John and Lisa April 20, 2013
Inside: All about us and our wedding
John and Lisa
Thank You After months of planning and years of dreaming, our wedding day has finally arrived -- we are so happy that you are here to share it with us! Thank you for being here and for being a part of who we are and who we will be. We love you all and look forward to celebrating with you - not only today, but all of our tomorrows as well. With all our love, Lisa and John
April 20, 2013
John and Lisa
The Wedding Ceremony Bishop E. M. Jackson, Officiating Processional Prayer 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Read by Carley Knight and Brayden Knight Charge to the Couple Marriage Vows Ring Ceremony Cord of Three Strands Ceremony Blessing for a Marriage by James Dillet Freeman Read by Sarah White Pronouncement of Marriage Recessional
April 20, 2013
John and Lisa
About the Bride and Groom Bride
July 6, 1981
Birth Date
August 11, 1979
Big Spring
Birth Place
Banking Compliance
Cost Accountant
Permian High School
High School
Permian High School
Running a non- profit dog rescue
In 10 years, I'd like to be...
Still alive and fighting in the zombie apocalypse
April 20, 2013
John and Lisa
How We Met John and Lisa have known each other since elementary school and met when John's family moved back to Odessa and joined Immanuel Baptist Church. For Lisa, it was love at first sight (she still remembers the first time she saw John!) while John was too busy being a boy to notice. Lisa was so smitten that she could hardly speak around him! It wasn't until they were teenagers that John fell in love. They made an attempt at a long distance relationship while they both attended college but eventually John and Lisa each went their own way. After losing touch for almost a decade, they ended up working at the same small bank...and it didn't take long for the flame to rekindle! Since being reunited, they have been inseparable.
April 20, 2013
John and Lisa
The Proposal It was magical! John booked a room at Lisa's favorite bed and breakfast, the Veranda Historic Inn, in the sleepy town of Fort Davis. They spent the weekend strolling the main street and goofing around in the boutiques. John made the reservation for a romantic dinner, and Lisa crossed her fingers that this would be the moment she had been waiting for. Three courses came and went with laughter and love, but no ring and no question. She trusted that John had a better plan. On Sunday morning, the couple checked out of the Veranda but didn't immediately leave town. John suggested that they cruise around a residential area and took a small caliche road up a hill. He parked at the top where they had a spectacular view of the whole town. While Lisa was taking it all in, he pulled out a ring box and popped the question. Of course, Lisa said yes!
April 20, 2013
John and Lisa
Our Babies We have two amazing pups, Sidney and Berkley. Sidney is a red and white English Staffordshire Terrier, or English Staffy. She is full of spunk and definitely has her own ideas. We brought her home in October when she was 6 weeks old, and she has grown into a beautiful young lady. The vet says she might be a drama queen....We can't imagine where she gets that from! Berkley is a black and white labrador/ basset/ mastiff mix. He is going to be a BIG boy! We brought him home from a rescue group in February, and he has made our family complete. Berkley is a bit of a momma's boy, loves to cuddle, and is very laid back. Having two puppies under a year old has been challenging, but they have brought fullness to our lives.
April 20, 2013
John and Lisa
Our Favorite Things Bride
The Princess Bride
Favorite movie
Fight Club
Anything Chocolate!
Favorite food
Powerful Stuff
Favorite song
In The Fade
Favorite holiday
Favorite color
He keeps me smiling and laughing
Favorite thing about your spouse to be
Her sense of humor
April 20, 2013