Natalie and JD June 22, 2013
Inside: All about us and our wedding
Natalie and JD
Thank You After months of planning, our wedding day is finally here! We are thrilled to have our favorite people here to celebrate with. We would like to thank all of you for your support, for being here today to celebrate with us. Special thanks to everyone who traveled so far to be here with us- some of you from across the country! Special thanks to our parents for being such wonderful and loving people (and putting up with us throughout the years!) Robert Albertson, Debora Beaven & John David Moore II, Jana Ragsdale. We love you all, and are so thankful for the memories we have with each one of you. We look forward to creating many new memories with all of you as we start our new life together. Love, Natalie & J.D
June 22, 2013
Natalie and JD
About Our Wedding Natalie & J.D are getting married today! (You've probably figured that out June 22, 2013, 4:00
The Reception yes February 15, 2013, 6:00
June 22, 2013
Natalie and JD
About the Bride and Groom Bride
October 15, 1993
Birth Date
July 23, 1991
Columbia, Maryland
Birth Place
Bremerton, Washington
Fort Meade, Maryland
Current City
Fort Meade, Maryland
Model & Student
High School
Charles M. Russel High School
In 10 years, I'd like to be...
Independently Wealthy
A successful model and paramedic
June 22, 2013
Natalie and JD
Our First Date We went to all these fun places yaya
June 22, 2013
Natalie and JD
Our Favorite Things Bride
Sweet Home Alabama
Favorite movie
Favorite food
Favorite song
Sweet Child of Mine
Favorite holiday
4th of July
Favorite color
Favorite thing about your spouse to be
June 22, 2013
Natalie and JD
Bride or Groom? Trivia How well do you know the Bride & Groom? Decide if the following clues relate to the Bride (A) or the Groom (B). *Answers found at the bottom of the page. _____ 1. Helped create a new law in their home state. _____ 2. Is a huge LOST fan. _____ 3. Is allergic to jellyfish. _____ 4. Deathly afraid of needles. _____ 5. Almost drowned as a kid. _____ 6. Used to travel to florida every summer for vacation. _____ 7. Has gotten 4 speeding tickets in 18 months. _____ 8. Was a baseball team manager in high school. _____ 9. Has owned two horses. _____ 10. Has resided in six different states.
Answers:1) A - bride 2) A - bride 3) A - bride 4) B - groom 5) A - bride 6) B groom 7) B - groom 8) A - bride 9) B - groom 10) B - groom
June 22, 2013
Natalie and JD
Why is the ring on the fourth finger? Many legends exist about why the ring is worn on the fourth finger of the left hand. This is our favorite. *Thumb represents your parents *Index finger represents your sibilings *Middle finger represents self *Fourth (ring) finger represents life partner *Pinky finger represents future children Open your palms face to face. Hold all fingers tip to tip except the middle fingers, bend those so that the knuckles are touching. Now seperate your thumbs, because your parents are not destined to live with you lifelong. Seperate your index fingers because your sibilings are not destined to live with you lifelong. Seperate your pinky fingers because your children will eventually grow up and leave, as they are not destined to live with you lifelong. Now try to seperate your ring long as the middle fingers are bowed, touching you cannot seperate them. That is because you must bow to your self, and as long as you do the marriage will survive all trials.
June 22, 2013