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Your horse will thank you! Longwood Arenas specialty is Geo-Textile all weather arenas. We offer our clients the highest standard of arena building in the world. The construction of these arenas is a complex process that utilizes state of the art Geo-Textile separation barriers and drainage systems that date back to early Roman times. This blend of modern technology and ancient proven drainage techniques creates state of the art arenas for horses to perform at the highest of their physical ability. Longwood Arenas got it’s start at its very own Olympic Training Facility, Longwood Farm South, which has always strived to provide state of the art surfaces for our equine athletes to train on. Over the last 20 years we have experimented with arena footing that has mimicked equestrian surfaces from all over the world. This research and trial and error process has lead us to develop an extensive knowledge base about arena footing and what to do as well as what not to do when installing an arena.
The only Geo-Textile fiber additive we recommend and use in all of our arena builds is GGT. With its specific blend of fine, hair-like particles and larger textile pieces blended to mimic the root structure of natural grass footing. The stabilizing characteristics of this fiber provides equine athletes with a surface that holds moisture, has resilience to compaction and a higher shear resistance than sand alone. We have consulted and built riding arenas all over the world for Olympians, show facilities and private owners. Our all weather and standard footing blends are being used at the current United States Olympic Training Facility and one of the largest jumper show facilities in the South East. Please visit our website for more details www.LongwoodArenas.com