Collecting Souveniers Tha When you travel, do you buy souvenirs? I do. However, I don’t select an item simply because I like it without first considering a few basic qualifications.
cards for a game, the backs remind us of the trip and we have fun meandering down memory lane while playing. During the process of decorating our tree, we talk about each unique object and the trip when we acquired it while placing them on display For starters, is it affordable? I’ll among the branches. The paperweight coladmit this particular requirement lection was started by varies from time to time. As I my ancestors; each of my recall, the most expensive item I ever took home unexpectedly was grandmothers had an antique glass ball which a winter coat purchased in Aurepresented something gust. It seemed outlandish at the from their family heritage. time, if not downright silly, but it I had given an additional was a design I had never seen beone to each of them to go fore (nor since) and every winter when I wear it, I am glad I have it. with theirs for Christmas one year because I was The second question I ask myfascinated with the way self is also one which varies from those blobs of glass had trip to trip. Do I have enough been made into works of room for it? Depending on the size of the item and the size of my art. As a result, the original two were given back to me suitcase factored into the number after their funerals. A new of people traveling in my car and collection was begun. They need their travel bags, it sometimes is the deciding factor in my decision. to be dusted regularly, but I’ve My next consideration is useful- noticed family members looking ness. Other than being a remind- at them occasionally. Whether they like the way they catch the er of your destination, does it serve any useful purpose? I think light or they are remembering them in their previous home is I can safely answer this question with a firm yes. You see, in recent unknown. Either way, they give me pleasure. years, I have narrowed down my The items in my last category mementos to four items: playing probably get the most use. Refrigcards which have photos of the erator magnets are both functional location, Christmas tree ornaand decorative. I try to keep the ments depicting the locale, glass decorative ones on the front and paperweights and/or refrigerator the functional ones on the sides, magnets. but alas, they sometimes gravitate When we pull out a deck of -10- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ January, 2022
from place to place. Speaking of which, I have a new one to be placed among the ever-growing display in my kitchen. I’m still not sure where it will be placed. I almost forgot about it, but I think most of you will understand when I explain why. I just returned home yesterday from a trip and have been unpacking and doing laundry all day. Intermittently during the process, I was trying to think of something to write about this month. Then this afternoon, I found a small, plain brown bag in my suitcase containing the magnet with a phrase on it