Austin Weekly News, November 5, 2014
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winter 2014
Education Enrichment
Austin Weekly News, November 5, 2014
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Austin Weekly News, November 5, 2014
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be a dad today.
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C a l l 8 7 7- 4 D A D 4 11 o r v i s i t w w w . f a t h e r h o o d . g o v C a l l 8 7 7- 4 D A D 4 11 o r v i s i t w w w . f a t h e r h o o d . g o v
Learn from a Legend: Invest In Yourself!
0015_Full_Mag4C 0015_Full_Mag4C Bill to: 09CVZ0015 Executive CD: Title:Title: 09CVZ0015 — Tic Tac Bill to: 09CVZ0015 09CVZ0015 —Toe Tic Tac Toe
Executive CD:
Run/Disk Date: 08-21-09
REQ 91655REQ 91655Creative Director: Creative Director: Art Director: C. Marrero 09/15/09 13:32
Color/Space: 4C/magazine
CE: 2/0
Production Artist: BK
Market: Market:
Run/Disk Date: 08-21-09
Color/Space: 4C/magazine
09/15/09 13:32
Art Director: C. Ma
CE: 2/0
Account Executive: C. Cecchetti
Our 30 -Day Challenge is ON - How will YOU challenge yourself this month? Trim:Live: 7
Production Artist: Account Executive: BK Supervisor: Task: transpose Production logos K. Warmack
Bleed: Trim: 7
Page 1 of 4 Notes: Bleed:
Notes: Page 1 of 4
6701 W. North Ave., Oak Park
Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence Serving Our Community
Coordinator: Ext.Superv 8016 Spell checked Task: transpose Production logos E. Shaughnessy
Spell checked
Coordinator: E. Sha
Austin Weekly News, November 5, 2014
How can this new school year be a better one for your child?
t is a new school year. Make sure it starts out as best as possible for your student. A good education means a good life for your child, and Dr. Bill’s Learning Centers offer professional help. We are not just a homework helper. Too often parents of students with special education needs, or bad school attitude, or heavy family issues can’t find affordable tutors to help their struggling second to tenth graders. Universities or Social Service Associations are worth seeking out but have a long waiting list. You need an alternative opportunity for special services that is here, in your neighborhood. The sad news of failing grades or low selfesteem might cause your student to suffer by repeating a benchmark school year and can jeopardize his or her chances for a select high school acceptance. The bad news of a bad report card doesn’t stop for your high school student because, as most teachers and parents know, the first year sets the tone for the rest of high school! Now every assignment and test counts because your child’s future is on the line. These days, prospects for college scholarships and good paying jobs are bad and worse. Time doesn’t stop even if the lies of many government leaders try to paint a rosy picture of the country’s future. You know the truth that by 10th grade the issues that lead to academic failure, dropout, and a lifetime of learning disability have gone too far for your children. You have to get help now! Have you thought about or tried school interventions, doctors, hospitals, boot camps, after-school programs, bribes or even threats, but they didn’t or won’t help? You need the best that professionals can
offer without paying a hardship-causing price for it. The latest research shows that specialized, intensive, motivating, and culturally relevant tutoring can turn around failures best identified after 1st grade. We have it at Dr. Bill’s Learning Centers. We also focus on students with learning disabilities: LD, ADD, anxiety and poor motivation. Dr. Bill’s Learning Centers offer a family focused, holistic, specialized tutoring program with an interdisciplinary team dedicated to improving the educational outcomes for children like yours. Unlike most other tutoring centers, we help bridge the ‘academic achievements gap’ with creative rehabilitative services. We offer individualized, one on one supplemental special instruction by trained tutors. Our unique integrated services include art therapy, which helps build alternative learning venues, creative skills and stress management. Dr. Bill’s Learning Centers’ nutrition counseling helps educate families to connect a healthy and balanced diet to better brain development. Our mentoring service complements the academic assistance to uplift and empower our students. All our efforts focus on mastering fundamental skills that will strengthen your child’s self-confidence, organization and cognitive skills for life. Our strategy is to let the right tutor ‘get it right’ for your child! We look forward to answering your questions, serving your special students, or just providing encouragement to make this new school year a great one. Your children deserve a happy and productive future. Don’t give up! If you don’t call us, then please call someone now for help, before it’s too late! Best wishes from Dr. Bill and staff.
Dr Bill’s Learning Center Tutoring for Grades 2 through 10
• Experienced, Trained Rehabilitation Facilitators • Individualized Intensive Specialized Tutoring • Culturally Relevant Resources: African-American and Latino/Latina American Diaspora • Multifaceted Service for Diverse Learning Styles • Computer Assisted Instruction Lowest • Organization Skill Streaming HourLy • Test Taking Anxiety Rehabilitation rates
Extended hours:
Saturdays 9am - 2pm • Weekdays 2pm - 8pm
aT TWo LoCaTionS ChiCaGo:
4909 West Division St. Chicago, iL 60651
oak Park:
18 West Lake Street oak Park, iL 60302
773-626-5551 708-434-0336 Limited Enrollment, Call Now! Call Mark at 708-434-0336 * Materials cost offset plus Program offering per Treatment Plan with consented Rehabilitation Evaluation if required. Rate comparison to similar professional program offerings in local area.
help your Child get Better Grades Get organized & Stay organized Become Self Confident
Austin Weekly News, November 5, 2014
Share your community event! Raise your profile! Put the pen to the paper!
Out & About in Austin would love to celebrate your community event! If you would like to share you event, please submit 8-10 photos* and a simple 100 word description of your event to!
Do you want to connect with your community? Call Dawn today to learn how you can advertise with Austin Weekly News. 708.613.3329 or
*Please ensure that photos are at least 300 DPI. Austin Weekly News reserves the right to choose events to publish based on content, photo quality and editorial space available. We also reserve the right to edit event descriptions.
Austin Weekly News, November 5, 2014
2nd Annual West Side Business Network
Holiday Party
Thursday, December 4, 2014 • 5pm - 9pm Columbus Park Refectory RSVP and get TWO FREE raffle tickets: Hosted by:
Become a sponsor of our Holiday Party & raise awareness of your business! Many sponsorship options & benefits available. Contact Alicia: (708) 613-3344 or
Hurry! Deadline for sponsorships is Nov. 13th! Sponsors & Donors
Refreshments Generously Donated by
Law Offices of Michael Radzilowsky
Barbara Vanek
Austin Weekly News, November 5, 2014
Success is Right Around The Corner! Woodworkers Training Program CNC Operations - Cabinetmaking - Furniture Assembly
Discouraged by the lack of work opportunities, Austin H.S. graduate Marion enrolled in GWTP's Woodworkers Training Program. Just under four months later, with his newly developed skills, he landed a good local job in the industry. Call today... Your success story is just around the corner! Job placement assistance upon completion!
Next Class Starts September 2nd! Classes Starting Soon!
CALL 312-563-9570 TODAY! NO Loans NO Debt NO Cost
for eligible applicants
Greater West Town Training Partnership • 500 N. Sacramento Blvd. • Chicago, IL 60612
It’s Not Too is Right Around The Corner! Success Late to Return to School and Earn Your Diploma at the West Town Academy CNC Operations - Cabinetmaking - Furniture Assembly Apply Today!
Graduate! Woodworkers
WTA Erase
Training Program
Discouraged by the lack of work opportunities, Austin H.S.Academy graduate Marion enrolled in GWTP's West Town Alternative High School Woodworkers Training Program.
the Past
Just under four months later, with his newly developed skills, he landed a good local job in the industry.
Write a New Future
Call today... Your success story is just around the Requirements: corner! Job placement assistance upon completion! • Between 17 and 21 years old • Out of school • 4 high school credits • 7th grade level Reading and Math
Next Class Starts September 2nd! Classes Starting Soon!
312-563-9044 CALL Space is Limited
312-563-9570 TODAY! NO Loans NO Debt NO Cost
for eligible applicants
534 N. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago, IL 60612 | | Greater West Town Training Partnership • 500 N. Sacramento Blvd. • Chicago, IL 60612