Australia’s leading real estate agent comparison platform, forecasts what sellers and investors can expect in the property market for the first half of 2025.
“Our data on seller intentions indicates that, in early 2025, New South Wales and Victoria will have 31 per cent stronger listing activities compared to Queensland and Western Australia,” said Suresh Raghavan (pictured), Acting CEO of LocalAgentFinder
For transaction volumes, Sydney’s high-value market typically dominates in New South Wales. Sydney is expected to see increased selling activity
in 2025 driven by interest rates remaining high and weakening house prices, making the property market more attractive to buyers. This enhanced affordability, combined with rising buyer confidence, will provide an opportunity for sellers to capitalise on.
“The growth in house sales in Melbourne, will be due to the continued distress sales of homes notably due to financial stress and rising interest rates,” he said.
“The increase in land tax and the changes in negative gearing has placed additional financial pressure on property owners and is expected to prompt more sales activity.”
Raghavan emphasises the importance of careful planning and speed to market:
“For sellers, the first half of 2025 is shaping up to be a promising window to achieve strong results.
Early movers who list in the first quarter of the year, to capitalise on the buyer activity as the market reawakens after the summer holidays, can benefit from less competition and heightened buyer interest,” he said.
“For investors, while the rental market remains strong, understanding the broader economic factors and local trends will be key to ensuring long-term success. The mid-year period could present opportunities as
Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is expected to reduce the interest rates and create an uptick in the property market.”
A platform such as LocalAgentFinder connects homeowners, and investors with experienced real estate agents who understand the unique dynamics of their local markets, offering a transparent platform to compare agents based on expertise, fees, sales history and reviews, ensuring sellers and investors have the insights they need to make confident decisions.
“Sellers using LocalAgentFinder to connect with an agent go to market in as little as one to three weeks. This can be up to three times faster than those who don’t connect with a LocalAgentFinder agent. Timing and strategy are key in a competitive environment, and working with the right agent can make all the difference,” Raghavan said. For more information, visit www.localagentfinder.com.au.
Upcoming releases in Marian’s Mana, Oran Park
Oran Park Sales Office
Jeff Webb • 9043 7500
What is so great about this property?
Marian’s Mana is a prestigious master-planned community offering architecturally designed residences in one of south-west Sydney’s fastest-growing neighbourhoods.
Nestled between the Oran Park Town Centre and its many amenities and the proposed Lake Pondicherry precinct, with its
foreshores, boardwalks, cafés and activity spaces, this family-friendly neighbourhood brings the best of both worlds to your every day.
With easy access to Brooking Park, Whiteman Park, DawsonDamer Park and the proposed 10-hectare lake, you’ll always find the perfect spot for a walk, picnic or quiet reading spot, moments from your front door.
has a real Real Estate, her enthusiasm and drive is reason she
Jocelyn Marrian hasareal passion for RealEstate, her enthusiasm and drive is the reasonshe has joined @realty.
Who does this property suit?
Anyone who’s wanting a more relaxed lifestyle, up-market living without many of the chores that comes with premium homes.
Tell us about the suburb this property is in?
Oran Park Town is a master planned development, designed and being built for a thriving community.
Greenfields Development Company began Oran Park in 2010 and its projected to complete the Town in the early 2040s. The Oran Park Town Centre is at the heart of the master-planned development offering residential, commercial and retail offerings as well as substantial civic and community amenities for residents and daily workers.
Visit today!
Good knowledge
Jocelyn provided an excellent and professional service in theselling of the house. Jocelyn was very knowledgeable, and her communicationwas excellent. Jocelyn made the process of selling the house seamless.I would highly recommend her service.
the selling house her communication was excellent seamless I service
Jocelyn has lived andworkedin the Penrith area for over 30yrs with an extensive networkof clients and friends. In an industrythat is all about property,Jocelynispassionate about people, sheiscommitted to deliveringwhatshe promises and getting herclients thebest results!
Verified by RateMyAgent
Highly recommend
the price easy to
Very professional, sold house quickly and for theprice we wanted and very easyto talk to Verified by RateMyAgent
@realty i sa modern and forward thinking rea le stat ea genc yt hat is growing every day, b ringin gaf resh upgrad et oa n industry t hat ha s been largely unchanged for severa ld ecades. The bricks an dm ortar model of agencies requiring as hopfront is g one.
T h e m o d e r n r e a l e s t a t e p r o f e s s i o n a l i s a w a r e t h a t t h e n e
s h o p f r o n t w i n d o w i s o n l i n e a n d h a s a d a p t e d b y b e i n g m o b i l e a n
t e c h s a v v y A r m e d w i t h t h e l a t e s t t e c h n o l o g i e s e v e r y @ r e a l t y a s s o c i a t e h a s a c c e s s t o a c o u d - b a s e d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e s o f t w a r
p a c k a g e p r o v i d i n g c o m p l e t e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t y o u r p r o p e r t y a n d
The modern real estat ep rofessiona li sa war et ha tt he ne w s hopfront window is online and has adapted by being mobile an d tech savvy .A rmed wit ht he latest technologies every @realt y a ssociate has a ccess t oac l oud-base da dministrative softwar e packag ep r oviding complete informatio na bout you rp r operty and the ability to update your p roperty’s details online anywhere, anytime .
t h e a b i l i t y t o u p d a t e y o u r p r o p e r t y ’ s d e t a i l s o n l i n e a n y w h e r e , a n y t i m e
T h e o n c e p t o f @ r e a l t y r e v o l v e s a r o u n d t h e i n d i v i d u a l r e a l e s t a t p r o f e s s i o n a l T h i s m e a n s @ r e a l t y a s s o c i a t e s a r e n o t u r d e n e d b y
t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s t h a t a r e c o m m o n i n o s t r e a l e s t a t e o f f i c e s , o r i s t r a c t i o n s t h a t c a n c o m e w i t h a b u s y f f i c e I n s t e a d H e a d o f f i c e f f e r s a l a r g e e a m f o c u s e d o n o u r a g e n t s s u p p o r t w i t h A
The c oncep to f@ realty revolves around the individual real estat e professional. Thi sm eans @realt ya ssociates are not b urdened by the requirement st ha ta re common in m ost real estate offices, or d istractions t hat ca nc ome with ab usy o ffice. Instea dH ea do ffice o ffer sal arge t eam focused on ou ra g ent ss upport with Admin, M arketing, IT, legal ,f inanc e a llowing th eA gent st ow ork in th eb est interest of Y OU, th ec lient. Contact J ocely nM arrian on: 040 516 4446 https://www.ratemyagent.com.au/real-estate-agent/jocelyn-marrian
Verified by RateMyAgent and worked in the network of friends industry that all property, Jocelyn is passionate she is committed to delivering what she her clients the best
JocelynMarrian is atrue gem andI highly recommend hertopeople lookingto buy or sell
Jocelyn made the whole experienceapleasure she had great communication and her understanding of themarket and what we could do toothe property to bring it from thepastto the present and more appealing to potential buyers.Her level of care and professionalism took us from being nervous to excited even taking time out off hoursto answer calls andquestions thatI had.The staging of houseand furniture choicemade it feel warm and inviting With theadvertisement and photos in the lead up to theopen house wastruely amazing On the day of The open home there wasagreat turnout and Jocelyn gotusagreat result on the firstday the house wason the market. I will recommend Jocelyn Marrianto anyone lookingtobuy or sell.
Verified by RateMyAgent
Jocelyn Marrian a true and I her to people looking to experience a pleasure the market we too the the past to buyers Her professionalism hours to and questions that I had The house and choice made the advertisement the open was truely amazing The was a great got us a great on first day was on market recommend Marrian to looking to buy or sell Verified by
Exceeds Expectations
We chose to useJocelyn to sell our property after having previouslybought our property through her and having been impressed by her communication, skills and expertise. Jocelyn has gone above and beyond to help us through thesaleprocess. Her communication is frequent and thorough and ensures we know what is happening every step of the way. She ensured our propertywas in its best position to sell andsold aboveour asking price on the first open house.Jocelyn has been exceptionally supportive throughout the sale periodwith both ourselves and the purchasers and has gone beyond her role to ensure that everyone hadwhatthey needed and knew each step of the process and whatto expect. Would 100% recommend using Jocelyn
Verified by RateMyAgent
Fast andefficient
use Jocelyn property after previously bought her expertise gone beyond to us the sale process and ensures every step of way ensured our property was in to and sold above our on the first house Jocelyn has been sale period with the has gone her to ensure everyone had what they each process what to expect 100% using by and efficient
Jocelyn is Amazing !!!!
Ourproperty sold after the first openhome.Jocelyn even got the price aboveour expected sale price. She worked hardtoget the deal done even with the issues regarding our areas reputation of land issues.Our land /property is not effected but still caused afew massive hurdles. Jocelyn made everything easy and accommodatedus with ourbusy work/life schedule. Alot wasdone behind the scenes and Ican’t thank her enough for allthe effort she has putin. If your looking for someone to sell your property with efficiently and no fussI highly recommend Jocelyn
Our property open home Jocelyn above our price hard to get our areas issues Our /property but a few hurdles Jocelyn accommodated us our busy schedule A lot was done behind I can’t her for all the put in your fuss I Jocelyn by RateMyAgent
• 3 generous-sized bedrooms, all tted with built-in robes • 2 generous living rooms, one with replace • Modern kitchen equipped with a dishwasher, ample pantry space, and a ducted rangehood • Dining room features skylight that lls the room with natural light • Renovated bathroom tiled up to the ceiling with an additional toilet • Roomy laundry • Roller shutters • Floorboards throughout • Spacious backyard • Under cover alfresco • Covered carport and concreted driveway for extra car spaces • Nestled on a 562sqm • Zoned R2 with
M: 0428 934 618
E: gizzellepowell@remax.com.au
GIZZELLE P OWELL M: 0428 934 618 E: gizzellepowell@remax.com.au
Ma rian’s Mana is a pre stig iou s maste r-plan ne d pre ci nct offer i ng prem iu m land lots and a rchite ct ural ly des ig ne d res idence s i n one of South-West S yd ney’s faste st-g rowi ng com mu nities.
Located near Oran Park ’s most popular amenities and shopping precinct, Marian’s Mana invites you to enjoy an addres s that blends nature with urban conveniences. It ’s a place you’ll want to call ho me
*Artist impression
Christmas holidays are when you have more free time, so perhaps you are considering getting a new gaming console. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just dipping your toes into the gaming universe, choosing the right console can significantly impact your experience. Let’s explore the top contenders, their pros and cons, and how to find your perfect match.
PlayStation 5 (PS5)
• Stunning graphics: The PS5 delivers jaw-dropping visuals and seamless performance, making it a powerhouse for gaming enthusiasts.
• Exclusive titles: Sony’s first-party exclusives (including ‘God of War’, ‘Spider-Man’, and ‘Horizon Forbidden West’) are a major draw.
• Unified experience: The PlayStation ecosystem offers a cohesive gaming community and features like Share Play and PlayStation Plus.
Disadvantages: The PS5 isn’t cheap, especially if you opt for the high-end version.
Subscription details: It has three subscription tiers, ranging from $12 to $22 a month, and each includes a range of games.
Xbox Series X and S Series
• Graphics and performance: The Xbox Series X competes head-to-head with the PS5 in terms of graphical prowess.
• Exclusive titles: Microsoft’s first-party exclusives (including ‘Flight Simulator’, ‘Stalker 2’ and ‘Arc 2’) are a major draw.
• Backward compatibility: Play older Xbox titles seamlessly.
• Like the PS5, the Xbox Series X isn’t budget friendly.
• Xbox S Series sacrifices some graphical power and storage capacity compared to the Series X. But it is at a lower price
Subscription details: Xbox Game Pass provides a vast library of games for a subscription fee ranging from $14 to $23
Nintendo Switch Advantages:
• Versatility: Play on your TV or take it on the go.
• Exclusive Nintendo titles: ‘Zelda’, ‘Mario’, and ‘Animal Crossing’ are Switch staples.
• Family-friendly: Great for multiplayer and family gaming.
Disadvantages: Graphically, it is not as powerful as the other consoles.
Subscription details: $5 per month
How to choose the right console
To determine the best console for you, consider the following factors: Gaming preferences:
• The PS5 or Xbox Series X might be a better choice if you prefer immersive singleplayer games.
• The Xbox Series X or Nintendo Switch might be more suitable if you enjoy online multiplayer games.
• The Nintendo Switch is a great option for casual and family gaming.
• The Xbox Series S and Nintendo Switch are more budget-friendly and affordable.
• The PS5 and Xbox Series X offer the best performance but have a higher price tag. Exclusive titles:
• If you want a game only available on a particular console, it’s an easy decision. By carefully considering these factors, you can decide on and select the gaming console that best suits your gaming needs and preferences.
The silly season is over and it’s time to get back into routine, including regular exercise (especially if this was one of your New Year’s resolutions)!
Why not combat the after effects of the festive celebrations this year by adding exercise to your post-Christmas to-do list?
Regular exercise is incredibly important for both physical and mental health and well-being, but running, going to the gym or group sport isn’t for everyone, particularly if you have mobility issues of any type.
Water exercise is a perfect place to start for many of us. Water is 15 times more resistant than air, so many people use water resistance training when injured to maintain their cardiovascular fitness with less impact and stress on joints, bones and muscles due to the buoyancy of water. The support provided by the water also makes it an ideal environment for post workout recovery and stretching, and provides relief for sufferers of arthritis, back pain, heart disease, obesity, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis.
Aquarobics isn’t just for the oldies as it has sometimes been perceived but can be a highly challenging and effective workout.
Aquatic exercise is one of the most effective ways to train whilst putting less stress on the body and increasing your range of motion,
regardless of your age, gender or fitness level!
We offer a range of classes in both shallow and deep water for all ages, plus gentle classes for seniors or rehab, and options for pre and
post natal women, with a group of fun and friendly instructors. The beauty of Aquarobics is that you can work at your own pace, and that the exercise is low impact, so much
kinder to knees, hips, backs and ankles. Just as importantly – it’s set to music, is great fun, mood boosting, non-intimidating and very social – providing wonderful benefits for both body and mind! Grab a friend and come and join us to see what all the fuss is about. But I warn you – Aquarobics is addictive! Just ask the participants who have been coming along for five, 10 and in some cases 20 years!
Lap swimming is the ultimate all-in-one exercise, working most muscles in the body with every stroke, increasing flexibility and muscle endurance.
Muscles are strengthened and toned as a result of water resistance, core strength is improved, and the nature of breathing whilst swimming promotes greater lung capacity. We offer squad swimming, or Kids Swim 4 Fitness as an alternative for children and teenagers who like to swim purely for fitness, without the training schedule and competitive aspect that comes with squads.
Joining a local swim club is a great way to swim, race and socialise with other fans of swimming, and membership is open to both competitive and social swimmers.
Whichever option you choose, please observe basic swim safety and enjoy your water workouts this summer.
See you next week!
As heart disease continues to be one of the leading causes of death worldwide, more attention is being paid to the importance of heart health and the role exercise plays in maintaining a strong, healthy heart.
Regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to protect and improve heart function throughout your life.
Exercise helps the heart in multiple ways, beginning with its ability to improve cardiovascular fitness. When you engage in activities like walking, running, swimming, or cycling, your heart works harder, which in turn strengthens the muscle of your heart over time. A stronger heart can pump blood more efficiently, delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout
the body with less effort. This improved efficiency lowers the overall strain on the heart, resulting in a reduced risk of heart disease.
One of the most significant ways exercise benefits heart health is by helping to regulate blood pressure. Regular physical activity has been
shown to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which are key factors in preventing hypertension, a risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Consistent aerobic exercise, such as walking or cycling, helps keep blood pressure within a healthy range.
Exercise also plays a
crucial role in lowering cholesterol levels. Physical activity increases levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol) while simultaneously lowering levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides. This helps prevent the build-up of plaque in the
arteries, which can lead to atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular issues. Moreover, regular exercise supports a healthy weight, which is essential for heart health. Maintaining a healthy body weight reduces the risk of developing conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, all of which increase the strain on the heart.
The impact on exercise on heart health is clear: it strengthens the heart, regulates blood pressure, improves cholesterol levels, and reduces the risk of chronic conditions that contribute to cardiovascular disease. Daily walking is one of the most accessible and effective ways to protect your heart. So, lace up those sneakers and take a step toward a healthier heart – your future self will thank you.
The New Year is a time to reflect, set goals, and embrace fresh beginnings. While resolutions like exercising more, eating better, or losing weight often top our personal lists, our pets deserve some focus too! After all, they bring us love and joy every day, and their health and happiness should be a priority as we move into 2025.
Schedule a vet visit
The holiday season is often hectic, making it easy to overlook routine pet care. Start the year by scheduling a veterinary check-up to assess your pet’s overall health, update vaccinations, and review parasite preventatives. A proactive approach ensures your furry friend stays healthy all year round.
Update your pet’s registration
Microchipping is a lifesaver for lost pets, but it’s only effective if your contact details are up to date. Fireworks and thun-
derstorms during the summer months often cause pets to go missing. Take a moment to update your pet’s registration details with your local council or the NSW Pet Registry. This simple task could make all the difference in reuniting with your pet if they ever wander off.
Enhance training and behaviour
A well-trained dog is not only a joy to live with but also safer in tricky situations. Whether you’re reinforcing basic commands or tackling specific challenges, improving your pet’s training strengthens your bond and boosts their confidence.
Get fit together
If weight loss or fitness is on your agenda, why not include your pet? Gradually increase the length of your walks and explore new trails together. It’s a fantastic way to bond, enjoy the outdoors, and improve both your health and theirs. Always ensure your
dog is leashed and under control for everyone’s safety.
Create a safe and stimulating home
Since pets spend much of their time at home, creating a safe and engaging environment is key. Secure harmful substances in inaccessible cabinets and provide toys or activities to keep their minds active. A happy, entertained pet is a healthy one.
Make time for play
Pets thrive on interaction. For dogs, games like fetch provide exercise and mental stimula tion, while cats love chasing laser pointers or batting at toys that mimic prey. Regular playtime not only keeps them active but also deepens your connection.
Start anytime! New Year’s resolutions aren’t just for January – you can work on these goals year-
round. By focusing on your pet’s well-being, you’re investing in a healthier, more fulfilling life for both of you.
We’re here to support you and your pet every step of the way.
Boho Astro
© Joanne Madeline Moore 2023
On Monday morning (Sydney time) the Sun transits into your sign, and then it links up with Pluto. So prepare for a week full of strong feelings, intense encounters and powerful insights as you start a new cycle of growth and transformation. Plus – with proactive Mars reversing through your job and well-being zone – it’s time to review your work habits, daily diet and exercise program. Small tweaks, revisions and reboots could make all the difference.
Uranus (in Taurus) motivates you to be more adventurous with the way you look and the personal projects you take on, as you widen your perspective, experiment and explore. But Uranus is only transiting through Taurus until July 7, and it won’t be back in your sign until 2102. So get moving, changing and updating ASAP! Draw inspiration from actress and producer Geena Davis (who was born on January 21), “If you risk nothing, then you risk everything.”
The week starts with the Sun and Pluto pairing up in your partnership zone, so expect close relationships to be intense and conversations to be complicated. There could also be something secretive or mysterious going on involving a loved one. Don’t accept things at face value … ask questions and dig deeper! Attached Cats … this week emotions run high, and passions run deep. Singles … you could be attracted to someone with a powerfully magnetic personality.
The week starts with a domestic drama (or two!) as Pluto (your patron planet) links up with the fiery Sun. Expect family fiascos, intense feelings, power plays and/or passionate outbursts. Mars is reversing through your travel and education zone (until February 24) so make sure you double-check your business trip itinerary, holiday booking or study plans. And avoid getting drawn into a heated discussion/argument about the big two – politics and religion.
The planets highlight your humanitarian and helping zones, as you concentrate on the needs of those around you. You’re keen to get involved with a project from behind-the-scenes but be careful you don’t get lost in a fantasy world. With earthy, practical Saturn still transiting through your sign, keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Your motto for the moment is from birthday great, writer Virginia Woolf, “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”
22 TO JUNE 21
The Sun/Pluto hook-up favours broadening your horizons via travel, adventure and education. With Jupiter jumping through your sign, it’s time to be positive and confident as you socialise and fraternise, sparkle and shine. Lucky opportunities and fortuitous connections will take you places. Your motto for the week is from birthday great, fashion designer Christian Dior, “Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest.”
Venus is visiting your relationship zone until February 4, which encourages you to hold out the olive branch of peace to a friend or family member as you crank up your diplomatic skills, sympathise and compromise. Creative communication and smart negotiation are the secrets to smooth partnerships, as you take the time to talk things through. You could also make plans to travel overseas, learn another language or take on voluntary work in 2025.
Sociable, generous Jupiter (your patron planet) is transiting through your relationship zone, so you’re at your chatty, charming best. But are you worried about your bank balance? Avoid going on a spontaneous spending spree or lending money to dubious people. You’re liable to make impulsive decisions based purely on your fiery emotions, which are fluctuating wildly, courtesy of retrograde Mars. It is a good week to read, reflect, research and revise.
Mars is reversing through your domestic zone until February 24. So it’s a good time to fix things around the house, clean, de-clutter, detox, renovate and/ or reboot a troubled family relationship. Make sure you eat well, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep and do all you can to conserve energy and boost vitality. Be inspired by fellow Aries, designer William Morris, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
22 TO JULY 22
On Tuesday, the Sun and Pluto link up in your ‘money-from-others’ zone. Which is good news for financial matters involving investments, superannuation, inheritance, taxes and joint ventures – as long as you are responsible, resourceful and adopt a patient, long-term strategy. But with dynamic Mars reversing through your sign (until February 24) you may feel tired and lack motivation. Clever Crabs will slow down, conserve energy and think things through.
Proactive Mars is reversing through your career zone until February 24. So a professional relationship could end up in a confusing mess if you misread each other’s words, actions or motives. Avoid jumping to conclusions and (when in doubt) don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. Venus (your ruling planet) is transiting through your daily routine zone, which favours socialising with colleagues and enjoying the simple things in life like a walk in the park.
This week Mercury is visiting Capricorn, and the Sun and Pluto link up in your self-esteem zone, so there is the tendency to be very intense, self-critical, and take yourself way too seriously. But Jupiter is visiting your health zone, so it’s time to relax, let your hair down and have some fun – for the sake of your mental and physical well-being! Be inspired by poet (and birthday great) Lord Byron, “Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.”
32. Compass direction (1,1,1)
35. Word jumble
37. Demanded
38. Summoning up (feelings)
40. Chilean mountains
41. Valleys
42. Undo (trousers)
43. More protected
44. Shows terror
47. Collapsed (of economy)
51. Sometimes, once in ... (1,5)
52. Genuflects
53. Identifying
54. Dog breed
58. Fourth month
59. Soviet Union intelligence agency (1,1,1)
61. Sister’s daughter
63. Even
64. Stood on hind legs
65. Australian lizard
66. Sleazy grins
68. Goes out
71. Pluckier
72. Nocturnal insect
74. Underdone (steak)
76. Smashes into
78. Covet
80. Distinguished visitor (1,1,1)
83. White ... sheet (2,1)
Find all the words listed hidden in the grid of letters. They can be found in straight lines up, down, forwards, backwards or even diagonally.
Last week’s solution
Test your knowledge about entertainer Robbie Williams in our special trivia quiz this week...
1. What is the title of the Robbie Williams biopic, which was released on Boxing Day?
2. What former boy band was Robbie Williams a member of before being axed?
3. Robbie Williams has performed duets with two Australian icons – who were they?
4. How old did Robbie Williams turn in 2024?
5. In what year was Robbie Williams’ last major tour of Australia?
6. What was the title of Robbie Williams’ Christmas album?
7. Which two Spice Girls has Robbie Williams had a relationship with?
Starting at the selected white letter, move in any direction (but use each letter once only) to make a three-word phrase (5,8,3) related to the cartoon.
Letters A to Z have a number value, some are shown in the right hand cells. Create remaining values using clues in centre cells.
Fill in 1 to 6, in each row across and down, and in each rectangle.
Letters A to Z have a number value Some are shown in the right hand cells Create remaining values using clues in centre cells
A K+P N E-O 2
B T×P 24 O N+V
C P+N P Q×P 3
G Z+C T Q+Z H S-R U Q+G 13
T+V W Q+P 4
© Ken Egan - AK1131
Find twelve words beginning with ‘s’ from these jumbled letters.
Will Mr. Wolf relieve Little Red Riding Hood of her basket of goodies?
JIGSAW:Piece number 2. WORD TRAIL:“Hoppy Birthday Roo”
PUZZLE PLAY: SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: 1. One of the girl’s hair ties is missing. 2. The girl’s dress is longer. 3. One of the ears on the balloon dog is at a different angle. 4. The cats tail is upside down. 5. A branch on the tree in the picture is lower.
HIDDEN WORDS: Serpent, spent, sent, set, seen, seat, seep, sat, sap, steer,steep and strap. Special word: Steer means to guide a vehicle by a steering wheel, rudder or some other mechanical means. To point in a particular direction.
ALFAKODO: PIC PUZZLE: bat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, tat, vat, flat, gnat, slat, scat, spat, brat, frat, that, drat, chat, skat.