We Buy Black 6

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We Buy Black

Neusi Uchumi

"We both graduated Summa Cum Laude (3.91 & 3.95 respectively) from Howard University; we proclaimed to one another that we wanted to be a lawyer and a doctor our freshman year; and now, we're heading to graduate school - Howard Law & Harvard Med - in the fall. Friends that grind together shine together." - Tyrone and Nelson

We are so incredibly wealthy in genius and talent that many times, I am in complete awe and loving it, if you cannot see it, then maybe our definition as well as perception of wealthy differs because we are stinking filthy fabulously rich! We Buy Black

We Buy Black Supporting Fan Pages Note We Buy Black Is Now a Bi- Weekly Digital Publication

We Buy Black is posted and pinned to the following Facebook Fan Pages Bi-Weekly We Buy Black

Old School Black Folks

The African American Portal Knowledge is King Sweet Surprises Cakery "CONNECTING THE DOTS" BY GEORGE FRASER WHEN SPIDERS UNITE THEY CAN TIE UP A LION!

Master Teacher Dr. Kaba Kamene I am an educator who consistently teaches that Culture is to Humans as Water is to Fish. We breathe, think and live within a Cultural Common Sense. Birth gives each person the Cosmic right to swim in their own waters. The more who engage in this right...the purer the entire ocean will be!

Hotep Family, This documentary that will be released soon is designed to speak with our youth from the place where they are existing. "Ballin" or what we call "Success" in America has many different faces, but, the one thing Success demands is a positive work ethic. Sometimes when we are young, we see successful people, but, don't always realize the tremendous amount of work that goes into that success. This story covers this issue from many different perspectives with many different voices. I am listing just a few. Get ready family, we are about to drop, "The Secret to Ballin'...They can't hide it from us anymore. Hotep. Kaba Hiawatha

Heritage Arts Illustrated

Take your child on a journey to the continent of Africa. There are so many countries to explore and so much history to discover! The continent of Africa is rich in history beyond measure, but many history books do not include the many stories of ancient Africa nor the accomplishment of it's peoples. Don't let your child miss out on this wonderful opportunity to learn about Africa in a way that gives them a sense of pride in themselves and presents the information with dignity, respect and honor!

Our most recent series,The Beautiful Daughters of Africa is an exciting activity book series that introduces girls to African heritage, history, geographical information and much more! She will love learning about ancient African kingdoms, traditions and our personal favorite, African proverbs from each of the featured countries. There are coloring pages, fun recipes and puzzles as well. Each activity is centered on African history and diaspora. Together we can make African history common knowledge.

Marlena Nkene Commissions

Marlena Nkene I will turn you into an African Queen

African Math AFRICAN MATH™ is the oldest math method on planet earth. Recently this ancient mental math method has been rediscovered decoded and reintroduced.

Freedom Paper Company LLC is is a privately owned distributor of bathroom tissue and other paper products headquartered in Baltimore Maryland. The company is unique from other corporations as it is born from the foundation of grassroots movement combined with the best of corporate culture and business acumen. FPC has instituted a new business paradigm for the 21st century as it seeks to be profitable for its investors, while being conscious of both the environment and the communities it serves. The firm takes the approach of nature itself, never taking without giving back. Freedom Paper Company provides a multitude of benefits through its products including small business development and customer incentives.

In addition to the consumer opportunities Freedom Paper Company is also actively seeking distributors, retailers and wholesalers from across the country. We also offer an investment opportunity for those looking to get involved in a company that is poised for growth and expansion. Contact us for more details. Contact Us via email: info@freedompapercompany.com or call 1-888 746- 6566 Kamose Muhammad, CEO

Vernon Muhammad, Marketing Coordinator

Egyptologist, Linguist, Priestess and director of the Institute of Kemetic Philology Rkhty Amen has taught Mdu Ntr for 20 years. She is a much in demand lecturer on various topics related to Kemet (Ancient Egypt), and has lectured in the United States, Europe and Africa. Rkhty is the author of several publications among these are: The Writing System of Mdu Ntr, Kemetic Name Book, Mejat Wefa Conversation Book – English to Medu Neter, A Life Centered Life Living Maat, The Calendar Project, and several articles published in The Journal of African Civilizations, and she is also a contributor to the African World History Project. Among her other works are two unpublished translations from French into English by the late Dr. Cheik Anta Diop. MEDU NETER is the language spoken and written by African people of the Nile Valley Culture more than 10,000 years ago. Learning Mdu Ntr will help us re-connect with our heritage. The writing system consist of pictures of life. Learning Medu Neter will be one of the most enjoyable experience you will ever have

The Writing System of Medu Neter by Rkhty Amen Medu Neter means Words of Nature or Divine Words, The Writing System consist of Pictures of Life The mission of the Institute of Kemetic Philology is mastery of Medu Neter language, and the revival of our ancient language as a living spoken language for all Africans everywhere.

Student Mdu Ntr Conversation and Phrase book – I have written this book for the students in my Medu Neter classes to facilitate speaking. This book gives phrases, general conversation, how to ask questions, etc. and their translation from English into Medu Neter pronunciation. The hieroglyphs are given for each phrase. Anyone can use this book as a guide to speaking.

This book is excellent for beginner level students of the Afrikan conception of Maat. This text provides the reader with the implications

This is a children’s picture book that gives the names of different foods in this ancient language

HBCU Money’s 2013 African American Owned Bank Directory All banks are listed in alphabetical order. In order to be listed in our directory the bank must have at least 51 percent African American ownership. You can click on the bank name to go directly to their website. BROADWAY FEDERAL ALAMERICA BANK BANK FSB Location: Birmingham, Location: Los Angeles, Alabama California Founded: January 28, Founded: February 26, 2000 1947 FDIC Region: Atlanta FDIC Region: San Assets: $35 404 000 Francisco Assets: $385 055 000 CAPITAL CITY BANK & CARVER STATE BANK TRUST COMPANY Location: Savannah, Location: Atlanta, Georgia Georgia Founded: January 1, 1927 Founded: October 3, 1994 FDIC Region: Atlanta FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $41 573 000 Assets: $294 572 000 COMMONWEALTH NATIONAL BANK CITIZENS TRUST BANK Location: Mobile, Location: Atlanta, Alabama Georgia Founded: February 19, Founded: June 18, 1921 1976 FDIC Region: Atlanta FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $392 286 000 Assets: $63 244 00

FIRST INDEPENDENCE BANK Location: Detroit, Michigan Founded: May 14, 1970 FDIC Region: Chicago Assets: $215 924 00

FIRST STATE BANK Location: Danville, Virginia Founded: September 08, 1919 FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $38 882 000

FIRST TUSKEGEE BANK Location:Tuskegee, Alabama Founded: October 11, 1991 FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $63 127 00

ILLINOIS SERVICE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN Location: Chicago, Illinois Founded: January 01, 1934 FDIC Region: Chicago Assets: $140 148 000

INDUSTRIAL BANK Location: Washington, DC Founded: August 18, 1934 FDIC Region: New York Assets: $342 524 000

MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK Location: Durham, North Carolina Founded: March 01, 1908 FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $304 809 000

NORTH MILWAUKEE STATE BANK Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Founded: February 12, 1971 FDIC Region: Chicago Assets: $91 490 00

ONE UNITED BANK Location: Los Angeles, CA 90016 Founded: August 02, 1982 FDIC Region: New York Assets: $590 624 000

SEAWAY BANK & TRUST COMPANY Location: Chicago, Illinois Founded: January 02, 1965 FDIC Region: Chicago Assets: $573 168 000

UNITED BANK OF PHILADELPHIA Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Founded: March 23, 1992 FDIC Region: New York Assets: $67 930 000

UNITY NB OF HOUSTON Location: Houston, Texas Founded: August 01, 1985 FDIC Region: Dallas Assets: $68 125 000

Tri State Bank of Memphis Tennessee Location: Memphis Tennessee Founded: in 1946



Featuring your Business Talent or Services in We Buy Black is easy, just e-mail us links to your website, social media, a brief bio and photo to webuyblack@comcast.net. We are NOW bi-weekly and are posted and pinned Monday mornings and will need your information on the Wednesday before Monday's posting. We Buy Black can be found pinned to the Top page of the following Supporting Fan Pages. We Buy Black ... The African American Portal ... Knowledge Is King ..... Old School Black Folks ..... Sweet Surprises Cakery ...... ............. There is no fee to be featured in We Buy Black or a cost to our readers.

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