CURO - Diagnostics. Revealing the Unseen

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Celebrating The Equestrian Lifestyle

CURO - Diagnostics “Revealing the Unseen”

NIC ROLDAN Peek Inside His Life SPRING Fashion Volume 21 Issue 2 Complimentary

AIKEN, SC Highlight

TRAILER SAVING A TREASURE Maintenance Persano Breed Elite Equestrian does not endorse or confirm content suggestions in any articles. See credit page for disclaimer.


CURO�-�Diagnostics ����������������������

The New CURO units weigh less than an ounce and are made of titanium for strength and durability CURO-Diagnostics' Revolutionary Design

real-time using Android and Apple platforms

The �nventor

.Photo by CURO-Diagnostics - Story by: Dr. Adrian Harrison PhD, Dr. Jillian Chavers DVM and RSD Media Group

Dr Adrian Harrison is an Associate Professor at Copenhagen University where he teaches physiology to both Animal Science and Veterinary students. Since getting his doctorate from Cambridge University he has worked with different aspects of skeletal muscles in a number of species, gradually becoming aware of the need for a simple, accurate and noninvasive technique to measure muscle function and activity in motion. The CURO system grew out of a study of oyster sounds in Portugal, that involved the construction of very sensitive underwater microphones, and research at The British Museum for a book chapter on the Etruscans. It struck Dr� Adrian Harrison in 2009 that if he could listen to oysters then it might be possible to listen to the sounds made by contracting skeletal muscles – acoustic myography. Adrian hand made the first units and tested them in Sweden with Dr Lars Roepstorff where it became apparent that they needed to be robust if they were to measure horses whilst physically active. In 2011 after 3 years of testing, Adrian founded CURO-Diagnostics and began to manufacture the first acoustic myography units. Since then they have been sold to horse and dog Veterinary clinics across the USA, UK and Europe. The word CURO means “I Care” and was chosen as a name for this technology by Adrian since it allows us to care for the way we train and rehabilitate our horses and dogs. It has not been possible before now to assess muscle function in a non-invasive and real-time manner and in such an accurate fashion as is capable using the CURO, so now at long last we can truly care for our animals. 40 40

The CURO App helps you select the most suitable muscle for your purpose

Talking CURO CURO-Diagnostics is a small company based just north of Copenhagen in Denmark. Indeed, the CURO is made and tested in Denmark, where it was first invented, and today CURO-Diagnostics owns the patent for this invention internationally. The CURO system uses very sensitive sensors to measure the pressure waves that skeletal muscles generate when they are active. This means that every time a horse uses a skeletal muscle to move a limb or to adjust its neck or back, small pressure waves are created as the muscles shorten and then relax again. It is precisely these pressure waves that are recorded by the special sensors that are placed on the hair and skin (no need to shave) above the muscle of interest. In this way every move made by a horse, whether it be walking, trotting, cantering or jumping can be measured and analyzed. Weighing only 10 ounces (300g), the ��������unit is easily attached to either the saddle or a surcingle and then by wires to the virtually weightless sensors. The CURO generates its own WiFi signal, connecting to an iPad/Tablet or smart phone (Android & Apple) up to 80-100 meters away, so the muscle measurements can be viewed in real-time. This makes it possible to view your horse as it exercises and to follow the way in which it uses its muscles.

”Revealing the the Unseen” Unseen” ”Revealing

A muscle and suspensory ligament diagnostic tool A muscle�and suspensory�ligament diagnostic�tool

Photos by CURO-Diagnostics ��������������������������� .

Wireless, Non-invasive, Wireless, Non-invasive, Android & iOS compatible Android & iOS�compatible


Scientific �rounding Scientific �rounding


Since the very start, the CURO has been rigorously tested for Since the very start, the CURO has been rigorously tested for its scientific relevance, repeatability and accuracy. The CURO its scientific relevance, repeatability and accuracy. The CURO DENMARK has been the centerpiece of numerous scientific studies, with DENMARK has been the centerpiece of numerous scientific studies, with 23 publications in peer reviewed scientific Journals and more 23 publications in peer reviewed scientific Journals and more Est. 2011 due this year. The highlights of these studies include: Est. 2011 due this year. The highlights of these studies include: � Proof that acupuncture can improve how efficientl�y Proof that acupuncture can improve how efficientl� �y� � muscles work, thereby helping to reduce fatigue ESTi-Score muscles work, thereby helping to reduce fatigue ESTi-Score � Imbalance and postural asymmetries come from unequal� � Imbalance and postural asymmetries come from unequal� muscle activity and can be corrected with specialize�d The CURO measures the efficiency (E), ����������active muscle activity and can be corrected with specialize�d� The CURO measures the efficiency (E), ����������active proprioceptive training fibers (S) and frequency��������������� (T) when a muscle proprioceptive training ���������������frequency��������������� (T) when a muscle and monitor the health of the hind limb suspensory � Detect works. Combined, the ESTi-Score measures both sides of Detect and monitor the health of the hind limb suspensory� � ligaments works. Combined,�����ESTi-Score measures both sides of a horse simultaneously, and reveals asymmetries, balance ligaments horse simultaneously, and reveals asymmetries, balance � Proved that poorly fitting bridles affect muscle function in the aand much more about muscle performance, all in real-time. � Proved that poorly fitting bridles affect muscle function in the � and much more about muscle performance, all in real-time. horse´s neck, and anatomically designed bridles improve horse´s neck, and anatomically designed bridles improve � muscle function muscle function Continuing �rowth �rowth From the research lab to the shed row, the CURO makes it Continuing From the researchthe labfitness to the level shedof row, the horses CURO during makes it possible to monitor young possible to monitor the fitness level of young horses during training, diagnose imbalances and restricted movement from ill- Current research is aimed at developing new flexible Current research is aimed at developing new flexible training, diagnose imbalances and restricted movement sensors that are specific to certain anatomical regions, fitting equipment or rider interactions, and track correctionsfrom����� in sensors that are specific to certain anatomical regions, fitting equipment or rider interactions, and track corrections in real-time. For a full list of publications and the CURO ESTisuch as the suspensory ligaments. such as the suspensory ligaments. real-time. a full list of publications and the CURO ESTiScore pleaseFor see: Score please see: This year will also see the launch of the new wireless unit, This year will also see the launch of the new wireless unit, reducing the weight ���0.5 ounces (15g) and making it ��������������������������������������� reducing the weight ���0.5 ounces (15g) and making it even easier to use. The new app, available for Android ��������������������������������������� even easier to use. The new app, available for Android and Apple platforms, features user friendly canine and and Apple platforms, features user friendly canine and equine software for veterinarians. Easy to understand equine software for veterinarians. Easy to understand graphics and interface, put rail side analysis at your graphics and interface, put rail side analysis at your fingertips. fingertips. ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� �


������������������������������� ������������������ �������� ���������������������� Story and Photos Story and Photos By By Dr.�������������������������� Jill & RSD Media Group �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������



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Dr. Jill Costello Chavers, DVM, CERPV



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