Location of VPS Hosting: Does it Matters?

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How does your VPS Location Matters?

Virtual Private Server is the popular choice for website hosting server because it comes with more than enough space, security and speed in the most economical price. Features of VPS hosting best suit the needs of small and medium enterprises. If you are one of those budding entrepreneurs looking for virtual private server hosting services, you need to look upon various factors such as whether you want Linux or Windows VPS hosting, how much disk space, RAM and bandwidth will be enough for you. And last but not the least choosing the right location for your virtual server. Yes. Location of your VPS server does matter a lot. Many of the users may not consider it an important consideration but it will impact the performance in many ways. How location of VPS server matters? 1. Network speed: If your virtual server is located in a foreign country, it may result into slow speed because the internet traffic in that country will be given priority instead of foreign connections. So, more than often, your users may experience errors, slow page loading and timeout messages. By availing the VPS hosting services from reputed providers with excellent network infrastructure and global CDN services may be the good choice. 2. For SEO results: Location of the website is one of the relevant factor on the basis of which Google organizes the search rankings. For e.g. if the search originates from India, Google will first rank the websites from India. So, your chances of getting into the top rank of search engine may get undermined if your website is hosted in some other country. However, one of the smart ways of overcoming this issue is to select your primary target country in the Google Webmaster Tools account. 3. Contact support: You never know when a technical glitch may trouble you, so the support should be up and available when you need them. If your VPS server is located in the nation with different time zone, it may become difficult to reach them in the hour of need, literally, because of the timing differences. So, make sure the contact support of the VPS provider is available 24x7. 4. Cost factor: Location also impacts the costs of VPS services. We will tell you how. The servers need to be maintained in a cold environment for efficient functioning, so data centers have high-end cooling machines that bring huge electricity bills. These power costs are adjusted in the costs of service, making the price of services high.

But, when the data centers are located at some naturally freezing land, there will be negligible power bills; hence price of the services will be relatively lesser. 5. Language: Language or speech is different in every country and when the Virtual server is hosted far away in a foreign nation, you need to ensure about the availability of support services in a language that you understand.

About Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd.: Web Werks is an India-based CMMI Level 3 Web Hosting company with 5 carrier neutral data centers in India and USA. Started in 1996, Web Werks has served several Fortune 500 companies with successful projects in the areas of Web Hosting, Data Center Services, Colocation Services, Disaster Recovery Services, Cloud Hosting, and VPS Server Hosting. For further information contact: Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd. 022 – 40500635 www.webwerks.in

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