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January 25-Februar y 1
One- on- One Small Business Consulting
Friday, Jan. 27, 1-4 p.m., Oak Park Public Librar y Special event for anyone considering star ting a business. Chettha Saetia, business owner, business advisor, and direc tor of The Illinois Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Chinese Mutual Aid Association (CMAA), will answer any questions. Schedule a half-hour appointment at oppl.org/calendar. 834 Lake St., Oak Park
Barbara Ballinger Memorial Concer t
Friday, Jan. 27, 6 p.m.,
First United Church, 848 Lake St., Oak Park
A concer t honoring the life of Barbara Ballinger will e place at a memorial concer t featuring strings and organ, per forming pieces by Barber and Dvorak as well as spoken word eadings chosen by Barbara before her passing. The tuar y of First United ark and is open to the public
Barbara Ballinger ser ved 32 years at the Oak Park Public Librar y, including 24 years as the head librarian. She was instrumental in the development of the Ernest Hemingway Foundation Archives and a longtime friend of the foundation. Barbara had a profound impac t on the community she ser ved and will be dearly missed by all who knew her
Odd Fellows by David Alvarado
Thursday, Jan. 26, 6:30-8 p.m., Oak Park Public Librar y
David Alvarado is a visual ar tist, illustrator, and creative designer whose work has spanned from commercial ar t and editorial illustration to, recently, ne ar t. Tiptoeing between humorous, awkward, and strange, his work is inspired by a blend of commercial design from the past, cartoons from his youth, and the dreamlike state that occurs just before deep sleep. An exhibit of his work runs through Feb. 5. This is a special reception honoring his work. Learn more at oppl.org/calendar. 834 Lake St., Oak Park.
Edith: The Rogue Rockefeller McCormick

Monday, Jan. 30, 1:15-2:15 pm, Nineteenth Centur y Charitable Organization
Historical interpreter Ellie Carlson and biographer
Andrea Friederici Ross will bring back the erce, feisty spirit of Edith Rockefeller McCormick, who was responsible in some way for the Brook eld Zoo, Chicago opera, James Joyce’s Ulysses, a cure for scarlet fever, and the popularity of Jungian psychoanalysis. Carlson will personally channel Ms. McCormick for a discussion with Ross Free, but with a suggested donation of $15 for non-members. 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park.