Home & Lifestyle September 27 2024

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&Home Lifestyle L


Arare property featuring 44 apartments (43 of which are social housing) and four retail shops has come to market.

In a market starved of completed residential stock and a burgeoning residential market underpinned by net migration, the property is expected to appeal to a broad buyer group seeking to extract the entrapped value from this prime complex.

The property at 315-323 Merrylands Road comprises a well appointed mixed-use develop-

ment of 44 apartments and four retail shops above 69 car spaces on two basement levels.

With a land area of 2,076sqm and a total of 4,985sqm in total strata area, the building was completed in circa 2019 and was recently strata subdivided.

The complex is located 25km west of the Sydney CBD and just 2km south of Parramatta CBD, with Merrylands being the largest town centre and suburb within the Cumberland local government area. The complex enjoys its proximity to Stockland Mall and

Merrylands Station.

The apartments are considered a premium offering in the Merrylands market given their high-quality finishes, well-appointed layouts and ample parking allocation. Internally the apartments feature modern kitchens equipped with gas cooktops and dishwashers.

Typically the floors are carpeted, bathrooms tiled and walls and ceilings plasterboard.

The Colliers team of Matthew Meynell and James Cowan have the exclusive listing on behalf

of vendor, Costa Nicodemou of Newpoint Advisory, with price expectations into the $20 millions.

“Nationally, the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) recorded 380,000 new migrants into Australia through FY2022-FY2023, while only 148,000 new dwellings were built. Within NSW, net overseas migration is forecast to reach a record high +174,000 in FY2023. This alone demonstrates the sharp supply cliff we have already reached and until meaningful stock is delivered to the market we will continue to see strong rental and price growth,” Meynell said.


“The median apartment price in Merrylands is $479,500, whilst the median house price is $1,265,000 meaning the average house is 2.6x more expensive than the average apartment. With the low level of completions throughout 2022, 2023 and 2024, there is an alarming undersupply of apartment stock in this location which is a concern due to the affordability crisis that freehold dwelling prices have created. We expect investors will take this into consideration when conducting their due diligence and ultimately competing on this opportunity,” Cowan added.

315-323 Merrylands Road is for sale via an Expressions of Interest campaign until Thursday, October 10 at 2pm.


Upcoming releases in Marian’s Mana, Oran Park


Oran Park Sales Office

Jeff Webb • 9043 7500


What is so great about this property?

Marian’s Mana is a prestigious master-planned community offering architecturally designed residences in one of south-west Sydney’s fastest-growing neighbourhoods.

Nestled between the Oran Park Town Centre and its many amenities and the proposed Lake Pondicherry precinct, with its

foreshores, boardwalks, cafés and activity spaces, this family-friendly neighbourhood brings the best of both worlds to your every day.

With easy access to Brooking Park, Whiteman Park, DawsonDamer Park and the proposed 10-hectare lake, you’ll always find the perfect spot for a walk, picnic or quiet reading spot, moments from your front door.

Who does this property suit?

Anyone who’s wanting a more relaxed lifestyle, up-market living without many of the chores that comes with premium homes.

Tell us about the suburb this property is in?

Oran Park Town is a master planned development, designed and being built for a thriving community.

Greenfields Development Company began Oran Park in 2010 and its projected to complete the Town in the early 2040s. The Oran Park Town Centre is at the heart of the master-planned development offering residential, commercial and retail offerings as well as substantial civic and community amenities for residents and daily workers. Visit today!

Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or looking to transform your current home into your forever sanctuary, our floors can make all the difference. Our flooring solutions are crafted to adapt to the changing needs and tastes of homeowners at every stage of their lives.

Visit us in-store or view at choicesflooring.com

Ma rian’s Mana is a pre stig iou s maste r-plan ne d pre ci nct offer i ng prem iu m land lots and a rchite ct ural ly des ig ne d res idence s i n one of South-West S yd ney’s faste st-g rowi ng com mu nities.




Located near Oran Park ’s most popular amenities and shopping precinct, Marian’s Mana invites you to enjoy an addres s that blends nature with urban conveniences. It ’s a place you’ll want to call ho me.



C addens

C addens News (C addens Corner)


C ambridge Gardens



Overlander Hotel

C ambridge Park

C ambridge Park Newsagency


Friendly Grocer

C astlereagh

Ampol Ser vice Station

Claremont Meadows

Iga Claremont Meadows

Coly ton

Coly ton Centre Pharmacy

Coly ton Friendly Grocer

Coly ton Hotel

Coly ton Newsagency

Hewitt Street Takeaway


Aldi Cranebrook

Cranebrook Community Health

Cranebrook Village


Mother Earth Nurser y Plus Pharmacy

Woolworths Cranebrook

Emu Plains

Chambers Cellars

Lennox Centre Newsagency


Penrith Regional Galler y Woolworths Lennox Village

7/ 11 Emu Plains (Gre at Western Highway)

7/ 11 Emu Plains (Old Bathurst Rd)

Emu Height s

Super Save Compounding Chemis t

Erskine Park

Ashcroft’s Iga

Erskine Park Ctc

G lenmore Park


Mags News


Medi Advice Pharmacy


J amisontown


Atmosphere Fitness Signature Gym

B att Street Take Away

Grey Gums Hotel

Har vey Norman

New On York Takeaway

Parrabey Gourmet Kitchen

(Penrith Homemaker)

Patt y’s Place

S alt C afé (Penrith Homemaker)

S hell Ser vice Station

The Coffee Club Nepean River

Three Sugars C afé

We stern Weekender

York Takeaway

Zoo Fitness

7/ 11 Jamisontow n

Jordan Springs

Brooks Tavern

Jordan Springs Newsagency


Kemps Creek

C altex Ser vice Station

Kemps Creek Bowling Club


B arista Bar Coff ee Shop

(Nepean Private Hospital)

Countr y Brewer


Kingswood Hotel

Kingswood Newsagency

Kingswood Smash Repairs

Kingswood Sports Club

Penrith Gaels Club

Volunteers Desk Nepean Hospital

7/ 11 Kingswood


Emu Sports Club

Grow C afé (formerly Willow Tree C afé)



Londonderr y

Londonderr y Liquor Store

S hell X Roads


Au stralia Pos t IGA Luddenham

Minchinbur y McDonald's

Minchinbur y Fruit Market


Glenmore Heritage Golf Club

Mulgoa Newsagency

Mulgoa Pharmacy

The Bunker

Nor th St Mar ys

Boronia House (Retirement Community)

MFC Food Stores

Orchard Hills

Flower Power

Oxley Park

Morris C are & Advice Pharmacy




Atmosphere Gym

Au stralian Arms

Brisket Boys

Ca fé Fre d

C altex Coreen Avenue

Coles Penrith (Nepean Village)

Coles ( We stfield Penrith)

Crescent Mini Mar t

High Street Pies

Hoyt s Westfield

Joan Sutherland Arts Centre

Liquor Stax Pe achtree

McDonald's High Street

McDonald's Panthers Le agues

McDonald's Pe achtree

Mercure Hotel

Museum Of Fire

Nepean Aquatic Centre

Nepean Motor Group C afé

Nepean Rowing Club

Nepean Village Coffee Club

Nepean Village Newsagency

Nextra Westfield

O ffice of Karen McKeown MP

One Point Health

Panthers Le agues Club

Pe achtree Hotel

Penrith Bowling Club

Penrith CBD Corporation

Penrith City Council

Penrith City Librar y

Penrith Golf Club

Penrith Hotel

Penrith Paceway

Penrith RSL

Penrith Senior Citizens’ Centre

Pioneer Tavern


Sittano s Restaurant

Tattersalls Hotel

The Chicken Run

The Heritage Terrace C afé

The Log C abin

We stfield

World Gym

7/ 11 Henr y Street


7/ 11 Regentville

Ropes Crossing


Ropes Crossing Newsagency


Mobil Ser vice Station

The Chemist Shop

S outh Penrith

Budget Ser vice Station

Fish Fish

Friendly Grocer

Grose’s Pharmacy

Southlands Newsagency

Borec Road Takeaway (Valley C afé)

Lemongrove Community Health Centre

South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre


St Clair Blue C attle Dog Hotel


St Clair Librar y

St Clair Shopping Centre

7/ 11 St Clair

St Mar ys Andrew ’s Corner Store

Ampol Foodar y Astley Pharmacy

C assand ra’s On Queen

Cr ystal C afé

Guido s Hair C are

Jayam Supermarket

Queen St Newsagency

St Mar ys Band Club

St Mar ys Fish Market

St Mar ys Le agues Club

St Mar ys Librar

McDonald's St Mar ys South Monfar ville Corner Store

The Experts


Lithium-ion batteries, found in a wide range of modern devices, have undoubtedly transformed our lives. However, their widespread use has also brought to light potential safety hazards. They power devices like power banks, portable speakers, and eBikes, making it crucial to be aware of their potential risks.

Lithium-ion batteries are known for their high energy density, which allows them to store a large amount of energy in a compact size. However, this also means they can get hot, and if they get too hot, they can catch fire or even explode. This condition is called ‘thermal runaway’ and can be triggered by overcharging, physical damage, or manufacturing defects.

Many people leave their devices plugged in overnight for convenience. While modern chargers are designed to stop charging once the battery is full, not all devices have this feature. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid leaving

devices plugged in overnight to minimise the risk of overheating and potential fire hazards. Being able to identify the signs of a faulty lithium-ion battery is a key step in preventing accidents.


• Overheating: It may be faulty if the battery becomes excessively hot during use or charging.

• Reduced capacity: If the

Here are some common indicators to look out for:

• Swelling or bulging: A swollen battery is a sign of internal damage and should be discarded safely and replaced

battery discharges quickly or doesn’t hold a charge as long as it used to, it might be nearing the end of its life.

• Unusual smells: A strange smell from the battery can

indicate leakage or other internal issues.

• Watch out for safety recalls

– there is a large recall on power-walls.

By following a few best practices, you can play a significant role in ensuring the safe use of lithium-ion batteries: Use reputable products, avoid overcharging, inspect them regularly, store them in a cool, dry location, and handle them with care.

ABC News reports that the waste and recycling industry puts out over 12,000 fires a year caused by discarded batteries. This underscores the importance of not throwing away lithium-ion batteries in the regular trash, as they can cause fires in garbage trucks or at recycling facilities. Home fires started by lithium-ion batteries are over 200 a year. Toxic fumes caused by the battery, if breathed in, can cause a person to become unconscious in a few breaths. So it is worthwhile checking all your devices for any of the indicators above.


Coincidently, a few years ago I spoke to two tradies on the same day, both had suffered serious long-term injuries from seemingly innocuous workplace falls, with vastly different results.

The first tradie is a new client who came into the office because he was in some financial trouble and was looking for a way out. This client was hardworking, had savings, owned his house midway through minor renovations with a minor mortgage, was living within his means and was doing well. Not the sort of person we think of getting into financial trouble.

Unfortunately, a fall at work resulted in a broken femur and six months without income. This brought about some credit card debts and mortgage payments being put on hold. A loan re-finance was required at a higher interest rate as the client was now considered high risk, despite being a model client for the previous 20 years.

Once back at work, the client was really struggling, barely making repayments with no support behind him – he was just hanging in there. No room for even minor financial setbacks. Regrettably, a second minor injury was the

the renovations to make it sellable. A short-term, high interest loan was required to complete these renovations, the interest on the second loan accrued on top of the original debt.

A few injuries have forced this

straw that broke the camel’s back.

A further two months without income and now the client was behind on the mortgage with no way of rectifying the situation.

The client decided to sell the house, but first he had to finish

client to lose his house. It is a terrible situation and by the time the client came to us there was not much we could do to help.

The second tradie is a long-term client and a fall resulted in his shoulder being so badly damaged

that it he was told almost immediately that he’d never work again. Thankfully, this client had Income Protection and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance.

Since the time of the injury, the client has been receiving an Income Protection payment. This has meant he has been able to meet living costs over this period. The client’s cover is significantly less than what he was earning previously, but enough to meet expenses – he and his wife are getting by. This will continue until he is 65-years-old.

Today we received confirmation that this client was going to receive a lump sum payment from his TPD insurance. This means he can repay the last of his remaining mortgage and will have some funds left over to top up his superannuation so he will be able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle throughout retirement. Having insurance or not having insurance meant a world of difference to these two tradies.

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Making a pledge to The Western Weekender helps ensure our print and digital content continues to thrive. You’re supporting journalism at its most raw level, as we continue to tell Penrith’s stories.

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Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be a daily challenge, with symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, and irregular bowel movements disrupting one’s routine. The diagnosis of IBS is typically made based on a combination of clinical evaluation, medical history, and exclusion of other potential gastrointestinal disorders. There is no specific diagnostic test for IBS. Once diagnosed, it is important to consult with a dietitian to trial ways of managing symptoms. Many individuals find relief through dietary changes, and one approach gaining popularity is the Low FODMAP Diet. FODMAPs, which stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols, are a group of poorly absorbed carbohydrates that can trigger IBS symptoms in sensitive individuals. They are found in common foods, such as wheat, onions, garlic, dairy, certain fruits, and sugar substi-

tutes. The Low FODMAP Diet is a therapeutic dietary approach designed to manage symptoms of IBS. The diet consists of an elimination phase of all FODMAPs to alleviate symptoms, followed by a systematic reintroduction of specific FODMAP groups to identify individual triggers and customise a sustainable, symptom-relief plan.

The duration of the Low FODMAP Diet can vary from

person to person. Typically the initial strict elimination phase lasts two to six weeks. During this period, high-FODMAP foods are avoided to alleviate IBS symptoms. Following the elimination phase, there is a gradual reintroduction of specific FODMAP groups to identify individual triggers. The entire process, including reintroduction and personalisation, may take several weeks to a few months.

It’s important to note that the Low FODMAP Diet should only be conducted under the guidance of an Accredited Practising Dietitian. Dietitians offer personalised guidance where tailored meal plans are created, progress is monitored, and nutritional adequacy is ensured. Dietitians are experts in reintroducing FODMAPs systematically, addressing potential nutritional deficiencies, and offering behavioral support enhances the effectiveness and long-term success of the diet, optimising symptom management for individuals with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Additionally, dietitians collaborate with the healthcare team, such as your GP, to provide comprehensive care aligned with overall health goals.

In essence, a dietitian’s expertise is integral in guiding individuals with IBS through the Low FODMAP Diet, facilitating effective symptom management and improving overall quality of life.

IN THE MIRROR with Cassidy Pearce

If you’re someone who works through the week, sometimes the 5-9 after your 9-5 is the only time you get to yourself. After you commute home, make dinner, and check everything else off your list, you might not even get that.

But, on the odd night you do get to pamper yourself, it’s important to make the most of it.

Here are a few things you can do to elevate your night routine, ensuring that you go to sleep relaxed, and wake up feeling ready for the day.

Step one: Brushing your teeth

For most people, brushing your teeth is like any other chore. But, if you’re not a fan, investing in oral health products that look a little better on your shelf could be the way to

go. LOVEBYT represents a new trend infusing wellness into the simple step of brushing your teeth. Despite being higher in price to your everyday products, their Charcoal and Mint Botanical Toothpaste and Peppermint Botanical Mouthwash look absolutely stunning, and definitely get the job done. Depending on your preferences around oral health, you may not want to use them every day, but it definitely feels fancier than Colgate.

Regardless, it’s important to brush your teeth before moving on to skincare – this ensures that any bacteria will be washed away, and your skin won’t be irritated by toothpaste that might otherwise stick around.

Step two: Skincare

My nighttime skincare routine is my personal favourite time to take some me-time where possible. Though, for me personally, a good cleanser and moisturiser are always necessities, adding a few extra steps does a lot to elevate your evening.

This could be in the form of a few night-specific or active products. Recently, I’ve been loving Bondi Sands’ skincare range. Though previously I’ve only used their tanning

products and sunscreens, their Sweet Dreams Night Moisturiser is absolutely adorable and works incredibly well to keep your skin hydrated while you sleep. For those with acne or looking for anti-ageing benefits, the new Baby Face Retinol Serum is also an easy and affordable way to introduce your skin to a more intense product.

Face masks are also a great way to bunker down and focus on you. The Lust Minerals Clear + Glow Sheet Mask is a great option if you’re looking for hydration and reducing hyperpigmentation.

Or, reach for the Charlotte Tilbury Immediate Eye Revival Patches. Though I wouldn’t recommend these if you have particularly sensitive skin or eyes,

they feel very luxurious and do a great job to reduce puffiness and fine lines.

Step three: Sleep

You’ve brushed your teeth, finished your skincare, and now it’s time to head to bed. But, there are a few more things you can do to ensure you wake up looking and feeling refreshed. For years, I’ve used a satin or silk pillowcase almost exclusively. The brand Slip is my go-to (especially when it’s on sale at Sephora) though any will do. Silk is a lot gentler on your skin, and especially your hair, meaning less time brushing and restyling in the morning.

Recently, I’ve also started using a sleeping mask. Again, mine is from Peter Alexander, though any will do. They’re super cute, and also really help if you struggle to fall asleep.


As the holiday season approaches, many pet owners are preparing to book their dogs into boarding facilities. Whether it’s for the upcoming long weekend or during Christmas, ensuring your dog is up-to-date with vaccinations is vital, especially when they’ll be in close contact with other pets. Boarding facilities typically require proof of vaccination to safeguard all animals, as contagious diseases can spread quickly in such environments.

With recent vaccine shortages and the challenges brought on by the cost-of-living over the past few years, annual vaccinations for pets may have been overlooked. However, vaccinating your dog is just as essential to preventing the spread of common but potentially deadly diseases. Prevention, as the saying goes, is better than cure.

Here are the diseases our dog vaccinations aim to prevent:

Parvovirus (Parvo): Parvo is a highly contagious virus that causes severe vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and weight loss. It can survive in the environment for extended periods, making it hard to control. Parvo spreads easily, particularly in places where dogs gather, such as boarding facilities. Untreated, it can be fatal, but early intervention offers a better chance of survival.

Canine distemper: This airborne virus affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, and discharge from the eyes and nose, but it can progress to neurological damage. Like parvo, distemper has no cure, and prevention through vaccination is crucial.

Canine adenovirus (Infectious canine hepatitis): This disease targets a dog’s liver, kidneys, and eyes, and is spread through bodily fluids such as urine and saliva. Symptoms can range from lethargy and vomiting to abdominal pain and sudden death.

Canine cough (Kennel cough): Boarding facilities, dog parks, and shows are hotspots for kennel cough, a highly contagious respiratory illness. It presents as a persistent cough and can lead to more severe complications like pneumonia in puppies. Vaccination is a must for dogs spending time in these environments.

Leptospirosis and coronavirus (C2i): Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by bacteria spread through the urine of infected rats. Dogs can contract the disease by coming into contact with contaminated food, bedding, or – most commonly – stagnant water. The bacteria can enter a dog’s body through broken skin, the mouth, or by

swallowing contaminated water. This makes dogs that spend time on rural properties or near standing water, like ponds or puddles, particularly vulnerable. Leptospirosis can cause severe damage to the kidneys and liver, and in some cases, it can be fatal without treatment.

Leptospirosis and coronavirus (C2i): Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by bacteria spread through the urine of infected rats and mice. Dogs can contract the disease by coming into contact with contaminated food, bedding, or –most commonly – stagnant water. Canine coronavirus, is inflammation in the stomach and intestine, which are characterised by symptoms including vomiting and diarrhoea. Recently, there was a shortage of the C2i vaccine, which protects against both diseases, but supply has now returned to normal. Ensuring your dog is vaccinated against these diseases is particularly important if they spend time on rural properties and have contact with rats, mice, or birds.

To protect your dog and others, it’s essential to stay on top of their vaccination schedule. Contact us on 4736 2027 to discuss a tailored vaccination plan that suits your dog’s needs, lifestyle, and boarding arrangements.

Stay ahead of the holidays and give your pet the best protection possible.

Relax & Unwind

my name: Buddy my proud owner: Kate i live in: Penrith

Experience the thrill of coming face to face with the

a bit about me: Buddy is a three-year-old golden retriever with the sweetest and most gentle nature, but with that silly and sassy golden attitude. He will do any trick you want for a piece of chicken or cheese, and loves to go for zoomies outside. He’s also a huge Panthers fan!

Email Cassidy.Pearce@westernweekender.com.au with your favourite picture of your pet, and include your name, pet’s name, suburb and a blurb about your favourite furry friend.

Zambi Wildlife Retreat is an exclusive and unique Not for Profit Animal Sanctuary, set in beautifully landscaped grounds.

A tour of the retreat allows you the opportunity to get up close and personal with some amazing animals and learn about their history and species. Zambi only allows limited visitors each week and you will need to book your spot on our website booking page here: www.zambi.org/bookings

The bookings are only available for a total of 7 guests and includes a tour of the retreat with an experienced guide where you will get to hand feed the macaw parrots and baboon monkeys. Complimentary hot and cold drinks and light snacks are included in the cost.

There is also the opportunity to add on animal encounters such as hand feeding the big cats and meeting the meerkats and little marmoset monkeys. This can be booked at the same time as your tour or added during your visit.

Entry is 9 years of age and older and a further age restriction of 12 years and older will apply to hand feeding the


Relax & Unwind



Boho Astro



© Joanne Madeline Moore 2024



Are you restless for physical adventure and mental challenges? The Solar Eclipse illuminates your travel and education zone, so it’s time to explore, study and experiment! Negotiation planet Venus also encourages you to compromise and hold out the olive branch of peace (especially to a stressed colleague at work). Attached Aquarians – don’t put your career before relationships. Singles – you could meet your soul mate via a colleague, client or customer.


The mid-week Solar Eclipse stimulates your daily routine/work/wellbeing zone (and taskmaster Saturn trines your ruler Venus). So it’s time to be disciplined as you draw up a to-do list, apply for a new job, or reboot your diet and exercise routine. And don’t be disappointed if something comes to a natural end. Be inspired by birthday great, singer and actress Julie Andrews (who turns 89 on Tuesday), “When one door closes, another window opens.”



You’re in the mood to talk, text, tweet, publish and/or podcast as the Solar Eclipse activates your communication zone. New connections within your local community are also likely. But there’s a Mercury/Mars square, so make sure you convey your message clearly and concisely, otherwise disagreements are likely. Are you keen to borrow money, make an expensive purchase or sign an important contract? Saturn cautions you to be patient and wait.



Scorpions are sometimes stubborn creatures, which can put others offside. You can also be jealous, possessive and materialistic, as your acquisitive side goes into overdrive. This week Venus is visiting your sign, which highlights your desire for harmony and balance. So strive to be more adaptable, as other people won’t behave in predictable ways. Smart Scorps will choose compromise over confrontation, diplomacy over drama, and generosity over greed.



The mid-week Solar Eclipse spotlights close partnerships, intimacy, secrets, trust issues and joint finances. With Saturn still transiting through your sign, you will make messy mistakes and experience disappointments along the way. But don’t let them deter you from your chosen path. With hard work and a positive attitude, you can turn things around. As birthday great Truman Capote wrote “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour.”


Mercury (your patron planet) and the Solar Eclipse are energising your creativity and peer group zone, so it’s a wonderful week to create, inspire, socialise and fraternize. An exciting new romance or friendship could be just around the corner! Are you single and looking for love? You could be introduced to your future partner via a work colleague, client or customer. Monday is the best day to tick the to-do list and get things done financially and professionally.



The mid-week Solar Eclipse signals a fresh financial chapter, so start planning now. Long-term partnerships (of the romantic, platonic and business variety) are also highlighted. Saturn tests perseverance, Venus – cooperation, and Mars – passion. But don’t get bogged down in gossip and criticism. Keep the conversation inspiring and uplifting! Your weekly motto is from birthday great, actress Julie Andrews, “Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.”



The mid-week Solar Eclipse is the perfect time to revise, reassess and reboot your hopes, goals and dreams for the future. Think of creative ways you can navigate the unpredictable economic landscape, adapt professionally and pivot personally. Taskmaster Saturn also encourages you to be more responsible at home and more accountable with family members. If things aren’t going well with loved ones, then it’s time to communicate and cooperate!


The Solar Eclipse revs up your relationship zone, so you’ll experience the greatest satisfaction if you share your goals and dreams with other like-minded people. Collective collaboration is the key. But you need to think long-term and be patient. Do your best to get the balance right between being creative and being productive; between having inspirational ideas and making practical progress. On Sunday, resist the urge to speak impulsively and act rashly.

With the Solar Eclipse and Mercury stimulating your domestic zone, it’s time for a new DIY project or a fresh family chapter. But there’s also a tricky Mercury/Mars square on Sunday, so slow down and think things through, otherwise you could find yourself smack bang in the middle of an argument or accident. There is much inner peace to be found via activities like meditation, contemplation, yoga and tai chi as you listen to the wisdom from within.

With a Solar Eclipse in your sign (and Mars visiting your professional/life direction zone) be more proactive about where you are heading. Don’t just hope that things will magically change. The mid-week eclipse is the ideal time to set intentions and make wishes involving personal projects, physical appearance and individual goals. Most of all … enjoy yourself! Draw inspiration from birthday great, Kate Winslet, “Life is short, and it is here to be lived.”



Mercury and the Solar Eclipse light up your career zone, so utilise your communication skills and natural charm to attract opportunities into your world. Then use your can-do Capricorn attitude to take action. Monday’s terrific Mars/ Saturn trine reminds you to be proactive and practical. Preparation is the key. As singer/actress (and birthday great) Julie Andrews observes, “Work hard, apply yourself and be ready. Then, when an opportunity comes, you can grab it.”


It will come as no surprise to learn that our neighbours across the Tasman are enjoying a boom in cruising at least as exciting as our own. With its diverse geography and geology plus rich Polynesian culture, New Zealand really is an ideal destination for ships of all shapes and sizes.


The myriad wonders and blockbuster scenery of Aotearoa (the land of the long white cloud) are well known thanks to movies like ‘Lord of the Rings’ and it seems everyone wants a piece of the action.

But looking at the map, it’s easy to see how much of this intricate coastline would be overlooked if one were restricted to port-hopping with the larger cruise ships. Captain

Cook himself, aboard the tiny Endeavour, was perhaps the first European to sing the praises of his newfound southern paradise and he used every opportunity to return and rest his

men in the peaceful surrounds of places like Queen Charlotte Sound.

From my own experience, many great attractions exist in smaller cities and towns where large numbers of disembarking passengers could spoil the special appeal of these out-ofthe-way places. Bay of Islands, for example, is where kilometre after kilometre of intricate coastline, little nooks, coves and crannies, thickly wooded islands and headlands are all interwoven to create a convivial natural latticework perfect for smaller vessels. Drop into little Kaikoura and discover its very deep secret. Only a few hundred metres off shore, the seabed plunges into a massive submarine canyon, creating a marine smorgasbord attracting an array of aquatic mammals, fish, birds, and tourists. Whales, dolphins, seals, and all manner of aquatic birds abound in and around Kaikoura.

One of the cruise areas that you will see on many itineraries is the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Fiordland which encompasses Milford Sound, Dusky Sound and Doubtful Sound. It was James Cook who named them ‘sounds’ when in fact they are proper, glacial fjords. No one has dared correct him. While the big ships cruise in and out, the smaller ships land guests ashore and conduct excursions as far afield as Queenstown.

Bay of Islands.
Napier is a must-visit location in New Zealand.
A Zodiac Cruise at South East Island.


Napier is another intriguing port. Totally destroyed by an earthquake in 1931, it was rebuilt in the art deco style. Apart from its heritage architecture, its unique assets include the vast Hawke’s Bay, which is widely recognised as New Zealand’s leading wine and food region. Around the corner is the Bay of Plenty, the gateway to Rotorua from the deep sea port at Tauranga.

Down at the foot of the South Island is remote Stewart Island, a haven for travellers looking for nature, tranquility, and adventure. While it is ideal for small ship visits, bigger ships occasionally creep in, too, putting passengers ashore by tender to visit the small village or take shore excursions into the lush Rakiura National Park.

Now for those really looking for a dash of

adventure, New Zealand’s sub-Antarctic islands hundreds of kilometres south of Stewart Island are an ideal location for bird and animal lovers.

Several specialist cruise lines are particularly interested in New Zealand and its potential for boutique travel. However, you’ll pay a bit more for these cruises.

Cruise lines regularly visiting New Zealand

on comprehensive itineraries include Silversea Cruises, Seabourn, APT, Hapag-Lloyd, Ponant and Regent Seven Seas. Niche adventure operator, Heritage Expeditions regularly sail from Bluff, near Invercargill.

Visit Expedition Cruise Specialists at www. expeditioncruisespecialists.com or call 1800 90 20 80.

A magical part of the world: Bay of Islands.











72. Ragamuffin


76. Washing vats




Word Search

Find all the words listed hidden in the grid of letters. They can be found in straight lines up, down, forwards, backwards or even diagonally.























Last week’s solution

Trivia Quiz

Test your knowledge about rugby league Grand Finals in our special trivia quiz this week...

1. Before Penrith, who was the last team to win three consecutive Grand Finals? 2. In what year was the Grand Final played at the Sydney Cricket Ground for the last time?

4. Who did Jonathan Thurston give his Grand Final ring to in 2004?

5. Who was the last team to fail to score a point in a Grand Final?

6. When did the Wests Tigers win their one and only Grand Final?

3. The current trophy features Norm Provan and Arthur Summons embracing after which famous rugby league Grand Final?

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