Florida Equestrian Show Season guide 2022 issue

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Hunt Season Schedule 2021 - 2022

Misty Morning Hounds begins their 27th Hunt Season. Founded in 1995, they became Registered with the MFHA in 1997, and then Recognized in 1999. This season, all Saturday meets will be formal, except as posted here or added on the Hot-line. Please wear white shirts, stock �e, tan breeches, black jacket, black helmet & boots. Informal is the same, except white polo or other appropriate shirt & hacking jacket. Anyone that has worn scarlet in the past, or led a Field in the past, please wear your scarlet at the meets, or a red shirt to the meets on informal days. As always, please, no square saddle pads.

Membership WILL include a Subscribing Membership to the MFHA, unless you are already an exis�ng member (whether through private membership or par�cipa�on through another hunt). MFHA membership runs Jan - Dec.

Membership also allows you to par�cipate in Jumping Sundays for free, and saves you the grounds fee at Hunter Paces. It does not include schooling at TPP, which is $20 for members ($25 for non-members). Alexis will hunt the hounds, Mallory will Whip, Suzanne will also Capping Fee is $50, except on our ceremonial meet days of Nov. help Whip. Lisa Hughes is our Field Secretary. Stella & Maria will 13, Dec. 11, and March 12, when it will be $75. Junior caps will lay the drag. Fieldmasters will be arranged the day of the Hunt. be $ 35 and $ 50 respec�vely. Unless otherwise posted on the Hotline, all hunt breakfasts We ask that any Tally Ho people donate $15 to the hounds, and will be bring your own, or some-thing to share. Always bring whatever you would like to drink. We will provide paper plates tally ho dona�ons are $40 on the ceremonial days. and flat-ware. · This will be a simple, “have-fun” kind of season. Our goal is to keep the hounds together, keep people behind them, and come MEMBERSHIP in happy & laughing, with all hounds on, all riders on... and all $850 for Adult Individual, hounds & horses safe! We’ll have our 4 new puppies out this $550 1/2 season or Junior member, or season, so be prepared for some unbeliev-able cry & ac�on! $1800 Family. (Family includes only spouses & minor children living with the parents.)




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