WINDSOR ANNOUNCES PNC BANK AS PRESENTING SPONSOR OF ITS 2022 CHARITY POLO CUP The Ocean Research & Conservation Association and Environmental Learning Center also named the two benefitting charities of the biennial event
Charitable Foundation board is pleased to announce the return of PNC Bank as the presen�ng sponsor for the 2022 Windsor Charity Polo Cup. Addi�onally, the Ocean Research & Conserva�on Associa�on (ORCA) and the Environmental Learning Center (ELC) have been selected as the event’s two benefi�ng chari�es. Net proceeds for the biennial polo event, taking place Feb. 19, 2022, over President’s Day weekend, will be donated equally to both chari�es in support of their respec�ve causes. “Suppor�ng the preserva�on efforts by ORCA, the na�on’s first technology-based marine conserva�on organiza�on, and ELC’s mission to educate, inspire and empower people to be ac�ve stewards of the environment, aligns closely with PNC’s na�onal environmental and sustainability more efforts,” said Cressman Bronson, PNC regional president of Southeast Florida. “We are proud of our con�nual involvement with Windsor Charity Polo Cup and its efforts to raise funds for such meaningful chari�es.”
“All of us at the Environmental Learning Center are thrilled to have been chosen as a co-beneficiary of the Windsor Polo event this February,” added Barbara Schli� Ford, the organiza�on’s execu�ve director. “Windsor is a premier, interna�onally known residen�al enclave and we are so proud to be working with these special The 2020 Charity Polo Cup raised $333,000 for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River County, the Literacy Services of In- neighbors. They embrace their role as stewards of this unique ecodian River County, and the Humane Society of Vero Beach & system. We look forward to an impac�ul and long-las�ng partnership with this local treasure.” Indian River County local community chari�es - the highest amount of charitable dollars in the event’s history. Sponsorships are available for purchase now. For the latest informa�on on the 2022 Windsor Charity Polo Cup, visit “The Founda�on’s goal for the biennial polo event is to give back to our local community. For the 2022 event, we selected two environmentally focused organiza�ons to �������������������������������������������������������� support, which are doing excep�onal work in the areas of ������������������������������������������������������������������������� protec�ng cri�cal habitats, research and educa�on,” said ����������������������������������������������������������������������� Betsy Hanley, president of Windsor and vice chair of the ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Founda�on board. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Both chari�es selected this year have several Windsor Members as supporters and donors. Event beneficiaries play an ac�ve role in the success of the event and serve on the event planning commi�ee. “ORCA is incredibly grateful to be named a beneficiary of the 2022 Windsor Charity Polo Cup. This support comes at a cri�cal �me for our organiza�on and for the Indian River Lagoon,” said Dr. Edie Widder, ORCA president, CEO and senior scien�st.
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