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Extended Weekend Getaways - Dec. 2023
Up Close From the Editor
What can I say about Christmas that hasn’t already been said multiple ways and many times over? What tips and words of wisdom can I offer that hasn’t already been given? Two recent holidays are now past (Halloween and Thanksgiving) and we are at the half-way mark to complete the other two (Christmas and New Year’s). Then the calendar pages will speed on toward the next special days of - Valentine’s Day and President’s Day.
As I get older and the clocks keep turning, I sometimes feel the activities, events and destinations are whirling around in my head so fast that it makes me dizzy. Every month, I receive more press releases, phone messages, social media tags and emails than the month before. They just keep coming and flowing all over my desk (and it’s a huge one) to where I have given up any thoughts of trimming the list down to share only a few.
Where does the time go? The clock in my office chimes the time every hour and I could swear it goes off every 10 minutes.
Let’s face it. There are just so many wonderful places to go, things to do and people to see to fill our weekends with holiday magic, I MUST share them all. But alas, the deadline is here once again and I must give in to closing down this issue. But there’s always more to come in our weekly newsletters, and before you know it, the New Year will be here for another wonderful issue filled with ideas for your next extended weekend getaways. Until then, I wish you the very best “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”
May you remember the reason for the Season!
Kathy Barnett, Managing Editor