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January 2017 Our Mission: To fulfill our call to be the physical presence of Jesus Christ... by worshipping God with passion, intentionally growing in faith, proclaiming the gospel with grace, and humbly serving in love.
Contents: Page 1:
Youth Confirmation
Page 2:
Monthly Reflection
Page 3:
Missions and Outreach
Page 4:
Pastoral Care
Page 5:
Pastoral Care
Page 6:
Page 7:
Children & Youth
Page 8:
Adult Ministries
Page 9:
Adult Ministries
Page 10: Evangelism & Music Page 11: Announcements Page 12: Church Information
This h t n o m at
2017 Youth Confirmation Confirmation marks a significant point in the path of discipleship. At our confirmation service on April 9, many youth will make a decision to choose Christ for themselves and choose to join our congregation as a responsible member of the church. The classes leading up to this service are designed to help prepare our confirmands to make that decision combining heart and mind. We seek to help our young people develop a strong foundation for lifelong discipleship. Participation in confirmation with others is a vital step on this spiritual journey. Confirmation is a time of intentional preparation and it gives youth the opportunity to reflect on the most basic elements of our faith. It is a special time to begin a journey of faith that nurtures and challenges youth to think about the nature of God, the life of Christ, and learn about United Methodist beliefs. The classes are offered annually starting in February to youth, 6th grade and above. Confirmation Schedule: • Feb. 12: 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Introduction to Confirmation (Youth & Parents) • Feb. 19: 6:30-8:00 p.m. - The Birth of God/Christmas • Feb. 26: 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Lent, Good Friday, Easter • March 5: 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Pentecost, Apostles Creed • March 12: 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Sacraments • March 19: 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Worship • March 26: 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Wesley and UM History • April 2: 6:30-7:30 p.m. - WUMC History & Vision 7:30-8:00 p.m. All (Vows and service) • April 9: 6:30 p.m. Confirmation Service
Please register at no later than January 22. Contact Charlie Brown at or Rev. Meredith Hinton for more information.
WELCOME TO WEDDINGTON UMC The Weddington UMC family is a vibrant and growing congregation, and we invite you to become a part of this exciting and dynamic church, as we seek to serve as the Body of Christ in our world. God is doing great things in and through this church. We offer a variety of worship styles and ministry opportunities.
We would love to have you join us for worship, ministry, and service. As the church, we are a family. To learn more about WUMC, attend a Meet Weddington session to get to know the staff and learn more about the church. For more information on Meet Weddington see page 11.
Monthly Reflections - Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore Time For a Fresh Start On occasion I will get a message on my phone that it has been a long time since I have restarted. It seems that my “smartphone” knows that at times you just need a fresh start, a clean slate, a new beginning. If we go too long without a fresh start, the phone can get bogged down, a little slow, and its ability to process is not as efficient. Time to restart.
An opportunity was given to repent (to turn or think differently), receive grace, celebrate this grace through the sacrament of Holy Communion, and renew our covenant with God. We continue this tradition on the first Sunday of January. This year it is on January 1. I love this service. There is something energizing about a fresh start, a clean slate.
I have learned that I need that too – a chance to restart. Sometimes a conversation takes an unintended turn and we want to stop and start over. Sometimes a relationship begins a negative spiral and we want to start over. Sometimes our relationship with God needs a restart. Over the year I can get bogged down, attempt to process too many things, and not give energy to my relationship with God. My spiritual life begins to feel weak. I no longer have the processing ability to handle all that life requires. I need a fresh start. I need to restart.
This New Year, I encourage you to pause and restart. To begin the New Year with a renewed covenant with God, to set the tone for the remainder of the year.
January begins a new year. There is something sacred about beginning a new year. It reminds me of my need and the opportunity to begin fresh again with God. It is an opportunity to reflect on the past, seek forgiveness for the places I fell short, to receive God’s grace, and to celebrate God’s offer to start clean. John Wesley celebrated a covenant service at the beginning of the New Year. Page 2
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NRSV) 17 So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! Happy New Year and may God bless you and yours. Rev. Dr. Terry Moore Senior Pastor
Missions Missions . Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez.
Foreign Mission Chairperson . Bob Consoli
Missions News and Announcements This month is a month to reflect on all of the great service that the Christmas season inspired. Hundreds of sandwiches were made for the hungry through Operation Sandwich, Operation Reach Out Lunches, and Cub Scout Pack 99. Children shared gifts with others through Weddington preschool’s program “The Gift of Giving." Families volunteered to attend the needy through Angel Tree and Weddington Christian Academy, who put together tote bags for Union Homeless Shelter. We broke bread with our neighbors in the Monroe Campus, sharing a Thanksgiving Feast. We taught ESL to adults and lovingly attended their children as they studied. Tutored and prayed with the children of the Monroe Campus Homework Help ministry. The list goes on. As a Body in Christ, we have been able to serve in so many ways. I thank you for that and praise God for your love. However, now that we enter Epiphany, we should remember that our love for God and others should not burn out. People still hunger and people still struggle with poverty. It is through our hands, feet, and hearts that Jesus’ love is manifested in our world today. As the Missions Pastor, I want to thank you all for commitment in Christian service. The following are service opportunities this season.
Building Brothers 2017 - April 27-30!
This annual men's retreat/mission trip improves the relationships with our God and with each other as we build Habitat for Humanity homes on the Carolina coast. Total cost is $325. Space is limited. Sign-up deadline is March 27. For details contact: Brian King at 704-408-3170 or bking@rodgersbuilders. com or Lloyd Briggs at 704-806-6752 or
Room In The Inn We will provide a warm and dry bed as well as meals twice a month to our neighbors that are without. They will stay at our very own Hemby House each weekend they join us. This ministry will be until the month of March. Operation Sandwich A program in partnership with Urban Ministries in which we make hundreds of sandwiches for our homeless neighbors of Mecklenburg County. Operation Reach Out Lunch We provide a monthly lunch for our homeless neighbors in Union County.
Children receiving their very own Bibles at Homework Help
Homework Help A wonderful children’s program held every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-5:00 p.m. at our Monroe Campus. The children are helped with their homework. Volunteers needed! ESL: English as a Second Language Classes Held in our Monroe Campus every Tuesday night from 7:00-8:30 p.m! We also provide childcare for the adults attending classes. For more information on any of these or other service opportunities, please contact the office or email Lisa Keeler or Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez at the church office.
Agape Sunday School Class at Operation Christmas Child in December Children at "The Gift of Giving" program in Monroe Page 3
Pastoral Care Ministry . Rev. Ed Briggs News and Announcements Caring Hearts Recently, numerous Caring Heart volunteers came together to fill baskets with fruit, candy, and a gift. These baskets will be given to our home bound, be they church members or others in our community. How wonderful is it going to be for these special people to experience from us Christ’s love in action? Their baskets will be a visual reminder that we have not forgotten them. Truly, the spirit of Christmas and giving is taking place through our Caring Heart ministry! Tender Loving Care Team The TLC Team is looking for volunteers to help prepare meals, run errands, and do lawn work for people in our church and community whose families need extra care during a serious illness or prolonged hospitalization. If you feel led to volunteer, you will not be called to serve more than every other month. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this care team. Contact Rev. Ed Briggs at the church office at 704-846-1032 or to join our effort in reaching out with Christ’s love and care. GriefShare is an outreach ministry for people in our church and community who have lost a loved one. The group meets weekly to watch a video on a topic pertinent to grief with discussion to follow. This thirteen week ministry offers much love and support to people who are grieving. The next GriefShare sessions will begin on Wednesday, January 25 from 6:30 p.m.8:30 p.m. and on Sunday, January 29 from 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. GriefShare meets in the Hemby House. If you or someone you know would benefit from GriefShare, please contact Sandra McKee at the church office at 704-846-1032 or DivorceCare is an outreach ministry for people going through the pain of separation and divorce. This group offers much care and support for thirteen weeks. Each session includes watching a video on topics that are relatable with discussion afterwards. The next DivorceCare meeting will be on Tuesday January 24 from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. in the Youth Center. If you or someone you know are going through separation and divorce and would like to be a part of DivorceCare, please contact Sandra McKee at the church office. Domestic Violence Support Group Living in the lies of abuse is difficult to stop on your own which is why WUMC will be offering a Safe Community Event just for you. If you are interested in learning more about this Safe Community Event, please call Pastor Ed Briggs at 704-846-1032 or Cathy DeLoach Lewis, MA, LPC, BCPCC at 704.370.0334. Space will be limited to 15 women and will begin the week of February 20, 2017. The registration deadline is Friday, February 17, 2016 when your nominal fee of $40.00 will be due. Childcare will be provided. When you contact us, we will give you specific information about the time/date/location of this Safe Community Event. We want you safe. God wants you safe.
Daniel Plan Sessions Beginning in January WUMC is pleased to once again offer the Daniel Plan in cooperation with Carolina’s Healthcare System. The Daniel Plan is a ground-breaking healthy lifestyle program founded on biblical principles and focused on five key essentials: Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus and Friends. Those key essentials work together to holistically improve a person in all areas of health – spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. The Daniel Plan teaches a step-by-step approach and offers simple ways to incorporate healthy choices into your current lifestyle. This program will last a total of 6 weeks and each class will be 90 minutes in length. Classes will be done in a small group format and class size will therefore be limited to no more than 12 people. The only cost of the program is the cost of the Daniel Plan books (approximately $30 in total). These books can be ordered from Amazon directly. We will have an information interest meeting on Sunday, January 22 at 5:00 p.m. Meetings will be on Wednesdays, beginning February 5 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Register on our website: For further information, please contact Brett Myers at or Rev. Ed Briggs. Page 4
Pastoral Care GriefShare Testimony "Griefshare was a true blessing to me. It arrived in my life at the right time during my grief journey, and it allowed me to begin healing and recovering from the pain of losing my mother. It's a privilege to have this Bible based support program available at WUMC. It's a wonderful resource for our church family and the community. I feel honored to have been a part of this ministry. I had the opportunity to attend both the Sunday and Wednesday evening classes. The group leaders from both classes provided tremendous support, guidance, and comfort each week as we discussed new topics leading us on our grief journey from mourning to joy. It's a place of love, support, and acceptance. I initially hesitated to join knowing that my feelings and struggles with sadness, mourning, and depression over the loss of my mother were normal. However, I didn't realize how much more I could gain from committing to this 13 week program. The videos each week were extremely beneficial in providing insights on healthy ways to navigate my grief. I found that they resonated with me on many levels. The weekly assignments and resources that were provided further assisted me in my focus and in helping to communicate our feelings. It was a safe place where I was able to share my thoughts, emotions, and questions, and remained strictly confidential. The program benefited not only me, but my husband as well, who attended in my support. He gained insight on the emotional crisis I was experiencing, and that in turn helped him to provide deeper care and encouragement. I feel as though I could call each one of my fellow participants a new friend. In the midst of our grief and depression, we became friends in Christ through our pain, tears, and even laughter. If you've experienced the loss of a loved one I highly recommend Griefshare as a tool to assist you in processing your grief. I waited 6 months before making the commitment to join the group and I was so glad I did join. It was a relief to know that I didn't have to go through my journey alone, that there were others willing to share in this journey and so many who had navigated this journey before me - and survived it. Some weeks I felt like I was progressing and some weeks I felt that I was regressing, but by the end of the program I had grown in my acceptance of my loss through hope. Griefshare allowed me to grow personally through my grief, and in my faith. My mother would never approve of me missing out on any of life's adventures and Griefshare provided me with the strength to take the necessary steps to begin moving forward in my life and in her memory. It’s my new normal, and for that I am forever grateful." -Renée Starke
Kings & Queens . Sandra McKee The Kings & Queens Dinner before a Christmas show at K&Q Myrtle Beach trip
January Schedule • January 5, 10:00 a.m.: New Monroe Campus Kings & Queens meeting • January 12, 10:00 a.m.: Weddington Campus Kings & Queens meeting in the Family Life Center • January 18, 11:30 a.m.: Friendship Luncheon at Golden Corral in Monroe Right: Musical performance at the Monroe K&Q Left: WCA carolers at the December meeting
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Weddington Christian Academy . Adell Keen, Principal Announcements 2017-2018 Registration The registration process for the 2017-2018 school year will begin in early January. Registration will be held for new students from WUMC and Weddington Christian Preschool beginning Tuesday, January 17 through Friday, January 20. We will take applications based on how many openings we have. We will begin taking applications from the community on Monday, January 23, 2017. There will be an Open House on Thursday, January 5 at 9:15 am. Anyone interested in enrolling for the 2017-2018 school year is welcome to attend. Please visit the school website at to register and to complete an inquiry form.
Weddington Christian Preschool . Emily Campbell, Director News and Announcements Happy New Year from WCP! Praying God gives you a year of favor, full of His unending love. “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us…” Psalm 90:17a Registration for the WCP 2017-2018 school year will open to the community on January 3. Please visit our website for all pertinent age requirements, deadlines, and documents. Registration for WUMC members started on December 15, and all forms are due by January 18. WCP January Mission is “Coins for Kids” to benefit the children at the “Home of the Good Shepherd” Orphanage in Niyahururu. WCP will place coin jugs at the children’s Noah’s Ark entrance to collect loose change through February. All coins and cash collected will be wired straight to the orphanage and Pastor Simon Mwaura. We will be looking for volunteers to count and wrap coins on March 1. Calling all golfers! Be on the lookout for information about our 2nd annual WCP Golf Tournament to be played in March! "The Gift of Giving" at the Monroe Campus Through the relationships formed by Homework Helpers, ESL, and the Monroe Campus Prayer Group, Weddington Christian Preschool was blessed to provide a Christmas shopping experience for the children served by these ministries. The WCP families donated adult focused gifts and wrapping supplies throughout November and early December. On December 10, children came to shop for special adults in their lives and so the children received the “Gift of Giving.” “For God so loved the world He GAVE His SON…” John 3:16. Many thanks to the preschool families and staff members, the volunteers who served, and the children that touched our hearts by trusting us. We serve a mighty God, indeed.
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2016 WCP Weddington Campus Advent Program
Children and Youth Ministries Children’s Ministry . Carolyn Nelson News and Announcements Created by God, a human sexuality workshop, will be offered to 5th graders on Friday, February 17 and Saturday, February 18. More information will be mailed January 17. VBS 2017 This year’s VBS will be held on Monday, June 19 - Friday, June 23. Registration will begin in March. The Ark Sunday School team is looking for volunteers beginning on January 8. Classes at 9:30 include 1st grade and 5th grade. Classes at 11:00 include Kindergarten and 3rd grade. To begin serving, please contact Carolyn Nelson. Coins for Kenya - January Mission Project for Children All of our children through 5th grade will be collecting coins throughout the month of January and early February to bless the children of the Good Shepherd Orphanage. Children will bring home lunch size paper bags to collect their coins in. Coin bags can be brought to the KidCheck station and placed in the collection container marked “Coins for Kenya.” Coins will be collected through February 12.
Youth Ministry . Charlie Brown & Rev. Meredith Hinton Sunday Night Youth begins at 6:30 p.m. There are
programs for Jr. and Sr. High students, with Bible study and games. Afterward, everyone comes together for worship.
Youth Bible Study Join us on Wednesdays from 7:00 8:00 p.m. in the Youth Center. Doors are open from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
News and Announcements Charlie and I are beyond excited for the wonderful things to come in 2017. As usual, we have a calendar full of opportunities for our youth to connect with God, each other, and grow in their faith. Our prayer is for each of our students to encounter God and develop genuine faith.
Summer Mission Trips and more... would you like to know what we have planned for 2017? We are really excited to have a new google calendar for our youth ministry. This calendar option is great because it will work on most phones, tablets, and computers. The link to subscribe/add it to your calendar is on the youth page of our church website. Subscribing will give you up-to-date information as to what our plans are and will update you if they change for any reason. Currently we have the dates for all of the trips for 2017, including missions, on the calendar. We have not locked in locations for all of them yet but this should help you in your planning for 2017!
Kick-Off Sunday This month our Kick-Off is on Sunday, January 8. We have a wonderful evening of fun and fellowship planned - you don’t want to miss this night!
2016 Youth Christmas party
Confirmation 2017 We are excited to announce Confirmation will begin on February 11, please register no later than the 22 of January for this wonderful opportunity. We look forward to all the coming months will hold. We know God will continue to do amazing things in and through the youth of our ministry. Please check out the youth calendar on our church website for information about all of our retreats and mission trips. Registration is open for all. We need your help! We are currently looking for a Sunday school teacher for our 7th and 8th 9:30 a.m. class, on a weekly or rotating schedule. Please contact Charlie if you are interested in exploring possibilities.
Youth girls' blanket making party
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Adult Ministries . Rev. Mark Curtis New Bible Studies Coming January 2017 Mudhouse Sabbath: A 12 week study on Wednesday nights starting January 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room in the FLC with teacher Rev. Mark Curtis. After her conversion from Orthodox Judaism to Christianity, Lauren Winner found that her life was indelibly marked by the rich traditions and spiritual practices of Judaism. She set out to discover how she could incorporate some of these practices into her new faith. Winner presents eleven Jewish spiritual practices that can transform the way Christians view the world and God. Whether discussing attentive eating, marking the days while grieving, the community that supports a marriage, candle-lighting, or the differences between the Jewish Sabbath and a Sunday spent at the Mudhouse, her favorite coffee shop, Winner writes with appealing honesty and rare insight. Epic of Eden: Isaiah: An 8 week study on Wednesday nights starting January 4 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 210 in the Education Building with teacher Chuck Howard. Often named “the fifth gospel,” the book of the prophet Isaiah has more to say about Israel’s coming Messiah than any other Old Testament book. Brilliant, courageous, uncompromising, this prophet declared that “the year of the LORD” had come and God’s people needed to either step up, or stand down. Indeed, when Isaiah spoke, kings trembled. But too often, when Isaiah speaks today, God’s people have trouble hearing. Why? We often miss the larger context. In The Epic of Eden: Isaiah, Dr. Sandra Richter takes participants back to the eighth century BCE. This eight-week study explains Israel’s religion and economy, explores the definition and role of the prophets, and helps us to apply the message of this great champion of the faith to our lives today. For a preview of this study, please visit the-epic-of-eden-isaiah. Lilies Bible Study: Breathe Making Room for Sabbath will begin Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 9:30 p.m. in the Hemby House. We will begin our study of Breathe making room for Sabbath by Priscilla Shirer. Should you have questions, please contact Susan Stephenson at 704-821-1755. Looking forward to seeing you in January. Always True The pages of Scripture are filled with great and precious promises that assure you of God’s loving presence and diligent work in your life. When life is hard, His promises give you stability and hope to carry through. Together we will learn that God loves making promises to His children and always keeps His word by looking at five key promises from Scripture and 5 ways believers can respond to them by faith. Because the great Promise Keeper is trustworthy, you will find that His promises are always true. Always True is an 8-week study written by James MacDonald that will begin February 1 and meet on Wednesday mornings from 9:30- Noon. Childcare is available. Please contact Marty Cook at or 704-907-0074 to sign up.
To register for any of these studies, please visit
Adult Sunday School Studies 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m. Page 8
Agape Foundations Jay Emry
The Great Prayers of the Bible This Land is Your Land, Book of Joshua Adult Comprehensive Bible Study, by David Cook
Youth Center, Main Area Room 19 Room 214/215
Shepherds View
The Seven Deadliest Sins
Helms Hall Room 213
Closer Walk
Tell Someone with Greg Laurie
Room 19
Cornerstone Crossroads Great Walk Doers of the Word Light of the World
How to be Rich, by Andy Stanley Book of Job, led by Chuck Howard True Spirituality, by Chip Ingram 1&2 Thessalonians Experiencing God, by Henry Blackabye
Room 214/215 Youth Center, 102 Youth Center 101 FLC, Multi-Purpose Room Helms Hall Room 213
Revival, by Adam Hamilton Down to Earth, by Michael Slaughter
Youth Center Room 204 Youth Center 203
Journeys New Creation
Adult Ministries United Methodist Women (UMW) Lucy Price Circle will meet on Tuesday, January 10, at the Bonds Grove Fellowship Hall. We will gather and socialize from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m., with the meeting starting at 7:00. We will make Valentines gift bags and cards for the children who attend our Monroe Campus. All ladies of the church are invited to join us and help put a smile on the faces of these precious children. Lucy Price officers serving for the two year term of January 2016 - December 2017 are: • Dorie Mayes - Chairman • Donna Jones - Co-Chairman • Carolyn Canzonieri - Secretary • Angie Dey - Treasurer • Lynda McPherson and Liz Buckelew - Missions Lucy Price normally meets every second Tuesday of the month from September through May. You may contact Carolyn Canzonieri for additional information.
Mary Martha Circle The Mary Martha Circle will meet on January 6, 2017, at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our guest speaker will be Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez. Our donation items for January will be hats, gloves, and scarves for the children at the Monroe Campus after-school program. We welcome women of all ages to join us the first Friday of every month for fellowship. The Mary Martha Circle wishes everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR filled with love, happiness, good health, and fun! Please contact Mary Revels at 704-843-0815 or or Tommie Craig at 704-8461366 or for more information. Susanna Wesley Circle Please join us for our first Susanna Wesley Circle meeting of 2017 on January 6 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in Helms Hall. We will hear from Lianne Hofer, a clutter consultant, whose goal is to help people live better by reducing the time and energy that is wasted when they are unorganized. We can't wait to hear what Lianne says to keep us organized in 2017! Childcare is available in the Nursery wing from 9:15-11:45 a.m. Feel free to bring a friend to share in the great fellowship that SWC has to offer. We look forward to seeing many of you there! If you have any questions, please contact
Life Group Second Sunday Connection
United Methodist Men (UMM)
Did you miss the Life Group Launch but are still interested in a Life Group? Every second Sunday of the month, a team member of our Life Group Ministry Team will be at the coffee stations in Helms Hall and the 10:10 worship service at our Hospitality Tables before and after each worship service to answer any questions you may have about Life Groups here at WUMC. Our “Connectors,” as we call them, will be wearing blue Connector shirts so they can be easily identified. Our upcoming Second Sunday Connection will be January 8. We look forward to helping you get connected!
Men’s Connection Breakfast The United Methodist Men meet in the Youth Center of the Family Life Center from 7:30-9:00 a.m. twice a month on Sunday for food, fellowship, and to discuss various topics. This month, we will meet on January 8 and 22. All men are welcome!
Prayer Group As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? Psalm 42:1-2 There is a group that meets for an hour of prayer each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in Room 18 beneath the Sanctuary. As we meet for prayer, we seek to be taught by the Lord in our prayer life. We devote ourselves to the Lord in prayer primarily by praying for our church in a small group. We pray for our ministries, our people, our leadership, and issues facing our church, community, nation, and global concerns. We pray for passion to grow in our church for the things that God wants to see. We seek God’s desire for our church. We are interested in growing closer to the Lord. So when we meet, we take time to be encouraged by a devotion and a time of personal reflection. We have been encouraged how the Lord has answered many prayers over the years we have been meeting together. We invite you to come and be blessed by the Spirit of God. Men and women are welcome.
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Evangelism . Rev. Amy Hutchison Young Adults New Life Group kicking off Friday, January 13. All are invited to join us for dinner at Chuy’s at 7:00 p.m. for a social, even if you won’t be able to regularly attend Life Group. Meet for lunch! January 15 at 12:30 p.m. at Hickory Tavern on Providence Road in Weddington. Please let Amy know if you can make it so we can reserve space!
Evangelism We are looking for new members of the Hospitality Team. 2 opportunities: 1, to serve at events as ambassadors of the church and 2, to partner with Upward Sports to build relationships with children and families. Contact Rev. Amy Hutchison. Cooking in Community: The next Cooking in Community will be held January 15, 2017 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. at the Bonds Grove campus. This time we’re doing freezer meals! Come prepare meals in community that you can take home with you and use throughout your busy week. Contact Rev. Amy Hutchison or Amy Hester for more information. Sign-ups coming soon.
2017 Kenya Mission Trip Info. Meeting We will have an information meeting on Sunday, January 15, 2017 following the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services in Helms Hall and in the Family Life Center following the 10:10 service. This summer we will be celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the opening of the Home of the Good Shepherd. While in Kenya we will be teaching VBS at Good Shepherd and local Orphanages, taking food to villages in the Samburu region, working on a music ministry with the children, worshiping at local Churches and various other activities that God is calling us to do. If you need any additional information please feel free to reach out to Paula Burnett at or Bradd Blocker at We look forward to meeting you and sharing the information on the Kenya Mission.
Weddington Kids Consignment Spring/Summer Sale Mark your calendars for the Weddington Kids Consignment Spring/Summer sale to be March 10-11. Registration will open for consignors and volunteers on January 14 at 8:00 a.m. Our Family Life Center and Youth Center will be packed with more than 30,000 gently used items for a fraction of the retail price from several hundred consignors. Shop for newborns to teens and find name-brand clothes, furniture, books, toys, equipment and more! We need more than 300 volunteer shifts filled to be able to welcome thousands of shoppers and have a successful sale. Please consider joining the fun as a helper, shopper, and/or consignor. For more information on joining the fun, visit our website and watch our Facebook page. Proceeds benefit many ministries and missions of the church, and local charities. Page 10
Church Announcements Meet Weddington Sessions
Wednesdays @ Weddington
Interested in becoming a part of the Weddington UMC family? As your clergy, program staff, and fellow Christians, it will be our privilege to grow and serve together. We request that anyone interested in membership attend one of our Meet Weddington Church sessions.
W@W is a church-wide fellowship meal that begins at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Dinner is followed by various Bible studies, youth and children’s programming and support groups. Reservations are not required. The estimated cost per meal is $5.00 with a family maximum of $20. All dinners come with bread and dessert. All are welcome!
At Meet Weddington, you will enjoy an informal time of fellowship, meet the pastoral and ministry staff, hear an overview of the ministry and mission of the church and get answers to any questions you may have about Weddington UMC. Meet Weddington Church sessions are usually held on the 4th Sunday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center Multipurpose Room. The next meeting will be January 22.
January Menu • Jan. 4 - Roasted Herb Crusted Pork, Mac & Cheese and Broccoli Salad • Jan. 11 - Cheesy Baked Pasta with Turkey Italian Sausage and Salad Bar • Jan. 18 - Pot Roast with Carrots, Potatoes and Onions and Oven Roasted Green Beans • Jan. 25 - Chicken Fried Rice, Sugar Snap Peas and Spring Rolls
Resource Center : Great Books! Staff Recommendation - Rev. Mark Curtis Lauren Winner grew up Jewish and later became a Christian. Her unique story allows her insight into the traditions and practices of the Jewish faith that are foreign to many of us who are Christian. But these same practices would have been very familiar to Jesus as an integral part of his life and faith. In Mudhouse Sabbath, Winner opens up these sacred practices and helps provide a rich texture and understanding of these practices that can enhance our own daily spiritual lives. In her own winsome and easy going style, she beautifully blends her story within the context of a greater story of faith. The book is an easy read, but one that upon reflection offers much deeper meaning for those who are willing. I highly recommend Mudhouse Sabbath as this month’s Great Book! You can check out a copy of this Great Book! as well many other fine Christian resources from the WUMC Resource Center located just off of Helms Hall in Room 212 or online at
Resource Center January Update If it is your 2017 resolution to be more in the Word and to deepen your relationship with God, then the WUMC Resource Center is a great place to start. There are commentaries, Bible studies, devotionals, and hundreds of inspiring books by authors such as Adam Hamilton, Beth Moore, Francis Chan, Bruce Feiler, Warren Wiersbe, and Kay Arthur available to aid you in your journey. If making more time to spend reading and studying the Word of God is your goal this year, then stop by Room 212 in the main Sanctuary building to check out all of the many resources available to you. Whether it’s family movie night, bedtime story time, mom or dad’s time to unwind, or time for some Christian inspiration, the Resource Center has something special for you. The WUMC RC is located in Room 212 in the Sanctuary Building. It is currently open only on Sunday mornings from 9:15 until 12:15. The Resource Center is volunteer staffed. If you are interested in helping in this ministry, please contact Page 11
Sunday Worship Times 8:15 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 9:30 a.m. Praise and Worship (Sanctuary) 10:10 a.m. Acoustic Praise and Worship (FLC) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Bonds Grove Campus)
The Music & Arts Ministry extends a special thank you to the Chancel Choir, Orchestra, Children's Choir, and Praise Teams for their music during Advent and Christmastide.
Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore, Senior Pastor
Ruth Cooley, Executive Assistant
Rev. Mark Curtis, Teaching Pastor
Sandra McKee, Admin. Assistant
Rev. Ed Briggs, Minister of Pastoral Care
Linda Caskey, Financial Assistant
Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez, Missions Pastor
Lisa Keeler, Admin. Assistant
Rev. Amy Hutchison, Evangelism Pastor
Tonya Tapp, Admin. Assistant
Dr. Reginald Houze, Director of Music & Arts
Adell Keen, WCA Principal
Charlie Brown, Youth Minister
Emily Campbell, WCP Director
Rev. Meredith Hinton, Youth Minister
Jamie Edmondson, WCP Assistant Director
Carolyn Nelson, Children’s Minister
Jan Williams, Mother’s Morning Out Director
Rev. Leroy Henry Affiliated United Methodist Clergy Justin Lineberry, 10:10 Worship Leader JoAnn Horstman, Business Administrator Elizabeth Mitchell, Director of Communications
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Mike Carver, Facilities Manager Kim Veith, Food Service Director
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for all the latest from WUMC (@WeddingtonUMC). Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 5:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 - 12:00 p.m. 704-846-1032 Campuses Weddington Campus 13901 Providence Road Weddington, NC 28104 Sanctuary Building and Family Life Center (FLC) Bonds Grove Campus 8215 Bonds Grove Church Rd Waxhaw, NC 28173 Marvin Campus 9914 New Town Rd Marvin, NC 28173 Monroe Campus 520 Engleside St Monroe, NC 28110