Choose an Ethical MMJ Dispensary for Your Treatment Medical Marijuana (MMJ) has been there for so long, but earlier people know it only for wrong reasons like it is used as a drug by drug addicts. Due to that there was a complete ban on its use. However, in the recent times, it has been proved in research that this drug can do wonders as it can be used for the treatment of incurable diseases. Seeing the benefits of this drug, the governments of many US states have lifted the ban. You need to know that one has to fulfill some conditions in order to use marijuana or to take MMJ treatment. If you are the one who wants to take MMJ treatment, then you need to know that not everybody is allowed to take this treatment. You have to take your physician's written permission, which is not easy to obtain. Your physician will give it to you only under one condition that you are not getting any relief from his/her treatment. After getting your physician's written permission comes the part of searching for medical marijuana dispensaries in San Francisco, which is not an easy one. To find the best MMJ dispensary, you have to do some hard work like searching the web. In the search results, you will find the addresses of many dispensaries. Choose some dispensaries out of the results and do research about those like look for reviews of people about those or you can visit some of those in order to get idea about the environment and experience of the staff. Make sure the dispensary has the valid license to operate this type of business. The job of choosing among the available options is solely yours.