William Chailiwinata 2018 Portfolio

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por t fo lio










0 c


i n k o t e a l e n d a


ill us tra tion

lay out


Titikgaris for inkote

this 2018 calendar is made for inkote company that’s really matter about color production this concept using an indonesian most identic animal with color step for depth visual illustration 41 x 41 cm calendar

illus tra tion side

suma tran ti ger

mo nth ly side

janu ary feb uary

Titikgaris for inkote


0 m


d r o p o f f u r a l & m e n


mu ral 02.1

Titikgaris for dropoff

the concept is about a place that people can having fun with beer and games this mural is created for drop off kitchen&bar at the second floor as a stage background, created using photoshop with wacom pen tablet illustration 4x2m mural


me nu this short temp menu have 2 sub book drinks menu for the big one and foods menu for the small one the foods menu place inside the drinks menu u can pull up the foods menu book out so u can share the menu if your friends only want some drink

menu layout 14,4 x 32,5 cm drinks menu 12 x 19 cm foods menu

dri nks foo ds

games gui de

hit da but ton !

0 d


a p u r c a l e n

s o l o d a r


Titikgaris for dapur solo

this calendar concept is about giving new fresh breath to the branding giving new visual style to become more “kekinian� dapur solo is an restaurant that serving traditional foods from solo. dapur solo really care the quality of the food they serving

illustration 41 x 41 cm calendar 41 x 2 cm expansion

da pur so l o

0 m a i s o n c o m p a n


4 i

n t e r i o r p r o f i l e

min i ma list


Titikgaris for maison interior

keep the classy look of this book using gold & white space balance and retouch all the photo to become the perfect of classy tone

maison is an interior consultant that located in pantai indah kapuk - jakarta they have a lot client calling from many countries in indonesia

layout a4

ab out


Titikgaris for maison interior

in dex

ill us tra tion select your hero:


fan art dota 2 software - Photoshop pen tablet

i’m juggernaut!

fan art spongebob software - Photoshop pen tablet

spongebob and friends

rabbit illustration for avec moi restaurant hand drawing pencil

“d ru n k rabbit �


for view this book hope u like it

u can find me at instagram: @weceo_o email: wecedesign@gmail.com phone: 087780800128 william chailiwinata

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