilfestellung für IT-Projekte in sieben Akten Die Gamesbranche - Ein ernstzunehmender Wachstumsmarkt (2nd revised edition)

2007 2008 2009

Satellitennavigation in Hessen - Ideen über All

Ambient Mobility – Intelligente Produkte und Umgebungen für mobile Bürger und Unternehmen Rating für IKT-Unternehmen (2nd revised edition) Leitfaden zur Patentierung computerimplementierter Erfindungen (2nd revised edition) Telekommunikationsanbieter in Hessen 2008 In modernen Märkten überleben – Kooperationen mittelständischer Softwareunternehmen in Hessen (2nd revised edition) Web 2.0 – Neue erfolgreiche Kommunikationsstrategien für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen Die Gamesbranche – Ein ernstzunehmender Wachstumsmarkt Internet-Marketing nicht nur für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (2nd revised edition)

Anti-SPAM – Ein Leitfaden über und gegen unverlangte E-Mail-Werbung (2nd revised edition) VoIP – Telefonieren über das Internet (2nd revised edition) Leitfaden Webdesign – Internetpräsenzen besser planen und gestalten (6th revised edition)



The complete publication series is listed in the appendix or can be found online at (Ordering facility and download as PDF file)


Ambient Mobility

Mobility in everyday life is one of the central topics of our time for both citizens and companies. The movement and mobility of people and goods are not only tasks of the present, but also challenges for the future. Information and communication technologies (ICT), which interact intelligently with their environment, are creating mobile everyday solutions already today for the society and economy of tomorrow.

1.1 The vision of context-aware mobility Currently, the use of ICT is determined by people adapting to their ICT environment and using it accordingly. The vision of intelligent environments exists in a paradigm shift: Here, people operate in an ICT environment that independently adapts itself to them and behaves, either as assistance or proactively, according to their characteristics and wishes. The embedding of tiny sensors, processors and actuators in diverse everyday products – mostly connected together and increasingly with access to the internet – creates electronic environments that apparently react intelligently to the presence of people and objects. In this manner, a new, unobtrusive and to some extent imperceptible form of interaction or data transmission between humans and machines, and between machines themselves, emerges. ICT devices, objects and buildings are provided with "senses", so to speak, often being connected wirelessly and are selfsufficient in terms of energy. They act according to the situation and are partly capable of self-diagnosis, thus further improving our quality of life and making our everyday life more efficient, more comfortable, safer and more environmentally friendly.

Developmental phases of computer use Mainframe Computer Era


one computer, many users

Personal Computer Era


one user, one computer

Ubiquitous Computer Era

from 2010

one user, many computers


Ambient Mobility


B Internet





C Illustration 1: Four stages of development of the internet from a specific network for researchers to a social infrastructure for everyday information, interaction and services

The new quality and quantity of context-aware ICT can be seen by looking at the development stages of the internet (see Illustration 1). In the 1970s, the internet was initially used by individual researchers and the military to access distant data. But the breakthrough to more than 10 million internet exchange points came about only with the advent of e-mail in the 1980s. Here, the internet was mainly used as a communication medium from person to person (A). The 1990s brought, along with the World Wide Web, an application form which enabled people to interact with people, namely via internet browsers with WWW servers (B). Data traffic multiplied by over 100 million nodes, made possible the commercialisation and popularisation of the internet and grew in 2008 to around 1 billion internet exchange points, mainly thanks to wireless technology. The interaction of machine to machine – (C) and (D) – now shows a further developmental leap to a possible 50–70 billions virtual users. Machines will appear in part as computers (C), but will also, in part, be embedded in intelligent objects and disappear from notice (D). Both forms of machine-supported interaction – (C) and (D) – present new perspectives for context-aware technologies. World-wide, billions of intelligent ICT components will exchange data via internet without human contribution and thus considerably increase data traffic.


copyright and picture by

"It looks like the rapid growth of the World Wide Web may have been just the trigger charge that is now setting off the real explosion, as things start to use the Net."

Neil Gershenfeld, Media Lab, Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

In this approach, the term “environment” refers to a physical space that surrounds people or goods and supports them electronically. In these environments, a certain situation occurs and technology is available, which reacts to this situation. If, for example, there is an intelligent medication packaging that shows the shelf life of the product in a person's presence, the environment consists of the medication packaging, its technical components and the physical space in which the transmitter recognises the presence of the person. If we are talking about an intelligent lawn sprinkler with humidity sensors in the ground and access to weather forecasts via the internet, the environment includes the lawn sensors, the radio and internet connections and the website with its weather forecast. When we talk about intelligence in context-aware systems, we mean it, first of all, in an informal sense. By means of sensors, the technologies can always "recognise" their position and often also their condition. In addition, they can "behave" in a way appropriate to the situation by means of actuators, and sometimes "communicate" with people or objects – so that they can, on the basis of these characteristics, be utilised in a desired and advantageous manner. Furthermore, intelligence can also refer to Artificial Intelligence (AI). In order to be able to organise themselves in certain complex areas of application, technologies should be able to "learn" from experience and develop or expand cognitive capabilities. Whether we will still consider these characteristics of individual context-aware applications to be "intelligent" in a few years is open to question – we will probably just consider them to be normal. In this volume, "intelligence" refers not only to people, but is understood broadly as an ability to recognise, so that we will no longer place the term in quotation marks.


Ambient Mobility

Intelligent everyday things and environments are made possible by considerable improvements in the performance of information and communications technology. In the last few decades, the pace of innovation in the areas of microelectronics, microsystem technology and communications systems has grown drastically.

Microelectronics In microelectronics, the computing power and storage capacity of chips has grown thousand-fold in the last 15 years. With the same capacity, this means that the price of microelectronically manufactured functionality has greatly decreased. Accordingly, the costs of storing one megabyte of data has been reduced in the last 20 years from around 100 euro to some tenths of a cent and is now much cheaper than the cost of the storage medium known as paper. In the famous law, which was named after him, Gordon Moore predicted in 1975 that the integration density of integrated circuits – and therefore the miniaturisation and performance capability of chips – doubles every two years. Whether and how long this trend will continue is disputed. But it is quite remarkable how accurate the prognosis has been in the last few decades. If microelectronics continue to develop at this rate, a common computer in 20 year's time could be able to process as many arithmetic operations per second as the human brain. The low costs of the chips and their miniaturisation mean that many objects can be fitted with these microcomputers, thus creating intelligent environments.


Microsystem technology Advances in microsystem technology and nanotechnology have led to improvements in, for example, sensors, sensor networks and transponders. By now, the smallest, integration-capable radio sensors can report diverse measurement parameters across many metres and without any explicit use of energy – they take the necessary energy from the environment or from the process of measurement itself. Some so-called RFID chips ("Radio Frequency Identification") function without an energy source on their own. Here, a transponder, which receives a signal, can decode the signal and then send back a radio signal as an answer, within a range of a few metres. When, for example, a truck drives into a warehouse, its load, which has been fitted with RFID chips, can automatically be shown. The networking of sensors is also no longer a problem. High quality, miniaturised sensors can be networked wirelessly with neighbouring sensors, can exchange knowledge and coordinate with each other. For example, if sensor networks are used in fighting forest fires, not only the existence of a fire but also its exact position, its spread direction and its speed can be determined.

Communications systems Data traffic on the internet has been growing exponentially for years. The amount of data transported doubles every six to twelve months. According to "Gilder's Law", the bandwidth, and therefore the performance capacity of networks, triples every year. According to DE-CIX, the world's largest internet exchange point in Frankfurt, an end to growth is not in sight. It is assumed that worldwide data volume will grow by 60 percent a year to 1,800 exabytes (1.8 billion gigabytes) in 2011. That represents a tenfold increase compared to 2006. In mobile radio technology, the number of participants in mobile communications around the world already outnumbers fixed-line connections. With the newest generation of mobile phones, around 50 times more data can be transmitted per second than a few years ago.


Ambient Mobility

Ubiquitous Computing – the computer has disappeared, long live the computer The first person to recognise the consequences of these developments, which had to some extent been forecast by experts, was Mark Weiser (1952–1999), Chief Technologist at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in the Silicon Valley. Weiser thought about the appearance and the place of the computer in everyday life. In his visionary article "The Computer for the 21st Century" in 1991, he describes how computers will, in the future, be embedded into almost all everyday object and will thus be, in other words, ubiquitous. In this era of "Ubiquitous Computing (UC)" – which follows upon the era of mainframe and that of the personal computer (PC) – the personal

By permission of PARC,

computer will be replaced by personalised "intelligent objects".

"Ubiquitous Computing represents a powerful shift in computation, where people live, work and play in a seamlessly interweaving computing environment. Ubiquitous Computing postulates a world where people are surrounded by computing devices and a computing infrastructure that supports us in everything we do." Mark Weiser, Computer Science Lab Xerox PARC, 1991

"It is easy to find 40 microprocessors in a middle class home in the U.S.A. today. They will be found in the alarm clocks, the microwave oven, the TV remote controls, the stereo and TV system, the kid's toys, etc. These do not yet qualify as UC. But network them together and they are an enabling technology for UC. Tie them to the internet, and now you have connected together millions of information sources with hundreds of information delivery systems in your house. Clocks that find out the correct time after a power failure, microwave ovens that download new recipes, kids' toys that are ever refreshed with new software, paint hat cleans off dust and notifies you of intruders, walls that selectively dampen sounds, are just a few possibilities." Mark Weiser, 1996


„If computers are everywhere, they better stay out of the way.“ Weiser finds it particularly important that the ubiquitous world of the computer supports people in a discreet and inconspicuous, even an "invisible" manner. They should remain in the background and demand as little attention as possible from people. Ideally, they should disappear completely from our notice, but their services should be available everywhere and at every time. In his 1996 essay "The Coming Age of Calm Technology", he outlines the task of designing intelligent products and environments that do not overload people with information and, in contrast, provide a feeling of calm. He sees this as the central challenge of the next 50 years. How we handle ubiquitous microcomputers should be in the same manner that we handle driving a car: Normally, our attention is directed at the road, at the radio or at the passengers and not at the noise of the engine, because the actual use of the car requires little attention. But we notice unusual engine sounds immediately, which shows that we did actually notice the noise of the engine in the background previously. Intelligent products and environments should therefore be designed in such a way that their use generally requires little notice, but they can also move into the centre of our attention when necessary. Even when Weiser explains that "UC" will bring information technology to the little annoyances like: Where are my car keys? Will I find a parking space? Is that shirt I saw in the shop last week still on the shelf?, he is quite clear about the profound impact of "Ubiquitous Computing" on the development of the society – this can be seen when he compares its significance with two other technologies that have become so omnipresent and taken for granted that they now belong inseparably to our civilisation: writing and electricity.


Ambient Mobility

Pervasive Computing and Ambient Intelligence Two expressions that are often named with, or in a similar context as "Ubiquitous Computing" are "Pervasive Computing (PvC)" and "Ambient Intelligence (AmI)". "Pervasive Computing" also describes the penetration of everyday objects with sensors, processors and actuators, but with the emphasis on implementation. The term was introduced by industry (and is nowadays attributed to IBM), in order to develop context-aware solutions on the basis of existing mobile computing technology in a short space of time. As a reaction to the approaches of "UC" and PvC", which were dominated by the USA, the term "Ambient Intelligence (AmI)" was influenced in Europe by Emile Aarts of Philips Research and spread by the European Union via the research framework programmes FRP 5, 6 and 7. AmI also includes aspects of human-machine interaction and artificial intelligence. In 1999, the European Union’s Information Society Technologies Program Advisory Group (ISTAG) – to which belong the heads of SAP Research (ISTAG chairman) and the Fraunhofer IGD, both based in Hessen – described AmI in a visionary declaration: "People will be surrounded by intelligent and intuitive interfaces embedded in everyday objects around us and an environment recognizing and responding to the presence of individuals in an invisible way." In the last few years, the pragmatic view that the differences between these three terms are merely academic has gained ground. More important than highlighting the minor differences between the concepts is focussing on their considerable commonalities and together looking for ways of implementing them sensibly.


ICT attributes for intelligent products and environments In the context of Ubiquitous Computing, Pervasive Computing and Ambient Intelligence, what requirements must ICT fulfil, in order to put intelligent products and environments into action? In a study commissioned by the TA-SWISS and conducted by many Swiss and German research institutes, the following ICT attributes were identified:

Attributes n

Miniaturization: ICT components are becoming smaller, capable of better performance, cheaper, more portable and therefore better capable of being used in a mobile setting.


Embedding: ICT components are being integrated in more and more everyday objects.


Networking: ICT components can increasingly exchange data among themselves – mostly wireless and often via the internet.


Context sensitivity: ICT components can increasingly perceive information about their environment by means of wireless data transfer or sensors.


Ubiquity: ICT is gaining a stronger presence by means of its embedding in intelligent products and environments.


Source: TA-SWISS


Ambient Mobility

Vision becomes reality Experts agree that intelligent products and environments will increasingly penetrate our society and economy. Modern ICTs display attributes and trends represent considerable potential for the specific development of context-aware applications. Today, however, our society is not yet shaped by intelligent products and environments. It is true that the miniaturisation and embedding of ICT components is well advanced – that is shown by the fact that around 98 percent of all programmable processors are already embedded in everyday objects such as household devices, vehicles and toys. But the epochal, qualitative quantum leap and "intelligence gain", which only occurs by means of the primarily internet-based networking of ICT components, has yet to happen. Only when things themselves network with each other we can speak of an intelligent environment. Therefore, an ubiquitous appearance of context-aware products or processes currently does not exist. Nevertheless, the vision of an ambient mobile everyday life is no utopia. It will become reality. We have already been using some intelligent products and automated processes for some time – e.g. ABS, airbags, heart pacemakers, mobile phones – without seeing ourselves as pioneers or trailblazers of a ubiquitous, ICT-pervasive society. If they offer an improvement in the quality of life – such as more comfort, more safety, more efficiency, more environmental protection – we are happy to use them. The fact that many of us are not aware of the process of development from the occasional use of intelligent products to a society influenced by intelligent environments is, on the one hand, due to the quality of the applications that have been put into practice. Just as Weiser suggested, little attention is paid to the (calming) technology that lies behind it. We are accustomed to the fact that objects and events around us have become "intelligent", without realising that the functionality of computers is at the root of it.


In addition, the development of ambient ICT systems on a larger scale is connected to a great increase in technical and social complexity. If you want to create comprehensive social applications that are more than individual isolated solutions you have to develop sensible scenarios, coordinate diverse technological systems and establish general technical standards. The delays in introducing the toll system are an example of the great challenges that exist in developing and establishing highly complex ambient ICT applications for a very broad environment – in this case, for use in the whole country. This is understood by many politicians. In order to accelerate the research, development and marketability of ambient ICT systems, they are specifically sponsored at EU, federal and regional levels. One central thematic focus of European and federal funding activities is currently the model “Ambient Assisted Living” (AAL). Since ambient ICT systems can support diverse daily and business processes, funding can be specifically directed to develop instruments to solve topics or problems concerning the future of our society. AAL focuses on the problem of demographic change and should support an independent and mobile life of the growing number of elderly people. Examples include reporting their vital signs to the doctor or carer, reporting emergencies, e.g. in the case of a fall, or creating living areas suitable for senior citizens. Hessen's model of Ambient Mobility is described in Chapter 4.


Ambient Mobility

1.2 Chances The growing penetration of ambient ICT systems into our everyday life further increases the relevance of information and communication technologies. More than half of the industrial production and more than 80 percent of the exports in Germany already depend on the employment of modern ICT. In individual high-tech sectors such as the automobile industry, logistics and medical engineering, more than 80 percent of the innovations is being driven by ICT. Naturally, as ICT-based intelligence is now also entering numerous common everyday objects and processes, the significance of ICT will increase even more significantly – that much is certain. In this early phase of the development and implementation of the new technologies it is difficult to estimate where exactly the new chances arise. Below we shall observe some core dimensions, which illustrate the opportunities more clearly. In the sense of a sustainable development, we take the ecological, economic and social aspects into consideration.


Ecological chances Ambient technologies can address ecological problem areas and can be used specifically to conserve non-regenerable resources and increase energy and material efficiency. In particular the so called secondary effects, such as ecological forms of intermodal transport, coordinated building management and energy-aware device networking – e.g. where the waste heat from the refrigerator heats the dishwasher water, and the oven transfers its superfluous heat to the washing machine – can make an effective contribution.

In brief n Avoidance of motorised traffic by means of telecommunication n Optimisation of transport and logistics processes n Increase in the productivity of energy and resources n Optimisation of value-adding processes n Dematerialisation (reduction in material and energy conversion

for the same amount of use) n Increase in ecological awareness in the markets and support for

an environmentally friendly product policy n Greater transparency of ecological product characteristics


Ambient Mobility

Economic chances "The broad application spectrum means that Ambient Mobility is a huge growth market. Particularly in Hessen, there are many institutes and companies that belong among the very best in the world." Prof. Dr. techn. Dieter W. Fellner, Fraunhofer IGD

Ambient ICT systems, as soon as they penetrate society, will revolutionise the economy. As well as strengthening the ICT sector as a key industry for innovation, they also provide great potential for all other branches of the economy. The multimedial processing and real-time communication of data, information and knowledge, as well as their ubiquitous networking, will further diminish the significance of the classical factors of production – work, capital and raw materials. The collation, concentration and control of information in real time enables a highly efficient management of the commercial processes, all of which support the processes of added value (planning, developing, procuring, manufacturing, delivering, maintaining, disposing). Registering the situation in which the customer finds himself enables custom-made products and services to be provided; registering his actual use of the products and services enables consumption-based, dynamic business models to be made. Experts predict that one billion electronically upgraded, networked objects will be available to one milliard people by 2013.

In brief n Strengthening of the ICT sector (networks, devices, applications) n Primacy of knowledge as a factor of production n Transformation to Real Time Enterprises (RTE)

by means of real time management n Optimisation of value-adding processes n Development of customer-orientated products and services n Development of use-based business and pricing models


Practical Example RFID building maintenance Process Fraport AG, the company that runs Frankfurt Airport, has around 440 commercial properties in its care. In accordance with legally prescribed maintenance work, which must be legally documented, its Facility Management has to check more than 70,000 objects, including around 22,000 fire dampers. By using RFID tags (transponders), which are attached to fire dampers, and tablet PCs, this maintenance can be carried out without media disruption: The mechanic loads the maintenance assignments from the stationary information system onto his tablet PC. At the fire damper, he activates the relevant assignment by entering his personal password and the RFID tag. After activation, he documents the maintenance / inspection that has been carried out and any faults that have been found. The mechanic ends his activities by swiping and entering data on the RFID tag. The activity, the date and the time of the operation is documented on the RFID tag as well as on the stationary maintenance system. Following the documentation, the data is compared with the central maintenance system via W-LAN / LAN. Before the continuous use of digital RFID, 88,000 assignment forms had to be filled out for the fire dampers every year. The costs of acquiring and operating the system (RFID tags, tablet PCs, server, W-LAN, care) are more than compensated by the large savings in process costs. Return on investment was achieved in 12 months. Now, Fraport AG also uses RFID-supported processes for the maintenance of fire doors, smoke extraction systems, smoke ventilators, lifts, conveyer terminals, drain smoke detectors, entering gate spaces, sanitary facilities, emergency escape route control and refuelling Fraport AG's vehicles.


Ambient Mobility

Social chances In the model Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), a field of ambient ICT systems research focuses on the demographic development of many western countries and its social implications. Diverse home-based assistance systems should enable elderly people to live as long and as independently as possible. Closely related are innovative options for a health and fitness monitoring and management system, conducted either personally or under medical observation. Marginalised groups such as the blind and the visually impaired can enjoy a more mobile and integrated life with the help of new orientation systems. The safety of children can be increased with the help of position indicators, and the combination of family and job, for example, can be improved by means of more flexible working models.

In brief n Support of elderly people for a long and independent life n Monitoring and management of health and fitness, incl. innovative

medical care, treatment and operation procedures n Navigation and integration of disabled and marginalised people n Positioning and search services for children and animals n Flexible, family-friendly working hours model to support a

work-life balance


The use of ambient technologies for the purpose of Ambient Assisted Living is very attractive not only from a social, but also from a financial point of view. TU Darmstadt calculated in 2006 that a reduction of only 1% of stationary care would produce a cost reduction of 47.12 million euro (the cost difference between stationary and home care is approximately 7,300 euro per patient per year, status: beginning 2007). In 2010 this would already amount to 53.40 million euro and in 2050 even to 106 million euro. Considerable savings could also be achieved by ambient support services such as automatic monitoring of bodily functions, treatment reminders or improvements in the provision of medication. According to the German Pharmacy Association, around 25% of all hospital stays can be attributed to incorrect medication, which leads to costs of around one billion euro per year.

1.3 Challenges On the way to a society that really benefits from ambient technologies many hurdles must be surmounted. This can be seen in the timing of the developments in this area. Mark Weiser's vision of Ubiquitous Computing was published 19 years ago. Its realisation, however, will take another few years. The reasons for this are manifold. While it is true that highly innovative ambient technologies have already been implemented in some enclosed units such as cars and houses in the last few years, applications in more complex environments with larger groups of users have further requirements. Only the dovetailing of different technologies on diverse levels will allow total functionality, which can be integrated as innovative added value into a product and passed on to the customer. Now that convincing individual ambient ICT solutions are already on the market, the challenge is to create a basis for the interoperability and interaction of systems, so that larger and more flexible systems can emerge. These highly complex systems in particular offer individuals attractive added value. For this reason, ambient mobility is an approach with consequences for the whole society.


Ambient Mobility

Ecological Challenges n

Dematerialisation The material and energy intensity of development, production and transport processes should be optimised by means of attractive intermodal transport options, among other things, and substituted, where necessary, by pure signal processing.


Intelligent transport infrastructures Ambient ICT systems for transport planning should already be considered in federal, regional and local construction planning.


Ecological ICT infrastructures and products The generation of long-term, energy efficient ICT infrastructures and products (Green IT) needs sustainable ecological awareness and marketing. Shortened product and usage cycles should be avoided.


Rebound effect The use of ubiquitous technologies should correspond with ecologically aware, energy-efficient consumer behaviour (stand-by etc.).


Disposal After use, many small components of electronic waste should be adequately utilised, so that no valuable raw material is lost and no pollutants damage the environment.


Economic Challenges n

Customer-orientated products and services New technologies make many things possible, which is why it is important for providers to recognise: What does the customer want, what are his interests and needs?


Basic standards Complex applications systems must be able to integrate complementary components of other companies, however, there are as yet no universally accepted technical standards.


Innovation dynamics Durable products (e.g. washing machines) and ambient ICT systems have a different innovation frequency, which raises equipment issues.


Innovative business and pricing models New situational offers and user-friendly payment methods create advantages for customers, but must first gain acceptance.


Ambient Mobility

Social Challenges n

Privacy, or informational self-determination Some ambient ICT systems are able to collect information that is associated with certain or ascertainable persons. This information affects the right to privacy or – to use the legal term in Germany – “informational self-determination”. They are therefore relevant to Article 2 Paragraph 1, together with Article 1 Paragraph 1 of the German constitution (“Grundgesetz”, GG) and Paragraph 1 of the German Federal Data Protection Law (“Bundesdatenschutzgesetz”, BDSG). These decree that people have the basic right to determine themselves how their personal data is to be divulged or used. On 16 May 2009, the Commission of the European Communities published a recommendation "on the implementation of privacy and data protection principles in applications supported by radio-frequency identification". Accordingly, the Commission will ensure that common guidelines for information security management in RFID applications will be established.


Physical self-determination Similar to the possibility of determining how personal information is handled, physical self-determination concerns the user's control over objects acting on his behalf. When these objects with embedded intelligence react to his presence, it can be a thin line between the desired use and the feeling of being dictated to and losing control. For example, the warning signal activated by sensors when the seatbelt is not fastened could be seen as an unwelcome compulsion to fasten the seatbelt in one's own interests, especially when the user has not chosen the alarm function and perhaps does not desire it in this particular situation.



User friendliness Ambient ICT systems should, on the one hand, provide somewhat invisible support, without burdening the user with situational information and overloading the atmosphere with technology. On the other hand, it should be easily and quickly possible to recognise and control the support provided. The option of turning off the system is also part of its user friendliness.

Legal / ethical challenges n

Data protection In the era of ambient technologies, data protection is more important than ever. Not only has the quantity of personal information increased considerably, acquired via ubiquitous data-generating devices and their network-based multiple use. The quality of the personal data, procured by means of closely meshed sensor networks, has also reached previously unknown dimensions. When intelligent products and services are technically capable of gathering and communicating information, the question must be raised as to what extent they may access, process and distribute personal data. Who may gather, use and exploit which data, and when? Who determines the interests and objectives of the intelligent assistants, the objectivity and accuracy of the data, the addressees and the means of sending these new media? Which political concentrations of power and economic monopolies are possible?


Ambient Mobility


New legal territory: Ambient scenarios Many regulatory and legal protective measures can also be used for ambient products and environments. In addition, ambient technologies also create new questions, which require binding regulations. What legal status do declarations of intent have, when they have been made by technical assistance systems on behalf of the user? Who is responsible for accidents caused by technically controlled vehicles? The computer scientist Ray Kurzweil predicts that the interaction between human and machine and vice versa will be so advanced by 2029, that microprocessors will be able to transmit sounds, images, smells and feelings into the brain, by means of a direct link. That this development demands ethical and legal consideration is illustrated by the following example: Researchers at the State University in New York implanted three electrodes, connected to a microprocessor, into the brains of rats. This made it possible for them to navigate the rats by remote control to places that they would normally have avoided. The adjustment or further development of the legal framework should particularly include matters of general access, inclusion, transparency and liability.


Data security Ambient security requires, with new processes and methods, self-organising security measures to be integrated in the entire software development process. Is there a need for legal action, considering these new security requirements for secure, trustworthy and reliable data traffic?


„Polluter pays“ principle The causes of damages that arise due to the effects of components of hardware, software and data in networks can be difficult to resolve, because the distributed systems are, mathematically and legally, very complex. If the increase in these systems leads to a growing number of damages caused by their large technical complexity, it would mean that a growing part of everyday life is removing itself from the "polluter pays" principle.


Technical Challenges

Technical Challenges Ambient ICT systems are complex. They comprise many aspects, which currently create certain challenges especially concerning their further development . These include:

Adaptivity The ability to adapt to situations is the central function and advantage of ambient ICT systems. The situation-based behaviour is carried out by means of actuators: devices or materials that convert electronic signals into mechanical movements or other physical units (e.g. pressure or temperature) and can thus carry out controllable actions from a distance. For example, some high-end vehicles are now fitted with over 100 electric motors. In networked houses switches/dimmers, shutters/blinds, sockets, thermostat (heating) and hydrostat regulators (room temperature), among others, can function as actuators. In logistics, actuators facilitate the selfmanagement of dynamic processes.

Augmented Reality (AR) The overlap between real-world views and virtual-world data creates new human-machine interfaces. For example, digital information can be projected in real time onto semitransparent data glasses and thus into the user's field of view, providing help in situations as varied as navigation, medicine, maintenance and production, as well as architecture and urban planning. In order to achieve this, the user's surroundings are captured on a miniaturised video camera. Position and orientation within the space are then determined, based on the video images ("tracking"), which means that the real world and the virtual world come together. Thanks to increasingly high-performance smartphones (e.g. Apple iPhone), augmented reality technologies can now be used on mobile systems. This makes these systems interesting for the consumer market (leisure, culture and tourism). Current challenges in the implementation of augmented reality technologies include the development of markerless tracking procedures, by which the position and orientation of the camera is determined in real time. 31

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Illustration 2: Augmented Reality for the tourism field, (Source: Fraunhofer IGD)

Illustration 3: Augmented Reality in the application scenario of the company Rittal, (Source: Fraunhofer IGD)


Technical Challenges

Biometrics Biometrics (from the Greek bios, life and metron, measurement) is the term for automated methods of recognising people based on their individual bodily and behavioural characteristics. Bodily characteristics (present from birth and unalterable) include: fingerprints, face, iris, hand and finger geometry, retina, and body odour; behavioural characteristics (acquired and alterable) include voice, signature, gait, gestures and facial expressions. Ambient ICT systems offer many person-specific applications that require the authentification by the user. Since intelligent products and environments should, where possible, recognise the presence of a particular person without active, complicated authentification – in Weiser's sense of calm technology –, biometric procedures represent an excellent method of identification for ambient ICT systems. Ideally, radio and infrared-supported procedures are suitable, but they still raise questions of security.

Connectivity The connection of ICT devices and ICT-supported objects via diverse networks is, in technical terms, the fundamental new quality of ambient ICT systems, but represents, at the same time, one of its most elemental challenges. Only widespread, common standards will enable the creation of dynamic and complex systems.



Ambient Mobility

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Steinmetz, ICT Representative of the State of Hessen

Hessen-IT: Ambient Mobility is characterised by certain attributes: Miniaturisation, embedding, context sensitivity, connectivity, ubiquity. How important is the connectivity of products and environments, in order for the vision to become reality?

Prof. Steinmetz: Personal mobility and mobile communication are trends that have become attainable for the masses in the last century. The next step will be that communicating devices penetrate our everyday life. Common objects will be linked by networks, technology will be integrated into the environment and will support people. The objective is to improve the quality of life. A barrier-free, seamless and flexible networking, e.g. also of everyday objects, is a basic requirement for this.



Hessen-IT: What is the current situation? Prof. Steinmetz: Although many connections have already been solved very well, we're still at the beginning. At this point we have the basic technologies and initial applications. These are, however, mostly still very specialised. The goal must be to open up wide areas of application. Which means that technology must develop according to concrete requirements.

Hessen-IT: Where do the technical challenges lie? Prof. Steinmetz: The areas of security, reliability and data protection are very important. These requirements should not only be focussed upon when problems occur, they should rather be considered from the very beginning. It is also important that the technical standards, which are presently still heterogeneous, are made compatible. The new solutions must be conceived in such a manner that they function in the long term, i.e. future components must be capable of being easily integrated.

Hessen-IT: When might these tasks be completed? Prof. Steinmetz: Communication networks such as the internet are still comparatively young and have been in the general consciousness for only 10–15 years – we expect that the technology will develop even further over the course of the coming decades, not least because of the dynamics of information and communication technologies. But that users no longer have to think about networks and connectivity, that is a vision which can become reality in the next 10–15 years.



Ambient Mobility

Hessen-IT: To what extent will ambient ICT systems be connected to the Internet of Things?

Prof. Steinmetz: The internet of the future – which we are also researching in my department in Darmstadt – is the core component of these systems. We need a capable medium of transmission in order to connect every system, at every time, in every place and wirelessly. Without the internet as a basis this is unthinkable.

Hessen-IT: Will the Internet of Things and ambient technologies change our everyday lives as much as today's internet has?

Prof. Steinmetz: Definitely, if not more so. Today, wide areas of everyday life are untouched, or only slightly touched, by the internet. But with the Internet of Things we shall be affected and confronted by it almost everywhere. Everyday devices such as the washing machine or the refrigerator will be connected to the internet and can be operated at any time and from any place. For the user, the exchange of information and communication must become easier and hardly noticeable, i.e. seamless. So much is possible that we can't yet imagine today – who could have predicted, 20 years ago, how much the internet would change the world? But it promises to be an exciting journey.


Technical Challenges

Geopositioning Ambient technologies are defined by the interaction with a spatial environment. Because either the geographic position of the user of an ambient ICT system or the position of one of its components is often significant, the geographic determination of the position is very important for intelligent products and environments. Location Based Services, as the name suggests, form the basis for localising the user, which makes it possible to tailor offers to his environment. Car2X interaction is also based on geopositioning. When a vehicle sends a report via radio to receivers in the area about a possible danger, this contains a precise location reference, which is determined by a satellite navigation system such as GPS or Galileo. Challenges are posed by indoor positioning, outdoor positioning to the nearest centimetre, and indoor / outdoor positioning transitions.

How does a satellite navigation system work? The satellites transmit a signal to earth with an exact, synchronised time. Receivers get these signals and determine the distance to the relevant satellite by measuring the delay. To determine a location, the time signal from at least four satellites is needed. The exactness of the location determination depends on the exactness of the time sent. Galileo will probably have an accuracy of one centimetre. For this reason, satellites are being fitted with atomic clocks, which only allow a deviation of one nanosecond per day. In order for Galileo to be able to determine a position anywhere in the world, 30 satellites – of which three are only substitutes – will encircle the Earth at a height of 23,600 kilometres.


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Human control The ubiquity of computers in products and environments requires that they can be controlled at all times and that they operate more or less automatically. At present, we use computers by means of special input and output devices that mostly demand much of our attention. This makes them unsuitable for everyday ambient situations. The vision of ambient ICT systems as invisible assistants ultimately leads to a control without interactive devices and without the complicated interaction of the user. As an interface, therefore, controlling by means of speech, gestures and via touchscreens, for example, are possibilities. Mobile and stationary devices will supplement them in many forms as visible assistants, such as in textile pockets and jackets with built-in electronics, data gloves, head mounted displays, virtual retinal displays, Bluetooth microphones and headphones, devices on the fingertips for entering information (fingermouse) and many other things. Ambient Mobility components will no longer be controlled centrally at a stationary PC, but rather via networks of computer nodes, which process commands and pass them on to those devices that can implement them best. In many cases, the user will not have to concern himself with the control structure of the device, but rather simply name an objective (e.g. calling out "brighter!"), which the device interprets and implements. This requires an analysis of the situation (e.g. the questions: Is it day or night time? How are the lamps and blinds set up?), of the possibilities (how can the brightness of the room be increased?) and, if necessary, the special wishes of the user (in cases where certain brightness and lighting methods are preferred). Particularly for person-based services, it should be possible to change the support offered and even to do without it, i.e. to easily turn on and off the recognising, registering and adaptive functions of intelligent systems.


Technical Challenges

Physical World Things Mobile Device

Advertisement Poster

Public Display

Smart Environments

Electronic devices

Mobile Phone

Human – Computer Interaction

Machine – Machine Interaction Smartphone

People Mobile Device

User Interaction

User PDA

Places Mobile Service


Illustration 4: Human control with and without mobile devices (Source: after Rukzio,


Technical Challenges

Ambient Mobility

New materials As innovative carriers of sensors, chips and actuators, or of input or output devices, new materials offer great opportunities for the ubiquitous distribution of computers in everyday life. Smart materials such as polymers can perform both sensory functions (e.g. the collection and localisation of physical demands such as that of an aircraft wing, see Transport p. 101) as well as actuatory functions (e.g. creating a movement or distortion by means of electric control). Printable polymers should reduce the unit costs of RFID chips. Flexible displays present the concept of electronic paper and electronic ink. Printing organic (OLED) or polymer light-emitting diodes (PLED) not only reduces costs in comparison with traditional display methods, but also allows diverse everyday objects such as clothing or other personal accessories to be used as display surfaces.

Practical Example NanoPEP Project TU Darmstadt, BASF SE and Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, the partners of the top cluster "Forum Organic Electronics", which is sponsored by BMBF, want to revolutionise printing technology with nanoparticle functional material and innovative printing practices. In the NanoPEP project – Nanostructuring and Polymer Electronic Printing – they, along with the TU Darmstadt Institute of Printing Science and Technology, plan to present their first printed results within three years. Printed electronics can be used for so-called smart labels, i.e. tags fitted with sensors. With these transponders, printed on film together with antennas, temperature and humidity, for example, can be measured, which is important for the transport and storage of goods.


Technical Challenges

Perception of the situation The fact that ambient ICT systems can perceive and process person-based and situation-based contexts is a considerable novelty compared to current ICT. Sensors not only measure certain parameters of their environment, which are then compared with reference values and lead to adaptive reactions. The perception of the identity, the activity, the needs profile and the condition of the user is also mostly required, in order to support him adequately, in accordance with the situation. Many further aspects of context awareness also come with the self-perception of objects, in other words the recognition of an object's own status, actions and options for action, as well as the understanding of data, particularly documents.

Personal assistance The desire, in spite of the ubiquity of computers and the number of ambient options, for personal relief, leads to the concept of the software agent. These are programmes to which the user can delegate decisions. Software agents should know the wishes and preferences of the user and can carry out predefined tasks quite independently. They should be able to react to changes in the open and dynamic environment, proactively carry out actions and communicate with other agents or users via the internet. Software agents currently raise questions about security, data protection and responsibility. For example, in which situation may or should the software agent divulge personal data, and which personal data, and who carries responsibility for actions and decisions that have been "delegated" to technical systems?

Reliability A central requirement and challenge of ambient ICT systems is IT security. It is closely connected to central requirements such as data protection and the protection of privacy, but also to the reliability and trustworthiness of the systems, as well as questions of liability. For many reasons, current security approaches for ambient ICT systems are insufficient: The increase in networked devices expands the number of objects to be protected and possible weak points. The extent of potential damage also increases, 41

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Ambient Mobility

because the damage can spread in a short amount of time and affect many systems. The mobile use of devices outside of trustworthy working contexts enables attacks, which can infiltrate company systems with malicious software. In addition, networking also leads to a higher risk of attack.

Ambient Mobility offers many advantages to private people and to companies. But the technologies developed for this, and partly in use already, also carry quite considerable security risks. For this reason, security requirements, which in the case of Ambient Mobility not only concern data security but increasingly also the protection of life, should be considered from the very beginning in the development of new technologies. Ambient Mobility requires new technical solutions, in order to guarantee Ambient Security. Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert, Fraunhofer SIT, CASED

Aside from questions of its abuse, trust is also required in the regular use of ambient data. According to the principles of informational self-determination, it must be (a) transparent to the user, when and by whom which personal data has been gathered, stored and used, and (b) he must have the possibility to determine how his personal data should be divulged and used.

Robotics In the development of industrial robots in the 1960s, a robot (Slavic robota, work, drudgery) was a mechanical figure that relieved humans of mindless and physically demanding factory work. Today, thanks to the rapid growth in the performance of computers, engines and sensors, robots consist of many different sensory systems, with which the robot perceives the environment and its own condition, and it has many onboard computing capacities to evaluate and interpret sensory data and calculate behaviour. By activating driving elements, they can be used for the specific movement on wheels or legs, or for the manipulation of objects with many-jointed arms and hands. In this manner, mobile robots can orientate themselves in a changing environment and can carry out complex tasks autonomously, or semi-autonomously in cooperation with humans. 42

Technical Challenges

For ambient technologies, a task-orientated, spatial and time-based interaction with the physical world is only possible with robots. In contrast to sensory networks or virtual agents, robots can – as material agents, in a sense – move in the real world and can carry out specific spatiotemporal actions with limbs such as arms, hands and legs. Within the framework of research funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for "age-appropriate assistance systems for a healthy and independent life", particularly of the elderly (AAL), tests are being carried out to see if robots are suitable electronic assistants, which could reduce costs in the healthcare sector. Bill Gates thinks that precisely this future use is a probability in his widely received article "A robot in every home. The leader of the PC revolution predicts that the next hot field will be robotics" (Scientific American, 2007). As well as known forms of use in industry, environmental observation, operating rooms, military and rescue services, robots could increasingly take on functions in the public and private sector. Broadband systems enable additional calculations for robot control to be taken on by stationary PCs in the home. This means that robots can be built smaller, lighter and more cost effectively. Experts at the TU Darmstadt have adopted this argument and adapted it further. As far as they are concerned, there should be: "A robot in every room".

"Robot football is an ideal scenario for developing the basic technologies for future networked autonomous robot systems. The complexity of autonomous behaviour control in a footballplaying, humanoid robot is about ten times that of an autonomous car in the DARPA Urban Challenge.“ Prof. Dr. Oskar von Stryk, TU Darmstadt


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Ambient Mobility

Practical Example Darmstadt Dribblers Demonstrator The humanoid – i.e. based on human appearance – robots "Darmstadt Dribblers", a team of autonomous, football-playing humanoid robots, represent a spectacular development. With a score of 78:3 goals, the Dribblers, developed entirely at the TU Darmstadt, comfortably won the largest international robot competition in the world, the RoboCup 2009. 22 teams, each with autonomous humanoid robots ranging from three to 60 centimetres, played football against each other in the Humanoid KidSize League. The robots Bruno, Luise and Isra are highly context-aware and display exceptional reactions: Due to their perception of their environment and themselves they autonomously create a model that encompasses their own position, those of other players and the ball. Based on this perception, they can control their movements independently, with fast reactions and great precision. Via W-LAN only a communication between the robots is permitted for example to inform a team mate of the ball's position.


Technical Challenges

Practical Example Quadrocopter Demonstrator In September 2009, the team of the Institute for Flight Systems and Control Technology (FSR) at the TU Darmstadt won the first place in a flying competition in the category "Outdoor Autonomy" at the European Micro Air Vehicle Conference (EMAV09) with its small autonomous flying device “Quadrocopter”. A Quadrocopter (from the Latin quadrum, square) is an aircraft with four rotors or propellors pointing downwards, which are arranged vertically on one level. All components of the flight robot's system were developed and tested by the FSR itself in the last three years. The possible applications of small autonomous drones are numerous. Authorities and civil protection agencies are already interested in the new technology and are testing its use in the case of emergencies. With the help of the drone, pictures and videos can be recorded quickly from different positions, and made available to rescue operations centres, or escaping contaminants can be located by sensors. Other applications can be found in the areas of environmental, building and traffic surveillance. The tasks to be fulfilled in the competition included autonomously starting and landing, finding a simulated traffic accident in a search area of approximately 20 hectares, precisely dropping a small ball while in flight, touching a small balloon and flying through an archway. In the framework of a graduation college of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the aircraft will be used in future to demonstrate research results in the area of the cooperative control of heterogeneous robot systems and as a carrier platform for networked sensors.


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Ambient Mobility

Semantics Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of the World Wide Web (WWW), suggested expanding the Web with a semantic dimension to a so-called "Semantic Web". Computers or machine-readable information should be supplemented by metadata that describes the semantics (meaning) of the web content. The ability of computers to understand provides ambient ICT systems considerable potential for recognising situations and developing autonomous learning and behavioural patterns.

Sensor technology Sensors (Latin sensus, feeling) record measurements – such as distances, movement, electromagnetic fields, pressure, speed, humidity, position, temperature – and convert them, mostly into electric signals. In ambient ICT systems they allow, as "electronic sensory organs" the collection and distribution of context data (see Perception of a Situation, p. 41). Sensors are becoming more finely resolved, cheaper, smaller and more energy saving. In 2008, smart mini-sensors received the German Federal President's Future Prize. They are only three thousandth of a millimetre in size, cost only a few euros and make mobile phones, for example, more intelligent and intuitive to use. If a mobile phone is lying face-down on the table, for example, it turns of the ring tone. Turn the mobile phone, and the sensor switches from a vertical to a horizontal display format. In laptops, for example, sensors can recognise when the device is falling, and can protect the hard drive from data loss before it hits the ground. The performance and miniaturisation of individual sensors, and the fusion between different kinds of sensor, mean that sensors' perceptive abilities are already far greater than those of humans. Sensors can be integrated in devices and objects, as well as in sensor networks, spatially distributed and connected by W-LAN. The latter allow a new form of decentralised surveillance of many data, which can be used in applications concerning production, logistics, environmental analysis and in assisted living (see Buildings and Living, p. 79; Health, p. 85).


Technical Challenges

Illustration 5: Heat sensors communicate with each other about a critical situation (3 sensors left) in a large forest area by means of small antennas. Source: Siemens press image

Standardisation While the Internet of Things has been under discussion for a number of years, it has until now rarely been implemented due to the incompatibility of standards and due to a lack of security. There are no comprehensive system standards that can secure the cooperation of different manufacturers' products. Individual solutions cannot, or can only with considerable effort, be transformed into general solutions, because data exchange formats and protocols are incompatible with each other and the components of one application cannot be easily used with another. For this reason components must not only be paid for and installed several times. Furthermore, any changes, expansion or combination can often only be carried out by a systems specialist, which can make the development of a general solution unacceptably expensive.


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Practical Examples Researchers at the "KOM – Multimedia Communications Lab" at the TU Darmstadt have therefore installed an innovative testbed, unique world-wide, which overcomes the heterogeneity of different sensor, communication and computing standards. On the TWINS.KOM platform (testbed for a wireless network of sensors, see Illustration 6), sensors with different performance characteristics can be combined with each other. They are able to latch on to different areas independently and to communicate with each other. Since the sensors are linked to data memories, the networks also have learning capabilities.

Illustration 6: TWINS.KOM – Testbed for a wireless network of sensors Source: TU Darmstadt

The Fraunhofer Alliance Ambient Assisted Living, which is coordinated at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD), is also advancing the process of standardisation. The alliance is engaged in developing AAL products and services that can be made to suit the individual needs of the user (lifestyle and illness progression). Accordingly, it has developed a flexible, modular and expandable AAL platform and has formulated action strategies for the dissemination of standards in the market.


Technical Challenges

UniversAAL Project: In the framework of the AAL project, which is being sponsored by the European Union with 15.3 million euros, an open source platform will be developed, which will strive for standardisation in a number of stages. The essence of eight of the largest middleware platforms such as AMIGO, SOPRANO, PERSONA will, with the help of industry (PHILIPS, IBM, Ericsson) be pooled and united into an Ambient Assisted Living reference platform. The Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt is leading the technological project work in the architectural specification of the platform and the intelligent middleware. By means of calls for proposals with prize money, it is planned to motivate scientists from all over the world working on the development of plug-ins to initiate the dissemination of the platform. Experts will be invited to workshops, in order to quickly recognise deficits and improve the platform.

User friendliness Intelligent products and environments will only generate interest and circulation when they are designed to be user friendly. Perceived personal benefit encompasses aspects such as a high work output, high social status, better information and interaction possibilities, as well as fun and recreational experiences. Attractive pricing and payment methods are also important aspects, as are reliability and ease of use. The systems should be capable of being used efficiently, effectively and comfortably. They should have intuitive and ergonomic user interfaces and a high level of interoperability between device, network and software, which allows flexible, integrated solutions and needs little attention in the sense of calm computing.





Information and communication technologies (ICT) already play a large role in everyday life. Currently, they mostly consist of three components: applications that provide software- and data-based services, data networks that transport data, and devices that ultimately carry and show these applications. What is special about ambient technologies is that, with them, people and objects can now also adopt the functions of so-called devices and thus supplement existing classical devices. This not only technically revolutionises the world of medial information and interaction, it will also greatly increase their spread.

2.1 The ambient ICT system Context-aware information and communications systems – in short, ambient ICT systems – are currently available in a considerably number and variety. Accordingly, the precise manner of their composition and cooperation is also very varied. Some characteristics of ambient ICT systems, however, can be identified. These are explained below, in order to provide a better understanding.


a Functions Existing applications and proposed scenarios in the area of intelligent environments suggest the following technical functions or tasks as minimum requirements for ambient ICT systems:

1. Ubiquity The computer supports at every time in every place.

2. User-friendly operation The interfaces between humans and computers are simple and allow an interaction that does not require much attention.

3. Situation-based services The system adapts itself automatically to the situation and reacts in the desired manner.

4. Automation The system can independently carry out repeating and standardised procedures without having to interact anew with the user.

b Elements Ambient ICT systems consist of the following elements:

1. Sensor(s) 2. Infrastructure for the transport of data 3. Computers and distributed embedded systems, which can process data and make decisions. The decision logarithm should be adaptive, i.e. it can adapt to the situation.

4. Data storage, which is accessed 5. External data source and/or external service (optional) 6. Actuator(s) to carry out an action or an effect (optional)



The four non-optional elements must belong to an ambient ICT system, as this is the only way the context-aware functions mentioned above can be rendered. However, the actual structure of ambient ICT systems usually exceeds these constitutive elements. For example, many sensors – partly even different types of sensors – are often integrated in ambient ICT systems, in order to better register a situation. Depending on the kind of situation, sensors can then ascertain parameters such as speed, lighting, temperature, humidity and many other things.



The characteristics and functions of ambient ICT systems are ultimately dependent on the cooperation of their elements and their interaction with the environment. As a model, the organisation of an ambient ICT system can be shown as follows:


Identification/ Sensor technology


External Databases and Services

Adaptive Decision (KI)

Local Local or Internet Data Warehouse (Internal)

Illustration 7: Organisation of an ambient ICT system (Source: Fabian/Hansen,


How does an ambient ICT system work? Information about a person or an object in the environment of the system is received by one or more sensors. The data is then sent to a computer element. After an interaction with an external (e.g. internet) and/or internal data source, a decision will be made on how the system should behave, depending on the configuration. This is then communicated to one or more elements, which then convert the decision into a particular service or behaviour.

Ambient ICT systems can be either open or closed systems. The latter are "all in one" solutions. Dynamics play a part in open systems, in other words the ability of the network to adapt flexibly to changes. This is required when devices are added or removed, or also when precisely those distributed elements that are needed and have the necessary free capacity are networked ad hoc to a system for the duration of a particular service provision. In addition to ad hoc networks (see p. 65), location-based services and RFID systems can also be seen as prototypes of ambient ICT systems. n

Location-based Services (LBS) use data based on place, time or people in order to provide the user with individually tailored services and information.



Practical Example Green Mobility Project The Hessian Telemedia Technology Competence Centre (httc e.V.) at TU Darmstadt is, among others, a participant in the flagship programme for the research and development of the internet of services, THESEUS, initiated by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). In the framework of the project "Green Mobility – mobile access to new, location-based services", httc and its partners want to develop a platform for location-based services (LBS) on mobile devices such as mobile phones.


RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) enables the identification and localisation across short distances of living things and objects that are fitted with a so-called "transponder" or "tag". RFID is interesting for the development of ambient ICT systems and the Internet of Things because, firstly, RFID transponders are a cheap solution for computer processors that are capable of interaction. Secondly, RFID can be combined with other technologies, such as sensory technology. This means, for example, that data on the condition of a product, such as its temperature and vibration, can be recorded and transmitted via RFID – i.e. without having to open the packaging or look at it. If RFID and sensors are combined with GPS satellite navigation, it is possible to log data without interruption and to pass it on to a customer, for example. Within the framework of the ADiWa project, researchers from the TU Darmstadt are currently developing technologies with which data can also be controlled by the customer at a central point while in transport, i.e. in real time (see page 58).


Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) n Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is the use of electromagne-

tic waves or electromagnetic near field communication in the radio band range of the frequency spectrum for the communication from or to an RFID tag with the help of different modulation or coding techniques, or only for the selection of an RFID tag identification or other data stored therein. n An RFID application is an application that processes data by

means of RFID tags and readers and which is supported by a back-end system or a networked communication infrastructure. n An RFID tag or RFID transponder is either an RFID reader that is

capable of creating a radio signal, or an RFID reader that feeds back, scatters back or reflects (depending on the type of device) and modulates carrier signals received from a reading or writing device. n An RFID reading or RFID writing device is a fixed or mobile

device for collecting and identifying data, which stimulates or causes an answer from one or more RFID tags in the form of modulated data, by means of electromagnetic waves or electromagnetic near field communication in the radio frequency spectrum. Source: EU Declaration K(2009) 3200, translated into English



Radio interface

RF-module Transponder chip

Control module

Transponder antenna Reader antenna Reader chip


Electricity supply

Control of communication, analysis and data processing

Illustration 8: Organisation of an RFID system



How does an RFID system work? Living things or objects are fitted with a transponder, otherwise known simply as a "tag". This is a combined radio transmitter and receiver that can store information on a microchip and send it to a base station. The base station consists of a reader and an antenna, from which radio waves are emitted. When the transponder is within range of the electromagnetic field, it transmits its stored information to the base station as an answer, which is then recorded by the reader (see the example of an RFID-supported building maintenance on p. 23). A transponder cannot only be read, but can also be written upon: it can, for example, carry target information. The fact that objects with RFID can recognise not only their own location but also their target location makes them very interesting for logistic processes.

Internet of Things At a national IT summit, the "Internet of Things" was identified as the next big developmental step in the history of the modern society. What is meant is the interaction of intelligent objects with other intelligent objects and/or with computer systems via internet technologies. It is called the "Internet of Things" because things interact with each other via the internet – in the case of RFID, for example, a milk carton that includes a transponder interacts with a shelf that includes a base station. With the established internet – sometimes referred to in contrast as the "Internet of Information" – information searches independently in telecommunications networks for a path to its goal, and this is also how data in the Internet of Things find their transport path, by means of internet-supported intelligent products and environments. Things interact with each other, exchange information, learn how to think and react independently in the sense of people or objects via the internet and wireless. Illustration 9 shows in a simplified manner how an RFID tag, fitted on a milk carton in a supermarket, is analysed via the internet.


How does the Internet of Things work? In the Internet of Things, the product and logistic data of objects are not stored on a transponder, but are found on distributed networked database systems. If the electronic product code (e.g. EPC) stored on the tag of an object, such as a milk carton, is read, the request is sent via special software (middleware) to the so-called object naming service (ONS) root node (step 1). This delegates the request to the ONS node of the EPC manager, i.e. to the company that produced the milk carton or the milk (step 2). They then send the internet address of the required information service (EPCIS) that could contain the product data, back to the point of request (step 3), so that the product and logistic data of the scanned EPC can be retrieved there (step 4).


Producer EPC-manager Supermarket ONSserver Milk

EPC Object with RFID-tag


Software Product databases, EPCIS

Illustration 9: Example of a query procedure in the Internet of Things (BMWi 2009)

Note: The construction of an RFID system, e.g. for internal process control, also works without an EPC. All necessary RFID components (transponders, interfaces, readers etc.) are standardised according to DIN or ISO norms, so that reliable, interoperable systems can be run, without having to pay for a license. For an EPC license costs are charged.



Practical Example ADiWA Project – Allianz Digitaler Warenfluss (Alliance for digital goods flow) From 01.01.2009 to 31.12.2011, the leading German logistics project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which is funded with 17.7 million euros and operating under the coordination of the SAP Research Centre, CEC Darmstadt, is creating the path from the Internet of Things to intelligent business processes. Together with the Fraunhofer SIT, the INI-GraphicsNet Foundation, Software AG, TU Darmstadt and others, ADiWa is aiming for the design of intelligent, adaptive business processes that react to incidents brought about by the Internet of Things. In order to develop these complex software logistics, typical logistics scenarios are analysed, as are goods flows in industrial parks. Ultimately, it should be possible to visualise the intelligent processes in a practical form for the area of logistics. An open architecture with event-based information processing and service-orientated architecture should provide small and medium-sized businesses with the opportunity to offer complementary components and solutions.




Two structural approaches of ambient ICT systems can be defined according to the networking of the components and particularly the distribution of the sensors: n

Sensor network approaches are defined by a number of sensors, sometimes spread far apart from each other, so that larger geographic spaces or environments can be registered, observed and controlled more easily and precisely. Sensor networks can, for example, be used practically to detect and combat forest fires, to monitor free-roaming animals and to optimise storeroom, shelf or building management.


Device-based approaches or intelligent things integrate the components of an ambient ICT system, including sensors, into or onto an object, so that an independent intelligence is embedded. When it is networked, it can still be controlled externally. Intelligent vehicles, household devices and clothing are well-known examples.

2.2 Devices The ubiquity or pervasion of ambient ICT systems occur due to their embedding in the many classical ICT devices of everyday use. Implants in the bodies of people and animals are also possible. These objects or implants, i.e. devices, on the one hand carry the embedded ICT systems, on the other hand form the contact – in technical terms: the interface – with the operating person or object. The integration of ambient intelligence into the device or object transforms it into an ambient ICT system, which is itself an embedded system.



What is an embedded system? Embedded systems consist of context-related combinations of hardware and software components. Their function is to control, regulate or oversee a system. They process information that has been received by the system via sensors, and they control the actuators. Whereas a normal computer can carry out different tasks, depending on the applied software, an embedded system is always active in a predefined manner. Accordingly, embedded ambient ICT systems, for example, are orientated towards context-aware behaviour. Most computers built today are so-called micro controllers in embedded systems.

Mobile ICT devices Mobile phones, smart phones, notebooks and netbooks, navigation systems and other mobile ICT devices are widespread, and on the increase. Much has happened since the first mobile telephone call was made at the German Transport Exhibition on 20 June 1953. The first standard mobile telephone model served as a car phone and, in the 1950s, consisted of a receiving and transmitting instrument that weighed 16 kilograms, among other things. Nowadays, mobile phones weigh between 60 and 150 grams and have become high-performance mobile computers, with which one can also make a telephone call. More and more Europeans use their mobile phones as multifunctional devices to send text messages, take photographs, listen to music, manage appointments and contacts, to e-mail and surf the internet – only one in six mobile phone owners use their device solely for telephone calls.

ICT-supported objects In addition, computers, sensors and actuators are being embedded in more and more everyday objects – this is precisely where the qualitative novelty and the immense quantitative potential of ambient technologies lie. They are often referred to as „intelligent“ or "smart", e.g. smart traffic light, smart house or smart paper.


Caution: "Smart" objects are not always ambient ICT systems. For example, many smart materials are adapted without the use of ICT. The English language distinguishes between "smart" and "intelligent". Correspondingly, some experts find that "smart" is a more suitable term for the objects concerned, because they have the ability to adapt to situations, but do not have their own form of intelligence. In the sense of a broad and abstract understanding of intelligence, it has been decided to mostly use the latter in this brochure.

An overview of ambient system devices Devices of ambient ICT systems can be classified as follows:

Ambient Carrying Systems

attached (to human)


mobile device









smart item

smart badge

body sensor

smart tag

Internet appliance

smart environment

sensor network

Illustration 10: Taxonomy of ambient ICT systems (Source: Mühlhäuser 2008)



Devices attached In terms of devices that are worn by humans, they can be divided into (a) those that are carried, (b) those worn and (c) implanted devices.


Devices carried: Firstly, these include mobile or portable computers, from the laptop, netbook, the so-called Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) right down to the mobile telephone. Secondly, smart badges or smart labels also belong to this category, which identify, authenticate and authorise persons, and can carry out other services where necessary. And thirdly, there are the bodily sensors, which are playing an ever greater role, particularly in the areas of health and fitness.


Devices worn: These are often called wearables and range from specific pieces of clothing and accessories incorporating computers (e.g. pullovers and display glasses) to prototypes that have developed from standard components (PDA in a holster with headset).


Devices implanted: Although the possibilities of innovative implanted RFID tags and networked medicinal implants have received much attention, they are not very widespread for reasons of health, privacy and addiction. The application as a heart pacemaker has, however, become a medical standard. In addition, many dogs carry implanted ID tags, in order to easily identify and locate them.


Devices encountered In terms of devices encountered that humans find in their vicinity, these can be divided into (a) smart items and (b) smart environments.


Smart items: These are physical objects that have been supplemented by computers. They are also known as smart objects, and as smart products – such as in advanced application developments, which communicate proactively with the user. Furthermore, there are also smart tags, networked sensors nodes and networked, internet or smart appliances. Smart tags are a simple version. If they are installed in a physical object, a remote computer can take over functions that an embedded computer would otherwise do. In this way, even the cheapest object can become an ambient system. Networked sensor nodes are smart items, in which a number of networked sensors are integrated in an application. In contrast to common sensors, these are connected to microprocessors and micro operating systems, among other things. Networked appliances are perceived by the user more as objects (machines, furniture, etc.), than as computers.


Smart environments: They describe the environment of smart things and include their computational and communication capabilities, which merges the smart item into a sensible whole.



2.3 Networks The fact that people and objects are comprehensively networked with each other via ambient ICT systems is a central characteristic of Ambient Mobility. Therefore, telecommunication networks, as infrastructure of data flow, have a fundamental function. In ambient technologies, the transmission of all data, all information and all knowledge takes place on the basis of both fixed-line and wireless communication networks. And even within a single ambient service, the entire spectrum of communications infrastructure could, in principle, be involved: from satellite-supported networks via fixed and mobile radio networks to close-range wireless networks. Even in the age of Ambient Mobility a large proportion of data traffic will still be transported in the coming decades at least in part via fixed networks. This is because, in the continuing search for more high-performance networks, metal cable and fibreglass often offer a good cost-benefit ratio, e.g. beyond rural areas – additionally, mobile radio networks consist to a great degree of fixed-line communication networks. Radio technologies are particularly interesting here, of course, because they enable the mobile sending and receiving of data. Ambient Mobility is implemented on the one hand by means of traditional mobile radio networks, on the other hand via the self-organising networking of mobile wireless systems in sensor networks, ad hoc networks and mesh networks: n

A sensor network is a spatially distributed network of so-called sensor nodes. A sensor node is a microcomputer that, by means of one or more sensors, registers its environment, processes it with a processor and transmits it to neighbouring sensors (or a central unit) by radio. Sensor nodes are connected to each other in an infrastructure-based network (with one or many base stations) or in a self-organising ad hoc network.



An ad hoc network (lat. ad hoc, "for this purpose") is a radio network between two or more mobile devices without a fixed infrastructure.


A mesh or meshed network is a radio or fixed network, in which every network node is connected with one or many others. The mesh net is also known as a "Mobile Ad Hoc Network" (MANet), because it constructs and configures itself. Data flow from node to node until they reach their goal.

Depending on the range that is spanned by a radio network, four types of network can be distinguished: n

BAN or W-BAN (Body Area Network) Networking of components that are carried on or in the body (wearables or implants), via radio or the conductivity of the body, range: 1 metre


PAN or W-PAN (Personal Area Network) Networking of portable devices or objects, range: 10 metres


LAN or W-LAN (Local Area Network) Networking in office buildings, residential buildings or hot spots, the latter for public access in places such as airports, hotels, guest houses, restaurants, range: up to a couple of hundred metres


WAN (Wide Area Networks) bzw. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) Networking of mobile networks primarily, range: up to a couple of thousand metres

The following overview shows some wire- and radio-based transmission technologies in relation to their typical range and the types of network.



Satellites Pan-European fibre-optic network GSM, GPRS, UMTS W-LAN outdoor (< 1–20km) UMTS cell (< 8 km) Building cabling and W-LAN indoor DVBT (40–100m) Bluetooth (1–100m) Textiles (approx. 1.5m) RFID (ca. 1m) Range:

1 m

10 m

100 m

1 km

10 km

100 km

1000 10000 km km

Illustration 11: Transmission techniques and typical ranges (Source: in part TA-SWISS)

Radio transmission – a selection RFID Radio Frequency Identification enables the contactless storage and reading of data. The data is stored on a so-called RFID tag, which can be attached to almost anything. RFID tags can, depending on the type, be read from distances of between a couple of centimetres up to 100 metres. Active tags have their own energy supply, while passive tags take their energy from the electrical field of a reading device, the so-called Reader. Read-only tags can only be read once they have been inscribed by the manufacturer, while Read-write tags are rewriteable and therefore more flexible, but also more expensive. RFID enables the identification and localisation of people and objects.


ZigBee The ZigBee specification is conceived particularly for low data rates and low power usage and can be seen as a special, semi-active alternative for sensors and control functions e.g. in home automation.

Bluetooth Bluetooth is a standard for a wireless exchange of data over short distances, with a range of between 10 and 100 metres, depending on the version. An even greater range can be achieved by means of directional antennas. Bluetooth is often used to connect devices such as printers, mobile phones, scanners etc. to each other without cable.

W-LAN The Wireless Local Area Network allows the connection of devices and is often used to connect mobile devices to the internet and in the construction of ad hoc networks. In order to secure an interception-proof connection, suitable VPN solutions, such as those used in company networks, are available. In addition it is possible to use WPA2.

WiMAX WiMAX is the term for wireless Wide Area Networks, or Wireless Metropolitan Area Network standards. This technology is not yet very widespread around the world.

GSM The Global System for Mobile Communication is used worldwide by more than 4 milliard people, particularly for mobile voice communication.

UMTS The Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) standard is laid out for broadband data connection. Broadband technologies that are based on UMTS include HSDPA (mid-2009 up to 7.2 Mbit/s, although further increases have already been tested).



Transmission technologies – continued Satellites Satellite-supported transmission systems, such as the American Global Positioning System GPS, the future European system GALILEO and the Russian Global Navigation Satellite System GLONASS, enable the positioning of people and objects with an accuracy of under 10 metres. Because GPS is also used for military purposes, the positioning accuracy is considerably worse. However, if additional signals from other receivers, whose exact position is known, are also evaluated, accuracies even to the extent of millimetres can be established. In order to receive satellite signals, there must be a clear line of sight between the antenna and the satellite. Further transmission forms include optical technologies (barcode, infrared, laser), acoustic and others – for example, the electronic characteristics of the human body can be used to process signals when two people shake hands. Source: in part

In ambient ICT systems, network types and technologies can form a complex net. An example of the complexity of data flow and storage is shown in Illustration 12.


GPS/ Galileo

Remote Services

Internet Mobile radio

Remote Services MAN

Local Infrastructures Local Services


Sensor networks



Sensor networks

PAN Ad hoc Networks MAN: Metropolitan Network LAN: Local Area Network PAN: Personal Area Network BAN: Body Area Network Databases



Ad hoc Networks

Mobile Entities



Illustration 12: Data flows and storage in a complex ambient ICT system (Source: Fabian/Hansen, Mobile Entities (people, animals, vehicles or machines) carry a narrow Body Area Network (BAN) on their bodies. They are also surrounded by a somewhat broader Personal Area Network (PAN). Most personal devices in the BANs and PANs store user data and profiles. They contain sensors and possibly also actuators, which can be operated from a distance. BAN and PAN devices of different entities can form ad hoc networks with each other, BAN and PAN devices can exchange data with the local infrastructure (both black arrows) or can be registered, identified and localised with the help of sensor networks, e.g. optical or via RFID (white arrows). By means of GPS or other localisation systems, the entities can determine their own current position. Depending on the infrastructure in range, the entities can access the internet via LAN or mobile radio and can, in principle, be reached in this manner at a fixed IPv6 address. Remote services can also be accessed in the internet. And vice versa: Remote service providers can use the different means of connection to access LAN, BAN and PAN on the relevant local devices, thus enabling remote data storage on many different global servers.



Currently, the internet is one network among many – but its significance will surely increase ever further. The sixth generation of internet protocol, IPv6, will surely play a fundamental role as a network protocol for ambient ICT systems, not least because the mobility of networked devices was an important design factor for IPv6 from the very beginning. A similar growth in the significance of the internet can be found in telephony. Whereas previously we used modems to connect to the internet via the telephone ("IP over telephone"), it is now very common to make telephone calls via the internet (VoIP). Following these trends towards IP convergence, the internet will support more and more ambient ICT applications and will gain increased entry into the objects of everyday life. This is shown by a current BITKOM study, which says that around 60 percent of those questioned find it important for their new television to have an internet connection.

2.4 Software In order to control data, ambient ICT systems require a software that consists of three levels. Data is gathered at the lowest level. This can occur by means of transmission from sensors or other ICT systems. The data is sent via a control unit to the middle level, the so-called middleware. That is the most important element of the architecture, because it links the components with the system, makes protocols and services available and regulates the scalability, in other words the integration of components and systems and accordingly the dynamics of the ambient ICT system. At the upper level, the data is processed and sent to the ICT devices and objects.




Other systems

Upper Level


Middle Level RFID-tags


Lower Level RFID


RFID reader

Illustration 13: Level model of ambient ICT systems (Source: Brick/Kummer,

Ambient ICT systems are faced with a fundamental problem. In order for diverse ICT devices and objects, networks and applications to work together in a stabile and spontaneous manner, the often different technologies must be capable of being linked together. However, the definition of a single integrative architecture is difficult, due to the difference in components, the dynamics of systems and the historical distribution of established concepts and technologies. Because different applications have different requirements, inconsistent approaches emerge. Stationary applications at home, for example, are built differently to mobile applications for public spaces of transport. For this reason, the technologies used are often incompatible with each other. In addition, since the life cycle of ICT products is much shorter than that of, say, mechanical products such as vehicles and household goods, in which the former are integrated, there will always be numerous generations of ICT in the foreseeable future, which coexist with each other.



Interface Semantic Model

Dependable Service


Event Management

Mobility Management

Interaction Management

Data and Information Management

Interoperability Management

Reliability and Security Management

Self X Properties

Illustration 14: Middleware services for ambient ICT systems (Source: Buchmann 2007)

Service-orientated middleware The solution is in the form of a system framework architecture, which integrates on the one hand the already established and future architecture with, on the other hand, already existing and future application requirements. There is a special kind of middleware for this. It makes – according to the principles of a service-orientated architecture – standardised interfaces available and therefore mediates between heterogeneous services and components. In addition, it provides necessary basic services to ambient ICT applications. (see also the project Green Mobility, p. 54, and ADiWA, p. 58)


Practical Examples Software innovations for the digital enterprise Project: In the framework of a competition hosted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the cluster "Software-Innovationen für das digitale Unternehmen" (in short: Software Cluster) was elected in 2010 to be funded as a top cluster. The cluster, based in Darmstadt, covers four federal states (Hessen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Baden-Württemberg) and encompasses 350 companies and 17 research institutes. It can be seen as the world's largest high-performance ICT network of research and educational institutes, manufacturers and users. The cluster aims to enable firms to transform into fully digital companies, so that all company data about processes, equipment and resources is available to them at any time and in detail. Such a leap in innovation requires a leap in so-called emerging software, which can combine a number of components from different manufacturers dynamically and flexibly. The fact that this aim is of central importance for the development of Ambient Mobility and the Internet of Things can be seen in the topics of its priority projects: Adaptive processes in companies, agile infrastructures for company networks, innovative services in the future internet

MATRIX Project: The MATRIX project (Middleware for the realisation of internetbased telemedical services), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and with the participation of the University of Kassel, focuses on the development of a unified middleware platform for internet-based telemedical services. In a first step, the project has created a middleware platform, which should fulfil three requirements in particular: 1. Semi-automatic adaptive capability; 2. Preservation and optimisation of the performance parameters; 3. Securing of long-term operational capacity and system reliability. For example, using the middleware platform, two telemedical services are demonstrated: a mobile telemedical emergency service (e.g. for aircraft, ships or rescue vehicles) and a telemedical service for medical care at home (e.g. night-time care). A further elemental research question is the usability and quality of context-sensitive patient services, that process so-called "individual contexts", i.e. contexts with very specific personal details. The use of the platform-based service concept will be evaluated in the framework of a pilot study.





In a world in which the computer is ubiquitous, there are countless applications of ambient ICT systems. We're currently moving in that direction. Context-aware everyday life is still a vision, but many intelligent products and environments are already reality. So many and so varied, that a complete listing is no longer possible. The following chapters will outline some typical applications of ambient ICT systems in five operating areas.

3.1 Automotive Because of its enclosed structure and self-sufficient energy supply the car is particularly suited for ambient technologies. Today, a compact car has already more than 50 sensors, while a top-of-the-range vehicle has over 150 sensors on board. Electronics make up more than 30 percent of the value of a vehicle. Nowadays there are more than 70 microcomputers functioning as control devices in a car, thus providing a higher computational power than that which was available to NASA at the time of the moon landing in 1969. And while we consider dynamic, GPS-based route planners and tyre-pressure control systems to be innovations, experts are already working on their vision of autonomous and accident-free driving.

In fact, the statistics paint a very clear picture. In 1970, more than 20,000 people died on German roads. In 2008 the figure was 4,467, while the number of vehicles more than tripled to 49,330,037. Driver assistance systems have made a considerable proven contribution to this development. They not only improve the comfort and efficiency of the modern automobile, but also help to prevent accidents and to reduce the consequences of accidents. Sensor-based systems such as airbags, belt and crash-adaptive head supports are milestones of passive safety in an accident. Driving stability systems such as ESP help to prevent around two thirds of serious skidding accidents. In addition, driver assistance systems have immense potential for active, preventative accident protection. Radar- and camerabased assistants can analyse the surroundings of a vehicle like an extra 74

sense and signal dangers. Radar systems also recognise the relative speed of objects in the environment and can thus warn against collisions, side impacts and dangerous lane changes (see illustration 15). Simply the cooperation between the radar and the braking assistant can prevent around 36 percent of accidents on motorways. Camera-based assistants facilitate adaptive curve and main beams, rear view, the appearance of pedestrians and speed restrictions as well as a system – supported in part by more than 70 sensors – that claims to recognise a driver's tiredness.

Collision warning

Collision mitigation

Stop & Go

Blind spot control


Reversing aid

Parking assistant

Lane-change assistant

Pre-Crash Illustration 15: The all-round radar, Source: SARA Consortium

A further step towards more safety and efficiency lies in the fact that vehicles not only register, identify and interpret their own surroundings alone, but can also interact directly with private and public partners in the area. In Car2Car (also often known as C2C), Car2Infrastructure and Car2Device/Internet interaction concepts, a vehicle collects radio-based information from outside to help evaluate and determine a traffic situation and/or sends this information out itself. A dangerous construction or accident site, oil on the road, a sudden hindrance, black ice – critical, situationrelevant traffic information is communicated by other drivers or a traffic control centre to intelligent vehicles, not only by means of signage, but directly into the car. Traffic control centres and emergency vehicles can coordinate better due to warnings and tips and every single vehicle becomes a possible warning device. If all mobile electronic devices brought 75


along in the car are networked with the car's actual system, they can be used easily during the journey. Electronically linked truck convoys present a special scenario for radio-based vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. It is currently being examined whether a GPSsupported convoy leads to more safety, relieves the truck driver and reduces fuel consumption and CO2 emissions due to the slipstream effect. It is also conceivable that a convoy, by reducing the distance between trucks, saves traffic space and therefore improves the flow of traffic. Driver assistance systems support the activities of the driver – usually according to the principle that the system thinks while the driver steers. Increasingly, however, they will be able to act independently. Since the capacities of the sensors to perceive the vehicle's environment exceed human sensory capability, driver assistance functions have potential in the long term to be better than the human driver. Driver assistance systems can be further developed to become vehicle control systems and enable autonomous driving. In this vision, all elements of the driving task – steering, stabilising and navigation – can be carried out independently by an ambient ICT system, i.e. without any human input. An initial approach in this direction already exists in the form of an emergency braking system, which brakes the vehicle automatically in a number of stages when the system recognises that an accident threatens and the driver hasn't reacted. A more extensive target assistance function is an electronic parking assistance, which can automatically place the vehicle in a parking space due to its ability to recognise distances. In the distant future, congestion and intersection pilots are also conceivable, by which the driver, at certain sections where an accident has occurred or the traffic is critical, could temporarily transfer the control of the vehicle to a Car2Infrastructure-supported traffic control centre or to the vehicle's own, Car2Xsupported control system. Car manufacturers are currently researching autonomous vehicles, with not only technical but also legal questions to consider, such as liability for accidents.


Illustration 16: Signal elements of the conceptual vehicle "Light Car" (Source: EDAG)

Products (selection) n Adaptive

Cruise Control (ACC) n Adaptive high, curve and

night beam n Anti-Blocking System (ABS) n Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) n Blind Spot Control n Cruise Control n Distance warning n Driver Drowsiness Detection n Electronic Differential Lock (EDL) n Electronic Stability Programme (ESP) n Head-UpDisplay (HUD) n Hill Descent Control - Car-to-X-Communication (C2C, C2I, C2D) n Intelligent Speed Adaption (ISA) n Lane Departure Warning n Lane keeping & change support n Park Distance Control n Stop-and-Go device n Traffic Sign Recognition



"The car of the future will produce fewer emissions, will prevent accidents from happening and will be continually networked."

Prof. Dr. Hans-Helmut Becker, Volkswagen AG Kassel

Practical Example Opel Eye Product Since the beginning of 2009, Opel AG offers the so-called "Open Eye" in its mid-range vehicle Insignia. By means of a camera with a wide-angle lens, which is integrated between the interior mirror and the windscreen, the system recognises traffic signs ("Traffic Sign Detection") and warns of lane deviations ("Lane Departure Warning"), when road markings are crossed at high speed. Both are displayed on the dashboard. The camera takes 30 pictures per second, which are then filtered and evaluated by special software. The system can detect signs from 100 metres, depending on light conditions, which are then illuminated on the dashboard display. In the case of numerous detected signs, the most important is shown first, e.g. no overtaking is shown before speed limit. If a speed limit is exceeded, this is also shown. The second function, the lane departure assistant, warns by means of a gong and a flashing signal, when the vehicle does not stay in the chosen lane on a highway. From a speed of 50 km/h, the system is able to highlight only hazardous situations by means of detecting road markings and steering and blinking movements.


3.2 Buildings and Living TV, telephone, internet, electricity, heating and household devices – the different worlds of home technology, ICT devices and everyday objects, yes even of health and care management, are now coming together. Intelligent living environments connect not only electronic devices but also all home-based objects and infrastructures with each other to comprise a total electronic system on a central server. This enables the control of all networked objects via the internet – and with it, more comfort, more energy savings, more environmental protection and more security. Over 80 percent of domestic energy consumption is eaten up by heating and warm water. A central regulation of building and household operations by measures of automation, such as a reduction in heat supply when leaving the house or turning on the washing machine at night, represents considerable potential for higher energy efficiency. It is already standard technical practice that the regulation of heating equipment automatically adapts to outside temperatures. Ambient ICT systems mean, furthermore, that the temperature, humidity and lighting conditions in each living area can be adjusted individually and accordingly to the needs of each inhabitant. Useful ambient applications exist for countless living areas and situations (see Illustration 17). One example is the kitchen, kingdom of the "white goods", with devices such as the refrigerator and freezer, electric cooker, microwave, dishwasher. According to calculations made by the Fraunhofer Institute, 11 percent of energy costs can be attributed to the electricity bill. Electric cookers consume most of this energy, closely followed by refrigerators. Certain innovative devices are also making great advances; for example, dishwashers can themselves tell when the dishes are clean (thanks to an optical sensor that measures the cloudiness of the water) and electric cookers regulate the correct cooking time and temperature themselves (by means of weight and temperature sensors).



In addition, further savings can be made by linking household devices in terms of energy. Experts are working on using the waste heat from refrigerators to heat the dishwasher water, or transferring superfluous heat from the oven to the washing machine. And by means of a connection with the electric meter, washing machines could, for example, display from the start the cost savings of the two-hour ecological programme in direct comparison to the speed wash.

Digital photos Films




Smoke detector

Damage detector or prevention

Smart wall

Smart door


Brightness Smart sensor table

g pin

En t an erta d i Lif nm es en tyl t e

Door control



Sensors and Actuators

ek us Ho



Customers' needs


Connected Smart Home Network Smart pen Wireless Smart wireline Smart display paper Fashion coordinator



Door and window surveillance

User Generated Content

Motion detector

Garden maintenance

Pressure sensor

He Nu alth tri & tio n

Temperature sensor

ng ildi Bu

y urit sec

Holiday control

Meal times Home pharmacy

Wellness Work & Communication

Video conference


Illustration 17: Source: BITKOM, “Studienreihe zur Heimvernetzung” (Series of Studies on Home Networking), volume 1



Window surveillance

Alarm function Control of blinds

Home device management

Motion detectors Room ventilation Lighting control Presence simulation Individual room control

Heating control

Door surveillance Fault indicator

Illustration 18: Possible fields of application for automation in a networked house (Source: EIB Schöller)

A further widespread area of application concerns the model Ambient Assisted Living, i.e. the development of age-appropriate and care-friendly living environments. In the face of the growing proportion of older people in our society – the number of over-80s is expected to increase from 4 million (2005) to more than 10 million (2050) – the guiding principle "outpatient rather than in-patient" has established itself in terms of living and care needs. Statistically, older people are more reliant on support and care than younger people. At the age of 70 and older, 96 percent of people have at least one and 30 percent have five or more internal, neurological or orthopaedic illnesses that require treatment. The personal living environment plays a large role in ensuring a life as long and independent as possible, in spite of health restrictions. As well as social aspects, financial considerations (see Social chances, p. 24) also belong to the personal health approach, including the availability to private users of devices that were previously only available to medical personnel, and an accompanied and caring provision of information and services.



"Due to the demographic development and the resulting prohibitive costs for the health and safety sector, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) technologies are being developed that enable – despite illnesses – a longer life in one's own home." Dr.-Ing. Reiner Wichert, Fraunhofer-Allianz Ambient Assisted Living

Ambient technologies can not only support care-orientated adjustments of the living space, but also – within the scope of telemonitoring – individualised medical prevention, diagnostics, therapy and care in the home setting. Typically, such a telemonitoring system consists of medical sensors and a base station, which are carried by the user or placed in the environment. Sensors carried on or in the body transmit the data measured via a short-range wireless network (Body Area Network or Personal Area Network) to the base station, which can be a personal computer in a fixed location with a fixed connection, or a mobile ICT device with wireless transmission technology. The base station processes the data received as needed and makes them available by means of a wireless or fixed transmission system to the stationary (AAL-)infrastructure for further evaluation, storage, etc. Personal health data is therefore automatically available for further use to doctors, hospitals and telemedical service providers.


Products (selection) n

Electronic paper (very thin, foldable screen) n Smart bed (regis-

ters bodily functions) n Smart carpet (reports falls to others) n

Smart dishwasher (washes until the dishes are clean) n Smart

home technology (internet-based control of heating, light, electricity, TV, windows, doors and electric devices) n Smart oven (calculates cooking temperature and time) n Smart pen (minicomputer in the form of a pen e.g. for the translation of words) n Smart refrigerator (points out expiry dates and makes shopping lists) n Smart room controller (system for individual sound, scent, light and temperature settings) n Smart table (piece of furniture with interactive screen) n Smart window pane (glass pane with display function)

Practical Example PERSONA Project The EU project PERSONA researches scenarios connected to Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). The semi-automatic systems developed in the project are assistants in everyday life. They help elderly people to manage daily tasks such as cooking or shopping or remind them to take their medicine regularly. The 22 interdisciplinary project partners from industry and research have developed a scalable technology platform which allows a series of services to be offered that help to enable social integration, independent living and a healthy lifestyle for elderly people. As technology partner, the Fraunhofer IGD leads the project activities in the architectural specification of the platform and implements the intelligent middleware. In addition, the Fraunhofer IGD works on concepts and algorithms for the interpretation of sensor data such as the recognition of objects from video surveillance data. The seamless integration of multimedia and the examination of new kinds of interaction possibilities in AAL environments belong to the research topics of the Fraunhofer IGD.



Practical Examples Facilityboss Product: The Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT in Darmstadt has developed a software called "facilityboss", which connects all electronic systems of a building with each other and controls them centrally. In this manner, the energy needs of a building are reduced, security can be overseen and many other individual wishes of the residents can be fulfilled. To install the software, SIT experts link up the existing systems and then add the "facilityboss". This can even be done while the systems are in operation. Nothing is deinstalled, so that the former status can be reset at any time.

Proximity Table (Ambient Display) Product: The Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD) in Darmstadt offers an innovative table device that is able, by means of so-called capacitive sensors, to register the human body without any physical contact. With the help of the sensors, a three-dimensional coordinate of the registered object is created that adjusts itself dynamically when the position is altered, so that movements in front of the table can be recorded. This principle can be used in many applications. For example, the table, when used as a display, can perceive a hand and carry out a variable zoom function, depending on the height distance. A quick hand movement from left to right or vice versa can activate the turning of a page, while a slow movement of the hand up and down can be linked to the raising or lowering of volume. The number and complexity of the gestures can be changed at will and be made specific to the application. Correspondingly, the technology of the Proximity Tables goes beyond the control of graphic applications and is already being used to analyse spinal pressure while asleep.

Further examples: UniverSAAL Project, page 49; Motivotion 60+ Project, page 89; Hydra Project, page 91


3.3 Health The health care sector is one of the most important economic sectors in Germany. It already counts for 11 percent of GDP and 4.3 million employees. The significance of the health sector will presumably grow even further in the future, due to medical advances and demographic change. In 2035, Germany will have one of the oldest populations in the world. More than half of the population will then be over 50 and one in three will be over 60 years of age. For this reason, experts predict that there will be around a million extra jobs across the whole country by 2040. A growing proportion of future health provision will be fulfilled by very varied e-health and ambient health solutions. While the expression "e-health" generally means the use of ICT in health care, "Ambient Health" refers specifically to the use of context-aware ICT systems. Health information, telemedicine and medical products and processes belong to the most important fields of application. Ambient ICT systems promise better quality, more safety, more efficiency and at the same time lower costs. Prevention is better than cure. Ambient technologies create new paths to health provision. In the area of medicine and care, but also with leisure time and fitness, bodily microsensors, which can be worn as wearables, as plasters, wrist watches, even as implants, will make it possible to measure body values and health risks more easily and more exactly. Corresponding to the paradigm shift from traditional health care to a personalised, individualised prevention, diagnostics, therapy and care, individuals should observe their own health conditions more closely. But ambient systems not only support individual health monitoring and thus also personal health consciousness, they also improve professional health management.



The measured data can, if desired, be communicated to the doctor or to the nearest hospital, completely independently, either regularly or in emergencies. Ambient assistance systems particularly provide elderly people and those in need of care, as well as chronically ill and rehabilitation and risk patients, with a safer and more independent life.

Source: Siemens AG

Electronic patient records are a central instrument in health promotion. Since they can be accessed at any time by all those who are authorised and networked, they can help to improve the quality of treatment, particularly in critical situations, and can also help avoid numerous and inexpedient examinations. Potential dangers such as the so-called "transparent patient" should be addressed in the appropriate manner (see Data Protection, p. 29). Important telemedical achievements already in use include the possibility to consult remote experts on a treatment procedure via the internet, to enrich real images with extra information by means of "augmented reality" processes, to use the support of robots in operations, in order to


improve precision (e.g. with hip and artificial knee joints) or even to allow a robot, fitted with sensors, to carry out an operation, guided by the surgeon from a workplace screen.

The digital hospital is characterised by the fact that data is mostly gathered in digital form, by means of portable devices, for example, and media interruptions are avoided. Furthermore, data such as electronic patient records can be made available to all authorised persons by means of the networking of all departments in a hospital information system. The gathering of further data – such as the location and maintenance data of devices, positioning data of medication and laboratory samples, or the dates and lengths of stay of patients and personnel – by means of carried RFID transponders mean that these can be found more easily. The danger that patients, samples and medication can get mixed-up is also reduced. Intelligent medication packaging, which provide information on product characteristics such as the delivery and the expiry date, intelligent beds, that can measure bodily values such as breathing, weight, temperature, and intelligent attached appliances, such as an intravenous drip, a heart pacemaker or an implanted insulin pump, which can be controlled via a network – these show the broad spectrum for the clinical use of ambient technologies. Some of the most spectacular innovations in medical technology include prosthetics, through which e.g. temperature can be felt, an artificial arm that can be controlled by thought, and artificial legs, in which an integrated "mini-brain" controls the walking movement with microprocessors that determine the bending angle and load of the artificial leg 50 times each second.



Homo s@piens: quo vadis? Ambient technologies are not only useful for healing illnesses and acutely or preventatively combating human suffering. They can also be used to technically expand the physical boundaries of healthy people. This could be made possible by the development of artificial sensory organs, or the linking of microelectronic elements to the central nervous system. If the interlinking of the brain and electronics progresses further and external devices can be guided even better by nerve impulse, direct access to a technical information memory – an "external memory" – could be achieved. In some areas, artificial organs could, in future, be better than natural ones. In such a light it is plausible that transplants will no longer be carried out for medical reason only, but could also be done in order to improve the performance capabilities and thus the lives of people. How these future developments will be handled poses an ethical challenge (see Ambient Scenarios, p. 30). Neurosurgeons already consider chips that expand memory and consciousness to be feasible. This development would correspond to the vision of the English physicist Robert Hooke, who in 1665 wrote in the preface to his book "Micrographia" that the proper thing: "in respect of the Senses, is a supplying of their infirmities with Instruments, and, as it were, the adding of artificial Organs to the natural ... And as Glasses have highly promoted our seeing, so 'tis not improbable, but that there may be found many Mechanical Inventions to improve our other Senses, of hearing, smelling, tasting, touching."


"In future, more and more hospitals will have information and communications technologies such as W-LAN networks to provide fast, high-quality and cost-efficient information and communication in the health sector. Telemedicine also has promising potential to improve patients' quality of life while operating in a cost-efficient manner." Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus David, Universität Kassel

Practical Example Motivotion 60+ Project Scientists in the department of multimedia communication at the TU Darmstadt are currently developing approaches, with the state health insurance companies, to motivate senior citizens 60+ to partake in health-promoting physical activity, by innovative training methods. Fewer than 10 percent of over-60s fulfil the recommended weekly amount of exercise. The personal fitness coaching system oversees the movement and the vital signs of elderly people and is intended to activate them to keep fit in the long term. So that nobody is overor under-exerted, the individual training processes are accompanied and analysed with the help of sensor-supported systems. Vital sensors measure heart activity, movement sensors recognise types of sport and movement, GPS sensors create routes and elevation profiles. Along with the task of creating user-friendly sensors that do not constrict movement, a further challenge is to identify and implement binding factors that motivate to train in the long term. Here, game design with rewarding principles and community aspects are used.



Practical Example OPAL Health Project Under the consortium leadership of T-Systems in Frankfurt, the "OPAL Health" project aims to achieve better device and blood reserve management in hospitals. Devices are fitted with sensors, which build independent radio contact to other intersections and thus create a self-configuring sensor network. The permanent exchange of information between the devices and the central IT system creates many advantages for the device management, such as better transparency in terms of location and usability, the complete documentation of transport, warehouse and use processes or the overseeing of the devices' inspection dates and maintenance cycles. The sensors signal when a technical security control or maintenance is required. Simply in terms of the reduced effort in searching for devices, the average added value of the system to a clinic with around 3,000 devices is approximately 60,000 euro per year. In addition, savings are made due to the reduction of device-loss, which is between 8 and 17 percent in an average hospital, and the redundant security stocks. In a blood transfusion scenario, mix-ups are practically ruled out and unnecessary rejection rates are avoided. Because intelligent sensor networks send an alarm at critical temperatures, it will even be possible to re-use the valuable blood reserves that have not been needed.


Practical Example Hydra Project In the framework of the EU project "Networked Embedded System Middleware for Heterogeneous Physical Devices in a Distributed Architecture" – Hydra – for the creation of a middleware for networked embedded systems, funded by the sixth framework programme, the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT in Darmstadt participated in the development of a care system for home patients. It supports the contact between patient and doctor electronically and automatically. As a surveillance and advice system, Hydra helps the user in the regular measurement of health data such as ECG, weight, blood sugar and blood pressure, reports these to a mobile centre – a mobile phone, a PDA, a smartphone, organiser, pocket PC or other – and gives advice on how to proceed in the basis of his vital signs. Should the user forget to carry out a measurement, he will be reminded. The doctor responsible can get information online about the values of the user, establish contact and call the healthcare or emergency services.

Further examples: MATRIX Project, page 73; PERSONA Project, page 83; UniverSAAL Project, page 49



3.4 Clothing Miniaturised chips and computers can be carried directly on the body in so-called wearables or integrated into clothing. This creates many new possibilities for ambient mobility in everyday applications. Now, in situations of movement, bodily and environmental data can be better collected and processed and information and interaction processes can be supported more comfortably and more situation-true via the internet or local networks. The qualitative advancement of wearables within the development of ICT is that they enable a much closer and more dynamic interaction in everyday situations between the real and the digital world. Access to the digital world will become more natural, because the access is carried ubiquitously on the body. In the future, wearables could be networked with each other and, in BANs (Body Area Network) and PANs (Personal Area Network), with all ICT-based devices and objects. The user could carry a kind of personal informational and functional aura in his wearables, which corresponds to his needs and interests and supports his interaction with the real world. His knowledge and senses could be expanded in real time with additional information and contacts, via the internet or local networks, e.g. via Augmented Reality approaches. Because everything that sensors can learn about the body or the immediate environment can be directly superimposed onto the user's field of vision, or of that of another user, or it can be directly transmitted to the ear or the sense of touch. Data from remote sources can be passed on. Illustration 19 shows some integration possibilities of ambient ICT systems or components on the human's body or in his clothing:



Head Mounted Display:

Digital camera

– data glasses – headphones – microphone

Cabling integrated in cloth

Collar microphone/ headphones Sports bra with heart rate monitor

Mobile phone Washable MP3 player

Remote control Control unit


Watch with memory and MP3 player

Portable PC

Cabling integrated in cloth

Textile radio with velcro fastener

Shoes with integrated battery and positioning system

Illustration 19: Wearables – a selection (Source: Siemens AG)



The areas of use range from application in the health and fitness area, especially in collecting bodily vital signs, to the care and living area of elderly people, such as in the determination and care of bodily functions, right up to applications for handicapped people, to help them with orientation and navigation. There is already a so-called LifeShirt, which, by means of sewn-in sensors, can measure 40 different physiological health values such as blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen consumption. In the area of ticketing, too, information could be stored not only on the ticket, but be connected to the clothing or even directly to the person in question. For example, a Spanish chain of discos offers an ID implant to prove that admission is authorised. Just as on any chip card, personal data and credit card information could be stored and read on the implants. Many areas of use will emerge in the world of work, where wearables will, by means of an improved information and communications management, be able to support more efficient and ergonomic work processes as well as new forms of cooperation and flexible working practices.

Illustration 20: Wearable solutions (Source:


"Ideally, all manual diagnosis, maintenance and repair activities should be able to be supported by mobile IT without the actual work having to be interrupted." Dr. Knut Manske, SAP Research

Practical Example SiWear Project Under the consortium leadership of SAP Research CEC Darmstadt, and within the framework of the project "SiWear", funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), wearable solutions are being developed that will place the computer right onto the body and into the mobile workplace. They are intended to increase productivity and the quality of manufacturing and maintenance processes. By means of diverse interactive possibilities, such as cloth bags and special jackets with built-in electronics, data gloves or displays integrated into glasses, the user can seamlessly access the entire IT landscape of the company while working. Due to direct working instructions and agreements and the automatic return of results without media disruption, transmission mistakes can be avoided and operating processes speeded up. There is no further need to give instructions later or to subsequently enter data into the information system. During the development, the Ambient Mobility aspects of IT security and data protection have been considered from the start.



3.5 Transport Hessen is one of the most dynamic transport hubs in Germany and Europe. Germany's busiest motorway junction (with 330,000 vehicles per day), busiest railway station (with 330,000 passengers per day) and airport (Europe's no. 1 for freight and no. 3 for passenger transport) make Hessen a vital magnet for private and economic mobility. With a view to the future, transport holds large challenges for Hessen, as motorised traffic will continue to rise. It is assumed that German freight traffic (tonne kilometres) will rise by around 70 percent and passenger traffic (person kilometres) by almost 20 percent between 2004 and 2025. In urban agglomerations such as the region FrankfurtRhineMain it will grow even further. This will lead to considerable climate and environmental burden, as well as economic and social problems. Traffic already counts for 36 percent of CO2 emissions in Hessen and for around 70 percent of oil consumption in Europe. The question of fast and safe transport is of great sustainable significance, because optimised traffic flows also reduce fuel consumption and thus CO2 and other polluting emissions. The EU Commission has calculated the annual economic damage caused by congestion and pollutant emissions to be up to 1.5 percent of the European

Source: (c) Fraunhofer SIT

Unions GDP.


Ambient ICT systems offer great potential for an environmentally friendly, resource-saving and energy-efficient mobility. In the area of road traffic, which is dominated by the release of CO2 emissions, control systems are aiming for a better observation, prognosis and control of traffic. Intelligent assistance systems, which inform individual road users about the best route and navigate according to the current and projected traffic situation and personal needs, have already reached a wide market. An intelligent transport management can be coordinated at a control centre with the help of detectors on the streets, video cameras on sign gantries and so-called "floating cars", i.e. vehicles that collect data on the road and transmit them electronically. For example, the transport control centre in Hessen gathers information on Hessian motorways around the clock and regulates the flow of traffic by means of speed limits, warnings about congestion, construction sites or accidents, diversions onto alternative routes, the distribution and blocking of traffic lanes and much more. The goals of such a traffic management include, among other things, the avoidance of congestion, a reduction in accidents, and efficient use of the road network, an improvement of the traffic flow as well as optimal and cooperative driving. Within the framework of the initiative "Staufreies Hessen 2015” (Congestion-free Hessen 2015), the congestion time on Hessian motorways was reduced by 80 percent between 2001 and 2008. For example, the temporary opening of the hard shoulder on the A5 between Frankfurt Northwest junction and the intersection at Friedberg produces an economic benefit of 10.6 million euros per year or 50,000 euros a day. Of course, also beyond Hessen intelligent traffic systems are enjoying success. In Stockholm, a dynamic toll system reduced traffic in the inner city by 20 percent and emissions by 12 percent, and in Singapore, traffic events can be predicted with 90 percent certainty, thanks to realtime data from sensors and computing models.



The radio-based interaction between vehicles and their environment will further improve transport efficiency and security. This technology of the future, known as "C2X communication", will also be developed and tested in the “DRIVE-Center Hessen” (Dynamic Road Infrastructure Vehicle Experimental-Center). In addition, Hessen is active in numerous innovative internationally and nationally funded research and development projects – such as SIM-TD (Safe Intelligent Test Field Germany), DIAMANT (Information and Applications for the Security of Mobility with Adaptive Networks and Telematic Infrastructure), AKTIV (Adaptive and Cooperative Technologies for Intelligent Transport) and CVIS (Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure Systems). Naturally, streets, bridges, junctions, road signs, traffic lights and toll systems can be networked with each other and with vehicles. For example, intelligent traffic lights can function as cooperative light signals, gathering data on the approaching vehicles and adapting the green phases according to the situation and the needs of the drivers.

In a further developmental step, traffic guidance systems and autopilots could take over the steering of vehicles on partial stretches of motorway. If a system for exchanging information on position, direction and speed were installed in every vehicle, this would enable effective traffic guidance. For example, the traffic flows at junctions, confluences or narrow lanes could be coordinated so that all streams of traffic could pass in a rapid flow without having to stop. Since around a third of all serious accidents happen at junctions, this would not only improve traffic flows, but also traffic safety.


"When transport technology is used intelligently, it can reduce accidents considerably and help to prevent congestions. New products in transport technology will not only solve traffic problems, but will also strengthen the economy." Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Boltze, TU Darmstadt, Mobility and Transport Representative of the State of Hessen

Ambient ICT systems also offer diverse opportunities in intermodal, i.e. integrated global transport, and public transport. In many cases, users of these means of transport are more dependent on information – e.g. concerning departure, tickets, parking spaces, changing trains – than those who use their own cars. The mobile transmission of real-time information and interaction about actual arrival and departure times, the online purchase of tickets and parking tickets (e.g. mobile phone ticketing), the display of free parking spaces and connection options makes not only public transport more attractive, but also the use of other means of transport. As so-called "Personal Travel Assistants", intelligent devices can take on navigational duties and fulfil other needs in the sense of Location-based Services, such as searching for toilets or certain shops. RFID tickets, which can be checked in passing without any physical or visual contact also add to the sense of comfort. Currently, in public transport, calculated arrival and departure times and suitable connections can be displayed not only at the bus stops or stations, but also on customers' devices. Additional information can also be provided with regard to certain target groups such as elderly people, children, handicapped people or foreigners. Navigation systems for the blind and the visually impaired people are quite spectacular, as they can, in connection with public transport, guide people to their destination within virtual corridors that are only 30 to 50 cm wide.



Practical Example CVIS Project – Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure Systems The European Union's leading project for cooperative vehicle infrastructure systems encompasses 61 partners from 12 countries and has a budget of 41 million euros. With the participation of the Hessian State Authority for Roads and Transport, technologies have been developed that allow the driver to interact directly with local traffic control systems. The field tests were also carried out in Hessen. It was the first time that a system was shown, which enabled two vehicles to interact with each other and with the surrounding infrastructure. The universal platform developed for this purpose can permanently maintain a wireless connection, while different transmission methods are being interchanged (from 3G-UMTS mobile radio networks to mobile W-LAN connections across short and mid-range distances). Maps and coding standards (location referencing) can be actualised in real time, and positioning technology has been developed with a precision never seen before, down to under a metre. They can help the driver to stay in lane, and greatly improve the precision of security systems such as the lane-changing assistant.

Illustration 21: CVIS Project (Source: Q-Free)


Practical Example TIS_online Project – Internet-supported Transport Information Systems of the Deutsche Bahn (German Rail) The cooperative project between DB Schenker Rail GmbH and Ost Hannoversche Eisenbahnen AG, supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), aims to strengthen the performance capabilities of European rail freight transport by international measures. One of these is the working package TIS_T&T: Tracking & Tracing. Since over 50 percent of single wagon transport in Germany is actually international, tracking and tracing information should also be made available for transport abroad. The possibility of utilising new technology such as RFID is being examined, in order to fulfil further customer requirements by means of innovative approaches.

Structural Health Monitoring Project in aviation The Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF in Darmstadt has created the foundation for a Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) System in cooperation with the Hochschule Darmstadt and other partners from the region (HBM, Evonik). In the framework of the European "Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative", which wants to make flying more environmentally friendly, the institute is now developing this technology further. All Fraunhofer activities in this initiative are being coordinated by the Fraunhofer LBF. The SHM system is like a nervous system of the aircraft, in which sensors and evaluation technology register external pressures and detect damage. This not only makes flights safer, it also reduces costs. A better recognition of structural damages enables the use of lighter components, which saves materials, weight and fuel. The continual surveillance of the outer shell of the aircraft, including spots that are difficult to reach, reduces inspection costs.


Scenario 2025


Scenario 2025 Urban history was written today with the official opening of the Metro Area Consolidated Control Center (MetroCon). The new facility, which was introduced to a small group of reporters who had received special security clearances, is the first anywhere to link a city’s previously automated services and networked sensor systems, thereby setting the stage, officials said, for significant savings and major improvements in operational efficiency, safety and security. On hand for the dedication of the Center were Mayor Tanya Trin and MetroCon General Manager Dr. Park Ho. „We are entering a new era of flexibility in which city services respond to changing demands on a nearly instantaneous level,” said Trin. She pointed out that the city’s automated subway system – a model for MetroCon – achieved high levels of flexibility years ago by variably spacing trains according to the numbers of passengers counted on platforms by smart cams and the numbers of riders counted on trains by radio interrogation of electronic tickets. "We have now taken that flexibility a giant step further," explained Ho. "For instance," he said, as a simulated event appeared on reporter’s PDAs, "if a fire or major accident were to occur near a subway stop, local microcams with embedded intelligence would access weather data from the navigation systems of nearby vehicles, then notify the Transit Authority and, depending on flame analysis, imaging information, temperature, and flame spread speed, Transit System computers and MetroCon personnel would reroute trains accordingly and seal subway access points that could be at risk." Statistics based on MetroCon simulations indicate that a significant number of injuries could be avoided by implementing the system’s instantaneous response scenarios during emergencies. "And that’s just the beginning," said Ho. "Depending on the significance of the event, a range of additional automated responses might be initiated." He explained that MetroCon’s new Automatic Traffic Priority Messaging (ATPM) software will broadcast messages to vehicle navigation systems whenever significant security-related events occur. Using embedded intelligence, vehicles potentially affected by the information will plot a slightly different course, thus ensuring that they avoid areas in which emergency vehicles are in operation.


Scenario 2025

"Our simulations have shown that this combination of priority broadcast and vehicle-based response can clear an emergency site and its access routes of traffic within minutes without tying up police resources and without causing major delays," said Ho, who pointed out that rerouting would be facilitated by automatically altering traffic light timing to create unobstructed paths for vehicles travelling around an event’s perimeter. "All in all, these steps will allow emergency personnel to reach the scene of an accident or crime as quickly as possible, and will have the added benefit of sealing off escape routes in case criminal activity is involved," Ho said. Mayor Trin said that area hospitals, with their disease identification EarlyAlert Network, as well as power plants, police, fire, communications, water, sewage, gas, electric and sanitation services, will also be part of the big picture at MetroCon. "We will know and see — in real time — the location and speed of every police vehicle, every ambulance, and every automated garbage recovery and recycling unit," she said. "The system will even seal the windows, lock the doors and switch off the ignitions of vehicles under certain circumstances." Dr. Ho added that he expects "significant savings" once MetroCon computers begin monitoring the status of vehicles and networks. "Our systems will automatically generate and archive logs as to where, when, and under what circumstance vehicles, systems and personnel are deployed. They will monitor on-time availability, generate repair histories, and order spares and repairs automatically. They will support the city’s logistics — as well as the logistics of private businesses — by allowing these to be coordinated on an optimised basis with traffic and transit system schedules in real time. And further down the line," he said, "MetroCon will identify trends, learn from events, and accelerate decision-making processes for the government and private sector throughout the city."

Source: Arthur F. Pease


Ambient Mobility – a model for Hessen


Ambient Mobility – a model for Hessen

Ambient ICT systems offer many chances for the sustainable development of our society. For this reason, the State of Hessen is supporting its distribution and use in an innovative manner. With the model "Ambient Mobility" (context-aware mobility) Hessen wants to point out its ecological, economic and social potential for mobile citizens and companies and contribute to their sustainable development and use. The individual person with his needs and rights thereby is of central importance. Ambient Mobility aims to employ context-aware technologies for the mobility of people and objects. The term originated in the environment of the TU Darmstadt and reflects the special potential of ambient technologies for a new and better mobility. Ambient ICT systems create innovative, intelligent solutions for the design of our everyday mobile life. This can be seen in the application examples presented in the areas of automotive, buildings and living, health, clothing and transport. But as cross-sectional technologies, their use is not restricted to these areas alone. The areas of application for their supporting functions encompass all mobile aspects of our physical world – from smart nanotechnology products to intelligent, globalised delivery processes. Ambient ICT systems create more quality of life, comfort, efficiency, security and environmental protection. Mobility (from the Latin mobilitas) forms a central topic of our times and a completely economic, social and ecological challenge for our future. The movement and mobility of people is a human need, that of goods is an economic resource. That is why mobility affects each individual and society today, and will continue to do so in the future – even more so. Growing economic competition places demands on companies and employees to be more and more present, to be mobile and to be capable of being utilised and reached at all times. Goods and services are being increasingly cooperatively developed, manufactured and distributed. "Advances" in science and in the economy are increasingly “driven” by mobility. And the need for private and social mobility will also continue to grow. We love mobility not only because it brings us from person to person and connects us socially, but also because it changes and transforms us. Mobility creates 104

experiences. 28 percent of German claim that something is missing in their lives if they don't regularly travel by train, bicycle or car. In 2025, probably only one in ten people will have no car, and personal traffic will grow, despite the decreasing population, by 13 percent by 2025. Whereas mobility generates mostly positive developments in the economical and social dimension, it causes new ecological problems and intensifies existing ones. The growth in motorised traffic damages the environment. For Hessen, a significant transport and logistics hub at the geographic centre of Germany and Europe, this is a particular problem. Over 36 percent of energy–based CO2-emissions in Hessen are caused, for example, by transport. This proportion is much higher than in other federal states, the German average is 21 percent (status: 2004). This is also why Hessen is interested in an ecologically–orientated mobility. How can mobility be designed for the future? How can we set the course for the sustainable – i.e. in ecological, economic and social terms wholly compatible or even advantageous – mobility of tomorrow? These questions always return.

An initiative for the development of sustainability started in Hessen in 2008. Therein, sustainability is defined as "the entirety of the ecological, social and economic dimension" and aims at “securing the needs of the current generation without endangering future generations, to respect the boundaries of burden on our planet and the finiteness of our natural resources." Sustainable mobility naturally presents a challenge. The focus was on the questions of uncoupling economic growth from transport demands, the reduction of transport's effects on the environment, and the design of a modern, environmentally friendly transport infrastructure. Within the scope of a project, the demand and production of sustainable electromobility will be encouraged. More information at:, status November 2009


Ambient Mobility – a model for Hessen

Intelligent Mobility, sustainable! The model of Ambient Mobility is designed for sustainable development. That means that the development and use of ambient ICT systems should focus on achieving a balance between economic, social and ecological aspects. No one dimension should be in the foreground alone. This would inevitably create resulting costs in the other dimensions. Ignoring a dimension also leads to resulting costs. Economically speaking, intelligent products and environments present very attractive opportunities. According to experts, around a billion electronically equipped, networked objects will be available to one milliard people by 2013 (see Economic chances, p. 22). The social potential of ambient services and systems is also indisputable. For example, the model "Ambient Assisted Living" (AAL), widespread in Germany and Europe, addresses the social problems of demographic change and identifies approaches for a long, independent and healthy life for the elderly (see Social chances, p. 24). The fact that ambient ICT systems can also make considerable ecological contributions and can form excellent solutions to the focal point of ecology, is often not taken adequately into account. For this reason we have devoted the following chapter to that aspect.




Green Ambient Mobility

Green Ambient Mobility – the ecological dimension

Ambient ICT systems can be used in transport and logistics. The avoidance of traffic congestion and accidents, the situation-based navigation of means of transport, the intermodal linking of different transport carriers and many more things are well-known goals for a green mobility. But the Ambient Mobility model is not restricted to intelligent and integrated traffic systems and the transport of people and goods. Mobile ambient ICT systems support people in numerous everyday objects and processes, not only when out and about, but also at home and at work. They provide commercial and household devices and procedures with additional characteristics, options and synergies. As the example of the remote transmission of vital signs to the doctor, which could prevent a short or stationary stay in hospital or in the surgery, shows: It's all about finding ways – via mobile micro-processes such as a hand grip, gestures and expressions – to make mobility possible (the patient's life at home) and to save on mobility (the return journey to and from the hospital or doctor). The use of ambient ICT systems in our living environment and mobile devices enable new forms of ICT-supported mobility: n n

It optimises mobility (e.g. navigation systems) It reduces mobility (e.g. remote diagnosis instead of a visit to the doctor)


It enables mobility (e.g. independent living at home instead of hospital or retirement home stays)


Green Ambient Mobility

Ambient Mobility – a model for Hessen

ICT can be used specifically to protect the environment, and the same is true of ambient ICT systems. Analysing ambient ICT systems in terms of their ecological sustainability, the following effects can be distinguished: n

Primary or direct effects: ICT, particularly the hardware, is a cause of environmental pollution from production, distribution, use and disposal.


Secondary or indirect effects: The use of ICT has consequences for other processes (e.g. transport, logistics, media), which can have a positive or a negative effect on the environment.


Tertiary or resulting effects: Behaviour and structures adapt to the changes structures brought about by ICT (e.g. patterns of consumption, organisation of work, economic structural changes).

The penetration of all personal and commercial sectors by ambient ICT systems will create both additional burdens and relief for the environment. The use of ICT always eats up resources – also in the area of mobility – but the bottom line is that context-aware technologies can, according to experts, save considerably more than they consume. It is true that the direct effects include material and energy consumption in the production and use, as well as pollution in the disposal of ambient products. Contextawareness will not greatly improve their ecological balance. The growing miniaturisation will probably lead to greater numbers and shorter component life spans, thus cancelling out any advantage. And the energy required for networking and the growth in data traffic will probably continue to increase, and could even comprise a few percent of the total national electricity consumption. However, these primary environmental effects are balanced out by secondary ones. The use of ambient ICT systems can optimise material- and energy-intensive processes, or even replace them by signal processing (dematerialisation). The potential of these secondary effects for relieving the environment is large and could well exceed the primary effects:



Green Ambient Mobility

Example Automotive: An optimised, adapted driving behaviour improves fuel consumption and reduces emissions.


Example Buildings and Living: A central, situation-based building control system reduces heating needs and electricity consumption, AAL applications reduce motorised traffic.


Example Health: Telemedical and AAL solutions, as well as the efficient use of resources reduce motorised traffic, electricity consumption and increase material efficiency.


Example Clothing: The increasing independence of activities from locations reduces motorised traffic and the avoidable multiple use of ICT.


Example Transport: An improved and optimised traffic flow prevents congestion and drastically reduces fuel consumption and emissions. Central urban controlling concepts save electricity and material consumption.

Conclusion The growing economic, social and ecological mobility requirements can only be solved by intelligent models and instruments. The model of Ambient Mobility links two fields of the future, ICT and mobility, and paves the way for the comprehensive use of sustainable solutions of an ambient mobility.


Your partners in Hessen


Your partners in Hessen

Here is a selection of Hessen-based companies, academic and research institutes, associations and others with competence in the area of Ambient Mobility. The list does not claim to be complete. Further information about possible Ambient Mobility partners based in Hessen can be found online at

Adam Opel GmbH

AIM-Deutschland e.V.

ITEZ – Internationales Technisches Entwicklungszentrum Friedrich-Lutzmann-Ring 65423 Rüsselsheim

Richard-Weber-Straße 29 68623 Lampertheim

Phone +49 6142 7-70 Fax +49 6142 7-78800

Wolf-Rüdiger Hansen Phone +49 6206 131-77 Fax +49 6206 131-73

Ambient Assisted Living Lab c/o Fachhochschule Frankfurt Nibelungenplatz 1 60318 Frankfurt am Main Prof. Dr. phil. Gerd Döben-Henisch Phone +49 69 1533-2593 Fax +49 69 1533-2400

ASI Automatic System Integration GmbH Borngasse 23 65594 Runkel Peter Klein Phone +49 6482 9166-0 Fax +49 6482 9166-60

Basys Solutions GmbH Ambient Intelligence Lab c/o Fraunhofer IGD Fraunhoferstraße 5 64283 Darmstadt Dr.-Ing. Reiner Wichert Phone +49 6151 155-574 Fax +49 6151 155-480

Gartenstraße 27 61352 Bad Homburg Phone +49 6172 17109-0 Fax +49 6172 17109-299


? Send us your Is your entry missing details to info@hes

BSC Computer GmbH Ringstraße 5 35108 Allendorf Jörg Hofmann Phone +49 6452 914060 Fax +49 6452 914040

BGL – Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung e.V. Breitenbachstraße 1 60487 Frankfurt am Main Phone +49 69 7919-0 Fax +49 69 7919-227

CASED – Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt Director Mornewegstraße 32 64293 Darmstadt Prof. Dr. Johannes Buchmann Phone +49 6151 16-50777 Fax +49 6151 16-6036 Software Cluster Head Office Mornewegstraße 32 64293 Darmstadt Gino Brunetti Phone +49 6151 16-70821 Fax +49 6151 16-55136

BME – Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. Bolongarostraße 82 65929 Frankfurt am Main Phone +49 69 30838-0 Fax +49 69 30838-199

Secure Mobile Networking Mornewegstraße 32 64293 Darmstadt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hollick Phone +49 6151 16-70920 Fax +49 6151 16-70921

C.O.T. – Service GmbH für EDV-Peripherie Gueterstraße 5 64807 Dieburg Heinz Klaft Phone +49 6071 9270 Fax +49 6071 927144

C4 Security Print GmbH

CAST e.V. – Competence Center for Applied Security Technology Director Fraunhoferstraße 5 64283 Darmstadt Claudia Prediger Phone +49 6151 155-529 Fax +49 6151 155-499

Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 7 63128 Dietzenbach Georg Friedrich Phone +49 6074 9176-261 Fax +49 6074 9176-207

Director Fraunhoferstraße 5 64283 Darmstadt Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann Phone +49 621 4105-1170 Fax +49 6151 155-499


Your partners in Hessen

cesah GmbH – Centrum für Satellitennavigation Hessen Robert-Bosch-Straße 7 64293 Darmstadt Dr. Frank Zimmermann Phone +49 6151 392156-12 Fax +49 6151 392156-19

DB Netz AG Theodor-Heuss-Allee 7 60486 Frankfurt am Main Harald Hartmann Phone +49 69 265-19171 Fax +49 69 265-19045

DB Systel GmbH Checkpoint Systems GmbH Westerwaldstraße 3–13 64646 Heppenheim

Kleyerstraße 27 60326 Frankfurt am Main

Phone +49 6252 703-0 Fax +49 6252 703-198

Ulrich Meuser Phone +49 69 265-39500 Fax +49 69 265-17265

Daenet Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH Hanauer Landstraße 204 60314 Frankfurt am Main Stefan Aevermann Phone +49 69 2424080 Fax +49 69 24240825

DASYS IT.Organisation Rembrandtstraße 14 60596 Frankfurt am Main Phone +49 69 63153141 Fax +49 69 63153142

DC-Datensysteme Vertriebs GmbH Am Sonnenberg 3 63820 Elsenfeld Phone +49 9374 99-883 Fax +49 9374 99-885

DE-CIX Management GmbH Lindleystraße 12 60314 Frankfurt am Main Frank P. Orlowski Phone +49 69 1730 902-0 Fax +49 69 4056 2716

DB Energie GmbH

DETEC Decision Technology Software GmbH

Pfarrer-Perabo-Platz 2 60326 Frankfurt am Main

Bensheimer Straße 61 65428 Rüsselsheim

Gerhard Peter Harmsen Phone +49 69 265-23300 Fax +49 69 265-23315

Johannes Thurner Phone +49 6142 35750 Fax +49 6142 357599


Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Research & Development Am DFS-Campus 5 63225 Langen Dr. Volker Heil Phone +49 6103 707-5750 Fax +49 6103 707-5741

EDAG GmbH & Co. KGaA Reesbergstraße 1 36039 Fulda Raoul Flügel Phone +49 661 6000-596 Fax +49 661 6000-113204

ESA European Space Agency / ESOC DGBMT – Deutsche Gesellschaft für biomedizinische Technik im VDE Stresemannallee 15 60596 Frankfurt am Main Dr. Thomas Becks Phone +49 69 6308-208 Fax +49 69 963152-19

Deutsche Lufthansa AG Flughafen-Bereich West 60546 Frankfurt am Main

Robert-Bosch-Straße 5 64293 Darmstadt Dr. Eva Hassel-von Pock Phone +49 6151 90-2861 Fax +49 6151 90-961

European Business School Rheingaustraße 1 65375 Oestrich-Winkel

Phone +49 69 69-60 Fax +49 69 69-633022

Ralf Knoche Phone +49 6723 69-0 Fax +49 6723 69-133

Division by Zero Software Engineering & Consulting GmbH Rheinstraße15 65185 Wiesbaden Ephraim M. Fischer Phone +49 611 900 45-0 Fax +49 611 900 45-45

Evangelische Fachhochschule Darmstadt Nursing and Health Studies Zweifalltorweg 12 64293 Darmstadt Prof. Dr. med. Kerstin Wessig Phone +49 6151 8798-54 Fax +49 6151 8798-58

EBV Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG Borsigstraße 36 62505 Wiesbaden Phone +49 611 228088-0 Fax +49 611 228088-99

F + D Feinwerk- und Drucktechnik GmbH Kirchenstraße 38 69239 Neckarsteinach Phone +49 6229 700-0 Fax +49 6229 700-67


Your partners in Hessen

Fachhochschule Gießen-Friedberg Wiesenstraße 14 35390 Gießen Phone +49 641 309-0 Fax +49 641 309-2901

Feierabend – Online Dienste für Senioren AG Kaiserstraße 65 60329 Frankfurt am Main Alexander Wild Phone +49 69 25 628-0 Fax +49 69 25 628-199

Feig Electronic GmbH Lange Straße 4 35781 Weilburg Andreas Löw Phone +49 6471 3109-344 Fax +49 6471 3109-99

FlexSecure GmbH Industriestraße 12 64297 Darmstadt Erwin Stallenberger Phone +49 6151 50123-0 Fax +49 6151 50123-19

Fraport AG Intermodality Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 60547 Frankfurt am Main Hans Fakiner Phone +49 69 690-71146 Fax +49 69 690-54451

Fraport AG (continuation) Facility Management Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 60547 Frankfurt am Main Werner Breitwieser Phone +49 69 690-71569 Fax +49 69 690-495-71569 Information & Telecommunication Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide 60547 Frankfurt am Main Dr. Rolf Felkel Phone +49 69 690-72025 Fax +49 69 690-59848

Fraunhofer IGD Director Fraunhoferstraße 5 64283 Darmstadt Prof. Dr. techn. Dieter W. Fellner Phone +49 6151 155-100 Fax +49 6151 155-105 Virtual and Augmented Reality Fraunhoferstraße 5 64283 Darmstadt Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Bockholt Phone +49 6151 155-277 Fax +49 6151 155-196 Security Technology Fraunhoferstraße 5 64283 Darmstadt Alexander Nouak Phone +49 6151 155-147 Fax +49 6151 155-499


Fraunhofer IGD / Fraunhofer Alliance Ambient Assisted Living

HA Hessen Agentur GmbH

Fraunhoferstraße 5 64283 Darmstadt

Innovation, Education, Media Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 38 – 42 65189 Wiesbaden

Dr.-Ing. Reiner Wichert Phone +49 6151 155-574 Fax +49 6151 155-480

Wolf-Martin Ahrend Phone +49 611 774-8299 Fax +49 611 774-8620

Fraunhofer LBF

Hermes Logistik Gruppe

Bartningstraße 47 64289 Darmstadt

Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 99 34123 Kassel

Phone +49 6151 705-0 Fax +49 6151 705-214

Sven Klimpel

Fraunhofer SIT Director Rheinstraße 75 64293 Darmstadt Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert Phone +49 6151 869-285 Fax +49 6151 869-127

Hessen-IT New Technologies Action-line for the Hessian ICT Market of the HMWVL Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 38 – 42 65189 Wiesbaden Olaf Jüptner Phone +49 611 774-8469 Fax +49 611 774-58469

Gesundheitswirtschaft Rhein-Main e.V. c/o FuP Kommunikations-Management GmbH August-Schanz-Straße 80 50433 Frankfurt am Main Linda Thielemann Phone +49 69 954316-0 Fax +49 69 954316-25

Software Action-line for the Hessian ICT Market of the HMWVL Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 38 – 42 65189 Wiesbaden Dr. Matthias Donath Phone +49 611 774-8963 Fax +49 611 774-58963

Hochschule Fulda GVZ – Güterverkehrszentrum Kassel Ständeplatz 13 34117 Kassel Klaus Ossowski Phone +49 561 10970-0 Fax +49 561 10970-35

Marquardstraße 35 36039 Fulda Prof. Dr. Oleg Taraszow Phone +49 661 9640-328 Fax +49 661 9640-184


Your partners in Hessen

Hochschule RheinMain Design Informatics Media Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18 65197 Wiesbaden Prof. Dr. Christoph Schulz Phone +49 611 9495-1200 Fax +49 611 9495-1210

Hochschule Darmstadt (continuation) Mobile Computing, Next Generation Networks, Future Internet Haardtring 100 64295 Darmstadt Prof. Dr. Michael Massoth Phone +49 6151 16-8449 Fax +49 6151 16-8935

Hochschule Darmstadt Information Technology and Microcontroller Haardtring 100 64295 Darmstadt

Mathematics – Stochastics Haardtring 100 64295 Darmstadt

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Fromm Phone +49 6151 16-8237 Fax +49 6151 16-8930

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Maria Overbeck-Larisch Phone +49 6151 16-8651 Fax +49 6151 16-8975

ccass - competence center for applied sensor systems Birkenweg 8 64295 Darmstadt

RF and Microwave Technology, Optical Communications Haardtring 100 64295 Darmstadt

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Haid Phone +49 170 16 70 205 Fax +49 6151 16-8930

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Schmiedel Phone +49 6151 16-8263 Fax +49 6151 16-8931

Knowledge Representation Haardtring 100 64295 Darmstadt

Computer Science and Multimedia Technologies Haardtring 100 64295 Darmstadt

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Knorz Phone +49 6151 16-8007 Fax +49 6151 16-8949

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arnd Steinmetz Phone +49 6151 16-9391 Fax +49 6151 16-9413 Wireless Communications and Electronics Haardtring 100 64295 Darmstadt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Kuhn Phone +49 6151 16-8249 Fax +49 6151 16-8931


Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH Carl-Legien-Straße 30 63073 Offenbach/Main Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edgar Körner Phone +49 69 89011-750 Fax +49 69 89011-749

HSK, Rhein-Main GmbH Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 100 65199 Wiesbaden Holger Strehlau Phone +49 611 432866 Fax +49 611 433150

ICS International AG Siemensstraße 11 61267 Neu-Anspach Jose da Silva Phone +49 6081 9400-0 Fax +49 6081 9400-75

IDENTEC SOLUTIONS Deutschland GmbH Hertzstraße 10 69469 Weinheim Stefan Dewald Phone +49 6201 9957-44 Fax +49 6201 9957-52

IHE Deutschland e.V. c/o Fachverband Elektromedizinische Technik ZVEI – Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. Lyoner Straße 9 60528 Frankfurt am Main Phone +49 69 6302-275 oder -206 Fax +49 69 6302-390

ITG – Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE Stresemannallee 15 60596 Frankfurt am Main Dr.-Ing. Volker Schanz Phone +49 69 63-08360 Fax +49 69 63-12925

intelligent views gmbh Julius-Reiber-Straße 17 64293 Darmstadt Claudia Baumer Phone +49 6151 5006-423 Fax +49 6151 5006-138

IATA – International Air Transport Association Poststraße 2– 4 60329 Frankfurt am Main Phone +49 69 242536-0 Fax +49 69 242536-28

innoforum GmbH Birkenwaldstraße 38 63179 Obertshausen Phone +49 6104 98550 Fax +49 6104 985519


Your partners in Hessen

Integer Solutions GmbH

Logistik RheinMain

Gartenstraße 27 61352 Bad Homburg

Jean-Gardner-Batten-Straße 8 60549 Frankfurt am Main

Olav Reimers Phone +49 6172 59763-117 Fax +49 6172 59763-77

Phone +49 69 2475217-10 Fax +49 69 2475217-88

Lorenz Zahlungssysteme GmbH Intersystems GmbH Hilpertstraße 20a 64295 Darmstadt Thomas Mironiuk Phone +49 6151 1747-12 Fax +49 6151 1747-11

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Unibator Grüneburgplatz 1 60323 Frankfurt am Main Phone +49 69 798 34713 Fax +49 69 798 35001

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Landscape Ecology and Resources Management Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32 35392 Gießen Prof. Dr. Stefan Gäth Phone +49 641 99-37381 Fax +49 641 99-37389

LH Engineering GmbH Erbacher Straße 68 a 64739 Höchst Norbert Hemberger Phone +49 6163 913-775 Fax +49 6163 913-774


Eschborner Landstraße 75 60489 Frankfurt Heger Bernhard Phone +49 769 78991202

Lufthansa Cargo AG Flughafen-Bereich West 60546 Frankfurt am Main Phone +49 69 696-0 Fax +49 69 696-91185

Lufthansa Systems AG Am Weiher 24 65451 Kelsterbach Phone +49 69 696-90000 Fax +49 69 696-95959

MAVinci UG Robert-Bosch-Straße 7 64293 Darmstadt Phone +49 6151-3688915 Fax +49 6151-3688916

Merck KGaA

Pepperl + Fuchs / Omnitron AG

Frankfurter Straße 250 64293 Darmstadt

Im Leuschnerpark 4 64347 Griesheim

Phone +49 6151 72-0 Fax +49 6151 72-2000

Wolfgang Weber Phone +49 6155 8740-20 Fax +49 6155 8740-12

MOBA Mobile Automation AG Kapellenstraße 15 65555 Limburg Volker Harms Phone +49 6431 9577-0 Fax +49 6431 9577-177

mobileobjects AG Westerbachstraße 28 61476 Kronberg / Taunus Phone +49 6173 9979-0 Fax +49 6173 9979-20

Motorola GmbH Telco-Kreisel 1 65510 Idstein

PRINTRONIX Deutschland GmbH Goethering 56 63067Offenbach Phone +49 69 829706-0 Fax +49 69 829706-22

PS4B – Professional Solutions for Business GmbH Platz der Einheit 1 60327 Frankfurt am Main Frank Herzog Phone +49 69 97503-484 Fax +49 69 97503-200


Phone +49 6126 9576-0 Fax +49 6126 9576-999

Röntgenstraße 43 64291 Darmstadt

Phone +49 6151 9358-0 Fax +49 6151 9358-97

Opticon Sensoren GmbH Office Dietzenbach Waldstraße 92 63128 Dietzenbach Manuela Kuttig Phone +49 6074 91890-0 Fax +49 6074 91890-33

REA Elektronik GmbH Teichwiesenstraße 1 64367 Mühltal-Waschenbach Phone +49 6154 638-0 Fax +49 6154 638-195


Your partners in Hessen

RMS Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund Servicegesellschaft mbH Am Hauptbahnhof 6 60329 Frankfurt am Main Marco F. Gennaro Phone +49 69 27307-221 Fax +49 69 27307-478

RMV Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH Alte Bleiche 5 65719 Hofheim am Taunus Dr.-Ing. Josef Becker Phone +49 6192 294-0 Fax +49 6192 294-900

Sensitec GmbH Georg-Ohm-Straße 11 35633 Lahnau – Waldgirmes Phone +49 6441 9788-0 Fax +49 6441 9788-17 mehr

SER GmbH Software Engineering Rodinger Seligenstädter Straße 68 63500 Seligenstadt Manfred Rodinger Phone +49 6182 7053 Fax +49 6182 7105

Rittal GmbH & Co. KG

Service Gesellschaft Spedition und Logistik mbH

Auf dem Stützelberg 35745 Herborn

Königsberger Straße 29 60487 Frankfurt am Main

Phone +49 2772 505-0 Fax +49 2772 505 2319

Marc Köhler Phone +49 69 9708110 Fax +49 69 776356

SAP Research CEC Darmstadt Bleichstraße 8 64283 Darmstadt Dr. Knut Manske Phone +49 6227 7-68800 Fax +49 6227 7-844632

Software AG Uhlandstraße 12 64297 Darmstadt Dominik Nagel Phone +49 6151 92-1976 Fax +49 6151 92-1623

Seiko Instruments GmbH Siemensstraße 9 63263 Neu-Isenberg Phone +49 6102 297-0 Fax +49 6102 297-320


Sokymat Transponder Technologies GmbH Am Klingenweg 6A 65396 Walluf Phone +49 6123 791-350 Fax +49 6123 791-113

Sony Computer Entertainment Deutschland GmbH Frankfurter Straße 233 63263 Neu-Isenburg Phone +49 6102 433-0

T-Systems International GmbH Hahnstraße 43d 60528 Frankfurt am Main Günter Grebe Phone +49 69 66531-2710 Fax +49 69 66531-239

Speditions- & Logistikverband Hessen / Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. Königsberger Straße 29 60487 Frankfurt am Main Thorsten Hölser Phone +49 69 9708110 Fax +49 69 776356

speedikon Facility Management AG Berliner Ring 89 64625 Bensheim Arno Schwarz Phone +49 6151 584-235 Fax +49 6151 584-414

Smart Future Initiative Darmstaedter Straße 52 64367 Muehltal Dr. Dr. Norbert Streitz Phone +49 6151 146-972 Fax +49 6151 504-7779

S Y S M A T GmbH

T-Systems Internation GmbH Hahnstraße 43d 60528 Frankfurt am Main Harald Ruhl Phone +49 69 66531-8821

T-Systems International GmbH Hahnstraße 43d 60528 Frankfurt am Main Christiane Müller Phone +49 69 66531-0 Fax +49 69 66531-139

Technische Universität Darmstadt Computer Integrated Design Petersenstraße 30 64287 Darmstadt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Anderl Phone +49 6151 16-6001 Fax +49 6151 16-6854

Götzenweg 10 63533 Mainhausen

Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering Petersenstraße 30 64287 Darmstadt

Rainer Schulz Phone +49 6182 8265804 Fax +49 6182 8265805

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Boltze Phone +49 6151 16-2025 Fax +49 6151 16-4625


Your partners in Hessen

Technische Universität Darmstadt (cont.)

Technische Universität Darmstadt (cont.)

Databases and Distributed Systems Hochschulstraße 10 64289 Darmstadt

Multimedia Communications Lab Rundeturmstraße 10 64283 Darmstadt

Prof. Dr. Alejandro Buchmann Phone +49 6151 16-6230 Fax +49 6151 16-6229

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Steinmetz Phone +49 6151 166151 Fax +49 6151 166152

Flight Systems and Automatic Control Petersenstraße 30 64287 Darmstadt

Simulation, Systems Optimization and Robotics Hochschulstraße 10 64289 Darmstadt

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Klingauf Phone +49 6151 16-2190 Fax +49 6151 16-5434

Prof. Dr. Oskar von Stryk Phone +49 6151 16-2513 Fax +49 6151 16-6648

Telecooperation Hochschulstraße 10 64289 Darmstadt

Automotive Engineering Petersenstraße 30 64287 Darmstadt

Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser Phone +49 6151 16-3709 Fax +49 6151 16-6597

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hermann Winner Phone +49 6151 16-3796 Fax +49 6151 16-5192

Railway Engineering Petersenstraße 30 64287 Darmstadt

TECTUS Transponder Technology GmbH Adlerstraße 2 63322 Rödermark

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Ötting Phone +49 6151 16-65911 Fax +49 6151 16-6903

Udo W. Doege Phone +49 6074 8619-28 Fax +49 6074 8619-29

Management & Logistics Hochschulstraße 1 64289 Darmstadt Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Christian Pfohl Phone +49 6151 16-2123 Fax +49 6151 16-6503


Telenet AG Rhein-Main Frankfurter Straße 129b 64293 Darmstadt Michael Vester Phone +49 6151 7333-50 Fax +49 6151 7333-25

Uniklinikum Gießen und Marburg GmbH Klinikstraße 36 35392 Gießen Prof. Dr. Kurt Heinz Marquardt Phone +49 641 99-44494 Fax +49 641 99-44499

Universität Kassel Communication Technology Wilhelmshöher Allee 73 34121 Kassel Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus David Phone +49 561 804-6314 Fax +49 561 804-6360

VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut GmbH Usability Checks Merianstraße 28 63069 Offenbach am Main Dr. Thomas Seitz Phone +49 69 8306-318 Fax +49 69 8306-855

VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. Stresemannallee 15 60596 Frankfurt am Main Phone +49 69 6308-0 Fax +49 69 6312925 Distributed Systems Wilhelmshöher Allee 73 34121 Kassel Prof. Dr. Kurt Geihs Phone +49 561 804-6275 Fax +49 561 804-6277

VDA – Verband der Automobilindustrie Westendstraße 61 60325 Frankfurt am Main Phone +49 69 97507-0 Fax +49 69 97507-261 Public Law, Environmental Law and IT Law Nora-Platiel-Straße 5 34109 Kassel

Vodafone D2 GmbH Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee 1 65760 Eschborn

Prof. Dr. Alexander Roßnagel Phone +49 561 804-3130 Fax +49 561 804-3737

Rudolf Markschläger Phone +49 69 2169-5101 Fax +49 69 2169-8509

VDE Initiative Mikromedizin Stresemannallee 15 60596 Frankfurt am Main Johannes Dehm Phone +49 69 6308-348 Fax +49 69 6312925

Volkswagen AG Kassel Kommunikation / 4976 Dr. Rudolf-Leiding-Platz 1 34225 Baunatal Rudolf Stassek Phone +49 561 490-4975 Fax +49 561 490-3505


Your partners in Hessen

Woco Industrietechnik GmbH Hanauer Landstraße 16 63628 Bad Soden-Salmünster Phone +49 6056 78-0 Fax +49 6056 78-7212

ZVEI – Zentralverband Elektrotechnikund Elektroindustrie e.V. Lyoner Straße 9 60528 Frankfurt am Main Phone +49 69 6302-0 Fax +49 69 6302-317

ZIV – Zentrum für integrierte Verkehrssysteme GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 7 64293 Darmstadt Dr.-Ing. Peter Sturm Phone +49 6151 27028-0 Fax +49 6151 27028-10


6 The action-line Hessen-IT Hessen-IT is the action-line of the Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport, Urban and Regional Development for the entire information and communication market in Hessen. Hessen-IT provides information and services on matters such as the online market, e- and m-commerce, software and telecommunications providers and teleworking. We focus on both the 10,000 Hessian companies that offer products and services on the information and communication market, as well as the small to medium-sized enterprises that use them. Our provider databases facilitate the search for suitable service providers when carrying out IT projects. At the same time, these databases form an information and communication platform for providers, who can use it to present themselves to users and potential customers. News tickers, e-mail and print newsletters report regularly on the ICT market in Hessen. Numerous publications and series supplement the information provided on the website. The brochures can by ordered easily online, or downloaded. Hessen-IT has initiated various networks and industry get-togethers, in which both commercial and non-commercial providers have formed alliances. Regional multimedia and e-commerce centres, as well as chambers of commerce, trade chambers and other regional parties all work together with the goal of further securing Hessen's strong position in the German and European ICT market and of bringing us further along the path towards an information society.


The action-line Hessen-IT

On the online calendar of the website you will find an overview of these networks and gatherings, as well as a notice of events in which Hessen-IT is participating. Competent members of the team are also present at international trade fairs such as the CeBIT, or at regional events throughout Hessen. In addition, Hessen-IT organises seminars and workshops on different topics. The Hessen-IT project team is happy to help you. Please visit our website at


The publication series of Hessen-IT Opportunities to purchase and download as a PDF file are available at Hessen-Media (about us) 2001

Hessen-infoline-Netzwerk (Volume 26) Projektdokumentation (Volume 1)

Education and Science 2002

Telemedizin in Hessen – Beiträge aus dem Universitätsklinikum Gießen (Volume 24)


Entwicklung und Einsatz elektronischer Medien als Lehr- und Lernmittel an hessischen Hochschulen (Volume 27) Kompetenzzentren und Onlinedienste im Schulwesen – Beispiele für Hessen-Media Projekte (Volume 25)


Die virtuelle Universität (Volume 15)

E-Government 2002

Auf dem Weg zu E-Government – Hessens Kommunen im Internet (Volume 37) Wirtschaftsförderung und Standortmarketing im Internet (Volume 36)

Market reports IT-location Hessen 2008

Telekommunikationsanbieter in Hessen 2008 (Volume 60)


IKT-Markt in Hessen (Volume 58)


Softwareanbieter in Hessen 2004 (Volume 50) Telekommunikationsanbieter in Hessen 2004 (Volume 49)


Online-Anbieter in Hessen (Volume 2)


E-Shops in Hessen (Volume 28)


Der Telekommunikationsmarkt in Hessen (Volume 21)


The publication series of Hessen-IT

Guidelines for IT applications 2010

Ambient Mobility - Intelligent Products and Environments for Mobile Citizens and Businesses (Volume 62)

SOA - Mehr als nur flexible Softwarearchitekturen (Volume 63) Notleidende Projekte - Eine Hilfestellung für IT-Projekte in sieben Akten (Volume 64) Die Gamesbranche - Ein ernstzunehmender Wachstumsmarkt (Volume 59, 2nd revised edition)

Satellitennavigation in Hessen - Ideen über All (Volume 65) 2009

Ambient Mobility – Intelligente Produkte und Umgebungen für mobile Bürger und Unternehmen (Volume 61) Rating für IKT-Unternehmen (Volume 53, 2nd revised edition)


Leitfaden zur Patentierung computerimplementierter Erfindungen (Volume 51, 2nd revised edition)


Web 2.0 – Neue erfolgreiche Kommunikationsstrategien für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (Volume 57) Die Gamesbranche – Ein ernstzunehmender Wachstumsmarkt (Volume 59) In modernen Märkten überleben – Kooperationen mittelständischer Softwareunternehmen in Hessen (Volume 44, 2nd edition)


Internet-Marketing nicht nur für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (Volume 52) Basel II – Rating für IT-Unternehmen (Volume 53) RFID – Geschäftsprozesse mit Funktechnologie unterstützen (Volume 54) Anti-Spam – Ein Leitfaden über und gegen unverlangte E-Mail-Werbung (Volume 55) VoIP – Telefonieren über das Internet (Volume 56) Leitfaden Webdesign – Internetpräsenzen besser planen und gestalten (Volume 7, 5th edition)


Recht im Internet (Volume 33, 2nd edition) Gefunden werden im Internet (Volume 32, 2nd edition)


The publication series of Hessen-IT


Wettbewerbsvorteile durch barrierefreie Internetauftritte (Volume 48) Domainregistrierung international (Volume 47) Wireless-LAN: Stand und Entwicklungspotenzial, Nutzungsansätze für KMU (Volume 46)


E-Business-Konzepte für den Mittelstand (Volume 45) Leitfaden „In modernen Märkten überleben“ (Volume 44) Projektleitfaden „Software-Ergonomie“ (Volume 43) „Digitale Signatur“, Leitfaden zum Einsatz digitaler Signaturen (Volume 42) Die Bedeutung der E-Logistik für den Mittelstand (Volume 41) Management von Kundenbeziehungen im Internet (Volume 40) Leitfaden „Webdesign – Internetpräsenzen besser planen und gestalten“ (Volume 7)


IT-Sicherheit für den Mittelstand (Volume 38) E-Paymentsysteme – Bezahlen im Internet (Volume 35) ASP: Mehr als nur Mietsoftware (Volume 34) Recht im Internet (Volume 33) Gefunden werden im Internet (Volume 32) E-Learning für KMU – Neue Medien in der betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung (Volume 31) Telehaus Wetter – ein TeleServiceZentrum (Volume 30)


Kasseler Praxis-Dialog Tele@rbeit – Analysen · Erfahrungen · Positionen (Volume 29)


Leitfaden „Webdesign international“ (Volume 22) E-Shop-Software (Volume 20) Hessische Handwerker entdecken das Internet (Volume 19) Leitfaden zur Anwendung eines Ratingsystems für IT-Unternehmen in Hessen (Volume 18) Software-Dialog Hessen (3) (Volume 17) Leitfaden „E-Shop“ (Volume 16)




Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport, Urban and Regional Development

Ambient Mobility

ISBN 978-3-939358-62-6


Volume 62

Ambient Mobility

Intelligent Products and Environments for Mobile Citizens and Businesses

Volume 62



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