Title : Why Lasik surgery treatment India at Affordable Cost India
Description : Lasik Treatment, Lasik Treatment India, Lasik Surgery Cost In India Info On Cost Lasik Surgery Mumbai Delhi Bangalore India, Lasik Surgery Treatment Hospitals India, Lasik Surgery Surgeon India, Lasik Surgery Center India, Lasik Surgery Doctors India
KEYWORDS : Lasik Treatment, Lasik Treatment India, Lasik Treatment Cost Mumbai India, Lasik Eye Surgery, Lasik, Refractory Errors, Keratomileusis, Refractive Keratectomy, Lasik Surgery Hospitals, Lasik Treatment Hospitals, Lasik Surgery Center, Lasik Treatment Center Mumbai India, Lasik Surgery Clinic, Lasik Treatment Clinic, Lasik Surgeons India, Lasik Surgery Doctors India, International Lasik Surgery Bangalore India, Lasik Surgery
Eye is one of the most important parts of the human body. An eye provides us the vision. It enables us to enjoy the beautiful world. Eye helps in almost each and every work that we do, during the course of the day.
What happens to vision when we age? During our youth, the natural lens has the ability to change shape and power. This allows us to focus on close objects through a process of lens power change called accommodation. As we age, the natural lens becomes stiffer and loses the ability to change shape. This is termed presbyopia, which is the loss of accommodation, and the need for reading glasses, bifocals, or other visual aids to facilitate near work. LASIK cannot directly "fix" accommodation, but there are a variety of strategies that can be successful, including blended vision or monovision, in which one eye is corrected for better distance vision and one eye is corrected for better near vision.
What is LASIK?
LASIK stands for laser in situ keratomileusis, which means using a laser underneath a corneal flap (in situ) to reshape the cornea (keratomileusis). This procedure utilizes a highly specialized laser (excimer laser) designed to treat refractive errors, improve vision, and reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. This laser procedure alters the shape of the cornea, which is the transparent front covering of the eye.
How does LASIK work? During the LASIK procedure, a specially trained eye surgeon first creates a precise, thin hinged corneal flap using a microkeratome. The surgeon then pulls back the flap to expose the underlying corneal tissue, and then the excimer laser ablates (reshapes) the cornea in a unique pre-specified pattern for each patient. The flap is then gently repositioned onto the underlying cornea without sutures.
What Are the Advantages of LASIK Eye Surgery? LASIK has been proven to be safe and effective for most people. With careful patient screening and selection, reasonable expectations, and in the care of an experienced surgeon, most patients will be very pleased with their results. These are some of the other advantages of LASIK: LASIK is able to accurately correct most levels of myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism.
The procedure is fast, usually lasting only five to 10 minutes, and is generally painless. Vision is corrected nearly immediately or by the day after LASIK.
Because the laser is guided by a computer, it is very precise and results are very accurate.
In most cases, a single treatment will achieve the desired outcome; however, enhancements are possible if needed, even many years after the initial surgery.
It corrects vision. Around 94% of patients will have their desired vision after LASIK is associated with very little pain due to the numbing drops that are used.
No bandages or stitches are required after LASIK.
Adjustments can be made years after LASIK to further correct vision if vision changes while you age.
After having LASIK, most patients have a dramatic reduction in eyeglass or contact lens dependence and many patients no longer need them at all.
LASIK, which stands for laser in-situ keratomileusis, is a popular surgery used to correct vision in people who are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism.
Am I a good candidate for LASIK? Refractive surgery is not for everyone. In addition to having a complete eye exam to find out if you are a candidate for surgery, there are certain questions you should ask yourself before considering LASIK or other refractive procedures.
Has my vision been stable long enough to have LASIK? While minor changes in your prescription are not uncommon from year to year, if your prescription continues to get progressively stronger (for example, more myopic, more hyperopic, or more
astigmatism) each year, then you may not yet be a good candidate for refractive surgery. Am I too young or too old to have LASIK? There are no hard and fast rules about the appropriate age to have LASIK. However, patients under age 18 are rarely stable enough for LASIK, and older patients may begin to develop cataracts or other eye health issues that preclude them from undergoing LASIK. Again, the best way to determine these things is have a complete eye exam.
Do I have keratoconus? Keratoconus is a corneal disease resulting from decreased corneal strength that can be detected as an abnormal curvature on testing. Patients that have evidence of keratoconus are
not candidates for LASIK or surface ablation, but new technologies may become available for these individuals.
Are there different types of LASIK? There are a variety of different types of lasers used in ophthalmology. All LASIK procedures are performed with a specific type of laser (excimer laser), so in one sense, all LASIK procedures are similar. However, there are a variety of different laser manufacturers, including Visx, Wavelight, Alcon, Bausch & Lomb, and Nidek, among others, that have all designed specific excimer lasers. Further, there are different types of laser ablations that can be performed (see below), including conventional laser treatments, wavefront-optimized treatments, and wavefront-guided treatments. Finally, a completely different type of laser (femtosecond laser) can be used instead of a mechanical microkeratome to create the LASIK (corneal) flap.
What are the benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery? Improved vision:- Studies have shown that about 95% of patients who receive LASIK surgery achieve uncorrected visual acuity of at least 25/45 and 85% achieve 20/20 vision or better. Patients can enjoy greatly enhanced vision following one outpatient procedure.
Say Bye Bye to reading glasses:- Supracor is the latest laser treatment for the correction of presbyopia. Presbyopia is the age related blurred near vision after the age of 40 years. In the past, correction of both near and distance vision was a challenge. Now, with the introduction of Supracor, this is possible for those in their 40s who had limited options until now. Supracor is a highly sophisticated treatment procedure that provides excellent distance, intermediate, and near vision,b
As soon as the procedure is finished, you may notice that your eyes feel irritated, burn, itch, or feel like there is something in them. Your eyes will frequently water or tear excessively, and your vision will be somewhat blurry. The most important thing to avoid during this time is rubbing your eyes. Do not rub your eyes under any circumstances, as rubbing can dislocate or shift the corneal flap, which could require you to have an additional procedure to reposition it. Using copious artificial tears and resting with your eyes close