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Distressed about Michael Romain’s departure
It was with distress I saw Dan Haley’s brief statement that Michael Romain is no longer on staf f at Wednesday Jour nal. So many of us tur ned immediately to his thoughtful column as soon as the paper ar rived. How disappointing that something could not have worked out to keep him. He has been a gift to our community and to the shared understanding we were gaining from his research and insight.
For Black History Month could you rer un some of his outstanding columns from past years? Of all your hard-working team members, he should have been the last one to leave us Fur ther explanations and an understanding that he is going on to fur ther his career aspirations are in order
Cynthia Breunlin, Oak Park
Bring back Michael Romain
I urge you to bring back Michael Romain. He is a great writer and provocative thinker Oak Park can feel very smug and self-satisfied, and Mr Romain’s ar ticles were an ef fective corrective to those tendencies. I miss reading his perspectives.
Norine Gutekanst, Oak Park