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Sports Spot: World Feild Target Championship
Mesa, Arizona, has been selected to host the World Field Target Championship at the Rio Salado Sportsman’s Club from November 13-17, 2024, where up to 300 athletes from around the globe will engage in four to five hours of intense competition each day.
Mesa was selected out of 36 potential locations in the United States, and the city now adds its name to the list of previous host countries, including Italy, South Africa, New Zealand and Lithuania. The last time the United States hosted the event was in 2007.
“(Visit) Mesa has been instrumental in the process of bringing the best event possible to the world stage. We are incredibly grateful for their support,” said Garrett Kwakkestein, the event’s Match Director. “Mesa offers incredible resources for our competitors that are just unmatched in most parts of the country.”
The World Field Target Championship event is sanctioned yearly by the World Field Target Federation. The 45 member countries are allocated an equal number of guaranteed slots, while Team USA is chosen from competitors ranking at both the National Championship and the Grand Prix Series of select events held across the United States.
“We are deeply honored that Mesa was chosen as the destination to host the World Field Target Championship,” said Visit Mesa President and CEO Marc Garcia. “This prestigious event not only brings international acclaim to Mesa, but also demonstrates how our fantastic weather and our city’s top-tier facilities and attractions make us one of the Southwest’s top destinations for hosting world-class sporting events.”
Field Target, a competitive airgun sport, utilizes rifles similar to those used in the Olympic 10-meter indoor event. Registration and an updated lineup for the 2024 World Championships can be found at www.wftc2024.com.