Penrith City Councillors have this week endorsed two reports to be sent to Parliamentary Inquiries.
The two inquiries are the Parliamentary Inquiry into Critical Transport Infrastructure Supporting the Western Sydney International Airport (WSI) and Western Sydney Aerotropolis, and the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) Program.
The submissions to the Critical Transport Infrastructure Inquiry outlined that Council supports the WSI given the understanding that adequate infrastructure will be provided to the Penrith Local Government Area (LGA) to support this growth and connect western Sydney to the airport.
“It is essential that Penrith LGA has critical infrastructure, services, and amenities in place to meet current and future community needs,” the submission said.
“Central to these needs is road transport infrastructure that includes public and active transport infrastructure.”
Deputy Mayor Mark Davies spoke passionately about the need to provide critical infrastructure to western Sydney.
“The priority of this Council is more infrastructure,” Davies said.
Davies expressed his concerns about the slow development of infrastructure, and said that making Penrith’s voice heard is a priority.
“We need to be making our voice heard,” Davies said.
“We deserve the infrastruc ture.”
One of the key points highlighted within the Council submission is the confirmation of timely production of the promised infrastructure.
“Upfront Government commitment to critical transport infrastructure,
including funding, is key,” the submission said.
“Timing of delivery is also key and must be aligned with development.
“The lag of transport planning around the WSI and Aerotrop olis is
concerning given the WSI opening date in two years.”
Fellow Councillor John Thain agreed with the comments made by Davies and shared his concern at the lack of progress of the transport infrastructure.
“We are far behind where we should be,” Thain said.
Penrith Mayor Todd Carney spoke in agreement with his Councillor colleagues, saying that infrastruc ture in western Sydney needs to be
“For far too long, on both sides of politics, western Sydney has been behind in infrastructure,” Carney
The overall recommen dation in the report outlines the need to advocate for reliable, convenient and frequent public transport services to be delivered to the commu -
nities of Penrith. The report will be submitted to the Parliamentary Inquiry
The second submission endorsed by Council was the submission to the NSW Government’s Parliamentary Inquiry into
the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) Program.
The TOD Program applies to St Marys Town Centre and will mandate Residential Flat Buildings as permissible development in all residential zones within 400 metres of a train station.
This mandate will override the existing land use controls put into place by Council, regarding maximum building height, floor space ratio, minimum lot size and width, and car parking rates.
Council’s submission noted a great need to assess local policies already in place.
“There needs to be greater recognition of local policies that already address the intent of the NSW Government’s proposed reforms to boost housing supply, diversity and affordability,” the submission said.
“In particular where planning frameworks are in place that support increased density in close proximity to high amenity areas with good access to public transport.”
The submission concludes that the implementation of the TOD Program in Penrith might be premature.
“Council considers that the TOD Program is premature in the Penrith LGA context and the City needs a more nuanced approach in order to address matters such as equitable access to employment opportunities and infrastructure,” the submission said.
Davies expressed his concern over the proposed program and its impact on St Marys.
“[The] State Government has proposed unfettered development,” Davies said.
“The key issue is that there is no mention whatsoever of jobs.
“Local jobs is what is important for western Sydney.”
The report will be received by the Parliamentary Inquiry and will be assessed.
Melissa McIntosh will fight in her third straight Federal Election after being endorsed as the candidate for Lindsay for the next poll.
McIntosh was ultimately elected unopposed after Penrith Deputy Mayor Mark Davies pulled out of a preselection battle.
While it’s understood there was support for Davies from some corners, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton pushed hard for McIntosh to be the candidate.
McIntosh was elected as the
Member for Lindsay at the 2019 election and went on to win the seat again 2022, even achieving a swing to her despite the Coalition losing government.
“The NSW Liberal Party State Executive has unanimously endorsed me as the Liberal Candidate for Lindsay at the next Federal Election,” McIntosh said on Monday.
“I am very grateful to receive that support from the Liberal Party, and look forward to continuing the fight in our community against the terrible policies of the Albanese Labor Government, their cuts to western Sydney infrastructure,
and the pressure they are putting on everyday Australians who are struggling to pay their bills.”
Labor is yet to hold preselection for the seat with no indication yet who McIntosh will come up against at the next election.
“I love my job as the Member for Lindsay, and look forward to continuing to work hard every day for the best community in the country,” McIntosh said.
“I am also honoured to continue this work with my new portfolio responsibilities as Shadow Minister for Energy Affordability and Shadow Minister for Western Sydney.”
Aconcerned resident on Nepean Avenue claims a pertinent document was withheld from Councillors regarding the street’s controversial proposed pathway.
John Mulders, who lives on Nepean Avenue, has recently become aware of a Concept Design Road Safety Audit that is dated September 19 2023, one week before Councillors endorsed the pathway at their September 25 meeting.
The proposed pathway is intended to reduce incidents on the famous bridge-to-bridge walk, which goes through Nepean Avenue.
Mulders expressed that he does not believe that safety was the driving force behind the endorsement of this project.
“Nepean Avenue has a perfect record, there has never been an accident, never been an incident,” Mulders said.
Mulders predicts that reducing the width of the road to fit the pathway will increase the number of accidents.
“Once you cut a street in half,
or into thirds, it puts a lot more pressure onto what’s left, and you are going to have more accidents,” Mulders said.
The Concept Design Road Safety Audit found multiple times that the safety of those using Nepean Avenue was not likely to be improved.
“This safety concern is exacerbated when motorists are required to reverse from their property. Consequently, motorists may collide with a pedestrian at a low speed,” the Audit said.
“Motorists may reverse onto the path and strike a pedestrian.”
Mulders said the already implemented changes do enough to protect pedestrians.
“Our Council has already changed the road to better protect walkers with speed humps, no parking on the eastern side, and the speed is going to be dropped to 30km per hour,” he said.
A spokesperson for Penrith City Council said the report would not have had any effect on the outcome of the vote for the implementation of the pathway.
“Assertions made that a report was withheld and the outcome of Councillors’ decision on the Nepean
Avenue pathway would have been different is incorrect,” the spokesperson said.
“The intent of the draft report was not to determine feasibility or the need for the path, rather the need for the path was informed by a sepa-
The State Government is poised to drop COVID-19 vaccine mandates for NSW Health staff.
It is understood NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant is supportive of the move.
NSW Health made the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory once it was available, sparking debate and resulting in some leaving their jobs.
Chant said before any changes are made, there will be consultation with staff, health unions, and local health districts.
“COVID-19 vaccination continues to provide strong protection against severe illness, particularly for people at higher risk of serious illness and death from COVID19, including older adults and those with underlying health conditions,” Chant said this week.
“While the latest evidence shows most
people have now developed protection from serious disease due to vaccination and/or previous infection, COVID-19 remains a serious public health issue.”
Under the current work health and safety framework for infectious disease screening and vaccination, NSW Health workers are required to have had at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine unless they have a medical contraindication.
Health Minister Ryan Park told Radio 2GB that it was the right time to consult with the relevant stakeholders.
“We think it’s timely to do this,” he said.
“We know that COVID is still around but we’ve got to get back on with life.
“That means running a health service and that means looking at the measures we put in place during that period and whether they still apply.”
rate independent road safety audit completed in February 2023.
“The purpose of the draft report that Mr Mulders refers to was to provide direction and clarifications to inform the Request for Tender release to market; it was used to
guide the detailed design to ensure compliance requirements are met.”
Meanwhile, Council this week appointed Axial Constructions Pty Ltd the detailed design and construction contract for construction of the pathway.
PO BOX 7105
South Penrith NSW 2750
P (02) 4722 2998 • F (02) 4731 6255
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Icaught up with a friend on Monday night and the question that inevitably gets raised, given we’re both pretty big TV followers, is: So, what are you watching?
Usually, our lists are pretty similar. The latest show ‘everyone is talking about’, perhaps one we’re late to the party on, or a gem discovered somewhere in the streaming world.
This week, I safely declared: “I bet you’re not watching this”.
And so, let me tell you a little story for no other reason than I think it’s pretty interesting and may provide a little trip down memory lane for you.
When I was a kid, while most of my school mates were watching cartoons or falling in love with superheroes, I developed a fascination for old TV shows.
I’d watch them with my Dad. A real farrago of shows, from ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’ to ‘Gilligan’s Island’ and ‘Lost In Space’.
I reckon I could still recite every single word of Maxwell Smart and 99’s antics as they battled Chaos in ‘Get Smart’.
One show stuck with me in particular.
‘The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet’ would air for the first time on October 3, 1952. Ironically, October 3 is my Dad’s birthday, though he wouldn’t enter the world until two years later.
‘Ozzie and Harriet’ would go on for 14 seasons and become, until recently, the longest running sitcom in American television history.
Along the way it would launch the career of pop superstar Ricky Nelson, and establish the Nelsons as the poster family of 1950s America.
The show was unique in many ways. Ozzie and Harriet Nelson starred as themselves, though in scripted situations, and their real-life sons David and Ricky played their children.
When they grew up on the show and got married, their real life wives became cast members. In many ways, it was a frontrunner to reality TV long before anyone had heard of the genre.
My Dad grew up watching this show and
“Against what he calls insurmountable odds, Sam Nelson finished his project just before Christmas”
then, through the magic of VHS and later DVD, so did I.
Through my 20s and 30s, I would still occasionally take a break from the drug showdowns of ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘Ozark’ to go back to a time when life seemed simpler, and throw on an episode of ‘Ozzie and Harriet’.
The ultimate comfort show.
For all its innocence, ‘Ozzie and Harriet’ is definitely firmly a show of its time. Sexism is rampant, although only through modern eyes. Stereotypes are there in spades, but again, only when applying today’s standards.
Not surprisingly, ‘Ozzie and Harriet’ became lost through the generations. Not to be found on even the most obscure of streaming services and YouTube and sporadic DVD releases providing the only platform for a flashback.
Until recently, that is.
In total, 435 episodes of ‘Ozzie and Harriet’ were made. A couple of hundred are easily found online, or are the ones that pop up on those DVD releases time and time again.
But many more were considered lost, or if not lost, unwanted.
About a decade ago, Sam Nelson – Ricky’s son – started a passion project, determined to somehow get all 435 episodes together for the first time in a complete collection.
He didn’t know what he was getting himself into.
Nelson would soon discover reels in storage facilities across the country.
Episodes here, seasons here. Some in good condition, some almost destroyed.
As much as his grandfather Ozzie, who had managed the show with a fine tooth comb, was organised and ahead of his time, he could never have imagined the technology that would follow the early days of television.
Against what he calls insurmountable odds, Nelson finished his project just before Christmas. All 435 episodes are now together in one box set, remastered and complete. The missing episodes have been found.
And let me tell you, this is an extraordinary collection. I can not tell you what a ride down memory lane watching this show from the start again has been.
The magic when an episode comes on that I’ve never seen.
The sadness in imagining how much my Dad would have loved this.
The joy in being able to completely remove yourself from the world and be taken back in time to a place where none of the modern world’s problems existed.
The Nelsons weren’t quite the all-American family they portrayed on the show, but they did a mighty good job of playing pretend.
And to see it all over again is magical.
In the lead-up to the Easter long weekend, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood has issued an appeal for blood and plasma donors, with demand from hospitals at an all-time high.
According to Jemma Falkenmire from Lifeblood, blood demand across New South Wales is three per cent higher than the same time last year, with the upcoming long weekend adding even more pressure.
“We are just seeing more patients in hospital generally needing blood, so more mums, more cancer patients, more people having surgeries,” she said.
“That demand comes under additional stress over long weekends, because we see so many accidents and trauma over long weekends, and it can take around 100 donations just to treat one trauma patient. We need to have good supplies in the bank for those accidents and emergencies, as well as treating all of the mums and cancer patients and people having surgery.”
Demand for platelets is also at a record high.
“We also take those from blood donations, but they are really important in stopping bleeding in accidents and trauma, and they only last for five days after we collect them and test them, so we can’t go for a long weekend without collecting blood,” she said.
It’s for this reason that some donor centres across the state, including the one in Penrith, will be open from Good Friday all the way through to Easter Monday.
200 donors are needed in Penrith before Easter Monday, with Easter Saturday, Sunday, and Monday the most critical days to donate. This number is finalised in collaboration with
hospitals, who can identify what blood types are needed, and how much.
The Penrith donor centre will be supplying hospitals right across the state over the long weekend, meaning donations are even more vital.
Easter is traditionally a challenging time for donations because many regular donors will be taking time off. This is why there’s never been a better time for first-time donors to step up.
“We do know that a lot of the people who come in to donate blood say that it feels good, and they find that while they might have been afraid to donate blood before they came in to do it, they actually find the process really easy, and they love knowing where their donation is going after they’ve given it,” she said.
If you’re unsure of whether you can donate blood, Falkenmire said it’s important to never rule yourself out until you know your eligibility for sure.
“We know that a lot of people think that they can’t donate because they’ve got tattoos, or they’ve lived in the UK, or they’re on a medication, or they have a health problem, but it’s really important that people get in touch with us and not rule themselves out, just to find out if they can donate,” she said.
To book an appointment call 13 14 95, visit lifeblood.com.au or jump onto the DonateBlood app.
Penrith: Four Penrith youths charged with robbery
Four youths have been charged after robbing a 17-year-old at a local train station last weekend.
At about 6.20pm on Friday, March 22, a 17-year-old Schofields youth was at Penrith train station waiting for the elevator. It is alleged the youth was approached by four youths, one male and three females, two of whom he knew.
The approaching youths were aged 17, 16, 14, and 12-years-old. It is alleged the Schofields youth knew the approaching 17-year-old and 12-year-old youths.
It is alleged the four youths have surrounded the 17-year-old Schofields youth and have engaged in a verbal altercation, which resulted in the 16-year-old female grabbing the 17-year-old’s bag and pulling it back and forth, causing the Schofieds youth to fall to the ground.
It is alleged that once the Schofields youth was on the ground the 17-year-old Penrith youth slapped him in the face, and at the same time 16-year-old Penrith female grabbed the Schofield youth’s hoodie. The 12-year-old youth is alleged to have taken the Schofield youth’s sunglasses from his head; it is also alleged that the 17-year-old male filmed the altercation.
The four of them walked away with the 17-year-old’s property and boarded a train. The Schofields youth has spoken to Police nearby and an investigation was commenced.
At about 9.30pm on Friday, March 22 Police have attended a unit block on Sherwood Crescent, Penrith and apprehended all four youths. All the youths were charged.
They will all appear in a Children’s Court at a later date.
Werrington: Man charged with high range drink driving
A man has been charged after Police found him asleep behind the wheel.
At about 2.30am on Saturday, March 23
Police were patrolling the Great Western Highway, Werrington.
Police have stopped at the intersection of Werrington Road behind another vehicle.
The traffic lights turned green, and it is alleged the vehicle in front of Police has not proceeded.
Police beeped their horn, and the vehicle did not move.
Police activated their lights and approached
the driver’s door. It is alleged that a 31-yearold St Marys man was asleep behind the wheel.
Police woke the man and removed him from the driver’s seat. It is alleged the Police could smell alcohol and the man was breath tested, which provided a positive result.
The man was arrested and taken to St Marys Police Station where he underwent a breath analysis that returned a positive reading of 0.159.
The man’s driver’s licence was suspended on the spot.
The man was formally charged and will appear at Penrith Local Court on Thursday, May 5.
St Clair: Man arrested for possessing a knife and prohibited drugs in public
A man has been charged after Police found two knives and prohibited drugs after a search.
At about 11.20am on Saturday, March 23
Police were patrolling Banks Drive, St Clair.
Police have sighted a male riding a scooter on the footpath. It is alleged the man appeared somewhat erratic on the scooter and he has turned into a side street after seeing Police.
Police have followed the man and stopped him a short distance down Ireland Street. It is alleged the man was agitated and could not stop moving. The man was spoken to and identified as a 28-year-old man from Bligh Park.
Checks were made on the man, it is alleged the man gave a false name to begin but as Police were searching his bag, they located two bank cards with the man’s real name. Checks on that name revealed the man had an outstanding warrant, and he was subsequently arrested.
The man was searched, and it is alleged that Police located two fold out knives and a bank card in a woman’s name.
The man was placed into the caged Police vehicle.
It is alleged that located in the leg of the man’s pants was a small container. In that container it is alleged there was a small re-sealable plastic bag containing methylamphetamine.
The man was taken to St Marys Police Station where the warrant was executed, and the man was charged.
The man was bail refused and was due to appear in Penrith Local Court on Tuesday, March 26.
When people hear the word “contract” they often think of a formal legal document, usually prepared by a lawyer that is pages and pages long.
The reason contracts have evolved to take this form is that quite often the subject of the contract is quite important to the parties and usually involves some sort of exchange, often involving payment of a sum of money in return for a good or service, the terms of which need to be clear to all parties involved.
Contracts take all different shapes and sizes.
You can have a contract for the sale of land that sets out the land that is to be sold, the price payable for the land by the purchaser, and a range of other matters including any additional inclusions, timing of payments etc. An employment contract sets out the duties that an employee is expected to perform in return for payment of wages or a salary by the employer and other things like basic conditions of employment (for example, things like whether or not an employee is entitled to work from home and things of that nature). Contracts can take the form of terms and conditions that people agree to every day, sometimes without even realising they are doing so. For example, if you enter into a private car park that has a sign posted at the entry with a list of conditions of entry you are usually entering into a contract with the car park owner/operator to use the car park in accordance with those terms.
The reason that most contracts are recorded in writing is to prevent disputes between parties to a contract about the agreement between them.
A contract does not need to be prepared by a lawyer or in a particular form however to constitute a legally binding contract.
While there are certain “ingredients” that determine whether or not a contract exists as a matter of law (which we will explore in another column in the future), contracts can be handwritten, completely verbal, partially written and partially verbal, and often determined by the conduct of the parties even if not expressly set out in a document or conversation.
For example, you might be selling a car. I might come and inspect the car and offer to
McKinnonpurchase it from you for $500. You might say to me, “I will accept $500, but you take the car as is”. I might shake your hand and say, “We have a deal, I agree to pay you $500 for the car as is”. You might say, “No problem, pay me the money now and I will fill out the paperwork to transfer the registration to you and give you a receipt”.
This is an example of what might constitute a contract that is both verbal and written in nature. The verbal part is the terms of the contract that were agreed in the conversation. The written part might be the receipt or registration transfer papers or a combination of both.
Contracts like this are just as enforceable as a formal, written contract prepared by a lawyer.
Using the example above, if I were to pay you the $500 and you transferred the motor vehicle registration to me and provided me with a receipt, you could not then come back to me two weeks later and say, “I’ve changed my mind, I now want $1,000 for the car”.
The problem with contracts that are not in writing and lack sufficient detail is that they can be difficult to enforce because parties often end up in a he said she said argument about what the terms of the contract actually were, particularly if it is a verbal contract.
For example, let’s say I drive the car home and three days later it breaks down on the motorway. I might call you and say, “I want my $500 back, this car is a lemon”. You might respond with, “No, you took the car as is”. I might say, “I would never have agreed to buy a faulty car though, and the car should have lasted me at least six months given the amount of money I paid”.
Disputes like this arise all the time in circumstances where parties to a contract have made assumptions that are not verbalised or recorded in writing or where parties have misinterpreted what the terms of the agreement actually were.
If you are considering entering into some sort of commercial arrangement you should always think about recording the terms of the agreement you are entering into in writing and depending on the nature of the transaction having a lawyer assist you in this process.
Contact Us
Penrith City Council’s Local Celebration Awards are an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the community. NOMINATIONS CLOSE 15 APRIL 2024.
So what are you waiting for?
Find out more at: penrith.city/local-celebration-awards
● Time is running out to nominate for the 2024 Local Celebration Awards, with nominations closing on Monday, 15 April! This is your chance to recognise and celebrate these quiet achievers in our community, who help to improve the lives of others and make our City a better place to live.
These people often go unrecognised, but the Local Celebration miss this opportunity to uplift the people who support our community so much.
Find out more about the Awards and how to nominate at penrith.city/local-celebration-awards
● Penrith City Council is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the formal use of the new sports facilities in the Gipps Street Recreation Precinct.
The 32-hectare precinct will offer a variety of high-quality,
• Two full size cricket/AFL ovals with synthetic wickets
• Two netball courts
• Four lane district-level cricket practice facilities
• A central amenities building
• Car parking including designated coach drop off areas
Summer Season and 2025 Winter Season.
Applications will close at 5pm on Monday, 15 April 2024
● Lets Learn About Platypus is a free informative event where you can learn more about the platypus sighted in Penrith and how you can help conserve them.
Nepean Rowing Club with co-host Mulgoa Valley Landcare for a great evening. Light refreshments will be provided. Register your attendance at penrith.city/events
As prescribed under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Penrith City Council is required to establish a Local applications and proposals for local development.
There are four categories to choose from:
Citizen of the Year
Young Citizen of the Year
Mayor’s Local Heroes Award Community Service Award
Council is looking for Community Representatives with an interest in contributing to quality development outcomes for the Penrith Local Government Area for appointment to the panel for a period of up to three years or when the term is due for renewal under the direction of the Planning Secretariat.
• Attendance at Panel meetings
• to the Panel
• Other functions include providing advice to Council on planning proposals and other planning or development matters referred to the panel
If you feel you have a contribution to make to the growth and development of Penrith, please visit penrithcity.nsw.gov.au and submit your Expression of Interest by Monday, 22 April 2024
development application is Penrith Local Planning Panel.
• Lot 7 DP 518693 & Lot 5 DP 509107, 38–40 Robert Street, Penrith
group home including associated resident support facilities, basement car parking and related site works
development application seeks concurrent approval from the
The development application referred to in this notice and Tracker at penrithcity.nsw.gov.au/datracker, in the period from Monday, 1 April 2024 to Tuesday,30 April 2024.
Any person may, during the exhibition period, make a submission in writing to Penrith City Council, in relation to the development application. Where a submission is made
For any queries relating to the proposal: Please contact
energy prices, while he also took aim at Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.
The Federal Opposition has taken aim at the Albanese Government, claiming Labor has broken its energy promise to Australian families.
During the 2022 election campaign, Labor promised to reduce Australian household energy bills by $275 – now the Liberal Party says the promise has officially been broken.
The Australian Energy Regulator last week released the draft determination Default Market Offer (DMO), which outlined the Government’s energy commitments for the 2024-25 period. This report will determine the official findings that are released in May.
The draft DMO released last week indicated a downward trend in energy prices but falls short of the Prime Minister’s promise of reducing energy prices by $275.
Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen, said the government was committed to reducing
“Today’s figures show a welcome downward trend for prices following the biggest global energy crisis since the 1970s – but we know there’s more to do to get cheaper energy in the grid for Aussie families and businesses,” Bowen said.
“Only the Albanese government has a plan to deliver the lowest cost, reliable energy Australians need. Our plan is in line with the best advice from engineers, scientists and energy experts – unlike Peter Dutton’s nuclear fantasy.
“While Peter Dutton and his No-alition run around saying battery technology doesn’t exist and trying to stop solar, the Albanese Government is getting on with the job of delivering a firmed renewable energy system to benefit all Australians.”
Shadow Minister for Energy Affordability and Lindsay MP, Melissa McIntosh, said energy prices in western Sydney are out of control.
“To achieve Albanese’s election pledge of $275 off a family home’s electricity bills, the highest cut needed to be more than $1000 for Penrith, Narellan, and Parramatta residents and this has not happened in today’s draft DMO,” McIntosh said.
“Since Labor took office western Sydney has been hit hard, with customers experiencing a cumulative electricity cost of up to 37.4 per cent or $752. “This is a massive hit for families in western Sydney.” Is Labor doing enough?
Your say: Email news@ westernweekender.com.au.
Pursuant to Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the schedule below lists applications recently determined by Penrith City Council.
Approved Development Applications
• Meelad Yaqo DA24/0015
Lot 311 DP 716080, 224–230 Hinxman Road, Castlereagh
Demolition of existing swimming pool and alterations and additions including a in-ground swimming pool, cabana, gym, front fence and landscaping
• Michael Andrew Soteriou Mod24/0010
Lot 337 DP 1231225, 190 Forestwood Drive, Glenmore Park
windows and façade
• Lot 60 DP 259119, 21 The Road, Penrith
Construction of a secondary dwelling and retaining walls
• Salem Halta DA24/0121
Lot 189 DP 270417, 12 Pine Valley Crescent, Luddenham
• Lot 289 DP 245374, 103 Rugby Street, Werrington County
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling
• Lot 1413 DP 1236931, 45 Tedbury Road, Jordan Springs
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including alfresco and inground swimming pool
• Lot 301 DP 1267964, 28 Bonner Road, Agnes Banks
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling, detached studio and shed including an OSSM System
• Josip Perica DA24/0054
Lot 344 DP 270417, 4 Ganton Way, Luddenham Swimming pool and outbuilding
• Lot 2 DP 258361, 113 The Sanctuary Drive, Leonay residence
• Lot 160 DP 32140, 312–314 Mt Vernon Road, Mount Vernon
• Lot 1 DP 1084891, 308–332 Londonderry Road, Londonderry
Alterations of an existing structure for use as a Veterinary Hospital in association with existing racing club
• Lot 249 DP 270417, 70 Twin Creeks Drive, Luddenham
Two-storey dwelling, swimming pool and landscaping
Deferred Commencement
Development Application
• Lot 2 DP 620044 and Lot 3 DP 620044, 31 Oxford Street, Cambridge Park
with basement parking and associated works
Viewing of Development Applications penrithcity.nsw.gov.au/ DATracker
Department will be able to assist with your enquiries.
Disclosure of Political Donations or Gifts
By law, reportable political donations or gifts must be disclosed by anyone lodging a planning application to penrithcity.nsw.gov.au
EMILY CHATE Melissa McIntosh.Ever been travelling and desperately missing your dual monitor set-up?
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everything in between.
The DUEX Max retails for $599 and is available from JB Hi-Fi, Officeworks, Harvey Norman and Amazon.
The Weekender has a DUEX Max to give away. For your chance to win one, send an email to competitions@westernweekender.com.au with ‘DUEX’ in the subject line. Don’t forget to include your contact details. Entries close Friday, April 5 and the winners will be notified by email. Terms and conditions are available at www. westernweekender. com.au or Weekender reception.
This week’s lucky winners are: 0428, 0598, 0678
Jordan Springs community members are expressing their frustrations over the lack of dedicated bus services for students at Jordan Springs Public School.
Catrina Waddell is the grandparent of a student at Jordan Springs Public School and said the lack of a devoted school bus service is frustrating.
“There is no school bus here,” Waddell told the Weekender
“It’s very frustrating.”
There is a public bus service that operates through Jordan Springs but at times the service has been so overfilled that some students can’t get on.
“The buses are overcrowded in the afternoon,” Waddell said.
“The children are having to stand, so by the time they get to Jordan Springs Public School the children are having to stand.”
Waddell has noted that there has been a series of times an intoxicated man has been on the public bus which has frightened young students.
“So far what we have noticed was
twice a gentleman has been drunk on the bus,” Waddell said. “I believe once he has been kicked off the bus and the police have been called. But the second time, and I’ve complained recently, he wasn’t [kicked off].
“That’s a really big issue.”
Waddell said some primary school children are being penalised for being late to school due to the, at times, delayed bus service.
“The bus comes late, and the children get penalised because they get a late [notice],” Waddell said.
“It is not their fault the bus comes
three or four minutes before nine o’clock.”
Waddell has expressed her concerns numerous times to both Jordan Springs Public School and the bus service but no changes have been made.
“The estate is growing all the time,
so I feel that they need to take that into consideration... they need the school bus,” Waddell said.
A Department of Education spokesperson said they have advocated for a school bus service to be provided to the Jordan Springs area.
“The Department has advocated for a designated school bus service and will continue discussions with Transport for NSW,” a spokesperson for the Education Department said.
Additionally, Transport for NSW has indicated they are looking at ways of improving their bus services.
“The Bus Taskforce has been tasked with investigating ways to improve services and make buses more reliable, across the state and in Sydney’s growing North West,” a Transport for NSW spokesperson said.
“At a recent Bus Passenger Forum in Marsden Park, the taskforce heard from locals who shared what improvements they wanted to see across western Sydney.
“The taskforce is now helping Government work through how we can deliver improved school services across NSW.”
After the Development Application (DA) was approved by Penrith City Council last year, space in the first of two buildings aiming to provide more commercial and residential space on High Street has officially entered the market.
The $20.5 million development of 342-350 High Street will see a strip of well-known buildings demolished to instead make way for two buildings, with Building A a strata mixed-use development fronting High Street, and Building B home to serviced apartments, situated at the rear of the site and fronting John Cram Place.
According to John Henry, Director, Sales and Leasing at Raine & Horne Commercial Penrith, the mixed-use development in particular, which has gone live this week, will be revolutionary for the area.
“High Street hasn’t really had any significant development for a long time. Even generally in the Penrith CBD, there hasn’t been any brandnew development that’s hit the market for sale,” he said.
“The most recent ones were the Belmore building, and 84 Henry Street, which are great, but they’re for lease.
“We put this up with the intention of selling the majority of the different levels and suites and shops, so that in itself is unique because it’s a different offering for purchase rather than lease, which is what historically the Penrith CBD has
basically only offered for new developments.”
The bottom portion of the building will be four levels of commercial space, which Henry believes will be a mix of professional services and pure retail offerings, as well as a café.
With two prominent Penrith businesses already committed to the development, he affirmed that
interest in the development has been strong.
“It’s only been up for a week, but we’ve got serious interest in pretty much all of the shops on the ground floor, and we’ve got some interest on a whole level – level one or level two – and also some interest in half a floor as well,” he said.
“Reception from the market has been strong in the early stages.”
The development will also include 54 basement car spaces, and three penthouse style apartments – two on level five, and one on level six.
Two of these have already sold, with Henry adding that the remaining listing would best suit someone looking for a CBD lifestyle, given they’re housed right in the heart of Penrith’s business district.
“There’s not really any apartments at the moment that are bang smack in the middle of the CBD on High Street,” he said.
“It would suit a businessperson, or just someone who wants to walk to everything that they need to support their lifestyle, whether that’s restaurants, a shopping centre, bars, clubs, pubs – everything!”
Set to begin construction in the later half of this year, and completed in early 2026, Henry said he hopes this is just another step in the right direction for Penrith.
“We’re just looking to get good quality businesses into the building, and add another hopefully significant and substantial development to the Penrith CBD, and keep moving Penrith in the right direction and modernising the business district,” he said.
Ever get the feeling that it’s time to just stop? It hit me over the weekend. A realisation that life is hurtling by frighteningly fast, even if we’re unsure of the direction it’s going.
That each of us are like boats in an ocean, bobbing about and buffeted by winds. Sometimes the current is stronger than us, however much we try to resist. Maybe sometimes, it’s better to just close our eyes and let things be.
Imperceptibly, the seasons change. Summer slides into autumn. The sun is still here but losing its sting. And sapping heat and humidity is being replaced by the need for a light jumper or shawl when out at night. Possibly even socks at bedtime.
The cockroaches (guests of the summer) in our apartment block are still there.
However, they’re less manic and audacious, and showing signs of wanting to hibernate themselves.
It was an uncomfortable few months, where it felt almost too exhausting to do anything much. Almost everyone I know in our area was struggling to get decent sleep, particularly if your house or unit lacked functioning air-conditioning (or you couldn’t afford to keep it on). Just in the last week that has changed as our clock readjusts.
Hibernation brings comfort for people, too.
The thought of getting out in the backyard among the plants, clearing out the garage, focusing on odd jobs from sewing projects to sorting through old papers in the filing cabinet.
Adding to the sense of a change of pace, it is a special time for people of faith, with common-
“Each of us are like boats in the ocean, bobbing about and buffeted by winds”
alities between our city’s various religious communities. The sacrifices of Ramadan and Lent, followed by the joy of the feast. Palm Sunday services this past weekend, followed by a comprehensive Easter schedule starting with Holy Thursday where Christians gather for the traditional washing of the feet.
While I am only an intermittent churchgoer today, as a child sitting in the pews during the Good Friday service, which inevitably lasted
hours, I always used to feel sombre. As if this was the first occasion each year where you were forced to confront life’s deeper meaning. The reason why we are here, and if there is a deeper purpose and a plan.
Decades later, there are still no definitive answers to those questions.
However, for me, as for many, the search continues. Again, it’s one of the few times when life comes to a pause and we check back in.
From last week’s barbaric terror attacks in Moscow to the ongoing carnage in Gaza, the notion of humanity as flawed and fallen is not hard to ascribe to when we see the world today.
Closer to home, the murders of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies – in tragic counterpoint to the generous and much admired lives they led – have also provided stark reminders of the ongoing scourge of domestic violence.
The need to stop – to turn the TV off – and to reconnect with our better spirits as human beings, has come to me most vividly when observing the media frenzy over the supposed disappearance of Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales.
Not being a Royal watcher, this one snuck up on me late.
As far as I could tell, it was something about her being missing from the public eye for several months – then admitting to editing a photograph of her kids.
The swirl of conspiracy theories was ridiculous.
“A princess who had gone missing. It was intriguing and low stakes. She’d had a Brazilian butt lift. She was growing out her bangs. William was having an affair,” wrote SMH columnist Kerry Sackville at the weekend.
“I jumped on the Katespiracy bandwagon. Now I’m flooded with shame.”
The news that Kate is being treated for cancer at age 42, has I think, shocked the world. Her dignified disclosure of her condition, while sitting on a bench, provided the most simple, heartfelt and heartbreaking message we have seen from a public figure in years.
It’s a reminder that even the most famous people are not sport for whatever lurid fantasy we can think of to entertain ourselves. They are people, too.
The coarseness of our celebrity culture is shocking and it has to stop. But you can’t blame the messenger when we are the ones clicking on the links.
My best wishes to readers for a happy Easter weekend.
Daylight Saving will come to an end next Sunday, April 7. At 3.00am, clocks are turned back one hour to 2.00am.
Most automated clocks will adjust themselves, but if you have a manual clock, it’s a good idea to put it back an hour before you head to bed next Saturday night.
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Labor has celebrated one year in government by declaring there’s more to do, while claiming it’s meeting the mandate handed to it by New South Wales voters.
It’s been 12 months since Chris Minns was elevated to Premier, ousting Dominic Perrottet and ending 12 years of Coalition government in the state.
“We were elected with a clear mandate to rebuild essential services, invest in our frontline workers, address the housing crisis, and stop privatisation. That is exactly what we are doing,” Minns said.
“We hit the ground running, to repair the damage done by the previous government and to undertake long-term reform. But that’s just the beginning.
“We have an ambitious agenda and will not waste a second delivering reform to improve the quality of life for the people of NSW.
“We don’t take government for granted. We are committed to working hard every day on behalf of the people of NSW.”
Minns and Deputy Premier
Prue Car issued a joint statement on Monday, celebrating a year of “repair, reform and action”.
They pointed to cost-of-living assistance, rebuilding essential services, protecting the environ ment, building new public trans port infrastructure, repairing the budget and focusing on renewable and reliable energy as key achieve ments.
“The NSW Government’s number one priority is helping people across NSW with cost-of-living pressures,” Car said.
“At the centre of that is housing. We have unveiled some of the most transformative planning reforms in NSW that will increase supply, making housing more affordable and in well-located areas close to transport, jobs and existing infra structure.”
Opposition Leader Mark Speakman is less than enthused about Minns’ first year in charge.
“Chris Minns has been spending most of his time cutting ribbons on projects funded, commenced or delivered NSW
drinking,” a spokesperson for the Nepean Police Area Command said.
Police will be out in force this weekend while double demerit points have been enacted as the long weekend gets underway.
The long weekend starts today on Good Friday, March 29 and will conclude on Easter Monday, April 1.
Double demerits came into effect yesterday (Thursday, March 28).
Those planning short getaways or family visits are encouraged to obey the road rules as police will be out in force across the local area and beyond.
“The message is simple; drive to the speed limit, focus on the roads – not your phone, and make sure you have a plan B if you are
“This Easter, our officers will be out and about doing their best to keep the roads safe so that everyone can arrive at their destinations in time for a wonderful weekend with loved ones.”
Double demerits and fines will apply to all speeding, seatbelt, mobile phone usage, and motorcycle helmet use offences.
When driving for long periods of time, drivers are recommended to take breaks.
“Please plan your trip and ensure you have plenty of breaks if you’re driving for a longer period. If you’re fatigued you should be resting, not driving,” the spokesperson said. Drivers are encouraged to stick to the speed limit and take extra care when on the roads across the long weekend.
Police are appealing for information as they continue to investigate a suspicious house fire in Penrith last year.
About 3.40am on Thursday, February 2, 2023, emergency services were called to a home on Lethbridge Street, Penrith, following reports it was on fire.
Fire and Rescue NSW crews attended and extinguished the blaze; however, the building was totally destroyed.
Officers from Nepean Police Area Command established a crime scene and commenced inquiries
into the circumstances surrounding the fire.
As part of ongoing inquiries, detectives established strike force Balix to investigate the fire and have released images and CCTV footage of a man who may be able to assist with inquiries.
The man depicted is described as being of Caucasian appearance, aged between 20 and 30 years of age, of slim build, with long dark red/brown hair.
He is shown wearing long dark pants, shirtless with a dark coloured shirt tied around his waist and dark shoes.
Anyone who is able to recognise the person, or has information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
NSW Health is reminding people, especially those travelling out of Sydney and around the state during the Easter long weekend, to protect themselves from mosquito bites.
NSW Health’s Director of Environmental Health Branch Dr Stephen Conaty said even though summer is over, continuing warm weather and wet conditions means mosquitoes are still around in significant numbers and will be for several more weeks.
“Easter can be a busy time with people travelling around NSW to visit family or friends, spending time outdoors and
engaging in activities like camping,” Conaty said.
Recent mosquito monitoring has detected Ross River Virus and Barmah Forest Virus in coastal areas of NSW, particularly in the north.
Ross River and Barmah Forest virus infections can cause unpleasant symptoms which include tiredness, rash, fever, and sore and swollen joints.
“There is no specific treatment for these viruses. The best way to avoid infection is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes,” Conaty said.
EMILY CHATE Police will be out in force across the long weekend.Penrith City Council has this week endorsed plans to make repairs to the damaged roof at Lewers Gallery, Emu Plains.
A proposal for the repairs was put to Councillors on Monday night.
“Building works are required at the Lewers Gallery to repair and renew the existing roof area,” a report to Council said.
“The existing membrane is failing due to the multiple punctures and cuts around the surface area.
“Plans and specifications were produced for works including heritage considerations of a like-for-like replacement.”
A tender for services was advertised earlier this year and received a total of four applicants.
Two applicants were deemed non-conforming to Council requirements, with Westbury Constructions Pty Ltd selected to perform the service.
Westbury Constructions operates out of Vineyard, within the Hawkesbury. The only Penrith applicant was deemed non-conforming to Council requirements.
Westbury Constructions has previously completed other heritage restoration work.
That work has included heritage restoration works for Balcombe Heights that involved
ceiling restoration works, flooring, painting, and new additions.
They have also undertaken work with Fairfield City Council and Hawkesbury City Council.
The total cost of the repairs at Lewers Gallery is estimated to be $269,707.
The cost of the repairs will be funded through the Council’s Building Asset Renewal Program, with maintenance costs estimated to be low.
“The recommended tender cost is within budget and is funded under Council’s Building Asset Renewal Program,” the Council report said.
“The estimated maintenance and operational cost requirements for this project starts at $7,653 per annum.”
A Tender Advisory Group (TAG) recommended the tender for this restoration as it meets the requirements of the repairs.
“The TAG considered the recommendations
in relation to the tender… Lewers Gallery Roof Renewal noting that, the recommended tender was the lowest price, the company has demonstrated their ability to meet Council’s requirements and their proposal was considered to be the most advantageous to Council for the scale of this project,” the report said. Lewers Gallery has been in public hands since the early 1980s when it was gifted to the people of Penrith by the family of artists Margo and Gerald Lewers.
An illustrious line-up of industry leaders will be presenting at the ‘Lights On Western Sydney – Visitor Economy Forum’ at the Western Sydney Conference Centre on Friday, April 5.
The event plans to promote Penrith and the wider western Sydney area as a hub for visitors ahead of the opening of the Western Sydney International Airport in 2026.
The event is hosted by Penrith Valley Chamber in partnership with Blue Mountains Tourism.
Penrith Valley Chamber President Richard Fox said the event will outline the potential growth that the western Sydney area will see in the coming years.
“It is really to have a look at our readiness as a region to welcome visitors,” Fox said.
The event is set to be an opportunity for businesses to prepare for the changes coming in the western Sydney region.
“If you make Penrith a better place for people to visit, if you do it well, it is also better for people who live here,” Fox said.
“The real purpose is to draw all those themes to the surface and highlight them and say ‘how ready are we?’ and to get people engaged and optimistic about the opportunities that are ahead.”
The industry networking event will feature a series of panels and speaking opportunities from a range of experts including Destination NSW CEO Steve Cox, NSW Office of Sport Executive Director (centre, venues, and regions) Adam Berry, Western Sydney Airport CEO Simon Hickey, PSM/Sydney Metro Chief Executive Peter Regan, West HQ Ltd CEO Richard Errington, and BESydney CEO Lyn Lewis-Smith.
Those attending will be given the chance
to view the new opportunities proposed for the region including Western Sydney Lakes, Winter Sports World, and the night-time economy.
Co-host and Blue Mountains Tourism President Jason Cronshaw expressed how exciting it is to have a series of industry leaders in one room.
“To have the calibre of these industry experts together in one room is an opportunity to be inspired, [to] explore fantastic new
opportunities and do businesses with some of the biggest most experienced industry linchpins – and most unique newcomers – in the region,” Cronshaw said.
The Lights On Western Sydney – Visitor Economy Forum will be held at the Western Sydney Conference Centre at Penrith’s Pullman Hotel on Friday, April 5 from 9am to 3.30pm.
Tickets are on sale now. Visit www.lightsonpenrith for more details.
End of a retail era
At least it’s closing with a great team in Mulgoa who kept the store clean and going well, right until the end (Godfreys to close all stores, Weekender March 22). Emilio and Justin kept the store above water as full-time staff loyally doing their jobs even though it seemed hopeless at times as far as their future at Godfreys. I would highly recommend that these two are offered work elsewhere right in Penrith.
Column sparks foodie debate
To my mind a large part of this is the influence of the triple whammy of huge interest rate rises, rent increases and at the same time all of our basic living costs hyperbolically increasing (The Editor’s Desk, Weekender March 22). By and large the community has been managing on COVID savings but this has run out and it’s really obvious, you could pinpoint the moment. It’s so unfair these small businesses have borne the brunt of the impact when the real influences to inflation – large business, supermarkets et al – have profited unheeded. I’m so sad for businesses closing as a result.
Look to success stories
Restaurants need to look at the ones who are surviving/have survived for a long time and the reasonable costs they allocate to meals/drinks in their menus and then people will frequent them more. We have many long-term restaurants in the ‘riff, that’s a model to follow right?
VIAPrices a factor in eating out
Personally I dont dine locally due to the exorbitant prices, I prefer to go to the Inner West or the harbour to have a nice night out with great views and change of demographic and a lot of the times, nicer food and broader selection.
Families doing it tough
Eating out has become really expensive, especially for larger families. I don’t believe restaurants are being greedy, they’re just passing on their increased costs to customers. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to demonstrate good value for money.
Given the choice between taking my family out for $200+ or making a generous, tasty meal at home for closer to $20, I know which way I’m leaning, more often than not.
PODSIADLY, VIA FACEBOOKIntersection needs attention
Every day there is a huge amount of traffic congestion from the roundabout near Penrith Library / Council carport heading west on High Street. The majority of traffic congestion is due to the traffic heading west and only using one lane instead of the two provided. This then has an onflow affect blocking any access to turn right onto Castlereagh Road. Surely Council can extend the right turning lane so traffic can flow better?
B OLSON, VIA EMAILThe Western Weekender reserves the right to edit letters for the sake of accuracy and space. For more information, see our public notices section.
Pullman Penrith, the site of the event. Richard Fox.OVER 6000 STUDENTS
Offering Exhibitors the opportunity to speak with thousands of GWS High School students and Careers Advisers as students explore career and further education options available to them through Universities, Registered Training Organisations, Apprenticeship Centres, Group Training Organisations, Private Colleges, Professional Associations and Employers.
9 AM - 2 PM
9AM - 2PM
Offering Exhibitors the opportunity to speak with thousands of GWS High School students and Careers Advisers as students explore career and further education options available to them through Universities, Registered Training Organisations, Apprenticeship Centre’s, Group Training Organisations, Private Colleges, Professional Associations and Employers.
western sydney publishing group
As part of their Seniors Week celebrations, The Royce has chosen to give back, hosting a barbeque in correlation with fundraisers for the World’s Greatest Shave and Panthers on the Prowl.
The morning of Wednesday, March 27 kicked off with staff member Jodie Raynsford getting the big chop.
“I recently met with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time, and she told me she’d been diagnosed with a type of blood cancer, and that it took a long time to diagnose it because of the lack of research,” she said.
“I thought that maybe I should do the Greatest Shave, and then I asked if [The Royce] would get behind me, and they’ve supported me.”
Admitting she prefers her hair short, Raynsford said she had no reserva tions about cutting it off.
“I’m happy, I’m excited,” she said.
“Everyone’s feeling a little bit nervous for me, but I feel good.”
Opting not to get rid of all her hair, Raynsford’s hair was cut and styled by The Royce’s onsite hairdresser, HWA Studio. Including the funds donated on the day, Raynsford smashed her $3000 goal.
After this, it was Darryl and Barbara Honeysett’s turn to present a cheque to Panthers on the Prowl, along with The Royce’s
bees for nearly 20 years, the Honeysetts decided to donate a crop of honey to The Royce when they moved in.
Over the past three years, they’ve been able to involve residents in the process of extracting and jarring the honey, which is then available to purchase.
“The residents all get involved,” Barbara said.
“They get their gloves on, and they’re actually scraping all the frames down for the extraction which is pretty good. And we have a morning tea, to make it a real
Each year, the money made selling the jars of honey is donated to a
This year, it’s Panthers on the “We try and do something for the local community, and obviously everybody here supports the Panthers, and we knew about the Panthers program in the local schools from friends who are
teachers, and what a great job they do,” Barbara said.
Darryl, Barbara, and other representatives from The Royce presented a cheque to Brad Waugh, who thanked them for their support of his initiative.
Now three years down, Darryl promised he’s not planning on stopping the donations any time soon.
“We’ll keep going for as long as we can,” he said.
“We’re not going to be able to keep the bees forever, because it’s quite physically demanding, but there are a couple of other gentlemen and ladies here who have had bees before, so they help us out quite a bit.”
Well done to all involved.
Gipps Street EOI
It’s no secret that in Penrith we love our sport.
Anyone out and about on the weekend will see sports precincts across the City buzzing with players, competitors and spectators, from Penrith and beyond.
When the Gipps Street Recreation Precinct opens later this year, there will be even more quality sport and recreation facilities available for the community. We anticipate these facilities will attract a wide range of local, regional and even statewide competitions and events in the coming years.
Council is encouraging local sporting clubs and associations to submit their Expressions of Interest (EOI) for use of these new sports facilities for the 2024-2025 Summer Season and 2025 Winter Season.
will also be on offer.
We’ve also considered the supporting infrastructure sports clubs will need to operate on game day. The central amenities building will be equipped with a canteen, multi-purpose area, four large change rooms that can be converted into eight smaller change rooms, change rooms for officials, storage space and accessible toilet facilities.
There will also be more than 500 parking spaces available across the precinct, including designated coach drop-off areas which will be perfect for gala days and large sporting events.
Thank you to the NSW Government for their support of this project through the Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program, Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund, Greater Cities Sport Facility Fund, and Places to Play Program.
There will be one junior size and four full rectangular turf fields, which convert to two full size ovals with synthetic cricket pitches offering maximum flexibility to accommodate a wide range of sports. In addition, two netball courts and a fourlane district-level cricket practice facility
To find out more and to apply: penrith. city/gippsstsportsfacilities. Applications close at 5pm on Monday, April 15.
CR TODD CARNEY Mayor of PenrithThe National Diesel, Dirt & Turf Expo is returning to the Sydney Dragway at Eastern Creek next month.
The Expo is being held over three big days from Friday, April 12 to Sunday, April 14.
Visitors can check out the latest in major earthmoving equipment, landscaping gear, tools, mowers, agricultural machinery, trucks and special vehicles.
The great venue guarantees that you and your family will have the best experience possible, with easy navigation to find exhibitors, loads of paved car parking and all the facilities expected of a major Expo.
“If you are in the earthmoving industry, you will really appreciate the face to face engagement with customers and the opportunity presented by the Expo to fully explain the latest advances in machinery, attachments and all the other productivity tools on display,” Expo Manager, Marti Zivkovich said.
Komatsu Australia is the Gold Sponsor of the 2024 Expo, supported by other industry companies and organisations such as Pickles,
Record Time, NAWIC, CreditOne, Cappro, constructionsales.com.au and farmmachinerysales.com.au.
A major crowd pleaser is the Pickles auction, which has become a major attraction that brings hundreds of people to the Expo.
Many people attend the auction every year because the event is such a great opportunity to grab an amazing bargain.
“Whether you are an exhibitor or a visitor and you have any business in excavation and earthworks,
site preparation or infrastructure installation, public works maintenance, roads, turf care, specialised vehicles, public space management, earthworks or agricultural tools, attachments and ground engaging tools, finance or associated
services, this is the Expo that you must attend,” Zivkovich said.
Visitor entry is $10 (plus fees) for adults.
Children under 16 are free. For further information, visit www.dieseldirtandturf.com.au.
$184 million needed to help build 10 ‘Foyers’, including one here in PenrithCASSIDY PEARCE
The Foyer Foundation has called for the Federal Government to fund 10 new accommodation sites across Australia to help tackle the youth homelessness crisis that thousands are facing each day, with one pitched to be constructed in Penrith.
The Foyer Foundation is an organisation which aims to offer a safe and stable place to live for young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in buildings called Youth Foyers, which integrate housing, education, employment and life skills support all under one roof.
The organisation has a goal of 50 Foyers by 2030, but they need the government’s help to get there.
A consortium of over 15 community organisations known as FoyerInvest took to Canberra last week to meet with key decision makers and discuss its budget bid for $184 million in capital to build the new accommodation facilities over the next three years.
This number will fund the construction of 10 new 40-unit buildings across the country, one of which would be right here in Penrith.
The Foyer Foundation noted that in the 2021 census, 465 young people in the Outer West and Blue Mountains were experiencing homelessness, with an additional 912 young people experiencing homelessness in Black-
town. This combined with rising house prices has made Penrith a good candidate.
Platform Youth Services, which has been delivering support to young people in the
area for the past seven years, is leading plans for the proposed Foyer in Penrith, and will be joining up existing sites to create the Penrith Foyer Precinct.
Steph Oatley, Platform Youth Services CEO, advocated for the value of providing young people with support and community connection.
“There is a huge need for more homelessness support for young people in the Penrith and Blue Mountains area. We see more young people presenting to housing services every month as the cost-of-living increases,” she said.
“Foyers are not just housing, they provide wraparound support and an environment where young people can achieve their educational and employment goals.”
According to Liz Cameron-Smith, CEO of The Foyer Foundation, their trip to Canberra was extremely successful, and she has high hopes of receiving support in the future.
“We were delighted by the support we received across more than 30 meetings over the two days, including with the offices of the Prime Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Housing, Minister for Skills and Training and Melissa Mcintosh MP the Member for Lindsay where the proposed Penrith Foyer is located,” she said.
“We know Youth Foyers work. 80 per cent of young people living in a Youth Foyer exit into safe and stable housing, 65 per cent gain secure and decent work, and they are 60 per cent less likely to engage with the justice system.”
Last Friday, the inaugural Stars of Penrith event was held in the Evan Theatre at Penrith Panthers, bringing plenty of exciting routines to the stage, and raising an outstanding amount for the Cancer Council.
A local iteration of ‘Dancing with the Stars’, Stars of Penrith saw local personalities paired up with dance teachers from local studios to put stellar routines on stage, all in the name of charity.
According to winner Aaron Sowter, owner of Penrith City Plumbing Services, he was approached by the Cancer Council when the idea for the Penrith event came about, thanks to his viral dancing plumber video.
“I thought, let’s give it a crack and see what it’s all about!” he said.
Sowter was paired up with his partner Tamara Flynn from Penrith Gaels Maher Lenihan Irish Dance School about four months ago, admitting he
had a few doubts about the style initially.
“I’m not the smallest bloke, there’s plenty of me, so I thought it was a little bit of a stitch up,” he said.
But, once rehearsals began, all of his reservations went out the window.
“Tamara’s a really serious person, and our personalities are very chalk and
performing in front of an audience, with his partner and group much more concerned about winning over the crowd and judges.
However, it seems there was nothing to be worried about, with Sowter scoring 10’s across the board, and taking out the top spot on the night.
“When we saw two perfect
cheese. She’s a schoolteacher, and I’m a tradie. But, our work ethics are the same, and that’s why I think why we gelled, and why we did as well as we did,” he said.
Given his sporting background, Sowter said that unlike some of his competitors on the night, he had no concerns around
10’s, I was pretty wrapped, and then when we got 10’s across the board from all the judges, it made it all worth it,” he said.
“It felt really special because we did it with Irish dancing, because Irish dancing, not a lot of people know about, and it’s bloody hard to do.
“I think people underes-
timate how hard the genre really is to do.”
With over $6000 raised on the night, and $140,000 so far in total from all the Stars, Sowter said it was also an incredible initiative to be involved in.
“It was a good experience, and it’s a good thing to be a part of,” he said.
“Winning is one thing, but it’s all for what we raised, and what we did, and what we achieved. I’d do it again in a heartbeat!”
After the high of the night, Sowter admitted he started to miss dancing, and has taken up weekly classes.
“You don’t see too many plumbers or too many tradies or too many ex-fighters that say, ‘Hey, I’m going to take up ballroom dancing for a bit’,” he said.
“I’m not saying I’m going to be the next Irish dance champion, but it’s good to have a passion for something, and to try something new.
“I think that’s when you learn the most about yourself, when you step into something you’re not really sure about.”
Leading up to the Easter period, students everywhere have been busy gathering carrots, chicks and bunny ears to create the perfect hat for the Easter Hat Parade.
At St Nicholas of Myra Primary School in Penrith, Principal Tim Vane-Tempest said it’s something everyone looks forward to on the school calendar each year.
“We do the Easter Hat Parade just to highlight the time of year it is for our Catholic church and our Catholic school,” he said.
At their Easter Hat Parade on Monday, March 25, it was well and truly a family affair, with parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles visiting the school to watch on, creating a true sense of community in the school.
There were also over 60 raffle prizes given out on the day, rather than any particular class winners. With these prizes donated by students and their families, Vane-Tempest added that it’s always a successful fundraiser for the school.
But, everyone was really there to see the hats.
“Some have been working on them for days, some for weeks, and some have put them through on the weekend. It all depends on the individual student!” Vane-Tempest said.
“There are some great ones, though. The kids get right into it.”
Some of the best ones were worn by the school’s 2024 Student Leaders, who hosted Tuesday’s event.
Sophia Yang was wearing a spring-inspired hat that she made herself.
“As soon as I heard that the Easter Hat Parade was coming up, I was like, ‘I better get to making my hat!’
First, I bought a basket, because those hats did not fit my head. I then turned it upside down to make it into a hat,” she said.
“I wanted a hat that would represent a forest, with some bunnies and some flowers.”
Max Faapoi went in a different direction, with a hat inspired by his favourite NRL teams.
“I tried to do something that I enjoy, and I enjoy rugby,” he said.
“I printed out some pictures that I could colour in, and then I coloured them in with textas. Then, I made [the hat] with paper and sticky taped it together, then I glued the pictures on.”
The weekly views of the State Member for Penrith
Delivering on our commitments one year on
• Slashed overdue surgeries by over 80 per cent.
Investing in Local Amenities
• Opened Penrith Beach.
It has officially been one year since you elected me to represent the Penrith community, and in that time the NSW Labor Government passed 74 bills and delivered on major election commitments. We were elected with a clear mandate to rebuild essential services, invest in our frontline workers, address the cost-ofliving crisis, and stop privatisation. That is exactly what we are doing.
• Delivered the $60 Toll Cap.
• Implemented Fee relief for Long Day Care.
• Abolished the salary cap for our public servants.
• First Home Buyers Assistance to save young families by cutting stamp duty.
• Introduced Energy Rebates for families, seniors and low-income households.
Rebuilding Essential Services
• Transitioned 16,000 teachers and support staff to permanent roles. Committed to paying Student Police Officers while they study at the Goulburn Police Academy.
• Begun rolling out Safe Staffing Levels in NSW public hospitals.
• Delivering on and improving green spaces with Penrith City Council including Regatta Park, City Park, Trinity Drive, and Allsopp Oval.
Repairing the Budget
• Reduced debt by $13 billion despite inheriting the largest debt ever passed from one government to another.
• Stopped the privatisation of Sydney Water.
The Government is delivering an ambitious agenda and there is more work to be done to help the people of Penrith. We might be a year in but I’m only a quarter of the way into my plan to revive the Penrith community.
It’s an Aussie tradition to enjoy a sausage sandwich when visiting Bunnings, and now our furry friends can partake in the tasty treat as well.
Long-time pet treat company Schmackos is launching their new creation this Easter long weekend, a dog treat called ‘Schmackos Sausage Sizzle Stix’.
The new treat is inspired by the iconic Bunnings sausage sizzle, and makes sure that every part of the family can taste the iconic Aussie delicacy.
Schmackos Marketing Manager
Dave McDermott said the event is an opportunity to share the Aussie tradition with furry friends.
“We’re very excited about this upcoming weekend! What a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the cherished Aussie tradition of a sausage sizzle, which can now be enjoyed by furry friends too!” McDermott said.
“It’s wonderful to be expanding Mars Petcare’s range in Bunnings and to kick it off in such style.”
To celebrate the new treat, Schmackos will be holding a series of free activation events at selected Bunnings stores throughout the
Easter weekend, not including Good Friday.
Bunnings Penrith is one of the Bunnings selected to show off the
new treat, along with Minchinbury, Blacktown and Marsden Park.
The activation events will have a range of activities and prizes
available for people to participate in including a bean bag toss game where players can have the opportunity to win Schmackos merch and Bunning prizes, a photo opportunity where attendees can pose with a face in the wall of Roger the Schmackos dog, and furry friends can taste test the new treat.
McDermott encourages all to come down and participate in the activation event at Penrith Bunnings this weekend.
“At the event, you can expect a range of fun games as well as plenty of sampling of the irresistible new treat,” McDermott said.
“So come on down to Bunnings this weekend! Grab a snag for yourself and a Schmackos Sausage Stix for the pooch and partake in all the festivities!”
The event at Penrith Bunnings will be held form 9.30am to 3pm on Saturday, March 30 and Monday, April 1.
This new product will join the existing pet range at Bunnings, which is now available.
Got a story to share? Email news@westernweekender.com.au or call 4722 2998.
Δ Flavour favourite returns: Maxibon fans, hold onto your tastebuds because the wait is finally over! After an eight-year hiatus and countless pleas from loyal Bon-fans across Australia, Maxibon Peanut Jams with Butter is back. It’s a remastered flavour bomb featuring one of the most iconic duos ever to grace the planet; peanut butter and jam. “We are so excited about sharing our revamped creation with Maxibon fans across Australia. We’ve had more requests to bring this flavour back than any other, so at a time when sandwich delis and ice-cream sandwiches are buzzing across Australia, the timing felt right,” said Maxibon Brand Manager, Stephanie Chosich.
Δ New eatery: Destination Vietnamese Cuisine has opened on Batt Street, taking over the site previously occupied by P’Nut.
Δ Farewell, road trip eats: The Oporto and Red Rooster restaurants on the M4 Motorway have now officially closed, bringing to an end
their long reigns at the location. McDonald’s is also closing, with the site being completely refurbished and redesigned. Hungry Jacks will now be on both sides of the motorway.
Δ Shapes go gluten free: Arnott’s has announced the latest additions to its gluten free range – Gluten Free Jatz and Gluten Free Barbecue Shapes. Available nationwide from
early April, the brand-new savoury gluten free range is made from a carefully crafted gluten free baking blend, offering the same great taste and quality that Arnott’s is known for.
Δ reminder that The Bunker Mulgoa is holding an Easter Eggstravaganza this Saturday, March 30. This fami ly-friendly event is set to bring joy and excitement to kids under 13 and their families, promising a delightful day of fun-filled activities, delicious treats, and the chance to win amaz ing prizes. embark on a quest to find hidden Easter eggs scattered throughout the picturesque grounds. The day promises a range of activities, delightful treats, and the opportunity to win fabulous prizes, making it a perfect Easter celebration for the whole family. The event takes place between 10am and 1pm at The Bunker Mulgoa.
Δ New podcast: Jim’s Group, one of the biggest franchising companies on the planet – is the latest guest
on the Weekender ’s ‘On The Record’ podcast. You can find the podcast by searching ‘Western Weekender’ wherever you listen to podcasts, or head to www.westernweekender. com.au/podcast.
Every April is World Autism Month, with April 2 celebrated as World Autism Awareness Day, aiming to celebrate and advocate for the rights of people on the autism spectrum.
Since 2012, each World Autism Awareness Day has focused on a specific theme determined by the United Nations. This year, it’s “Transforming the narrative: Contributions at home, at work, in the arts and in policymaking”.
There are plenty of ways you can celebrate World Autism
Awareness Day, through educating yourself, celebrating kindness and inclusivity, and encouraging others to do the same.
Check out the work of famous people with autism
There’s no better way to celebrate the contributions of people on the autism spectrum than to take a look at their work yourself.
Read, watch, or listen to something created by a person with autism to gain a better understanding of their reality, or enjoy the work of creators you love who are on the autism spec-
actively working to be inclusive of individuals with autism, as well as local organisations advocating and providing services for these people.
Make an effort to support these businesses, and donate to a local charity organisation if you can.
Learn about the history of autism
Year by year, more research and treatment options are emerging for children and adults with autism, and there’s no better time to learn all about it.
Support autismfriendly businesses
There are plenty of local businesses who are
Do some research into the last 100 years of developments in therapies, classifications, and accessibility.
Spread awareness in your community
The most important part of World Autism Awareness Day is raising awareness. You can do this through your clothing by putting on your favourite blue clothes, or wearing an autism organisation’s hat or shirt to spark conversation. You can also participate in fundraisers, or share information and research online to inform others in your circles.
Stratco is an Australian family-owned manufacturer and retailer of building and home improvement solutions and has been trading since 1948.
Stratco has serviced the Penrith, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains and
fencing, roofing and decking. The showroom caters for trade customers and the general public, with an emphasis on DIY.
Stratco Penrith Store Manager, Erik Baskeyfield is following in his father’s footsteps, he managed the
Central West regions from their Coreen Avenue site since 2005. After almost 20 years, they are relocating to the iconic former Scott’s Spare Parts and Penrith Mower Centre site on 1/29 York Road, Jamisontown.
Stratco’s relocation to York Road brings them closer to the epicentre of Penrith, creating a state-of-theart showroom, showcasing the latest innovations, colours and profiles in all things patio, sheds,
Penrith store back in 2009! It truly demonstrates the importance of family in the business, with expertise and focus on customer service extending to the Penrith team, where Stratco has filled the store with a knowledgeable and friendly team who go above and beyond to assist their customers, in bringing their home improvements to reality.
“Our products are not only engineered for structural integrity,
but also with the Do-It-Yourself customer in mind. Our new showroom includes outdoor kitchens on display, as well as a huge range of patios, garden sheds, garages, all types of fencing, roofing options as well as outdoor blinds, rainwater products, decorative screening, outdoor furniture and so much more! With finance options always available, there is no reason to put your external home improvements
off,” he said. To celebrate, Stratco are holding a Grand Opening event on Saturday, April 6 from 9am with Penrith Panthers legend Craig Gower in store to officially open proceedings.
If you have a home improvement project, visit the Stratco Penrith team for fantastic grand opening offers including 20 per cent off Stratco Outback Patios, $1000 Manufacturer’s Rebate plus an extra
10 per cent off Gable Garages and much, much more. Enjoy a complimentary coffee whilst taking in the fantastic displays, and the local Rotary Club will be onsite cooking up a BBQ to enjoy as well.
Open six days a week, excluding public holidays, Stratco Penrith in Jamisontown will become the one-stop-shop for tradies and families alike!
In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, staying ahead of what is available, especially in marketing, is crucial for small businesses. One innovative trend, starting from Asian countries, is live broadcast/ commerce. But what exactly is it, and how can it benefit your business?
Live Broadcast or Live Commerce, is a blend of live streaming and e-commerce. It’s like having your own live TV shopping channel, but online. Instead of browsing through product listings, customers can watch live broadcasts where hosts showcase products in real-time, answer questions, and engage with viewers directly.
Last week I attended a workshop at ICC, Darling Harbour, about live broadcast/ commerce and how Alibaba intends to collaborate with live broadcasters to generate income and followers, during the Alibaba e-commerce expo.
Many live broadcasters begin by creating an account on social media platforms and sharing their daily lives. For instance, a mother might share tips and reviews on baby products she has used, a couple might share updates on what’s been happening in their community, or someone might provide tips on where to find the best deals in Sydney.
that one of the broadcasters had over 150,000 people watching their live session on the night before the expo.
How could this benefit your business?
Firstly, you don’t need to be a professional announcer or have acting skills to be a live broadcaster. However, you will need to do planning beforehand, such as creating a blueprint for how the live session would run, identifying your followers, and deciding on the methods to use to attract purchases.
As their reputation and followers increase, other brands will collaborate with them and offer products, discounts, and commissions during the live session to attract sales. During the workshop, we were informed
And finally, just like any marketing channel, consistency is the key. Building a massive list of followers takes time, so it’s essential to know your target audience and provide interesting content that caters to their needs.
C addens
C addens News (C addens Corner)
C ambridge Gardens
Overlander Hotel
C ambridge Park
C ambridge Park Newsagency
Friendly Grocer
C astlereagh
Ampol Ser vice Station
Claremont Meadows
Iga Claremont Meadows
Coly ton
Coly ton Centre Pharmacy
Coly ton Friendly Grocer
Coly ton Hotel
Coly ton Newsagency
Hewitt Street Takeaway
Aldi Cranebrook
Cranebrook Community Health
Cranebrook Village
Mother Earth Nurser y Plus Pharmacy
Woolworths Cranebrook
Emu Plains
Chambers Cellars
Lennox Centre Newsagency
Penrith Regional Galler y
Woolworths Lennox Village
7/ 11 Emu Plains (Gre at Western Highway)
7/ 11 Emu Plains (Old Bathurst Rd)
Emu Height s Super Save Compounding Chemis t
Erskine Park
Ashcroft’s Iga
Erskine Park Ctc
G lenmore Park
Mags News
Medi Advice Pharmacy
J amisontown
Atmosphere Fitness Signature Gym
B att Street Take Away
Grey Gums Hotel
Har vey Norman
New On York Takeaway
Parrabey Gourmet Kitchen (Penrith Homemaker)
S alt C afé (Penrith Homemaker)
S hell Ser vice Station
The Coffee Club Nepean River
Three Sugars C afé
We stern Weekender
York Takeaway
Zoo Fitness
7/ 11 Jamisontow n
Jordan Springs
Brooks Tavern
Jordan Springs Newsagency
Kemps Creek
C altex Ser vice Station
Kemps Creek Bowling Club
B arista Bar Coff ee Shop (Nepean Private Hospital)
Countr y Brewer
Kingswood Hotel
Kingswood Newsagency
Kingswood Smash Repairs
Kingswood Sports Club
Penrith Gaels Club
Volunteers Desk Nepean Hospital
7/ 11 Kingswood
Emu Sports Club
Grow C afé (Formerly Willow Tree C afé)
Llandilo IGA
Londonderr y
Londonderr y Liquor Store S hell X Roads
Au stralia Pos t
IGA Luddenham
Minchinbur y
Minchinbur y Fruit Market
Glenmore Heritage Golf Club
Mulgoa Newsagency
Mulgoa Pharmacy
The Bunker
Nor th St Mar ys
Boronia House (Retirement Community)
MFC Food Stores
Orchard Hills
Flower Power
Oxley Park
Morris C are & Advice Pharmacy
Atmosphere Gym
Au stralian Arms
Brisket Boys
Ca fé Fre d
C altex Coreen Avenue
Coles Penrith (Nepean Village)
Coles ( We stfield Penrith)
Crescent Mini Mar t
High Street Pies
Hoyt s Westfield
Joan Sutherland Arts Centre
Liquor Stax Pe achtree
McDonald's High Street
McDonald's Panthers Le agues
McDonald's Pe achtree
Mercure Hotel
Museum Of Fire
Nepean Aquatic Centre
Nepean Motor Group C afé
Nepean Rowing Club
Nepean Village Coffee Club
Nepean Village Newsagency
Nextra Westfield
O ffice of Karen McKeown MP
One Point Health
Panthers Le agues Club
Pe achtree Hotel
Penrith Bowling Club
Penrith CBD Corporation
Penrith City Council
Penrith City Librar y
Penrith Golf Club
Penrith Hotel
Penrith Paceway
Penrith RSL
Penrith Senior Citizens’ Centre
Pioneer Tavern
Sittano s Restaurant
Tattersalls Hotel
The Chicken Run
The Heritage Terrace C afé
The Log C abin
We stfield
World Gym
7/ 11 Henr y Street
7/ 11 Regentville
Ropes Crossing
Ropes Crossing Newsagency
Mobil Ser vice Station
The Chemist Shop
S outh Penrith
Budget Ser vice Station
Fish Fish
Friendly Grocer
Grose’s Pharmacy
Southlands Newsagency
Borec Road Takeaway (Valley C afé)
Lemongrove Community Health Centre
South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre
St Clair
Blue C attle Dog Hotel
St Clair Librar y
St Clair Shopping Centre
7/ 11 St Clair
St Mar ys
Andrew ’s Corner Store
Ampol Foodar y
Astley Pharmacy
C assand ra’s On Queen
Cr ystal C afé
Guido s Hair C are
Jayam Supermarket
Monfar ville Corner Store
Queen St Newsagency
St Mar ys Band Club
St Mar ys Fish Market
St Mar ys Le agues Club
St Mar ys Librar y
St Mar ys Pizza Hut
St Mar ys RSL
St Mar ys Village
Walter s Newsagency
T hornton
Petramar t
McDonald's St Mar ys South
St Mar ys Pharmacy Queen St
Thornton Community Centre
Wallacia Golf Club
Wallacia Hotel
Wallacia Pos t Office
Wallacia Takeaway
Wa rragamba Sport s Club
Colonial Hotel
Crossroads Convenience Store
Dirani’s MFC
George’s Charcoal Chicken
Henr y Sports Club
Supa IGA
The Foodar y We rrington
ound 4 of the NRL kicks off with what is arguably the match of the round between the Panthers and Roosters, both having enjoyed two wins so far this season and both coming off big wins last weekend.
But the biggest story heading into this game has been who is not playing rather than who is, with Panthers halfback Nathan Cleary ruled out due to a hamstring injury.
It’s a significant blow for Penrith, but opens the door for Brad Schneider to make his club debut. He follows in the footsteps of Sean O’Sullivan and Jack Cogger in stepping into Cleary’s shoes.
Meantime, a knee injury to Scott Sorensen will see Mavrik Geyer make his long-awaited first grade debut. He’s been named on the bench and while it’s an away game, you can imagine the reception when he runs on.
The Panthers were strong against Brisbane last week, never really letting their 2023 Grand Final opponents into the contest and Cleary weaving his magic across the park. The game did fizzle out in the last half hour or so, but so early in the season you’d rather put the car in neutral than put the pedal to the metal.
The Roosters were clinical against old rivals the Rabbitohs, piling more pain on coach Jason Demetriou and signalling that they will be a mighty player in this Premiership race as the season rolls on.
The two sides are fairly evenly balanced heading into this clash – the Roosters have conceded 37 points, Penrith 38. The Roosters have an average completion rate of 80 per cent, the Panthers 78 per cent. In short, it could go either way on paper.
But the loss of Cleary will weigh heavily on
Penrith, and it certainly turned the betting markets completely around earlier this week.
Conversely, the Roosters have received some positive news when it comes to their halfback Sam Walker. He’s been cleared to play despite initially being designated a category one concussion last Friday night.
I’m expecting the Roosters to take Penrith on up the middle, taking some inspiration from Parramatta’s ultimately failed attempt at breaking in the front door a fortnight ago.
There’s been the odd sign that the Panthers are vulnerable in the middle so far this season and with Sorensen and James Fisher-Harris both out, Trent Robinson may sense an opportunity.
Of course when given the chance, the Roosters will be heading wide with kicks, with Daniel Tupou and Dominic Young boasting a
significant height advantage over their Penrith counterparts. You can expect Sunia Turuva and Brian To’o to be peppered with bombs.
Penrith will no doubt be getting plenty of ball to Izack Tago who is showing all the signs of a standout season, leading the competition in line breaks and having already scored three tries this season.
I’m not over-stating it when I say this deserves to be billed as the game of the year so far – Trent Robinson and his Roosters bouncing back after an up-and-down season last year and clearly looking fit and strong, up against Ivan Cleary and his Panthers who just keep winning regardless of the circumstances and player departures put in front of them.
No Nathan Cleary does make me nervous, but I reckon Penrith will sneak home.
Tip: Panthers by 2.
! Exciting news for skipper: Penrith co-captain Isaah Yeo has announced he and his partner Ash are expecting their third child in August. The little brother or sister to Haven and Lennox will make the Yeos a family of five. And for those whose minds turned straight to football, the Panthers remain relatively close to home in August!
! Join me in the Chairman’s Lounge: The Weekender team has given me two tickets to give away to the Chairman’s Lounge for an upcoming Panthers game at BlueBet Stadium. You can join me (I will be there in disguise, however) for a beautiful meal, great drinks and a great view of the game. To win, you need to listen to the Weekender’s 10 Minute Match Day podcast either this week (v Roosters) or next week (v Sea Eagles). Hosts Troy Dodds and Nathan Taylor will give you a code word, which you then need to email to competitions@westernweekender.com.au with ‘Chairmans’ in the subject line. Entries close Saturday, April 6 and the winner will be notified by email. Remember, you must include the code word from the podcast in your email. To hear the podcast, search Western Weekender wherever you listen to podcasts or visit www.westernweekender. com.au/podcast.
! NRL’s big call on May: NRL Head of Football Graham Annesley believes Taylan May should have been charged for his hit on Reece Walsh last Thursday night. The incident has certainly divided the game, with May cleared by the Match Review Committee and not charged over what was essentially a head clash. But head office has a different view, believing May had a duty of care and should have been hit with a Dangerous Contact charge. “We think that it does reach that threshold of careless action at least,” Annesley said on Monday.
! Easter fun: The Panthers invited all players and their families to the Academy last weekend for an Easter Egg Hunt. Plenty of fun and laughs were had as the club continued its efforts to involve families in everything they do.
! May lets it slip: Proving that Taylan May lives by the beat of his own drum, he slipped the news about his contract extension last week to Channel Nine in an interview. Not even his team mates knew, while the club would obviously have preferred to announce it on its own terms. In the end, the Panthers put out a late Friday afternoon press release to confirm May would be staying until at least the end of the 2026 season.
! Spotted: Taylan May and Brian Fletcher catching up at the Panthers Academy after running into each other – just 48 hours before May signed a lucrative extension with the club.
! Radio show’s bizarre gaffe: There’s an old saying in radio – always treat a microphone as if it’s live. And that probably would have been good advice for Andrew Voss and Greg Alexander, who were accidentally put to air on SEN 1170 on Monday morning at around 5.25am. The pair were preparing for their show, which starts at 6am. Thankfully nothing too bad was said – though the language was a little colourful, especially when discussing the performance of the Newcastle Knights the previous evening.
! Tigers want our cash: Wests Tigers boss Shane Richardson had successful stints as CEO of the Panthers and Rabbitohs, and I assure you he knows how to play the game. There’s a strategy around him being so vocal about Leichhardt Oval and the Tigers’ future there, I’m just not exactly sure what it is. Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne has even declared the State Government should reallocate some of the $309 million going to the Penrith Stadium redevelopment to Leichhardt. That won’t be happening. But of course the ground deserves an upgrade. I’m just not so sure Richardson actually wants it to happen.
! Foundation player passes away: Original Penrith Panthers player Ernie Gillon has sadly died. Born in 1942, Gillon started his rugby league career with Parramatta before switching to Penrith for their inaugural season in 1967. He would go on to play 62 games for the Panthers across four seasons. Officially credited as Panther #5, Gillon played centre for Penrith in their inaugural first grade match against Canterbury in 1967. The Panthers acknowledged Gillon’s passing at last Thursday night’s game against the Broncos. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.
! Spotted: Brian To’o and Reece Walsh sharing a laugh after Penrith’s big win over Brisbane last Thursday night.
! Spotted: Yours truly went to the Easter Show last Saturday and for the first time in my many years of attending, I saw more Panthers jerseys in the crowd than any other sports team. It’s a great example of the incredible turnaround in Penrith’s fortunes over the past four or five years and how much support there is for Ivan Cleary and the boys.
In less than six months, Penrith Stadium as we know it will be no more.
The grass will be cut for the final time, the last line will be marked on the field, and the stadium lights will be flicked off once and for all.
It’ll also be the last time some players will call Penrith Stadium their home.
One of those is outgoing Panther Jarome Luai.
It’s no secret that the three-time premiership
winner considers Penrith Stadium his happy place.
The place he grew up.
The place he made a name for himself.
His home away from home.
Luai has scored some scintillating tries at the Mulgoa Road and Ransley Street venue – who can forget his double against the Warriors in just his second game of first grade back in 2018.
He’s also welcomed not one, not two, but three of his children onto the famous pitch to celebrate a memorable win, like last week’s triumph over the Brisbane Broncos.
“It’s my favourite place to play and I think I have a good record there when it comes to winning and losing games,” Luai told Extra Time
“It’s a place that I will always love and cherish and have fond memories
But long before Luai was pulling on an NRL jumper for the Panthers, he was running around Penrith Stadium as a teenager playing for his local club St Marys as well as Penrith’s star-studded
(or Romey’s Place) one final time as he embarks on the next chapter of his career at the Wests Tigers.
While Luai has been pushing ‘The Last Ride’ slogan all summer due to his own personal circumstances, he says it also relates to farewelling the stadium too.
“It’s a bit of a common theme… ‘The Last Ride’ is a theme in terms of the stadium and playing group, but it’s a bit of a personal one for myself as well,” he said.
When the 27-year-old does eventually return to his old stomping ground – most likely in the
2026 season – the stadium will have undergone a $300 million transformation and the emblem on his chest will be different type of cat.
“It’s probably a good thing to be honest, the timing – the stadium will look different and so will my jersey… maybe I won’t have that sort of connection to the new place but who knows, man,” Luai said.
“At this point in time, Penrith Stadium is a place that I love and a place where we want to make every game this year count.”
The Panthers will work alongside members and corporate partners in an unprec edented collaboration to manage the departure from BlueBet Stadium at the end of the year and the return to a new venue in 2026 or 2027.
While the old adage of ‘you can’t please everyone’ will play a part in the stadium redevelopment, the club is keen to minimise disruption for fans as much as possible and involve them in the process.
It comes as the Weekender understands the Panthers are close to locking in a deal with CommBank Stadium in Parramatta to host home games for the 2025 season.
Panthers CEO Matt Cameron confirmed that Populous has been appointed as the architect for the new stadium project.
“They did the original, very preliminary drawings of what it would look like – but they’re back on board,” he said.
“There’s a planning phase that they will go through to come up with a design brief that they will go to market with, and intend to engage with builders.
“Their intent is to begin in October. After we play our last game there will be a window and then in a perfect world, October they will be in and will be getting on with it.”
home of the Panthers, many fans and corporate partners remain nervous about the changes mean for them.
For many, the stadium has been in their lives for decades – a second home, with memories of good times, bad times and watching hundreds of players wear the Penrith colours on the hallowed turf. Families have grown up together and lifelong friendships formed.
Rather than dismiss this as the cost of progress, the Panthers are eager to embrace and understand it with member and corporate committees close to being finalised. The club has taken the extraordinary step of holding the member meetings fortnightly to ensure engagement is high while corporate partners will meet monthly.
One of the major issues brought up by fans is like for like seating – particularly for long-time season ticket holders in the grandstands.
“On day one we expressed our desire not to have a similar situation at CommBank where the western stand was all corporate,” Cameron said.
“The seating capacity in that western grandstand will exceed where it currently sits.
“It might look different but fundamentally if you’re on the 20 metre line and 20 metres from the fence, we’d like to think we’ll get you back there.”
Panthers Head of Commercial Jeremy Tuite said the club has had discussions with Cronulla, Parramatta as well as the Western Sydney Wanderers; who have all had to manage stadium re-builds.
“We spoke to all of those clubs and got all of the inside information from their perspective,” he said.
“The general sentiment from our members is they want to return to the closest possible seat as possible, or like for like, and we’re very aware of that.”
Tuite said the club understands many will not want to travel to Parramatta for home games next year.
“There will be a subset of our membership base and corporate partners who don’t want to travel to Parramatta,” he said.
“Our job is to find a solution.
“It’s addressing what we can do stadium wise but also here in Penrith so we can give our members and fans options.
“We don’t want to tell our members what the policy is for next year. We want them to have skin in the game, which is why we have the advisory committees.
“We’ll be leaning on the advisory committees to lean on the wider membership, to ensure it’s a very collaborative process.”
Members have also expressed their concern about food and drink prices and their potential
increases under a new stadium, which will be controlled by Venues NSW with Panthers as the anchor tenant.
“It will be different, clearly,” Cameron said.
“The flip side to that is the game day experience is going to be better than it is at Penrith now.”
Cameron is also hoping fans will have the opportunity to take a slice of the old stadium – such as their physical seat – with them before the bulldozers come in.
“It won’t be turn up with a 12m socket wrench and do your best –there’s some things we’ll need to work through,” he said.
“But we’re pretty confident we’ll be able to be in a position to offer fans that opportunity.”
The club is also aware of concerns from corporate partners, particularly local businesses, that they could be priced out of supporting the team when the new venue opens.
Cameron said he was hopeful that
with more corporate facilities inside the new stadium, price points could be found for all levels of sponsors.
The club is aiming for a 2026 return to Penrith, but construction is not a perfect science – meaning it could extend out to 2027.
And when the Panthers do return, Cameron is confident the venue
will still have a Penrith look and feel about it.
“We’ll be the anchor tenant, which is a really important point to make,” he said.
“The wizardry that exists in modern stadiums these days allows us to transform it.”
The Panthers last week released an emotional video, ‘The Last Ride’, recognising the final season at the stadium ahead of its most significant transformation since 1967.
Penrith will play their final game at the venue either on Saturday, September 7 against the Titans or a week later in a Home Final.
It’s the debut Penrith fans have been eagerly anticipating for years – Mavrik Geyer, the son of Panthers legend Mark Geyer and the nephew of former premiership-winning captain Greg Alexander, was scheduled to make his NRL debut for his hometown club last night (Thursday, March 28).
The 23-year-old backrower wore jumper #17 during Penrith’s Round 4 blockbuster clash against the Sydney Roosters at Allianz Stadium.
Extra Time understands a bus loaded with Geyer’s family and friends was booked to transport everyone to Moore Park for the momentous occasion.
Speaking with the media on Tuesday afternoon, Panthers coach Ivan Cleary said he delivered the life changing news to Geyer over the weekend.
“It’s an exciting time for him and his family. He’s been very patient,” Cleary said.
“He’s really knuckled down over the last couple of years, he’s worked very hard for this, and I think he’s ready.”
Geyer has been on the cusp of a NRL debut since last year when he joined Penrith’s top 30 squad.
After a stunning pre-season, Cleary had no choice but to blood the youngster off the back of a recent knee injury to Scott Sorensen.
“Mav’s a very popular member of our squad, so all the boys are really pumped for him,” Cleary said.
“He’s a big lad, Mav. He’s physically developed nicely. He’s a bit of a late bloomer. He didn’t get serious about his footy until three years ago. He’s been playing well at Cup level and has been training really well too.
“This pre-season, he was outstanding. He’s ready now to take that next step.”
and I’m sure it’s the same for the Geyer family.”
Panthers forward Liam Martin couldn’t contain his excitement when Extra Time asked him about Geyer’s impending NRL debut.
“I’m so excited… everyone loves Mav,” he said.
“He’s just the best guy and seeing him get his opportunity, it’s going to be really exciting.
“He’s already asking everybody for tickets, and I think half of Penrith will be at Allianz Stadium.”
Extra Time understands Geyer’s famous father Mark and his uncle “Brandy” were there to present him with his debut jersey.
“Mav’s the perfect example of biding his time and working hard off the field,” Martin said.
“This pre-season has been his best by far and he’s probably the best trainer we’ve had over the summer. He’s worked hard and deserves every bit of it.”
Meanwhile, Cleary has confirmed his son Nathan will miss some time following a minor hamstring injury suffered in Penrith’s big win over Brisbane.
“Nat seems to have a sabbatical every year, so this one’s a bit earlier,” he said.
“I knew about it (the injury) as soon as it happened. It’s not too bad, so that’s the pleasing thing.
“It’s clearly a big day for those guys and for the fans,” Cleary said.
“Mav’s a second-generation player but a premiership player in MG and a club legend.
“It’s a hugely proud moment for any parent when their son or daughter makes their debut
The extended Geyer family are said to be over the moon with the news that the former St Dominic’s College student will finally get to don the famous Panthers jersey, just like his father and uncle.
“He might actually be able to play next week [vs Manly], but with a bye coming up the following week, we’ll just see how he goes and make an educated decision next week.”
Former Canberra Raiders and Hull KR half Brad Schneider will fill in for Cleary during his absence alongside Jarome Luai.
Tries: I Tago 2, B To’o 2, S Turuva, M Kenny
Goals: N Cleary 5/6
Tries: D Mariner, J Arthars
Goals: K Staggs 1/2
Tries: T Toelau 2, T Peachey, D Fale, L Sommerton, D Laurie
Goals: P Alamoti 5/6
Tries: N Murphy 2, S Lane, J Sagaga, J Ruxton, L Blackburn, J Nohra
Goals: B Scott 3/7. B Scott FG.
Tries: H Hayes, B Biondi-Odo
Goals: B Biondi-Odo 1/2
Tries: J Underhill, E Mataale, J Sua
C Tia 3/3
Drum roll, please.
I think Dylan Edwards should play five-eighth for Penrith next year after the departure of Jarome Luai at the end of the season.
Yep, that’s right, I believe that one of the best fullbacks in the comp, who regularly comes in as the competition’s number one metreeater, is now at a stage in his career where he’s good enough to play alongside the mercurial Nathan Cleary in the halves.
I know the suggestion is a little left-field and I’ll be lucky if I find one person to agree with me, but let me explain how I came to this conclusion.
For a start Edwards’ ball playing skills have improved out of sight in the last four years. He now comes into the attacking line far more than he ever did before and he sets up tries for his teammates by regularly injecting himself into the Panthers’ attacking formations.
Yes, if you look at his try-assists they’re not sky high but it’s hard to notch up big numbers in that area when you play fullback and you’ve got playmakers like Nathan Cleary, Isaah Yeo and Jarome Luai in your side. There’s that plus it’s simply not your job in that position. Edwards has matured so much as a footballer and improved in so many areas of his game that I
honestly think he could handle the shift.
He’s also not the first fullback to ever make the successful transition to five-eighth either. Remember
Darren Lockyer, Preston Campbell, Matt Moylan even?
class, his speed and footwork are a pure joy to watch and he can return the ball back as good as anyone.
He’s also safe under the high ball and wouldn’t look out of place in first grade.
Iongi is good enough to play fullback in first grade and if it’s not at this club, it will be at another.
Not sure if the young man is ready?
OK then you can re-sign Daine Laurie for another season and give him the job. Laurie has played plenty of first grade at fullback, so you wouldn’t be taking any risks there.
I honestly don’t think it’s a case of weakening one position to strengthen another either.
Of course, the Panthers have other options at five-eighth, Brad Schneider, Jack Cole even Daine Laurie, all come to mind and all could do a superb job if given the opportunity.
The next obvious question would be, well who would you play at fullback?
The answer is simple, it’s the Panthers NSW Cup custodian sensation Isaiah Iongi. Iongi exudes
Now I know the switch doesn’t always work, you only have to look at the Knights’ Kayln Ponga to see that, but Edwards fits the bill in so many areas it would be worth a try.
However, apart from Laurie playing a handful of games in that position for the Tigers last year and Jack Cole playing one match in the World Club Challenge in February, there’s not a whole lot of first grade experience at five-eighth in that group either. Even Schneider is more of a halfback than five-eighth.
Dylan Edwards to five-eighth... you know… it may not be as silly as it sounds!
The Western Weekender Penrith Panthers Player of the Year competition runs throughout the season, with our four experts delivering a 3, 2, 1 rating for the best Panthers players from each Penrith game. The player with the most votes at the end of the season is crowned our Player of the Year.
Jake Silvestro has been working with the ‘Fruities’ at The Flying Fruit Fly Circus for three years, yet the majority of his time has been spent directing one show – ‘Tempo’.
“The first version of the show, we made in 2021, and did a little 20-minute version of the show. Then, in 2022, we extended that out and we did a schools tour and a trip to the Sydney Opera House,” he said.
‘Tempo’ is a unique show for the young performers involved, who are all participating in Australia’s only full-time circus training program for students aged eight to 19.
Though Silvestro said he always encourages the students to have other creative outlets, this one in particular capitalises on their musical abilities.
“It’s a circus show that’s all based around a grand piano,” he said.
“We were gifted the prop from a theatre company in Melbourne, and we decided that we were going to make a show that was all acrobatics combined with music.”
However, with plenty of skill among the bunch, Silvestro noted that this hasn’t been a particular challenge.
“We’ve got a couple of really talented cast members who are also musicians, so about half of the show is live music, and the other half is pre-recorded music from our amazing composer Ania Reynolds, who is touring with the show as well,” he said.
“It really just leans into the larrikin attitude of The Flying Fruit Fly Circus. It’s a very funny, very acrobatic, really dynamic show, but it also incorporates the multi-disciplinary ability of these young people. It’s really inspiring.”
It is also a homage to what’s been a tradition in Australian circus for many years.
“In other new circus forms, like Circus Oz when they were touring, they would often have not just the company band, but the acrobatic ensemble would also be playing instruments, and that’s something that I think is a really important, key cornerstone in Australian circus, and something that we’re trying to continue that legacy with this cast,” he said.
For anyone who has seen the show prior, Silvestro assured that this iteration is all new, focusing on the skillset of the current ensemble.
“Between the run that we’re doing this year, and the run that we did in 2022, we’ve actually had half the cast change over, because the kids have graduated from school,” he said.
“We really try to support the unique skills of the kids that come in, so for example this time around in the show we’ve got a trapeze act that wasn’t previously in there, and we’ve got a teeterboard act that’s a little bit different to what we’ve done in the past.”
‘Tempo’ is coming to Riverside Theatres in Parramatta these school holidays, and promises a fun hour for all.
“The show doesn’t have any dialogue, so there’s no language barrier, which I think is a really great thing,” he said.
“It’s all about music, it’s all about rhythm, and it’s all about the charismatic energy of these young people.
“They basically just run laps around the stage for the whole hour, and show off their amazing tricks.”
‘Tempo’ will be on at Riverside Theatre in Parramatta on Tuesday, April 16 and Wednesday, April 17. Tickets start at $29. For more information or to book, visit riversideparramatta.com.au.
Join the team at The Orchard for a fun-filled celebration for the whole family over the Easter long weekend. Over the four days, there will be plenty of face painting, competitions, live music, and farm animals to keep you company while you enjoy a delicious meal. For more information, visit theorchardpenrith. com.au.
Op Shop at Kingswood
Thursdays and Fridays, 9am to 3.30pm. Kingswood Anglican Church, corner of Bringelly Road and Second Avenue, Kingswood. Morning tea every Friday morning.
Penrith Markets
Wednesdays. Penrith Showground.
Penrith Valley Chamber of Commerce
For more information about membership and upcoming events, visit www.penrithchamber.org.au.
Free weekly Tai Chi classes
Saturdays 4.30pm, WSU Kingswood Campus. Guan 0422 120 738. Tai chi and qiqong exercise.
Jordan Springs Probus Club
Fourth Tuesday of the month at 10am, Jordan Springs Hub. 0414 766 763.
Nepean Riverlands Probus Club
Meets on the second Wednesday of the month at Nepean Rowing Club from 10am. New members are always welcome.
Panthers ramps up Easter fun this Sunday
This Sunday, March 31, head to Panthers for their Easter Festival. Complete with a Kids Disco, Hot Cross Bun Eating Competition, Plaster Painting and more, there’s sure to be something for everyone. Or, for big kids, head down to the Basement to watch the footy paired with their egg-cellent cocktail special available on the day. Visit penrith.panthers.com.au.
Probus Club of Nepean
First Wednesday of the month at Emu Sports Club, Leonay from 10.30am. Visitors and new members welcome. Contact Faye on 0417 267 866 for more information.
Penrith Lions Club
Second and fourth Monday of the month. Penrith Bowling Club. 4736 1546 for more information.
Nepean Valley RSL Day Club
Meets every Friday from 10am-2pm at Penrith Senior Citizens Centre. Volunteers needed. 0407 014 542.
Penrith Hospital Auxiliary
Craft stall at Nepean Hospital on the first Tuesday of each month from 9am2pm. Volunteers needed. Call Helen on 4572 5244.
Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club Club meets at 7pm on the first Friday of the month at the old scout hall at 4 Moore St, Glenbrook. Call Ron on 0408 483 269 for more information.
Red Cross Penrith
Meetings held the second Thursday of the month for lunch. Members and volunteers knit teddies for trauma victims. Call 0438 244 414.
Penrith City Choir ready for first show of 2024
Penrith City Choir’s first concert of the year will be held at Glenbrook Baptist Church next Sunday, April 7 at 2pm, in a program showcasing sublime contemporary choral music with a strong local and Australian flair. Don’t miss this sensational show. For more information or to book, visit penrithcitychoir. com.au.
JP Service
Tuesday and Thursday 9am-5pm. 7/458-470 High Street, Penrith.
Nepean Food Services
Delivered meals available to purchase for those over 65 or with a disability. Call 4733 7200 for details or visit www.nepeanfoodservices.org.au.
Free food shop
9am-11am every Tuesday at 51 Henry Street, Penrith.
Penrith Museum of Printing
Sundays from 10am. Penrith Paceway. 0415 625 573 for more information.
Nepean Naval Museum
Open Sundays 11am-3pm. 40-42
Bruce Neale Drive. 0411 138 700.
The Nepean Naval Museum opened in 2014 and is the area’s first museum dedicated to the naval forces. The Museum houses a collection of Naval forces memorabilia.
Arms of Australia Inn
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am-1pm, 4735 4394. 127 Gardenia Avenue, Emu Plains.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Mondays 6pm. 1300 222 222.
Penrith Stroke Recovery Group
Third Thursday of the month at 10am, Panthers. 1300 650 594.
Gamblers Anonymous
Mondays 7.30pm. 0433 018 484.
Penrith Carer Support Group
First Thursday of the month. Headspace. 8880 8160.
Penrith Men’s Walk and Talk Thursdays from 5.30pm. Meet at Coffee Club Nepean River.
Penrith Women’s Health Centre Domestic violence support services. 4721 2499.
Penrith Autism Community Network Carers support group. Meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm at Maze Cafe, Penrith RSL. Phillip on 0420 209 015 for more details.
Prostate Cancer Support Group
Meets third Monday of the month at Emu Sports Club from 6.30pm. Call 1300 13 38 78 for more information.
On Saturday, April 6, Arts & Cultural Exchange (ACE) will be presenting Treasure Islands Supper Dance – the final in their popular ACE at Dusk series.
Treasure Islands Supper Dance aims to bring to life the Treasure Islands video series, which features the rich cultures of Samoa, Fiji, Cook Islands, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, and Kiribati, as seen through the eyes of both on-island and Australian-born individuals.
An immersive experience of island culture, guests will be treated to an island-style, sit-down supper catered by Bidwill’s legend-
ary Palms Pacific, served amidst engaging performances inspired by the dances showcased in the Treasure Islands series, before the floor will be opened for dancing.
“The Treasure Islands Supper Dance is not just a celebration of the Treasure Islands series but a testament to the vibrant and diverse cultures of the Pacific Islands and their communities here in Australia,” said Anne Loxley, Executive Director of ACE.
“We are proud to host an event that entertains and fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of Pasifika heritage.”
Treasure Islands Supper Dance will be on at ACE, 8 Victoria Rd, Parramatta on Saturday, April 6 at 7pm. Tickets are $20. For more information or to book, visit aceinc.org.au.
“I’m delighted we’re able to give this production a second chance after we sadly had to cancel many of the dates in 2021,” Evans said.
From Thursday, April 4, Bell Shakespeare Theatre Company will be presenting an exclusive western Sydney season of William Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ right here at The Joan.
Directed by Artistic Director Peter Evans, the production will be giving new life to Shakespeare’s classic comedy, brimming with magic, mirth and mayhem.
With the help of Movement Director Nigel Poulton, Evans places a special focus on the play within the play, looking at the illusion of theatre and performance itself to take audiences on a whirlwind ride with only eight actors playing multiple parts.
“Our cast and crew went through quarantine but only made it to the Northern Territory and Queensland due to border closures and lockdowns elsewhere, so we’re focusing on the states and territories we missed out on to give audiences an opportunity to see it. ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ is very special to me, and whether you are revisiting an old friend in this play or are brand new to Shakespeare, it is a play to treasure.”
‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ will be on at The Joan on Thursday, April 4 and Friday, April 5. Tickets start at $30. For more information or to book, visit thejoan. com.au.
Moore of Kip Popular singer-songwriter Kip Moore (pictured) is heading back to Australia, with his Nomad World Tour coming to our shores in September and October.
A truly remarkable performer, Moore is renowned for his signature sound and blistering live performances. He achieved a career high last year, when he sold more than 44,000 tickets in South Africa, playing sold out stadiums in Cape Town and Pretoria and opening the door for country music and the debut of the Cape Town Country Music Festival.
He’ll play at the ICC Sydney Theatre on Saturday, September 28 and will then tour to Newcastle, Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, Thirroul and Brisbane. Tickets are on sale now.
from Australia’s cream of the crop in country music.
Country music legend John Williamson will be joined by Brad Cox, Fanny Lumsden, Brooke McClymont & Adam Eckersley, Amber Lawrence (pictured), Sunny Cowgirls, Darlinghurst and Play On The Plains Battle Of The Bands winners Elestial. Tickets for the event are on sale now!
OD’s hosts country night O’Donoghues is holding its ‘Cxntry Night’ on Friday, April 12.
Sick of seeing line dancing on TikTok and having nowhere to practice? Can’t find a place to wear your cowboy boots? Sad about
Ê Exciting news for fans of ‘NCIS: Sydney’, with the local Paramount+ series renewed for a second season. The first international iteration of the global ‘NCIS’ franchise outside of the US, the series is officially Australia’s most-watched local series on Paramount+. Having only just found their feet, in season two, the NCIS agents will square off against a much more powerful adversary, threatening the very stability of the region… and the team itself. I must say I had never seen one episode of any ‘NCIS’ series before this came around, but I enjoyed ‘Sydney’ immensely. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a really good watch and you’ll enjoy spotting all the local filming locations too.
Ê Still on renewals, and ‘The Bear’ – the Emmy-winning juggernaut – has been renewed for a fourth season. The Disney+ series hasn’t even aired season three, but multiple sources suggest it’s been picked up for a fourth season already. It’s certainly great news for the cast and fans alike.
Ê A fascinating new dating series, ‘Couple to Throuple’ is currently airing on 7Bravo and 7plus. The raunchy polyamorous dating series, hosted by actor Scott Evans and guided by sex and relationship expert Shamyra Howard,
follows four curious couples through the world of polyamory as they experiment with bringing a third partner into their relationship. Catch it Wednesday nights on 7Bravo or catch up via 7plus.
Ê The 12th season of ‘Call the Midwife’ will have its free to air premiere on the ABC on Sunday, April 14 at 7.30pm. In the latest season, the nuns and nurses from Nonnatus House return for more stories of midwifery and family life set in 1960s East London.
Ê New Disney+ documentary ‘Tiger’ will drop on Earth Day, Monday, April 22. Priyanka Chopra Jonas will narrate the story of Ambar, a young tigress raising her cubs in the forests of India. Also streaming on Disney+ this Earth Day is a companion film to ‘Tiger’ – ‘Tigers on the Rise’. Narrated by Blair Un-
derwood, the film celebrates the remarkable comeback of one of the world’s most iconic animals.
Ê Off the back of my ‘House of the Dragon’ news last week, I can confirm that the new season will premiere on Foxtel and Binge on June 17. In season two, Westeros is on the brink of a bloody civil war with the Green and Black Councils fighting for King Aegon and Queen Rhaenyra, respectively.
Ê The BBC has confirmed the new season of ‘Doctor Who’, starring Ncuti Gatwa, will premiere on Saturday, May 11 on Disney+. Within the upcoming series, audiences will see the Doctor and Ruby travel through time and space on adventures to unknown lands, to the Regency era in England, to outer space worlds and the sixties.
6:30 The Cook And The Chef 7:00 News
Breakfast 9:35 Easter In Australia 10:00
Planet America 10:30 That Pacific Sports
Show 11:00 Antiques Roadshow 12:00 ABC
News 12:30 QI (M l) 1:00 Silent Witness (M)
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show (PG)
Friday 29 March
2:00 House Of Gods (M l) 3:00 The Cook And The Chef 3:25 Movie: “The Secret Garden” (G) (’93) Stars: Kate Maberly 5:10
Grand Designs (PG) 6:00 Back Roads 6:25
Hard Quiz (PG) 7:00 ABC News 7:30
Gardening Australia 8:30 Happy Valley (M)
2:00 TBA 2:30 TBA 3:00 Imagine Rail Journeys (PG) 3:30
Harry’s Practice 4:00 Better
Homes And Gardens 5:00
Escape To The Country 6:00
Bargain Hunt 7:00 Better
Homes And Gardens 8:30
Escape To The Country
5:00 Spooky Files 5:25
Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir (PG) 5:55 Still So Awkward 6:25 Miraculous World: New York, United Heroez 7:40 Kung
Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness (PG) 8:00 Transformers: EarthSpark (PG)
Saturday 30 March
Sunday 31 March
9:00 rage (PG) 10:30 rage Guest
3:00 STIHL Timbersports (PG) 3:30 Cities Of The Underworld (PG) 4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Movie: “Elysium” (MA15+) (’13) Stars: Matt Damon
4:00 ABC News At Easter 4:30 Foreign Correspondent 5:00
ABC News At Easter 5:30 The Breakfast Couch 6:00 ABC News At Easter 6:30 Secrets Of Sydney Harbour 7:00 ABC
National News 7:30 Best Of Stateline
6:00 rage (PG) 7:00 Weekend Breakfast
Programmer (PG) 12:00 ABC News 12:30
Death In Paradise (PG) 1:30 Life After Life (M s,v) 2:40 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery (PG) 3:10 Extraordinary Escapes (PG) 4:00
Universe With Brian Cox 5:00 Better Date
Than Never (PG) 5:30 Landline 6:00
Australian Story (PG) 6:30 Back Roads (PG)
7:00 ABC News 7:30 Life After Life (M s)
12:00 Escape To The Country 1:00 House Of Wellness (PG) 2:00
Escape To The Country 5:00
Seven’s Horse Racing *Live*
6:00 Heathrow (PG) 6:30
Bondi Vet (PG) 7:30 The Yorkshire Vet (PG) 8:30
Escape To The Country
5:00 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir (PG) 5:25 Total Drama Island (PG) 5:45 School Of Rock (PG) 6:10 The Next Step 6:30 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir (PG) 7:05 Mighty Mike 7:45 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff: The Kristine Carlson Story” (PG) (’21) Stars: Emily Rose 2:00 Border Security International (PG) 2:30 Surveillance Oz (PG) 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) 4:00 Seven News At 4 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) 6:00 Seven News 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 8:30 Movie: “The Butler” (M l,v) (’13) Stars: Forest Whitaker 11:15 TBA 12:15 Armchair Experts (M) 6:00 Today 6:30 Today Extra 11:30 NINE News Morning 12:00 Movie: “For The Love Of Chocolate” (PG) (’21) Stars: Rhiannon Fish 2:00 Pointless (PG) 3:00 NRL: Rabbitohs v Bulldogs *Live* 6:00 NINE News 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) 7:30 NRL: Broncos v Cowboys *Live* 9:55 NRL: Golden Point (M) 10:45 Movie: “Snitch” (M d,s) (’13) Stars: Dwayne Johnson 1:00
Tipping Point (PG) 2:00 Pointless (PG) 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 Postcards (PG)
11:45 Big Brother (PG) 1:35 Australian Idol (PG) 3:30 Modern Family (PG) 4:00 Britain’s Got Talent (PG) 6:05 Movie: “The Karate Kid II” (PG) (’86) Stars: Danny Kamekona 8:30 Movie: “The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty” (PG) (’13)
5:35 Pop Paper City 5:55 Fireman Sam 6:30 Peter Rabbit 7:05
Karma’s World 7:30 Spicks And Specks 8:00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Movie: “The Twilight Saga: Breaking DawnPart 2” (M) (’12) Stars: Elizabeth Reaser
8:30 Endeavour (M) 10:05 House Of Gods 6:00 NBC Today 7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show - Weekend (PG) 12:00 Seven’s Horse Racing: Randwick/ Flemington *Live* 5:00 Seven News At 5 5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) 6:00 Seven News 7:00 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) 7:30 Movie: “Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves” (M l) (’91)
4:05 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea 4:35 Grace Beside Me (PG) 5:00 Our Stories 5:30 NITV News: Nula 6:00 Bamay 6:40 Borderlands (PG) 7:30 Eddies Lil’ Homies 7:45 Movie: “Watership Down” (PG) (’78) Stars: John Hurt
5:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 5:30 Cook Like An Italian With Silvia Colloca 6:00 Luke Nguyen’s India 6:30 Lidia’s Kitchen 7:00 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw 7:30 Rick Stein: From Venice To Istanbul 8:40 Jamie’s Great Britain
9:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) 10:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 10:30 Judge Judy (PG) 11:00 Dr Phil (M) 12:00 TBA 1:30 My
Market Kitchen 2:00 Ready Steady Cook
3:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 3:30 Judge Judy (PG) 4:00 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) 5:00 10 News First 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) 6:30 The Project (PG) 7:30 Ready
Steady Cook 8:30 The Graham Norton Show (M) 10:30 Fire Country (PG) 11:30 The Project (PG) 12:30 The Late Show (PG) 10:00 Wonderful World Of Baby Animals (PG) 10:50 Mountain Vets (M) 12:00
8:30 Ready Steady Cook (PG) 9:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 10:30 JAG (PG) 12:30 Bull (PG) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 Bull (PG) 8:30 NCIS (M) 9:25 NCIS: Hawaii (PG)
4:15 PBS Newshour 5:15 Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia 5:50
The UnXplained With William Shatner (PG) 6:40 Jeopardy! 7:30 NITV News Update 7:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M l,s) 8:30 Hoarders (M)
Worldwatch 2:00 Mastermind 3:00 NITV
News: Nula 3:45 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:15 Worlds Most Scenic Railway Journeys (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5:30
Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30
Mystery Of The Ark Of Covenant (PG) 8:20 Japan - World’s Most Punctual Train (In English/ Japanese)
1:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 2:00 Two And A Half Men (PG)
3:00 The King Of Queens (PG)
4:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4:30 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG)
6:30 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 8:30 Two And A Half Men (PG) 11:00 Frasier (PG)
4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 Transformers: Cyberverse (PG) 5:45 Movie: “Igor” (PG) (’08) Stars: John Cusack 7:30 Movie: “The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies” (PG) (’14) Stars: Richard Armitage
Stars: Kevin Costner 10:30 Movie: “The Book Of Eli” (MA15+) (’10) Stars: Denzel Washington 12:50 The Arrangement (M v) 12:00 Great Australian Detour 12:30 My Way 1:00 Ageless 1:30 Living On The Coast 2:00 The Pet Rescuers (PG) 2:30 Drive TVEV3 Building The Future (PG) 3:30 Renovate Or Rebuild 4:30 The Garden Gurus 5:00 NINE News First At 5 5:30 Getaway (PG) 6:00 NINE News 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) 7:30 Space Invaders (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Charlie And The Chocolate Factory” (PG) (’05) Stars: Johnny Depp 9:30 Food Trail - South Africa 10:00 Ready Steady Cook 11:00 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here (PG) 12:30 Silvia’s Italian Masterclass 1:00 All 4 Adventure (PG) 2:00 Roads Less Travelled 2:30 Everyday Gourmet 3:00 What’s Up Down Under 3:30 Good Chef Bad Chef 4:00 My Market
3:00 Australian V8 Superboats Championship 4:00 Supercar Customiser 5:00
Storage Wars Miami (M) 5:30
Storage Wars (M) 6:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:00 AFL: Round 3: Port Adelaide v Melbourne *Live* 10:30 AFL: Post Game
3:30 Secrets Of Sydney Harbour 4:00 ABC News 4:30 Close Of Business 5:00 ABC News 5:30
The World This Week 6:00 ABC Evening News 6:30
Australian Story 7:00 ABC National News 7:30 Back Roads 8:00 ABC News Tonight
11:00 The Proposal (PG) 12:15 Ultimate Tag (PG) 2:10 Britain’s Got Talent (PG) 4:10 Frogger (PG) 5:10 Movie: “Step” (PG) (’17) Stars: Gari McIntyre 7:00 Movie: “Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway” (PG) (’21) Stars: Rose Byrne
5:35 Pop Paper City 5:55 Fireman Sam 6:30 Peter Rabbit 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:30 Spicks And Specks 8:00 QI (PG) 8:30 Melbourne Comedy Festival: The Gala (M l,s) 10:35 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL (M l) 11:05 Mythbusters (M)
6:00 rage (PG) 7:00 Weekend Breakfast
9:00 The Pope’s Easter Vigil 2024 10:30
The World This Week 11:00 Compass (PG)
11:30 Songs Of Praise 12:00 ABC News
12:30 Landline 1:30 Gardening Australia
Rescue 4:00 The Yorkshire Vet (PG) 5:00 I
Escaped To The Country 6:00
Imagine Holidays Iconic Rail Journeys (PG) 6:30 Kath & Kim
7:05 The Vicar Of Dibley (PG)
Noir 5:20 Total Drama
Island 5:40 School Of Rock
6:05 The Next Step 6:25
Miraculous World: Shanghai, Lady Dragon 7:30 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures 8:05 Hotel Transylvania
3:00 Mark Berg’s Fishing Addiction (PG) 4:00 AFL: Round 3: Richmond v Sydney *Live* From The MCG 7:00 Motorbike Cops (PG) 7:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Air Force One” (M v) (’97)
3:30 That Pacific Sports Show 4:00 Landline 5:00 ABC News With Auslan 5:30 ABC News
Regional 6:00 ABC Evening News 6:30 Foreign Correspondent 7:00 ABC
National News 7:30 The Cloud Under The Sea (PG)
12:30 Yummy Mummies (PG) 1:30 Holey Moley Australia (PG) 3:00 Dancing With The Stars (PG) 4:30 Australian Idol (PG) 5:30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly (PG) 7:30 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (M) 8:30 Law & Order: SVU (M)
5:35 Pop Paper City 6:05 Kiya And The Kimoja Heroes 6:30
Peter Rabbit 7:05
3:45 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG) 4:45 Make It Right (PG) 5:15 Going Native 6:20 NITV News Update 6:30 Tradition On A Plate 7:00 The Other Side (PG)
7:30 Alone Australia (M l) 8:30 Movie: “Stigmata” (MA15+) (’99) Stars: Patricia Arquette
5:30 Khanh Ong’s Wild Food 6:30 Evolving Vegan 7:30 Jimmy Doherty’s New Zealand Escape 8:30 Rick Stein’s Food Heroes
9:30 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations 10:30 The Wine Show 11:30 The Cook And The Chef
Kitchen 4:30 Taste Of Australia 5:00 10 News First 6:00 Ready Steady Cook 7:00
1:00 Unsellable Houses 2:00 My Lottery Dream Home 3:00 The Block (PG) 4:00 Barnwood Builders 5:00 Fixer Upper 6:00 House Hunters International 7:00 House Hunters USA 7:30 Rehab Addict Lake House Rescue
3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Movie: “Foreign Intrigue” (PG) (’56) Stars: Robert Mitchum 5:30 Yorkshire Auction House 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 David Attenborough’s Dynasties II (PG) 8:40 Movie: “Noah” (M v) (’14)
3:50 Tina - One Last Time (PG) 5:45 Talking Language 6:10 NITV
News Update 6:20 Animal Babies - First Year On Earth (PG) 7:30 The American Buffalo (PG) 8:30 Black Gold (M l) 10:10 Movie: “Fallen” (M l,s,v) (’98)
12:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 1:00 What’s Up Downunder 2:00 JAG (PG) 5:00 Escape Fishing With ET 5:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 6:00 JAG (PG)
7:00 Football: Isuzu Ute ALeague: Round 22: Sydney FC v Central Coast Mariners *Live*
4:15 PBS Newshour 5:20 Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia 5:55 The Food That Built The World (PG) 7:35 Impossible Engineering (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Constantine” (M l,v) (’05) Stars: Keanu Reeves 10:40 Better Things (M l,s)
The Story Of Coffee (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch 1:00 Motorsport: Bathurst 6 Hour *Live* 5:00 Hungry For More (PG) (In English/ Catalan) 5:30 Elvis And The USS Arizona (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Britain’s Most Beautiful Road (PG) 8:30 Royal CrisisCountdown To Abdication (PG) 9:30 From Paris To Rome With Bettany Hughes (PG) 10:25 Those Who Stayed (M) (In Ukrainian)
The Dog House Australia (PG) 8:00 The Dog House UK (M) 9:00 Ambulance UK (M) 5:00 Worldwatch 9:15 Love Your Home And Garden (PG) 10:10 Vintage Voltage 11:00
9:00 Neighbours (PG)
11:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 11:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 12:30 I’m A Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here (PG) 4:00 Frasier (PG)
5:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG)
6:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 10:30 Friends (M)
3:45 Movie: “Get A Life Alright” (PG) (’22) Stars: Dilshan Rain 5:15 Kenan (PG) 5:45 Movie: “Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel” (G) (’09) Stars: Jason Lee 7:30 Movie: “Zookeeper” (PG) (’11) Stars: Kevin James
1:00 My Lottery Dream Home 1:30 Houses With History 2:30 Renovation Impossible 3:30 Revealed 4:30 Rehab Addict
Lake House Rescue 5:30
Dream Homes Revealed 6:30
Holiday Homes In The Sun 7:30 Escape To The Chateau
2:55 Movie: “Run For The Sun” (PG) (’56) Stars: Richard Widmark 5:00 Rugby Union: Super W: Reds v Brumbies *Live* From Suncorp Stadium 7:00 Rugby Union: Rugby Pacific: Reds v Brumbies *Live* 9:30 Rugby Union: Post Match
10:00 Deal Or No Deal 11:00 Escape Fishing With ET 11:30 Taste Of Australia - BBQ Special 12:30 JAG (PG) 2:30 Football: Isuzu Ute A-League: Round 22: Melbourne Victory v Perth Glory *Live* 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M v)
The Movie Show (PG)
11:30 Motorsport: Bathurst 6 Hour *Live* From Bathurst 6:00
Abandoned Engineering 7:55
Cycling: Tour Of Flanders Men’s/ Women’s Race *Live*
From Antwerp, Belgium
8:00 TBA 9:30 TBA
11:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG)
1:00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 1:30 Transformers Prime (PG) 2:45 A1: Highway Patrol (PG) 3:45
Movie: “The Pink Panther” (PG) (’06) Stars: Steve Martin 5:45 Trolls World Tour 7:30 Movie: “Ocean’s Thirteen” (PG) (’07)
Stars: Brad Pitt
2:00 Movie: “Our Man In Marrakesh” (G) (’66)
Stars: Senta Berger 4:00 Movie: “The Vikings” (PG) (’58) Stars: Kirk Douglas 6:30 M*A*S*H (PG) 8:30 Movie: “The Expendables” (MA15+) (’10) Stars: Sylvester Stallone 10:30 Chicago Med (MA15+)
Monday 1 April
4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Doc Martin (PG) 8:30 Foyle’s War (M v) 10:35 Railroad Australia (PG)
3:00 AFL: Round 3: Hawthorn v Geelong *Live* 6:00 American Restoration (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Outback Opal Hunters (PG)
6:00 Hank Zipzer 6:25
Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir 7:40 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness (PG) 8:05 Hotel Transylvania
5:00 ABC News With Joe O’Brien 5:30 Back Roads 6:00 ABC News Hour 7:00 ABC National News 7:30 Secrets Of Sydney Harbour 8:00 ABC News
Tuesday 2 April
12:00 ABC News 1:00 Call The Midwife (PG) 2:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame 2:25 Back Roads 2:55 Old People’s Home For 4 Year Olds 3:55 Long Lost Family (PG) 4:45
Grand Designs (PG) 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Back Roads (PG) 8:30 Better Date Than Never (PG)
4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Call The Midwife (PG) 8:40 A Touch Of Frost (M l,v)
6:00 Hank Zipzer 6:30 Operation Ouch! 7:00 Horrible Histories 7:35
Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness (PG) 8:00 Hotel Transylvania (PG)
5:30 The Amazing Race (PG) 6:30 Dumb Daredevils Make You Laugh Out Loud (PG) 7:30 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (M v) 8:30 Law & Order: SVU (M v)
5:55 Fireman Sam 6:30 Peter Rabbit 7:05 Karma’s World 7:30 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Mythbusters (PG) 9:15 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces
12:00 Movie: “A Godwink Christmas: Meant For Love” (AKA ‘Another Christmas Coincidence’) (PG) (’19) Stars: Cindy Busby 2:00 Beat The Chasers UK (PG) 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) 4:00 Seven News At 4 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) 6:00 Seven News 7:00 Home And Away (PG) 7:30 World’s Most Extreme Airports (PG)
4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Outback Truckers (PG)
5:00 ABC News With Joe O’Brien 6:00 ABC News Hour 7:00 ABC National News 7:30 ABC Evening News 8:00 ABC News Tonight 8:45 The Business
Wednesday 3 April
12:00 ABC News 12:30 National Press Club
Address 1:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG)
2:25 Back Roads 2:55 Old People’s Home For 4 Year Olds 3:55 Long Lost Family (PG)
4:40 Grand Designs (PG) 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Hard Quiz (PG) 8:30
The Weekly With Charlie Pickering (PG)
4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Heartbeat (PG) 8:45 Judge John Deed (M v)
6:00 Hank Zipzer 6:30
Operation Ouch! 7:00
Horrible Histories 7:35
Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness (PG) 8:00 Hotel Transylvania
7:30 Finding Your Roots (PG) 8:30 The 2010s (M) 10:00 SBS World News Late
5:00 Our Stories 5:30 APTN National News 6:00 Bamay 6:30 NITV News Update 6:40 Peaks 7:30 First Australians (PG) 8:30 Karla Grant Presents (PG)
5:30 Cook Like An Italian With Silvia Colloca 6:00 Luke Nguyen’s India 6:30 Lidia’s Kitchen 7:00 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw
11:30 JAG (PG) 1:30 NCIS (M v) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG)
5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 Bull (PG) 8:30 NCIS (M)
5:50 The UnXplained With William Shatner (PG) 6:40 Jeopardy! 7:30 NITV News Update 7:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M l,s)
4:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4:30 Becker (PG)
5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 8:30 Two And A Half Men (PG)
4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 7:00 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (PG)
3:00 The Block (PG) 4:00 Barnwood Builders 5:00 Fixer Upper 6:00 House Hunters International
7:00 House Hunters USA 8:30 Help! I Wrecked My House
3:20 Movie: “The Bargee” (PG) (’64) Stars: Harry H Corbett 5:30 Yorkshire Auction House 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Death In Paradise (M)
6:00 Today 6:30 Today Extra 11:30 NINE News Morning 12:00 Married At First Sight (M l,s) 1:30 Getaway (PG) 2:00 Pointless (PG) 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) 4:00 NINE News Afternoon 5:00 Tipping Point Australia (PG) 6:00 NINE News 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) 7:30 Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars (PG) 8:45 TBA 10:45 NINE News Late
4:30 Bondi Vet (PG) 5:30 The Amazing Race (PG) 6:30 Delinquents Make You Laugh Out Loud (PG) 7:30 First Dates UK (M s)
5:55 Fireman Sam 6:30 Peter Rabbit 7:05 Karma’s World 7:30
Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg (M) 9:15 Upstart Crow (M s)
6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show (PG)
11:30 Seven Morning News 12:00 Movie: “Hometown Killer” (M) (’18) Stars: Kaitlyn Black 2:00 Beat The Chasers UK (PG) 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) 4:00 Seven News At 4 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) 6:00 Seven News 7:00 Home And Away (PG) 7:30 The 1% Club (PG) 8:30 The Front Bar (M)
4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Highway Patrol (PG)
5:00 ABC News With Joe O’Brien 6:00 ABC News Hour 7:00 ABC
National News 7:30 ABC
Evening News 8:00 ABC News
Tonight 8:45 The Business
4:30 Bondi Vet (PG) 5:30 The Amazing Race (PG)
5:30 Indian Country 6:00 Ngarrindjeri & Yuin Country 6:40 NITV News Update 6:50 The Waterways 7:40 Great Lakes Wild 8:10 Great Lakes Wild
5:30 Cook Like An Italian With Silvia Colloca 6:00 Luke Nguyen’s India 6:30 Lidia’s Kitchen 7:00 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw
12:00 10 News First: Midday 1:00
Entertainment Tonight (PG) 1:30 TBA 3:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 3:30 10 News First: Afternoon 4:00 Neighbours (PG) 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) 5:00 10 News
First 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) 6:30 The Project (PG) 7:30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here (PG) 9:00 NCIS (M v)
11:30 JAG (PG) 1:30 NCIS (M) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 Bull (M v) 9:25 FBI (M)
5:25 Secret World Of Autistic Women & Girls (PG) 6:40 Jeopardy! 7:30 NITV News Update 7:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M l,s)
12:00 Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars (PG)
1:15 Ageless (PG) 1:45 Talking Honey (PG) 2:00 Pointless (PG) 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) 4:00 NINE News Afternoon 5:00 Tipping Point Australia (PG) 6:00 NINE News 7:00 A
Current Affair (PG) 7:30 Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars (PG) 9:10 Australian Crime Stories - The Investigators (MA15+)
5:55 Fireman Sam 6:30 Peter Rabbit 7:05 Karma’s World 7:30
Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Death In Paradise (M v) 9:30 The Beast Must Die (M l)
5:30 Cook Like An Italian With Silvia Colloca 6:00 Luke Nguyen’s
12:00 ABC News 1:00 Big Deal (M l) 1:55
Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) 2:25 Back
Roads 2:55 Old People’s Home For 4 Year Olds 3:55 Long Lost Family (PG) 4:40 Grand Designs (PG) 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 8:00 Foreign Correspondent 8:30 Grand Designs NZ (PG)
12:00 Movie: “Murder, She Baked: A Chocolate Chip Cookie Mystery” (M v) (’15)
Stars: Alison Sweeney 2:00 Beat The Chasers UK (PG) 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) 4:00 Seven News At 4 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) 6:00 Seven News 7:00 Home And Away (PG) 7:30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly (PG) 8:30 America’s Got Talent
3:10 Mastermind 3:45 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:15 Worlds Most Scenic Railway Journeys (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 8:30 Insight (M) 9:30 Dateline (M) 10:00 SBS World News Late
4:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4:30 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 8:30 Two And A Half Men (PG)
4:30 The Addams Family 5:00 Bewitched 5:30 I Dream Of Jeannie 6:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 7:00 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (PG)
12:00 10 News First: Midday 1:00
Entertainment Tonight (PG) 1:30 TBA 3:00
Good Chef Bad Chef 3:30 10 News First: Afternoon 4:00 Neighbours (PG) 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) 5:00 10 News
First 6:00 Deal Or No Deal (PG) 6:30 The Project (PG) 7:30 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here (PG) 9:00 FBI: International (M)
4:00 Barnwood Builders 5:00 Flip Or Flop 6:00 House Hunters International 7:00 House Hunters USA 7:30 Beyond The Farm: Men At Work
3:35 Movie: “I’ve Gotta Horse” (G) (’65) Stars: Billy Fury 5:30 Yorkshire Auction House 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 New Tricks (M)
12:00 Worldwatch 2:00 Dateline (M) 2:30
Insight: Super Fans (M) 3:45 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:15 Worlds Most Scenic Railway Journeys (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind Australia (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Alone Australia (M l) 8:30 Jimmy Carr’s I Literally Just Told You (M)
4:00 Good Chef Bad Chef 4:30 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30
Neighbours (PG) 7:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 8:30 Two And A Half Men (PG)
5:00 Holiday Homes In The Sun 6:00 House Hunters International 7:00 House Hunters USA 7:30
Home Town 8:30 Good Bones 9:30 Restored By The Fords
A City” (PG) (’60) Stars: Stanley Baker 5:30
Yorkshire Auction House 6:30
Antiques Roadshow 7:30 As Time Goes By (M)
Yards, patios and decks are widely used in spring and summer, yet few realise the potential of their outdoor spaces during the colder months.
In order to maximise your space
throughout the year, investing in a few winter-warming items can make for a more inviting area where family and friends can gather. And now is the time to consider it!
Create a warm space
One immediate way to bring focus to a patio or garden is by investing in a fire pit.
Introducing a campfire-like atmosphere to your outdoor entertaining area not only encourages social cohesion but also facilitates an enjoyable outdoor environment for friends and family.
Choosing the right fire pit for your outdoor entertainment demands careful consideration.
Aurus Low Smoke Firepits are characterised by a dual-wall construction equipped with an engineered system of ventilation, ensuring a secondary combustion process that is both efficient and environmentally friendly.
The Aurus Pyramus Low Smoke Fire Pit (RRP $219, pictured) has an angled, advanced design which minimises smoke emission and optimises fuel efficiency and helps to facilitate a quick cool-down.
A uniquely designed narrow base channels airflow to superheat the combustion chamber. As the base widens into a spacious bowl, heat radiation is maximised, resulting in superior incineration of smoke particles, and warmth distribution throughout your outdoor space.
For a compact, yet powerful heating solution, the circular Aurus 450 Low Smoke Fire Pit (RRP $149) is a great option that is portable and easy to use.
Designed with a dual wall that allows airflow and promotes secondary combustion of smoke particles, you can expect up to 50 per cent less smoke than a standard fire pit, keeping you and your neighbours happy.
The sleek contemporary design, complemented by a bronzecoloured metal stand that lifts the pit off the ground, adds a touch of sophistication to your outdoor
living space. Additionally, the included protective cover ensures the longevity of the fire pit’s appearance, guaranteeing years of enjoyment.
Implement cosy furniture arrangements
Jazz up your outdoor area by upgrading your outdoor seating with the addition of plush cushions, blankets, and throws to create a snug setting.
These extra touches of comfort can be easily washed and stored away when no longer in use in the warmer months.
Ensure all guests get equal share of the fire pit’s warmth by arranging seating around it.
Illuminate with ambient lighting
Extend the magic of winter evenings with enchanting lighting.
Hang string lights or lanterns overhead to cast a soft, inviting glow.
Use flameless candles or LED candles in lanterns to create a warm ambiance without the worry of an open flame.
The use of strategically placed lighting not only enhances the atmosphere but also ensures safety and visibility in dimly lit areas.
Aurus Fire Pits are available from Bunnings Warehouse.
Sale: Just Listed
Inspection: Call Agent
M: 0428 934
This is your last oppor tunit y to secure a luxur y apar tment in the prestigious Metro precinct, centrally positioned in the hear t of the Oran Park community.
Generously sized, this 3-bedroom apar tment features ample floor space, sophisticated styl e and the finest finishes
Built in partnership with the award-winning Allen Jack + Cottier Architects and currently under construction with Richard Crookes Construction , the residence is completed to a high standard with:
• Miele oven, gas cook top, rangehood, buil t-in microwave oven and dishwasher plus striking Parisi tapware, tinted mirror splashback and Caesarstone benchtop centrepiece
• Ceramic tile floor throughout with carpet to bedroom s
• Ground floor entr y, two levels of secure parking and a communal roof top with barbeque faciliti es
Windows 10 has been a reliable companion, powering our computers for a decade. However, the clock is ticking. Microsoft officially ends support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025. What does this mean for you, and what are your options as the curtain falls on this popular operating system?
Ending support doesn’t mean your computer will abruptly stop working. However,
it does signify significant changes you should be aware of. Microsoft will no longer release critical security patches for Windows 10. This leaves your system vulnerable to emerging threats and malware, putting your data and privacy at risk. Most hardware manufacturers will also stop driver support for their products now. Microsoft will no longer offer technical assistance for Windows 10, leaving you to troubleshoot issues independently
or rely on third-party resources. You do have a few options.
• Stay on Windows 10: You can continue using Windows 10 past its end date. Be aware of the increased security risks and limited support. This is not an option I would recommend.
• Upgrade to Windows 11: It offers improved performance, security, and a fresh interface. However, not all systems meet the minimum hardware requirements. Check your PC’s compatibility before taking the plunge.
• Explore alternative operating systems: Consider free and open-source options like Linux or ChromeOS. While they require some adaptation, they offer unique benefits and a potentially lighter footprint on your system. I have previously written about breathing new life into old computers by installing a new operating system on them.
• Invest in a new PC: This might
be the perfect opportunity to refresh your computing experience. Modern laptops and desktops are often pre-installed with Windows 11, ensuring optimal performance and security.
If you upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11, there are some minimum requirements. The main requirement is having a Trusted Platform Module (TPM). This security chip stores encryption keys and protects your computer from unauthorised access. If your computer is missing this, then Windows 11 is not compatible. If your computer does not have this module, it will be approach 10-years-old and you should probably replace it. The easiest way to see if your computer is compatible with Windows 11 is to download the Windows Health Check application. After installation, this will advise you if your computer can be upgraded. It can be downloaded from https://aka.ms/ GetPCHealthCheckApp.
Remember when you were in school and you got a Dollarmite account?
Believe it or not, they were still around until a couple of years ago when the Commonwealth Bank finally pulled the pin.
What about those green plastic money boxes from St George?
However it was you were first introduced to the concept of banking and finance, it usually comes young and often through something fun.
And while Dollarmites may have in the end been considered somewhat controversial and actually was the subject of a campaign by Choice for it to be canned, nobody can deny that its efforts in improving financial literacy in youngsters were valid.
One of the hardest conversations a parent can often have with their children is when it’s time to leave the family home. Some are so keen to get out into the world on their own, that they blow any savings they do have on rent and setting up life outside the family home. Now while this is OK and everyone should make their own choices, the reality is that being home longer and saving is an obvious positive step in being able to afford a home.
It is so important that we talk to our kids about money and when they’re old enough, involve them in conversations around the household budget and even your home loan. Whether it’s pocket money, the tooth fairy, Christmas money or opening their first bank account, involving kids in financial discussions improves their financial literacy down the track and gives them a proper understanding about saving and how finances work.
The days of having a bank book
and watching your balance grow are long gone, but there’s still ways to show the power of saving – whether that be by ordering paper statements on their bank accounts, giving them online banking access or allowing them the use of a transaction card, many of which are designed for adolescent use.
And perhaps those conversations are easier if the child properly understands saving, how finances work and how home loan applications and approvals work too.
Not every child will be interested, but the earlier you can have these conversations, the better. They may not seem like they’re taking it in at the time, but they are lessons they may well remember when it matters most.
Amidst the current running frenzy, notably evident in the proliferation of run clubs across Sydney and Penrith, a concerning trend emerges: a surge in running-related injuries. These injuries can stem from either a sudden spike in running load or chronic overuse, highlighting the critical importance of load and intensity management to stave off injury.
Managing volume: A gradual approach
Understanding the interplay between volume and intensity is paramount. For beginners, even a seemingly modest 3km run can exert considerable strain, necessitating ample recovery time.
Gradually increasing volume over time is essential. If you want to run more, you need to increase your total time or distance slowly to avoid any sharp increases in load to help prevent any injuries. For example, you’ve never run before so decide to join a run club that does 5km every Wednesday. You’re now excited to run and want to do another one during the week. So you may do the Wednesday run, rest for three days before you run another 5km. This would allow you to have proper rest before each run so you start that run fresh! What you shouldn’t do is decide to run 10km after only ever completing 5km.
Consideration of intensity: Striking the balance
The intensity of a run significantly influences post-run recovery. Pushing oneself to the limit during a run inevitably results in heightened soreness
the following day. Intense exertion translates to increased load on the body, mandating extended rest periods to fully recuperate.
Prehabilitation: Strengthening and conditioning
Given the inherently high-impact nature of running, pre-emptive strengthening and conditioning are indispensable. Weightlifting and plyometrics serve as invaluable tools in fortifying muscles and tendons to withstand the rigours of running.
Load management: The key to injury prevention
The crux of injury prevention lies in judicious load management. Striking a harmonious balance between running volume and intensity, complemented by comprehensive strength and conditioning regimens, is paramount. By adhering to prudent load management practices, runners can mitigate injury risk and sustainably enjoy the benefits of this exhilarating activity.
By now, we should all know that makeup wipes are a huge no-no. Not only do many of them contain harsh ingredients and perfumes that, in addition to the harsh scrubbing it takes to remove the makeup, can have a detrimental impact on your skin, they’re also bad for the environment. But, if you’re wearing a full face of makeup every day, what do you turn to?
There are plenty of options out there, like micellar waters, and reusable options like the Face Halo. But, for me, cleansing balms have always been the best option.
A much gentler option for the skin, cleansing balms work by melting away makeup when wet. I’ve tried out some of the most popular ones in all price ranges, and here are my thoughts.
Banila Co Clean It Zero Cleansing Balm
A cult favourite amongst K-beauty lovers, the Banila Co Clean It Zero Cleansing Balm transforms from a balm into an oil when applied to the skin and effectively removes dirt and makeup. It retails for $34 for 100mL on Adore Beauty, and is free of artificial fragrances.
THE VERDICT: This is one of my favourite cleansing balms. It has the right amount of slip without feeling oily, and removes makeup flawlessly. The smell is a little bit jarring at first, but I found that it’s pretty easy to get used to. It’s also excellent value!
Off Cleansing Balm is arguably the most well known product of its kind.
A 125mL tub will set you back $68, and it’s said to dissolve away even the most stubborn waterproof mascara.
THE VERDICT: This product is a classic for a reason. It’s a good quality, reliable cleanser which will get all your makeup off seamlessly. However, it is definitely on the pricier side!
Sold at Mecca, the Soap & Glory Glow Your Mind Nourishing Cleansing Balm retails for $21 for 100mL. It’s enriched with Vitamin C and four ‘skin-loving oils’.
THE VERDICT: Though not a bad cleanser by any means, I don’t tend to reach for this cleanser as much as the others as I do find it leaves a slightly oily residue on the skin.
The Inkey List Oat Cleansing Balm
The most affordable on the list, you can pick up 150mL of the The Inkey List Oat Cleansing Balm from Sephora for $22. It’s described as the ideal gentle AM and PM cleanser, removing makeup and nourishing the skin.
THE VERDICT: Similar to the Soap & Glory option, I do find this one to be on the oilier side, but it is a very good cleanser, especially for the price. Unlike all of the other options, the Inkey List cleansing balm comes in a tube, making it ideal for someone who likes to wash their face in the shower.
Glow Recipe Papaya Sorbet
Enzyme Cleansing Balm
The Glow Recipe Papaya Sorbet Enzyme Cleansing Balm retails for $55 for 100mL, and uses exfoliating and calming papaya, acnecombating tea tree, antioxidantrich blueberry extract, brightening niacina-
mide, soothing apricot kernel oil and hydrating camellia seed oil.
THE VERDICT: I think there are other options that are more effective.
Drunk Elephant Slaai Makeup-Melting Butter Cleanser Retailing at $62.00 for 110mL, the Drunk Elephant Slaai Makeup-Melting Butter Cleanser also comes with a Bamboo Booster.
THE VERDICT: This is my all-time favourite cleansing balm.
As Easter approaches, it’s essential to take a moment to consider the potential dangers it poses to our beloved pets. Amidst the festivities and celebrations, there are hidden risks that can turn a joyous occasion into a nightmare for pet owners. From chocolate indulgences to decorative elements, Easter brings forth several hazards that can pose serious threats to our furry companions.
One of the most well-known dangers is chocolate, a staple of Easter treats. While delicious for humans, chocolate contains theobromine, a substance toxic to dogs. Even small amounts can lead to symptoms ranging from muscle stiffness to seizures, with potentially fatal consequences.
It’s crucial for pet owners to keep chocolate securely out of reach of their pets and to be vigilant about disposing of any dropped or forgotten treats.
Hot cross buns, another Easter tradition, can also be harmful to
pets, particularly due to the presence of raisins and dried fruits. These ingredients are known to cause kidney failure in dogs and cats, with symptoms potentially appearing weeks after ingestion. Pet owners should be cautious about leaving hot cross buns accessible to their furry friends and seek veterinary attention immediately if ingestion occurs. Moreover, confectionery items commonly found in Easter baskets may contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener highly toxic to dogs. Even a small amount of xylitol can lead to symptoms such as lethargy and seizures, underscoring the importance of keeping these items safely away from pets.
Additionally, Easter decorations and bouquets can pose risks to pets. Plastic decorations and small toys used in Easter baskets can present a choking hazard or cause digestive obstructions if ingested. Furthermore, lilies, often included in Easter bouquets for their beauty, are extremely
toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure if ingested. Pet owners should opt for pet-safe decorations and educate friends and family about the dangers of certain flowers to ensure the safety of their feline companions.
Recognising the signs of toxicity and seeking prompt veterinary care are crucial in mitigating the risks associated with Easter celebrations.
Pet owners must remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their furry friends from potential hazards during this festive time.
In conclusion, as we prepare to celebrate Easter with our loved ones, let’s not forget to prepare for a pet-friendly holiday as well. By taking precautions, being mindful
of potential dangers, and seeking prompt veterinary care when needed, we can ensure that Easter remains a joyous and safe occasion for everyone, including our beloved pets.
Boho Astro bohoastro.com
© Joanne Madeline Moore 2024
This week Mercury turns retrograde until April 25, so it’s time to do anything with an ‘re’ in front of it – revise, rehearse, review, remember, return, recover and/ or reconnect. Especially in areas involving travel, education, communication and local community projects. Your mantra for the week is from birthday great, environmentalist Jane Goodall, “Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.”
Prosperity planet Jupiter is jumping through your sign until May 25. But are you making the most of this positive once-in-every-12-years placement? It’s your time to shine Taurus – to show the world what you are truly capable of. So your motto for the moment is from birthday great, writer and activist Maya Angelou, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive. And to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.”
With your ruler the Sun, Mercury and Venus all transiting through fellow fire sign Aries, you’re feeling feisty and ready for adventure. But with Mercury turning retrograde (until April 25) you could also feel like a ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’! Remember that hubris often comes before a fall, so the buzz word for this week is humility. Clever Lions will be kinder towards other people, and more tolerant of their individual idiosyncrasies and particular circumstances.
On Monday night Mercury starts reversing through your wellbeing and work zone, so it’s a suitable week to revise your daily diet and fitness routine, as you choose healthier food options and a form of exercise that you enjoy. Plus – when it comes to your job – it’s time to catch up on the backlog of unfinished projects and overflowing paperwork. With proactive Mars in your friendship zone, you’re keen to have a catch-up lunch or movie night with your besties.
Creativity is especially high on Wednesday/Thursday. And with Mars transiting through your sign, it’s time to assert your independence. But expect some frustrations and restrictions along the way, as Mercury turns retrograde until April 25. Clever Fish will be patient, persuasive and persistent – especially involving finances and business matters. Your motto is from this week’s birthday great, movie icon Bette Davis, “The key to life is accepting challenges.”
The Sun, Mercury and Venus stimulate your peer group zone, so it’s important to support and encourage your friends. But with Mercury (your ruling planet) turning retrograde until April 25, make sure you communicate clearly and sort out any misunderstandings early. Fast thinking and creative strategies will help you solve problems and alleviate stress. Your motto is from birthday great, singer Billie Holiday, “If I don’t have friends, then I ain’t got nothing.”
Mercury (your patron planet) turns retrograde which can mean frustrations, delays and power plays, especially at work or while travelling. Perhaps a project is stalled, a person is plotting, or a domestic appliance (or your car) breaks down. Avoid stressing and vexing Virgo! Aim to be proactive rather than reactive. As writer (and birthday great) Maya Angelou reminds us, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”
This week the Sun, Mercury and Venus are all transiting through fellow fire sign Aries, which will boost your energy and enthusiasm – but also your blunt and tactless side. And Mercury turns retrograde on Monday night (until April 25). So close relationships will be complicated, and communication will be increasingly tricky – especially with your partner, potential partner, children and/or friends. Smart Sagittarians will slow down, shut up, listen and learn!
This week Venus hooks up with Neptune, and Mercury starts reversing through your sign. So you’re extra susceptible to confusing misunderstandings, dubious suggestions and false flattery. Be discerning about who’s advice you take and make sure your plans are grounded in reality. Don’t let fair-weather friends lead you up the primrose path to trouble! If you’re a smart Ram, you’ll plan your week carefully and choose your close confidantes wisely.
Many busy Crabs will burn the midnight oil, as creativity bites and inspiration strikes. International connections could be particularly beneficial and your involvement with a group, club or organisation has others looking to you for innovative ideas. But – with Mercury reversing through your career zone –resist the temptation to sidestep, confuse or snooze at work! Use your networking skills to drum up support, and don’t be afraid to ask experts for help.
With the Sun, Venus and Mercury (which turns retro on Monday) visiting your relationship zone, it’s important to nurture and cherish your nearest and dearest. You could also lend a hand to a friend or relative who is sick, experiencing financial trouble or recovering from a broken heart. The best day of the week is Wednesday, when the Venus/Neptune link highlights romance, compassion and creativity. So surround yourself with love, beauty and good vibes!
Mercury turns retrograde on Monday night (London time) which can mean delays, cancellations and plenty of frustrations – especially at home. Perhaps a DIY project is stalled, a family member is slowing progress, or an essential domestic appliance breaks down. Calm down Capricorn – aim to be proactive rather than reactive. Be particularly careful what you say to a stressed family member. If in doubt then be extra discreet, zip your lips and say nothing!
Like Sudoku, no single number can rows and columns are divided by black . These need to be filled in with numbers that is a set of numbers with no gaps but can be in any order, eg [4,2,3,5]. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Glance at the solution to see how ‘straights’ are formed.
Crossword brought to you by OnePointHealth onepointhealth.com.au | 4732 5188 510/536 High Street, Penrith
Sudoku brought to you by Nepean Aquatic Centre nepeanaquaticcentre.com.au
To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number uniquely.
For many strategies, hints and tips, visit www.sudokuwiki.org
If you like Str8ts check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store. The solutions will be published here in the next issue.
4730 8900
This wordsearch is brought to you by CPAP Direct, would you finish it faster with a better night sleep? -
Find all the words listed hidden in the grid of letters. They can be found in straight lines up, down, forwards, backwards or even diagonally.
Last week’s solution
1. Who were the three judges for the inaugural season of ‘Australian Idol’ in 2003?
2. Who won season three of ‘Australian Idol’ in 2005?
3. For how many seasons did ‘Australian Idol’ air on Channel 10?
4. Which former judge would deliver a ‘Touchdown’ when a
performance was considered first class?
5. Who did judge Ian Dickson tell to “shed some pounds” to wear a particular dress, creating a national controversy?
6. Who was announced as the winner of the ninth season of ‘Australian Idol’, which aired this year?
The extraordinary story of Nepean Raceway and Penrith’s most legendary rider
The City Of Penrith Motor Cycle Club is gearing up for its annual charity fundraiser at the famed Nepean Raceway at Castlereagh, on the weekend of August 2-3. It will bring together the cream of Australia’s Dirt Track racers and a dazzling display of vintage and classic racing machines.
As well as showcasing the sport, and the generosity of the racers and the motorcycling community, it is also a timely reminder of the Penrith champions who rode Nepean, with for some, the special memory of the late local champion and businessman, Roy East.
The 1950s and post World War II Australians who developed the need for speed developed also a unique Australian form of motorcycle racing – known then as Miniature TT, transitioned firstly to Short Circuit and then to Dirt Track, a breakaway from the professional sport of speedway.
That victory spurred him on to greater glory, and within 12 months motorcycle racing became his employment. He competed across Australia in all forms of the sport.
He briefly took up road racing at the Mt Druitt airfield circuit and at Mount Panorama, but the cost of the sport proved too much for his limited finances.
Then the lure of the big time in Europe proved too strong and in 1960 he made his way to Britain, teamed up with fellow Aussie Tim Gibbes and for the next nine years, worked the Continental “Circus” on circuits in Germany, France and Belgium, with the BBC’s televised weekly winter moto cross ‘Grandstand’ series proving both a money earner, and the ruination of his health.
There he also met and married Maree.
Short circuit tracks consisted of a graded dirt oval which incorporated at least one right hand corner, sometimes more, in a series of S-bends. Out of the dust of these early events emerged a number of daredevils who would take on the nation and the world in “doing it in the dirt”.
And in 1959 also emerged the Nepean
Raceway on Rickards Road at Castlereagh, 14 kilometres from the centre of Penrith, a motorcycling venue unique in the nation, built by a company formed from the amalgamation of nine Sydney motorcycle clubs.
Nepean is now the only dirt track in the Sydney area, also includes a speedway track, and caters for hundreds of riders for practice and race days, as well as youngsters on their mini bikes..
It also produced motorcycle racers of a calibre who would take on the world. One of the most notable, the diminutive Roy East who would stand tall against the world’s best in Europe and the United States, securing championships in the rough and tumble of Moto Cross, and in retirement settled back at Llandilo and opened a very successful motorcycle dealership in Station Street, Penrith, Moto Cross Honda, in partnership with long time friend Col Evans and Swedish champion Hans Apelgren.
Roy began his racing career at one of Sydney’s first tracks, at Castlereagh, where riders raced around a layout of 44 gallon oil drums.
He never stood a chance of winning, riding a 1939 model Gold Star BSA, bought for the princely sum of two pounds, finished last, but that experience ignited in Roy a determination to be a winner, a trait that marked his career. He joined Blacktown MCC and raced at Whynstanes, at Wetherill Park, Prospect and other tracks around the state.
Then, at the final meeting held at the Wallacia track, although still a C-grader, Roy finally won his first all powers race.
He obtained employment in the competition department of BSA, and AJS where he built his 600cc Rickman Metisse, that would become his trademark bike, and which now resides in the National Motorcycle Museum.
Roy motored on, riding professional meetings in the USA as he headed for sunnier climes. This proved economically sound. But
on one occasion he was forced to fly home to Australia, in excruciating pain, after breaking an arm in a race fall, and unable to afford the high cost of America’s health care.
But arthritis, caused he told me from “standing knee deep in snow and mud during the vile British winters”, had invaded his limbs, and forced his retirement.
He gave the game away, but back in Penrith opened up his dealership with old mate Col Evans, and took an active sponsorship role in promoting junior motorcycle racing, with the occasional appearance at vintage events.
As his arthritis worsened life for Roy East became a struggle. He died in 2002, wife Maree passed away a short time later after a long battle against cancer.
Story continued from » p.88
“The club has a long history of doing community-based events as much as we can. We hadn’t done one in a while, so when Paula came to us with her idea, we jumped at it.”
Firth and his team will be tasked with setting up the temporary track on race day and they’ll also help with making sure all the drivers are up to speed with their RC car to give them the best chance of winning as possible.
“Our members along with RC enthusiasts from other clubs will be partnered up with a business to show them the ropes before they drive the car,” Firth said.
“After practice and the qualifying races, we’ll have 10 cars at a time on the track and there will be three separate finals.
“Whoever does the best out of those three finals will be declared the overall winner.”
Out of fairness, all cars will be identical mechanically expect for their exterior which will differ depending on the business’ design.
Spectators are welcome to attend next weekend’s Herbie Derbie in St Marys, with opportunities for locals to get involved as well.
“There will be some side activities where people can make a small donation and have a drive through a basic course that we will set up. The fastest time will get a prize,” Firth said.
The most unlikely Penrith Panthers fan has emerged in the shape of superstar actor Jack Black.
In town to promote ‘Kung Fu Panda 4’, Black somehow ended up being interviewed by Panthers forward Scott Sorensen this week.
Sorensen, producing his best David Letterman impersonation, presented the ‘School of Rock’ star with a Panthers jersey
and showed him highlights of Penrith’s try-scoring celebrations.
“I know all the rules,” Black joked when asked about the NRL.
Black’s jersey was emblazoned with ‘Dragon Warrior’ on the back, a nod to ‘Kung Fu Panda 4’, which is in cinemas now.
You can view the full episode on the Panthers website at www. penrithpanthers.com.au.
Anew era is dawning at Giants Netball, with Aussie Diamonds star JamieLee Price and English veteran Jo Harten announced as co-captains for the upcoming Super Netball season.
The experienced duo will share the responsibilities and title of co-cap
tains – a first since the club’s inception back in 2016.
28-year-old Price will become just the club’s third-ever captain, graduating into the role after three seasons as vice-captain. The dynamic and powerful player, who is the sister of Penrith Panthers young gun
alongside her.”
Meanwhile, Harten returns for her fifth season as club captain, having taken the reins from inaugural skipper Kim Green ahead of the 2020 season.
The former English Rose is not only one of the most prolific goal shooters world netball has seen, but is one of the most respected leaders in the competition and known for her exceptional skills on the court as well as her ability to inspire her teammates.
phenomenal person, player and leader and I’m sure I’ll continue to learn so much as I lead
“As a relatively young club, I’m proud of the steps we take in order to achieve more and be better, always striving for the ultimate success,” Harten said.
“With that said, leadership does not always come easy and my ambition is to maintain our integrity while turning every stone alongside Jamie-Lee, asking more of our group as we inspire each other to greater heights.”
Legendary Giants coach Julie Fitzgerald congratulated the pair as she expressed her confidence in the appointment.
“It’s exciting to confirm the announcement of our new-look leadership duo for 2024,” she said.
“Jo and Jamie-Lee bring complementary skills and qualities to the co-captaincy role, and I have no doubt that their leadership will inspire our players to achieve new heights this season.”
The Giants will open their 2024 Super Netball campaign on Saturday, April 13 against the West Coast Fever.
supports the wellbeing of breast cancer survivors through the sport of dragon boating.
At Pendragons Abreast we encourage fitness, wellness, fun and camaraderie. We empower individuals and educate on the benefits of an active lifestyle after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Our inclusive team consists of breast cancer survivors and supporters of various ages, from a variety of backgrounds and athletic abilities.
Pendragons Abreast Penrith was formed in 2004 and we are also members of the Pendragons Dragon Boat Club, Penrith.
We race and train at the Sydney International Regatta Centre (SIRC) Penrith Lakes and Nepean River at The Nepean Rowing Club Penrith. With opportunities to participate in regattas, travel and race against other breast cancer survivor teams.
Want to know more?
Find us on Facebook: Dragons Abreast Penrith
Or contact our Membership coordinator 0407 278 384
Take a look at Dragons Abreast Australia website: www.dragonsabreast.com.au
Pendragons Dragon Boat Club: pendragons.online
Come and try and have a chat over a coffee & morning tea.
Contact the membership coordinator for dates & times: 0 0407 278 384
Former Penrith Emus players from the early 1980s will return to the UK in the coming weeks as they celebrate the 40th anniversary of their 1984 European Tour.
The year was 1984, the Emus just completed an historic three-peat in first grade and were ready to take on the world.
The original European tour lasted a whopping five weeks and saw 36 players fly over to play games in England, Wales, Germany, France and Switzerland.
One of those players to represent the mighty Emus overseas was Mark Cannon, who played roughly 180 games for Penrith between 1979 and 1990.
“We were away for nearly five weeks – it was pretty full on,” he told the Weekender
“I remember the trip being organised by a tour company and we all had a great time. I was 30 at the time but most of the guys were in their 20s. I remember we paid nearly $1900 for our airfare, which is almost what you pay now!”
When Cannon returns to England in the coming weeks, he and the rest of his travelling party will once again be visiting Penrith, Cumbria – a major highlight of their original trip back in the ‘80s.
“I’m not sure who came up with the idea of going to Penrith in England back then, but we decided to go and we didn’t know what to expect,” Cannon said.
“The locals were so friendly, they
were just fantastic. You’d walk into a pub, and they would ask if you were one of the Aussies. We’d say, ‘yeah mate’, and they’d pour us a beer – it was really good!”
But the team weren’t just there for the free pints, they were in town to take on the local Penrith rugby team as well.
“I remember playing two games in Penrith that day but we never got smashed. I think Penrith, England,
won but there wasn’t a whole lot in it,” Cannon recalled.
On April 17 Cannon, along with a small group of his former Emus teammates, will be returning to Penrith to reminisce about the good old days and to see if he can pick up another free pint or two during their six-day stay in the north of England.
“Both Penriths have their similarities, but the biggest one is: Penrith, Australia, is the gateway to the Blue
Mountains while Penrith, England, is the gateway to the Lakes District,” he said.
“I also remember there being lots of pubs, old buildings, monuments, and it’s quite a cold climate from memory.”
While the current Penrith Emus are dormant after losing their place in the John I Dent Cup down in the ACT last year, Cannon hopes that one day the club will return from its slumber and be a rugby powerhouse again, just like in the ’80s.
“Socially the game was very strong back in the ’80s. A lot of guys from the various high schools in the area would come together, play and have a bit of fun,” he said.
“Nowadays, NSW Rugby has turned its back on the west, but hopefully there’s brighter days ahead.”
We can only hope.
SPORT: Penrith City Council is encouraging local sporting clubs and associations to submit their Expressions of Interest (EOI) for use of the new sports facilities in the Gipps Street Recreation Precinct. The 32-hectare precinct will offer a variety of high-quality, floodlit sports infrastructure when it opens in mid-2024 including: four full size rectangular fields and one junior size field suitable for a variety of rectangular field sports; two full size cricket / AFL ovals with synthetic wickets; two netball courts; four lane district-level cricket practice facilities; central amenities building equipped with a canteen, multi-purpose area, four large change rooms that can be converted into eight smaller change rooms, change rooms for officials, storage space and accessible toilet facilities; and car parking including designated coach drop off areas. Penrith Mayor Todd Carney said this was a fantastic opportunity for local sports groups to be the first to use the landmark facilities. “The Gipps Street Recreation Precinct will be like nothing we’ve ever seen in Penrith before and the sports facilities on offer are expected to attract a wide range of local, regional and even statewide competitions and events,” he said. “These facilities are designed to accommodate all kinds of different sports from football, netball, cricket and everything in between, so I encourage all of our local sports clubs and organisations to apply.” The first allocations for usage will be for the 2024-2025 Summer Season and 2025 Winter Season. For more information and to apply, visit penrith. city/gippsstsportsfacilities. Applications will close at 5pm on Monday, April 15.
AFL: The GWS Giants remain on top of the AFL ladder following a convincing win over the West Coast Eagles in the latest round of the AFL. For the first time in club history, the Giants are undefeated after the first three games of the season, defeating the Eagles by 65 points at Optus Stadium last Sunday night. The undefeated Giants wanted to be ruthless in the west, and they were through the second and third quarters as they held West Coast goalless and went on an eight-goal run that broke the game open, eventually winning 108-43. It was the club’s first win against the Eagles at Optus Stadium from five matches and just their second ever against the Eagles in Perth, with the Giants’ midfield avenging a shock loss in the same match-up 12 months ago. In a huge win for the game in NSW, the Sydney Swans are also undefeated in second on the ladder. As for the Giants, they’ll put their feet up this Easter long weekend due to a bye. They’ll return to the field on April 7 against the Gold Coast Suns.
FOOTBALL: The Western Sydney Wanderers have continued their late season run to the Finals, coming from behind to defeat Western United 3-1 last Saturday night. Hannah Keane opened the scoring for United but Ella Buchanan’s equaliser before the break set the scene for Sophie Harding to bag a second-half brace and send the home side three points clear of the Newcastle Jets on the A-League Women’s table. Western Sydney’s win over United put s an end to Wellington Phoenix’s hopes of a finals berth; the New Zealand outfit now sit eight points outside of the top six. The Wanderers will be confident of a final round win this Saturday when they battle the Phoenix at Porirua Park. Meanwhile, Western Sydney’s men’s side will return from their weekend off to play Macarthur FC this Easter Monday in Campbelltown.
NETBALL: Panthers Netball have been thumped by North Shore United 65-43 in the opening round of the Netball NSW Premier League Opens competition. Meanwhile, the Panthers U23s team enjoyed a 55-44 victory over United to record a winning start to their season. Both sides will take on the UTS Randwick Sparks in Round 2.
RUGBY LEAGUE: Round 8 of the NSWRL Junior Representative season took place last weekend, with excellent results for Penrith’s SG Ball and Harold Matthews teams. In the SG Ball Cup, Penrith narrowly beat the Melbourne Storm 32-26. In the Harold Matthews Cup, Penrith chalked up a close win over the Newcastle Knights 28-24. Penrith’s SG Ball team will play the Manly Sea Eagles in Round 9, while their Harold Matts team have the bye in the final round.
RUGBY LEAGUE: Round 8 of the NSWRL Junior Representative Women’s season took place last weekend, with disappointing results for Penrith’s Tarsha Gale and Lisa Fiaola Cup sides. In the Tarsha Gale Cup, Penrith were thrashed by the Illawarra Steelers 62-0. In the Lisa Fiaola Cup, the Steelers were too good for the Panthers 30-6. Both teams will play the Parramatta Eels in the final round of the season.
RUGBY LEAGUE: Round 2 of the NSWRL Ron Massey Cup and Sydney Shield compe-
titions took place last weekend, with St Marys and Brothers Penrith having mostly positive results. In the Ron Massey Cup, St Marys smashed the Bulldogs 48-24, while Brothers Penrith lost a close one to Mounties 30-22. In the Sydney Shield, St Marys took care of business against the Moorebank Rams 60-10, while Brothers Penrith beat Manly Leagues 26-10.
BASEBALL: Despite a fabulous season, the Greater Western have fallen just short of ending the year on an all-time high, defeated by the Ryde Hawks 8-2 in the Baseball NSW State League Third Grade Grand Final last week at Blacktown International Sportspark. Next year they hope to go one better!
IN TOUCH: To make a submission to ‘Sports Shorts’, email Nathan@westernweekender.com.au. You can also private message me on Facebook or @wwpenrith on X.
Anew fundraising event, which will put the ‘fun’ in fundraiser, will be taking over the car park of St Marys Leagues Club next weekend.
Taking place on Saturday, April 6, the inaugural Herbie Derbie is an exciting new fundraiser based around radio controlled (RC) car racing.
30 RC cars, which will be sponsored by various businesses, will go head to head to support Variety – the children’s charity.
Organised by Paula Graham from Herbie Goes Variety, the Herbie Derbie is a fundraiser like no other – pitting businesses against one another in all in the name of charity.
“We’re doing this for Australian kids, so why not feel like a kid again?” Graham told the Weekender
“I do the Variety Bashes each year and my car is Herbie the Love Bug. This will be my 10th year doing it and I wanted to make it special. Charity golf days are always a bit of a struggle, so we thought we’d do something different, and it’s been a raging hit.”
Initially Graham was hoping to attract 14 businesses to sponsor a RC car, but she ultimately landed on 30, which blew her away.
“I’m very happy with the turnout,” she said.
“Each car costs $1200, which includes the car done up in your company logo as well as tickets to the fundraising presentation dinner at the club later that night.
“The money will go towards Variety and, because of the positive response, I’ll be able to enter into not one but two Variety Bashes this year.”
To make the Herbie Derbie a reality, Graham called upon Penrith District Nitro Racing (PDNR) to help facilitate the RC race at the event.
Speaking with the Weekender, PDNR Competition Secretary Tony Firth said the local club jumped at the chance to get involved in the Herbie Derbie.
“PDNR have been running for 25 years and we love getting on board with this kind of thing,” he said.
Story continues on » p. 84