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Extended Weekend Getaways - March 2024
Up Close:
From the Editor
Can the month get any fuller? I know we are all looking forward to Spring, now that Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow. Many are already planning their Spring Break activities and destinations. March holds both St. Patrick’s Day and Easter this year. We could add all the different national days, like National Pig Day (bacon anyone?), National Dentist’s Day (don’t need any root canals today, thanks anyway), National Pound Cake Day (I’ll take two, please), and Employee Appreciation Day. (Now I can identify with this one!
Just this past week, it was announced that a long-time member, good friend and active leader in our church is soon leaving to take a new position in another location. Another member tearfully responded, “It’s so sad we take people we care about most for granted until they are gone. Then it’s too late.” So I am taking the time right now to compliment my staff members and let them know how much I do appreciate each and every one on a daily basis. I like to think of them as my Weekender Family more than I do “employees” because if it wasn’t for them, this magazine would not be possible.
I also consider my loyal readers an important part of my weekender family. You see, if we didn’t have you, there would be no need to seach for and find the best places to go, things to do and people to see so we can share them in our articles with you.
When it comes to unusual works of art for this issue, I claim our travel writers to be the most artistic of all as they worked to bring you just the right words to describe their travel experiences. So join me now and browse through this issue to see if you agree with me.
And Happy St. Patrick’s Day,
Happy Easter & Happy Everything Else Days
Kathy Barnett, Editor In Chief