Nestled in the heart of the Hills District, Stockland Halcyon Gables offers an exceptional lifestyle for homeowners over 60. This vibrant, gated community is designed for those seeking to downsize without compromising on quality, comfort, or amenities. Halcyon Gables combines low-maintenance living with resort-quality facilities, allowing homeowners to embrace a more relaxed and active lifestyle. From the beautifully crafted homes to the state-of-the-art community facilities, every detail has been
thoughtfully considered to enhance daily life.
The homes at Halcyon Gables are specifically designed to support aging in place and make downsizing seamless. Subtle features have been incorporated to ‘think ahead’ and anticipate life’s changes. These include no-step entries, wider hallways and doors, oversized ensuites with hobless shower recesses, and bathroom walls reinforced with noggings to install grab rails if needed. These thoughtful design elements ensure that your home remains comfortable and
functional for years to come. Homeowners enjoy access to a range of exclusive amenities, including a gym, swimming pool and pickleball court. The community’s land lease model provides a unique advantage: homeowners retain full ownership of their homes while paying a site fee that covers access to facilities, community management and maintenance. This model ensures peace of mind and fosters a strong sense of community among homeowners.
For Ian and Ellie Pascoe, Halcyon Gables ticked all the
1503/36-46 Cowper Street, Parramatta
Two Bed Unit
Auction: Sat, 8th Feb | 10:00am
Positioned on level 15 with district views, this modern 2 bedroom home offers:
-West facing with district views
-Open plan kitchen with gas cooking
-2 bedrooms with built-in robes -Ensuite bathroom in master bedroom -30
106/36-46 Cowper Street, Parramatta
One Bed Unit
Auction: Sat, 8th Feb |10:30am
boxes when it came time to downsize. Originally from country New South Wales, the couple had been searching for a peaceful and welcoming environment. After visiting Stockland’s B by Halcyon community in Queensland, they were convinced Halcyon Gables was the right choice for their next chapter.
“I’ve been in the building trade a long time, and I’ve seen a lot of houses,” Ian shared.
“When I saw the way these homes are built, I was impressed. The quality and attention to detail were outstanding. I thought, ‘I could live here.’”
The recent announcement of Edgewater Homes, part of the Henley Properties Group, as the builder for Halcyon Gables further reassured Ian and Ellie about their decision.
“One of the things I noticed was the high ceilings and the three-hinge doors, which make them easier to close and prevent creaking,” Ian said.
“Just the way these homes are built appealed to me.”
For Ellie, the excitement lies in moving into a brand-new home for the first time.
“There is no perfect house, but we feel the one we’ve chosen here is pretty close,” she said.
“We’re looking forward to really enjoying the lifestyle.”
With construction underway, Halcyon Gables is set to welcome homeowners like Ian and Ellie into a community where the little details make a big difference. To learn more, call 1800 050 050.
Approx 350m to the train station & 750m to Westfield. One bedroom apartment offfering:
-Combined living and dining space -North facing balcony -Open plan kitchen
Also includes a Teenage Retreat
OPEN FOR INSPECTION: Saturday, February 8
1.00pm – 1.30pm CONTACT: RE/MAX Lifestyle Marketing
Gizzelle Powell • 0428 934 618 gizzellepowell@remax.com.au
What is so great about this property?
This stunning three-bedroom home combines comfort and functionality, making it perfect for families. Each bedroom is well-appointed with built-in wardrobes, ensuring ample storage space.
The ducted air conditioning throughout the home provides year-round comfort, keeping the living spaces cool in summer and warm in winter.
A highlight of this property is the self-contained teenage retreat including two rooms, offering independence with a living area, kitchenette, and bathroom. Ideal for elderly parents, older children or guests.
has a real Real Estate, her enthusiasm and drive is reason she
Jocelyn Marrian hasareal passion for RealEstate, her enthusiasm and drive is the reasonshe has joined @realty.
The sunroom is a delightful feature, flooding the home with natural light and offering a serene space for relaxation or a home office, all while providing views of the sparkling swimming pool.
Who does this property suit?
This home presents an exceptional opportunity for families seeking a spacious, versatile living environment with plenty of amenities to enjoy both indoors and outdoors. Make sure you inspect it this weekend so you don’t miss out!
How Jocelyn helped Home Owners get their Best Results!
Good knowledge
Jocelyn provided an excellent and professional service in theselling of the house. Jocelyn was very knowledgeable, and her communicationwas excellent. Jocelyn made the process of selling the house seamless.I would highly recommend her service.
the selling house her communication was excellent seamless I service
Jocelyn has lived andworkedin the Penrith area for over 30yrs with an extensive networkof clients and friends. In an industrythat is all about property,Jocelynispassionate about people, sheiscommitted to deliveringwhatshe promises and getting herclients thebest results!
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Highly recommend
the price easy to
Very professional, sold house quickly and for theprice we wanted and very easyto talk to Verified by RateMyAgent
@realty i sa modern and forward thinking rea le stat ea genc yt hat is growing every day, b ringin gaf resh upgrad et oa n industry t hat ha s been largely unchanged for severa ld ecades. The bricks an dm ortar model of agencies requiring as hopfront is g one.
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T h e m o d e r n r e a l e s t a t e p r o f e s s i o n a l i s a w a r e t h a t t h e n e
s h o p f r o n t w i n d o w i s o n l i n e a n d h a s a d a p t e d b y b e i n g m o b i l e a n
t e c h s a v v y A r m e d w i t h t h e l a t e s t t e c h n o l o g i e s e v e r y @ r e a l t y
a s s o c i a t e h a s a c c e s s t o a c o u d - b a s e d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e s o f t w a r
p a c k a g e p r o v i d i n g c o m p l e t e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t y o u r p r o p e r t y a n d
The modern real estat ep rofessiona li sa war et ha tt he ne w s hopfront window is online and has adapted by being mobile an d tech savvy .A rmed wit ht he latest technologies every @realt y a ssociate has a ccess t oac l oud-base da dministrative softwar e packag ep r oviding complete informatio na bout you rp r operty and the ability to update your p roperty’s details online anywhere, anytime .
t h e a b i l i t y t o u p d a t e y o u r p r o p e r t y ’ s d e t a i l s o n l i n e a n y w h e r e , a n y t i m e
T h e o n c e p t o f @ r e a l t y r e v o l v e s a r o u n d t h e i n d i v i d u a l r e a l e s t a t
p r o f e s s i o n a l T h i s m e a n s @ r e a l t y a s s o c i a t e s a r e n o t u r d e n e d b y t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s t h a t a r e c o m m o n i n o s t r e a l e s t a t e o f f i c e s , o r i s t r a c t i o n s t h a t c a n c o m e w i t h a b u s y f f i c e I n s t e a d H e a d o f f i c e
The c oncep to f@ realty revolves around the individual real estat e professional. Thi sm eans @realt ya ssociates are not b urdened by the requirement st ha ta re common in m ost real estate offices, or d istractions t hat ca nc ome with ab usy o ffice. Instea dH ea do ffice o ffer sal arge t eam focused on ou ra g ent ss upport with Admin, M arketing, IT, legal ,f inanc e a llowing th eA gent st ow ork in th eb est interest of Y OU, th ec lient. Contact J ocely nM arrian on: 040 516 4446 https://www.ratemyagent.com.au/real-estate-agent/jocelyn-marrian
f f e r s a l a r g e e a m f o c u s e d o n o u
l l o w i n g t h e A g
JocelynMarrian is atrue gem andI highly recommend hertopeople lookingto buy or sell
Jocelyn made the whole experienceapleasure she had great communication and her understanding of themarket and what we could do toothe property to bring it from thepastto the present and more appealing to potential buyers.Her level of care and professionalism took us from being nervous to excited even taking time out off hoursto answer calls andquestions thatI had.The staging of houseand furniture choicemade it feel warm and inviting With theadvertisement and photos in the lead up to theopen house wastruely amazing On the day of The open home there wasagreat turnout and Jocelyn gotusagreat result on the firstday the house wason the market. I will recommend Jocelyn Marrianto anyone lookingtobuy or sell.
Jocelyn Marrian a true and I her to people looking to experience a pleasure the market we too the the past to buyers Her professionalism hours to and questions that I had The house and choice made the advertisement the open was truely amazing The was a great got us a great on first day was on market recommend Marrian to looking to buy or sell
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Verified by RateMyAgent
Verified by RateMyAgent and worked in the network of friends industry that all property, Jocelyn is passionate she is committed to delivering what she her clients the best
We chose to useJocelyn to sell our property after having previouslybought our property through her and having been impressed by her communication, skills and expertise. Jocelyn has gone above and beyond to help us through thesaleprocess. Her communication is frequent and thorough and ensures we know what is happening every step of the way. She ensured our propertywas in its best position to sell andsold aboveour asking price on the first open house.Jocelyn has been exceptionally supportive throughout the sale periodwith both ourselves and the purchasers and has gone beyond her role to ensure that everyone hadwhatthey needed and knew each step of the process and whatto expect. Would 100% recommend using Jocelyn
Verified by RateMyAgent
Fast andefficient
use Jocelyn property after previously bought her expertise gone beyond to us the sale process and ensures every of way ensured our property was in to and sold above our on the first house Jocelyn has been sale period with has gone her ensure everyone had what they each process what to expect 100% using by and efficient
Jocelyn is Amazing !!!!
Ourproperty sold after the first openhome.Jocelyn even got the price aboveour expected sale price. She worked hardtoget the deal done even with the issues regarding our areas reputation of land issues.Our land /property is not effected but still caused afew massive hurdles. Jocelyn made everything easy and accommodatedus with ourbusy work/life schedule. Alot wasdone behind the scenes and Ican’t thank her enough for allthe effort she has putin. If your looking for someone to sell your property with efficiently and no fussI highly recommend Jocelyn
Our property open home Jocelyn above our price hard to get our areas issues Our /property a few hurdles Jocelyn accommodated us our busy schedule A lot was done behind I can’t for all the put in your fuss I Jocelyn by RateMyAgent
Lic No. 829 19C
No job too small
Specialising in Carports, Awnings, Glass Rooms, Rumpus Rooms, Screened Rooms, Wooden Decks
Ma rian’s Mana is a pre stig iou s maste r-plan ne d pre ci nct offer i ng prem iu m land lots and a rchite ct ural ly des ig ne d res idence s i n one of South-West S yd ney’s faste st-g rowi ng com mu nities.
Located near Oran Park ’s most popular amenities and shopping precinct, Marian’s Mana invites you to enjoy an addres s that blends nature with urban conveniences. It ’s a place you’ll want to call ho me
Alandmark commercial property site has been listed on the market in Penrith’s CBD, with an auction to be held this month.
The property at 253 High Street, Penrith, is a longtime real estate office, housing Penrith Professionals for many years.
PRD Commercial Western Sydney has listed the rare freehold site, with an auction on Wednesday, February 19.
The property could continue to be used as an office but there is also development opportunity.
Sitting on 796m2 of prime land, it has Mixed Use zoning.
“Offering unparalleled potential, the property is perfectly suited for savvy investors, visionary developers, and ambitious owner-occupiers alike,” the listing states.
Those interested in the
property can contact Darren Latty on 0414 620 532 or Robert Tappouras on 0436 430 344.
The auction will be held on site on Wednesday, February 19 at 11am.
AI-powered PCs are not just a step up from traditional PCs; they change how we interact with and utilise computers. At their core, AI-powered PCs differ from their conventional counterparts by integrating dedicated hardware components designed to accelerate AI workloads. These components, often called Neural Processing Units (NPUs), work within existing computer technology to handle complex AI tasks efficiently.
Advantages of AI-powered PCs
• Enhanced performance: With dedicated AI hardware, these PCs can more efficiently handle demanding tasks such as real-time data analysis, complex simulations, and high-resolution graphics rendering.
• Personalisation: AI-powered PCs can tailor the user experience based on individual preferences and behaviours. This means more intuitive interfaces, personalised content, and intelligent applications that adapt to users’ needs.
• Productivity boost: AI-powered PCs can significantly enhance productivity by automating repetitive tasks and providing intelligent assistance. For instance, they can manage schedules, filter emails, and draft documents based on user input.
• Security: AI algorithms can detect and respond to security threats in real-time, offering enhanced protection against malware, phishing attacks, and other cyber threats. They can also adapt to new threats faster than traditional security software.
• Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI-powered PCs can understand and respond to natural language commands, making interactions more intuitive. This is particularly useful for voice assistants and chatbots integrated into the system.
• Image and video recognition: These PCs can analyse and interpret visual data, enabling features like facial recognition for security, automated photo tagging, and advanced video editing capabilities.
• Predictive analytics: AI-powered PCs can analyse large datasets to predict trends and outcomes. This benefits finance, healthcare, and marketing professionals, where data-driven decisions are crucial.
• Enhanced gaming experience: For gamers, AI-powered PCs offer improved graphics rendering, real-time performance optimisation, and adaptive gameplay experiences that respond to player behaviour.
Most AI-powered PCs come with standard
operating systems like Windows or macOS, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of software.
These PCs can run on various processors, including Intel, AMD and ARM. Dependant on the underlying hardware will depend on the compatibility. I have come across software that does not
run on ARM. Please make a list of your software requirements to ensure you choose the one that is suitable for you.
I highly recommend purchasing a new AI-powered PC. If you have any questions, contact me, and I will be happy to discuss whether an AI PC is the right solution for you.
One Point Health 4732 5188
Stress and anxiety are common challenges affecting millions of people. While therapy and medication remain valuable tools for managing mental health, an often-overlooked remedy lies in something simple: exercise. Exercise is not just about physical fitness; it has profound benefits for mental well-being. Research shows that regular physical activity can reduce stress and alleviate symptoms of anxiety.
When exercising, your brain releases endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” hormones. These natural chemicals interact with receptors in your brain to reduce pain perception and trigger positive feelings. Beyond endorphins, exercise also decreases levels of cortisol, a hormone closely associated with stress. Lower cortisol levels can lead to a calmer, more balanced emotional state.
Moreover, exercise promotes better sleep, another key factor in managing stress and anxiety.
Insufficient or poor-quality sleep exacerbates these issues, creating a vicious cycle. Regular physical activity helps regulate sleep patterns, making it easier to fall and stay asleep.
Beyond the biological effects, the psychological benefits of exercise are equally impactful.
Bents Basin is a beautiful natural swimming spot that many of us have enjoyed with our families. It was so tragic to hear of the little boy who lost his life there last weekend.
At the time of writing, it has been reported that the boy was pulled unconscious from the water at Bents Basin approximately 5.15pm on Saturday, February 1.
Members of the public performed CPR until NSW Ambulance paramedics arrived and took over. The boy was treated at the scene before being taken to Westmead Hospital in a critical condition, where he later died.
Despite their beauty, rivers and creeks and natural waterways claim more lives each year than any other waterway in Australia. The flat, still surface of an inland waterway can give a false sense of security and even seemingly tranquil waterways can prove to be dangerous. It is worth remembering that conditions in rivers can
change rapidly. Just because you might regularly visit an area, it doesn’t mean the environment will be the same the next time you visit. For example, sandbanks can move, and weather can adversely affect water conditions suddenly.
To make matters worse, inland waterways are not patrolled by lifeguards, and should you get into trouble, there may be no one around to help, so it is incredibly important to understand the hazards and risks involved to keep yourself and those with you safe. Whether you’re swimming, boating or even just relaxing on the bank, there are many hidden dangers that you may not be aware of:
Simple safety measures can make all the difference. Please ensure you take a phone with you and actively supervise children at all times.
Never swim alone, and don’t overestimate your swimming ability, or underestimate the dangers in rivers.
Nepean Aquatic Centre & Eva Bory’s Swim School 4730 8900
Check for submerged objects and fast flowing water.
Wear a lifejacket, avoid alcohol and drugs around water.
The images published with the story of this terrible tragedy of an abandoned picnic and paddleboards are haunting. A lovely sunny family day out should not end this way. Every drowning is a person, not a statistic, and every drowning means so many lives will be immeasurably and irrevocably altered.
Bents Basin is far too close to home.
Our thoughts are with the family and the community at this sad time.
Engaging in a moderate amount of physical activity will result in improved mood and emotional states and can provide a healthy distraction. Activities like yoga and tai chi, which emphasise mindfulness and controlled breathing, are particularly effective in calming the mind.
Group exercise classes or team sports also foster social connections, an essential element in combating feelings of isolation often associated with anxiety. The sense of community and support derived from shared physical activity can be a powerful antidote to stress.
It is important to note that you don’t need to run marathons to experience these benefits. Even moderate activities like walking, swimming, or gardening can make a difference. The key is being consistent. Incorporating 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week can lead to noticeable improvements in mood and stress levels.
As awareness grows about the connection between exercise and mental health, more individuals are discovering that physical activity is a natural, accessible, and cost-effective way to nurture both body and mind.
So, the next time stress strikes, consider lacing up your sneakers – your brain will thank you.
Recent devastating fires overseas serve as a stark reminder of the importance of being prepared for emergencies. While many people focus on securing their homes and safeguarding their families, it’s crucial not to overlook the safety of our pets during such events. Have you thought about your evacuation plan in a bushfire emergency? Ensuring your furry family members are included in your emergency preparations can make all the difference in a crisis.
Create an emergency kit for your pets: An emergency kit for your pets should be ready to grab at a moment’s notice. Include the following items:
• Food and water: Pack at least a week’s worth of pet food and water in sealed containers. Don’t forget bowls for feeding.
• Medications: Keep an up-todate supply of any medications your pet requires, along with a copy of your vet’s contact number.
• Identification: Ensure your pet is microchipped and wears a collar with an ID tag, including your contact information. Keep a recent photo of your pet in case they become lost.
• Comfort items: Familiar toys or bedding can help reduce stress during an evacuation.
• Hygiene supplies: Include waste bags for dogs or a portable litter box and litter for cats.
Identify pet-friendly evacuation options: Not all emergency shelters or accommodations accept pets.
Research pet-friendly hotels, boarding facilities, or shelters in your area before an emergency strikes.
You can also ask friends or family outside the immediate danger zone if they can provide a temporary haven for your pets.
Plan your evacuation route: Have a clear evacuation plan in place, including multiple routes in case one becomes inaccessible. Practice loading your pets
into carriers or vehicles to reduce stress during an actual emergency.
If possible, transport pets in sturdy carriers or crates to keep them safe. If you have larger animals, such as horses, make arrangements for their transport and identify safe evacuation locations, such as equestrian centres or open paddocks in low-risk areas.
Know the signs of stress: Emergencies can be overwhelming for pets, and they may exhibit signs of stress such as panting, pacing, vocalising, or attempting to hide. Stay calm and provide reassurance, keeping their routine as consistent as possible.
Prepare for leaving pets behind: If evacuation isn’t possible, never leave pets chained or confined outdoors.
Provide access to food and water in easily accessible areas and leave a note on your property indicating the presence of pets for rescue teams.
Stay informed: Monitor weather reports and emergency alerts for your area.
Being aware of potential dangers allows you to act quickly, ensuring the safety of everyone in your household, including your pets.
By taking the time to prepare an evacuation plan that includes your pets, you can help ensure their safety and wellbeing during emergencies.
While we hope to never face such situations, being ready can provide peace of mind and make all the difference when time is of the essence.
For more, contact the friendly team at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital on 4736 2027.
Boho Astro
© Joanne Madeline Moore 2025
Uranus squares Mercury and the Sun, which could lead to hasty words and impulsive actions. So slow down and think (carefully) before you speak and act! Then the Full Moon lights up your relationship zone, so this Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to tell loved ones how much you really care. Inspiration for the week is from fellow Aquarian, avantgarde artist Yoko Ono, “The regret of my life is that I have not said ‘I love you’ often enough.”
There could be some conflict between your professional and personal relationships, as the fiery Full Moon highlights the ongoing challenge to achieve balance between your work and home life. With Uranus transiting through your sign, have the confidence to be the authentic you and listen to the wisdom of your inner voice. Be inspired by birthday great, Olympic champion Cathy Freeman, “It all comes down to having the confidence to be who you are.”
With the Full Moon in Leo and the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in your partnership zone, prepare for a bold and busy Valentine’s Day. Coupled Cats – why not initiate a special romantic rendezvous with your partner? Singles – in order to find true love, you need to be brave and step out of your comfort zone. So your motto is from Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
Attached Scorpio – on Valentine’s Day, avoid the temptation to be bossy at home. Give your spouse more space to express their individuality. Singles – stop looking for love in all the obvious places. Write a wish-list of the important qualities you desire in a dream partner. Think outside the box and be adventurous! Then sit back and wait for the magic to happen. As actress Loretta Young observed, “Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.”
Attached Pisceans – you’re feeling extra romantic as you lavish attention (and money) on your partner, wear your heart on your sleeve or play out a secret fantasy with your lover. Singles – don’t base your self-esteem on whether you have a partner. You possess a multitude of talents, and a kind nature. Finding your soul mate is just the extra icing on an already spectacular cake! The weekend is wonderful for creative thinking, artistic pursuits and intuitive insights.
Wednesday night’s Full Moon fires up your brain power, so it’s a good time to research a subject that has always fascinated you or enrol in a course of study. But restless Uranus squares Mercury (your patron planet) which pushes you to pursue more adventurous options, but you’ll also feel extra impatient and may skip over important details along the way. And be careful you don’t blurt out an inappropriate comment to the wrong person at the wrong time!
At the moment, with taskmaster Saturn moving slowly through your relationship zone, love is a very serious business. So your quote for Valentine’s Day is from writer William Barclay “Love always involves responsibility, and love always involves sacrifice.” Singles – it’s time to give flirtatious, superficial suitors the flick. Instead, look for a lover who has real character, depth and substance. A philosopher (with a romantic soul) who can last the distance.
Don’t take your partner – or potential partner – for granted! If you do, then your neglected lover may go looking for attention elsewhere. (“Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone. It has to be made like bread, remade all the time, made new,” Ursula Le Guin.) So plan something uniquely special this Valentine’s Day. Singles – it doesn’t matter what a potential partner looks like, or how much money they make. You need a romantic mate who is also a friend.
Attached Aries – romantic vibes are high, as the fiery Full Moon lights up your love zone. Focus your attention on your lover, as you give them the right royal treatment this Valentine’s Day via a special pronouncement, a thoughtful gift or a candlelit dinner. Single Rams –with Venus visiting your sign, self-love is important. So treat yourself to some pampering on Friday. Perhaps an indulgent massage, a walk on the beach or a meal at your favourite restaurant.
The stars highlight communicating from the heart and saying what’s on your mind. But – with Mars reversing through your sign – resist the urge to act impulsively and spread salacious gossip. Slow down, think things through and try to speak as tactfully as possible. It’s a good week to promote a joint venture, catch up with an old friend or organise a romantic rendezvous. Unhappily single? Sparks could fly with a work colleague, client or customer.
Librans are addicted to love in all its forms – romantic, platonic, and universal. And this week Venus is visiting your relationship zone. So – whether you’re attached, searching for your soul mate, or happily single – Valentine’s Day is an appropriate time to reflect on the fact that love really does make the world go around. Do all you can to encourage and nurture more love in your life. As John Lennon (a fellow Libran) observed, “Love is the flower, you’ve got to let it grow.”
Monday’s lingering Mars/Saturn trine brings the opportunity to complete a challenging task. But remember Mars is still retrograde, so pace yourself. Then the fiery Full Moon (on Wednesday night) shines a bright light on self-esteem, finances, core values and trust issues. It’s also time to don your Capricorn detective cap and turn on your x-ray vision, as you zero in on the cause of a lingering problem – and come up with a satisfactory long-term solution.
box contains every number uniquely.
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Find all the words listed hidden in the grid of letters. They can be found in straight lines up, down, forwards, backwards or even diagonally.
Last week’s solution
Test your knowledge about the recent Grammy Awards in our special trivia quiz this week...
1. Which artist controversially won Country Album of the Year and Album of the Year with ‘Cowboy Carter’?
2. Kendrick Lamar took home the Song of the Year award for which hit track?
3. In what city were the Grammy Awards held?
4. Who hosted this year’s Gram-
mys, making it the fifth time they’ve held the duties?
5. Who presented the Best Country Album award at the ceremony?
6. Sabrina Carpenter won Best Pop Solo Performance for which song?
7. How many awads did Sierra Ferrell take home?
Weddings are very often about tradition, but they don’t have to be that way.
In fact, you can stick with certain traditions but throw some unique ideas in to give your big day a perfect mix.
Remember, you want your wedding day to be about you – so don’t compromise just because tradition dictates a particular thing has to be done.
Here’s four ways you can make your wedding unique:
Cutting the cake is such a big part of a wedding but often, it’s an expensive exercise and not everyone likes cake! Consider having another option, like cupcakes or even donuts. A lolly bar will suffice as well – the cake cutting is more about the symbol of that moment, and not so much about the cake. Will people really notice if you skip the cake cutting but have other awesome dessert options? We reckon that classic cake cutting photo is so 1980s and 1990s. Why not
consider something different?
PHOTO BOOTHS If you can’t afford to pay
your photographer to stay for the whole night, then something that encourages guests to take photos themselves is a great idea. Perhaps a few
Polaroid cameras, or a photo booth. The latter can be hired from a range of places and isn’t overly expensive. You can also bring your own
props along. For example, if you’re an NRL fan or basketball supporter, you might have a few team jerseys in there just to personalise the
experience. When planning your wedding, you may think that nobody will use a photo booth, but you’ll be surprised how quickly it attracts your friends and family, especially when they’ve had a couple of drinks!
After a big night of fun and dancing, it’s sometimes not the most ideal way to say goodbye. Guys in sweaty, smelly suits and girls struggling in high heels, all trying to create an arch that looks like it’s about to fall over. Why not find another way to say goodbye?
So much money often goes in to wedding cars, and most of the time, your guests never even see them. If you’re not all that fussed about cars, don’t even bother going over the top. Just find somebody who is willing to drive you, or grab a hire car. And after the wedding, why not just grab an Uber to your hotel for the night?
Need your loved ones to get to and from your wedding venue comfortably, safely and on time? Consider Vic’s Maxi Transport for reliable and affordable ground transportation on your big day.
in Sydney and beyond.
Vic’s Maxi Transport’s buses are air-conditioned, fitted with seat belts, hygienically clean and can be supplied with child seats if required.
Vic’s Maxi Transport’s fleet is accredited with Transport
Ridge Estate and many more surrounding suburbs.
Some wedding locations, such as churches and secluded garden ceremonies, can be located in busy suburbs and may not have accessible parking, that’s where Vic’s Maxi Transport
Offering transport for wedding guests may not only be a generous gesture, but also sometimes necessary.
While there are many bus transport companies to select from, Vic’s Maxi Transport offers the most punctual transport services
NSW, fully insured, and they have a wide range of vehicles to meet your transportation needs, including nine, 13, 14 and 24 passenger seat buses.
In the past, Vic’s Maxi Transport have assisted with wedding transportation to the Megalong Valley, Kurrajong, Blackheath, Dry
comes to the rescue!
Make your special occasion even more memorable and stress-free with Vic’s Maxi Transport’s ground transportation services.
To book and for more information, call 4732 2195 or visit www.vicsmaxitransport.com.au.
Dreaming of your Hens, Bucks or destination wedding but don’t know how to get there?
Vic’s Maxi Transport understands the challenges of arranging pre-wedding activities, as well as organising transport for guests on your special day. Their shuttle services ensure you and your guests are transported comfortably, safely and on-time to your big day!
With Vic’s Maxi Transport, your wedding day transport is sorted—contact us today!
Over 20 years
Nestled in the heart of Seven Hills, Lords Estate is a stunning historic venue that offers a timeless setting for your dream wedding. With its beautiful heritage-listed grounds and charming architecture, this iconic estate provides the perfect backdrop for a traditional celebration. Whether you’re envisioning an intimate ceremony or a grand reception, Lords Estate offers a versatile, intimate space that can be tailored to your unique vision.
The estate’s lush gardens, beautiful chapel and picturesque views create an unforgettable atmosphere, where every detail is designed to make your day special.
Imagine exchanging vows beneath the shade of century-old trees or dancing the night away in a beautifully restored building full of historic charm.
With a team dedicated to ensuring your wedding day is seamless, Lords Estate offers a full range of services. The venue’s historical charm combined with contemporary comfort
ensures that your guests will experience a celebration that feels both elegant and welcoming. Situated in a convenient location, Lords Estate is
Of fe ring th e ve ry be st in co ntempo ra ry design , co mfor t, at mo sp he re , fu ll y inte grated au di o-visual te ch no lo gy, fl exible ca te ring , and pe rs onal se rv ice. Where guest experience and satisfaction are first & foremost. here experience
Wh et her yo u ar e dreaming of an intima te af fair or a gr and cele br atio n, our frie nd ly Ev en ts Te am is re ady to turn yo ur dr eams into re alit y. CNR FO RRE STER & BO RO NIA RDS, ST MA RYS | WWW.S TM ARYS LE AG UE S.CO M. AU | 02 9677 7777
Experience Saints for nothing short of perfection.
From traditional to contemporary, intimate to gala, Saints Event Centre has tailored wedding packages for your style of celebration.
Whether you are dreaming of an intimate affair in one of their luxury rooms, a family feast on their outdoor deck or a grand celebration in their showroom, with a stay-over in one of the spacious suites at Holiday Inn, Saints Events Team is ready to turn your dreams into reality.
Saints custom-built centre offers six rooms, over 500m2 of flexible, stylish and contemporary event space and state-of-the-art audio-visual technology.
Audio visual technicians can also be on hand to create the perfect ambience with specialty lighting and sound to ensure a seamless event.
Saints Event Centre is part of St Marys Rugby League Club and adjacent Holiday Inn Sydney St Marys. An ideal location at the foothills of the stunning Blue Mountains, just minutes from the M4 and M7 motorways and
a short drive from western Sydney’s new international airport precinct.
Saints provide full-service event solutions with premium facilities such as pre-function and breakout areas, a bridal room, multiple restaurants, lounges, sports bar, one of the best outdoor terraces in Sydney,
four-star globally branded accommodation and free on-site parking for guests.
From catering to decorations, place cards to bonbonnieres, let Saints deliver the perfect event for you. For a venue tour or more information, contact Saints Events Team on 9677 7765 or visit stmarysleagues.com.au.
Envision a wedding where romance intertwines with stunning scenery and unparalleled service – welcome to a Nepean Belle wedding!
Set against the backdrop of shimmering waters and a majestic gorge, this extraordinary venue promises to make your special day truly unforgettable.
From elegant formalities to laid-back celebrations, Nepean Belle offers customisable packages that cater to every couple’s unique vision.
With the capacity to host 110 guests for a seated dinner and 150 for a lively cocktail reception, your guests will revel in the ambience of a fully licensed bar and a charming dance floor that beckons for celebration.
Co-owner Carol Bennett is passionate about creating memorable experiences for couples.
“We provide a complimentary wedding planning service, taking care of all the details,” Bennett explained.
“Couples need only meet with us twice, then simply arrive on their special day.”
Nepean Belle goes above and beyond, featuring exquisite bespoke decorations to alleviate any extra costs and stress; plus their dedicated team assists with the guest list, ensuring everything runs smoothly.
They also partner with top local vendors, including talented marriage celebrants, photographers,
smaller gatherings of up to 50 guests.
“We introduced ‘Wed ‘n’ Cruise’ to accommodate couples looking for something smaller and simpler,” Bennett shared.
“It’s a two-hour, whole boat experience that includes the celebrant, cake and delicious food, all at an exceptional price.”
cake artisans, and hair and makeup experts, to create a seamless experience for you.
For those dreaming of a more intimate celebration, or if they’re on a small budget, the Nepean Belle offers an innovative solution: ‘Wed ‘n’ Cruise’.
This unique pop-up wedding caters perfectly to
If a romantic paddlewheeler wedding surrounded by breathtaking views sounds like your dream, reach out to the Nepean Belle team today at 4733 1274 or info@nepeanbelle.com.au.
Your magical day on the water awaits! Make that call today.