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Born in Rome in 1949, the grand daughter of Herbert Hasel�ne, Carla was always in awe of her illustrious forebears. A trip to the Royal Academy introduced her to the work of Karen Jonzen, England’s leading terraco�a sculptor. In 1982 Carla entered Jonzen’s studio in Fulham, “not” in her own words “to be taught, but to be shown how”.

While animal commissions include the head of a dressage stallion, for Baroness von Zuylen, Carla undertakes studies of subjects which her illustrious grand father never tackled; cockerels, ostriches, hares and even a black panther.


Exhibi�ons of Carla’s sculpture have been held in Florida, New York, Paris and London, and her work resides in private collec�ons throughout the world, including Tokyo and New York.

Carla shares the Hasel�ne passion for a�en�on to detail and professionalism. Her nudes exude elegant ero�cism; her portrait busts show close a�en�on to the physical a�ributes of her si�er, and also communicate their character. The animals she portrays, be they dog, wild boar or barn owl, have an exuberance and life of their own. From naturalis�c to more stylised renderings, she shares her great-grandfather’s and grandfather’s desire for perfec�on.

Story By Michelle Edgerton

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