Regina and Michael September 15, 2012
Inside: All about us and our wedding
Regina and Michael
Thank You Thank you for coming to our big day! We feel blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives. Each of you have impacted our lives positively & we are happy that you are here today. We know some of you have traveled from far distances & we can't thank you enough. Our wish is for you to enjoy yourselves tonight. Eat, drink, dance, & party! To Our Bridal Party- Thank You for standing by our side today. This past year has been a journey & we couldn't have done it without you. The bridal shower, bachelor, and bachelorette parties were amazing! You all have gone above & beyond to make these events special for us. To Rey & Julie- Thank you for your unconditional support & for being our best friends. We would not be the individuals we are today without you. To Our Parents- We say a special thank you, for which none of this would be possible. We only hope to be as strong & loving in our marriage as you have been for us through our lives. Salute & Mabuhay! Love, Regina & Mike
September 15, 2012
Regina and Michael
How We Met Regina & Mike met in 2009 during Memorial Day Weekend in Sea Isle City. Regina was at Avalon with friends. Mike was staying in Wildwood for his friend TJ's bachelor party. The bachelors decided to go to SIC that Sunday & Regina decided to meet different friends in SIC that same night because she realized that she could not spend another day with one of her friends whose name rhymes with Bean. It was busy in Lacosta that night & Split Decision was the band on stage. It was loud, crowded, & messy. The type of atmosphere that you would never imagine meeting your future spouse in. Regina was having trouble getting a drink from the bar so she was walking back & forth within the crowd to get a drink. Mike was near and says to her, "Are you checking me out? Because you have walked by me several times now." Regina thought he was lame but needed to quench her thirst so she let him get her a drink. They were friendly that night & went on their first date soon after. Pictured: First Meeting
September 15, 2012
Regina and Michael
Our First Date Regina & Mike's first date was at Chickie's & Petes in Bordentown, NJ. They were meeting half way since at that time they were living almost an hour apart. That same evening Regina decided to go to the movies with her friends to see The Hangover. She thought the movie would have been finished in plenty of time for her to make it to her date on time. Need less to say, if you don't know Regina well she is notorious for being late. As she arrives (late), the doors to Chickie's & Petes were locked & Mike had drank both of their drinks in her absence. He meets her outside & Regina apologized & thanked him for his patience, a quality of Mike's that Regina still thanks him for everyday! They talked for hours outside on the bench located outside of Chickie's and Petes. After hours of talking they became hungry so they decided to go to the near by Denny's. They ate, talked, laughed, & really hit it off. They have been enjoying eachother's company ever since.
September 15, 2012
Regina and Michael
The Proposal Tuesday 9/13/11: Regina arrives home from a bad day of work to Hershey Hugs hung on the back door, the house lit by candles, & a card on the dining room table with lyrics to "Unchained Melody." A curtain hangs in the doorway to the foyer with the lyrics to "Something" by The Beatles. She opens the curtain & the floor is covered by rose petals & Hershey Kisses! Candles lit up the stairs & she follows the rose petals & kisses into the bedroom. As she opens the door, a vase of real & silk roses, another card, more petals & candles fill the room. Inside the card are lyrics to "Thank You" by Led Zeppelin & the words, "I have hugged you before you walked through the door, I have kissed the ground you walked on, I have showered you with roses, & I will love you until the last rose dies. Will you be mine forever?" Regina leaves the room to look for Mike, & he is nowhere to be found. She comes back into the room to see him on his knee asking her to marry him (he was hiding in the closet)!
September 15, 2012
Regina and Michael
Our Favorite Things Bride
Good Will Hunting
Favorite movie
Pulp Fiction/ Ghostbusters
Cakes- all shapes & sizes
Favorite food
Something- The Beatles
Favorite song
Touch of Grey- The Dead
Christmas & Halloween
Favorite holiday
Every holiday except NYE
Favorite color
Blue/ Green
His beautiful smile, kind heart, & sense of humor
Favorite thing about your spouse to be
She's exotic, genuinely kind, & super chill
September 15, 2012
Regina and Michael
Our Favorite Photos Bride's
Pizza & Cheeseburger for Halloween 2010
Cotton Candy for Halloween 2011
Awesome time at the Bames' wedding!
Princeton's Puppy Graduation
September 15, 2012
Regina and Michael
Bride or Groom? Trivia How well do you know the Bride & Groom? Decide if the following clues relate to the Bride (A) or the Groom (B). *Answers found at the bottom of the page. _____ 1. I have never met a cupcake that I didn't like. _____ 2. I have an extreme fascination with vacuuming and dusting. _____ 3. I have visited 10 different countries while still in my 20s. _____ 4. I used to sell sex toys for a living while in college. _____ 5. I enjoy boxing as an extra curricular activity & stress reliever. _____ 6. I'm terrified of crickets and heights. _____ 7. I have OCD tendencies that heighten my sense of detail. _____ 8. I have studied at the New York Film Academy & own over 500 movies. _____ 9. I do all the cooking, laundry, & taking care of our dog Princeton. _____ 10. I hate ground meat! Burgers, meatballs/ loafs, alike.
Answers:1) A - bride 2) A - bride 3) B - groom 4) B - groom 5) A - bride 6) A bride 7) A - bride 8) B - groom 9) B - groom 10) B - groom
September 15, 2012