Tips on Planning a Full Proof Wedding Party
Have you decided to tie the wedding knot lately? Then you should simultaneously start making all the arrangements. You need to contact the decorator, caterer, electrician, florist, photographer, and other such service providers to arrange the wedding party. You need to decide the venue where you will throw the wedding party. To be honest, your list of invitations will keep on increasing until the time the event ends! However, do not get perplexed at all. You can sort out the entire matter smoothly and throw a grand wedding party if you remember some tips. Here are they: •
The mood of the wedding party
Decide whether your wedding will be a theme based one or a simple matrimony. A lot depends upon this decision as you need to contact the venue, florist, wedding decorator, etc. accordingly. You need to contact these service providers for a simple nuptial ceremony too. Whatever you do, it must be well in advance so that you can get an idea of the estimated budget for the event. •
Number of invitees
Since it is your wedding, you will long to invite all your near and dear ones to felicitate the occasion. However, keep in mind that your list your invitees should not exceed your affordable limit as you need to spend money for their refreshment. In addition, you will have to arrange the seating arrangements for these guests. So, plan wisely. However, make decisions about your wedding guests before talking to the service providers. •
Invitation cards
After you have prepared the final list of invitees, you have to decide on the number of invitation cards. In order to know the exact numbers you will need for the occasion, count the heads each family. Once the number of invitation cards has been decided, you need to make few drafts of the matter that will
be present in these invitation cards. Finalize the draft that looks perfect and then contact a printer to print wedding invitation cards for you. Those who have planned to arrange a budget wedding party can go for handmade cards too. •
Final deal with the photographer
When you have finally decided the theme, venue and number of wedding guests, organize a final meeting with the wedding photographer. Give him a call to come and survey the venue so that he can plan accordingly. Inform him about the number of guests you have invited. Never forget to talk to him about the specific areas of the venue that you have reserved for dining, ball, etc. The wedding photographer will be able to make a concrete decision about the way he will make your wedding album and the money that will be needed. For more details please visit us