This h t n o m at
October 2016 Our Mission: To fulfill our call to be the physical presence of Jesus Christ... by worshipping God with passion, intentionally growing in faith, proclaiming the gospel with grace, and humbly serving in love.
Contents: Page 1:
Fall Fun Fest
Page 2:
Monthly Reflection
Page 3:
Missions and Outreach
Page 4:
Pastoral Care
Page 5:
Pastoral Care
Page 6:
WCA, WCP, and Youth
Page 7:
Children’s Ministry
Page 8:
Adult Ministries
Page 9:
Adult Ministries
Fall Fun Fest Sat. October 29 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Family Life Center and Grounds Join to celebrate Fall as we, Give thanks to the Lord for He is good! (Psalm 136) There will be a trackless train, a toddler play park, a bounce house, a 16 ft. slide, face painting, a cake walk, carnival games, candy, costume parades, plus a performance by Corky the Clown at 1:00 p.m.!
Wear your favorite costume (no scary or inappropriate costumes, please)
Free Cotton candy and popcorn! BBQ, pizza, and hot dog lunch will be sold at a low cost.
Page 10: Evangelism Page 11: Announcements Page 12: Church Information
Volunteers are needed. See page 7 for details.
WELCOME TO WEDDINGTON UMC The Weddington UMC family is a vibrant and growing congregation, and we invite you to become a part of this exciting and dynamic church, as we seek to serve as the Body of Christ in our world. God is doing great things in and through this church. We offer a variety of worship styles and ministry opportunities.
We would love to have you join us for worship, ministry, and service. As the church, we are a family. To learn more about WUMC, attend a Meet Weddington session to get to know the staff and learn more about the church. For more information on Meet Weddington see page 11.
Monthly Reflections - Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore World Communion Sunday Sunday, October 2, is World Communion Sunday. It is a great Sunday where Christians around the world come together to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. It is like the entire Christian family coming to the family table to share a meal together. God’s table. Each week we join together for worship and we affirm our faith with The Apostle’s Creed. We testify that we believe in, “the holy catholic church.” The word catholic, with the lowercase c, means universal. We recognize that the church is the body of Christ. We are a part of the body of Christ. We are a part of the larger universal Christian church, the holy catholic church. We are brothers and sisters with our Christian family around the world. We are in ministry together with the larger church. We are one with churches throughout our community, our country, and our world. We give thanks to God for sister churches in Kenya, Bulgaria, Romania, Costa Rica, and many others. Holy Communion – sacred oneness. Jesus prayed that the church would be one.
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“I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” John 17:20-23 (NRSV) We are one so that the world may know Jesus Christ. 20
The Apostle’s Creed concludes with affirming the “communion of saints.” Saints are those who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, members of the body of Christ, the church. Holy Communion is a sacred oneness with God and with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are the church. We are members of the larger church. We are in ministry together. We come to God’s table together on World Communion Sunday. It is a glimpse of the people of God feasting together at God’s heavenly banquet. In ministry together, Rev. Dr. Terry Moore
Missions Missions . Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez.
Foreign Mission Chairperson . Bob Consoli
Missions News and Announcements
Costa Rica Trip The WUMC Costa Rica
Local Missions The past two months for me have included intentional times of meeting volunteers who serve God by serving others through the local mission opportunities of our church. Dr. Moore, along with a team and I, have visited many of the agencies in Mecklenburg and Union Counties that we at Weddington UMC sponsor. They attend the needs of people in different circumstances such as Crisis Assistance, Urban Ministries, and Turning Point. Meeting the people who give of themselves through their passion and dedication has been inspiring. I am so thankful to God and to all of our church family because we are able to support those who support the most needy of our community. English as a Second Language (ESL) Ministry September 20 was Orientation for ESL at our Monroe Campus! A wonderful team of volunteer teachers will teach Level 1 and 2 ESL classes on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. The students will study from STEP FORWARD, a complete curriculum for their development. Childcare will also be provided. If you would like to volunteer as a teacher or in childcare, please contact Pete Imhof at or Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez at Homework Help Ministry This past month with Homework Help has been a time of wonderful growth. The average attendance of children is 25! Thanks to the loving volunteers, the children receive help with their homework every Tuesday and Thursday. Parents have shared that their children’s grades have greatly improved since their relationship with our ministry and are so very grateful to our church. If you would like to volunteer, please know that you are welcomed. For more information please contact Deedie Baldwin at Foreign Missions Romanian Ministry Partners Visit WUMC This past month, our partners in ministry from Light from Light UMC in Sibiu, Romania were able to come and visit our church.
Building Team will be going to Belen, Costa Rica to build an addition onto the church school. The 1st Team will leave on Friday, January 13, 2017 and return on the 20th. The 2nd Team will leave on January 20, 2017 and return on the 27th. The cost of the trip is $1,200 which includes airfare, transportation, breakfast & lunch, and hotel accommodations. No building experience is necessary. Please call Bob Consoli at 704-968-2300 if you are interested.
Costa Rica Golf Tournament Fundraiser On Thursday, October 27,
2016 the Costa Rica Building Team will have its annual Golf Outing Fund Raiser at Firethorne Country Club. The event starts at 11:00 a.m. with a Shotgun start at noon. The cost is $125 per player. All proceeds from the outing are used to purchase building materials and supplies for the upcoming Building Mission Trip in January 2017. Please call Bob Consoli at 704-9682300 if you are interested in playing.
Light from Light UMC Youth Camp Thanks to your support, Light from Light UMC hosted a Youth Camp in the mountains of Romania from September 23-25. They had a wonderful weekend of worship, devotions, and fellowship as they discovered their “Treasure Inside.”
Rev. Dr. Moore with Pastor Cristian Istrate and his wife Ligia of Light from Light UMC Page 3
Pastoral Care Ministry . Rev. Ed Briggs “Healthy Tips for Families on the Go!” Event A fun time was had by all who attended the Health Ministry Event, Healthy Tips For Families On The Go, held September 22. Everyone enjoyed the colorful, healthy, and edible centerpieces, delicious samples from Executive Chef Jeffrey Jones, and healthy medical advice from Dr. Jody Holler. Executive Chef Jeffrey Jones prepared delicious meal samples while giving advice on how to cook healthy, balanced meals at home, while saving time and money. Dr. Jody Holler from Union Family Practice then spoke about healthy eating habits. He said to avoid prepackaged foods and to use dinner time as family time by cooking and eating together. He also suggests that one way to stay healthy on the go is to pack your own snacks (i.e. apple slices, carrots, grapes, etc.). He advises to watch your portion sizes and to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. It seems like some of the best ways for our busy families to stay healthy, according to our experts, is planning, preparation and cooking at home using natural occurring foods and get the whole family involved. Simple kitchen tools like an apple corer can save time as well as allow your kids to make their own healthy snacks. Thank you to all who attended and we look forward to hosting more events in the future. So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. I Corinthians 10:31 (NRSV)
* Mark your calendars - we are planning to start a Daniel Plan class in January!
Domestic Violence Support Group If you are an adult woman here at WUMC, do you ‘walk on eggshells’, watch every word you say or every action you take in your marriage or in any relationship? Are you constantly criticized and have your sense of worth diminished? Do you live in fear of being physically harmed? Living in the lies of abuse is difficult to stop on your own, which is why WUMC will be offering an event just for you. If you are interested in learning more about this Safe Event, please call Pastor Ed Briggs at 704-846-1032 or Cathy DeLoach Lewis, MA, LPC, BCPCC at 704.370.0334. Space will be limited to 15 women and will begin the week of October 3rd. A nominal fee of $40.00 is due with registration. Childcare will be provided. When you contact us, we will give you specific information about the time/date/location of this Safe Event. We want you safe. God wants you safe. Page 4
Pastoral Care Stephen Ministry Referral It doesn’t take much inquiry to find people around us who are hurting from life’s heartaches. Especially if you are willing to be open to the verbal and non verbal cues from family members, friends and acquaintances who are going through a difficult time. If we do engage this person in conversation, we may feel a need to offer further support than what we can give. One way to do so would be for you to recommend a Stephen minister for this person. A Stephen minister is not a counselor or therapist but a trained lay person who will offer distinctively Christian care. He or she will meet with an assigned care receiver once a week to listen non-judgmentally with encouragement and spiritual guidance. If you know of someone who would benefit from the support of a Stephen minister, please contact Beverly Watkins, our Stephen Ministry Referral Coordinator at 704-562-5040 or Rev. Ed Briggs at the church office 704-846-1032 or at
Stephen Ministry Testimony “Last year I faced a trial in my life that left me hopeless...I laid in bed and wished I would fall asleep and not wake up...I questioned God and my faith was wavering ... I was introduced to a Stephen Minister and my journey to healing began. We talked.....She listened....She led me back to God and helped me see that God was beside me through it all... Today my faith is stronger than it’s ever been.....and I have a sister in Christ that is one of my dearest friends... Thank you to WUMC Stephen Ministry!” -Renee
WUMC Support Groups NA Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Room 2
AA Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Fridays, 10:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Room 2 Contact: John, or 252-643-3551
AL-ANON Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., Hemby House
Saturdays, 8:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Contact: Heather, or 704-290-4290
Food Addiction Saturdays, 8:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Contact: CJ, or 704-207-9430
Contact: Don, or 704-243-0765
Contact: Joyce, or 704-256-7026
Room 2, Contact: Joyce, 704-606-4061
1st Saturday monthly, 3:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Contact: Wayne, or 704-458-6090
Kings and Queens . Sandra McKee The Kings and Queens Our next Kings & Queens meeting will be on Thursday,
October 13 at 10:00 a.m. in the Family Life Center. Rev. Amy Hutchison will be our guest speaker. Winter Beach Trip: The annual Winter Beach Trip is December 6-8. A $50 deposit is due by October 13. For additional information, please contact Sandra McKee at 704-846-1032.
Harmony Road Quartet sang at the K&Q September meeting. A special thank you to Wally Drexler, Ron Reingard, Marty Westover & Neil Wetz. Page 5
Weddington Christian Academy Adell Keen, Principal
Weddington Christian Preschool Emily Campbell, Director
WCA Talent Showcase and Book Fair
WCP Fall Fundraiser
WCA will have our 3rd Annual Talent Showcase and Book Fair on Friday, October 21, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. The showcase is open to all WCA families and Weddington UMC members. Please plan to join us for a night of food, fun, and talent!
WCP will offer a fall fundraiser with Cherrydale catalog and online products. There is something for everyone! Shop online at and school code WDNWN. If you do not have a WCP student name, please enter your own name. Paper order forms and catalogs are available at Noah’s Ark in the children’s wing, and are due to WCP by October 6. Online orders may be placed through August 2017 and benefit the preschool ministry at a rate of 40-45% of total purchase! Orders placed online ship directly to your home. Paper orders placed through WCP will be delivered to the preschool by November 1.
For questions, please email WCA@
Funds earned through fundraisers go toward updating technology, playground projects, staff trainings, and classroom resources. The support of WUMC and fundraiser monies helps WCP keep preschool tuition rates stable. Check out WCP info on the website at and follow us Facebook for the latest news!
Youth Ministry . Charlie Brown & Rev. Meredith Hinton Sunday Night Youth begins at 6:30 p.m. There are
programs for Jr. and Sr. High students, with Bible study and games. Afterward, everyone comes together for worship.
Youth Bible Study Join us on Wednesdays from 7:00 8:00 p.m. in the Youth Center. Doors are open from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Youth backpacking trip to the NC mountains
Page 6
News and Announcements We have had a really great start to our fall season. Following our Fall Kickoff, we have been spending our Sunday evenings in fellowship, worship, and discussion around our calling as disciples of Christ. Our Wednesday night Bible Study has been challenging and great as we have been digging into Revelation. Life Groups are all going strong and we have begun a new one for our 6th grade girls which is off to a great start! Our Fall Retreat registration started with 100 spots available and we have 97 of those spots already reserved. Subscribe to our New Youth Calendar We are really excited to have a new Google Calendar for our youth ministry. This calendar option is great because it will work on most phones, tablets, and computers. The link to subscribe/add it to your calendar is on the youth page of our church website. Subscribing will give you up-to-date information as to what our plans are and will update you if they change for any reason. Currently we have the dates for all of the trips for 2017, including missions, on the calendar. We have not locked in locations for all of them yet but this should help you in your planning for next year!
Children and Youth Ministries Children’s Ministry . Carolyn Nelson News and Announcements Join Team Noah TEAM NOAH needs you! Look where you can help: • 1st Grade Sunday school teacher and assistant at 9:30 a.m. (weekly or bi-weekly) • 4th & 5th Grade Sunday school team (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) Is God calling you? Lesson materials are provided as well as lots of laughs, hugs, and a big thank you from the kids! Contact Carolyn Nelson at to learn more. Bond’s Grove Campus is opening a nursery! Our Bond’s Grove campus is looking for individuals who would like to volunteer in the nursery at the 11:00 service. This is a great way to bless the families who are visiting and for those attending weekly. Please contact Emily Gray at to start serving. We are Hiring! Are you looking for a part-time job that will give you a little extra spending money or some Christmas money? Join TEAM Noah as a part-time nursery/childcare worker. Hours include Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and other days and times as needed. Applicants should be 19 years or older and are required to submit and pass a criminal background check. For an interview, please contact Emily Gray. Operation Christmas Child It’s coming! On Sunday, October 23, children in the Kindergarten through 5th grade classes will hear all about this amazing ministry and mission opportunity. Boxes will be handed out. Children are encouraged to fill their shoebox and return to Helms Hall no later than Sunday, November 13. Let’s bless the little children of the world! Noah’s Nursery Needs You! Do you like to hold, rock, play with, and love on our littlest angels? Then come and join our nursery. Volunteers are needed at the 9:30 and the 11:00 hours to serve just once every 6 weeks. There is no preparation— just a desire to share your heart with our families. Contact Emily Gray to learn more and to get started. Fall Fun Fest Families, adults, and youth are needed to volunteer. Volunteer shifts are 11-1 and 1-3 and include a free lunch. Email Carolyn Nelson at to sign up for your shift. Candy and Drink Donations Lots of candy and refreshments are needed for our Fall Fest: • Halloween candy (all individually wrapped) • Canned soda (you pick the flavor) • Bottles water Donations can be brought to the KidCheck station located in the playground entrance on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings. Just place the donations in the bin marked “Fall Fest”. Other times can be arranged by contacting Carolyn Nelson. Thank you for your generosity. Page 7
Adult Ministries . Rev. Mark Curtis
New Life Groups Forming this Fall! It’s not too late to join a Life Group! If you are looking to join other Christians for a time of fellowship, prayer, and sharing life together: • A New Co-ed Life Group forming in the Monroe/ Indian Trail area. Contact Rev. Mark Curtis. • A New Co-ed Life Group forming in the Sun City area. Contact Marty Westover at • A New Co-ed Young Adult Group forming (ages 22-35 singles and couples without children). Contact Rev. Amy Hutchison. Interested in joining a Life Group but don’t see what you are looking for? Use the Life Group Connector on our website to find the perfect group for you: Pastor Mark to teach Faith in Action Adult Sunday School class starting October 8! Based on a study by Adam Hamilton, Revival takes a look at the life of John Wesley and how his experiences of faith can help us understand our own lives and bring revival today just as it did in his day. The Faith In Action Class meets during the 11:00 a.m. hour in room 210 in the Education building next to Helms Hall. The class is made up of adults (with children ages elementary to high school).
New Advent Studies We have two new studies this year along with other great Advent resources for your Life Group or Sunday School class. You can check them out from the church Advent Studies office. Contact Tonya Tapp for more information.
New participants are welcomed. New for 2016 New for 2016
Adult Sunday School Studies 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m. Page 8
Agape Foundations Jay Emry
Defining Moments, by Andy Stanley SELF, led by Barbara Bennett Adult Comprehensive Bible Study, by David Cook
Youth Center, Main Area Room 19 Room 214/215
Shepherds View
The Seven Deadliest Sins
Room 209
Faith in Action
Revival, by Adam Hamilton; led by Rev. Mark Curtis
Room 210
Closer Walk Cornerstone Crossroads Great Walk Doers of the Word
In the Meantime, by Andy Stanley Follow, by Andy Stanley Book of Leviticus True Spirituality, by Chip Ingram Book of Revelation
Room 19 Room 214/215 Youth Center, 102 Youth Center 101 Helms Hall, Room 213
Light of the World
Experiencing God, by Henry Blackabye
Room 209
Journeys New Creation
Revival, by Adam Hamilton When God’s Spirit Moves, by Jim Cymbala
FLC, Multipurpose Room Youth Center 203
Adult Ministries United Methodist Women (UMW) Lucy Price Circle Lucy Price ladies enjoyed a time of fellowship and delicious food at the September meeting. We collected supplies for pencil boxes, one of the items that had been requested for our Monroe Mission Campus. With the items collected, we were able to prepare 24 pencil boxes with pencils, erasers, crayons, sharpeners, glue sticks, scissors, and markers, with some extra items. We also sent composition books for each child, coloring books and a game. Thank you to all of the ladies that contributed. The October meeting will be Tuesday, October 11, in the Bonds Grove Fellowship Hall. We will gather and socialize at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. Rev Rocio Ávila-Ramírez, our new Missions Pastor, will join us and give her testimony. This will be a great time for you to meet and get to know her. The circle meets on the second Tuesday night of each month, from September through May, and is committed to fellowship and service. All ladies of the church are invited to join us. We look forward to seeing you on October 11! For more information on any of our circles, please visit our webpage at
Mary Martha Circle will meet Friday, October 7, at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will be collecting items for Halloween treat bags for the children at the Monroe Campus Homework Help program. We are delighted to have Manna KnJoi as our speaker this month. We look forward to hearing about her ministry through music. We welcome women of all ages to join us on October 7. Mary Martha Circle welcomes women of all ages to join us. Please contact Becky Walters at or 704-843-7207 for further information. Susanna Wesley Circle kicked off the 2016-17 program year with a Potluck Brunch Social on September 9 with good food and games. We were excited to have some new faces in the crowd and look forward to a great year of fellowship and serving our Lord, Jesus Christ. Please join SWC at our next meeting on Friday, October 7, from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in Helms Hall. Childcare is provided. Carilyn Raymond, a professor of Early Childhood Education at South Piedmont Community College, will be our guest speaker. Carilyn is an energetic and knowledgeable speaker who has presented workshops for early childhood educators and for our WCP parents. She is a strong Christian mom and all of that Christ centeredness comes through when she speaks. Carilyn’s talk will focus on how to discipline our children in a Christ-like way. We hope you will join us! For more information and/or questions, please email us at
United Methodist Men (UMM) Men’s Connection Breakfast The United Methodist Men meet in the Youth Center of the Family Life Center from 7:30-9:00 a.m. twice a month on Sunday for food, fellowship, and to discuss various topics. All men are welcome!
This Month’s Dates and Topics October 9: Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez October 23: TBD Don’t forget Men’s BBQ Sale on October 22! See page 10 for more information. Page 9
Evangelism . Rev. Amy Hutchison
Music & Arts Ministry . Dr. Reginald Houze
Cooking Class Event Come meet people and share in the load of cooking! This fall, we will be offering a cooking experience where you will cook a meal together, fellowship, and provide a great experience better than a restaurant! The cooking class will be on October 30 at 4:00 p.m. Look for more information coming in the enews or e-mail Amy Hutchison at
Chancel Choir Seasonal Singers for Advent Christmas Sing for the Holidays! The Chancel Choir will accept seasonal singers for the December 11 concert and Christmas Eve Services. Rehearsals will take place on select Saturday mornings and for a half hour each Wednesday night. Those interested should contact Dr. Houze.
New Tumblers and Coffee Mugs available for sale in the Information Centers in the Sanctuary and the 10:10 service on Sunday mornings. Pick yours up today!
Meals on Wheels Coordinator Needed
The United Methodist Men are having the Second Annual BBQ Sale on October 22 to support the missions of the church and UMM volunteer work in the local community.
If you have organizational skills and are looking for an area to serve, we have the perfect job for you! Our Meals on Wheels calendar scheduler is retiring the end of the year, so we are in need of someone to organize the calendar for our volunteer drivers. The drivers are already in place. Please contact Sandra McKee at 704-846-1032 or for more information or to volunteer for this position.
The BBQ sale will begin at 10:00 a.m. and run until 5:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center (FLC) parking lot. The community is invited to stop by and support the church. Pre-order tickets will be sold before and after each worship service, or you can buy your BBQ the day of. If there are any men who would like to volunteer to help prepare and serve food, contact Keith Long at
Angel Tree Volunteers Needed We are in need of a volunteer to be either the lead coordinator or co-coordinator for our Angel Tree Ministry in which we partner with the Union County Christmas Bureau in gift giving for Christmas to children of need in our community. If this sounds like something you may be interested in, please email our Missions Coordinator, Lisa Keeler, or call the front office at 704-846-1032.
Tech. Volunteers Needed
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Would you like to help behind the scenes? Assist with providing a needed piece of worship? Come join the AV team. We are in need of volunteers to help run worship slides on Sundays. No experience is necessary! Training is provided and someone will be there to help with any questions. To learn more, please contact Bill Poteate at
Church Announcements Meet Weddington Sessions
Wednesdays @ Weddington
Interested in becoming a part of the Weddington UMC family? As your clergy, program staff, and fellow Christians, it will be our privilege to grow and serve together. We request that anyone interested in membership attend one of our Meet Weddington Church sessions.
W@W is a church-wide fellowship meal that begins at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Dinner is followed by various Bible studies, youth and children’s programming and support groups. Reservations are not required. The estimated cost per meal is $5.00 with a family maximum of $20. All dinners come with bread and dessert.
At Meet Weddington, you will enjoy an informal time of fellowship, meet the pastoral and ministry staff, hear an overview of the ministry and mission of the church and get answers to any questions you may have about Weddington UMC. Meet Weddington Church sessions are usually held on the 4th Sunday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center Multipurpose Room. The next meeting will be Sunday, October 23.
10:10 Coffee Team The 10:10 Coffee Team is in need of two volunteers to join the team. We are responsible for setting up and taking down the coffee and beverage table at the 10:10 Service each Sunday. It is a commitment of one Sunday per month. If you are interested, please contact Gary Knight at 704-617-2934 or by email at
October Menu Oct. 5 - Oven roasted pork, parsley Dijon smashed new potatoes, and Honey Glazed Carrots Oct. 12 - Cheesy Baked Penne Pasta with Turkey Italian Sausage and Salad Bar Oct. 19 - Chicken and dumplings and broccoli casserole Oct. 26 - Chili, baked potato and salad bar
Resource Center Whether it’s family movie night, bedtime story time, mom or dad’s time to unwind or time for some Christian inspiration, the Resource Center has something special for you. The WUMC RC is located in Room 212 in the Sanctuary Building. It is currently open only on Sunday mornings from 9:15 until 12:15. The Resource Center is volunteer staffed. If you are interested in helping in this ministry, please contact
This Month in the Resource Center During the month of October, it’s all treats and no tricks! There are fall and Halloween themed board books for our youngest members and lots of picture books and chapter books for our preschool and elementary school students. Teens and adults will find a huge selection of fiction and non-fiction books, audio books and DVD’s that are sure to inspire. Parents and grandparents, bring your children in anytime in October and let them pick up a copy of “The Pumpkin Prayer” to color and use when carving their pumpkins. There will also be fall coloring sheets for all ages to take home, color and then bring back for a special Halloween treat. These works of art will be on display in the Resource Center throughout the month. To preview the complete cataloged collection, go to and select the option to visit the Resource Center website.
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Weddington Christian Counseling Center
Sunday Worship Times 8:15 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 9:30 a.m. Praise and Worship (Sanctuary) 10:10 a.m. Acoustic Praise and Worship (FLC) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Bonds Grove Campus)
There are some exciting things going on with our Weddington Christian Counseling Center. Currently, we are looking towards arranging for the Sanctuary Counseling Group, formally the Methodist Counseling Center, to oversee our counseling ministry. The benefits of this partnership are numerous. Sanctuary Counseling Group would handle administrative tasks such as the processing of insurance and the scheduling of appointments. They will also offer accountability and support to the counselor who is assigned to our counseling center. The clergy will have input on which counselor comes to Weddington. Once a contract is accepted by both parties, the process of obtaining a counselor will begin. Please keep all our plans in your prayers as we seek to grow our counseling ministry.
Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore, Senior Pastor
JoAnn Horstman, Business Administrator
Rev. Mark Curtis, Teaching Pastor
Elizabeth Mitchell, Director of Communications
Rev. Ed Briggs, Minister of Pastoral Care
Ruth Cooley, Executive Assistant
Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez, Missions Pastor
Sandra McKee, Admin. Assistant
Rev. Amy Hutchison, Evangelism Pastor
Linda Caskey, Financial Assistant
Dr. Reginald Houze, Director of Music & Arts
Lisa Keeler, Admin. Assistant
Derrick Byars, Organist and Music Assistant
Tonya Tapp, Admin. Assistant
Cory Dover, Director of Praise & Worship Music
Adell Keen, WCA Principal
Charlie Brown, Youth Minister
Emily Campbell, WCP Director
Rev. Meredith Hinton, Youth Minister
Jamie Edmondson, WCP Assistant Director
Carolyn Nelson, Children’s Minister
Jan Williams, Mother’s Morning Out Director
Rev. Leroy Henry Affiliated United Methodist Clergy Justin Lineberry, 10:10 Worship Leader
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Mike Carver, Facilities Manager Kim Veith, Food Service Director
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for all the latest from WUMC (@WeddingtonUMC). Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 5:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 - 12:00 p.m. 704-846-1032 Campuses Weddington Campus 13901 Providence Road Weddington, NC 28104 Sanctuary Building and Family Life Center (FLC) Bonds Grove Campus 8215 Bonds Grove Church Rd Waxhaw, NC 28173 Marvin Campus 9914 New Town Rd Marvin, NC 28173 Monroe Campus 520 Engleside St Monroe, NC 28110