The �nventor
DrAdrianHarrisonisanAssociateProfessorat Copenhagen Universitywhereheteachesphysiologyto bothAnimal ScienceandVeterinarystudents.Sincegetting hisdoctorate from CambridgeUniversityhehasworked withdifferent aspectsofskeletalmusclesinanumberof species,gradually becomingawareoftheneedforasimple, accurateandnoninvasivetechniquetomeasuremuscle functionandactivityin motion.
TheCUROsystemgrew out ofastudyofoystersoundsin Portugal,thatinvolvedtheconstructionofverysensitive underwater microphones, andresearchat TheBritish MuseumforabookchapterontheEtruscans.ItstruckDr AdrianHarrisonin2009thatifhecouldlistentooystersthen itmightbepossibletolistentothesoundsmadeby contractingskeletalmuscles–acousticmyography.
Adrian handmadethefirstunitsandtestedthem in Sweden withDrLarsRoepstorffwhereitbecameapparent thatthey neededtoberobust if theyweretomeasure horses whilst physicallyactive.In2011after3yearsof testing,Adrian foundedCURO-Diagnosticsandbeganto manufacturethe firstacousticmyographyunits.Sincethen theyhavebeen soldtohorseanddogVeterinaryclinicsacrosstheUSA,UK andEurope.
ThewordCUROmeans“ICare”andwaschosenasaname forthistechnologybyAdriansinceitallowsustocare for the waywetrainandrehabilitateourhorsesanddogs.It hasnot beenpossiblebeforenowtoassess musclefunction ina non-invasiveandreal-timemannerandinsuchan accurate fashionasiscapableusingtheCURO,sonowat longlast wecantrulycareforouranimals.
Talking CURO
CURO-Diagnostics is a small company based just north of Copenhagen in Denmark. Indeed, the CURO is made and tested in Denmark, where it was first invented, and today CURO-Diagnostics owns the patent for this invention internationally. The CURO system usesvery sensitive sensors to measurethe pressure waves that skeletal muscles generate whenthey are active.
Thismeansthat every time a horse usesaskeletal muscle to move alimb orto adjust its neck orback, small pressure waves arecreated as the musclesshorten and thenrelax again. It isprecisely these pressure waves thatare recorded by thespecialsensorsthat are placed onthe hairand skin (no need to shave)above the muscle ofinterest.
Inthis wayeverymove made byahorse, whether itbe walking, trotting,cantering or jumpingcanbe measured and analyzed.
Weighingonly 10ounces(300g), the ��������unit iseasily attached to eitherthe saddle orasurcingleand then by wires to thevirtuallyweightlesssensors.TheCURO generates itsownWiFisignal,connecting toan iPad/Tablet or smart phone (Android & Apple)up to 80-100 metersaway, so the muscle measurements canbe viewed in real-time.Thismakesit possible to viewyour horse asit exercisesandtofollow the way in whichit uses its muscles.
Scientific �rounding
Since the very start, the CURO has been rigorously tested for its scientific relevance, repeatability and accuracy. The CURO has been the centerpiece of numerous scientific studies, with 23 publications in peer reviewed scientific Journals and more due this year. The highlights of these studies include:
Proof that acupuncture can improve how efficiently muscles work, thereby helping to reduce fatigue
Imbalance and postural asymmetries come from unequal muscle activity and can be corrected with specialized proprioceptive training
Detect and monitor the health of the hind limb suspensory ligaments
� Proved that poorly fitting bridles affect muscle function in the horse´s neck, and anatomically designed bridles improve muscle function
From the research lab to the shed row, the CURO makes it possible to monitor the fitness level of young horses during training, diagnose imbalances and restricted movement from����� fitting equipment or rider interactions, and track corrections in real-time. For a full list of publications and the CURO ESTiScore please see:
A muscle and suspensory ligament diagnostic tool
Wireless, Non-invasive, Android & iOS compatible
The CURO measures the efficiency (E), ������ �� active ���������������frequency �� ����������� (T) when a muscle works. Combined, ����ESTi-Score measures both sides of a horse simultaneously, and reveals asymmetries, balance and much more about muscle performance, all in real-time
Continuing �rowth
Current research is aimed at developing new flexible sensors that are specific to certain anatomical regions, such as the suspensory ligaments.
This year will also see the launch of the new wireless unit, reducing the weight �� 0.5 ounces (15g) and making it even easier to use. The new app, available for Android and Apple platforms, features user friendly canine and equine software for veterinarians. Easy to understand graphics and interface, put rail side analysis at your fingertips.
”Revealing the Unseen”
NEW CURO Mk II Wireless and completely portable for Equine, Canine and Human Modalities that uses very sensitive sensors to measure the pressure waves that skeletal muscles generate when they are active Advanced Myographic Technologies, the Exclusive Distributor o Diagnostics, ApS,
NEW CURO echnology for
Researchers around the world since 2013 through Diagnostics, ApS’s ACOUSTIC MYOGRAPHY published peer reviews in several Medical Journals that can be reviewed on AMT’s website at:
The CURO is a piece of equipment which enables you to select and follow skeletal muscles and ligaments whilst physically active. You can select your own muscle / ligament groups, or take advantage of the proprietary CURO App software to identify where to measure from. Together with a CURO unit you will be better able to follow and direct training, identify muscle imbalance and precisely locate muscle injuries. As well as being able to quantify improvements in actual physical performance in specific Myographic diagnostic settings, this revolutionary, totally portable and wireless device provides the opportunity for several Medical and Veterinarian Modalities to follow precise testing results by the CURO’s proprietary ESTiTM Scoring Reports with potential for further testing, training or rehabilitation without causing injury to muscle tissues.
The all New CURO Mk II wireless unit has already become a diagnostic tool to aid in the overall diagnosis of Equine, Clinical and Canine health. The CURO recordings have been shown to be an easy non-invasive method for assessing muscle function during periods of movement and exercise, opening up new possibilities for equine, canine, clinical, sports medicine, and many forms of muscle training and rehabilitation settings and The CURO Mk II System is already helping medical doctors and veterinarians in acoustic myography studies and testing worldwide.
The CURO Mk II System
The CURO measurements are pain-free, non-invasive and allow you to test animal and human patients without restrictions or hindrances. Muscle activity can be followed directly on an iPhone, iPad, Android, Tablet or PC in real-time during a testing session, and afterwards be transformed into a detailed ESTiTM analysis report. This is a quick technique (5minutes to setup and get using).
CURO Analysis
Recordings are made in real-time and reveal the level of balance between muscle groups, the level of performance, the degree of coordination and can even reveal early signs of fatigue.
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Since the CURO system measures muscle contractions, it is more precise than other muscle systems currently on the market. It uses three parameters that the central nervous system (Motor Cortex) uses to generate force in a muscle.
The ESTiTM Score
E-score – the efficiency and coordination with which a muscle is used for any given task.
S-score – the number of fibres recruited for any given task (signal amplitude (Volts) –spatial summation).
T-score – the rate with which active muscle fibres are reactivated (signal frequency (Hz) temporal summation).
Test effectively and avoid muscle injuries
With acoustic myography, as a precise medical tool, the evaluation of performance and the attainment of frequent testing goals for Equine – Clinical – Canine Modalities is now possible.
Force production in muscles has been shown to be closely correlated with the CURO analysis parameters T‐ and S‐score, hence these two values can be used to assess improvements in muscle strength.
The balance score between muscles can be used to help animals and humans train symmetrically and avoid imbalance injuries.
Muscle recordings can be used to assess early signs of fatigue under testing and training and prevent injury with associated loss of competition time.
The word CURO means “I CARE” and was chosen as a name for this technology since it allows us to care for the way we train and rehabilitate humans, horses and dogs.
For information on CURO Mk II demonstrations or testing, visit:
Medical Professionals can request more information on the CURO Mk II at
About Advanced Myographic Technologies and CURO Diagnostics, ApS
Founded by Dr. Adrian P. Harrison, PhD in 2011, who recently contracted AMT as its exclusive distributor for CURO Diagnostics, is the creator of the world's most advanced portable, wireless, whole-body skeletal muscular testing system. CURO Diagnostics’ mission is to enable universal access to superior medical acoustic diagnostic technology by using sensitive sensors to measure the pressure waves that skeletal muscles generate when they are active, and part of that mission is to enable the testing of every animal and human at each veterinary and human medical visit. Through its patented proprietary CURO App and ESTiTM Score technology, AMT and CURO Diagnostics is paving the way for earlier detection and remote management of health conditions around the world. The all NEW CURO Mk II System can be purchased online by all approved practitioners worldwide at the AMT website store or by contacting sales.
AMT Business Contacts
RSD Media Group, AMT MGRM
AMT Tel. No: 352-456-8338
*For licensed veterinarians, medical doctors, chiropractors, sports medicine, professional trainers only.
ESTiTM by CURO is a Registered Trademark of CURO Diagnostics, ApS
© 2021 Advanced Myographic Technologies, LLC
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