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November 2016
Stewardship - Growing Our Faith Through Generosity Service to Others on Behalf of Jesus Christ
Our Mission: To fulfill our call to be the physical presence of Jesus Christ... by worshipping God with passion, intentionally growing in faith, proclaiming the gospel with grace, and humbly serving in love.
Contents: Page 1:
Stewardship 2017
Page 2:
Monthly Reflection
Page 3:
Missions and Outreach
Page 4:
Pastoral Care
Page 5:
Pastoral Care
Page 6:
Page 7:
Children & Youth
Page 8:
Adult Ministries
Page 9:
Adult Ministries
Page 10: Evangelism & Music Page 11: Announcements Page 12: Church Information
Weddington United Methodist Church is vitally active in ministry on our campuses, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful in our community, and around the world. stewards of God’s grace in all its forms.” There are examples of faithful members 1 Peter 4:10 serving by leading, teaching, praying, helping, and expressing mercy through ministries serving all ages and circumstances. Whether with children or adults, here on one of our campuses or across the ocean, there is a place for you to serve others by using the spiritual gifts God has given you.
Generosity Our Biblical understanding of Christian financial stewardship expresses giving as a sign of gratitude and faithfulness to God and to whom we have been called to be. Every financial gift given to Weddington Church supports our many ministries and missions. We are thankful for your support and are committed to the faithful stewardship of your generosity. November 20, 2016 has been set aside as Stewardship Sunday. This month you will receive a packet of information celebrating the many ministries and missions of Weddington United Methodist Church. Please take the opportunity to explore the stories that are shared and to prayerfully consider how you will respond through your offerings of service and financial support during the coming year. If you have any questions about the ministries and missions of Weddington UMC or financial stewardship, please don’t hesitate to contact JoAnn Horstman, Church Administrator, at 704-846-1032 or
“But, who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you; all we are doing is returning to you that which we have received from your generous hand.” 1 Chronicles 29:14
WELCOME TO WEDDINGTON UMC The Weddington UMC family is a vibrant and growing congregation, and we invite you to become a part of this exciting and dynamic church, as we seek to serve as the Body of Christ in our world. God is doing great things in and through this church. We offer a variety of worship styles and ministry opportunities.
We would love to have you join us for worship, ministry, and service. As the church, we are a family. To learn more about WUMC, attend a Meet Weddington session to get to know the staff and learn more about the church. For more information on Meet Weddington see page 11.
Monthly Reflections - Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore They Paused to Give Thanks I love Thanksgiving Day. Riding to Grandma’s house with our children gives time to enjoy being together. The food of the season is amazing. I enjoy slow smoking the turkeys throughout the day for our families and watching as they enjoy them. Nancy makes spiced tea with cinnamon, cloves, and juices. The aroma fills our home. The smell of Fall. The taste of pumpkin pie confirms it, it’s Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving after a grueling journey to the New World and a hard winter. Less than half of those who began the journey survived the first year. Those who survived struggled through extremely difficult times. They worked hard to build homes in this new land and crops were planted with the help of their new neighbors. When the harvest was complete, they paused to give thanks. They had so much to complain about and grieve over. Yet, they paused to give thanks. They now had a taste of hope and they were thankful. I feel convicted each Thanksgiving. I am reminded to look at my blessings and give thanks rather than focusing so much on the difficulties and trials. The Pilgrims had difficulties. Almost every one of them had lost someone they loved in the past year. The crops were in but life was still tough. But they were alive. They had loved ones beside them, food on their table, clothes on their backs, and shelter over their heads. Page 2
More importantly, they had a God who so loved them and who promised to be with them always. They paused and gave thanks to God for all they had and for the hope of a new future knowing God would be with them. It is easy to get so caught up in the festivities of the holiday that we forget to pause to give thanks. We have loved ones beside us, food on our tables, clothes on our backs, and shelter over our heads. More importantly, we have a God who so loves us and promises to be with us always. We are so blessed. In spite of all that they had been through and all the difficulties that were ahead, the Pilgrims paused to give thanks. Let us pause, reflect on the blessings we have received, and truly give thanks to God. Psalm 100:4-5 (NRSV) 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name. 5 For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. Happy Thanksgiving! In ministry together, Rev. Dr. Terry Moore
Missions Missions . Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez.
Foreign Mission Chairperson . Bob Consoli
Missions News and Announcements Monroe Campus Homework Help Thanksgiving Feast On November 22 our Homework Help team will be hosting a Thanksgiving Feast for our children there. The average attendance this new semester is 25 children each Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-5:00 p.m. Parents have thanked the team because their children’s grades have improved greatly thanks to the nurture and love they receive from the ministry volunteers. Most of the children’s parents are new to our culture and language. They are not able to help with their children’s homework. With this in mind, it is likely that many of the children do not have a Thanksgiving meal, as their parents are still adapting and learning the traditions of our American culture and history. For this reason, we are celebrating Thanksgiving with them! If you would like to provide a traditional Thanksgiving covered dish on November 22, please contact the church office. Room In the Inn This winter, we will have the honor to host and offer a warm and dry place for a good night sleep to some of our neediest neighbors. Through the leadership of Urban Ministry Center we will bring people, some are even families with children, to our Hemby House so that they can enjoy meals, a warm bed, and shower. There are different ways for all of us to volunteer: set-up, cleaning, church van driver, meal prep, and over-night hosts. Sign-up sheets will be available in Helm’s Hall on Sundays throughout the month of November. If you would like to receive more information, you can also call the church office. The dates are the following: Dec. 2-3, Dec. 30-31, Jan. 13-14, Jan. 20-21, Feb. 10-11, Feb. 24-25, March 3-4, and March 24-25. Angel Tree Ministry As we begin to think of setting up our family Christmas trees, I invite you to also think of our annual church Angel Tree. Through the leadership of Union County Christmas Bureau, we are able to share Christmas presents with children of families in need in our county. I can envision the smiles of the many beautiful children as they open the gifts that we are able to give them. Families in financial difficulties, such as single parents, receive our support so that they can provide a gift for their babies this Christmas. As you are preparing for your families this holiday season, please keep in mind the opportunity you have to also provide a Christmas present to a child in need. Our Angel tree will be set up in both the FLC and Helms Hall November 20 through December 11. Weddington Christian Academy Mission This Fall season, the students from our Academy are putting together and delivering bags for our neighbors in need at the Union County Shelter. In the bags, students will put new socks, toiletries, and towels that they have donated. In addition, students are making bags with detergent, diapers, and toiletries for a trailer community in Monroe, NC. I am very proud of the excellent Christian leadership our Academy provides to the students and community.
serving in
November Food Drive for Operation Reach Out and Monroe Homeless Shelter We are collecting canned and boxed food. Please drop in the carts in Helms Hall.
Operation Christmas Child National Collection Days are November 14-21. Filled shoe boxes can be dropped at Helms Hall during these times: Monday-Friday 2:00-6:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., and Sunday 2:00-6:00 p.m. For more information on any of these mission opportunities, please contact Lisa Keeler, Missions Coordinator, at the church office. Page 3
Pastoral Care Ministry . Rev. Ed Briggs News and Announcements Stephen Ministers’ Continuing Education
The monthly Stephen Ministers’ Continuing Education is being opened up to our congregation and community on Sunday, November 20 at 6:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Jim Cress, a licensed professional counselor and a certified sex addiction counselor, will be our guest speaker on the topic of “Sex Addiction.” The rate of Christians dealing with sex addiction is growing. Therefore, you or someone you know may be struggling with this type of addiction. Consider attending or recommending someone else to be a part of this presentation.
Hospice Training for One on One Volunteers
The TLC Team is partnering with Hospice of Union County to offer support to their hospice patients and their family members. One way to do so is to provide one on one care to people in hospice care. Regina Collins, the volunteer coordinator of Hospice of Union County, will be offering a training on Saturday, November 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for anyone interested in being a part of the one on one support. This training will equip and prepare volunteers for a ministry that truly will touch the lives of everyone involved. Please contact Rev. Ed Briggs at the church office, 704-846-1032 or if you want more information about this event or if you want to sign up to attend.
Kings & Queens Beginning at our Monroe Campus - Volunteers Needed The kick-off for our new Kings & Queens meeting at our Monroe Campus will be on December 1 at 10:00 a.m. Monthly meetings, which will be held the first Thursday of each month, will include a program and luncheon. Volunteers are needed to: ● Assist as greeters ● Assist in serving meals ● Transport food from our Weddington Campus to the Monroe Campus each month. ● Meet with a group of volunteers in November to pass out flyers to the homes in the Monroe Campus community – date to be determined. If you would like to assist or would like additional information, please contact Rev. Ed Briggs or Sandra McKee at the church office (704-846-1032).
WUMC Support Groups NA Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Room 2
AA Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Fridays, 10:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Room 2 Contact: John, or 252-643-3551
AL-ANON Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., Hemby House
Saturdays, 8:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Contact: Heather, or 704-290-4290
Food Addiction Saturdays, 8:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Contact: CJ, or 704-207-9430
1st Saturday monthly, 3:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Contact: Wayne, or 704-458-6090 Page 4
Contact: Don, or 704-243-0765
Contact: Joyce, or 704-256-7026
Room 2, Contact: Joyce, 704-606-4061
Pastoral Care GriefShare Surviving the Holidays Holidays are a special time to spend with family and friends; it can also be a very difficult time for people who are grieving. If you have lost a loved one, I invite you to please join us on November 13 for Surviving the Holidays. We will have guest speaker, Trisha Norkett, who will share her grief experience and provide helpful suggestions as we enter the holiday season. There will be music by recording artist Cheryl Vought. This year could be the time to start new traditions. All are welcome; please invite friends and family members to join you!
DivorceCare Surviving the Holidays
Surviving the Holidays November 13th 4:00 PM
December 7th 7:00 PM
The Holidays are difficult for families when separation or divorce has occurred. The first Christmas can be so challenging to navigate. What once was, is no longer. Traditions held dear are not implemented. Grief is a possible response to this major life transition. Surviving the Holidays on Wednesday, December 7 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 20 in the sanctuary building will offer encouragement and hope for people recently separated or divorced as the celebration of Christmas approaches. Contact Rev. Ed Briggs at 704-846-1032 or if you or someone you know wants to attend this event.
Kings and Queens . Sandra McKee The Kings and Queens Our next Kings & Queens meeting at our Weddington Campus will be on Thursday, November 10 at 10:00 a.m. in the Family Life Center. Karl Wollner and Ken Freno will be entertaining us with their musical program.
Golden Corral Luncheon Our next Friendship Luncheon at Golden Corral in Monroe will
be on Wednesday, November 16 at 11:30 a.m. If you would like to ride with the group, please contact Sandra McKee and meet at the Fellowship Hall rear parking lot at 11:00 a.m.
Kings & Queens Beginning at our Monroe Campus! The Kick-Off for our new Kings
and Queens meeting at our Monroe Campus will be on December 1 at 10:00 a.m. All seniors are invited to join us December 1 and the first Thursday of each month following for a program and luncheon. Please contact Sandra McKee at the church office if you plan to attend and need a ride.
Kings & Queens enjoying lunch and fellowship.
Rev. Amy Hutchison singing at the October meeting.
Golden Corral Luncheon in October. Page 5
Weddington Christian Academy . Adell Keen, Principal WCA Students Learn about Missions in Kenya On Wednesday, October 20, WCA enjoyed a special guest speaker at morning chapel. Paula Burnette spoke to the students and staff about her recent visit to The Home of the Good Shepherd Orphanage in Kenya. She showed the students a wonderful video that depicted just how blessed the children are at Good Shepherd. In turn, the WCA students and staff were truly blessed to share in the good news of all of the wonderful things that are happening at Good Shepherd. We learned that during the month of November, some of the children at Good Shepherd will be studying for their high school and college entrance exams. WCA students and staff will be praying specifically for these students as well as all of the other students during the month of November as they prepare and take their exams.
Weddington Christian Preschool . Emily Campbell, Director News and Announcements Please watch for 2017-2018 registration updates on our web page. WUMC members will be able to enroll children in the preschool beginning on December 15, 2016. Weddington Christian Preschool Tours • Weddington Campus Tour Dates: November 2 and November 9 at 2:00 p.m. each day. Please RSVP to 704-849-7628 or email • Bonds Grove Campus Tours available on request. Please call 704-843-6785 or email Please note – WCP will be closed on November 8 for Election Day. Our November Ministry is “The Gift of Giving.” Our Heavenly Father gave us a wonderful model in generosity when “He gave His only Son…” (John 3:16). In an effort to ensure everyone can enjoy the gift of giving, we are collecting new parent/household friendly gifts a child may give to a special adult of their choosing. (Examples: candles, pretty mugs, gloves, smell good toiletries…) The collection will be delivered to our Monroe Mission campus where the children in that community will be able to “shop” for a gift to give. You can help spread the joy by prayer, a thoughtful gift, or volunteering on shopping day!
Children’s Ministry . Carolyn Nelson JAM Provides Biblical Learning Opportunities This quarter at JAM (Jesus and Me) our children are working really hard on learning the books of the Old Testament. We are playing fun games each week where our children learn to put the books in chronological order and also what group of books they belong to. We are also learning to sing the books of the Old Testament to song. When they are able to “sing” the song and can name every book, they will receive a dog tag necklace to wear each week. We will move on to the New Testament books, then on to the Lord’s Prayer, Apostles Creed, Ten Commandments and other great things to learn. God is so good to us and we just love learning about the Bible! Page 6
Children and Youth Ministries Children’s Ministry (cont.) News and Announcements We’re Hiring Part-time childcare positions are available for individuals who are 19 and older. Openings include Sunday mornings, Tuesday evenings, and Wednesday evenings with other days and times as needed. Those interested in applying should contact Emily Gray at to schedule an interview. All employees will need to pass a criminal background check. Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes are due to Helms Hall no later than Sunday, November 13. Join us for GLOW All 4th and 5th graders are invited to come to our next GLOW event on Friday, November 18 from 6:30-9:00 in the Family Life Center. We will have fun games, pizza, worship music, and the gospel message told in a really fun way. Bring a friend but remember they must be in the 4th or 5th grade. Volunteers are needed. Contact Carolyn to come and join in on the fun! Looking for a place to serve? Our 1st grade Sunday School class at 9:30 has been searching for a teacher and assistant to lead them on their spiritual journey. Volunteers can serve weekly or bi-weekly and are needed immediately. Will you come and share your love for God with them? Please contact Carolyn to begin serving.
Youth Ministry . Charlie Brown & Rev. Meredith Hinton Sunday Night Youth begins at 6:30 p.m. There are
programs for Jr. and Sr. High students, with Bible study and games. Afterward, everyone comes together for worship.
Youth Bible Study Join us on Wednesdays from 7:00 8:00 p.m. in the Youth Center. Doors are open from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
News and Announcements Youth Fall Retreat Join us November 11-13, for a camp retreat at Look Up Lodge, in Travelers Rest, SC. This retreat for all 6th-12th graders is always a blast. There will be worship sessions, free time activities, field games, zip line, and the big swing. The cost is $120 per person. We will be leaving the church on that Friday around 5:30 p.m. but we will also have a bus coming up later after games as well. Register on the Youth web page. Sunday School Teacher Needed We need your help! We are currently looking for a Sunday school teacher for our 7th and 8th 9:30 a.m. class, on a weekly or rotating schedule. Please contact Charlie if you are interested in exploring possibilities.
Our fall semester has been off to a wonderful start. We continue to have several opportunities for our youth to grow in their faith through our Sunday night gathering, Life Group meetings, and retreats. We’d like to ask you to be in prayer for us as we travel to Look Up Lodge in Travelers Rest, SC the weekend of November 11-13 for our fall retreat. We currently have over 120 students and adults registered and we anticipate the many ways God will speak to us and transform us during our time together. Welcome Back Meredith! We are so excited to have our Youth Minister, Meredith Hinton, back after 8 weeks of maternity leave. Meredith is also glad to be back with Weddington. “Brad and I are smitten with our sweet son Seth, who is doing very well. We look forward to getting more sleep, but we are soaking up every moment of this precious time as new parents. Thank you to each of you for the many ways you have supported us through your gifts and time. We are grateful for your love.” Page 7
Adult Ministries . Rev. Mark Curtis Resource Center – Great Books! Staff Recommendations for your Christian Walk As a new monthly segment, we would like to offer Staff Recommendations to you to encourage you as you grow in your faith with Christ. This month’s “Great Book!” is The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen. I first encountered this book as a college student. I had grown up knowing the story of the prodigal son from Luke 15. Nouwen masterfully helps the reader to not only hear and read the story, but to find themselves in the story. Nouwen’s inspiration for the book comes from a chance encounter with Rembrandt’s Return of the Prodigal Son, featured on the cover. He beautifully delves into the lives of the two sons, leading the reader to identify aspects of our own lives reflected in the brothers’ stories. He then leads us on the path of discovery of God’s love for us through the boys’ Father, a love that beckons us to receive the love of God for ourselves, and to be more like the father, more like our Heavenly Father. I would highly recommend The Return of the Prodigal Son. It’s a Great Book! You can check out a copy of this Staff Recommended Book, Fall and Thanksgiving themed children’s books, and personal Advent studies and devotions from the WUMC Resource Center located just off Helms Hall in Room 212.
Life Group Second Sunday Connection
United Methodist Men (UMM)
Did you miss the Life Group Launch but are still interested in a Life Group? Every second Sunday of the month, a team member of our Life Group Ministry Team, will be in the Sanctuary Narthex and in the entrance of the FLC at our Hospitality Tables before and after each worship service to answer any questions you may have about Life Groups here at WUMC. Our “Connectors,” as we call them, will be wearing blue Connector shirts so they can be easily identified. Our upcoming Second Sunday Connection will be November 13. We look forward to helping you get connected!
Men’s Connection Breakfast The United Methodist Men meet in the Youth Center of the Family Life Center from 7:30-9:00 a.m. twice a month on Sunday for food, fellowship, and to discuss various topics. This month, we will meet on November 13. All men are welcome!
Adult Sunday School Studies 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m. Page 8
Agape Foundations Jay Emry
The Christmas Experience, video series by Kyle Idleman Topical Bible lessons: WHO / WHAT IS... Adult Comprehensive Bible Study, by David Cook
Youth Center, Main Area Room 19 Room 214/215
Shepherds View
The Seven Deadliest Sins
Room 209
Faith in Action
Revival, by Adam Hamilton; led by Rev. Mark Curtis
Room 210
Closer Walk Cornerstone Crossroads Great Walk Doers of the Word
In the Meantime, by Andy Stanley Follow, by Andy Stanley Book of Leviticus True Spirituality, by Chip Ingram Book of Revelation
Room 19 Room 214/215 Youth Center, 102 Youth Center 101 Helms Hall, Room 213
Light of the World
Experiencing God, by Henry Blackabye
Room 209
Journeys New Creation
Revival, by Adam Hamilton When God’s Spirit Moves, by Jim Cymbala
FLC, Multipurpose Room Youth Center 203
Adult Ministries United Methodist Women (UMW) Lucy Price Circle The November Lucy Price meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 15, in the Jay Emery Room on the main campus. We will gather and socialize from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m., followed by our meeting. Note that this is a change from our normal 2nd Tuesday meeting so we could avoid the distraction and conflict with the election. Emory Austin will be our speaker. Emory, a member of our church, is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Wake Forest University and has had a career as a motivational speaker, speaking for national and international organizations in almost every industry. She is a member of the International Speaker’s Hall of Fame and in 2006 she was honored as a Legend of the Speaking Profession. Bring a friend and join us to hear what she has on her heart to share with us. The circle normally meets on the second Tuesday night of each month, from September through May, and is committed to fellowship and service. All ladies of the church are invited to join us. We look forward to seeing you on November 15 (3rd Tuesday this month)! For more information on any of our circles, please visit our webpage at
Mary Martha Circle will meet November 4 at 9:30 in the WUMC Fellowship Hall. We are pleased to have Rev. Rocio as our guest speaker. Lunch will follow at a nearby restaurant. Women of all ages are invited to join us for this time of fellowship. Please contact Becky Walters at or 704-843-7207 for further information. Susanna Wesley Circle Please join the Susanna Wesley Circle on Friday, November 18, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Childcare is available in the Nursery wing, beginning at 9:15 a.m. We are very excited for our next meeting! We will hear from church member and friend, Sharon McFadden, on the topic of marriage! Sharon is very passionate about building strong Christ-centered marriages. She will give us tips and tools on how to keep our marriages healthy and focused on Christ while keeping up with our busy lives. Thank you again for being part of this ministry. We are in continuous prayer that our theme and message in every meeting will lead many to Jesus Christ our Savior. If you are interested in learning more, please email us at
UMW’s Fall Retreat What a beautiful weekend we had sitting at the feet of Jesus for our WUMC Women's Retreat! Our speaker, Susan Rollins brought along her daughters, Katie, Megan, and Abigail; they were simply amazing! They spoke on how to PRAY God's Word, to sit still in His Presence and LISTEN, and how to leave the lies of the enemy behind and FOLLOW Him! We also learned a new question to ask Him each morning when we get up... "Holy Spirit- what are we going to do today?" I am so thankful to be a part of a church that supports such weekends as this, to be able to get away and be refreshed by His Spirit with other Sisters in Christ. -Kelly Duck, Retreat Chair
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Evangelism . Rev. Amy Hutchison Meet New People… Love them… Invite them… I gave these three simple instructions to our WCA children a couple of weeks ago. They are just the basics of evangelism, a simple call on our part to go out and meet people where they are. The kids were excited by this message (we have brilliant kids in WCA)! So excited, in fact, that one of the mothers shared with WCA Principal, Adell Keen, the story of her child coming home and asking his mother if he could go meet a new family who moved in down the street and bring the child some candy. Our eager student then invited his new friend to church! Evangelism is simple. It’s just about meeting people where they are, loving them, and inviting them into community with us. I have never once been upset about being invited places. (Although I have been upset about not being able to go!) It is wonderful to feel invited, included, and loved. There are many who would love to be loved by our church. Between support groups, youth & children’s ministries, Life Groups, and others, we have so many opportunities for invitation here. So often we complicate things in ways that aren’t necessary, but all it takes to be good evangelists is to be seeking out those who may be seeking us. Now let us follow the example our littlest ones have set for us. (And candy is half off right now, anyway!)
Weddington Riders The Weddington Motorcycle Riders rode to Samaritan’s Purse last Saturday with “Bikers with Boxes - Operation Christmas Child.” Official count of shoe boxes collected at the Billy Graham Library on Saturday was a record 5,436 boxes! Every year riders come from all over the world to participate in this event. This year, not only was the box total was a record, but the number of riders and bikes was also a record.
Music & Arts Ministry . Dr. Reginald Houze Christmas Ornaments for Sale Make a tradition of decorating your tree with a piece of Weddington UMC! Christmas ornaments depicting the Nativity scene are on sale in Helms Hall and in the lobby of the FLC. The cost is $10 for the 2016 ornament and $5 for ornaments from past years.
Thanksgiving Festival Service Come and worship with us on November 20 at 11:00 a.m. for a Thanksgiving Service with special music featuring the Chancel Choir with Brass and Percussion Ensemble. This will be a special service as we celebrate Thanksgiving, Stewardship Sunday, and the conclusion of our sermon series on our mission statement.
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Church Announcements Meet Weddington Sessions
Wednesdays @ Weddington
Interested in becoming a part of the Weddington UMC family? As your clergy, program staff, and fellow Christians, it will be our privilege to grow and serve together. We request that anyone interested in membership attend one of our Meet Weddington Church sessions.
W@W is a church-wide fellowship meal that begins at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Dinner is followed by various Bible studies, youth and children’s programming and support groups. Reservations are not required. The estimated cost per meal is $5.00 with a family maximum of $20. All dinners come with bread and dessert.
At Meet Weddington, you will enjoy an informal time of fellowship, meet the pastoral and ministry staff, hear an overview of the ministry and mission of the church and get answers to any questions you may have about Weddington UMC. Meet Weddington Church sessions are usually held on the 4th Sunday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center Multipurpose Room. The next meeting will be Sunday, November 20.
November Menu • Nov. 2 - Pot roast with onions, potatoes, and carrots, with broccoli corn bread • Nov. 9 - Oven fried steak, mashed potatoes, and spinach gratin • Nov. 16 - Roasted turkey breast , mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potato casserole, and oven roasted green beans • Nov. 30 - Spaghetti and salad bar
WUMC High School Senior Scholarship We have two scholarships in the amount of $1,500 available for graduating high school seniors from our church to help fund their college education. Applications are available in the church office, Information Center and on the youth webpage. They are due in the church office by March 1.
A.V. Volunteers Needed
New Advent Studies Available
Would you like to help behind the scenes? Assist with providing a needed piece of worship? Come join the AV team. We are in need of volunteers to help run worship slides on Sundays at all services on a rotating basis. No experience is necessary! Training is provided and someone will be there to help with any questions. To learn more, please contact Bill Poteate at
We have two new studies this year along with other great Advent resources for your Life Group or Sunday School class. You can check them out from the church office. Contact Tonya Tapp for more information.
Resource Center Whether it’s family movie night, bedtime story time, mom or dad’s time to unwind or time for some Christian inspiration, the Resource Center has something special for you. The WUMC RC is located in Room 212 in the Sanctuary Building. It is currently open only on Sunday mornings from 9:15 until 12:15. The Resource Center is volunteer staffed. If you are interested in helping in this ministry, please contact Page 11
Weddington Christian Counseling Center
Sunday Worship Times 8:15 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 9:30 a.m. Praise and Worship (Sanctuary) 10:10 a.m. Acoustic Praise and Worship (FLC) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Bonds Grove Campus)
There are some exciting things going on with our Weddington Christian Counseling Center. Currently, we are looking towards arranging for the Sanctuary Counseling Group, formally the Methodist Counseling Center, to oversee our counseling ministry. The benefits of this partnership are numerous. Sanctuary Counseling Group would handle administrative tasks such as the processing of insurance and the scheduling of appointments. They will also offer accountability and support to the counselor who is assigned to our counseling center. The clergy will have input on which counselor comes to Weddington. Once a contract is accepted by both parties, the process of obtaining a counselor will begin. Please keep all our plans in your prayers as we seek to grow our counseling ministry.
Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore, Senior Pastor
JoAnn Horstman, Business Administrator
Rev. Mark Curtis, Teaching Pastor
Elizabeth Mitchell, Director of Communications
Rev. Ed Briggs, Minister of Pastoral Care
Ruth Cooley, Executive Assistant
Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez, Missions Pastor
Sandra McKee, Admin. Assistant
Rev. Amy Hutchison, Evangelism Pastor
Linda Caskey, Financial Assistant
Dr. Reginald Houze, Director of Music & Arts
Lisa Keeler, Admin. Assistant
Derrick Byars, Organist and Music Assistant
Tonya Tapp, Admin. Assistant
Cory Dover, Director of Praise & Worship Music
Adell Keen, WCA Principal
Charlie Brown, Youth Minister
Emily Campbell, WCP Director
Rev. Meredith Hinton, Youth Minister
Jamie Edmondson, WCP Assistant Director
Carolyn Nelson, Children’s Minister
Jan Williams, Mother’s Morning Out Director
Rev. Leroy Henry Affiliated United Methodist Clergy Justin Lineberry, 10:10 Worship Leader
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Mike Carver, Facilities Manager Kim Veith, Food Service Director
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for all the latest from WUMC (@WeddingtonUMC). Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 5:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 - 12:00 p.m. 704-846-1032 Campuses Weddington Campus 13901 Providence Road Weddington, NC 28104 Sanctuary Building and Family Life Center (FLC) Bonds Grove Campus 8215 Bonds Grove Church Rd Waxhaw, NC 28173 Marvin Campus 9914 New Town Rd Marvin, NC 28173 Monroe Campus 520 Engleside St Monroe, NC 28110