The Wedding Business Magazine - Jan 2016

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"I don't design clothes. I design dreams." ? Ralph Lauren Jan 2016

the secret of his businesssuccess An up close and personal interview with Gavin Rajah, South African fashion designer and businessman.

from bl ogger to social mediaguru A day in the life of top wedding blogger, Sara Burnett. She talks about mistakes, passions, wins & growingher business.

I n This I ssue 6

From the Editor A welcome note and introduction to the magazine. By Kylie Carlson


WED Edu The latest workshops, conferences & educational events for the wedding industry. By Kylie Carlson


WED PR Staying on top of trends to maximise your PR opportunities. By Meghan Ely


WED Biz A day in the life of top wedding blogger Sara Burnett. By Christine Ligthart


In Their Shoes An up close & personal interview with Gavin Rajah, South African born designer. By Kylie Carlson

Christ ine Ligt hart Christine Ligthart is the Director of Education for the global training group, the Academy of Wedding & Event Planning and is the Founder of The I-Do Crew


Heidi Thompson Heidi Thompson is the chief marketing geek & founder of Evolve Your Wedding Business and she is on a mission is to help you book more weddings without all of the struggle and stress.


Meghan El y OFD Consulting owner Meghan Ely has over a decade of experience in the wedding industry. She is also a prominent national speaker on a broad range of wedding marketing and wedding PR topics.


Kat hy Dal pra Kathy takes the overwhelm out of SEO, sales and website conversion so wedding businesses can turn more curious visitors into high paying clients.


Welcome to our very first issue of the

Now don't get me wrong I am a digital girl

Wedding Business Magazine. To say I am

too and my iPad mini is my prized



possession that always goes in my

understatement. It has been in the

handbag, but I have to admit I often

making for a long time, but like many

daydream about sitting in Borders

things has been put on a back burner at

Bookshop with a cappuccino in my hand

the start of every year as something to

flicking through a new book I had

look at later. Well not anymore. At the end

discovered on one of the shelves.


this would


of last year I made a commitment to make it happen and so here we are.

Time may have moved on and how we read books may have changed, but the

I have always loved books and the

essence of what we want from a book

publishing world, almost as much as I

hasn't. We all want to learn, be inspired

love the wedding industry,and just as well

and engaged by the content we read, and

as these two areas have played a major

we all need to continue to expand our

part in my career for many years now.

knowledge, so the only thing that has

When I was a kid I loved spending time in

changed really is the delivery. The old

bookshops. There was something very

fashioned values and education we

calming and reassuring about them and

received from books hasn't died it is just

all that knowledge on the shelves

in a different format.

fascinated me. Now there are very few bookshops left to hang out in as we all prefer to use our digital devices to read online newspapers, magazines, blogs and books.


Quote of the

M onth

CreatingaDesign Questionnaire The Designer?s job is to understand the couple, their style and what is important to them. They need to get to know their clients in order to design those amazing weddings you love and without a Killer Design Questionnaire, they will be designing just a great looking wedding, instead of creating a magical experience that is a true reflection of the couple at the heart of it all. The design questionnaire is such an important document as it will be the catalyst for what comes next in the design of client?s wedding. It is the questions asked here that help the designer to know and understand who their client is, what makes them tick and what they truly want from their wedding. We have learned a few tricks over the years that we rely on when it comes to getting the information we need out of our clients. This video is from our very own Design expert, Academy CEO, Kylie Carlson.

I ntroducingtheCertificatein D estination W eddingP lanning Do you live in a fabulous destination for a wedding? Would you like to travel to exotic locations to help couples with their Destination Wedding? Destination Weddings are one of the fastest growing niche markets in the wedding industry; which means there has never been a better time than right now to become a qualified Destination Wedding Planner, by taking our Internationally Accredited Certificate in Destination Wedding Planning. You will learn how to negotiate with local vendors and venues, coordinate detailed travel manifests and understand the legalities of producing and executing weddings in a variety of locations. We also give you some top tips and advice on how to market yourself as a destination wedding planner and where to advertise your services. The course can be completed in as little as 3 months and covers all aspects of destination weddings.

L earn

Educate I nspire Connect Graduate

I ntroducingtheCertificatein D estination W eddingP lanning

#WEDEdu DestinationWeddingpl annerscongress Date:

April 11th - 13th 2016

Location: Florence, Italy Website:

weddingcreativesessions Date:

March 6th 2016

Location: Atlanta, Georgia Website:

l av andfabl uxury businessconference Date:

February 29th - March 3rd 2016

Location: Napa Valley, California Website:

M aximisingyour P R usingtrends


M aximisingyour P R usingtrends

Still struggling to pinpoint what couples are craving? Go ahead and ask! Your couples will be the best at telling you what?s been catching their eyes. ?As we find ourselves marketing towards millennials, we?ve devised creative ways to stay on top of trends while fostering engagement with our target audience,? shares Charles Zhong, owner








?Crowdsourcing has been a game changer for us ? we determined that we needed to find a way to engage our audience, while gleaning opinions and ideas from them to add to our inventory. Customers tell us what they love and we provide them with exactly what they want, so it?s a win-win situation!? When you have an idea of what?s trending, be sure to take your findings and turn them into actionable steps to reach your audience. ?Forecasting trends is the best way to prepare your inventory to meet the needs of both current and prospective customers,? adds Audrey Isaac of ?For example, we see an increase in interest in eco-friendly searches, so we?ve added more ?green?options online.? Using trends in your marketing isn?t just about knowing what?s ?in,? but about sharing it as well. Create engaging content that incorporates the latest trends to help build your reputation as a wedding expert in your field.

our favouritethings In each issue we will share with you some of the tools we can't do without, things we've found when researching and some gems we've been told about by others. They make our lives easier and save us huge amounts of time within our working life. Enjoy!

A D ay in theL ifeof...


Sara B urnett Cont... Noon: I like to work out in the middle of the day so at this point I?ll take a break from the computer and either go for a run or a swim. It gives me a boost of energy to make it through the rest of whatever it is I have to do. After working out I?ll have a quick shower and eat something light while getting back to work. First I?ll tackle some social media tasks like scheduling Facebook posts and sharing on Instagram and G+, afterwards I?ll sometimes have Skype meetings or other projects to work on besides the blog like styled shoots, web design, or materials for the blogging seminars I conduct with Hanna Fitz in St. Lucia. Evenings: I typically have an early dinner, (and a pretty big one too since really it?s the only meal I eat all day? bad I know? but I always cook!) and will watch something on TV while eating. After dinner is when I?ll work on another blog post, check in with social media and finally tackle those emails. Unless it?s urgent, I save emails and submission reviewing for the end of the day? the reason being that a clean Inbox is a nice way to end the day and people won?t respond to me until the morning! After all that, usually around 11pm or so I get in bed and read until I turn on NPR and fall asleep while listening to the Morning Edition program via the web. Not the most exciting life? but during the ?at home? waves? that?s what it looks like!

Sara B urnett Cont...

#Wedtips Top Tips to Succeed at Networking 4 things you can do to be more successful when networking with vendors


BeFearless BeInformed BeReady BePro-Active

academy tv

intheir shoes Gavin Rajah An up close and personal interview with Gavin Rajah, South African fashion designer and businessman who is the managing director of Gavin Rajah Atelier and Gavin Rajah Concept, both of which are based in Cape Town. Gavin Rajah Concept is a household name in South Africa and has delivered events for A list clients including BMW, Dubai Fashion Week, GHD, Coca Cola, Tommy Hilfiger, Motorola and many more.

"We really focus on our clients having fun with us"

Gavin your company specialises in high-end events that require innovative concept and creative direction. Tell us what sets these events apart from an average event? For me I always listen to my clients ? I try and distill their wishes and ideas into something that is a unique reflection of their personalities and taste. For me the thing that sets us apart is having meticulous attention to detail. This ends up adding to the overall experience of the guests and that ultimately is what ensures a successful event. Detail means that you have to create it instead of just using the stock standard inventory that is available to everyone. You are renowned for the level of service you give your clients, so can you give us an idea of what we would expect as a client of Gavin Rajah Concept Events and Interiors? We really focus on our clients having fun with us in creating these experiences. You would expect to have a intense session with us where we bombard you with questions ? we try and extract all the information we need to go away and come back with a presentation that we think fits the brief and also has our distinctive signature. Each event designer/producer has their own signature style and we have the same. We do not compromise on our signature as it?s what sets us apart. We focus on the detail and will bring out things that are important/sentimental to the client or we will suggest innovative ways for guests to have an elevated experience of the event. At the end of it all you would expect to have a stress free encounter, have fun and most of all have your expectations exceeded.

Many wedding professionals aspire to have a portfolio that includes some of the well-known brands such as Nike, BMW, Coca Cola & HSBC, all brands you have worked with. What does it take to gain these types of clients? I think you have to have gained credibility for delivering on the client?s expectations and brief. Once you are able to do that and you exceed the expectation this instills confidence in the client in terms of using you. I think being able to manage a budget and deliver on the strategic objectives are key! No one is going to entrust you with a budget if you have not got a solid foundation of doing excellent work. You were appointed the launch director for the Tommy Hilfiger rollout in South Africa. Can you walk us through what was involved in the Tommy Hilfiger launch? It was a really time consuming and laborious process as we had numerous teleconferences at odd times and we had to instill a level of comfort with the TH head office in New York. We had to plan the events that would be used to roll out the brand in SA and tie in this with the global marketing plan and also be sensitive to the South African retail environment. Sometimes you have to take the time to really get to grips with the client?s brand positioning. In this case we also had to have a strong understanding of the TH brand bible that dictated the various applications of logos, colours, fonts etc. This was key in us putting together an event that conformed to the brand?s identity and intrinsic spirit. We also travelled and worked extensively in New York with the TH head office so that we could plan the various seasons campaign launches etc. In 2010 you produced the wedding for IT billionaire Robert Gumede. Your brief was to 'go quite big' - because 'Robert Gumede doesn't think in small measures?. This sort of brief is most designer?s dream. Tell us about your concept for this wedding. The wedding was really amazing and I had carte blanche within the clients objectives to design a wedding that was enchanting and romantic. The client went back to a venue that was close to the Kruger National Park in SA. It was remote and that meant bringing everything in. We hosted 2000 people over 3 days with four massive events. We designed all the collateral from VIP parking discs to the invitations etc. My concept was to really make guests want to fall in love again? ? ..I wanted the to see the love that the couple had all around them.

TranslatingTrends into W eddingD esigns Weddings, like fashion and interiors are heavily influenced by trends. As Wedding Designers, our aim is to translate those trends into designs that our clients and their guests can relate to, but still reflect the individual style of the couple. A wedding that tells the couple's story, is always 'on trend'.

#wedpro Sara B urnett

"I?ve always thought of Inspiration Boards as short stories."

Sara, you are the woman behind the much loved blog, Burnett?s Boards. Can you take us inside what you do and share some of the story behind how it all started for you? At the heart of it all I am a publisher. Burnett?s Boards is an online publication that focuses on wedding styling and design, through inspiration shoots and other editorial content. A lot of people confuse what I do with wedding planning, but it isn?t. I don?t plan weddings (styled shoots, yes ? but these are completely different beasts than a real wedding!) While I do work with gorgeous imagery on a daily basis, publishing for me is more about growing my audience and making sure that the work that I get to share is seen by as many people possible. While weddings is the general topic, work for bloggers really consists of a lot of time spent optimising posts for search engines, promoting what we publish, and of course answering emails and growing our businesses through sponsors and partnerships not only with advertisers, but other publishers and tastemakers as well. It all started for me when I was growing tired of the hoops that education has become today (I was a teacher!) and I idly began cruising Craig?s List for some part-time, ?something?that would give me a bit of a lift and came across a wedding planner in Hawaii where I was living at the time who needed someone to edit a blog for her. Even though I had no experience whatsoever to speak of when it came to blogging (or weddings really - I had been married for a few years already and my wedding basically consisted of me telling my wedding planner the budget and letting her at it - I was the easiest bride ever!). It sounded fun and totally different to what I was doing, so I went for an interview.

I hear you Sara. I feel the same about them and the boards you design are so beautifully crafted. For me they are just beautiful in their own right. I can (and do) spend hours looking at them. Sara do you write for any other Blogs, or have any other roles in the wedding industry? Burnett?s Boards is the only blog I work on, however I am a member of Aisle Society, which is a fabulous project started by 30+ wedding bloggers ? it?s truly the first of its kind in the industry in that we?re all working together to create a one-stop-shop for all things weddings. When 30+ of the leading publishers in the wedding world get together to make it happen ? you know it?s going to be amazing! The site is launching in the new year and I can?t wait to see where it takes us all. This sounds like a fabulous initiative and something wonderful for the industry to look forward to. Back to your blog though, it is now ranked amongst the top 10 wedding blogs in the world, which is fabulous! Can you tell us what that means to you and what do you believe is the secret behind your blog?s success? Honestly, I truly believe that its success is due to my own stubbornness and a big dash of luck. For the first 8 or so months of blogging, I literally had two people looking at my work ? myself and my mother (love you Mum)!. However, I never gave up because I did it for the pure enjoyment of it. I didn?t set out to make it a successful business, I created Inspiration Boards and blogged them simply because I found it enjoyable. The luck came in when one of my posts went viral and overnight I went from 2 viewers to over 100k. The thrill of it all really kept me going through the troughs and as an uber nerd, the learning (SEO, HTML, business basics, etc.) kept me hooked. I started to derive great pleasure from testing out strategies to get my numbers to grow, analysing whether those strategies were working, tweaking things, trying something new, and going from there. I love this Sara. In our very visual world it can be tempting to see creativity only in things like Inspiration Boards and Inspiration Shoots, but there is a lot of creative thinking behind the ?nerdy?stuff too. I believe that you are currently splitting your time between the US and the Caribbean, after several years living in Hawaii. Has t his changed your approach to your blog at all?

"Don?t just be a wedding planner, be a wedding planner that excels in a niche style of wedding."

What wonderful advice Sara, thank you for sharing this with us. I agree with you whole-heartedly and encourage all of our readers to live this way. I firmly believe that you have to define what it is you are passionate about and then direct your life and what you do towards fulfilling that passion. Not everything you do as part of this process is going to be something you love or feel passionately about, but if it leads you to a good place, its worth it. Speaking of passions, you are joining us for the very first edition of The Wedding Business Magazine (something we are passionate about) and in this edition we are focusing on ?trends?. How do you define the word ?trend?and in your experience how does something become a trend? Atrend is a general direction in which something is developing or changing. While sometimes the word ?trend?is used to describe something that is transitory, I don?t really believe this is true. Alot of trends, especially those in the wedding world, reflect the changing world around us. Trends simply describe changes. For instance ? as the global economy lost the resilience it had in the 1990s, people started hosting more intimate weddings, so you could call ?smaller weddings?a trend, but really it?s a general shift that reflects what else is going on around us. Urban / industrial weddings are also currently ?trendy,' but that reflects the re-urbanisation of monied Americans. They?re coming back from the suburbs to the cities. Long gone also are the days of only wearing white as a bride; hued wedding dresses are all the rage and it reflects the personalisation of pretty much everything in life now.

Yes, absolutely. Can I just ask those of you ?playing along?to write down this phrase; don?t generalise your services, specialise them. That is Genius! Staying with trends Sara, what trend of the last year would you love to see transcend its ?trendiness?and become more of a classic fixture? I?m loving all the trends right now: intimate weddings with personalised details and unique colour palettes. I do believe that weddings will become more and more personalised and less and less ?traditional? . That?s not to say that classic style weddings are anything to snub ? they?re not! They?re just going to reflect the couple?s actual wishes as opposed to what?s expected of them. What ?trend?of the last year are you happy to say; ?thanks for the memories?, to? Anything involving masks. I never understood that one and never will! Woodland weddings are just fine without animal masks. I am with you there Sara! Tell me, how do you think trends influence what we see on the pages of Burnett?s Boards? While I do study my analytics and know what types of wedding editorials my readers gravitate towards most, it hasn?t really ever influenced what I choose to publish. As a blog that focuses on Inspiration Shoots, I feel as though it?s my duty to publish new / experimental things; so when I find a shoot in my Inbox that contains something I have never seen before (and I often feel like I?ve seen it all!) I don?t hesitate to write that acceptance email. While there are blogs that focus on styles / trends such as rustic weddings, or hotel weddings, or fine art weddings, mine focuses on editorials and I strive to make it inclusive of all styles etc., so long as it?s photographed well and contains something I find intriguing or unique, be it the bride?s dress, a colour palette, an intriguing venue, or a different style that you don?t see every other day, I?ll love it . As the publisher of a popular blog, I can only imagine the number of submissions you receive each week. When you are working through these do you ever spot something you just know is going to take off and be copied? Can you share an example with us?

"When you think of your brand, think about the feeling you want whomever is viewing your imagery to feel."

Another trend I?m noticing is that bloggers are going beyond the write and post model and experimenting with video blogging via their own YouTube channels and insofar as wedding bloggers are concerned, we?re definitely expanding our businesses outside of just blogging and offering services as consultants, stylists, speakers, and web designers. The new way to think of a blog, I believe, is as a place to store your content that you share on social media. An archive so to speak. This is an interesting way of looking at the shift in blogging Sara and it is something we have observed too. What about your brand and trends. What is popular in terms of brand and the way it is depicted via social media and websites seems to change really quickly now. How do you embrace your brand in a world that is driven by ever changing trends in how we communicate digitally and what readers find aesthetically appealing? One thing I?ve noticed about brands is continued specialisation and ?branding.?Event planners are showing more and more images that have their stamp and their style throughout. Brands are branding the way they present their work, and their work is consistently recognisable as their work. It?s a great thing! As long as you keep your brand messaging consistent, you can change as much as you like. Consistency with a brand doesn?t necessarily mean a trend. When you think of your brand, think about the feeling you want whomever is viewing your imagery to feel. As long as you continue producing the same reaction in your fans, you?re on brand. If you feel as though your branding visuals are in a rut, or you aren?t particularly loving your colour palette, or website etc anymore, it?s definitely time to change. Having visuals that truly speak to what your brand is, is really important! Visual cues are more and more important. I remember how much I adored (and still do) Summer Watkins at Grey Likes Weddings?rebrand.

23 +W ebsiteP hrases to A void if Y ou W ant to A ttract H igher End Traffic Getting too many ?how much does it

determine what your website is about.

cost?? emails from website visitors?

If the subject matter of your website

This article will help you reduce the

pages and blog posts is mostly about

price-shopping inquiries by targeting

planning a wedding, then chances are


pretty good that your website isn?t






going to rank well for ?chocolate chip

For most wedding planners, search engines are your BFF. Google is the # 1 visited

website in the world

cookies.? Thank goodness! Still, I am consistently amazed at how


few wedding professionals actually pay

continues to be a top resource that

attention to the words they use on

engaged couples use to find vendors,

their website and in their blog, which

which means it could be your most

often results in less than satisfactory

valuable source of website traffic.


But when it comes to showing up in

For instance, years ago one of my SEO

Google listings, the words you use on

clients came to me ready to start

your website matter big time, so you

fresh? new brand, new website, new

must be deliberate about the language

sales system, new SEO strategy. So

you choose.

together, we did it all.

This is because search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo, use words to

23 +W ebsiteP hrases to A void if Y ou W ant to A ttract H igher End Traffic

B y K athy D alpra in your webpages or blog posts, it could






engines and draw in visitors looking for a steal. You might think couples would never use a word like ?barter? in their search for wedding vendors, but you?d be surprised. Wedding blogs like Broke Ass Bride celebrate the art

Price Cent ric Let?s face it, some words are blatantly price-focused,







cost,? ?budget? and ?budget-friendly.? If your entire business model is based

of bartering and negotiation as tools for

getting more with less and

educate their readers on how to do so. Invest ment

on being the lowest priced option in

It?s probably a safe assumption that

the area, these are fantastic words for


you. However, if you?re looking for a


modest to high investment for your

shopping couples and higher budget

services, you need to avoid these

couples looking for a ballpark of what

terms like the plague.

they should budget for a given





could price

service. However, they are far more likely




This is probably the most obvious

prospects because higher

grouping of words you?d want to avoid

clients tend to use other tools for

if you?re looking for prospects that are

evaluation, such as referrals and

actually willing to make an investment


in exchange for your services.


These words might include ?rate,?

Naturally, if you use words such as


?free,? ?pro bono? ?barter? anywhere

?prices,? ?pricing,? ?fee? and ?fees.?




Architecture has always been a big inspiration for me and I think the same can be said for many event designers. If there?s anything famous architects tried to teach us over the years it is to never underestimate the power of design. So how do you make a great space inside a not-so-great building? That is the challenge faced by many of us on an almost daily basis. For me I pull my inspiration from outside the industry. I love to look at how interior designers and architects use different spaces to see if there is anything within their permanent designs that can be translated into the temporary structure of an event. I always dedicate a part of my working week to research and as I was looking online a few weeks ago I stumbled across the design for a house with a wide hexagonal vacuum in the middle that divides the house into two parts. The house in question, Kame House, is a private residence designed by Kochi Architect?s Studio in 2013 located in Niigata, Niigata Prefecture, Japan.

UsingTrends in B logP osts Most wedding professionals seriously under utilise their blog. The truth is, your blog can be one of the most powerful marketing tools in your arsenal. Your blog can do SO much more for you than just serving as a sort of portfolio. Your blog can actually attract your ideal clients and help you book them. If you highlight trends in your blog posts you'll attract couples who are looking for inspiration and are in the early stages of planning which is great for you. The earlier you can embed yourself in their minds as a helpful resource as opposed to a service provider who just wants their money, the better off you'll be. In this year's wedding trend report you'll see that pop culture is playing a big role in weddings. This is largely due to couples wanting to personalise their weddings to reflect who they are. This is what people want so you can help them by showing them how to do it and by giving them inspiration. Write articles that show people how to incorporate their love of Star Wars, Game Of Thrones or Alice In Wonderland (the new film comes out in 2016) into their wedding. Many couples will want to incorporate their fandom into wedding but they may not be sure how to do that. This is your opportunity to step in and make suggestions and give tips while showcasing beautiful images. You could even do a styled shoot that incorporates a pop culture theme!

I encourage you to get specific with the trends in your area of expertise. For example, if you're a caterer you'll find that more couples care about where their food comes from. This is a fantastic opportunity to write not just about where yours come from, but questions to ask a potential caterer to find out where theirs comes from. Wedding food has also become more multi-cultural so you could write about how to blend 2 cultures together into one beautiful meal symbolising their union. You could also write about how to infuse your wedding food with a culture that you love. Maybe the couple met in Greece and want to infuse their menu with Greek food. This is a great way for you to get creative and provide some ideas. This year's wedding trend report has a lot of great ideas and indications of where trends are going in 2016 but what have you seen among your clients? If you want to attract more people like the couples you already work with, write about things that they care about in a way that helps them. Your blog isn't so much about you as it is about helping your potential clients. By doing this you set yourself apart as someone who actually cares about them and clearly has the expertise to help them achieve their vision. If you need some help getting those great blog ideas out of your head, come over to 5steps to get a free download I've prepared for you.

B y H eidi Thompson Phot o Credit s - Design by A Modern Proposal ? Photography by Elizabeth Van Der Bij Photography ? Florals by FaBLOOMosity ? Stationery by Pink Polka Design

Q& A What isaTrend? A trend is the general direction in which something is developing or changing. In this month's edition of the magazine, we interview Sara Burnett of Burnett's Boards and she gives us an excellent example of this by highlighting the growing popularity of intimate weddings. These styles of weddings have become more popular following rougher economic times than those we had in the 1990's, when big lavish weddings were in vogue. This trend could also be seen to relate to a growing awareness among society of sustainable living and making more personal connections in a technological world and a desire to travel. This information can also help you when launching a wedding business and determining what sort of wedding professional you want to be and what services you should offer. Again, I am thinking of a comment in Sara's interview in which she encourages us to specialise, not generalise. Because more intimate weddings and destination wedding experiences (rather than packages) are one of the directions weddings are moving in, this could be the perfect niche for you to focus your wedding business on.

Q& A

A shleeB rindley Phot o Credit s: Left to right top row 1. Emily Ann Hughes Photopgrahy via Wedding Sparrow 2. Photographer unknown via Deer Pearl Flowers 3. Vasia Photography via Wedding Sparrow 4. Emily Katharine Photography via Wedding Sparrow Left to right bottom row 1. Maria Lamb Photography via Wedding Sparrow 2. Kevin Day Photography via ShutterStock 3. Photographer unknown via April and May Studio 4. Milton Photography via Style Me Pretty 5. Bianca Brunner Photography via Wedding Sparrow

TheP ublishers The International Academy of Wedding and Event Planning is the leading training company for the wedding industry with campuses worldwide. The Group of campuses has an international Advisory Board made up of wedding and event experts from around the globe. We offer courses in wedding planning, wedding design, event management and event design. UAE





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