Nation’s transformational development hinges on support of Guyanese – President Ali
The development of Guyana and the Guyanese people has been and remains the guiding focus for the PPP/C Government, according to President, Dr. Irfaan Ali.

During a recent outreach, President Ali told residents that it is important to have local dem-
ocratic organs that can properly represent the people, as well as work with the government to develop the country. As such, he urged them to make wise choices at the Local Government Elections (LGE) on June 12 and elect people that have their best interests at heart.
He said, “An important part of this development and transformation requires the support of you, the people. Ensuring that the governance structure at the national level, the regional level, and the community level, work in synergy. You have seen City Council for example, in
Georgetown. When that synergy does not exist, when you have a council that does not work in the interest of its citizens and the interest of the national development plan, you can see how those communities are affected.”
Ali added that it is pertinent for everyone who is of age to

become engaged in the process, support the local leaders, and bring synergy to what is being done nationally. “That is why I want to encourage all of you to participate in the Local Government Elections and ensure that you come out and support the PPP/C candidates, so that they can be elected and that we can have a council that we can work with…that will support the national development, bring that
synergy that we want to achieve nationally and push towards advancing the development of this region,” he said. The President also reminded that each community requires a solid system of support that will work towards the advancement of the environment and the people. This, the president added, can be achieved when persons vote in the Local Government Elections this year.
‘Vote for the PPP/C, a party that keeps its promises’ – General Secretary
Ahead of voting in the 2023 Local Government Elections (LGE) by ranks of the Disciplined Forces, General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo, urged that ranks base the de-
cision based on track record.

“For those of them who are voting tomorrow, I urge them to support a party that looks out for their welfare and that has kept their promise to them,” he said on Thursday (June 1, 2023),
during a news conference at Freedom House, Robb Street.
He noted that among other forms of support, the reintroduction of the onemonth bonus to ranks of the Disciplined Services was

The track record of the PPP/C government on engagement with Guyanese, in order to effectively respond to issues affecting them is being bolstered continuously, according to Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira.

On a recently broadcasted programme she said, “Our track record in this area is good…we have made it clear that this will be our approach to governance –inclusive, participatory and responsive…the issue of a responsive government is important…it doesn’t mean a government is able to respond to everything the people need or want at that time, but the fact that they are willing to engage is key.
“…our approach is to do community oriented meetings, bottom house meetings, town hall meetings, as well as meeting organised civil society, whether it is the regional business community or religious bodies, as well as the national bodies. This way we ensure that we are tuned into the issues they are concerned about and, also, to hear what their suggestions are.”
The Minister charged that the dialogue is quintessential to not only good governance, but effective governance. “This is a participatory democracy and we have to build that… sometimes we may not always agree, but we have to find common ground and we do that through dialogue,”
she said.
In comparison, she noted that in contrast, the track record of the APNU+AFC Coalition is dismal, given that communities did not see any official for years. The Minister said, “The outreaches are important. I don’t think anyone can say that Ministers are not visible and out there…Ministers have been going out to communities dealing with farming issues, drainage and irrigation issues, mining issues, etc. That is an important component of government. An important aspect of democracy is that the people you elect to represent you in government are accessible and visible and the other concept of course is responsive.”
one of the key promises that was kept by the PPP/C after resuming office. He added that some $1.3 billion was paid out last year to 11,000 ranks. “We kept our promise to the Disciplined Forces of the country. Today, $1.3 billion…that is what the Disciplined Forces get now that they would not have gotten had APNU been in power…a party that didn’t see them as bribe takers,” Jagdeo said.
According to him, elections provide a platform for the contest of ideas, as well as an opportunity for Guyanese to examine and compare the proposals and plans being proffered by political parties.
To date, he charged that the PNCR-led APNU+AFC Coalition has proven that it “cannot be trusted” and is not committed to the true development of Guyana or the Guyanese people. “Do not

be misled,” the PPP General Secretary urged. While the 2023 Local Government Elections are scheduled for Monday, June 12, 2023, ranks of the Disciplined Forces, as per the norm, cast their ballots in advance. The PPP/C is contesting the elections in all 610 constituencies, of which 291 were declared no-contest areas, since only the PPP/C fielded candidates in those.

PPP/C gov’t approach to governance demonstrably participatory, responsive – Teixeira
PPP/C only Party able to back call for support at LGE polls with track record
ThePPP/C has remained faithful to the promises, on which it campaigned, and this has been true under the current PPP/C administration, as well as past PPP/C governments. And, rightfully, the Party is proud of its track record, and its dedication to the manifesto promises made to the people of the country.
This track record, among other things, is what the PPP/C is campaigning on as it heads into future election cycles, including the upcoming 2023 Local Government Elections (LGE), at which the Party is targeting increased support for the PPP/C in traditional strongholds of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) led APNU+AFC Coalition.
On assuming office in 2020, the PPP/C Government was met with a broken procurement system, featuring regular abuse of Guyana’s procurement laws, and no plan for development in sectors such as health and infrastructure. Moreover, the pressure was on with the subsequent cost of living increases, battling the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as having to right the wrongs of the previous government. In spite of these challenges, the PPP/C Government has championed a gamut of initiatives to improve the lives of Guyanese, delivering on many of its manifesto promises in just three years in office.
In contrast, power, not people, has always been the proven focus of the PNCR-led APNU+AFC Coalition. And this endeavour has been plagued by racist rhetoric, bullyism and intimidation. As such, it is worth underscoring the pattern of behaviour that the PNCR-led Coalition has, and continues to, exhibits when it makes its frantic grasps for power. What is clear is that the PNCR-led Coalition has to be called for its actions. Democratic, right-minded Guyanese are not interested in being drawn backwards, but are focused on the progressive, prosperous future ahead. And self-interested leaders in the Coalition must not be allowed to endanger our collective prosperity. Further, the PNCR-led Coalition has proven itself incapable of leading the transformation of Guyana, as was evidenced during the 2015-2020 period. The APNU+AFC Coalition embraces a policy that is consumption-based, which focuses on taxation and spending in areas that did not support long term national growth and development. The APNU+AFC Coalition’s manifesto, made public in the lead up to the 2015 General and Regional Elections, was never fulfilled. The Coalition’s 100-day plan was not realised, in addition to the dozens of other promises included the manifesto. The APNU+AFC Coalition, in their 100-day plan, promised “Significant Salary Increase for Government Workers.” The only persons who enjoyed any significant salary increase in the first 100 days were the Coalition officials. Another one of these promises is that of free tertiary education. The APNU+AFC Coalition had previously promised this in 2015. However, upon taking office, the fees at the University of Guyana were increased. The Coalition, in government, also implemented measures that made it harder for students to take loans. Guarantors are now limited to the number of students they can sign for. In addition to the imposition of hardships, benefits to Guyanese were removed. Ranks of the Disciplined Services saw their bonus removed. The cash grant for public school students was removed. Pensioners subsides for water and electricity were removed, while rates were increased. The track record of the APNU+AFC Coalition is dismal, given that communities did not see any official for years.

The track record of the PPP/C compared to the PNCRled APNU+AFC Coalition is far superior. The PPP/C has remained faithful to the promises, on which it campaigned, and this has been true under the current PPP/C administration, as well as past PPP/C governments, according to him.
Transformative development is attracting support for a unified, democratic position
Dear Editor,
Local Government Elections (LGEs) are weeks away, and the likely final result presents a haunting mental torment for Opposition elements. The countdown pace is agitating some closet-ideologue hopefuls, whose futile displays of ranting and raving can only hasten their long-lost relevance or recognition.
A PPP/C landslide victory in the upcoming Local Government Elections is highly anticipated, based on the Party’s aggressive and thorough preparation. Of critical importance is the genuine demonstration by PPP/C leaders to be all-inclusive in embracing the entire nation, and this is sending the remaining few, feeble PNC racists mad, because they are finding it challenging to create divisions based on ethnicity.
There remain brainwashed remnants of the latter setup, a few soloists whose rationale remains clouded and vendetta-driven in the attempts to deflect attention from the PPPC’s progression.
Henry Jeffrey, a former ‘ideologue’ of the YSM/PNC, absolutely fits that profile, and reacts with the hope that he finds some new political footing. This well-known rabble-rouser is a proven opportunistic defector from his party of birth, the PNC, and his internal antagonisms have realized his sidelining by former PNC Leader Desmond Hoyte.
He was given a second chance by Dr. Cheddi Jagan when he jumped ship, but later ran out from the Civic component of the PPP/C, and is now pretending to be a defender of “Afro-Guyanese” people.
In a recent message in the free press in Guyana, this “political grasshopper” tried to paint a negative picture of the PPP/C, alleging discrimination concerning contract-allocation and the effects of slavery. Jeffrey, conditionally, is trying to position himself as being so concerned and disturbed with the vast amount of people crossing the floor to be with the PPP/C slate.

The situation begs the question about what he did when he crossed the floor, joined the PPP, and spent three terms as a senior Minister in the PPP Government. Specifically, what did he do then for the Afro-Guyanese people? Let him tell this nation what he did for Afro-Guyanese as Minister of Housing and Labour, and senior Minister of Education.
As Jeffrey falsely tries to speak of allocation of contracts to Afro-Guyanese people, he must remember that he had had the responsibility of, benefitted from, and oversaw, contracts of his own.
Moreover, this Burnhamite ideologue benefitted from scholarships funded by taxpayers’ money, and was catapulted to the position of Principal of the Kuru Kuru Cooperative College
when he returned to Guyana. In that position, Jeffrey did nothing significant to advance the capacity of Afro-Guyanese people to become bourgeoisie, or small entrepreneurs. Instead, he ensured the sustenance of a particular reputation from their services-oriented strengthening as public servants, teachers and nurses, and workers in the disciplined services.
As a Burnham ideologue, Jeffrey was at the helm of numerous elections’ rigging. Although Burnham used the disciplinary forces to rig massively in 1968, 1973, 1978, and 1980, Jeffrey did not choose then to give Afro-Guyanese contracts. Instead, the riggers put on the front page of the New Nation paper a caption which read, “The steel is Sharper now than ever.” Accompanying that caption were the photograph of five strong military men holding up military weapons and threatening anyone who dared to resist the rigging of elections.
Guyanese will never forget all the terrorist activities of the PNC. Those days are long gone, but the likes of Henry Jeffrey should not pretend that those activities never existed. Indeed, the nature of these self-aggrandising ideologues contributed more to the suppression of the Afro-Guyanese people, whom they still do not wish to see emerge from their selfish grip.

Jeffrey is reminded that when one throws a stone tied to the end of a string, the centrifugal forces can likely ensure a force is redirected towards the centre when not adequately controlled.
Today, the tremendous, transformative development that is taking place in Guyana is attracting support for a unified democratic position.
The “One Guyana” motto of President Dr Irfaan Ali and the PPP General Secretary’s ability to mobilise his forces and unite this nation must be the reason for this nation rising and being connected. As our intellectuals, youths and people of all walks of life live better lives, Guyana’s democracy would be strengthened at all levels.
Sincerely, Neil Kumar
Why the rush to blame the PPP/C administration for the Mahdia tragedy?
Dear Editor,
THE news of the fire at the Mahdia Secondary School dormitory that took the lives of 19(at the time of writing) students was flashed on the TV screens of international media giants such as CNN and CBS. At the same time Guyanese learnt from their local (Guyana) media of the devastation created by one of the deadliest fires to have occurred in the nation.
The inferno, together with the subsequent deaths and injuries, struck the nation and the Guyanese psyche more than a ton of bricks.
Shocked and numb by this heart-wrenching tragedy, the diaspora in New York quickly joined the national show of solidarity for the victims and their families by holding more
than four vigils in honour of the victims. What has also been significant about these vigils is that religious and community leaders categorically denounced any attempt at this point to politicise this tragedy. Instead, their passionate call has been for prayers and the expression of solidarity with victims’ families.
Some victims’ families have aptly called for justice. It has been reported that the student who allegedly set off the inferno would be charged with 19 counts of murder. While this course of justice is moving in one direction, other paths of justice are being pursued.
President, Dr Irfaan Ali has, for example, announced his intention to compensate victims and provide counselling to students
Stop the blame game and address the pertinent issues
Dear Editor,
The 15-year-old student who allegedly set afire the female dorm at the Mahdia Secondary School has been charged with 19 counts of murder and remanded to the Juvenile Holding Centre in Sophia, Georgetown. Magistrate Sunil Scarce did not require her to plea to the indictable charges. He adjourned the matter to July 5 for statement and disclosure. The fire claimed the lives of 19 girls and one boy who tragically died in the inferno which started after 23:00 hrs on Sunday, May 21. Additionally, 28 girls were also injured in the conflagration.
Subsequent to the tragedy, the PNC/ coalition went into full campaign mode, distressing the survivors and causing even more agony to the devastated relatives of the dead children by opportunistically making their grief campaign material. The entire opposition cabal and their satellites are gleefully using this tragedy to call for the resignation of key government personnel.

Many sympathizing judases are now claiming to be heroes who saved the survivors, but who have been proven to be liars who don’t want to be recognized as the cowards they are; whereas the real heroes are ignored.
Now for the lamenting, government blaming and bashing coalition opposition cabal and their perennial sanctimonious hypocrisy; let us reflect.
A Guyana Times article, dated August 20, 2016 and headlined “The Drop-In Centre fire” related that “The Commission of Inquiry (CoI) report into the fire at the Hadfield Street Drop-in Centre last month, which claimed the lives of two children, was handed in earlier this week. The report concluded that the incident was a tragedy waiting to happen. For many this came as no surprise, as for quite some time now, several stakeholders
have been raising various concerns about the facility regarding its safety and the level of care it provides for children placed there. Previously, sections of the media have sought to highlight the many problems plaguing the facility but to no avail. In fact, the authorities had always sought to downplay the reports and present a picture that all was well at the facility. In any modern society, there would have been very strong actions recommended against those who were found to be lacking in their response to the tragedy. It is quite clear that at all levels, including even at the levels of the Minister of Social Protection and the Director of the Childcare Protection Agency (CPA), very little concern was shown towards ensuring those placed in the State’s care were given the kind of protection they deserve. Minister Volda Lawrence has been in that position for well over a year now and at least should have put certain policy mechanisms in place aimed at ensuring what obtained previously changed for the better. It is quite unfortunate that it had to take another fire and the loss of the lives of two children to cause the authorities to wake up from their slumber. It should be noted that there was a similar fire a few years back at the facility; and even though no one died, many of the children were left traumatised. One is therefore left to wonder what changes were made, if any, since then, to ensure that our children are well protected from such tragedies. The findings of the recent inquiry conducted by Retired Colonel Windee Algernon found that the children/staffer ratio was not adhered to and that on the morning of the fire, there were not enough staff on duty to meet the needs of children. Additionally, the house service supervisor, while she had the authority to call out more staff, failed to do so.
“The CoI also found that there were written guidelines for the management of

and parents. More importantly though is the swift, effective, and compassionate response of the President and his team of ministers and support personnel.
Their exceptional caring, empathy, and humane action for the injured, the deceased, and those who have lost loved ones, are evident and second to none. The President’s message is lucid: “Whatever it takes to bring comfort and justice to these victims and their respective communities, will be done.”
Sadly, despite the President’s as well as community and religious leaders’ call not to politicise the tragedy, the PNCR party and other operatives have begun to unleash their uncontrollable salvo of criticisms without having a proper understanding of the situation.
This is not to suggest that politicians and other operatives should not render criticisms, but they should wait until the murky water is clear.
As usual, I have conducted some research and can now report on the following: the windows at the Mahdia Secondary School dormitory were indeed grilled; the doors were not grilled; the Ministry of Education does not administer any school dormitory in the country, except in Georgetown; The Ministry of Education is responsible for education policy and schools’ curriculum, and The Mahdia dormitory falls under the authority of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, and students never drank water from a pond as alleged by the opposition.
The grills on the windows were installed by the PNCR-led administration (at a time when both the REO and Regional Chair were PNCR members) and not by the PPP/C government.
There must be compelling reason(s) that caused the PNCR-led government to grill the
windows? They should provide an explanation to the Guyanese people.
I do not mean to be cynical, but while we rightfully focus on building design/code and fire-safety measures, we must not forget that even with these in place, if an arsonist decides to strike, these measures will not stop him/her.
It is conceivable however that under such a situation, a proper building code and safety measures could make evacuation/rescue operations easier.
The point is that a proper building code and safety measures must be accompanied by the development among people/students of greater awareness of safety measures and the readiness to observe relevant rules.
Finally, while other facts would emerge out of the proposed Mahdia Commission of Inquiry, it is noted that Guyanese community and religious leaders in New York have expressed their deep appreciation for the leadership of President, Dr Irfaan Ali in this extremely difficult situation.
Major credit goes out to Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips; Education Minister Priya Manickchand; Home Affairs Minister Robeson Benn; Minister of Human Services, Dr Vindhya Persaud, the Joint Services, the medical team, counsellors, the pilots, and NGOs.
The leaders also applaud the assistance rendered by Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Mt Sinai Hospital in New York, Northwell Health Systems in New York, among others.
To the victims and their families, our expression of condolence to them is unconditional. While we would never know the magnitude of their pain, we do know that “every cloud has a silver lining.”
Yours sincerely, Dr Tara Singh
Veteran PNCR member crosses over to PPP/C A
Former APNU+AFC MP endorses PPP/C
Former APNU rep throws support behind PPP/C

Ronald Backer, a veteran member of the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNCR) and former political assistant to Joseph Harmon, has endorsed the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), highlighting the outstanding work the party has been doing across the country.
Backer, in comments on his decision to cross over to the PPP/C said, “Right now I’ve been trying to switch over to the PPP because of the amount of good work I’ve seen that they’ve been doing.”
The long time PNC/R stalwart further noted that
he will soon officially join the PPP/C.
Several other longstanding members of the PNC/R have recently thrown their support behind the PPP/C and openly endorsed the party.

udwin Rutherford, a former Parliamentarian representing the APNU+AFC Coalition, has come out in support of the PPP/C, citing disappointment with the APNU+AFC Coalition.
A candidate for the PPP/C at the upcoming Local Government Elections, Rutherford said, he was inspired by President, Dr Irfaan Ali’s encouraging words to be a useful contributor in the mission to transform the mining town of Linden. “The general attitude of the PNC to a real AFC person is not one you can work with….after 57 years of independence and 53 years of Linden [being] a town, we have not achieved much… what we did not have for many years is the ability to har -
ness those resource[s],” he said.
The LGEs candidate also added that although he did not play a major role in his former party, he believes that his experience is sufficient to guide Linden forward.
Rutherford added that since crossing over to work with the PPP/C, the party’s members have been nothing but welcoming to him.
ThePNCR-led APNU+AFC Coalition continues to lose members, as well as support, across the country.
And former APNU Councillor, Shirley Allen, who represented the party at the La Grange Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), West Bank Demerara, Region 3, is the latest member to cross over to the

Notably, the former Mayor of Georgetown, Patricia Chase-Greene, along with a former A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) member, Trichria Richards, are among those who have crossed over. Representing the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) as a Georgetown Councillor

APNU rep arrested for destroying PPP campaign materials
The APNU+AFC Coalition’s Sharon Smith was arrested for pulling down the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) party flags from electricity poles along the Manchester Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice, Region Six.
Smith, the Chairwoman of the Lancaster/ Hogstye Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), was detained for the night and released the following morning on $20,000 bail.

Meanwhile, Commander of Region Six, Shivpersaud
Bacchus in a statement to the press explained that police received a report around 17:20 hours Sunday (May 28, 2023) that Sharon Smith, who is also a social worker of Alness Village, Corentyne, with others were “using a ladder pulling down” all the PPP/C flags which were placed on poles along the Manchester Public Road, Region 6.
In Guyana, political parties mount flags across the country as part of their campaigning effort.
The destruction of par -

ty paraphernalia is nothing new. In 2015, a PPP/C rally was interrupted by a band of supporters of the APNU+AFC – involving children in their nefarious activities, the supporters urinated on and burned PPP flags, and hurled missiles at the rally speakers, including party stalwart, Dr Roger Luncheon. That incident has been widely criticised, given that it occurred on the same day that political parties had signed on to a Code of Conduct aimed

GTU is being disingenuous and opportunistic – Education Ministry
TheGuyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) has been called out for its opportunistic actions.
A statement by the Ministry of Education note that on Monday (May 29, 2023), the Guyana Teachers’ Union pursuant to a continuous engagement between the Government of Guyana and the Union, was invited to a follow-up meeting with the Office of the President scheduled for 09:00h Tuesday. The union accepted the invitation. The last such meeting was held last week on May 22, 2023. “Later in the after -

noon, the GTU asked if the meeting could be postponed to 15:00h as 09:00h ‘is too early for the union’. The Government, ever interested in continuing the engagement agreed,” the Ministry said.
The agency added, “Opportunistically and disingenuously the GTU mounted protest action at 10:00h this morning about matters that are currently under examination at the aforesaid engagement meetings. The Union is aware that only this week two of the matters raised (Clothing allowance and Whitley Council entitlements) in the
previous engagements were resolved and only yesterday they were copied on correspondence to that effect.
“From all accounts, Tuesday (May 30, 2023) morning’s protest action is grandstanding to give Coretta McDonald and her crew over at the APNU/AFC content for their talk shows. All of the matters protested about are matters inherited from the APNU/AFC. All of them are being addressed by this Government in the best way possible and the Union is aware of this. We remind all that it is the PPP/C gov-
ernment under the Bharrat Jagdeo presidency that engaged the union continuously resulting in the first and other multi-year agreements being signed by successive PPP/C Administrations.”
Currently, under discussion between the union and the government is another multi-year agreement, the last one having expired under APNU and its provisions which include inter alia duty-free concessions for teachers, scholarships for post-graduate programs, the housing revolving fund, salary increases, better remote
area incentives for teachers in the hinterland, more clerical support at schools, resolution of the 2016 fiasco where salary scales for new teachers were changed, increments for additional qualification and less academic workload on Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers, etc. Many of these initiatives were proposed by Government because the Government has every interest in making sure teachers are comfortable.

“There was therefore absolutely no reason for this morning’s protest except to grandstand and claim credit
amongst teachers for matters that are well on their way to being realized. The GTU must consider whether it wishes to continuously be used by a failing opposition member Coretta Mc Donald or if it wants to work to bring benefits to teachers. Teachers are assured that while the government prefers to work with the Union if that becomes impossible the interest of teachers will still be paramount and prioritized in the government’s considerations, and that will ensure benefits for each and every teacher,” the Ministry declared.
PPP/C continues to engage Guyanese across country ahead of 2023 LGE

APNU Councillor charged over verbal attack against former PPP/C LGE candidate
APartnership for National Unity (APNU), City Hall Councillor, Dexter Forte is on $10,000 bail for insulting

People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Candidate and former Mayor of Georgetown Patricia Chase-Green.
Forte, of Festival City, Georgetown, on May 24, 2023) appeared before Chief Magistrate Sherdel Isaa -
cs-Marcus at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court, and pleaded not guilty to the charge. Particulars of the charge
allege that Forte, on April 14, 2023, at Georgetown, called Chase-Green a name other than her name with the intent
to insult her. Forte was released on $10,000 bail, and the case was adjourned until June 14, 2023.

Eligible voters in Guyana’s 80 Local Authority Areas (LAAs) will be heading to the polls for the 20203 Local Government Elections. Unlike, the General and Regional Elections, only voters in these 80 areas will be participating in the 2023 LGE.

43. Joe Hook / Farm (Region 5)
44. Hamlet/Chance (Region 5)
45. Mahaicony / Abary (Region 5)
46. Profit/Rising Sun (Region 5)
47. Seafield/Tempe (Region 5)
48. Union/Naarstigheid (Region 5)
49. Bath/Woodley Park (Region 5)
50. Woodlands/Bel Air (Region 5)
51. Zeelust-Rosignol (Region 5)
52. Blairmont/Gelderland (Region 5)
Court clears way for 2023 LGE, Coalition’s cases thrown out
TheAPNU+AFC Coalition’s Chief Scrutineer, Carol Smith-Joseph, had her second case, aimed at blocking the holding of the 2023 Local Government Elections (LGE) that are scheduled for June 12, 2023, thrown out by the High Court.
10. Good Hope/Pomona (Region 2)
11. Canals Polder (Region 3)
12. La Grange/Nismes (Region 3) 13. Toevlugt/Free & Easy (Region 3)
14. Malgre Tout/Meer Zorgen (Region 3) 15. Wakenaam (Region 3) 16. Leguan (Region 3) 17. Mora/Parika (Region 3)
53. Plegt Anker/Kortberaad (Region 6)
54. Wyburg/Caracas (Region 6)
55. Enfield/New Doe Park (Region 6)
56. Municipality Of New Amsterdam (Region 6)
57. Gibraltar/Fyrish (Region 6)
58. Ordnance Fort Lands/No. 38 (Region 6)
59. Canefield/Enterprise (Region 6)
60. Kintyre/Borlam (Region 6)
61. Kilcoy/Hampshire (Region 6)
62. Municipality Of Rose Hall (Region 6)
63. Port Mourant/Johns (Region 6)
64. Bloomfield/Whim (Region 6)
65. Lancaster/Hogstye (Region 6)
66. Adventure/No. 28 (Bush Lot) (Region 6)
67. Maida/Tarlogie (Region 6)
68. Black Bush Polder (Region 6)
69. Macedonia/Joppa (Region 6)
70. Good Hope/No. 51 (Region 6)
71. No. 52/No. 63 (Region 6)
72. No. 64/No. 74 (Region 6)
73. Crabwood Creek/Moleson Creek (Region
74. Municipality Of Corriverton (Region 6)
75. Municipality of Bartica (Region 7)
76. Municipality of Mahdia
77. Municipality Of Lethem (Region 9)
78. Aranaputa/Upper Burro Burro (Region 9)
79. Municipality of Linden
80. Kwakwani
On Wednesday (May 31, 2023), the Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire, rule in the case where the APNU was challenging the boundaries of the Local Authority Areas (LAAs). The APNU claimed that the decision of GECOM to change the boundaries of 37 constituencies in 19 Local Authority Areas, based on the actions of Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, was unlawful and on this basis the 2023 LGE ought not to be held as GECOM had breached Article 72 of the Constitution.
The judge, in throwing out the case, ruled that, “It is the minister who must be guided by Article 72(2)….GECOM is not concerned with division into local authority areas, nor is it establishing or changing boundaries.”
On the claim that “the prospects of success of the APNU will be severely prejudiced”, the Chief Justice said, “That is asking the court to engage in partisan politics and that cannot be countenanced… there is no evidence to support this ground… it amounted to an opinion.” George-Wiltshire added, “…that is asking the court to engage in partisan politics and that cannot be countenanced… there is no evidence to support this ground… it amounted to an opinion.”
Further, the Chief Justice George-Wiltshire, on Tuesday (May 30, 2023), threw out the action brought by the APNU+AFC Coalition’s Chief Scrutineer, who sought to object to the Voters’ List.
Smith-Joseph, currently before the court on electoral fraud charges, on December 2, 2022, brought a lawsuit against the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), the Chief Election Officer, Vishnu Persud, and the Attorney General, Anil Nandlall.
On behalf of the APNU+AFC Coalition, Joseph was seeking over 21 declarations and orders intended to nullify the preliminary list of electors. The Coalition rep contends that, “The process employed by the Commission to prepare a Register of Voters for use at the next Local Government Elections has deprived the electors and/or voters of the opportunity to object to persons on the Register of Voters in the manner provided for in, and contemplated by,
Local Authorities (Elections) Act Cap. 28:03…the process employed by the Commission to prepare a Register of Voters for use at the next Local Government Elections has not been in accordance with the Local Authorities (Elections) Act….by failing to comply with the aforesaid provision of the Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) Act Cap. 28:03, the Commission has acted in dereliction of its duty under the said Act, and moreover in dereliction of its constitutional duty to ensure that registration of Electors are conducted in accordance with law.”
The judge described the case as “unmeritorious,” “much ado about nothing” and consuming valuable judicial time, and made clear that in accordance with law and precedent, it is the OLE which forms the
basis for compiling the voters list for the LGE. The Judge said, “The Applicant was inviting the Court to impugn the OLE that was utilized for the 2020 national and regional elections. The invitation is unequivocally rejected….litigants must appreciate that courts rely on evidence, not unsubstantiated opinions or conjecture…in my view this has turned out to be a most unmeritorious application that has taken up a lot of judicial time.”
The Court ordered Smith-Joseph to pay to the Guyana Election Commission (GECOM) costs of $250,000 before June 30, 2023. GECOM was represented by its attorney Kurt Da Silva, while the APNU+AFC Scrutineer was represented Coalition Parliamentarian and Attorney, Senior Counsel, Roysdale Forde.
Local Government Elections 2023
Ali stresses need for South America to remain ‘zone of peace’
President Dr. Irfaan Ali
and other Heads of State of South America, this week, participated in the Summit of South American Leaders at Itamaraty Palace, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil.
The summit was organised by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio ‘Lula’ da Silva. It is the first time since the last Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) summit held in 2014 that the majority of leaders on the South American continent have gathered for a meeting focused on South American integration.
Ali, while addressing the leaders at the summit, expressed his support for the ideals of regional integration. He noted that there had been progress on linking northern Brazil with its neighbours including Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, and Colombia. He said, “For a matter of fact, we had started the integration of our infrastructure, with the bridging of northern Brazil with Guyana. So, there are stories of our successes and Guyana remains open to hosting any other such meeting, as we did before.”
Ali added that there have been many changes since the days of UNASUR. This includes a more complex global environment where food security, climate and energy security have taken more prominence. He noted that the Region has all it needs to offer global leadership on these issues. But to
New education opportunities for Mahdia children – President Ali commits
do so, it must be a zone of peace. “So, I see this summit, not as a crisis of ideology but this summit is at a time when we have a crisis of humanity, and I urge us to focus on the crisis of humanity and not a crisis of ideologies. We must support common interests and not work towards a common ideology but work towards the establishment of a common platform through which we can promote our common interests. We have to build a Region that must ensure that we are a zone of peace. This is most critical. Everything we do, must secure this Region as a zone of peace, as a Region that upholds democratic values and promotes the rule of law. Guyana stands committed to the values of ensuring our Region remains a zone of peace, in upholding democratic values and traditions, and promoting the rule of law,” Ali said.
The Guyanese Head of State also addressed matters relating to energy and food security.
During the session, reports are that a number of proposals were put forward during the summit that centred on increasing integration in the Region. Proposals included the mobilisation of development banks, a monetary policy and creating a common reference unit for trade that would reduce dependence on extra-regional currency. Also proposed was improving trade between countries in
the Region and reducing the bureaucracy inhibiting the export and import of goods. Also discussed was updating the project portfolio of the South American Infrastructure and Planning Council (COSIPLAN), a forum that aims to integrate South American infrastructure. Also on the agenda was climate change, including developing actions to tackle it. A proposal was also made for the reactivation of the South American Institute of Government in Health and expanding vaccination coverage. Another proposal was meanwhile made for increased cooperation in the area of defence, including knowledge exchange in military matters. A regional mobility programme for students and researchers was also proposed.
The other Heads of State who attended the Summit are the President of the Republic of Colombia Gustavo Petro; the President of the Republic of Argentina Alberto Fernández; the President of Bolivia Luis Arce; the President of the Republic of Chile Gabriel Boric; the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro; President of the Republic of Paraguay Mario Abdo Benítez; President of the Republic of Suriname Chan Santokhi; President of the Republic of Ecuador Guillermo Lasso; and the President of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Peru Alberto Otárola Peñarand.
President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali held a dinner at State House on Sunday (May 28, 2023) evening, honouring the families of the victims and students affected by the tragic fire at Mahdia Secondary School dormitory, which claimed the lives of 19 children.
During the event, President Ali engaged with the families, lending an empathetic ear to their concerns and soliciting suggestions for ways in which the government could enhance their lives.
Many students who survived the fire expressed their strong desire to resume their studies. A number of them hope to do so within their own communities, where they can be closer to their families.
“I am so pleased to hear
some of the children who just came out of the hospital asking me when are they going to go back to school, but also telling me that they want to go back to school in their own areas or be transferred somewhere and all of that we are going to support,” the President said.
He noted that regardless of the criteria for secondary schools in these remote areas, the government will build facilities in the respective villages to accommodate the students.
President Ali assured that teachers would travel to the students’ communities, ensuring that their education continues without disruption until dedicated facilities can be constructed in those areas.
The families also shared their request for homes to
be built in honour of the lasting legacy of the children within their respective communities.
In response, the President said, “We [the government] are going to work and support it.”
In addition, the head of state announced a significant development in the form of counselling specialists from overseas, who will collaborate with local counsellors. Government ministers have also been assigned to provide direct support to each of the families affected.
Further, President Ali highlighted the government’s commitment to the medical needs of the affected students. Those requiring specialised surgeries will be sent to Cuba, where they will receive the necessary treatment.
Gov’t to establish Commission of Inquiry into Mahdia dorm fire – President Ali
President Dr. Mohamed
Irfaan Ali on May 25, 2023 signalled the government’s intention to establish a Commission of Inquiry (COI) to investigate the tragic fire at the Mahdia dormitory, which claimed the lives of 19 children.
President Ali made this announcement during an evening of prayer and reflection held at the Tabatinga Sports Ground in Lethem, Region Nine, on the eve of Guyana’s 57th Independence observance.
In his address, the president expressed profound sorrow over the devastating incident and emphasised the need for a thorough in-
vestigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the fire. “We are committed to the establishing of a commission of inquiry to investigate the causes and circumstances of the fire, which destroyed the dormitory and inquire into related issues. This will be done soonest,” he said.
At the time of the devastating fire on Monday, the Mahdia Secondary school dormitory housed a total of 57 female students.
President Ali also mentioned that the government had initiated immediate relief measures to assist the affected families and support the respective communities
during this difficult time.
Counselling services and necessary resources will be made available to the survivors, teachers, families and community members.
“The government which I lead has committed to doing everything that is possible to assist those affected. This support will be ongoing,” he affirmed.
The loss of lives, injuries, and the trauma experienced by the survivors have left the nation in profound grief.
President Ali emphasised the importance of collective support and solidarity in navigating through this difficult time.
Gov’t secures US$350M Qatar loan for Parika highway extension
The government announced it has secured a US$350 million loan from Qatar to extend the Schoonord to Crane four-lane highway to Parika in Region Three.

President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali made this announcement during a recent engagement with Malgre Tout/Meer-Zorgen area
residents. “I just came back from Qatar and we have just secure US$350 million to continue the road to Parika and complete the new four-lane road all the way on the West Coast,” he said.
Last year, contracts worth over $11.8 billion were signed for the construction of the Schoonord
to Crane four-lane highway. The project entails the construction of a 4.1-kilometre dual carriageway reinforced concrete road, complete with an emergency lane, and rehabilitating and upgrading 2.4 kilometres of road.
The project, which is divided into eight lots, is
23 Region Eight residents ready to become entrepreneurs
Region Nine to achieve 96 per cent water coverage with $1B investment – Croal
The government will invest over $1 billion in Region Nine by the end of the year, with the aim of increasing water coverage to 96 per cent.
idents with access to water for the first time.
residents in and around the mining town of Mahdia, seized the opportunity to learn a new life-skill recently. Now, they have all proudly graduated from the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs’ garment construction programme.
The first batch of 23 persons in Mahdia started the strategically crafted programme on Tuesday May 9.
The ministry specifically selected that area for the garment construction programme, as there is a dire need for tailors and seamstresses in Region Eight, to meet the demand for school uniforms.
This complements the ‘Because We Care’ cash grant, which ensures each school child, from nursery to secondary, receives a grant of $35,000 annually. Together with the $5,000 school uniform grant, every child is
receiving $40,000 per year.
Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai restated government’s commitment, to empowering persons in the hinterland.
“The Ministry of Amerindian Affairs continues to deliver across the hinterland, to ensure that our hinterland youths, no matter where they come from, whether it’s Mahdia, Princeville, Micobie, whether it’s Santa Rosa or Wowetta, Rupertee or even Parabara, they are all having an opportunity that they otherwise may very well have not been able to obtain on their own. We are very pleased as a government, as a ministry to support the young people, the women, the males to engage in meaningful activities, building their capacities, improving their capabilities of doing and making things happen.”
While this graduation is just the start of continuous training for hinterland youths, Minister Sukhai has charged the graduates to share the knowledge gained.
“You can go back and you can be able to start your own small sewing establishment. In some villages, there are sewing groups already existing but has become defunct. Your charge is to ensure that you revitalise those groups. Revitalise the sewing centres in your community and use it to the fullest.”
In the past year and a half, 129 hinterland youths received certificates, having completed the garment construction programme.
Apart from this training, in the past 18 months, 200 drivers have been certified and licensed and 165 solar panel installation operators were certified across the hinterland.
$62M health post to be constructed in Eteringbang
Residents of Eteringbang, Region Seven, will soon benefit from improved access to healthcare services, with the construction of a community health post.
The health post will be constructed at an estimated cost of $62 million and bids for the construction of the facility are now open.
This is in keeping with the government’s mandate to ensure equitable access to healthcare services countrywide.
Contractors were required to submit bids with a valid Compliance Certificate from the Commissioner General of the
Guyana Revenue Authority, Compliance Certificate from the General Manager of the National Insurance Scheme, a valid VAT certificate (if applicable), and business registration. The deadline for submission of bids is Tuesday, May 30, 2023.
The government allocated over $667 million in budget 2023 to further develop Region Seven in the areas of health, education, water service, and infrastructure.
Several health facilities are expected to be upgraded in the region as well.
A new state-of-the-art hospital will also be con -
structed in the township of Bartica. Meanwhile, residents of Chesney, along the Corentyne Coast; Gangaram, East Canje and Mara, East Bank Berbice, Region Six will benefit from improved access to healthcare services, with the construction of three new health centres.
Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony speaking at an event recently noted that these facilities will complement the existing three health centres in the region.
The government remains dedicated to improving healthcare services for citizens nationwide.
Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal made the announcement, during a recent outreach in Lethem.
“We will, by the end of this year, invest $1 billion to move water coverage in Region Nine from 76 per cent to approximately 96 per cent,” he stated.
Minister Croal reported that during the period 2020 to 2022, the administration invested more than $870 million in the region.
This saw new wells being completed in communities including; Annai, Rupertee, Aranaputa, Wowetta and Shulinab, Toka, Katoonarib, Potarinau, Parikwarinau, and St Ignatius, providing thousands of res-
To achieve the targeted water coverage of 96 per cent, an additional $650 million was allocated in 2023, Minister Croal underscored.
The communities of Aishalton, Awarewarnau, Maruranau, Semonie, Quiko, Rupertee, and Fairview are among those to benefit from the investment.
Region Nine is the largest administrative region in Guyana. It is predominantly inhabited by Amerindian communities, with a total population of 24,238.
There are 57 main communities and several smaller settlements on the outskirts. These communities are spread across five sub-districts: North Rupununi, South Pakaraimas, Central Rupununi, South Central, and Deep South.
Water supply in the re-
gion is mainly sourced from aquifers accessed through boreholes or artesian wells. Some communities have access to surface water through streams, creeks, and natural springs from the mountains.
The housing and water minister highlighted that in comparison to other hinterland regions, the Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo stands out as the most advanced in terms of water coverage.
“What we have done is to invest more this year to move it to that 100 per cent so that we can concentrate on the other hinterland regions,” he underscored.
This year some $1.4 billion was earmarked for upgrading and extending water supply systems in hinterland communities across Regions One, Two, Seven, Eight, and Nine as part of the hinterland water programme.
$13.7M health post commissioned in Barabina, Region One
Hundreds of residents of Barabina, located in the Mabaruma sub-district of Region One, are now benefitting from enhanced healthcare services with the construction of a new health post in the community.
The newly constructed facility, valued at $13.7 million, was officially commissioned by Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal last Saturday.
Regional Chairman Brentnol Ashley, Regional Vice-Chairperson Annansha Peters, Regional Executive Officer Tika Bisesar, and Mabaruma District Medical Officer Mitchel Pierre also attended the commissioning ceremony.
During brief remarks, Minister Croal said the construction of this modern facility serves as a testament to the government’s unwavering commitment to en -
hancing medical services in the hinterland and riverine areas. “When you elect leaders, you elect those persons to work on your behalf to make your lives better. And so, it does not matter where you live…you are going to be getting the very best healthcare and other services for you, your children, and even for the elderly,” Minister Croal affirmed.
In his remarks, the regional chairman highlighted that the commissioning of the health post fulfills a commitment made by the PPP/C Government during its time in opposition. He noted that soon after assuming office in August 2022, one of the government’s initial initiatives was to provide training for a group of 52 Community Health Workers (CHWs), supplementing the existing pool of trained CHWs in the region.
Ashley said two individuals from the newly trained batch, who are originally from Barabina, will be returning to serve and manage the health post.
In December last year, the government initiated an enhanced smart health facility in Mabaruma, at a cost of $150 million.
During the commissioning ceremony, President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali revealed the government’s commitment to allocating over $125 billion towards essential improvements at hospitals located in Regions One, Seven, Eight, and Nine within the next three years.
From the total allocation, approximately $4.1 billion (equivalent to $US20 million) will be dedicated to infrastructure upgrades specifically targeting Moruca, Mabaruma, and Port Kaituma.
Gov’t building 100 homes for vulnerable Region Nine families
As part of the housing hinterland programme, the government has announced plans to construct 100 homes for vulnerable families in Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo).
Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, made
this announcement during a recent outreach in Lethem. He said 10 homes each will be built in the communities of Crash Water, Yakarinta, Quatata, Nappi, Shiriri, Rupunau, Parabara, Shea, Yurong Paru, and Tiger Pond. The programme is being executed by the
ministry’s Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA).
He noted that the initiative aims to provide adequate housing solutions for residents in these remote communities, ensuring better living conditions and promoting sustainable de -
The ministry has already begun the consultation process with the respective village councils to identify the beneficiaries. “We are not involved in identifying the beneficiaries…we consult with the villages and the village councils and the
village will identify those persons most needed within the respective villages,” Croal clarified.
The homes will be provided to beneficiaries at no cost, with a requirement for them to contribute labour.
Minister Croal said materials necessary for con -
structing the homes will be sourced and purchased locally within the respective villages. He has assured that villages not included in the initial programme will be taken into consideration for future initiatives. “We have to start somewhere. And as
Den Amstel residents benefitting from $90M in road upgrades
Several roads nearing completion
Residents of Den Amstel, Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) are already benefitting from infrastructural development as the rehabilitation of several roads to rigid pavement concrete in the community is nearing completion.
The works, worth some $90 million will bring much-needed relief and economic growth to the community and is a direct result of a walkabout conducted by His Excellency, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, in the village last November.
During his visit, the president identified several roadways in need of attention and expressed his commitment
to addressing the infrastructure challenges faced by the residents.
Many of these roads were in a dilapidated state and some were mud dams.
The works were awarded in lots: Lot 333, the construction of the Fellowship Continuation; Lot 334, the rehabilitation and construction of the clay brick continuation; Lot 335, the rehabilitation and construction of the first cross street, East of Wellington; Lot 336, the rehabilitation and construction of the first cross street, west of Wellington; Lot 337, the construction of Church Street; and Lot 338, the rehabilitation and construction
Efforts being advanced to build core homes in Region Four
of the continuation of Langevine Street.
In relation to the $14.8 million contract awarded in mid-December 2022, which involved the recently completed Railway Embankment, the Ministry of Public Works, on Monday noted that the contractor faced challenges, however, with support from the ministry, the project was completed according to specifications.
When all the roads are completed, they will cover a combined distance of approximately 1.04 kilometres.
The successful completion of these road projects will have a far-reaching impact on the residents of Den Amstel as many of them benefitted from employment opportunities.
Over $45.8M to rehabilitate six health centres in Region Five
Persons residing in Region Five can expect to see improved health infrastructure, with sums allocated for the rehabilitation of six health centres in the region.
The Woodley Park Health Centre will be rehabilitated to the tune of $3.1 million, Bush Lot Health Centre to the tune of $5.5
million and Experiment Health Centre will be transformed to the tune of $13.8 million. These facilities are all situated on the West Coast of Berbice.
Another $10 million will be spent to rehabilitate the Dundee Health Centre and $4.2 million for the Little Biaboo Health Centre, along
the East Coast of Berbice. Meanwhile, the Ithaca Health Centre, West Bank Berbice, will also be rehabilitated to the tune of $8.9 million.
Bids are currently open for these projects.
The government through the Ministry of Local Gov-
The Ministry of Housing and Water’s Central Housing and Planning Authority(CHPA)will be advancing the construction of core homes in Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica).
The ministry has received funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Programme (AHUAP) and it intends to utilise part of the fund to employ contractors to construct these homes.
Bids are now open to suitable contractors for the construction of the homes.
Under this programme, a 20×20 concrete structure will be built in Lots One, Two, and Three, with a delivery / construction period of 200
days per lot. The homes upon completion will be equipped with basic utilities such as water and electricity and can be expanded over time.
Bidding will be conducted in keeping with National Competitive Bidding procedures specified in the IDB’s policies for the procurement of works and goods financed by the bank.
All bidders must submit tenders to the Chairman, National Procurement and Tender Administration Board, Ministry of Finance on or before June 28, 2023.

For bids prices up to $100 million a bid security of two per cent of the bid is required, for bid prices above $100 million to $500 million, a bid security of 1.5 per cent
of the price is required, while for bid prices above $500 million a security of one per cent of the bid price is required.
Some $1 billion has been earmarked for home improvement and construction of core homes, as well as works in existing serviced lots.
Under the Core Home Support initiative, the target area encompasses Westminster, Onderneeming, RechtDoor-Zee, Lust-en-Rust, and Parfaite Harmonie Phase II in Region Three. Region Four includes communities from Georgetown to Grove on the East Bank of Demerara, and from Georgetown to La Bonne Intention on the East Coast of Demerara.
Residents of Anna Catherina, Region Three are set to benefit from the drilling of a $150 million well, as the government aggressively continues to provide access to an adequate supply of treated water throughout the country.
The government plans to inject some $17.7 billion towards the expansion and management of the water sector this year.
The move aligns with the administration’s strategy for the years 2021 to 2025, which includes actions to improve nationwide water supply infrastructure and expand access to clean water.
The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) is inviting tenders for the drilling of the Anna Catherina well.
All bids must be deposited into the tender box located at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board, Main and Urquhart Streets, Georgetown on or before Tuesday, June 6, 2023, at 9:00am.
For a non-refundable cost of $5,000 for each project, a full set of bidding paperwork can be acquired from the cashier at GWI Shelter Belt, Vlissengen Road and Church Street, Bel Air Park, Georgetown.
Meanwhile, bids are also
invited to execute the extension of transmission and distribution mains at a cost of $26 million at Meten- Meer -Zorg New Housing Scheme, as well as extension of transmission mains at Fellowship, Region Three to the tune of $450 million.
Additionally, bids are open for the extension of transmission and distribution mains, at a cost of $300 million, at Onderneeming, West Minster, Lust-en-Rust, Recht-Dor-Zee, West Bank Demerara.
Bids are also invited to construct a GWI building to the tune of $43 million, in Mabaruma, Region One.
Final phase of construction of an alternative road through Kaneville-Grove to Good Success underway
Persons living along the East Bank of Demerara corridor within the Diamond/ Grove area are being assured that construction of the Bypass Road from Diamond to Good Success has been ongoing, with the final part of this project starting this week.
This brings the beginning of the rehabilitation of the entire East Bank Highway from Diamond/ Grove to Timehri closer to starting, as this bypass is to facilitate the East Bank traffic while work on the highway is underway.
As per the current bypass, the road and bridge works include the widening of community roads and the construction of two reinforced concrete bridges between Diamond and Good Success.
In Diamond, the Back, and Third Streets are being rehabilitated and widened, while in New Grove, First Street is being rehabilitated to link to Kaneville Main Access Road with the construction of a new bridge.
“Contracts for this final phase of the bypass were awarded in May 2023 and contractors began mobilising.”
In the Kick-off Meeting on Monday, May 22, 2023, to launch the works, the Hon. Bishop Juan Edghill, Minister of Public Works, stressed the importance of this roadway to the development of the East Bank Demerara corridor. “This bypass will provide critical road connectivity, precisely why it is
being built, to accommodate road users while we rehabilitate and upgrade the EBD highway. I don’t need to tell you how critical this is, you already know, and so I urge representatives of the contractors and utility companies to work assiduously to complete the works within the agreed timelines,” the Minister stated. Meanwhile, civil works are also ongoing with the installation of streetlights in all three communities and are scheduled to be completed by the end of this week. STREET-LIGHTS BEING
The relocation of utilities has commenced and will
$150M well to be constructed in Anna Catherina, Region Three
Kwakwani residents sign up for agreements of sale, land titles during outreach
Residents of Kwakwani, Region Ten on Tuesday (May 30, 2023) to signed up for their Agreements of Sale and initiate the process of acquiring their land titles.
This initiative specifically benefitted individuals occupying lands in Kwakwani Housing Scheme (Phase One, Two, and Three), Park-Potville and Chine Lane.
The outreach was spearheaded by Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, who emphasised the significance of the exercise, as it marked the beginning of regularising the area.
Minister Croal explained that the housing area has been inhabited by residents for several years, but no official ownership documents were issued. In an effort to resolve the issue, he said the area was transferred to the Central Housing and
Planning Authority (CHPA) and the occupational survey conducted.
Those incorporated into the existing plan were able to process their ownership documents, while another exercise will be conducted to accommodate persons who fall outside of the plan. “We have up to 200 persons who can sign to commence the process for their agreements of sale and to the processing of the certificates of title that can be done totally from those three areas,” he said.

The minister affirmed that this initiative is in alignment with the national housing programme of the PPP/C government, which aims to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing for all Guyanese. “We want to bring betterment to the people… we want to have you living in homes that you can call yours…to have you living
Over 500 residents of Swan Village benefitting from govt’s WifiGY
on a land that you can pass on to your children for generations to come,” he noted.
The Chief Executive Officer of the CHPA, Sherwyn Greaves was also present at the event. He reassured the residents that the agency is committed to addressing all housing matters in Kwakwani promptly and efficiently. Greaves further explained that once individuals receive their ownership documents, they will have the opportunity to apply for the Cement and Steel Subsidy. This subsidy will enable them to commence the construction of their homes, providing further support towards their housing needs.
Meanwhile, a number of residents who successfully completed the process were able to receive their certificates of title during the activity.
Hinterland farmers receive agri inputs, tools, livestock
The Ministry of Agriculture recently distributed agricultural inputs, tools, and livestock to several farmers in Region Nine to boost production as Guyana aims to achieve its food security goals.
The farmers benefitted from the distribution of cutlasses, shovels, and wheelbarrows, while a number of Black Giant Chicks, starter feeds, fertilisers, rice seeds, vegetable seeds, and much more, were also received. These tools will further
help the farmers to minimise manual work in the fields and reap maximum yield.
The Rupununi is primarily known for cattle rearing, however, with the distribution of the chicks, the agriculture sector will be diversified.
Rice production is also expected to improve with the distribution of the fertilisers.
The items were welcomed by the Region Nine farmers since farming is one of their main sources of
More than 500 residents of Swan Village along the Soesdyke-Linden Highway are now benefitting from the government’s WifiGY initiative which was launched there on May 20, 2023.
The undertaking aims to make internet connectivity convenient, accessible, and free for all residents, ultimately bridging the digital divide in the community.
WifiGY opens doors to a wealth of information and opportunities, and Swan residents now have the means to stay informed, access educational resources, and leverage the internet for personal and community endeavours.
online and fill out forms. And what you see here today will improve in the future. It would not be static; it will get better. At the end of the day, the government will forever be concerned about your welfare.”
Minister McCoy highlighted the government’s commitment to taking development directly to the people, emphasising that the WifiGY initiative assumes a significant role within the development paradigm.
The distribution was made by the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) and the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), at a market day as part of the 57th Independence celebrations held in the region.
Other major interventions undertaken by the government so far to boost agriculture in the country include brackish water shrimp and millet production, and the black belly sheep project.
Region Nine communities to benefit from SMART health centres
The government has announced that several health centres in Region Nine are slated to be upgraded into SMART facilities as it quickly plans to modernise Guyana’s health sector and extend access to adequate health facilities to all administrative regions.
Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips made the disclosure on recently, during the commissioning ceremony for an infectious disease hospital in Lethem, Region Nine.
The Prime Minister said in the near future,
the communities of Annai, Karasabai, and Aishalton will have Smart facilities, to enhance the delivery of services there.
Earlier this year, it was announced that the Annai and Karasabai hospitals will be upgraded to include services and facilities such as X-rays, a mini operating theatre, an inpatient facility, and rehabilitation, speech, language therapy and audiology departments.
The health centre at Aishalton will be equipped with the facilities to be able to conduct surgeries.
“If you have the requirements for minor surgery, you won’t have to come all the way to Lethem. It can be done there at Aishalton, once it is upgraded,” he said.
He noted that some US $20 million has been set aside to facilitate upgrades to the Lethem Regional Hospital over the next two to three years. Phillips said, “The government has recognised that Lethem is in the centre, but we have villages in outlying areas. So, we have to upgrade the health facilities in those
Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister, Kwame McCoy, underscored that the initiative holds tremendous potential for the village’s growth and development. During remarks at the launching ceremony, Minister McCoy said the additional feature is a fundamental element that creates a wholesome community and improves residents’ quality of life. He said, “You have the opportunity to access government services through this very facility and so you can go
The availability of reliable internet will boost residents’ confidence, and enable them to enhance their education through online research, especially those who are pursuing the Guyana Online Academy for Learning (GOAL) scholarship programmes.
As the project advances in the village, improvements will be made to enhance its functionality and address any potential challenges. An information communications technology (ICT) hub will also be launched.
Minister McCoy stressed that the initiative even presents opportunities for community members to collaborate, exchange
ideas, and foster innovation. “It is important for us to recognise that the development that we are celebrating has come about because of the philosophy of the government that you have elected. Our philosophy is one that believes in taking development to people, making sure that people move from one step to the other. Altogether this should be a tool that is used to enhance our relationship as a family, and as a community and it should be celebrated. I want all of you to take advantage of this facility,” he said.
Meanwhile, Minister McCoy announced that the government is soon embarking on massive road projects valued at over $80 million in the village of Swan.
Several other communities along the highway will receive similar opportunities, ensuring that they too get connected to the worldwide web.
The government remains committed to continually enhancing the initiative, ensuring that it keeps pace with technological advancements and meets the evolving needs of persons residing in the village.
Gov’t building 100 homes... ←

I said this is coming from the Government of Guyana resources and it is coming from taxpayers’ dollars. So, there’s only so much we can invest at the time,” he said.
The programme will be modeled after the Sustainable Housing for the Hinter-
land Programme, which was previously implemented by the Central Housing and Planning Authority, under the leadership of President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali during his tenure as Housing Minister. That programme was

funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
Approximately 300 families of hinterland communities in Regions One, Seven, Eight and Nine are expected to benefit from the initiative.
Gov’t secures US$350M... ←
being executed by VR Construction Inc, Avinash Contracting & Scrap Metal Inc, L-Heureuse Construction and Services Inc, Guyamerica Construction Inc, AJM Enterprise, Vals Construction, Puran Bros Inc and JS Guyana Inc.
President Ali expressed his confidence that the project, originally scheduled for completion in June 2024, will be finished well ahead of schedule. “Hopefully, by the third quarter of this year we will be opening the new bypass highway from
Schoonord to Crane,” he stated.
This development comes as the government continues to make significant progress in infrastructure development throughout the Essequibo Islands-West Demerara region.
In addition to the highway expansion, President Ali said the government has undertaken an ambitious housing programme, with tens of thousands of houses and house lots being developed across the region.
Other major projects ongoing in the region include the construction of the new Demerara River Bridge, and the gas-to-energy project, which will see natural gas being piped from offshore to an onshore facility at Wales, West Coast Demerara.
Simultaneously, the administration is investing heavily in the improvement of other vital infrastructure across the region such as roads, drainage systems, street lights, culverts, and community facilities.
Streetlights for every community in 2024 – President Ali
President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali has announced a transformational plan that will see streetlights being installed in every community across the country in 2024.
During an outreach in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) Saturday, President Ali noted that in every region, street lights have been raised as an issue
for many persons.
And since the government is aiming to develop communities, an integrated plan has been devised to begin the installation of street lights for each community street, after Guyana’s new power plant is completed and operationalized.
“We have promised that the cost of energy will come
Over $45.8M to...
ernment and Regional Development allocated some $236.5 million for health sector development in Region Five, signalling its commitment to providing improved healthcare infrastructure and services.
Additionally, bids are open for the urgent maintenance of Green Heart Timber Revetment at Number Seven, West Coast Demerara to the tune of over $5 million.
Contractors are required
to submit bids with a valid Compliance Certificate from the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority, and a Compliance Certificate from the General Manager of the National Insurance Scheme.
Bids must be submitted and deposited at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board, Ministry of Finance, Main and Urquhart Streets, Georgetown, no later than Friday, June 2, 2023, at 9:00 am.

Final phase of construction of an...
be completed in 4 weeks’ time. Works are presently ongoing in Kaneville Main Access Roads. While works for GTT and GPL and being undertaken in-house. The GWI works were awarded to Vijay Ramlall.
In relation to the road widening works, contracts were awarded in five (5) lots, the contractors are currently mobilising for the completion of works in July 2023. These works are being funded by the Government of Guyana at a cost of $554,283,840.
Travel will only be permitted to cars, SUVs, and buses. No heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) will be
permitted to use the Bypass Road. HGVs will be required to continue to use the EBD Public Road. In that case, all road users are also urged to follow traffic signages within the proximity of the area, follow designated pedestrian routes, and obey traffic signals. The road users shall also be alert and patient as changes are expected in the route. Finally, adhere to posted speed limits and adjust driving speed accordingly when passing through the area.
Stakeholders can contact the Ministry via eastbankroadupgrade@publicworks. gov.gy or pr_dept@mopw. gov.gy
Region Nine communities to benefit from...
villages too.”
In 2021, the Lethem Regional Hospital was upgraded to a SMART facility, as part of the “Smart Healthcare Facilities in the Caribbean” project.
Additionally, the government has implemented a remote e-medicine clinic at Nappi, Parikwaranau, Yupukari, and Masakenari (Gunns Village), which
down by 50 per cent, and by the time we get there, starting from next year, we will roll out a national plan in which every single street and almost every single post across our country will carry a streetlight, which will improve security and enhance the conditions of [the community],” Dr Ali assured.
The President indicated the move to provide street-
lights is part of a long list of projects the administration has embarked on to improve the country at the community level.
This includes housing construction, the renovation of several public buildings and hospitals, the expansion of several main roads into highways, the construction of bridges and drains, and a national road en-
hancement project, which saw more than 1, 100 community roads identified and awarded for construction in 2022.
A strong commitment to improving infrastructure, ensuring enhanced quality of life for citizens, and improving safety and security has been consistently demonstrated by the government since assuming office in August 2020.
Already, the fruits of its investment have been witnessed both globally and internationally, as Guyana has skyrocketed to one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The administration continues to make prudent investments in areas of necessity, to improve the atmosphere of the country, and make it one that is competitive in the world.
are equipped with internet-enabled devices, powered by solar energy and connected to the internet using satellite technology.
The SMART hospitals initiative focuses on the provision of green technology, the reinforcement of structural and operational components, and the improvement of hospital resilience.
‘Crazy and unsubstantiated’ ramblings from Norton have no basis in reality – Jagdeo
Leader of the PNCR and the APNU+AFC Coalition government, Aubrey Norton, came in for blows from General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo, over wild comments about the transfer of $1 million to every Guyanese household.
Norton, on Thursday (June 1, 2023) morning, claimed that every Guya -
nese household can receive GYD$1M each, given the country’s newfound access to oil proceeds. “At present, I think $1M can be offered to households, however, in advocating that, we said that it must be structured and transparent and not politicized as we are seeing now. These one-off cash grants cannot solve the problems of poverty and we will change
the approach and ensure we put resources directly in the hands of people,” he said.
However, during his news conference, on Thursday (June 1, 2023) at Freedom House, Jagdeo pointed out the ridiculous nature of the comment, given that such a move is not feasible.
Dubbing the comments as “crazy and unsubstantiated ramblings, Jagdeo said, “Cra-
zy, unsubstantiated statement from the Leader of the Opposition. The Leader of the Opposition said that if they were in power, he would have given a million Guyanese dollars to every household in the country. Now, we recall that they took away the $10,000 (school cash grant). They couldn’t keep the $10,000 for the children, because they said they couldn’t afford it.
But he would have given $1M to every household?”
He explained that already the Government’s initiatives, including the Because We Care education cash grant, etc., total billions annually, a figure that is greater than the sum of oil monies utilised so far from the Natural Resources Fund in the last two years. “Last year was the first year that we used monies. We transferred from the fund just over US$600M, and this year, it’s just over
US$1B. So all of the money transferred from the fund, many of which we have not yet utilised, would not even be adequate to keep that $1M commitment for a single year. It is this sort of economics – I don’t know if you can call it ‘economics’, but it’s a sort of rambling that leads people to not take us seriously as a country,” Jagdeo said. Norton has repeatedly been called out for his wild comments.
PPP/C Gov’t commitment to ensuring...
upon and called a monkey. And so when you sit and you listen, you realise that the commonality of our condition requires that we come together in this struggle….we have a shared tragedy called slavery. We’ve gone through 400 years of shared trauma and I firmly believe, as a people, we can share triumph.” In response, Jagdeo had said, “I saw some Amanza Walton speaking at some someplace the US National Action Network and saying that the PPP is totalitarian. This comes from a person and a party that actively sought to steal the last elections. I remember Amanza Walton, who left her cushy job at the Civil Aviation Authority, didn't go to work there because she was at the Convention Centre in the recount, trying to thwart the recount, trying to mislead people. She was there a person who tried to steal an election from a party that is known for stealing elections and was true to form in the last one, again tried to steal the last one, telling the people in the US that we are a totalitarian government and including the US that helped to expose the machination here and also help threaten sanctions against the APNU and some of them were sanction because they were trying to steal elections. Imagine that. But you know what?
She will say this to a group of people who don't know of the APNU's history and do not know about their attempts,
their historical proclivity towards stealing elections, you can't change that. So that is she takes that message there, because she can tell a sane Guyanese that in Guyana and not have them laugh at her. The next thing she says oh the government is racist because of an incident with a female officer and that a private attorney spat on a female police officer. But the government of Guyana is racist because of that. Now that that has to take its full course in the courts and everywhere else.”
Communications have also been sent to the United Nations (UN) on similar claims. Jagdeo expressed hope that the United Nations organisations do not aid in undermining the authority of the constitutional body.
The PPP General Secretary stressed that the PNCRled Coalition cannot speak about institutionalised racism because the track record of successive PPP/C Administration and its efforts to work for and deliver to all Guyanese is clear. However, he has reasoned that the PNCRled cabal will persist with their untruths, but made clear that the PPP/C will not allow these to go unchallenged.
The Permanent Forum on People of African Descent was held under the theme ‘Realising the dream: A UN Declaration on the promotion, protection and full respect of the human rights of People of African Descent’.
Former APNU rep...
Some of the others to join the PPP/C are popular radio announcer and former Georgetown councillor, Malcolm Ferreira, and former The Citizen’s Initiative (TCI) member, and businessman, Alfonso De Armas.
The PPP/C’s list also include former Alliance For Change (AFC) candidate, Jewula Ceasar, and former independent candidate, Jainarine Singh.
← FROM PAGE 6 for Constituency #13 since 2018, Richards said that her move was based on what she believes is best for her community. “Personally, I’ve lost confidence in the APNU party and I decided to make this move because I’m concerned about my constituency and I want to see progress, and I want to see development for my area and I believe this is the best move that I could make,” Richards said.

Stop the blame game and...
crisis situations, including fires; however, the house manager and other senior staff seemed unfamiliar with them. And so when the fire occurred, there was confusion and panic, resulting in the tragedy. Of note too is that the inquiry found that the fire was caused by a defective electrical outlet fitted with exposed wires on the eastern wall of the girls’ dormitory. This, the report said, played a role in the ignition of the fire by subsequent heat transfer. It should be mentioned that the authorities had also concluded that the 2010 fire at the facility was also as a result of an electrical problem. The fire department at the time had made some recommendations that would have minimised the possibility of a similar situation occurring. It is still not known what sort of corrective work was done to fix the electrical problems which seem to

be plaguing the facility since that time. How did such a situation occur a second time? In the meantime, we are still waiting to see what sort of action will be taken against those who are found to be responsible.”
Today, the same people responsible for the deaths of these children, because in that instance there was no arsonist, but the negligence of state officials, are pointing fingers of blame on the President and caring, hard-working State officials, who are working almost around-the-clock, trying to improve the lives and lifestyles, in a non-partisan way, of all the citizens of the land; and the welfare and circumstances of the nation’s children.
Yours Sincerely, Alvin Hamilton

APNU rep arrested for destroying...
at guiding the manner in which campaigning is conducted. In 2020, People’s Progressive Party’s Executive Secretary, Zulfikar Mustapha, noted that reports
increase in the destruction of PPP/C campaign materials in what could only be described as a coordinated effort. He had said, “They have been ripping down
these flags and in Region Five, Georgetown, Region Three and it seems as there are activists of APNU/AFC. Places like Hope Town, Den Amstel and certain sections

in Georgetown it seems as a deliberate [action] by APNU/AFC supporters to rip down our flags…this election should be something that is fair where every ← FROM PAGE 7
party should have a chance to display their elections materials and things like that, so I hope these bodies will take note and deal with these matters.”

Coalition employs misinformation to score ‘cheap political points’ – Gov’t
The PNCR-led APNU+AFC Coalition was rapped by the PPP/C government for its campaign of misinformation.
On Thursday (June 1, 2023), the Coalition’s Elson Low, seated beside leader
of the PNCR and Parliamentary Opposition, Aubrey Norton, during a press briefing said, “The demolition of ordinary citizens’ homes at Hillfoot on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway is another manifestation
African Descent restated at NY forum
Thecommitment of the Irfaan Ali-led PPP/C Government to protecting the rights of People of African Descent was restated at the Permanent Forum of People of African Descent, which was held in New York.
Oneidge Walrond, Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, on Tuesday (May 30, 2023), delivered a statement to the Forum on behalf of the PPP/C Government. While commending the work of the Forum, Walrond stressed that the Government of Guyana had demonstrated its commitment to upholding the dignity of people of African descent through the protection of their human rights in our legal framework.
In similar vein, she spoke of the commitment to ensuring equitable access to the social and economic programmes of the government such as free education, healthcare, and access to housing and water, which collectively represent more than one-third of our national budget.

In terms of the legal and institutional framework, she underscored the guarantees provided in the Constitution to the right to protection from discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, and religion amongst other characteristics; the Racial Hostility Act and the establishment and work of the Ethnic Relations Commission.
Minister Walrond also expressed Guyana’s strong support for reparations for the historical atrocities associated with slavery and the slave trade, while indicating that Guyana is part of the CARICOM Reparations Commission and had also established a National Reparations Committee of Afro-Guyanese leaders. She concluded her statement by indicating that, “Guyana is a multi-ethnic society striving to forge unity and harmony amongst our diverse peoples. We will, therefore, continue
that the PPP government does not care for the people of Guyana…the destruction of people’s property by the regime and its friends, families and favourites is unacceptable and must be condemned by all.”
The PPP/C Administration has since categorically dismissed the malicious attempts to link the Government to the demolition of property and eviction of squatters at Hill Foot, Soesdyke.
The Government said,
“The Government has taken note of the spurious attempts by the PNC to attribute blame to the Government for the eviction of the squatters. This assertion is blatantly false and is indicative of the modus operandi of a failing opposition to fact-check national issues. In their haste to score political points, PNC MP Nima Flue-Bess and Simona Broomes descended on the community seeking to fuel antagonism and hatred to further advance the op -
position’s false narratives. This is an unconscionable approach by the opposition who continually seek to accumulate political dividends from tragic events at the expense of the pain and suffering of Guyanese.”
Notably, there has been an ongoing dispute between squatters and property owner, Lawrence Almeem. Following a civil court ruling, action was taken on May 31, 2023, by the landowner to demolish one of the structures on the land.
Two months ago, Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister, Kwame McCoy met with the squatters and provided a commitment that the Government will fast-track existing land applications for those facing eviction.
The Government has since appealed to the residents affected by the eviction to conduct themselves civilly and desist from engaging in further illegal activities such as blocking the Linden/Soesdyke highway.
to support the work of this Forum, including the elaboration of a Political Declaration on People of African Descent.”
Guyana’s delegation was led by Minister Walrond and included two members of the Ethnic Relations Commission, Mr. Sheikh MoeenulHack (Chair of the ERC) and Mr Deon Earl Dick (Ras Khafra), and Dr Erica Forte. The delegation was joined by Permanent Representative, H.E Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and Ms Abosede Hazlewood, Second Secretary.
Notably, in recent months, the Coalition and elements aligned to it have written to the Vice President of the United States of America (USA), Kamala Harris, on allegations of discrimination against Afro-Guyanese. In recent comment, PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo, said, “You remember the letter they wrote Vice President Harris, but they will never go to the ERC, the constitutional body.”
Also, in April 2023, the Coalition’s Amanza Walton-Desir appeared at a New York forum organised by the USA-based group, National Action Network (NAN), which comprises of international leaders representing Africans globally. The APNU+AFC Coalition’s Amanza Walton-Desir appeared to speak at that event. At that forum, Walton-Desir said, “I am here to strip back the carefully curated veneer of economic success. To say, that this is not happening. Contrary to what you read, contrary to what you hear, this is not happening. Guyanese are not experiencing a good life. Predominantly, the Afro-Guyanese population has been made to suffer the brunt of what is emerging to be a totalitarian regime…. we’ve had a security woman who was on duty being spat
PPP/C Gov’t commitment to ensuring protection of rights of People of
APNU boycotts signing of ERC’s Code of Conduct for Elections

With the June 12, 2023, Local Government Elections quickly approaching, political parties, independent groups, and individuals contesting the much-anticipated elections signed the Ethnic Relations Commission’s (ERC) Code of Conduct, (May 27, 2023) at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC). Executive Secretary of the PPP, Zulfikar Musta -

pha;, Shazam Ally of The Citizen Initiative; and Mark France of Guyana United, among other party representatives signed the code.
This signing is integral as it ensures contestants promote ethnic harmony and abstain from hate speech before, during, and after the elections, in an attempt to preserve the harmonious relationship which exists between the
Guyanese people.

ERC’S Chairman, Shaikh Moeenul Hack described it as significant while noting that this is the first time the commission will be initiating this for the Local Government Elections. “We at the ERC believe that a Code of Conduct, in the context for which we are gathered here today as the case in 2020, is crucial to and helps to
advance the best interest of our country and our people. As a Commission, we firmly believe that as a constitutional body birthed out of political discord and one that is entrusted with the promotion of harmony and good relations, among other responsibilities, such an endeavour as this signing, becomes absolutely necessary,” he said.
Hack reiterated the call for responsible approaches to ensure the remaining period for campaigning is free of ethnic division, discrimination, hate speech, incitement, and provocation while reminding that achieving harmony takes a collective approach with the involvement of those who hold and who aspire to hold public offices. “We are optimistic that with sustained and genuine ef -
forts from all, the task of promoting harmony would become less challenging.
The Code of Conduct therefore becomes an important step in that journey; an ongoing journey that must never be allowed to cease. As we traverse this sensitive period, there is that need for a multipronged approach to help lessen tension as historical lessons would remind. The Commission, therefore, reiterates an earlier call for peaceful and free and fair elections,” he added.
Several political parties, independent groups, and individuals have indicated that they will not be signing the code of conduct. “We’re extending that period, with the hope that they’ll change their mind,” the Chairman expressed.