The Weekly Advertiser – Wednesday, November 6, 2019

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Vol. No. Vol. 2218No. 19 27



Wednesday,November January 13, 2016 Wednesday, 6, 2019

SHOWCASE: Horsham Calisthenics College members showcased their artistic sport at the club’s annual concert on Saturday. The Horsham Town Hall event featured team and individual performances from the club’s tinies, sub-juniors, juniors and intermediate performers. Sub-junior Kelsey Schnaars shows confidence during her team’s march routine. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Candidates call BY COLIN MacGILLIVRAY


potential exodus of Horsham Rural City councillors at next year’s election has triggered calls for people to consider running for local government.

Five of the seven current councillors have indicated they are unlikely to seek re-election when the council’s four-year term ends in October next year. Cr Les Power was the only councillor to declare he would stand for another term, while Cr John Robinson said he would base his decision on whether or not it was ‘in the best interests of the community’. With a large-scale changeover appearing likely, councillors have appealed for anyone interested in running for a position to start attending council meetings and learning the responsibilities of council life.

Mayor Mark Radford said while he would ‘never say never’, he believed it was time to step down after serving three consecutive terms on the council. “I think it is important to have this discussion because it gets people thinking in our community about possibly running next year, and we want to encourage people to start having those thoughts and planning ahead,” he said. Cr Radford said he believed community interest in local government was strong and there would be no shortage of good candidates. “I had a former councillor talk to me a few weeks ago and they were thinking of running again. I thought that was a good thing,” he said. “As it comes a bit closer there will be training opportunities and information nights so people can find out

what it’s all about. Talking to other councillors and former councillors is also a good thing to do to get an idea of what it involves.” Cr Josh Koenig said he was leaning towards not running for a second term because of increased work and family commitments. He echoed Cr Radford’s call for people to start seriously considering a council position a year out. He said it was an opportunity for people to help shape community discussion. “I wanted to have a focus shift towards community services and youth wellbeing, and I’m pretty happy with recent council achievements including developing a youth strategy that led to the formation of a youth council,” he said. “The City to River plans to transform the city will roll over the next 20

IN THIS ISSUE • Armstrong Ararat mayor • Phone: 03 5382 1351 Read it online:

years. It’s a long-term plan, so I think any councillors over the next term and the term after that will be able to sink their teeth into that. “Then we’ve got the ongoing rates issues about how we can make it fair and equitable across the board.” Recently released data from responses to a council City to River Masterplan community feedback period showed Horsham residents’ opinions were divided on the plan. Upgrades to the city’s riverfront – including a potential café and new bike and walking paths – were well received, while the biggest concerns were around the potential elimination of the Horsham Lawn Tennis Club and Horsham Croquet Club courts in the botanic gardens. Cr Pam Clarke, who has served three council terms and was mayor from 2016 to 2018, agreed the masterplan

would be one of the main priorities of the next council group. “We need some people who are progressive and forward-thinking to put their hands up, and part of my job over the next year will be to encourage people to consider running for council,” she said. “The City to River plan is one of the big-picture items, so whoever comes onto the next council will have that as a guide for what they plan to do.” Cr Robinson, who has at times been at loggerheads with other councillors over what he described as inadequate community consultation regarding the City to River plan, said it would remain a challenge into the future. He said if he decided to stand for another term, he would continue to try to put aspects of the plan he found unworkable ‘to one side’. Continued page 3

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Leaders: Gold tax needs a rethink BY COLIN MacGILLIVRAY


tawell Gold Mines leaders have warned a State Government plan to introduce a gold royalty next year could cripple the business.

The government announced it would apply a 2.75-percent tax on mines producing more than 2500 ounces of gold a year from January. Stawell Gold Mines general manager Troy Cole said while he was not opposed to the concept of a gold tax, he argued it should not be applied evenly across the board. “The message I’ve been putting out to the State Government and also the local community is that we don’t oppose royalties, but it needs to fit

different business models,” he said. “One size does not fit all would be the term I would use. “The policy that’s presented falls short in consideration to how it should be applied in different settings. “In an ideal world they’d have a more sensible policy that those businesses that are set up and mature enough to realise the royalty will take it on board. “Those places that are not at that stage should have a different approach applied that encourages investment and encourages the start-up of the industry. “When you have very rich ore bodies generating a lot of wealth, that would be a little bit different, but when you’re in a marginal environment and

will erode employee benefits into the future. “When the gold mine shut three years ago it put hundreds of people out of work, and one day the same sort of thing could happen again. “That takes multiple millions of dollars out of communities.”

the business is in start-up and you’ve got heavy capital investment going in, you need special considerations.” Mr Cole said a 2.75-percent tax on the mine – which reopened about a year ago after shutting down in late 2016 – would have a flow-on effect on the mine’s employees and the Stawell community. “It means there will be a percentage of the benefits created by our activities that get taken away,” he said. “It’s another thing that keeps chipping away and one day the loadings on your business will be too great. “It is 100 percent certain that it will erode investment into sustainable capital, it is 100 percent certain it will erode investment into exploration, and it is 100 percent certain it

Too quick

Minerals Council of Australia, MCA, Victorian executive director James Sorahan said the government needed to rethink the royalty. He said it had been brought in too quickly and with too little consultation. “Treasurer Tim Pallas needs to start again on his new gold tax by announcing a fair and proper consultation process,” he said.

Candidates call

Generosity grows for poppy project Many people are aware of the key nutrients that help flowers grow, but in the case of a Nhill poppy tribute project community generosity has been the most nurturing of all. If anyone takes a walk through Nhill’s Goldsworthy Park they might notice thousands of crocheted and knitted red poppies covering the park’s palm trees near the war memorial. The creations – 20,000 of them to be exact – are the result of a volunteer project to help recognise and remember soldiers who served and died in war. At first organisers Rosie Clark and Pam Deckert, along with Nhill district volunteers, had a goal to make 420 poppies, which was enough to cover one tree. “But people just started making them and making them, and we started using them and using them. It has just grown,” Mrs Clark said. “So many people came on board because of Facebook and hearing about it, and the word spread. “We had people across Australia donating poppies, as well as volunteers from places such as Ararat and Horsham. “These people are so generous. Some are using their own wool to make the poppies. It just shows how generous the community is.” Mrs Clark said Hindmarsh Shire Council and the Nhill RSL subbranch provided grants for materials, with poppies typically taking about 10 to 20 minutes each to crochet or knit.

PEOPLE POWER: Project organisers Rosie Clark, left, and Pam Deckert appreciate the work and donations of thousands of volunteers across Australia in the creation of a poppy tribute at Nhill’s Goldsworthy Park. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER Once created, the poppies are attached to a rope and are then ready to be transferred to one of the trees. In addition to the symbolic red poppy, Mrs Clark said white and purple poppies were now also incorporated into the town’s display. “It looks stunning. Even when we first started to put them up it looked amazing,” she said. “The white represents the nurses who served, and it is also a symbol of peace.

“The purple represents the animals that have been involved in conflict. “It has been great for the people involved, and it is good for the older women too, who still want to knit. “Younger kids these days don’t really want a knitted jumper, so this is easy and something to do to keep knitting.” Mrs Clark said the influx of donated poppies, which skyrocketed the total from about 2000 earlier this year, had even left the group with leftovers.

“There are smarter ways to go about tax reform. The jobs of blue-collar workers in Victoria’s gold regions are too important to risk with a rushed implementation of this new tax. “Victorian minerals companies and the many regional communities that depend on gold jobs and investment only want a fair go and a fair hearing. “The Victorian mining industry is ready to work with government to design a sensible royalty that meets the aim of raising revenues when gold prices are high without risking growing mines and regional jobs when prices are low.” State Member for Ripon and Shadow Treasurer Louise Staley was critical of the royalty, labelling it an ‘attack on the region’.

“We have no more trees,” Mrs Clark said. “But we’ve still got wool and poppies left over, so once that has been knitted and crocheted, that is it – we’ll call it quits.” Mrs Clarke said the poppies would be on display for a fortnight surrounding both Anzac Day and Remembrance Day each year. – Lotte Reiter

From page 1 “It’s fair to say the three years to date have been less than smooth sailing for this group of councillors. There is a whole lot of community angst, specifically over the City to River plan, that we’re going to have to deal with,” Cr Robinson said. “Whatever arrangement we end up with in the next council has to be better than what we’re doing at the moment, otherwise it’s just not fair to the community.” Cr David Grimble will depart after three council terms, including two years as mayor from 2012 to 2014. He said listening to the community would be key for the next group of councillors. “It’s important to test your decision making against the community and allow them to judge whether you’ve done a reasonable job or not,” he said. “It makes you accountable if you do multiple terms because you allow the people to judge you on your merits.” Cr Alethea Gulvin said she intended to leave after four years on the council to focus more on family. As the youngest councillor, she said it was important for a plurality of views to be represented. “I believe there needs to be a variety of voices on council,” she said. “All demographics need to be represented and it’s important that we have a mix. Having diversity is part of what makes a community come together.” Cr Power said he hoped to be reelected for another term and work with fresh faces on the council. “Four out of the seven this time were new councillors. It’s gone through its processes and we’re getting things done,” he said.




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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Mayoral elections are underway L


ocal governments across the Wimmera, Grampians and southern Mallee regions are in the process of deciding which councillors will lead them during the final 12 months of their terms.

Councils in Ararat, Horsham, Hindmarsh, Northern Grampians, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack municipalities are conducting statutory meetings to vote for mayors for the next 12 months. Horsham Rural City Council will host its statutory meeting tomorrow night. Current mayor Mark Radford said he intended to nominate for the position again and was unsure if any other councillors would nominate. “I am happy to put my hand up again and see what happens,” he said. “We’ll call for nominations at the meeting and you never know what’s going to happen – it is always a bit of an unknown. “Being mayor of Horsham Rural City Council is a great privilege, and the fact your colleagues elect you to that position is something you can never underestimate. “We have a responsibility to lead the council through our final 12 months together.

“We’re coming up to the end of our term. It is an important position and it would be a privilege to be able to do it again if I am elected.” West Wimmera and Hindmarsh shire councils will conduct their statutory meetings tonight, Northern Grampians on Monday and Yarriambiack on November 27. Meanwhile, Jo Armstrong was voted Ararat Rural City Council mayor for the next 12 months at a statutory meeting last week, replacing Peter Beales in the role. Cr Armstrong said she was looking forward to a big year ahead for the region. “We have some really exciting economic opportunities that will come to us with the building of the extension of the East Grampians Rural Pipeline through our district,” she said. “We also need to address our housing shortage and make sure we complete our council plans within budget. “We have some really exciting things on our horizon, and I am proud and humbled to be leading us towards achieving those objectives.” Cr Armstrong ran for a seat in Victoria’s upper house in last year’s state election. While her bid was ultimately unsuccessful, she said she had learned plenty from the experience.

“I think it’s a real advantage for me as a councillor to have experienced first-hand how the networks function across local, state and federal governments,” she said. “The number of people I have met in positions of influence who are always willing to lend a hand and work as a team to find solutions to the challenges we have in local government is going to be really positive. “I see it as an absolute plus. It was a great experience and I think I’m a better person for it.” Cr Armstrong paid tribute to the strong leadership of Cr Beales and chief executive Tim Harrison and said she hoped to build on their foundation. “I’m really fortunate that Cr Beales has been an excellent leader and a great example for our council,” she said. “He has always been very fair in his dealings with people, and a real positive for other councillors has been his clarity of position. “Our council has kicked some great goals in the first year with Dr Harrison as chief executive. “I think it has been a great strength for council to work with him and the positive changes he has brought to the organisation bode well for the future.”

NEW LEADERS: Ararat councillor Jo Armstrong was appointed mayor at a statutory meeting last week. She will lead council for the next 12 months with support from deputy mayor Bill Braithwaite.

Firearms amnesty launch

SIDE STAGE: Tinies coach Rachelle Ough helps Everleigh Chapple find her place on the stage as part of Horsham Calisthenics College’s annual concert at the weekend. The Horsham Town Hall event featured about 50 college members in both team and individual performances in a showcase of their talents and skills. The college will now start preparing for students’ annual skill exams. For more pictures, see page 41. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Police are urging western Victorians to surrender any unwanted, unregistered or illegal firearms as part of a two-month state amnesty. People in Hindmarsh, Horsham, West Wimmera, Ararat, Northern Grampians and Yarriambiack shires will have until December 31 to anonymously hand in items without fear of prosecution. The amnesty, which officially started last week, is the first in Victoria since a national amnesty in 2017 involving the sacrifice of more than 3400 items. Wimmera Superintendent Paul Margetts said the two-month period was focused on improving community safety. He said people could present items to a police station or licensed firearms dealer. “There are more than 856,000 registered firearms across the state, but it’s the unregistered firearms and dangerous weapons in the community that Victoria Police are constantly trying to reduce,” he said. “We have seen in previous amnesties a number of items voluntarily surrendered, including high-powered firearms, handguns, imitation firearms and air rifles. “We are asking everyone to contribute to improving community safety by surrendering items that could pose a danger, before they fall into the wrong hands.

“As far as police are concerned, if just one illicit firearm or weapon is destroyed then that has made Victoria safer.” Supt Margetts said firearm theft, particularly at rural properties, was a concern in Victoria. “Rural and regional property owners are at risk of firearm theft because of geographic isolation and extended absences from properties where firearms are stored,” he said. “The majority of registered firearm owners are very responsible and treat firearms ownership with the seriousness it deserves. “License holders are required to use common sense to store their firearms safely and securely and in accordance with legislative requirements at all times.” The penalty for possessing an unregistered firearm starts from $19,800 or two years’ imprisonment. Supt Margetts said people with unregistered, unwanted or illegal firearms should call their designated police station before dropping in items. “All items must be wrapped in paper, plastic or cloth and transported to a station in a safe and secure manner,” he said. People with a registered firearm can hand the item to a licensed firearm dealer at any time for sale or destruction.

Andy Meddick MP

Member of the Legislative Council for Western Victoria Animal Justice Party I am committed to using my role as a Member of Parliament to improve the lives of both human and non-human animals throughout Western Victoria. If I can assist with any State Government or local issues, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 69a Gheringhap Street Geelong Victoria 3220 (03) 5222 1941 Authorised by: A Meddick 69a Gheringhap Street, Geelong Funded from Parliamentary Budget

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Want the job done quick?

Hire a skip! Call Mick Morris




Nhill Air Show a flying success Imagine an internationally renowned aerobatics pilot flying their high-performance aircraft 10ft from the ground, the plane’s tail almost feathering the runway as smoke billows out from behind. For people in the Wimmera at the weekend it was just one of many ‘jaw-dropping’ tricks, sights and entertainment seen at the 2019 Nhill Air Show. The Nhill aerodrome event, in its second year after an inaugural show in 2015, welcomed thousands at the weekend in celebration of a centenary of aviation in the town. Show convenor Rob Lynch said the event harboured a fantastic result, particularly under management of world-renowned pilot and entertainer Paul Bennet. Mr Bennet, part of Sky Aces Formation Aerobatics Team, has clocked up more than 5000 display-related flying hours

in front of millions of fans world-wide and his air shows have a reputation for exceeding expectations. Mr Lynch said Mr Bennet’s Saturday performance, which was among the show’s historic military-vehicle displays, joy flights and children’s activities, was similarly nothing short of spectacular. “Paul himself is absolutely spectacular, and he absolutely impressed people and had them gasping,” he said. “The show itself was fantastic. I think there was certainly a crowd of at least 3000 people, but we have no final figures yet. “We had no negative feedback at all, even with the delay at the start because of the rain, nobody complained. The pilots who were there that day were adamant the day was going to turn out right and it did. It was a perfect day for flying.”

Mr Lynch said Nhill’s well-known reputation within the piloting community, as well as the many family connections to the small town, were a likely reason for much of the event’s appeal and success. He said visitors included people from Orange in New South Wales to England on the other side of the globe. But despite popular demand for the air show, Mr Lynch said the event would unlikely become an annual feature. “If only you knew how tired people are by the end of it all,” he joked. “There are whispers that there could be another in four years’ time, but nothing is set. “We definitely wouldn’t make it every 12 months, it’s just too big to have it so often.” – Lotte Reiter

FLYING VISIT: Pictured above, left, Troye and Andrew McBride inspect the Nhill Aviation Centre’s Wirraway aircraft; top, the Pacific Belles members ‘Dot’ Dee Algate, ‘Betty’ Laura Monaghan and ‘Mabel’ Erin Keleher ready to entertain with their retro-style performance; and above Stephen Gale prepares to take off in his Marchetti S211. Pictures: PAUL CARRACHER



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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Water for recreational lakes assured G


WMWater will ensure 12 key recreational lakes and weir pools across the Wimmera and Mallee remain full through to Easter as the region braces for a long, hot summer.

The water authority started directing water from its Grampians storages through its pipelines to 10 of the water bodies in July and aims to have the task completed this month. Northern Mallee Pipeline supply has already filled Ouyen Lake and Green Lake near Sea Lake.

While winter and spring rain failed to deliver quality inflows to key storages across the Grampians, managing director Mark Williams said the water authority’s commitment to recreational supply was assured for summer. “They don’t take great volumes of water, but they are the focus of communities gathering together over summertime,” he said. “This supply will get them through to Christmas time and they might require some more leading up to Easter.” Weir pools at Warracknabeal, Brim and Beulah, Hopetoun’s Lake Las-

celles, Donald Caravan Park Lake and Murtoa’s Lake Marma are among those receiving recreational supply. With summer looming, the latest information reveals: • The Grampians storage system is at 43.6 percent of capacity, down from 50.73 percent at the same time last year; • Much of the Grampians catchment recorded below average rainfall between July and September, with inflow at 34 percent of the historical average for the three months; • The Bureau of Meteorology’s rain-

fall outlook for the Grampians catchment between October and December is for less than a 25 percent chance of median rain; • And the Bureau of Meteorology also expects daytime temperatures to be above average over the same period. Water resources and recreation strategy co-ordinator Bernie Dunn said an annual survey commissioned by the Wimmera Development Association showed that recreational water bodies played a strong role in helping keep people and rural economies healthy. The survey, in its fourth year, ex-

amines the socio-economic value of recreational and environmental water in the Wimmera and Southern Mallee across 20-plus water bodies. “If you look at the direct expenditure by people camping and day visitors at the 10 water bodies filled at the Grampians end that we are talking about, it comes in at more than $3-million a year,” Mr Dunn said. “The total economic flow-on benefit to the region is about $10-million.” Mr Dunn said consultants Street Ryan would start its next survey this month.

Havea, Poltz wind-up year Internationally renowned singer, songwriter and guitarist Joel Havea will play in Ararat next week as part of Ararat Live’s lineup of talent. Havea comes from a vibrant, eclectic live music scene in Melbourne and cut his teeth as part of the Havea Brothers duo with younger brother Dave. In the process he developed his own brand of reggae and soul-infused acoustic pop, influenced by his Tongan and Dutch heritage. Havea has previously appeared at Ararat’s Red Room as part of Ararat Live in 2016 and 2018, and will play at the venue again on November 13. He is the penultimate act on this year’s Ararat Live schedule, with Steve Poltz to conclude the year with a show at Ararat Town Hall on November 27. Ararat Live is a not-for-profit collective supporting original live music in Ararat. An entry fee of $20 helps support performers and future Ararat Live events. People can find out more by calling David Nicholson on 0409 848 960 or emailing

Jeff Woodward HISTORY UNCOVERED: Contractor Daniel Walter uncovers historic water pipes in Horsham’s Darlot Street. Horsham Rural City Council is replacing the outdated drainage infrastructure between Wilson Street and Selkirk Drive. Darlot Street business Barbeques Galore owner Kevin Dellar, who is a former brick layer and Horsham Rural City councillor, said the pipes were an incredible piece of historical memorabilia. “They are the last of the old Horsham red-brick pipes used for water drainage,” he said. “They are at least 100 years old, maybe even 120. Back then, they would have had to dig holes that were about 8ft wide and 7ft deep with picks and shovels. The work in it was massive. To me, that’s a really remarkable feat.” Picture: PAUL CARRACHER


Proposed sporting complex

SIR, – We write regarding the proposed sporting complex to be located near the Horsham Showground and requiring the closure of McBryde Street. Literally decades ago, in the 1980s, we wrote to both The Wimmera Mail-Times and Horsham Rural City Council regarding the volume of traffic in Bowen Street where we live. We have also sought advice from the police as to what could be done about driver behaviour in our street.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Corners are consistently cut and at least one accident has already occurred. Since the increase in services provided by the Wimmera Health Care Group and the growth of Horsham Holy Trinity Lutheran College, traffic volume has increased, particularly before and after school. Of course, many cars going to Horsham Primary School and St Brigid’s College also use our street. The closure of McBryde Street can only result in a further increase in the volume of traffic in our street as well as surrounding streets such as Smith and Hamilton streets.

Any past attempts to address the situation with Horsham council have fallen on deaf ears, hence it is encouraging to read in the local press that the council is listening and we feel sure that the comments from long-standing residents of the affected area will be treated with appropriate gravity. As with many other Horsham residents, we stress that we support the concept of a purpose-built sporting complex, however in a location other than the McBryde Street area. Mike and Rhonda Coffey Horsham


83 Wilson St, Horsham 5382 1057





Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Rupanyup retail hub a step closer W


ork on Rupanyup’s planned $1.2-million retail hub is a step closer to starting as project leaders begin to shortlist building contractors vying for the job.

Expressions of interest for the construction of a 250 square-metre supermarket, 375 square-metre retail building and car park closed late last month. Of the eight companies that expressed interest, four will be invited to put in a detailed tender before a final selection is made. Enterprise Rupanyup chair Malcolm

Uhe said he expected a decision on the successful tenderer to be made within weeks, with work to kick off soon after. “We want it to start as soon as possible – but I would be expecting building to start in December at the earliest,” he said. “It’s certainly exciting to be moving ahead, but that excitement will peak when the building work actually begins.” The State Government has committed $500,000 to the project, with another $400,000 sourced from organisations including Yarriambiack Shire Council and the Rupanyup-Minyip

Community Bank. Enterprise Rupanyup, a community-organised consortium set up to steer the project, has also successfully accessed a loan to make up the shortfall. Mr Uhe said the loan had been the last piece of the ‘funding puzzle’. “This project really is a testament to the persistence of people in this town who decided they wanted something and have gone after it,” he said. “It took us two years to convince the State Government to give us funding – if it hadn’t done that the project would have died in the water.” Enterprise Rupanyup released designs for the Cromie Street retail pre-

cinct in February. The design incorporates a new supermarket, three retail outlets and a community space in the middle. “We are hoping that one of those three retail outlets will become a café-bakery food outlet and anticipate the second will be the pharmacy depot from Murtoa, which is currently in a temporary location,” Mr Uhe said. “The third will be another retail outlet of some kind.” Mr Uhe said construction would take about half a year to complete. “We’ll do it in stages, with the supermarket first,” he said. “We were aiming to have it com-

pleted by March, but now it could be April or May.” The community-driven project will rise from the footprint of the town’s existing supermarket and adjoining shops, which were damaged by fire about two years ago. It will play a part in helping to revitalise the town’s centre and arrest population and service decline. “At the moment many people go into Horsham to do most of their shopping,” Mr Uhe said. “This will mean they will be able to shop locally, which is especially important for the elderly.”

Input sought for waste strategy Northern Grampians Shire Council is seeking community input into a new waste strategy. The strategy will outline council’s waste management program direction for the next five years. Mayor Kevin Erwin said a survey would include a focus on viewing waste as a resource rather than a matter for landfill, identifying ways to address challenges and encouraging more sustainable options. He said council was aware of a high-level of community interest in sustainability and the role waste management should play in reducing the region’s environmental footprint. He said council was eager for the community to drive the strategy. “We are aiming to collect as many responses as possible to ensure confidence in the accuracy of information as well as the needs and wants of residents,” he said. “The more survey responses we receive the better we will understand what the commuBIG HEART: Austin Simpson is raising money for Variety’s Hair with Heart program and has committed to shaving his head early next year. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Austin’s ‘mane’ event Horsham boy Austin Simpson has a mane of hair many would envy. After more than three years of growth, the grade five student’s curly locks now flow halfway down his back. But despite being blessed with unusually fecund follicles, he is preparing to shave it all off in a few months. Austin is raising money for Variety’s Hair with Heart program and has committed to shaving his head early next year. Hair with Heart raises money and makes wigs using donated hair for children who have lost theirs because of medical conditions. Austin will undergo the ‘big chop’ before his first football game with Pimpinio next season, and is appealing for donations between now and then. He said he was inspired to help cancer sufferers after his great grandmother was diagnosed with spots on her lungs and his aunt suffered from alopecia – an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss. “I wanted to do this because there are a lot of people who don’t have hair because of treatment for cancer or other diseases,” he said. “Making wigs for them is a good way to help build up their confidence.” Austin said he was also inspired by the television series Alexa and Kate, in which one of a pair of best friends is diagnosed with cancer. Austin’s mother Brigitte Higham said she was proud of her son’s efforts. She encouraged people to donate to help cover the cost of making the wigs once Austin’s hair is donated. Wednesday, November 6, 2019

“So far, we have a few donations and we’ve got family in England and Thailand who have shared the post, so we’re hoping we get more donations,” she said. “We put $1500 as a goal, but we’re hoping for anything. It costs thousands of dollars to make the wigs.” Ms Higham said Austin had worked hard to maintain his hair in order to donate it. “It’s been a lot of hard work over the past few years brushing and taking care of it,” she said. “It’s so curly it gets knotted. He’s a young boy and he’s playing football and wrestling and the rest of it, so every night it has got to be brushed or it gets so knotted. “He’s finally learned how to look after it, and he’s been having regular trims.” Ms Higham said Austin’s hairdresser had admitted it would be hard to shave his hair after such a long time of maintaining it, but agreed it was for a great cause. “Everyone has always told him his hair is so nice and thick and that they would love to have hair like that,” she said. “At first, he was just growing it because a lot of young boys have longer hair at the moment, but with his great grandmother being really sick, he decided he wanted to shave it for cancer and raise money. “Hopefully it helps a few people – he’s got that much hair, I’m sure they can make a few wigs out of it.” People can donate to Austin’s Hair with Heart page by visiting website hairwithheart.every – Colin MacGillivray

nity thinks about current services and what they would like to see in the future. “The information gathered will then be used to develop and implement the waste strategy on behalf of our community.” Cr Erwin said the shire’s current waste management program included kerbside collections, transfer stations, public place waste management and community education. He said more than 4000 tonnes of municipal waste and 1200 tonnes of recycling were processed from residential and public litter bins and transfer stations across the shire each year. Cr Erwin said people can provide input on the new strategy through an online survey at www. “A printed version of the survey will be available at customer service counters at Stawell and St Arnaud council offices,” he said. Surveys will also be inserted into The Weekly Advertiser and other regional newspapers.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Frinj fever takes over Natimuk A


first-time Nati Frinj Biennale director has praised the 2019 event as an ‘expectationexceeding showcase’ of what makes a small town tick.

The Natimuk festival extended across three days at the weekend, bringing together artists, performers, creators, makers and communities in a celebration of culture. Director Hannah French said it was exciting to see the event come together, which featured everything from aerial performances in a giant bamboo structure to retro dance classes. “It was my first time as festival director this year and I wasn’t sure what the experience would be like on the day,” she said. “But it was wonderful and completely exceeded my expectations. “On Sunday with the market, people were saying it was the most cars they have ever seen in Natimuk at one time.

“People were having to park up one end of town and walk all the way to the other side there were that many people. “The Styckx theatre in particular, in all the chaos of the festival, was just a gorgeous stillness and really beautiful.” Ms French said discussions with artists and performers, as well as community consultation, would kick-start the idea-generation process for the next Nati Frinj Biennale. “I just want to say a big thank you to all the people and groups who made it happen,” she said. “Especially Horsham Town Hall, Natimuk Lake Caravan Park and the generosity of the performers. “To see that people can share so much generosity and kindness, that’s what makes a small town tick and I think it’s why so many people love it in Natimuk.” • For more pictures from the event see pages 18 and 19, or visit www. for an online gallery.

STREET PARADE: Romy and Tim Ratcliffe embrace the 2019 Nati Frinj Biennale opening parade on Friday evening. Hundreds of people dressed to impress to kick-start the festivities. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

HISTORY: Natimuk’s Keith Lockwood shows off the workbench owned by famous rock climber and climbinggear manufacturer Roland Pauligk. The workbench is one of many pieces of historical climbing and mountaineering memorabilia displayed at Natimuk’s Arapiles Climbing Museum. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

FIVE-DAY forecast

Wednesday, November 6, 2019






Shower or two. Partly cloudy

Sunny Shower or two.

Possible Partly cloudy. shower

Possible Cloudy. shower

Shower or two Sunny.

27° 22° 14 19° 16° 20 18° 17

Climbing museum unveiled A town internationally renowned for its rock-climbing culture officially became the home of Australia’s first climbing museum at the weekend. Arapiles Historical Society unveiled Natimuk’s Arapiles Climbing Museum to the public at a Friday-night grand opening at the town’s former Masonic Hall. International climbing authority and Natimuk resident Keith Lockwood said the museum was a showcase of rock-climbing history and evolution, capturing the influence of Mount Arapiles on Natimuk, Wimmera and international communities. He said the museum welcomed hundreds of visitors across the weekend, with the opening night marking a rewarding moment for everyone who worked to bring the project to fruition. “It was huge, there was an incredible reception

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Getting in touch with The Weekly Advertiser

Our Our office office is is at at 22 Stawell Stawell Road, Road, Horsham. Horsham. Mail: Mail: PO PO Box Box 606, 606, Horsham Horsham 3402. 3402. Telephone: Telephone: 5382 5382 1351. 1351. Fax: Fax: 5381 5381 1147. 1147. Website: Website: Email: Email: For classified advertisements: 5382 1351 – email: For classified advertisements: 5382 1351 – email: Advertising: Mark Sulic: 0407 313 456,; Lee Meadows: 0407 046 864,; Advertising: Mark Sulic: 0407 313 456,; Lee Meadows: 0407 046 864,; Liz Luy: 0408 312 040,; Chris Thomas: 0427 630 051,; Nathan Henry: 0418 657 247, Mark Clyne: 0438 341 831,; Tristan Cameron: 0437 956 278, Newsroom: Dean Lawson: 0448 571 811,; Lauren Henry: 5382 Newsroom: Dean Lawson: 0448 571 811,; Colin MacGillivray: 53821351, 1351,; The publisher general is Scott Grambau, C/- 2Georgia StawellBailey: Road, Horsham, Ace Radio Broadcasters Pty Ltd, ACN 064 Lotte and Reiter: 5382manager 1351,; 5382 1351,

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for it. It made our decision to create Australia’s first climbing museum here in Natimuk worthwhile,” he said. “This is an insight into a world-renowned climbing destination and in an ideal location, because Mt Arapiles is the heart and soul of climbing for people across Australia and internationally, which we really saw with all the international visitors we had on the weekend. “We can’t thank the Arapiles Historical Society enough for embracing and helping develop the idea.” Mr Lockwood said displays would continuously rotate to avoid becoming stale, particularly in time for busier tourist seasons such as Easter. The museum will be open every Sunday from 2pm to 4pm and by appointment. – Lotte Reiter



Future Drought Fund

Have your say on the Future Drought Fund Learn about the Future Drought Fund and have your say on how it can help farm businesses and communities build drought resilience from 2020. The Future Drought Fund Committee will be in town to hear your views and answer your questions. 12 November, Horsham. Seats are limited. Register at future-drought-fund.

Industry shake-up T

he Royal Commission into misconduct in the banking, superannuation and financial services industry delivered its final report in February 2019, capping off a process that revealed the unethical and, in some cases, illegal practices of some of Australia’s largest banks, insurance and other financial services companies. Many of the Royal Commission’s recommendations are aimed squarely at financial services companies, and they should lead to changes in corporate attitudes and practices that will deliver indirect, and hopefully positive changes to many consumers. The Royal Commission also made a number of recommendations that will have a more direct impact on investors. Unfortunately, these might not always be for the better. Even though the Royal Commission unearthed a wide range of bad behaviours, it’s important to acknowledge the large number of financial advisers who have always adhered to high ethical standards while delivering great outcomes to their clients. Clients of these advisers might see little change in the relationship with their adviser and how their money is managed. So what changes are likely to affect consumers?

Ban on conflicted remuneration

Conflicted remuneration arises when an adviser has an incentive, such as a sales bonus, to recommend an investment product. Conflicted remuneration was banned some time ago, but existing arrangements were ‘grandfathered’. These arrangements will now cease.

End to trailing commissions

Investment and superannuation products might pay the recommending adviser an ongoing annual or ‘trailing’ commission. The expectation is that the adviser would continue to provide ongoing review of the suitability of the product and recommend changes when warranted. Unfortunately, the Royal Commis-



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sion revealed numerous cases where fees were charged and no advice given. This extended to fees being charged to dead peoples’ accounts. All investment and superannuation trailing commissions will cease from 2021. While this should lead to higher investment returns, many consumers will miss out on proactive follow up from advisers unless they ‘opt-in’ and agree to pay for advice. As the cost of such advice might be uneconomic for investors with smaller portfolios, the end of trailing commissions might deliver mixed outcomes.

Increased education

New advisers must now hold a relevant, degree level qualification. Existing advisers without such qualifications will need to undertake further study. While qualifications are important, they overlook the value of the real-world knowledge of experienced advisers. Many older advisers might retire rather than undertake additional study, which might lead to a shortage of advisers.

Incidental outcomes

Another indirect outcome of the Royal Commission is that many of the larger banks and insurance companies have decided to sell off their financial advice businesses. This also has the potential to reduce the number of active advisers but might see a rise in the number of smaller, independent advisory firms. The Royal Commission has delivered a major and necessary shake-up of the financial services industry. To find out what the direct, personal impacts might be for you, talk to your financial adviser.

Western Victorian Woodlands Native Vegetation Protection and Enhancement



Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Robotics hitting new highs BY COLIN MacGILLIVRAY


local teacher believes the future is bright for the burgeoning field of robotics in schools across the Wimmera.

Horsham’s Holy Trinity Lutheran College technology teacher Adam Engert helped organise the school’s fledgling robotics program, which this year produced two state-champion teams at RoboCup Junior Victorian finals in August. Mr Engert then escorted grade five student Cameron Maher to the national finals of the competition in Melbourne last month. He said there was rising interest in the study of robotics among pupils from the region. “Last year we started technology at the school across all year levels,” he said. “We try to do extracurricular activities all the time and look at what we can be involved in outside of the school. “Cameron is in year five and beat kids who were in year 10 and 12 competing at the state finals. He had a few issues at nationals, but he did really well and came away with a good result. “He’s rapt about engineering and robotics. He can’t wait to do it again, and I had a lot of kids at school asking me if there are any more competitions this year. “There are probably 20 kids who have said they’ll sign up again for next year. “I hope they do because some of them have kept their robots, so maybe they’ll put them in storage over the holidays and then bring them back.”

Mr Engert said Holy Trinity had organised a regional RoboCup Junior final for the first time earlier this year, bringing schools from across the Wimmera together to compete. He said he hoped to expand the regional competition in 2020 to include even more schools from the region. RoboCup Junior is an offshoot of a RoboCup competition for university students. Primary and secondary school teams across the country contest several categories in RoboCup Junior, including rescue and soccer competition. Mr Engert said Cameron participated in a Riley Rover Rescue division for beginners at the state finals but was forced to step up to a Primary Rescue section for the national finals. “One of the things they base the competition on is rescue robots in disasterrelief locations,” he said. “At the state finals he was in the ‘have a go’ section – they call it Riley Rover – but they say if you’re good enough to do well at state level and you want to go to nationals, you have to do the full course. “They do a line-following course with black lines on white tiles, and then they start mixing up the tiles and putting more in. “They start doing speed bumps and obstacles like sticks, they put in inclines and declines, they have bridges that tilt and there is one challenge with 20 lines going in different directions and you have to follow the green one. They even put a water bottle on the track. “He’d never had to do most of those obstacles during the year, but it was good for him to have a challenge.”

NATIONAL COMPETITION: Horsham Holy Trinity Lutheran College student Cameron Maher won his way through to the RoboCup Junior Australian Open in Melbourne after state success. The school’s robot soccer team also won a state final, and Mr Engert said the students were keen to keep improving. “The kids have offered to referee the soccer events and help score for the Horsham region competition next year,” he said. “Brian Thomas, who came to help us run the Horsham event, is the cofounder of the whole competition from

20 years ago. He lived in Horsham and went to primary school here, and then came back and did the first Horsham event. “He’s going to come back next year and they’re going to try to get some more schools competing. “I never got a chance to compete at national level when I was a kid, so it’s a good thing for the students to aspire to.”

Lake Marma algae alert Yarriambiack Shire Council has issued a health warning to users of Murtoa’s Lake Marma after sampling a toxic level of blue-green algae in the water. Public health and regulatory services co-ordinator Tim Rose said signs had been erected advising people to avoid the lake for recreational activities until further notice. Mr Rose said water was sampled in accordance with the Victorian Blue Green Algae Circular on advice from GWMWater. He said the circular provided a blue-green algae public-safety threshold of four, with Lake Marma samples returning six times above that at 25. He said the lake would remain open but stressed the toxic algae could pose health concerns. “Symptoms are typically skin irritation and, if consumed enough, the water could give people gastrolike symptoms,” he said. “It also impairs the water quality. It’s all throughout the water column, not just suspended on the surface.” Mr Rose said the council would monitor the water weekly and advise the community once blue-green algae levels were considered safe. “We’ll take down the signs when we have two declining samples below the threshold of four,” he said. “Algae is triggered by warmer weather, which helps create the bacteria. Having some cooler weather will help slow it down, but we can’t determine how long the toxic levels will last.”



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Wednesday, November 6, 2019








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Wednesday, November 6, 2019




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PAINT IT FORWARD: Arkona artist Angela Walker is painting portraits of 10 Wimmera people she believes are making a difference in the community through their occupations or volunteering efforts. She will exhibit the portraits at Horsham’s Redrock Books and Gallery from December 4. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Art for a good cause A


group of Wimmera community contributors will have a chance to pay their generosity forward when their portraits go on exhibition in Horsham in December.

Arkona artist Angela Walker is painting portraits of 10 people she believes are making a difference through occupation or volunteering efforts. From police officers and teachers to Order of Australia Medal recipients, their faces and stories have been the subject of a nine-month-long project that will come to fruition at a Horsham Redrock Books and Gallery exhibit. A nurse since she was 16, Mrs Walker has helped other people for most of her life and wanted to acknowledge other people’s unsung generosity. And for the exhibition, both she and the subjects of her work will open their hearts again, with half of each painting’s sale proceeds going to a charity or organisation of the subject’s choice. Mrs Walker, who started painting about six years ago, said the project idea came

to her about nine months ago and she had been developing it ever since. She said it was great to see her portrait subjects choose a range of different charitable causes, including the McGrath Foundation, Salvation Army and regional cancer support centres.

Choice of charity

“I don’t know why, but I just had this feeling that I needed to paint pictures of people who contributed to the community through vocation or volunteering,” she said. “For the people I’ve chosen, some of them I know vaguely, others I’ve heard of as people who are contributors and others have been recommended. “But this is only a small component of people who actually give to the community. It’s really just a snapshot.” A few of the people involved include Horsham Rural City councillor and Holy Trinity Lutheran College teacher Alethea Gulvin, Member for Lowan Emma Kealy and Order of Australia medallist and Horsham Arts Council life member Jan Morris. Mrs Morris said she had chosen for her portrait’s proceeds to be given to commu-

Weekly Wool Market

nity singing group Voices of the Wimmera, of which she has been a member for almost two years. She admitted she was unsure of why someone would ‘want a painting of my face’, but said it was humbling to be involved and have the chance to give back to a deserving charity. “That’s what attracted me to it,” she said. “Voices of the Wimmera is an all-sorts group. We love our singing – I know in my husband’s case he really loves it. “It’s for people who need an outlet for singing, but there’s no pressure on any payment. “If people feel like leaving a small donation they can. But we still have to pay to use the CWA Hall. “So, I thought, if I raise any money, that’s where I would want it to go. And I really like Angela, she’s really enjoying her art.” Mrs Walker said each portrait involved painting three to four layers of oil paint, resulting in about 24 hours of total working time for each piece. She said the artworks would likely be exhibited for one month from December 4 for people to view or purchase.

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The Australian wool market has continued to track upward in Week 18. The price rises experienced in the previous week encouraged more sellers to the market, pushing the national quantity up to 37,381 bales. Despite the increased offering, compared to this time last year there has been 89,408 less bales offered for sale, a reduction of 16.1%. From the opening lots in the Eastern markets it was again immediately apparent that price rises were the order of the day, as strong widespread competition helped push price levels slowly but noticeably higher. As the Northern region did not sell on the second selling day of last week, they missed out on the gains recorded on that day. As a result, Sydney posted the largest gains on the first day of this series. The Northern Micron Price Guides (MPGs) added 50 to 72 cents for the day. The large rises in the North helped to push the AWEX Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) up by a healthy 49 cents. The second day of selling saw a steadying of the market. The individual MPGs in the East recorded very little change, this was reflected in the EMI which remained unchanged. The EMI finished the week 49 cents up, closing the week at 1,594 cents. Worth noting, toward the end of the second selling day the market started to soften, so much so that the MPGs in the Fremantle region selling last, dropped by 10 to 22 cents. After being the poorest performing sector over the past month, the crossbreds this week recorded the largest increases. Strong buyer interest pushed prices up by 35 to 70 cents. The oddments also posted large rises, a 50 to 100 cent increase in locks, stains and crutchings helped push the three regional carding indicators up by an average of 65 cents. There is a similar quantity available next week, with 36,497 bales on offer nationally.

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Remembrance Day

Wimmera reflects on past for future


he 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Remembrance Day, is a global marker for the moment the guns fell silent across Europe at the end of the First World War.

For many in the Wimmera next week, the date will be a time to pause and reflect on the sacrifices of service men and women who fought in battle, with RSL sub-branches across the region hosting commemorative ceremonies. Horsham RSL president Robert Lockwood said it was as vital as ever for people to continue attending services and commemorating the day. He said one of the greatest safe-holds was increased involvement from younger generations, who will be at the forefront of ensuring the ‘stupidity’ of war remains in the past, and soldiers’ legacies are upheld into the future. “It’s getting better and better in Horsham,” he said. “We’re seeing more involvement from children and schools. Which means we have a future.

Horsham RSL president Robert Lockwood “The name Remembrance Day says it all. If we forget the cost of war and human life, there’s a chance it will happen again.”

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Ararat: 11am, service at war memorial cenotaph followed by light refreshments at Ararat RSL.


Dimboola: 10.45am, service at Dimboola RSL clubroom, 113 Lloyd Street; after the service Dimboola RSL will host a light lunch at its clubrooms for anyone wishing to attend. Jeparit: 11am, service in Broadway Street at the flagpole area for flag-raising ceremony at Jeparit RSL. Nhill: 10.45am, service in Goldsworthy Park. The service will involve wreath-laying and include a few words shared from some of the RSL members. Rainbow: 10.45am, service at the cenotaph in Federal Street.

Horsham Rural City

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Horsham: 10.45am, memorial service at Sawyer Park cenotaph, Memorial Drive; 7.45pm, Anzac Centenary Bridge, Barnes Boulevard, service to highlight the significance of the ‘With the going down of the sun’ portion of the League Ode, in continuance from last year’s 100th anniversary of the Armistice service. Guest speaker Horsham Rural City Council mayor Mark Radford.

Northern Grampians

St Arnaud: 11am, wreath-laying ceremony at cenotaph.

Stawell: 11am, service and wreath-laying ceremony at the new World War One memorial at the front of Stawell Library.

West Wimmera

Apsley: 10.45am, service at war memorial, Splatt Street, involving a special presentation of white wooden crosses and poppies created by an RSL member, for each World War One soldier’s name on the memorial. Edenhope: 10.45am, assemble at cenotaph, corner of Elizabeth Street and Anzac Avenue, for a service and wreath-laying ceremony. Harrow: 10.45am, service at RSL clubrooms, Blair Street. Kaniva: 10.50am, assemble for 11am service at Kaniva cenotaph and a one minute silence.


Hopetoun: 10.45am, service at Hopetoun RSL sub-branch, followed by morning tea. Minyip: 11am, service at town square, Main Street. Murtoa: 11am, service at War Memorial Gates. Rupanyup: 10.45am, service at Avenue of Honour Memorial, Cromie Street. Warracknabeal: 10.30am, service and wreathlaying ceremony at cenotaph in front of post office, school children will sing the national anthem.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Remembrance Day

��������������������������������� November 11

All but forgotten... L

a butcher and horse breaker by trade. At age 22, Jack Matthews took an oath and enlisted in Horsham, becoming part of the 2/29 Australian Infantry Battalion and deployed to Singapore. He died before his 25th birthday. Corporal Matthews’ death formed part of the mass murders in Malaya in 1942, an event that author and investigative historian Lynette Ramsay Silver in her book The Bridge at Parit Sulong described as ‘one of the most desperate fighting retreats’ of the Second World War. Mr McCourt said most of what he knew about his uncle came from Silver’s book, in combination with the Matthews’ family history book. He said these books described how the Allied Army was unable to push through Japanese forces in January 1942, but was unwilling to surrender. “So, Australian Commander Lieutenant Colonel Charles Anderson authorised for it to become a situation of every man for himself,” he said. Mr McCourt said his uncle, a member of C Company, had suffered a neck wound during fighting at Bakri on about January 18, but took leadership of eight other men in an attempt to lead them to safety among the carnage. He said the group of nine was last seen at Kangka Village on January 22, before eventually being captured by


ike many people who have lost loved ones to war, Horsham’s Barry McCourt’s strongest living memory of his uncle Corporal John Matthews is the image of a man in uniform.

The memory is one tainted by the knowledge of his uncle’s ‘brutal’ death in the Second World War, but a memory nonetheless that Mr McCourt will fight to remember. Without commemorative dates such as Remembrance Day, Mr McCourt believes that our heroes’ legacies will turn to dust. “We forget things too easily now,” he said. “Most soldiers from World War One are gone and not alive to tell their story, and many others from World War Two are disappearing too. “It’s threatening our memory of our heroes. So, these stories must be told by other people. “It was brutal, but we can’t forget what happened. Especially the way the world is today, you never know when it’s going to happen again.” Mr McCourt’s uncle, John Arthur Matthews, was born in Goroke in 1917 and known to many as Jack. He was the son of Horsham’s Arthur John Thomas Matthews and Elizabeth Ann Matthews, a sibling to eight and

Japanese, bound together and taken to a village deeper in enemy territory. “They were put into a pit with all their equipment, petrol was poured over them and they were shot,” he said. “They butchered those poor soldiers. They were so brutal. That’s why the story has stuck so much. “Jack was wounded in the neck, but he carried on with his duties and took on leadership of those eight blokes to try to escape and save them. He’s one of many who should be remembered as one of our great heroes.” Mr McCourt is an RSL member, former enlisted National Service member and has also spent five years in the Reserves. He said the realities and atrocities of war were embedded into his family and generation. “When you know what these people went through, you know that you would never want anyone or their families to go through that again,” he said. “The young ones today study Remembrance Day and Anzac Day and they follow it through to a tee all the time. And because of that I daresay they wouldn’t want their children to go through what we did.” Mr McCourt said reflecting on the men and women who sacrificed their lives for their country was at the heart

KEEPING MEMORIES ALIVE: Horsham’s Barry McCourt, pictured above, is a nephew of deceased Wimmera soldier Corporal John Matthews, left, who died in the Second World War.

of Remembrance Day, as opposed to the misconception that it was about glorifying war. And it is that reason he will stand in silence for another year come Monday

morning at 11am. “If you don’t make an issue out of it, people are inclined to forget. And nobody should ever forget,” he said. After the Second World War the bodies of the nine men, including Corporal Matthews, were recovered and seven were successfully identified. All nine are buried at Kranji War Cemetery in Singapore.

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Our Wimmera


Out and about at Wimmera celebrations are, clockwise from above, Horsham Rural City mayor Mark Radford, back right, with the municipality’s newest Australian citizens, from left, Luisa Schellens, Eunice Santiago, Babu Pandey, Sunita Bastakoti Pandey, Subal Pandey, Firat Aytar, Pushkar Joshi and Sameer Joshi; Horsham West and Haven Primary School students Hugo Hopper and Macey Turgoose during their school’s performance of ‘Unhappily Never After’ at Horsham Town Hall; Alan Obst at the 2019 Nati Frinj Biennale parade; Freya Jones gets a lift from Amber Schellens at the Nati Frinj parade; Cory Hallam-Brook takes centre stage Horsham West and Haven Primary School’s performance; and Maddie Nunn, Anna Rodway and Candace Miles at Nati Frinj on Friday.


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Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Our Wimmera

It was a busy weekend across the Wimmera with several events drawing large crowds. Pictured clockwise from left, Lucy Parvin, Hamish Merrett and their sons Hunter and Michael have their eyes to the sky at the 2019 Nhill Air Show; David Wells and Neil Thomas take part in the 2019 Nati Frinj Biennale parade on Friday; action from the Nhill Air Show; Nick Phillips parades at the Nati Frinj; sporting a bee theme for the Nati Frinj parade are Olly and Evie Webster; and Nhill Air Show patrons enjoy a fashion parade of past decades with model Monique Wheaton.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Nhill hub for Lions event BY COLIN MacGILLIVRAY


bout 400 people are expected to converge on Nhill this weekend as part of the largest gathering of Lions members in western Victoria.

The north-west Wimmera town will host an annual Lions District V2 convention, with members coming from as far away as Melbourne and Geelong. Lions Club of Nhill member and convention secretary Shirley Blackwood said it was the first time Nhill would host the convention. “District V2 is from the South Australian border to Nhill and Kaniva in the north, then east into the western suburbs of Melbourne, Geelong and the Bellarine peninsula, and then along the south coast of Victoria to the South Australian border,” she said. “In that area there are about 70 Lions clubs, and we’re expecting from registrations there will be representatives from more than 40 of them. “That means we’ll have more than 200 Lions members, and of course there will be partners and visitors and guests as well. We’re looking at 400-plus people in Nhill.” Mrs Blackwood said the convention represented a great economic opportunity for the town, with accommodation at capacity. “Various shops and businesses have helped us out by staying open later on a Saturday,” she said. “We’re hoping to get some return visitors through this as well. “All the accommodation in Nhill is booked out and many people are coming with their own caravans.

“We’re hoping this will create some economic activity for Nhill.” Mrs Blackwood said convention attendees would listen to a range of talks, including presentations on eye health, diabetes, BlazeAid and the future of medical bionics. There will also be a presentation from members of the Nhill Karen community. She said Lions international director Juswan Tjoe would fly from Indonesia to attend the convention. “He will be speaking on challenges facing Lions into the future,” she said. “He is coming to Australia specifically for this, so it’s pretty big to have him here.” Member for Lowan Emma Kealy will open the convention with a speech on Friday night, and Lions members will parade through town on Saturday. Mrs Blackwood said it was the first time in several years members would parade as part of the convention. She said members of the public could also benefit by listening to the guest presentations on eye health and diabetes. During the weekend there will also be a display of peace posters created by Nhill students. Mrs Blackwood said winning entries from other schools in the district would also be displayed, with the poster judged the best in the region to be displayed at a national final in Adelaide next year. She said the poster that won the national final would be displayed at a worldwide Lions final in the United States. People wanting more information on the convention can call Mrs Blackwood on 0409 140 341.

GATHER ’ROUND: Ararat Regional Library staff member Grant Thomas, sitting, with WDEA Works Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care students, from left, Caleb Bretherton, Taylah Dunn, Raianna NewmanNgahooro and Katelan Honeyman.

Students skill-up in story sessions Ararat Library’s weekly story time sessions have become a learning environment for more than its pre-school attendees. A partnership with WDEA Works’ community and employment services’ Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care students are assisting library staff to set-up and present the popular Thursday classes. Sessions, which attract about 15 children each week, provide fun entertainment and help with preschoolers’ literacy development through reading and singing. WDEA Works trainer and assessor Debra Opie said the Certificate III students were also gaining valuable experience by taking part in story time.


She said there was high demand for early childhood educators in the region, and sessions gave students hands-on learning to help make them better educators when they eventually enter the workforce. “WDEA works is really keen to provide our students with as much hands-on experience as possible during their training,” she said. “The students are really enjoying themselves and it has been great for them to get a taste of what it will be like when they start working in their chosen career.” Ms Opie said the students helped library staff member Grant Thomas plan each session, selecting the featured book, songs and craft activity.

“They then set up the craft activity and help the children complete it,” she said. “The students love taking part in the activities, songs and dances, and their positive interaction is welcomed by the children, their carers and, of course, the Ararat Regional Library staff. “It has been a great partnership all round.” Ararat Rural City Council chief executive Tim Harrison said library staff were delighted to have the students’ help. “It is really great to have the WDEA Works students on board with these sessions and Mr Thomas has been really glad to have extra hands on deck for the sessions,” he said.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Your Lucky Stars

1. What type of rock metamorphoses into marble? A. Granite. B. Sandstone. C. Schist. D. Limestone.

4. Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour discovered what British pop music icon, who had an international smash hit song in 1978 based on a novel by 2. Scientists just measured a Emily Bronte? new fastest ant – the Saharan silver ant. How fast can it run? 5. What is the heaviest bone A. 85 millimetres per second. in the human body? B. 855 millimetres per second. D. 8.5 metres per second. D. 6. Is it a myth or reality that the prevalence of blue-tongue 85 kilometres per hour. lizards in an area reflects an 3. Madagascar is geographi- absence of venomous snakes? cally closest to what Austra7. Many of us enjoy calamari lian state? rings on a night out at dinner. How many legs does a squid have?

8. What Golden Plains Shire town near Geelong shares its name with the site where Robert the Bruce’s Scottish forces defeated English forces in 1314? 9. Wimmera terrestrial or ground-dwelling species of orchid are masters of ‘sexual deception’. What creatures do they deceive to guarantee pollination? 10. Is the blue-green alga that produces harmful toxins as it dies and decays a type of algae or bacteria?

Answers: 1. D. Heat and pressure deep underground turns limestone into marble. 2. B. The Saharan silver ant, with the scientific name Cataglyphis bombycine, can run at 855 millimetres per second. That’s about three kilometres per hour. 3. Western Australia. It is in the Indian Ocean. 4. Kate Bush. Her massive breakout song, written when she was 18, was Wuthering Heights based on the novel of the same name. 5. The femur or thigh bone. 6. Myth. While omnivorous blue-tongue lizards might eat very juvenile snakes, the lizards, which emerge in warm weather similar to snakes, are often brown and tiger snake food. 7. None. It has eight arms and two tentacles. 8. Bannockburn. 9. Wasps. The wasps mistake the orchid flowers for other wasps and unwittingly carry pollen as they go from plant to plant. 10. Microscopic photosynthesizing bacteria called cyanobacteria. Scientists believe it is responsible for the oxidation of earth more than two billion years ago. The Weekly Advertiser


with Kerry Kulkens

^    a  ARIES:

For the week November 10 - 16

(March 21 - April 20) Lucky Colour: ORANGE Lucky Day: TUESDAY Racing Numbers: 1-3-4-5 Lotto Numbers: 1-13-25-29-35-45 It may be difficult to keep peace on the domestic scene. Try harder with loved ones. You will find it pays to be careful with detail, however minor it may seem.



(July 23 - August 22) Lucky Colour: SILVER Lucky Day: FRIDAY Racing Numbers: 3-5-9-10 Lotto Numbers: 12-15-19-21-29-33 Don’t volunteer advice unless asked to do so. Your ideas might not go down well. Could be some unpredictable patches, just go along quietly and don’t let anything worry you. Some very good luck ahead.

(November 23 - December 20) Lucky Colour: ORANGE Lucky Day: SUNDAY Racing Numbers: 1-3-9-10 Lotto Numbers: 13-15-18-24-25-30 An excellent period for affairs of the heart and social activities. As long as you aren’t expecting any financial developments this is a good time to catch up with things.


(December 21 - January 19) Lucky Colour: WHITE Lucky Day: MONDAY Racing Numbers: 5-7-9-11 Lotto Numbers: 2-5-9-13-27-30 A period to get on with the things that have been waiting for your attention. Keep your priorities in order as mistakes can occur if instructions aren’t clarified. Some new career opportunities.


(April 21 - May 20) Lucky Colour: RED Lucky Day: SUNDAY Racing Numbers: 2-5-7-9 Lotto Numbers: 13-16-19-23-29-30 Keep all your affairs in perspective and be careful not to exacerbate any minor events. Pursuit of pleasure may seem all important and this attitude could get out of hand at times.


(August 23 - September 23) Lucky Colour: GOLD Lucky Day: THURSDAY Racing Numbers: 1-2-3-8 Lotto Numbers: 2-4-8-12-41-45 Meet your loved ones halfway and there shouldn’t be too much to worry about. Financial ventures need extra care, don’t be in a hurry to part with any money.




(May 21 - June 21) Lucky Colour: GREEN Lucky Day: SATURDAY Racing Numbers: 1-2-7-9 Lotto Numbers: 10-23-28-35-39-45 The unattached could form romantic links during this period and some could come close to gaining their wishes or dreams. Don’t rely too heavily on your own judgement in career decision making. Get advice from the experts.

(September 24 - October 23) Lucky Colour: PURPLE Lucky Day: FRIDAY Racing Numbers: 2-5-6-7 Lotto Numbers: 3-18-29-36-41-43 The need to be making money or conserving what you have should be very important. Self-deception could interfere in any decision making so try to deal in facts only.


(October 24 - November 22) Lucky Colour: YELLOW Lucky Day: MONDAY Racing Numbers: 3-1-4-9 Lotto Numbers: 1-15-18-27-29-42 Many will be making a long-standing relationship into a permanent basis. If you are feeling unsettled or disappointed over something, stay cool calm and collected. Something better is coming along.


(June 22 - July 22) Lucky Colour: APRICOT Lucky Day: WEDNESDAY Racing Numbers: 2-5-9-10 Lotto Numbers: 21-26-29-38-44-45 Take things as they come. Elaborate planning may be a waste of energy. Could be a successful period career-wise and effort you made in the past could now pay off.

KERRY KULKENS’ PSYCHIC LINE 1900 946 244 or 1300 246 244 call cost $5-50 inc GST per min Mob/pay phones extra

(January 20 - February 19) Lucky Colour: BLUE Lucky Day: THURSDAY Racing Numbers: 3-4-6-7 Lotto Numbers: 3-7-19-29-38-41 A good time to catch up with the unfinished chores. Not wise to upset any existing household arrangements. The unpredictable could surprise and will be lucky for most. Many could relocate to faraway places.


(February 20 - March 20) Lucky Colour: BLACK Lucky Day: TUESDAY Racing Numbers: 1-8-9-10 Lotto Numbers: 14-18-19-20-30-40 This period may not be loaded with excitement but it could be right for checking and balancing your budget. Something unpredictable could shatter you completely but stay flexible and you’ll cope easily.

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Looking toto improve healthand andwell well being? Looking improveyour your health being? Maybe looking ononways yourstress stress improve Maybe looking waysto to reduce reduce your andand improve yourmental mental health health overall? your overall? Then this night is for Then this night is foryou!! you!! Mental Health Awareness Night

Mental Health Awareness Night 7:30pm 7:30pm Wednesday, 13th of November Coughlin Park community centre Wednesday, 13th of November

Coughlin Park community centre

Horsham’s local community group; Healthy Minds - Gavin Morrow and guest speaker John Sudholz will share valuable insight on reducing stress, depression and overall mental health mindfulness! Horsham’s local community group; Healthy Minds - Gavin Morrow and guest speaker John

Sudholz will share valuable insight on reducing stress, depression and overall mental health Light refreshments included. mindfulness!

Ph: 0408 824included. 870 Light refreshments Thank you to the Coughlin Park Bowls Club Social Club for their support!

Ph: 0408 824 870

Thank you to the Coughlin Park Bowls Club Social Club for their support!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019



Limited Edition Cans

Limited Edition Cans James Squire Range

James Squire Range

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2 Bonus Can Pack Furphy Ale

Furphy Ale

Carlton Draught ‘Heritage’ Can Block

Carlton Draught ‘Heritage’ Can Block

Horsham 7

TRADING HOURS OPEN Sunday 10.00am till 8.30pm Mon-Tues till 8.30pm 66B Hamilton Street • Ph: (03)9.30am 5382 6581 DAYS Wed-Fri 9.30am till 9.00pm

Tobacco and alcohol not supplied to or for under 18’s. Images for illustration purposes only. E&E.O.

Tobacco and alcohol not supplied to or for under 18’s. Images for illustration purposes only. E&E.O.

Wild Turkey 101 & Cola 6.5% Cans

Wild Turkey 101 & Cola 6.5% Cans

Offers available ONLY at Cellarbrations Superstore at Horsham until Sunday 29th September 2019 or while stocks last.

Offers available ONLY at Cellarbrations Superstore at Horsham until Sunday 29th September 2019 or while stocks last.




TRADING HOURS Sunday 10.00am till 8.30pm Mon-Tues 9.30am till 8.30pm Wed-Fri 9.30am till 9.00pm

inning dea nsnhinipg w ipemwieir h s r d e i e m ls Pre otPyrFeveFrooStpyecFiaevler a Splescials s


Side By Side we stick together Side By Side we stick together 'Sherrin' in the good'Sherrin' times in the good times you Little beauty you Little beauty










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Limited Edition Cans

Limited Edition Cans James Squire Range

James Squire Range

Furphy Ale


Carlton Draught ‘Heritage’ Can Block

Carlton Draught ‘Heritage’ Can Block

Offers available ONLY at Cellarbrations Superstore at Horsham until Sunday 29th September 2019 or while stocks last. Tobacco and alcohol not supplied to or for under 18’s. Images for illustration purposes only. E&E.O.


Offers available ONLY at Cellarbrations Superstore at Horsham until Sunday 29th September 2019 or while stocks last. Tobacco and alcohol not supplied to or for under 18’s. Images for illustration purposes only. E&E.O.

66B Hamilton Street • Ph: (03) 5382 6581

49 12 Pack


2 Bonus Can Pack

Powered By 2 Bonus Can Pack

Furphy Ale


49 12 Pack

Wild Turkey 101 & Cola 6.5% Cans

Wild Turkey 101 & Cola 6.5% Cans

Horsham 7


TRADING HOURS Sunday 10.00am till 8.30pm Mon-Tues till 8.30pm 66B Hamilton Street • Ph: (03)9.30am 5382 6581 DAYS Wed-Fri 9.30am till 9.00pm



TRADING HOURS Sunday 10.00am till 8.30pm Mon-Tues 9.30am till 8.30pm Wed-Fri 9.30am till 9.00pm


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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Bigger and bolder Mitsubishi’s all-new Mk6 Triton should be outed by 2021 Story – page 26


Proudly supported by Stawell Toyota & Horsham Toyota

Toyota Hybrid Cavalcade is travelling around Australia and the next stop will be in the Wimmera on the 12th of November. With the full range of hybrid vehicles on display, you can discover for yourself why the Hybrid vehicles are changing the game. Given the nature of this event we would highly recommend you pre-book your test drive, by contacting the dealership

12th of November Hybrid vehicles on display Prius C Prius V Camry HV

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Hybrid cavalcade to visit Wimmera


orsham and Stawell Toyota dealerships will host a leg of the company’s Hybrid Roadshow next week to showcase how its six-vehicle fleet is ‘changing the game’.

Toyota Australia pioneered the introduction of the world’s first Toyota Hybrid, the Prius, into Australia in 2001, and its hybrid vehicle range has been growing ever since. On Tuesday, the company’s now six-model hybrid fleet will be available for inspection and test driving from 9am to 3pm in Horsham and 5pm to 7pm in Stawell. Horsham Toyota sales manager Peter Jenkin said the roadshow was primarily educational, aiming to offer Wim-

mera drivers an opportunity to learn about the value and advantages of hybrid technology. He said in recent months there had been much discussion about pure electricpowered vehicles, including concern about range, infrastructure for recharging and initial cost. Mr Jenkin said the Toyota hybrid range – a hybrid vehicle being a combination of petrol and electric power – was a great option for escaping these disadvantages. “The Toyota Hybrid range basically overcomes these concerns with a combination of petrol and electric power, providing similar or more power than a petrol engine, great economy and therefore

better range than a similar petrol vehicle, and only a small premium on the purchase price of the vehicle,” he said. “The hybrid vehicles have only minimal differences as far as operation is concerned, and it is basically just a matter of driving the car as you would any other car. “The hybrid system operates seamlessly, switching between the different power sources with no input from the driver.” Mr Jenkin said the event would also feature educational games and prizes for attendees. He encouraged anyone wanting to test drive a specific vehicle to call their respective dealership beforehand and book their preferred time to ON THE ROAD: Toyota Australia will bring its Corolla hatch, Camry, Prius, Prius V, Prius C and ensure the vehicle is available. RAV4 to Horsham and Stawell next week.

Next-gen Triton sizes up significantly


itsubishi’s next-generation Triton will share nothing with the current model, growing substantially in size and proportion, butching up in a bid to close in on the best-selling Toyota HiLux and Ford Ranger.

Due inside the next two years, the sixth-generation version of the 40-year-old series will adopt a squared-off face with a chunkier nose reminiscent of the Mi-Tech Concept, boxier wheelarches, a high-sided load bed capable of accommodating a standard pallet, and a substantially more spacious cabin offering a far more modern dashboard presentation. According to Mitsubishi Motors Corporation vice president and general manager of design Tsunehiro Kunimoto, it was a key priority for the next Triton’s looks to fall in line with the tastes of Australian consumers – and that means emulating the Ranger dimensionally inside and out. “Mitsubishi’s truck is very important for our business in Australia,” he said. “Australia is overall a very important market for all our products. “We very much care about Australia

FACE OFF: The nextgeneration Triton is expected to share its variation of Mitsubishi’s signature Dynamic Shield front fascia with the Mi-Tech Concept revealed last week.

and had much research – extremely deep research in fact – for us to understand what is the truck customer in Australia. And it is very different to that of Thailand, totally. “So, we understand that, to get their opinion, we developed our truck basically focusing on Australia, as well as Thailand. Australians drive their trucks differently and in some different conditions.”

As a result, Mr Kunimoto said the new Triton had been designed and developed with a higher degree of flexibility in order to better tailor the model according to which market it sells in. “Some areas we can share, some areas we have to change,” he said. “Australia is unique, but in some areas, we can now modify more easily to suit tastes. And more than 50

percent of customers like to customise their trucks, so we’ve prepared the next Triton for that.” While the design veteran would not be drawn into commenting on how much differentiation will exist between the Mitsubishi and Nissan versions of the truck, he did infer the next Triton is closer to completion than the Navara version. “The Nissan is still at the white or

clean sheet paper stage,” he said. “So, I cannot say.” GoAuto understands that under the imposing new bonnet of the next Triton will be some carryover technology, albeit evolved for improved performance and economy. This will include a derivation of the 2.4-litre four-cylinder turbo-diesel unit, developing about 150kW of power and 470Nm of torque, and driving either the rear or all four wheels via a six-speed automatic transmission. The next Triton is likely to gain some form of electrified powertrain, however. With the series traditionally also selling quite strongly in Europe, it will need some form of hybrid-electric assistance to help the one-tonner meet ever-more-stringent emissions requirements. Whether the rear suspension setup remains a leaf-spring set-up, or switches to coil springs to match upspec versions of the existing Navara, Ford Ranger Raptor and MercedesBenz X-Class, is unknown. – Byron Mathioudakis

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Mercedes locks in diesel G-Class


ercedes-Benz AustraliaPacific has confirmed its manic new-generation AMG G63 upper-large SUV will be joined by a more restrained turbo-diesel version in the third quarter of next year.

After soldiering on for decades with a G-Class that could trace its roots all the way back to 1979, Mercedes finally bit the bullet and developed an all-new, second-generation W463 version that launched locally at the end of last year. With only a fire-breathing G63 variant on sale so far, the German carmaker has confirmed a turbo-diesel version will arrive to provide a more affordable entry point to the range, matching the previous-generation version which had its own oil-burning V6 range-opener. Which exact engine tune the brand will use is yet to be confirmed, however globally Mercedes offers its OM656 3.0-litre inline six-cylinder turbo-diesel in two tunes for the GClass. The less powerful of the two is the G350d, which develops 210kW from 3400-4600rpm and 600Nm from 1200-3200rpm, mated to a nine-speed automatic transmission. Completing the sprint from standstill to 100kmh in the 350d takes 7.4

ON ITS WAY: The six-cylinder turbo-diesel Mercedes-Benz G-Class is coming to Australia in 2020. seconds, while fuel consumption on the NEDC combined cycle is rated at 9.6-9.8 litres per 100km. Meanwhile, the more powerful 400d in the special Stronger Than Time special-edition found overseas develops 243kW at 3400rpm and 700Nm from 1200-3200rpm, and is also mated to a nine-speed auto. GoAuto has previously speculated that the G400d might find its way to

of the G-Class were carried over including its boxy styling, ladder-frame chassis, triple locking differentials and low-range transfer case to retain its legendary off-road ability. Through the first three quarters of the year, MBAP has sold 231 examples of the G63 – a significant lift over the 69 managed to the same point in 2018. – Robbie Wallis

for the G63, suggesting a turbo-diesel version will likely come in under $200,000. A number of generational changes were ushered in with the W463 generation, including the adoption of independent front suspension, electromechanical rack-and-pinion steering and a number of more luxurious features on the inside. Nevertheless, a number of hallmarks

Australia given the local market’s appetite for increased power. Fuel consumption in the G400d is identical, however a full second is shaved off the zero-to-100kmh sprint time. The previous-generation G350 used a bent-six turbo-diesel capable of producing 180kW-600Nm, to go with the more powerful G500 and G63 V8 petrol grades. MBAP asks $246,970 plus on-roads

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MORROW NISSAN 33 Dimboola Road, Horsham 3400 Tel: 5382 6163 MORROW NISSAN Proud 333400 Dimboola Rd, Horsham. Ph 5382 6163. LMCT 8353 33 Dimboola Road, Horsham *Offer applies to new and demonstrator vehicles ordered and delivered between 1/11/2019 and 31/12/2019. EFTPOS card delivered within 60until days. Value ranges from $500 to $3,500 depending supporter ofon model purchased. | Open Saturday noon Tel: 5382 6163 EFTPOS card subject to issuers T&Cs. Excludes Government, rental and national fleet customers. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Nissan reserves the right to vary, extend or withdraw this offer. See for eligible models and warranty T&Cs. NOTE: Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tv guide

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Listen weekdays from 8.30am on

Thursday 7 November

Friday 8 November

Saturday 9 November

Sunday 10 November

Monday 11 November

Tuesday 12 November

Wednesday 13 November

6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News [s] 10:00 Gardening Australia [s] 10:30 Ask The Doctor (PG) [s] 11:15 Shakespeare And Hathaway (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News [s] 1:00 Andrew Olle Media Lecture: Peter FitzSimons [s] 1:55 Janet King (M) [s] 2:55 Short Cuts To Glory [s] 3:00 The Cook And The Chef [s] 3:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:10 Shakespeare And Hathaway (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 6:55 Sammy J (PG) [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Grand Designs Australia (PG) [s] 8:50 Shetland (M) [s] 9:50 Killing Eve (MA15+) [s] 10:35 ABC News [s] 11:05 The Business [s] 11:25 Thirteen (M) [s] 12:20 Grand Designs [s] 1:10 National Press Club Address [s] 2:10 Killing Eve (MA15+) [s] 2:55 Thirteen (M) [s]

6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Gardening Australia [s] 10:30 Ask The Doctor (PG) [s] 11:00 Shakespeare And Hathaway (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News [s] 1:00 One Plus One [s] 1:30 Dream Gardens [s] 2:00 Unforgotten (M) [s] 3:00 Poh’s Kitchen [s] 3:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:10 Shakespeare And Hathaway (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 Gardening Australia [s] 8:30 Grantchester (M) [s] 9:20 Unforgotten (M) [s] 10:05 ABC Late News [s] 10:35 The Business [s] 10:55 Gruen (PG) [s] 11:30 Planet America [s] 12:15 rage (MA15+)

5:00 rage (PG) [s] 10:00 rage Guest Programmer (PG) [s] 11:15 Shakespeare And Hathaway (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 12:30 Grantchester (M) [s] 1:15 Grand Designs Australia (PG) [s] 2:05 Nigel Slater’s Middle East [s] 3:00 Football: Women’s International - Australia v Chile (Game 1) *Live* From Bankwest Stadium [s] 5:00 Football: A-League: Round 5-Newcastle Jets v Perth Glory *Live* From McDonald Jones Stadium [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 Vanity Fair: In Which Battles Are Won And Lost (PG) [s] 8:20 The Good Karma Hospital (M) [s] 9:05 Total Control (M) [s] 9:55 Marcella (M) [s] 10:45 Father Brown: The Jackdaw’s Revenge (PG) [s] 11:30 rage Guest Programmer (MA15+) [s]

6:00 rage (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s] 9:00 Insiders [s] 10:00 Offsiders [s] 10:30 The World This Week [s] 11:00 Compass [s] 11:30 Songs Of Praise [s] 12:00 ABC News [s] 12:30 Landline [s] 1:30 Gardening Australia [s] 2:30 Australia’s Lost Impressionist (PG) [s] 3:30 The Art Of The Game (PG) [s] 4:00 The Mix [s] 4:30 The House With Annabel Crabb [s] 5:00 Australian Story [s] 5:30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery (PG) [s] 6:00 Antiques Roadshow [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:40 Grand Designs [s] 8:30 Total Control (M) [s] 9:20 Will Australia Ever Have A Black Prime Minister? [s] 10:15 Gruen (PG) [s] 10:50 Frayed (M) [s] 11:40 Friday On My Mind (M) [s] 1:10 Missy Higgins & Friends Live (PG) [s] 2:40 The Set (M) [s] 3:15 rage (MA15+) [s]

6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Gardening Australia [s] 10:30 Ask The Doctor (PG) [s] 11:00 Antiques Roadshow (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 Landline [s] 2:00 Parliament Question Time [s] 3:00 The Cook And The Chef [s] 3:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:10 Grand Designs Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Australian Story [s] 8:30 Four Corners [s] 9:15 Media Watch (PG) [s] 9:35 Q&A [s] 10:40 ABC Late News [s] 11:10 The Business [s] 11:30 Prince Charles: Inside The Duchy Of Cornwall [s] 12:20 triple j’s One Night Stand, St Helens (M) [s] 2:00 The Set (M) [s] 2:35 rage (MA15+) [s] 4:30 The Drum [s] 5:30 One Plus One [s]

6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Gardening Australia [s] 10:30 Ask The Doctor (PG) [s] 11:10 Grand Designs Australia (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News [s] 12:55 Four Corners [s] 1:40 Media Watch (PG) [s] 2:00 Parliament Question Time [s] 3:00 Poh’s Kitchen [s] 3:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:00 The Twist (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Football: Women’s International: Australia v Chile *Live* From Coopers Stadium [s] 10:00 Dream Gardens [s] 10:30 ABC News [s] 11:00 The Business [s] 11:15 Q&A [s] 12:25 Blood + Thunder: The Sound Of Alberts (PG) [s] 1:20 The Set (M) [s] 1:55 rage (MA15+) [s] 3:30 Keeping Australia Safe (M) [s] 4:30 The Drum [s]

6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Gardening Australia [s] 10:30 Ask The Doctor (PG) [s] 11:10 Grand Designs Australia (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News [s] 12:30 National Press Club Address [s] 1:30 Compass (PG) [s] 2:00 Parliament Question Time [s] 3:00 The Cook And The Chef [s] 3:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:00 The Twist (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery (PG) [s] 8:30 Gruen (PG) [s] 9:05 Frayed (M) [s] 9:55 Adam Hills: The Last Leg (PG) [s] 10:35 ABC News [s] 11:05 The Business [s] 11:25 Four Corners [s] 12:10 Media Watch (PG) [s] 12:25 Blood + Thunder (PG) [s] 1:25 The Set (M) [s] 2:05 rage (MA15+) [s] 3:30 Ice Wars (MA15+) [s]

6:00 Headline News [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (PG) [s] 1:00 The 2019 Melbourne Cup Carnival: Oaks Day [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bachelorette Australia (PG) [s] – Angie heads home to meet the friends and family of her remaining four suitors, welcome to hometowns. At the rose ceremony, it is crunch time for Angie who must make some hard decisions. 9:00 Trial By Kyle (M) [s] 10:00 Law And Order: SVU: Townhouse Incident (M) [s] 11:00 Blue Bloods: Pick Your Poison (M) [s] 12:00 The Project (PG) [s] 1:00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 4:30 CBS - This Morning

6:00 Headline News [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 TBA 1:15 TBA 2:45 Entertainment Tonight [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 Everyday Gourmet [s] 4:00 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Celebrity Name Game (PG) [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Living Room (PG) [s] – Chris heads to South Australia in search of unicorns, Amanda and Miguel create the ultimate pavlova. 8:30 The Graham Norton Show (M) [s] 9:30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) [s] 10:30 TBA 11:30 WIN’s All Australian News [s] 12:30 The Project (PG) [s] 1:30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s] 2:30 Home Shopping

6:00 Reel Action [s] 6:30 Escape Fishing With ET [s] 7:00 RPM [s] 8:00 The Living Room [s] 9:00 The Loop (PG) [s] 11:30 The 2019 Melbourne Cup Carnival: Stakes Day [s] 6:00 10 News First [s] 7:00 Bondi Rescue (PG) [s] 7:30 TBA 8:30 999: What’s Your Emergency: We Deal With Sleazy Men Every Day Unfortunately (MA15+) [s] – Wiltshire’s police officers round up suspects in sex crime cases, receiving three times as many reports of voyeurism and male exposure as any other force in the UK. 9:30 Ambulance: The Weekend Shift (M) [s] 10:45 TBA 11:45 Elementary: Dead Man’s Tale (M) [s] 12:45 Todd Sampson’s Body Hack (M) [s] 2:00 Home Shopping

6:00 Religious Programs 7:30 Fishing Australia [s] 8:00 The Living Room (PG) [s] 9:00 Studio 10: Sunday (PG) [s] 11:30 Supercars: Sandown *Live* [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Bondi Rescue (PG) [s] 6:30 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Graham Norton Show (M) [s] – Join the hilarious Graham Norton as he interviews some of the most well-known faces in the world. Tonight’s guests: OIivia Coleman, Helena Bonham Carter, Chadwick Boseman, Richard Ayoade and Niall Horan. 8:30 NCIS: Wide Awake (M) [s] 9:30 NCIS: Beneath The Surface (M) [s] 10:30 TBA 11:30 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 12:30 Home Shopping 4:30 CBS - This Morning

6:00 Headline News [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (PG) [s] 1:00 TBA 2:10 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 Neighbours (PG) [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 4:00 Farm To Fork [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Celebrity Name Game (PG) [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 8:30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) [s] – Have contestants Ed Kavalee, Geraldine Hickey, Marty Sheargold, Anne Edmonds and Sam Pang been paying attention? 9:30 Just For Laughs Australia (M) [s] 10:00 TBA 11:00 WIN’s All Australian News [s] 12:00 The Project [s] 1:00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 4:30 CBS - This Morning

6:00 Headline News [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (PG) [s] 1:00 TBA 2:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 Neighbours (PG) [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 4:00 Farm To Fork [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Celebrity Name Game (PG) [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 8:30 One Born Every Minute Australia (M) [s] – Each year Australia sees over 300,000 new bundles of joy enter the world. 9:30 TBA 10:30 NCIS: Los Angeles: This Is What We Do (M) [s] 11:30 WIN’s All Australian News [s] 12:30 The Project [s] 1:30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s] 2:30 Home Shopping 4:30 CBS This Morning

6:00 Headline News [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (PG) [s] 1:00 TBA 2:10 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 Neighbours (PG) [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 4:00 Farm To Fork [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Celebrity Name Game (PG) [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bachelorette Australia (PG) [s] 8:40 Playing For Keeps (M) [s] 9:40 Law And Order: SVU: A Misunderstanding (M) [s] 10:40 Sports Tonight [s] 11:10 WIN’s All Australian News [s] 12:10 The Project (PG) [s] 1:10 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 4:30 CBS - This Morning

6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Death Of A Vegas Showgirl” (M) (’16) – In a story of sex, lies and betrayal, two incredibly talented dancers become involved in a tumultuous relationship that spirals into obsession and spins horribly out of control. Stars: Roselyn Sanchez 2:00 The Daily Edition [s] 3:00 The Chase UK [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 8:30 The Good Doctor: First Case, Second Base (M) [s] 9:30 God Friended Me: The Greater Good (PG) [s] 10:30 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:00 Chicago Fire: A Volatile Mixture (M) [s] 12:00 Grandfathered: The Memorial (PG) [s] 12:30 Home Shopping

6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Gates Of Paradise” (M) (’19) Stars: Jason Priestley 2:00 The Daily Edition [s] 3:00 The Chase UK [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens [s] 8:30 Movie: “Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes” (M) (’14) – A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. Stars: Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke 11:15 Surveillance Oz: Dashcam (PG) [s] 12:00 Movie: “The Making Of A Hollywood Madam” (M) (’96) Stars: Michael Gross, Cindy Pickett, Tricia Leigh Fisher 2:00 Home Shopping

6:00 NBC Today [s] 7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s] 10:00 The Morning Show Weekend (PG) [s] 12:00 Seven’s Horse Racing: Golden Gift Stakes Day [s] 5:00 Seven News At 5 [s] 5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Movie: “Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Part 1” (PG) (’10) – Harry, Ron and Hermione set out on their perilous mission to track down and destroy the secret to Voldemort’s immortality and destruction, the Horcruxes. Stars: Alan Rickman, Daniel Radcliffe 9:50 Movie: “The Maze Runner” (M) (’14) Stars: Dylan O’Brien, Aml Ameen, Ki Hong Lee, Blake Cooper 12:30 Home Shopping

6:00 Home Shopping 7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s] 10:00 Morning Show Weekend [s] 12:00 House Of Wellness [s] 1:00 Helloworld [s] 1:30 World’s Deadliest Weather: Caught On Camera (PG) [s] 2:30 TBA 4:00 Better Homes And Gardens [s] 5:00 Seven News At 5 [s] 5:30 The Great Weekend (PG) [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Bride & Prejudice - The Forbidden Weddings (PG) [s] – The couples are in the final countdown to their weddings. James’ mother Deborah and step-dad Barry arrive to help him choose his suit. 8:30 Sunday Night [s] 9:30 A Confession (M) [s] 11:30 Special: The Hall Of Memory [s] 12:30 Home Shopping

6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Flowers In The Attic” (M) (’14) – After the sudden death of their father, four children face cruel treatment from their ruthless grandmother. Stars: Heather Graham, Ellen Burstyn, Kiernan Shipka 2:00 The Daily Edition [s] 3:00 The Chase UK [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 Bride & Prejudice - The Forbidden Weddings (M) [s] 9:00 The Rookie: Manhunt (M) [s] 10:00 S.W.A.T.: Hoax (M) [s] 11:00 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:30 Surveillance Oz: Dashcam (M) [s] 12:00 Quantico: Odyoke (M) [s] 1:00 Home Shopping

6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Petals On The Wind” (M) (’14) – A decade after Cathy, Christopher, and Carrie escaped from their grandparents’ attic at Foxworth Hall, Petals On The Wind continues to follow the twisted plight of the family. Stars: Heather Graham 2:00 The Daily Edition [s] 3:00 The Chase UK [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 Bride & Prejudice - The Forbidden Weddings (M) [s] 9:00 The Rookie: Greenlight (M) [s] 10:00 World’s Most Shocking Emergency Calls (M) [s] 11:00 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:30 Trial And Error (M) [s] 12:00 American Crime (M) [s] 1:00 Home Shopping

6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “If There Be Thorns” (M) (’15) Stars: Mason Cook 2:00 The Daily Edition [s] 3:00 The Chase UK [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 Motorbike Cops (PG) [s] 8:30 The Good Doctor: 45-Degree Angle (M) [s] – While performing his first solo surgery, Shaun alienates a nurse, which puts his residency in jeopardy. Neil disagrees with Audrey on a risky surgery. 9:30 God Friended Me: The Fighter (PG) [s] 10:30 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:00 Chicago Fire: All The Proof (M) [s] 12:00 Code Black: Landslide (M) [s] 1:00 Home Shopping

5:30 Today [s] 10:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 Ellen (PG) [s] 1:00 The Secret Life Of The Zoo (PG) [s] 2:00 The Block (PG) [s] 3:00 NINE News Now [s] 4:00 NINE Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair [s] 7:30 RBT: Gone To Pot/ Clean And Serene (PG) [s] 9:00 Love Island Australia (MA15+) [s] 10:00 Movie: “Bad Moms” (M) (’16) – When three overworked and underappreciated moms are pushed beyond their limits, they ditch their conventional responsibilities for a jolt of long overdue freedom. Stars: Mila Kunis 12:00 Cold Case (PG) [s] 1:00 Cross Court [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Ellen (PG) [s]

5:30 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra (PG) [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 Ellen (PG) [s] 1:00 Charlie’s Angels: Making Of Special (M) [s] 1:10 Movie: “Married Life” (M) (’07) Stars: Pierce Brosnan, Rachel McAdams 3:00 NINE News Now [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair [s] 7:30 Bondi Vet: Coast To Coast (PG) [s] 8:30 Movie: “Jason Bourne” (M) (’16) – The CIA’s most dangerous former operative is drawn out of hiding to uncover more explosive truths about his past. Stars: Matt Damon 10:55 Movie: “A Man Apart” (MA15+) (’03) Stars: Vin Diesel 1:05 Surfing Australia TV [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:30 The Avengers (PG) [s] 5:30 A Current Affair [s]

6:00 Ellen (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Today [s] 10:00 Your Domain [s] 11:00 Today Extra (PG) [s] 12:00 Destination Happiness (PG) [s] 12:30 The Block (PG) [s] 2:00 Tennis: Fed Cup Finals - Australia v France *Live* From RAC Arena, Perth [s] 6:00 NINE News Saturday [s] 7:00 Movie: “Star Wars: Episode VI Return Of The Jedi” (PG) (’83) – After a daring mission to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt, the Rebels dispatch to Endor to destroy the second Death Star. Stars: Mark Hamill 9:40 Movie: “Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade” (PG) (’89) Stars: Harrison Ford 12:00 Movie: “Cheech And Chong’s The Corsican Brothers” (M) (’84) Stars: Cheech Marin 1:35 Destination Happiness (PG) [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 5:30 Wesley Impact [s]

6:00 Harry (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Today [s] 10:00 Sports Sunday (PG) [s] 11:00 Cross Court [s] 11:30 Al McGlashan’s Fish’n With Mates [s] 12:00 SA Variety Bash 2019 [s] 1:00 The Block (PG) [s] 2:00 Tennis: Fed Cup Finals - Australia v France *Live* From RAC Arena, Perth [s] 6:00 NINE News Sunday [s] 7:00 The Block (PG) [s] – After thirteen weeks renovating the biggest Block ever, The Oslo houses go under the hammer. 8:30 60 Minutes [s] 9:30 Murder, Lies And Alibis: Vasyli (Part 1) (MA15+) [s] 11:30 See No Evil: Right Man, Wrong Man (M) [s] 12:30 Rizzoli And Isles: Bridge To Tomorrow (M) [s] 1:30 Al McGlashan’s Fish’n With Mates [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 2:30 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo [s] 3:00 Home Shopping

5:30 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 Ellen (PG) [s] 1:00 The Block (PG) [s] 3:00 NINE News Now [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair [s] 7:30 RBT: Hungry PPlater/ Dreadlock Hippy (PG) [s] 8:30 Love Island Australia (MA15+) [s] 9:30 20 To One: Greatest Comebacks (M) [s] – Erin Molan and Dave Thornton count down the world’s Greatest Comebacks! From faded Hollywood stars and ageing boy bands to the biggest names in business, sport and politics. 10:30 World’s Worst Flights: Extreme Weather (M) [s] 11:25 I Am Innocent: Sharon Armstrong (PG) [s] 12:20 Harry (PG) [s] 1:10 A Current Affair [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Ellen (PG) [s]

5:30 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 Ellen (PG) [s] 1:00 Charlie’s Angels: Making Of Special (M) [s] 1:10 Movie: “The Other Man” (M) (’08) Stars: Laura Linney, Antonio Banderas, Liam Neeson 3:00 NINE News Now [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair [s] 7:30 TBA 8:30 Love Island Australia (MA15+) [s] 9:30 Botched: Nothing Butt Trouble (M) [s] 10:30 Timeless: The Miracle Of Christmas (Part 1) (M) [s] 11:25 The Closer: Armed Response (M) [s] 12:15 Harry (PG) [s] 1:05 Adelady (PG) [s] 1:30 A Current Affair [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 2:30 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo [s] 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 Ellen (PG)

5:30 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 Ellen (PG) [s] 1:00 The Secret Life Of The Zoo (PG) [s] 2:00 Timeless: Party At The Castle (M) [s] 3:00 NINE News Now [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair [s] 7:30 David Attenborough Seven Worlds, One Planet: Antarctica (PG) [s] 8:50 Love Island Australia (MA15+) [s] 9:50 The Truth About Looking Good (PG) [s] 10:50 Beauty And The Beach: Krysteen And Koral (M) [s] 12:00 Chicago Med: Nothing To Fear (MA15+) [s] 1:00 Destination Happiness [s] 1:30 A Current Affair [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 4:00 Ellen (PG) [s]

5:00 CGTN English News 5:15 NHK World English News 5:30 Worldwatch – Deutsche Welle English News 6:00 France 24 News 6:30 Al Jazeera English News 7:00 BBC News 7:30 Italian News 8:10 Filipino News 8:40 French News 9:30 Worldwatch Continues 1:00 PBS Newshour 2:00 Inside World War II 3:00 Disneynature: Growing Up Wild (PG) 4:25 Dippy And The Whale 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Ainsley’s Australian Market Menu 8:30 Trevor McDonald’s Indian Train Adventure 9:30 The Name Of The Rose (PG) 10:30 SBS World News Late 11:00 Bosch (M) 12:00 Outlander (MA15+) 3:05 Ride Upon The Storm (M) (In Danish) 4:15 Atlanta: Woods (M)

5:00 CGTN English News 5:15 NHK World English News 5:30 Worldwatch 1:00 PBS Newshour 2:00 The Point 3:00 NITV News: Nula 3:30 Living Black Conversations: Adam Goodes 4:05 Movie: “The Loving Story” (PG) (’11) Stars: Jane Alexander, Lindsay Almond J 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind 6:30 SBS World News 7:35 The Nile: Egypt’s Great River (PG) [s] 8:30 The Cove (In English/ Japanese) 10:10 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) 11:05 SBS World News Late 11:15 The Feed: Cocktail Of Assault 12:15 Movie: “Phoenix” (M) (’14) Stars: Nina Hoss, Ronald Zehrfeld (In English/ German) 2:05 The Missing (M) 3:15 Medici: Masters Of Florence (M) 4:20 Full Frontal With Samantha Bee (M)

5:00 CGTN English News 5:15 NHK World English News 5:30 Worldwatch 2:00 Figure Skating: Grand Prix Internationaux De France Part 1 4:00 Travel Man: Lisbon 4:10 Cruising With Jane McDonald: Alaska (PG) 5:20 Who Do You Think You Are: Lee Mack (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 The Vietnam War: Come To Earth (M) 8:35 Movie: “Churchill” (M) (’17) Stars: Brian Cox 10:35 Movie: “What We Did On Our Holiday” (M) (’14) Stars: Rosamund Pike 12:20 Movie: “The Broken Circle Breakdown” (MA15+) (’12) Stars: Johan Heldenbergh 2:25 Movie: “My Brother The Devil” (MA15+) (’12) Stars: James Krishna Floyd (In English/ Arabic) 4:30 Full Frontal With Samantha Bee (M)

5:00 CGTN English News 5:15 NHK World English News 5:30 Worldwatch – Deutsche Welle English News 6:00 France 24 News 6:30 Al Jazeera News 7:30 Italian News 8:10 Filipino News 8:40 French News 9:30 Greek News 10:30 Worldwatch Continues 1:00 Motor Sports: Speedweek 3:00 Figure Skating: Grand Prix Internationaux De France Part 2 5:30 Inside The SS: Extermination (In English/ German) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Secrets Of The Railway: The Soviet Harz Railway 8:30 Secrets Of The Pyramids: The Great Pyramid of Giza/ The Great Pyramid Of Egypt 10:30 Life After The Oasis 12:00 The Day (M) (In Dutch) 4:30 Great British Railway Journeys

5:00 CGTN English News 5:15 NHK World English News 5:30 Worldwatch 2:00 Belkis Queen Of Sheba 2:30 Homefront-A New Kind Of War Memorial 3:30 Drain The Titanic (PG) 4:25 Six Wives Of Henry VIII With Lucy Worsley (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 The Royal House Of Windsor: Enter The Outsider 8:30 24 Hours In Emergency: Dear Heart (PG) 9:30 24 Hours In Police Custody: The Kane Line (PG) 10:25 SBS World News Late 11:00 Football: The World Game 2019 11:30 M - The City Hunts A Murderer (MA15+) (In German) 12:25 The Son: The Blind Tiger/ Scalped A Dog (MA15+) 2:10 Spin (MA15+) (In French) 4:05 Inside World War II (M)

5:00 CGTN English News 5:15 NHK World English News 5:30 Worldwatch – Deutsche Welle English News 6:00 France 24 News 6:30 Al Jazeera English News 7:00 1:00 PBS Newshour 2:00 Barbie: The Most Famous Doll In The World (M) 2:50 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 3:55 Perspective Shift 4:30 Six Wives Of Henry VIII With Lucy Worsley (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Scotland From The Sky 8:30 Insight: Dating Race (PG) 9:30 Dateline: Restoration Mosul 10:00 Dr Michael Mosley’s Reset: Better Minds (PG) 10:35 SBS World News Late 11:05 Asylum City (M) (In Hebrew) 12:00 Before We Die (M) (In Swedish) 3:30 Inside World War II (M)

5:00 CGTN English News 5:15 NHK World English News 5:30 Worldwatch Worldwatch Continues 1:00 PBS Newshour 2:00 Dateline 2:30 Insight 3:30 Perspective Shift 4:30 Six Wives Of Henry VIII With Lucy Worsley (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:35 Tony Robinson’s World By Rail: Australia (PG) 8:30 Drones: The Next Air Disaster? 9:30 Years And Years 10:40 SBS World News Late 11:10 Whiskey Cavalier: Hearts And Minds (PG) 12:00 Movie: “Marlina The Murderer In Four Acts” (MA15+) (’17) Stars: Marsha Timothy (In Indonesian) 1:40 Vikings: A New God/ The Lost Moment (MA15+) 3:30 Inside World War II (M) 4:30 Full Frontal With Samantha Bee (M)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019



Tv guide Thursday 7 November

Friday 8 November

Brought to you by


Listen weekdays from 8.30am on

Saturday 9 November

Sunday 10 November

Monday 11 November

Tuesday 12 November

Wednesday 13 November

4:35 Emma! 5:05 Play School Nursery Rhyme News Time 5:30 Fireman Sam 6:05 Floogals 6:25 Luo Bao Bei 7:05 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:00 QI: Lenses (PG) 8:30 Mock The Week (M) 9:05 The Office (US) (PG) 9:45 Sammy J (PG) 9:50 Frayed (M) 10:40 Red Dwarf (PG) 11:10 Great News (PG) 11:55 Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am (MA15+) 12:20 30 Rock (PG)

4:35 Emma! 5:05 Play School Nursery Rhyme News Time 5:30 Fireman Sam 6:05 Floogals 6:25 Luo Bao Bei 7:05 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:00 Hard Quiz (PG) 8:30 Gruen XL (M) 9:20 The Office (US) (PG) 10:05 Gavin And Stacey (PG) 11:35 Red Dwarf (PG) 12:05 30 Rock (M) 12:30 The Office (US) (PG) 1:15 30 Rock (PG) 1:35 Red Dwarf (PG) 2:05 ABC News Update

4:35 Emma! 5:05 Play School Nursery Rhyme News Time 5:45 Peppa Pig 6:05 Floogals 6:25 Luo Bao Bei 7:05 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Live At The Apollo (M) 9:15 Mock The Week (PG) 9:50 Comedy Next Gen (M) 10:40 Comedy Up Late (MA15+) 11:10 Jimeoin: Yeehaa! (M) 12:20 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 12:50 Black Books (PG)

4:35 Emma! 5:05 Play School Nursery Rhyme News Time 5:30 Fireman Sam 6:05 Floogals 6:25 Luo Bao Bei 7:05 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Live At The Apollo (M) 9:15 TBA 10:10 Adam Hills: The Last Leg (PG) 10:50 QI: Lenses (PG) 11:20 Detectorists (M) 11:50 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 12:25 Upstart Crow (M)

4:35 Emma! 5:05 Play School Story Time 5:30 Fireman Sam 6:05 Floogals 6:25 Luo Bao Bei: Faye’s Diary 7:05 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:00 Upstart Crow (M) 8:30 The Office (PG) 9:00 Joanna And Jennifer (PG) 10:05 The Good Place 10:45 The Office (PG) 11:35 Peep Show (M) 12:00 Red Dwarf (M) 12:30 Plebs (PG) 12:55 30 Rock (PG) 1:15 The Office (PG)

4:35 Emma! 5:05 Play School Story Time 5:30 Fireman Sam 6:05 Floogals 6:25 Luo Bao Bei 7:05 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:00 Adam Hills: The Last Leg (PG) 8:40 Plebs (PG) 9:15 The Office (PG) 9:55 Great News (PG) 10:40 Red Dwarf (PG) 11:10 Peep Show (M) 11:40 The League Of Gentlemen (PG) 12:10 30 Rock (PG) 12:30 The Office (PG) 1:15 30 Rock (PG) 1:35 Red Dwarf (M)

4:35 Emma! 5:05 Play School Story Time 5:30 Fireman Sam 6:05 Floogals 6:25 Luo Bao Bei 7:05 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:00 Black Books: The Entertainer (PG) 8:25 Detectorists (M) 8:55 The Office (M) 9:40 Green Wing (M) 10:35 Red Dwarf (PG) 11:00 30 Rock (PG) 11:20 The Office (US) (PG) 12:05 30 Rock (M) 12:30 Red Dwarf (M) 1:00 Asian Provocateur (M

4:05 Spirit Riding Free 4:35 Stacked! 5:00 So Awkward 5:30 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir 6:05 Dragons: Race To The Edge (PG) 6:35 Operation Ouch! 7:00 Deadly Pole To Pole 7:30 Shaun The Sheep 8:00 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness 8:25 Super Dinosaur: Jurassic Golf (PG) 8:45 The New Legends Of Monkey (PG) 9:10 Slugterra (PG) 9:35 Teenage Boss (PG) 10:05 rage (PG)

4:35 Stacked! 5:00 So Awkward 5:30 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir 6:05 Dragons: Race To The Edge (PG) 6:35 Operation Ouch! 7:00 Deadly Pole To Pole 7:30 Shaun The Sheep 8:00 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness 8:25 Good Game Spawn Point 8:45 Sailor Moon Crystal (PG) 9:10 Boruto (PG) 9:30 Sword Art Online (PG) 9:55 The Party Set (PG) 10:30 Stacked! The Pack Down

3:55 Superfan 4:35 Hank Zipzer 5:00 So Awkward 5:30 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir 6:05 Dragons: Race To The Edge (PG) 6:30 The Zoo 6:55 Deadly Pole To Pole 7:25 The Penguins Of Madagascar 7:45 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness 8:10 Super Dinosaur (PG) 8:30 The New Legends Of Monkey (PG) 8:55 Slugterra (PG) 9:15 Teenage Boss (PG) 9:45 rage (PG)

3:55 The Zoo 4:30 Good Game Spawn Point 5:00 So Awkward 5:30 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir 6:05 Dragons: Race To The Edge (PG) 6:30 Teenage Boss 7:00 Deadly Pole To Pole 7:25 The Penguins Of Madagascar 7:50 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness 8:15 Super Dinosaur (PG) 8:35 The New Legends Of Monkey (PG) 9:00 Slugterra (PG) 9:20 Teenage Boss (PG) 9:50 rage (PG)

3:35 Horrible Histories 4:05 Grace Beside Me 4:30 Stacked! 5:00 So Awkward 5:30 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir 6:05 Dragons: Race To The Edge (PG) 6:35 Operation Ouch! 7:00 Deadly Pole To Pole 7:30 Shaun The Sheep 8:00 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness 8:25 Super Dinosaur (PG) 8:45 The Legend Of Korra (PG) 9:10 Slugterra (PG) 9:30 Teenage Boss (PG) 10:00 rage (PG)

3:35 Horrible Histories 4:05 Grace Beside Me 4:30 Stacked! 5:00 So Awkward 5:30 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir 6:05 Dragons: Race To The Edge (PG) 6:35 Operation Ouch! 7:00 Deadly Pole To Pole 7:30 Shaun The Sheep 8:00 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness 8:25 Super Dinosaur (PG) 8:45 The Legend Of Korra (PG) 9:10 Slugterra (PG) 9:30 Teenage Boss (PG) 10:00 rage (PG)

3:35 Horrible Histories 4:05 Grace Beside Me 4:30 Stacked! 5:00 So Awkward 5:30 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir 6:05 Dragons: Race To The Edge (PG) 6:35 Operation Ouch! 7:00 Deadly Pole To Pole 7:30 Shaun The Sheep 8:00 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness 8:25 Super Dinosaur (PG) 8:45 The Legend Of Korra (PG) 9:10 Slugterra (PG) 9:30 Teenage Boss (PG) 10:00 rage (PG)

3:00 Pokemon The Series: Sun And Moon 3:30 Lego Jurassic World - Legend Of Isla Nublar (PG) 4:05 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 4:30 The Amazing World Of Gumball (PG) 5:00 Robot Wars Extreme (PG) 6:00 The Middle (PG) 7:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 7:30 Survivor: Island Of Idols (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” (PG) (’17) Stars: Johnny Depp 11:05 The Big Bang Theory (PG)

3:00 Pokemon The Series: Sun And Moon 3:30 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu (PG) 4:05 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 4:30 The Amazing World Of Gumball (PG) 5:00 The Middle (PG) 5:30 Movie: “Casper” (PG) (’95) Stars: Christina Ricci 7:30 Movie: “Coco” (PG) (’17) Stars: Anthony Gonzalez 9:30 Movie: “Bedtime Stories” (G) (’08) Stars: Adam Sandler 11:30 Police Ten 7 (M) 12:00 Street Outlaws (M) 1:00 Total Divas (M)

2:00 Top Gear (PG) 3:20 American Ninja Warrior (PG) 5:05 Movie: “Toy Story 2” (G) (’99) Stars: Tom Hanks 7:00 Movie: “Despicable Me 3” (PG) (’17) Stars: Kristen Wiig 8:50 Movie: “Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2” (M) (’15) Stars: Jennifer Lawrence 11:30 Jail: Big Texas (M) 12:00 Just Tattoo Of Us (M) 1:00 Street Outlaws (M) 4:00 Steven Universe (PG) 4:30 Rev And Roll

1:30 Schwarzenegger The Celebrity Apprentice (PG) 3:10 American Ninja Warrior (PG) 4:50 Movie: “The Haunted Mansion” (PG) (’03) Stars: Eddie Murphy 6:30 Movie: “Toy Story 3” (G) (’10) Stars: Tom Hanks 8:30 Love Island Australia (MA15+) 9:30 Movie: “Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace” (PG) (’99) Stars: Liam Neeson 12:05 Schwarzenegger The Celebrity Apprentice (PG)

3:00 Pokemon The Series: Sun And Moon 3:30 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu (PG) 4:00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 4:30 The Amazing World Of Gumball (PG) 5:00 Robot Wars Extreme (PG) 6:00 The Middle (PG) 7:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 7:30 Young Sheldon (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones” (PG) (’02) Stars: Ewan McGregor 11:30 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 12:00 Street Outlaws (M)

3:00 Pokemon The Series: Sun And Moon 3:30 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu (PG) 4:00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 4:30 The Amazing World Of Gumball (PG) 5:00 Robot Wars (PG) 6:00 The Middle (PG) 7:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith” (PG) (’05) Stars: Ewan McGregor 11:30 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 12:00 WWE Smackdown (M) 1:00 Total Divas (M)

3:00 Pokemon The Series: Sun And Moon 3:30 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu (PG) 4:00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 4:30 The Amazing World Of Gumball (PG) 5:00 Robot Wars (PG) 6:00 The Middle (PG) 7:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope” (PG) (’77) Stars: Harrison Ford 11:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 12:00 Street Outlaws (M) 1:00 Total Divas (M)

12:00 DCI Banks (M) 1:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 1:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 2:50 Antiques Roadshow 3:20 Movie: “Piccadilly Incident” (G) (’46) Stars: Anna Neagle 5:30 Vet On The Hill 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Death In Paradise (M) 8:30 New Tricks (PG) 9:50 The First 48 (M) 11:50 What’s Your Emergency? (M) 12:50 Aircrash Confidential (M) 12:50 Dangerman (PG) 3:00 Home Shopping

12:00 Aircrash Confidential (PG) 1:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 1:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 2:50 Antiques Roadshow 3:20 New Tricks (PG) 4:30 World’s Greatest Cities (PG) 5:30 Vet On The Hill (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 David Attenborough’s Life Story (PG) 8:40 Movie: “Raiders Of The Lost Ark” (M) (’81) Stars: Harrison Ford 11:00 Movie: “Urban Cowboy” (M) (’80) Stars: John Travolta

1:00 Movie: “The Thousand Plane Raid” (PG) (’69) Stars: Christopher George 3:20 Rugby League: PNG v Fiji *Live* From Orangetheory Stadium, Christchurch 5:30 Rugby League: NZ v GBR Lions *Live* From Orangetheory Stadium, Christchurch 8:00 Movie: “From Here To Eternity” (PG) (’53) Stars: Burt Lancaster 10:25 Movie: “Enemy At The Gates” (M) (’01) Stars: Rachel Weisz 12:55 Unforgettable (M)

10:00 Movie: “The Queen Of Spades” (PG) (’49) Stars: Anton Walbrook 12:00 Movie: “Saturday Island” (PG) (’52) Stars: Tab Hunter 2:00 The British Academy Britannia Awards 2019 3:30 Movie: “The Vikings” (PG) (‘58) Stars: Kirk Douglas 6:00 Tennis: Fed Cup Finals: Australia v France *Live* From The RAC Arena 8:00 Midsomer Murders (PG) 10:00 Law And Order: SVU (M) 12:00 Unforgettable (M)

12:00 Unforgettable (M) 1:00 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 1:55 The Young And The Restless (PG) 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 RPA (PG) 4:30 Cycling: Tour De Legacy 5:30 Vet On The Hill (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 New Tricks (M) 8:40 Midsomer Murders (PG) 10:40 Unforgettable (M) 11:40 Cold Case (M) 12:35 My Favourite Martian 1:00 Home Shopping 1:30 Gideon’s Way (PG)

12:00 New Tricks (M) 1:10 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 2:05 The Young And The Restless (PG) 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 RPA 4:30 Wildlife Rescue And Forensics (PG) 5:30 Vet On The Hill (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Death In Paradise (M) 8:40 Poirot (PG) 10:40 Law And Order: Criminal Intent (M) 11:40 COPS UK: Body Cam Squad (M) 12:35 My Favourite Martian 1:00 Home Shopping

1:10 Days Of Our Lives (PG) 2:05 The Young And The Restless (PG) 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 Poirot (PG) 5:30 Vet On The Hill (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 DCI Banks (M) 8:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple (PG) 10:30 The Closer (M) 11:30 Guiltology (M) 12:30 My Favourite Martian 1:00 Home Shopping 1:30 DCI Banks (M) 2:30 Adventures In Rainbow Country 3:00 Home Shopping

8:30 Million Dollar Minute 9:30 NBC Today 12:00 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 1:00 The Chase UK (PG) 2:00 Million Dollar Minute 3:00 Harry’s Practice 3:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 4:30 Room For Improvement 5:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Father Brown (M) 8:30 A Touch Of Frost (M) 10:15 Britain’s Secrets (M) 11:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG)

1:00 Million Dollar Minute 1:30 Jump Off - Life After Racing 2:00 World Para Athletic Championships: Day 1 - Highlights 2:30 Million Dollar Minute 3:00 Harry’s Practice 3:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 4:30 Room For Improvement 5:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Pie In The Sky (PG) 8:30 The Bletchley Circle (M) 10:30 Suspects (M) 11:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG)

1:30 SA Weekender 2:00 World Para Athletic Championships: Day 2 - Highlights 2:30 Sydney Weekender 3:00 Creek To Coast 3:30 Queensland Weekender 4:00 The Great Day Out 4:30 The Great Australian Doorstep (PG) 5:00 Paddington Station 24/7 6:00 Helloworld 6:30 The Greatest Cities In The World (PG) 7:30 Secrets Of Beautiful Gardens 8:30 Escape To The Country 10:30 Escape To The Continent

1:00 The Greatest Cities In The World (PG) 2:00 World Para Athletic Championships: Day 3 - Highlights 2:30 TBA 3:00 Vasili’s Garden 3:30 Intolerant Cooks 4:00 Jump Off - Life After Racing (PG) 4:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Dog Patrol (PG) 7:00 Border Security USA (PG) 7:30 Border Security Australia’s Front Line (PG) 8:30 Planes, Trains And Automobiles (PG) 9:30 Border Security USA (PG)

1:00 The Chase UK (PG) 2:00 World Para Athletic Championships: Day 4 Highlights 2:30 Million Dollar Minute 3:00 Harry’s Practice 3:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 4:30 Room For Improvement 5:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Doc Martin (PG) 8:30 Foyle’s War (M) 10:30 Suspects (M) 11:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 12:30 Medical Emergency (PG)

12:00 Helloworld 12:30 Creek To Coast 1:00 The Chase UK (PG) 2:00 World Para Athletic Championships: Day 5 Highlights 2:30 Million Dollar Minute 3:00 Harry’s Practice 3:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 4:30 Room For Improvement 5:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Pie In The Sky (PG) 8:30 TBA 9:30 TBA 10:30 TBA 11:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG)

1:00 The Chase UK (PG) 2:00 World Para Athletic Championships: Day 6 Highlights 2:30 Million Dollar Minute 3:00 Harry’s Practice 3:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 4:30 Room For Improvement 5:00 Medical Emergency (PG) 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 7:30 Border Security Australia’s Front Line (PG) 8:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 11:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG)

12:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos (M) 1:00 World’s Toughest Cops (M) 2:00 Robot Combat League (PG) 3:00 Gold Fever (PG) 4:00 Counting Cars (PG) 4:30 Bloopers (PG) 5:00 Counting Cars (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Storage Wars (PG) 7:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Die Hard” (M) (’98) Stars: Bruce Willis 11:15 Fat Pizza (MA15+) 12:15 World’s Most Amazing Videos (M)

12:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos (M) 1:00 World’s Toughest Cops (M) 2:00 Robot Combat League (PG) 2:55 Bloopers (PG) 3:50 Pawn Stars (PG) 4:50 Australian Spartan (PG) 6:20 Movie: “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (PG) (’86) Stars: Matthew Broderick 8:30 Movie: “White Men Can’t Jump” (M) (’92) Stars: Wesley Snipes 10:55 Movie: “Moneyball” (M) (’11) Stars: Brad Pitt 1:40 Armchair Experts (PG)

12:00 STIHL Timbersports (PG) 12:30 Blokesworld (PG) 1:00 Counting Cars (PG) 2:00 Cricket: Women’s Big Bash League: Adelaide v Perth *Live* From Karen Rolton Oval, Adelaide 5:30 American Restoration (PG) 6:30 Movie: “Green Lantern” (M) (’11) Stars: Ryan Reynolds 8:45 Movie: “Die Hard 2” (M) (’90) Stars: Bruce Willis 11:20 Fat Pizza (MA15+) 12:30 Blokesworld (PG) 1:00 MXTV (PG) 1:30 Life Off Rod (PG)

12:00 The Fishing Show (PG) 1:00 Counting Cars (PG) 1:30 Alaska’s Ultimate Bush Pilots (PG) 2:00 Cricket: Women’s Big Bash League: Adelaide v Melbourne *Live* From Karen Rolton Oval 5:30 Futurama (PG) 6:30 Movie: “Iron Man 3” (M) (’13) Stars: Gwyneth Paltrow 9:00 Movie: “Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince” (M) (’09) Stars: Alan Rickman 12:10 World’s Most Amazing Videos (M)

1:00 World’s Toughest Cops (M) 2:00 Robot Combat League (PG) 3:00 Blokesworld (PG) 3:30 MXTV (PG) 4:00 Futurama (PG) 5:00 Counting Cars (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Storage Wars (PG) 7:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 American Pickers (PG) 8:30 Movie: “The Bourne Supremacy” (M) (’04) Stars: Brian Cox 10:40 Movie: “Warm Bodies” (M) (’13) Stars: Dave Franco 12:45 Creek To Coast

1:00 World’s Toughest Cops (M) 2:00 Robot Combat League (PG) 3:00 Gold Fever (PG) 4:00 Storage Wars (PG) 4:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 5:00 Counting Cars (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Storage Wars (PG) 7:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Highway Patrol (PG) 8:30 Fat Pizza (MA15+) 9:30 Movie: “Chips” (MA15+) (’17) Stars: Dax Shepard 11:40 Movie: “Jackass Number Two” (MA15+) (’06) Stars: Johnny Knoxville

12:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos (M) 1:00 World’s Toughest Cops (M) 2:00 Robot Combat League (PG) 3:00 Gold Fever (PG) 4:00 Storage Wars Canada (PG) 4:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 5:00 Counting Cars (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Storage Wars Canada (PG) 7:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Australian Spartan (PG) 9:00 The Simpsons (PG) 10:00 Family Guy (M) 11:00 American Dad (M

9:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 10:00 Cheers (PG) 11:00 Bondi Rescue 12:00 Matlock (M) 1:00 WIN’s All Australian News 2:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:00 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 4:00 Star Trek: The Next Generation (PG) 5:00 10 News First 6:00 Judge Judy (PG) 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) 8:30 Hawaii Five-O (M) 9:30 LA’s Finest (M) 10:30 NCIS (M) 11:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 12:30 Home Shopping

9:30 Cheers (PG) 11:00 Bondi Rescue (PG) 12:00 Matlock (M) 1:00 WIN’s All Australian News 2:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:00 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 4:00 Star Trek: The Next Generation (PG) 5:00 Star Trek: Voyager (PG) 6:00 Judge Judy (PG) 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 7:30 Walker, Texas Ranger (M) 11:30 NCIS: New Orleans (M) 12:30 Home Shopping 2:00 Cheers (PG) 3:00 Walker, Texas Ranger (M)

9:30 Studio 10 (PG) 12:00 Australia By Design: Innovations 12:30 Australia By Design: Landscape 1:00 The Doctors (PG) 2:00 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 3:00 Star Trek: Voyager (PG) 4:00 Attenborough (PG) 5:00 Reel Action 5:30 Escape Fishing With ET 6:00 COPS (PG) 6:30 Scorpion (PG) 7:30 MacGyver (PG) 8:30 NCIS: New Orleans (M) 10:20 LA’s Finest (M) 11:20 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 12:15 Forensics (M)

9:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 10:30 Escape Fishing With ET 11:00 Fishing Edge 11:30 Mission: Impossible (PG) 12:30 Snap Happy 1:00 Healthy Homes Australia 1:30 The Doctors (PG) 3:30 Car Crash Global (PG) 4:30 I Fish 5:30 David Attenborough’s The Himalayas (PG) 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) 8:30 Law And Order: SVU (M) 10:20 Forensics (M) 11:20 Bad Lads Army (MA15+)

10:00 Cheers (PG) 11:00 Scorpion (PG) 12:00 Matlock (M) 1:00 WIN’s All Australian News 2:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:00 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 4:00 Star Trek: The Next Generation (PG) 5:00 Star Trek: Voyager (PG) 6:00 Judge Judy (PG) 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) 8:30 Law And Order: SVU (M) 9:30 Movie: “Black Hawk Down” (MA15+) (’01) Stars: Josh Harnett 12:20 Home Shopping 1:20 Home Shopping

9:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 10:00 Cheers (PG) 11:00 Scorpion (PG) 12:00 Matlock (M) 1:00 WIN’s All Australian News 2:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:00 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 4:00 Star Trek: The Next Generation (PG) 5:00 Star Trek: Voyager (PG) 6:00 Judge Judy (PG) 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) 8:30 CSI: Miami (MA15+) 11:15 The Mentalist (M) 12:10 Home Shopping

9:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 10:00 Cheers (PG) 11:00 Scorpion (PG) 12:00 Matlock (M) 1:00 WIN’s All Australian News 2:00 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:00 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 4:00 Star Trek: The Next Generation (PG) 5:00 Star Trek: Voyager (PG) 6:00 Judge Judy (PG) 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) 8:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 10:20 LA’s Finest (M) 11:30 NCIS (M) 12:15 Home Shopping

1:00 Medium (M) 3:00 Becker (PG) 3:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 4:30 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:00 Celebrity Name Game (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 Seinfeld (PG) 9:00 Nancy Drew (PG) 10:00 Will & Grace (PG) 11:30 The Late Late Show With James Corden (M) 12:30 Home Shopping 1:30 Medium (M) 3:30 The Late Late Show With James Corden (M)

1:00 Medium (M) 3:00 Becker (PG) 3:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 4:00 Seinfeld (PG) 5:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:00 Celebrity Name Game (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 11:00 Brides Of Beverly Hills (M) 11:30 The Late Late Show With James Corden (M) 12:30 Home Shopping 1:30 Medium (M) 3:30 The Late Late Show With James Corden (M) 4:30 Home Shopping

9:00 The King Of Queens (PG) 9:30 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 10:00 Becker (PG) 10:30 Frasier (PG) 11:30 Charmed (PG) 1:30 Behind The Sash (PG) 2:30 The Bachelorette Australia (PG) 4:30 Frasier (PG) 5:00 Celebrity Name Game (PG) 7:30 Kojak (M) 9:30 Movie: “Rock Of Ages” (M) (’12) Stars: Tom Cruise 11:50 The Cleveland Show (M) 12:15 The Loop 2:45 Crazy ExGirlfriend (M)

10:30 Totally Wild 11:00 The Brady Bunch 11:25 Charmed (PG) 1:30 Family Ties (PG) 2:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 3:00 Frasier (PG) 3:30 Will & Grace (PG) 4:30 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 7:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 8:00 Seatbelt Psychic (PG) 9:00 Two And A Half Men (PG) 10:00 Will & Grace (PG) 10:30 Buffy The Vampire Slayer (M) 11:30 Frasier (PG) 12:30 Home Shopping

1:00 Medium (M) 3:00 Becker (PG) 3:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 4:30 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:00 Celebrity Name Game (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 Seinfeld (PG) 9:00 Two And A Half Men (PG) 10:00 Frasier (PG) 11:00 The Flash (M) 12:00 The Late Late Show With James Corden (M) 1:00 Home Shopping 1:30 Medium (M) 3:30 The Late Late Show (M)

1:00 Medium (M) 3:00 Becker (PG) 3:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 4:00 Seinfeld (PG) 3:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 4:00 Seinfeld (PG) 5:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:00 Celebrity Name Game (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 Seinfeld (PG) 9:00 Two And A Half Men (PG) 10:00 The Neighbourhood (PG) 11:30 The Late Late Show With James Corden (M)

1:00 Medium (M) 3:00 Becker (PG) 3:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 4:00 Seinfeld (PG) 5:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:00 Celebrity Name Game (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 Seinfeld (PG) 9:00 Two And A Half Men (PG) 10:30 Seinfeld (PG) 11:30 The Late Late Show With James Corden (M) 12:30 Home Shopping 1:30 Medium (M) 3:30 The Late Late Show (M)

2:00 Beerland (PG) 3:00 PBS Newshour 4:00 ABC America: World News Tonight 4:30 New Girl (M) 5:00 Basketball: NBL Slam Highlights Show 5:30 Basketball: NBL New Zealand v Melbourne *Live* From Spark Arena 7:30 The X-Files (M) 8:30 The Feed 9:30 100 Vaginas (MA15+) 10:25 Full Frontal With Samantha Bee (MA15+) 10:55 Nude (MA15+) (In French) 11:45 Jasper And Errol’s First Time (M)

12:00 Basketball: NBL Illawarra v Brisbane *Live* From WIN Sports And Entertainment Centre 2:00 Basketball: NBL Melbourne v Sydney *Live* From Melbourne Arena 4:00 PBS Newshour 5:00 If You Are The One (PG) (In Mandarin) 6:10 New Girl (M) 6:35 If You Are The One (PG) (In Mandarin) 7:35 The X-Files (M) 9:25 60 Days In (M) 11:05 The Last Man On Earth (M) 11:55 Undressed Italy (PG) (In Italian)

2:30 Basketball: NBA Miami Heat v Los Angeles Lakers *Live* From Staples Centre 5:00 ABC America: World News Tonight 5:30 Basketball: NBL South Melbourne v New Zealand 7:30 Speed With Guy Martin (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Gattaca” (M) (’97) Stars: Ethan Hawke 10:25 Movie: “Imperium” (MA15+) (’16) Stars: Daniel Ratcliffe 12:25 Movie: “Milocrorze - A Love Story” (MA15+) (’11) (In Japanese)

12:00 PopAsia TV (PG) 1:00 Front Up (PG) 1:30 The Feed 2:30 Worldwatch 3:00 Basketball: NBL Melbourne United v Adelaide 36ers *Live* 5:00 Basketball: NBL Sydney Kings v Perth Wildcats *Live* From Qudos Bank Arena 7:00 Underground Worlds (PG) 7:55 Forged In Fire (PG) 8:45 Movie: “The End Of The Tour” (M) (’15) Stars: Jason Segel 10:40 Movie: “Team Spirit” (M) (’16) (In French)

12:00 Basketball: NBA: Miami Heat v Lakers *Live* 2:30 Basketball: NBA: Boston Celtics v San Antonio Spurs *Live* From AT&T Centre 5:00 Lee Lin Chin’s Fashionista (PG) 5:10 This Week With George Stephanopoulos 6:10 New Girl (M) 6:35 Mythbusters (PG) 7:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) 8:35 The X-Files (M) 9:30 South Park (M) 10:00 Final Space (M) 10:25 Sexplora (MA15+) (In French)

12:00 Basketball: NBL New Zealand Breakers v Melbourne United *Live* 2:00 Basketball: NBL Brisbane Bullets v Sydney Kings *Live* 4:00 PBS Newshour 5:00 If You Are The One (PG) (In Mandarin) 6:10 New Girl (M) 6:35 Mythbusters (PG) 7:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) 8:30 The X-Files (M) 9:25 Letterkenny (M) 10:30 The Sunny Side Of Sex (MA15+) (In English/ Spanish/ Swahili/ Urdu)

12:00 Basketball: NBL South East Melbourne Phoenix v New Zealand Breakers *Live* 2:00 Basketball: NBL Cairns Taipans v Illawarra Hawks *Live* 4:00 PBS Newshour 5:00 If You Are The One (PG) (In Mandarin) 6:10 New Girl (M) 6:35 Mythbusters (PG) 7:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) 8:30 The XFiles (M) 9:25 Movie: “Moon” (M) (’09) Stars: Sam Rockwell 11:15 Movie: “Aeon Flux” (M) (’05) Charlize Theron

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2 Stawell Road, Horsham | (03) 5382 1351 Page


Wednesday, November 6, 2019



Proudly sponsored by


local plumbing specialists For more than 10 years, the team at Horsham Self Storage has provided a variety of storage options to meet the growing needs of clients from across the Wimmera. Horsham Self Storage has the expertise to meet the needs of varying clients, including retail stores, commercial business, the general public and mums and dads — particularly during the festive season! Horsham Self Storage provides a range of different sized sheds to cater for all individual storage requirements, from household goods and furniture to cars and caravans of all sizes. Sizes include 3m x 3m, 6m x 3m and 9m x 3m.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

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GEORGE MITTON Owner operator



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Wednesday, November 6, 2019



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5382 0000

Managed by Wes Davidson Real Estate Horsham for over 10 years!



DIRECTORY We want you!

Based on unprecedented reader and listener demand, we encourage regional trade-based businesses to become part of The Weekly Advertiser’s Local Trade Directory. The Local Trade Directory offers the only true multi-media platform combining print, radio and online services for businesses to ‘spread the word’ in across the Wimmera, Mallee and Grampians.

It’s affordable and effective! For a small weekly investment you will receive an advertisement (as above) PLUS BONUS 10 second radio commercials on 3WM and Mixx FM.

12 month: $38 • 6 month: $40 • 13 week: $42

local plumbing specialists

Wednesday, November 6, 2019



3 Alamein Ave – Currently rented for $170pw until at least April 2020 this home is already generating a good return. With the option of either 2 living areas and 2 bedrooms or 1 living area and 3 bedrooms, small but functional kitchen, bathroom with a shower and vanity, internal laundry, wood heating and evap cooling. Outside there is a double garage with half concreted floor and a power point and another high carport idea for a caravan.

Price: $115,000

Price: $89,000






1 Schickerling St – Opportunities like this don’t come up very often so in the words of the famous Hawthorn coach John Kennedy “ Don’t think Just do” sums up how you should approach buying this property. Being a former Mechanics workshop it features 2 high clearance doors, 3 phase power, secure well fenced yard, air conditioned office, triple interceptor wash down bay, toilet, heavy duty air compressor and a evaporative cooler in the workshop. The property is set on a corner block with excellent access to the Henty Highway and into the property from the two street frontages.

Price: $109,000 plus GST if aplicable





17 Gardiner St – This unique home features 3 dble bedrooms, spacious lounge, timber kitchen, dining area, 2 separate living areas, an attic and a family friendly bathroom with spa. You even have your very own wine cellar. You are kept comfortable all year round with evaporative cooling, split system and a wood heater. Outside is just an entertainers dream with a Bali Hut, outside toilet, pizza oven, large garage with a high access door, 2 single carports and a workshop. All this is set on a very private well fenced low maintenance block. Power bills are also taken care of with a 20 panel solar system.

116 Jamouneau St – The 3 bedroom hardiplank home features split system a/c’s in the lounge and each of the 3 bedrooms. The modern kitchen and adjacent dining area have vinyl boards installed, a St George electric stove and downlighting. The master bedroom has extensive BIR’s and more than adequate BIR’s in the other two bedrooms. Outside in the large back yard there is a cement pad which you could make into an outdoor area or build a shed over (STCA). The approx. 8m x 7m double garage has roll a doors, one automatic with remote, cement floor and power connected.

8 Florence St – Set in a quite cul de sac in the vibrant regional town of Donald, this approx. 785 sq. mt. vacant residential block offers plenty. It gives you the opportunity to build your dream home and live a peaceful existence. Fully colorbond fenced on 3 sides with an approx. 25 metre frontage, footpaths and driveway crossover are all included. All services, power, water supply, sewerage and telephone are all available to the block.

Price: $275,000

Price: $129,000

Price: $25,000











37 Ellerman St – Set on a generous size block this 2 bedroom weather board unit features 2 dble bedrooms with B.I.R’s, modern kitchen with electric wall oven and hot plate, disability friendly bathroom , split system A/C, open plan living area and a laundry with trough, auto taps and a separate toilet. Outside there is a single carport and a electric hot water service. The block is well fences and it is only a short stroll to the High School and Lutheran Primary School. This unit has a rental history of $165pw but if you are quick we can arrange vacant possession in December 2019.








3 1 Residential Sale

AUCTION FRIDAY 8th November, 2019 @ 2pm on site Cnr Franklin and Thomas St – Here is an excellent opportunity to purchase a Commercial Zoned vacant block in a prominent corner location. The land is on the corner of Franklin and Thomas Streets and is 6911m2. With other established businesses in the area this block has easy access to the Henty Hwy. This property is being sold as Crown Land and currently doesn’t have a Certificate of Title. Stamp Duty will not not be payable on this property but the sale price of this property will attract GST.

Commercial land




Henty Hwy – We are proud to offer for Sale by Tender this prime cropping and grazing property. With road access on all four sides and frontage to the Henty Highway access to this property is excellent. The property is 375 acres with approx 350 acres of that arable with very good fences. The southern end of the property has the Yarriambiack Creek running through it which has crown land on either side of it. (not included in the acreage) and pipe line water connected. The land is undulating with lighter loam rises and heavier black and red soil in the lower areas. Tenders close on 29th November 2019 and must be delivered to the office of NorthWest Real Estate by 2pm. The vendors reserve the right not to accept any tender or the highest tender. Tender forms can be obtained from NorthWest Real Estate and each tender form must include a cheque for 5% of the total tender price. Unsuccessful tenders will have their cheque immediately returned.


Broadacre farming land

5398 2219 sales 5398 2201 rentals 53-55 Scott Street, Warracknabeal DONALD

92-94 Woods St – Set in the heart of the main street of Donald is these 2 Commercial shops. 94 Woods St is rented for 5 years commencing in June 2018 at $10,404 pa with annual CPI rent increases. Currently rented to a Plumbing Business with a large modern retail and office area, 2 storerooms, a loading dock, undercover storage area, toilets, large shed, yard space and another smaller vehicle/ equipment shed. The property is well fenced with rear access. 92 Woods St is currently empty with an estimated rent return of $150pw. Some of the costs are shared between the 2 buildings.

2 1 1 $249,000+GST if applicable Commercial Sale Price:



23 Broadway – With an elevated view towards the river and the Footy oval this brick veneer home will certainly be well sort after. Featuring large spacious open living areas facing the open spaces across the road, 3 dble bedrooms all with BIR’s and ceiling fans, family friendly bathroom, kitchen with electric wall oven and hot plates, split system, single carport, rainwater tank with pump, a fernery and a lovely established garden. There is excellent rear access with plenty of scope to build your own shed.

26 Dodgshun St – Featuring 3 double bedrooms all with robes and split systems, main has access into the bathroom, a study big enough for a 4th bedroom if needed, a formal lounge, a massive open plan kitchen-dining- living area with a wood heater and split system, modern kitchen with plenty of bench space and electric appliances including a dishwasher and a modern bathroom with a separate toilet. Outside you will find a brilliant decked pergola, a 20 panel solar power system, 20ft x 30ft garage with concrete floor and power which is accessed from a very wide rear lane and a double carport.

Price: $159,000

Price: $229,000






3 Athol Crt – Reasonable offers will be considered. Now it is time to enjoy the spoils of many years of hard work. Move into this as new modern brick veneer home boasting 3 double bedrooms, spacious open plan living/meals area, excellent heating and cooling, well appointed chefs kitchen, fully renovated bathroom, 2 outdoor entertaining areas, easy care garden with workshop, fully automatic sprinkler system, rainwater tanks and the convenience of a double garage with auto doors and storage cupboard. The owners have just recently replaced a split system A/C and the floor coverings through out the house.

Price: $319,000











8 Molyneaux St – This vinyl clad home would make a great 1st home for someone to start with. Set on a 1000m2 block this home features 3 double bedrooms with B.I.R’s, lounge with a split system A/C, combined kitchen and Laundry with a large stainless steel electric stove, walk in pantry, bathroom with a shower over bath, toilet and vanity and a centrally located dining room. Outside on the well fenced block you’ll find a double garage with power and concrete floor, pergola, outside toilet, computerised watering system and a rain water tank.

65 Woods St – Don’t worry about asking me any questions about this home you will just have to come and inspect it for yourself. It’s huge. With the possibility of 7 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 showers, 2 toilets, 4 living areas including the former bank chamber, evap cooling, split system, instant gas hot water, modern bathroom, balcony, double carport with rear access. Ideal for living in and using part of it to run a small business from STCA with prominent main street frontage.

3 Hillview St – At a first glance you wouldn’t think that this brick veneer home was as big as it is. Featuring 4 bedrooms all with B.I.R’s, 2 bathrooms, a formal lounge with a large window and a open fire place, modern kitchen with double oven, gas hot plates, dishwasher and a huge walk in pantry, family size dining area and a spacious second living area. Refrigerated reverse cycle A/C’s keep you comfortable all year around. Outside you’ll find a single garage, garden shed, BBQ area, instant gas hot water and 2 large concrete water tanks which can be used to run the house. The back yard has the convienence of rear access for a lane way.

Price: $129,900

Price: $259,990

Price: $235,000








37 Duncan St – Currently rented on a month by month bases for $165pw this 3 bedroom home mightn’t win any beauty contests but it has a great return for investors. The home features 3 double bedrooms, modern kitchen with electric cooking, spacious lounge, huge modern bathroom with shower and vanity and floating floors and tiles through out. Outside the block is huge with a small covered pergola, single carport, storage shed and a rainwater tank.

Lot 1, 112 Ellerman St – With council approval this 1623m2 block would be a fantastic spot to build your dream home. Water and sewerage are already connected to the block and power at the boundary. You will enjoy the open space this property provides. The block has a gentle slope from back to front and has a new wire fence across the front, colourbond fence down the left hand side and a rural fence on the right hand side. The block faces southwest, has a frontage to Ellerman Street of 28m and a depth of 58m.

Price: $89,000

Price: $39,990








11 Hoban St – This 2 bedroom home is rented until March 2019 at $135 per week to a reliable tenant gives you an 8.88% gross return. Set on a typical size block for the area, just under a quarter acre or 1000 sq. mts., the home offers the two bedrooms both with BIR’s and ceiling fans, lounge with the split system and ceiling fan and the kitchen with elect stove. The large electric hot water service (315 lt.) is only 4 years old.






Price: $75,000




Vacant block

4/6 Comyn St – In this cosy 1 bedroom unit you will find the kitchen with electric cooking & plenty of cupboard space, spacious lounge with a reverse cycle boxed air conditioner and a mini bar. Bathroom consist of a shower, toilet and vanity. Outside you’ll find the laundry and a decent size garage and a spacious yard which is maintained by a local gardener. Property is not suitable for pets. If you’re looking for affordable accommodation conveniently located in Murtoa, then you really must take the time to inspect this neat unit. Located not far from shops and schools.




Price: $130 pw

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

ABN 16 064 882 042


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Horsham: Phone 5382 1351 email: Ararat: Hansen Print - Phone 5352 2370 ITEMS OVER $1000 – prices start at $28.60 for the first 12 words#

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ITEMS $1000 or under – prices start at $14.30 for the first 12 words#

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Event Services

Animals & Accessories

WEEKLY ADS Minimum of $13.20 for 12 words and then $4.40 per 4 words thereafter. DISPLAY ADS $11.90 per single column centimetre, minimum four centimetres.


Animals & Accessories

5382 0713

We’re homine!

Budgerigars, show quality at pet prices Ph 0447080439 Budgies, pastel colours, including purple $10 Ph 0419505737 Golden Labrador puppies, DOB 13/07/19, 9wks old, 2m, 1f, brown nose, gold eyes (unique to Dudley Labradors), m/c # 956000012255434/12234276/ 12254746, PER # MB102012 $1300ea Ph 0418335659 (pm)

Tropical fish, convict cichlids or bristlenose catfish $10each or 3 for $25, $5 from each purchase goes to anti-cancer Ph 0474159010 after 6pm

Young Muscovy drakes $25 each Ph 0429912620


Find us back Roberts Ave!

Antique Singer treadle sewing machine frame with timber top $115 Ph 0439300079

Horsham Florist

Mini goats, bottle babies, PIC# 3HMGE009 Ph 0427471295

Baby Needs Barely used 3 in 1 cot with new mattress and some bedding, swivel car seat and booster seat $800ono Ph 0407315655

5382 1834


for gold and silver jewellery and coins See ad in ‘wanted to buy’ Ph Chris 0497 249 130 SHD0015489

Animals & Accessories Horsham Veterinary Hospital

Peace of mind is priceless... Book your vet check today

Ph 5381 1439 25 Dimboola Rd, Horsham (opposite McDonalds)

Caravans Nubian Dairy Goats, bucks only, well handled, de-horned and weathered for pets, entire for breeding, few only, available now in varied colours, herd can be viewed, PIC# 3HSMM097 $120 Ph 0457120834 Wartook One Hereford bull, 18mths old, very well bred and quiet PIC# 3HSM008LB $1800 plus Gst Ph 0429434340

Jayco Flamingo campervan, tough offroad, 2000 model, VGC $12500ono Ph 0457809056

Two female Regent Parrots $50 each Ph 53902387

Linara Poll Dorset stud Rams, 2018 drop, paddock raised, PIC # 3NGJM012 $600 plus Gst Ph 0427155508

51 Roberts Ave, Horsham

130L 12V caravan fridge $750 Ph 0427840201

Jayco Swan 2012, EC, only used at Christmas, sleeps up to 6 people, full annex, bag end flys, 3 way fridge, gas-electric stove, innerspring mattress, very clean unit $19,000ono Ph 0477616759

Stock horse X Brumby, 4yo, bay gelding, 15hh, easy to catch, good nature, good home only, selling due to too many horses PIC # 3NGOL176 $650 Ph 0477439545

2003 Avan the Tayla pop-top, 2 axle, reg till 12/19 $15,500 Ph 0417119787 2006 Traveller Penthouse 21’6”, ensuite, queen bed, awning and tebbs annexe, air con, 80lt fridge, dual batteries, extra storage, low kms, garaged $35,000 Ph: 53521626 or 0457150643 Ararat

5381 1444 (All Hours) www.wimmerafunerals.​ Wednesday, November 6, 2019

REDUCED 22’ Walkabout caravan with Landcruiser 80 series steel axle, disc brakes, all independent air bags, suspension with built in air compressor and tank, 186L, 2dr fridge/freezer, separate shower, toilet, 7kg washing machine, aircon, gas room heating, many extras $34,000 Ph 0429986219

2x Sany mini excavators, 2018, 1989 Case 1680 header, 30’ 1010 bat front and finger reel, good tyres, smale p/plucker, 5635 engine hrs, trailer $24,200 inc Gst Ph 0428951262

plus gal trailer, mud bucket, ripper, two GP buckets, quick release and piping, 23 and 24hrs, EC $60,000 inc Gst or will separate Ph 0428344291 30’ Smale Pea pickup on John Deere front $12,000 plus Gst Ph 0499852208 340 bag Jenski field bin, in GC $4500

REDUCED Caravan, custom built mid 1980s, 17.5’, front kitchen, 2 s/ bed, 8’ wide Deluxe Tebbs annex, all in beautiful condition $9,700 Ph 0419348320

1997 Case 2188, only 3800rotor hrs, well maintained, most 2388 upgrades, new from front to rear, comes with 1020 flex front and trailer Ph for details 0417329847




53844219 3pl Hayes 4’ PTO slasher, VGO $1375 inc Gst Ph 0429986227 40KA chamberlain with 6 cylinder motor in GC, 43’ tri axle Southern Cross trailer in GC,

Pop-up Statesman Royale caravan, 17’6”, 1994, island d/bed, mod/ cons, roll-out awning, EC $18,000 Ph 0407821021

tri axle trailer with bogie dolly in GC $48,500 inc Gst or can separate Ph 0427557622 REDUCED Jayco Eagle off road camper, first reg in 2019, brand new, only used 2 short trips, genuine reason for selling, save thousands from new $24,000 Ph 041983644 Tow Hitch and Level Riders, VGC, $405 Ph 0427705671

500g 1999 John Deere CTS II with 936D Draper front on trailer. MAV chopper rotor upgrade, Big Top, 2100 colour screen and receiver for yield mapping. Fire extinguishers, spot and LED lights, camera for reverse and engine, 4478 Sep hrs $47,000 plus Gst Ph 0407179433

REDUCED 2005 Jayco Heritage 30th Anniversary model pop-top, very good exterior, immaculate interior, full oven, easy towing, low TARE, microwave, fridge, a/c, annex, d/island bed, TV, lots of storage space, never been off-road, reg till 08/19 $17,000 Ph 0428922335

Trakmaster 17.5’ off-road van, built strong but never been off-road, tandem axle, two solar panels, 12” heavy duty breaks, long double island bed, a/c, diesel deater, new hot water system, external shower, awning, off-road hitch, sugar glider suspension, reversing camera and more more extras $41,000 Ph 0455735514

2001 Hardi 2700L 18mtr Boomspray, near new wings, hydraulic lift and fold $22,000 inc Gst Ph for details 0417329847






7720 JD Header, GC, 25’ 224 real front, CYE-727, no further use $6000 plus Gst Ph 0457589689

Allis Chalmers “WC” Patrol, grader/ frontend/loader rare, good goer, built in the 1940s $7000 Ph 53821452 for more info

Carry Me Camper, full annex, 240v/12v, new battery, water tank, fridge/freezer on slide $6,500 Ph 0427840201 REDUCED 2008 Bailey Senator, 4 berth, island d/bed, ensuite, air-con & heating, awning, motor movers, many extras, EC $30,000 Ph 0429333393 Carry-Me Camper, EC, all zippers working, very easy setup, selling due to upgrade $4500 Ph John 0427007216

Deal with people who understand... Not everybody wants the same thing. Pre-arrange your wishes with Trevor Bysouth & Daughter of

Farm Machinery

1 tonne field lot grain feeder $500 Ph 0428384111

2 x 2010 Sherwell Ahrens 37t jumbo field bins, 9” PTO Auger, EC, $12,500 plus GST each, Ph Dean 0428951171

Funeral Directors

Would you prefer your footy team’s theme song to be played at your funeral?

Farm Machinery

43’ flat top freighter trailer, 45’

18’ caravan, 4 birth, with annex $3300ono must sell Ph 0418864397 1981 Viscount Grand Tourer poptop, annex with zip walls, elec/gas fridge, twin spares, 2nd owner, shedded $6900 Ph 0427962374

Run It Till You Sell It advertisements are subject to review after six months. The Run it Till You Sell it offer is only applicable for one item per advertisement. If item price is not included in a Run It Till You Sell It advertisement, a higher pricing will apply. The publisher reserves the right to omit or alter any advertisement. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to notify the publisher of any errors on the first day of publication. Every care is taken to prevent errors and accidental omissions but no financial responsibility can be accepted for loss resulting from such an error or omission.

Majestic Tiara, late 2007 build, 20’, ensuite, loaded with features, one owner, EC, always shedded $35,000 Ph 0400999412

Peachface and Fisher Lovebirds, variety of colours, from $20 Ph 0428832058 Stawell Purebred black labrador puppies, male and female, born 6/9/19, pet reg # MB107075, m/c, wormed and vacc, m/c # 98514100 1205925/1242676/1279277 $850each Ph 0429434945

DEADLINE 10am Tuesday before publication, this includes payment and advertisement details.

Hayman Reece complete, EC, 12’ new sun blocker wall, new annex floor $450ono Ph 0407861766

Budgerigars, assorted colours $8each Ph 0417533579


PAYMENT Cash, cheque, Mastercard, Visa accepted.



Angus Heifers, 6 at 9mths old, PIC # 3NGJT129, $3900ono the lot Ph 0488616055

31 Urquhart Street HORSHAM

MULTI MEDIA As part of an all-inclusive package your advertisement will also appear on the digital version of The Weekly Advertiser located at which is promoted via Facebook on a weekly basis.

Coromal 2009 Caravan, 16’ poptop, as new cond, brand new cover, 2 s/beds, a/c, heating, elec brakes, reverse camera added $18,000 Ph 0423967449


Windsor 638S limited edition, 21’, lots of extras, EC. ensuite, low kms $40,750 Ph 0413445347

Clothes & Accessories Masonics Past Grand Standard Bearer apron, collar, jewel $300 Ph 0439101170

2002 Case IH 2388 Harvester, harvest ready, full service history, egn 4972hr, rot 4064hr, trimble FM 750 guidance, 2011, 2142 draper front, 30’ with trailer Ph 0428857579

Amazone 36m spread spreader, EC $8000 plus Gst Ph 0428857579 Batco 15-85 shifter 35hp camera and lights $45,000 plus Gst Ph 0427323041

Masonics Set of tails, pure wool, little use, white braces etc, EC $100 Ph 0439101170 Family Jayco caravan, very comfy d/island pillow top bed, 2 good size bunk beds, microwave, 90L fridge, easy to erect annex, a/c and heating, plus all accs. Available to hire in January from 18/1-31/1 can be in Gardens Caravan Park Port Fairy for these dates fully set up and can be packed up. Contact Nathan on 0418657247 or

New 3/4 length suede coat, large size 14, terracotta/tan $90ono Ph 0413555645

Commercial Equipment Skope Misa lock key cool room, drop in unit, 2230w x 1830d x 2230h, VGC $4000 Ph 0417101120

2002 Freightliner, C12 motor, GCM, 46,000kg, 34’, T/A Pohlner trailer, RWC supplied, ready to go, air bags all round, scales, tipper got dics breaks, Boom spray Croplands Pegasus farm leased $88,000 inc Gst Ph 2012, 6000l, airbag, suspension, Peter 0428990907 7 section, all the extras, 2008 Claas Lexion 600 header & 40ft Macdon FD70 front excellent A1 condition $68,000 $200,000 + Gst Ph 0427323041 plus Gst Ph 0428857579



Farm Machinery

Farm Machinery

Farm Machinery

For Sale

Grain auger, Sherwell, 43x7, 18hp Vanguard jockey wheel, GC $2750 inc Gst Ph 0428504228 Canola pick up front, Phillips, GC, no trailer, suit John Deere $11,000 inc GST Ph 0429821461

Chamberlain 24 Run John Deere Combine with small seed box and Morris 3 row finger tines, $10,000 plus GST ono Ph 0428 844204 Chamberlain 4080B tractor, 7700 hrs, 3 point linkage, EC $9000 plus GST (neg) Ph: 0409825423 Stawell

Ferguson TEA20 1951 12V, new tyres, mudguards, 5/wheel, seat, water pump, hoses, paint, recored radiator and alternator in top condition, more information and spection photo available Ph Laurie 0429491426 Horsham

Isuzu Tipper Truck, 1985, GC $5500 Ph 0407340457

MX 200 Magnum 2000 tractor, EC, 2180hrs, trimble FM 750 guidance $57,000 plus Gst Ph 0428857579

1600 cleaned bricks $500 Ph 53821517

New Website for Farmers sell grain/hay $1 a tonne, machinery low as 0.5%, no sale no fee Ph 0429008301 NH TR88 header, 36’ Macdon front, perfect cond $44,500 inc Gst ono Ph 0428946395

18’ Windmill $1200 Ph Melissa 0490043749 3PL PTO Tractor slasher, 1.8m wide, heavy duty $1000 Ph 0417385223 5’ Irish slasher, GO $400 Ph 53 812721 night only 6x4 trailer, repainted, fair cond. $300 Ph: 0490364260 Dimboola

JD CTS 2 Maximiser header, chopper, chaff spreader, customer drawbar, grain tank cover, front tyres 90%, rear 30%, 4330 egn hrs, 2900 rot hrs, JD 930R front, tyne reel, Leith trailer, canola pickup front, spare parts, VGC $68,200 inc Ph 0427861316

8 tine scarby linkage $300 Ph 53 812721 night only Portable stock loading ramp, lots of features, 6m long, lifts to 2.7m $6200 Ph 0428944462 Post driver cable operated screw side tilt, works well $990 Ph 0428340324 Natimuk

Jetstream computer boomspray, 2000L, GC $5000 plus Gst Ph 0418345035 Kelly prickle chain, 45’, standard chain, excellent order, $35,000 plus Gst $38,500 Ph 53832227 after 7pm Loxton slasher 10’ $3000 plus Gst Ph 0429434340

8x5 heavy duty tandem trailer, as new, complete with 2’ cage and weather proof poly cover $3700 Ph 0421763528 9” Wolf angle grinder with Wolf Sapphire vertical cut off stand of various discs $200 Ph 0487592270 900 Vanity, 2 door 3 drawer, 1 tap hole, new $250 Ph 53852748 9x6’ blue oriental carpet, suits modern decor, EC $800 Ph 0408 378 665 Horsham

REDUCED Amazone Spreader, Z-AM 3000 $13,000 plus Gst Ph 0427861246 REDUCED Chamberlain 9G 1962 Model new head gasket, linkage, cab, pwr/st, good rubber, no further use, $6,500 + GST, Ph 0428848203

Acco 8.3 Cummins motor 5 cubic metre hyd mixer $15,000 Ph 0498511395 Air conditioner reverse cycle teco window mount $200 Ph 0439300079

2006 Sterling LT9500 HX 6x4 Prime Mover, Mercedes 6 Cyl Turbo, Eaton Fuller 13 Speed Manual, Airbag Suspension, GVM:24,000kg GCM: 50,000kg, Odometer Reading: 468,083 original km’s. Vin: 2FZJAZCV06AW58219. $16,000 inc GST 2001 Mitsubishi Fighter, GVM: 10,400kg GCM: 16,000kg Crane, Toolbox & Tipper, Vin: JMFFK617H0MK00075. $26,000 inc GST Isuzu Twin Cab Tipper Truck, Vin: JAANPR75L67103335, Clean Tidy Truck. $25,000 inc GST

REDUCED Chamberlain combine, 24 row, 7” spacing press wheels $1500ono Ph 0419778181 Jeparit REDUCED Fourteen Mackay combine sprint tynes and fittings $150 the lot Ph 53811093

Used 2005 Fuso / Mitsubishi Fighter 129905 original km, Cab Over Day Cab, Bullbar. 90% Tyres, 7.4m Tray, Air to back of tray with Ring Feeder Hitch, Curtain sides, Barn Doors. CB Radio, Steel Rims, Vin: JLFFK61FM0KK00091 $22,000 inc GST Used 2006 Isuzu F3 FVR900T, 16,000kg GVM, Cab Over Day Cab Cab Configuration. 27FT Tray, Airbag Suspension. Vin: JALFVD23R67000066. $44,000 including GST LMCT: 9516

Contact Neville 0417 594 517 TRUCKS & MACHINERY WANTED Page


Air conditioner, artic circle, CFM6000, engine good, base rusty $180 Ph 53840235

Aircraft Hanger Horsham Airport, 40’x40’, could be used for storage $40,000 terms available Ph 53824766

Double Horse Float Sunraysia, EC, one owner, electric brakes, 6mths rego, $5000 Ph 0400497331

Generator AEG, 2400w on wheels, used once $450 Ph 0409967815 Horsham Golf GTH 16’ 6’’, Features, combo shw/tlt, gas h/wtr, 2 s/ beds, new 3 way fridge, phone for more great features, reluctant sale -downsizing home, lovely well kept van, many extras $14,500 Ph 0354951652 St Arnaud Goodyear tractor tyres, 420/70R 28, brand new $650each Ph 0428212996 Hardwood timber, 9 pieces, 3m 470cm long, 145cm wide, 70cm thick Ph 0458014560 Homebrew kit, spirit and beer, too much to list $999 Ph 0419505737 Hot water system, Rheem, natural gas, 135l $100ono Ph 0428313173 Husqvarna ride on mower, model LTH2038, 2010, EC $2,500ono Ph 0408808297 Horsham

Hydro pressure excavator, sucker trailer large capacity, 2006 sharp, reliable $20,000 plus Gst Ph 0428582177 Industrial flood light 250 HPS or 250MH comes with lamp and spare ballast ignitor lamp to make 250MP, never used, 240v $250ono Ph 0409967815 Horsham

Metal tool box 1.15m long x 15cm wide $30 Ph 0458014560 One Scheppach 10” band saw, as new, one carbee wood lathe and tools Ph 53 812721 night only Patio Heatstrip portable electric heater, brand new $250ono Ph 0447674771 Ararat Portable Lincoh welder, 200amp, 3000 watt, 15amp generator, with Kohler twin motor on wheels $1600 Ph 0429986219

REDUCED McCormick-Deering “22-36” tractor, original cond, good goer, made in 1932 $6000 or offers Ph 0448710628 REDUCED New Holland 848 Baler, needs work $500ono inc Gst 0419542569

Post hole digger, fieldquip, 8” auger, no further use, GC $790 plus Gst Ph 0457589689

Kelvinator Opal 300 ltr fridge/ freezer $250 Ph 0439300079

AMC ride on mower, 330 Outback 13hp Honda $1100ono Ph 0458681119

2013 XCMG LW600K Loader with Electronic Monitor, 8695x3020x3543, Engine Power 175, Rated Operating Cap. 6,000kg, Operating Mass: 20,000kg. Chassis No: 11305005, Pin: XUG0600KJDCB06469 $38,000 inc GST Used 2005 Fuso / Mitsubishi FK600 Fighter 7.2 m Tray, Barn Doors, 4x2 Curtainsider, Engine: 6M60090245 Odometer: 183787km, Vin:JLFFK61FM0KK00085 $22,000 inc GST

for sale Windows Cedar, 1x 620w 1800h, 1x 1740w 1800h $200 or will separate Ph 0428535646

145’ tri axle flat top trailer, 143’ tri axle flat top trailer, 1957 Ford truck, side valve, V8, EC, 1 poly fuel tank, 800l with pump, 1 poly fuel tank, call for prices Ph 0427557622

Holland fixed turn table $550 inc Gst Ph 0428894258

CAT 480 R 2003, Canola pick up (country wide), 12’, 972 McDon, 36’ draper front plus trailer, tyres 95%, C12 motor, EC, ready to go, worth look, cheap high capacity machine, farm leased $88,000 inc Gst Ph Peter Velthuis 0428990907

For Sale

12v diesel transfer pump with counter $120 Ph 0427840201

Gator John Deere TX, Nov 08, 1986hrs, with elec tipping tray $6500 Ph 0429986219

Header 1986 Inter 1440 model 5200 hrs with 23’, 810 open front serviced annually by IH mechanic, always shedded, EC for age $12,000 plus Gst Horsham Ph 0428844204

For Sale

Rangehood and 4 gas cooktop, EC, selling due to upgrade, double stainless sink with tap $170, can separate Ph 0402808839 Stawell

Rotary hoe 6’ 3pl 3sp rotor, EC $1900 Ph 53826461 or 0429309491

Various field bins ranging from $3300 to $8800 inc Gst Ph 0428946395 Zetor Tractor 1978, 100hp, front wheel assist, GC, $6,000 Ph 0407340457

Household Items 2 fireplace barrier protectors, bronze embossed, spanish bull fighter and one metal black barrier, both $150 Ph 0447660707

REDUCED Slater 200lb Scales, rayo kero table lamp, lge duplex steelite reel 1931 6in, dietz union driving lamp kero, HAC wooden helmet mantle clock, wooden mantle clock,floyd pound/in pressure gauge, solid brass 10in boat propeller, lge wooden gun case with acc, solid leather gun case by cashmanc, $1050 or will separate, Ph 53824316

Antique French style dresser/ sideboard, original glass and mirror, separates into 3 piece for easy transport, look beautiful in country kitchen, period lounge $1000 Ph 0448523758 Bench top elec oven and hot plates $75 Ph 0427840201 Cobb cooker BBQ roast $120 Ph 0427840201

REDUCED Trailer, 6x4, covered, GC, R38405 $1100 Ph 0407581291 Revitive remote feet and legs machine, used 3 times, EC $180 Ph 0409967815 Horsham Ride on mower, Cox Stockman, 15hp, B&S, EC $2200 Ph 0417554089 Slate billiard table, 8x4, EC, never used, too big for room, with cues, scorer and all balls Ph Bill $4000 Ph 0427311998 Tandem trailer, 10x6, carry 3.2 tonne with hoist, spare wheel, ZO7073 $11,000ono Ph 0458681119

Top of the range mobility single bed, height, head and foot lift massage, EC $1500 Ph 0408578538 Stawell Tri-axle plant trailer, elec brakes, new tyres, VG cond, stock crate to suit, W64074 $7700 Ph 0427361335 Vetch seed for sale, 2 tonne Ph 0407549060 Washing Machine, Simpson 5.5kg $140 Ph 0439300079

Couch, Devon three seater recliner, light green fabric, Australian made, VGC $485 Ph 53581817 Dining table, 6 seater extendable, beige, cloth, wooden $150 Ph 0447660707 Dream pot thermal cooker 6L $120 Ph 0427840201 Household items, sofa bed, tv unit, 2x timber coffee tables, 2x entrance stands, computer desk, q/bed base, small timber table and 4 chairs, best offer on all items Ph 0409210594

Pegar pocket spring seats Home Theatre 4 seater recliner in soft brown leather, made in QLD, model ‘Wellington’, 4 modified drink holders to suit wine glasses or stubbies or cans, optional adjustable headrests, comes from pet free, smoke free, kid free home, absolute EC $5750 Ph for more pictures and info Ph 0427042750 Nhill

Water pump (leader), suit small to medium size tank, new, PRP $300 sell $180 Ph Steve 0432502452 Horsham

Garage Sales B.H. fitness cross trainer, as new $400 Ph 0447674771 Ararat

Billiard table, full size Alcock Thomson & Taylor No 2360, removal at purchaser’s cost, $3500ono Ph 0409406366 Stawell Cat cage, as new $10 Ph 0409967815

Schumachers crop lifters, suit 40’ Chook feeders, made by Max with cotton reel holders $25 Hedt, 2 sizes, large $175, small $130, will reduce feed costs each Ph 0428894258 Tractor Inter B414 diesel, new dramatically, last remaining clutch, new back tyres, 3pt stock, cash only Ph Eric linkage $7700 inc Gst Ph 53470200 0428847201

World War 2 ammunition containers, timber and steel, various sizes, individual prices Ph 0487592270

REDUCED 2000 Surplus building bricks, new $700 for the lot or will separate Ph 0457570421

Garage Sale

Rangehood and glass ceramic cooktop and cleaning utensils $280ono Ph 0409967815 Horsham

2 Lawson Street, Horsham Ride on mower, Deutscher Model R280, 11HP Briggs and Stratton engine, 28” cut, strong heavy duty mower for lawn and weed knock-down, always shedded and maintained $500ono Ph 0455735514

Work zone camping inverter generator, 4 stroke 2000w $400 Ph 0417302688

Coleman gazebo, 3m x 3m, never used $120ono Ph 53523885 Ararat Desk computer monitor, mouse, keyboard and drive plus all leads, EC $120 Ph 0409967815 Horsham

Refrigerator Electrolux 505L, upside down fridge/freezer, 4yo, EC $350ono Ph 53892041

Friday November 8th 3pm - 7pm Saturday November 9th 8am-12noon Three households, something for everyone.

Garage Sale 42 Gillespie Street, Horsham

Roll top desk with 10 drawers, key lock for security, roll top locks automatically when closed including all drawers, extra storage pockets inside roll top, handy for hiding the general paperwork, home business or students desk, H 11 7 5 x W 1 2 2 0 x D 6 1 0 , Australian made, very clean, kid free, smoke free, pet free $425 Ph for more pictures and info 0427042750 Nhill

Saturday, November 9th

Seiki 24” TV with DVD player $70 Ph 53521677 Ararat

Household items.

Smart space cookware, saucepans and frypan set $150 Ph 0427840201


Wednesday, November 6, 2019


mobility aids

3.7m Quintrex traveller, safety Access four wheel walker, padded gear, 2 folding seats, seat, EC, larger wheels $220ono Ph 0409981227 humminbird sounder, bimini cover, 15hp merc, redco trailer, rego U00273, boat rego SX193 $3,000 Ph 0427840201

Motor Vehicle Accessories

Motorized Invacare gopher, EC, new batteries $2000ono Ph Arvor 20, 2001 model, new motor 0409981227 2016, 130 hrs, hull QO762, New light weight wheel chair with trailer V74021 $35,000 Ph accessories, paid $700 will sell for $500 Ph 0402194870 0437744630 REDUCED 10’ de Havilland aluminium boat, 4hp Mariner o/ board, trailer and accessories, excellent car topper, 2 ski bars with rear loader, boat reg XV027, trailer reg L76302 $900neg Ph 53524062 Ararat

Motor Vehicles $10,000 - $20,000

2006 Subaru Outback, 7mths reg, EC, runs well, TXB666 $9999 Ph 0428504301 or 0429000912

2000 Toyota Prado, petrol, auto, 254,223km, 1IN6NI, $17,000ono Ph 0434358412

Motor Vehicles $10,000 - $20,000

Motor Vehicles over $20,000

Nissan Navara 2010, dual cab ute, auto, RWC, 206,000kms, XMO948 $13,500ono Ph 0431718423

MY17 BMW 3 Series MSport, 1 owner selling as no longer needs, excellent BMW dealer service history, VERY low mileage, as good as new, sold with RWC, 1ID4AZ, $42,990 Ph 0409549714

Steinbauer performance chip suit Colorado 2014-2019 $1000 Ph 0427840201 Toyota Hilux 2.8ltr diesel motor, disassembled $800 Eng No. 3L4018131 Ph 0478001572

32 pound 12v elec trolling motor, new $150 Ph 0427840201

Fold up Scooter, easy to erect and put take apart, paid $2200 will sell for $1600ono Ph 0423664106 Nhill

Motor Vehicles $3000 - $10,000

2008 VE Commodore wagon, auto, 199,000kms, reg til 12/19 YUL638 $6800ono Ph 0458083271 Variety of cargo barriers, left over stock to fit Toyota Prado 2002 and 1996, Toyota L’Cruiser, GQ Patrol and kit, L’Cruiser 100S 2005 (2), Toyota Kluger, Ford EA-EF Falcon S/wagon Ph Ken 0418202203 for more info Nhill

Motor Vehicles under $3000 2000 Nissan Pulsar Q, auto, GC, reg till 11/19, QLF490 $1950ono Ph 0448866892

2009 VW Jetta TSI auto, RWC, EC, 114,000kms, XIC932 $8500 Ph 0409811871

2001 GU Nissan Patrol wagon, ZD30 engine, manual transmission, VGC, many extras, 1 owner, RWC, 210,400kms, RFY153 $18,000ono Ph 0409326364

Nissan Navara D22 2013, d/cab, ST-R manual, diesel 4x4, 86,000kms, RWC, 5mths reg 1AI1BX $18,990 Ph Ian 0400564672

REDUCED 2016 ASX XLA Auto, 1 owner, full service history, only 10,195kms, 1IQ3VI $21,500ono Ph 0428596022

Shoprider gopher, VGC $1100 Ph 0419570991 Nhill

Motorcycles 2003 VY Commodore, 12mths rego, towbar, SGN821 $3000 Ph 0427881236 REDUCED 3.5mm Steel hull boat and trailer, ‘Evinrude’, 6cc outboard motor plus 2004 Harley V-Rod 1100, accessories, U35615, NZ465 immaculate condition, reg till $1100 Ph 0427861198 9/20, 28,500 genuine kms, HF808 $17,000 Ph 0409590596

REDUCED 5.2m Quintrex Seafisher cuddy cab boat with tilt trailer, 9166799.6201405, 100hp mariner outboard, Furund GPS Hummingbird fish finder, marine band radio, reg until Dec 19, little use $12,000 Ph 0407340412 REDUCED Brooker 4.2m 30hp mariner, elec start, power tilt, f/steer, new trailer JO207 T77272 $2500 Ph 0400017344

2005 VT750 Honda Shadow, immaculate cond, brand new tyres, approx 6mths reg, RWC, 25,000km, 1B2PB $5500ono Ph 0427506755 2013 Honda Motorcycle, CRT250, EC, 12mths reg, only 900km, 1E2TO2, $4850 Ph 0400518232 Harley Davidson, 1976 shovelhead, 1200cc, 5speed, fitted with sidecar, EC, best offer Ph 0434957205 Hasq ride on mower, GC, inspect in Horsham $1000 Ph 0408378665

REDUCED Caribbean half cab, 65hp Mercury outboard, GC, DPO38, tilt trailer, H85.540 $4800ono Ph 53825727 business hours

Ford Sapphire GLI wagon, duel fuel, Dec rego, 264,357km $1600 Ph 0488214892 REDUCED 1963 Humber Super Snipe, good project car, full history, eng no. B8281399 $1500ono Ph 0417106324 Ararat

Savage Jabiru Pro 385, fish finder, 2 x swivel seats, rod holders, travel cover, 25hp Mercury, new tyres, Dunbier trailer, reg til July 2020, trailer reg S49751, boat reg LJ511 $6000ono Ph Mick Suzuki GW Innazuma, 2013, 0407568386 registered, RWC, new tyres, perfect condition, 14,000kms $2800 Ph 0403827756 The Weekly Advertiser Yamaha Grizzly 4 Wheel Motorbike, 350 auto, 627hrs, 2 wheel drive, reg serviced, 2.5yrs old, VGC, side flares, carry box, water tank, 6500kms, $5500 Ph 0457866027

Yamaha Scooter, 5750kms, EC, reg 1F173 $1600 Ph 0408824734

Motor Vehicle Accessories Engine L98, V8 with complete manual drive line from 2010 VE SS, done 20k only Ph 0488228976

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Fairlane ‘Ghia’ 1998, amaretto gold, orig interior/exterior, 6 CD stacker, EC, 212,000kms $5350 or $5100 w/o RWC Ph 0431215956 Honda Jazz 2002, auto, 1.5l, just serviced, new tyres, VGC, good reliable transport, 180,000kms , RVG580 $3800 Ph 0438026434

REDUCED 2002 Subaru Outback Wagon, 6cyl, 3.0ltr auto, runs well, 418000km, WBU243, best offer Ph 0400979635 REDUCED Honda Odyssey 2004, 2.4 auto, 7 seater, 290,000kms, motor not running, no reg TDY970 $600 Ph 0434557919 Dimboola

REDUCED 2013 Nissan Micra car, EC, low kms, auto, reg till 11/19, 1AP5CX $6990 Ph 53811008

Motor Vehicles $3000 - $10,000

REDUCED Austin Healey Sprite MK3, red, ex body, no rust, does need some work, wiring and suspension, comes with heaps of extras, spare motor, hardtop, clutch, spring pack ect, no reg, eng # 9MUH154531 $9900 Ph Steve 0409796471

2003 Ford Focus 4dr manual sedan, EC, RWC, 108,000kms, reg to 05/20 SGU936 $3900 Ph 0412647442

Subaru Liberty 2000, runs well, reliable, wagon, 213,000kms, WHG793 $3500neg Ph 0403319438 Halls Gap

2004 Holden Vectra CDXi Sports hatch, new tyres and battery, GC, runs and drives really well, V6 motor, low kms, reg and RWC, IPV7MG $5500 Ph 0428504395

2006 Holden Astra CD, 5dr, auto, new tyres, new brake pads and discs, new headlights, airbag replaced under recall, 163,000kms, reg til mid Jan, great little car, drives really well, genuine reason for sale, VIN: WOLOAHL4865039872 TYW475 $5900ono Ph 0448981890

2008 BMW 323i, VGC, RWC, 6mths reg and insurance, 167,000kms, ZZI897 $10,400 Ph 0434448524

Nissan Patrol 2003, new 4cyl auto done 38,000kms, car 218,000kms, bullbar, towbar, wide tyres, May reg, RWC, TNW313 $12,500 Ph 0400251464

REDUCED 2011 Volkswagen Jetta 118TSI Comfortline, silver, auto, petrol, RWC, 143,000kms, 1HE3ZG $7700 Ph 0417558774

Subaru Brumby Ute 83’, GC, as is, no RWC, reg till 02/20 YWX487 Ph 0447724508 Toyota Camry, 1995, csi, 4cyl, auto, as is no reg or rwc, 195,000kms, IDH98N $750ono Ph 0406533184

Nissan Navara Twin Cab, 2009 D40, 4x4, 6spd manual, RWC, 16’ alloy wheels, abs brakes, 6 stacker CD player, 12mths reg, 1DL4AS $15,000ono Ph 0423662397

Wanted to buy manual small car, sedan or hatch, low kms, no more than 10yo, GC to EC, registered, any colour but black, under $5000 Ph 0447773589

The Weekly Advertiser welcomes your advertising. We are required strictly by law to include specific information on some items when publishing your advertisement. A snapshot of your obligations are as follows: ROAD VEHICLES All advertisements for road vehicles must include a price, as well as: • A registration number, if registered • Either an engine number, VIN or chassis number if the vehicle is not registered.

REDUCED Commodore VF SS ute, long reg, towbar, black, manual, RWC supplied, new tarp, must sell 1BE7GT $23,995 Ph 0478829527

Musical Instruments

2010 Colorado dual cab 4x4, 12mths reg, cruise control, reverse camera, elec brakes, aluminium tray, silver, 184,000kms $14,500 Ph 0429954795

REDUCED 1997 Subaru sedan, Liberty, RX 2.5l, AWD, 5spd, reg until Dec, QOY107 $1800ono Ph 53871405

VR Ute, bullbar, towbar, canopy tub liner, good tyres, eng # 6H8VRK80HSL810643, no reg/ RWC, $1800 Ph 0422621071 Ararat Suzuki GS 500, 2009, EC, 8255kms, 1C6YR $4200 Ph 0428857579

welcomes your advertising. We are required strictly by law to include specific information on some items when publishing your advertisement. A snapshot of your obligations are as follows: BOATS All advertisements for boats must include: • Hull number or registration number of the boat If a trailer is included with the boat, the advertisement must also include: • Registration number or chassis number of the trailer.

Falcon EB, sound mechanically, GC, registered, ZQI195 $800ono Ph 0427029051

2011 Hyundai i30, auto, 3mths reg, tinted windows, 99,000kms,1DW4MA $9500ono Ph 0428503733

2002 Nissan Patrol GU111 ST 3L turbo diesel, auto s/ wagon, 3mths rego, EC, 185,145km RKV998 $15,500 Ph 0409103049 Stawell

REDUCED Mason & Hamlin Reed Organ, 16 stops, GC $100ono Ph 0427535212 Ararat

Real Estate

2013 Triton Diesel Ute, bullbar, UHF, new tyres, as new condition, genuine reason for sale, RWC supplied, 84,000kms, 1AU6YW $20,000 Ph Peter 0428990907

REDUCED 2017 Holden Trax Lt, 55,000kms, mostly highway, sunroof, apple play, 6spd auto, partial leather seats, reverse camera, RWC, 1KX2PO $15,500 Ph 0457516447

VE SV6 Commodore, 2011, 6mths reg, RWC, immaculate cond, 79,000kms 1PT3GC $15,000ono Ph 0417334453

Motor Vehicles over $20,000

2001 Toyota Landcruiser 100 series, 4.2 L auto, 6cyl, turbo 2016 Holden Cruze JH CD, diesel, 7 seater air con cruise hatch, 6 spd, tiptronic, silver, control, dual fuel tanks, RWC, 12mths reg, EC, 280,000kms, 60,000kms, rego till May RCK150 $28,000 Ph 2020, service books, 1HE1TY 0409138348 $13,000 contact Keith Ficher Ph 2002 HDJ79R Turbo Diesel 0417691000 Landcruiser ute $33,000 inc Gst Ph 0427323041

Holden Ute SS VE Auto 2009, one owner, 162,000kms, immaculate WSE769 $15,900 Ph 0412280316

New 2019 Kia Rio sedan, won in competition 1OW8AF $16,000 save $3000 Ph 0429634351

Sports Equipment Golf buggy with trailer, Parcar, GO $1000 Ph 53 812721 night only

wanted to buy

2014 Kia Sportage, just serviced, new tyres, GC, 79,000kms, 1CP3ZT $16,000 Ph 0459941601 2014 VF Sedan Sportswagon SV6, auto, black, 8mths rego, full service history, bluetooth, CD player, airbags, abs brakes, blind spot censors, park assist front and rear, rear camera, alarm, climate control two zones, power windows, EC, 81,000kms, 1DB7QD $19,000 Ph 0400009858

Home for relocation, period style, located in Horsham Ph 0427808277

2015 FGX-XR8 6sp manual silhouette paint with grey/ black leather interior, travelled 26,000kms, as new always covered and garaged, car bra included AXM968 $41,000ono contact Ph0458505914

2016 Mitsubishi Outlander XLS ZK SUV, 5 seater, Auto, Power Steering, Cruise Control, Central Locking, Air Con, Climate Control, Tow Bar, ABS brakes, Reverse Camera, GPS, 52,000km, 1GS4DS $21,000 Ph 0433714874

Cash paid, gold and silver jewellery, coins, medals, spoons, plates, cups, cutlery, damaged gold chains, rings, etc Ph Chris 0497249130 SHD0015489

public notices

Glen Logan Restaurant

Christmas Day Buffet Lunch

- taking bookings now! 37-39 Dooen Road, Horsham

Ph Peter and Anne Rowe

5382 5013

150th Anniversary of the Borough of Stawell Council and the Stawell Historical Society invite you to join us for a morning tea and historical display in the Gallery, Stawell Pleasant Creek Historic Precinct at 11am on Tuesday 12 November to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the Borough of Stawell on 12 November 1869.




Public Notices



Looking ff? for sta


Annual General Meeting


Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co-operative RestoRe sight 22nd November 2019,$25 11.00am foR just The Aunty Irene Gathering Place

The land affected by the application is located at Abattoir Road, Stawell being Crown Allotments: 157 and 158 Parish of Illawarra. The application is for a permit for Use and Development for Stone Extraction (Clay Pit) and associated works The applicant for the permit is KJ Krause. The planning permit application reference number is 5.2019.58.1. You may look at the application and any documents that support the application at Council Offices 59-69 Main Street, Stawell This can be done during office hours and is free of charge. Any person who may be affected by the granting of the permit may object or make other submissions to the Responsible Authority. An objection must be sent to the Northern Grampians Shire Council, PO Box 580, Stawell 3380 in writing, include reasons for the objection, and state how the objector would be affected. The Responsible Authority will not decide on the application before 20 November 2019. If you object the Responsible Authority will tell you its decision. VAUGHAN WILLIAMS ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

GGAC Members are welcome

Now servicing Ararat and Stawell

• Ararat Office National (formerly Ararat Newsagency)

• Stawell Bi-Rite Donate now Pick-up Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Phto help 5382 0830 Donate now us continue Fred’s work.

1800 352 352


Come and teach at Dimboola Memorial Secondary College and enjoy a great school culture!

Graduate Teacher – Maths and Physical Education Ongoing position, commencing Jan 28, 2020

We can help Place your situation vacant advertisement in – the largest circulating newspaper in the Wimmera, southern Mallee and Grampians.

(03) 5382 1351



Next year marks 50 years since the class of 1970 started form one at Dimboola Memorial High School. To recognise this milestone there will be a reunion on the Victorian March long weekend in 2020. Festivities will be in Dimboola, commencing on Saturday, March 7. This will be the must do event for 2020 so get it into your diary right now and make it THE priority. So, if you started high school at Dimboola in 1970 and you’re keen to attend or just want to know more about it please contact Peter Gooding or Mary Ferguson (Werner) by email on

Please apply via Recruitment Online #1174312 (closes Nov 11)

Enquiries, call Principal, Anne Gawith 5389 1460

Rural Northwest Health - is an award winning small health service with a focus on improving local health outcomes. We currently have an exciting opportunity for a

Marketing and Communications Manager Full time Warracknabeal Campus

The Marketing and Communications Manager is responsible for the development and execution of Rural Northwest Health’s communication strategies. We are seeking an experienced and creative professional with marketing, communications or related expertise who can convey Rural Northwest Health’s message, as a market leader in Rural Health. The successful candidate will – • Have demonstrated experience in developing successful marketing and communications strategies. • Ensure the marketing strategy is well communicated to improve engagement with the organisation, uptake of services and awareness of strategic priorities. • Well developed written, verbal and digital communication skills across a variety of networks and platforms. • Strong analytical and evaluation skills to continuously monitor, improve and seek opportunities. For a full list of responsibilities and selection criteria please visit – For further information please contact – Dalton Burns, Executive Manager Corporate Services T: 5396 1307 Applications that include a cover letter and current CV can be forwarded to by Friday 15th November 2019


Rick Smith Motors is seeking an enthusiastic and committed person wishing to start a career within the automotive industry. The position requires a highly motivated person who is keen to work in a team environment in this industry. This is an excellent opportunity and ideally, the successful applicant will possess the following attributes: - Sound mechanical aptitude. - Successful completion of Year 11 or Year 12. - Genuine desire to start an automotive apprenticeship. - Be neat, clean and tidy in appearance. - Applicants should also demonstrate a strong commitment to customer service and pride of work. For further details contact Rick Smith on 5381 1061.

Christian Devotion

Stuck between a rock and a hard place!

In his parable, Jesus described the manager (Luke 16:1-8) as a Manager of Unrighteousness. He was the bloke that looked after himself first, while anyone else came a distant second! His reaction to being fired was perfectly worldly. He acted in order to sure up his own future interests. But even though it was probably just for a split-second, and just to get himself out of a bind, he turned to the good reputation and character of his master. He had said that he was ashamed to dig, but ironically he really had “dug himself a hole,” and after hitting rock-bottom he was shrewd enough to look up. He looked up and away from himself to his master, and more specifically, it was his master’s kind, merciful and gracious character and reputation. His shrewdness was two-fold. By reducing the debts owed to his master, he would make friends, so that when he is fired, he will have more than one friend to lean on. Secondly, and more audaciously, he will put his master, “between a rock and a hard place.’ For the Master will be stuck with one of two decisions to make. If he went on to reverse the shrewdness that his manager showed, his good and merciful reputation would be negatively affected. But if he stays true to his goodness and mercy, he will have to take the financial blow. After telling that parable, Jesus made the comment, ‘…the sons of this age are more shrewd/prudent with their own generation than the sons of light… …make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal homes’ (Luke 16:8). Now, there’s a challenge for us all! Rev Chris Raatz, Grampians Lutheran Parish




TO APPLY: Written application and resume to be sent to Rick Smith Motors, PO Box 1118, Horsham 3402. Applications close December 1, 2019.


The Weekly Advertiser


Go to: Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Situations Vacant

Situations Vacant

Situations Vacant

Come and teach at Dimboola Memorial Secondary College and enjoy a great school culture!

Classroom Teacher – English/ Humanities Ongoing position, commencing Jan 28, 2020 Please apply via Recruitment Online #1174224 (closes Nov 11)

Enquiries, call Principal, Anne Gawith 5389 1460

Early Childhood Teacher • Permanent Part-time, 24 hours per week • $62,292 to $77,378 pro-rata Council is looking to recruit a qualified Early Childhood Teacher who can implement a high quality educational program, provide leadership across the service, whom operates in a professional manner and within the NQF, EYLF and VEYLDF. You will be required to have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively with children, parents, staff and colleagues in a friendly and positive manner. The successful candidate is required to have an approved qualification for minimum graduate entry as an Early Childhood Teacher and registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching. For a confidential discussion please contact Tracey Bone, Early Years Coordinator on 5585 9900.

You can be more than part of your community be someone making a difference for people in your community

Youth Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) Outreach Worker Hours: Salary: Contact:

38 hrs per week Stawell $27.34 to $38.31 per hour Caleb Lourensz

Counsellor Hours: Salary: Contact:

38 hrs per week Stawell or Horsham $29.03 to $36.16 per hour Mia Fraser

Closing: 12pm Monday 11 November 2019

our website:

Applications addressing the Key Selection Criteria should be addressed to Tammy Smith, Human Resource Manager and forwarded by post to PO Box 201 Edenhope Vic 3318 or via email to Applications Close: 5.00pm on Monday 18 November 2019

RestoRe sight foR just $25

You can be more than part of your community be someone making a difference for people in your community

Employment opportunities

Hours: Location: Salary: Contact:

30.4 hrs per week Horsham or Stawell $27.63 to $33.89 per hour Emily Clark

Executive Assistant Hours: Location: Salary: Contact:

22.8 hrs per week Stawell $32.81 to $36.58 per hour Kate Astbury

Submit your Run it ‘Til You Sell it Classifieds online now!

Closing: 12pm Monday 25 November 2019

To download a position description and apply visit our website:

Peer Support Worker Connecting 2 Community (Fixed term to 30 June 2020)

Generous salary packaging available in addition to salary

Donate now

For further information email or call contact person on 5358 7400

Need help spreading the word?

Head to and click on the classified link!

Call The Weekly Advertiser

on 03 5382 1351 or email

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Weekly Advertiser


2 Stawell Road, Horsham | (03) 5382 1351

Donate now to help us continue Fred’s work. 1800 352 352




Libby Price on

Country Today Weekdays from noon on

Dance studio earns regional award


Northern Grampians Shire dance studio is flying the regional flag in its teaching of a specialised pre-school dance program.

tion in dance and develop their co-ordination, confidence and creativity. The national industry awards, presented by the Australian preschool business Ready Set Dance, recognises and celebrates Australian studios dedicated in teaching the program to students. District Dance Studio owner and principal teacher Linda Grigg said the studio decided to invest in the program in 2018, and introduced classes at the start of this year. She said teachers travelled more

District Dance Studio, which offers classes in Stawell, St Arnaud and Donald, won a Ready Set Dance Regional Studio of the Year award at a national Ready Set Dance awards conference in Sydney. Ready Set Dance classes are designed to give pre-schoolers a founda-

than four hours each week between St Arnaud and Stawell, and one hour for Donald, for a total of 30 students throughout the studios. She said was very proud of the studio’s win, which she labelled as a testament to the dedication of its teachers. “The commitment my teachers have shown is phenomenal, as they have donated countless teaching hours to trials and promotions within our areas,” she said. “To be the official Ready Set Dance

Regional Studio of the Year award winner is mind blowing. I am also very grateful and humbled by this recognition and could not have done it without my team.” Ready Set Dance also features in children’s program Nick JR as ‘fun and energetic’ short dance videos to encourage regular physical activity. Ready Set Dance director Jade Barnes said District Dance Studio teachers were among the most passionate of the 900 teachers of the program across Australia.

Veterans stay dry

ADVENTURE: Members of Combined Probus Club of Horsham’s Sip and Cycle group prepare for a 17-kilometre trek during a club getaway. The group, which usually has regular Horsham district rides, made the most of the occasion, cycling between Port Fairy and Koroit. The combined probus clubs have several groups that pursue various interests and meet regularly. The picture shows, from left, Ian Baker, Jeff Pay, Bob Sloane, Lorraine Sloane, Graham and Catherine Sellars, Kola Kennedy and Neville Pilgrim. People keen to know more about Horsham Probus membership and activities can email secretary Cynthia Peterson at

Wimmera veteran golfers will tee-off at Horsham Golf Club on November 18, following a successful outing at Nhill. On a day that threatened inclement weather, 53 veterans took on the Nhill course. Four players managed to better their handicap. Rob Porter won A Grade with 38 points on a countback from runner-up Trevor Yole. Brian Gready won B Grade, 38 points, with Rex Konig runner-up on 33 points, and Ralph Chequer took out C Grade with 34 points over Noel Curran, 33 points. Nearest the pins: Rob Porter, 4th; John Barbetti 7th; Ron Norton, 9th; John Barbetti, 12th.


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“District Dance Studio really stood out in their category for their determination to ensure their local community received the benefits of the program,” she said. District Dance Studio Ready Set Dance students have two upcoming performances. These include ‘Countdown’ on Saturday at the Stawell Entertainment Centre from 7pm, and a 30-year celebration performance on December 7 at St Arnaud Town Hall.


BALLARAT 03 5364 2955

15 Dawson Street South |

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Calisthenics concert

Horsham Calisthenics College hosted its annual concert at Horsham Town Hall on Saturday night. Pictured clockwise from above, tinies team-mates Matilda Hardy and Meka Tillotson during their freearm routine, The Grinch; soloist Rachelle Ough performs a classical routine titled The Notebook; junior members Carli Thomas and Lily Snowden perform their aesthetics routine to God Help the Outcasts; junior member Ava Fitzgerald during her clubs routine to Outlander; soloist Jasmine Smith performs The Greatest Show; Ashton Murray during the intermediates rods performance to Wonderland; and centre; soloist Carli Thomas performs The Rose. Wednesday, November 6, 2019




Libby Price on

Country Today Weekdays from noon on

Hitting into finals BY DAVID BERRY


he business end of the season has arrived for Volleyball Horsham’s A and B grade competition with finals starting tonight.

In A Grade the night kicks off with St Brigid’s College Raptors and Murtoa Lizards doing battle in an elimination final. The Raptors have had the wood over the Murtoa team, winning each encounter throughout the season. John Kearns is the key to a Raptors win. The clever setter will look to get Aidan O’Connor and Will Brennan into the game early, while Nathan Sparke is a hitter Murtoa will need to watch, as the youngster has improved significantly as the season has progressed. But the Murtoa team won’t lie down without a fight. Cleo Baker and Laelah Robertson are dynamic in defense and are consistent on pass. This should enable setter Hannah Whyte to bring the high-leaping Will Saligari and Lloyd Baker into the game. The smokey for Murtoa will be young gun Bailey Mathrick. The big hitting left hander got his first taste of A Grade last week and did not look out of place. A five setter is on the cards, with maybe Murtoa Lizards to upset the Raptors boys. Heidelberg and Phantoms will face off in a qualifying final. Heidelberg’s chances rest on the ability of Tim Popple, Tyler Snowden and Tim Carter to back up from a Bendigo Tournament at the weekend. All three had big workloads during that event, so how they recover will determine the outcome of this game. On the other hand, Nathan Berry’s Phantoms will

be fresh, with only Alex Baker backing up after the tournament. Berry’s ability to bring the big-hitting duo of Jon Fitzgerald and Paddy Sherry into the game will determine the outcome of this game. Carter versus Berry, Popple versus Fitzgerald, Snowden versus Sherry – a great contest and a five setter seem assured. Maybe Heidelberg 16-14 in the fifth. In B Grade with a final six in operation, two elimination finals will be played. First up will be the Von Steiger Derby between the Shadows and Savages. The Shadows have been on fire over the past month with Mark Block and Mitch Huff receiving great support from Peter Armstrong and Elliott Kelly. But the Savages have rediscovered their good form from the start of the season, with Aaron Evans, Darcy Wills and James Pipkorn all in good form. This game promises to be a cracker between two in form teams. In the toss of a coin, maybe it will be the Shadows who keep their season alive. In the second elimination final perennial favorites Waterhammers take on Murtoa. Chris Baker, Andrew Wundke and Matt Jolly are the key players for Waterhammers. But the Murtoa team has been consistent with Bailey Logan, Jarrod Khan and Damian Tanner all in good form. The Waterhammers know what it takes to win finals and this should be the difference between the two teams. Finals get underway at 6pm in Horsham’s St Brigid’s College stadium.

AWARD: Warracknabeal lawn bowler Josh Barry travelled to the Gold Coast to accept a Bowls Australia award last week. Barry has represented Australia in the sport on 39 occasions.

Honour for bowler Barry Warracknabeal lawn bowler Josh Barry was the recipient of a prestigious Bowls Australia award last week. Barry was named the body’s Bowler with a Disability of the Year, beating Queensland man Jake Fehlberg for the honour. He was presented with his award at a Bowls Australia Hall of Fame awards night on the Gold Coast on Wednesday last week. Barry was rewarded for an excellent year that saw him captain the Victorian team at the Multi-Disability Lawn Bowls National Championships in Mackay, Queensland. He came away with gold medals in the singles and pairs B7-B8 physical disability section. He was also a member of the Australian Jackaroos national team for a tour of the

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United Kingdom in July, which encompassed open and para-sport bowlers. He has represented Australia on 39 occasions. Barry, who plays for Deer Park Club in the Victorian Premier League bowls competition, thanked his friends and family for supporting him. “I travel five hours to play each week because I still live in country Victoria,” he said. “I’d like to thank mum and dad for driving me everywhere and picking me up at all hours of the night when I come home from Melbourne.” It was the second time Barry has won the award, after also claiming the title in 2016. – Colin MacGillivray

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Fields swell for regatta BY COLIN MacGILLIVRAY


imboola is preparing for its biggest regatta in 14 years, with entries for the weekend rowing carnival up more than 30 percent from last year.

Dimboola Rowing Club committee member Mick Salter said it was the largest field of entries the regatta had seen since 2005. “That was pre-drought, and since then we’ve had three years where the river was dry and we missed regattas,” he said. “Last year we had 20 crews attending including the Dimboola Rowing Club and this year we’ve got 27 clubs attending. “The Corio Bay Rowing Club from Geelong is bringing two boat trailers. “It’s huge for the local community.” Mr Salter said the regatta would have a huge effect on businesses in the town. “We as a club can say we own the regatta, but it’s really run by the town,” he said. “The hotels, the motels, the caravan parks, the host farm, the Guide camp – all the accommodation venues are booked out. “We do the best we possibly

can, because it costs a lot for other clubs to go away and take a lot of boats and people to other locations.” Racing will be split across two days, with the main regatta on Saturday and the Head of the Wimmera on Sunday. Racing on Saturday will feature 59 events with 384 rowers registered to take on the 750-metre course. The 6.2-kilometre Head of the Wimmera has attracted 55 crews – its biggest ever field. Mr Salter said only 35 crews had entered the head race last year. “It is by far the biggest we’ve ever had and there are an extra 20 crews coming down the river this year,” he said. “Some of the larger head races in Victoria work on between 70 and 80 crews – and they are head races that are really established – and we’ve only been doing ours for 10 years. “For us to have 55 crews after 10 years is pretty exciting stuff.” Mr Salter encouraged people from Dimboola and the wider region to take advantage of free entry for spectators by attending the regatta. He said it was bound to be a special weekend.

MOMENTUM: Dimboola’s Ben Salter, Evan Hunter, Hamish Sellens, Tonnis Wolthuis and cox Tara Petschel at last year’s Dimboola regatta. Event organisers are expecting a surge in numbers for this weekend’s event. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER “Our sprint course on the Saturday is quite unique,” he said. “Being three lanes wide, you’re very close to the banks, so spectators can yell out from the banks and the rowers will actually hear them. “It’s very protected from the elements because the banks are quite sharp, so it protects them from being affected by wind. “On the northern side of the river everyone can walk along

the course from start to finish, so everyone can watch the rowing from all points along the course during the day. “There is a lot of excitement and really positive energy around the club,” he said. “We have a lot of junior crews at the moment, so we’re trying to keep the momentum going. “You put a good carnival atmosphere on and the clubs will turn up.”

Excitement high for Ararat cup A day of excitement and fun beckons for punters at the Ararat Gold Cup on Sunday. Racegoers will be treated to live musical entertainment, featuring the band Pink Moon from Ballarat. Children will also be entertained with free activities such as face painting, a jumping castle, a giant slide and costume brumby races. Race packages are available from Ararat Turf Club, including trackside umbrella, mini marquee and party marquee options, with catering also available. Ararat Turf Club manager Penny Penfold said preparations for the $70,000 race meeting had been going well. “There are many volunteer hours that go into preparing for and staging a community event, and we are very fortunate to have a hands-on committee at Ararat Turf Club that assists in all areas of race day preparation,” she said Mrs Penfold said a fashions on the field event would be a major off-track highlight. She said $4000 of prizes would be awarded during the fashions contest, with categories including children’s sections. The best dressed woman will receive $500 cash. Free shuttle buses will operate between the racecourse, Ararat Station and Ararat Town Hall during the day. General admission tickets are $20 on the day for adults and $15 for pension card holders. Children under 17 are admitted free when accompanied by a parent or guardian. If people purchase online before tomorrow, general admission tickets are available at a discounted early bird price of $15 per person. For more information about Ararat Gold Cup Day, people can visit


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Saints dominant team BY COLIN MacGILLIVRAY


atimuk got its first points of the Central Wimmera Tennis Association pennant season via a rained-out draw at the weekend but faces a tough test against St Michaels on Saturday.

The match at Natimuk will pit the league’s top side against its bottom side, with the Saints undefeated through four rounds and the home side still winless. The Saints recorded an ominous win against Horsham Lawn Gillespie at the weekend, annihilating their opponents 11 sets, 93 games to one set, 30 games. Such was the Saints’ dominance that they won five of the 12 rubbers to love, with another two wins coming by 8-1 scores. The only bright spot for Lawn Gillespie was Ross Janetzki’s 8-5 win against Saint Peter Hayes in the second-last rubber of the day. Lawn Gillespie is now reeling in sixth place after dropping its past three matches and faces an uphill battle to climb back into finals contention. Reigning premier Kalkee got its season back on track with a 9-78 to 3-53 win against Central Park. The Kees won two early rubbers through men’s pairing Steve Schul-

tz and David Pipkorn, 8-1 against Bayden Penrose and Brendan Nitschke, and women’s pair Anna Exell and Paula Weidermann, 8-3 against Sharon Clough and Josie Kerr. The Parkers looked primed for a fightback when Ross McIntyre captured the first singles rubber of the day 8-3 against Matt Beddison, but the Kees quickly re-established their stranglehold on the game. All three of the Parkers’ rubber wins came through their men, with Nitschke downing Pipkorn 8-1 in singles before combining with McIntyre to defeat Pipkorn and Beddison 8-2. The Kees are third on the ladder with two wins and two losses, but trail second-placed Horsham Lawn Thompson after it stayed undefeated with a 9-82 to 3-59 win against Brimpaen. The teams split the opening four rubbers, with Lawn Thompson taking both doubles sets through men’s pair Graeme Wood and Ben Hartwich and women’s pair Cherie Wood and Tahlia Thompson, but Brimpaen struck back in the singles through Daniel Smith and Ebony Dunn. The results appeared to set up an intriguing arm wrestle, but from that point on Lawn Thompson dominated and Brimpaen won only one more rubber for the afternoon, courtesy of

Club marks 50 years Natimuk and District Field and Game Club members will mark the group’s 50th anniversary with a weekend celebration and Arapiles Championship event. The three-days of events will start on Friday with a ZZ shooting practice from 2.30pm to 6pm. On Saturday a ZZ target event will start at 11am, and five stand pool shoot and ZZ pool shoot at 2pm. This will be followed by a free roast dinner in the clubrooms. Sunday will feature a 100 target ASF shoot starting from 10am.

Annual bowls tournament FOCUS: Jason Farlow in action for Lawn Gillespie. St Michaels won the showdown, 11 sets, 93 games to one set, 30 games. Gerard Matthews and Smith. Brimpaen will now regroup for an important clash with the Kees. The winner will have an early leg up in the top four race, with both sides recording two wins from four games so far.

Lawn Gillespie will try to get its season back on track with a home game against Central Park, and Lawn Thompson will travel to take on Drung South, which had its match against Natimuk washed out on Saturday.

Wimmera Legacy Club’s 61st annual two bowl open triples tournament will be at Horsham’s Sunnyside Bowling Club on November 16. Open combination men’s and women’s teams will play from 12.30pm in three games of 10 ends. Tournament entry costs $30 per team and includes afternoon tea. Entries can be lodged with Sunnyside Bowling Club on 5382 3115 or Horsham City Bowling Club on 5382 1118 until 6pm on Thursday next week.

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Mixed fortunes for the Redbacks BY COLIN MacGILLIVRAY


rarat notched a win and a loss at the weekend as it kept itself in the thick of the Country Basketball League south-west conference finals race.

The Redbacks played arguably the best team in the conference, Mount Gambier, on Saturday night before a meeting with competition newcomer Stawell on Sunday. Playing at home on Saturday night, they were no match for the reigning conference champion, losing 103-71. The Lakers scored first through a pair of Kurt Rodis free throws and

never relinquished the lead, although the Redbacks stabilised in the second quarter with strong performances from Fletcher Burger and Jason Cameron. Cameron finished with 13 points, with Josh Fiegert contributing 12 and Cody Lindsay nine. DJ Woods, who exploded for 30 points in the Redbacks’ first-up win against Millicent Magic, was relatively subdued with nine against the Lakers. The Lakers made the road trip with only seven players, but five of them scored in double figures, led by Simon Berkfeld, 21, Rodis and Sam Stafford, 19 apiece.

points to help establish a 12-point break by half time. Although the Wildcats continued to play hard in the second half they were unable to make inroads, eventually losing 81-52. Woods responded from his quiet night against Mount Gambier with 22 points, while Cody Lindsay had 18. For the Wildcats it was Aiden Graveson and Joel Freeland who did most of the damage, scoring 14 and 12 respectively. Ararat is now sixth on the ladder and faces another game against Mount Gambier at the weekend, this time on the road.

Ararat needed to quickly shake off the loss to regroup against the hungry Wildcats, who entered the round winless and at the bottom of the ladder. When the Redbacks ran away to a 12-0 lead in the first three minutes it looked as if the Wildcats were in for another crushing loss, but the home team dug in its heels and cut the margin to four points late in the quarter. With a pair of Matthew Bourke three-pointers trimming Ararat’s lead back to five near the end of the second, Stawell looked a chance of pulling off an unlikely upset. But the Redbacks responded through Woods, who scored seven unanswered

The Redbacks will play Millicent on Saturday night and the Lakers on Sunday afternoon in a South Australian road trip. The Wildcats will also be on the road with a trip to Colac to take on the Kookas, while Horsham Hornets will return to action with a game against Warrnambool at Horsham Basketball Stadium at 2pm on Sunday. Horsham Lady Hornets will also return from a week off with a Saturday night game in Colac and a home game against Warrnambool at 2pm on Sunday.

Natimuk gymnasts reach state heights Setting sail A junior Natimuk and District Gymnastic Club competitor came away with a podium finish at a state championship event at the weekend. Level-four gymnast Remi Bailey walked away with a bronze medal for his high bar performance at the Gymnastics Junior Victorian Championships at Geelong Arena. He was also awarded fifth place for his floor routine, fifth on vault and finished the competition sixth overall from 40 boys. Remi’s brother Eli also enjoyed success, collecting fourth and sixthplace ribbons, in high bar and vault respectively. Head coach Lynette Morrow said the pair was among 10 of her young charges who qualified and competed at the event. She said the experience, a first for half of the gymnasts, would provide each of the competitors with valuable lessons. “We had four girls and six boys compete and for all of them it was a great experience,” she said. “It was a tough competition and they’ll certainly come home having learned from it and use that experience next year. “The standard of competition in the boys’ competition especially was higher than I have ever seen. “The men’s competition has lifted to an entirely new level.”

SUCCESS: Natimuk and District Gymnastic Club head coach Lynette Morrow with club gymnasts Remi, left, and Eli Bailey at the Gymnastics Junior Victorian Championships in Geelong at the weekend. Both boys won recognition for their efforts, with Remi collecting a bronze medal on high bar.

Mrs Morrow said the club’s levelfour boys team of Ben Grey, Edward Jones, Orlan Hart and Eli and Remi finished in sixth place. Level-three competitor Max Schultz took on his first state competition as an individual. His best result was a 12th-place finish on rings. “Our level-five entrant Tia McClure

did extremely well in the women’s championship,” Mrs Morrow said. “Her best placing was 10th on floor out of about 48 competitors. “The level-four girls team came 15th overall and their best placing was ninth on bars. “They did really well because their events are competed in teams of five, where the three best scores count.

“Because we only had three in our team, every score counted, they had nothing to play with.” Mrs Morrow said all 10 competitors would now join the rest of the club in preparation for a Natimuk and District Gymnastic Club invitational competition on November 16 and 17. – Lotte Reiter

A first group of contenders in Horsham Yacht Club’s inaugural ACE Challenge will try their hand in competition at a later date after wind gusts exceeded safety limits. The challenge series involves competitors racing single catamarans in a time trial across Green Lake, in an effort to win a trophy and $300 cash prize. Commodore Rick Walker said there was too much wind on Green Lake at the weekend for inexperienced sailors. But the gusts struggled to dampen the enthusiasm of one ACE Challenge contender, who said she had a ‘blast’ on the water, her boat skippered by an experienced sailor. “Two things are essential for water sports – water and sports. Sailing brings a third aspect to the equation – wind,” Mr Walker said. “We experienced all three of these but there was too much wind. “It was considered suitable for experienced sailors who can manage gusts of 40kph, but far too much for our ACE challengers.” Mr Walker said the three people enrolled for the first weekend would sail on one of the other three challenge dates, with the next set for this Sunday at 1pm. He encouraged people to challenge themselves to learn a new skill and have ‘real fun’, and sign up for the ACE Challenge by calling him on 0428 824 113 or emailing

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Daisy nationals bound Horsham athlete Daisy Sudholz will fly to Perth in December to compete at the Australian All Schools athletics championships after winning a state title in the 1500 metres. The St Brigid’s College student will take plenty of confidence into the national event after blitzing the field in the under-14 girls 1500-metre final at the Victorian All Schools championships in Melbourne. Sudholz, with a time of 4:56.97, was more than 10 seconds in front of her nearest competitor – Padua College’s Reece Fischer. Sudholz also competed in the 800-metre final at the championships after posting the top qualifying time but ran eighth in a field of 10 finalists. Earlier in October she won a School Sport Victoria 1500-metre final and finished second in the 800 metres. She also won a School Sport Victoria cross country final and finished ninth in the Australian All Schools cross country competition this year. Horsham athletics coach

Ricky Price said Sudholz has what it takes to compete with the best junior athletes in the nation in December. “Daisy has won her past two races fairly easily,” he said. “Her time of under five minutes at the Victorian All Schools was very good, but the past couple of times she’s run it has been windy. “With a headwind and then a tailwind it’s hard to know exactly how she’s going. “She hasn’t had a lot of opposition to run against, and it’s hard to know how she’ll respond when she’s running against other girls there who will definitely be running that sort of time or faster. “It’s not unusual to see someone win that with a time in the 4.40s, so it’s just about on the day whether Daisy is able to push through and respond.” Price said Sudholz was constantly improving her 1500-metre time and would need to continue to do so. He said her recent results showed she was capable of great things. “A couple of years ago when she was in prima-

ROAD TO NATIONALS: Horsham athlete Daisy Sudholz will fly to Perth in December to compete at the Australian All Schools athletics championships. ry school she got pipped at the post in the Victorian All Schools, and this was her first go in the under-14 age group,” he said. “To win at the Victorian All Schools is a very good achievement – it’s a standard above School Sport Victoria. “That’s an achievement by itself, but to also make the Australian All Schools cross country championships and

win the School Sport Victoria cross country is great. She’s improving all the time and she works very hard. “She likes to get out and lead from the front which is a hard thing to do in the 1500. “She’s been able to run home and put the tempo up in the last couple of laps, which means she’s finishing the races really well.” – Colin MacGillivray

Grampians wash out Rain has again caused Grampians Cricket Association to cancel competition, leaving just one out of the three possible rounds being played. With forfeits occurring in round one, some teams are yet to take to the field. If cricket was to experience a couple of ‘extreme heat policy’ days later in the summer, the cricket season might be very short indeed. Round four is another one-day match, with the principal game being between Chalambar and Youth Club at Alexandra Oval, Ararat. This will allow Chalambar to see where it fits in A Grade – a win, or even a competitive loss, would give the club great confidence heading into the rest of the season. Youth Club has all the attributes to test any side: hard hitting batsmen, steady bowlers, good fielding ability and, above all, experience on turf wickets – something ‘Chally’ has not experienced recently. Chalambar;s only appearance against Halls Gap was encouraging, and it will again look to Luke Walker and Ryan Bertram for runs, and Matthew ‘Moon’ McKinnis with his left-arm tweakers for wickets. The Clubbers’ main weakness appears to be their openers, but they can overcome this with batting depth, which will challenge

Chalambar’s bowlers. The Clubbers’ bowlers did the job against the Combine last time. Jarrod Illig will lead the attack, along with Cam Kimber and Damon Folkes. In other matches St Andrews will play Halls Gap at Gordon Street, Ararat, in a match St Andrews will be hoping to add to its round-one victory. Halls Gap will be under pressure from Saints bowlers Michael Harricks, Tom Mills and Jake Robinson, who will be aiming to dismiss Gappers gun bat Charlie McIntosh who, with Josh Leith, offers the biggest threat to a win. The Saints have batting potential in Aaron Byron, Harricks, and James Hosking. In the final match, Swifts-Great Western is at home to Pomonal at Central Park, Stawell. Both clubs lost their first matches and will be looking to kick-start their seasons with a win in. Lachlan Dalkin and Mick Armstrong will lead the bowling. The pair did a fair job against the Saints, but will be tested against the Combine’s batting line-up, which includes master-blaster Sam Cocks and an in-form Travis Nicholson. They will need to be on the job because the Tigers’ batting was lacking against the Saints and a big run chase could go against them.


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Combe the man to watch BY COLIN MacGILLIVRAY


orsham Cricket Association teams will enter the first round of two-day games on an extended break after A Grade competition was rained out at the weekend.

None of the four scheduled matches were played, leaving the ladder unchanged. A match at Horsham City Oval will pit second-placed Noradjuha-Toolondo against Horsham Saints, with big top-four implications on the line. The Bullants are the second-highest run-scoring team in the association with 539 from three games. The bulk of the team’s runs have come from opener Justtin Combe, who has been in sublime form this season. Combe has compiled innings of 111 not out, 91 not out and 20, giving him a colossal average of 222. Also in reasonable touch with the bat are David Combe, averaging 31, and John Heard, 29. The Saints will take some beating, however, as they showed in their most recent match in round three against Jung Tigers. The team was able to blunt the effectiveness of the top scoring side in the association with a well-rounded bowling attack that conceded only 3.7 runs an over.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Trent King was the pick of the Saints’ bowlers with 1-10 from eight overs, including three maidens. The Saints were easily able to chase the Tigers’ total of 5-148 down within 30 overs, giving them a comfortable victory. King and fellow Saints bowlers Tony Caccaviello, Jono Carroll, Jackson Davidson and Tim Bell will need to produce a similar effort to keep the Bullants’ bats silent. Rupanyup-Minyip tops the competition with a wicket differential of nine, having taken an association-high 29 wickets through three matches. It seems an ominous sign for their round-five opponent Colts, who have lost more wickets than any other side this season. The teams met in a one-day match in round one, with the Blue Panthers blasting 209 from their 40 overs before dismissing the Colts for 162. The round-five rematch, to be played on Dudley Cornell’s turf wicket, could be decided by the ability of the Colts’ top-order batsmen to stick around and get runs against a deep and talented line-up of Rupanyup-Minyip bowlers led by Bailey Young, Brent Hudson, Corey Morgan and Jordan Weidemann. Blackheath-Dimboola will host Jung Tigers at Dimboola with both sides hoping to break into the top four.


A Grade This week: Two-day games, Homers v Laharum at Sunnyside, Blackheath-Dimboola v Jung Tigers at Dimboola, Noradjuha-Toolondo v Horsham Saints at Horsham City Oval, Colts v Rupanyup-Minyip at Horsham Dudley Cornell Park. Last week: Blackheath-Dimboola drew with Noradjuha-Toolondo, Horsham Saints drew with Colts, Homers drew with Jung Tigers, Rupanyup-Minyip drew with Laharum.


DRIVING: West Wimmera’s Nathan Alexander plays a stylish cover drive against Horsham Saints in B Grade action at Davis Park, Nhill, on Saturday. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER The Bulls’ last outing ended with a seven-wicket loss to Rupanyup-Minyip, and the Tigers will pose another tough challenge. Blackheath-Dimboola has struggled to consistently take wickets since a round-one win against Laharum, and will need its bowlers to return to form against the powerful Tigers. The final match of the round pits Homers against Laharum at Sunnyside Recreation Reserve.

The Pigeons are clinging to third place on the ladder after a tough roundthree loss to Noradjuha-Toolondo and will be looking to return to form against the Mountain Men. Laharum defeated the Bullants in round two, largely behind big innings of 69 from Ben Peucker and 45 from Daniel Griffiths, and will need their bats firing again if they are to climb off the bottom of the ladder.

A Grade This week: One-day games, St Andrews v Halls Gap, Chalambar v Youth Club, Swifts-Great Western v Pomonal. Last week: Pomonal drew with Halls Gap, Youth Club drew with St Andrews, Swifts-Great Western drew with Chalambar.


A Grade This week: Jeffcott v Birchip, Donald v Wycheproof-Narraport, St Arnaud v Brim-Kellalac-Sheep Hills, St Mary’s v Marnoo. Last week: Birchip 7-183 (R. Doran 62, W. Sheahan 30, D. Whitehand 25, G. Turner 2-26, A. Durie 2-31, B. Gaylor 2-32) d Wycheproof-Narraport 93 (N. Coles 26); Jeffcott drew with St Arnaud, Marnoo drew Brim-Kellalac-Sheep Hills, St Mary’s drew with Donald.



Sport Vol. 22 No. 19 Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Jockey Jordan Childs and Horsham trainer Paul Preusker discuss horse Surprise Baby’s fortunes before the race. Inset: Surprise Baby in the mounting yard at the Melbourne Cup. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER, inset DARCIE HASTWELL

Surprise packet BY COLIN MacGILLIVRAY


orsham-trained galloper Surprise Baby did the Wimmera proud with a barnstorming fifthplace finish at the Melbourne Cup yesterday afternoon – and banked a cool $230,000 in the process.

The five-year-old, trained by Paul Preusker at McKenzie Creek, entered



as a $12 fifth favourite for the ‘race that stops a nation’ and one of Australia’s local hopes. He was given a tough run from barrier 20 and settled near the tail of the pack, where he stayed for most of the 3200-metre race. Jockey Jordan Childs made his move at about the 700-metre mark, manoeuvring Surprise Baby around the

outside to come streaking down the Flemington straight. Surprise Baby showed the impressive form that saw him take out The Bart Cummings to earn Preusker his first Melbourne Cup berth last month but could not catch cup winner Vow And Declare before the line. A protest from connections of Il Paradiso saw second-placed Master

Of Reality relegated to fourth. Prince Of Arran was promoted from third to second, and Il Paradiso moved into third. A fifth-place finish was an excellent result for Surprise Baby and earmarks the horse as one to watch for next year’s Melbourne Cup. The lightly raced gelding is the son of 2009 cup winner Shocking and has

five placings from 11 career starts. The $230,000 awarded to the fifth placegetter in the Melbourne Cup will take his career prize money to nearly $1-million. Surprise Baby was a popular favourite at Horsham Melbourne Cup events yesterday, with patrons packing the city’s pubs to watch the race.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

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