Presidents Activity report - 2023 UDLAP

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las américas puebla
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universidad de las américas puebla


This document is a summary of the actions and results achieved in 2023. The indicators shown are aligned with the Strategic Plan‘s objectives, which in turn are associated with the university’s mission and vision.

Financial stability

Create the necessary resources to guarantee the institution’s sustainability by diversifying income and using it efficiently, to attract and retain the best human resources, investing in technology, facilities, and financial aid programs to develop society.

academic prestige

Strengthen academic recognition with a faculty that has credentials, professional, teaching and research experience and accredited academic programs that respond to global reality, to transform students into excellent graduates through an integral formation.

institutional prestige

Position udlap in Mexico and Latin America as one of the best private universities in applied research, and an opinion leader in specialized topics.

outreach with society and companies

Strengthen udlap’s outreach with graduates, companies and society, to obtain resources for research and social programs, positioning the institution and making it easier to place students and graduates.

organizational capital

Create a work environment that promotes an adequate organizational climate to develop functions efficiently and effectively. Guarantee that personnel have the highest technical abilities, meeting udlap’s collaborator profile.


During this year, udlap efficiently assigned resources, identifying, evaluating and managing financial risk, investing in technology and facilities and providing financial aid through various programs..

Financial situation

► Scholarships worth $828.5 million pesos were awarded.

► 983 financial difficulty requests were attended, obtaining favorable negotiations in 96% of such cases. Student services were improved by implementing an education credit account statement.

► Sales at the University Store increased by 8%.

► $185.6 million pesos in bank liabilities were paid, of which $97.5 million pesos were advance payments and $88.1 million pesos were scheduled payments. The credit balance to December 31 is $100.1 million pesos.

► 80% of supplier files and purchases were digitalized in the Financial Management System.

► On January 20, three drawings for collaborators students and graduates, volunteers and employees were held. On January 28, the 36th udlap Lottery was held, with 98% of 300,000 issued tickets sold for a total income of $154,363,769. In this edition 17,959 collaborators participated.

► On August 8, 2023, we obtained the permit (number 20230200PS05) for the 37th udlap Lottery, to be held on March 23, 2024, with a $59,587,540 price bag. The permit for the 11th Collaborator Raffle (permit number 20230201PS09) will be held on March 15, 2024, with a price bag of $3,789,266. By December 31, 2023, the income from the 37th raffle was $28,210,382.




Below is the university’s income statement and the statement of financial situation.

Table 1. Income statement to December 2022 and 2023 In thousands of pesos.

2023 2022 Income: Tuition income $1,838,268 $1,713,502 Scholarships (842,987) (769,221) $995,280 $944,281 Colleges $58,896 $38,736 Secondary activities $34,903 $21,454 Received contributions $3,304 $2,077 Lottery $110,225 $77,904 Independent operations $8,675 $7,680 Other income $71,493 $73,912 Financial products $96,577 $67,262 Total income $1,379,353 $1,233,306 Expenses: Teaching $388,618 $430,962 Research $10,625 $10,872 Public administration $1,025 $344 Academic support $43,651 $40,914 Student services $307,498 $301,212 Institutional support $335,271 $374,398 Secondary companies $42,642 $46,739 Independent operations $31,658 $30,317 Facility operation and maintenance $109,389 $112,655 Lottery $76,987 $53,576 Other expenses $19,680 $10,379 Total expenses $1,367,044 $1,412,368 Loss before profit taxes $12,309 ($179,062) Note: the information for 2022 and 2023 are audited numbers.

Tabla 2. Financial situation statement to December 31 2022 and 2023 In thousands of pesos.

Note: the information for 2022 and 2023 are audited numbers.

2023 2022 ASSETS Cash and equivalent $361,394 $535,856 Student accounts receivable, net $16,686 $17,968 Anticipated payments and other receivables $30,889 $29,832 Inventory, net $1,236 $571 Right of use $51,926 $53,910 Real estate, furniture and equipment $579,170 $594,023 Differed profit tax $152,926 $166,055 Total assets $1,194,225 $1,398,215 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $133,179 $174,754 Accrued liability $120,094 $125,699 Tuition down payments $168,497 $161,933 Long term loans $44,183 $171,283 Leasing liabilities $13,311 $6,516 Other liabilities $500,012 $555,390 Total liabilities $979,276 $1,195,575 EQUITY Equity $214,949 $202,640 Total equity $214,949 $202,640 Total liabilities and equity $1,194,225 $1,398,215


Investment in facilities and technology created competitive advantages that allowed us to offer quality service and comfortable, safe and adequate spaces, through maintenance plans and campus improvements. Investments were made in information security and cctv, as well as academic software contracts.

technological inFrastructure

► Through Governance Management and Administrative Solutions, this year several information systems were developed, including those for managing institutional scholarships, the request and control of school services and management of academic tutoring, as well as those to manage student’s social services and recording and managing university workshops.

With these information solutions, the institution:

● The scholarship renewal process was improved for the 8,000 students who have this benefit. Almost 2,000 students who carry out their social service and looked for opportunities in institutions and organizations who published their positions were benefitted. The attention to students who made over 5,800 requests in School Services was expedited once the new information system started operations.

● The academic tutoring system’s recovery of information and tutoring management was updated, thus registering around 9,000 sessions.

● The university personnel and payroll systems were given maintenance, updating them to include new functionalities to manage tasks, auditing and payroll control.

● An academic data management for faculty was acquired, which includes information to control the insurance beneficiaries for employees and reports for Human Resources to manage retirees.

● Free technology was incorporated, to control the udlap Lottery tickets sold in the online store, thus saving USD$6,000.

● The Human Resources Management System was adjusted to comply with the new vacation and imss legislation.

● 4.0 electronic invoicing was implemented, which impacted several processes and there-


fore different information systems, the most important of which were supplier payments, tuition invoicing and proof of expenses for the Financial Management System, among others.

● The school information systems was adjusted to comply with State and Federal sep regulations regarding study certificates and changes due to government requirements.

● Reviewed and adjusted the documentation of fifteen it processes to define service kpis and update the work areas.

► Through technological safety, platform and infrastructure, the university:

● Completed the implementation of the Information Safety solution soc xsiam, which integrated diverse systems, thus improving udlap’s cybersecurity incident monitoring, review and automatization.

● Protected over 2,500 user equipment and 180 data center servers, providing security to a population of over 3,000 campus users and 9,000 system users.

● This new solution includes xdr Cortex as a detection tool that can protect and react in real

time to threats, from desktops to Data Center servers.

● Implemented a firewall in the Dental Lab to use the internet connection provided by the university, as well as the backup Totalplay connection, benefitting over 300 students and employees in the Health Science licenciaturas.

● Implemented a prtg tool that monitors the main network equipment for campus buildings and the main production servers, 240 switches and 34 servers, which is used by the university community.

● Improved the Identity Management process, reviewing the user profiles and rearranging the Microsoft licenses for users according to their profile, going from 0 available licenses to almost 8,000 for the student profile without investing additional resources.

● Renewed the Rubrik security copy system infrastructure that safekeeps information in the production servers and database information in case the need arises to recover information due to any errors, information attack or simply due to migration.




● Completed the implementation of the hyper convergent VxRail solution in the data center and migrated 99% of the virtual infrastructure used in the production of the previous platform to this new solution.

● Improved the hostel’s connectivity infrastructure to include: a new fiber optic network and lan and Wireless network equipment for common areas.

● The implementation of VxRail means less equipment with better processing ability now totaling 1.25 THz, tripling storage from the previous system. This new solution includes VMware for more advanced management and configuration, resulting in better performance and instantaneous scalability, which is something that was not available before.

● The renewal of this infrastructure allows the community and visitors to interact with udlap services and applications, having a better user experience. The university also has innovative technology that is backed up by the manufacturers, impacting over 10,000 users of different platforms and systems.

► Through IT customer services, the institution:

● Saved an estimated $5,000 USD in equipment and projector warrantees, and $2,700 USD in monitoring management, including shut-

ting off, turning on and restarting equipment remotely.

● Renewed over 240 laptops for full-time professors and over 170 computer equipment for administrative personnel. Over 100 academic software, of which 85% were updated.

● Signed academic software agreements, both renewals and new acquisitions, which strengthens the institution’s educational offer.

● Purchased Altair One, benefitting the Licenciatura in Mechatronics and the Licenciatura in Robotics and Telecommunications.

● Renewed the academic agreement with Honeywell to use the UniSim software for the Environmental and Food Engineering programs.

● Signed the following contracts:

○ Dassault Systems for 200 free CATIA software licenses for students.

○ odoo

○ Immersive Reality Marketing lab.

○ Xilinx for free Vivado software, benefitting the Robotics and Telecommunications and Mechatronics Licenciaturas.

● Created over 200 minutes of video tutorials, mainly for the dental lab. This is a 20% increase from 2022. The video “Recover your udlap account” was the most seen, with over 2,900 visits.



► Through digital evolution and web platforms, the institution:

● Completed the Blackboard migration to the Ultra version, migrating 75% of courses from its original version and offering 29 training courses, designed to improve familiarity and usability of the new platform, with 12 workshops on content management.

● Migrated and updated the servers that support the webpage. The update incorporated .net Core to the development process to optimize functionality and security in web applications.

● Carried out over 15 information security awareness campaigns, focusing on ransomware, information theft and identity theft.

● Renewed the “digital skills” site, with over 250 tutorials to develop digital competencies in Blackboard, Microsoft 365, information security and academic software. We had 45,000 visits on the site, benefiting 10,000 students and employees.

► 38 webpages were created to support academic, administrative and recruitment activities, achieving 9 million visits to the website.

► Graduate digital support:

● Support to 281 mixed master’s courses.

● Training to 112 professors on Blackboard ULTRA.

● Migration of 132 courses to Blackboard ULTRA.

● Training in 120 courses to startup and use the hybrid udlap master’s classrooms.

● Offered introduction and follow-up courses to 405 new mixed master’s program students, reaching 91% of technology use topics (Blackboard ULTRA and Teams), digital resources and academic-administrative aspects.

● Created course offers for 94.4% of mixed master students, and 3% were offered credit by exam.

physical inFrastructure

► Change of the IT substation’s transfer board, so that the equipment does not have electric power intermittence in case of cfe power outages.

► Maintenance to emergency equipment for brigades (fire extinguishers, hydrants and firefighting equipment).

► The Morris “Moe” Williams gym was remodeled for the 79th Graduation Ceremony. It was painted and carpeted. The ceremony included furniture logistics, cleaning, ventilation and cleanup of confetti between ceremonies.

► A room was built for the new electric substation for Ray Lindley College, and new equipment was purchased (disconnectors, dry transformer, emergency plant, transfer board and main board).

► The Humanities building’s walls were remodeled: the old paint was removed, damaged areas were repaired, windows were detailed, and was it was all re-painted.

► The new Oral Trial Chamber was updated, and the air conditioning system was renovated in the Library.

► Road signs were renewed and the posts in the parking lots and university roads were painted.

► The Agora’s food court was remodeled to fit more users and new furniture was purchased.

► The external facade of buildings A, B, C and D of the Ignacio Bernal College were painted. The skylights were replaced in Ignacio Bernal College’s administrative building, and in the Jose Gaos College residential buildings.


► The terrace of the Ray Lindley College was remodeled so it can be used for residential activities.

► The Health Science building’s facade was remodeled, and the walkway in front of the Social Science Building was replaced.

► The structural building reports for campus buildings were renewed.

► Residential Colleges were renewed through space conditioning, cleaning, gardening and maintenance for the Expo udlap Spring 2023 and Fall 2023.

► Volcanic ash was removed in external and internal areas of campus.

► The National Drill was held on April 19.

► 100% of the planned drills were held, with the participation of six buildings and 3,134 people. Two additional drills, one for boiler fires and one for earthquakes in the Capilla del Arte udlap, were held.

serVice inFrastructure

► 45,724 users benefitted from three university routes.

► Food Services was re-certified in Distintivo H, guaranteeing that they comply with the food safety processes specified in nom-251-ssa1-2009.

► 322,684 breakfasts and 161,484 lunches were served in the Americas cafeteria.

► 29,606 lunches were delivered as a scholarship benefit to the Representative Teams.

► 15,679 packages were received, 15,602 packages were delivered, and 749 FedEx shipments were handled in the correspondence department.

► There were 836 transportation services (executive, pool and special with a driver).

► Over 2,400 students lived in Residential Colleges in the Spring, Summer and Fall terms.

► There were 5,713 on-site (87% of the total) and online (13% of the total) appointments by the School Services Department. This is 56% less due to the implementation of remote systems and procedures.

► The Medical Services Department:

● Implementation of the online medical validation system, to successfully upload medical proof for students, improving the upload time from 2 weeks to 2 days.

● Operation of the Appointment System for new student medical exams, benefitting for 2,083 users.

● Acquisition and placement of 3 automatic external defibrillators (AEDS) on campus (Student Center, Luis “Luison” Gómez López Gym and Library) to safekeep the community.



One of the components that distinguishes udlap is the academic prestige derived from the quality of its teaching, with accredited study programs, a highly trained faculty, professors and students who are involved in research projects, students in the job market carrying out professional and field practices, publications of books and magazines, as well as the renowned performance of its alumni and their outreach with their alma mater through events, activities and follow-up of their professional lives.


► 100% of full-time professors have a graduate degree, of which 82 % is a terminal degree.

► 17% of full-time professors are foreign.

► We received 11 visiting professors.

► 5 professors from the licenciaturas in Architecture, International Relations and Political Science, Health Sciences, Computing, Electronics and Mechatronics and Economics were awarded the udlap 2023 Commitment to Education Medal.

► 619 professors developed 2,400 courses on Blackboard, applying quality standards in the design of licenciatura and doctorate courses.

► 337 professors participated in 18 courses focused on strengthening the use of Blackboard Ultra in academia, their skills in instructional design, evaluation of learning and use of icts to create virtual learning environments.

► 112 master’s professors were trained in new technological tools, to teach mixed courses.

► Over 43% of courses were taught by full time professors.

► 14% of courses were taught in English.

► These are the results of the professor evaluation:

► In Spring 2023, the course satisfaction evaluation average was 95% and in Fall 2023 it was 94%. Average Satisfaction


► We were able to maintain 32% attendance of students in the Academic Tutoring program.

► 93% of students who met with tutors were satisfied with the academic tutoring service.


► The onsite visit by fimpes was concluded by the committees, and the accreditation is in the opinion process.

► The Master Curriculum Review process began in fall 2023 and will continue in Spring and Summer 2024, with the objective of having rvoes at the end of 2024.

► The Medical Specialty in Anesthesiology received a Favorable Technical Opinion in Fall 2023.

► The curriculum review for 48 licenciatura programs was concluded, and School Services is in the registration process.

Spring 2023 Fall 2023 Satisfaction average (out of 5) 4.73 4.70 Percentage of surveys answered 75 % 76 % Percentage of course aspects evaluated 96 % 97 %

► There have been 23 follow-ups to re-accreditations granted by the Council for the Accreditation of Higher Education and before the Interinstitutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education.

► 11 licenciatura programs were evaluated and verified before the Council for the Accreditation of Higher Education and before the Interinstitutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education. All have been re-accredited.

● Programs accredited by the Association for the Accreditation and Certification of Social Sciences:

○ Licenciatura in Anthropology

○ Licenciatura in Pedagogy

● Programs accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Higher Education in Arts:

○ Licenciatura in Dance

○ Licenciatura in Theater

○ Licenciatura in Music

○ Licenciatura in Fine Arts

● Programs accredited by the Council for the Accreditation in Engineering Teaching:

○ Licenciatura in Environmental Engineering

○ Licenciatura in Biomedical Engineering

○ Licenciatura in Logistics Engineering

● Programs accredited by the Interinstitutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education:

○ Licenciatura in Nursing

● Programs accredited by the Mexican Council for the Accreditation of Design Programs:

○ Licenciatura in Design of Visual Information


► 48% of full-time professors belong to the National Researcher System.

► 52% of full-time professors participated in research projects.

► There were over 182 research projects.

► Over 900 publications in Scopus, with over 6,000 citations in the last five years.

► There were 158 publications in Scopus, achieving 270 citations.

► 54% of publications in Scopus were made in collabo-

ration with international institutions, and 46% with national institutions.

► The main collaboration countries for research topics were the United States, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, China, the UK and Spain. For their part, the unesco Chair in Hydrometeorological Risk collaborated with renowned organizations, including:

● Moldes y Exhibidores, S. A. de C. V. (Mexico)

● Corporativo bimbo S. A. de C. V. (Mexico)

● Sialico Food Safety S. A. de C. V. (Mexico)

● The University of Texas Systems (United States)

● The International Partnership of Business Schools (ipbs) (France)

● University of Notre Dame (United States)

● Ozono Polaris, S. A. de C. V. (Mexico)

● Puentes Consortium Rice University Liaison (United States)

► 182 current research projects, of which 166 are internal projects, 6 projects with external financing managed by udlap and 10 projects with external financing not managed by udlap

► Five projects with external financing were concluded:

● «Síntesis de nuevos compuestos bicíclicos rígidos quirales y su uso como catalizadores en reacciones estereoselectivas de formación de enlaces carbono-carbono», directed by Dr. Cecilia Anaya Berríos.

● «Carbón activado biológico», directed by Dr. José Luis Sánchez Salas.

● «Research and advice on continuous improvement in organizations of the xxi century», directed by Dr. Manuel Francisco Suárez Barraza.

● «Innovation, diversity and language training through physics studies abroad», directed by Diego de Jesús Lastiri Soria.

● «El nivel de educación financiera y el abuso económico en adultos mayores en el estado de Tlaxcala: diagnóstico, diseño y evaluación de impacto en un programa de educación e inclusión financiera», directed by Dr. Kristiano Raccanello.

► 480 attendees to events organized by the Department of Research and Graduate Studies: fimpes Congress 2023; Seminar of Vulnerability and Vulnerable Groups 2023, and Congress on Energy of Topological Graphics and Indices 2023 and Doctoral Colloquium 2023.


► There is a new research project with external financing that is managed by udlap, with a grant of $258,419.28 pesos.

● Granting of a patent (chair/exoskeleton to support people standing in repetitive tasks). PROPORTION

► The graduate programs accredited by the National Program of Quality Graduate Studies of the National Graduate System are shown in the following table:

► Copyright topics included:

OF NATIONAL RESEARCHERS SYSTEM FACULTY BY LEVEL 23 % 3 % 63 % 11 % candidate level 2 level 1 level 3 Doctorate snp Level Expiration date in pnpc Students enrolled to December 2023 Molecular Biomedicine Formalized 2024 13 Food Science In Development 2025 22 Water Science Formalized 2024 12 Culture Creation and Theories Formalized 2024 19 Intelligent Systems Formalized 2024 11

● 122 udlap Brand renewals and declarations.

► Four emblems were registered before IMPI, which grant udlap the exclusive rights in Mexico:


● Nuevo Azteca

● Nueva Catarina


honors program

Promotes the academic development of its members by carrying out a research or artistic creation projects under the tutoring of distinguished professors, creators and researchers.

Members of the Honors Program

► Presented thesis in the Honors Program:

● 43 students in Spring 2023

● 54 students in Fall 2023


► Increase of 22.1% with over 2,700 new students.

● Over 2,300 new students were granted scholarships.

● 82.8% are licenciatura and 17.2% are in graduate programs.

● Over 470 graduate students.

► Enrollment increased by 5% from last year.

► 84% of students were granted scholarships, an increase of 25.2% from the previous year.

► Multicultural student population: around 40 nationalities.

► Over 50% of students are from Puebla, 11% foreign

and over 17% from Mexico State, Veracruz and Mexico City.

► 4,462 courses were offered, of which 93% were onsite, 5% mixed and 2% online.

► There was an increase of 4.6% (437 students) in the Tutoring Program, of which 72.3% finished it.

► There were 127 organizations to carry out field practices. The performance of students in these practices has a 9.7 average on the following criteria: effective communication, problem solving, strategic thinking and continuous and autonomous learning.

► 30 companies, 130 agencies and 13 universities were included in foreign professional practices.

► 583 organizations were included for professional practices, and they graded students’ performance as 9.3, highlighting ethical behavior and social responsibility (9.7), mastery of English or other language (9.4) and ability in oral and written communication (9.3).

► 2,608 students carried out professional practices and 228 students field practices in Mexico.

► 1,775 students carried out their social service.

► 1,129 positions were available in: 67% civil society, 22% government and 11% business.

► 127 students attended information sessions regarding the social service process.

wellbeing and student liFe

► The udlap Workshops had 545 participants in Spring and 695 in Fall.

► The Student Support Department served over 580 psychological counseling requests and provided 1,647 sessions to students.

► 4,302 people participated in the 97 integration activities carried out in Residential Colleges.

► Scholar udlap 2023 awards were given to five students from the licenciaturas in Visual Information Design, Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering, Law, Chemical Engineering and International Business Administration and a student in the Master of Business Administration.

► The Security Department provided attention, follow-up and solution to cases, including missing objects and road disputes between students.

► The Induction Program had the participation of:

● Spring 2023: 111 students.

● Fall 2023: 1,123 students.

● 104 udlap Guides.

School Students (Spring 2023) Students (Fall 2023) Arts and Humanities 89 92 Social Science 119 116 Science 197 199 Engineering 112 116 Business and Economics 74 70 Total 591 593

► The election for Student Council (ceudlap) was digital, with the participation of over 2,000 students who exercised their right to vote and choose their representatives.

► The 2023-2024 ceudlap included 135 students in 10 boards, 16 interim boards, 5 school representatives, the Judicial Branch and the Executive Branch.

► There were 96 registered student organizations, which included over 2,200 students from different licenciaturas.

► The student organizations carried out 279 activities and ceudlap carried out 214 social, cultural, academic and athletic activities.

► Medical services carried out the following campaigns:

● New Anti-Tobacco Law.

● Flu vaccination.

● Hepatitis A and B vaccination.

● Tetanus vaccination.

● Cervical cancer.

● Blood donation.

● Detection of hiv, syphilis and Hepatitis C.

► There were different special projects by academic departments with the collaboration of students and professors (annex 1).

► Students from different areas obtained awards and recognitions for their academic excellence (annex 1).


► 265 incoming students.

► 38 international collaboration agreements for regular exchanges, dual programs, summer programs, foreign professional practices or certifications.

► 256 outgoing students in exchange programs, dual programs, summer programs and professional practices.

► There was a 1% increase in the number of nationalities of full-time students.

► There was a 5% increase in the number of international full-time students in graduate programs, and 5% in licenciatura international students.


► 1,977 graduates in the 79th udlap Graduation Ceremony.

► In the graduate satisfaction survey, the average was 4.37 (scale from 1 to 5).



► 94% of graduates would recommend udlap to other students.

► 97% of graduates were satisfied with their academic interaction with other students.

► 97% of graduates were satisfied being a part of the university community.

► Based on the 78th graduation class placement, the following results were obtained:

● 93% of graduates had been hired or started their own business during their first year as alumni.

● 88.94% of the 78th graduation class answered the graduate survey.

► 88 hiring events were carried out, both online and on-site.

► 3,317 graduate data were updated, an increase of 67.18% from 2022.

► 4,368 graduates attended outreach events, an increase of 17%.

► 136 were included in the business directory, with data on graduate who are owners or partners, an increase of 18.26%.

► 1,062 new companies were registered in the Job Placement Office, an increase of 13.58%.

► The Graduate Outreach Department had an income of $300,030.72, through their plan of benefits and sponsorships, an increase of 16.26%.



Efforts continued to strengthen udlap’s presence in athletics, culture and academia, among other areas. Throughout its history, the university has positioned itself in Mexico and Latin America as one of the best universities, maintaining the highest quality standards that give value to the academic and integral formation of its students for their professional lives.


► 123 events were carried out by the Cultural Activities Department, with 27,000 people attending.

► 215 Spring students and 156 Fall students participated in the Cultural Representative Teams.

► With the participation of the Cultural Representative Teams, the traditional Christmas Concert was held in Puebla’s Cathedral and in the Guillermo y Sofía Jenkins Auditorium. In 2023 two locations were added: the Tlaxcala Cathedral and the Parroquia de San Agustín in Polanco, Mexico City, reaffirming the cultural outreach with these states.

► Cultura udlap, through udlap’s Extension in Mexico City, began collaborating with the Kaluz Museum.

● The udlap Symphonia Orchestra presentation of the Concert of the Americas.

● udlap Opera presented the La Dolorosa operetta.

● In the Mexico City Night Museums, members of the cultural representative teams presented El rey del barrio in honor of Tin Tan.

► The udlap Dance and udlap Theater companies participated in the International Dance Day and the International University Theater Festival (fitu) in conjunction with unam

► In the International Dance Day two choreographies were presented: Atravesar by Andrea Garay, udlap graduate, and I want the following word: splendor by Paulina Colmenares, udlap professor.

► At fitu, Karla Daniela Hermosillo Cardoza, Theater student, and recent graduate Sergio Andrés Basurto Castro obtained an honorable mention for their distinguished acting in Noche tan linda.

► There were joint projects with Universidad Veracruzana and Puebla’s Municipal dif

► The udlap Theater company celebrated 20 years of performances with the presentation of two plays: Ensayo para débiles and Noche tan linda.

► The Zentzontle folkloric dance troupe participated in the Récord la Bamba 2023 in Xalapa, Veracruz.

► Antonio Coeto Coeto, member of the udlap Choir




Chamber, was invited to participate in the Kalendamaya Festival in Turin, Italy, performing Carmina Burana, with Italian choir members.

► udlap Musical Theater was sold out for their seven performances.

► At the Capilla del Arte udlap there were 23 cinema functions and one theater function with the attendance of 559 people. These functions were in collaboration with the Mexican institute of Cinematography, the Travelling Documentary Film Festival and Puebla’s French Alliance.

► There were four exhibits:

● «Hello Again» with 55 artists of Puebla’s Artistic Community.

● «Exposición Bienal» with three international organizations: bienalsur, unesco, Universidad Tres de Febrero (untref, Argentina).

● «Diáspora» with the collaboration of 100 students and professors of three academic departments: Fine Arts, Architecture and Design.

● «Siccus» in collaboration with graduates.

► There were 30,087 social network followers for the Capilla del Arte udlap, an increase of 4%, and with the participation of 53 udlap community artists.


► Activities in the Capilla del Arte udlap (online and on-site):

● 145 events.

● 18 artistic workshops and presentations (online).

● 23 musical presentations (online).

● 48 movie functions.

● Three in-person presentations on art, culture, museums and gender equality.

● 25 on-site concerts.

● Four online movie showings.

● An editorial presentation of the Cuetlaxcoapan magazine, in collaboration with Puebla’s city council.

● Four editions of Museum Nights.

● 14 on-site workshops and presentations.

► 36.5% of the udlap community participated in virtual bulletins and on-site events at Capilla del Arte udlap

► There was a 6% increase in the number of works to be restored in udlap’s Art Collection.

► 29 works of art are in the process of being maintained, as well as restoration of murals, vocho, and metal, bronze, wood and cement sculptures.

► There was a 5.5% increase in Instagram, creating original content from udlap’s Art Collection, with a total of 991 organic followers.

► 593 of 704 works are exhibited in different spaces at udlap’s campus and udlap’s extension, which represents 90% of the collection.

► There were over 1,400 events at the university.


► Over 4,000 people used the Luis “Luison” Gómez López Gym weekly, and 7,000 requests were authorized for the use of other sports facilities.

► There were 102 sports events on campus that were free of charge for the university community and the public.

► Participation of the Sports Representative Teams in national and international events:

● conade’s classifying state events in track and field and taekwondo.

● Macro Regional competitions in track and field.

● National conade Games 2023.

● National Competition of the Mexican Federation of Track and Field (fmaa).

● Puebla 2023 Tournament of Champions in Track and Field.


● Participation in the 2023 Taekwondo Grand Slam.

● FIVB Women’s U21 World Championship.

● AMERICUP 2023 Basketball Tournament.

► The achievements of the Sports Representative Teams in 2022-2023 were:

● National Championship of Women’s Track and Field.

● National Championship of Men’s Track and Field.

● National Championship of Men’s Volleyball.

● National runner up in Women’s Soccer.

● National runner up in Women’s Taekwondo in combat modality.

● Third place nationally in men’s taekwondo in form modality.

► The representative teams in Taekwondo and Track and Field won the following medals:

► 17 students who participated in the Sports Teams finished their degrees.


According to:

► El Universal

● Only institution with 19 academic study programs ranked in first place in Mexican universities.

● 21 evaluated licenciaturas were among the best three academic study programs for Mexican private universities.

● All licenciaturas in the School of Arts and Humanities, Business and Economics and Engineering were ranked as the best study programs in Mexican private universities.

● Licenciaturas in first place for private universities were:

○ Actuarial Science

○ Architecture

○ Business Administration

○ Biology

○ Design of Visual Information

○ Law

○ Economics

○ Financial Strategies and Public Accounting

○ Civil Engineering

○ Robotics and Telecommunications Engineering

○ Computer Systems Engineering

○ Industrial Engineering

► 235 Spring students and 259 Fall students participated in the Sports Representative Teams.

► The Women’s Soccer Aztecas were crowned for the firth time as national champions in the 2023 Copa Telmex.

► The track and field coach, Pedro Tani Martínez, received the award of Best Coach in Puebla 2023 from the Puebla State government, for his contribution to Puebla’s youth and sports.

► Sandra Luz Guzmán López Velarde, Taekwondo Azteca’s coach, participated as a judge in the classification events for the Brazil 2023 Pan-American Games. Likewise, she was a judge for the classification events for the 2023 Central American Games, carried out in Costa Rica and the 2023 Central American Games for the Dominican Republic and the 2023 Chile Pan-American Games.

○ Mechanical Engineering

○ Mechatronic Engineering

○ Chemical Engineering

○ Marketing

○ Pedagogy

○ Psychology

○ International Relations.

► QS by Subject udlap is:

● Among the best global universities in the specialized ranking of Business & Management Studies, for the third consecutive year.

● Among the best universities in Latin America in the specialized ranking for Hospitality & Leisure Management.

● Top 3 in Mexico among private universities in the specialized ranking of Modern Languages.

Universiada Nacional condde 2023 Taekwondo 1 -Universiada Nacional condde 2023 Track and Field 3 1 3 condde 2023 Track and Field 5 4 5 condde 2023 Taekwondo 3 - -
Representative Team Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal


► Reforma newspaper, at a regional level

● First place for the Psychology program.

● Of the 9 study programs that were evaluated, 6 were placed in the top 3.

Master’s programs rankings

At an international level:

► Ranking mba Latino from América Economía magazine

● For the fifth consecutive year, the mba, International Business and Business Management programs were positioned as the best graduate programs in Mexico.

► Rankings by Formación Superior Online (fso) in Spanish speaking universities.

● First place in Mexico for the Business Management graduate program in mixed modality.

● Best university in Latin America in the sub-ranking “Institution”, evaluating online transparency, presence in social networks and reputation.

● Top 10 in Latin America in the sub-ranking “Actors” evaluating academic and student profiles, internationalization and employability of students.

● Top 3 in Latin America in the sub-ranking “Formation”, evaluating the program offers and teaching methodologies of the graduate program.

► QS World University Rankings (QS World Ranking)

● Top 3 in private universities in Mexico with the highest percentage of foreign students.

● Top 5 in universities in Mexico with the highest percentage of foreign professors.

● Top 5 in private universities in Mexico in student-teacher ratio.

► QS Stars University Ratings

● udlap reaffirms its quality maintaining for five consecutive years a ranking of 5 stars in the international audit carried out by QS Stars University Ratings. Likewise, we obtained 5 stars in 7 of the 8 criteria evaluated: teaching, academic development, employability, internationalization, facilities, art and culture and inclusion.

● In art and culture, we are the only private university in Mexico with 5 stars.

● In internationalization, we are among the five universities in Latin America with 5 stars.

● In facilities, we are among the six universities in America with 5 stars.

► QS Latin America & The Caribbean Rankings:

● Top 5 private universities in Mexico.

● Top 25 private universities in Latin America.

● University in Mexico with the highest number of professors with a doctorate.

● Top 3 private universities in Mexico in research indicators “citations by publication” and “publications by professor”.

● Top 20 private universities in Latin America with web impact.





► udlap Editorial (see annex 2) published eleven new titles in 2023 and five are in the process of being edited.

► Five udlap catalogue titles were published on epub and printed on demand.

► There were eleven book and magazine presentations published by udlap, both online and on-site and in hybrid formats. This is a 57% increase from the number of 2022 presentations.

► udlap Editorial participated in four book fairs, including the Guadalajara International Book Fair, in the Altexto stand.

► The following magazines were edited:

● Three issues of Entorno UDLAP editions 19, 20 and 21.

● Two issues of Orgullo UDLAP

● Editions 13, 14 and 15 of CXN Conexión: Tendencias en la Gestión Organizacional

► 30 articles were published in Contexto with contributions by faculty and students.



The collaboration between udlap and public and private organizations continued to have positive impact and mutual growth, in constant outreach with business sectors, both private and public, as well as education institutions, graduates and society, with organizations that offered different actions and programs in social responsibility and inclusion, to increase social commitment.

outreach with companies

► There were 53 courses for the transition towards remote working for audi Mexico with topics on home office, agile thinking, risks, collaborative communication, work balance and remote teams, among others.

► There were 53 training programs, in Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru and Mexico, with attendance of over 1,400 participants from over 45 companies, as well as the three levels of government.

► There was a graduate certificate on Public Policies with the Secretary of Infrastructure for Puebla State, as well as different workshops for the Senate on topics including electoral campaigns and public opinion, geopolitics, strategic political analysis, and campaign strategies, among others.

► In collaboration with chambers of commerce, there were courses with canadevi, ampi and aaa Veracruz on topics such as new digital salesmen, real estate development and corporate government.

► Sponsorships increased 9% from the previous year.

► Professional practice agreements were signed with Biomédicos y Patólogos Clínicos Asociados (blood bank), Clínica Ruíz, Evolucione Tlaxcala S. A. de C. V., Grupo Vidanta and Instituto Nacional Electoral Puebla.

► The 3rd Professional Practices and Social Service Fair was held, with the participation of 33 organizations (see annex 3).

► 145 and 125 companies, respectively, participated in the Professional Development Conference and Virtual Job Fair, an increase of 5%.

academic outreach

► 55 students benefitted through the une program with sponsorships by 32 companies, equal to $3,500,000 pesos.

► 15 Telmex-Telcel Foundation scholarships were granted to students of the five udlap Schools. They will

receive economic aid during their licenciatura, as well as other benefits such as computers and unlimited internet access for their academic activities.

► A scholarship of $5,000 dollars was awarded to an Arts and Humanities student, through the William A. Marquard Foundation.

► Activities at the udlap Mexico City Extension were reactivated to facilitate outreach and collaboration with academic, government and business institutions as well as society to promote the exchange of knowledge, the creation of joint projects, and student participation and cooperation in research and development.

● Activities focused on three topics: security and cybersecurity, equality and diversity and inclusion in art and culture.

● 15 events were carried out (webinars, workshops, meetings and artistic presentations).

► There was collaboration with local and national organizations, both public and private as well as civil associations such as inbal in the National Dance Congress, International Fil Festival Cinetekton with the Secretary of Culture and the 5th edition of the New Music Contemporary Expressions Festival.

► In collaboration with the Ángeles Puebla Hospital, there were specialty courses on topics such as joint reconstruction, molecular oncology, laparoscopic surgery, molecular pathology, molecular biology and certificates on clinical gynecological endocrinology, infertility and assisted reproduction, nutrition and colposcopy.

outreach with society

► There was a session to acquire INE IDs at udlap, with over 200 inquiries. udlap was the university with the most participation in Puebla.

► Azteca Volunteers had 27 events in 2023 with the participation of 241 students.

► udlap joined the Puebla Comparte Food Bank program, trading tickets to Basketball and Football games for food donations, collecting 16,121 kilograms of rice and beans.

► The udlap Collection Center was installed for those affected by hurricane Otis in Guerrero. 4,679 kilograms of supplies and articles were collected and delivered through Cáritas Acapulco. There were 78 employees and 135 students working in the collection center.


► Visibility and recognition of the udlap brand was reinforced at a local, national and international level with over 20 publicity campaigns related to: Expo udlap spring and fall, start of school, Decide udlap, pre-registrations, graduation, Environmental igi, rankings and accreditations (El Universal, Reforma, Eduniversal, QS Mundial, América Economía mba, QS América Latina, fso, Best Engineering School according to anfei) licenciaturas, master’s programs, doctoral programs, sports, culture, Christmas concerts and udlap Lottery.

► The 2023 udlap Race was held with the participation of over 1,700 runners, 6,000 attendees and 25 sponsors, a 9% increase from the previous year, reaching over 10,000 people on social networks.

► The Second udlap Americas Cup Golf Tournament was held in October, with the participation of 144 players and 35 sponsors, reaching 2,000 people on social networks.

► There were 14 Google Ads campaigns in different formats such as: search, display (YouTube, Gmail and banners) and YouTube. The ads were for licenciaturas and master’s admissions.

► There were over 20 Facebook campaigns related to events to reach students, such as breakfasts with deans, Experiential, Expo udlap and master’s programs events.

► 77 Tvudlap live transmissions with a total of 270,219 live views.

► Four programs were published with 36 episodes:

● Quaestionare: 4

● Es bueno saberlo: 20

● JumpCut: 11

● Tus5minutos: 1

► 350 press bulletins.

► 32 udlap faculty collaborations in El Universal Puebla and 4 published in Milenio Puebla as part of udlap Expresions.

► 51 programs produced and transmitted by Entorno Azteca, of which 13 were taped and 38 were live.

► 47 faculty and 13 sports representatives were interviewed.

► Number of followers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the accounts:

● #Eligeudlap: 11,547

● Culturaudlap: 21,538

● Aztecasudlap: 133,981

udlap Social Network Followers Facebook

► The content published on social networks had 33 million views on the Facebook page and 1.8 million on Twitter.

► 358.5 thousand reactions, 22.7 thousand comments, 8.6 thousand shares of the udlap account.

eQuality, diVersity and inclusion

► Gender protocol:

● There were 40 internal complaints, of which 24 were for harassment, 8 for bullying, 6 for gender violence, one for physical violence and one for sexual violence. Of the complaints, 32 were confirmed and 8 were kept on file due to lack of evidence. All cases are closed.

● 25 internal complaints for harassment, bullying and/or gender violence were made on the website, and they were answered and contacted in a period of no more than 24 hours.

► The udlap Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Agenda was created with 34 activities such as workshops, conferences, meetings and webinars that were attended by 1,427 people.

► The Leadership Program for Young Indigenous People (plji) 2023 was carried out in conjunction with the United States Embassy in Mexico, strategic partner since 2011. This year the program included a gender focus and 60 people applied, of which 20 were selected with the following characteristics:

● Young people of the zapotec, maya, tseltal, tsotsil, chontal, mixe, nahua, mazahua, totonaco, wixárika and triqui indigenous peoples.

► Number of udlap social networks followers
288,056 Twitter 63,536 Instagram 41,749 TikTok 4,185 LinkedIn 46,302 Threads 6,343 YouTube 42,100






● The average age was 21 years.

● The states they came from were Oaxaca, Puebla, Chiapas, Quintana Roo, Mexico State, Tabasco, Nayarit, Hidalgo and Campeche.

► A campaign was carried out for the udlap community through informative posters on affirmative actions in university spaces, referring to the proper use of parking spaces, accessibility of ramps, restrooms for people with disabilities, and yielding the right of way in single lanes.



The udlap quality philosophy is characterized by quality in service, which is why there was continuity in the training plan for collaborators, reinforcing the competencies of udlap employees, such as the Continuous Improvement Program that created actions that contributed to optimizing academic and administrative support services.

► udlap had over 1,800 collaborators, of which 54% are men and 46% women.

► The General Counsel’s Office drafted 522 contracts and 509 agreements with different areas.

wellbeing and awards

► 264 Awards were given to collaborators who have worked 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 at the university.

► 60 collaborators were recognized for their contributions in the Continuous Improvement Program.

organizational innoVation

► In September 2023 the Mexican Institute for Normalization and Certification renewed the Library’s Quality Management System certificate under the ISO 9001:2015 regulations for three years, noting that there were no inconsistencies.

► More than 221 collective goals were set, through which the institution strove to meet the institutional objectives by forming its Annual Plan, where 49.32% were evaluated as satisfactory and 33.48% as outstanding.

► 659 collaborators recorded 2,523 individual goals.

► The average response time to complaints and suggestions in the udlap Mailbox was three days.

► 87% of complaints and/or suggestions in the udlap Mailbox were made by students.

► 17 documented improvements in 2023, of which thirteen were kaizen, three were improvement projects and one influenced a process (see annex 4).

► Process documentation:

● Progress over 44% regarding the mission, including identification of new processes.

● Progress over 64%, including identification of new processes and improvements to general documentation.

► The publication of 19 regulatory documents was authorized, of which 58% were updates and 42% were new documents. These documents were drafted according to applicable regulations and in accordance

with the Organic Statute, philosophy and institutional values.

Quality with warmth

► The results of the service survey are shown below::

Average Satisfaction



Primavera 2023 Otoño 2023 Average Satisfaction 4.51 4.54
rating 8.95 8.93 Number of surveys 8,538 5,962

The following graph shows the service satisfaction results of the areas evaluated in Spring 2023:

Service satisfaction (Scale of 1 to 5)

Collaborative learning-platforms

The following graph shows the general rating of services evaluated in Spring 2023:

Grade for service in general terms (Scale of 1 to 10)

Collaborative learning-platforms

0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 UDLAP mean: 8.95 9.27 9.13 9.12 9.08 9.07 9.03 8.97 8.92 8.83 8.45 8.17 8.12 8.01 7.99
Services Residential Colleges Service Professional Practices International Affairs Printing kiosk and vending machines (franchises) Shopping Service UDLAP mean: 4.51 0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 Franchise food services
stationary shop, shops and beauty salon (franchises) Infrastructure Service and Campus Service Security
Franchise food services Information Technologies Service Library, stationary shop, shops and beauty salon (franchises)
and Collection Service
Service and Campus Service
Academic Department and Dean's offices service UDLAP Food
Service International Affairs Printing kiosk and vending machines (franchises) Professional Practices Shopping Service 4.64 4.59 4.56 4.55 4.55 4.50 4.49 4.49 4.44 4.37 4.20 4.14 4.09 4.05
Credit and Collection Service UDLAP Food Services Academic Department and Dean's offices service Information Technologies Service

The following graph shows the results of service satisfaction of the areas evaluated in Fall 2023.

Service satisfaction (Scale of 1 to 5)

UDLAP Workshops


The following graph shows the general rating of services evaluated in Fall 2023.

Grade for service in general terms (Scale of 1 to 10)

UDLAP Workshops

3 4 5 UDLAP mean: 4.54
1 2
Services Library Academic Labs Medical Services Publications Office Human Resources
Buses Institutional Design Postal Services International Affairs Social Service UDLAP Suggestion Box 4.74 4.68 4.66 4.56 4.49 4.48 4.47 4.42 4.33 4.32 4.18 4.09 3.98 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00
Services Publications Office Human Resources Academic Labs
Design Medical Services Postal Services International Affairs Social Service UDLAP Suggestion Box UDLAP mean: 8.93 9.03 9.25 9.26 9.42 9.14 7.99 7.67 8.40 8.74 8.78 8.83 8.85 8.29
Library School

talent deVelopment

► Training plan

● 94% of collaborators took at least one training course.

● 72% of collaborators finished seven or more mandatory courses, associated to udlap employee competencies.

► Civil Protection gave 16 courses for administrative, academic and union personnel and students on the use of fire extinguishers. There was also a workshop on chemical spills for engineers.

► Civil Protection personnel took basic courses on first aid, search and rescue and firefighting, as well as additional courses on cutting and welding at height and in confined spaces.

► 429 administrative collaborators participated in the 2023 udlap Pride Workshop.

► 1,672 udlap employees received training on the Protocol for Harassment, Bullying and/or Gender Violence Situations (udlap Gender Protocol). The training was given by the Legal Department.

► The Legal Department attended 217 consultations and legal advisements by different university areas.





anneX 1. eVents, prizes, honors, and academic accomplishments

Academic events by school


Marketing Department

Marketing Department

Marketing Department

Department of Tourism, Culinary Arts

Department of International Business Administration

Department of International Business Administration

Department of Finance and Accounting

Department of Business Administration

Department of Business Administration

Department of Business Administration

Department of Business Administration

Department of Business Administration

Department of Business Administration



20th anniversary celebration of the Licenciatura in Marketing and “I am mkt” Conference edne

25th udlap Innovation and Creativity Fair, udlap -Sabritas edne

Nielsen Chair: 20 Nielsen executives and 58 participant students edne

Signature Cuisine – Hotel Presidente – udlap edne

Book presentation: ¿Quién manda en México? edne

«Retos globalización Universidad Ramón Llull», lecture edne

Lecture cycle: «Financiero contable» edne

Global Entrepreneurship Week 2023 edne

November 16, 2023 edne

Innoventure Talks. Erick Armando Ramírez Colunga, manager, La Pieza Academy. «De nini a manager». edne

January 30, 2023


Innoventure Talks. Estefanía V. Alves Limón, general manager of Aldora. «El reto del emprendimiento social: un sueño convertido en Aldora». edne

Innoventure Talks. Rodrigo Álvarez y Jiménez, General Manager of Hotel boutique Casa Reyna and Mezcal Promesa. edne

Department of Business Administration October 25, 2023 edne

Department of Business Administration

Department of Business Administration

Symposium: La Cultura Organizacional ante la Coyuntura de la Pandemia: Rupturas, Reconfiguraciones y Continuidades. edne

UDLAP Pitch Night October 24, 2023. edne


Participant Activity

Faculty of the Anthropology Department

Laura Elena Romero López

Alison Lee

Laura Elena Romero López

Martin Larsson

Alison Lee

Anthropology Department Faculty

Claudia María Ramírez Culebro

Claudia María Ramírez Culebro

Andrés García Coca y Claudia María

Ramírez Culebro

Yessica Isabel García Téllez y Claudia María Ramírez Culebro

María de los Dolores Lozano Suárez

Laura Helena Porras Hernández

Aymara Flores Soriano


Anthropology Symposium: La Antropología y el Mercado Laboral del Siglo xxi edcs

Revisionist perspectives of the bio-topological studies of Otomíes. The case of José Gómez Robleda’s book edcs

Internal displacement in the national context edcs

Gender Studies Chair edcs

Symposium on organizational culture, organized by the udlap’s Anthropology Department and the Department of Business Administration edcs

Caminando juntxs: reflexions on human mobility in Mexico edcs

Lecture cycle: Anthropolgy week edcs

Celebration of the 78th anniversary of the Department of Educational Sciences edcs

Academic meeting of the 78th anniversary of the Department of Educational Sciences. May 15, projection: La docencia a través del cine edcs

Academic meeting of the 78th anniversary of the Department of Educational Sciences. Alfabetización: Proceso-efecto liberador, September 8, Commemoration of International Literacy Day edcs

Academic meeting: Activities of the 78th anniversary of the Department of Educational Sciences: «Aprender Viviendo», chat edcs

Activities of the 78th anniversary of the Department of Educational Sciences. Workshop: «Descubriendo a la Nueva Escuela Mexicana» edcs

Activities of the 78th anniversary of the Department of Educational Sciences: «Relaciones TIC y Educación, A chat with Inés Dussel» edcs

Activities of the 78th anniversary of the Department of Educational Sciences: presentación de libro Subjetivación de las lógicas pandémicas en las niñas y los niños. ¿Cómo están jugando las infancias en el regreso semipresencial a las aulas en el estado de Puebla? Informe de resultados e incidencia: Retejiendo el lazo escolar» edcs


Academic events by school


Israel Cedillo Lazcano

Israel Cedillo Lazcano

Israel Cedillo Lazcano

Israel Cedillo Lazcano

Samuel Abraham Stone Canales

Samuel Abraham Stone Canales

Samuel Abraham Stone Canales

Law Department / Interim Board

Luiza Bontempo E Silva

Ana Cristina Aguirre Calleja, Nikolai Stepanov, Bibliotecas udlap y Mesa Interina de Psicología Clínica y Organizacional

Luiza Bontempo E Silva

Psychology Board


Third edition of the Symposium on Cultural Heritage «Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage through Past, Present and Future» with the paper «Digital Twins for the Preservation and Creation of Tangible and Intangible Heritage for Present and Future Generations. The Case of Tochimilco (Mexico)»


Lectures «AI and Financial Regulation» and «The Concept of Property an IP in the Metaverse» during the Intellectual Property Seminar at unam’s Institute of Legal Research edcs

Lecture «Intellectual Property for the Protection of Genetic Resources. The Axolotl, the Totoaba and the Mobile Aquatic Protected Areas (MAPAs)» at the First Multidisciplinary Seminar of Private and Comparative International Law, organized by the Academia Mexicana de Derecho Internacional Privado y Comparado (amedip)

Lecture «DevOps and the Regulation of the “Invisible Mind” of the Digital Commercial Society», at the Annual Conference of the British and Irish Law Education Technology Association (bileta)

Organizer of the 1st Conversation of Contemporary Challenges and Aspects of International Humanitarian Law, an event conducted at udlap with the International Red Cross Committee (cicr) (Regional Delegation for Mexico and Central America), November 9, 2023




Moderator of «Sistemas de armas autónomos en el contexto de conflictos armados»; part of the First Roundtable on Contemporary Challenges and Aspects of Humanitarian International Law, November 9, 2023 edcs

Moderator of «Juzgar con perspectiva de género», roundtable, with the magistrates Rosa de la Paz Urtuzuástegui Carrillo and Norma Angélica Sandoval Sánchez, September 27, 2023


32nd Law Meeting: Intellectual Property and Technology, April 20 and 21, 2023 edcs

Clinic of the Extreme, Aula Magna of Colegio Ignacio Bernal, November 16 and 17, 2023 edcs

«Libértate: rescata, lee y conéctate con la psicología», Aula Magna Colegio Gaos, November 9 and 10, 2023 edcs

Open Seminar on Jung’s Thought: Conclusions. September 1, 2023, Auditorio Ciencias de la Salud. Psychology -udlap, Dance-udlap, Universidad Iberoamericana cdmx, The Jungian Society for Scholarly Students (jsss)


12th Psychology Week: 12 miradas en el quehacer psicológico, April 26-28, 2023 edcs



Edgar Hernández González

Psychology Board

Julio Cesas Penagos Corzo and Psychology Board

Luiza Bontempo E Silva

Luiza Bontempo E Silva

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa


Compassion Month. International Keynote Speakers: Dr. Sally Dodds, Medical School-Univ. Miami; Thaddeus Pace-Univ. Arizona Tucson; Timothy Harrison-Emory University; Gonzalo Brito-Univ Católica Chile, February 13, 14, 16, 20, 21 and 28, 2023 edcs

«Afectos y emociones en las organizaciones: tendencias actuales». Dr. María Teresa González, HU-214, February 21, 2023 edcs

Experiences in doing psychology based on evidence, HU307, January 27, 2023 edcs

Open Seminar on Jung’s Thought: Session 3. «Jung y la imaginación», Valeria Kierbel, hybrid event. udlap Psychology and Dance, Universidad Iberoamericana cdmx, The Jungian Society for Scholarly Students (jsss), March 17, 2023 edcs

Open Seminar on Jung’s Thought: Session 4. «Jung y la relación terapéutica», Psychology-udlap, Universidad Iberoamericana cdmx, The Jungian Society for Scholarly Students (jsss), April 14, 2023 edcs

Lecturer at the 22nd Conference of fimpes Research Commission, Research for Sustainable Development, March 16, 2023 edcs

Presentation of Indice de Impunidad Ambiental latam 2023, Mexico´s Senate, November 22, 2023 edcs

Presentation of Fondo Elsie’s Reports: «Barreras a la participación de mujeres en el marco del Fondo de la Iniciativa Elsie», 34th Reunion of Mexico´s Ambassadors and Consuls (rec), Secretary of Foreign Relations (sre), January 9, 2023 edcs

Agenda Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad, 4th Advanced Seminar of National and Regional Security of North America udlap/casede, March 4, 2023 edcs

Presentation of onu´s Elsie Reports, «Evaluación de las oportunidades para las mujeres uniformadas de México en operaciones de paz de la onu», udlap, March 24, 2023 edcs

«The implementation of the elsie initiative in Mexico: next steps in policymaking», -Policy Success in the Bureaucracies of the Global South Leiden University/Universidad de Salamanca, June 27, 2023. edcs

«The implementation of the elsie initiative in Mexico: next steps in policymaking», Policy Success in the Bureaucracies of the Global South, Universidad de Leiden/Universidad de Salamanca, 27 de junio de 2023 edcs


Academic events by school


Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Valeria Leal Ramírez

José Adalberto Córdova Pérez


Book presentation: Fronteras artificiales, Mexican Congress, July 20, 2023 edcs

Dainzú López de Lara E. (udlap), Belen Sanz Luque (onu Mujeres) and Roberto de León (sre). Reporte MOWIP 2021 de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional México, a report presentation at the International Seminar, Agenda Mujer Paz y Seguridad, by udlap, sre, onu Mujeres, Escuela Militar de Sargentos, Puebla, 4 de agosto de 2023


Abortion comparison in Latin America, USA, EU, and Canada, Abortion Week in Mexico, September 28, 2023 edcs

«Estudio comparativo de las movilizaciones feministas en América del Norte», «Voces de la Tierra: activismo de las mujeres latinoamericanas en la protección del medio ambiente», and «Resultados de la Metodología de Evaluación de las Oportunidades para las Mujeres en las Operaciones de Paz de la onu (mowip)», Annual Meeting of the Mexican Association of International Studies (amei), Mérida, Yucatán, México, October 20, 2023 edcs

«El impacto invisible: mujeres que moldean las Relaciones Internacionales», Keynote Speech, Committee onu Mujeres, Latin American Model un (36th lamun ), Universidad de las Américas Puebla (udlap), November 10, 2023 edcs

«La importancia y relevancia del Modelo de Naciones Unidas», Colegio Noordwijk, Veracruz, México, November 15, 2023 edcs

40th Anniversary of the Department of Communication Sciences edcs

9th Meeting of University Radio «Convergencias auditivas» edcs

Josefina Buxadé Castelán «Mentes femeninas en la radio», Panel moderator edcs

Josefina Buxadé Castelán Alumni roundtable «Comunicación 4.0: detrás de nuevas cámaras» edcs

Valeria Leal Ramírez, Juan Carlos Reyes Vázquez y Laura Elena Romero

Cinema cycle: «8M La vida en púrpura» edcs



Josefina Buxadé Castelán


«Comunicación con perspectiva de género», Webinar moderator edcs

Juan Carlos Reyes Vázquez and Judith Cruz Sandoval Cine club: Cinema 115 edcs

Peter van Lengen and Melissa Schumacher González

Julia Koerner and Edwin González Meza

Melissa Schumacher González

Sarah Topelson Frydman and Edwin González Meza

Melissa Schumacher González

Daniel Álvarez Fernández

Juan Mauricio Audirac Camarena

Juan Mauricio Audirac Camarena

Yolanda Leticia Moreno Cavazos

Yolanda Leticia Moreno Cavazos

Adriana Ramírez Salgado

Adriana Ramírez Salgado

Sonia Gisella Aguirre Narváez

Manual del arquitecto descalzo book, presentation and discussion with architecture students of the university consortium edah

«The future is now», lecture with the architect Julia Koerner, prizewinner for creative custom design, specialized in 3D impressions. She participated in the movies Black Panther y Wakanda Forever edah

Tenkua Workshop. Support of the university community to the San Juan Aquiáhuac barrio to evaluate participative planning in their municipality edah

Lecture on the career of Sara Topelson Frydman, winner architect of the National Prize in Architecture, 2021 edah

University Colloquium on 50 years of «Cholula, la ciudad sagrada en la era industrial de Guillermo Bonfil Batalla». An academic event for the UDLAP community edah

Architectural Encounters. Architect Daniel Álvarez Fernández of Grupo Arquitectura edah

Exhibition and promotion of academic books to encourage students’ reading on Design and Architecture edah

Exhibition of works executed for the Design for Social and Cultural Promotion course edah

Exhibition of works executed for the Collateral Materials Design course edah

Exhibition of works executed for the Select Topics 2 course edah

Exhibition of works executed for the Photography class edah

Exhibition of works executed for the Visual Production Design course edah

Exhibition of works executed for the Topography course edah


Academic events by school

Participante Actividad

Natasha Rodríguez y Ramírez

Sonia Gisella Aguirre Narváez

Luis Alberto Landa Aceves

Víctor Alejandro Brizuela García

Yolanda Leticia Moreno Cavazos

Juan Mauricio Audirac Camarena

Alejandro Ortiz Lima

Juan Manuel Bada Dosal

Natasha Rodríguez y Ramírez, Arturo Córdova Espinosa and Eduardo Fong Dubon

Reaccreditation of the Design Licenciatura by the Mexican Council for the Accreditation of Design Programs (comaprod) edah

Show of the Final Projects for the courses:

Advanced Digital Animation in 2D

Advanced Digital Animation in 3D

Virtual Spaces Design

Animation for the Web and Mobile Devices

Experimental Animation

Creation of Characters

Preproduction and Previsualization

Managing Projects and Creative Teams edah

Juan Mauricio Audirac Camarena (organizer) and Design Department

Juan Mauricio Audirac Camarena

José Luis Jaspeado Escalona with the support of Adolfo Saul Pinto Rubio, coordinator of the router cut CNC lab

Ana Cecilia Parrodi Anaya

Juan Mauricio Audirac Camarena (organizer) and Design Department

Pablo López Medel, Laura Ruth Cortés Montes and Clemencia Corte Velasco

Israel Canseco and Iván Vázquez Rodríguez

Jesús Emmanuel Navarro Stefanón, Israel Canseco Mentado and Iván Vázquez Rodríguez

Adobe Day. Lectures with Franco Barroeta and Rafael Hidalgo y Teherán edah

Poster exhibition, Visual Information Design at Diáspora (Capilla del Arte udlap) edah

«Sashimono: sillas waffle». For students of Architecture, Visual Information Design, Digital Animation. and Fine Arts edah

Winner of a scholarship stay in Iceland; Samband Islenskra Myndlistarmanna (sim), through Sistema de Apoyos a la Creación y Proyectos Culturales (sacpc) edah

«8M: La vida en púrpura». Participation of Digital Animation and Visual Information Design students to express, analyze, and discuss topics on gender, gender violence prevention, safe spaces, and more edah

Accents workshop: How to avoid frequent mistakes edah

Punctuation workshop: Semicolon and other signs edah

Book club: Narrative and poetry edah

Luisa Puig, Ricardo Pérez Martínez and Clemencia Corte Velasco Armarse de argumentos, Book Presentation edah

Jesús Emmanuel Navarro Stefanón, Israel Canseco Mentado and Iván Vázquez Rodríguez

Gabriel Wolfson, Yanna Hadatty Mora and Viviane Mahieux

Book club: creative writing sessions edah

Presentation: Las culturas de la prensa en México 1880-1940 edah



Iván Galicia Isasmendi, Humberto Rubín García and Claudia Adriana López Ramírez

Ángel Zenteno Trujillo, Felipe de Jesús Arámbula Ibáñez and José Gerardo Castillo Carrillo

Martín Sánchez Camargo, Iván Galicia Isasmendi and Camilo Ayala Ochoa

Clemencia Corte, Circe Hernández Sautto, Claudia Adriana López Ramírez and Claudia Marcucetti Pascoli


Criticism Reading Workshop edah

Argumentation Workshop: Toulmin Model edah

Letras impostoras: reflexiones sobre el plagio, Book Presentation edah

Dialogue: «Dialogar con los que leen» edah

Rodolfo Herrera and María del Pilar Martínez y Menchaca Efficient Editing Workshop edah

Hugo Rodríguez Pérez, Jesús Emmanuel Navarro Stefanón and Víctor García Vázquez

Enrique Ajuria Ibarra

Workshop: Avoid Plagiarism. Textual Strategies. edah

Workday for students of the Doctorate in Culture Creation and Theory edah

Maricarmen Orea Rojas, María del Carmen Santoyo Torres and Circe Hernández Sautto apa and mla Quotation formats edah

Hazaret Carro Brunete, Fernando Aguilar Galindo and Liliana Hernández Ramos

Jesús Emmanuel Navarro Stefanón, Israel Canseco Mentado and Iván Vázquez Rodríguez

María del Carmen Santoyo Torres and Circe Hernández Sautto

Iván Vázquez Rodríguez, Israel Canseco Mentado and Clemencia Corte Velasco

Enrique Ajuria, Laura Elena Romero, Ana Cristina Aguirre Calleja and Martín Jesper

Jesús Emmanuel Navarro Stefanón, Israel Canseco Mentado and Iván Vázquez Rodríguez

Humberto Javier Rubín García, Miriam Yvonn Márquez Barragán and Claudia Adriana López Ramírez

Ángel Zenteno Trujillo, Felipe de Jesús Arámbula Ibáñez and Alejandra Vergara Flores

Gabriel Wolfson Reyes and Ana María Davis González

Iván Vázquez Rodríguez and Gina Lizeth

Workshop- Academic Presentations: Power Point Design and other Resources edah

August book club edah

Workshop - Professional Writing: Accent marks and how to avoid frequent mistakes edah

Workshop - Professional Writing: Correct use of punctuation edah

«¿Barbieland? ¿Kendom? Talk about Barbie» edah

September book club edah

Critical Reading workshop edah

Argumentation workshop edah

«El modernismo tardío en América Latina» edah

Hilares en el humo, Book Presentation edah


Academic events by school


Miriam Yvonn Márquez Barragán and Eduardo Huchín Sosa

Miriam Yvonn Márquez Barragán and Francisco Muñoz Soler

Miriam Yvonn Márquez Barragán

Jesús Emmanuel Navarro Stefanón, Israel Canseco Mentado and Iván Vázquez Rodríguez

Iván Galicia Isasmendi, Laura Ruth Cortés Montes and Víctor García Vázquez

Enrique Ajuria, Alejandra Vergara Flores, Juan Carlos Reyes Vázquez and Nuria Montiel Pérez Grovas

Iván Vázquez Rodríguez and Israel Canseco Mentado

Rodolfo Herrera López

Clemencia Corte, Iván Vázquez Rodríguez and Ethel Krauze

Maricarmen Orea Rojas and Iván Vázquez Rodríguez

Hazaret Carro Brunete and Liliana Hernández Ramos

Gabriel Wolfson Reyes

Martín Sánchez Camargo

Jesús Emmanuel Navarro Stefanón, Iván Vázquez Rodríguez and Israel Canseco Mentado

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Ana Paulina Colmenares González y los alumnos Valeria Lastra, Fátima Rivas, Jessica Saenz, Irving Montiel, Aidé Hernández and Sebastián Cruz

Ana Paulina Colmenares González, Alonso Alarcón Mújica, César Francisco Aragón Benítez, Karina Cepeda Cano and Cinthya Pérez

Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño and Sergio Hugo Valentín (guest choreographer)

Be silent and listen

Obra poética, Presentation

Los días enmascarados, Writing Contest

October book club

Efficient Editing: Construction of phrases and paragraphs

«Barbie girl in the Barbie world, another conversation about Barbie» edah

Avoiding Plagiarism: Textual strategies

«Identificación de fallas argumentativas a través de falacias»

A dialogue with readers edah

Quotation formats: apa y mla edah

Academic presentations edah

IX & IX: nine short stories, nine authors edah

A media página, Poetry Reading edah

November book club

3D Dance International Contest edah

Angelopolitano Dance Festival, 2023 (FAD) with the work Imposible edah

Danza udlap, choreography sample of Cosas vivas edah

Danza udlap, choreography sample of Niñas Lobo edah



Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño

Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño

Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño

Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño

END 2023

Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño and Jesús Mario Lozano Alamilla

Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Mary Carmen Hierro

Dara Ramírez

Ana Karen Hernández


Site of the Encuentro Nacional de Danza and Secretaría de Cultura del Estado. Body Action workshop with Francisco Córdoba edah

Site of the Encuentro Nacional de Danza and Secretaría de Cultura del Estado with the work Miguel edah

Site of the Encuentro Nacional de Danza and Secretaría de Cultura del Estado with the work Oleaje rojo edah

Site of the Encuentro Nacional de Danza and Secretaría de Cultura del Estado with the work Richard Charlie edah

Site of the Encuentro Nacional de Danza and Secretaría de Cultura del Estado, with the work El silencio de las palabras edah

A sample of student projects, dance, and camera edah

International Dance Festival, Oklahoma University edah

Artist chat with the Mexican choreographer Jaime Camarena edah

The representative team Danza udlap presents its Spring 2023 season edah

Artist chat with the Mexican choreographer Sergio Valentín edah

Master classes with the Mexican artist Alejandra Ramírez, director of Compañía Bruja Danza edah

Improvisation workshop with the Mexican artist Francisco Carrera edah

Chat with the researcher Hayde Lachino about the book Danza, trabajo, creación y precariedad edah

Representative team Danza udlap presents two works of their repertoire at unam’s Centro Cultural Universitario, in Mexico City edah

Students present their choreographic work Última conexión volumen 1 y 2 edah

Students create works to be presented during Women´s Day on university campus 8 edah

Students present their choreographies during a function to show their work edah

First individual exhibit of the student with works that synthetize her research through form and matter edah


Academic events by school


Miguel Pablo Monroy Melgoza

Nuria Montiel Pérez Grovas

Nuria Montiel Pérez Grovas

Miguel Pablo Monroy Melgoza

Nuria Montiel Pérez Grovas

Sandra Sarmiento

Paola Anza

Miguel Pablo Monroy Melgoza

Nuria Montiel Pérez Grovas

Miguel Pablo Monroy Melgoza

Erick Montero

Carlos Arias

Nuria Montiel Pérez Grovas

Martín Balmaceda

Michael Miller


Artist chat with Roberto de la Torre, visual and performance artist, founding member of the group 19 Concreto edah

Individual exhibit of the student Alejandra Moon of Fine Arts Licenciatura at udlap, finalist for the Pamela Ann Marquard scholarship edah

First exhibit of Matthew Espinosa. Curatorship: Javier Sosia Cuautenco, a student of Fine Arts Licenciatura at udlap edah

Artist chat with Alia Farid, visual artist, a recipient of the David and Roberta Logie scholarship at Harvard’s Radcliffe Institute (2023-2024) edah

Vital space with Nuria Montiel and alumna Fernanda Suárez. Art installation that mutates, activates, and pulsates in time among people who meet at one place, stemming from color, sound, matter, food edah

«Reminiscencias» first exhibit of student Sandra Sarmiento, of the Fine Arts Licenciatura, who through volumetric compositions presents a cycle that transmits restlessness toward mental collapse edah

Student of Fine Arts Licenciatura, presents a series of self-referred and metaphorical pictorial exercises, where she searches for infancy memories through collage edah

Artist chat with Circe Irasema, visual artist and professor. She studied Visual Arts at unam and at the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado La Esmeralda edah

First exhibit of Valeria Cuevas. Her works reflect on individuals as complex beings, where personality is the set of characteristics and features that make them unique. They include emotions, thoughts, beliefs, values, and behaviors edah

Artist chat with Fernanda Suárez, whose production is centered on textile art, drawing, and writing. She is interested in articulating material, subjective, and collective narratives around on-site problems edah

«Visiones de fuego», First exhibit of the student Erick Montero, who expresses his stories around the symbolic, cultic, and edifying role of flames within human ordinariness edah

In this chat, artist Carlos Arias shared artistic practices with the university community on his current body of work edah

Workshop on mixed and machincuepa techniques with Marco Josué Gómez edah

International Festival of University Theater (fitu) with the play Noche tan linda edah

Theater Functions, Así vivimos play edah



Michael Miller

Participation of Music Licenciatura scholarship students, organized by the Department of Cultural Activities

Participation of Music Licenciatura scholarship students, organized by the Department of Cultural Activities

Participation of Music Licenciatura scholarship students, organized by the Department of Cultural Activities

Participation of Orchestra Conduction course students, taught by Iliana Fuentes, and organized by the Department of Cultural Activities

Music Licenciatura students

Oskar Tena

Participation of students and professors of the Music Licenciatura, organized by the Department of Cultural Activities


Student projects show in Microteatro edah

Concert of the udlap Brass Band, a new organization composed of students in different licenciaturas who play in udlap’s Symphonia Orchestra edah

Concierto de las Américas: The concert began with the participation of udlap’s String Quartet and the Symphonia Orchestra edah

To commemorate World Opera Day, udlap’s cultural representative teams staged Dido and Eneas, Henry Purcell’s work, with over forty artists - musicians, singers and dancers edah

Concert by the students of Orchestra Conduction, who had the opportunity to conduct the Symphonia Orchestra edah

End of term student recitals at the Guillermo and Sofía Jenkins Auditorium edah

International Festival of Contemporary Expressions: Interpretation of 16 works of the composer and pianist with sequences, background effects, visual and video support and programmed lights to accompany the music edah

Christmas Concert:

Auditorio Guillermo y Sofía Jenkins, December 7, 2023 Nuestra Señora de la Asunción of Tlaxcala Cathedral, December 9, 2023 San Agustín Parrish in Polanco, Mexico City, December 13, 2023 edah

Perla del Rocío Fernández López

Perla del Rocío Fernández López

Perla del Rocío Fernández López

Perla del Rocío Fernández López

Perla del Rocío Fernández López

Perla del Rocío Fernández López

Concert of udlap’s women interpreters: «Mousiké», Teatro Luis Cabrera, March 17, 2023 edah

Concert to commemorate International Women´s Day, udlap library, March 2023 edah

Concert of the Inter-university String Quartet, Teatro de la Ciudad de Puebla, April 20, 2023 edah

Violinist of the Orquesta Imposible at the paax gnp Festival, Hotel Xcaret, Arte - Quintana, Roo, June 29 through July 8 edah

Master viola class at the Goldstein Young Artist Program, udlap, July 22, 2023 edah

Master class at the Orquesta Sinfónica Esperanza Azteca Tlaxcala, July 24, 2023 edah


Academic events by school


Perla del Rocío Fernández López

Perla del Rocío Fernández López

Perla del Rocío Fernández López

Languages Board of Directors

Olivia Cécile Pelletier

Myrna Elizabeth Iglesias Barrón

Myrna Elizabeth Iglesias Barrón and Montserrat Varela Venegas, student of the Languages Licenciatura


Guest professor at the String Seminar, Zapotlán el Grande, Jalisco, July 25 through 28, 2023 edah

Soloist with the String Orchestra of the Seminary, Centro para las Artes José Rolón, Jalisco, July 28, de 2023 edah

Concert for Musicians´ Day, duet Ito-Fernández, udlap Capilla del Arte udlap edah

Lecture: «Los secretos ocultos en la lengua de señas mexicana» edah

Lecture: «Viajes Imaginarios a Francia, una breve incursión a la biblioteca de Luis Barragán» edah

Presentation of the documentary El digno retorno edah

First Forum of Academic Debate: Cinco de Mayo: Cultura, Unidad y Frontera edah

Students of the Licenciatura in Civil Engineering and the Doctorate in Water Sciences Water and our Future in Mexico, March 19, 2023 edei

Students of the Licenciatura in Civil Engineering and the Doctorate in Water Sciences

Jose Luis Arellano Mendoza, student of the Honors Program of the Licenciatura in Civil Engineering, and Dr. José Manuel Cabrera Miranda

Jazmin Eunice Vidal Olmos, Aphril del Socorro

Pérez Flores, Iván Huirache Rodríguez, students of the Licenciatura in Civil Engineering, and David Eduardo Guevara Polo, student of the Doctorate in Water Sciences

Students of the Licenciatura in Civil Engineering and the Doctorate in Water Sciences

Jazmin Eunice Vidal Olmos, Aphril del Socorro

Pérez Flores, Mary Carmen Muñoz Hernández and Alejandro García Pérez, Civil Engineering students

1st International Forum, Accelerating Actions towards Water Security, March 22 and 23, 2023 edei

20th Engineering Week: Civil Engineering on the Vanguard in Construction. University Day, June 27, 2023 edei

Research summer at UC Merced, June 3 through August 3, 2023 edei

External events. Challenges to Water Security in Diverse Sectors, October 4, 2023 edei

Technical visit to the enlargement of a road in Real del Monte, Hidalgo, October 21, 2023 edei



Jazmin Eunice Vidal Olmos, Aphril del Socorro Pérez Flores, Mary Carmen Muñoz Hernández, Ricardo Ramírez Gross, Estrella Marina Salgado Gálvez, Cynthia Paola Barrera Velazco, Zurisadai Islas Cruz, Elizabeth Huanetl Pájaro, Celia María Camacho Martínez, Víctor Manuel Martínez Espinal, René Emiliano Vega Cortes and Ahmed Bishara Sikaff Gonzáles, students of the Licenciatura in Civil Engineering

Jazmin Eunice Vidal Olmos, Mary Carmen Muñoz Hernández, Alejandro García Pérez, Rigel Hiram Mortera Linan, Ricardo Ramírez Gross, José Luis Arellano Mendoza, Daniel Tapia Villa, Roberto Sánchez López, Carlos Alberto Calvo Sol, Emilio Martinprieto Urrutia, Diego Miguel Garza Laguna, Santiago Hernández Palma, Montserrat Gómez Reyes and Ivan Huirache Rodríguez

Students of the Licenciatura in Civil Engineering and the Doctorate in Water Sciences

La Academia Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en Ingeniería Química A. C. and udlap organized this meeting. udlap professors made up the organizing committee.

La Asociación Mexicana para la Protección de Alimentos and udlap organized the annual meeting of amepal udlap professors made up the organizing committee.

Networking session with Dr. Rodolfo Valles Mattox, November 9, 2023 edei

Meeting of Mexican Association of Tunnel and Subterranean Engineering. Mexico City, November 28 to December 1, 2023 edei

Climate Change and Water Security: Challenges for National Security in Diverse Sectors, November 29, 2023 edei

44th National Meeting amidiq - udlap edei

Annual Meeting amepal 2023

Student Executive Boards of the Departments of Chemical, Food, and Environmental Engineering, in collaboration with the departments´ professors, organized this event 16th coniiquaae edei

David Abarca Rondero

Gerardo Arizmendi Echegaray

Gerardo Arizmendi Echegaray

Freddy Palma Mancilla

Speaker at the International Simulation Congress edec

Co-organizer of Miniencuentro de Energía de Gráficas e Índices Topológicos, 2023 edec

Co-organizer of Miniencuentros de Geometría Diferencial, 2023 edec

«Movimiento browniano, procesos de Lévy y procesos de ramificación markovianos»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec


Academic events by school


Hugo Villanueva Méndez

Adriano Salmorán

Mildred Castillo

David Shaí Díaz Vázquez

Edwin Alain López Romo

Alondra Jiménez Lugo

Juan Pablo Treviño Gutiérrez

Mauricio Rodríguez Abreu

José de la Cruz Moreno

Juan Ricardo Rugerio Bretón

Mónica Cervantes Fernández

Atahualpa S. Kraemer

Rubén Blancas Rivera

Benito Alberto Juárez Aubry

Francisco García Castillo

Moisés Chávez Huerta

Alejandra Quintos Lima

Aura Matilde Jiménez Garduño


«La forma de los datos» Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Compartiendo experiencias con recién egresados en Actuaría»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Una introducción a la geometría Spin»: : Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Project finance en la infraestructura pública»: : Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Vórtices ópticos: la óptica de la obscuridad»: : Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Cambio en la esperanza de vida y exceso de mortalidad por causas en 2020»: : Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Correspondencia AdS/CFT: una introducción pictórica»: : Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Experiencia en ciencia de datos y riesgos financieros con un egresado» : Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Relevancia de la función actuarial en las instituciones de seguridad social»: : Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Estructura local en teselados cuasiperiodicos de simetría alta»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Usando el aprendizaje por refuerzo para tomar las mejores decisiones» Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Gravity and the quantum, can they get along? » Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Caso de estudio: La quiebra de Silicon Valley Bank (EE. UU.)»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Discordia cuántica asistida por ruido en la red de pigmentos de complejos colectores de luz»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«¿Qué hace una actuaria egresada de la udlap en la academia?»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«La electrofisiología, teorías físicas aplicadas a sistemas biológicos con aplicaciones biomédicas»: : Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec



Juan Ahtziri González Lemus

Marco Antonio Pérez

Sebastián Jiménez Farías

Ana Julia Mizher

Denise Gómez Hernández

Martin Hentschinski


«Análisis topológico de datos para el estudio de flujos convectivos»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Una introducción al análisis cuaterniónico y su relación con algunas teorías convencionales»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Métodos cuantitativos para modelos de inversión»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Anomalous transport: bridging particle physics and condensed matter»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

«Planes de pensiones privados alternativos a los planes tradicionales»: Colloquium of the Department of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, and Physics edec

Local organizer of «UPC 2023: International workshop on the physics of ultra-peripheral collisions» Playa del Carmen, December 10 to 15, 2023 edec

Miguel Ángel Reyes Cortés 1st National Meeting of Data Science (1encd) edec


Awards and distinctions for students and professors

Nombre completo del estudiante

Fátima Ortiz Núñez, Guillermo Quechol Aca, José Antonio Martínez Arrubarrena, José Manuel González Castañeda, José María de las Rivas Álava y Zurim Andrea Gutiérrez Rosales

Raúl Silva Noroña

Melian Morales Pérez Edgar Alcántara López

Aaron Morales Muñoz

Brenda Alcibar Velasco

Katya Naomi Marín Vera

Carolina Ugarte Pereyra

Daniela Guadalupe Luna Gazcón

Daniel Alejandro Reyes Barrios

Renata Sovía Olvé de la Rosa

Georgilett Pérez Bedweel

Paola Méndez Muñoz

José Fernando Vega Clemente

Sebastián Oyarzabal Rodríguez

Jesús Eduardo Daniel Morales

Premio o reconocimiento

Accreditation before the cfa Institute (level 1) edne

Accreditation before the cfa Institute (levels 1 and 2) edne

Publication of the book Reflexiones sobre economía y ciencias sociales: el caso de México php?mode=detalle&nt=400489 edne

top project vw Prize edne

Erasmus-Mundus, biopham scholarship to pursue a MSc in Biopharmaceutical Materials Science at the universities of Lille, Pisa, Catalunya, and Katowice edec

Chemistry Tercentenary Master Scholarship to pursue a MSc in Medicinal and Biological Chemistry at University of Edinburgh edec

Eiffel scholarship to pursue a MSc in Integrated Research for Advanced Chemistry and Materials at the university of Lille edec

Erasmus-Mundus scholarship to pursue a MSc in Membrane Engineering for Sustainable Development at the university of Montpellier and Universidad de Zaragoza edec

Erasmus-Mundus scholarship to pursue a MSc in Medical Imaging and Applications at Universidad de Girona, University of Bourgogne and Universitá degli Studi de Cassino e del Lazio Meriodionale edec

Scholarship to obtain a master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology edec

Scholarship to pursue a MSc in Chemistry at the University of Melbourne, Australia edec

Scholarship Prize - Thesis concytep 2023 edec

Eiffel scholarship to pursue a MSc in Integrated Research for Advanced Chemistry and Materials at the university of Lille edec

First author of the article: «Ketorolac removal through photoelectrocatalysis using TiO2 nanotubes in water system». Published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, November, 2023 edec

Second author of the article: «Ketorolac removal through photoelectrocatalysis using TiO2 nanotubes in water system». Published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, November, 2023 edec


Nombre completo del estudiante

Premio o reconocimiento Escuela

Yulianna Minutti Calva mitacs scholarship at Regina University, Canada, Summer 2023 edec

María José Valentina Rosales Nájera mitacs scholarship at Regina University, Canada, Summer 2023 edec

Mara Aly Moranchel Hernández, María del Mar Sanz Álvarez and María Luisa Gallegos Valenzuela

Hassler Stefan Macías Sánchez

Sofía Anaya Sánchez

Liza Fernanda Quinn Reyes

Emmanuel Iván Montiel Paredes

Benjamín Navarro Ávila

Ana Lorena Flores Camacho

Ana Lorena Flores Camacho

Law Students:

Ariadna López Ramírez, André Lescieur García, Franco Anzurez Cajica, Kyara Daniela Gil Olmos and Elizabeth Fernández Sánchez

Rubén J. Méndez Velázquez, Bricia Paloma Castro Gómez, Héctor Daniel Mendoza Peña, José Julián García Flores and Amadeo Segura Lagunes

Diana Xóchitl Pérez Meneses

Diana Fernanda Hernández Góngora y Jesús

Daniel Hernández Góngora

Ana Karen Hernández

First place in oral presentation at the 11th Mexican Nutrition Congress with «Concordancia entre la percepción de la imagen corporal y estado nutricional de adolescentes de una secundaria privada de Puebla» edec

Student of the Year Award 2023, by the American College of Physicians Mexico Chapter edec

Academic Excellence Prize of the Asociación Mexicana de Facultades y Escuelas de Medicina and Pfizer Laboratory edec

Participation in the 11th Escuela de Biofotónica, inaoe edec

30th Physics Summer School, unam edec

13 Astrophysics Summer School, irya unam edec

First place of Premio Internacional Martín Baró, undergraduate level, granted by the Interamerican Society of Psychology edcs

Second Place in a National Contest of Thesis, awarded by the Consejo Nacional de Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología edcs

Third place and prize to the Best Paper on Defense at the Victor Carlos García Moreno international contest on penal law, November 10, 2023 edcs

Vivolo, a documentary directed by Rubén J. Méndez Velázquez, produced by Bricia Paloma Castro Gómez, with photography direction by Héctor

Daniel Mendoza Peña, sound direction by José Julián García Flores and edition by Amadeo Segura Lagunes, alumni and students of the Licenciatura in Media Communication and Production, was selected as one of three projects within the 6th edition of Reto DocsPuebla 2023 edcs

First Place, Thesis Contest about Justicia Electoral con Perspectiva de Género: Paridad y Violencia Política contra las Mujeres por Razón de Género del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (tepjf) edcs

Distinction for the Berlin Tattoo band meeting edah

Distinction for her «Delimitaciones» exhibit at Casa de la Cultura Tlanezcalli edah


Awards and distinctions for students and professors

Nombre completo del estudiante

Ana Karen Hernández

Emilio Padilla Colín

Karla Hermosillo Cardoza y Sergio Basurto Castro

Valeria Lastra

Mariely Félix Ortiz

Nicole López Icaza

Jimena Molina Hernández

Isabela Alonso Álvarez, Andrea Mariana Barrera Mena, Diana Paula Bermúdez Pinto, Hannah Andrea Bernal Torres, Eduardo Bertello Castro, Melissa Castillo Cardona, Natalia Cotrino García, Jorge Luis Espinosa Barrientos, Claudia Juárez Ang, Arantza Martínez Leppaniemi, Daniela Palomas Vélez, Gabriela Guadalupe Román Ortega, Brenda Dafne Sabag Rodarte y Andrea Vera Dorantes

José Antonio Acosta González

Diego Barrera del Ángel

Mirza Marian Gutiérrez Ruiz

Aislinn Díaz Martínez

Renée Mason Cifuentes

Roberto Tripp Sánchez

Ileana Montserrat Márquez Velázquez

Luna Ofelia Franco López

María José Lavalle Arellano

Delegación anei-udlap integrantes: Jazmin

Eunice Vidal Olmos, Aphril del Socorro Pérez Flores, María Paula Tapia Toletino, Ricardo Andrés Quiroz Uribe, Rigel Hiram Mortera Liñam, Alexander Fuentes Osorio, Iván Nicolás Romero Bartolo, Alejandro García Pérez, Itzel

Daniela Félix Fimbres, Elizabeth Huanetl Pájaro, Ricardo Ramírez Gross, Brando Sergio Hernández Osorio, Víctor Manuel Ayala García e Iker Vidal Olmos

Premio o reconocimiento

Distinction for her exhibit at Luz de la Nevera edah

Winner of the Pamela Ann Maquard scholarship edah

Distinction for their acting in Noche tan linda en el fitu 2023 edah

Selected to present the Mutter Project for choreographic solo at the International Solo Dance Festival edah

Second place prize in the Salsa Parejas Profesionales Showcase, floor category edah

1st place in the category Cartel Tradicional in the Calavereando contest (Anáhuac Puebla Contest), with the Ex-votos theme edah

1st place prize for university talent in the category Graphic Poster. Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Seguros (amis) edah

«Sistema estratégico de promoción redes sociales y sistemas digitales». imss metepec and udlap, for the project of a vacation center imss Atlixco. edah

Los Días Enmascarados, Writing Contest edah

Best Delegation of Region viii edei


Nombre completo del estudiante

Valeria López López

Zuilma Aimée Loya Hernández

Premio o reconocimiento

Baden-Wurttemberg Scholarship of the University of Heilbronn in Germany edei

Best graduate in Environmental Engineering

José Pablo Aparicio Kirwant anfei - Best graduate in Energy Engineering

Denisse Cabrera Mecott anfei - Best graduate in Food Industry Engineering

María José Álvarez Guapillo anfei - Best graduate in Chemical Engineeringa

Maribeth Krieg Puga uc Merced Undergraduate Climate Research Program - Scholarship

Giselle Armenta Campas - Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering

Juan Bosco Mastretta Larracilla

José Eduardo González Galicia

Noé Franco González and Manuel Cardoso Sánchez, Energy Engineering students; and Aranza Rodríguez San Román, of Chemical Engineering

David Lara Ruiz (Chemical Engineering)

Julio Emmanuel González Pérez

Samantha Sarahí Reyes Flores

Rocío Aparicio Ortuño

basf-udlap Prize, 3rd place edei

Electrohack – Energy Agency of Puebla State, 3rd place edei

Comexus scholarship to participate in the program Science, Technology, and Engineering for our Common Home. Internship at Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA edei

Scholarship-Thesis 2023 (concytep) edei

State Merit Prize for a stem student, 2023 edei

concytep support for the research project «Evaluación de las propiedades bioactivas y la fibra dietética de cladodios de nopal (opuntia ficus indica variedad Atlixco) en polvo, su utilización en alimentos funcionales y su efecto en la dieta de una población infantil con sobrepeso u obesidad» edei


Awards and distinctions for students and professors


Edgar Rojas Rivas

Tahir Iqbal Sufi

Manuel Francisco Suárez Barraza

Manuel Francisco Suárez Barraza

Isis Olimpia Gutiérrez Martínez

Francois Duhamel

Isis Olimpia Gutiérrez Martínez and Luis Felipe Luna Reyes

Nancy Maribel Arratia Martínez

Miguel Ángel Méndez Rojas

Miguel Ángel Méndez Rojas

José Luis Sánchez Salas

Taisa Sabrina Silva Pereira

Natalia Ramírez Girón

Taisa Sabrina Silva Pereira

Roberto Carlos Mares Morales

Gerardo Arizmendi Echegaray

Miguel Ángel Reyes Cortés

Julio César Penagos Corzo

Premio o reconocimiento

Editor of the «Sensory science and consumer perception» section of the Current Opinion in Food Science journal (impact factor: 9.9 - Web of Science) edne

Editorial Cum Advisory Board, Journal of Business Strategy Finance and Management (International, peer-reviewed, open-access journal on business) edne

Coeditor of the Special Issue in tqm Journal of emerald Quality 4.0 and Kaizen during disruptive times: Addressing the Triple Helix Actor’s covid-19 Pandemic Challenges edne

Track Coordinator of Kaizen and Lean Manufacturing, and presenter of two papers at the conference Manufacturing 2024 at the University of Poznan Poland, (May 2024).

Best Paper Proceedings (top 10%): Ward A.K., Wu I-H., Buchan N., Jeohg S., Carrim N., Gutiérrez-Martínez I., Hu C., Johan S. (2023), Nested Local, National, and Global Identities in the Context of Existential Threat, Academy of Management (aom 2023), August 4-8, 2023, Boston (ma), usa edne

Best Paper Award for the paper: Duhamel, F., Gutiérrez-Martínez, I., LunaReyes, L. F. (2023), A relational view of knowledge sharing in public-private it outsourcing relationships. 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2023): June 11-14, 2023, Gdansk, Poland. edne

Prize for her student, Alessandra Antonio Gutiérrez (Industrial Engineering), graduate from the Honors Program, 2nd Place in the contest Premio a la Mejor Tesis en Investigación de Operaciones 2023, granted by Sociedad Mexicana de Investigación de Operaciones edne

Promotion to Level iii of the National Researchers System (snii) of conahcyt edec

Promotion to udlap Chair edec

snii Level ii edec

1st place in the oral presentation of the 11th Mexican Meeting of Nutrition, with the work: «Concordancia entre la percepción de la imagen corporal y estado nutricional de adolescentes de una secundaria privada de Puebla» edec

Prize to the Academic Trajectory Uniquindiana (Universidad del Quindio, Colombia) edec

Honorific appointment as a permanent member of the scientific committee of the journal Physios edec

Appointment as board member of Puebla’s Plastic Surgeon Board edec

His article, «Energy of a graph and Randic Index» is a top-cited article of the journal Linear Algebra and its Applications edec

Organizer and participant in the 1encd edec

2023-2025 President of the Inter-American Society of Psychology edcs



Israel Cedillo Lazcano

Claudia María Ramírez Culebro

Claudia María Ramírez Culebro

Laura Elena Romero López

Julio César Penagos Corzo

Ana Cristina Aguirre Calleja

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Julián Sanmartín Navarro

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Juan Carlos Gachúz Maya

Juan Carlos Gachúz Maya

Gerardo Rodríguez Sánchez Lara

Gerardo Rodríguez Sánchez Lara

Gerardo Rodríguez Sánchez Lara

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Premio o reconocimiento

Best Presentation «Intellectual Property in Metaverse» granted by fiadi at the 1st Hispanic American Research Colloquium edcs

Member of the Evaluating Committee of the Transformation Digital Prize at the Smart City Expo Latam 2023 edcs

Evaluator of articles for aera (American Educational Research Association) 2024 Annual Meeting edcs

Member of the Editorial Committee of Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl (Q1). Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas-unam edcs

Member of several editorial committees of indexed journals, among them as reviewing editor in the cognition area of Frontiers in Psychology (Q1) edcs

International prize for the best research work for «Aprendiendo juntas: respuestas a las violencias sexuales y de género en las universidades catalanas y mexicanas». Premis del l’Observatori Catala de la Justicia en Violencia Masclista, Ministerio de Igualdad. Observatori Catala de la Justicia en Violencia Masclista y Generalitat de Catalunya Centre dÉstudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada, Barcelona, January 18, 2023 edcs

Visiting Research Fellow, plas Princeton, June, 2023 edcs

Member of the Instituto de la Comunicación de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (InCom - uab) edcs

Member of the Mexican Scientists Network Before Climate Change (REDCiC), December 2023 edcs

Member of the Working Group on Justice and Climate Security in Latin America, SIPRI-FES-Colombia, 2023 edcs

Member of the Arbitration Committee of the Indexed (in Scopus) Journal México y la Cuenca del Pacífico edcs

Research stay at the Asian Institute of Harvard University edcs

President of the International Security Section, World International Studies Committee (wisc) edcs

Vice-President of the Mexican Association of International Studies (amei) (2022-2023) edcs

Academic Counselor for the Committee for Citizens Participation in the Anti-Corruption National System edcs

Member of the evaluating committee for the prize Transformación Digital en el Smart City Expo Latam 2023 edcs


Awards and distinctions for students and professors


Misa Ito

Misa Ito

Perla del Rocío Fernández López

Brian Robert Banks

Brian Robert Banks

María Luisa Marina Vilar Payá

María Luisa Marina Vilar Payá

María Luisa Marina Vilar Payá

Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño

Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño

Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño

Ana Patricia Farfán Briseño

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Ana Paulina Colmenares González

Jesús Mario Lozano Alamilla

Jesús Mario Lozano Alamilla

Miguel Pablo Monroy Melgoza

Premio o reconocimiento Escuela

Jury-awarded distinction in the Chamber Music Contest EDAH

Invited guest distinction at the Alfonso Ortiz Tirado EDAH

Invited guest distinction at the Alfonso Ortiz Tirado EDAH

Distinction as artistic creator for the concert of bells in San Cristóbal EDAH

Distinction as composer of Bonsai Garden, Set VII EDAH

Distinction for the lecture «Alternative Perspectives in Music and Politics» EDAH

Distinction for her participation in the Conservatorio de Desarrollos de Archivo y Bibliotecas de México, A. C. EDAH

Recognition for being jury president for the Stevenson Award EDAH

Distinction for the re-opening of the work El Loop de Elena, commissioned by Danza-unam at Salón de Danza del Centro Cultural Universitario EDAH

Distinction for her participation in the lecture «Los fines desconocidos de un ícono católico: La danza de Migueles de San Miguel Tzinacapan, análisis de incidencias y desacatos» during the 3rd Colloquium of traditional dance studies at Escuela Nacional de Danza Folclórica EDAH

Distinction for her participation in the International Forum of Creation Research in the Arts fiica 2023, with the paper «La pregunta sobre el espectador de danza: de la investigación cuantitativa al proceso coreográfico»


enartes Prize for her work La subasta del movimiento EDAH

Distinction for her participation in the International Forum of Creation Research in the Arts fiica 2023 EDAH

Distinction to the group Danza udlap for their participation in the Festival Angelopolitano de Danza de Puebla with the work Imposible EDAH

Distinction for choreography for codaco (Compañía de Danza Contemporánea ccu-buap) and the premiere of the work Embudo EDAH

Distinction as cinematographic creator for the work Textos y sombras EDAH

Distinction as producer of the feature film Pata y conejo EDAH

Distinction for the individual art exhibition «La imagen vigilada» EDAH



Nuria Montiel Pérez Grovas

Yolanda Leticia Moreno Cavazos

Juan Manuel Bada Dosal

Rodolfo Herrera López

Antonio Rico Sulayes

José Manuel Cabrera Miranda

José Manuel Cabrera Miranda

Edmundo Ramsés Castañón Amaro

Ismael Lara Ochoa

Rosemberg Reyes Ramírez

Rosemberg Reyes Ramírez

Rosemberg Reyes Ramírez

Rosemberg Reyes Ramírez

Ismael Lara Ochoa

Javier Cruz Salgado

Nelly Ramírez Corona

María Teresa Jiménez Munguía

Enrique Palou García

Premio o reconocimiento Escuela

Distinction for a lecture about her work edah

Distinction as advisor in the Graphic Poster Category, Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones De Seguros (amis) edah

«Sistema estratégico de promoción redes sociales y sistemas digitales». imss Metepec and udlap, for a proposal of an imss Atlixco vacation center edah

2023 National Poetry Prize, Juegos Florales de Lagos de Moreno edah

National Researcher, Level I, 2024-2028, conahcyt edah

Associate Editor of the Journal Ships and Offshore Structures, Taylor and Francis. edei

Associate Editor of the Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology, The Korean Society of Marine Engineering. edei

Publication of the paper "Transparencia y rendición de cuentas en la procuración e impartición de justicia" Homage Book to Dr. Sergio García Ramírez. edei

Active Member of the National Academy of Architecture, Veracruz Chapter edei

Member of the Asociación Mexicana de Vías Terrestres, A. C. edei

Member of the Asociación Mexicana de Ingeniería Geotécnica, A. C. edei

Member of the 13th Executive Board of the Asociación Mexicana del Asfalto, A. C. edei

Past President of International Geosynthetics Society (igs). edei

Evaluator and member of the technical committee of the Acreditadora Nacional de Programas de Arquitectura y Disciplinas del Espacio Habitable (anpadeh) edei

Commitment to Education Medal edei

President 2023-2025, Executive Board of amidiq (Mexican Academy of Research and Teaching of Chemical Engineering) edei

President 2023-2025, Executive Board of amepal (Mexican Association for Food Protection) edei

Member of the Higher Education Review Board of the Institute of Food Technologists, 2023-2027 edei


udlap Pride Students


David Asael Juárez Dávila

David Talavera Zabre

Eyla Marian Joaquín Hernández

Ivanna Lomelín Valdés

Karen Hermida Ladrón de Guevara

Fernanda Samperio (Economics)

Mara Aly Moranchel Hernández, María del Mar Sanz Álvarez and María Luisa Gallegos Valenzuela

Hassler Stefan Macías Sánchez

Sofía Anaya Sánchez

María Reneé Hernández Ramírez, Regina González Ehlinger and Yavne Ochoa Ramírez

María Reneé Hernández Ramírez, Regina González Ehlinger and Yavne Ochoa Ramírez

Ana Lorena Flores Camacho

José Luis Arellano Mendoza

Valeria López López

Ali Cuauhtémoc Hernández Rosas

Janeth Pérez Ubaldo

Alejandra Delfín Ruíz

Diana Sofía Vizcaya Álvarez

Camila Pérez Romero

Logro Escuela

Fulbright Scholarship edne

Fulbright Scholarship edne

Hired as Chef de partie at El Serbal Restaurant, which has one Michelin star. She is the first young woman to be hired at this restaurant. https://elserbal. com/ edne

Santander-uceif-sanfi Scholarship. Master in Banking and Financial Markets, México edne

Santander-uceif-sanfi Scholarship. Master in Banking and Financial Markets, México edne

Erasmus Scholarship, M. A. in Global Development Policy edne

First place in an oral presentation at the 11th Mexican Nutrition Congress with the work «Concordancia entre la percepción de la imagen corporal y estado nutricional de adolescentes de una secundaria privada de Puebla» edec

Student of the Year Award 2023 of the acp American College of Physicians, Mexico chapter edec

Prize for Academic Excellence from the Mexican Association of Medical Schools, and Pfizer Laboratories edec

Scientific poster presentation at the Second National Week for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks. Acapulco, Guerrero edcs

Scientific poster presentation at the 34th Mexican Psychology Congress. Puebla, Puebla edcs

Paper presentation at the 34th Interamerican Psychology Congress. Asunción, Paraguay edcs

Distinction for «Análisis en dominio de tiempo de edificaciones sometidas a sismo en la Ciudad de Puebla» at the 20th Civin Engineering Week for Vanguard in Construction, organized by the College of Civil Engineers of Puebla State (cicepac) edei

Baden-Wurttemberg scholarship at Heilbronn University, Germany edei

Participation in the Project «International Interdisciplinary Partnership Program (I²P²), 2023 edition» with Hof University in Germany edei

Participation in the Project «International Interdisciplinary Partnership Program (I²P²), 2023 edition» with Hof University in Germany edei

Participation in the Project «International Interdisciplinary Partnership Program (I²P²), 2023 edition» with Hof University in Germany edei

Participation in the Project «International Interdisciplinary Partnership Program (I²P²), 2023 edition» with Hof University in Germany edei

Participation in the Project «International Interdisciplinary Partnership Program (I²P²), 2023 edition» with Hof University in Germany edei


Profesor Logro

Tahir Iqbal Sufi

New full-time professor of the Tourism Department, an expert in Hospitality and Tourism edne

María del Carmen Morfín Herrera Pan American Achievement for Tourism Medal edne

María del Carmen Morfín Herrera

Nora Gavira Durón

Nora Gavira Durón

Uziel Flores Ilhuicatzi

Nancy Maribel Arratia Martínez

Nancy Maribel Arratia Martínez

Francisco Gabriel Rodríguez González

Taisa Sabrina Silva Pereira

Martin Hentschinski

Martin Hentschinski

Julio César Penagos Corzo

Julio César Penagos Corzo

Julio César Penagos Corzo

President of the conpeht Honor Council edne

Bielefeld University International Week, with the paper «International Financial Analysis» edne

bmv Instructor of the course Business Financial Analysis in a Global Context, February 2023 edne

Universidad de Manizales «Análisis de la economía social en Tlaxcala a través de los apoyos de inaes». International Research Conference of Administrative Sciences edne

Invited speaker at the 2nd Joint Forum (smcca, smm, mexsiam, smio y ame) within the xxxi Escuela Nacional de Optimización y Análisis Numérico (enoan 20239, June 26–30, 2023 edne

Assistant Researcher of the course Discrete Optimization: Mathematics, Algorithms, and Computation, at the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (icerm), Brown University edne

Invitation to participate in the Second International Week of Bielefeld University, Germany, with the workshop «Quality in services marketing» May 8 , 2023 edne

First place in an oral presentation at the 11th Mexican Nutrition Congress with the work «Concordancia entre la percepción de la imagen corporal y estado nutricional de adolescentes de una secundaria privada de Puebla» edec

Publication of an article in Physical Review Letter (the most cited in physics and eighth in all sciences) edec

Invitation to give an opinion for Nature (one of the scientific journal most cited in the world) edec

Keynote speaker by invitation at the 34th Interamerican Meeting of Psychology, Asunción, Paraguay, June 2023 edcs

Keynote speaker by invitation at the 9th Hominis International Convention of Psychology 2023, Havana, Cuba, April 2023 edcs

Keynote speaker by invitation at the 24th Mexican Meeting of Psychology, Puebla, Puebla, October, 2023 edcs



Julio César Penagos Corzo

Julio César Penagos Corzo

Julio César Penagos Corzo

Israel Cedillo Lazcano

Aymara Flores Soriano

Claudia María Ramírez Culebro in collaboration with Nora Gavira Durón (edne) and Cinthya Moreda (edne)

Julio César Penagos Corzo

Julio César Penagos Corzo

Julio César Penagos Corzo

Julio César Penagos Corzo

Ana Cristina Aguirre Calleja

Nikolai Stepanov

Edgar González Hernández

Tania Gómez Zapata



Keynote speaker by invitation at the 16th International Meeting of Clinical Psychology, Universidad de Granada, Spain, November 2023 edcs

Keynote speaker by invitation at the First Central American Meeting of Psychology, Tegucigalpa Honduras, November 2023 edcs

Paper presentation by invitation at the Second National Week for the Protection against Sanitary Risk, Acapulco, Guerrero, April, 2023 edcs

Book author: A Socio-Legal Theory of Money for the Digital Commercial Society. A New Analytical Framework to Understand Cryptoassets. Hart Publishing/Bloomsbury edcs

Book co-author: Subjetivación de las lógicas pandémicas en las niñas y los niños ¿Cómo están jugando las infancias en el regreso semipresencial a las aulas en el estado de Puebla? conachyt, Puebla State, see edcs

Paper presented at the 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research. and Innovation (iceri) 2023 in Seville, Spain edcs

Article: «Psychometrics and psychological assessment in the face of the Artificial Intelligence challenge», Interamerican Psychology, vol. 112 edcs

Article in The Palgrave Biographical Encyclopedia of Psychology in Latin America, Springer an Encyclopedia: «Alcaraz Romero, Víctor Manuel (biography)» edcs

Article in The Palgrave Biographical Encyclopedia of Psychology in Latin America, Springer: «Ribes Iñesta, Emilio (biography)» edcs

Chapter: «Cognición y agresividad vial». En Supervivencia vial: Agresividad. Edited by uaem and udlap edcs

Keynote speaker at the 3rd Latin American Meeting of Psychology and 29th International Meeting of Psychology: «Apuntes desde el género para comunidades en resistencia». October 23, 2023 edcs

Telepsychology lectures: «Terapia a un click de distancia para prevenir el uso nocivo del alcohol. Shots con ciencia», Fundación de Investigaciones Sociales A. C., August 30 edcs

Director of certification for cbct Spanish-speaking professors, or compassion training on cognitive base. Sponsored by Emory University edcs

Speaker of the Mexican Association of International Studies (amei) 2023, Mérida: «Entre masculinidades y feminidades: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre ser migrante hombre y migrante mujer?»; Book presentation commentator:La imagen de México en el mundo de César Villanueva; Paper: «Exploraciones del fenómeno de la globalización: una perspectiva desde el Sur Global», October 2023 edcs

udlap Pride

Profesor Logro

Tania Gómez Zapata

Tania Gómez Zapata

Tania Gómez Zapata

Tania Gómez Zapata

Guy Emerson

Guy Emerson

Celeste Cedillo

Celeste Cedillo

Celeste Cedillo

Celeste Cedillo

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Juan Antonio Le Clercq Ortega

Viviana Ramírez

Lecture: «Migration as Protest: Disrupting Public Diplomacy Efforts on Latin American States», and paper commentator «Innovation in Mediated Public Diplomacy». International Communication Association Conference (ica) Toronto, Canada, May 2023 edcs

Lectures: «Masculinities and Diplomacy Revisited: Experiences About Being the Ambassador's Male-Identifying Spouse in the 21st Century» and «Impact of media coverage of movies Coco and Encanto in the country reputation rankings of Mexico and Colombia», International Studies Association (ISA) Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 2023 edcs

International Liaison Officer, Public Diplomacy Interest Group, International Communication Association (ICA) 2022-2024 edcs

Lecture: «La GloCalización como fenómeno intrínseco de la GloBalización desde una perspectiva del Sur Global» in the 2nd. Biennial Conference of North American Studies: «¿Globalización en crisis?», unam-cisan, February, 2023 edcs

Article: «Counter-map of body-territory: Gender-based violence in Mexico», Political Geography, vol. 106, 1-12 edcs

Article: «Benjamín on violent biopower», Contexto Internacional, 45(1) Jan/Apr: 1-18. edcs

Índice de Impunidad Ambiental LATAM 2023 (igi-amb latam 2023) edcs

Lecture: «La pérdida de las capacidades institucionales ambientales en México, un análisis desde el Índice de Impunidad Ambiental» amei edcs

Lecture: «Resultados del Índice de Impunidad Ambiental América Latina», amei edcs

Lecture: «Voces de la tierra: activismo de las mujeres latinoamericanas en la defensa de la tierra», amei edcs

Chapter: «El derecho de gentes y la protección del medio ambiente», unam-amei edcs

Chapter: «El límite de lo natural y el riesgo de la catástrofe: escenarios climáticos postpandemia», unam edcs

Chapter: “Riesgo y seguridad ambiental en el Antropoceno. Perspectivas de innovación conceptual y definición de una agenda integradora”, Colegio de la Defensa Nacional edcs

Collaborator of the international report: Justicia ambiental y climática y la dinámica de las violencias en América Latina, sipri-fes Colombia edcs

Índice de Impunidad Ambiental LATAM 2023 (igi-amb latam 2023) edcs

Article: «Well-being and the internationalization of academic life: an exploration from the periphery». Higher Education edcs


udlap Pride


Viviana Ramírez

Juan Carlos Gachúz Maya

Juan Carlos Gachúz Maya

Juan Carlos Gachúz Maya

Juan Carlos Gachúz Maya

Juan Carlos Gachúz Maya

Juan Carlos Gachúz Maya

Juan Carlos Gachúz Maya

Departamento de Antropología

Laura Elena Romero López

Laura Elena Romero López

Laura Elena Romero López

Logro Escuela

Article: «The impact of self-reinforcing and self-undermining policy feedback on Mexican social policy: the end of the conditional cash transfers programme». Policy & Politics edcs

Keynote speaker at Colegio de Defensa Nacional: «otsc y osc en el contexto de seguridad global» edcs

Lecture at the graduate studies program on national security for Mexico’s Senate edcs

Editorial for Japan´s nikkei newspaper on t-mec and trade war China-EE. UU. edcs

Article in the book: «Migraciones históricas de China a México}, University of Costa Rica edcs

Lecture for sedena’s Certificate on National Security and Defense edcs

International Security course, Colegio de Defensa Nacional, sedena edcs

Research stay at the Asian Institute of Harvard University edcs

Re-accreditation of the Anthropology Licenciatura edcs

Keynote speaker at the First Colloquium of Original Languages of Puebla State (buap-Universidad Intercultural): «Reflexiones para un pueblo “deslenguado”; revisitando a Gloria Anzaldúa» edcs

Lecture at the Forum of Educational Programs in Social Sciences: Retos y Perspectivas, Universidad Autónoma de Guanajuato-udlap edcs

Barlow y Domingo Adiel Aguilar Torres. Joint publication of udlap and Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale, Francia edcs


Profesor Logro

Publications (2023):

• Lee, Alison Elizabeth and Justin Stoler. 2023. «Cambio climático, inseguridad hídrica y alimentación, migración: notas hacia un acercamiento interseccional desde los hogares», Movilidades 4(15), 27–33.

Alison Lee

Alison Lee

Dainzú López de Lara and Gerardo Rodríguez Sánchez Lara

Gerardo Rodríguez Sánchez Lara

Gerardo Rodríguez Sánchez Lara

Pablo Moreno Garibaldi

Carmen Xóchitl Flores Mendoza

• Accepted article (Q1 journal): Lee, Alison and Mario Macias. (2024). «To separate myself from them, I think I will feel great sadness», Transnational Fatherhood and Border Regimes in Central Mexico. Latin American Research Review (Q1).

• Book chapter (accepted) Lee, Alison Elizabeth «“It worries me that they will forget English”: Motherhood, Illegality/Citizenship and Belonging among Return Migrants in Central Mexico». In Motherhood, belonging, gendered narration of the nation state and beyond. Tine Davids y Karin Willemse (eds.). Gender in a Global/Local World. New York: Routledge.

• Lecture: «Cambio climático, inseguridad hídrica y alimentaria y movilidad humana: un acercamiento de género e interseccional desde los hogares» at Encuentro Internacional sobre Movilidad Humana 2023, cdmx

• Lecture: «Cambio climático, inseguridad hídrica y movilidad humana: retos para lograr el ODS 6», Primer Foro Internacional, Acelerando Acciones hacia la Seguridad Hídrica, Cátedra unesco Chair in Hydrometeorologic Risks, udlap, Puebla.

Coordinators of three reports on mowip Methodology Implementation to find opportunities for Mexican women to participate in security and military institutions (sedena, semar sspc) in onu´s Peace Operations, 2019-2023



Coordinator of the Seminar on North American Regional Security organized by the Embassy of the United States- casede and udlap edcs

Participant in the workshop «Construyendo resiliencia a la violencia: Una introducción a la prevención del extremismo violento». Organización de Estados Americanos, Interamerican Committee Against Terrorism, Washington D. C.


Participant in Teaching Week at Hof University in Germany edei

Participant in charge of the project «International Interdisciplinary Partnership Program (I²P²), 2023 edition» with Hof University in Germany edei


Special projects of the academic departments

School Project

edne - Graduate school Businessman in your Classroom

edne - Graduate school Businessman in your Classroom

edne - Graduate school Businessman in your Classroom

edne - Graduate school Businessman in your Classroom

edne - Graduate school Businessman in your Classroom

edne - Graduate school coil

edne - Graduate school coil

edne - Graduate school coil

edne - Graduate school coil

edne - Graduate school coil

edne - Graduate school coil



Collaboration between Hotel Presidente Intercontinental and Universidad de las Américas

Puebla – Licenciatura in Culinary Arts

Participation in the Spanish Student Market, Study Competition 2023 – Organized by CoStar Group and Share Center


Moisés Macip, founding partner of concauce Foundation

José Rodolfo Martínez Vera, Herschel MX General Manager

Ernesto Soriano Ariza, founding partner of SA&A Consulting

Mónica Ibarra, President of Luxury Lab Women

Vicente Reyes, Founding partner of Mayawell Beverages

Roberto Palacios, Hull University, UK

Andrés Rubiano, Universidad del Rosario (Colombia)

Beverly Barret, University of St. Thomas, (United States)

Krystel Castillo, University of Texas San Antonio (United States)

M. Sc. Kristen Lee, University of Texas San Antonio (United States)

Prof. P.V. Pviswanath, Pace University (United States)

Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez Romo

Ximena Escobar Tovilla

Manuel Gabriel Mancilla Ramírez

Martha Regina Juárez Gutiérrez Sola

William Charbel Kuri Ostos

Ana Espinosa Osorio

Nicole Barbizani Ransoli

Daniel Andrés García Mena

Nayeli González Tellez

Ana Laura Mandujano Gómez

Gabriela Fernanda Palma Jaramillo

Marlon Yosef Jiménez López

Topic and/or lecture

Social impact projects

Values and commitment proposals

Business innovation

Marketing in high-impact events

Entrepreneurship with social responsibility

Brexit impact on operation in the EU Master´s course: Operations Strategy

Project Administration course

International Administration master´s course: Advanced International Administration

Trends in Energy Projects. Master´s course: Renewable Energy

Environmental Projects, Project Administration course

Finance Economics in Business. Master´s course: Business Economics

Sampling menu design by a crew of Culinary Arts on October Thursdays. With student participation

Participation, with a group of students of Administration of Hotels and Restaurants, in a Marketing Studies Contest related to tourism


Escuela Proyecto




Masterclass at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla campus and Culinary Arts

Masterclass at Universidad de las Américas Puebla campus and Culinary Arts

International Tasting of Organic PACARI Cocoa


Chef Alain Müller co-rector of the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland Chef Roberto Javier Palacios Magaña

Chef César Castañeda, corporate chef for NH Hotels, Students of Culinary Arts

Students of Culinary Arts and Administration of Hotels and Restaurants

edne Applied Projects in the Social Marketing class Organization Haz por Más

edne udlap Pitch Night 2023


Conference of the Mexican Society of Operations Research

Organization of udlap Pitch Night, October 24, 2023

Site of the 11th Conference of the Mexican Society of Operations Research, October 18-20 2023

edcs Worlds of Journalism Josefina Buxadé Castelán


Evaluation Project on the barriers faced by women in professional careers within the Armed and Security Forces at un’s Peace Operations

edah Gender Violence Campaign

Dainzú López de Lara Espinosa

Tema y/o conferencia

Cooking demonstration for the students of Culinary Arts

Cooking demonstration for the students of Culinary Arts

Tasting of Ecuador cacao beans

Resisting reductions for social causes donation

edah Nomad Mirror Exhibition

Consultancy for the Vice-Presidency of Student Affairs and the Student Support Department by professors Yolanda L. Moreno Cavazos and Mauricio Audirac Camarena

Nuria Montiel Pérez Grovas, PTC of the Fine Arts Department, with the students: Mitzi Lucero Anaya Vergara, Sarahí Casco Juárez, Anna Lucía Gutiérrez Figueroa, María José Ojeda Ramírez, Jessica Andrea Rojas de la Vega, Pamela Rosas Orozco and Natalia Torres Rivera

International Journalism project

Project with international financial support of Iniciativa Elsie and onu Mujeres

Gender Violence Campaign

Vitalis Corporis mural (among the spoils of war)


Special projects of the academic departments

Escuela Proyecto

edah Art exhibit

edah Concert

edah Performance Dance students


Fine Arts: «Cuerpx Políticx» exhibition, works by students and professors of the Fine Arts Licenciatura and women artists form udlap art collection (Magali Lara, Laureano Toledo, Carla Rippey, Mónica Castillo, Katia Mora, Marissa Boullosa, Pamela Marquard, Joy Laville, Carmen Wenel, María Sada, Maris Bustamante)

Concert by professors and students of the Licenciatura in Music. The works were by women composers

Performance by students of the Licenciatura in Dance, «Que el arte sea nuestra protesta»

Tema y/o conferencia

edah Movie Screening

edah Performance Theater students

edah Videoart



amaac-udlap Collaboration agreement

amaac-udlap Collaboration agreement

Movie Tania Ximena

Performance by students of the Licenciatura in Theater «Decirlo sin Miedo»

Videoart projection by students of the Licenciatura in Fine Arts

External civil engineers of the public and private sectors

External civil engineers of the public and private sectors

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Marshall test design (October 11-13)

Marshall test design actualization (November 22-24)


«International Interdisciplinary Partnership Program (I²P²), 2023 edition» with Hof University, Germany daad program

Development of Bilateral Mexico-Germany Project


print on demand anneX 2. publications

1 «Historia natural» del conde de Buffon

Secretary of National Defense Mexico: MOWIP Report 2021 May 18


Secretary of Navy Mexico: MOWIP 2021 Report

May 18 4 Secretary of Public Security and Citizen Protection Mexico: MOWIP Report 2021

May 18 5 U ts’íibilo’ob cháak yéetel iik’ / Los escritos de la lluvia y el viento

La correspondencia en maya yucateco entre Robert H. Barlow y Domingo Adiel Aguilar Torres

Borrar la arquitectura. Estrategias contemporáneas para intervenciones sensibles

Algo sobre cambio político en Puebla. Congreso, autoritarismo local y elecciones de gobernadores

Manual para la redacción de una tesis de posgrado. Una guía para la investigación

Un acercamiento a la problemática de la justicia ambiental. Índice Global de Impunidad Ambiental Latinoamérica 2023

Memoria del cine en Puebla: de los años 20 a los 40

June 8


and pod September 9




ACTIVITY REPORT 2023 79 ANNEXES Title Format Publication Date
pdf January
pdf August
pdf and pod October
pdf and pod November
pdf November
Print December pod:
New Published Books

Catalog Titles in other Formats

1 Populismo y neuromarketing epub January 6

2 Esa cosa terrible llamada ciencia epub January 6

3 Supervivencia vial: agresividad pod April 27

4 Algoritmos y programación pod December 22

Titles in Process

1 Miradas hacia la integridad académica. Reflexiones y propuestas de intervención, más allá del plagio en la universidad pod y pdf

2 Introducción a la termodinámica de equilibrio de fases. Ejercicios y soluciones pod y pdf

3 Pedagogía en videodanza Impreso y pdf

4 Deconstruir la Conquista Impreso y pdf

5 Xtaspitatkán laktsu spun / El retorno de las aves pod y pdf

Book Fairs

5 Escenarios regionales contemporáneos pod December 22 Fair

International Book Fair (FIL Universidad Autónoma de Baja California 2023) March 23-28, 2023 In Person Consignment

28rd International University Book Fair (Universidad Veracruzana) May 12-21, 2023 In Person Consignment

International University Book Fair (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México) November 8-10, 2023 Consignment

Guadalajara International Book Fair November 25 - December 3, 2023 Red Altexto colective stand

ANNEXES 80 Title Format Publishing date
Dates Format
Title Format

Puebla: Una ciudad noble y leal a ocho décadas del siglo XX

ACTIVITY REPORT 2023 81 ANNEXES Book Presentations Book/Periodical Date 1
7 La
Torres August
8 Supervivencia
agresividad September 28 9
10 Manual para la elaboración de una tesis de posgrado November 17 11
20 November 29
Memoria de la ciudad
Reportes MOWIP (inglés)
Entorno UDLAP 18 y 19
Propiedad y uso
U ts’íibilo’ob cháak yéetel iik’ / Los escritos de la lluvia y el viento
correspondencia en maya yucateco entre Rober H. Barlow y Domingo Adiel Aguilar
Borrar la arquitectura
Revista Entorno



Aleph Audi México basf Bonzù

Comamos y Crezcamos con Alegría dif Estatal Puebla

Fundación infantil Ronald McDonald

Grupo Oro


Fundación Down

Fundación Origen Nakú gepp Grant Thornton

H. Ayuntamiento de San Andrés Cholula inaoe

Instituto Poblano de la Juventud La Italiana Museo Amparo

Instituto Electoral del Estado de Puebla

Notaría pública núm. 57 de Puebla

Polyworks México Metrología PWO de México Re-UNO Rizoma

techo Tenaris tamsa

T-Systems México Valora

Villas Juan Pablo Volkswagen de México Volkswagen Financial Services Wild Dog

Aldora Senior Center


anneX 4. documented initiatiVes oF the continuous improVement program, 2023

Name Area

Creation of a digital file for Residential Colleges residents

Digitalization of udlap entrance application

Automation of the process to follow up on the udlap candidate database

Automation of the follow up report for new students per term

Contact us with one Click

Form digitalization: Loan and Return Module

Placement changes to improve visualization of a book title or classification

Virtual Help Center

Evaluation of open access resources to access the library page

Preservation and Upkeep of udlap Libraries’ general collection materials

Implementation of communication and sales channel

Implementation of new payment methods for events and projects

Systematization of administration controls for the Culinary Arts Lab

Warehouse control for the Culinary Arts Lab using the tca method

Institutional scholarship system for returning students

Optimization in the management of M365 assignations

Implementation of the Transcript and Certificate System

Improvement Type

Residential Colleges Department Kaizen

Student Admissions of School Services Kaizen

Information Office – School Services Kaizen

Information Office Kaizen

Service Desk Kaizen

Library Department – Office of Library Services Kaizen

Library Department – Office of Library Services Kaizen

Library Department Kaizen

Library Department – Acquisitions Office Kaizen

Library Department – Office of Library Services Kaizen

Outreach and Institutional Development Department Kaizen

Outreach and Institutional Development Department Kaizen

Tourism Department – Culinary Arts Lab Kaizen

Tourism Department – Culinary Arts Lab

Scholarship Department – Registrar’s Office

Security Department, Platform and Infrastructure

Process improvement

Process improvement

Process improvement

School Services – Registrar’s Office Project Improvement


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