Austin Weekly News 082824

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Austin’s violence issue overshadowed by DNC, advocates say

Members of the 15th Police District Council say a safety plan is needed but ignored by Democratic leaders

As Chicago Police and other city resources were mobilized for the Democratic National Convention this week, members of the 15th Police District Council held a news conference Wednesday to highlight possible solutions to the ongoing violence in the Austin community.

Speaking from inside the Brian Pickett Funeral Home, during a Wednesday evening where the press conference was held – just a few feet away from a white casket used to symbolize the constant occurrence of deaths in the community due to gun violence and other violent crimes – Deondre’ Ruteus, community engagement specialist for the 15th Chicago Police District Council, said he and others wanted to shine light on the violence in Austin.

Austin Town Hall Farmers Market, page

Simone Merrick, a youth ambassador, gives her graduation speech at the Youth Ambassador celebration on Aug. 23.

Youth ambassadors apply life skills

T he Island has 13 new youth ambassadors, newly trained in life skills and ways to help and promote their community

On Friday, Aug. 23, the group, who range in age from 12 to 15, celebrated the completion of the Island Civic Association Youth Ambassador’s summer

program, designed to teach the participants life-skills and civic engagement. The program pays youth to attend workshops and organize local events with the expectation they will use their new skills in school and beyond.

The Island is a portion of Austin south of the Eisenhower Expressway.

Dr. Deondre Rutues, a resident of The Island and a volunteer leader, said the program aims to give youth

a head start in community building.

He said that he’s seen block clubs in The Island dissolve and as community members age, he doesn’t see many opportunities for youth to “pick up the baton.” This program, he said, helps fill the gap.

“It’s just this opportunity, in a nutshell, to have them become the face of


Ready to make di erence

from page 1

the community, when these older folks can no longer do it. Which is one of the issues that we have at the block club that exists currently,” Rutues said. “Also, just preparing them for life in general.”

This summer, the number of ambassadors nearly doubled, from six last year to 13 this year. Some of the participants were primarily Spanish-speaking. There was also an active group of parent volunteers to help run the program.

T he I sland Youth Ambassadors are f unded by sponsorships from Re p. La Shawn K. Fo rd; Christopher Taliafer ro, alderman of the 29th ward; Nate Tubb s, president of T he I sland Civic A ssociation; and Boost Mobil e.

The ambassadors had 10 mandatory work-hours and were paid $15 per hour for attending workshops and engaging with the community. Their hours were filled with monthly association meetings, life-skill building workshops and community events including organizing “play-lot nights” at the George Rogers Clark Elementary School and working in a local community garden.

This year Rutues, who holds a doctorate in business psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, also

introduced the topic of “psychological capital.” This is an approach to mental well-being that focuses on the healthy psychological states of hope, self-efficacy, resilience and optimism, Rutues said.

He said he is using his past research on adults in business settings and tailoring it to youth in an academic setting.

“As all of them are getting prepared to go back to school, we just gave them some tools that they could use to help build hope, self-efficacy, resilience and optimism,” he said. “When they’re in their school settings, they can approach it in a way that builds all of those facets.”

Participants had high opinions of what they learned.

Simone Merrick, 15, who also was an ambassador last year, said the workshops were a highlight of her summer. She learned from local civic leaders and gained public speaking skills during the workshops, but it didn’t feel like work.

“Being here wouldn’t even feel like civic agement. You end up enjoying yourself after a while and wanting to actually come more events,” she said. “Rather than it feeling like work, it kind of feels like meeting up with a group of friends and doing a bunch of, like, really cool things.”

he a dded: “It’s really simple, but li ke, way more impactful than you would probably ever know. It f eels g ood to help p eople out. ”

Henry Ellis, a youth ambassador who was also in the program last year, said he

learned a lot about resilience this summer Henry, who is 14 years old and plays football, broke his leg earlier this year, and has been on the mend. He planned on playing his usual position, defensive end, on the football team this season, but has had to sideline his plans – for now.

He is using the skills Rutues taught in their workshops as he heals and said he will use what he’s learned during this coming school year as a freshman at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School.

“This progr am has taught not j ust li ke ‘kid’ lessons, but adult lessons and l ife lessons. Just different things about hope and resilienc e. I broke my leg, bu t you know, I’m focusing on recove ry and t rying to be 100%, but still g et stronger,” Henry said.

Taliafer ro, the alderman of the 29th Ward who helped sponsor the ambassadors, was in attendance at the event on Friday. He said engaging community members at young ages can make a difference in their neighborhood.

“It gives our community an opportunity to grow, and it gives our youth an opportunity to grow. I’m very proud of all the graduates, and I’m glad to have been able to participate in the program this year,” Taliafer ro said.

Dr. Deondre Rutues, a resident of e Island and a volunteer leader, and Sonya Rich, a resident and volunteer leader, address the crowd at the Island Civ ic Association Youth Ambassador celebration
Island Civ ic Association Youth Ambassadors receive their diplomas on Aug. 23.

August 28-September 4


Austin Workforce Collaborative Bus Tour

Friday, August 30, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., 5049 W. Harrison St. Austin Coming Together and the Austin Workforce Collaborative will o er a bus-tour traveling to West Side entrepreneurship programs on Friday, August 30, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.. The tour will meet at 5049 W. Harrison St.. It will cover available ser vices at Allies for Community Business, Defy Ventures, The Hatchery and Westside For ward. Participants can gain knowledge from Chicago-based entrepreneurs and learn about bringing business ideas to fruition. The tour is background friendly, and all ages are welcome. Only 20 spots are available and breakfast and lunch is provided. Register:

Kehrein Center for the Ar ts hosting The People’s Convention: The African Fest Goes Out West

Saturday, Aug. 31, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Kehrein Center for the Arts

In partnership with The Black Panther’s Annual People’s Convention, The Kehrein Center for the Arts will have enter tainers and vendors at this community event that includes celebration, speakers, and a lm screening all happening on Saturday, Aug. 31, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vendors will o er African attire, art and jewelry along with food. A conversation with Chairman Fred Hampton Jr., and a commemorative bir thday celebration of Chairman Fred Hampton Sr., and a lm screening of “Judas and The Black Messiah” will be part of the program on Saturday. Tickets cost $12 in advance and $17 at the door. Find more information: and buy tickets: https:// 5628 W. Washington Blvd.

Hub 101 with the Cara Collective

Tuesday, Sept. 3, 12:30 to 1:45 p.m., Virtual Facebook live session

Austin Coming Together and the Cara Collective, are presenting “Hub 101: Let’s Work Together” where the Cara Collective, a workforce development organization, will speak about creating an inclusive economy and creating employment pathways. Participants can learn about their programming and employment resources at this virtual event. Register:

Free therapeutic mental health services

Every Tuesday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., The Legler Regional Branch of the Chicago Public Library

Through a partnership with the Chicago Department of Public Health and the Chicago Public Library, free mental health resources are being o ered every Tuesday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Legler Regional Branch of the Chicago Public Library. They will mainly o er individual therapy ser vices, and their goal is to meet people where they are at; providing additional management resources with housing and food assistance. Contact Jordan Henderson, the clinical therapist supplying the ser vices, at or by

Fitness Lab at Build

Open on Mondays from 5 - 7 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., and 5 - 9 p.m., Wednesdays 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., and Fridays 5 - 9 p.m., Located at BUILD’s headquarters BUILD has their own tness lab-space at their Austin headquar ters located at, 5100 W. Harrison St.. The tness space is open to all ages and everyone in the community. Call: 773-227-2880, or email: tnesslab@ for more information. https://www 5100 W. Harrison St.

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rallying call for prevention from page 1

“In the Austin community, several lives were lost over the last couple weeks, some of which have been highlighted in the media as it relates to the heinous and violent nature of it,” Ruteus said.

Speaking with the Austin Weekly News before to the news conference, Ruteus refer red to the recent murder on Chicago Avenue that was captured on video showing a daytime shooting with three gunmen shooting and killing an individual.

“The heinous nature of it made us want to act because as our roles dictate, we are supposed to be involved in both the public safety and policing accountability,” Ruteus said. “We cannot just allow ourselves to be involved in just the police accountability part of it without uplifting public safety, especially since we have so many dignitaries not three and half miles from us enjoying the best of Chicago while we live here enjoying the worst of Chicago.”

One of the nonprofit groups working to prevent violence in Austin, ANCHOR Chicago, attended the conference. The group’s founder, H. Harper, spoke, saying that if something happens in Austin, it impacts other nearby West Side communities.

Carmelita Earls, chairperson for the 15 Police District Council, also spoke with the Austin Weekly News before the press conference, saying organizing at the funeral home was fitting because it’s where a lot of residents are convening as a result of violence in the community.

“Let’s try to be proactive and realize that we don’t want to meet here,” she added. “Let this be the last time that we convene and let’s talk about something that resolution can resolve. The majority of things that are going on in our community [are the result of] a misunderstanding.”

Earls said that one of her constituents the other day walked out to her garage as she was leaving for work and came upon the body of a young male in the alley on the 4800 block of West End.

“What’s wrong with us!? Enough of this already,” she said.

The press conference was not to slam anybody, Earls added.

From a resolution standpoint, Earls said children need to have buy-in and a road map that gives them options for going to school, to work or to the military, because

letting them set the bar is not working.

Funeral Home Director Brian Pickett hosted the press conference.

“Enough is enough,” Pickett said. “Funerals should be held years down the line and not be a life taken so violently. Families share with me how they’ve lost their loved ones to gun violence versus someone being sick, is something that must stop. Resources to help individuals selling drugs get back to work and residents claiming their blocks back can help make a difference.”

Fifteenth District Police Councilman Arewa Karen Winters said that conversations about the violence taking place in the communities is not something being discussed at the DNC.

She added that everything cannot be put on the shoulders of the police department and that a special meeting of the 15th District Council is needed to create a safety plan that can be supported by the police.

“There are things that can happen in the home and in the community,” Winters said. “We have to do this for ourselves.”

The initial location for the press conference was planned for outside the 15 District Police Station but was changed because of the DNC staging there. Ruteus said he failed to confirm it with 15th Police District Commander Carlin Morse.

Ruteus added this was not a situation where they were trying to make the police department look bad and decided to go with a different location, which ended up being the Brian Pickett Funeral Home on West Madison Ave.

The funeral home was significant, Ruteus said, because it received a significant amount of work because of the issues in the community that shows what the Austin community is dealing with.

“We wanted to make sure we used our platform to make sure that we elevate what is going on in our community and to make sure our voices were used to elevate the community’s concern for public safety,” Ruteus said. These concerns are being discussed during our meetings.”

Some of the long-term solutions Ruteus mentioned include Chicago Public Schools implementing a trauma-infor med curriculum with an emphasis on emotional re gulation; greater investment in a parent university that schools should utilize as community hubs with wraparound services; and establishing a Restorative Justice Court.

The Austin Weekly News reached out to 15th Chicago Police District Commander Carlin Morse but did not hear back.

Pets Max and Roo sit in their stroller while their ow ner, Yamia Smith, shops at the Austin Town Hall Farmers Market on Aug. 15.
Produce at the Forty Acres Fresh Market vending booth

New leader’s vision for e Neighborhood Bridge:

to be a ‘lifeline to a better life’

The nonpro t helps connect individuals and families with human services

Prentice Butler, the newly hired executive director of The Neighborhood Bridge, is looking to connect as many individuals and families as possible with needed services, including housing resources, employment aid, financial counseling and health care.

The Neighborhood Bridge is a nonprofit established in 2023 with the intention to work with existing providers of services that also include job training, computer competency and violence prevention. The social ministry will then do outreach to connect families in need with those existing resources.

“There’s no sense [in] reinventing the wheel,” Butler said. “There are so many nonprofits doing wonderful work in Austin and other areas of the re gion. I just want to make sure I sit down with them and let them know I want to work in partnership.”

The nonprofit is focused on helping families of students in Austin, on Chicago’s West Side. The partner schools are St. Catherine – St. Lucy, St. Angela, Chicago Jesuit Academy, Catalyst Circle Rock, and Christ the King Jesuit College Preparatory School.

“It is our job … to advocate for those who don’t have a voice,” Butler said. “And make sure they’re connected to outcomes that will service their families and the community.”

Goals and mission

Butler, who started in July, said his main mission is to make sure families with kids in school have the resources they need to allow the kids to focus on their education. There are so many external factors or traumas that can distract a kid from concentrating on their education, Butler said. And teachers, who are already doing as much as they can with little credit, can’t be responsible for all of those extra factors.

“Having one less distraction, I think, will be helpful, in making sure that [the kids] can focus on their education and we can see the increased outcome of these kids graduating and going on with their lives in a productive fashion,” he said.

In his first few weeks as executive director, Butler said he’s been connecting with community members and stakeholders. That includes local government, public safety and health officials, as well as organizations who can provide the resources needed, like Thrive Counseling Center, a mental health crisis and counseling center. So far, Butler said he’s compiled a database of about 25 organizations to connect program participants with.

The Neighborhood Bridge is located at the St. Catherine – St. Lucy rectory in Oak Park, along with Housing Forward’s emergency overnight shelter. The shelter is in the process of an expansion from 20 to 40 beds. The Neighborhood Bridge, Butler said, is an evolution of the previous church ministry.

“We’re still serving the public,” he said. “This is what this place and space has always been about.”

A lot of communities are in need of the services that this nonprofit can connect them with, Butler pointed out. Some individuals who have the privilege of exposure to these services while growing up, and understand

how to seek them out, might take that information for granted, Butler said. But others did not have those same privileges.

“Sometimes it takes somebody to say ‘This is how you fill out the form, this is what this means, don’t worry about it, I will assist you, I will help you,’” he said. “We could be a lifeline to a better life.”

What they need

To get the organization up and running, Butler said they need to engage and train volunteers, who will also have required background checks. The volunteers will not only help with intake and identifying issues among families in need but will walk those families through connections with local providers from beginning to end.

“A lot of families are not comfortable navigating the bureaucracy,” he said. “They don’t know how to begin to help themselves. So, you have the volunteers that come in to the process to be a helping hand, a shoulder to rely on.”

Butler said one of his goals is to ensure volunteers are not only trained on services central to the organization’s mission, such as housing and employment resources, but also on resources related to sexual and other types of abuse

philanthropic community in Chicago.

“A lot of organizations are beginning to look at the issues of equity seriously in our communities,” he said. “And what [we can do] to address and close the equity gaps that are in communities like Austin and other areas in the city that have been neglected and disinvested in for years.”

About the executive director

Butler said he grew up on the South Shore of Chicago, where his school, Hales Franciscan High School, emphasized the importance of service in its curriculum. As a result of his upbringing and prior work experience, Butler said he’s committed to community engagement and keen on service-oriented opportunities.

The new executive director was formerly the deputy director for the Illinois Justice Project, an organization working to make the legal system more equitable. He’s served on the staf f of Sophia King, for mer alderman of Chicago’s 4th Ward. Before that, Butler was a bankruptcy consultant at the Law Offices of Ernesto D. Borges Jr. P.C.

“It is our job to advocate for those who don’t have a voice. And make sure they ’re connected to outcomes that will service their families and the community.”

“I want to make sure the volunteers also understand discretion, how sensitive the issues can be,” Butler said. “I want to make sure no harm is done to anybody that may engage our services.”

Executive director of The Neighborhood Bridge

By the end of the year, Butler said he’d like to have at least 30 volunteers.

Butler said he’s eager to build the program from the ground up. It’ll be challenging, but in a good way, he said. But they also need the finances to operate. Grants and individual donations kick-star ted The Neighborhood Bridge, Butler said, but moving forward they’ll have to seek more funding, and he hopes that could come from the

“[I] would sit down with a lot of clients that were going through traumatic episodes in life and you would see how different policies facilitated those crises that they faced,” he said.

He also worked for the Chicago Area Boy Scouts of America on the southwest side of Chicago and nearby suburbs. Butler has a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Chicago, a master’s degree from Loyola University Chicago and another master’s degree from the University of Chicago. He’s also involved with organizations such as the New Leaders Council Chicago and South-Siders Organized for Unity and Liberation.

“I was eager to get back in the field [and] work with communities, work with families,” he said. “This is where I want to be.”

Prentice Butler



Join Keana Shatteen for an inspiring and transformative event on World Suicide Prevention Day. Personal experience and professional training inform this heartfelt presentation. This talk emphasizes the importance of suicide prevention and awareness by illustrating how open conversations can create safety and support.


September 10, 6:30 - 8:00 PM

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Thrive Talks are funded by the Community Mental Health Board of Oak Park Township.



National Museum of Mexican Art | 1852 W. 19th Street August 29 | 1:00–3:00 p.m. To register, email


Kehrein Center for the Arts | 5628 Washington Boulevard September 13 | 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.


Salvation Army Freedom Center | 825 N. Christiana Avenue

Meets every Friday from 8:30–10:00 a.m. To register, email or text (847) 316.1365.

Registration appreciated! Anyone 55+ is welcome at these


Rep. La Shawn Ford hosts fundraiser promoting Harris

Rep. La Shawn Ford held an Aug. 20 fundraiser at the Billy Goat Tavern & Grill on the near West Side. Though he’s running for re-election in November, he said the event wasn’t as much a fundraiser as it was a way to get West Siders together to rally around the Harris-Walz ticket.

“It was an opportunity to have something near the convention center with Congressman Davis and for the community,” Ford told Growing Community Media. Tickets for the event ranged from $150 to $5,000, but no one was at the door checking for tickets and the employee at the cash re gister asked if I was with the party when I ordered food.

As I geared up to partake in my third coffee of the day after lunch, Ford seemed to have an abundance of energy, considering he likely went to bed after midnight yesterday and woke up by 6 a.m. He and Davis enthusiastically pulled attendees to the center of the room to say a few words, and were complimentary of each other in their ef for ts during the national election.

“Congressman, thank you very much for leading the way to get Kamala Harris to this point,” Ford said to Davis during a speech. “Many people don’t know that one of the reasons that Kamala Harris is the vice president today is because, when no one knew her the way he knew her, he

The event was more rally than money maker for his -election campaign

“I think it would be in his benefit, the country and the world’s benefit for Donald Trump to just go back to business,” Ford told Growing Community Media.

The fundraiser also highlighted some of rd and Davis’ shared goals, like improving education, income inequality and the wealth gap.

Outside of the national election, Ford is a sponsor for several pieces of legislation relevant to the West Side.

Since he became a House Representative in 2007, Ford has been advocating for a new high school in Austin. That will remain a topof-mind ef fort if he’s re-elected, along with accessing funding to fix infrastructure that was destroyed after last summer’s devastating floods on the West Side

Rep. La Shaw n Ford and Congressman Danny Davis at Billy Goat Tavern & Grill’s near West Side location on Aug. 20.

pushed for Kamala Harris to be the vice president.”

The two were joined by dozens of officials, including Ald. Jason Ervin of the 28th Ward (who accidentally cut me in line for a hot dog and was very apologetic about it) and Nathaniel George Booker, mayor of Maywood.

“We got to take the city. We got to take the House and make sure that we have people across the board,” Booker said. “That’s what we got to do from a millennial standpoint, a Gen-Z standpoint, and every generation.”

“We have to vote,” he added. “We cannot stand on the sideline.”

As for what Ford thinks his constituents should know about the DNC, he said to try and get involved. He said that those without credentials to attend the DNC can still attend local events, like his fundraiser, or attend or host watch parties with friends.

“This is bigger than the moment,” Ford said, “It may feel inconvenient, but we should be engaged. It’s right here,” he added about the proximity of the convention to Chicago’s West Side.

Ford, like many other dele gates, plans to be at the United Center Thursday when Vice President Kamala Harris gives her presidential nominee acceptance speech.

“That’s going to be the best,” Ford said. “She’s going to bring it down.”

Shriners and their ’57 Chev rolet mini-cars before the Galewoodstock Parade on Aug. 24.
Tr ying to ring the bell of a high striker carnival game. Exiting the bounce house obstacle course.

Deadline for ‘Sun Bucks’ is fast approaching

Applications are due by Aug. 31

The deadline for enrollment for 2024 Summer EBT benefits is Aug. 31.

Summer EBT, also known as Sun Bucks, provides families with school-aged children with a one-time benefit of $120 for summer groceries per eligible child. Benefits are benefits distributed on an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card.

“This benefit is important because children who rely on free or reduced-price school meals lose this important source of nutrition when school is out, creating hardship for families struggling to make ends meet,” said Camerin Mattson, manager of communications for the Greater Chicago Food Depository, via an Aug. 15 press release emailed as part of a statewide awareness campaign to promote the new program.

“We don’t want families of the more than one million Illinois children eligible for this benefit to miss out,” she said.

To qualify, families must meet the household income requirements for free or reduced-priced meals, which currently is a

total household income at or below 185% of the federal poverty level. The allowable income also depends on the number of people in the household.

According to the press release, some children have been automatically enrolled based on their participation in other programs, including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Income Eligible Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, youth who are in foster care, and victims of traf ficking

Children who attended an Illinois school that has the National School Lunch Progr am, a voluntary progr am available to all public, private schools and residential childcare institutions that have a nonprofit progr am offering lunches that meet federal requirements to all children and have completed a free or reduced meals application or alternative household income application for the 2023-24 school year are also automatically enrolled in Summer EBT.

Additional information, along with a Summer EBT Screener, to check eligibility can be found at we summer-ebt.

Granny duty is a joy

Iam so grateful that the DNC convention is over. With both my daughter and son-in-law being CPD, they had to work 12-hour days, I was on granny duty overtime. Three grandchildren wanting three different things for breakfast, lunch and dinner Plus all the idiosyncrasies tha go with it.

I tried to pull the “I’m the granny in charge” stunt one morning. I wanted French toast. One wanted waffles and the other wanted pancakes. I was prepared to be the ultimate dictator and have everybody eat French toast, except there wasn’t any cinnamon in the house. I have to have cinnamon in my French toast batter. So we all decided on waffles.

We made homemade personal size pizzas for dinner one day. The two older grandchildren were able to build their own pizza. One likes mushrooms on her pizza. The other just wants sauce and cheese with a few pieces of pepperoni sprinkled on top. Both of the older grandchildren speak for their 2-yearold brother and determine everything that he gets. I’m so grateful he’s not as verbal as his siblings.

My daughter has a miniature waffle maker that makes 4-inch waffles. Those small waffles are the perfect size to feed children. If they want more, I could make them a second one. And there was no waste if they couldn’t eat the entire thing.

One wants butter on their waffle while the other wants the waffle cut into perfect little squares. I did get an overload of “That’s not how mommy does it,” which gave me the opportunity to do a lot of deep breathing and biting my tongue.

“I did get an overload of ‘That’s not how mommy does it,’ which gave me the opportunity to do a lot of deep breathing and biting my tongue.”

I still love to cook. So to help out even further, I’d fixed dinner every night. My 8-year-old granddaughter is learning to cook. She’s been watching a lot of TikTok videos and wants to try making tomato soup using homegrown tomatoes.

My g randson is the French fry king. I made a huge batch of French fries and he ate every one. My daughter later infor med me that she normally fixes him that whole bowl for himself and then has to do a separate batch for everybody else!

I may fuss about it, but I truly did enjoy being around the grandkids for such an extended period.

And the best part about being on granny duty is when it’s over!


First United Methodist Church of Oak Park is seeking a dedicated Part-Time Facility Manager (M-F, 7am - 11am) to oversee the maintenance and facility operations of our church.

Join us in preserving our rich heritage! Apply today by emailing your resume to: with the subject line: "Facility Manager".







2024 CH 00950


NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 20, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on September 23, 2024, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 330 W. GRAND AVENUE, UNIT 1003, CHICAGO, IL 60654

Property Index No. 17-09-236-0261017 The real estate is improved with a condo/townhouse.

Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.

Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.

If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4).

If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).


You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the

foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales.

For information, examine the court file, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL, 60527 (630) 794-9876 THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION

One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236SALE

You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales.



Attorney File No. 14-24-00020 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 2024 CH 00950 TJSC#: 44-1405

NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Case # 2024 CH 00950 I3250577

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENTCHANCERY DIVISION CARRINGTON MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC Plaintiff, -v.WILLIAM BUTCHER, SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF JAMES BENTLEY, DECEASED, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF JAMES BENTLEY, SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, DARLENE BROWN Defendants 22 CH 11353 5518 WEST CONGRESS PARKWAY CHICAGO, IL 60644 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 1, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on October 2, 2024, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 5518 WEST CONGRESS PARKWAY, CHICAGO, IL 60644

Property Index No. 16-16-117-039-0000

The real estate is improved with a two flat apartment building.

Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid,


advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

Case # 2024 CH 03695 I3250641



Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-


You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales.






foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales.

the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.

The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.

If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4).

If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).


You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales.


PIERCE, LLC Plaintiff’s Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL, 60602. Tel No. (312) 3469088.


One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236SALE

You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales.



One North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200 Chicago IL, 60602 312-346-9088


Attorney File No. 22-13132IL_855151

Attorney Code. 61256

Case Number: 22 CH 11353

TJSC#: 44-1798

NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

Case # 22 CH 11353






2024 CH 03695




GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 8, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on September 26, 2024, at The Judicial

Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate:

Commonly known as 3637 W GRENSHAW ST, CHICAGO, IL 60624

Property Index No. 16-14-328-0270000

The real estate is improved with a commercial property.

Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.

The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.

If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4).

If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).


You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales.

For information, examine the court file, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.

Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL, 60527 (630) 794-9876


One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236SALE

You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales.





Attorney File No. 14-24-00228

Attorney ARDC No. 00468002

Attorney Code. 21762

Case Number: 2024 CH 03695

TJSC#: 44-2218

NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are


Defendants 2024 CH 00168 1524 S KOSTNER AVE CHICAGO, IL 60623 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 14, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on September 10, 2024, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1524 S KOSTNER AVE, CHICAGO, IL 60623

Property Index No. 16-22-117-025-0000

The real estate is improved with a multi-family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.

The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.

If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4).

If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).


You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales.

For information, examine the court file, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL, 60527 (630) 794-9876

THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,

Attorney File No. 14-24-00113

Attorney ARDC No. 00468002

Attorney Code. 21762

Case Number: 2024 CH 00168

TJSC#: 44-1317

NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Case # 2024 CH 00168 I3249785


MARQUETTA D. WILLIAMS Defendants 2023 CH 01452 1246 N MASSASOIT CHICAGO, IL 60651

NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on June 7, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on September 10, 2024, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1246 N MASSASOIT, CHICAGO, IL 60651

Property Index No. 16-05-228-0190000

The real estate is improved with a residence.

Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.

If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4).

If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).

IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the

For information, examine the court file, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL, 60527 (630) 794-9876 THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION

One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236SALE

You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE IL, 60527 630-794-5300


Attorney File No. 14-23-00763

Attorney ARDC No. 00468002

Attorney Code. 21762

Case Number: 2023 CH 01452 TJSC#: 44-1769

NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Case # 2023 CH 01452 I3249839



Sealed proposals, endorsed as above, will be submitted back to the District via an electronic upload to the Bonfire Portal only, from the date of the Invitation to Bid, up to 11:00 A.M. (Chicago time), on the bid opening date, and will be opened publicly as described in the Invitation to Bid by the Director of Procurement and Materials Management or designee at 11:00 AM on the stated bid opening date below for:

CONTRACT 24-638-21


Estimated Cost Group A: $18,443,000.00

Bid Deposit Group


Voluntary Technical Pre Bid Conference: Thursday, September

12, 2024 at 10:30 am Chicago Time via ZOOM Link.

Compliance with the District’s Affirmative Action Ordinance

Revised Appendix D, Appendix V, Appendix K, and the Multi Project Labor Agreement are required on this Contract.

Bid Opening: October 8, 2024

CONTRACT 24-665-12


Estimated Cost: $196,500.00

Bid Deposit: NONE

Voluntary Technical Pre Bid Conference: Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 10:00 am Chicago Time via ZOOM Link.

Compliance with the District’s Affirmative Action Ordinance

Revised Appendix D, Appendix V, Appendix C, and the Multi Project Labor Agreement are required on this Contract.

Bid Opening: September 24, 2024 *************************************

The above is an abbreviated version of the Notice Invitation to Bid. A full version which includes a brief description of the project and/or service can be found on the District’s website,; the path is as follows: Doing Business > Procurement and Materials Management > Contract Announcements. Specifications, proposal forms and/ or plans may be obtained from the Department of Procurement and Materials Management by downloading online from the District’s website at (Doing Business > Procurement & Materials Management > Contract Announcements). No fee is required for the Contract Documents. Any questions regarding the downloading of the Contract Document should be directed to the following email: or call 312 751 6643. All Contracts for the Construction of Public Works are subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/1 et.seq.), where it is stated in the Invitation to Bid Page.

The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals if deemed in the public’s best interest.

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

ID: 97032500245 Passcode: 895226 Published in Austin Weekly News August 21, 28, September 4, 2024


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: G24000399 on August 21, 2024 Under the Assumed Business Name of ARTISTRY AND DESIGN with the business located at: 4835 SOUTH CICERO AVENUE APT 405, CHICAGO, IL 60632. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/ partner(s) is: CLEASTER ADAMS 4835 SOUTH CICERO AVENUE APT 405, CHICAGO, IL 60632, USA

Published in Austin Weekly News August 28, September 4, 11, 2024



Stores Specialist (Original)

The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago will be accepting applications for the following classification(s):

Stores Specialist (Original)

Additional information regarding salary, job description, requirements, etc. can be found on the District’s website at or call 312-751-5100.

An Equal Opportunity Employer - M/F/D

Published in Austin Weekly News August 28, 2024



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‘American food with a Mexican twist’ Chef Armando Gonzalez creates avors

“When you mix things, it’s beautiful,” says Chef Armando Gonzalez, who owns and runs Amerikas Restaurant in Oak Park. The nuevo Latino restaurant, which will celebrate seven years this December, is inspired by cultures around the world while remaining rooted in Gonzalez’s upbringing in Mexico.

“I want to create food in my own style,” he said. “Amerikas, to me, is diversity. I’m able to use all types of vegetables, seeds, meats. So they’re not necessarily from Mexico. America, for me, is the melting pot you can create all together, mixing flavors and becoming very unique. I try and create. I don’t follow the rules. I have my own rules.”

From growing up in Oaxaca, Mexico to running Amerikas in Oak Park, food has guided Gonzalez’s life. When Gonzalez was a child, his mother ran a small restaurant where he and his brothers would help cook.

When Gonzalez was 17, he came to the United States with just one dollar in quarters and began working in restaurants. He worked for French,

across cultures at Amerikas

Japanese, and Italian kitchens, absorbing the diverse foods and cultures.

By 2011, Gonzalez had co-founded Mexican fusion restaurant Libertad in Skokie. In 2017, he opened Amerikas at 734 Lake St. in Oak Park. It was the people in Oak Park who inspired Gonzalez to open a restaurant in the area, he said. “What I do for the restaurant, it’s for Oak Park.” Amerikas’s philosophy of creating flavors across cultures is reflected in the restaurant’s dishes. While the breakfast and lunch menu offers more traditional Mexican food, Gonzalez showcases his creativity through the dinner menu. “It’s what a Oaxacan can do in America,” he says.

America has been coined “the melting pot,” and in terms of its foods, it’s literally that. People from around the world came to make America to make it their home, bringing and sharing their native cultures, flavors and foods.

American cuisine is hard to define for that very reason. Amerikas represents that very essence of American cuisine. Our concept is dedicated to blending Latin roots with flavors from around the world to create that unique taste.

At Amerikas restaurant our mission is all about embracing all the flavors of our very melting pot called America. As we continue to incorporate cultures into our own, the tastes we love will evolve to reflect the changing world.


734 Lake St, Oak Park

(708) 613-4254 •

Gonzalez’s bestselling cauliflower dish, which he created in just 10 minutes, incorporates farro from Italy, manchego from Spain, and hibiscus from Mexico. The restaurant serves fish on Mexican fried rice, incorporating a Chinese fried rice technique. Instead of serving dishes with rice and beans, Gonzalez serves fresh vegetables from local farms.

At Amerikas, Gonzalez strives to provide guests with an “experience.”

The restaurant has no televisions. The layout and environment encourage intimate conversations. The food is made to share. During the summer, guests can enjoy meals outdoors on the vibrant Lake Street restaurant row. When the weather is nice, Amerikas keeps its doors open.

“For me, the money is not what I work for,” said Gonzalez. “I work because I love this: the hospitality, good food, cocktails, with no pressure, with no rush. People come in here and forget about everything.”

Amerikas Restaurant

734 Lake St., Oak Park (708) 613-4254


Eat with your heart, mind and taste buds

There are so many factors my mind these days when it comes to food. Cost is number one. Quickly that come questions, such as is it sustainably caught/gr humanely produced, locally or re gionally sourced and so many more details that threaten to overwhelm the enjoyment perfect bite.

I love to eat. I love to cook. think you probably love one or both of those if you are reading our annual Eats special section from Growing Community Media. Our region is blessed with more high-quality restaurants than I’ll ever get around to eating at. But not for lack of trying! As I have interviewed owners and chefs over the past year, I’ve witnessed the passion that goes into these locally run establishments. Their dedication to doing the right thing by their ingredients and their diners is staggeringly beautiful.

As you peruse these pages, I feel confident that your mouth will start watering. While I hope you will be inspired to revisit old favorites, I also challenge you to venture to new ones. Not just for the culinary adventure, but to support the vibrant dining scene that we are so lucky to have and to have sustained thus far.

To paraphrase the bible (is that a wise thing to do?) where your money is, there also is your heart. We have been a community that has very consciously preserved our restaurants through the trauma of the pandemic, let’s keep it going. I say, put your mouth where your mind, heart and wallet are. Eat local!

Risé covers food and restaurants for Wednesday Journal, Austin Weekly News, Forest Pa rk Review and RiversideBrookfield Landmark.

RISÉ SANDERS-WEIR Contributing Reporter

What is a Green Dining Hub?





Takeout 25 Green Dining Hub

Sustainability Champions

“[Takeout 25] worked to have our community certified as a Illinois first Green Dining Hub in partnership with Illinois Green Business Program and decided to use that platform to address the commercial composting challenge...To encourage local restaurants to compost, Takeout 25 has partnered with WasteNot to make that service available and is offering $500 grants toward the cost of composting.”

Addis Café

Anfora Wine Merchants

Autre Monde Café

Betty’s Pizza

Big Shrimpin’

Blackout Baking

Brewpoint Coffee

Brown Cow Ice Cream Parlor Buzz Café

Candycopia Carnivore

Chicago Waffles

Chubby’s Hot Chicken

The Daly Bagel

Fritzi’s Delicatessen

Happy Apple Pie Shop

Kettlestrings Grove

Kettlestrings Tavern

Khyber Pass

Kribi Coffee

Media Noche Café

Mora Asian Kitchen

One Lake Brewing

Poke Burrito


Sugar Beet Food Co-op

Taco Mucho

Wise Cup

- Risé Sanders-Weir, Wednesday Journal

Each participant is on a unique journey to be more sustainable. Your support helps them go further.

Celebrating our 19th year on Madison Street

Direct online ordering is available

Sunday brunch (10am-2pm)

Catering (please give 48 hours notice)

Private parties on our 2nd floor (bridal, wedding, and baby showers, birthdays, meetings)

2nd floor outdoor patio dining (subject to private party schedule)


Photo by Todd Bannor

EAn egg-celent new breakfast option: Egg Harbor Cafe opens on South Boulevard

gg Harbor Cafe celebrated its grand opening at 1111 South Blvd. in Oak Park on July 16. Nestled between the bustling Downtown Oak Park and Pleasant District and right across from the busy Oak Park Metra station, Egg Harbor is a calm, family-friendly haven offering affordable and high-quality breakfast and lunch options. Walking into Egg Harbor, guests will notice the smell of fresh coffee, bacon, and syrup, said Angel Gutierrez, who manages the Oak Park location. “We want people to walk in and feel the good vibes,” he said. “We want to make sure that when you walk in you feel comfortable, you feel safe, and that you feel a home away from home.”

Founded in 1985 by college sweethearts Jack and Paula Wright, their daughter Aimee and her husband Mike Farrell in Hinsdale, Egg Harbor now has locations in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Georgia. The South Boulevard cafe is Egg Harbor’s 24th location. The company has grown significantly across its nearly 40-year history, yet it has maintained its family feel and commitment to support the local community. Today, the cafe remains family-owned across three generations.

Lynda Dautenhahn, who stopped by the cafe at the end of a visit to Oak Park before returning home to Springfield, said the cafe was “bright and clean.” The “environment felt welcoming to young families as well as to an older person who might come in by themselves and wish to quietly read a book or write a note while they had lunch or breakfast,” she said. In the cafe’s dining room, booth and table seating are available under the glow of the cafe’s sky light. In warmer months, guests can choose to dine on the shaded patio located in front of

the entrance on South Boulevard. The cafe has a history of investing in local businesses and prides itself on providing high-quality meals for an affordable price (prices average $18.50 per customer). Egg Harbor buys its bread from Turano Bakery, pottery from Deneen Pottery based in St. Paul, gluten-free baked goods from Sweet Ali’s bakery in Hinsdale, and a proprietary roast created exclusively for Egg Harbor by Big Shoulders in Chicago.

The menu features classic American breakfast options such as skillets, omelets, frittatas, pancakes, and breakfast bowls, as well as lunch options such as sandwiches and salads. Popular dishes include the Door County Chicken Salad (made with dried cranberries, apples, and pecans after a suggestion from a customer), Strawberry Crunch French Toast, Smoked Salmon Benedict, and Maple Bourbon Bacon. An alternative menu is also available for gluten-free guests. Egg Harbor offers more in addition to these standards, such as the delicious Middle Eastern and North African favorite, Shakshuka. The cafe makes its own jam, made from blackberries, blueberries and strawberries, and banana bread. Egg Harbor also offers Natalie’s Orange Juice, espresso drinks, frozen espresso “Harborcci-

nos,” mimosas, and Bloody Mary’s. For special occasions and events, the cafe offers a catering service.

The cafe is devoted to creating a family-oriented environment. Just inside of the Oak Park cafe is a “Kidz Korner” providing toys, books, and screen-free entertainment for younger guests. Egg Harbor also has a paper kid’s menu, offering $8 breakfast and lunch options. On the back of the kid’s menu is an egg coloring contest; every month, the staff chooses winners that will win a free kid’s meal and have their art displayed at the cafe.

Above all, the company strives to “support the communities and the employees,” said Gutierrez, who started working at Egg Harbor as a server over 20 years ago. Egg Harbor is committed to developing leaders and helping employees to grow careers. Beyond its staff, the company has established a reputation for community involvement. At previous locations, Egg Harbor has invited school groups to visit the kitchen and hosted winter clothing drives.

Egg Harbor Cafe

1111 South Blvd., Oak Park Open from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. every day •

Fashioned from NRebozo Fo

so many worthy cocktails at NRebozo, but this Old Fashioned stole my heart. Ingredients Casa Amigos Añejo, Banhez Espadín Joven Mezcal, Hibiscus nectar and Angostura are sipped from a rim dusted with Tajin.

5) Zucchini blossoms from Piacere Mio, Forest Park: This seasonal appetizer appears only when zucchinis are in bloom. Fried and filled with pecorino cheese mousse,

I love a ham and brie sandwich almost as much as I love ham and butter on a baguette. This rendition from Sawmilly includes thin apple slices and a drizzle of

4 5 6 7 8

8) Fried dill pickles from Irish Times, Brookfield: Are these an Irish staple? No But I’m not going to hold that against them. Ever since I first had this appetizer decades ago at Cock of the Walk in Hot Springs, Arkansas, I seek them out as a guilty pleasure.

7) Waffles from Addis Cafe, Oak Park: Waffles at Addis Café come in a variety of ways – with salted caramel and whipped cream, savory, Nutella and banana – but my favorite is the classic with maple syrup A hint of

coffee ice cream. This elixir performs that same alchemy for me.

10) Italian ice from Johnnie’s, Elmwood Park: This is the ultimate in Italian ice in my humble opinion. Is it a dessert or a drink? Depends on how fast you slurp the frosty mountain delivered in a cup I was wary of the lemon peel bits mixed in at first but came to treasure them.

Park Bakery, Oak Park: If you know, you know This is a slab pie sold by the square. It is a regional treasure. According to the Sun-Times it ’s getting harder and harder to find this treat these days, but Oak Park Bakery makes it daily 12) Turtle sundae from

sundae many places, but this was my nostalgia trip As a tween, I once stole 75 cents from my grandmother ’s purse to get one (I’ve since knelt at her grave and apologized).

A small bite from our chefs

Oak Park |

owner Armando Gonzalez worked in Japanese, Italian and estaurants as a young man. Those flavors excited him, so when it came time to imagine his own place, he wanted to keep his Mexican heritage in the forefront but inform his dishes with the best the world has to offer. He named it Amerikas to honor that mix. He chose a location in Oak Park for a similar reason: the diversity of people and the openness to tasting new dishes. His unique dishes combine the American melting pot tradition without losing his roots.


1048 Pleasant St., Oak Park |

Ciro restaurant is a concept born out of Chef Ciro grandmother’s salumeria (Italian for “deli”) where he spent his childhood years. It was a community hub, restaurant and store all rolled into one. The restaurant celebrates its first year in September There are eight bar-style seats along the kitchen counter for dining in but take-and-bake is the heart of the concept. All dishes ar prepped and ready to go. Specialties from all 20 regions of appear on the menu, with key ingredients imported from the source.

Johnny Mei and Jinn y Zhao

The curated list of offering changes e tar North Ave., Elmwood Park |

Johnny Mei worked for New Star’s owner Jinny Zhao long before joining her at the Elmwood Park restaurant. Zhao’s reputation for quality ingredients and attention to detail earned this level of loyalty from her staff. When Zhao decided to convert a dining room at the back of the restaurant into a hibachi-style dining experience, Mei was more than ready to sign on as head cook. Diners sit around teppanyaki grills, while Mei and staff deliver dinner and a show. Yelp rates New Star in the top three for Japanese grill estaurant in the Chicago area, well above name-brand chains.

Armando Gonzalez

Forest Park |

How did “Oh My God” become Chef Paco’s signature When he bought the restaurant and renamed opez didn’t speak much English, but he was confident in his menu, especially his Fiesta Moles. His son helped a phrase book that included things like, “Hi, how are you ready to order?” After that Paco would say, “Oh my God!” This was an expression of both navigating in a language he didn’t speak and his owning his own place. Eventually Chef Paco got better but the catch phrase stuck.

1018 Lake St., Oak Park |

Wise Cup

When Shivangi Khetarpal opened Wise Cup with her husband Naveen, they imagined a continuation of the neighborhood coffee shop that had been in the location before. For Shivangi, it was an opportunity to bring her marketing and finance skills to a more personal project. They continued to offer coffee drinks, loose-leaf tea and a selection of pastries. But when they added Indian spice flare to the drink menu, customers clamored for food too. Now you can order samosas and other small bites daily, then on the first Saturday of each month the options with a pop-up menu that is a full meal.

Beau’s Kitchen

alendar Ave., La Grange |

ood is fuel, but it is also what we are made of. What goes into our bodies can determine a lot about our overall health. Blackburn is an anti-inflammatory, autoimmune chef. His weekly meal service caters both to clients who have health issues and to those who don’t want to develop them. The location is delivery and take-away providing meals that are gluten free, mostly organic, grass-fed meats and wild caught seafood. It’s as clean as he can make it. Menus change weekly and are intended to feed clients day in and day out. lunch, dinner and snacks all roll out of Chef Beau’s Kitchen.

Paco Lopez
Shivangi Khetarpal
William Beau Blackburn


These are made locally but enjoyed far and wide

Wdisabilities. Their marquee jobs program is Knockout Pickles – available in classic, deli-style, spicy and bread & butter varieties. This artisanal business manufactures 10 five-gallon buckets and 120 jars of pucker-worthy slices each month.

hile our area isn’t a powerhouse of manufacturing, food entrepreneurship is strong. Several businesses, both large and small, ply their trade locally. This is a roundup of just a few of them.

Pickle power! Opportunity Knocks is a local organization created to support people with intellectual and developmental

The pickles are used at nine local restaurants and on the shelves of several local grocery stores, including The Sugar Beet, Alpine Food Shop and coming soon to Jewel in River Forest.

Meat joy! Jilly’s Jerky started with a desire to recreate the meat-based magic that Jill Evans LaPenna’s dad made. Through trial and error, she recreated the recipe which now comes in four flavors: original, Cayenne Tang, Chipotle Crush and Habanero Heat.

LaPenna and her husband Anthony still cook jerk y locally for direct-toconsumer trade, but when demand ratchetted up, accelerating to retail speed was trickier than they had anticipated. Meat products sold at that level must be manufac-

Chicago Common beer from Kinslagher.

tured in a USDA-approved facility. Luckily, they found a Michigan partner who is carefully crafting their retail line Beer here! Kinslagher Brewing Company’s owner Keith Huizinga keeps two of their brews on local retail shelves: Chicago Common and Prohibition Pilsner Chicago Common is Kinslagher’s own creation, an ode to a brick. The red hue references the red, orange and cream colors of that icon of construction. The flavor is a rye lager, with hops giving it an earthy and piney twist. Prohibition Pilsner is an American-style pilsner from back when

Continued on page 13

Beef Jerky from Jilly's Jerky.

Victory Italian: ‘We are

Believe it or not Victory Italian has been open in Oak Park for almost 4 years. We started the project pre covid but slowed our construction during the pandemic. Luckily, we purchased the property and were able to do our remodel slowly as things improved and opened at the right time.

Owner Tony Gambino said, “Oak Park has always been like a second home to me. I grew up in Melrose Park, but I opened my first full service restaurant in Oak Park in 2001, Fuego Loco on Lake Street, which was a block from my house on South and Euclid. I loved the area and it was a great place to raise my kids. When we sold Fuego Loco in 2008, I always wanted to get back to Oak Park. I looked at a number of locations over the years but never found the right space. When I saw the closed restaurant on the corner of South and Marion it seemed

perfect to me. I was a big fan of the Marion Cheese Market and loved the space. It had a look that was similar to what I like to design, lots of windows and light and a great deal of outdoor space.”

Oak Park has been great to be a part of, the rich history and culture of Oak Park work well with our traditional old school Italian menu and vibe. In Oak Park you can feel the history and when you walk into Victory Italian the feel is that this restaurant may have been here for 40 years.

Our food is traditional Chicago Italian, great pasta, sauces and Italian entrees with the addition of some exciting chef driven specialties. Our fabulous Brick chicken is an Oak Park favorite, as is the OPRF Chopped salad. Lamb chops Oreganata or Steak Gambino style.

Victory is open Tuesday thru Sunday

4 p.m. till 9 p.m. with the bar staying open later.

Victory has a full catering menu with its traditional offerings as well as specialty seafood items available during the holidays if you want to do the 7 fishes.

Victory is also a great place to have a family party of up to 60 people.

Victory Italian

100 S. Marion St., Oak Park 708-434-5766


Continued from page 11

recent European immigrant brewers started to adapt to fermentables available in the U.S. It’s drier and a touch hoppy-er than nationally marketed pilsners.

Hot or mild? Hank’s Giardiniera takes this local treat “from the Windy City to the world” according to creator Hank Tibensky. After closing his Italian Beef stand in New York City, due to Covid-borne complications. He pivoted to retailing his signature recipe.

The garden-in-a-bottle mix is whipped up in Cicero, but the retail footprint is national. Two heat options are available in Sprouts groceries stores in 24 states and locally at Carnivore.

Raising the bar! Silverland Bakery ships brownies, bars, and cookies nationwide. It started from a combination of owner Athena Uslander’s desire to work for herself and her, then partner, Lisa Silverman’s family brownie recipe. The company has expanded, adding ve g an, gluten free, keto and sugar free options. All are preservative free.

They’ve been the private label supplier to restaurant chains such as Olive Garden. But their storefront location in Forest Park was a life saver during the pandemic. Now the 41-year-old business is back to thriving. What packaged food survey would be complete without two local heavyweights Turano Bread has been making Roosevelt

Road smell heavenly for almost 60 years. It all started with Mariano Turano’s classic recipes from Italy. Now it bakes in four states, but locals can visit Mamma Susi’s Bake Shop on Roosevelt Road.

Ferrara is seen by all who pass by their plant along the Eisenhower expressway near Harlem. The company is more than 115 years old and now encompasses brands such as Jelly Belly, Nerds, SweetTARTS and Trolli. The Ferrara Pan Factory Outlet Store in Forest Park is a real treat.

Kinslahger is a community gathering place designed for conversation (no TV’s) with friends new and old. We offer not only the beer we make on site but also a selection of wine, cider, cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages. Feeling hungry? We have fresh pretzels from Daly Bagel, cheese & charcuterie plates and some curated snacks. Want something more substantial, you can order delivery from one of the many great local restaurants right to your seat at the bar.

Kinslahger Taproom

6806 Roosevelt Road

Oak Park, IL 60304 (844) 552-4437 x0

Hours: Th & Fri 5-10pm | Sa 2-10pm | Su 2-6pm

Mild and hot Giardiniera from Hank's.

six layered French pastr y How Sugar Fixé makes a

Rachel Rogak, head pastry chef, places the first layer of sponge cake in the baking pan after layering the bottom of the pan with buttercream. A layer of chocolate follows and the second sponge cake layer is then placed.

First of all, it takes three days. So be patient

What goes into making a six-layer entremet? Sugar Fixé Patisserie’s head pastry chef gives a window into the process of making this rich tasting and visually appealing French pastry.

gar Fixé Patisserie has been in business in do wntown Oak Park since 2011. The pastry shop, 119 N. Marion St., offers a range of familiar and unique pastry items, all proudly made from scratch.

Rachel Rogak, the head pastry chef, started working at the patisserie as a pastry cook three years ago. Now, she is head chef and maintains Sugar Fixé Patisserie’s high-quality attitude towards bakery and pastry foods.

“What I always loved about this place is that it’s not just a bakery, it’s a patisserie. It has some more of those interesting, higher-end kinds of items where you’re putting different interesting flavors and textures together … tha t’s something I think that we do differently,” said Rogak.

The “opera entremet” is a six layered coffee-flavored pastry that is created by layering buttercream and chocolate between thin layers of sponge cake. It is one of the many pastries they make that


Another layer of buttercream is carefully spread, with high attention paid to keeping a flat and even surface. Any inconsistencies will show along the side-profile of the finished entremet.

Once pulled from the cooler, the pan is flipped upside down so the first layer of buttercream that lined the pan is now on top Rogak said that working top to bottom and flipping the pan at this point in the process makes it easier to create the nearly perfect flat-layer on top of the pastry.

require time and patience, said Rogak.

The process, usually done over three days, starts with baking three thin layers of almond sponge cake and soaking them in coffee. The roughly half-inch layers of cake need to be refrigerated overnight so they maintain a structure.

On the second day, the layering begins. Two layers of coff buttercream and a single layer of chocolate ganache are spread between the thin sponge cakes, building the pastry up layer layer. Throughout the entire process, Rogak said paying close attention to keeping things flat is a necessity. Afterwards, the pan spends another night in the fridge to solidify.


The third and final layer of the sponge cake is placed. After making all the edges of the layers square and even to the pan, it is covered and placed in a cooler overnight so the layers can solidify.

4 5 6

Once cut to the final shape, icing and a chocolate emblem are carefully placed atop Making the “opera entremet” ready for serving.

On the third day, the final touches to the top and final surface are finished. The final chocolate glaze is spread and heated with a blowtorch to create a near-perfect flat surface. Then, the pastries are scored and cut to shape. A small chocolate emblem is carefully placed in the icing, finishing off the French dessert pastry.

Problem solving in the kitchen and bringing different flavors to the plates of Oak Park patrons is what makes her job enjoyable, said Rogak.

“We try to do interesting things with food. I mean, why not? There’s so much that you can do. Might as well try to put things together and expose people to different flavor combinations and things. That’s what makes this field so fun,” said Rogak.

Sugar Fixé Patisserie

119 N Marion St., Oak Park


Thursday: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m

Friday/Saturday: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Wed.: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

A scoring tool is then used to equally separate the individual pieces for cutting.

G eorge’s Restaurant & Pancake House

HAmazing Mexican at NRebozo

ey there! At NRebozo we offer a variety of unique moles featured in our Fiesta Mole, which includes six enchiladastwo classic moles and four that rotate throughout the year. Our fish tacos change with the seasons, such as featuring fruit salsas like Cantaloupe or Mango in the summer, Chicharron Mole in the fall, White Habanero sauce tacos in the winter, and Tamarind fish tacos in the spring. And you can’t have a great dinner without great drinks, right? We’ve got you covered there too, from traditional Margaritas to a Prickly Pear Margarita topped with Burt Rose. We also offer a delightful Hibiscus Guava Margarita made with Ritual

Zero-proof Tequila for those who prefer mocktails.

And if you’re thinking of having a special event, we’ve got you covered there too! Chef Paco and you can sit together and design a menu that best suits your event and any dietary restrictions you have. You can also rent out the full restaurant for your event and we offer private event packages that include a full bar of all our margaritas, beers, wines, Tequila, and

Mezcal. It’s a perfect place for family events, birthday parties, work parties, or just any celebration in general!!!

7403 Madison St, Forest Park, IL 60130 (708) 445-0370

An uprising of bakeries

So many wonder ful treats. So little time

There is a bakery goods surge happening in our area. Surely this is a good thing. Explore our eet/dulce/dolce abundance!

Mamma Susi ’s Bake Shop

6501 W. Roosevelt Rd., Berwyn: Assunta ‘Susi ’ Tu rano was the family matriarch. The store ser ves up a wide variet y Tu rano breads and an assortment of I talian style pastries, donuts and cookies

Twisted Cookie

7401 Madison, Forest Park: Cookies, cookie pies, cookie cupcakes, cheesecake cookies, cookie bark, gluten free, dipped and stuffed brownies – so many flavors and varieties it’s hard to choose.

Sugar Fixe

119 N. Marion St., Oak Park: Macarons are a splash of color in cases filled with tarts, pastries, cookies. Custom cakes and bake-at-home options ound out the offerings

Publican Quality Br ead

211 Harrison St., Oak Park: Baked on premises, this location is bread forward, but includes pastries sweet and savory many of which follow seasonal flavor peaks.

Continued on page 18

Laury’s Bakery & Cake

12 Madison St., Oak Park: Jawdropping custom cakes. Sweet potato pie by the square and caramel cupcakes take the lead here. Red velvet cupcakes are not far behind!

Oak Park Bakery

904 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park: For more than 100 years the pies, pastries, breads, cupcakes, cookies and cakes have filled the cases here. They still make apple slices every day!

Forest Park Bakery

7332 Madison St., Forest Park: Donuts, cakes, pastries, pies, muffins, macaroons, breads, oh my! This long-time family operation knows their dough.

Vesuvio Bakery

8717 Cermak Rd., North Riverside: “Cannoli” is on the awning, so you know they aren’t playing. There are many flavors to choose from as well as breads, cookies and other pastries.

Silverland Bakery

Broken Tart

1108 Chicago Ave., Oak Park: This home of the “life-changing” kale scone also serves a curated selection of sweet and savory delicacies. Their olive oil cake is out of this world.

439 Des Plaines Ave., Forest Park: It started with a dream and a brownie recipe, now their many varieties of bars (including keto, vegan and gluten-free) are shipped nationwide.

Panaderia Puebla

614 Lake St., Maywood: Traditional Mexican pandulces, breads, cakes and pastries fill this shop. Their conchas get accolades online. Seasonal specialties.

Courageous Bakery

736 Lake St., Oak Park: Started in the cupcake craze of the early 2010s, but has expanded to pies, cakes and savory options. And now with ice cream – Courageous Cones!

Spilt Milk

811 South Blvd., Oak Park: Biscuits are the bomb. Artisan pies, cookies and pastries are baked with locally sourced and seasonal ingredients. Black cherry almond cake ice cream!

Vision-impaired baker loves selling sweets

S“My goal is to help others conquer the kitchen with poise, patience and perseverance,” said Keelie Banks, 35, owner of Suga Bakers, talking about her blog and her love for inspiring others.

But that statement takes on extra meaning when you learn about what Banks refers to as “a unique set of challenges.”

Eight years ago, she was diagnosed with retinal pigmentosa, a rare genetic disease that causes vision loss.

“With the help of God and my amazing support system, I remain committed to making my dreams a reality,” said Banks.

uga Bakers is not just an ordinary bakery. My mission far transcends the butter, flour and sugar that goes into making the good old fashion desserts that I am known for. My goal is to bring joy, happiness and connection to families, friends and communities-- one sweet treat at a time. Most of all, I want to show everyone that anything is possible when you believe.

My baking journey began over a decade ago. What started out as baking for friends and family turned into much, much more. Now, it is also my business as well as my joy.

Banks started baking 14 years ago. “What started out as a way to make extra money during my college years turned into a full- edged passion,”

Unfortunately, I was hit hard eleven years ago. I was diagnosed with a rare genetic eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa. As my love for

baking began, my eyesight started to decline which caused me to put my dreams on hold for a while. I, however, didn't let that stop me. I regained the vision for my future four years ago in the midst of the pandemic. If the pandemic taught me anything, it taught me to embrace change, have courage, and that I was stronger than I had ever realized.

Banks said. But she’s always enjoyed creative endeavors and hobbies, like sewing, decorating and entertaining. She lives nearby in Bellwood, so she’s familiar with Forest Park, where she frequents restaurants, including Shanahan’s and Scratch Kitchen. Creativita is another favorite: “Painting and wine have become one of my new birthday traditions,” Banks said.

Now, I feel like it’s my mission to get back to the root of how we created special memories with the ones we love, with food, family, fun and delicious homemade sweet treats!

one of my new birthday traditions,” Banks

In her blog The Sweet Life, at, she talks about her love of baking and shares recipes, like Ultimate Pumpkin Mu ns and Pumpkin Praline Pie.

Suga Bakers. Baking you happy one sweet treat at a time!

Suga Bakers bakery, located in Bellwood Illinois.

Decadent desserts, including German chocolate cake, red velvet cake, and a variety of cookies are for sale at of

• 630-886-2525


Taste the world on Elmwood Park’s Restaurant Row

“Instagram-worthy” is easily the adjective for food served up on Elmwood Park’s Restaurant

Massa Café Italiano

7434 W. North Ave


Row. If you ate on North Avenue every day for a week, none of your social media followers would believe this much variety, paired with consistent quality, is packed into such a few blocks. It ’s the reason Elmwood Park has been a dining destination for decades. Free parking at 7420 W. North Ave. is a bonus too!

Italy is a little closer than you think. Massa Cafe Italiano has been serving up authentic Italian fare since 1968. Close your eyes as you bite into their menu, sip a house-roasted coffee, or delight in specialty frozen desserts and you will swear you’ve been transported abroad. Try an affogato – five flavor options all combine espresso, gelato and toppings to make you swoon.

Inari Sushi

7428 W. North Ave


New Star

7444 W. North Ave


7446 W. North Ave


This mainstay of Restaurant Row was reinvented by Jinny Zhao Nothing from a can is her watchword. When Zhao took over the restaurant she added pan-Asian flavors to the mix. Can’t decide whether to eat Thai, Chinese, sushi, hibachi grill or just drink tiki cocktails? You don’t have to choose, because all are on the menu at New Star


The traditional thin crust cheese pizza at Spizzico is the measure all other pizzas should be judged against. The ‘Spizzico Special’ pizza has been called a love triangle, topped with sausage, mushroom, onion, and green pepper A full selection of Italian dishes fills out the menu. And delivery and catering are available too

Dine in or carry out, Inari is here to deliver sushi to your tastebuds. Lunch specials bring down the cost of your cravings and weekday specials give you permission to try something outside of your got-to order Ramen and poke bowls remix the sushi menu into new delights. And a selection of entrees sure to please nonraw eaters.

Taco Town



There’s a new taco in town. They even serve up breakfast, a rarity in the arena of Mexican food locations. For later in the day, you choose your base (burrito, bowl, taco, tostada, etc.) then agonize over which filling – there are 17 options from chicken to tongue. Wash these treats down with horchata and agua de piña.

W. North Ave (enter on 75th Ave)

Alpine Food Shop

7538 W. North Ave


Other sandwiches try to reach this height, but an Alpine is an experience unto itself. Made to order when you order – meats, cheeses and other ingredients rest in cracklingly fresh Italian filone (of course you could also choose rye or multigrain bread). As a bonus, you can pick up many Italian treasures while you get your meal: pastas, sauces, spreads, and cookies.

Burger MOOvment

7512 W. North Ave

Johnnie’s Beef

7500 W. North Ave


World-renown for a reason! Have you ever seen the building without a line out the door Me neither The menu is short and to the point. Italian beef wet or dry. Italian peppers sweet or spicy. Fries with just the right amount of crisp You can get a hot dog and a polish sausage here too Don’t forget the Italian ice!

Gringo and Blondie

7514 W. North Ave


Mexican street food is their claim to fame. All the classics are waiting on the menu. Try a cemita on fresh sesame seed rolls with your choice of toppings and Oaxacan cheese. You can knock back mimosas and micheladas with brunch on the weekends featuring chilaquiles, Mexican French toast (cinnamon, caramel and pecans) among other delicacies.


Signature burgers for each season of the year (and a shake that coordinates) keeps the menu fresh at Burger MOOvment. All year round, you can choose what to slip between the buns: beef patties stacked 1, 2 or even 3 high; chicken breast – grilled or crispy; or black bean veggie burger There are toppings galore and bite-sized options for the small fry

Does the thought of BBQ sauce on your fingers in all its cinnamon-scented glory send you reeling back to a first date, an outing with grandparents or just the good old days? Since 1930 this temple of meats has been providing finger-licking good meals and is likely the oldest continually operating BBQ joint in the Chicago area.


7650 W. North Ave


Pizza is at the forefront, but don’t forget about signature items, like, stuffed artichokes, baked clams and antipasto salad. Over the years Armand’s has expanded to locations beyond Elmwood Park, but this location is home. Need to feed a troop, order a yard long pizza. Need to feed yourself? Stop in for a lunch deal – personal pan pizza special.

Russell’s Barbecue 1621 N. Thatcher Ave

Elmwood Park has a long standing reputation for being home to outstanding restaurants. As a Village we are proud to share this reputation and work hard to promote it



7538 W North Ave

Armand's Pizzeria

7650 W North Ave

Ashleys Café & Tap

7500 W Grand Ave

Burger King 1750 Harlem Ave

Burger Moovement

7512 W North Ave


Fresh Markets 2400 N Harlem Ave

Circle Tavern 18 Conti Pkwy

Culvers 7542 W Grand Ave

Donny G's 7308 W North Ave

Dunkin Donuts 7201 W Grand Ave

Eggsperience 16 Conti Pkwy

Great American


7230 W North Ave

Gringo & Blondie 7514 W North Ave

Happy Wok 1742 N Harlem Ave


7428 W North Ave

Jim & Pete's 7806 W North Ave

Jimmy John's 1702 N Harlem Ave

Johnnie's 7500 W North Ave

Massa Café 7434 W North Ave

McDonalds 7217 W Grand Ave

New Star Restaurant

7444 W North Ave

Old World

7230 W North Ave

Panera 7400 Nor th Ave


Celtic Corner

Circle Tavern



1621 Thatcher Ave


7446 W North Ave

Sports Nook 7841 Grand Ave


2836 N Harlem Ave

7230 W North Ave

Tacos 2 Go

7530 W Grand Ave

Taco Town

7746 W North Ave

The Barre Studio & Café

12 W Conti Parkway

Tony D's

7725 W B elmont Ave


Peppino's 7440 W North Ave

Union Tap

7707 Westwood #1A

Wing Stop 1740 N Harlem Ave

Jim & Pete’s 7806 W. North Ave


Jim and Pete are no longer with us, rest their souls, but the quality of Italian food they envisioned serving when they opened in 1941 is still going strong. Owner Michael Bucchianeri says, “There’s simply too much tradition and history Great people, great customers and friends that will keep Jim & Pete’s alive forever.”

Trattoria Peppino 7440 W. North Ave


“Down-to-earth,” and “neighborhood favorite” are the words you want to hear when you are hankering for a big, satisfying plate of pasta. Pizzas don’t skimp on the toppings either Study the cocktail and a wine list until you find just what you are looking for. Peppino has an extensive menu that perks up your interest yet feels comfortable and filling.

Filling lunches that don’t empty your wallet

inding a good, cheap lunch has never been harder. Restaurants face the same inflation pressures as the rest of us. Luckily, our brain trust of people on social media helped us find some of the best deals in the area. Here are some ideas for the next time your stomach grumbles at noontime. All clock in under $10.


Sandwiches are a reliable option. Alpine Food Shop, 7538 W. North Ave. in Elmwood Park, has a variety made to order. Jerusalem Café, 1030 W. Lake St. in Oak Park, has both sandwiches and platters that limbo under $10. Sawmilly, 35 E. Burlington St. in Riverside, can fill you up on a budget too. You can imagine you are in Paris at Lea French Street Food, 106 N. Marion St. in Oak Park.

Continued on page 24

Sandwich from Lea French.

Continued from page 23


For some a burger and fries hits the spot for a cheap and filling midday meal. Mickey’s Ribs & Gyros, 525 N. Harlem Ave. in Oak Park, has got you covered. Michael’s Beef House, 6747 W. North Ave. in Oak Park, and Parky’s (with windows now fixed), 329 S. Harlem Ave. in Forest Park, are worthy options as well.


If a slice of pizza and a soda is a dream lunch for you, check out DiNico’s, 6627 W. Roosevelt Rd. in Berwyn or Cuzzo’s, 330 Madison St. in Oak Park. Both serve up large slices, ready to


There are many other lunch specials around the area that tip the scale just above $10 but are still very good deals (I’m looking at you Sen Sushi, 814 S. Oak Park Ave. in Oak Park).

There are also many “bites” that might not tide you over until supper but deserve a mention. Two empanadas at Mulata, 136 N. Oak Park Ave. in Oak Park, stay under our budget. And a couple of sides from Passion Eats Express, 7103 W. North Ave. in Oak Park, will satisfy a soul food craving. Enjoy!

burger and fries


If you are hankering for falafel and in Forest Park, Petra Falafel, 7314 Madison St., has got you covered. So does North Avenue Falafel, 6814 W. North Ave. in Elmwood Park


How about a salad to keep you in trim? Maya Del Sol, , has got one that fits the Park, e. in

North Avenue Falafel
Empanadas at Mulata

Based here in Chicagoland, S. Rosen’s has been serving the area since 1909! Our selection of traditional rye breads, buns, and rolls have maintained the same great quality for over a century. Our latest addition is our Tuscan Cocktail Bread,

perfect for party fare and appetizers! Look for it in your local grocery store.

Italian Mini Beefs on Tuscan Cocktail

Ingredients Per App:

½ Slice of Deli Roast Beef (Italian seasoned is best)

½ Slice of Mozzarella cheese

3 Strips of roasted red peppers

1 Slice S.Rosen’s Tuscan cocktail bread

Directions: Place ½ a slice of the roast beef on the Tuscan cocktail bread, top with the mozzarella cheese and roasted red peppers. Bake in the oven at 375 for 7-8 minutes, until the cheese is melty. Serve immediately. Find more recipes at

Buy one Cookie and a Milkshake and get a second milkshake and cookie for 1/2 o when you bring a friend (also applies if you bring more than 1 friend). Friends must be present and must show coupon. Valid starting Sept. 1 - October 31, 2024

Let New Rose cook for you, with free delivery! Every week, we make two soups (serves 2) and two entrees (serves 2, 4, or 6). Free delivery to Oak Park, River Forest, and Forest Park. Dietary restrictions welcome.

Chef/Owner Su Jang 708.261.6908

See our weekly menus, order, or cater your event at

Dining Plan: Riverside and Brookf ield

Iconic spots with a modern twist

ome for the zoo, stay for the food in Brookfield.

In the cheeky words of “The Irish Pub Song” by The High Kings every town has (or deserves) an Irish pub. Well, Brookfield has a wonderful one, Irish Times at 8869 Burlington Ave. From the moment you lay eyes on the exterior you feel transported into a cozier, friendlier, more relaxing mindset. Inside there’s a bar

and menu to match. Fish and chips, corned beef in various for ms and Shepherd’s pie come to the table to meet the cocktail, cider, beer or whiskey that you already have in hand. But you don’t have to stay in the traditional lane, there’s tacos, buffalo wings, fried pickles, and even a salad, if you insist.

Handcrafted barbeque is just down the street at Beach Ave BBQ, 3453 Grand Blvd. Beef, pork and chicken get in-house treatment – dry rubbed and smoked for more than 12 hours over oak logs. Meats platter up beautifully on the combo BBQ meat

sampler. There are sandwiches, ribs, rib tips, sausage, and even BBQ nachos. And do your kids like ribs, but you don’t want to share your slab? There are kid-sized meals for them.

Over in Riverside, downtown is popping with new options and long-time favorites

The Chew Chew, established in 1996, has become an icon at 33 E. Burlington St. In the evenings, this re gular award winner is great for a date night, a celebratory moment, or just about anytime delicious food is on your mind. The menu

RISÉ SANDERS-WEIR Beach Ave BBQ in Brookfield
Irish Times in Brookfield

rotates to face each season’s freshest flavors. A featured appetizer is oysters, shucked to order. House specialty entrees include a smoked gouda alfredo pasta, steaks, and a variety of flatbreads.

La Barra, 2 E. Burlington St., covers a lot of bases. They have a patio, live music and a dedication to fresh ingredients with a modern take on Italian classics. Open in the evenings and also for lunch on the weekends, the menu spans pastas, salads, soups and many styles of pizzas. Crisp crusted ciabatta-dough pizzas are available in new and familiar flavors, such as cupping pepperoni with hot honey and margherita. Dee p dish pizza comes in re gular

Ending Hunger

More Info



or “skinny” varieties. There’s even a Chicago-style thin crust like the tavern style that Pizza Hut just introduced to a national audience.

Leave room for a sweet treat while you are in downtown Riverside at London Ice Cream, La Ofrenda Market, Sawmilly or Aunt Diana’s Old Fashioned Fudge.

The Chew Chew in Riverside
La Barra in Riverside

Range to La Gr ange for a change

Many choices in a diverse dining scene

La Grange is a town that punches well above its weight in the sheer number of restaurants, as well as the variety and quality of those establishments. For a town of 16,000 it is remarkable that more than 50 restaurants can be found within its borders.

“We are c entrally located with accessibility to the western suburbs,” said Cathy Domanico, executive director of the La Grange Business Association. “We have a very vibrant downtown with a lot of retail and it is very walkable.”

There are several dining districts. In the Westend you find treasures such as Milkstop Cafe, where a bowl of French onion soup is almost a meal unto itself.

Downtown proper is filled with boutiques, necessities (lawyers, accountants, fitness, etc.) and flavors. An afternoon af fo gato and a bite of f amous tof fee from Lilett Candies doesn’t disappoint. But nighttime is primetime for La Grange’s award-winning restaurants

Marco’s Kitchen opened in March 2020. Grit and community support pulled them through the darkest days of the pandemic. Now, they are back to their original fine dining plan.

“We’re French, Italian, little bit of Asian, Middle Eastern, Spanish and Mexican. So all of those flavors go on to Continued on page 30

French onion soup at Milkstop
Duck Breast
Marco's Kitchen
Lilett Candies

Continued from page 29

our menu to create our dishes,” said Marco Conte, chef and owner.

A crowd pleaser is roasted New Zealand lamb chops, encrusted with pistachios, served with a black garlic molasses. Another popular dish is duck breast and blackberry, sage reduction over pappardelle pasta.

In 2024 Marco’s Kitchen earned a DiRōNA award, given to exceptional restaurants in North and Central America and the Caribbean.

Patrons are front and center for another restaurant called fourteensixteen This American “craft” restaurant relies on freedom for the staf f to try new things, reinvent old dishes and strive for the out of the ordinary.

“We are blessed that diners are willing to come out and experiment,” said Bret

Bohning, chef and partner. “They are also honest when things don’t work. Customers feel ownership of the restaurant too. It’s a lovely back and for th.”

Each season drives the menu. This summer pan-seared gnocchi graces the menu with a supporting case of ve getables: broccolini and romanesco. All top a bed of cauliflower puree. Watermelon gazpacho is poured tableside, sparkling with ginger, cilantro and lime facets

Modern, authentic Italian is the flavorprofile of the menu at GP Italiano.

“We say that everything goes on our plates would be something you’d find in Italy today We’ve done our research,” according to chef and owner Joe Dellacroce.

His flour-covered apron attests to the hundreds of pounds of pasta he makes re gularly. And speaking of flour, it is sourced from Italy, as well as the buffalo mozza-

rella which is flown in from there too. Even the cows are Italian, sort of. Beef comes from Piedmontese cattle (an Italian breed) raised in North Dakota.

All dishes are cooked in the restaurant’s wood-burning pizza oven. Even pasta dishes, such as chicken parmesan is nestled in cast iron and finished there. Their Neapolitanstyle pizza took some getting used to for patrons, but now it is a fan favorite.

La Grange dining scene is a knockout! More Info

Alaskan Halibut
Neapolitan pizza


Dining Guide

With over 30 restaurants, visit La Grange for a vibrant and diverse dining experience!


Antonino’s Ristorante

701 W. Hillgrove Ave.

Aodake Ramen

21 W. Calendar Ave.

Barrel House Social

100 W. Burlington Ave.

Billy Bricks

18 W. Harris Ave.

Blackberry Market

36 S. La Grange Rd.

Blueberry Hill

49 S. La Grange Rd.

Casa Margarita

32 S. La Grange Rd.


14 W. Calendar Ave.

GP Italiano

1 S. La Grange Rd.

Kama Bistro

9 S. La Grange Rd.

La Grange

Breakfast Cafe

24 W. Burlington Ave.

Lucca’s Pizzeria & Ristorante

108 W. Burlington Ave.

MAK’S House

46 S. La Grange Rd.


88 S. La Grange Rd.

Marco’s Kitchen

26 S. La Grange Rd.

Milk Money Brewing

75 S. La Grange Rd.


700 W. Burlington Ave.

Nonna’s Good Life Pizza

40 S. La Grange Rd.

The Original Pancake House

942 S. La Grange Rd.

Palmer Place

56 S. La Grange Rd.


93 S. La Grange Rd.


70 S. La Grange Rd.

Santiago’s Mexican


24 W. Calendar Ave.

Shang Noodle

19 W. Calendar Ave.

Steak + Vine

37 S. La Grange Rd.

Sushi Ukai

120 W. Calendar Ave.


Balkan Bakery

541 S. La Grange Rd.

Crumbl Cookies

1 N. La Grange Rd.

Swanson’s Deli

74 S. La Grange Rd.


TATES Old Fashioned

Ice Cream Shop

25 S. Ashland Ave.

The Upbeet Life

18 E. Burlington Ave.

Uni Uni Bubble Tea

15 W. Harris Ave.

“The reason for writing the book is Parakkat’s belief that good ideas can go farther with a map to follow...Throughout the book, Parakkat explains how anyone can start a movement with no capital investment, using tools freely available to most people on the planet.”

- Risé Sanders-Weir, Wednesday Journal

The Takeout 25 Effect is an inspiring account of a community-driven initiative, with lasting impact. Formed in Chicago’s western suburbs during the global pandemic, Takeout 25 aimed to save local restaurants while maintaining public health. It demonstrates the power of community-centric movements by illustrating the journey of Takeout 25 through compelling personal narratives, expert insights, and actionable strategies. This book is not just a recounting of events; it is a call to action for anyone motivated to make a difference in their community and beyond. In fact, it is a toolkit for social change.

The TAKEOUT 25 Effect

Available in print, e-book, and audiobook


Online:, Amazon, Barnes & Noble

s es you just gotta g a


hen the thermometer rises you just gotta cool off. Air conditioning is nice. The pool is good option. But nothing tastes better than a hand-held blast of cold. There are still plenty of warm days ahead to enjoy what the area has to offer From tried-and-true to newcomers, you don’t need to travel far to discover a new favorite. Let the pros into their freezers and pull out just the right amount of winter to caress your tongue and cool your core. Use this map to locate them all. Then ride your bike to a few of them. Make it a chill crawl!


Amerikas represents the very essence of American cuisine, a concept dedicated to blending its Latin roots with flavors from around the world creating uniques dishes

34 Lake St, Oak Park •

Cordial Inn

Cordial Inn Cheeseburgers go great with beer, seltzers, sodas, and all types of Mixed drinks. Tito’s cocktails are only $5 every Thursday!

La Parra Restaurant & Bar

Enjoy our Filet Mignon served with grilled asparagus, mashed potatoes, finished with a red wine garlic sauce and our Frida cocktails

6710 Cermak Rd, Berwyn •

The Coffee Shop

We offer an inviting space for people to connect or disconnect over a good cup of coffee and a fresh, made-toorder Walking Waffle. We are The Coffee Shop Oak Park! 163 S Oak Park Ave, Oak Park •

Blackout Baking Co.

Sweet, salty, rich, and smooth. Indulge in the perfect bite from this woman-owned Oak Park bakery. Baked fresh using highquality ingredients and shipping nationwide.

Thelogoshouldalwayshavean appropriateamountofclear spacesurroundingit.

Thisspaceshouldalwaysuse thesameproportionsand shouldn'tbeoccupiedby extraneouselements.

Getting to know Jinny and New Star

New Star Restaurant started over 60 year ago by the well-known Moy family. The Zhao family has been carrying the torch since 2014 with the same honest and delicious Chinese food every day. They added Thai, sushi and gluten free options always using the freshest ingredients!

What is your specialty?

We cover so many Asian dishes but our hibachi and sushi dishes are excellent! Our Thai noodles, Orange Chicken, Fried Rice and Eggrolls are dishes that our customers come back for.

What inspired you to be an owner?

I was a waitress on a student visa and after years of working the owner offered me the opportunity to buy the business. In 2011 I sold Chitung in Evergreen Park. I stayed home but was bored. When I heard about the Moy family selling New Star I was intrigued. New Star turned out to be a great opportunity for me and now my son Frank and daughter Jane help me with the business so it’s been an incredible journey for all of us. I look forward to the future!

What is your most popular dish?

Our Maki Sushi! We always use fresh salmon in our dishes.

What is the best thing about New Star?

- 9:30pm

There are several things! We always keep our place very clean. Our employees have worked here forever so they know our customers very well. We always get compliments on our take out packaging as well as the toys we give out to children who visit and the umbrellas we pass out when people are waiting outside. These gestures go a long way. Hospitality is everything. We aim to please our customers!

Flavors ofthe West Side

here are many kitchen g ems around the West Side of Chicago. The restaurant scene has many old faithfuls and some new entries.

TNT Rooftop at 5405 W. Madison St. opened less than a year ago. Owners Anthony and Taneka Anderson are bringing fine dining to the area. Custom cocktails from the full bar kick off a meal seated either inside or on the Miami-style rooftop. A wide menu fires up a fine-dining experience with the addition of lamb, seafood and many vegan options. And to make a night out even more relaxing the restaurant offers car service to and from your location for an additional fee.

T he Black Foodie s, Dino and

Coretta Dean, are on a mission to suppo rt and amplify Black-ow ned businesses. T heir social media posts span the globe, but one of their most recent finds is a new spot along Division Street called Shake A Le g

If jerk chicken, shrimp or lamb sound good, Shake A Leg at 5512 W. Division St. is for you. The restaurant recently celebrated its one-year anniversary. Order at the counter for eat-in or takeaway. The dining room has a classy, yet comfortable feel and there’s also seating at the fully stocked bar. Cajun flavors and traditional soul food sides round out the menu and can be paired with catfish, pasta and salmon entrée options. Weekly specials come with their own signature cocktails.

An Obama Philly Cheesesteak (chicken and steak) and jerk chicken eggrolls

Cajun pasta with salmon at Shake A Leg.


are specialties at Jay’s Backyard BBQ, 5604 W. Division St. Jerk spices also flavor tacos, gyros, Philly sandwiches and even salads and fries. Owner Jay Young opened the place in 2015 and it is still going strong. The restaurant takes orders at the inside window and is takeout only.

Uncle Remus’s saucy fried chicken has stood the test oftime. The restaurant at 5611 W. Madison St. is one of several Chicago locations. Established by Gus and Mary Rickette as G & G Chicken Shack, they later expanded and changed the name to Royal Chicken. During the 1968 riots along Madison Street two oftheir three stores bur ned down. As the Rickettes rebuilt, they wanted a new sign As the story goes, the sign shop had one that hadn’t been picked up. It said, “Uncle Remus” and the rest is history… delicious chicken history.

No overview ofdining on the West Side would be complete without mentioning a mainstay at 5412 W. Madison St., MacArthur’s Restaurant. It’s been serving up soul and comfort food since 1997 and has become a hot spot for political and community activity. And speaking of Obama, in his book The Audacity ofHope he gives this endorsement, “One of my favorite restaurants in Chicago is a place called MacArthur’s … plates filled with fried chicken, catfish, hoppin’ John, collard greens, meatloaf, cornbread, and other soul-food standards.” Venture out! And bite into flavors served up by your neighbors.

More Info

Jay’s Backyard BBQ

Culture, taste blend at Anfora Wine Merchants

Anfora Wine Merchants, 128 S. Marion St., is a combination retail shop enoteca (wine library), named after a two handled terracotta vessel used in Ancient Rome to store or transport wine.

Since opening three years ago, the Pleasant District storefront has become a regional wine destination and captured national attention because of press received from the James Beard award winning drinks publication, Punch. In 2024, Anfora was nominated by USA Today 10Best Reader’s Choice Awards in the Best Wine Shop Category and placed third in the national line-up.

more indigenous grape varieties spanning well beyond the more wellknown international varietals.

A welcoming retail space engages customers upon entry, floral murals cover walls and terracotta pendant fixtures hang from the ceiling.

Wooden shelves house bottles of wine and a set of double doors give way to a cozy room with a counter suitable for hosting small classes and enjoying a glass with friends.

Anfora’s knowledgeable staff strive to make the shop a festive gathering space where people come to select a bottle to open at home or enjoy a bottle of wine onsite with friends.

Anfora is building a deeper sense of community through its wine club, annual store membership, and Sunday tastings.

Between their monthly wine club, and the annual store membership, the shop welcomes hundreds of local wine-lovers each month to pick up their curated collections, or to an exclusive monthly wine tasting for annual store members. Approximately twice a month Anfora hosts $5 Sunday afternoon casual tastings, which are open to the public to taste through five wines the proprietors love right now.

The best way to learn about Anfora’s events is to sign up for its email list (, or to stop into the shop and check out the monthly calendar.

“Our approach to wine at Anfora is not how a standard sommelier would approach it,” said Adrian Weisell, co-owner of Anfora Wine Merchants “Wine is about more than taste to us. We look at wine drinking through a cultural and historical lens.”

The Marion Street shop honors and celebrates, particularly, but not exclusively, Italian wines; a country with

Anfora has a dynamic wine by the glass list, but Weisell is quick to point out the entire shop is available to be enjoyed for a modest corkage.

The shelves are a retail wine list filled with unique offerings, where you’ll find bottles for the everyday, celebration, or collection.

Anfora Wine Merchants is a social destination where people embrace the thoughtful approach the entire staff takes to curate a wine tasting experience no matter if it is a private event or casual outing with friends.

128 S. Marion St., Oak Park 708-613-5388
















































Zemi Coffee Cart owner Dominique Betancourt serving a customer.



affeine was never so convenient. Three mobile coffee vendors ply the area’s sidewalks, parks, parking spaces and block parties.

Spoke Cafe was a step up from the lemonade stands of Alec Olson’s youth. Four years ago, he noticed the popularity of nitro cold brew coffee at his dad’s office. His parents are his partners, but he does the brewing and selling. The OPRF high school junior often gets up at 4:30 a.m. to prep

The beans for his exclusive Bicycle Blend Coffee are roasted at Whirlwind Coffee on Madison Street. And Olson sells bean subscriptions, donating 20% from each bag sold to Beyond Hunger T he pedal-powered cart was crafted by the Oreg on-based Icicle T ricycle company. It has two taps: one for coffee and the other for root beer. In the warmer months, Olson brings ic e cream along to make coffee and root beer floats.

Olson will ride the bike up to 15 miles on weekends moving from block party to block party. He also stops at Dominican University’s Wednesday concert series. For booked events further away, Olson wheels the cart into his family’s van for quicker transit.

“I am not going to colle ge on Spoke money,” Olson said, “As an employee I do pretty well. As an investor, we’re almost there. We should get the cart paid of f this summer. But I am for sure having a lot of fun.”

Zemi Coffee Cart is owned and operated by Dominique Betancourt. In 2023 she started making coffee in her garage for neighbors. Her idea was to bring the culture and coffee of Puerto Rico to the area. With a generational connection to the island, Betancourt searched for her ideal coffee bean sourced on the island She taste-tested 25 farms before she found the one she wanted.

Her next step was to invest in a cart that could move the coffee around. She

Continued on page 42

Spoke Cafe-owner Alec Olson

MyspecialtyisItalianCoffeeLavazza-OakPark’sfavorite coffee!

TheBuggyisnowgoingintoits secondyear!Itbecameastaple atthefarmer’smarket,Ridgeland Lstop,andLakeStreetatthe Library.The‘CafeBliss’isthe signaturedrink,madeofwhipped espressoovericecoldwholemilk. IpersonallyhavelivedinOak Parkfor25years,with3kids,one leftatthehighschool.Lovethis littletown!


Continued from page 41

sourced the electric assisted bike-cart combo from a company in California called Ferla.

Zemi’s specialty is, “a Latin cafe con leche. So, basically steamed milk and I put a little different spin on it with the skadoosh of vanilla,” Betancourt said. She also serves a range ofdrip and espresso drinks, as well as coco rico (hot chocolate) for the kids and kids-atheart. A range ofmilk options and other cold drinks are on the cart as well.

Zemi Coffee Cart can be found Monday-Friday on East Avenue by Rehm Park and on the weekends at block parties and other events. The cart can be booked for events on her website.

The 22 Coffee Buggy can be found at the Oak Park Far mer’s Market on Saturdays and makes re gular stops during the week at the main branch ofthe Oak Park Public Library and the Green Line stop at Ridgeland Avenue.

Owner Belinda Carucci had a shop in the city but shut it down during Covid. While visiting her son, who was studying abroad in Italy, inspiration struck. “Their coffee bars, I

loved the way they were doing it. It’s a culture.” she said.

Back in town she started planning. First was to be sure that the village would license a cart like hers. Then she found the trailer she wanted, which was built overseas though she did the interior design herself The business was ready to roll on Memorial Day 2023.

Stocked with Italian Lavazza brand coffee, Carucci serves a variety ofespresso drinks, with decaf and milk options A specialty is the Sweet Mary: condensed milk, steamed milk and espresso. For non-coffee drinkers there is cioccolato (hot chocolate) and a select variety of canned beverages.

Carucci says the nicest thing is when, “a whole group of people are drinking coffee and chatting. It’s just the best. Coffee and community go together.”

22 Coffee Buggy owner Belinda Carucci (right)

Located in River Forest, IL, Hub Kitchen is a shared commercial kitchen that provides a professional and affordable space for food-based businesses. Whether you are a caterer, baker, or packaged good provider, you can benefit from Hub Kitchen’s fully-equipped facilities, flexible rental plans, and free consultative services from seasoned business owners who are invested in helping you grow your business.

New Rose Catering Meal Delivery and Catering Celebrations by Us Catering
Jilly’s Jerky Gourmet Beef Jerky
Something’s Cooking Catering Corporate Catering
Sweet D'Lush Crepe Cart
Spoke Cafe Mobile Coffee and Root Beer Cart
Good Omen Gyoza Fresh Dumplings
Lil’ Greek Kitchen Catering
Rites of Wellness Herbal Remedies

The pulled pork sandwich process begins with rubbing down the pork shoulder with Q-BBQ’s Memphis rub It then marinades for five to eight hours.

Before marination, criss-cross cuts are made into the pork so flavors can be absorbed deep in the meat.

How Q makes its pulled pork sandwich

It takes time, that’s for sure

Q-BBQ serves up infamous American barbeque styles from Texas to South Carolina. One of their signature menu items, the pulled pork sandwich, is their take on the classic BBQ staple.

Q-BBQ is a small inde pendent Chicagoland barbecue restaurant with three locations: La Grange, Naperville and Oak Park. Their Oak Park location, at 124 N. Marion St., has been in business since 2016.

On the menu, American barbeque styles like Memphis ribs, Texas brisket, and Carolina pulled pork are offered in all of their marinated and smoked styles. Ian Thompson, re gional operations manager, said Q-BBQ “mirrors the styles” of traditional barbecue.

“I would say when it comes to us, do our best to stay ‘true and blue’ the re gions that we p ull from,” hompson said.

hompson said since they are a dwest-based restaurant, they try to give patrons options in the sauces and styles and educate them on what their menu entails. However, the root of their menu lies in popular traditional Southern barbeque.

After smoking for about 16 hours in their in-house smoker, the pork is ready to be pulled apart. 1 3 4 5

During the “pulling” in the process of making pulled pork, the pork shoulder bone glides out of the smoked meat - a sign it’s been properly smoked. The meat is then mixed together by hand, combining the leaner and fattier portions into one mix of tender, shredded pork.

The “Q-style” pulled pork sandwich, emulating the South Carolina style, has a combination of coleslaw, pulled pork and smoked gouda cheese. It’s one of the restaurant’s personal and fan-favorites on the menu, Thompson said.

The pork is rubbed down with their Memphis rub and then marinades for five to eight hours. The pork, still on the shoulder bone, is then placed in their smoker, where it smokes overnight for usually 16 hours.

Once removed from the smoker, the morning after, the pork is “pulled”; sifted through for bones, and the lean and fattier pieces are mixed together by hand into a shredded, melt-in-yourmouth mix.

A toasted brioche bun, a slice of smoked gouda cheese, and a helping of coleslaw tops of f the simple yet classic sandwich.

“You’re gonna get creamy from the gouda and the slaw. You get a little more sweet from the slaw, and a little acidity. So it just adds more depth. If you’re going to add a barbecue sauce on it; for our patrons, Memphis is very popular,” said Thompson, “but for me, I’m all about the vinegar.”

Q-BBQ 124 N. Marion St

Hours: 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Served in the “Q-style”, the pork is placed on a brioche bun with smoked gouda cheese and topped with coleslaw. Q-BBQ leaves the sauce selection for its customers’ taste buds to decide.


Alpha Baking Co . .

8424 47th St, Lyons (773) 797-3355

Advertiser & Restaurant Index

. . . 25

Amerikas Restaurant

inside front cover, 34

. . . . .

734 Lake St, Oak Park (708) 613-4254

Anfora Wine Merchants . .

128 S. Marion St, Oak Park (708) 613-5388

Blackout Baking Co

210 S. Marion St, Oak Park (708) 948-7405

Byline Bank .

1001 Lake St, Oak Park (708) 660-1000

Cafe Cubano

113 N Oak Park Ave, Oak Park (708) 456-6100

Caffe De Luca

7427 Madison St, Forest Park (708) 366-9200

Chef Beau’s Klean Kitchen

26 Calendar Ave, La Grange (708) 354-4844

Ciro Oak Park

. 39

. 34

back cover


9207 31st St, Brookfield (708) 485-9753

Cucina Paradiso

814 North Blvd, Oak Park (708) 848-3434

Donny G’s Ristorante

7308 West North Ave, Elmwood Park (708) 456-3644

Egg Harbor Cafe

1111 South Blvd, Oak Park (872) 215-3600

Forest Park Chamber of Commerce

PO Box 617, Forest Park (708) 366-2543

George’s Restaurant

145 S. Oak Park Ave, Oak Park (708) 848-4949

Hemmingway’s Bistro

1048 Pleasant St, Oak Park (312) 899-6059 Cordial Inn Bar & Grill

211 N Oak Park Ave, Oak Park (708) 524-0806

7225 W North Ave, River Forest (773) 818-1127

1030 Lake Street, Oak Park (708) 848-7734 K’s

Kettlestrings Tavern . . . . inside back cover 800 S. Oak Park, Oak Park (708) 613-5044

1031 Lake St, Oak Park (708) 445-9032

6710 Cermak Road, Berwyn (708) 317-5339

7225 W. North Ave, River Forest (708) 261-6908

Advertiser & Restaurant Index

New Star Restaurant

7444 W. North Ave, Elmwood Park (708) 453-8242

N Rebozo .

7403 Madison St, Forest Park (708) 445-0370

O’Sullivan’s Public House

7244 Madison St, Forest Park (708) 366-6667

Piacere Mio

7636 Madison St, Forest Park (708) 366-4010

Publican Quality Bread

211 Harrison St, Oak Park (312) 736-1981

Salerno’s Pizza

7128 Roosevelt Rd, Oak Park (708) 383-1500

Food Share Love Food Pantry

9030 Brookfield Ave, Brookfield (630) 347-5390

Silverland Bakery

439 Des Plaines Ave, Forest Park (708) 488-0800

Suga Bakers

Bellwood, Illinois 630-886-2525

74 S. La Grange Road, La Grange (708) 497-3676

Takeout 25

22 Coffee Buggy

163 S. Oak Park Ave, Oak Park (708) 665-3878

N. Marion St, Oak Park (708) 613-5491

Madison St, Forest Park (708) 689-8029

Italian Restaurant .

100 S Marion St, Oak Park (708) 434-5766

of Elmwood Park

Conti Parkway, Elmwood Park

Whether you’re seeing a movie at the Lake Theatre or strolling through Austin Gardens, we think you should be able to get all of your banking done in your neighborhood… with people who love the area as much as you do. Byline is privileged to be a part of the Oak Park and River Forest community, and we are proud to partner with local nonprofits like Beyond Hunger and sponsor local events like Thursday Night Out in downtown Oak Park.

To learn more about our commitment to Oak Park and River Forest, visit

©2024 Byline Bank. Member FDIC.

Left to right: Denise Warren, Oak Park Branch Manager; Susie Goldschmidt, Oak Park River Forest Market President; Michael Starrick, River Forest Branch Manager

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