1 minute read
Much has changed, but much hasn’t
For the 50th anni versary of the Roe v. Wade decision, I went back to the 40th anni versary to see what I had to say then. It was instructi ve, on what still holds up ev en though Roe didn’t. Here’s what I wrote 10 years ago:
On this, the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the “pro-life” movement is, no doubt, assessing the successes and failures of their Ahab-like quest to kill the Great White Whale of le g al abor tion.
The results, at best, have been mixed.
1973. Dismissing the other side’s arguments as morally inferior will never result in mass conversion. Engaging in dialogue means recognizing there is something in the other trench worth listening to. You must open your mind wide enough to understand the other side’s argument, just as they need to understand yours.