Shelly & Chris October 7, 2017
Inside: All about us and our wedding
Shelly & Chris
Thank You To our family & friends, Thank you!! It means the world to us to have you here to share in our wedding celebration. But most of all, thank you for the support, hugs, encouragement, love, and laughter you have contributed to our lives. You are our family, friends, teachers, mentors, partners in crime and we wouldn't want to share this day with anyone else. You have helped to make us who we are and for that we are forever grateful. You are our favorite people in the world and we love you so much! We hope you enjoy tonight's celebration and those we'll share for years to come! With much love, Shelly & Chris (Now...Mr. & Mrs. Robertson)
October 7, 2017
Shelly & Chris
About Our Wedding Ceremony at 1:00pm St. Thomas More Catholic Church
October 7, 2017
Shelly & Chris
About the Bride and Groom Bride
December 7, 1989
Birth Date
May 11, 1987
San Diego, CA
Birth Place
Colorado Springs, CO
Los Alamos, NM
School Counselor, Dance Teacher, & Coach
Project Manager
Cathedral Catholic High School
High School
Los Alamos High School
a mom of 4 awesome kids!
In 10 years, I'd like to be...
a father to 3 kids.
October 7, 2017
Shelly & Chris
About the Wedding Party The Maid of Honor Name: Shawna Heinz Relationship to the couple: Sister of the Bride
The Best Man Name: Heraclio (Junior) Medina Relationship to the couple: Best Friend of the Groom (met in college)
Bridesmaids Jennica Krause Sam Soriano Kacie Hoctor Lyndsey Brown
October 7, 2017
Shelly & Chris
Our Favorite Things Bride
How to Lose a Guy in 10 D
Favorite movie
The Legend of Bagger Vanc
Mac n' Cheese
Favorite food
Steak & Lobster
N'SYNC/ Britney/ Bruno M/ MJ
Favorite song
Linkin Park
Favorite holiday
Favorite color
Baby Blue
He teases me in a loving way (ALL THE TIME!!)
Favorite thing about She has a young heart your spouse to be
October 7, 2017
Shelly & Chris
Our Favorite Photos
Shelly's 1st Time Visiting Denver
Go Broncos!
1st Time Skiing / Snowboarding Together
1st Christmas
We love the snow!
St. Maarten
October 7, 2017
Shelly & Chris
Bride or Groom? Trivia How well do you know the Bride & Groom? Decide if the following clues relate to the Bride (A) or the Groom (B). *Answers found at the bottom of the page. _____ 1. Eats ranch dressing with everything? _____ 2. First kiss was in 3rd grade on the playground? _____ 3. Been skydiving twice? _____ 4. Obsessed with anything Disney or Harry Potter? _____ 5. Loves going to the movies? _____ 6. Loves yard work? _____ 7. First car was a Toyota Corolla? _____ 8. Been hang gliding? _____ 9. Worked at a bar in college? _____ 10. Loves to cook?
Answers:1) A - bride 2) B - groom 3) B - groom 4) A - bride 5) A - bride 6) B - groom 7) A - bride 8) A - bride 9) B - groom 10) B - groom
October 7, 2017