International Wedding Trend Report 2018

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Welcome to the Inter national Wedding Tr end Repor t 2018...

Each year t he t eam here at t he Academ y of Wedding and Event Planning bring you t he lat est and great est t rends t hat w e believe you?ll be seeing in t he year ahead as you w ork w it h your bridal couples, and w e do t his w it h t he help of som e of t he t op w edding expert s f rom around t he w orld. As w e are a global t raining Academ y off ering educat ion t o w edding planner, st ylist s and designers w e are w ell placed t o give you a t ruly unique view at t rends f rom regions including Aust ralia, t he UK, t he Middle East , Sout h East Asia and of Nort h Am erica. We look at everyt hing f rom venues, t hem es, dĂŠcor, cat ering and f low ers t o t he business t rends you?ll be seeing in m arket ing, pricing, social m edia, w edding blogs and m uch m ore.

Table of Contents TRENDS David Tut era's Top Trends What t he Pro's Say

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Kylie Carlson's 2018 Hot Picks


Def ining Trends


Trend Inf luences - Int erior Design


Trend Inf luences - Runw ay


GLOBAL TRENDS Dest inat ion Wedding Trends

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Honeym oon Trends

23- 25

Aust ralian Wedding Trends

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THEMES & DESIGN Wedding Them e & Design Trends

33- 37

Luxury & Celebrit y Wedding Trends

38- 41

2018 Colour Predict ions

43- 46

Wedding St at ionery Trends

47- 50

STYLE & DECOR Wedding St yling & Decor Trends

52- 62

Floral Design Trends

63- 66

Table of Contents WEDDING VENUES & LOCATIONS Wedding Venue & Locat ion Trends


UK Wedding Trends


Royal Wedding Predict ions

80- 82

FOOD & BEVERAGE Food & Beverage Trends

83- 87

Cake & Sw eet Trends

88- 91

PHOTOGRAPHY & ENTERTAINMENT Wedding Phot ography & Cinem at ography Trends

93- 98

Ent ert ainm ent Trends

100- 104

GCC Wedding Trends

105- 108


110- 117

WEDDING TECH Wedding Tech Trends

118- 123

Sout h East Asia Wedding Trends

124- 127

Table of Contents BEAUTY & FASHION Wedding Fashion Trends

129- 133

Hair & Beaut y Trends

134- 135

Groom St yle Trends


BUSINESS OF WEDDINGS The Business of Weddings Wedding Indust ry St at s Market ing & Social Media St aying Educat ed & Current

137- 141 144 145- 146 147

CONTRIBUTORS Our 2018 Cont ribut ors About t he Publishers

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David Tuter a's Top Tr ends Insight from the wedding industry superstar

What are t he biggest celebrit y w edding t rends f or 2018? - Vint age Phot o Opp - Single st yle Bars - Bourbon/ Whiskey Bar, Rose Bar, Tequilla Bar. - St ylized shot s of t he w edding part y t hat look like f unky shoot s and not posed m om ent s. - Dessert Experiences over Cakes. What are t he biggest dest inat ion spot s f or celebrit y w eddings in 2018? Haw aii, Venice, It aly, Am alf i Coast of It aly, Belfast Ireland, Caym an Island, Cost a Rica, Tahit i, Riviera Maya, Mexico. What 's out in 2018 f or celebrit y w eddings? -

Aft er Part ies Cham pagne Toast s Second dress f or Bride t o change int o Grand ent rances of t he w edding part y

What 's carrying over f rom 2017 int o 2018? -

Form al Att ire (guest s w ant t o dress up) Bourbon and Whiskey is st ill on t rend The color lavender and gray are m ore on t rend now Rose gold is st aying

What kind of t hem es are popular w it h celebrit y w eddings? - Vint age inspired - Era's not t hem es (1940's and 1960' are very on t rend) - Old Hollyw ood Glam our (as w as our w edding t his past April)

WHAT THE PRO'S SAY On St at ionery t rends... "Personalizat ion w ill cont inue t o be huge f or 2018. One of t he biggest t rends is creat ing a cohesive w edding brand. How chic t o have a personalized logo creat ed f or you t hat you can show case at your w edding and carry int o your lif e aft er t he w edding is over. And now t hinking beyond t he w edding and branding ent ert aining household it em s like cust om w ine glasses, dishes, and m onogram ed linens. Show case t hem at your w edding and t hen t hey're perf ect t o bring out w hen your ent ert aining guest s in your new hom e t oget her or enjoy f or everyday use!" Ceci Johnson, Founder & Creat ive Direct or, Ceci New York On Colour t rends... "While w e have absolut ely LOVED t he m ore m ut ed and soft er t ones of recent years, w e are excit ed t o see st ronger and bolder colour being inject ed int o 2018 creat ive concept s." Georgie Rayner Founder & Direct or, Georgeous, Sim ply Georgeous Occasions

On celebrit y w eddings... "Dest inat ion w eddings and all w hit e bridal part ies are t he biggest celebrit y t rends f or 2018. We also see celebrit ies opt ing f or m ult iple event s leading t o t he big day as t hey w ant t o m ake t he m ost of t he days leading up t o t he w edding. The t op dest inat ion spot f or a celebrit y w edding...It aly, by far, as it boast s so m any st unning and exclusive locat ions, as w ell as great qualit y F&B opt ions giving celebrit ies a m ore privat e and int im at e experience f or t heir close f riends and fam ily." Zainab Alsalih, Founder & Managing Direct or, Carousel Event s On design and st yle... "The overall t rend f or 2018 is luxe ? w hile couples are cert ainly being m ore savvy w it h t heir budget s, t hey are realising t he im port ance of spending in t he right places t o m ake an im pact . Forget opulence and glam our, t his is all about underst at ed

WHAT THE PRO'S SAY On St yling and dĂŠcor t rends... - Many sm aller it em s on t he t ables rat her t han giant cent erpieces?layered t able scales - Mult i layered and elaborat e linens or conversely w ooden t ables w it h runners only - Video m apping - Flashy light ing eff ect s f or cerem onies - 360 degree design f or ballroom s et c w ill be even m ore prevalent - Elaborat e bars and f loral w alls rat her t han just cent erpieces Marcy Blum , President , Marcy Blum Associat es Inc

elegance, and t ext ures, colour and det ail are going t o play a big part !" Louise Beukes, Edit or in Chief, B.LOVED On social m edia... "Today?s brides and groom s grew up in a w orld w here curat ing your experiences f or social m edia is t he norm . Weddings have long been aspirat ional, but now it ?s in an ent irely visual w ay. They w ant t he kind of w edding t hey?ve seen on Pint erest , but alw ays w it h a personal t w ist . An expensive banquet is great ? but is it Inst agram m able? At least on som e level, m illennials are alw ays considering how t heir choices w ill look in pict ures, and t hat m eans quirky, phot ogenic, cust om everyt hing. A great exam ple f rom t he last year w as doughnut w alls ? high?im pact , super snappable, and undeniably f un. We?d expect t o see m ore of t hose ideas em erge in 2018." Am i Price, Chief Execut ive Off icer, Aisle Societ y

2018 Hot Picks with Kylie Car lson

JEWEL TONED VELVET NOUVEAU ART DECO Move aside m id- cent ury m odern. Bold, geom et ric shapes are back w it h a 1920?s st yle m ix of m inim alism and Art Deco. Bars and rest aurant s have already begun t o incorporat e t he ret ro glam m ood and now it ?s t im e t o bring t he look f ully int o w eddings. In 2018, you?ll see black and w hit e m arble paired t oget her, velvet t uxedo couches, and ret ro print s w it h a cont em porary t w ist .

Velvet has hit t he w edding scene w it h a big, glam orous bang. When it com es t o velvet in 2018, it ?s all vibrant jew el t ones like em erald, ruby, am et hyst and sapphire. This look is surprisingly versat ile, adding a dose of glam our t o m ore m inim alist spaces and a t ext ural count erpoint t o m ore organic ones.

CUTTING- EDGE CURVES Hard, st raight lines have been all t he rage f or f urnit ure in t he past f ew years, but not anym ore. Curving silhouett es w it h f ull, soft - bodied cushions represent s t he shape of t hings t o com e and a m ove t o m ore low - slung cosy couches in w edding dĂŠcor.

Defining Tr ends Trends are im port ant ? t hey?re a docum ent at ion of progress and experim ent at ion, and allow us t o connect w it h people in t his very m om ent . Could you im agine looking back int o a t rendless hist ory? How w ould any era be rem em bered? There?s som et hing absolut ely beaut if ul about creat ing som et hing m eant f or t his very m om ent . Not t o m ent ion, t rends can be leveraged t o reach very specif ic dem ographics m ore eff ect ively t han any att em pt at t im elessness. Trends enable us t o cat er t o t he current needs and desires of our audience. Trends are about relevancy, and w hat w e care about as individuals are t hings t hat are relevant t o us. Wit h t hat being said, being t rendy doesn?t m ean conf orm it y t o design at large or succum bing t o sam eness. What being t rendy does m ean is t hat you are act ively aw are of t he underlying int uit ion, bias, and pref erences of a current cult ure. Trends are an opport unit y t o not only connect w it h people in t his very m om ent , but also an opport unit y t o def ine t his m om ent f or ourselves. And t his is som et hing t hat w e as w edding prof essionals should em brace. So w here do w e t urn t o w hen w e are looking t o predict t he w edding t rends f or 2018 and 2019? Well it cert ainly isn?t Pint erest as t hose are w eddings t hat are happening now and w ere det erm ined by t rends f rom t w o years ago. We alw ays look t o t he art s, design, fashion, int eriors, lif est yle, and t ravel f or insight int o w hat w ill be inf luencing w edding t rends in t he com ing year. Kylie Carlson, CEO, Int ernat ional Academy of Wedding & Event Planning

"My favorit e t rend is t o design in a w ay t hat I call t im eless. Taking a longer- t erm view. How ? Blend st yles t hat you love as w ell as t hose t hat have reoccurred t rend- w ise m any t im es over t he years. That can be anyt hing f rom sim ple, clean lines t o picking up on delicious curves - f rom Rococo t o glam m odern.." Sandra Funk, Principal Designer, House of Funk "What ?s int erest ing is t hat it is not t he runw ay it self t hat has changed, it is t he access t o channels of digit al and social m edia t hat changed t he landscape of all design. Access t o show s and fashion coverage by all has short ened t he lif e of t rends." Ines Di Sant o, Ow ner, Ines Di Sant o

The biggest t rends in Int erior Design f or 2018... - Less is m ore - Few er, larger accessories and pieces of art - Navy, navy, navy - Mixed m et als - St at em ent ceilings - Velvet


Mexican/ Spanish t ile Rem ovable w allpapers Matt e f inish appliances Cem ent t ext ures Rose gold

Rainey Richardson, Principal, Lead Designer, Rainey Richardson Int eriors, Inc.

"Bronze, Copper, and gold have been hugely popular f or m ore t han f ive years. but it has reached it s peak and ant ique brass is now t he popular f inish. Alt hough any silver f inishes w ould be t he m ost t im eless opt ion."

Inter ior Design Tr ends Powdery pinks and pastels are very popular and look fabulous with golds, greys and colors that read sand. I do recommend using these colors in your art, accessories or as a paint color that can easily be changed. Because our lives become so reliant on technology I feel we will see trend where we return to natural objects and forms. This will reflect in a more organic contemporary style focused on the environment and handcrafted one of a kind pieces will gain momentum. Enrique Crespo, Ow ner, Crespo Design Group

Enrique Crespo, Ow ner, Crespo Design Group

Warm , m id- cent ury pieces are one of t he big t rends w e'll be seeing next year. Tons of t ext ure and soft ness w it h a t hrow back t o sw anky lines, legs, and light ing f rom a t im e gone by. Warm er colors w ill also be big in 2018. Moroccan rugs, soft - brass f inishes, and int erest ing light ing are all t rends t hat are carrying over. Oh, and of course! Candlelight ! Layers of t ext ure, layers of dim m able light ...all so, so im port ant t o every room w e do. Sandra Funk, Principal Designer, House of Funk

Runw ay has im pact ed w edding fashion f or us im m ensely. We const ant ly have brides w ishing t o w ear one of t he dresses f rom our RTW collect ions (show n at NYFW) f or t heir w edding in any kind of color in lieu of a t radit ional w hit e or ivory gow n. Leanne Marshall, Designer/ CEO, Leanne Marshall

Runway Tr ends We?ve seen t assels and f ringing on t he cat w alks and m ainst ream fashion f or t he past f ew seasons, but t his year bridal designers are em bracing t he m ovem ent and sw oosh by incorporat ing int o t heir collect ions, and st ylist s have been gett ing clever bringing t hem int o everyt hing f rom st at ionery t o cerem ony design! Louise Beukes, Edit or in Chief, B.LOVED

We saw a lot of exposed corset ry and ruff les on t he runw ay in t he m ost recent show s and an em bracing of decadence via t he gucci eff ect . I have no doubt t hat w ill have an im pact on w eddings t his year. Savannah Miller, Creat ive Direct or, Savannah Miller

Waves w it h Att it ude...We are super- excit ed t hat glossy w aves are st ill rocking t he bridal w orld. Not only def ined, t ight curls, as seen on t he Idan Cohen runw ay, but also loose, m ore languid w aves st ill very m uch w it h att it ude, as on t he Reem Acra cat w alk. Krist ina Gasperas, Direct or, Krist ina Gasperas Makeup Art ist Lt d

Cold Summer, War m Hear ts The shoot used in t his sect ion of our report is based t hem es of cont rast ; cold and w arm , f em inine and m asculine, light and dark as w ell as t ext ure and sm oot hness. This look has been creat ed by t his fant ast ic t eam of vendors: Planning, Design, St yling - Anne Ladegast - Chiu, Hilde. w w w.hildest Phot ographer - Claudia Godke w w w.claudiagoedke.w Florist - Carla Gott lieb, St ill Lif e Flow ers w w illlif ef low Cake - Lucie Bennett w w w.luciebennett pat Jew ellery - Tom Foolery t om f

Global Wedding Tr ends This report is com piled w it h input f rom over 100 w edding prof essionals and expert s f rom around t he w orld. Wit h cam puses covering Nort h Am erica, The UK and Europe, The GCC, Sout h East Asia, Aust ralia and New Zealand w e have f orged st rong connect ions w it hin t he w edding indust ry globally.


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Destination Wedding TREN DS The global hot spot s f or saying I- do

2018 Destination Weddings "Dest inat ion w eddings are quit e part icular, as couples t hat are gett ing m arried in a place diff erent f rom w here t hey live, is because t hey are m ore advent urous and really w ant t o live t hat part icular dest inat ion in it s f ull splendor, so t he color depends on t he locat ion t hat t hey choose. What t hey really love is t o use t heir surroundings and im plem ent t he t ypical t hings and t he cult ure of t hat specif ic region int o t heir w eddings. For exam ple, if t hey are gett ing m arried in It aly, t hey already have a vision of It aly in t heir m inds; olive branches, lem ons, and nat ural f low ers w ill m ake t he t rick in or f or exam ple, if t hey love France, t hey are m ore likely t o use soft t ones and lavender colors et c. In t he ot her hand, if t hey are gett ing m arried in Mexico, w hich is a very colorf ul count ry, f or sure t hey w ill use a lot of colors m ost of t he t im e. They use w hat charact erize t hat count ry or dest inat ion. They w ant t o live and experience t he place." Wedding Them es "The m ain t hem e is? t he dest inat ion it self ! They w ant t o look at t heir phot os and see t hat t hey really got m arried t here and not som ew here else. The m ust ?haves are: ? Several days of event s. Each day w ill have a t hem e part y according t o t he place t hey choose as t heir dest inat ion.

? Welcom e gift s w it h t ypical local product s ? Typical m usic and ent ert ainm ent of t he dest inat ion ? The w edding day w ill be t he m ost elegant and f orm al day; t he rest of t he days are casual but f ull of local f olklore. ? They w ant t o deliver t o t heir guest s a lif et im e experience, som et hing diff erent , som et hing t hat t hey w ill not see back hom e. ? They w ill use t heir surroundings t o choose t he decorat ions and w edding set ups. ? They are open t o t rying new t hings, som et hing t hat som et im es is exot ic f or t hem or very diff erent f rom w hat t hey are used t o." Cindy's em erging dest inat ions f or 2018... "Port ugal, Am st erdam , Peru, Bali, Puert o Rico, India, Cost a Rica, Canada, Brazil, Prague, Viet nam and Macau." Cindy Salgado, Founder, Cindy Salgado Wedding Design & Event s

The t ried and t rue favorit es f or t ropical dest inat ion w eddings rem ain Riviera Maya/ Cancun, Punt a Cana and Jam aica. How ever, nipping at t heir heals is Cabo San Lucas, Cost a Rica and Puert o Vallart a. We're also seeing ot her areas of t he w orld em erge as favorit es, like Sout h Af rica, New Zealand, and Brit ish Colum bia. This show s t hat people are looking f or a m ore off- t he- beat en- pat h and unique experience.

Top Destination Wedding Locations Wit h t ravel becom ing a higher priorit y f or individuals, couples are becom ing less and less af raid t o go big or go hom e: m eaning t hat t hey are m ore likely t o t ravel t o t heir dream dest inat ion, no m att er how farf lung or w ho can (or can't !) m ake it . Think Sout heast Asia, like t he Buglari Bali's f loat ing pool plat f orm overlooking t he crashing w aves below, or t he Am alf i Coast , w it h t he pict uresque backdrop of Posit ano f rom t he t errace of Il San Piet ro.

Megan Velez, VP, Dest inat

We're seeing a lot of int erest in t he m ain w edding dest inat ions such as It aly and France, but w e're also seeing a lot of couples com ing t o us w it h a m ore open, f lexible m ind looking at places a litt le m ore unique. Places such as Aust ria and Sw it zerland. Also count ries such as Mont enegro, Croat ia and Port ugal are seeing a bit of int erest .

It aly, France, Ireland, Thailand, Mexico, Port ugal, Greece and t he Asia pacif ic area in general.

Lindsey Epperly, Founder & Luxury Travel Advisor, Epperly Travel

Sandra Sant oro, Founder & Ow ner, Gett ing Married in It aly

Matt hew, Direct or & Wedding Planner, Matt hew Oliver Weddings Europe is on t he rise f or couples planning dest inat ion w eddings, specif ically It aly and Greece but also lesser know n favorit es like Croat ia t oo. Harm ony Walt on, Founder, The Bridal Bar

Top Destination Wedding Tr ends With Brit Bertino of Brit Bertino, Event Excellence

What are t he t op dest inat ions f or 2018? - Mexico - It aly - Tropics What are som e of t he biggest changes you're seeing going f rom 2017 int o 2018? Sm aller w edding gat herings, m ore det ails, live m usic, m ore event s over several days. What are som e of t he t op t hem es f or dest inat ion w eddings w e'll be seeing in2018? Whim sical, w orn and t arnished look, t ransparent , nat ural look. What are your t op color predict ions f or dest inat ion w eddings in 2018? - Sage - Greens - Whit es and Cream s

THE BIG CHANGES FROM 2017 INTO 2018 ARE... "There is a t rend t o invest in m assive decorat ions and space t ransf orm at ion. A reduced f ocus on venues t hat speak f or t hem selves or overload of decors and st ruct ures even in nat ural sett ings. Ost ent at ion m ore t han int im acy." Sandra Sant oro, Founder & Ow ner, Gett ing Married in It aly "It 's all about t he Inst agram st ory, isn't it ? Anyt hing w it h a dram at ic backdrop: t hink t he Pit on Mount ains (use Sugar Beach in St . Lucia as your venue!) or t he Mom bacho Volcano (rent out t he incredible 8 room Nekupe in Nicaragua f or t his one!)." Lindsey Epperly, Founder & Luxury Travel Advisor, Epperly Travel

"The choice in dest inat ion and t ype of resort is shift ing t o really hone in on local aut hent icit y (t ourist t raps are out !) Resort s are now cat ering t o t he w edding m arket in a diff erent w ay. They're no longer em phasizing t hat t hey are allinclusive f irst , but inst ead upping t he ant e on t he local experience. Couples are t hinking local m ore t han ever. We'll see couples incorporat ing t heir dest inat ion's t radit ions int o t heir w edding in an aut hent ic w ay." Megan Velez, VP, Dest inat "Everyt hing t hat has t o do w it h count ry- chic or shabby- chic, is out ! In t he last 3 years, w e w ere over sat urat ed w it h t hese t hem es and couples are ret urning t o t he origins. They are m oving t o m ore elegant and classy w eddings, and are leaving behind t he rust ic f eel. Mason Jars? No no no! I bet you w on't see any of t hose in any w edding m agazines or blogs in 2018." Cindy Salgado, Founder, Cindy Salgado Wedding Design & Event s

"Couples are gett ing m ore creat ive in t heir dest inat ion select ions, going t o places none of t heir guest s have been bef ore, regardless of region. New dest inat ion w edding locat ions f or 2018 are all about t he privat e islands. Whet her t hat 's Richard Branson's Necker Island in t he BVI or t he new Huraw alhi Resort in t he Maldives, privat e island dest inat ions are w here it 's at f or w eddings aw ay f rom hom e.? Harm ony Walt on, Founder, The Bridal Bar "Couples are m ore f lexible and open t o t rying new locat ions, not f ixing on a specif ic count ry but keen t o see an array of diff erent opt ions. Meaning w e can suggest som et hing f resh and 'out t he box'. Couples are also m oving aw ay f rom som e of t he m ain t radit ions, cake cutt ing, f irst dance et c.. in favour of m ore personal t radit ions." Expect t o see "Less coloured f lorals and m ore pott ed plant s/ succulent s" in w edding t hem es." Matt hew, Direct or & Wedding Planner, Matt hew Oliver Weddings

Top Destination Wedding Tr ends With RenĂŠe Strauss of Wedaways

- Wedaw ays t op w edding dest inat ions cont inue t o be Morocco (f or t he European t raveler w e cat er t o), t he UK (f or herit age w eddings f rom t he US), It aly (f or US couples seeking t he m ost rom ant ic dest inat ion on eart h), and Napa Valley f or inbound client s t o t he US. - Many couples are draw ing on t he indigenous and cult ural elem ent s of t he dest inat ion, and creat ing branded event s t hat def ine t heir connect ion t o t he place. For exam ple: A w edaw ays dest inat ion w edding in Sicily included a line up of colored vespas and beach bags em broidered w it h La Dolce Vit a f or t he bridal part y (and guest s) phot o opp. The ent ire event w as 50's classic It alian. Out side of Marrakech one of w edaw ays dest inat ion w eddings w as all about glam ping. Mercedes sedans and vans t ransport ed t he guest s t o t he desert w here t hey w ere provided w it h colorf ul kaft ans. They donned t hem f or a candle light dinner under t he st ars w hile being served f rom sam ovars and t agines. - We see couples dem anding m ore bespoke and personalized experiences. We have no inquiries f or packages at all. We've booked m ore pre and post t ravel f or guest s of t he w eddings f or 2018 w eddings t han w e have in 2017.

Af rica, Af rica, Af rica!! The dynam ics of m ost couples w ill com bine an advent urous personalit y w it h a m ore relaxed one - but st at ist ics f or m illennial couples show t hat m any place an ext rem e em phasis on cult ure, f ood and w ine, and a unique experience.

Top Honeymoon Destinations

The m ost popular excursions f or young honeym ooners are anyt hing t hat can be phot ographed w ell. Whet her t his is an anim al encount er, or a breat ht aking view, t he t op excursions going int o 2018 w ill all be Inst a- w ort hy.

The t op dest inat ions vary depending on t he couple's hom et ow n and favorit e t hings but t he Maldives t ops t he bucket list chart s, as does Fiji, t he Seychelles and Bora Bora f or m ost rom ant ic honeym oon dest inat ions.

Lindsey Epperly, Founder / Luxury Travel Consult ant , Epperly Travel

Bora Bora, Bali, Paris, Florence and Venice, Greek Islands. Honeym ooners are booking safaris: 10- 12 days of advent ure f ollow ed by a w eek in Seychelles or Zanzibar. Dest inat ions such as t he Dolom it es in It aly w here t hey can enjoy act ivit ies and indulge in Michelin st ar cuisine (m ore Michelin st ar rest aurant s are concent rat ed in t his region t han anyw here in t his f ood- cent ric count ry) and enjoy t he best spa t reat m ent s in t he w orld. Asia is on t he rise w it h Japan being t op of t he list , along w it h rom ant ic European cit ies like Paris, Venice and Sant orini. Pam ela St rauss, Co- Founder & COO, Wedaw ays

The Buddym oon increasing t rend: t he w ish t o bring f riends along, share precious t im e and enjoy experiences t oget her, especially in t he event of honeym oons com bined w it h dest inat ion Weddings.

Couples are gett ing m ore and m ore exot ic w it h t heir honeym oon locat ions. They are w illing t o go fart her and visit new and diff erence places even m ore so t han in years previous. We are also seeing a rise in alt ernat ive honeym oon accom m odat ions luxury villas, Airbnb propert ies and ot her unique sett ings are on t he rise versus a t radit ional hot el experience. Harm ony Walt on, Founder, The Bridal Bar

Sandra Sant oro, Founder & Ow ner, Gett ing Married in It aly

For Wedaw ays US honeym oon client s t he Maldives is num ber one and f or our f oreign client s Ist anbul, Croat ia and t he popular safari dest inat ions like Sout h Af rica and Kenya. Ren ĂŠe St rauss, CEO/ Co- Founder, Wedaw ays

Honeymoons with Olivia Knight, Patchwor k

What honeym oon excursions are t rending f or 2018? Rom ance m eans learning how t o m ake past a in Puglia, salm on f ishing in t he Canadian Rockies or cooking your ow n st eak t oget her on a cam pf ire in Argent ina. And f or m ore act ive couples perhaps a day cycling, driving or horse riding t hrough t he vineyards in France, Sout h Af rica or Argent ina.

What are t he t op honeym oon dest inat ions f or 2018? In Europe, Croat ia is set t o be a popular dest inat ion f or 2018 w it h it s pict uresque count ryside, st unning coast line and hist oric villages providing t he beaut y and rom ance of It aly w it hout t he crow ds. Furt her af ield Tulum and Cape Tow n cont inue t o be popular dest inat ions f or couples w ant ing t o experience beaut if ul beaches and great f ood com bined w it h a cult ure t rip and/ or cit y break. Whilst Cost a Rica, Canada and Argent ina are all becom ing increasingly popular dest inat ions f or honeym oon couples looking f or a once- in- a- lif et im e honeym oon advent ure.

What are som e of t he biggest changes you're seeing going f rom 2017 int o 2018? In t he last f ew years w e've seen less couples opt ing f or f ly- and- f lop st yle honeym oons and inst ead using t heir honeym oon as a chance t o share a once- in- a- lif e- t im e advent ure. This t rend is set t o cont inue w it h UK couples becom ing increasingly advent urous, att em pt ing t o t ake longer honeym oons and t ravelling as far as New Zealand.

Tr ending Honeymoon Excur sions Pam ela St rauss says... Wedaw ays off ers w hat w e ref er t o as ?hybrid honeym oons?. A relaxing dest inat ion paired w it h advent ure. Recent ly w e sent a couple t o t he Maldives f or six night s and t hen off t o explore Sri Lanka f or 4 m ore night s. Anot her couple t oured Chaing Mai, Thailand t o ride elephant s, t hen t o Koh Sam ui f or beach relaxat ion and off t o Viet nam and Cam bodia f or advent ure and sight seeing. We also encourage Wedaw ays Honeym oon Hops. We f eat ure propert ies in diff erent dest inat ions t hat are w it hin t he sam e hot el group. We design it ineraries so t hat t he couples can begin t heir honeym oon in one dest inat ion (oft en t he cit y in w hich t hey host ed t heir dest inat ion w edding) and t ravel t o ot her unique and desirable dest inat ions w it hin t he group. Harm ony Walt on says... It 's all about advent ure! Whet her t hat be a helicopt er ride t o a glacier or a safari in Sout h Af rica, even a scuba dive in t he Maldives, couples are f illing t heir it ineraries w it h m ore bucket list act ivit ies t han ever bef ore.

Austr alia W E D D IN G T R E N D S "My Wedding business t he I Do Crew is already booking w ell int o 2018 and even 2019 and t his is giving us a 'birds eye view ' of just w hat is going t o be t rending over t he com ing 12 m ont hs in Aust ralia. We have ident if ied 3 key t rends t o share w it h you t his year. Alt hough t rends m ay not be quit e t he right w ord, w hat w e are seeing can be likened m ore t o m ovem ent s, st art ing w it h changes t o t he m arriage law s in Aust ralia. In early Decem ber t he Aust ralian parliam ent passed law s t hat enable sam e sex couples t o legally m arry here in Aust ralia. This signif icant change w ill inf luence t he w edding indust ry, m ore t han colour palett es or st yles in 2018. At t he I Do Crew w e expect t o see an init ial w ave of int im at e sam e sex w eddings in t he f irst 3 m ont hs of t he year. Our conversat ions w it h couples so far indicat e t hat t hese w eddings w ill range f rom t he relaxed t o t he f orm al, but t he em phasis w ill be on t he couple's shared journey t o t his point in t im e w here t hey can m ake t heir union legal. The second half of t he year w ill be busy w it h m ore t radit ional st yle w eddings bet w een sam e sex couples. These w eddings w ill st ill f eat ure an int im at e f eel, but involve m ore det ail and planning.

Regional Tr ends In 2017 w e have seen a m ove t ow ards em bracing t he 'spaciousness' w e enjoy here in Aust ralia. From t he bush t o t he beach, couples are choosing t o host t heir w eddings at , f or exam ple; farm s and on large privat e propert ies. Very oft en t hey w on't have a Marquee, pref erring inst ead t o let t heir guest s enjoy an evening under t he st ars. They are m arrying by t he beach and on t he w at er and oft en, 'aw ay f rom t heir hom e base', w hich t urns t heir w edding int o a 2- 3 day escape f or t hem and t heir guest s. On t he ot her side of t his w e see a grow ing t rend t ow ards couples choosing t o host t heir w edding at a local rest aurant ; invit ing less guest s and oft en having a cockt ail st yle recept ion, ahead of a night of part ying. The bookings w e have f or 2018 indicat e t hat bot h t hese t rends are gat hering m om ent um and t hat couples are opening t heir m inds t o t he possibilit y of m arrying just about anyw here t hat t akes t heir fancy. The f inal m ovem ent , is t ow ards t he couple being equally involved in t he planning of t heir day. More t han ever bef ore w e m eet w it h bot h part ies and t hey share in t he decision m aking and planning of t heir day equally, each playing t o t heir st rengt hs. This is a t rend w e love, as it leads t o w eddings w hich are m uch m ore ref lect ive of t he couple's st yle, w hich of course is anot her w edding t rend t hat has em erged over t he last 2 years. I am excit ed t o see w here t hese t rends and ot hers ident if ied w it hin t his year's report lead us over t he com ing year. But one t hing is f or cert ain, it is going t o be a great year f or Weddings in Aust ralia in 2018!" Christ ine Ligt hart , Founder, I Do Crew

"Many of m y couples are request ing f oliage and f loral garlands f or t heir long guest t ables and if budget allow s, couples are going all out w it h hanging f eat ure inst allat ions eit her above t he bridal t able or dance f loor." "Seasonal and t ext ured large bridal bouquet s are a def init e t rend and w ill cont inue in 2018. Couples are em bracing nat ives and f inding beaut y in all diff erent variet ies of f low ers and f oliages." Kyla Helgeson, Floral St yle Blogger, Tesselaar Flow ers "Gett ing back t o basics, back t o t he m eaning and t he heart of a w edding. Qualit y m arriage cerem onies are on t he rise and sm aller guest list s. I've been seeing guest list s shrink every year f or t he last decade." Josh Wit hers, Celebrant , Married By Josh

Top 2018 Aussie & NZ Tr ends With Am y Parfett & Melany McBride of Wedshed

- Choosing unique venues t hat ref lect w hat you're all about - Elopem ent s and m ore int im at e w eddings w it h sm aller guest num bers - Less f orm al w eddings w it h a m ore relaxed st yle - No bridal part ies - or a reduct ion in t he bridesm aid num bers - Conscious w eddings - choosing eco- f riendly opt ions, m aking a cont ribut ion t o a charit y in lieu of bonbonnieres f or guest s, choosing vendors local t o your venue t o support t he surrounding com m unit y - Couples dit ching t he grand ent rance and hanging w it h guest s f or a pre- w edding cham pers - Couples gett ing ready t oget her bef ore t he w edding - Non- t radit ional engagem ent rings and rust ic st ones, as w ell as alt ernat ives t o diam onds - Dest inat ion w eddings - couples w ill cont inue t o m ake t heir 'big day' a 'big w eekend' f or t heir guest s - Post w edding 'recovery sessions' w here guest s gat her t oget her t o relive t he m em ories f rom t he night bef ore

Georgie Rayner on Decor Trends... "Client s are st ill st aying clear of your m ore t radit ional round or long t ables and considering a com binat ion of shaped t ables as w ell as som e clot hed and som e raw. This enables us t o source beaut if ul w ooden t opped t ables rat her t han som et hing w e alw ays have t o clot h." "Sim plicit y is back (alt hough som e m ay argue t his never w ent anyw here!). As m ore have share st yle m enus, t here leaves less space f or f low ers and excess st at ionery." "Underst at ed t ext ure...w it h daring palett es! A new "inst allat ion" t his cust om designed drapes or no linen clot hs at all. We are excit ed abouy t his change of creat ive direct ion."

TOP 2018 LOCATIONS "In Aust ralia and New Zealand, couples are cont inuing t o book w edding venues t hat off er enough surrounding accom m odat ion t o cover t heir w edding guest s. For t his reason, w ine regions and popular t ourist dest inat ions are cont inuing t o be popular, but w e're also seeing an em ergence of less t radit ional locat ions crop up t hat can cat er t o big groups - t hink school cam p venues t hat aren't necessarily in a t ourist ic hub but have enough beds and a beaut if ul nat ural sett ing." Amy Parf ett + Melany McBride, Co- Founders, WedShed "Em erging areas t hat are off icially "on t he rise" - NSW From NSW Sout h Coast w it h spect acular ocean and valley view s, t o Byron Bay in Nort hern NSW f or t he ult im at e beach w eddings." Ayunda Wardhani, Edit or in Chief, Bridest ory

What's Still In

What's Out

Josh Wit hers says...

Josh Wit hers says...

- elopem ent s are st ill as st rong as ever - locat ions including - Queenst ow n NZ, Blue Mount ains Sydney, Yarra Valley Melbourne, Byron Bay NSW

- Vint age, boho, buzzw ord

Amy Parf ett & Melany McBride say... - Using lot s of green f oliage in lieu of an abundance of f low ers - dest inat ion w eddings and 'w edst ival' st yle celebrat ions. - Giant t ipis aren't going anyw here eit her (w hich w e're delight ed about ). Ayunda Wardhani says... - Rust ic and organic w eddings - Bohem ian w eddings - Indust rial w eddings Kyla Helgeson says... - Cit y w arehouse venues cont inue t o be popular f or t heir cent ral locat ion. - Decorat ing a cerem ony arch w it h f low ers and f oliages w ill cont inue t o be a popular t rend as t here are so m any gorgeous st yle arches f or hire. Georgie Rayner says... - From an ent ert ainm ent perspect ive, our client s do love a DJ as t he "base" ent ert ainm ent t o t hen be accom panied by a saxophonist , bongo player, rapper and / or am azing singer! This along w it h a conf ett i or glitt er bom b f rom t he ceiling ensures (100%!) a huge end t o any w edding!

Amy Parf ett & Melany McBride say... - The pressure t o abide by all w edding t radit ions is def init ely on t he w ay out in 2018. - Inst ead, t hey w ill pick and choose t he t radit ions t hat w ork f or t hem and have som e kind of sent im ent . Ayunda Wardhani says... - Big, over- t he- t op glam orous w eddings. Weddings are m ore sm allscale and int im at e. Kyla Helgeson says... - I haven't had any request s f or jam jar arrangem ent s f or aw hile now and t hey w ere ext rem ely popular f or quit e a f ew seasons. Georgie Rayner says... - St ill t he rust ic / f low ers in jars / w ooden boxes look our client s are st aying aw ay f rom . In saying t his, t here are alw ays spaces t hat t his creat ive look is just perf ect f or. - "Just w hit e" w eddings are not appearing nearly as oft en as t hey used t o, t he inject ion of solid, block colours is becom ing m ore "popular" w hich is excit ing. It gives us t he opport unit y t o w ork w it h m ore suppliers as w e source t he right it em f or t he client .

BohoCoastal Chic The shoot used in t his sect ion of our report is based on t he t rend of a boho/ cost al chic f usion. This look has been creat ed by t his fant ast ic t eam of vendors: Venue - Earlando w w .au Phot ographer - Sum m er Rain Phot ography sum m errain- phot .au St yling - Beaut if ul Weddings Whit sundays beaut if ulw .au/ w hit sundays/ Bridal dresses - Anna Dutt on Cout ure w w w.annadutt onbridalcout Makeup - Joanne Drom gold Makeup w w w.joannedrom goldm .au Hair - Luisa at Whit sundays Wedding Hair Lounge w w w.w hit sundaysw .au Flow ers - Le Sorelle Florist w w w.lesorellef lorist .com .au Models - Hannah Dye @hannahdye_ Gem m a Scott @gem m a_louise_scott

Themes & Design TREN DS The st yles and designs Bride's & Groom's w ill be em bracing in 2018

Wedding Theme & Design Tr ends With Sarah Chancey of Chancey Charm

What are t he t op w edding t hem es f or 2018? - The new luxury is com plet ely cust om , every single aspect . All of our f ull planning client s f or 2018 w ant som et hing t hat 's com plet ely unique t o t hem . - Paper goods w ill go m arble or t ransparent , a very m odern look, w hile st ill keeping a rom ant ic ? et hereal vibe via hand w ritt en calligraphy. - Rocks rocks and m ore rocks :) Which 2017 t hem es do you t hink w ill carry over int o 2018? - Even m ore of a et hereal/ boho vibe w it h f loral patt erns in att ire & linens becom ing popular again. - Those looking f or a classic t hem e w ill t ake t hat even f urt her in 2018 ? allow ing client experience & paper goods t o show t heir personalit y as a couple and leaving decor as sim ple as possible. - 2017's color of t he year, greenery ? w ill st ill be hanging around, lit erally ? w it h an et hereal vibe on chandeliers even am ong classic recept ions. What are t he biggest t hem es in t he luxury m arket ? Bot h client s / st yles w ill have a huge em phasis on f ood + guest experience ? w it h couples cont inually pushing t he bar t o f ind t hat guest experience people can't f orget . Som e ideas f or t his include buff et st at ions t hat are int eract ive, lat e night snacks f rom local favorit es, guest books w here guest s are part of a video or add t o a w ork of art .

- Inst aw ort hy EVERYTHING. From f ood (and yes, t hat m eans w hat ever it w ill t ake, including f ood coloring) t o phot o boot h backdrops. - Lot s of greenery and f oliage, seeds, pods, edible elem ent s and not just f low ers. - Group involvem ent anyw here possible, i.e. w it h GIF phot o boot hs t hat can handle m ore t han just a f ew people in a shot , m obile bars and f ood st at ions serving f rom Airst ream s. - Pure, unadult erat ed rom ance. The recept ion m ight have all of t he t echnological t ouches but t he "rom ant ic" t hem e is absolut ely going t o underscore t he w hole event . Marley Majcher, Boss, The Part y Goddess

- Weddings are becom ing m ore int im at e and personal w it h sm aller guest num bers. The t hem e is cat ered precisely f or t he couple involved w hich m akes it t ot ally unique t o t hem . - Wedding recept ions are m ore about having a part y ? t hey is less st eered t ow ards t radit ion and f orm alit ies, and m ore t ow ards a f un celebrat ion. - Cerem onies are st art ing t o be held in t he evening ? t his can look so m agical w it h hundreds of candles.

Black is back! Expect t his colour t o com e back as it is com bined w it h m ore subt le t ones such as nudes and m et allic, or w it h bold bot anical t ones.

Kat ie Sm ee, Direct or, George and Sm ee

Mennat Al Ham m am i, Managing Direct or, Cloud 9 Wedding Organizing LLC

Copper t ones and m arble print s com bined are going t o be f eat ured as t he t rendy m odern t hem e.

Top 2018 Themes - Exclusive use, unusual venues. - Elaborat e inst allat ions and backdrops using handm ade pom pom s. - Flow ers and huge balloon st ruct ures. - St aging, bespoke f looring, and seat ing. St age m anagem ent and design is becom ing an int egral part of t he planning and w edding design process, w it h client s expect at ions becom ing increasingly m ore sophist icat ed. - Live st ream ing and LED screens creat ing a cinem at ic spect acle are pushing budget s higher and giving w ay t o one of a kind w edding product ions. - Hanging inst allat ions, t ropical f oliage and gold m et allic accent s are here t o st ay. Pam ella Dunn, CEO, Pam ella Dunn Event s

Individualit y is t he key t o 2018! Whilst couples gain inspirat ion f rom w edding blogs, m agazines and Pint erest , brides and groom s w ant som et hing unique f or t heir w edding celebrat ion, t hat is specif ically designed t o suit t heir personalit ies and incorporat e t hat "som et hing special" int o t heir w edding day. Jane Riddell, Ow ner, Planned f or Perf ect ion

What's Still In

What's Out

Jane Riddell says...

Mennat Al Ham m am i says...

An abundance of greenery and oversized arrangem ent s are st ill really popular am ongst couples and w hilst som e are st ill incorporat ing t he popular prett y past el shades, ot hers are adding a pop of colour.

- Past els and lace. Rust ic (t he use of burlap and recycled bott les). Liz Linklet er says...

- I t hink com f ort f ood is going t o be around f or a long, long t im e. You m ight be anorexic 29 days out of t he m ont h, but at a w edding, people w anna eat ! - Vint age is st ill going t o be big w it h a slight indust rial hint

The t w ee, count ryside, DIY w edding t rend has really fallen out of favour now, as has t he vint age m ism at ched 'quirky' aest het ic ? originally couples f elt like t hey could m ake a st at em ent about t hem selves by going one of t hese rout es, but now t hey are bot h so ubiquit ous t hat t hey no longer f eel int erest ing.

Liz Linklet er says...

Pam ella Dunn says...

- By far t he biggest t rend of 2017 w as hanging f oliage and I t hink t he popularit y of t hat is going t o cont inue t o grow. - The popularit y of t he 'f ine art ' w edding has hit t he m ainst ream now and is here t o st ay ? rom ant ic f lorals, calligraphy, hand?m ade and t orn paper, billow ing silk chiff on on t he t ables and gold candlest icks.

We are seeing less vint age, and m ore luxe rust ic t han ever bef ore.

Kat ie Sm ee says...

- Moving aw ay f rom t radit ional w edding venues t o unique experiences - Moving aw ay f rom large part ies t o m ore int im at e and personal celebrat ions

Marley Majcher says...

Wedding locat ions are gett ing m ore and m ore unique. In t he last couple of years w e?ve seen w eddings m ove aw ay f rom t radit ional cit y w edding venues t o rust ic sheep shearing barns or brew ing sheds. In 2018 w eddings are set t o go even f urt her af ield t o unt ouched unique sit es.

Cindy Salgado says... - Shabby chic and Rust ic. No m ore m ason jars! Kat ie Sm ee says...

Sim on Nickell says...

Marc Gough says...

- I'm seeing couples st eering clear of "Vint age", sim ply because it 's been seen t oo m uch.

gold ? gold ? gold

Marley Majcher says...

Kevin Dennis says...

Anyt hing overly rigid and f orm al. Even if a w edding f eels very f orm al, it w on't carry t hrough every single aspect , people just aren't accust om ed t o living t hat w ay anym ore.

- Neut rals w it h Pops of Met allics - Indust rial Rust ic w it h Greenery

Wedding Themes & Decor with Kim Sayatovic, Belladeux Event Design

What are t he t op w edding t hem es f or 2018? Where are t abl escapes headed in 2018? - Client s w ant each t able t o be unique. So sim ilar t ablescapes in t he sam e color fam ily, but slight ly diff erent f rom each ot her. - Patt erned linens are back! No longer w ill w e see solid colors in past els and w hit es, but client s w ant m ixed colors t o bright en up t he room .

- Vint age w eddings are m aking t heir w ay back in. - Over t he t op glam our is m aking it 's w ay back . - Whim sical is peeking out again as w ell; lot s of color and f un decor (t hink hanging cakes and f loral ceilings) - Over t he t op event s w ill cont inue t o hit t he m arket f or luxury event s. Floral ceilings, light up w alkw ays, and ext ravagant gift s as favors. - Mixed m et als and jew el t ones are here t o st ay f or a w hile.

What are your t op decor predict ions f or 2018? - Color!!! I see m any client s m oving aw ay f rom m at ching everyt hing t o adding pops of color eit her t hrough linens, f low ers, light ing, or even chargers and plat es. - Candles and uplight ing are st icking around. Video m apping can add int eract ivit y t o your light ing design and is going dow n in price (som ew hat ) and becom ing m ore aff ordable. - Mixed m et als. Silver and gold and a m at ch m ade in heaven. Rose gold is def init ely a fan favorit e right now.

LUXURY WEDDING TRENDS "Cust om carpet in m arquees, a large inst allat ion of sort t hat f loral, light ing, fabric, Cham pagne & cockt ails, a la cart e m enus, an am azing ent ert ainm ent line up. Usually an incredible privat e propert y is t he chosen venue allow ing client s (& t heref ore us) t o be far m ore advent urous and f lexible w it h our designs and proposed concept s." Georgie Rayner Founder & Direct or, Georgeous, Sim ply Georgeous Occasions "Gold, copper cut lery, charger plat es and high end glassw are." Marc Gough, Com pany Direct or, Whit ehouse Event Crockery

"Whit e .... Clear glass, perspex, m irrors creat ing t im eless and elegant designs. Aft er part ies are huge and high on t he list of m ust haves f or t he sassy, fashion conscious client s.." Pam ella Dunn, CEO, Pam ella Dunn Event s "Sheer t heat ricalit y dom inat es t he luxury m arket . For a luxury w edding, less is m ost def init ely not m ore! Lavish t ablescapes, arches, f loral ceilings and w alkw ays, w here t he idea of com plet ely surrounding your guest s w it h f loral ext ravagance is t he order of t he day." Sim on Nickell, Ow ner, Sim on Nickell Design "Dest inat ion w eddings are becom ing m ore popular, w it h couples f lying t heir guest s overseas f or a luxury w eekend (or even a w eek long!) w edding celebrat ion in an st unning venue t hat has been hired exclusively f or t he ent ire w edding part y." Jane Riddell, Ow ner, Planned f or Perf ect ion

"Luxury now is all about t he old w orld ? st unning, crum bling venues w it h a faded grandeur. It 's about a deep connect ion t o t he past and celebrat ing t he hist ory of a locat ion. Aut hent icit y is key now ? our client s w ant t o w ork w it h art isans, creat ives t hat are w orking at t he t op of t heir f ields, people t hat are t ruly passionat e and t ruly skilled. Maxim alism is a t rend t hat is increasing in popularit y f or luxury w eddings ? st at em ent print s, colour and t ext ures, oft en inf luenced by old w orld Europe, Nort hern Af rica, and India." Liz Linklet er, Ow ner & Creat ive Direct or, Liz Linklet er Event s "Gorgeous high qualit y soft f urnishings, large ott om ans, handm ade rugs and beaut if ul chill out areas are increasingly popular" Kat ie Sm ee, Direct or, George and Sm ee "Top t hem es - Organic, Mot her Eart h, Myst ical, Secret Garden." Cindy Salgado, Founder, Cindy Salgado Wedding Design & Event s

Top Luxur y Wedding Tr ends With Marley Majcher of The Party Goddess

- It 's all about rarit y. Rarit y of f ood, experiences and in any aspect of t he event . Very, very unique ent ert ainm ent and an overall concept of im m ersion and gett ing t he guest s involved. Whet her it 's via f ood inst allat ions, ent ert ainm ent t hat includes t he w hole part y or st epping up t o a m obile bar, t here w ill be lot s of int eract ion. Uniqueness in any f orm w ill alw ays be end goal w it h t he luxury m arket in w ays like m aking everyt hing in t he cent erpieces edible. - Juxst aposit ion: Marrying, lit erally, t w o very diff erent upbringings: A t ried and t rue Manhatt anit e m arrying t he m idw est farm er's daught er on t he fam ily farm and w eaving t hose lif est yles t oget her. Or f rom an int ernat ional perspect ive, a couple f rom t w o diff erent areas of France, inf using pine or t hym e, rosem ary and lavender because t hey are f rom diff erent regions, each w it h t heir ow n specialt ies. - Wearable t ech, unique product s and experiences like celebrit y chef appearances or Jean- Georges on hand t o sign t he m enus. - Food ?Rest rict ions?. Even France is having t o succum b every once in aw hile t o glut en f ree sit uat ions. - Service at a very, very elevat ed new level like very quick car service so no one w ait s at t he valet , seam less experiences over t he ent ire w edding w eekend and t he cocooning of guest s. Much higher st aff rat ios in general.

High dram a and rom ance w it h t he w hole ?fairyt ale- ending" deal is absolut ely super popular. Let 's not f orget t hat celebs are just like t he rest of us and a girl's special day is her "special day" w here she w ant s and get s t o f eel like a princess, even if her nam e is Kat y Perry. (Dear Kat y, dying t o w ork w it h you, beet eedubs.)

Top Celebr ity Tr ends

Marley Majcher, Boss, The Part y Goddess

Trends t hat w e w ill see in 2018 are grand st at em ent piece f loral sculpt ures and lush f ull arbors w it h exquisit e bloom s. Wedding cerem onies w it h unique cust om f urnishings creat ing t he ult im at e visual experience f or guest s. Monochrom at ic color palett es or palett es of m inim al color such as cream s and blushes w ill be popular. In 2018 m enus w ill f eat ure glut en- f ree and vegan opt ions and sm aller f ive- course m eals.

The celebrit ies t hat I have w orked w it h desire a w edding t hat is rom ant ic w it h a subt le spin t hat show cases t heir personalit y or som et hing t hat t hey enjoy. I once w orked w it h a couple w ho inst ead of a Guest Book had guest s sign one of t he groom's guit ars t hat now hangs in t heir fam ily room , a rem inder of t heir love and special day. I believe t hat locat ion def ines t he look of a w edding. Decor and design can be pulled f rom your surroundings. For exam ple, w e held a recept ion in a barn at t he Sant a Lucia Preserve and elem ent s f rom nat ure w ere used f or decor. Sharon Sacks, President and Founder, Sacks Product ions

Sharon Sacks, President and Founder, Sacks Product ions

Floral themes in all white or in pastel color palettes are very popular with celebrities. As are extravagant floral arches and altar decor. Zainab Alsalih, Founder & Managing Direct or, Carousel Event s

Rom ant ic garden f lorals. Midsum m er Night 's Dream inspired event s. Anyt hing special, et hereal and an experience f or t he guest s. Celebrit ies w ant t o t ake t heir guest s aw ay t o a f ull w eekend of exclusive experiences and part ies creat ing t he m ost m em orable t im e of t heir lives! Ceci Johnson, Founder & Creat ive Direct or, Ceci New York

Celebr ity Tr ends with Mar ley Majcher, The Par ty Goddess

Biggest dest inat ion spot s f or celebrit y w eddings in 2018? - Anyw here in t he Caribbean t hat survived t he hurricanes because celebs love beaut if ul, int erest ing, secluded beach dest inat ion spot s t hat aren't absolut ely im possible t o get t o, but st ill haven't been "used" by everyone already. - I t hink w e're going t o st art seeing places like Dubai and t he Seychelles because of t he recent Caribbean w eat her challenges.

What are t he biggest celebrit y w edding t rends f or 2018? - Dram a in general. We're going t o see dram at ic, oversized bouquet s, old school glam our and exaggerat ed w hat ever - be it ext ra large bow s, t hrow back ruff ly sleeves, capes and capelet s and int erest ing, det ailed veils . - And t hen, I t hink you're going t o see som e t ot al glam our t rend buckers and see celebs w alking dow n t he aisle in t hose very "now " pant suit s. - A ret urn t o t he t radit ional and classics but alw ays w it h a t w ist . I t hink w e're going t o cont inue t o see a lot of blush, kind of riff ing off of t he rose gold t rend in t erm s of linings and litt le fashion secret det ails. - "Sm all bat ch" everyt hing is st ill going t o be really big t o underscore t hat att ent ion t o det ail and qualit y,

What 's carrying over f rom 2017 int o 2018? - Boho is not going anyw here any t im e soon, especially because a lot of celebs relat e t o t hat relaxed, casual vibe t hat perm eat es Hollyw ood. - Geodes and cryst als w ill be even m ore f requent ly seen in cakes, placecards and accessories. - Def init ely qualit y over quant it y - Unique liquors. Brow n bars w ill not only include w hiskey and scot ch, but all kinds of int erest ing beer and beverage st at ions .

2018 Colour Palette Pr edictions "Wedding color palett es t hat only incorporat e t w o colors are becom ing less and less popular. In 2018, w e are going t o see couples and event designers really em brace a f uller, m ore robust w edding color palett e w it h t hree or m ore colors, plus m et allics, and neut rals." Chrissy Arpie Ott , CEO, The Perf ect Palett e

Designed by Adela St rnadova @myw hit evelvet

Designed by Nat asha Cousins @w ildf low erw eddingco

Designed by Flavia Fuent es @TyLovesLucy

Designed by Becs Pat erson @ivyandice

"We love dove grey w it h sm okey blue and burgundy. Anot her beaut if ul com binat ion is m ust ard yellow w it h sage or jew el t oned t eal. Burnt orange w it h subt le peaches and heat her grey is one t o t ry. Jew el t ones of em erald green com bined w it h cream , black and gold is an unexpect ed t w ist ." Reesha, Founder & Creat ive Direct or, PrĂŞt Ă Papier

Designed by Jade Leung @jleungw ed

Designed by Im an Javed

"Moody colour schem es w it h Burgundy, oxblood, sm oke, black, rich plum s w ere big t his fall and w ill cont inue in 2018. Using colour is a big t rend com pared t o t he blush and light er shades of 2017. Met allics is going t o f eat ure in w edding t rends f ollow ing fashion runw ays. Yellow is going t o m ake an appearance in every season, crisp and bright lem ons in spring as w ell as m ust ards, m arigold and prim rose during t he cooler m ont hs."

"Past els and icy colours seem t o be a t hing of t he past . The rose gold t rend of 2017 is m oving t o an edgier copper and pew t er. The blush and gold t rend seem s t o be f inally on it s w ay out ! Giving w ay t o dove greys inst ead of w hit e and dusky m auves inst ead of blush t ones." Reesha, Founder & Creat ive Direct or, Prêt à Papier

Designed by Bec Minns

Couples are int erest ed in incorporat ing elem ent s f rom "Mot her Eart h", w hich m eans very nat ural, w arm "soil" colors. "Copper is going t o be m oving cent er st age as it relat es t o m et allics w hile silver and gold w ill be t aking a back seat . Copper, w it h it s w arm undert ones w ill be em braced by m ore and m ore couples. And w e're going t o see t his m et allic incorporat ed t hrough t heir select ion of f lat w are, plat e chargers, vases, and candle holders. We w ill even see it brought t o t he f oref ront t hrough st at ionery w it h copper f oil accent s. 2018 w ill be t he year f or copper!" Chrissy Arpie Ott , CEO, The Perf ect Palett e

Cindy Salgado, Founder, Cindy Salgado Wedding Design & Event s Designed by St eph Clark @joyw

Designed by Ant onia Roskill @arpart yplanning

Reesha, Founder & Creat ive Direct or, Prêt à Papier

Pantone Colour of the Year - Ultr a Violet "We can?t t alk about t rends w it hout m ent ioning Pant one?s colour of t he year; Ult ra Violet . Love it or hat e it , t his is sure t o have an inf luence on st yled shoot s, and t heref ore w eddings, t hroughout t he year and t he challenge here is creat ing som et hing f resh and m odern (t hat doesn?t look like a Cadbury?s fact ory explosion!). Wit h a nod t o t he celest ial, I t hink t his is w here m ost brides w ill look f or inspirat ion, bringing st arry det ails t o t he f oref ront w it h t w inkling fairylight s, delicat e cryst als and sw at hes of deep rich purple velvet . Yum !" Louise Beukes, Edit or in Chief, B.LOVED Designed by Florcit a Gonzalez Designed by St aci Hatt an

"Calling it ?dram at ically provocat ive and t hought f ul?, Pant one hopes t hat Ult ra Violet t hat has long been associat ed w it h spirit ualit y, higher consciousness, vision and im aginat ion w ill encourage designers and brands t o inf luence t he w orld t hrough t heir creat ive endeavours.

Incorporat ing Colour int o t he Day... "We're going t o cont inue t o see color being incorporat ed in big w ays! Think patt erns on napkins, beaut if ully craft ed backdrops, elaborat e f loral inst alls, recept ion decor t hat w ow s! Event designers are pushing t he envelope t his year in regards t o t heir color choices and w e're cert ain t hat t his sam e bold approach w ill be carried over in 2018!"

We at Ananya applaud Pant one?s choice f or w hat w e call ?a colour w it h a conscience.? It w ould m ake a great colour choice f or w eddings w here a part nership is based on m indf ulness as a couple and in t he w orld. Ult ra Violet is a rich, deep colour; paired w it h crisp w hit e w ill show it off beaut if ully. Silver and gold t ones w ould add a really? even regally? dram at ic eff ect . Soft t ones of grey, pale pink or cream w ould also look w onderf ul and w ould t one dow n t he int ensit y of t he ult ra violet ." Vaishali Shah, Ananya Cards

Chrissy Arpie Ott , CEO, The Perf ect Palett e Designed by Hannah Mullens @hm w eddingdesign

"What w e can expect t o see are m ore vibrant hues. Toget her w it h Celebrat ions by Alysia, w e co?host ed a Royal Aft ernoon Tea at Palazzo Versace, Gold Coast on August 9, 2017 w it h our very special guest Paul Burrell (Princess Diana?s f orm er but ler). Using a com binat ion of greenery, gold and rich royal hues sim ilar t o PANTONE 18?3838 Ult ra Violet and PANTONE 17?3020 Spring Crocus, w e creat ed an opulent event . Bella Bloom Floral Designs creat ed a f loral m ast erpiece w it h 5000 roses, 200 t ulips, and carnat ions, w hich w orked beaut if ully w it h Em rajo Linen?s Radiant Orchid chair dressings. This design and color w ill becom e m ore popular f or couples gett ing m arried at Palazzo Versace, w it hin t he Asia?Pacif ic region." Rachell Hansen, Direct or, Em rajo Linen St ylist / Planner/ Co- host @celebrat ionsbyalysia | Co- Host / chair covers @em rajolinen | Venue @palazzoversace | Flow ers and f loral support @t hebellabloom co @redlandsf reshf low ers @allinseasonf low ers #Oasis f loral | St at ionery @eveandcost at ionery | Candles @ulight m eupcandles | Illust rat ion @heidi.c.illust rat ion | Phot ography @sodaphot ography_ | Videography @m ot ionreelf ilm s | Linen and St ands @event sbynadia | Ice Sculpt ure #ice art | MC @suecurrieshine | Mirrored Nam es @personalised_favours | St aging @st aging_creat ions | Light ing and Draping @avideas_ | Cut lery @t hesupperclubco | Backdrop and Lounges @st yledevent sqld | Chairs @st yle_onq | Chocolat es Dom es @cocout urechocolat esau | Candelabras @chandelierst odief or | VIP Gift @laquar | Mirror Phot o Boot h @euphoriaboot h | Tree @t heblossom t reecom pany | AV @gjs_event s | Ent ert ainm ent @sarahbrow neoff icial @nikconom os

Wedding Stationer y Tr ends With Ceci Johnson of Ceci New York

What are your t op st at ionery t rend predict ions f or 2018? Creat ing m em orable experiences is im port ant f or 2018. Brides are w ant ing t o send an invit at ion t hat w ill st and out and grab t he att ent ion of t heir busy guest s. People now a days are bom barded w it h so m uch inf o in t heir lives, especially w it h all t he digit al m edia com ing at t hem at any m om ent of t he day ? it 's all about ret urning t o t he classics and st anding out in t hat boring pile of m ail. Creat e t hat w ow fact or t hat has your guest s buzzing w it h excit em ent even bef ore you're w alking dow n t he aisle! What t hem es are gaining in popularit y f or 2018? Garden, rom ant ic w eddings w it h a Midsum m er Night 's Dream vibe. A litt le bit dream y, et hereal and a drop of fant asy m ixed in. Sparkling st arry night s, dripping in f low ers w it h lot s of love in t he air. Top color predict ions in st at ionery f or 2018? Jew el t ones paired w it h a bright color pop. It 's all about t he juxt aposit ion of color. Bright s paired w it h soft er past els so t hey really pop. Holographic f oil is also having a m om ent in m y w orld. Are any t rends f rom 2017 carrying over int o 2018? - Met allics: Rose gold is st ill t rending and im port ant . But giving it a ref resh w it h m ixing m et als. - Wat ercolor: Hand paint ed, hand draw n anyt hing and everyt hing is st ill a favorit e am ong m any brides. - Laser?cut : This t echnique is st ill going st rong. There's som et hing about t he int ricat e cut paper t hat is irresist ible.

More of t he unexpect ed w ill be t he t rend in 2018. Int eract ive invit at ions t hat require unboxing, unf olding, and m oving pieces. Client s don't w ant just t he one sim ple card anym ore. Belly bands, glitt er, acrylic, and diff erent print ing m et hods are all going t o be big in 2018. Acrylic w it h m ult i color print ing, gold acrylic t hat is also laser cut , laser cut w ood, and velvet ? really anyt hing t hat is unexpect ed, t ext ured, and unique are going t o be t rending t his year.

Top Wedding Stationer y Tr ends

Tifany Wunschl, Ow ner, Gourm et Invit at ions

Wit h all of m y upcom ing client s, t hey are t rending aw ay f rom a set t hem e per se. Where in years past , I'd see lot s of "rust ic barn w it h an elegant f eel" or specif ic t hem es like "1920's Great Gat sy", couples are t rending t ow ards a f eeling or overall look t o t he w edding. We'll be seeing lot s of Elegant and Opulent .

Non?f loral t hem es such as request s t o w ork w it h m at erials/ t ext ures such as m arble, gem st ones and lim est one w hen it com es t o st at ionery. Loum a Bardaw il, Managing Direct or, Design By Loum a

I t hink couples in t his part of t he w orld (Middle East ) are not inf luence t oo m uch by t rends, classic w hit e and gold f or t heir st at ionery is st ill f requent ly request ed. How ever, if t he w edding t hem e is not t radit ional, t hey are w illing t o explore unconvent ional f orm at s f or t he invit at ions like boxed ?t ype invit at ion w it h m at erials like w ood, acrylic gold, silk fabric. Anot her t rend is t he digit al invit at ion in t he f orm at of a video sent via w hat sapp or em ail t o guest s, f or a m ore im pressive and cost eff ect ive solut ion. Loum a Bardaw il, Managing Direct or, Design By Loum a

Tifany Wunschl, Ow ner, Gourm et Invit at ions

Acrylic w ill be a popular t hem e f or 2018 w eddings ? f rom escort card displays and m enus t o t ablescapes and f loral display boxes. We are seeing t hat w edding invit at ions do not have t o be creat ed using just paper. We are w it nessing several t ext ures and m at erials in w eddings and w edding st at ionery ? such as acrylic, fabric, agat e, leat her, m et al t o nam e a f ew. Vaishali Shah, Ananya Cards

Colour Pr edictions for 2018 Stationer y Tifany Wunschl predict s... - Jew el t ones, but in m ore m ut ed t ones. I'm seeing lot s of lavender, dust y rose, slat e blue, sage green. And of course, t hey are all st ill being paired w it h gold. I t hink t hat aft er years and years of only ivory and blush being t he color accent t o gold, w e're f inally going t o see som e color com ing back. Loum a Bardaw il predict s... - Designers look each year at t he t rend sett ing colors in a lot of indust ries such as print ing, fashion, int erior design, m anufact uring et c.. and get inspired f rom t hat . Pant one has announced t hat Ult ra Violet w ill be t he color of year 2018. - Anot her color is w arm grey and t he popular rose gold. Vaishali Shah predict s... - At Ananya, w e believe t hat Ult ra Violet , Pant one?s Colour of t he Year 2018, w ill be a t op colour f or 2018 st at ionery. We envisage seeing lot s of shades of purple f rom darker Ult ra Violet shades t o a m ore past el lilac. - Black - Brides are hungering f or som et hing diff erent and edgy; st at ionery w ill incorporat e black t rim s and bow s, black f low ers, black beads and even a t ouch of black lace w ould provide a st riking com binat ion. - Copper- Rose gold w as very popular in 2017 and w e predict t hat w e w ill see sim ilar m et allic t ouches by w ay of a m ore indust rial look copper.

Stationer y with Vaishali Shah, Ananya Car ds

What are your t op 2018 st at ionery t rend predict ions?

What ?s out f or 2018? The f lam ingo t rend of 2016 and 2017 has been seen a lot now and so w e believe t hat w e w ill see a lot less of it in 2018. 2017 w as also about everyt hing unicorn, f rom fashion t o f ood. The unicorn craze w e believe w ill be less popular in 2018.

- Call of t he t ropics - St at ionery depict ing aspect s of t he t ropics w ill f eat ure bot anical m ot if s w it h vivid patt erns and abst ract shapes. - St oryt elling - It could be t he st unning skyline of a cit y w here you f ell in love. It could be graphics of favourit e rest aurant s, a shared hobby, even a m eaningf ul saying. - Charm ing neut rals - Subt le and soft can be ext rem ely elegant and sophist icat ed. - Marble m agic - The w aves and sw irls of m arbling can be coloured t o m at ch t he w edding dress or w edding t hem e or t he venue it self. - All out opulence - Whet her it ?s a Hollyw ood look or a Bollyw ood f eel you are aft er, st at ionery st udded w it h sparkly cryst als w ill bring your invit es t o lif e.

Are any t rends f rom 2017 carrying over int o 2018? - The ?Brushed Met allic? t rend f rom 2017 w ill carry over int o 2018. Wit h st reaks f or a brushed on f eel, and a t ext ure t hat glow s w it h a soft shim m er of silk, t he brushed m et allic look is all about underst at ed opulence. - Wat ercolours are very versat ile as t hey w ork w ell w it h bot h a soft , m ut ed and rom ant ic colour schem e as w ell as a bold and vibrant one. Dipped or om brĂŠ, w at ercolours can be used as a background.

Style & Decor TREN DS What w ill be t rending in linens t o f lorals and everyt hing in bet w een

Wedding Style & Decor Tr ends With Jes Gordon of jesGORDON/properFUN

Where is t able design headed in 2018? Table Design is heading off t he t able all t he w ay t o t he f loor and t o t he ceiling!! Design w ill ext end all t he w ay f rom t he rug you put under t he t able, t o t he chairs you choose, t he linen or hard t able you use and t he cent erpiece and it s elem ent s all t he w ay t o w hat s above t he t able such as a spect acular chandelier or or t em porary inst allat ion of your choosing. Design w ill not be cont ained t o t able t op any m ore, it w ill f low w ell beyond it s norm al param et ers. What light ing t rends w ill w e see in 2018? I t hink t hat t here are t w o polar opposit e t rends t hat w ill happen. One t hat is incredibly "t ech heavy" m eaning t hat t he w orld of video m apping, hologram s et c w ill st ill be very present , w hile on t he ot her end of t he spect rum t he use of nat ural and "w hit e light " I t hink w ill com e int o play alot m ore oft en t han using a huge range of colored light ing such as creat ing room s t hat glow in a specif ic color. As design get s m ore int ricat e t he light ing needs t o give it space and allow it t o express it self w it hout t oo m any layers of colors. What w ill carry over f rom 2017 int o 2018? BLING!! m ixed m et allics, ref lect ive surfaces, and a shit load of candles. These are w elcom e any t im e, any year. What are your t op decor predict ions f or 2018? I am hoping t hat designers st op looking t o t he int ernet only t o get t heir inspirat ion and hopef ully f ind it w it hin t hem selves, t heir client s and ot her art ist s.

Wedding Styling in 2018 "For 2018 I see couples cont inue t o put t heir ow n personal t w ist on t heir w edding st yling and t hey are looking f or t he unique and t he unusual. Think gin bars in ret rof it horseboxes, cam pervan cockt ail bars, a double- decker London bus w it h a seat ed lounge area upst airs, prosecco served f rom a st yled t ricycle. Backdrops w ill cont inue t o be popular and m ove m ore t ow ards t he t ext ured and aw ay f rom t he f loral, so expect m ore handcraft ed paper f low er w alls and t ext ured greenery or f oliage backdrops such as t hose seen during New York Bridal Fashion Week. The m et allic look w ill rem ain w it h rose gold beginning t o be replaced by copper but I expect t o see t he t rend of m ercury glass splitt ing back int o separat e glass and m et allic vessels. Wat ch out f or t he rise of cryst al in t able design especially w it h glassw are as t ext ures t ake on a revival w it hin t able design. Old w orld elegance w ill ret urn but m ixed w it h t he new personalised ideas of m illennial couples t o creat e excit ing f usion designs." Dee McMeeking, Wedding St ylist & Planner ~ Floral Designer, Dee McMeeking "Table design is becom ing m ore advent urous as couples increasingly w ant t o express m ore of t heir personalit ies, rat her t han doing w hat is expect ed. From f ood t o honeym oons, m y client s are looking t o incorporat e elem ent s of t hem selves in t o t heir t able decor t hat w ill

resonat e w it h t heir guest s. I t hink diff erent f loral displays on each recept ion t able w ill becom e increasingly popular. Choosing linens t hat com plem ent w edding decor is, t hankf ully becom ing far m ore usual t han it w as. Couples are realising t hat t hey don't have t o have st andard w hit e linen, just because it 's provided by t he venue. Text ured, coloured and patt erned linen w ill becom e an int egral part of t he overall design schem e. Light ing set s t he t one f or any event , so as w it h linens, t his w ill becom e m ore prevalent and considered in 2018. I alw ays t ry t o incorporat e candlelight int o a w edding, but t hanks t o w ireless t echnology t he possibilit ies are alm ost endless w hen it com es t o adding accent and m ood light ing. Wit hout t he need f or cables and w ires, cordless led light ing can t ransf orm a venue and creat e a com plet ely diff erent at m osphere." Sim on Nickell, Ow ner, Sim on Nickell Design

I t hink t hat linens w ill becom e m ore of a palett e t o cust om designs m ore t han ever. As event designers w e can now voyage int o t he w orld of t ext ile design and creat e linens t hat are only m eant f or our specif ic client s by using patt erns and colors creat ed specif ically f or t hem . Linens can now be curat ed sim ilar t o an art collect ion f or each event . and in t urn t he overall linen experience is m ore personalized and less apt t o repeat it self at anot her person's part y. Jes Gordon, ow ner/ creat iveDIRECTOR, jesGORDON/ properFUN

Linen is t he key w ord here as t he fabric of t he m om ent . Soft grays, w hit es, and blues in nat ural linen are gracing t he f inest w edding t ables w it h coordinat ing napkins and place sett ing det ails. Velvet rem ains a f irm favourit e t oo w it h it s vibrant colours and luxurious f eel. Pam ella Dunn, CEO, Pam ella Dunn Event s

- Lazer cut linens in blush hues, perhaps w it h m ore m odern Arabesque and Tradit ional patt erns. - Print ed fabrics w it h bold colours. - A nod t o count ry- side glam our!

Top Linen Tr ends - The disappearance of t he under clot h! The oversized overs are just beaut if ul. No longer are w e as pedant ic about clot hs going t o t he f loor, rat her pref erring clot hs t hat do in fact drape ont o t he f loor quit e deliberat ely. - Cust om print ed napkins are a lovely t ouch if t he budget allow s. - Beaut if ul solid coloured linen...perhaps t hat isn't perf ect ly pressed in fact (som e of you w ill be gasping at t his I know !). This obviously does not apply on all occasions and t he client brief and space needs t o be "right " f or t his non?perf ect look. - Given t he increased num ber of raw t ables, w e m ay som et im es see less linen being used overall. Georgie Rayner, Founder & Direct or, Georgeous

Mennat Al Ham m am i, Managing Direct or, Cloud 9 Wedding Organizing LLC

Couples are no longer using basic ivory linens? w e are seeing patt erns, t ext ures, and m any colors. Velvet linens w ill be huge next year, especially f or sw eet heart t ables!

Text ured beaut if ul fabrics in sim ple t ones but in a gat hered st yle (f or t able runners) or cascading dow n t he sides and gat hering at t he f loor f or t able clot hs. Think lush and rom ant ic as a pose t o crisp st raight lines.

Kevin Dennis, Ow ner, Fant asy Sound Event Services

Lauren Pool, Creat ive Direct or / Ow ner, Et c. Event St yling

Top Styling & Decor Tr ends With Rachell Hansen of Em rajo Linen

- Table design is heading m ore t ow ards ?st ory?t elling?, rat her t han 'decorat ing' and m ore and m ore, w e are seeing art ist ic im pressions in t able sett ings. Table design is becom ing m ore ref lect ive of t he couple, w it h aspect s inspired by it em s t hat have sent im ent al value t o t hem or are a gent le rem inder of places or precious m om ent s in t im e. As event st yling evolves, m ore em phasis is provided t o ensure t hat t here is a perf ect m arriage bet w een f loral archit ect ure and linen st yling, t o w ork t oget her t o creat e an incredible im pact on a space. - Wit h t he release of Pant one?s color picks f or 2018, linen t rends in t he w edding indust ry m ay f ollow a rom ant ic, soft palett e com bining PANTONE 12?2103 Alm ost Mauve as a base fabric f or a t able clot h (pref erably in a t hick m att e sat in), w it h a cont rast ing t ext ured overlay in PANTONE 11?0608 Coconut Milk or PANTONE 14?4202 Harbor Mist . This could be lace or any ot her rom ant ic patt erned design. - In 2018, m ore count ries w ill be celebrat ing m arriage equalit y w it h legalisat ion approving sam e?sex m arriage becom ing m ore prevalent . While w e w ill st ill see soft er colours in dĂŠcor, m ore vibrant and int ense colours w ill becom e m ore evident . For exam ple, a palett e sim ilar t o t he Royal Aft ernoon Tea at Palazzo Versace. We w ill see PANTONE 19?4034 Sailor Blue as a m ore dom inant colour f or m ale, sam e?sex m arriages, w it h brass or gold accent s. It ?s beaut if ul, m asculine, yet m odern. PANTONE 18?1028 Em perador or PANTONE 18?1440 Chili Oil w ill also have a st ronger inf luence on t his dem ographic ? a com binat ion of cognac, cryst al, aged leat her and cigars w ill be quit e f itt ing f or t he ult im at e gent lem an's club.

2018 Decor Pr edictions Elaine Odw yer predict s... - Birds, bugs, butt erf lies, bot anics - Geom et ric & sculpt ural f orm s - Luxury m at erials, m arble, dark w oods, velvet , pleat ed leat her, f ringe - Met allics ? brass - Curvy, plum p, cosy, organic shapes - Purple, past els t hrough t o lavender - Cork, organic sust ainable m at erials; cork dance f loors Pam ella Dunn predict s... - Mirrored t able t ops, aisles, and dance f loors. - Luxurious rust ic designs w it h t he crossback chairs, - Tropical f oliage and rom ant ic light ing. - More em phasis on signage, place sett ings, st aging and product ion. Georgie Rayner predict s... Underst at ed t ext ure...w it h daring palett es! A new "inst allat ion" t his cust om designed drapes or no linen clot hs at all. We are excit ed about t his change of creat ive direct ion. Cindy Salgado predict s... Mosaic m irrors, butt erf lies, laser cut s, m yst ical elem ent s, baby breat h, m ore greenery rat her t han m ore f low ers and giant f low ers.

Mennat Al Ham m am i predict s... - Less is m ore. The approach on m inim al design is going t o be m ore readily accept ed by brides. - Minim al indust rial chairs. - Moody palett es. Though ult raviolet is t he Pant one of t he year, I suspect t he colour w ill be paired w it h darker, m ore serious t ones like butt ercream , w ood rose, greyed jade, burnt orange and m ist ed yellow s. - More colour, m ore print ! Loud t hem es and m ore elect ronic light f eat ures. Jane Riddell predict s... "Tim eless elegance" & "et hereal w ow !" are phrases t hat w e are hearing f rom our 2018 couples. Lauren Pool predict s... Def init ely suspended inst allat ions. Alt hough t his has been seen in 2017, it 'll reach new height s as client s are really going f or loads of t ext ure. Whet her it be an abundance of chandeliers or f lorals on m ass. That w ow fact or is big f or 2018.

"Banquet st yle seat ing plans w it h lavish cent re decor are all t he rage. Masses of candles, f low ers, f oliage and beaut if ul unique pieces are creat ing dram a and im pact . A m ix of quirky elem ent s and avant ?garde vessels f or f low ers, plant s and candles w ould have previously been m ore at hom e in an int erior design brief but now f eat ure heavily in t he w edding planning and design process." Pam ella Dunn, CEO, Pam ella Dunn Event s "We have f ound ourselves narrow ing t he t ables w e use. For years now w e have used t ables w it h a 1.2 m et re w idt h and now consider ourselves a litt le crazy as w e f eel t his is SO w ide! Our pref erred w idt h is 1 m et re as w e f eel guest s can int eract m ore int im at ely w it h each ot her." Georgie Rayner, Founder & Direct or, Georgeous "It 's all about t he charger plat e and t he colour & design, soft past el coloured linens, and m ore elaborat e t able sett ings" Marc Gough, Com pany Direct or, Whit ehouse Event Crockery "Generally t here is t rend t ow ards spending budget on cool, design led f urnit ure rat her t han on decor and f lorals. - Marble t ops (coloured m arble). w alnut w ood,no t able linens - Geom et ric shapes - Using only candles no f lorals" Elaine Odw yer, Design Direct or, Harlequin, Arena Group "Mixing 3 st yles of t ables, all of t hem w it h diff erent cent erpieces, decor, diff erent linens, t able set up, and chairs." Cindy Salgado, Founder, Cindy Salgado Wedding Design & Event s "Cent repieces w ill f eat ure sculpt ed organise sw eeping lush f lorals w it h cascading linen t o really ref lect a rom ant ic f eel. St yled f ood t o graze on w ill also be quit e popular as client s t ake m ore int erest in qualit y produce and t ake t heir m enu t o a luxe level, not only f or t he experience, but t he visual beaut y of it all." Lauren Pool, Creat ive Direct or / Ow ner, Et c. Event St yling

TABLE DESIGN TRENDS "This elem ent is som et hing t hat our couples really priorit ise and it 's becom ing m ore and m ore im port ant in t he indust ry as a w hole ? even designing elaborat e t ablescapes f or casual dinners at hom e has becom e a t rend, so nat urally t his has cont inued int o w eddings. Bespoke det ails such as personalised favours, m onogram m ed napkins and bespoke print ed linens w ill increase in popularit y in t he luxury w edding m arket . Nat ural m at erials are also def init ely replacing synt het ics w hen it com es t o t able linen." Liz Linklet er, Ow ner & Creat ive Direct or, Liz Linklet er Event s "Couples are m ixing t heir favourit e st yles and t hem es f rom recent years t o add a m ore t ext ural f eel t o t he t ables, using all f ive senses so t hat guest s enjoy a "dining experience". Top t ables are becom ing m ore of a st at em ent piece...f rom beaut if ully dressed sw eet heart t ables t o t radit ional t op t ables t hat are f ram ed by hanging f low ers, placed in f ront of a f low er w alls or blossom ing t rees." Jane Riddell, Ow ner, Planned f or Perf ect ion,

Video m apping is really going t o t ake off in 2018, as it is f inally becom ing m ore aff ordable f or m ost couples as t he t echnology has grow n. Hanging decor is st ill going t o be huge and couples are gett ing m ore and m ore creat ive w it h w hat is hanging? not just chandeliers anym ore! We are seeing a lot of cust om built pieces. Candles are st ill going t o be huge, as t hey really help t o add am biance and w arm t h t o a room .

Top Lighting Tr ends

Kevin Dennis, Ow ner, Fant asy Sound Event Services

We are searching f or t he "next " f est oon as t his look is needing a re?invent ion. Patt erned gobos are alw ays f un but w ill depend on budget perim et ers. Essent ial is alw ays considering t he t rees and gardens if t his applies at your venue. Seeing t he colour in t he light ing evolve and change t hroughout t he night is som et hing t hat cost s not hing but can m ake a considerable eff ect on t he ent ire event very easily.

- Subt le t able t op light , m oving aw ay f rom large int rusive pro light ing rigs - LED st rip light ing highlight ing sculpt ural f orm s - Art Deco, geom et ric f orm , brass pendant s Elaine Odw yer, Design Direct or, Harlequin, Arena Group

Georgie Rayner, Founder & Direct or, Georgeous

Light ing is such an essent ial part of creat ing t he right m ood, and w e have seen num erous set ups w hich us t able light ing as cent erpieces f or exam ple. Technology is such t hat it allow s it t o be cordless and program m able Im an El- Huni, Managing Direct or, Part y Social

Wireless light ing is becom ing m ore and m ore available and is allow ing a light ing designer t o do m ore int egrat ed light ing at a w edding, such as light ing around t he bar and color m at ching a space bet w een t he indoor and out door light ing. On a m ore specif ic level, som e t rends w e are seeing are LED t ubes or LED st rips t hat creat e an excit ing and unique look f or w eddings. We are also seeing cust om light f ixt ures such as neon signs creat ed f or w eddings, and cust om gobos labeling t he f ood st at ions giving t he guest s a unique w ay t o experience t he night . Text ure w ash light ing f or high t ops and lounge seat ing gives t he guest a com f ort able but elegant cockt ail hour. What w ill def init ely carry t hrough t o 2018 is uplight ing. Jacob & Court ney Tow e, Ow ners, DJ Jacob Co

Specif ic light ing, t ailored t o highlight t he nat ural beaut y of a chosen w edding venue, adds t o t he am biance of t he day. St at em ent inst allat ions are st ill ext rem ely popular and by m ixing light ing w it h a hanging f low er displays, it can cont inue t o look st unning as t he day progresses Jane Riddell, Ow ner, Planned f or Perf ect ion

Styling & Decor Tr ends With Im an El- Huni of Party Social Where is t able design headed in 2018? - The use of gold/ rose gold geom et ric shapes and use of m at erials such as m arble in f urnit ure are t ranslat ed int o t ables w it h geom et ric candleholders and cent erpieces and m ore use of Carrera m arble design in charger plat es and coast ers. - Colored cut lery in copper, rose gold and black has added an elem ent of color and luxury t o a t able design. - The organic and nat ural t rend also carried over int o t able design very beaut if ully w it h t he use of hand m ade eart henw are or ceram ic plat es w hich are never perf ect ly round but conf ident ly im perf ect . What linen t rends w ill w e see in 2018? - Tradit ionally lace t ableclot hs and classic past el sat in t ableclot hs have been popular. I t hink t hat now w e are seeing m ore variet y and experim ent at ion w it h t he t ypes and t ext ures of t able linens. - Met allic and Jacquard linens w it h subt le patt erns are being used inst ead of t radit ional sat in fabrics t o give m ore int erest t o t able decor. What are your t op decor predict ions f or 2018? - Personalisat ion on t ablet ops w ill be key as it becom es m ore aff ordable ? f rom m onogram m ed napkins t o personalized w ooden nam e places and coast ers w it h calligraphy. - There w ill be special f ocus on creat ing a special t able or chairs, w het her it is t he couple?s chairs, t he head t able or t he cake t able. What are t he biggest t hem es in t he luxury m arket ? - In t he luxury m arket , t he use of prem ium and cust om m ade m at erials is alw ays pref erred - t ailor m ade linens, em broidered napkins, as w ell as t he use of high end cut lery and glassw are. - Everyt hing f rom w edding favors t o nam e t ags are cust om ized and unique t o t he bridal couple, ensuring t hat t he experience is one of a kind f or all present .

What fr om 2017 will car r y into 2018? "Neut ral and nat ural t ones w ill st ill be a classic palett e t hat carries over int o 2018, as w it h t he use of fabrics such as raw, vint age?w ashed linen and plain chiff on fabrics running along t ables. This year, w e saw a lot of Mot her Nat ure?s gift s t ake t o t he st yling scene, f rom greenery t o raw ?cut cryst als, coral, st one and rust ic shells. The art ist ic applicat ion of t hese t ext ures have eff ect ively evoked m oods t hat couples oft en like t o f eel on t heir big day (i.e. calm ness and rom ance), hence t he increased popularit y of t his st yle. How ever, luxe lace w ill st ill carry over int o 2018. " Rachell Hansen, Direct or, Em rajo Linen "Incorporat ing scent int o t he day rem ains popular, including adding herbs (f or exam ple rosem ary, basil or m int ) scent ed f low ers (such as lily of t he valley, lavender or lilac) int o t he f loral displays or including scent ed candles am ongst t he t able arrangem ent s. That chosen scent w ill f orever rem ind couples and t heir guest s of t he w edding day! Met allic t ones cont inue in popularit y, but rat her t han including just one colour, com bining gold and silver, rose gold and copper is proving rat her popular." Jane Riddell, Ow ner, Planned f or Perf ect ion "Colour palett es w ill cross over int o 2018 of he w arm pinks, apricot s and neut rals. But so w ill t he cont rast of Em erald greens and jew el t ones m ixed w it h soft peach." Lauren Pool, Creat ive Direct or / Ow ner, Et c. Event St yling

"Huge f low er balls and f loral/ f oliage backdrops are st ill high on t he 'm ust ? haves' f or our client s." Pam ella Dunn, CEO, Pam ella Dunn Event s "Out door w eddings w it h am azing view s, nat ural elem ent s, loose and nat ural decor." Cindy Salgado, Founder, Cindy Salgado Wedding Design & Event s -

Birds, bugs, butt erf lies Nude, grey, past el neut rals Rust ic luxe Eclect ic curat ing of f urnit ure and accessories Nat ure, lush t ropical greens

Elaine Odw yer, Design Direct or, Harlequin, Arena Group "Calligraphy is st ill going t o be huge in 2018! We are also seeing a lot of m et allic f lat w are and chargers t o add an ext ra pop of glit z and f un." Kevin Dennis, Ow ner, Fant asy Sound Event Services

The f ocus f or 2018 is elegance and a m ore f orm al f eel. Wedding cerem ony and recept ions w ill be m ore grand and opulent even in m ore rust ic sett ings. Brides are w ant ing bigger f loral displays t o creat e dram at ic ent rances t o churches and cerem onies. Floral inst allat ions w it h a f low ing organic f eel or glam orous f loral colum n backdrops as a phot o opport unit y.

Top Flor al Tr ends

Bridal bouquet s w ill st ill be f ull of blow sy opulent bloom s such as peonies, dahlia and roses. Brides are w ant ing large f ront facing bouquet s w it h delicat e t rails. Sarah Richardson, Creat ive Direct or & Florist , Leaf ycout ure

Color is com ing back! While blush, ivory and w hit e are st ill t rending t hey is now a t w ist w it h a pop of color. In som e cases t hat is m ore soft such as peach or cham pagne and in ot her cases it is m ore burgundy and coral. Greenery and t ext ure are leading all t he t rends in 2018. Ferns - Fern accent s such as m aidenhair or sw ord f ern added t o t radit ionally rom ant ic arrangem ent s. Melissa McGow an, Ow ner, Flow ers by Cina

Follow ing t he m ove t ow ards t ext ure and greenery w e have seen in 2017 I believe t hat w e w ill cont inue t o see t he use of greenery but t he scale of designs w ill get bigger. We have seen bridal bouquet s grow in size and st at ure in 2017 and t his w ill f ilt er t hrough t o t able cent repieces in 2018. St at em ent pieces including round arches, hanging f lorals and decorat ed f loral st aircases as venue or cerem ony decor w ill becom e m ore com m on at all price point s. Dee McMeeking, Wedding St ylist & Planner ~ Floral Designer, Dee McMeeking

Many couples are em bracing f un and w him sical in t heir w edding st yle, so f low ers t o m at ch t hat w ill be bright , bold and playf ul. I f eel like t here w ill be an explosion of colour in 2018. Lot s of f un bright t ones, like hot pinks, corals and yellow s. I t hink m ore couples are seeing t heir w edding as a celebrat ion and t hrow ing a f un part y. Kyla Helgeson, Floral St yle Blogger, Tesselaar Flow ers

I t hink t here are t w o very dist inct t hem es f or f low ers w hich w ill be prevalent in 2018. One is all about f low er heavy, st ruct ured opulent designs, guarant eed t o im press. The ot her is a very nat ural, very f oliage heavy st yle t hat evokes a f eeling of nat ural w ild abandon. Sim on Nickell, Ow ner, Sim on Nickell Design

Flor al Design with Lisa of Fr ench Flower Style

On colours... On bloom s... The st yling f or next year w ill cont inue t o be "abundance" w it h lot s of luxurious bloom s such as Garden Roses, Orchids and Peonies being used.

In m y opinion f lorals in 2018 w ill be f illed w it h m ore colour t han in recent years, past el shades w ill st ill be popular but t hey w ill be m ixed w it h m ore vibrant jew el shades such as am bers, purples, reds,and rich Raspberry. Here in France yellow is alw ays a popular shade due t o t he abundance of Sunf low ers and next year I believe w e w ill see a rise in m ixed sunshine yellow f lorals. Blues and Lavenders are also set t o cont inue in t heir popularit y along w it h blue/ grey t inged f oliages such as Eucalypt us, Sage and succulent s.

On st yling... Couples are choosing large st at em ent pieces f or t heir w edding venues concent rat ing t heir budget s int o larger designs in f ocal areas such as st aircases and ent rances . Floral Arches w ere a w edding m ust have f or 2017 and t hat 's not set t o change f or 2018. Hanging designs in Marquees and f or out door dining w ill also cont inue in popularit y.

Wedding Flor al Tr ends With Nada Gokal of Vintage Bloom

What are your t op f loral predict ions f or 2018? - Lot of bride?s are ret urning t o t he baby?s breat h . They just love t he f ull look of it m ade out of so m any litt le t iny f low ers. It also does look nice if you spray it in bright colors. Blue, pink. We also f eel paper cranes w ill pop up quit e m ore. What 's on t he w ay out in 2018? - Tropical t hem es and backdrops - Brides are m ore looking int o f resh, new creat ive ideas using nat ural elem ent . - This year w e are expect ing litt le break f rom t ropical t hem es. What do you t hink f rom 2017 w ill cont inue t o be popular in 2018? Whit e, shades of green, rust ic, bushy cent erpieces. Leaves as an cent erpieces. We f eel our brides are t urning t o m ore organic look, sim plicit y, organic - elegance. Are t here any em erging f loral t rends t o w at ch out f or in 2018? - Using lot of props lot of plant s. Herbs, pott ed plant s, Palm leaves, - Monast era leave organic look & f eel. What are your t op color predict ions f or f lorals in 2018? - Whit e - Grey - Green

Colour Pr edictions for 2018 Flor als Melissa McGow an's picks... -

Ivory , blush, w hit e Peaches & Corals Blues Gold accent s!

Sarah Richardson picks... - Whit es and greens are a t im eless com binat ion and 2018 t hey are joined w it h a hint of blush or grey. - Seasonal t ones of colours w ill be int roduced t o t he palat e as t he year m oves on. Dee McMeeking picks... - We w ill st ill see som e of t he soft pink t ones t hat have dom inat ed 2017 but as w e m ove t hrough t he year I predict w e w ill see a m ove t ow ards m ut ed shades of purple w it h lilac or lavender becom ing t he new blush. - We w ill also see m ore dept h of colour creeping int o w hat has been a very past el palett e w it h pops of bold and bright s em erging. Look out f or pops of aubergine or plum as a dom inant colour.

Blossom of Sensations The shoot used in t his sect ion of our report is inspired by an elegant sensory experience set in Port ugal. This look has been creat ed by t his fant ast ic t eam of vendors: Concept , design. planning and st yling - Splendida Weddings w w w.splendidaw Phot ography - Passionat e w w w.passionat Venue - Hot el Palacio Est oril w w w.palacioest orilhot / pt Floral Design - Flow by Mart a Ivens Ferraz w w w.f low - Jew elery - Joana Mot a Capit ao w w w.joanam ot acapit Calligraphy - Lenka Calligraphy Makeup and Hair - Carla D'Oliveira MUA w w Wedding Dress - Naia Rico Bridal Cout ure w w Cake design - Migalha Doce w w w.m Model - Neuza onw aym Silk t able runner, ribbons, napkins - Seidenband w w Fine china - Christ ian Lacroix f or Vist a Alegre Port ugal vist Film Scans - Carm encit a Film Lab carm encit af ilm

Wedding Venue TRENDS The t rending spaces and locat ions f or host ing t he big day

The Venue Sear ch

Venues are also recognising t he im port ance of t elling t heir st ory - being open, honest and f lexible w it h t heir couples w hilst show casing beaut if ul im agery of t heir w edding venue is alw ays going t o set heart s af lutt er. Personalisat ion is key t o our couples, so if t hey fall in love w it h t he st ory of t heir venue t hen t hey'll w ant t heir ow n love st ory w oven int o t he venue's t apest ry.

Our couples know w hat t hey like. They have t heir ow n individual st yles but keep an eye on em erging t rends f rom fashion, int eriors and design. They of course w ant t heir w edding and t heir w edding venue t o ref lect all of t his and m ore...

Those venues w ho are going against t he grain and really list ening t o t heir couples w ill alw ays w in t he heart s of our brides & groom s.

The venue search is one of t he very f irst st eps of w edding planning and it 's oft en t he point at w hich t he couple f eel t hose f irst st ressf ul 'planning' m om ent s w here it seem s t he venue of t heir dream s just doesn't exist . The crushing realit y is t hat t here is no such t hing as a 'perf ect ' venue but I can say w it h conf idence t hat couples w ill alw ays f ind t he right venue t hat gives t hem all t he f eels and connect s w it h t heir big day plans. Whenever I t ell a new ly engaged bride- t o- be t o relax, breat he and enjoy t he venue search journey I really m ean it . It 's a w onderf ully rom ant ic part of t he planning process. Couple's w ill visit on average 4 locat ions bef ore t hey f ind 't he one' and a relaxed affair w it h fam ily and f riends is st ill t he t op priorit y f or w edding days, so couples are w ant ing t o f ind a venue t hey f eel at hom e in - w arm , w elcom ing and super f riendly.

Em m a Hla, Founder & Curat or, Coco Wedding Venues

Wedding Venue Tr ends With Em m a Pope of Em aar Hospitality Group

What t ypes of venues/ locat ions are going t o be big in 2018? Where couples have previously been looking f or a ?blank canvas? t o put t heir ow n st am p on a venue w it h set up and dĂŠcor, a m ove t ow ards a ?less is m ore? approach sees an increase in popularit y f or venues w it h exist ing st yle and am bience w hich only need t o be enhanced as opposed t o com plet ely reinvent ed What t ypes of venues are couples st aying aw ay f rom in 2018? There w ill alw ays be a dem and f or t he t radit ional; how ever, t he ever changing w edding part y and t he quest f or t he unique w ill see m ore and m ore couples m ove aw ay f rom a t ypical ballroom set up t ow ards a m ore m odern landscape. How are venues diff erent iat ing t hem selves in 2018? Venues have t o m ake a m ove t o underst anding t he client ?s needs are changing and t he t ypical dedicat ed event s venues designed t o accom m odat e a specif ic num ber of guest s are not alw ays going t o suit . Those venues t hat em brace t he t rend and revise off erings, packages and available venues w ill be t he st and out t hrough t he season. The purchasing patt ern of t he w edding client is cent ered on t echnology; a venue w it h litt le or no visibilit y on online search or t he capabilit y t o show case digit ally w ill be left behind.

We expect t o see m ore non- t radit ional spaces pop up and be ut ilised f or w eddings, like cam pgrounds, caf es, rest aurant s, dist illeries, orchards, indust rial com m ercial spaces and privat e propert ies. We love t hat m ore couples are looking out side t he square and considering any locat ion as a possible venue f or t heir w edding, and t hat as a result m ore and m ore non- t radit ional venues are cropping up. It 's a w in- w in f or t he indust ry. Amy Parf ett & Melany McBride, Co- Founders, WedShed

"Alt ernat ive" and "unique" are t he key w ords in m ajorit y of new client s brief in t heir search f or a venue. There is increased dem and f or rest aurant t akeovers, hot el bars, privat e dining room s and niche spaces; generally, any spaces not t ypically dedicat ed t o f unct ion as event s spaces in order t o sat isf y t he dem and f or t he unique. Em m a Pope, Direct or of Lif est yle Event s, Em aar Hospit alit y Group

Garden and court yard w eddings have def init ely been a popular choice t oo in Dubai, w it h venues such as t he Desert Palm , St Regis Polo Club, Arabian Ranches and Magnolia (t o nam e but a f ew) being on t he hot list . Rhiannon Dow nie- Hurst , Founder/ Edit or, BrideClubMe

Top Venue Tr ends Glass / Clear Marquees I t hink t he 'Pippa eff ect ' is going t o go beyond t he Giles Deacon dress and sm all t radit ional bouquet . Quit e f rankly m y att ent ion w as on t he incredible Glass Marquee w hich held t he recept ion part y. Orangeries & Glass Houses have been very popular over t he last couple of years, but t hose w ant ing a m arquee w edding can now have t he best of bot h w orlds w it h a st unning clear m arquee! There is no denying t he WOW- fact or w it h t hese t ent s and t hey allow you t o m axim ize your venue's vist a. I part icularly love t he f oliage t rend in t hese spaces, bringing a t ouch of t he out doors int o t he space. Em m a Hla, Founder & Curat or, Coco Wedding Venues

Rom ant ic Bot anical Bot anical isn't going anyw here but t here's a serious inject ion of rom ance f or t his t rend. Think East ern inf luences, w abisabi f lorals and t he soft est pinks. Any venue w it h a glass house, bot anical gardens or Chinoiserie w allpaper is a w inner! Em m a Hla, Founder & Curat or, Coco Wedding Venues

Location Tr ends with The Venue Repor t

How are venues diff erent iat ing t hem selves in 2018? Beyond experiences out side of t he w edding, off ering m ore and m ore cust om izat ion w it hin t heir space w het her w it h archit ect ure, decor, culinary opt ions, even anim als.

Are t here any unique venues and locat ions t hat w ill be on t he rise in 2018? Rem ot e, rem ot e, rem ot e - people w ant t o get aw ay f rom it all and produce t hat once- in- a- lif et im e experience - jungles, desert s, m ount ains. Wit h advent ure t ravel on t he rise, venues t hat off er advent urous experiences during t he w edding t hat guest s can part ake in w ill be huge.

What t ypes of venues/ locat ions are going t o be big in 2018? Out of t he box locat ions (t hink bubble hot els, jungle houses, f orm er public f igures hom es), rem ot e/ hard t o access venues all f or t he one- of- a- kind experience or event .

What's new? "We're seeing venues t hat have been operat ing f or m any years in t he w edding space t aking t he init iat ive t o renovat e in line w it h current t rends. Several of our venues t hat w ere previously 'm arquee'- st yle propert ies are now t aking t he plunge t o build perm anent w edding barns or sheds as t hey realise t his t akes logist ical pressure off couples. We've seen a couple of venues also set t hem selves up f or 'glam ping', w it h t he addit ion of perm anent luxe canvas t ent s f or t he bridal part y as a f un w ay t o accom m odat e people." Amy Parf ett & Melany McBride, Co- Founders, WedShed "Wit h t he increasing t rend f or couples dow nsizing t heir w edding part ies and dem and f or dest inat ion w eddings; venues generally accust om ed t o larger sized part ies need t o shift t o accom m odat e t he need t o dow nsize in a venue. The approach previously w as in answ er t o t he dem and f or t ypical w edding celebrat ions w it h a venue w het her an ent ire ballroom , a sect ion or a dedicat ed event s space; now, venues are open t o request s f or sm aller sized part ies and are opening rest aurant s and creat ing new off erings t o cat er t o dem ands." Em m a Pope, Direct or of Lif est yle Event s, Em aar Hospit alit y Group

"The rise of t he 360 degree im age and t he Virt ual Realit y t our is going t o be big f or 2018 and beyond. Venues sw it ched ont o t he im port ance of brand and im age w ill ensure t heir couples can live and breat he t heir w edding day bef ore booking. Gone are t he days of t he Wedding Package, everyt hing needs t o be (and should be) bespoke t o t he couple f rom f ood, t o cockt ails, t o t hrow ing aw ay t he t radit ional order of t he day - venues need t o be react ing t o t he higher expect at ions & dream s t hese discerning couples have f or t heir w edding day." Em m a Hla, Founder & Curat or, Coco Wedding Venues

UK WEDDING TRENDS "Trends f or t he com ing year is alw ays an int erest ing t opic f or t hose in t he w edding indust ry. For 2018 I t hink w e w ill see a range of Asian inf luences f rom t he decorat ions t hrough t o t he f ood. Couples w ho have t ravelled a lot t oget her w ant t o ref lect t hose holiday m em ories in t heir big day. Neon signs w ill be a replacem ent f or oversized lit lett ers and add a t ouch m ore dram a and of course w e eagerly aw ait som e inst ant copycat s f ollow ing on f rom Harry and Meghan?s royal w edding in May. Som e of t he past f ew years? t rends are I t hink becom ing repet it ive and overused. I hope t here is a replacem ent com ing f or t he dress up phot o boot hs and I have not seen a vint age t ea part y in a w hile now. I am how ever seeing a ret urn t o t he m ore rom ant ic w alt z st yle f irst dances rat her t hen t he choreographed rout ines t hat t ook w eeks of pract ice and could be quit e st ressf ul f or t he couple."

Regional Tr ends "I t hink t hat 2017 f or m e saw t he st art of m ore sim plicit y and I t hink t his w ill cont inue in 2018 w it h m ore out side locat ions and hum anist cerem onies or blessings. A cont inuat ion f or rom ant ic secret sett ings and personally w ritt en vow s is also going t o keep t he f ocus on t he couple rat her t han t he bling. In 2017 couples w ere pairing dow n t he glam our and going f or m ore laid back vibes w it h relaxed part ying int o t he sm all hours w it h less em phasis on t im ings and a m ore laissez faire approach. I w ork in t he count ry, on t he edge of a cit y w here t here is a w ide variet y of locat ions but couples are pref erring som et hing sim ple and unique rat her t han t he f orm ulaic w edding venues. Marquees and barns are st ill popular but w it h longer engagem ent s couples are t aking t he t im e and enjoying venue searches w it h an open m ind. The gorgeous f lorals t hat w ere everyw here in 2017 w ill st ill be a f eat ure as t he greenery excit em ent is really t im eless. Weekend long, t ee pee glam ping celebrat ions w ill st ill be a popular choice f or m any as w ill glass st ruct ures f or m ore high end event s. I t hink m et allics m ay have had t heir day but acrylic st ill has som e t im e t o m ake it s m ark in 2018." Zoe McKeow n, Cherish Wedding Planning

On UK st yling t rends... "Bye- bye silks, I personally can?t w ait t o see velvet m ake it in a big w ay t his year! From t he sm allest t ouches like bouquet ribbons and st at ionery w raps t o t able linen, velvet lounge seat ing and even t he bride and groom sw ear t his luxe fabric is going t o add all sort s of w arm and gorgeous t ext ures t o w eddings!" Louise Beukes, Edit or in Chief, B.LOVED On engaging w it h UK couples... "We?re f inding t hat readers w ant access t o f resh and inspirat ional cont ent on a daily basis and t heref ore regularly post f eat ures on t he Brides Up Nort h blog ranging f rom real w eddings and bridal fashion look books t o supplier inf orm at ion, expert advice and inspirat ional m ood board st yle post s." Julia Braim e & Rachel Parry, Edit or in Chief & Feat ures Edit or, Brides Up Nort h

Top 2018 UK Tr ends With Ayunda Wardhani of Bridestory

What w ill be t he t op w edding t rends in 2018? - Colorf ul w eddings ? Whim sical w edding cakes ? Capes and Capelet s Are t here any t rends f rom 2017 you t hink w ill carry over int o 2018? - Floral patt erns on t he w edding day elem ent s What are som e of t he t op locat ions couples are select ing in your region and w hy? What are t he em erging areas t hat are off icially ?on t he rise?? - Top Locat ion: London. Since London has a lot t o off er f rom m useum s (our favorit e Vict oria & Albert Museum and Nat ural Hist ory Museum), t o The Royal Opera House. - Em erging areas t hat are off icially ?on t he rise?: Count ry?side locat ions in Ham pshire What t rends are off icially on t heir w ay out in 2018? - Fairy Tale w eddings, not t oo m uch inf luence on t hem at ic w eddings.

"Last year w e had Hygge and now t he new buzz w ord is Lagom , a Sw edish w ord m eaning "just t he right am ount ". Think elegant room s w it h chic det ailing and m inim al schem es; w e adore One Marylebone f or t his st yle and of course Brinkburn Nort hum berland w it h t heir yum m y w hit e cerem ony space. Also keep an eye on The Whit e Space, a new venue w it h som e serious cool fact or. Back in 2016 I predict ed t he elopem ent w ould be a serious opt ion f or couples. Well I can only see t he int im at e w edding cont inuing f or 2018. Indeed our 'Int im at e' capacit y is one of t he m ost searched crit eria on our Venue Finder. The t rend f or m icro nupt ials w it h m axim um st yle is HOT and t he expert in t his area is Ever Aft er in Devon. They've put t oget her everyt hing a couple m ight need f or a luxury m icro w edding including t he venue, t he bouquet , t he phot ographer, t he cham pagne and canapĂŠs and t he w edding breakfast prepared by a privat e chef, plus overnight

TOP 2018 LOCATIONS "Indust rial & w arehouse venues are st ill seeing a real surge in popularit y! Blank canvases w it h charact er, t hey st ill allow couples t o put t heir ow n t w ist on t he dĂŠcor w it hout being cont rolled by ballroom carpet s and w ooden panelling. I also t hink classic brides w ill be inf luenced by societ y w eddings, Pippa Middlet on?s English count ry celebrat ion in 2017 and of course t he Royal Wedding com ing up in May, w ill inspire m ore t radit ional w eddings w it h church cerem onies and glass m arquees in t he grounds of count ry houses, and even a renew ed int erest in venues w it h royal connect ions such as Kensingt on Palace and Kew Gardens." Louise Beukes, Edit or in Chief, B.LOVED

accom m odat ion in t heir 18t h Cent ury honeym oon cott age! The Weekend Wedding rules! We're not just t alking about gett ing m arried on a Sat urday, nope w e're t alking about a 2- 3 day ext ravaganza. Wedding Planner Helen f rom Pudding Bridge explains; ?I love a good w edding and in t he indust ry, w e are seeing m ore and m ore couples w ho w ant not one day but an ent ire w eekend celebrat ion. Ext ending your w edding m eans t hat you get t o spend so m uch m ore t im e w it h your guest s and really enjoy every m inut e.? One of our favourit e new addit ions is Warm w ell House in Dorset w here t heir f ocus is ext ended w edding w eekends. Warm w ell suggest s a w edding w eekend st art ing w it h an int im at e dinner f or close f riends and fam ily on Friday; have t he w edding on Sat urday, and t hen m aybe have a brunch by t he pool on Sunday." Em m a Hla, Founder & Curat or, Coco Wedding Venues

UK Pr oposal Tr ends What is t he current t rend am ongst m en and w om en in t he UK are popping t he quest ion? A recent survey has revealed t hat proposing on holiday is t he m ost popular w ay t o get dow n on one knee, w it h over 39% of couples get engaged on holiday and w e expect t his t o keep grow ing. Wit h dest inat ion proposals in locat ions f rom Kenya t o New York Cit y and Sant orini t o Paris, w e?ve cert ainly been enjoying t his lat est t rend and support ing our client s in arranging t he perf ect dest inat ion proposals all around t he w orld? and it ?s no w onder. Are you not icing any new t rends f or proposals f or 2018? Couples are vent uring aw ay f rom ?clichĂŠ? dinner proposals and predict able visit s t o t he place w here t hey m et , inst ead opt ing f or daring locat ions and going f urt her and f urt her t o st age t he perf ect surprise proposal. Wit h us f orm ing elaborat e com m unicat ions t o convince t heir part ner t hey?ve w on a com plem ent ary st ay in a hot el t o t reasure hunt s and act ivit y- driven advent ures, it ?s fair t o assum e t hat 2018 w ill see us having t o go f urt her and f urt her t o prot ect t he elem ent of surprise in a societ y of t ransparency and inquisit ive part ners.

"63% of our proposal s pre- booked f or 2018 are dest inat ion proposal s."

" Ou r m ost popu lar locat ion in 2017 w as Lon don , w it h 57% of ou r clien t s get t in g en gaged in t h e UK Capit al." Couples are also w ant ing t o involve f riends and fam ily m em bers m ore and m ore. Wit h several proposals booked in t o include a fam iliar audience of f riendly faces w hilst our plan goes dow n, celebrat ions seem t o be im m ediat e w it h engagem ent part ies st art ing t he m om ent t heir part ner says yes. UK engagem ent s in st at s... We surveyed 2000 Brit ish w om en: - Of t hose not m arried, 66% w ould like t o get m arried - 84% of w om en said t hat t heir part ner did not record t he m om ent t hey got engaged - The 16% t hat did, 100% of w om en shared t hese pict ures online - 100% of w om en shared on bot h Inst agram and Facebook - 80% of w om en said t hat t hey w ould have liked t heir part ner t o have capt ured t he m om ent - 65% of w om en said t hey w ould like t heir proposal t o be st ream ed live on Facebook t o f riends - Where w om en w ould like t o get engaged ? 50% place special t o t hem bot h, 25% landm ark, 10% on holiday, 10% in public and 5% at hom e - 60% of w om en said t he f irst t hing t hey did aft er gett ing engaged w as t o updat e Facebook - Over 30% of w om en said t hat t hey w ould like t heir part ner t o spend over 4 w eeks planning t heir proposal Rob Illidge, CEO, Capt ured Proposals

Royal Wedding Tr end Pr edictions "Wit h Pant one predict ing a m uch darker colour palett e f or 2018, st ronger and richer t ones f eat uring ?Ult ra- Violet ? w ill be incorporat ed int o t he overall w edding t hem e t o creat e a bolder, dram at ic and daring f inish. St riking f loral print s w ill becom e a key elem ent of w edding dĂŠcor especially w it h black backgrounds playing a vit al role against sat urat ed purple hues. How ever, f or t he Royal Wedding, I believe Prince Harry & Meghan w ill keep t o a m ore t radit ional w edding t hem e, m ixing sim plicit y and elegance w it h soft pink hues and calm ing shades of nude t o creat e a m odern t w ist on classic herit age. Megan Markle st at ed t hat her st yle of w edding dress w ould be ?w him sical or subt ly rom ant ic?, also st at ing t hat som e of her favourit e w edding dress designers w ere ?Delphine Manivet and Christ os Cost arellos? f or t heir uniqueness and beaut y. And I w ill alw ays be a fan of Ellie Saab. J. Mendel is spect acular as w ell, especially f or m ore st ruct ural designs.? Theref ore, expect Meghan t o be m aking her w ay dow n t he aisle show ing her elegance in a subt le but t im eless dress t hat w ill be sure t o becom e a w edding dress t rend of 2018." Kryst a Sm it h, Wedding Planner and Creat ive St ylist , For t he Love of Weddings

"As m uch as Harry and Meghan personif y t he t horoughly m odern m onarchy, w e?re expect ing t hat t heir w edding day w ill be a perf ect m ix of t radit ional and cont em porary. We?re expect ing a fairly conservat ive cerem ony as expect ed of a senior royal, but w it h a lot of shake ups f or t he recept ion lat er - but not hing lavish or over- t he- t op! Everyt hing w ill be t hought f ul and com f ort able f or t hese t w o - lot s of w arm t h and fam ily values, but w it h a lot of f un t oo! We?re ant icipat ing everyt hing f rom com f ort f ood canapes t o handm ade favours f rom som e of t heir favourit e places t o t ravel. Much has been speculat ed about w hat Meghan w ill w ear, and w e?re t hinking t hat t he f ut ure duchess w ill st ick w it h her classic look of sim ple lines and t im eless silhouett es. She w ill likely st ill cover up (again in an att em pt t o shrug off t he ?red carpet ? associat ion) but t his plays int o t he current bridal t rends of long sleeves. To avoid com parisons w it h Kat e Middlet on?s 2010 lace ensem ble, w e can see Meghan going f or m ore em bellishm ent s t han lace det ail. We can see her in som et hing regal yet st riking like t his Vikt or & Rolf V- neck ball gow n or a nod t o Canada (Meghan?s adopt ed count ry) w it h Toront o- based Ines de Sant o and t his illusion- sleeved, halt er gow n - apt ly nam ed, t he ?Cat herine?." Holly Poult er, Creat ive Direct or, Revelry Event s

"Royal w eddings oft en com e w it h t he reput at ion of grandiose celebrat ions, a great expense and ext ravagant det ails but w hen Meghan Markle and Prince Harry t ie t he knot t his East er t heir w edding is likely t o break t he m ould quit e signif icant ly. More int im at e cerem onies, w it h f ew er guest s in att endance, have been on t he rise over t he last f ew years, w it h couples choosing t o have a very privat e m arriage f ollow ed a bigger set of celebrat ions w it h t heir diff erent groups of f riends and fam ily. Redam ancy reckons t hat t he st yle f or Harry and Meghan?s w edding w ill f eat ure a lot of see- t hrough decor and design. Perspex boxes, hanging seat ing plans, and an abundance of glass det ails like candle holders are likely t o f eat ure. This look is t im eless, high- fashion and m odern w hich sum s up t he f usion of st yles and cult ures bet w een t his couple. Wit h t he m inim alist f eel perf ect ly com plem ent ing t heir sm aller, m ore int im at e w edding day. Predict ion: Whit e, m inim alist see- t hrough decor and design f eat uring perspex m enus and hanging seat ing plans. A large f loral inst allat ion is also likely. Florals are going t o be huge f or 2018! And it w ould be hard f or t he couple t o avoid t he inf luences t hat w ill already be st rongly evidenced by springt im e. I believe t his is w here Pant one?s colour inf luence could be f eat ured w it h f lorals select ed in all sort s of purple hues, possibly t o t ie in w it h t he shade of t he bridesm aid dresses.

Predict ion: Bold, big bloom s f or t he bridal bouquet and high t railing displays f or each recept ion t able st ood in ant ique vessels. Markle is know n f or her laid- back Calif ornian dress sense and has claim ed in t he past t hat her ideal bridal st yle w ould be som et hing subt ly rom ant ic and w him sical. Elie Saab could be a very st rong choice f or Meghan, w it h his gorgeously soft fashionable designs being t he epit om e of her st yle. How ever, it is likely t hat a Brit ish designer w ill be chosen t o design t he dress given t hat it is t he Royal Wedding. Harry and Meghan have expressed t heir desire t o include t he lat e Princess Diana in t heir w edding day as m uch as possible and so one of Diana?s favourit e designers is likely t o be chosen, w it h Am anda Wakeley and Cat herine Walker being am ong t he f ront runners. Personally, I w ould love t o see Vict oria Beckham break out int o bridal designs, especially given t he close f riendship bet w een t he Prince and David, and design Markle a VB bridal gow n. How ever, t he couple w ill m ost cert ainly choose a t ried- and- t est ed bridal pro t o design t he dress." Charlott e Spain, Founder and Creat ive Direct or, Redam ancy Wedding Planning

"Royal Weddings have a reput at ion f or being lavish t radit ional affairs garnering m uch public int erest and evoking great nat ional pride. I predict t hat Harry and Meghan w ill opt f or a m ore m odern and less f orm al celebrat ion t han t he royal w eddings w e have seen t o dat e. As a couple t hey are fairly low key and privat e and I expect t his t o carry t hrough int o t heir w edding (as m uch as is possible w hen royalt y w eds!) Expect t he w edding t o epit om ise t he w ord elegance, f rom t he w edding att ire right t hrough t o t he st yling. Royals oft en eschew colour in favour of an all w hit e colour palett e. I expect Harry and Meghan t o cont inue t his t radit ion, but t o t ranslat e it in a m ore cont em porary w ay; including lot s of greenery and f loral inst allat ions. I also predict t hat t he cat ering w ill be cent ered around local Brit ish produce, but t he m enu int erspersed w it h Am erican f lavours. And t he dress...I'd love t o see her in a rom ant ic Erdem creat ion, but she m ay w ell opt f or a m ore classic Hollyw ood st yle gow n by t he likes of Oscar de la Rent a or Elie Saab. What ever is revealed on May 19t h, expect det ails t o be adopt ed by UK Brides and Groom s gett ing m arried in t he latt er half of 2018." Mart ha Tobyn, Founder, Anem one

Royal Wedding Pr edictions With Kylie Carlson of The International Academ y of Wedding & Event Planning

?Ms. Markle has t aken a m uch m ore m odern approach t o fashion, and w e hope t o see t hat ref lect ed in her w edding gow n. The good new s is t hat since Harry is now f ift h (soon t he be sixt h) in line t o t he t hrone, she likely has a bit m ore f reedom t o w ear w hat she likes. We t hink a m ore st ruct ured design w it h a f orm f itt ing silhouett e, or a f un geom et ric patt ern w ould look lovely. A t radit ional f ruit cake is sure t o part of t he royal dessert t able, but t his couple m ay surprise us w it h a non- t radit ional w edding cake. Since t he bride generally chooses t he f lavor, t here m ay be som e Am erican inf luence in her decision. Perhaps an all- Am erican sponge cake, or a nod t o her favorit e f ruit , banana. Wit h t his being a spring w edding, it seem s likely w e?ll see a light er and bright er color palett e. From hues of w hit e t o pink t o purple, it w ill ref lect t he season in a grand and st unning w ay. I also expect t o see several nat ural elem ent s t hroughout t he design schem e as a nod t o t he couple?s love f or a m ore sim plist ic st yle. Florals are sure t o play a big role in t he w edding, w it h no short age of grandeur and aw e- inspiring creat ions. Popular t rends like hanging gardens t hat sit above t he recept ion, and w alls covered in f low ers w ould be st unning against t he st one and w oodw ork t hat surrounds Windsor Cast le. Prince Harry w ill no doubt ask William t o st and by his side as t he best m an, but it ?s unclear w ho or if Ms. Markle w ill choose. She has several close girlf riends- including t ennis st ar Serena William s and act ress Priyanka Chopra w ho w e?re sure w ould be delight ed t o be m aid of honor, but w e t hink she m ay break w it h t radit ion yet again and ask her m ot her inst ead.?

Food & Bever age TRENDS The culinary delight s couples w ill be serving up f or t heir guest s

We'll cont inue t o see request s f or unique m enu em bellishm ent s and upgrades t o w ow t heir guest s. Expect an increased em phasis on qualit y over quant it y, w it h couples w illing t o spend m ore on a w ort hw hile culinary experience over just t he plain old chicken, f ish or beef opt ions.

Top Cater ing Tr ends

Sust ainably farm ed seaf ood has gained recognit ion in t he past year, and w it h som e w ild seaf ood invent ories decreasing, t he dem and w ill only cont inue t o grow. Jeff Farlow, Execut ive Chef, Went e Vineyards

- Fun , w him sical , int eract ive , com f ort f ood present at ions! - Chef and m ixologist int eract ive Present at ions - A m ore def ined audience - Branding f oods f or t he occasion i.e. St encils , a st udy of , host s favorit es - More organic and pure beverages and f oods...... Pauline, President , Good Gracious Event s

Sharing boards w ill cont inue t o be popular; f rom ant ipast i and m ezze st art er boards t hrough t o roast joint s of m eat s and sides. People love t he choice and inf orm alit y t hat sharing boards and platt ers provide. Hannah Mart in, Founder & Direct or, Goose & Berry

Raw f oods w ill st art t o be m ore prom inent in t he w orld of w eddings and event s. We have st art ed t o see m ore sushi st at ions in place of canapes and m ore bow l f ood t hat f ocus on raw dishes, as w ell as dishes such as Ceviche and Poke. Hannah Mart in, Founder & Direct or, Goose & Berry

Each year healt hy eat ing at cat ered event s raises in popularit y. In 2015 - 2016 w e've experienced t he veget arian/ vegan rat io at an event at 18%. We predict in 2018 it w ill be at 30%. Client s are m indf ul of t he im port ance of environm ent al sust ainabilit y and nut rit ion. Andy Snow, President , Feast ivit ies Event s

2018 Ser vice Styles Andy Snow predict s... - Perf orm ace st at ions. Chef s preparing f ood t o order rest aurant st yle. Jeff Farlow predict s... - Sit - dow n m eals are st ill in fashion, but w it h a t w ist . - Expect t o see sm all plat es and added courses, giving guest s t he chance t o enjoy lot s of opt ions on a sm aller scale, and giving couples a chance t o experim ent and cust om ize t heir m enu. Hannah Mart in predict s... - Inf orm al st ill reigns key. Couples are choosing less courses as w ell; opt ing f or m ore canapes and no st art er or having cake inst ead of dessert . The m ain course is t he show st ealer so eit her having a f ull buff et or BBQ or sharing m ain seem s t o be popular and w ill cont inue t o do so going f orw ard. - People seem t o be m ore f ocused on subst ance over st yle. Couples and guest s w ant great qualit y of f ood w it h fabulous present at ion but don't part icular w ant f ood served in shoes f or exam ple or on unusual canapĂŠ present at ion w are.

Pauline Parry predict s... - Int eract ive f ood st at ions - Hospit alit y in service has becom e m ore im port ant t han ever - Guest s w ant an experience - To have sm all st at ions t hat off er qualit y of f lavors, t ast e and local seasonal fare - Plat ed dinners paired w it h w ine - Dessert buff et s seem t o have replaced a plat ed dessert - Minim ize select ion of f oods

Savoury f lavours w ill be big f or cockt ails in 2018. Herby and eart hy f lavours paired w it h savoury f lavours, m ixed w it h a bitt er t w ist w ill be key f or w eddings and event s. No longer w ill sw eet f lavours and m ixers be t he f lavour du jour, bitt er pairings seem t o be w inning t he day current ly.

Top Bever age Tr ends

Hannah Mart in, Founder & Direct or, Goose & Berry

A hot t opic at t he m om ent in t he drinks indust ry is environm ent al sust ainabilit y and how w e can help. We are def init ely f inding t hat cust om ers are expressing a w illingness t o pay a prem ium f or socially responsible and environm ent ally f riendly goods t o be used, such as non- plast ic st raw s. Lucy Barrow, Direct or, Mix & Tw ist Bart ending

This past year t he cockt ail indust ry has seen a m assive grow t h and dem and f or f resher & healt hier. Moving aw ay f rom t he sw eet and on t o f lavor enhanced alcohol m ixed w it h sparkling w at er Andy Snow, President , Feast ivit ies Event s

Def init ely an experience or a st udy of "t equila" f or inst ance w it h t he expert ... A t rend t ow ards bott le service .....a sim ple pour over ice! Bott le present at ion w it h st yle Pauline, President , Good Gracious Event s

Flavours- w ise w e're seeing coff ee and t ea based cockt ails increase. Tea inf used gin is an especially popular one at t he m om ent and w ill cont inue t hrough t o 2018. Lucy Barrow, Direct or, Mix & Tw ist Bart ending

B&G's are st art ing t o get m ore creat ive w it h pairing t heir f ood and drinks choices. Som e of t he new exam ples w e've seen of t his include Tequila w it h oyst ers, Gin w it h a praw n cockt ail, Whisky w it h beef, Rum w it h pork and Vodkas w it h caviar. Lucy Barrow, Direct or, Mix & Tw ist Bart ending

Wedding Cake & Sweet Tr ends With Elizabeth Solaru of Elizabeth's Cake Em porium

What w edding cake t rends are em erging in 2018? Huge, st at em ent cakes are a cont inuing t rend. We also seeing cakes inspired by fairy t ales, pop art and popular program m es as couples cont inue t o pref er m uch det ailed personalisat ion. Text ures w ill also play a signif icant role w it h sugar f low ers, pressed f low ers, crackle eff ect s, baroque m oulding, gilding, edible lace and sequins, coloured butt ercream , beading, ruff les and lust ering becom ing m ore dom inant . Met allics are also here t o st ay and w hilst gold is st ill popular, it 's given w ay t o a soft er m ore f em inine rose gold f or spring and sum m er and coppery t ones f or aut um n and w int er. How do you see w edding dessert s being used in t erm s of decor and st yling in 2018? Wedding dessert s are a huge f ocal point at w eddings and it is becom ing increasingly becom ing popular t o creat e st unning "dessert room s" as part of t he great reveal. Elaborat e paint ed backdrops, m irrors, f low ers, f low er w alls, cherry blossom t rees and even balloons are com m only used t o dress t he area in coordinat ing colours t o creat e im pact . Also, couples w ant t he dessert area t o be int eract ive and im m ersive and occasionally, alluring scent s are used t o draw guest s in. What are som e of t he m ore unique t rends you're seeing now t hat w ill be big in 2018? The use of m ovem ent and light eff ect s on cakes is em erging as a unique t rend. From revolving cakes and cake t oppers t o chandeliers t hat light up, couples are increasingly asking cake m akers t o push t he boundaries.

Wedding Cakes with Rosalind Miller

What are t he em erging cake t rends? We are gett ing m ore booking f or dessert t ables - a t able f illed w it h cakes and m ini cake dessert t reat s. These m ake a real cent repiece display, look fant ast ic, and can be eat en! What 's out ? Naked cakes, butt ercream cakes w it h lot s of sw eet t reat s t hrow n on as decorat ion, m arbled icing.

What are som e of t he m ore unique t rends you're seeing now t hat w ill be big in 2018? A ret urn t o grander cakes, w it h lot s of t iers of varying height s, covered in f ondant icing rat her t han butt ercream covered or naked. A lot of cakes using t ext ures on t he icing, like t orn w af er paper, concret e like t ext ures, subt le bas relief. A lot of sugar greenery/ leaves, as decorat ion, and also m ore colourf ul f loral sugar decorat ion in a m ore nat ural organic st yle.

What dessert t rends are up and com ing in 2018? We are receiving a lot m ore enquiries f or Croquem bouches in various f orm s, a pyram id t ow er m ost ly. Also, an adapt at ion of t he t radit ional croquem bouche - a t ow er of m ini eclairs. Filled and decorat ed choux buns and prof it eroles in general seem t o be having a renaissance.

Dark, rich colours and lot s of greenery. St ill plent y of m et allics. More loosely arranged sugar f low ers t o ref lect f lorist ry t rends. Com bining sem i- naked t iers w it h f ondant covered t iers. St encilling w it h royal icing. Int erest ing, non- convent ional f lavours. Sem i- naked cakes are st ill going st rong.

Top Wedding Cake & Sweet Tr ends

Doughnut w alls w ill cont inue t o be popular. Waff les f or w eddings. Choux buns and m odern t akes on croquem bouche. Megan Collins, Ow ner, Blossom & Crum b


f low erf ett i cakes galaxy covered cakes Mirror glazed cakes isom olt cakes edible f low ers cakes naked cakes airbrush st roke cakes hanging cakes

Flat cake pops are t he t rendiest now, t hey com e on st icks decorat ed in diff erent shapes, yum m y f or adult s and kids! Nicole Mrad, Founder, CupNcakes LLC

Experim ent at ion w it h t ext ure - using royal icing or w af er paper on f ondant or in t he applicat ion of butt ercream . Using edible paint in abst ract w ays on cakes. Using dark blues and dark greens t hat w ould have previously been considered "un- w eddingy". Megan Collins, Ow ner, Blossom & Crum b

Donut s (m inis and bit e sized), cronut s, dipped st raw berries and cherries, eclairs, cheese cake bit es, paint ed and m et allic leaf ed m acarons, f lavoured m eringues and royal iced cookies are som e of t he t rends com ing up in 2018. Dessert t ables w ill be m ore ext ravagant w it h a huge back drops and select ion of t reat s inf luenced by childhood m em ories, couple's t ast e buds and t he w edding t hem e. Som e client s are also shunning t radit ional w edding cake shapes f or carved and shaped cakes of anim als and object s t hat signif icant t o t hem . Elizabet h Solaru, Founder, Elizabet h's Cake Em porium

Generally, w e're seeing m ore m odern and m inim alist designs em erging, including butt ercream cakes w it h sw eeps of bold colour or delicat ely hand- paint ed designs. Mini t iered brow nies and m acarons are st ill m aking an appearance, but croquem bouche, donut s and m eringue kisses are also becom ing popular choices Krishant hi Arm itt , Ow ner, Cakes by Krishant hi

Pr e and Post War Inspir ed Wedding The shoot used in t his sect ion of our report draw s f rom t he nat ural surroundings of t he venue w it h t w o looks inspired by t he f irst and second w orld w ars. This look has been creat ed by t his fant ast ic t eam of vendors: Venue - The Giraff e Shed t hegiraff Phot ography & Videography - Rocksalt Phot ography w w w.rocksalt phot Planning & St yling - For t he Love of Weddings w w w.f ort heloveof w eddings.m e Floral Design - Pheasant Bot anica w w w.pheasant bot St at ionery - Anon Design w w Cake - Sam's Sw eet Treat s @sam s_sw eet _t reat s Crockery, Cut lery, Glassw are - Classic Crockery w w Bridal gow n - Claire Mischevani w w w.clairem Hair - Hair by Hairy Shelly Make Up - Leah Sim s w w w.leahsim sm akeupart ist .com Ring Box - The Mrs Box t hem

Photogr aphy & Enter tainment TREN DS Capt uring and creat ing t hose special 2018 m om ent s

Captur ing the Couple "What I have been seeing em erge recent ly f rom m y client s is less of t he visual clutt er of props and t hem es f or t heir engagem ent and w edding phot os. They w ant m ore im agery t hat show cases t heir unique connect ion t o one anot her w here t he phot ographs are less about t rends and m ore about t hem as a couple. Ironically, m aking t his f ocus on em ot ive im agery and t rue connect ion m ore of a t rend! I am super excit ed about t his as it 's been at t he heart of w hy I am a phot ographer t o begin w it h, not f or props and visual t ricks, but t o really get at t he heart of w ho m y couples are t oget her. How t hey are t ender w it h one anot her or how t hey just m ake each ot her laugh! A big t hing I st rive f or w it h m y w ork is t o really show case each person's personalit y as m uch as possible. There is no cookie cutt er, one- size- f it s- all- approach t o everyone, and I really enjoy discovering w ho each couple is t oget her. It 's like a connect ion t reasure hunt , m aking t he locat ions of w here I phot ograph t hem less relevant w hen I explain t o t hem t hat t he t rue purpose of t heir session t oget her (w het her it 's an engagem ent session or t heir w edding port rait s) is t o see how t heir chem ist ry is in f ront of m y cam era. Don't get m e w rong, I really enjoy t raveling f or am azing locat ions w it h m y client s but t here is pow er and t rust t hat is built w hen I can creat e t reasured phot ographs anyw here w it h m y client s!

I am seeing a big upt ick in client s w ant ing t o have album s and print s and really rescuing t heir im ages f rom t he com put er! I am over t he m oon about t his one since I t hink it really gives people a renew ed appreciat ion of phot ography and how m uch t hey value it w hen t hey see it on t heir w all or in t heir hands, and put s it back int o t he cat egory of t he t reasured fam ily heirloom , as it should be! What 's everyone say t hey grab f irst in a f ire? That 's right , phot ographs!" Carla Ten Eyck, Carla Ten Eyck Phot ography

Seat ing in t he round: This year I had several couples set up t heir cerem ony so t hat guest s w ere seat ed in a circle around t hem . In 2018 w e already have 7 w eddings booked w here t he guest s w ill be seat ed in t he round. As far as phot ography goes, t his creat es som e really int erest ing and int im at e shot s t hat show fam ily and f riends in t he background of all of t he cerem ony phot os. It also allow s m e t o phot ograph t he cerem ony f rom a f ull circle w hich is not som et hing t hat w e have alw ays been able t o do in t he past .

Top Photogr aphy & Cinematogr aphy Tr ends

Michael Busada, Ow ner, Mike B Phot ography

I t hink w e w ill see a t rend t ow ards m ore fashion f orw ard phot ography across t he indust ry. I believe w e w ill see fashion phot ography inf luencing w edding phot ography t o creat e m ore im ages t hat are clean and look like t hey cam e f rom a m agazine. Phillip Van Nost rand, Ow ner, Phillipvn Phot ography

I also see a t rend t ow ards m ore physical product s in phot ography, like print s, f ram es, w edding album s. Phillip Van Nost rand, Ow ner, Phillipvn Phot ography

One t he biggest cinem at ography t rends you are going t o see in 2018 is t he use of drones t o capt ure diff erent perspect ives of t he couple's w edding day, t he abilit y t o get t hat st eady m ot ion in your videos is now easier t hanks t o t hese devices and I'm sure w e w ill be seeing m ore of t his cinem at ic st yle in t he next year. Keit h Phillips, Head of Operat ions, Classic Phot ographers

We can see brides & groom s are becom ing m uch m ore part icular about unique light ing opport unit ies f or t heir w edding day! Whet her t hey play w it h backlight ing out doors or have rom ant ic accent light ing during t he recept ion, t he m ore opt ions t he bett er! We have also seen a huge shift in t he att ent ion t o det ails f or a couples' big day in t he last year, and w e ant icipat e t his t o becom e t he couples m ain concern t hrough 2018. You w ill also see a t ransit ion in t he angles w edding phot ographers are using t o blend in w it h t he crow d w hich allow s t he couple t o see t heir w edding f rom a 3rd person point of view. Keit h Phillips, Head of Operat ions, Classic Phot ographers

A t rend I see em erging f or 2018 is color is back in f ull f orce. While m y client s long f or m ore vibrancy in t he em ot ional piece of phot ography t hey are also appreciat ing it w it h t he rich t ones of color in t heir phot ographs as w ell. Carla Ten Eyck, Phot ographer, Carla Ten Eyck Phot ography

Top Wedding Photogr aphy Tr ends With Michael Busada of Mike B Photography

- Pet s in cerem onies: In 2018 w e are going t o see a lot m ore pet s included in w edding cerem onies. Alm ost 40% of our client s are inquiring as t o w het her or not t hey can incorporat e t heir pet s int o t heir w edding day! My response has alw ays been a resounding yes, w it h one caviat ; if you're going t o use your dog as a ring bearer, do not att ach your valuable jew elry t o your pet . - Firew orks: More of our client s are planning on f irew orks displays t o end t he evening. Sparklers have been popular f or years during a send off, but m any of my client s are looking f or m ore dram a and adding f irew orks as a recept ion closing event . - First Looks: Inst ead of being t he except ion, m ore t han half of my couples are all in f or f irst looks. First looks allow you t o share a privat e m om ent bef ore facing hundreds of people and exchanging vow s. We have seen it help t rem endously w it h t he nerves ahead of t he big "I do". This m om ent is exclusive bet w een t he couple and allow s f or an exchange of em ot ions, hopes f or t he f ut ure, and som et im es even cards or gift s. - Album s and print s are back: A couple of years ago w e saw an increase in t he num ber of client s w ho w ant ed an album included in t heir package, and t hat num ber has increased again f or 2018. It seem s t hat couples w ant som et hing t angible t hat t hey can physically hold and brow se at any t im e. I am also now seeing a huge increase in t he num ber of couples t hat w ant a collect ion of large art print s included in t heir package.

Top Photogr aphy & Cinematogr aphy Tr ends With Kate Hopewell- Sm ith & Brent Kirkm an of byLum iere What are t he t op phot ography t rends w e'll see in 2018? - Pre- w edding or engagem ent shoot s are becom ing m uch m ore signif icant w it h a big invest m ent in t im e and m oney t o shoot in beaut if ul locat ions w it h huge eff ort put int o st yling. - "First looks" are becom ing m ore popular in t he UK w it h couples opt ing t o see each ot her bef ore t he cerem ony in order t o not be aw ay f rom t heir guest s f or t oo long during t he recept ion. - Unplugged Cerem onies w ill becom e m ore popular because couples w ant t heir guest s t o be present , in t he m om ent and not hidden behind screens during t he m ost im port ant part of t he day. - We are seeing m ore high t ech Phot o Boot hs at w eddings w it h t ouch screens, w if i f unct ionalit y and GIFs delivered t o your phone f or inst ant social m edia sharing w it h t he w edding hasht ag. What are t he t op cinem at ography t rends w e'll see in 2018? - The delivery of short er f ilm s (c 15m ins) shot in very high qualit y w it h a m uch m ore art ist ic, cinem at ic and engaging st yle t hat w ill have t he product ion values of a m ovie rat her t han a chronological docum ent ary of t he day. - More cinem at ographers w ill off er an 'A La Cart e' approach t o pricing w hich w ill allow couples t o choose exact ly w hat w ill w ork best f or t heir w edding - t his could include t he addit ion of audio sound bit es, a w edding t railer w hich celebrat es t he highlight s of all t he key m om ent s or even breat ht aking aerial drone f oot age of t he venue or t he cerem ony as it unf olds.

What's out? "In regards t o phot ography, brides and groom s are m oving aw ay f rom doing a lot of "posed" shot s, m ost couples are looking f or m ore of t hose candid m om ent s now rat her t han st aged ideas. In cinem at ography, st and st ill video f oot age is out ! As a videographer, you have t o be able t o m ove around and add som e of your ow n f lare t o t he couple's video, and t hey are depending on you t o do t hat w it hout m issing a single m om ent !" Keit h Phillips, Head of Operat ions, Classic Phot ographers "I t hink (hope) vint age and fake f ilm w ill be out by 2018. It 's a long last ing t rend t hat has def init ely run it s course." Phillip Van Nost rand, Ow ner, Phillipvn Phot ography "Over processed im ages are on t he w ay out . Mut ed greens and m ut ed colors overall are just super overdone, everyone is looking t oo sim ilar, especially on Inst agram ! I have had m any client s t ell m e how m uch t hey appreciat e how colorf ul m y w ork is and are draw n t o t hat . Props and overdone t hem es are on t heir w ay out as w ell!" Carla Ten Eyck, Phot ographer, Carla Ten Eyck Phot ography

"Toss t he gart er: Lit erally, it 's done. Maybe one in t en of m y couples now plan t o do a gart er t oss. As I am sure m any in t he indust ry have seen, it creat es t oo m any aw kw ard m om ent s, and it 's just anot her t hing t hat breaks up t he f low of t he recept ion. Filt ers: Many of t he couples I w ill be w orking w it h in 2018 have specif ically st at ed t hey cam e t o m e because our phot os look nat ural, real, and sharp! Over processing is over!" Michael Busada, Ow ner, Mike B Phot ography

Services such as pop up beaut y bars and ot her act ivit ies t hat involve int eract ion w ill be clear t rends in 2018. Beaut y bars and ot her services are already popular am ong event organisers w ho have booked t hem f or privat e part ies and corporat e event s w it h big success, and it ?s som et hing t hat brides and groom s are st art ing t o be int erest ed in. Flash m ob dancers and surprise singers are also in t he list of our t rend predict ions f or 2018. Modern brides and groom s are looking f or new w ays t o surprise t heir guest s and m ake t heir special day unf orgett able. Juliana Rodriguez, Art ist Cont ent Creat or and Talent Scout , Scarlett Ent ert ainm ent

Services like t he ones off ered by our chocolat e 3D carvers or ?print yourself in 3D? are boom ing and w e expect m ore and m ore couples gett ing m arried t o hire t hese services t o provide t heir guest s w it h very unique gift s. We also f oresee m usical opt ions t hat are not convent ional f or w eddings such as beat boxers w ill be am ong our enquiries. This is a clear indicat ion of t he t ast es and pref erences of t he new generat ion of brides and groom s.

People w ill be f ocusing m ore on t he guest experience. They w ill be hiring unusual ent ert ainm ent f or t heir w edding ? slow m o boot hs, cigar rolling, t hem ed w alk around ent ert ainm ent during cockt ail hour, et c.

Juliana Rodriguez, Art ist Cont ent Creat or and Talent Scout , Scarlett Ent ert ainm ent

Kevin Dennis, Ow ner, Fant asy Sound Event Services

Top Enter tainment Tr ends Wit h regards m usic, w e now have LED bands ? t his is w here all of t heir inst rum ent s are lit up by LED and can change colour t hroughout t heir perf orm ance. This can be ext rem ely eff ect ive especially if you are looking t o creat e t hat Club / Ibiza vibe. Keeping in line w it h t he grow ing t hem e of f est ival st yle w eddings w e have seen large increases in act s such as jugglers, st ilt w alkers and f ire perf orm ers. Obviously, t hese kinds of act s w ould provide any w edding w it h t he aut hent ic Glast onbury f eel. Matt Warren, Managing Direct or, Warble Ent ert ainm ent Agency

We t hink one of t he t op t rends w ill be bringing live perf orm ers int o w eddings t o t ake t he w ow fact or of a w edding t o t he next level! Having perf orm ers st rolling during cockt ail hour or t hem ed ent ert ainers as part of t he lat e night f est ivit ies is a great w ay t o int egrat e t his! Jacob & Court ney Tow e, Ow ners, DJ Jacob Co

Top Wedding Enter tainment Tr ends With Matt Warren of Warble Entertainm ent Agency

- Nost algia... plent y of couples are looking t o re?live m em ories f rom yout hf ul days (m aybe w hen t hey m et ) and enjoy m usic t hat t hey w ould have grow n up w it h. It ?s no surprise t hen t hat w e?re seeing a lot of 90?s and early 2000?s t hrow backs and m ash?ups ent ering band?s set s w it h an em phasis on t hose guilt y pleasures f rom school and college days! - Sax and DJ perf orm ances are becom ing really popular as people w ant t o recreat e t he Ibiza club vibe. We see a lot of couples gett ing st uck bet w een booking a w edding band or a DJ f or t heir evening recept ion. Many w ill end up st um bling across t his collaborat ive eff ort bet w een a DJ and live m usicians such a Saxophonist or Percussionist . - ?Fest ival? t hem ed w eddings are one of t he hott est t rends right now and w e f oresee t his st icking around unt il w ell int o and beyond 2018. .There is a real em phasis on t he live m usic being a f ocal point and every year f est ival w eddings get even bigger and bett er! - We're t aking a lot m ore enquiries f or w alkabout or roam ing bands / m usicians f or 2018. This int eract ive st yle of perf orm ance seem s t o be really popular and is ext rem ely f lexible due t o t he lack of equipm ent and perf orm ance space required. - It w ould appear t hat 2018 m ay w ell be t he year of t he 'celebrit y'. Especially judging by t he num ber of bookings w e're t aking f or celebrit y lookalikes. Couples are going crazy f or everyt hing f rom Del Boy t o Gordon Ram say t o Marilyn Monroe t o Mr T! We kid you not !

Enter tainment with Jacob & Cour tney Towe, DJ Jacob Co

Ot her t han m usic, w hat are som e ot her ent ert ainm ent t rends f or 2018? Som e ent ert ainm ent t rends you w ill be seeing in 2018 are f ood based ent ert ainm ent , such as liquid nit rogen f or drinks and desert s. We predict m ore perf orm ance based w ait ers and servers f or dinner t hat ent ert ain guest and dress t o m at ch t he t hem e of t he w edding as connect ing t he ent ire look and t hem e becom es m ore and m ore im port ant .

What are som e of t he m ore unique ent ert ainm ent t rends you're seeing f or 2018? At m ospheric aff ect s such as CO2 and conf ett i and colored sm oke bom bs; and f or high end eff ect s, colored w at erfalls and patt erned st ream s of w at er t o creat e a t ruly m agical look. But , t he m ost unique w ay, at t his point , t o set apart a w edding is st ill int egrat ing t he environm ent in w it h t he t hem e of t he w edding and t he best w ay t o do t his is t hrough environm ent al project ion or project ion m apping.

How is t echnology playing a role in ent ert ainm ent in 2018? Technology is key f or w eddings in 2018, f rom digit al place cards t o project ed t ablescapes. Technology is not just playing a part in t he planning and sharing of a w edding but nearly every elem ent . Couples really w ant a cust om celebrat ion t hat t ells t heir st ory and t echnology is st ill t he best w ay t o t ell t hat st ory.

Top Wedding Enter tainer s With Michael Cerbelli of Cerbelli Creative, LLC

- Incredible Dinner Act s 1. GENTRI: The Gent lem en Trio - Their signat ure ?Cinem at ic Pop? sound is creat ed by blending lush, epic orchest rat ions w it h rich, dynam ic t hree?part harm onies. Their f irst m usic video t o t heir original hit single, ?Dare,? m ade int ernat ional headlines on new s out let s around t he w orld. 2. Well?St rung - A New York Cit y?based st ring quart et , derives t heir unique blend of vocals and st rings by f using CLASSICAL m usic w it h t he POP m usic of t oday. They f use Mozart w it h Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Sw ift w it h Bach and do it all in f our?part harm ony! 3. ReVoiced - The a cappella vocal quint et t hat w ill keep your ?ears on t hei t oes? and w ill have audiences ent hralled w hile experiencing t heir band w it hout inst rum ent al sound. They em body t he f ull sound of a band using only t heir f ive voices w hile also bringing t o t he st age prof essional show m anship and sleek sophist icat ion. - The Chocolat e Genius - Paul is t he w orld?s only speed chocolat e sculpt or t urning t he art of chocolat e sculpt ing int o INNOVATIVE and UNIQUE live ent ert ainm ent . - The Gast ro Garage w as a Prevue favorit e, a pum ped?up present at ion about preparing gourm et f ood using none ot her t han a blow t orch. On t he m enu? Everyt hing f rom a Cubano sandw ich t o a New York st rip st eak. - Pancake Art . How t o spruce up t he m ost boring m eal of t he day? Dr. Dan t he Pancake Man f rom Dancakes creat es cust om pancakes t hat are sure t o get a chuckle out of att endees. - Aerial Drones. Drones have changed our w orld and w e didn't realize how m uch unt il t his hot list it em w as used t o creat e an LED Light show during Lady Gaga's Superbow l half t im e show. We had a f un preview of t his t echnology and I'm honest ly really jazzed t o see just how far creat ivit y goes w it h t his!

What's Out... Juliana Rodriguez predict s... Caricat urist s and ot her live event art ist s like event paint ers are probably on t heir w ay out due t o t he boom of phot o boot hs. Gat sby t hem ed w eddings have becom e m uch less popular, so 20s t hem ed dancers and bands w ill probably not be am ong new lyw eds? pref erences next year. Kevin Dennis predict s... The t radit ional cham pagne skirt is out ? people are looking f or w ays t o m ake t hat even m ore int eract ive. Jacob & Court ney Tow e predict ... What w e see going aw ay is gart er rem oval and gart er t oss as w ell as int roduct ions of t he ent ire bridal part y. Most couples are having eit her t he bridal part y already in t he room f or int roduct ions or have t hem all com e in as one large group and only t he couple's nam e is announced. Matt Warren predict s... Whilst vint age is alw ays going t o com e back around it does f eel t hat m ore and m ore couples are m oving aw ay f rom t he vint age vibe and looking m ore t ow ards boho chic and t he f est ival st yles ? m ore relaxed and inf orm al seem s t o be t he buzzw ords.


"This region is a m elt ing pot of cult ures and couples living in t he region are incredibly diverse, w e see a lot of t radit ional cerem onies m eet ing t he m odern w it h a t w ist . Whilst couples locally do t end t o have large gat herings part icularly w it h t he Asian and nat ive Gulf couples, w e?re going t o see a lot m ore personalizat ion in everyt hing relat ed t o t he w edding, f rom t able num bers t o favors, m onogram ed t able linen, crest s on invit at ions ? it all com es f rom t he need t o m ake t heir w eddings m ore personal w hilst st ill keeping in line w it h t he need t o bow t o t radit ion. Wit h regards t o locally based w est ern expat couples, w eddings are considerably sm aller in size and w e w ill see t he rise of dest inat ion w eddings as t hey look t o accom m odat e fam ily and f riends f rom across t he globe at som e m ore of t he exot ic locat ions t he couple have an aff init y w it h. Think of places such as Sardinia, Maldives,

Regional Tr ends

"We w ill see m uch m ore use of m et allic such as rose gold, copper even brushed m et al. Along w it h next level greenery ? t hink live w alls f or backdrops & t ablet ops, m ixing in som e rough but eart hy t ext ures like rocks- brings t he out doors indoors. I also f eel t he boho w edding t rend w ill cont inue t o grow in popularit y."

Bali, Malt a and Zanzibar et c. w hich off er bot h t he couple and t heir fam ilies t he chance t o cat ch up and relax t oget her.

Tsian Koussa, Edit or, w

In t erm s of t rends I t hink t he rust ic look has had it s day as couples m ove t ow ards t he m ore sophist icat ed and elegant . I t hink w e w ill see t hen end of hessian fabrics and lace on t ables w hich w ill be replaced by layers of fabric such as velvet t o give t he t able sett ings a richer t ext ure and a f eeling of luxury w hilst keeping in line w it h t he sophist icat ed aest het ic. We w on?t see greenery going anyw here in 2018 in fact , w e w ill see m ore of it being used in clever w ays. Arab w eddings have t he beaut if ul Koshas and w e w ill see t hese t ake on a m ore m agical f eel w it h hanging f lorals and greenery. Tables w ill have f loral arrangem ent s of varying height s t o creat e dram a around t he event space and not just on t he bridal st age. This com bined w it h m et allic f eat ure pieces w ill add t o t he overall luxury f eel. We?re def iant ly going t o see m ore m arble incorporat ed int o t hings like placem at s and runners. Gold is st ill being used, but w e?ll see m ore brass and copper com ing t hrough, m y favorit e at t he m om ent is rose gold in conjunct ion w it h m arble and I t hink it ?s going t o becom e m ore popular across t he board." Bonit a Carr, Arabian Academy of Wedding & Event Planning

"Our readership globally is evolving. We now have m ore int ernat ional readers t hen ever, m any of w hom are looking t o m ake t he UAE t heir 'dest inat ion' of choice f or t heir w edding abroad. A big t rend t o w at ch out f or in 2018, is Pant one's colour of t he year Ult ra Violet . Expect lot s of st yled shoot s f eat uring t his prett y hue over t he com ing m ont hs." Rhiannon Dow nie- Hurst , Founder/ Edit or, BrideClubMe

On Decor Trends... "Unique Kousha designs are a unique f eat ure of w eddings in t he region and ones w hich t here is alw ays room f or innovat ion and creat ivit y. Many of t he w edding st ylist s use t he bridal st age as a plat f orm f or really com m unicat ing a unique look t o t he w edding." Im an El- Huni, Managing Direct or, Part y Social "Suspended st at em ent f lorals w ill be m aking an im pact in 2018 & bridal w reat hs w ill also be a t rend t o look out f or. Black bridal att ire accent s w ill reign on t he cat w alk & classic black, w ill also be m aking an appearance in w edding decor elem ent s. Signage vendors w ill be in big business in 2018, as perspex/ see t hrough signage boards and elem ent s f eat uring engraving or decals w ill be a popular choice f or couples w it h sim ple, scandi t ast es." Rhiannon Dow nie- Hurst , Founder/ Edit or, BrideClubMe

TOP 2018 LOCATIONS "Beach venues are alw ays very popular here in t he UAE f or obvious reasons ? beaut if ul seas, st unning view s and great w eat her ž of t he year! We?ve been seeing m ore desert locat ions on t he rise, couples choosing t o say ?I do? overlooking soft sand dunes." Tsian Koussa, Edit or, w "Dubai w ill alw ays be a hot spot f or dest inat ion brides, part icularly f rom India and Nigeria. How ever an Em irat e t o keep an eye on w ould be Ajm an, w it h an array of st unning new beachside resort s and gorgeous pict uresque locat ions. The Oberoi in Al Zorah, Ajm an has cert ainly capt ured our heart , as a beaut if ul pot ent ial w edding venue. w e have seen an increase in unique venues opening up t heir doors t o w eddings in Dubai, such as Follys rest aurant in t he Madinat , Jum eirah." Rhiannon Dow nie- Hurst , Founder/ Edit or, BrideClubMe

What's Still In Mennat Al Ham m am i says...

Rhiannon Dow nie- Hurst says...

I don?t f oresee bot anicals going anyw here in 2018. In fact , I expect t he t rend m ay even explode on t o ot her elem ent s of design such as bar f urnit ure, cerem onial arrangem ent s and backdrops, and m ore eclect ic hanging inst allt ions t hat are ever so popular now here in t he UAE.

Trends f rom 2017, t hat shall rem ain w ould be t he love affair w it h m et alics and copper in part icular, I can't see t he innovat ive geode cake obsession fading just yet , and large, oversized bouquet s w ill st ill be a bridal favourit e."

Im an El- Huni says... - Rust ic st ill cont inues t o be a t hem e t hat m any brides are int erest ed in. It ?s also a t hem e t hat is quit e budget f riendly w it h t he use of a lot of greenery and a very pared dow n and sim ple design aest het ic. I believe t his w ill st ill cont inue t o be a popular t hem e in 2018. - Sim ple burlap or linen blends in t aupes, sands and greys w ill cont inue t o be popular in t he region as t he cont inuat ion of t he rust ic t hem e is played out in t he t ablet ops. Also in line w it h t he organic and nat ural t rends w e see use of gauzy f lax linens used as runners or as napkins on rough w ooden t ables. - Classic gold and w hit e and pink is a t hem e t hat is t im eless, elegant and carries f ort h year aft er year. It m ay seem saf e but t here are diff erent it erat ions of it , t hat m any of t he planners w e w ork w it h are able t o m ake it look f resh and diff erent every t im e. The classic look f or w eddings w ill cont inue t o be a signif icant com ponent of w eddings in t he region t hroughout 2018.

What's Out Tsian Koussa says... The t hing w it h w eddings is t hat t here are so m any t hem es & colour pallet s and w it h Pint erest being t he m ain source of bridal inspirat ion t rends get popular really fast but also seem overdone really fast also. Im an El- Huni says... Given t he w ide variet y of nat ionalit ies and cult ures in t he UAE t here is no specif ic t hem e t hat w e can say couples are st aying aw ay f rom . Wit h couples f rom such varied backgrounds, t here are t hem es t hat suit every budget and every cult ure here.

Romance in Malibu The shoot used in t his sect ion of our report enchant s w it h m agical, m yst ical rom ance. This look has been creat ed by t his fant ast ic t eam of vendors: Designer/ Planner - Karen Marie Event s w w w.karenm arieevent Phot ographer - Michelle Ram irez w w w.m ram irezphot Venue - Saddlepeak Lodge w w Florals - Burlap and Bordeaux w w Rent als - Vent ura Rent als w w w.vent uralrent HMU - Cheek t o Cheek Art ist ry w w w.cheekt ocheekart ist Bakery - Sugar Lab Bakeshop w w Calligraphy - Shelby Creat ive Design w w w.shelbycreat Models: - Scarlet Walker @m alibucow girl - St ephan Bender @s_bender Att ire - Cam arillo Bridal Bout ique w w arillo- bridalbout Jew elry - Wings Jew elry and Gift s w w w.w ingsjew elryandgift Linens - Dream s Am erica w w w.dream sam

LGBTQ Weddings TREN DS What 's t rending f or sam e sex unions

LGBTQ weddings in 2018 "When t he Suprem e Court ruled in favor of m arriage equalit y in June 2015, w e saw a lot of elopem ent s and sm aller w eddings t ake place as couples rushed t o off icialize t heir love. But now as 2015 is f urt her in our rearview m irror, m ore LGBTQ couples are falling int o t he t ypical w edding planning t im eline, 12- 13 m ont hs, and host ing w eddings w it h an average guest list of 85 people. This also m eans t hey're spending m ore. We're also ant icipat ing t he average m arrying age t o drop f rom 46 (self- ident if ied m en) and 36 (self- ident if ied w om en) t o a range t hat 's m ore in- line w it h t heir het ero couple count erpart s, as younger couples have now st art ed relat ionships w it h t he possibilit y of a legal m arriage in t heir f ut ure. And, like t he m ajorit y of m illenials, t hese couples w ill be planning t heir w eddings f rom t heir devices, f inding inspirat ion on social m edia and connect ing w it h t heir w edding pros via m essenger apps. And personalizat ion cont inues t o be a priorit y, w het her it 's heirloom w ardrobe choices or a cust om m ot if w oven t hroughout t he st at ionery. They w ant t heir w edding day t o be a sym bolic represent at ion of t heir love st ory.

The pendulum is also sw inging back t o include t radit ions t hat w ere oft en skipped over because t hey w ere t hought t o be conservat ive and/ or het eronorm at ive. Now, if t hey so desire, couples aren't shying aw ay f rom including elem ent s such as fait h- based vow s and t radit ional parent al dances, but adapt ing t hem t o ref lect t heir relat ionship, proving t hat an LGBTQ w edding doesn't have t o m ean nont radit ional." Britt ny Drye, Founder and Edit or- in- Chief, Love Inc.

Because w e are seeing m ore prem ium LGBTQ w eddings being f eat ured on blogs and in print , couples are invest ing m ore int o t heir w eddings. We w ill see m ore w eddings t hat w ill include planned rehearsal dinners and post w edding brunches. We w ill also see couples having f un w it h t heir f ood opt ions, such as a favorit e rest aurant of t he couple cat ering t heir w edding. Chanda Daniels, Creat ive Direct or, A Monique Affair

LGBTQ couples are looking f or m axim um personalizat ion w hen it com es t o t heir w edding. From t he dest inat ion it self, w hich oft en has personal m eaning t o t he couple, t o t he design and decor of t he cerem ony and recept ion. Coupes w ant t o w alk int o t heir w edding know ing t hat it is uniquely t hem , not f ull of generic decor t hat anyone could use. Megan Velez, VP, Dest inat ionw

We w ill see m ore couple cust om izing/ designing w edding st at ionary, because t hey don't w ant anyt hing anyone else has had. We w ill also see t he hiring of bands/ live m usic t o add t o t he experience of having t he best w edding ever. Chanda Daniels, Creat ive Direct or, A Monique Affair

Top LGBTQ Tr ends Ext ending t he aft er part y ? sam e?sex couples are looking f or resort s t o accom m odat e longer night s, in a t hrilling w ay! We?re seeing m ore inquiries f or lavish ent ert ainm ent such as f ire dancers and f oam part ies, and m ore bookings f or t hrilling excursions t o really leave guest s speechless.

Classic, vintage, nature, art deco. Kat e Lovell, Edit or, The Gay Wedding Guide

Megan Velez, VP, Product , Dest inat ionw

Technology has cem ent ed it self in t he indust ry, and LGBTQ w eddings are no diff erent . Using everyt hing f rom drone videography and phot ography, t o live st ream ing and video sharing apps t hat allow f riends and fam ily f rom around t he w orld t o be a part of t he event . Megan Velez, VP, Dest inat ionw

Top LGBTQ Wedding Theme Tr ends Predictions from the LGBTQ wedding experts

"Show casing individualit y and a celebrat ion of love." Kat e Lovell, Edit or, The Gay Wedding Guide "In 2018 w e w ill see lot s of t hem es t hat are personal t o t he couple, in t erm s of color, and design inspirat ion. Lot s of cust om designs based on t he couple, less Pint erest inspired. We w ill see inspirat ion based off t heir t ravels, favorit e f oods, rest aurant s." Chanda Daniels, Creat ive Direct or, A Monique Affair "A m ore relaxed part y at m osphere w ill cont inue t o gain popularit y. Couples w ant t heir guest s t o just have a good t im e and celebrat e, not w orry about t he fancy fanfare of a f orm al celebrat ion. There has been a shift m ore t ow ard having an ent ert ainm ent - cent ric event , w it h couples f ocusing so m uch on guest experiences. Expect t o see couples bringing in unique act ivit ies like cigar bars, dancers, and t op bands." Megan Velez, VP, Product , Dest inat ionw "We are cont inuing t o see geom et ric shapes grow in popularit y, part icularly am ongst gay m en, spott ed on cakes, backdrops and t ablescapes. And m ixed m et als and t ext ures, such as copper, m arble and concret e are replacing w ood as t he favored m at erial- of- choice." Britt ny Drye, Founder and Edit or- in- Chief, Love Inc.

WHAT'S OUT FOR 2018 "Over- t he- t op decor seem s t o be t aking a backseat t o t he m ore sim plist ic and personal design st yle t hat becam e so popular in 2017. In keeping w it h t he m ore sim plist ic design st yle, couples aren't overspending on decor det ails anym ore. Inst ead, t hey are choosing t o put t heir budget s int o experiences like great ent ert ainm ent or excursions rat her t han upgrading t heir t able linens." Megan Velez, VP, Product , Dest inat ionw

"The pressure t o have a w edding t hat is over- t he- t op w it h decor and inst ead, f ocus on creat ing one- t o- t hree cust om ized "m om ent s" t hat are Inst a- w ort hy, such as a cust om backdrop, creat ive dessert present at ion or beaut if ully designed lounge ret reat . The dollar spending is t he sam e, but t he design execut ion is on a m icro level, perf ect f or Inst agram act ion. In Wedding Att ire... Tradit ional black suit s. Soonlyw eds are having f un w it h t heir suit st yle and adding personalit y int o t heir w edding day w ardrobe. We're seeing t hem reach f or velvet suit s, w him sically patt erned t ies and bright ly colored jum psuit s." Britt ny Drye, Founder and Edit or- in- Chief, Love Inc. "Guest s are choosing t o add- on lat e night snacks or int eract ive f ood st at ions in lieu of candy, bott le openers or key chains. Som e couples are putt ing "favor" budget s t ow ards special calligraphed place cards t hat guest s f ind m ore personal.

Wedding Cake. Couples rarely w ant t o do a cake cutt ing anym ore, so w hy have a cake? replacing t he t radit ional w edding cake w it h t heir favorit e t reat s or dessert bars is becom ing m ore and m ore popular." Sarah Pet e Rizzi, Ow ner, Sincerely Pet e & Wanderlust Wed Co "On t he w ay out is t he t ypical recept ion f low, such as "Cake Cutt ing", "Bouquet Tosses" and "Parent s Dances". LGBTQ w eddings are m oving t ow ards having m ore of an "epic" dance part y aft er dinner. Anot her t hings is m at ching dresses f or t he w edding part y, m ore couples are giving t he w edding part y t he opt ion t o w ear w hat m akes t hem f eel good - w it hin t he color st ory of t he w edding." Chanda Daniels, Creat ive Direct or, A Monique Affair

Som e of t he t op LGBTQ dest inat ion w edding t rends f or 2018 are San Francisco, Wine Count ry (such as Napa/ Sonom a) and Carm el Valley. San Francisco w eddings are f or t he classic high?end, ?cit y? w edding. The guest experience is very high on t he priorit y list . Beaut if ul w ineries as w edding venues paired w it h w ine and am azing f ood w ill be seen a lot t his upcom ing season. The beaut if ul scenery of Carm el Valley w ill also be anot her big locat ion, f or t hose couples w ant ing a relaxed and highly cust om ized w edding. Chanda Daniels, Creat ive Direct or, A Monique Affair

Abroad, m ore couples are opt ing f or count ries like Greece, It aly, Ireland, Iceland and Spain. To personalize t heir experiences, couples rent large villas or buyout sm all bout ique hot els and host all t heir guest s. Couples are inf using t rue cult ural experiences, as opposed t o inclusive resort s w ho t ry t o "Am ericanize" event s.

Cost a Rica, Haw aii, Uruguay, Iceland, Bora Bora. Sandra Sant oro, Founder & Ow ner, Gett ing Married in It aly

Top LGBTQ Destinations Haw aii cont inues t o reign f or t he t op locale f or LGBTQ dest inat ion w eddings and honeym oons. The Caribbean is not oriously ant i?gay, part icularly t ow ard m en, so Haw aii rem ains a saf e, t ropical opt ion f or a dest inat ion. Sm all dest inat ion w eddings in West ern Europe are also on t he rise, and w e've not iced several w edding pros in Europe creat ing st yled shoot s show casing sam e?sex couples, and expect t hat m arket ing t o cont inue t o f urt her generat e int erest . Britt ny Drye, Founder and Edit or- in- Chief, Love Inc.

Sarah Pet e Rizzi, Ow ner, Sincerely Pet e & Wanderlust Wed Co LGBTQ couples f requent ly inquire about dest inat ions t hat specif ically m arket t o t heir dem ographic. Napa Valley, Am st erdam , Marrakech, Dubrovnik and Rio de Janeiro are am ong our t op bookings. Pam ela St rauss, Co- Founder & COO, Wedaw ays

LGBTQ Weddings with Sar ah Pete Rizzi

Writ ing your ow n w edding cerem ony and doing aw ay w it h w edding part ies but incorporat ing fam ilies m ore (I credit a w ider accept ance of LGBTQ w eddings now w e've "sett led in" t o legalizat ion) such as having a fam ily m em ber off iciat e or read at t he cerem ony or provide special t oast s.

I t hink m ore and m ore, LGBTQ w eddings are f al l ing right in l ine w it h w hat s t rending in opposit e sex w eddings... - m ixing m odern & vint age t o creat e a "new classic" look. - f ocus on t ext ures and layers. - f inding w ays t o incorporat e non- f loral elem ent s as t he m ain decor and t hen accent ing w it h f loral or organic m at erials. - f ocus on t he present at ion of f ood & drink ,everyt hing st ill needs t o be inst agram able!!

Couples are em bracing m ixed m et allics and "new neut rals" such as greens, grays, & blues. They are also choosing t o accent t hese neut rals w it h bright pops of an accent color. Out is... Blush & gold!

Wedding Tech TRENDS Expect 2018 Weddings t o get even m ore t echy

Wedding Technology

boot hs and 360 phot ography t o hovering 360 cam eras. These t echnologically advanced t ools are crucial in m aking t hem appear ahead of t he curve and on t rend according t o t oday?s client . Diagram m ing t ools can save m oney as w ell as conf orm a client t o show spacing and of course give t hem a virt ual t our t oday t o calm t he nerves!

Technology is not a luxury t oday t he w ay it has been in previous years. Technology is a part of our daily lives w hich m eans client s are dem anding it as a crit ical part of t he event planning process. Event prof essionals m ust not only st ay ahead of t rends but adapt t o t he needs of t heir client s.

Wedding couples w ill cont inue t o use Pint erest as t heir guide f or inspirat ion as event pros cont inue t o pin and share t heir ow n cont ent in order t o be f ound. Sam e w ill apply f or Inst agram , Snapchat and Facebook w it h couples using all plat f orm s t o t hem share im ages f rom t heir special day. The use of w edding hasht ags w ill grow m ore prevalent and Snapchat f ilt ers w ill cont inue t o show case t heir special day.

Technology w ill cont inue t o im pact w eddings and how t hey are planned, especially dest inat ion w eddings. Dest inat ion w eddings w ill benef it great ly as t echnology allow s f or visualizat ion t ools, sm art phone t echnology and t he abilit y t o build t he environm ent in real t im e f or t he w edding couple t o experience f rom a dist ance. Wedding couples w ant even m ore cont rol of t heir planning t han ever bef ore and t hey w ant t o be able t o do it all via t heir m obile devices. Technology w ill also cont inue t o im pact com m unicat ion m et hods f or w edding planning w hich w ill cause an increased need f or collaborat ion, live chat s, chat groups and video group conf erencing opt ions. The event indust ry m ust keep up w it h t he needs of t heir client s w hich m eans st aying on t op of t echnological t rends is a m ust . In addit ion t o m aking t hem selves available via social m edia and em ail, t hey are int roducing t echnology int o t heir event s f rom 360

Sandy Ham m er, Co?Founder & CMO, AllSeat ed

For vendors, online paym ent processing has becom e an absolut e m ust w it hin your business. The ease of sending an invoice t o a client t hat t hey're able t o pay direct ly t hrough a client port al couldn't be an easier w ay t o com bat a previously aw kw ard int eract ion. Client s oft en w ant t o ut ilize credit cards t o earn a variet y of point s and rew ards f or such a high t icket event , and asking f or a num ber over t he phone poses securit y risks t hat m any people aren't com f ort able w it h. Kat herine Oyer, Direct or of PR & Part nerships, Aisle Planner

I t hink t here w ill be a prolif erat ion of soft w are t hat 's designed t o service w edding indust ry prof essionals and couples. I also believe t here w ill be m ore podcast s and cont ent plat f orm s launching in and around t he subject of w eddings, geared t ow ard bot h indust ry prof essionals and couples. Edw ard Babbage, Founder & CEO, Tim eline Genius

We love t he im m ediacy of video, and t he w ay it connect s us t o our f ollow ers in a new w ay! Wit h t he rise of Inst agram st ories especially, w e?ve been able t o give peeks at behind?t he?scenes act ion during event s like shoot s, press t rips and fashion w eek show s, w it hout com prom ising t he qualit y of our m ain f eed. Am i Price, CEO, Aisle Societ y

Top Tech Tr ends We are def init ely seeing a t rend t ow ards t he increased use of Virt ual Realit y and Augm ent ed Realit y. We have been w at ching Virt ual Realit y (VR) f or aw hile now as it becom es m ore ent renched in our indust ry. For t he past t w o years, AllSeat ed has been busy enhancing on our 3D t ool and just launched our ow n Virt ual Realit y t ool w hich is eff icient , fast , sim ple, and a ?WOW? f or our users. Augm ent ed Realit y (AR) w ill allow designers and planners t o creat e an ent ire event realit y w it hin t heir off ice. Client s can be im m ersed in t he det ails of t heir w edding and f eel like t hey?re act ually in t he space ahead of t heir big day! Im agine how collaborat ive and eff icient t he creat ion process w ill be as it allow s you t o lay out t he ent ire event by dropping all of t he f urnit ure, t ables, f low ers and everyt hing else you w ant t o t est out bef ore m aking your decision f or t he big day. Sandy Ham m er, Co?Founder & CMO, AllSeat ed

At t he Aisle Planner off ice, w e've also been hearing chatt er about m any couple's int erest in t he abilit y t o RSVP f or a w edding online, and w e expect it t o be even m ore com m on in 2018. Guest s love t he ease of being able t o RSVP quickly f rom t heir phone, and couples love receiving a f inal guest list MUCH sooner t han w it h a t radit ional snail m ail RSVP card. Kat herine Oyer, Direct or of PR & Part nerships, Aisle Planner

Wedding Technology Tr ends With Edward Babbage of Tim eline Genius

How is t echnology im pact ing w eddings planned f or 2018? Couples are m ore connect ed t han ever w it h t he rise of m obile t echnology. Plat f orm s like Pint erest , Inst agram , and Facebook allow couples t o be visually inspired and t o discuss t rends and opinions w it h f riends and fam ily m em bers. Technology has st ream lined t he planning process, f rom inspirat ion t o choosing vendors and venues, everyt hing is at t heir disposal. Is t here anyt hing t hat w as huge in 2017 t hat you're seeing a decline in f or 2018? The w ay t hat social m edia has been incorporat ed int o w eddings allow ed couples t o share t heir celebrat ions w it h m ore people t han ever. The developm ent of hasht ags and Snapchat f ilt ers encouraged guest s t o connect and share w it h t he w orld. This pract ice has becom e so ingrained in t he w edding experience t hat couples can st art t o rely on guest s t o do t he w ork of hasht ag creat ion and social m edia post ing. What is social m edia's im pact looking like f or 2018 in w eddings? For 2018, I t hink t he social m edia experience w ill be augm ent ed w it h diff erent devices, like phot o boot hs and ot her digit al product s t hat allow guest s t o share phot os and videos w hile st aying f ocused on t he guest experience. How are w edding prof essionals using t echnology in 2018? Wedding prof essionals need t echnology t o st ream line and aut om at e every facet of t he job. There?s a m om ent um t hat has been creat ed in t he w edding t ech indust ry t hat w ill cont inue t o benef it prof essionals in 2018, creat ing even bett er soft w are t hat t hey need t o get t he job done.

Tech For Couples Marley Majcher says... - Now t hat everyt hing is Inst aw ort hy and st orym akable and t he w orld of phot ography enhancem ent apps has skyrocket ed,. - GIF phot oboot hs and gift ing "vending" m achines are going t o leave t heir celeb- exclusive aft er part ies and head int o m ainst ream landia t oo. - And now t hat w e've had t he daw n of t he light up elect ric cake, t hat w ill st art t o go m ainst ream . - Drones, drones, drones. They are not only going t o be a huge securit y concern f or celeb and high prof ile event s, t hey are going t o play a m uch bigger role in t erm s of capt uring t he event . - Law d, and w e have not even seen a slight slow dow n in hasht ags. If t here is an unhasht agged w edding in 2018, please invit e m e. :) Matt Warren says... Technology is changing m any aspect s of t he ent ert ainm ent indust ry and w it h everybody seem ingly 'self ie' m ad, Phot o Boot hs have becom e ext rem ely popular. There are m any shapes and st yles t hat t hese are now available in. Matt hew Oliver says... What sapp is becom ing big w it h w eddings, creat ing a m ass w edding group enables t he w edding part y or planners t o inst ant ly be able t o updat e all guest s. Part icularly handy w it h event s around t he w edding day and t ransport organisat ion on t he day.

Louise Beukes says... Im age m apping ? ala Pippa Middlet on ? w here im ages are project ed t o t ransf orm t he look of a space, are also going t o be t op of t he groom?s w ish list t his year. Im agine t ransport ing your guest s t o a diff erent place during each course of t he w edding breakfast , or st art ing your day in a beaut if ully rom ant ic cast le and ending t he night in a sw anky club ? all w it h t he pow er of light !

Wedding Technology with Kather ine Oyer, Aisle Planner How are w edding prof essionals using t echnology in 2018? From f inding t he right places t o advert ise t o att ract t he perf ect client , t o ut ilizing lead m anagem ent program s t o t rack and f ollow up w it h client s im m ediat ely w it h aut om at ed responders. We hear it every day ? t he fast er and m ore eff icient ly w edding indust ry prof essionals can get t heir pot ent ial client s t he inf orm at ion t hey are looking f or, t he chance t o close t he sale and book t he couple increases dram at ically.

How is t echnology im pact ing w eddings planned f or 2018? The young w om en and t hose creat ive m en out t here w ho f irst adopt ed Pint erest in t he rise of int ernet ?based inspirat ion saving and sharing are now w ell int o t heir m arrying years. What st art ed as an easy w ay t o save "m ust ?have" ideas f or lat er use, has evolved int o t he expect at ion t hat every part of planning a w edding needs t o be online, cloud?based, easy t o f ind and accessible 24 hours a day ? bonus point s f or m obile accessibilit y!

What is social m edia's im pact looking like f or 2018 in w eddings? Inst agram w ill cont inue t o be huge f or t he w edding indust ry. More and m ore couples are f inding t heir event part ners on Inst agram f irst , using it as a creat ive search engine of sort s. Business ow ners are able t o show case t heir w ork in a curat ed w ay t o att ract t heir ideal client , prom ot e collaborat ions w it h t heir indust ry f riends, and now w it h Inst agram st ories, give a glim pse of "behind t he scenes" m om ent s on t he big day.

S.E ASIA W E D D IN G T R E N D S "A shift f rom Rust ic t o Tim eless Elegance For t he longest t im e in past f ew years, w e have observed an inf lux of w edding st yles t hat w ere DIY, vint age and rust ic, and fairy light s w it h organic st yling and inst allat ion w ere m any couples? favourit e t hen, but w e f elt t hat t his w ill not be t he case anym ore f or t he next t rend of w edding st yle. In fact , w e predict ed a m ajor shift of st yles t o com e f or t oday?s brides : m ore w ill m ove f rom t he organic look and opt f or a st yle t hat is t im eless and elegant , and som e m ay even opt f or opulent and spect acular creat ive expressions. For 2018 and beyond, w e w ill st art seeing st yles t hat depict t im eless elegance and underst at ed luxury, and brides w ill spend on brands and labels t hat have a consist ent and iconic st yling especially in t he det ailing and int ricacy. You w ill see designers m oving aw ay f rom t he rust ic, DIY f ree f orm f low, t o a m ore st ruct ured and dram at ic look, especially w it h t he upcom ing w edding of

Regional Tr ends Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and m any of t he next generat ion celebrit ies. They w ill break aw ay f rom t he predict able and creat e t he next w ave of w edding t rends t hat st ill ooze beaut y in very chic and glam our m anner. Sophist icat ion w ill be t he essence of t he next w edding t rend. We believe a com binat ion of w hit e, silver and gold (f rom t he cham pagne gold t o t he rose gold) w ill be t he next colour t rends f or t he couples, and som e m ay com bine t he above colour w it h t heir favourit e secondary colour and t he secondary colour could be any of t he pant one chart f rom t he red and pink hues t o t he lilac and m idnight blues, or even t he m int green t o t iffany blues. The m at erials used, and how t he it em s are st yled are t he very t hings t hat w ill set apart t he def init ion of t he w edding fashion and dĂŠcor st yling. So w e are cert ain, Sw arovski, cryst als, silver or gold t reat m ent , and light ings w ill be com m only used in 2018. In fact f or Sout h East Asian m arket s, part icularly in t he upper m arket , w e w ill st ill have large spect acular w eddings, except t he st yling w ill becom e m ore t rendy, art ist ic and chic w it h t ouches of Hollyw ood glam our inst ead of over t he t op f loral dĂŠcor t hat is out dat ed. We are very excit ed f or t he next t rend, because t his is w hat Heaven?s Gift signat ure is, t o creat e w edding designs t hat ooze out beaut y in an underst at ed luxury t hat can be appreciat ed by m any f or years t o com e." Hannah Chong, Creat ive Direct or, Heaven's Gift

What are som e of t he t op locat ions couples are select ing in your region and w hy? - Philippines - Tagayt ay, Bat anes, Boracay. These regions are w ell- know n f or it s beaut if ul panoram a, perf ect f or out door and int im at e w edding. - Indonesia - Yogyakart a and Bali. Yogya is gett ing m ore popular w it h t he cult ure- loving couple and even budget - conscious couple. Bali is st ill t he num ber one favorit e, but not only f or t he beaches, couples are t hrow ing w eddings at a eco- resort s, cliff side chapels or jungle rainf orest . We also see num erous of couple opt ing f or Lake Com o area in It aly f or t heir w edding. - Singapore - Bali, Indonesia f or it s proxim it y t o t he island. Several spot s in Japan like Tokyo, Kyot o and Okinaw a are also popular w it h Singaporean couples w ho are opt ing f or a dest inat ion w edding. Japanese w edding planners/ vendors usually off er f ull package of dress, venue, cat ering, m akeup and phot ographers. Ignes Pricillia, VP of Market ing, Bridest ory

Regional Consumer Tr ends "We have been craft ing m any w edding fairs and bridal show cases, and w e not iced t hat w hile couples m ay shift f rom organic DIY t o underst at ed luxury, t he spending pow er of couples w ould be of a gradual change. Couples w ill st ill be looking f or value f or m oney, f rom bridal gow ns t o invit at ions, and including art ist s services such as phot ography and event ent ert ainm ent . Wit h m ore businesses birt hing f ort h especially in Sout h East Asia, part icularly in Singapore and Indonesia, couples are m ore exposed t o choices and t here are m any resources t hey can now opt f or t o creat e t heir dream w eddings. In fact , w it h t he global econom y so int egrat ed in t he int ernet , w e w ill see m ore purchases m ade over t he int ernet such as w edding invit at ions, w edding favours et c, inst ead of purchasing via ret ail in t he local count ries. Couples w ill also be exploring opt ions of com bining non- w edding relat ed services f or act ual day w edding services. For exam ple, w e not iced t hat couples can opt f or t ravel phot ography services operat ed by Sw eet Escape in t he global m arket , and use it f or pre- w edding phot ography in any dest inat ion t hey w ill like t o have t heir pre- w edding done, w hile in t he past , w edding phot ographers w ere engaged in t heir local count ry and f ly t o a dest inat ion locat ion w it h t he couple f or pre- w edding phot ography. The sam e w ill be applied f or honeym oon and

pre- w edding part ies. These days, couple have m any int ernet services off ering one st op shop planning services f or bachelor/ bachelorett e part ies, as w ell as an exclusive honeym oon planning by t our agent s such as lunam and honeym Beyond t he vast resources available f or couples w ho are seeking on t he Int ernet f or t heir w edding services, w e also believe couples are also looking f or personalised services t hat are bespoke and unique. This is having observed t hat in our recent w edding show s, couples act ually pref er t o have close up sessions w it h t he w edding expert s t o underst and t rends and t ips inst ead of t he m ass bridal fair t hat are m ore bargain driven and m ainst ream ed. So as w edding designers, planners and vendors, w e m ust consist ent ly t w eak our business off erings t o cat er t o t he rising needs of t oday?s brides and groom s ? t o creat e product s t hat are value f or m oney, and t o creat e a niche in all t hat w e do and off er, so t hat t he signat ure st yle of t he designers is t he diff erent iat ion, so t hat w e can creat e a sust ainable business." Hannah Chong, Creat ive Direct or, Heaven's Gift

Top South East Asian Wedding Tr ends With Ignes Pricillia of Bridestory

What w ill be t he t op w edding t rends in 2018 t he Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore? - PH - Fun and playf ul elem ent s, like law n gam es. Ref ined rust ic t hem e, bold colors, int im at e dest inat ion w eddings. - ID - Modern m inim alist t hem e, m et allic and m onochrom at ic palett e, dresses w it h capes, plain and sim ple- looking dresses, inst allat ions as part of decorat ion. Tradit ional w eddings w it h t ouches of m odern elem ent s. - SG - Bohem ian t hem e, casual and laid- back event concept , cult ural w eddings w it h t ouches of m odern elem ent s. The Pant one?s Color of t he Year Ult ra Violet w ill be a globally rising t rend in 2018. We also see lot s of st ars, st ardust , night sky, m oon and galaxy elem ent s t hat att ract m odern couples int o having a ast ronom ical / celest ial t hem e f or t heir w edding. What t rends are off icially on t heir w ay out in 2018? - Ext ravagant fairy- t ale t hem e and decorat ion concept , big elaborat e gow ns w it h ext ra long t rain, doll- like m akeup Are t here any 2017 t rends you t hink w ill carry over int o 2018? - Organic t hem e such as bot anical, rust ic, t ropical. Blush and rose gold color palett e. - In fashion: off- shoulder neckline, deep low cut bodice, Bohem ian vibe, and 3D f loral em bellishm ent . - Det ails like calligraphy, m arble eff ect s eco- f riendly souvenirs and loose- and- organic f loral bouquet .

Moder n Cuba The shoot used in t his sect ion of our report pays hom age t o Cuba's vint age st yle, vibrant colors, and synonym ous icons. This look has been creat ed by t his fant ast ic t eam of vendors: Locat ion - Pat ch of Heaven Gardens w w w.pat chof Phot ographers - Lif e's a Trip Phot ography w w w.lif esat riphot Andrea Harborne Phot ography w w w.andreaharbornephot Planner - All t hat Glitt ers Event s Design w w w.allt hat glitt ersevent Florist - Flow erly St udio w w w.f low erlyst Cake - The St arf ish Cott age w w w.TheSt arf ishCott Dessert s - Sw eet Charit y's Bakery w w w.sw eet charit Vint age Mobile Bar - Hit ched Affair w w w.hit Rent als - Event s on t he Loose w w w.event sont Invit at ions - Sim ply Sianne w w w.sim Calligraphy - M.V. Designs @m .vcreat ions Bridal Dress - Jillian Fellers Bridal w w w.jillianf Groom s suit - Generat ion Tux w w w.generat iont Hair & Makeup - Makeup by Ivanna w w w.m kbyivanna.w ixsit / beaut ybyivanna Cigar Roller - Cigar St ud w w w.cigarst Bridal jew elry and Headpiece - Lia Terni w w w.liat Wedding Bands - Cust om Solit aires w w w.cust om solit Engagem ent Ring - Heidi Gibson Design w w Vow s Not ebooks - Slim not e St udio w w w.slim not Coff ee Bag Favors - Mavora w w w.m Couple - Michael & Maide @serendipit y07

Wedding Beauty & Fashion TREN DS Wedding part y looks - 2018 st yle!

Br idal Tr ends - Lace is a w edding dress st aple, and a t op choice f or m any Brides. But f or 2018 w e're seeing an increase in light , delicat e and unique lace designs out side of t radit ional Alencon lace. - Dresses w it h clean lines, princess seam s, great const ruct ion and f it are m inim al em bellishm ent s are m aking a st at em ent . More designers are em bracing t his t rend and included classic silhouett es in t heir 2018 collect ions, inst ead of an overly em bellished dress t hey're playing w it h necklines: high necklines, low back?lines, off t he shoulder, side slit s in t he skirt and fabric w it h great m ovem ent . - A lot of Brides are paying att ent ion t o t hings like t he w eight of a dress, how easy is it t o m ove in. It 's about how does t he fabric f eel w hen t hey t ouch it , and w hat does it look like bust led. - Brides aren't af raid t o show a litt le skin on t heir w edding day. Illusion low backs, side det ailing w it h sheer cut ?out s or illusion lace have been f ully em braced by Brides as t hey w alk dow n t he aisle. Trum pet skirt s and sheat h dresses w it h side slit s in t he skirt are anot her w ay f or Brides t o show off t heir "sexy" side on t heir w edding day. - Om bre fabrics, dresses and designs m ade it 's debut on t he runw ay t hree years ago. But in 2018 f or NY Fashion w eek it w as back and all over t he runw ay. The st unning red/ pink Oscar de la Rent a t ulle ballgow n is gorgeous. Independent and daring Brides are asking

about dip?dyed dresses and w ays t o cust om ize t heir w edding day look. - Brides are picking shoes t hat m at ch t heir personalit y, opt ing f or cust om paint ed converse sneakers or f lat s w it h love not es w ritt en on t he bott om . Colored high heels, m et allic or glitt ered heels and shoes t hat coordinat e w it h t heir w edding colors. Jennif er Feldst ein, Chief Bridal St ylist , The Last Minut e Bride - Off t he shoulder dresses, soft A line silhouett es, deep V necklines, pocket s, dram at ic back det ails. - Do w hat you w ant . It 's your day. Make your ow n st at em ent , and don't w orry if it 's in or out . Jude Jow ilson, Founder, Designer, Creat ive Direct or, Jude Jow ilson New York

Cover?ups: - Long capes accessorized w it h or part of t he - dress/ gow n - Mat ching jacket s - Det achable sleeves

Top Br idal Fashion Tr ends

Lengt h Experim ent at ion: - Aside f rom t he t radit ional long, expect t o see som e Mid Lengt hs ( above or at ankle) and Above t he Knee looks. Not just w hit e anym ore: - Nudes and Pinks m ake a huge debut t his 2018 Breaking Tradit ion: - Also expect t o see ivory and w hit e jum psuit s and pant suit s in all fabricat ions and varying st yles. Dalia MacPhee, Ow ner, Dalia MacPhee

Clean and sophist icat ed! We saw a lot of Designers using crepe and Mikado fabrics. High necklines & int erest ing back det ails.

Based on brides react ions t o our 2018 collect ion: Colors, Separat es and long sleeves.

We're seeing a lot of sophist icat ed looks in w edding fashion now. The runw ay has def init ely brought m ore glam our t o w edding fashions.

Our w at ercolor print s have been a huge hit w it h out client s and f ollow ers. Once again, you w ill be pops of color in 2018.

Lacey William s, Salon Manager, Elizabet h Johns

Leanne Marshall, Designer / CEO, Leanne Marshall

The t rend t hat I am seeing t hat I love t he m ost is w at ching t he brides ret urn t o t heir ow n sense of st yle. We are em erging f rom a period w here I t hink social m edia had overly inf luenced t he gow n select ion and brides f elt pressure t o conf orm . It w as a st rong hold t hat pushed f or t he gow n t o be sexy, t he phot os shot in a cert ain w ay, t he m ood dict at ed. I t hink t hat w om en have st art ed t o push back. What I adore about designing is t he sam e t hing t hat I love about w om en? t he variet y of st yles, t he beaut y in diversit y and t he f reedom t o choose w hat m akes each of us f eel beaut if ul. Couples have begun t o include m ore color int o t heir w edding day looks, w it h w edding dresses in shades of soft pinks and blues and suit s and t uxedoes in f resh hues such as burgundy and blue. Ines Di Sant o, Ow ner, Ines Di Sant o

What ever t he t op know n designers are doing f or fashion w eek alw ays t rickles dow n int o m ainst ream fashion. Bridal designers such as Monique Lhuillier, Oscar de la Rent a and Reem Acra set t he t rends in Vogue and Red carpet , and t he rest of t he fashion w orld f ollow s suit , incorporat ing som e of several of t he elem ent s and fabricat ions present ed. Dalia MacPhee, Ow ner, Dalia MacPhee

Fashion Tr ends with Savannah Miller

What are t he t op bridal t rends f or 2018? We are seeing a lot of brides opt ing f or an alt ernat ive t o a veil t hat is som e elem ent of light cover up giving t he appearance of a veil w it hout t he f orm alit y. I t hink also brides now are m uch m ore draw n t o unusual st yling in t he spirit of being really individual so t he st yles t hey are choosing are not so classic and t ypically bridal.

What are t he t op w edding part y t rends f or 2018? I'm really in t o brides giving t heir w edding part y a clear guide on a colour t one and asking t hem t o source som et hing t hat t hey f eel com f ort able in. I recent ly w as involved w it h a w edding w here t he bride did t hat and a lot of t he bridal part y w ore vint age. It w as in LA in t he desert and com plet ely st unning.

What 's out f or 2018? I t hink w eddings are really personal and you have t o w ear w hat m akes you f eel am azing. I don't t hink you have t o adhere t o any rules. It is your w edding and you m ust choose a gow n t hat m akes you f eel like t he best version of yourself.

Br idal Par ty Style Pr edictions Lacey William s predict s... Jew el t ones?purples and greens are going t o big. I t hink t he om bre- blush looks is out and brides are using m ore color. We w ill see new fabrics in bridesm aids dresses like Theia's new crepe dresses and Am sale's new Jersey dresses are going t o be im port ant . Ines Di Sant o predict s... Mism at ched suit s and bridesm aid dresses. Many of our brides are select ing diff erent shades of t he sam e color f or t he w edding part y. Leanne Marshall predict s... I t hink t hat m any are deciding not t o f orce t heir f riends int o purchasing t he sam e ident ical dress or out f it . Many are giving t he bridesm aids a color or t w o t o choose f rom and t hen lett ing t hem select t he dress t hey w ould like t o w ear. Being a part of a w edding part y can add a f inancial responsibilit y and som e really st art t o resent t hat . Many of our brides have decided t o f orgo t he w hole w edding part y t hing ent irely. I t hink having a big w edding part y can be f un, but our brides are less t radit ional and don't alw ays play by t he sam e expect ed set of rules. I t hink it 's great . Dalia MacPhee predict s... Bridesm aid dresses w ill be st ylish dresses you can w ear again. Look f or halt ers, layers and t iered skirt s, Tea Lengt hs, cap sleeves, high slit s, one shoulders, and 2 pieces. Fabrics include laces and sheer soft fabrics.

BRIDAL BEAUTY TRENDS "On t he w hole, m y brides do opt f or a m ore elegant , classical look rat her t han f ollow ing t he lat est 'fad' how ever I have had one or t w o w ho have been m ore of w hat I call 'ident ikit ' m akeup lovers. On t he w hole t hough t he predict ions f or t he no m ake up - m ake up look is, in m y opinion, right on t he m oney. I do believe t hat eyes w ill be m ore def ined w it h t he rest of t he look being m ore pared back. Whilst t he past t w o years has seen brides opt f or nude or barely t here lip colours I do believe w e w ill see bright er hues reappearing w hich ref lect t he vint age inspired looks. Wit h t he loose glam orous w aves in hairst yling t his w ill be a perf ect part ner f or a m ore 'old Hollyw ood' f eel." Claire Jones, Claire Jones Makeup Art ist

"The "no m akeup" look is t he current t rend f or appearing com plet ely nat ural. It is a def init e m akeup look rat her t han just leaving you in t he hands of Mot her Nat ure and is applied caref ully and skillf ully. The popularit y of t he hasht ags #iw okeupliket his and #nom akeup and of course #nof ilt er have lead com panies t o creat e product s and m akeup t ools t hat give t he face a bare appearance but f law less, nat urally lum inous and radiant . There is also current ly huge dem and f or high- def init ion m akeup product s - f oundat ions, blushers, highlight ers. The search f or perf ect ion in m akeup applicat ion is t he driver f or t his. People w ho go f or t he HD eff ect are w ant ing t o achieve f law lessness as in phot ographs - as if t he skin has been phot oshopped or edit ed w it h f ilt ers. Bridal beaut y, as seen on t he SS2018 cat w alks, displayed som e

glam orous looks w it h int ense sm okey- eyes as w ell as t he cont rast of nat urally beaut if ul looks w it h a hint of graphic eyeliner and gent ly st ained lips. A m onochrom e colour schem e w as st ill very m uch on t rend - w here brides have a sim ilar f lush of colour applied on t he lids, cheeks and lips." The m akeup colours w e choose f or ourselves should alw ays w ork in harm ony w it h our skin/ hair t one as w ell as our chosen out f it . Generally speaking eart hy t ones are and w ill be as popular as ever, w it h reddish hues added int o t he m ix. Faded pink blusher on t he cheeks, gent le beige eyeshadow w it h blusher colours on t he lids w ill be very popular and f latt ering choices. Fuscia pinks on t he lips w ill also be as popular as ever." Krist ina Gasperas, Direct or, Krist ina Gasperas Makeup Art ist Lt d

Top 2018 Br idal Hair Tr ends With Kristina Gasperas & Em m a Louise Hairstylist

Krist ina Gasperas predict s... - Waves w it h Att it ude. We are super- excit ed t hat glossy w aves are st ill rocking t he bridal w orld. - Plait s are st ill very m uch on t rend, as seen in m any diff erent f orm s at t he Spring/ Sum m er bridal fashion w eek - w het her t hey are Dut ch, French or f ish- t ail braids, half- up, halo or incorporat ed int o a m essy bun. The right kind of plait can m ake your look m ore playf ul and yout hf ul, as w ell as f ram e your face and add t ext ure or volum e. - Full, padded rom ant ic updo's are being slow ly replaced by underst at ed eff ort less st yles. Whet her it 's a t ext ured quiff ed f ront w it h sim ple chignon, as seen on t he Randy Fenoli runw ay, or a sleek ballerina bun as on t he Lela Rose cat w alk - sim plicit y is t he key. - Our absolut e favourit e is t he look of t he Bert a bridal m odels ? rocking t he st rong, high ponyt ail adorned w it h a black ribbon bow - a new bridal t ake on a girlie det ail. Em m a Louise says... - This upcom ing bridal season, w e are seeing m ore bold up do?s on t he Cat w alk and braiding is st aying in f or yet anot her year. - The good new s f or Brides m arrying in France is t hat up do?s are going t o be a popular choice t his year, w hich is a blessing as w hen t he w eat her is hot and hum id, your hair w ill be secure, f ree f rom f rizz and off your neck ensuring you t o keep cool on your special day. - France has so m any w edding choices f rom Chat eau w eddings t o out door rust ic garden t hem es. You can w ear an elegant up do t o loose f low ing boho st yles. - I believe t his year t hat accessories w ill be sprigs of f resh f low ers or f oliage and even som e hair jew ellery.

And for the Guys... Jennif er Feldst ein picks... More casual affairs are em bracing suspenders and vest s only f or t he groom sm en and m aybe a suit jacket f or t he groom only. A t rend w e love is t he patt erned bow - t ie f or t he w edding part y and hope it cont inues t o gain m om ent um . Savannah Miller picks... I alw ays love it w hen people dress as t hem selves at w eddings and am a f irm believer in not f ollow ing t rend f or t he sake of it . I love a m ore relaxed w edding vibe in sum m er w it h m en in lovely colourf ul linen suit s. Elizabet h Johns picks... I love t he t w o?t one t ux look. Navy w it h black is such a great look! I t hink w e w ill also see Groom's t aking m ore risk w it h t heir w edding day looks. Ines Di Sant o picks... I?ve not iced suit s and t uxedos f or m en expanding beyond t he classic colors t o include new colors and t ext ures including burgundies and hunt er greens, as w ell as fabrics such as velvet , brocade and linen. Dalia MacPhee picks... -

Navy is t he new black, Trousers are w ider t han t he t radit ional narrow. Em phasis on luxury, bot h st yle and fabricat ion. Double breast ed blazers. Playing w it h color

The Business of Weddings TREN DS How t o plan f or your #WedBiz in 2018

Engaging Couples "The biggest cont inuous shift over t he past f ew years has been t he drive t ow ards m obile. The days w hen brides sat dow n in t he evenings w it h piles of m agazines are long over. Millennials are const ant ly on t heir devices ? scrolling t hrough t heir social m edia f eeds f or inspirat ion, com m unicat ing w it h t heir planners and bridesm aids on What sapp, et c. Even experiences t hat are st ill largely physical, like dress shopping or venue hunt ing, f ollow ext ensive online research. To be successf ul in t his indust ry, you have t o reach brides and groom s w here t hey are, and w here t hey are is on t heir phones. But at t he sam e t im e, all t hat inf orm at ion can be overw helm ing. Our readers love t he w ay t hey can curat e t heir f eeds on t he Aisle Societ y w ebsit e, priorit izing t he st yles, det ails and locat ions t hat int erest t hem t he m ost ? it cut s t he noise and gives t hem a cust om planning experience. The w edding indust ry is const ant ly shift ing and changing, and it can f eel im possible t o keep up! That ?s w hy w e?re f irm believers in t he im port ance of ongoing educat ion ? bot h in keeping ourselves updat ed, and in sharing w hat w e have learned w it h t he w ider w edding indust ry. It ?s one of t he reasons w e st art ed our Aisle Societ y Pros Facebook com m unit y, and it ?s t hriving!" Am i Price, CEO, Aisle Societ y

"Inst agram has been popular f or years, but now m ore t han ever w e're going t o see a surge of new readers being int roduced t o w edding publicat ions f irst t hrough social m edia. The days w here a reader f inds your publicat ion and t hen f ollow s you on social m edia are dw indling. In 2018, w edding publicat ions w ill cont inue t o f ind t hat t he init ial cont act w ill generally be m ade t hough social m edia f irst . This generat ions couples are being m ore and m ore t ech savvy and w it h t he rise of video cont ent , w e're def init ely seeing t hat m ore and m ore advert isers are looking t o incorporat e t his f orm of m edia as w ay of reaching our audience." Chrissy Arpie Ott , CEO, The Perf ect Palett e

What the Editor s say... "BLOVED brides have alw ays been m ore int erest ed in invest ing in luxe det ails t han over- t he- t op decor, but t his year w e've seen underst at ed elegance on a w hole new level. From gorgeous greenery t o handlett ered st at ionery, sim ple silhouett ed dresses and nude palett es t he f ocus is on celebrat ing t he couple's unique love st ory beaut if ully, w it hout t he f rivolit y." Louise Beukes, Edit or in Chief, B.LOVED "I t hink consum ers are cont inuing t o look at diff erent elem ent s of t heir day and repurposing t hem f or t heir w edding - diff erent kinds of venues t hat have never seen a w edding, diff erent colour com binat ions t hat have never been used. There is cont inued care t o creat e a day t hat is com f ort able and t rue t o t he couple." Ms Polka Dot , Edit or, Polka Dot Bride "Consum ers are planning less and going w it h t heir gut s m ore. They are booking t heir w edding pros w it h less lead t im e, but booking ones t hey've been f ollow ing on social m edia t o, f eel a connect ion t o, are a fan of t he brand, t he w ork, and of course are value driven." Sara, Ow ner, Burnett 's Boards

"Couples are increasingly savvy regarding t heir budget s and w hat is im port ant t o t hem on t heir special day! There has never been a m ore diverse t im e f or w eddings regarding st yle, colours, venues et c - you lit erally can have t he exact day you w ant . We have seen a huge increase in our blog and m agazine readership as planning via m obiles/ online t akes over 92% are now sourcing everyt hing online w hich is a 4% increase. Couples are digit al and f inancially savvy!" Tina Reading, Edit or/ Direct or, Ult im at e Wedding "Today readers are t he m ost educat ed w e have seen in t he last decade. Since new ideas t ravel so fast , reader are on t op of t rends and ideas as soon as t hey off t he designer's desks." Shaw na Gohel, Founder/ Edit or in Chief, Maharani Weddings

The Business of Weddings With Tsian Koussa of Weddings Online

How are readers evolving in t he last year? Our readers have been able t o connect w it h w ho?s behind t he Inst agram & Facebook account s a lot easier. Their w ay savvier and able t o f eedback on t he good, bad & ugly and have a say in w hat t hey w ant t o read about ! How are social m edia im pact w eddings in 2018? Year on year w e see our readers m ore engaged t hrough social. It gives t hem a m ore personal relat ionship, being able t o get inf orm at ion, ideas & inspirat ion inst ant ly w hile out or relaxing at hom e. Wit h Inst a- st ories and Facebook live w e are able t o keep t hem updat ed everyw here w e go along w it h an open w ay t o com m unicat e! It is a great t ool t o list en t o our readers and really underst anding w hat t hey w hat t o hear about ? How is t he rise of video st ream ing im pact on your relat ionship w it h readers in 2018? It ?s a fant ast ic t ool t o underst and our readers, m ost im port ant ly t heir needs. We are learning f rom t hem m ore, underst anding w hat t hey like and dislike ? w e?re able t o build a closer relat ionship, have a m ore personal voice and connect ion. How has ongoing educat ion im pact ed on your success? The indust ry is f orever evolving, w it hout keeping up- t o- dat e w e?d be left behind t o eat dust .

Aside f rom social m edia, w hich I believe is as im port ant as a w ebsit e now, t he t rue 'm ust - have t ool' f or any w edding pro is t heir unique vision. Som et hing unique about w hat you do or provide t hat set s you apart ! St ick t o your st yle and st ick t o your vision and excel at w hat YOU do (not w hat anyone else does) and your business w ill be eff ect ive. Sara, Ow ner, Burnett 's Boards

You absolut ely have t o have a planning soft w are t hat you and your client can use. Client s w ant m ore hands on w it h t heir design and planning and w e have t o be able t o off er t hem 24 hour access t o t heir f iles. It is im perat ive in t his business t o st ay ahead of t he curve. If t here is available cont inuing educat ion t hen I t ake t he class, read t he art icle, or att end t he lect ure. You w ill alw ays st ay st agnant in business if you aren't cont inually t rying t o im prove. Kim Sayat ovic, Founder/ Creat ive Direct or, Belladeux Event Design, LLC

Top Tips For Wedding Pr os Brides are becom ing t heir ow n researchers and are com ing t o planners w it h t heir ow n w edding already planned (in t heir m inds). They not only have colour palett es researched, but also w ill have f ull st ory board present at ions ready f or t heir t hem e.

Readers cont inue t o becom e m ore educat ed about t he process of w edding planning and t he opt ions available t o t hem , even bef ore t he planning begins. Harm ony Walt on, Founder, The Bridal Bar

List en t o your client . What ever t hat m eans, so if it m eans list ening t o t heir snapchat , inst a st ories. Gett ing t o know t hem and t heir requirem ent s is st ill t he m ost eff ect ive t ool t o plan a successf ul w edding. What ever t echnology is need t o em brace along t he w ay is of course also a necessit y. Tara Fay, Ow ner, Xena Product ions

Social m edia is huge f or w eddings in 2018. Bride's are now hiring social m edia specialist s t o handle and curat e t he im ages t hat are displayed t o t he w orld. Shaw na Gohel, Founder/ Edit or in Chief, Maharani Weddings

Wedding Planning with Joumana Tannous, Aghar eed

How are consum ers evolving in t he last year? We see a lot of change in our client s behavior. Most of t hem are aw are of t heir needs and are m ore involved, w hich is heart w arm ing and m akes it easier in giving t hem exact ly w hat t hey w ant . It s very im port ant t o be out t here and rem ind your client s and pot ent ial client s about you, especially w it h t he enorm ous com pet it ion it is very crucial f or t he PR of your com pany.

How is t he rise in popularit y of video m arket ing and st ream ing inf luenced prom ot ional st rat egies? Everyt hing around us is digit alized, no one w ant s t o open a m agazine anym ore or even see an out door ad. Inst agram f or inst ance has becom e a very essent ial t ool especially in our indust ry, you can upload your videos, go live et c. Live st ream ing I believe is a good t ool and is being used a lot and w ill evolve even m ore by t he end of t he year.

What have becom e t he m ust - have t ools f or w edding pros t o run an eff ect ive business? I Believe t hat t o run an eff ect ive Business in t he w edding indust ry it 's not enough t o be creat ive anym ore, it is very im port ant t o have a vast know ledge in 360 degree com m unicat ions as everyt hing revolves around com m unicat ions especially in our digit al w orld now a days.

Wedding Industr y Sur vey

"I am a t rue believer in gett ing t he inf orm at ion t o brides in t he m ost convenient w ay possible. Creat ing live f eeds put s t he brides in t he room w it h you and int roduces a connect ion w it h t hem t o your personalit y and energy as a person and as a planner. It gives you t he opport unit y t o sell your skills f or f ree!" Mennat Al Ham m am i, Managing Direct or, Cloud 9 Wedding Organizing LLC "Video st ream ing enables us t o share ideas, new s and event s in real t im e w it h our readers, w het her it be f oot age of a bridal cat w alk show shared on our Facebook page, or snippet s f rom our w edding fairs t hat w e run across t he Nort h of t he count ry shared on Inst agram as live st ories." Julia Braim e & Rachel Parry, Edit or in Chief & Feat ures Edit or, Brides Up Nort h "We love video! Video gives readers an in dept h and 360 em ot ional view. When you can't be t here t o experience it yourself, video is t he next best t hing." Shaw na Gohel, Founder/ Edit or in Chief, Maharani Weddings "We are t he w orld's only f ully int eract ive w edding m agazine using video t o enhance our f eat ures. Our readers can w alk dow n a beach, view gow ns 360, experience real w eddings. The reader int eract ion is beyond belief w it h som e art icles being read over 280K t im es." Tina Reading, Edit or/ Direct or, Ult im at e Wedding "Video is enorm ously popular w it h t he int roduct ion of Inst agram st ories and in som e w ays replaces TV as pot ent ial couples f ollow t heir favourit es and w at ch video aft er video." Ms Polka Dot , Edit or, Polka Dot Bride "We have seen a signif icant rise in int eract ion and reach w hen choosing t o prom ot e via video inst ead of im ages and t ext . More brands are asking us t o creat e short videos f or prom o on Inst agram and Facebook." Em ily Pett if ord, Co- f ounder, Bespoke- Bride

VIDEO MARKETING "Over t he past 12 m ont hs w e've been experim ent ing w it h Inst agram St ories. This im m ediat e cont act and int eract ion w it h our readers has allow ed us t o engage w it h t hem m ore t han ever, and over t he next year w e'll be expanding our st rat egy t o include Facebook Live broadcast s as w ell as m oving ont o ot her videost ream ing plat f orm s." Louise Beukes, Edit or in Chief, B.LOVED "Client s t oday are very visual. A client t oday w ant s t o see video advert ising rat her t han t he print ed page. They w ant t o see real w orld videos of event s t o m ake decisions." Kim Sayat ovic, Founder/ Creat ive Direct or, Belladeux Event Design "Videos are everyw here - but I believe t hat you have t o be caref ul w it h t hem . Choose w hat plat f orm s w ork f or you and your ideal client , THEN creat e video cont ent t hat 's t rue t o your brand." Sara, Ow ner, Burnett 's Boards

Social Media for #WedBizPr os Harm ony Walt on says... Social m edia, specif ically Inst agram , w ill cont inue t o have a big role in how couples discover and vet pot ent ial w edding vendors. I t hink w e w ill see an increase in engagem ent , apps, and f unct ionalit y w it hin cert ain apps t o share during t he w edding planning. Tina Reading says... Social m edia is great f or businesses f or int eract ion ie t w itt er, great f or couples sourcing inspirat ion ie Pint erest . Great f or couples/ businesses t o net w ork and show case ie Inst agram . Leanne Marshall says... Hasht ag #bigt im e. So m any of our brides and cust om ers have f ound us t hrough Inst agram t han f rom any ot her source. It has been t hat w ay f or at least t he past 3 years. Having great im ages of your w ork circulat ing and happy real client s m ent ions out t here on social m edia, is alm ost all t hat you need right now. Louise Beukes says.. Over t he past 2- 3 years social m edia has played an increasingly im port ant role in w edding planning, providing visual inspirat ion and pract ical advice f or m illenial couples. Wedding suppliers have been quick t o pick up on t his change, f ocussing t heir eff ort s on curat ing inspiring and inf orm at ive Inst agram f eeds t o att ract and

engage w it h t heir ideal client s. Pint erest cont inues t o play a huge role t oo, w it h savvy brides not just seeking out inspirat ion but m aking purchases direct ly f rom t he plat f orm . Julia Braim e & Rachel Parry say... Social m edia channels w ill cont inue t o provide couples w it h inst ant access t o suppliers and inspirat ion, bot h locally and f rom across t he globe. This pushes t he boundaries of t radit ional w eddings and enables couples t o t hink out side t he "bridal box". Tara Fay says... Millennial brides are very savvy about inf luences, so if you can posit ion yourself w it hin t heir m edia t hey are m ore likely t o t rust in your judgem ent . it m eans you have t aken t he t im e t o underst and t heir m eans of com m unicat ing.

Staying Educated & Cur r ent These Wedding Pros share how ongoing education im pacted their success

"Through our sist er com pany, t he B.LOVED Hive, w e are alw ays learning! Host ing w orkshops and event s t hroughout t he year w it h t he indust ry's leading prof essionals m eans w e f ind ourselves const ant ly learning, grow ing and developing bot h as individuals and as a business." Louise Beukes, Edit or in Chief, B.LOVED "We are alw ays int erest ed in learning new skills and next year w e w ill be looking at creat ing a series of educat ional videos." Em ily Pett if ord, Co- f ounder, Bespoke- Bride "I am a f irm believer in cont inued educat ion, especially as our indust ry and t he w ay our couples f ind inf orm at ion changes m ont h t o m ont h. I have part icularly loved gett ing int o w edding indust ry prof essionals inf orm at ion blogs t his year as t hey share w hat w orks f or t hem as I f ind m ore and m ore am azing nugget s of inf orm at ion." Ms Polka Dot , Edit or, Polka Dot Bride "I do act ively seek out inf orm at ive online blogs, and publicat ions nam ely t he The Wedding Business Magazine t o st ay in t he know on w edding planning t ools and t rends." Mennat Al Ham m am i, Managing Direct or, Cloud 9 Wedding Organizing LLC "When m eet ing w it h brides- t o- be at our event s w e are also keen t o list en t o w hat t hey w ant f rom blogs, social m edia and w edding fairs, in order t o keep our cont ent and event s f resh, inf orm at ive and inspirat ional." Julia Braim e & Rachel Parry, Edit or in Chief & Feat ures Edit or, Brides Up Nort h

Mixed Metals and Moder n The shoot used in t his sect ion of our report f eat ures a com binat ion of m et als w it h a palett e of m ut ed f lorals, blues, and greys, creat ing a perf ect com plim ent t o t he m odernist ic clean lines. This look has been creat ed by t his fant ast ic t eam of vendors: Designer/ Planner - Karen Marie Event s @karen_m arie_event s Phot ographer - Kat rina Jayne @kat rinajaynephot o Venue - Brookview Ranch @brookview ranch Florals - Wildf low ers Floral Design @w ildf low ersca Rent als - Part y Pleasers @part ypleasers HMU - Blushing Beaut y @blushing.beaut y Bakery - Frost It Cakery @f rost it cakery Calligraphy - Shelby Creat ive Design @shelbycreat ivedesign Models: - St ephanie Wood @st eviigirl - Darrin Charles @darrin.charles Gow n - Juliett e Kim - The NeWhit e @t henew hit e Tux - St it ch and Tie @st it chandt ie Jew elry - Fire & Honey @f ireandhoneyjew elry Sign - Splendid Expressions @splendidexpessionshandm ade

A Big Thank You To Our 2018 Contr ibutor s... David Tut era

Marcy Blum

Ceci Johnson

Louise Beukes

David Tutera

Marcy Blum Associates

Ceci New York


Amy Parf ett & Melany McBride

m arcyblum .com

Zainab Alsalih

Georgie Rayner

Am i Price

Carousel Events


Aisle Society .au

Andy Snow

Ayunda Wardhani

Bonit a Carr

Brit Bert ino



Brit Bertino Events

Arabian Academ y of Wedding & Event Planning

WedShed .au


Britt ny Drye

Carla Ten Eyck

Chanda Daniels

Charlott e Spain

Love Inc.

Carla Ten Eyck Photography

A Monique Affair

Redam ancy




Chrissy Arpie Ott

Kat herine Oyer

Christ ine Ligt hart

Cindy Salgado

The Perfect Palette

Aisle Planner

I Do Crew

Cindy Salgado Wedding Design & Events .au

A Big Thank You To Our 2018 Contr ibutor s... Claire Jones

Dalia MacPhee

Dee McMeeking

Eddie Babbage

Claire Jones Makeup Artist

Dalia MacPhee

Dee McMeeking

Tim eline Genius



deem cm


Elaine Odw yer

Elizabet h Solaru

Em ily Pett if ord

Em m a Hla

Harlequin, Arena Group

Elizabeth Cake Em porium

Bespoke Bride

Coco Wedding Venues


elizabethscakeem porium .com


Em m a Pope

Em m a Willet

Enrique Crespo

Hannah Chong

Em aar Hospitality Group

Crespo Design Group

Heavan's Gift

Em m a Louise Hairstylist and Brides in France


Hannah Mart in

Harm ony Walt on

Holly Poult er

Ignes Pricillia

Goose and Berry

The Bridal Bar

Revelry Events


Im an El- Huni

Ines Di Sant o

Jane Riddell

Party Social

Ines Di Santo

Jacob & Court ney Tow e

Planned for Perfection

DJ Jacob Towe

A Big Thank You To Our 2018 Contr ibutor s... Jeff Farlow

Jennif er Feldst ein

Jes Gordon

Josh Wit hers

Wente Vineyards

The Last Minute Bride

Married By Josh

jesGORDON / properFUN!


Joum ana Tannous

Jude Jow ilson


Jude Jowilson New York

Kat e Hopew ellSm it h & Brent Kirkm an

Kat ie Sm ee & Georgina Van Hee

byLum iere bylum


Julia Braim e & Rachel Parry


Juliana Rodriguez Scarlett Entertainm ent

Brides Up North scarlettentertainm

Keit h Phillips

Kevin Dennis

Classic Photographers

Fantasy Sound Event Services

George & Sm ee

Kim Sayat ovic

Krishant hi Arm itt

Krist ina Gasperas

Kryst a Sm it h

Belladeux Event Design

Cakes by Krishanthi

Kristina Gasperas Makeup Artist

For the Love of Weddings

fortheloveofweddings.m e

Kyla Helgeson

Kylie Carlson

Lacey William s

Lauren Pool

Tesselaar Flowers

The International Academ y of Wedding & Event Planning

Elizabeth Johns

Etc. Event Styling .au .au


A Big Thank You To Our 2018 Contr ibutor s... Leanne Marshall

Lindsey Epperly

Lisa Gat enby

Liz Linklet er

Leanne Marshall

Epperly Travel

French Flower Style

Liz Linkleter


Loum a Bardaw il

Kat e Lovell

Lucy Barrow

Marc Gough

Design By Loum a

The Gay Wedding Guide

Mix & Twist Bartending

Whitehouse Crockery



Marley Majcher

Mart ha Tobyn

Matt Warren

Matt hew Olivier

The Party Goddess

Anem one

Warble Entertainm ent

Matthew Olivier Weddings

anem one-

warble- entertainm


Megan Collins

Megan Velez

Melissa McGow an

Mennat Al Ham m am i

Blossom & Crum b

Destination Weddings Travel Group

Flowers by Cina

Cloud Nine Events


blossom andcrum

Michael Cerbelli

Mike Busada

Ms Polka Dot

Nada Gokal

Cerbelli Creative

Mike B Photography

Polka Dot Bride

Vintage Bloom


vintage- bloom .com

A Big Thank You To Our 2018 Contr ibutor s... Nicole Mrad

Olivia Knight

Pam ella Dunn

Cup N Cakes Dubai

The Venue Report


Pam ella Dunn Events


Pam ela St rauss

Pauline Parry

Rachell Hansen


Goodness Gracious Events

Phillip Van Nost rand

Rainey Richardson Rainey Richardson Interiors

Reesha Alm eida Cout inho Pret a Papier

Phillip Van Nostrand Photography

Renee St rauss Wedaways

Em rajo Linen em

Rhiannon Dow nie - Hurst BrideClub Me brideclubm

Rob Illidge

Rosalind Miller

Sandra Funk

Sandra Sant oro

Captured Proposals

Rosalind Miller Cakes

House of Funk

Getting Married in Italy



Sandy Ham m er

Sara Burnett

Sarah Chancey

Sarah Pet e Rizzi


Burnett's Boards

Sincerely Pete

Chancey Charm Wedding Planning & Design chanceycharm

A Big Thank You To Our 2018 Contr ibutor s... Sarah Richardson

Savannah Miller

Sharon Sacks

Shaw na Gohel

Leafy Couture

Savannah Miller

Sacks Productions

Maharani Weddings



Sim on Nickell

Tara Fay

Tifany Wunschl

Tina Reading

Sim on Nickell Design

Xena Productions

Gourm et Invitations




Ultim ate Wedding Magazine ultim

Tsian Koussa

Vaishali Shah

Zoe Mckeow n

Part y Slat e

Weddings Online

Ananya Cards

Cherish Weddings

Party Slate

Being able t o provide our readers w it h a int ernat ional view point is very im port ant t o us. Our cont ribut ors list has been colour coded by region t o designat e w here in t he w orld our w edding expert s are based.

The Publisher s of the

The Int ernat ional Academ y of Wedding & Event Planning is t he global hom e of 7 online cam puses, each off ering, f lexible and int eract ive courses, f or passionat e individuals w ant ing a career as Wedding & Event Planners, St ylist s and Designers. We are also deeply com m itt ed t o helping individuals w it h a desire t o launch t heir ow n businesses and are proud t o have been part of t he business success of m any of t he w orld's Wedding & Event prof essionals. When you st udy w it h t he Academ y, you can st udy f rom anyw here in t he w orld, it 's as sim ple as connect ing w it h a Cam pus nearest you.

w w w.w








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