Horsham is set to host its biggest weekend of the year with thousands of people to line the banks of the Wimmera River for The Weekly Advertiser Horsham Fishing Competition on Sunday. With a prize pool of more than $40,000, organisers expect about 1500 people to register for the competition.
People from across Victoria and interstate travel to Horsham to camp along the Wimmera River, and enjoy a full weekend of activities, starting with the Horsham Greyhound Cup on Friday night.
Sunday will also feature a car show at May Park to raise money for Wimmera Against Cancers in Kids, and a
riverfront pop-up summer series event from 2pm to 6pm.
Horsham Fishing Competition president Bart Turgoose said registrations were on track to reach the 1500-mark.
“Obviously, the more people who come to Horsham, the better – that’s the whole point of this, we want everyone in Horsham to see what we’ve got to offer,” he said.
“It’s one of the best places to come and visit for a long weekend, especially because you get to camp on the river for free.
“ There’s a whole plethora of events right across the weekend that people can go to that are free.”
Mr Turgoose said a positive aspect to the annual event was that it was a beacon for families and friends
to gather on the Labour Day long weekend.
“I think the best thing from the fishing comp perspective is just to have so many people in town – it’s such a good injection into the town and they get to come and experience the best that Horsham has to offer,” he said.
“I find the river is just one of the most amazing parts of Horsham. I love it.
“I’m a bit biased in that way I guess, but it’s just the fact that everyone gets to come along with their family and friends – have a weekend away on the river, have a bit of a fish, a chat, and a bit of fun.”
Mr Turgoose said organisers worked closely with all emergency services and Horsham Rural City Council lo-
cal laws officers to ensure the safety of competitors.
“We encourage anyone to report any antisocial behaviour and anything that’s making them uncomfortable or not enjoy the competition, because we want it to be the most family-friendly event possible and we have resources to deal with those sorts of things,” he said.
“The thing is the majority of our competitors are great and do all the right things, but we don’t want the small minority ruining it for everyone else.
“The police and local laws officers will be there, they work with us, and it’s all about that cohesive relationship we have with emergency services.”
The major prize for the overall long-
est native fish is a $7500 HelloWorld Travel voucher, while there is a $3000 Big4 Parks voucher for second longest native fish; with another 18 prizes for adults and 10 prizes for juniors.
There are also specific categories for longest catfish, yellowbelly, and silver perch or redfin; as well as bags of carp measured in length.
Anglers will also have a chance to win lucky entry and spot prizes. Fish are judged through a catch, photograph and release system, with competitors to follow a set of rules to measure the fish on length, not weight, before submitting through an online portal.
For more information and to register, people can visit www.horshamfishing comp.com.au.
BIG SMILES: Graham Gellatly on the move in yesterday’s Wimmera Machinery Field Days tractorcade showing historical tractors – in line with this year’s theme of ‘big tractors’. The three-day event, which began yesterday, attracts thousands of people to Longerenong. For more on the field days, see pages 20-21.
Jobs boon at potato plant
A$441-million, 24-hour frozen potato production facility creating 245 jobs is planned for Dooen.
Farms Frites Australia is seeking planning and environmental approvals to establish a factory at the Wimmera Agriculture and Logistics, WAL, Hub.
The company, established in 2016, produces Australian-grown frozen chips and potato products for restaurants, pubs and takeaway businesses, including KFC and Hungry Jacks.
After a nationwide search, Farm Frites selected a 30-hectare Freight Terminal Road site for its first Australian production facility.
It previously imported its products from The Netherlands, Belgium and Poland.
In a letter to stakeholders, Farm Frites Australia general manager Kieran Prestidge said the Dooen site was the ‘perfect place’.
“We know it’s not potato growing country – but it’s perfectly located in the middle of the best growing regions in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales,” he said.
“It’s got a proud agricultural history, and excellent connections to road and rail networks.”
Mr Prestidge said the development was subject to approvals by the State Government, Horsham Rural City Council and the Environment Protection Authority.
“We’re thrilled to be making this investment in Dooen and in the Wimmera and excited to become a longterm, trusted member of this proud agricultural region,” he said.
Show for the kids
Wimmera Against Cancer in Kids will host its annual car and bike show at Horsham’s May Park during the Labour Day long weekend.
A fundraiser for the group, WACK offers financial support to families who have children undertaking medical treatment.
WACK trustee Brendan McKinnon said the Bull and Mouth Hotel, Dimboola Ski Club and WACK sponsored three accommodations at North Fitzroy.
“Those rooms had 26 families stay for an average of 14 nights during the year,” he said.
“Across the years we have donated $117,000 to Ronald McDonald House Melbourne, $20,000 to Ronald McDonald House Adelaide, and almost $50,000 to Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne.”
Entry to the Sunday show, from 9am to 2pm, is by a gold coin donation. Car and bike entry is $10.
People can call 0429 941 241 for more information.
“We’re thrilled to be making this investment in Dooen and in the Wimmera and excited to become a long-term, trusted member of this proud agricultural region”
– Kieran Prestidge
Farm Frites representatives were at the field days yesterday, meeting with stakeholders and providing information to the public from the council stand.
The processing facility is set to create 245 jobs for local workers, providing training and career opportunities.
The jobs will be not only on the factory floor but in administration, management, maintenance and sales.
Construction of the facility, set to
create 750 jobs, is planned to begin late this year or early 2026, with production to begin in early 2027.
The facility will include unloading and storage areas for potatoes; a closed conveyor for transporting potatoes from storage to the factory; a production line that takes raw, unwashed potatoes and makes the finished, frozen products shipped to customers; an internal road network for light and heavy vehicles; and associated waste, water and monitoring equipment.
It is understood Horsham Rural City Council supports the project, and will amend the Wimmera Intermodal Freight Terminal, WIFT, Precinct Master Plan to allow manufacturing of this scale on the site.
People can visit www.farmfrites. com.au/projects for more information.
Stawell winner of $25K ACE Radio raffle
‘A feeling’ by her husband about her chances of winning $25,000 in gold led to Stawell’s Carolyn Hedges entering ACE Radio’s Variety raffle.
Green light for festival
Buloke Shire councillors have gone against a council officers’ recommendation to cancel the 2025 Esoteric Music Festival, and given festival organisers the green light.
At Monday’s council meeting, councillors voted to grant the Donaldbased festival a one-year permit, instead of the 10-year planning permit they had applied for.
The festival, which starts tomorrow and runs to Tuesday, injects more than $15-million into the local economy.
On Friday, council officers had advised festival organisers to cancel the event due to council officers recommending the refusal of a planning permit based on significant health and safety concerns.
Following last year’s festival there was an outbreak of Shigellosis, causing at least 260 people to experience gastroenteritis-like symptoms.
More than 7000 tickets have been sold, with another 1000 tickets still for sale, and 3000 people expected to attend as volunteers.
However, they will still have to obtain a Place of Public Entertainment Occupancy Permit, POPE-OP, before the festival can proceed.
Fatal collision
Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding a fatal collision near Dimboola on Monday afternoon. Two cars collided on the Western Highway at about 5pm.
One of the drivers, who is yet to be formally identified, died at the scene.
The passenger was airlifted to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
The other driver was transported to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
The investigation into the collision remains ongoing.
Police urge anyone who witnessed the collision or with dashcam to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au.
As of yesterday, 58 people had died on Victorian roads this year – 10 more than at the same time last year.
Lovett honoured
Mrs Hedges said her husband Tom had convinced her to buy two $100 tickets.
“He came home, he said he heard it on the radio and said ‘you’ve got to buy a ticket, love’, and I said ‘no, not
The raffle, as part of ACE Radio’s fundraising for Variety the Children’s Charity, was drawn on Friday. Variety fundraisers for children living with disability, illness and experiencing disadvantage.
wasting my money, I’ll never win’,” she said.
“He goes ‘no, I want you to buy two tickets’. So, I was going to just put them in his name. He said ‘no, I want one in your name because you’re the one that’s going to win it’.”
Mrs Hedges said she was in disbelief
to have won the raffle. “He actually said to me ‘I want a percentage’, and I said ‘Well, you’ve got your percentage mate, that’s me’,” she said.
But a holiday to Scotland may be on the cards for the couple, who are now $25,000 richer.
Gunditjmara and Wotjobaluk woman Tanisha Lovett, of Horsham, was one of four Indigenous leaders recognised for their outstanding achievements at the 26th Ricci Marks Awards.
Ms Lovett was recognised for her work as an artist and mentor.
The State Government will award Ms Lovett a $5000 bursary to continue her community work.
DRIVING A GOOD CAUSE: Wimmera Against Cancer in Kids trustee Brendan McKinnon, left, and Wimmera Against Cancer in Kids Car and Bike Show organiser Simon Clark, are looking forward to Sunday’s event. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
HRCC seeks ‘Wimmera Wave’ road funding
The Wimmera’s reactive subsoil conditions will be the focus of a renewed Horsham Rural City Council request for extra road funding.
Council will lobby the Victorian Grants Commission to review the formula for assessing the contribution to councils for the local roads component of the annual financial assistance grants.
The argument is that compared to other parts of the state, the Wimmera’s roads have shorter lives, and therefore increased costs of maintenance and renewal.
Mayor Ian Ross said the soil composition that made the Wimmera-Mallee region such fertile farmland had a negative effect when it came to road building.
“Known colloquially as the ‘Wimmera Wave’, a band of moisture-absorbing reactive clay runs across the region, starting at Dadswells Bridge and spanning across the West Wimmera,” Cr Ross said.
“Our subsoil is so absorbent, that it swells and shrinks with the seasons and it never returns to quite the same shape.
“This is one of the major reasons that we see quite a lot of deterioration on our roads, especially with the high number of freight vehicles using these roads,” he said.
HRCC has asset management data to support its submission. It uses an index to show the impact of highly reactive clay soils on the usable life of roads, and the associated extra costs to council.
An independent report has shown that the lifespan of roads in different parts of Victoria can vary by as much as 450 per cent – and Horsham is at the lowest end of this range.
The grants commission supports the state’s 79 councils to deliver vital services to their communities based on their local priorities, ranging from recreation and culture to community services and maintenance of local roads.
HRCC made a similar proposal to the commission in 2014, but this was not successful in securing additional funding for the municipality’s roads.
Playgroup park adventures
HRCC Playgroups has introduced a new afternoon event for families.
Called “Park Adventures,” the afternoon sessions aim to provide outdoor group play opportunities for parents who can’t make it to morning groups.
Each play session will take place at a different park, making use of Horsham’s range of open play spaces.
“We found that there was high demand for an afternoon playgroup,” supported playgroup facilitator Grace Hobbs said.
“A lot of people have asked for something to fill that gap between kinder pick-up and dinner, and we are more than happy to help.”
If you are interested in attending a Park Adventure, playgroups take place at 3.30pm on Tuesdays.
You can find the week’s location on the HRCC Playgroups Facebook page.
If you have any questions, call Ms Hobbs on 0427 532 856.
Intention to sell land: Wimmera Agriculture and Logistics Hub, Dooen
Council gives notice under section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020 of its intention to sell land at the Wimmera Agricultural and Logistics Hub (WAL Hub), Henty Highway, Dooen as follows:
•Lot 3 (3.100 hectares) on plan of subdivision
•Lot 4 (2.977 hectares) on plan of subdivision
•Lot 5 (2.078 hectares) on plan of subdivision
•Lot 6 (2.175 hectares) on plan of subdivision
•Lot 7 (2.091 hectares) on plan of subdivision
•Lot 13 (10.00 hectares) on proposed plan of subdivision PS928689F
•Lot 14 (30.26 hectares) on proposed plan of subdivision PS928689F
Council proposes to sell each of the lots separately on a private treaty basis on the following key terms:
•a purchase price of market value plus gst
•settlement will be due 30 days after the later of: -the date of the purchaser’s planning permit; and -registration of the plan of subdivision (if relevant)
•the sale will be conditional upon the purchaser procuring a planning permit within a specified timeframe to use and develop the land for any one or more of the following uses – manufacture, processing, packaging, storage, transport, distribution and export of primary produce, raw materials for food products, service industries and ancillary uses in accordance with the special use zone (SUZ).
As part of its community engagement process, Council is inviting submissions on the proposal. Submissions must be in writing and received no later than 5pm, Wednesday 2 April 2025.
Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and must be clearly marked ‘Submission –Notice of Intention to Sell Land – Stages 2 and 3, WAL Hub, Henty Highway, Dooen’ and can be either emailed to council@hrcc.vic.gov.au, hand delivered to the Council Civic Centre at 18 Roberts Avenue, Horsham, or posted to the following address:
Horsham Rural City Council PO Box 511
Horsham VIC 3402
Submissions can also be lodged online.
Any person requesting to be heard in support of their submission is entitled to be heard before Council (or its committee established by Council for this purpose), or represented by a person acting on their behalf, and will be notified of the time and date of the hearing.
All submissions will be considered public documents unless specified otherwise. Submissions form part of the public record of the meeting (including any personal information you provide) and may be appended to any future Council report, which are then published on Council’s website.
Further information regarding the proposal may be obtained from Council’s Acting Manager Investment Attraction and Growth on 03 5382 9777.
Following the consideration of any submissions, Council may decide to sell one or more of the specified lots or not sell any of the lots.
Supply and delivery of one 3.5-tonne tandem box tipper trailer Closes Friday 14 March
All tender, EOI and RFQ details at hrcc.vic.gov.au
Kidnapped author to share story
Author Robyn Howarth will visit Horsham Library this month to share her personal experiences as one of the children involved in the infamous Faraday kidnapping.
The event is part of her promotional tour of her new book Faraday – A Community Rediscovered, which explores the impact of childhood trauma.
• Horsham Library: 20 March, 10.30am
• Goroke Library: 20 March, 3pm
• Harrow Library: 21 March, 10.30am
The tranquility of Faraday, a hamlet in central Victoria, was shattered in 1972, when two masked men kidnapped a young female teacher and six female students from its primary school.
The event, known as the Faraday kidnapping, left an indelible mark on the community and led to the school’s closure.
For more information or to book, visit www.wimmeralibraries.vic.gov.au
Feedback prompts crossings change
Following community consultation, trial pedestrian crossings at the McLachlan and Firebrace Street roundabout have been removed.
During a 2024 consultation period, Council fielded 120 detailed survey responses through the Engage Horsham platform.
While submissions showed there was good community backing for other permanent pedestrian crossings in the city, residents did not support the rubber pin-down speed humps located at the roundabout, as well as at the midblock crossing in Firebrace Street between Roberts Avenue and McLachlan Street.
At the Firebrace Street midblock crossing, the speed humps have been removed, but the crossing will stay, with painted lines remaining on the pavement.
Mayor Cr Ian Ross thanked people who provided feedback to Council.
“We as councillors heard from the community on how the functionally of these crossings was impacting our local businesses and communities,” he said.
“There is a fine line between functionality and safety and from listening to you, we believe we have now got the balance correct.
“Thank you to everyone who wrote to us, spoke to us or even called to share your thoughts,” Cr Ross said.
Next Council Meeting: Monday, March 24, 2025 - 5.30pm Horsham Rural City Council: 18 Roberts Avenue Horsham | Postal address: PO Box 511 Horsham VIC 3402 | Phone: (03) 5382 9777 | Email: council@hrcc.vic.gov.au | Web: www.hrcc.vic.gov.au
HRCC News March 5, 2025
Long-term plans to rebuild an icon
On-site Little Desert Lodge managers Mick and Vikki Clarke are still coming to terms with the complete loss of the lodge’s function centre and accommodation in the Little Desert National Park fire, as they coordinate clean-up efforts and plan for the business’s future.
Mrs Clarke said they had moved back into their home, untouched by the fire that claimed the lodge about 100 metres away.
“When we were finally allowed back in I’d cry all the time, but now we’re back here, we’re looking at it more –and it’s horrible to say, but you seem to get used to it,” she said.
“You feel like you’re getting back to normality when you can go back in your own house.”
The morning of the January 27 blaze saw about 100 people leave the lodge – many interest, school and university groups study nature conservation, birdwatch and star-gaze at the site.
Mr and Mrs Clarke evacuated, turning on their watering system and propping gates open for wildlife and firefighters as they left, then watched through their security cameras on their smart phones as the fire took hold.
“I rang it in when we could see the embers coming – but since looking at the footage on the hard drive on a
bigger screen, we could see so much more, and we realised that was way too late,” Mrs Clarke said.
“We thought we could see blue lights from a fire truck, but it was blue flames coming at us.”
Firefighters did attend the scene, but later told the Clarkes there was no hope to save the lodge.
“There was no intervention to try and put it out. It was impossible. They had no chance,” Mrs Clarke said.
“We were sure the house would be gone, too – the firefighters didn’t
Banding together
People affected by the Little Desert National Park fires are receiving assistance from BlazeAid, after the group set up a base at Goroke Recreation Reserve last week.
Camp co-ordinator Chris Male said while the group’s volunteers predominantly worked on replacing boundary fences, they were available to assist in other ways.
“There are lots of folks that need lots of different things done,” she said.
“I’ve been told about some people who had their gardens burnt, and we’re happy to clean that up because there’s nothing worse than stepping out your back door every morning and being confronted with all the trauma that’s been. So we clean that up, and it helps people feel better.”
Working with local councils, BlazeAid currently has about 20 people volunteering in recovering efforts.
“We have a lot of retired caravanners helping us out, and we’re working with government departments to make sure we can take in working holiday
visa applicants, which will swell our numbers – it’s fantastic to have them,”
Ms Male said.
She said she and her team assessed each case before work began.
“We simply go and have a look and if all we can see is burnt black paddocks, that’ll do,” she said.
“We’re here to help. We’re not here to get weighed down with bureaucratic nonsense.
“Farmers can’t farm if they haven’t got fences or water troughs and poly pipe running to where it needs to go, so we’ve just got to get on with it.”
Ms Male said BlazeAid would be at Goroke for about six months and encouraged people to contact her for assistance.
“It’s really important that no one slips through the cracks. I want to make sure everybody who needs help, gets it,” she said.
“We’ve got plenty of people here who can offer physical help as well as empathy and sympathy – I think 49 per cent of what we do is fencing and
even know the house was there, they couldn’t see it through the smoke.”
Dangerous trees have been identified for removal, and samples from the razed building have been taken for asbestos testing.
Kangaroos were monitored by DEECA until last week, with some euthanised owing to their injuries.
Mrs Clarke said visiting groups who had booked trips to the lodge – including the star-gazers, who had booked trips a decade in advance – would still come.
“They said they’ll still pitch their tents as long as we’ve got toilets and showers,” she said.
Mrs Clarke said the multi-milliondollar lodge would be rebuilt, ‘probably at the pace of founders Whimpey and Jean Reichelt’s expansion from wildlife tours into camping, formal accommodation and functions’.
“We are looking into glamping pods for a start, which was part of Whimpey’s plans originally but didn’t come to fruition, to keep the business going while we slowly rebuild,” Mrs Clarke
51 per cent of what we do is caring and helping.”
Funded by grants, monetary gifts and donations of time, Ms Male said people often donated baked goods for morning and afternoon tea.
“If there’s any folk at home who have time and they’re making a batch of biscuits, we ask them to make a double batch – we really need that community assistance,” she said.
“And we’re connoisseurs of jam drops here – a community is judged on its jam drops.”
Ms Male said people who would like to volunteer, donate, or those in need of help, could call her on 0418 745 994.
“Locals can assist – they can contact me so I know they’re coming, and I can make sure they’re on a team. That’s all that’s required,” she said.
said. BlazeAid has assisted in removing trees from and re-tensioning the 286-acre’s boundary fence – known as the Great Wall of Whimpey.
Mrs Clarke said Mr Reichelt ‘copped a lot of backlash’ in the early days of his conservation project, and still has input into the lodge.
“He rings me from Ballarat every day, telling me what his latest thoughts are – he wants us to collect wattle seeds for planting now,” she said.
Mr Reichelt planted about 80 per cent of the trees on the property, and is still instrumental in maintaining the Mallee fowl population.
“He’s got an incubator at his house – Parks Victoria contacted us, they’d found three eggs in the desert and they wanted to get them into an incubator,” Mrs Clarke said.
“They brought the eggs in, and two of the three have hatched. It’s a good result.”
Mr Reichelt will celebrate his 90th birthday next month, at his secondchoice venue, the Winiam hall.
Mrs Clarke said she and Mr Clarke would follow in Mr Reichelt’s footsteps as they forward-plan.
“The lodge will be rebuilt. It will take years, but we’re just going to do it like Whimpey did – slowly,” she said.
Dimboola says thanks
Emergency services volunteers and staff will be thanked for their contribution to fighting the Little Desert National Park fires with a free community event at Dimboola on March 29.
At the recreation reserve, Little Desert Bushfire Thank You will feature live music by Dog and Bass, and HeadRush, as well as a barbecue and food vendors, games for children, Toby’s Sky Tours star gazing, facepainting, displays and more.
A $200 hotel meal and drink voucher and a helicopter joy flight over the desert will be auctioned, with proceeds distributed to local fire brigades.
The road within the reserve will be closed to through-traffic in anticipation of crowd numbers; people who require all-abilities parking can contact council to book a space.
Starting at 6pm, people are invited to bring their own chairs and picnic rugs and can call 5391 4444 for more information.
HERE TO HELP: BlazeAid co-ordinators, from left, Chris Male, Marnie Kregor and Jan Hatcher at Goroke. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
DEVASTATED: Mick and Vikki Clarke at Little Desert Lodge after the 2025 Little Desert fire. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Committee bans mining companies
Mining companies will now not be permitted to host a site at this week’s Wimmera Machinery Field Days.
In a statement released on Sunday, the field days committee cited ‘community safety’ due to ‘the risk of antagonistic behaviour and the threat of disruptive boycotts’ as the reason behind the decision.
The last-minute decision comes as WIM Resource, planning its Avonbank mine at Dooen, and Astron Limited, in charge of the Donald Mineral Sands project near Minyip, were set to both host sites at the field days.
Mine Free Wimmera Farms and Dunmunkle Land Protection Group are cohosting a site in the Moore Exhibition Centre.
In December last year, the field days committee had decided to reject sponsorship from any mining companies after pressure from pro-agricultural groups, but allowed the mining companies to host sites.
But with sections of the region’s agricultural communities ramping up their messages against the two mining projects, event organisers are feeling pressured to look closely at who they accept sponsorships from and allow to be present at their events.
Horsham Special School captains, Natalie Fox and Robbie Turmine, centre, are flanked by vice-captains Jemma Taylor and Austin Jones.
In the statement, the field days committee said:
“Wimmera Field Days exists to foster innovation and discussion on issues that impact prosperous agriculture and regional communities.
“We are a not-for-profit community group that does not take a position on individual industries, but believe in open and considered dialogue.
“Bringing communities together to share perspectives is at the heart of what we do.
“Due to community safety we have made the very disappointing decision to exclude mining groups from our field days.”
The field days committee said it did not have a view on mining.
“But due to the risk of antagonistic behaviour and the threat of disruptive boycotts to our event we felt compelled to do so,” the statement read.
“It’s unfortunate that an exchange of views will now not take place, however community safety is our number one priority.
“Our focus remains on delivering a successful field days that drives productivity and innovation in agriculture.”
WIM Resource director projects Michael Winternitz said his company was disappointed by the decision but respected the event organisers’ ‘difficult position’.
“For the past eight years, the field days
have been an important opportunity for WIM and the community to come together, giving locals a chance to learn facts, ask questions, share ideas, and help shape how we support the region,” he said.
“While we’re disappointed to miss out this year, our commitment to engaging with the community remains the same.
“Our community hub at 83 Firebrace Street, Horsham, will continue to be a welcoming place for discussions, and we encourage community members to drop by.”
Dooen rail crossing works
In another late notification, the Australian Rail Track Corporation, ARTC, notified nearby residents and local authorities that it would carry out scheduled level crossing maintenance at the Wimmera Highway level crossing from 6am Tuesday until 8.30pm on Wednesday.
The level crossing will be closed with a detour via the Wimmera Highway, Western Highway and Murtoa-Glenorchy Road in place.
ARTC said the work would be ‘noisy at times, and some dust may be generated’.
“We will begin mobilising the site and carrying out minor preparation work in the days prior to the maintenance work commencing,” the letter read.
“Site clean-up will commence following the maintenance work and will be completed during standard construction hours.”
Celebration for elected student leaders
Horsham Special School has elected Natalie Fox and Robbie Turmine its captains for this school year, with Jemma Taylor and Austin Jones the vice-captains.
At a whole-school student leadership celebration assembly on Friday, principal Ben Tait said the captains would take on leadership and representative roles, within both the school and wider community.
“They will represent the school when we have visitors here on special occa-
sions, lead some of the assemblies, deliver acknowledgement of countries – and they are a really important part of leading the student representative council,” he said.
“They are part of developing the next leaders, modelling to them, and scaffolding that learning that’s helped them get to where they are.”
Student representative council members from each classroom of the five-to-18year students were also announced at the
assembly. “SRC members meet once a month to make some choices about how our school can be even better each and every day,” Mr Tait said.
“We’ll get to hear ideas from our youngest all the way through to our oldest students, and it’s so important to have those voices, that opportunity to hear the great ideas that are amongst us.”
Pipeline update met with distaste
GWMWater has received a planning approval to start zone four of the East Grampians Rural Pipeline, but Ararat Rural City Council’s chief executive says the project is plagued by delays and downsizing.
The Grampians fire and a continuing dry season has put the spotlight firmly on water security in the Ararat municipality, with farmers growing increasingly angry at the delays in completing the pipeline, and the project being cut back due to funding constraints.
The $85.2-million project will provide a secure water supply to some rural communities within Ararat, Pyrenees and Northern Grampians municipalities.
The Weekly Advertiser understands the project is two years behind schedule and about $55-million short in funding to deliver the entire footprint of the project.
But GWMWater’s announcement it had approval to start zone four, which will supply rural water to landholders in Willaura and Moyston, has been met with distaste by East Grampians farmers, and ARCC chief executive Tim Harrison.
“There’s two interesting things – a couple of farmers are thinking there’s a chance it will split the farming community between the ‘have’ and ‘have nots’ around who’s got water and who hasn’t,” Dr Harrison said.
He said farmers could not believe the tone of GWMWater’s project update via a media release, speaking about the project in a positive manner.
“The fact that we’ve got a project that our farming community would essentially consider to be a failed project, being spoken about in such positive terms by GWMWater – it doesn’t make any sense to them,” he said.
Dr Harrison said if the full footprint of the project was delivered, it would be a ‘game-changer’
for the region. “Council’s not backing away from this. We’re backing our farming community all the way on this project,” he said.
“We’ve engaged in an economic study that’s looking at the loss that farmers have suffered through the failure of the project.
“ We’ve been lucky – we’ve had a few pretty good seasons, but this season really bears out the need for full completion of the project, and we’re certainly going to work really hard in lobbying politicians and working with our farmers. We’ve got a plan together with the farming community to work together to hopefully make that happen.”
GWMWater is working in partnership with Mitchell Water Australia, aiming to provide water security to up to 1000 properties over an area of 200,000 hectares.
Construction is well underway, with the Lake Fyans Pump Station due to be completed in early April, while pipeline is being laid near Ararat – to date more than 100 kilometres of pipe has been installed in zone two. Surveys have also started within zone three and a contract has been awarded for works in zone four.
GWMWater managing director Mark Williams said Mitchell Water was working hard to get pipe in the ground as quickly as possible.
“We plan to provide interim supplies to those with signed agreements in place as soon as the pipeline is commissioned in each zone. Landholders will be kept informed as this becomes available,” he said.
“By enabling existing agricultural enterprises to consolidate and expand, and by providing opportunities for new enterprises to develop, the project is poised to be a catalyst for regional growth.”
Project funding includes $32-million from the Federal Government’s National Water Grid Fund; $32-million from the State Government; and $21.2-million from project beneficiaries.
AWARDED: Janet Pilmore has volunteered with Dimboola’s Girl Guides for 47 years in a variety of roles.
Leading girls to bloom
Dimboola’s Janet Pilmore has received Girl Guides’ Flowering Gum Award for her 47 years’ service to the organisation.
Undertaking a variety of voluntary roles at Dimboola, Mrs Pilmore started as a support group member in 1978 when her daughters were Girl Guides, before becoming a registered leader in 1995.
She filled the role of Gateway Shop manager for 35 years, its sales of crafts and baked goods supporting the Dimboola Girl Guides’ running costs.
“I started as a Brownie Guide in 1958 –before then my grandmother had insisted I do Highland dancing, as she was a Highland dancer – but I just wanted to be a Guide,” she said.
Mrs Pilmore went into Girl Guides when she turned 10 under long-time leader Lesley
‘Bim’ Reid, and left when she finished school and got a job just before she turned 16.
Mrs Pilmore has volunteered as a leader at Jamborettes and other major camps within the state, as well as assisting her granddaughter’s Hay Girl Guide unit on camps in New South Wales.
She is now Arura campsite manager, and continues to lead with the multi-age unit at Dimboola.
“We’ve now got girls from six to 13 years old, which we manage across a three-hour session each week,” she said.
Mrs Pilmore was presented with her award at a ceremony at Arura on Saturday.
“I have made so many friendships through Guides, so many people over so many years,” she said.
Fire funding wait
Every day the media receives government media releases detailing the millions of dollars being spent, or planning to go towards, various projects.
Millions, if not billions, being spent on level crossings, the Suburban Rail Loop, and then last week came the six varying media releases about building more homes across Victoria.
‘If Councils Won’t Unlock Space For More Homes – We Will’ was the headline – as if councils were somehow to blame for the delay in building more homes.
From my experience as a journalist working in various parts of regional Victoria – there are very few councils deliberately holding up the process, and Regional Cities Victoria’s response to the State Government’s announcement backed that up with a warning about the major obstacles in meeting the targets bandied around.
And it’s not like the government isn’t well aware of the key issues around planning – councils have been telling them for the past few years about the national shortage of planning professionals and the need for infrastructure to support more homes and more people.
It certainly isn’t as straight-forward and simple as the government made it to be through their media releases – and requires a more complex, deeper dive into providing a workable solution.
While the announcements are no doubt aimed to persuade voters in certain key electorates, it’s another example of the grand plans and funding drops being used to buy votes.
Meanwhile, in the Lowan electorate, which is held very safely by Nationals MP Emma Kealy, there are no such major announcements, no splashing of funding, and no plans to address major issues in the region.
I feel like a broken record, but after two major fires that have majorly affected business trade over the summer, not a brass razoo has been announced in the way of a government support package.
Halls Gap tourism business operator and Northern Grampians councillor Justine Hide said after
By Lauren Henry
nearly 80 days since the first fire in the Grampians and no government support, the situation was devasting.
“Is it because we’re a small town of 450 people that we’ve been forgotten? I’m not sure but you can certainly feel for everybody in the town when you are working alongside them,” she told ACE Radio’s Country Today in a heart-breaking account of what is happening on the ground in the Grampians.
“Some businesses are really needing support now, as in they are hanging in there for Easter, but after Easter, we’re really not sure what is going to occur. Some businesses are reluctant to talk about it because it’s just heartbreaking on so many levels, and other businesses that I’ve been speaking to have already stated ‘I’m putting my business on the market as soon as I can – I know I’m not going to get the price for it, but I don’t care, I want out’.”
And it’s not just Halls Gap and Dimboola that were directly affected the fires – it’s the whole region that has felt the pinch.
Grampians Wimmera Mallee Tourism chief executive Marc Sleeman said business operators from as far away from the fires as Sea Lake report their Christmas trade was down 75 per cent because the region was more broadly ‘locked down and the perception was the region was on fire’.
Our region doesn’t need the big housing announcements, nor do we have a Suburban Rail Loop-type major infrastructure project that requires what seems like an endless pot of money, but funding support for our local businesses and leadership to plan a way forward at the top level – yes, please.
NEW PRESIDENT: The Ladies Probus Club of Horsham East has elected Heather Klemm as its president for 2025-26. Past president Carolyn Sonego congratulated Mrs Klemm and presented her with the Probus Club Collar at its annual meeting on Monday. The club’s new committee will lead its 76 members into a year of friendship, fellowship and fun. Pictured, front left, is secretary Gay Baker and president Heather Klemm with the 2025-26 committee. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Annual Team Teal fundraising event
A high tea at Horsham’s West Side Bistro on Monday afternoon will raise money for gynaecological cancers.
Former Murtoa resident Rachel Delahunty – a medical oncologist at Peter MacCallum, The Mercy Hospital for Women and Geelong University Hospital – will be the guest speaker at High Tea for Team Teal.
Dr Delahunty will speak about her special interest in gynaecological oncology and research.
The high tea, from 1pm to 5pm, will feature an afternoon of fun, food, fashion, entertainment and education – fundraising for WomenCan, Australia New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group, ANZGOG, and Team Teal.
For six weeks in the February-March period, female harness racing drivers throughout Australasia wear teal pants in races to raise awareness, with all their winners attracting sponsorship dollars. Harness racing’s state bodies,
industry associations and individual clubs like Horsham also host fundraisers for Team Teal, towards ovarian and gynaecological cancer education, research and support for sufferers. In 2025, Team Teal and WomenCan aim to significantly boost the $3.2-million total raised since the campaign was initiated by Duncan McPherson after he lost his wife Lyn to ovarian cancer in 2010.
Tickets cost $55, and include a welcome glass of bubbles, major raffle, competitions, lucky seat prizes with a high tea.
Bookings are essential by calling West Side on 5382 1416.
People who can not make it to the high tea are encouraged to make a tax-deductable donation at www.womencan.org.au/fundraisers/ horshamharnessracingclub.
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Gendered violence comes in many forms. All are OHS issues. All are unacceptable.
WorkSafe Gendered Violence
DEPLOYED: Horsham registered nurse Arun Thomas is contracted by the Federal Government to provide national emergency response and assistance in aged care.
Bringing comfort among the chaos
Horsham registered nurse Arun Thomas has praised the dedication of emergency-response workers after returning to the region following a deployment to northern Queensland.
Mr Thomas was part of a 24-person team sent by healthcare company Aspen Medical to the Queensland towns of Ingham and Trebonne, north of Townsville, following monsoonal flooding in the region in February.
Aspen Medical is contracted by the Federal Government to provide national emergency response and assistance in aged care, and Mr Thomas said he felt privileged to form part of the team.
“With floodwaters cutting off roads and isolating communities, we were transported via helicopter to reach affected areas, where we encountered heartbreaking devastation,” he said.
“The deployment was a critical intervention, as the floods had severely impacted infrastructure, resources, and essential services.
“Our primary objective was clear – to stabilise aged-care services by supporting the workforce, ensuring residents continued to receive safe, quality care and support they needed despite the crisis.”
Mr Thomas said his team faced challenges including limited accommodation, disrupted food and water supply, electrical outages and intermittent communication network failures, but praised the professionalism of his colleagues.
“It wasn’t just about medical and clinical care,” he said.
“We offered reassurance, stability, and a sense of normalcy in an otherwise chaotic environment.
“It was about hope, bringing comfort in chaos and lifting spirits.”
Mr Thomas said he found an interaction with a 92-year-old woman named Margaret particularly affecting, when she told him ‘it’s not the flood you remember, it’s the people who never let you face it alone’.
Mr Thomas, who was named the Victorian Young Achiever of the Year in 2019, has worked with Aspen Medical since 2022, serving as a registered nurse, team leader and clinical first responder as a member of its COVID-19 outbreak response team.
As the sole Wimmera representative on his Queensland deployment, he encouraged healthcare professionals from rural and regional Australia to consider joining similar initiatives.
“Emergency-response work not only allows us to make a tangible difference in people’s lives, but also helps develop invaluable skills in highpressure environments,” he said.
“The floods in North Queensland tested the strength of communities, but they also showcased the power of collective action.
“Our team witnessed firsthand the resilience of those we served and the profound impact that dedicated healthcare professionals can have in times of crisis.
“Being part of this response was an honor, and I look forward to continuing this vital work in the future.”
CELEBRATION OF HISTORY: The Goroke community will open its 25-year sealed perpetual time capsule at 10am on Sunday, at an event that will also launch the town’s historical self-tour, and feature open days at the football club and college. About 75 contributions were made to the time capsule in 2000, following the opening and distribution of its 1973-sealed contents. As has been the tradition, Goroke’s oldest resident,
Max Carter, pictured, will open the capsule – the previous capsule was opened by Gordon Walter, who was in his 90s at the time. Mr Carter and his wife have not contributed to its contents, thinking they ‘wouldn’t be here to see it opened’. Mr Carter is pictured with event organiser Bev Mitchell. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
E v e n t s i n S t A r n a u d , S t a w e l l f o r
I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o m e n ’ s D a y
N o r t h e r n G r a m p i a n s S h i r e r e s i d e n t s w i l l c e l e b r a t e
I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o m e n ’ s D a y a t e v e n t s i n S t A r n a u d
a n d S t a w e l l t h i s f o r t n i g h t T h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l d a y , o n
M a r c h 8 , c e l e b r a t e s t h e s o c i a l , e c o n o m i c , c u l t u r a l
a n d p o l i t i c a l a c h i e v e m e n t s o f w o m e n
B o t h e v e n t s a r e f r e e o f c h a r g e a n d w i l l i n v o l v e a
p a n e l o f g u e s t s p e a k e r s s h a r i n g i n s p i r a t i o n a l
s t o r i e s J o h an n a M e d l y n w i l l c o m p e r e t h e S t
A r n a u d e v e n t t o m o r r o w , f e a t u r i n g s p e a k e r s A b b y
a n d M e g a n W e i r , T r i n a S u m m e r s a n d M e g a n H o r t l e
T h e e v e n t w i l l a l s o i n c l u d e a s c r e e n i n g o f t h e
d o c u m e n t a r y , E q u a l t h e C o n t e s t
T h e S t a w e l l e v e n t , o n M a r c h 1 2 , w i l l f e a t u r e
s p e a k e r s r e p r e s e n t i n g V i c t o r i a P o l i c e , G r a m p i a n s
M u l t i c u l t u r a l H u b a n d S t a w e l l S e c o n d a r y C o l l e g e I t
w i l l a l s o i n c l u d e t h e l a u n c h o f t h e M a r c h F o r w a r d
A r t E x hi b i t i o n , w h i c h r u n s u n t i l M a r c h 2 4
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e
N e x t c o u n c i l m e e t i n g : M o n d a y , A p r i l 7 , i n t h
f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o r t o a p p l y
S t a r t i n g l a s t w e e k , m o t o r i s t s t r a v e l l i n g a l o n g S l o
C o u n c i l ' s C o m m u n i t y C a r e t e a m i s s e e k i n g e x p r e s s i o n s o f i n t e r e s t f r o m v o l u n t e e r s t o h e l p w i t h
M e a l s - o n - W h e e l s d e l i v e r y I f y o u a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n h e l p i n g u s p r o v i d e t h i s s e r v i c e f o r o n e h o u r a w e e k , c a l l o u r C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e t e a m o n ( 0 3 ) 5 3 5 8 8 7 0 0
s t o r i c P r e c i n c t , S t a w e l l , a t 1 2 3 0 p m T h e m e e t i n g i s o p e n t o t h e p u b l i c a n d w i l l b e l i v e s t r e a m e d v i a o u r Y o u T u b e c h a n n e l T h e r e w i l l b e a l i n k t o t h e l i v e s t r e a m o n o u r w e b s i t e
The Victorian Government is making it easier for families to find a three and four-year old kinder learning program they can count on. LED BY A QUALIFIED TEACHER
The Kinder Tick recognises kinder programs that are led by a qualified teacher.
It highlights kindergartens and long day care centres that offer play-based programs to help children learn and grow, before they start school.
It also identifies services that are approved for Victorian Government funding.
New emergency tax hike for farmers
The State Government’s changes to the Fire Services Property Levy aiming to increase funding for emergency services has been met with concerns the tax hike could cripple some farmers.
The government will introduce the Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund on July 1, replacing the levy, to support a broader range of emergency services – VICSES, Triple Zero Victoria, the State Control Centre, Forest Fire Management Victoria and Emergency Recovery Victoria, as well as Country Fire Authority and Fire Rescue Victoria.
An increase in emergency services callouts has prompted the change, which will align Victoria with other states’ emergency services funding.
Victorian Farmers Federation president Brett Hosking said the fund could be ‘the nail in the coffin’ for some farm businesses.
“A one-size-fits-all approach clearly doesn’t work when you’ve got some farmers facing a hike of up to 400 per cent,” he said.
“There’s no way a rise of that much can be justified. Instead of placing a blanket levy on all property owners, the government should consider a more targeted approach that ensures the funds are distributed where they’re needed most.”
At least one western Victorian farmer has reported a levy increase from $7000 to $20,000 every year.
Liberal Member of Parliament Nick McGowan said Fire Rescue Victoria’s lack of rolling stock and ageing fleet was putting people’s – and firefighters’ – lives at risk.
“Forty-two per cent of Fire Rescue Victoria’s fleet is beyond its 15-year service life,” he said.
“Firefighters have been warning for years that FRV is under-resourced and under-funded.”
Mr McGowan said a number of trucks broke down during the summer’s fires, including those at the Grampians and Little Desert national parks, with about 30 trucks offline and without replacements at the end of February.
“I ask the Treasurer and the former Minister for Emergency Services to fund and resource the FRV fleet to meet Victoria’s needs now and well into the future, including the CFA,” he said.
Funding budgets
Currently, the levy contributes 87.5 per cent of Fire Rescue Victoria’s, and 77.5 per cent of the Country Fire Authority’s, annual budget.
The new fund will contribute up to 87.5 per cent of FRV’s budget, and up to 95 per cent of several other emergency response budgets.
Variable rates will be higher under the fund than the levy to account for
United approach to tourism recovery
Six local governments joined forces with Grampians Wimmera Mallee Tourism, GWMT, to promote the region as a tourism destination at the Victorian Caravan and Camping Supershow.
The show, at the Melbourne Showgrounds from February 19 to 23, attracted about 43,000 people.
GWMT teamed up with West Wimmera, Hindmarsh, Yarriambiack, Horsham, Northern Grampians, Ararat and Southern Grampians municipalities to promote seasonal travel, long-weekend getaways, and upcoming events such as Grampians Grape Escape and Wimmera Steampunk Festival.
GWMT chief executive Marc Sleeman said the event provided a valuable platform to unite with partners across the region and promote visitation to the Grampians, Wimmera and Mallee.
Mr Sleeman said the caravan and camping sector played a key role in regional visitation, with domestic road trips remaining one of the strongest
tourism segments in Victoria. Data from Tourism Research Australia indicates self-drive visitors contribute significantly to regional economies, making events such as the supershow a strategic platform to engage travellers who are actively planning their next adventure.
He said the show also gave tourism leaders an opportunity to speak to organisers of large groups, such as car clubs and colleges, to entice them to the Wimmera-Mallee-Grampians region.
Mr Sleeman said the united approach reinforced the region’s commitment to recovery and tourism resilience in the wake of two major fires over summer – in the Grampians and Little Desert national parks.
Local government representatives from across the region, including councillors and senior leaders, engaged with travellers, showcased the variety of experiences available, and reinforced the region was open for future travel.
the fund’s larger scope, and will continue to be collected by local councils through the rates system.
Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria chief executive Adam Barnett said the $10-million fleet budget boost was overshadowed by the announcement that it came at a cost of a new emergency service tax hike that would, in some cases, triple the cost to residents and property owners.
“The fact that the extra is such a huge boost tells you how little recurrent funding actually gets given to CFA for fleet and capital works each year,” he said.
“At present, only $12 to $15-million in any given year is allocated to fleet.
“CFA manages more than 2300 vehicles – 1707 of these are tankers, and 218 are pumpers, and this does not include the hundreds of slip-ons.
“If we assume a very basic formula of aiming to maintain a maximum age of 20 years for tankers, and 15 years
“There were many questions about bushfire recovery, highlighting the importance of being present at the event to reassure our key markets that our region is open, resilient, and ready to welcome visitors,” Mr Sleeman said.
“Now more than ever, it’s important to remind travellers that the Grampians and Wimmera Mallee are welcoming and ready to explore.
“This event gave us the chance to connect directly with our core target market, highlighting the incredible places and operators that make our region special, and encourage travellers to plan their next visit.”
Hindmarsh Shire chief executive Monica Revell attended the show alongside Kerrie Mulholland from Grampians Wimmera Mallee Tourism, as well as representatives from other shires.
She said the region had a lot to offer visitors, and it was fantastic to attend the show to represent the region.
“The event was well attended with an abundance of genuine enquiries
for pumpers – simple math tells us that CFA needs at least $55-million per year to replace 100 trucks per year.
“Boosting the CFA fleet budget to at best $25-million per year, is still less than half of what is needed to stop the fleet getting older.”
Mr Barnett said more than 230 trucks were more than 31 years old – the oldest is 35 – with 244 aged between 26 and 30 years, and 269 aged between 21 and 25 years.
“This group is being chased by another 372 trucks that are aged between 16 and 20. This is a total of 1115 trucks that need replacing,” he said.
“This is a problem at least three decades in the making.
“VFBV campaigned in 2014 when CFA was forced to remove its maximum 20-year age limit that had been in place, but to which they could no longer afford.”
regarding the region including the recent bushfires, Hindmarsh Holiday Parks, the Silo Art Trail, the Grampians, and the upcoming Steampunk Festival,” she said. “Plenty of conversations were held with attendees who had visited the region previously.
“They expressed excitement about a future opportunity to explore the many attractions, including the Llew Schilling Silo opening later in the year, and the opportunity to see inside a silo.”
PROMOTION: From left, Yarriambiack Mayor Kylie Zanker, Caroline Price of Horsham Rural City Council, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Tourism partnerships manager Kerrie Mulholland and GWMT chief executive Marc Sleeman at the Victorian Caravan and Camping Supershow.
Warm, dry conditions linger
Large parts of western and central Victoria, as well as south and west Gippsland, are facing an increased risk of fire in early autumn, according to the Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook for Autumn.
Released on Thursday, the report showed a lack of rain over the past 12-24 months had led to increased fuel in forests and heathlands.
The dry weather has already resulted in large, fast-running fires in the Grampians and Little Desert national parks and surrounding private property throughout summer.
With average rainfall expected in autumn, the availability of fuels in forests, woodlands and heathlands is expected to remain high.
Forecast warmer than average maximum temperatures might also further increase fuel availability in western and central Victoria – making it easier for fires to start and spread.
Emergency management commissioner Tim Wiebusch said emergency services would continue to monitor conditions to identify key risk areas leading into autumn.
“The Grampians and Little Desert fires showed just how fast fires can start and spread. With no significant rainfall expected this autumn, we all must remain vigilant of the risk of fire across the state,” he said.
“Understand your local risks, never rely on one source of emergency information and tune in to your local emergency broadcaster.”
Across the rest of the state, Victorians can expect normal fire potential. However, fast running fires are pos-
sible on dry and windy days in areas with dry or cured vegetation.
Country Fire Authority chief officer Jason Heffernan said Victoria remained well-prepared for potential fires, with a mix of water bombing aircraft, air supervision and air intelligence gathering aircraft positioned across the state to support dedicated volunteer and career firefighters on the ground.
“While conditions remain dry with little rain forecast in certain parts of the state over coming weeks, the fire risk will continue, but our crews are ready and will adapt to changes as they develop through autumn,” he said.
“Victorians should continue to maintain their properties and stay informed of their local risks so they can take action to protect their families in the event of a fire.”
Forest Fire Management Victoria chief fire officer Chris Hardman warned that conditions could delay planned burning in some parts of the state, but also increase opportunities to target areas not typically available for burning in autumn.
“The seasonal outlook for autumn shows a higher chance of warmer maximum temperatures into March and April, which may delay the start of planned burning in some parts of the state,” he said.
“There may also be opportunities to deliver planned burning in areas that are not usually available under autumn conditions.
“Autumn typically provides our crews more opportunities to conduct planned burns, as the weather is more stable, and fire behaviour tends to be manageable and predictable.
“As soon as favourable weather
and forest conditions arrive, we’ll be making sure all available resources are delivering planned burning, with a strong focus on priority areas like Midlands, Yarra Ranges, Murrindindi, Ovens, Otways and Latrobe Valley.”
Victoria State Emergency Service state agency commander David Baker said despite the autumn forecast, weather could quickly shift in Victoria, so it was important for communities to be storm smart, engage proactively with local flood guides and other emergency resources, including the VicEmergency app.
The Outlook for Autumn is developed by the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council and supported by the Bureau of Meteorology along with state and territory fire and land managers.
Pedestrian safety boost
Construction of a new footpath on Ararat’s Maude Street is complete, with Ararat Rural City Council claiming the project will boost pedestrian safety and accessibility.
The new footpath, beginning at Barkly Street and continuing to McGibbony Street East, was funded by the council’s capital works program, which this financial year includes $400,000 to improve and maintain footpaths and cycleways.
Mayor Jo Armstrong said the footpath would ensure about a 10-minute walk for pedestrians from Barkly Street to Gordon Street Recreation Reserve, which underwent its own upgrade last year.
“Council’s 2031 Community Vision outlines our commitment to enhancing access to cultural and recreational opportunities that meet the needs and expectations of our community,” Cr Armstrong said.
“This vision prioritises projects like this to provide improved connectivity for residents to access and enjoy an active, outdoor lifestyle.”
Failure to vote
Close to 530,000 Victorians who appear to have failed to vote in the October 2024 local council elections will have an opportunity to explain why when they receive an ‘Apparent failure to vote notice’ in the coming days.
Electoral Commissioner Sven Bluemmel said the Victorian Electoral Commission urged people who received a notice to respond with a detailed explanation, as the VEC was required to issue a fine of $99 if a person failed to respond in writing within 28 days.
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$135,000 in Sponsorships
The Board of the Horsham Sports & Community Club has decided to distribute a minimum of $135,000 in sponsorships to local sporting and community groups from the current financial year’s trading. This brings the grand total to in excess of $3.4-million in cash sponsorships since the Club’s inception in 1992 and certainly makes life easier for many hardworking sporting and community group workers.
Organisations who believe they may qualify for a sponsorship are able to access the relevant criteria and application forms by logging on to the Clubs website at www.hscc.org.au Applications for sponsorships open on Thursday, February 27, 2025 close on Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 5pm.
For further information please contact the Club during office hours.
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Lawloit Hall, Trish Alexander:
We received $900 for block-out blinds to go in the kitchen, supper room, lobby and old kitchen.
The windows in the west end of the building had old curtains facing the sun which needed replacing and we were able to get two blinds for there plus four more which keep things cooler and stop fading.
It was very easy to apply for this grant, you just do it all online and send it away; they will let you know if you are successful. It’s a very simple process. If you can’t apply online, you can go into the HSCC and apply in person.
Over $3.133 Million has been donated to local communities in cash sponsorship since the club’s inception
Running laps to find way forward
Edenhope woman Amy Geary has raised more than $5000 for MND Victoria, far surpassing the $350 target she envisaged raising in honour of her late father.
Ms Geary organised Edenhope’s Great MND Relay, which saw dozens of people run and walk sponsored laps of Lake Wallace for two-and-ahalf hours in last month’s event.
Ms Geary said her aim was to raise awareness and help the next family who has a motor neurone disease, MND, diagnosis.
“I was going to do it with a small group but, once I got the Edenhope-Apsley Football Netball club involved, it kept escalating,” she said.
“It was so overwhelming to see, not just all the people participating, but a heap of other community members there in support.
“This is obviously not just about my dad – people got involved because they’ve been through this before, or they know someone in the community.”
Ms Geary’s father Mick Geary received his di-
“It was so overwhelming to see, not just all the people participating, but a heap of other community members there in support”
– Amy Geary
agnosis five months before his death. “It’s such a brutal disease, dad was lucky to die so quickly,” Ms Geary said.
A nurse, she said her father’s fall from the back of a ute was an early sign of the disease.
“Later on, when he was describing symptoms, I could identify that something was going on neurologically, but not many people have a nurse in the family to pick that up,” she said.
“That’s why I also wanted to raise awareness, because this is an insidious disease and it can affect anyone.”
MND Victoria provides services and support to MND sufferers, while Neale Daniher’s Fight MND strives to find a cure.
Low emissions workshops
Helping farmers track and manage their carbon emissions will be the subject of free Wimmera workshops in March.
Bellarine Peninsula livestock producer and low-emissions farmer and educator Cam Nicholson will lead workshops at Great Western Hall on March 17 and Taylors Lake Hall on March 18.
Wimmera CMA is hosting the events, which will cover external factors driving the increased need to track emissions, emissions intensity versus net zero emissions, and how to lower emissions intensity in the short-term.
The workshops will also highlight future innovations to reduce emissions, collecting farm data for accurate emissions accounting, the value of ‘knowing your number’ and how low-emissions farming can benefit farm productivity.
Wimmera CMA sustainable agriculture facilitator Bronwyn Bant said the goal was to help farmers identify opportunities to reduce emissions and benefit farm businesses.
She said CMA was pleased to bring someone with extensive knowledge of farm emissions to the region.
“Cam Nicholson is a trusted and knowledgeable ag communicator, particularly when it comes to emissions on farms,” Ms Bant said.
“He is a valued information source for farmers, in part due to his practical approach, as well as his own experience as a livestock producer.”
Mr Nicholson and his partner Fiona Conroy are heavily involved in low-emissions farming.
They have participated in multiple carbonaccounting projects on their farms and provided farmer representation to industry bodies such as Meat and Livestock Australia.
“Importantly, Cam and Fiona have demonstrated their farm’s carbon neutrality, without compromising productivity or profitability,” Ms Bant said.
Wimmera CMA is presenting the workshops in partnership with Agriculture Victoria and Landcare Victoria, as part of the Carbon Farming Outreach Program funded by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
The program aims to support farmers and land managers in accessing accurate and independent information about reducing farm emissions, accounting and markets.
People can register for the free workshops at wcma.vic.gov.au, or by emailing Bronwyn. bant@wcma.vic.gov.au or phoning 0427 529 232.
Cam Nicholson
SPECIAL: Amy Geary staged an early wedding ceremony, so her dad Mick Geary, centre, could walk her down the aisle; he died of motor neurone disease less than two months later.
Patchewollock 1180ha/ 2915ac
St Helens Plains 79ha/ 197ac
6080 Western Highway, Dadswells Bridge
129.42ha / 319.80 acres
Looking for a scenic income producing block with some lifestyle benefits along with great mountain views. Loamy soil types suitable for grazing or opportunity cropping. Divided into 5 paddocks, well-watered with several dams, solar bore & troughs. Over 1.0 km of frontage to Mt William Creek.
Southern Wimmera Cropping/Grazing – Great opp. to secure reliable farming land all in one location in 6 titles. Well-drained with brown loam soil types & a good clover history. Exc. water assets & fencing, good 3BR home, 3-stand shearing shed, sheep yards. 40kms south of Horsham with Grampians views.
PRICED @ $4800 per acre
Mark Clyne M 0417 568 200
Elliots Lane, Clear Lake
127.6ha / 315.3 acres – Cropping/Grazing
Currently divided in to two paddocks. Watered by 4 dams, access to the GWM pipeline water supply. Great opportunity to secure an affordable block in a reliable higher Southern Wimmera rainfall zone.
PRICED @ $3850 per acre
Mark Clyne M 0417 568 200
Southern Wimmera Cropping/Grazing
Lot 2 / 1878 Northern Grampians Road, Laharum
Southern Wimmera Cropping/ Grazing - 101.2 ha/ 250.07 acres. Excellent fencing with good access with road frontages on 3 sides. Outstanding Mountain views, 2 catchment dams & GWM Pipeline water.
PRICED @ $7000 per acre – $1,750,490
Mark Clyne M 0417 568 200
Glenisla Farming & Lifestyle Property
135.82ha/ 335.6 acres – C/A 5 Red Rock Road
Water is a big feature of this trophy property with several winter creeks running through. Spectacular views set at the foot hills of the Grampians National Park &close proximity to Rockland Reservoir 16kms. Divided into 4 paddocks, gives you a good management tool to graze the mainly grass & clover pastures.
PRICE REDUCED @ $3500 per acre
Mark Clyne M 0417 568 200
Dimboola Land Auction Lot 2-368 Dimboola-Rainbow Road, Dimboola
Approx. 308.6ha / 762.56 acres
• Conveniently located approx. 3kms north of Dimboola
• Elevated gently undulating country with good heavy loam soil types.
• Suitable for Cropping & Grazing, watered by 5 catchment dams.
• Access to GWM pipeline water available - not connected.
• Road access from the main road and LIL LIL Dam Road.
Venue : RSL Dimboola – 113 Lloyd Street, Dimboola
Auction Date & Time: 1pm, Friday, March 21, 2025
Mark Clyne M 0417 568 200
Wimmera field days
SOMETHING FOR ALL: Day one of the Wimmera Machinery Field Days yesterday attracted hundreds of people to the site, boasting nearly 400 exhibitors. Pictured soaking up the atmosphere are, clockwise from above: Charlie Malloy and Sam Phillips; Footscray football legend Doug Hawkins with Glynnice and Bruce Fraser at Horsham Bearings’ stand; George, Bill, Josh, Steph, Bec and Kane Fleming, of Leslie Manor; Flying Doctors program manager Tom Ryan, centre, with Beaufort students Rory Bourke and Zavier Duff; Neville Trotman with his grandsons Lachlan Quick and Charlie Brown; and Longerenong College marketing manager Brad Barber and students Olivia Sudholz and Georgia Anderson.
Market day to continue success
The Wimmera Machinery Field Days is in full swing this week after a successful day one of the annual major event.
While it’s usually all roads leading to the Wimmera Events Centre at Longerenong during the field days, maintenance works at the Dooen rail crossing led to detours for those travelling on the Wimmera and Henty highways from the north.
But hundreds of people found their way to Victoria’s longest-running field days, boasting nearly 400 exhibitors, including 80 new-comers.
The fields days showcases hundreds of millions of dollars in agricultural machinery and equipment, but also features plenty of other products such as cars and caravans.
It also features information-based stalls from various organisations across the region.
Yesterday in the Country Lifestyle Pavilion, there were demonstrations on cooking, agricultural education and energy, as well as fashion parades by Horsham College students.
There was also a tractorcade showing historical tractors – in line with this year’s theme of ‘big tractors’.
Field days committee president Harry Young said yesterday’s sunny weather had made it a great day out.
“We’ve got plenty of people walking around and a lot of exhibitors are busy,” he said.
Mr Young encouraged people to visit the field days today and tomorrow,
“The tractors are fantastic. You can go and talk to the bloke at Big Bud and he might even start
weather this morning was perfect, the crowds are flowing in. The site looks really full”
Vanessa Lenehan
it up if you’re lucky enough,” he said. Field days manager Vanessa Lenehan said day one of the field days had started well.
“The weather this morning was perfect, the crowds are flowing in. The site looks really full. The exhibitors have all done a really great job making this site look great,” she said.
Mrs Lenehan said today, Wednesday, was marketed as family day and would feature local market stalls.
“It’s a pretty exciting day because we have the local market day held on the back lawn, thanks to the support of 3WM 1089,” she said.
“There will be 16 extra exhibitors coming along just for that day.
“And for the kids, we also have Paw Patrol up on stage, so don’t forget about that. They’re only doing two shows, so make sure you get out and see one of them.
“Market day is for everyone. I don’t think there’s even anything ag-based at all in the market square. It’s all food, wine, produce and craft, so come on out and have a look.”
The field days is open to the public from 8.30am to 5pm today, Wednesday, and 8.30am to 4pm tomorrow.
Tickets can be purchased at the gate or from wimmerafielddays.com.au.
The Board of the Horsham Sports &Community Club is distributing at least $135,000 in sponsorships to local sporting and community groups from this financial year’s trading
Since the Clubs inception in 1992, they have provided sponsorships to help hardworking local organisations, with a grand total of just over $3.4-million Groups that may qualify can find criteria and application forms at www.hscc.org.au or by scanning the QR code above.
Applications open from February 27 to 5pm, April 3, 2025. For
information please contact the Club during office hours.
One year for $11 or five years for $50
ATTRACTION: Longerenong College students, from left, Sienna Langdon, Charlotte Fraser, Danielle Walker and Casey Quick admire Big Bud. Pictures: PAUL CARRACHER
PROJECT: Graeme Oxbrow assists Rainbow College students Hugo Gould and William Boyle at the Men’s Shed site.
Play space for all
Goroke Kindergarten’s playground will be upgraded to include more accessible equipment, after West Wimmera Shire Coun-
cil received a $197,900 Department of Education Building Blocks Inclusion Grant.
Kindergarten committee
president Nell Skinner said the playground was used by the combined three-year-old and four-year-old kindergarten group, as well as playgroup participants.
“It’s amazing to get this grant, really exciting, the upgrade is the final piece of the puzzle out here,” she said.
“We’ll have another set of swings, a basket swing, and a little trampoline, which will cater for more abilities.”
The playground’s boxed barkchip area will be replaced with a wet-pour rubber soft-fall surface, creating a single level and lowering maintenance to the area.
Council chief executive David Bezuidenhout welcomed the funding, highlighting the importance of inclusive play spaces for early childhood development.
“This project will ensure all children can participate in outdoor play, regardless of their abilities,” he said.
“By creating a fully accessible playground, we are not only improving safety and
functionality but also fostering social inclusion and engagement in the early years.
“The upgrades will build on improvements made at Goroke Kindergarten in 2022, ensuring the outdoor play area is fully integrated and accessible to all.”
Council’s early years services have been significantly
boosted in the past few years, with similar redevelopments in other towns.
Edenhope Kindergarten received major building renovations and a new playspace last year. Similarly, Kaniva Kindergarten’s yard was updated in 2020, and its building renovations were completed in October 2022.
Nursing students make start
A new group of students have started a Diploma of Nursing course at East Grampians Health Service this month.
The students will study through Federation TAFE in partnership with East Grampians Health Service, EGHS, for their two-year course.
EGHS chief executive Nick Bush said a oneyear Certificate III in Individual Support course through Federation TAFE had also become a popular pathway for students to pursue a healthcare career.
“Our Diploma of Nursing and Certificate III in Individual Support courses are part of our ‘grow our own’ strategy, whereby students are able to train close to home and eventually obtain employment at the health service,” he said.
“This ensures we have an ongoing workforce of highly skilled nurses who live and work in Ararat and the surrounding region.” People wanting further information or to enrol in either course can email Clare Stacpoole on c.stacpoole@federation.edu.au
GROW OUR OWN: East Grampians Health Service’s 2025 Diploma of Nursing students are ready to begin.
ALL SMILES: Goroke Kindergarten’s Harriet Robertson enjoys the outdoor play space, soon to be upgraded with a Department of Education Building Blocks Inclusion Grant.
Tech-savvy thieves driving car thefts
Victoria Police has issued a warning to vehicle owners, as intelligence reveals tech-savvy thieves are behind a surge in car thefts across the state.
Car theft in Victoria has gradually declined over the past 20 years as vehicle security improved and cars could no longer be hot-wired, but the proliferation of key programming devices has led to levels of car theft not seen in Victoria since 2003.
In the 12 months to September 2024, 25,773 vehicles were stolen in Victoria – 6408 more than the previous year.
Police intelligence shows a trend of third-party electronic devices, capable of programming or mimicking keys,
becoming increasingly available for purchase.
Once inside a vehicle, the device can be plugged into the cars’ on-board diagnostic port to override the security system and start the engine.
Car thefts using the devices have been occurring in other countries, such as the United States and United Kingdom, for several years and are now becoming more prevalent in Australia.
Police believe the methodology is well-known among criminal circles and being used extensively.
Police intelligence suggests certain makes and models with electronic push-start technology are being targeted, given no ignition key is required.
Stawell centre a hive of activity
Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre has been a hive of activity throughout summer, with residents and visitors making the most of opportunities to take to the water.
Gentle Aqua classes have been wellattended, averaging more than 15 participants twice a week.
The class, for people aged 60 and older, is designed to encourage people to be active while creating opportunities for social connection.
There has been an influx of new participants this year.
The aquatic centre has also played host to a range of school swimming carnivals.
Victoria Police’s Vehicle Crime Squad has been working with impacted manufacturers on the issue, and insurance companies have also been engaged as part of the discussions.
The intelligence reveals the most stolen makes and models where police believe key reprogramming devices were used include Holden, mostly Commodore, thefts, which have increased by 92.9 per cent in the 12 months to January 2025; Toyota, where thefts have increased by 76.4 per cent; and Subaru thefts, which have increased by 107.8 per cent.
Vehicle Crime Squad Detective Inspector Julie MacDonald said police urged vehicle owners to look at a range of preventative measures to
deter thieves, including an on-board diagnostic port lock, which prevents an offender connecting a reprograming device to your vehicle.
She said the locks were affordable and self-installable.
“Modern-day cars are akin to computers on wheels and while this comes with plenty of benefits, it also creates opportunity for offenders,” she said.
“Vehicle immobilisers were a technology facilitated solution at the turn of the century – the emergence of key programming devices are proving to be a technology facilitated problem.
“It was considered impossible to steal a car this way as little as two years ago.
“However, offenders are now us-
ing these devices like a modern-day screwdriver to steal cars.
“We strongly encourage owners of impacted cars to consider all possible methods to improve their vehicle’s security – there are a range of auto shops and websites that stock these anti-theft products, and staff can assist with advising you on what will best suit your vehicle.”
Further information about vehicle security measures can be found at www.police.vic.gov.au/preventingmotor-vehicle-theft.
Anyone with information on vehicle theft is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at www. crimestoppersvic.com.au.
More than 800 students will compete at the aquatic centre this carnival season, in front of more than 400 spectators.
People can visit www.ngshire. vic.gov.au/Sports-Recreation-andLeisure/Stawell-Sports-and-AquaticCentre or follow Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre on Facebook for more information about what the centre has to offer.
• Right, Penny Malpas runs Gentle Aqua classes at Stawell Leisure Centre on Mondays and Thursdays. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Stawell Secondary College and Stawell, Stawell West, Ararat and Stawell’s St Patrick’s primary schools have already enjoyed their events, with students from Concongella Primary School to take to the pool tomorrow.
@ Sawyer Park from 12 - 4pm
2:00pm @ Horsham Showgrounds 2:20pm @ Weir Park 3:00pm @ Sawyer Park
Check out the venomous snake pit and meet your favourite native animals! at the Horsham Fishing Comp Sunday 9 March 2025
Familiar face amid changes
Wally Emmerson has worked in the same building for 45 years, although the businesses and faces have changed around him.
Starting as a teenager with Weight’s Mitre 10 on February 25, 1980, Mr Emmerson said he had worked in lots of different departments across the store.
“I started in the hardware department. My first day was likely spent wandering around the shop, I didn’t know a lot about the stock,” he said.
“John Weight and Peter Dougherty were the two bosses then, they were really good to me.”
Mr Emmerson’s employers changed – from Weight’s to Dahlsens to Bunnings – but his drive to continue working at the store did not.
“I’ve always enjoyed helping people with their home improvement projects,” he said.
“And I have enjoyed working within a big team – it’s been lots of fun, with lots of banter.
“I have worked with some amazing people over the years, and I’ve made lots of friends in the community.”
Mr Emmerson said the store’s customers had been fantastic.
“When people come to a hardware store, they’ve usually got a project that they’re excited about, something they want to do,” he said.
“I really enjoy helping them out to get the result they want.”
Mr Emmerson has worked in the paint department for the past ‘20 or
New disability drop-off zone
Ararat Rural City Council has vowed to create a dedicated disability drop-off zone on Barkly Street in an effort to improve the town’s accessibility.
The planned drop-off zone would enable passengers to safely exit vehicles with space for mobility aids, aiming to reduce the risk of accidents or injuries due to hurried or improper unloading.
The designated area would also allow disability vans and maxi taxis to safely unload passengers, reducing hazards associated with on-street drop-offs and allowing transport providers to assist clients without obstructing traffic flow.
Council chief executive Tim Harrison said the zone would be at the road bend outside Quinn and Co Eyewear, replacing the currently designated motorcycle parking area.
He said the central location would provide greater traffic visibility, as well as improving access to local businesses and public amenities for people with disabilities.
The council will design the project following engagement with Barkly Street businesses and the community.
People can find out more about the project and provide input by visiting the Engage Ararat website at engage.ararat.vic.gov.au.
COMMITTED: Wally Emmerson has clocked up 45 years working at Bunnings in Horsham, previously Dahlsens and before that, Weight’s.
30 years’ and has seen many physical and technological changes at the store.
“When I first started, everything would be done on a bit of paper.
If people had an account, we had to manually write everything out on an invoice and somebody else in the office would go and clear it and send off the bill,” he said.
“And then back then, a pay packet
was just that. It was an envelope with cash in it.”
Computers coming into retail was the biggest change.
Mr Emmerson said at that time, the store’s thousands of items were hand-priced, an onerous task even though the store was much smaller then.
“Originally, the store was just on the Wilson and Urquhart streets cor-
Your glass bin is for bottles and jars only
Keep these items out of your glass recycling bin: food liquid cigarette butts inside bottles or jars
ner, so I’ve seen lots of extensions and expansions, and now it goes into Pynsent Street. It’s a big business,” he said.
Mr Emmerson, now aged 63, said he has no immediate plans to retire.
“Maybe in the next few years, but when I do, I’ll miss interacting with people and working with the community,” he said.
World Day of Prayer
A service prepared by women of the Cook Islands will be delivered by members of Horsham Christian churches for an annual World Day of Prayer event.
With the theme of ‘I made you wonderful’, World Day of Prayer is an international, ecumenical organisation that enables women worldwide to convey their hopes, concerns and prayers.
The service will be at Horsham Uniting Church at 10am on March 7; everyone is welcome to attend.
See the pictures below of contamination found during our January 2025 glass audit This included plastic bags or packaging, loose lids and caps from bottles or jars, corks, pumps, spray bottles/cans, cardboard, crockery (such as plates, dishes or mugs), drinking glasses, glass cookware, vases and light bulbs
Help us repurpose your bottles and jars by recycling them correctly in your purple bin Put lightly rinsed, empty glass bottles and jars into the bin loose, not in bags
Yo will be co N
Small acts make a big impact
The Hindmarsh Shire Council Plan is developed in conversation with our community and details the vision, goals and strategies to guide Council’s service delivery, activities and decision making over a four-year period
It is time to develop a new Council Plan, and we would like to hear from the Hindmarsh community about the services, programs and projects that matter to you the most.
Your aspirations will guide what goes into the Plan and shape how Council uses its resources over the next four years
We’ve developed a survey that will guide you to consider and provide feedback on your priorities in the following areas:
Services and Service Levels
Health and Wellbeing
Since the pools opened from 16 November 2024, Council has seen a combined total of over 9,036 attendees through the gates at the Nhill, Dimboola, Jeparit and Rainbow outdoor pools
Thank you to those who joined us this season!
The Hindmarsh Shire Transfer Station summer operating hours ended on Friday 28 February 2025
Hosking: It’s a disgrace
The Federal Government will invest more money into building a rail link to Melbourne Airport, as well as another $1.2-billion into suburban roads.
VFF president and Quambatook farmer Brett Hosking said the ‘citycentric cash splash’ was about ‘playing politics and prioritising votes ahead of fixing genuine issues across Victoria’. “It’s a genuine slap in the face for those living outside of Melbourne. Both the Commonwealth and Victorian governments are proving they have no interest in taking action to fix roads outside of marginal electorates,” he said.
“This funding announcement was billed as ‘Victoria’s fair share.’ It should be rebranded as ‘Melbourne’s fair share’, as there is little to smile about from a regional Victorian’s perspective.
“Country roads are crumbling and it’s not only costing tens of millions in lost productivity, tragically people are paying for it with their lives.”
Mr Hosking said he called on de-
cision-makers last month to increase funding to regional roads as the number of road deaths soar.
“That’s clearly fallen on deaf ears and to be honest, it’s a disgrace,” he said.
“The $20-million announced for a business case into improving high productivity freight vehicle access is another case of government spending money not to make decisions or pick up a shovel. If they just talk to farmers we would tell them exactly the bridges that need to be upgraded to allow for these trucks to get rolling.”
Mr Hosking said there was a genuine sense from those outside of Melbourne being treated as second-class citizens when it came to receiving a fair slice of funding.
“For over a decade now, regional Victoria has been neglected and we won’t accept it any longer,” he said.
“It’s not a matter of crying poor, just a matter of fairness and we’re clearly getting the rough end of the stick.
“Regional Victoria’s population is roughly on par with a city the size of Adelaide and we are Australia’s agriculture economic powerhouse. We
can’t grow without investment and we’re not getting it.
“We’ll be asking for an urgent please explain from both levels of government regarding this announcement.”
The Opposition’s spokesperson for roads and road safety Danny O’Brien said despite the government boasting about its spending, regional roads remain in a shocking state, with countless communities left waiting for critical upgrades.
“Labor’s so-called ‘record investment’ clearly isn’t reaching the places that need it most. Regional Victorians deserve safe roads just as much as those in Melbourne’s suburbs, yet they continue to be treated as second-class citizens by this government,” he said.
“The Victorian government’s neglect of our regional road network has resulted in potholes, deteriorating road surfaces, and unsafe conditions for motorists. The latest funding announcement once again ignores the pressing need to fix regional roads that are lifelines for communities, agriculture, and tourism.”
Horses seized from repeat offender
Ten horses were seized from an Ararat property by RSPCA Victoria inspectors following a compliance check.
In November last year, the County Court of Victoria disqualified Christine Weisheit from owning or being in charge of more than five horses, for five years. Last month 53 cats were removed from her property.
This is the third time she has defied a court order regarding the number of animals in her care.
RSPCA Victoria chief inspector Michelle Green said this seizure brought the total number of animals removed from this offender to almost 400.
“Her blatant disregard for court orders comes at a steep cost, not only financially to RSPCA Victoria’s inspectorate and others assisting in rescuing and caring for these animals, but also the suffering these animals have experienced,” she said.
“RSPCA Victoria’s team is dedicated
to preventing cruelty to animals across the state, ensuring they receive the care and treatment they need, and enforcing compliance with court-ordered disqualifications put in place to protect the welfare of animals.”
The 10 horses were taken to an RSPCA shelter to be assessed.
Anyone with concerns about the welfare of animals is urged to make a report to RSPCA Victoria at rspcavic.org/ cruelty-report or by calling 9224 2222.
GENEROUS: Rotarian and former Horsham resident Tania Aisbett assisted a Cambodian community with donations of baby clothes from Horsham op shops.
Support in Cambodia
The generosity of Horsham op shops has aided former resident Tania Aisbett’s support efforts in Cambodia.
A member of Rotary Chadstone East Malvern, Ms Aisbett visited Cambodia with club members as part of Rotary’s partnership with Build Your Future Today, an organisation that focuses on the project areas of education, health and nutrition, capacity building, peacebuilding, and child support.
Ms Aisbett, who has been to Cambodia four times on Rotary initiatives, was first involved with Rotary when she was an exchange student to the US through Rotary Club of Horsham East.
In the lead-up to her latest trip, Ms Aisbett said she asked her mother,
Horsham resident Jan Aisbett, to assist in the efforts.
“I asked her if she would be able to get some baby clothes, and she went around a number of Horsham’s op shops to seek out donations of baby clothes, which is one of the things that the families wanted,” she said.
“The team carried more than 150 pieces, weighing a total of 30 kilograms, of baby clothes to mothersto-be and mothers of young babies.”
Horsham’s Wimmera Health Care Group, Red Cross and Vinnies op shops donated clothing.
Rotary members also provided community support and school visits to educate people in toothbrushing, hand-washing and menstrual care.
t t d l l d l f t t d l l d l f
H e a d i n s t o r e H e a d i n s t o r e
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p r o d u c t s ! p r o d u c t s !
Calls getting through
Two agricultural advocacy bodies have welcomed a Federal Government commitment to introduce a universal outdoor mobile obligation, UOMO.
Grains-industry group GrainGrowers and the National Farmers’ Federation, NFF, gave their approval to the proposed reform, which would effectively ensure outdoor mobile coverage across Australia by adding an extra five million square kilometres of satellite coverage.
NFF president David Jochinke, a Murra Warra farmer, said the obligation would create and safeguard a right for every Australian to access basic calls and text services from any location.
“Mobile black spots are a huge source of frustration for people in the bush,” he said.
“Coverage gaps can compromise safety and make it harder to run a business.
“This new obligation will ensure that the safety of rural Australians, and their access to basic mobile services, cannot be put in the toohard basket.
“This levels the playing field in a big way, making outdoor mobile coverage universally accessible regardless of where you live or which phone company you’re with.
“Every Australian will feel safer knowing that with the right handset, they can call Triple Zero from anywhere they can see the sky.”
GrainGrowers advocacy and rural affairs manager Sean Cole
described the proposed UOMO’s use of low-earth-orbit satellites and direct-to-device technology to increase coverage as a win for farmers in rural and regional areas.
“Around 78 per cent of calls to Triple Zero originate from a mobile phone in Australia,” he said.
“The proposal would ensure that 100 per cent of those calls get through.
“Pleasingly, these issues would be addressed through the proposal put forward by the government.
“It is now up to the other parties to step up and show a similar commitment to fix the wide range of issues identified in recent discussions and debate.”
Mr Cole said improving telecommunications accessibility in regional, rural and remote graingrowing areas had economic and productivity implications covering workforce, farm safety, commerce, and innovation.
“This announcement is a welcome step, and we look forward to widespread support for the approach and the implementation of these changes,” he said.
Despite support for the UOMO from farmers, the federal opposition labelled the announcement a ‘distraction’ in the lead-up to this year’s election.
Member for Mallee Anne Webster said the government had failed to provide costing for the proposed network extensions.
“Low-earth-orbit satellites and direct-to-device offers exciting new technology but they are not
yet fully tested, trialled or readily available in Australia,” she said.
Dr Webster accused the government of trying to hide its track record on telecommunications, citing the closure of Australian 3G mobile networks by Telstra, Optus and TPG Telecom last year.
“Labor’s new UOMO offers empty promises for customers in regional and remote areas who are desperate for better telecommunications connectivity, particularly after the shambolic mess from the closure of the 3G network,” she said.
“I lobbied the minister and telcos for extension after extension and still Labor couldn’t get it right.
“It rings pretty hollow for Labor to claim on election eve that they care about regional connectivity when they undermined, not improved, connectivity in their calamitous three years in office.”
But Mr Jochinke welcomed the government’s announcement, while urging it to continue investing in Australia’s terrestrial mobile network.
“The NFF applauds the Australian government for introducing this policy, and urges all sides of politics to support this agenda to guarantee the safety and productivity of rural Australia,” he said.
“Land-based coverage from mobile towers will still be the gold standard for years to come.
“Satellite based connectivity is just one piece of the puzzle, and the need for continued co-investment in mobile towers by telco providers and government isn’t going away.”
INFORMATIVE: People from across the region, including Ararat, Nhill, Birchip and Wycheproof, attended Wimmera Mallee Environmental and Agricultural Protection Association’s second meeting of the year last month.
Gathering of information
More than 120 people attended Wimmera Mallee Environmental and Agricultural Protection Association’s second meeting of the year, hearing from two informative speakers about living near wind energy projects and mining.
Dominica Tannock, from DST Legal in Melbourne, and Viva-Lyn Lenehan, from Killarney, near Warrnambool, spoke at the February 24 meeting, which drew people from across the region, including Ararat, Nhill, Birchip and Wycheproof.
Ms Tannock spoke to concerned residents about the legal aspects of what neighbours and the community could do when confronted by noise created by wind projects not meeting noise requirements, which she said was common and often ended up in court.
She advised people of the need to
keep records of all conversations with developers, to monitor the developer’s testing methods and to never sign any agreement with a developer until the resident had independent, expert legal advice.
Ms Lenehan spoke about developers not being utility companies, but were mostly private, usually multinational, companies that made private contracts with the turbine hosts and project neighbours.
She said landowners have the right to say no to developers, and also spoke about how noise testing worked.
WMEAP’s policy is to support communities to protect the natural environment and food production in the Wimmera Mallee region.
People can seek more information by contacting admin@wmeap.com.
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A collection of memories
Ahand-painted 255-panel patchwork quilt showcasing the names of many Warracknabeal families has been returned to Rural Northwest Health after almost two decades in storage.
Created by Nita Phillips, nee Rosslyn, in 1943, the quilt features the name of the 1943 matron M.L. Jeffrey, along with many other local stalwarts including L. Winsall, W.M. O’Dea, Shirley Shaw, W. Smale, and G.K. Parsons, to name
a few. The quilt had been hanging in the old hospital until construction of the new Warracknabeal campus in 2008, when it was offered to the Warracknabeal Historical Society before ultimately being stored when the society declined due to lack of display room.
Rural Northwest Health executive manager of clinical services Joseph Bermudo said it was an honour to appreciate the extraordinary patchwork quilt.
“More than just fabric and thread, this quilt is a story; a
collection of memories, emotions, and craftmanship, woven together with care and dedication,” he said.
“Each patch, stitch and colour choice hold meaning. Perhaps it represents cherished moments, a journey taken, or the hands that lovingly created it.
“Patchwork quilts remind us that beauty comes not just from perfection, but from the coming together of different pieces, much like our own lives.
“May this quilt inspire warmth, connection, and a deeper appre-
Event program delivers for all
Ararat Town Hall’s 2025 season program contains a slate of family shows, music and theatre, tribute bands, free lunchtime concerts, comedy and monthly live music from Ararat Live.
Children’s events include acrobatic theatre show
The Librarian starring French artist Hippolyte, classical musicians Inventi Ensemble delivering an interactive performance of Cinderella, and bumbling brothers Jon and Jero.
The program also delves into music history with productions of Late, Late at Night, a theatrical retelling of musician Rick Springfield’s autobiography; Dusty, a homage to the British pop singer Dusty Springfield featuring Wendy Stapleton; Celebrating The Seekers, Keith Potger’s solo tribute to the 1960s pop group; Songbirds, a celebration of 37 years of friendship between Australian stage and screen stars Gorgi Coghlan and Anna-Lee Robertson; and Melbourne 80s tribute bands Gold Chisel and The Power and the Passion.
Ararat Town Hall will again host the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow in late May, bringing some of the festival’s brightest stars to the region.
ciation for the stories that fabric can tell.”
After some repairs by seamstress Suzy Callaghan, the 82-year-old quilt is now displayed at Yarriambiack Lodge.
Creator Nita Phillips was an English singer, known as ‘the girl in red’, who cycled her way through 120 countries in a bid to prove that live theatre was still alive and well.
It is unclear why she was in Warracknabeal in about 1943.
Returning for its 15th year is Ararat Live, which will bring acts including Canada’s Old Man Luedecke, jazz legends Dave Graney and Clare Moore, and country-folk couple Small Town Romance to Ararat.
“Experiencing a live performance tends to create the kinds of memories you just don’t forget,” Ararat Rural City Council Mayor Jo Armstrong said.
“There’s nothing like the art of a stage show, and that’s the magic this year’s wonderfully varied town hall program is delivering. Get out there and enjoy the arts.”
Ararat Town Hall performances are all accessible to wheelchairs, walkers and prams.
For more information on the town hall’s 2025 program, people can visit ararattownhall.com.au, call the box office directly on 1800 657 158, or attend the visitor information centre at Ararat Gallery TAMA, between 10am and 4pm from Monday to Sunday.
RETURNED: Admiring the hand-painted quilt at Yarriambiack Lodge are, from left, project support officer Bernie O’Connor, nurse unit manager Allison Hondow, Warracknabeal Historical Society’s Jenny Taylor and Evelyn McColl, Yarriambiack Lodge residents Tim Clancy and Deb Norris, Rural Northwest Health chief executive Jenni Masters, executive manager of clinical services Joseph Bermudo, and Yarriambiack Lodge resident Rosalie Collins.
Council Plan Survey
At the beginning of each Councillor Term, the Council is required to develop and adopt a new Council Plan that outlines the Council’s strategic priorities for the next four years. The Councillors are currently in the process of developing their new Council Plan for 2025 – 2029. Your feedback is crucial to shaping the objectives of the plan. More information and the online survey form are available via the ‘Have Your Say’ portal on Council’s website.
Work With Us
Netball & Tennis Courts Construction -
Murtoa Recreation Reserve (C354-2025)Request for Tender
Undertake all works associated with the supply, installation, and redevelopment of the Netball Court at the Murtoa Recreation Reserve to two new multi-purpose Netball/Tennis courts Visit our website for more information
Join Our Team
Council now has the following vacancies: Manager Community Health Business Lead - Asset Systems, Networks and Planning
Application instructions and further details are available on our ‘Jobs’ webpage
Council Rates
The final date for payment of Council Rates in full was 17 February 2025. The final date for 3rd instalment payment was 28 February 2025.
Rates not paid by the respective due dates will be charged interest at a rate of 10% on and from the date which each missed instalment was due.
Payment can be made at the Council Municipal Office in Warracknabeal, Australia Post Offices, Post Billpay, BPay, or by mail to Council.
If you are experiencing difficulty paying your rates, please contact Council on 03 5398 0127 immediately to discuss more suitable methods of payment.
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Coffee with a CouncillorUpcoming Sessions
Join us for a coffee and a chat with the Councillors of the Yarriambiack Shire Council We also invite you to complete the Council Plan 2025-2029 Survey to help shape the development of the Council Plan and share your valuable input
Friday 7 March
Woomelang - 10 30-11 30amWoomelang Multi-Purpose Centre
Hopetoun - 12 20-1 20pm - Country Lane Delights
Monday 24 March
Beulah - 10-11am - Beulah Business and Information Centre
Brim - 11 30am-12 30pm - McPhersons Store
Warracknabeal - 1-2pm - The Local 165
Fruit Fly Can Affect Us AllCommunity Forums
Yarriambiack Shire Council is hosting 3 sessions with gardening expert Rob Pelletier from Heritage Fruit Trees, to help gardeners to manage the fruit fly problem and develop a whole community approach - so everyone can benefit from good fruit fly management!
Hopetoun Recreation Reserve on Friday, 7 March 2025 at 6 30pm
Warracknabeal Municipal Office on Saturday, 8 March 2025 at 10 30am
Mayoral Matters
It has been a productive month as our Council Position Statement on Mining, Renewables, and Transition Lines has received positive feedback from both our community and beyond I would like to recognise and appreciate the community members from our Shire and neighbouring Shires who have taken the time to send messages, emails, letters, and meet with me in person to express their gratitude for our Councillors’ efforts in outlining our position and advocating for our communities. We have met with Emma Kealy, our local member of State Parliament, and Jacinta Ermacora, member of Parliament for Western Victoria, to discuss our position statement in greater detail We have written to Ministers with an aim of securing a meeting in the near future Our Coffee with a Councillor sessions have commenced with a terrific turnout of people across the towns that we have visited to date Conversation topics were many and varied, including roads, footpaths, town maintenance, tree policies, emergency evacuation points, speed limits in towns, signage within towns, progress and community meetings, and general information being asked about recycling I thank the community members who dropped in and look forward to speaking with more people across our Shire as we head to other towns within our municipality in the upcoming weeks
Murtoa Neighbourhood House on Sunday, 9 March 2025 at 12 00pm
Di ibraries is ab
Your free membership doesn’t just get you access to 951,778 books, but also to an ever increasing list of online magazines, audio and eBook titles through BorrowBox
Join a book club near you, or find a cool place to relax and socialise in between errands
Don’t miss Storytime with our wonderful Yarriambiack Libraries staff, including crafts and a new theme every visit!
The theme for the next fortnight’s Storytime will be ‘International Women’s Day’
Find your nearest library location, when our Engagement Van is next visiting your town, and all about our other library services by visiting our ‘Libraries’ webpage
The recent Council Meeting featured the lease and service agreement for the Hopetoun Early Years Service The long daycare is one step closer, with the new licence scheduled to be issued to Emerge Early Years Services (Emerge) on 10 March 2025. This will then enable Emerge to commence the application process for the childcare subsidy and advertise for staff We look forward to working with Emerge to support the reopening of the service
Continue reading the full ‘Mayoral Matters’ column from Mayor Cr Kylie Zanker by visiting our ‘News’ page on Council’s website
To keep residents informed of our extensive road maintenance program, we are providing weekly updates on the movements of our 8 grader teams. Visit the ‘News’ section of our website to find out more.
Add your business, community group or event to our Online Directory to reach as many people as possible! Update at any time to ensure your details are up to date Visit our ‘Online Directory’ webpage to register
C Kyli Z k
Celebration of constant care
The Ararat community has celebrated 20 years of its East Grampians Health Service Oncology Unit, which has allowed people to receive cancer treatment closer to their homes.
In 2004, Professor George Kannourakis of Ballarat Oncology and Haematology was approached to provide an oncology treatment and outpatient service in Ararat, and with funding and generous donations from the community, a fully-equipped eightchair day oncology unit was established.
Dr Craig Carden joined the department in 2011, initially working with Dr Kannourakis. From 2013, Dr Carden was the unit’s oncologist, and haematologist Dr Pohan Lukito joined the team in 2019.
As part of a hospital refurbishment in May, 2013, the department was relocated to the northern end of the first floor, into the purpose designed facility where it remains today.
A number of art projects were conducted within the unit over the years, with the idea of creating works of art to decorate and create a homely feel.
Artists Kevin Free and the late Carolyn Thomas co-ordinated one of these projects, ‘Sharing the Journey’, with staff and patients creating artworks for the unit.
Later the Willaura Quilters group worked with patients, carers and family members to create three quilts as part of a ‘Common Threads’ project, with two raffled to raise money for the unit and one quilt still adorning the wall of the waiting room.
The Ararat community has been enormously supportive of the oncol-
ogy unit and continues to raise funds, which allows the unit to update equipment and provide a welcoming environment, staffed with qualified professionals.
Ararat and District Breast Cancer Support Group was a major contributor over many years, providing all current treatment chairs in the unit and other items of equipment.
Oncology unit associate nurse unit manager Leesa McInnes thanked everyone for attending the birthday celebrations.
“Being diagnosed with cancer is a life changing experience for not just patients, but the entire family,” she said.
“To be able to have treatment locally reduces the stress for everyone.
“When you come here for treatment, you join our family and we do our best to care and support everyone
Horse Harness & Antiques Auction
Left, longserving East Grampians Health Service Oncology Unit nurses, from left, Marg Keith, Leesa McInnes and Mary Kinsella, cut the birthday cake, and below, artist Kevin Free in front of one of the sculptures created for the oncology unit in the ‘Sharing the Journey’ project.
through their cancer journey. Because we are a small department you see the same staff week after week and really get to know us.
“You are not just a number to us,
New network of bike tracks
Ararat Rural City Council is planning to expand and upgrade the region’s cycling network after securing $266,000 from the Federal Government’s Active Transport Fund.
Ararat is set to receive nearly 10 kilometres of new and upgraded cycle pathways in a project driven by the council’s Ararat on the Move strategy, which aims to promote walking and bike riding as safe, accessible and beneficial modes of transportation.
Mayor Jo Armstrong said a renewed network of bike tracks would provide better connectivity to locations across Ararat’s CBD, including Ararat train station and the Barkly Street precinct, as well as local schools, workplaces, community groups and recreational facilities.
She said the project also aligned with key objectives under the council’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-25.
“It’s crucial that we invest in infrastructure that encourages the community to lead an active lifestyle, as well as supports economic growth for our region,” she said. In addition to the Federal Government funding, the council will contribute $133,000 towards the project.
Park plan adopted
Community consultation has led to Hindmarsh Shire Council adopting Nhill Caravan Park’s masterplan, which includes new cabins, playground and camp kitchen, as well as redeveloped amenities.
and we try to make a difficult time in your life as easy as possible.”
The celebration brought more than 40 past and present patients, volunteers, donors and staff together.
Community groups, organisations and industry representatives contributed ideas on the services, aesthetics and operation of the park.
The masterplan provides strategic direction for the next decade and beyond.
TaKe a BreaK
On This day
From The Weekly Advertiser archives: March 3, 2005 –World champion wood chopper and Australian of the Year finalist David Foster was a guest of Castrol at the Wimmera Machinery Field Days. His 185-kilogram frame towered over Breuer’s partowner Stuart Hobbs. Hot weather on the first day of the event impacted visitor numbers, but that was expected to be remedied with a cool change forecast.
10 years ago: March 4, 2015 Horsham Rural City Council appointed firm Geografia to draw up a masterplan to establish the possibilities and constraints of developing the town’s rail corridor. The east-west railway lines and surrounding disused industrial sites were a physical barrier between Horsham’s north and the rest of the city. Early suggestions included areas for recreational and community activities, medium density housing, subordinate commercial activity, and pedestrian and cycle pathways.
Five years ago: March 4, 2020
German-born author, composer and poet Homer Rieth donated his library of almost 3000 books and 600 classical records to raise money for Minyip Progress Association projects, including a petrol station for the town. Book sale organiser Keith Daniells said he was hoping to attract people from far and wide to the sale.
One year ago: March 6, 2024
Filmed in the Ararat municipality, movie About a Farmer was set to premier the following month. With an aim to drive conversation about mental health, the movie was written, directed by and featured Tatyoon farmer Leila McDougall.
1. On this day in 1983, which Australian Labor leader defeated sitting Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser in a general election to become Australia’s 23rd Prime Minister?
2. The line ‘to be, or not to be’ comes from which Shakespeare play?
3. What do Tom Hanks, Michael Keaton, Ellen DeGeneres and Owen Wilson all have in common?
4. How many dots appear on a pair of dice?
5. Who wrote the novel Of Mice and Men, published in 1937?
6. What do the following words have in common; isosceles, equilateral, and scalene?
7. Which grain is the most widely consumed staple food in the world, feeding billions daily?
8. How many top friends could you have on MySpace?
9. According to Greek mythology, what famed warrior died because he took an arrow to the heel?
10. With this year’s theme the Year of the Big Tractors, how many annual Wimmera Machinery Field Days events have there been?
Answers: 1. Bob Hawke. 2. Hamlet. 3. They have all voiced -Pix ar characters – Tom Hanks voiced Woody in Toy Story, Michael Keaton voiced Chick Hicks in Cars, Ellen DeGeneres voiced Dory in Finding Nemo, and Owen Wilson voiced Lightning McQueen in Cars. 4. 42. 5. John Steinbeck. The book was also made into a movie several times, including in 1992 with a cast including John Malkovich as Lennie Small and Gary Sinise as George Milton. 6. They are all types of triangles. 7. Rice. 8. Eight. 9. Achilles. Legends state that Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for one heel. According to that myth, when his mother Thetis dipped him in the river Styx as an infant, she held him by one of his heels, leaving it untouched by the waters and thus his only vulnerable body part. 10. It is the 61st this year.
Getting in touch with The Weekly
Our office is at 2 Stawell Road, Horsham. Mail: PO Box 606, Horsham 3402. Telephone: 5382 1351
FOR THE WEEK MARCH 9 TO MARCH 15 ARIES (March 21 - April 20)
Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Day: Tuesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Push ahead with career ventures; success is indicated by chances you let go in the past and come back again. The unexpected could change your present lifestyle.
TAURUS (April 21 - May 20)
Lucky Colour: Blue Lucky Day: Friday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Career opportunities indicate more material gain. Love could bring the unusual or exotic. Now is the right time to go after what you really want.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 21)
Lucky Colour: White Lucky Day: Saturday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers:
Many could become involved in more intense relationships. Be very discreet about the company you keep. Your fate is yours, so make the most of it.
CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers:
Most of your problems will find solutions—more choices than usual to improve finances. Most tend to take the more dominant role in their love life.
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Lucky Colour: Blue
Lucky Day: Friday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers:
Money could be more accessible to obtain. More choices than usual to fulfil your desires. Some will be able to get rid of the obstacles in their path.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 23)
Lucky Colour: Cream
Lucky Day: Tuesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers:
Family get-togethers should be happy and bring a few surprises. Financial problems start to improve. There are more opportunities for growth and a more active love life.
LIBRA (September 24 - October 23)
Lucky Colour: Dark Blue Lucky Day: Wednesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers:
Career luck is on its way, and something you thought was out of reach could be on offer. Past loves could return unexpectedly, and family reasons to celebrate are very likely.
Travel does not seem like a very good idea just now. Those who insist on their own way could become unstuck in their romantic affairs. Switch on the charm, and you will overcome all obstacles.
Opposition to your love affairs could take you by surprise; charm will go a long way towards solving most of your problems. Financial gain can come through the efforts of another.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19)
Lucky Colour: Cream
Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers:
Many could become the centre of a romantic affair with a beautiful someone. Your animal magnetism could be working overtime, and some exciting propositions could be coming your way.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 19)
Lucky Colour: Lilac
Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers:
Plans could depend on distant events—an excellent time to mix business and pleasure with lucky results. An offer to involve you in a money-making venture could be the chance of a lifetime.
PISCES (February 20 - March 20)
Lucky Colour: Orange
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers:
^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i
Travel could be on your agenda, and with happy results. The new people you meet and the events that follow seem to improve your luck and renew your energy levels a lot.
Quick Workout
Fit the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 into the hexagons so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers will be the same. No number is repeated in any hexagon.
Community members and landholders can catch up with the Transmission Company Victoria team in towns across the region through March and April, as the regional pop-ups program continues.
TCV is rotating between Charlton, Kerang, Boort, Donald and Stawell each week – hearing directly from community members, responding to questions and sharing the latest VNI West project updates.
Stop by for a casual chat, ask us about what matters to you and share your thoughts with our engagement team.
All welcome!
Tuesday, March 4
Tuesday, March 11
Tuesday, March 18
Tuesday, March 25
Tuesday, April 1
Dates and locations are subject to change, please visit the TCV website for the latest event information.
Visit www.transmissionvictoria.com.au/ landholders-community/community-events or scan the QR code to the right for more information about the regional pop-up events.
New mid-sized electric SUV from Cupra available from April
Cupra has announced pricing for its incoming Tavascan mid-sized electric SUV.
The new-to-Australia five-seater will be available from April – but is up for pre-order now – priced from $60,990 plus on-road costs, and sports styling cues familiar to those first seen on the Cupra Born.
Offering 210kW of power and 545Nm of torque and up to a claimed 534 kilometre driving range, WLTP, the rear-wheel drive Cupra Tavascan is said by Cupra to be a unique-insegment entrant.
Cupra Australia director Ben Wilks said the Cupra Tavascan was a state-
ment piece both for the brand and customers.
“It is a statement of intent and commitment from our brand, to ensure that making the switch to electric does not have to be boring – owning a medium SUV can be a design piece and mirror the driver appeal of our highly acclaimed petrol performance range,” he said.
“The Tavascan also embodies our unique position in the market – Cupra is neither mass mainstream, nor luxury, we are about authenticity of design and engineering combined with great value. Until now, this combination hasn’t been found in this segment.”
Standard equipment for the entry
grade Tavascan Endurance includes 19-inch alloy wheels, signature LED lighting, illuminated emblems front and rear, powered tailgate with kick sensor, keyless entry and sit-to-start, tri-zone climate control, a 15-inch infotainment screen, as well as wireless phone connectivity and charging.
Safety technology includes adaptive cruise control, autonomous emergency braking, semi-autonomous driving, exit assist, rear cross-traffic alert, front and rear acoustic parking sensors, a reversing camera, and more.
‘White Silver’ or ‘Atacama Desert’ paint is included as a no-cost option.
The variant is further available with an interior package – plus $4500 –
including 20-inch alloy wheels, 360-degree camera system, microfibre upholstery, front seat heating and position memory, illuminated scuff plates, LED ambient cabin lighting, and 12-speaker Sennheiser audio package.
For the all-wheel drive Tavascan VZ, an increase in power to 250kW, lowering the zero to 100-kilometrean-hour sprint to just 5.5 seconds, down 1.3 seconds, is a highlight.
Range for the variant is listed at a claimed 499 kilometres, WLTP.
The grade adds the features of the interior package, as well as 21-inch alloy wheels, Matrix LED headlights with adaptive high beam, and a fixed
panoramic glass roof with electric sunblind.
Cupra will add its range-topping extreme package to the Tavascan VZ grade from mid-2025, the $8000 option adding Nappa leather upholstery, Cup Racing front seats with ventilation, 21-inch alloy wheels with performance tyres, and the option of ‘Tavascan Blue’ or ‘Basalt Grey’ paint for an additional $800. All Cupra battery electric models are backed by a five-year/unlimited-kilometre warranty and eightyear/160,000km high-voltage battery warranty. Pre-paid servicing plans are available from $990 for three years. – Matt Brogan
Safety upgrades
The LDV T60 ute gains a suite of safety tech for 2025.
This includes braked towing capacity that increases to 3500 kilograms, across a line-up that has been trimmed from nine variants to just three and arrives in showrooms imminently, priced from $42,990 drive-away for ABN holders or $45,253 drive-away for retail buyers.
Manual and Luxe variants have been dropped, with pricing remaining fairly static compared with the equivalent predecessors to the remaining Max Pro, previously $43,148 drive-away for the automatic, Max Plus now $49,490 driveaway ABN or $52,095 drive-away retail, previously $50,516 drive-away, and Max Plus Mega Tub, now $50,990 drive-away ABN or $53,674 drive-away retail, previously $52,095 driveaway.
The competitive landscape among budget 4x4 dual-cab utes includes the GWM Cannon, priced from $40,490 to $49,990 drive-away, the JAC T9, $42,662 to $45,630 excluding on-road costs, and the SsangYong Musso, $40,000 to $49,500 drive-away.
Key to the survival of the LDV T60 since the introduction of Australian Design Rule 99/00 from March 1 this year is the standard inclusion of advanced driver assistance and safety, ADAS, technology across the range.
Among the upgrades are autonomous emergency braking, lane departure warning, lanekeep assist, adaptive cruise control, and a highdefinition rear-view camera, as well as increased braked towing capacity of 3500kg, up from 3000kg.
The entry level T60 Max Pro gains the safety suite – enabled by the change to electric power steering – and towing capacity upgrades plus DAB+ digital radio reception, higher-resolution reversing camera microfibre steering wheel trim and black roof rails.
Max Plus trim, introduced to the Australian market last year with a new front-end styling and an upgraded interior, remains available in both standard and long-wheelbase ‘Mega
Tub’ configurations, but gains a high-definition 360-degree camera and DAB+ digital radio for the 2025 model year.
Carried over from MY24 are Max Plus standard features including the ADAS suite, dual 12.3-inch displays for media and instrumentation, bridge-style centre console and microfibre steering wheel trim.
Under the bonnet, all MY25 LDV T60 variants continue to be powered by a two-litre twin-turbocharged diesel four-cylinder engine producing 160kW and 500Nm, paired with an eight-speed automatic transmission and four-wheel drive system.
Outputs remain a benchmark among rivals; the GWM Cannon developing 135kW-480Nm, JAC T9, 125kW-410Nm, and SsangYong Musso, 133kW-400Nm, while outgunning mainstream models including the four-cylinder Ford Ranger, 154kW-500Nm, Isuzu D-Max, 140kW-450Nm, Mitsubishi Triton, 150kW-470Nm, Nissan Navara, 140kW-450Nm, and Toyota HiLux, 150kW500Nm.
Unlike many utes, four-wheel disc brakes are also standard and LDV backs the T60 with a seven-year-200,000km warranty.
LDV Australia general manager Dinesh Chinnappa said the ute market was highly competitive in Australia, and LDV remained committed to offering customers a range of vehicles at the value end of the segment.
“These upgrades bring advanced safety and other technology to the LDV T60 while still maintaining a price that people can afford, delivering a level of grunt that few rival utes can match for the money,” he said.
LDV nabbed a 3.1 per cent of the Australian four-wheel drive ute market in 2024 with 6302 sales of the T60, down 30.2 per cent on the year prior when 9027 were sold.
To the end of January this year, 533 T60s were sold, owning 3.8 per cent of the segment but way down on the 950 delivered the same time in 2024.
– Haitham Razagui
Tariff debate forces change of plans
BMW Group is reportedly rethinking its timetable for manufacturing all-electric Mini cars in Britain, joining Alfa Romeo, Aston Martin, Cupra, Ford, Porsche, Smart, and others in citing uncertainties facing the industry.
BMW Group said in 2023 that it would invest $1.2-billion in the UK to make its Mini brand all-electric by 2030, with production of newgeneration Mini EVs due to start in Oxford in 2026.
But it is now reported to be rethinking that plan.
“Given the multiple uncertainties facing the automotive industry, the BMW Group is currently reviewing the timing for reintroducing batteryelectric Mini production in Oxford,” the manufacturer said in a statement, despite construction of the facility already being well underway
“As part of this discussion, we agreed not to
take the previously announced British government grant, but we remain in close dialogue with the British government about our future plans.”
BMW Group had previously shifted its electric Mini output to its joint venture with GWM in China, a setback to the UK as it worked to transition its already diminished auto industry to battery-powered models.
Globally, sales of electric vehicles have struggled to grow as much as expected.
The industry is also contending with US president Donald Trump’s threat to impose a 25 per cent tariff on all US vehicle imports.
Britain’s car industry has been in decline for years, with Brexit and high energy costs adding to its challenges.
The country wants to be a leader in EVs, but has lagged other countries in establishing the necessary plants and battery factories.
STANDARD: Autonomous Emergency Breaking, AEB, and other advanced driver assist features are now standard in the Chinese LDV
Skoda moves to address sales slump
Inaddressing a serious sales slump Down Under of more than 37 per cent in 2024, Skoda is embarking on a marketing push to move more metal in 2025, starting with the Octavia Sportline.
Like Volkswagen Australia and Cupra, which also dropped the ball saleswise last year, better news is on the way for Skoda with some new blood in the form of incoming new models.
First cab off the rank is the mid-spec, mid-size Octavia Sportline, upgraded for 2025 and now offered at $46,490 drive-away for the sedan and $47,990 drive-away for the wagon.
It nestles between the Skoda Octavia Select at $43,990 drive-away and the Octavia RS at $64,490 drive-away, in what Skoda Australia hopes is a sweet spot for buyers.
The Sportline’s upgrades include improved Matrix LED headlights with dynamic light assist, progressive steering, black Draconis 19-inch alloys and heated front seats.
Sportline grade already specifies visual enhancements over the entry model – dedicated badging, gloss black window trim, metallic black detailing on the front spoiler, grille and wing mirrors, rear spoiler and a virtual pedal electric tailgate alongside a black metal diffuser.
Inside is a black headliner and heated fabric/leatherette front seats with
an integrated headrest. On the safety front, the Octavia Sportline gains new safety features such as intelligent park assist, turn assist and second-generation Matrix beam headlights.
There’s a larger 13-inch infotainment screen that is now programmable with a selection of favourites to allow readier access to functions and Skoda’s signature ‘Simply Clever’ features.
These are enhanced for 2025 and include a storage box for rear seat passengers, phone box with wireless charging and active ventilation, multifunction pocket with two additional
hooks under the luggage compartment cover, 45-watt USB-C charging ports and keyless access now featuring walkaway functions.
Skoda Australia product manager Glenn Reid said Octavia Sportline had ‘elements that would look the part in a European luxury car priced at twice the Skoda’s sticker’.
“Sportline is for those who neither want or need the sporting stance and outright pace of the now gruntier RS models – although 250Nm from not far north of idle is going to be more than enough for most customers most of the time,” he said.
“The Sportline is all about elegant sufficiency.”
In addition to promotional activity surrounding Octavia, Skoda Australia has released more details on its new generation seven-seat Kodiaq SUV in Select and Sportline grades due this month, with the RS version further down the track.
Highlights include ‘greatly enhanced ergonomics and appreciable gains in spaciousness’.
The new model scores 15-watt fast charging for two phones with a cooling pad, premium ergonomic front seats with ventilated and massage functions,
new-gen 13-inch infotainment screen and enhanced head-up display.
Third row seating is more spacious as is the luggage compartment.
ADAS kit includes traffic sign recognition with intelligent speed assist. Smart dials combine the easy access of manual adjustability with configurable options within.
The Sportline rolls on 20-inch alloys, featuring additionally dynamic indicator function on the rear taillights, driving profile section, premium sound, heated steering wheel, black accents and sports seats.
Skoda Australia says the new Kodiaq, ‘looks, feels and functions like the wholly new generation vehicle it is’.
The 2025 model is ‘a significant step forward, Kodiaq and the later arriving Kodiaq RS will remain Skoda’s premier petrol-powered range as the brand’s SUV showroom expands midyear to five model lines’.
Skoda product manager Aline Carrullo said Skoda would, within a matter of months, offer customers a choice from three petrol SUV models or two electric SUVs – the updated Enyaq and all-new Elroq. “Wagons, sedans and hatchbacks remain part of our DNA, but this multisized SUV offering in either ICE or BEV form is very much where Skoda customers want us to be,” she said.
top condition while helping you stay warm with their new range of Eureka Woodheaters.
Grace and James Dixon, now settled in their Darlot Street location, continue to be your trusted swimming pool maintenance team. But that’s not all – Horsham Living is your go-to destination for all things home and outdoor, offering a range of spas, BBQs, and their collection of Eureka Woodheaters.
As the cooler weather arrives, it’s the perfect time to ensure your pool is properly maintained and ready for closing. James and Grace will keep your pool water balanced, safe, and free from worries about pH imbalances or algae growth. Leave the debris, leaves, and cleaning to us—we’ll skim, vacuum, and brush your pool, leaving it crystal clear and ready for your next swim.
We also inspect all your pool equipment, including pumps, filters, and heaters, to ensure everything is running smoothly. If any repairs are needed, we’ll take care of them promptly. Eureka Woodheaters offer the perfect solution for staying warm as the weather cools. With a variety of high-quality, Australian-made heaters available in both fan-forced and radiant styles, there’s an option to suit every home.
Designed for living and made for life, Eureka Woodheaters are the smart choice for staying cozy all winter long. Visit Horsham Living to explore the range now in stock.
Based on unprecedented reader and listener demand, we encourage regional trade-based businesses to become part of The Weekly Advertiserʼs Local Trade Directory.
The Local Trade Directory offers the only true multimedia platform combining print, radio and online services for businesses to ʻspread the wordʼ in across the Wimmera, Mallee and Grampians. It’s affordable and effective! For a small weekly investment you will receive an advertisement (as above) PLUS... Receive bonus radio credit mentions on MIXX FM and 3WM throughout your paper advertising period.
Celebrated their marriage in an intimate ceremony at Pomonal on 28th Feb 2025, with their parents, siblings & families in attendance.
Thank you
~ Betty
Lyal, Evan and Julie and family would like to thank friends and family for their condolences and good wishes on the passing of their mother.
DUNN, Barry
Beloved brother of Jan, brother-in-law of Ern (dec), uncle of Vanessa, Cameron and Tania, great uncle of Savannah.
Always a story to tell, a loveable larrikin to the end. Rest in Peace Bazza
JANETZKI, Peter Wilfred
24/9/1937 - 17/2/2025
Cherished brother of Noel & brother-in-law of Betty.
Well loved uncle to Narrelle, Kylie, Nathan, Aaron & their families.
Heaven has gained a great person
PETERSON, Nancy Doris
Passed away on February 25, 2025 aged 90 years.
Dearly loved wife of Vern (dec).
Loving mother and motherin-law of Janiece & Tim; Maree & Howard; Lynn; Debra & Douglas (dec); Craig & Shelley.
Adored Nan to 9 grandchildren and Great Nan to 11 great grandchildren.
Reunited with Dad
PETERSON, Nancy Doris
Please see future papers for funeral details.
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter Ph 5381 1444 AFDA Member
Memorial Notices
In Loving Memory
~ TAIG ~ Edwin ‘Eddie’
22-10-47 to 7-3-24
Your laughter and light will shine on in the memory of those who love you.
You never failed to do your best for all of your family and friends.
We’ve lived, we’ve laughed, and we’ve cried together.
Though our hearts ache for you, the memories and love we shared will live on.
To be together in the same old way would be our greatest wish today. You were the most incredible, kind, and caring person.
It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life, And we were so blessed to have such a wonderful husband, father and grandfather.
We will hold you close within our hearts, and there you will remain.
Your loving wife Joy “Until we meet again”
~ TAIG ~ Edwin ‘Eddie’ 22-10-47 to 7-3-24
You didn’t tell us how to live, you lived, and let us watch you do it.
You taught us not to take life or ourselves too seriously.
You taught us that it was more important to laugh.
You didn’t suffer fools, and you never, never took #$%! from anyone.
You were never afraid to tell those you loved how much they meant to you.
You were strong and you were a force to be reckoned with.
You demonstrated what it was to be a real man by how soft you were with your girls.
You wondered whether all of this was enough at the end. You were ‘more’ than enough, You were perfect.
You were, you are, our dad, forever missed
2 beautiful sweet 20 yr old mares, need a perfect forever home, unfortunately I can't afford all that I have anymore, both $800 ono, to good homes ONLY Ph 0423182267
6 Young Geese Ph 0429912620
Aged pensioner looking to buy a male chihuahua, 1 1/2 - 2 years old Ph 0421237043
Aust White/Dorper Ewes pic# 3WWWJH126 Ph 0447275737
Beeamma White, Australian White Stud purebred rams, private sale on farm, BRUC, ACC, OJD, VAC, ewes available, Elders Alan Thompson 0427849779, Rod Donnell (08) 87582095
Birds for sale , princess parrots, cockatiels and bourkes, all colours Ph 0408535515 Stawell
Bristlenose catfish , great tank cleaners $5ea until sold out Ph 0474159010 after 6.30pm
Budgies , assorted colours $10 each Ph 0417533579
Budgies , pastel and standards $10 each Ph 0428010996 Horsham
*Selling, giving away or bartering of all livestock must include a Property Identification Code (PIC number) in the advertisement.
Canaries for sale $25 each Ph 0400812598
Goats for sale, 6mth old male goat, pregnant female goat Ph 0414851313
Goats for sale, mixed breeds, pic# 3YKHS059, from $60 each Ph 0427361940
Purebred black faced Dorper , rams and ewes, rams 2yrs old, ewes 9months old, pic# 3HSDC083 Ph Liz 0419664345
Purebred German Shepherd, 13 weeks old, black and tan, great temperament, toilet trained, straight, 2 boys source# MB115424, m/chip# 953010007067038/7069200 Ph 0421018631
Purebred German Shepherd, 7 months, black and tan, great temperament, toilet trained, straight, one boy & one girl source# MB115424, m/chip# 956000016586733/6681104
Ph 0421018631
Roosters, ducks and guinea fowl wanted to buy Ph 0427361940
Very pretty & young budgies, assorted colours, ready to go $10 each Ph 0423182267
Antique cast iron/ timber garden benches $250 each Ph 53522691
13' 1992 Colt Caravan, tv, a/c, 2way fridge, awning, VGC, reg till May 25, as is $8500 Ph 0487750540
1998 Jayco Westport, full annexe, a/c, oven, microwave, always shedded, many extras $18,000ono Ph 0419514118
2013 Jayco Starcraft, 21', one owner, very little use, as new, many added extras $40,000 Ph 0427909230
2014 JB dirt roader 19’caravan, full ensuite queen bed, 3 way fridge washing machine, reverse cycle a/c diesel heater, Sirocco fans, 2 solar panels, 2 batteries, 280 litres water $44,000 Ph 0427902375 Beulah
2014 Lagoon Pasadena Caravan, 2 single beds, showr & toilet, diesel heater, air con, annex & rear camera, sat king TV, $38,000 Ph 0427861784
2017 Ezytrail Stirling, excellent condition, forward folding hard floor, full annex, 600w inverter, TV, 80lt WACO fridge, memory foam mattress topper, always stored undercover, $18,500 ono Ph 0439022870
2017 Jayco Starcraft caravan, 16', queen size bed, full oven, ensuite, easy to tow, hardly used, as new van Ph 0429982394
*The Weekly Advertiser reserves the right to accept or refuse advertisements.
Animals & Accessories
Animals & Accessories
Animals & Accessories
caravans caravans
REDUCED 2018 Dingo
Ultimate Camper , heavy duty top of the line off-road trailer including boat rack, fully enclosed annexe including ensuite, lots of storage, built-in instant gas hot water to sink and shower, dual AGM batteries and built-in inverter and charger, innerspring mattress and ability to make up second double bed, two new off-road tyres, VGC, Y76535 $16,500ono Ph 0407360212
REDUCED Isuzu Outback
Express Motorhome for sale, 2 seater, sleeps 3, 4ltr diesel engine, solar panels, auto, diesel, fridge, tv, shower, toilet, stove and lots more, have to see to believe, can drive on normal car licence, 3.1m long, RWC, $40,000 with 12mth rego and RWC Ph Phillip 0428173606 or Susan and ask for Phillip 0458727370 Horsham
REDUCED New Age 2013, queen bed, TV, large fridge, microwave, gas/electric hot plates, toilet, shower, washing machine, full annex, sway bars, $44,000 Ph 0427778747
Toyota Coaster camper , 2 seater, diesel heater, 1hz motor, solar and 12v awning much more $40,000 Ph 0418325662
1997 Hercules Tipper
$76,000 plus Gst Ph 0428386295
Freighter 40 ft trailer, full set containing pins, tri-axle, needs work, brakes, etc, $8000 inc Gst Ph 0419778181 Jeparit
Inter AB160 Tipper Grouper, drives well, good brakes, $2500 inc Jeparit Ph 0419778181
New Holland T8 360, 2250 hrs, one owner, non- smoker, never pulled an air-seeder, add blue switched off, linkage, UHF radio, auto steer ready, 50km box, excellent condition, upgraded to articulated $249,000 plus Gst $273,900 inc Gst Ph 0418504408
REDUCED 2022 Mahindra 6110, 60 HP, front end loader, 4 in 1 bucket, FWA, a/c cab, balance of new warranty, 368 hrs on clock $43,900 Ph 0428349401
REDUCED Versatile 555 Tractor, good working order
$12,000 ono Ph 0493394223
Tradesman trailer, off road $4500 Ph 0407285097
ono, Jeparit Ph 0419778181
30 ton silo $650 ono Ph 0427361940
5 step platform ladder , galvanised, on wheels with brakes $450 Ph 53522691
Camping equipment, 2 dome tents, 10 man and 4 man, sleeping chair tent, 3 roll up tables, shower tent, 2 gas stoves, 4 spare bottles, camp kitchen, blow up q/bed $450 Ph 0429164375
Camping Equipment, including as new Yamaha 2KVa inverter generator never used, aqua cube shower, porta potty, Komodo pantry, and clothesline $2500 Ph 0458683879
CCE cage on wheels 6x4 well made $400, 500 gallon ex fuel tank $100, Coolgardie safe $100, Ute crate, 6x4 tub tight $50, Bailey extension ladder 5.3 extends to 6.3
$500, leith grain measuring sheep feeder $1000, new Holland Mower GC with parts, best offer Ph 0429857207
Craftsmen ZTS700 ride-on zero-turn mower, good condition, 21 hp engine, reconditioned spindle and deck, many hours left in this machine $2850 Ph Eddy 0428922335
Outdoor spa , sapphire, 5 person $4500 Ph 0407285097
Clipex Sheep Handler, 2018
Portable Contractor Model, 3 way auto-draft, includes : foot pedal, remote control, cover, manuals, tool kit and spare parts, always shedded and covered, not done a lot of work, $16,500 PLUS gst,
Located Balmoral Ph 0429
846 236
Cox ride on lawn mower $900 Ph 0407285097
Darche Panorama 2 with roof top tent $1000, Darche Eclipse 270 awning, drivers side, plus side walls $600 Ph 0428506423
Flip Billiard/ Air Hockey table , 110cm x 210cm, accessories included, trailer required $300 Ph 0409122968
REDUCED 4KW 240V Generator, gauges and trolley $550 Ph 0428504558
Round bale hay ring $350 Ph 0429200566
Round dining table with 4 velvet chairs $340 Ph 53824788
Sherwell PTO bin $1200 Ph 0428857312
Slow juicer, Kuvings, very good condition, no further use $295 Ph 0408823136
Spreader Marshall multispread 825T, good condition $10,500 Ph 0427886272
Strongberg Carlson Console Radio, ex condition Ph 53824316
Tradies Trailer enclosed , containing shelving storage, power points $680 ono Ph 0432544164
Wagner fine finish spray gun Ph 0419359501
Yamaha Inverter Generator, EF2800i, never used, $1500 Ph 0474099355
City Pipe Band Hall,
Wall unit sliding door & shelves $30, coffee table with tiled top $25, timber corner unit $15, outdoor setting with 4 chairs & laminex oval table $80 Ph 0409967815 Horsham
Top Gun mobility scooter, EC, shade canopy, front basket, rear carrier, inspections welcome $4000 Ph 0438354414
The Weekly Advertiser welcomes your advertising. We are required strictly by law to include specific information on some items when publishing your advertisement. A snapshot of your obligations are as follows: BOATSAll advertisements for boats must include:
• Hull number or registration number of the boat If a trailer is included with the boat, the advertisement must also include:
• Registration number or chassis
3.7 m boat and cover , QL624, an aussie made trailer P83061, Yamaha 15 HP motor, near new $4000 Ph 53582560
BMW K1200 RS, 2010 model, comes with panniers, top box, reg til Aug, RW, BY136 $4800ono Ph 0419508310 Stawell area
BMW R1100 RT, EC, reg till 5/25, 123k kms, YD865 $4600 Ph 0409954491
REDUCED BMW R1200RT Solo, 2007, Ex SA Police, GO, HGR, EWS, CC, RW cond, unregistered, service manuals $3000 Ph 0428154961
Aspire wheelchair, as new condition, barely used once a day for 3 months, extremely comfortable, cost $3500 from Action AIDS, reduced price $950 Ph 0427562913
1989 Toyota Camry Sedan 2 litre EFI, red, unregistered, vin# 6T153SV2109103569, 198,000 kms $500 Ph Peter 53525927 leave message 2014 Toyota Hilux, 3 litre diesel, new shockers and springs and injectors, oil filter and oil every 600km, great for towing vans, 290,000kms
$25,500 Ph 0417109816
Ford XA 1972 era Panel Van with rust $1500 neg Ph 0428501109
2005 SP Mazda 3 Hatch, 5 speed manual, power steering & aircon, black in colour, 1YD6TE, 193000km, RWC, $4500, Ph 0423335246
2005 Toyota Corolla
Ascent, auto, EC, second owner, RWC, 4 new tyres, 107,000kms, UGX252 $7000 ono Ph 0429963559
2006 Mitsubishi CH Lancer
ES Wagon, 2nd owner well maintained and very reliable,
4 cylinder petrol, Automatic, Power Steering, ABS, Front Air Bags, Cruise, Window Tint, new tyres, 3 months rego, RWC, UEO093 $3900 Ph 0498981106
2007 BMW 650i Coupe, 4.8 V8, auto,197,000 kms, reg for 5 months 8000 Ph 0490364260
Honda Civic , 1994, great condition with RWC, automatic & aircon, colour black, Vtech motor, vin JHME6548005203141 $10,000 Ph 0428501109
2010 3.0L Turbo Diesel Toyota Landcruiser Prado 150 series GXL, immaculate condition, never taken off road, car is in perfect condition, no dents or scratches, car comes with: 2 remote keys, fully serviced logbook, genuine ARB bullbar colour matched, dual battery set up, rear Anderson plug, trailer brakes, Apple Car Play/ DVD player upgrade, head unit upgraded with genuine Toyota Kakadu 18” gun metal wheels, roof racks, towbar, clear title - with no accidents, no finance owed, genuine low kms at 143,000, would suit the fussiest buyer $39,000 Ph 0407046864 Horsham
2014 Nissan Navara D22 2.5 turbo diesel 4X4 ute, registered until December with service books, low 91,600kms
$22,500ono Ph 0492496448
2016 Mitsubishi Triton Twin Cab, diesel, 5 speed auto, near new tyres, hard lid, H/D tow bar and plug, elect brakes, great tow vehicle, good condition, regularly serviced, 128,00km, Reg July,1EV1VA, $22,000 ONO, inspection invited Ph 0429491426
1999 Toyota Dual Cab Ute, 4x4 diesel with fold out camper $12,500 Ph 0428822730
2014 Kia Cerato , auto, reg til Oct, RWC, s/room condition, 26,500kms
1CV8TY $15,500 ono Ph 0481285906
REDUCED 2013 Toyota
ATARA, 2.5L sports sedan, auto, RWC, Toyota seat covers, only 2 owners, selling due to downsizing, 127,000kms, $12,000 Ph 0400728252
REDUCED 2019 Toyota
Hybrid Camry SL sedan, with all the luxury features of a top of the range Toyota, pearl white, full service history, RWC, 2AM8IL, $30,990 ONO Ph Eddy 0428922335
Toyota Hilux 2022, 4 wheel drive, auto, diesel, new tyres, warranty, immaculate condition, 48,747kms, 1NV4FU $42,390 plus Gst Ph 0427858264
Wanted, Land to "Share-Farm" or "Lease", anywhere south of Horsham and across to the Grampians, from 50 to 700 acres, cropping country preferred, Ph Roger Hallam at Mockinya 0418822700
2019 Ford Ranger XLS grey double cab with full screen, very good condition 125,000km, 8 mths rego, new tyres, snorkel, arb bull bar, air bags, side steps, black duck seat covers, under tray tool boxes, many extras always shedded, minimal towing $45,000 inc Gst Ph Andrew 0427923236
HSE TD4 Discovery Sport
7 seater, very economical, 7 seater 2 foldout seats in the rear, 1 owner since new, factory towbar, leather seats, great condition, diesel, auto start/S\stop, heated/cooled front seats, lane departure warning, keyless start, front rear sensors, rear camera, power tailgate, full service history, all the gadgets, USB ports, 171,579kms, CYU214
$21,000 Ph 0419597954 Mini Cooper S, 2016, 5 door hatch, 2.0L, 6speed auto, near new condition, 51,900kms AHB987
$29,900 Ph 0428320108 Horsham
Ararat man, 67 years old, interests include gym, fishing, camping, singing, acting, Lions Club, bushwalking, ballroom dancing, looking for a lady aged between 40-70 years old, Ph 0467791009
Private Sale Executive, 4 bed, 2 bath, large, spacious home, in popular Horsham West, a short stroll to river, fully renovated to a quality, not a budget, contact owner Lisa 0422506969 to view
To Give Away
Palm tree for removal, free, located Goroke Ph Mick 0400005266
Massage service, very clean, full body massages available for both men and women, very discreet, you come to us or we can come to you, call for quote and booking, in the Wimmera area and beyond Ph 0473311660
Sheep slaughtered at $15 per head Ph Andy 53838240
Aged pensioner looking to buy a male chihuahua, 1 1/2 - 2 years old Ph 0421237043
The Weekly Advertiser welcomes your advertising. We are required strictly by law to include specific information on some items when publishing your advertisement. A snapshot of your obligations are as follows: ROAD VEHICLESAll advertisements for road vehicles must include a price, as well as:
• A registration number, if registered • Either an engine number, VIN or chassis number if the vehicle is not registered.
2 tanker loads of water as running low nhill area cash paid ph 53928295 and leave message
Wanted Mackenzie punch and shear, have you got one in the shed not being used? Ph 0499911102
Love, Love, Love.
Last month was Valentine’s Day – a time some people appreciate while others don’t. Yet we all need and want love and to be loved. We all have the chance to show love in different ways. Dr Gary Chapman wrote his book, “The 5 Love Languages” which says we give and receive love in different ways – some love to receive or Give Gifts. Others say it in Words. For others, it is by doing Acts of Service. Hanging out with someone in Quality Time. Or that hug or handshake with Physical Touch.
We hear that ‘God is Love’ but how do we know for sure? We see all these Love Languages in the Bible, expressed by Jesus Christ, where we read his story in the New Testament. He offered a hand to people who were seen as ‘unclean’ in society, such as his friend Peter’s, Mother in Law. He spent time with people such as the Woman of Samaria by a well. He affirmed people with words –“Your faith has made you well,” - to a woman he healed. He washed the feet of his disciples in an act of service and gave gifts to many by feeding over 5,000 in one sitting and turning water to wine at a wedding.
God shows us we are loved. We can, too. No matter what our primary love language, it is good to practice all 5 – so that those around us, and we, will know for sure that we are loved.
Susan Pearse – Baptist/Uniting Church, Hopetoun & Rainbow
Christian Devotion
Mental health contacts
from 6am to 9am
Dunn’s silks continue run
Awinanytime, anywhere, is always something special for those involved, but three-yearold gelding Neatntidy’s victory at Ararat lifted emotions of family, friends, racegoers and industry participants to another level, coming after the passing of veteran horseman Barry Dunn early that morning.
Amidst the feelings of shock and grief that come with the unexpected news of losing a loved one, within a racing family there’s the added burden of having to deal with the horses.
The show must go on, as Barry would have expected, albeit under a dark cloud, with Dunn having three starters at Ararat and another three the following night at Menangle.
Neatntidy, with Ryan Backhouse taking the reins, started from the coveted pole position and despite a slight hiccup with the barrier arm, gathered enough momentum to hold out three rivals heading into the first turn.
Backhouse eased for a breather once in front, then maintained a steady tempo and at the post it was Neatntidy by two metres from Crime Writer, Hannah Lewis, with Wild Ideal, Jackie Barker, third and a one-three result for ‘Team Dunn’.
Backhouse and his father Paul have been in charge of Aaron’s Haven stables while he has been away in NSW campaigning six of the team over the summer carnival.
Barry’s silks were sent up to Sydney the next day to be worn at Tabcorp Park Menangle by James Rattray and Luke McCarthy, replacement drivers for Aaron’s runners Forty Love and Dee Roe.
Forty Love contested the second heat of the NSW Derby and finished a brave fourth after starting from ‘horror gate 10’ in a single line start over the long trip of 2400-metres.
Rattray had no option than to restrain to the tail of the field and follow them around for the first lap of the 1400m circuit.
One-out two-back at the bell and eased three and four-wide at the 400, Forty Love finished the fastest in 26.53 to make ground and come in fourth spot beaten 5.3 metres and qualify as first emergency in the $200,000 Derby
Final on Saturday night. Barry’s colours were back in the winner’s circle later on when four-year-old entire, Dee Roe with Luke McCarthy aboard, led all the way to take out the ‘lucky last’.
Dee Roe worked to the front from gate six and set a steady tempo through the middle stages, leaving just enough in the tank to dash home in 54.5sec and score in a photo from Rockndance, Anthony Butt.
Dee Roe is raced by Helen Friend in partnership with Aaron and Saturday’s victory took the smart pacer’s record to 10 wins, six minors and $114,592 from 27 starts.
We extend our sincere sympathy to Yvonne and the Dunn family on the passing of their much loved husband, father and grandfather.
Pesci’s cup
Kooreh trained six-year-old stallion Pesci landed the $20,000 Ararat Pacing Cup final on Friday courtesy of a copybook drive by James Herbertson.
Drawn the extreme outside of the second line, Pesci was eased to the rear from the start, content to follow the bunch for the first lap-and-a-half of the 2195m feature.
At the bell, Herbie latched onto the three-wide train of Chasing Rex, Greg Sugars, and Dawson, Chris Alford, and steadily made ground on the leaders. With 250 metres to go, the trio cleared out from the rest and Pesci was able to drop down into the sprint lane for
the final charge to the post. On the line it was Pesci by 3.7 metres in a rate of 1:56.7, a class record and only a second outside the track record set by Perfect Stride in 2022.
Pesci is trained by the Kooreh training team of Shaun and Jason McNaulty for the Chantross Racing Syndicate, which also bred the horse and his dam Our Prima Regal.
Hometrack win
Ararat horseman Michael Bellman’s hometrack victory in the Hull Plumbing Trot with Blackrange Glory on Cup night took him another step closer in his chase towards 2000 career wins.
With 1997 on the board and stacks of drives this week, here’s hoping the hardworking reinsman can soon hit the mark.
Bellman has Blackrange Glory, a rising seven-year-old gelding, racing in career best form with five victories from his last six starts taking his career tally to seven for the Ralph family.
Protest upheld
Lincoln River took out the $12,000 Boort Pacing Cup in sensational circumstances on Sunday afternoon.
The Kerryn Manning trained and driven was second over the finish line behind Collective Line, Ewa Justice, but ended up with the spoils when the dust had finally settled.
Collective Line had led them easily from the pole after the start was effected, but broke stride upon entering
the front straight on the first occasion. Justice switched down into the sprint lane as she attempted to get the horse back into its gear and as quickly succeeding, speared through to again assume the front running.
Manning lodged a protest, which was upheld by stewards after a 35 minute delay and Lincoln River was elevated to ‘winner status’. Stewards also went a step further and disqualified Collective Line from the race, which meant all placings and dividends had to be amended.
Stable double
Astute Armstrong trainer Danny O’Brien, driver Kerryn Manning and owner Anthony Lombardi combined for a stable double at Boort.
Their six-year-old gelding Sir Eros outstayed the opposition in the $12,000 Hon. Peter Walsh Trotters Cup and The Ninth Wave did everything right in taking out the $6000 Bill Foley Tribute Trot.
The Ninth Wave backed up after finishing second at Ararat just 36 hours earlier with a solid effort and the six-year-old, being only lightly raced, should win a few more.
Sir Eros has always shown above average ability but has also suffered a number of ‘issues’ during his time with O’Brien. With a record of six wins and 12 minors from 39 starts and given an injury free preparation, another country cup is well within reach.
Tribute to veteran horseman
The close-knit harness racing community is saddened by the sudden passing of Barry Dunn, aged 82, on Friday, March 1 at Geelong Hospital. Dunn, the father of astute Horsham horseman Aaron, loved the sport and was a longtime ownertrainer, with his first runner being Double Trust back in the 1980s.
A shearer by trade, Dunn shifted to Terang and also had a short stint dairy farming at Cobden before moving to Horsham, where he gave some assistance with Aaron’s very profitable seed cleaning business.
Retiring to the seaside around two years ago, Barry and wife Yvonne purchased a place in Torquay and enjoyed every minute of their time there.
Dunn’s most happy moments came when Dee Dees Dream and a filly by the name of Nikkibadwagon started racing. Both won numerous races along the way, with Dee Dees Dream claiming 38 wins for in excess of $410,000 in stakes and Nikkibadwagon 11 for over $167,000.
Other good winners were Little Lyn and Rappa Scooter, as was Miss Chatsworth in the early days. Dunn is survived by wife Yvonne, sons Aaron and Bryan and daughters Kerri and Sarah. His funeral is on Tuesday, March 11 at Stawell Harness Racing Club.
Harness Racing Victoria sends its sincere condolences to Dunn’s family and friends.
– Len Baker
The late Barry Dunn
SALUTE: Driver Ryan Backhouse, wearing the late Barry Dunn’s racing colours, raises his whip in tribute after Neatntidy takes out the $7000 Ararat Rural City Council Pace on Friday. Picture: Bronte Nieuwenburg, HRV
Champions crowned
Swimming Victoria’s district 12 committee hosted the Wimmera District Championships in Warracknabeal on Saturday, with 94 swimmers from clubs in Ararat, Horsham, St Arnaud and Warracknabeal taking part.
Each event with more than seven entrants had heats in the morning, with the fastest seven swimmers progressing to finals in the afternoon session.
Committee member Kelvin Donnan welcomed competitors, spectators and officials to the championship meet, with Callum Bull of Warracknabeal singing the national anthem.
The finals were hotly contested with several close finishes.
In the 17-29 men’s 50m breaststroke final, only 0.57 of a second separated the first three placings.
With no district club having four eight-and-under athletes to form a relay team, the district combined all eight-and-under athletes into two teams that competed under the Wimmera banner for a freestyle relay.
The teams swam well, with the lead changing several times before the Wimmera A team ultimately took first place.
The event was enjoyed by both spectators and competitors alike, as the young competitors
enjoyed the challenge of the relay event.
The swimmers were presented with District Championship medals.
All other events held were competed by swimmers or relay teams competing under their club banner.
Age group champions were determined by the results of the meet, with a new age group of 60-and-older awarded for the first time.
The inaugural champion in the category was Ararat Swimming Club’s Wilfred ‘Wilf’ Dickinson.
On Saturday, Dickinson achieved a three-second personal best in his 50m backstroke event, which qualified him to compete at world championships in Singapore later this year.
He is now qualified to compete in both freestyle and backstroke at the world championships.
St Arnaud Swimming Club members Jesse Amos and Heidi Start received respective age and open champion sashes.
Amos was also awarded the Rose Bowl as the champion swimmer of the meet, determined by the highest individual aggregate of points.
With the meet catering for a wide age range of competitors, from seven to 81 years, the
district and its representative clubs were pleased to support an inclusive event that catered for all ages.
The families of competitors also took part in a special relay, with Ararat’s Townsend family joining forces to compete in the open medley, taking fourth place.
District 12 swimmers will now focus on competing for their schools in School Sport Victoria zone meets.
They will also have an op-
portunity to compete at the upcoming Swimming Victoria All Junior Meet at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre on Saturday, March 22.
The All Junior Meet will be one of the last long-course meets for the 2024-25 swimming season, with swimmers then turning their attention to preparation for the short-course season, which is from May to August and is in indoor 25m pools.
– Jenny Ough
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS: Ararat Swimming Club’s Wilfred ‘Wilf’ Dickinson qualified to compete at world championships in Singapore later this year.
AGGREGATE WINNER: St Arnaud Swimming Club’s Jesse Amos was awarded the Rose Bowl as the champion swimmer of the meet. Pictures: KAREN REES
Ararat’s Aleara Madex
Horsham’s Charlotte Matuschka
Boys 11-12 years backstroke winner Vincent Brennan, Horsham
Back in action for good cause
Former Ararat-district footballers and netballers will dust off their old uniforms to support a cause close to home this month.
The town’s sixth annual over-40s football and netball games at Alexandra Oval on Saturday, March 15 will raise money for mental health support for bushfireaffected communities across the region.
The games are organised by an Our Community, Our Families committee and supported by Grampians Community Health.
Committee chair Mark Dohnt, who will play again in this year’s football match, said organisers wanted to give back to the local community with this year’s fundraising.
“We had talked about different causes to support, but then we spoke to Kate Astbury from Grampians Community Health who said there were a lot of people affected by the bushfires who are really struggling,” Mr Dohnt said.
“It’s something that’s really impacting on the whole region and it’s a cause close to home so we hope the community will rally to support us.
“We know a lot of people affected by the fires are doing it tough, and it has also been challenging for the volunteer firefighters.”
Mr Dohnt said while the games served as a fundraiser for an important cause, players would be relaxed on the field and courts.
“They are a lot of fun for the people playing as well as the spectators,” he said.
Mr Dohnt said organisers were trying to finalise teams for both sports.
“We’re not going too badly but we’re still trying to lock in a few players and might have some spots spare,” he said.
People interested in participate as a player can contact Mr Dohnt on 0407 802 315 or bullyfish21@yahoo.com.au, or register on the Trybooking website by searching ‘GCH & Our Communities, Our Families Over 40s F&N’.
Practice matches between the Ararat Rats and Ballarat Swans will serve as a curtain raiser, with the main over40s football game scheduled to start at 5.30pm and be played under lights.
The netball will be a round-robin competition between six local sides and will start at 3.30pm, with the grand final scheduled at 6.30pm.
Gate entry is $5, with tickets on offer for a raffle featuring three draws for two dressed lambs valued at $350 each and a load of wood.
Catering is available with a canteen, food van and barbecue.
O’Connor, Howden drive away winners
A field of nearly 70 players contested last week’s women’s open pinehurst competition at Horsham Golf Club, with players from as far afield as Edenhope, Toolondo, Charlton, Warracknabeal, Kaniva, Mildura and Coomealla taking part.
The event’s winners were Horsham Golf Club pair Donna O’Connor and Sharon Howden
with a net score of 67, with both receiving an accommodation package including a free meal and use of a Mercedes-Benz vehicle for two days.
Runners-up were Karen Rees from Toolondo and Jennifer Noonan of Horsham, with a score of 67.12, while Annabelle Plowright and Julie Obst of Horsham finished third with a score of 71.87.
Nearest the pins were all won by visiting players, with the second hole won by Janie Farren of Edenhope, while Kate Murdoch from Coomealla won the three remaining nearest the pins on the eighth, 11th and 13th holes.
Horsham Golf Club thanked Mount Gambier car dealership Carlin and Gazzard for its sponsorship of the event.
SUCCESS: From left, Darcy Thompson of Carlin and Gazzard poses with prize winners Ann Bowen, Kate Murdoch, Sharon Howden, Donna O’Connor, Jennifer Noonan, Karen Rees, Julie Obst, Annabelle Plowright, Sally Hood and Julie Neumann.
Back-to-back for Combine, Graveson
Swifts-Great Western repeated last year’s grand final defeat of St Andrews to win the Grampians Cricket Association premiership by three wickets on Saturday.
The 7-168 to 3-167 win brings the total number of A Grade flags for the Combine to 13 this century.
With the association’s senior competition disbanding, it marks the final A Grade premiership for the foreseeable future.
On a fine day and in front of a good crowd, St Andrews decided to take advantage of a flat pitch and fast outfield by batting first.
The Saints’ innings started cautiously through Ryan Skiller and Nic Pell, who scored 32 off the first 10 overs.
With the fall of Skiller and Pell, Reece Kettle and captain Tom Mills were left to lift the slow run rate.
Kettle reached 77 not out with two fours and three sixes off 113 balls, while Mills was dismissed in the final over for 35 off 31 balls with a four and three sixes.
While Swifts-Great Western took only three wickets, the Combine’s attack bowled economically to restrict the Saints to 3-167, which was, coincidently, their semi-final score.
The low total was always going to test
the Saints bowlers’ accuracy. The Combine opened with Jack Cann and captain Aiden Graveson who, in contrast to the Saints, attacked the bowling and scored briskly.
Graveson was first to go for 52 runs off 49 balls, with seven fours and two sixes.
Next to go was Cann for 21 with a four and a six, and at the 20-over drinks mark, the Combine was 2-98, 33 runs ahead of the Saints’ 2-65 at the same stage.
Requiring 70 runs off the last 20 overs, it was for the Combine to lose the match.
The Saints’ fielding was on point with several great catches and excellent ground fielding, making the Combine earn every run.
Dinesh Borase and Caleb Summers each took two wickets as the Combine whittled down the runs required for victory.
Zax Marrow, 18, Jacob Dunn, 26, and Will Clough, 18 not out, achieved the win with 20 balls to spare.
The Saints will be left to rue their slow start, which deprived them of an extra 20 runs that could have made the difference.
Umpires Andrew Wood and Andy Farish awarded the Steve ‘Wombat’ Smith medal for the best player to Aiden Graveson for his quick-fire 52.
It marked back-to-back medals for Graveson, who made 40 from only 24 balls in last year’s grand final win.
Stars align for Homers in final round of
Reigning Horsham Cricket Association A Grade premier Homers earned a second-place finish with a dramatic outright win in the final round of competition at the weekend.
The Pigeons entered the round trailing Brim-Kellalac-Sheep Hills and required either a win and an Eagles loss to have any hope of reclaiming second place.
They received both, with the Eagles falling to Noradjuha-Toolondo by 18 runs, while Homers recorded a ninewicket second innings win against Horsham Tigers.
With the Tigers all out for 117 on day one of the match, Homers resumed at 3-96 and wasted little time pressing their advantage.
While Paddy Mills’ innings of 61 came to an end almost immediately, a string of contributions in the teens from Baxter Perry, Chaminda Gamage, Monty Wynne and Gibson
Perry saw the Pigeons post 10-163 for a first-innings lead of 46 runs.
The Tigers batted again but were largely ineffectual against a Homers attack that featured damaging spells from Gamage, 3-19, and Gibson Perry, 3-20.
With the Tigers’ final two batsmen failing to take the crease, the side was all out at 8-74, leaving the Pigeons just 29 runs required for an outright victory.
The homeside wasted little time, reeling in the total in seven overs as Perry followed up his strong bowling performance with 23 unbeaten runs.
Meanwhile, Brim-Kellalac-Sheep Hills slipped to third place – and ensured Noradjuha-Toolondo finished fourth – with a loss to the Bullants at Horsham City Oval.
Resuming at 5-27 in pursuit of a relatively modest target of 138, the Eagles faced an uphill climb.
Lachlan McGinniss was one of the few Eagles who seemed to adjust well to the conditions and built what could have been a match-turning innings of 35, but was brought undone by Bullant Tony Caccaviello.
Caccaviello struck again to remove Jeremy Preston for seven runs soon after, and despite a spirited resistance from Brim-Kellalac-Sheep Hills tailenders Sandon Schultz, 20 not out, and Matt Crisp, 16, the writing was on the wall.
Fittingly, Caccaviello claimed the final wicket to have the Eagles all out for 119, capping off a strong performance with figures of 4-21 from 9.3 overs.
The Bullants’ win sealed the fate of Laharum, which had entered the final round in fourth place but had a bye, relegating it to onlooker status as it slipped to fifth.
Horsham Saints ended their season
A Grade competition
on a high note, fighting off a spirited run chase from Lubeck-Murtoa after batting through the first day to post 9-277.
The Mudlarks were in hot pursuit as opener Thomas Barrand, 91, nearly made a century before falling to Jono Carroll, but middle-order contributions of 37 from Finnian Delahunty and 47 not out from Cameron Newell kept Lubeck-Murtoa in the hunt.
But the Saints were able to remove Newell’s partners consistently, with Carroll and Brock Hamerston shouldering the bulk of the bowling duties and sharing in the spoils, finishing with 4-82 and 3-55 respectively to bowl the Mudlarks out for 259.
Meanwhile, minor premier West Wimmera had little difficulty converting its dominant position into a win, crushing Colts by 130 runs at Dudley Cornell Park.
With the Colts resuming at 1-14 in
pursuit of 281, the West Wimmera attack offered them little latitude.
Only vice-captain Josh Colbert, with 52 runs from 53 balls, scored freely as the majority of his side laboured.
Nathan Alexander showed why he is regarded among the association’s top bowlers with 3-24 from 13 overs, including four maidens, while Jobe Dickinson chimed in with 2-12 from six overs.
The results set up a pair of enthralling semi finals this weekend, with West Wimmera taking on the Bullants at Horsham City Oval, while Homers will play Brim-Kellalac-Sheep Hills at Dudley Cornell Park in a match pitting the reigning premier against the competition newcomer.
The semi-finals will be played across Saturday and Sunday, with play commencing at 1pm on both days.
– Colin MacGillivray
MEMORABLE WIN: Swifts-Great Western won the final Grampians Cricket Association A Grade premiership for the foreseeable future.
Bring your bears to greyhound cup
Horsham Greyhound Racing Club will host its cup meeting on Friday night, featuring a top night of racing as well as family-friendly events.
With free entry and lots of off-track entertainment planned, the club encourages families to enjoy a night out, starting from 6.30pm.
The event will also feature the club’s firstever Horsham Teddy Bears Picnic, where Team Dream will perform their children’s songs and dances, as well as an appearance by a Big Teddy.
There will also be face painting, a jumping castle and ice-cream van, as well as plenty of other food trucks and a licensed bar. Be sure to bring your teddy on Friday, because that’s the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic.
Former Australian cricketer Merv Hughes will be special guest on track, while there will also be live music by Aaron Murray.
Adults will also have a chance to win $1000 in races four to nine – conditions apply – and tickets to the Sportsbet VIP Enclosure are also available by enquiring to the club.
The race of the night – the Group Two Sportsbet Horsham Cup – will feature a quality field of competitors. Paw Utility was the fastest qualifier at heats last week, with an allthe-way, 26.85-second run over the 485-metre distance.
The Sam Grenfell-trained chaser had the second fastest first split, stopping the clock at 6.48
seconds. Second went to speed demon Hotel Whisky One.
Paw Utility’s heat was an open one, with just the one greyhound, Ethanol Volume, in double figure odds.
The Horsham Cup will be Paw Utility’s first group race attempt in his 26-start career after eight wins and nine minor placings. A noticeable absentee from the Grenfell kennel in the Horsham Cup heats was Vincent Bale.
He has made the trip to Perth and will trial in preparation for the Perth Cup heats on Saturday.
Vincent Bale and fellow Victorian Morton are in the care of Steve and Kira Withers.
Jason Thompson’s hopes of five Horsham Cups is still on track, with two of his chasers Tim Zoo and Flying Zulu doing enough to make it through to the cup.
Brooke Ennis finds herself with two greyhounds – Zipping Hopkins and Amron Tiger – in contention for the cup, but it was Zipping Hopkins who pulled off the run of the night in the qualifiers with a last-to-first performance to win his heat.
Leo Bale was impressive in his heat, taking advantage of an unimpeded run from box three, holding off Flying Zulu and his curly tail.
Zipping Kai was the biggest shock of the night, winning his heat at odds of $13.60.
For more information, people can call 5382 4329 or find the club on Facebook.
ON THE RUN: Hamilton will host the final CFA fire brigades’ demonstration competition on March 18 following a successful event in Horsham on Saturday. State championships will be at Mooroopna the following weekend. Pictured in action on Saturday are Warracknabeal team members, from left, Kynan Jonasson, Isabella Orszulach, Clinton Jonasson, Shaune Winsall, Cody Polack and Rohan Rickards.
Annual MX Amateurs returns
Horsham Motorcycle Club is set to play host to hundreds of riders this weekend as it hosts an annual MX Amateurs event on Saturday and Sunday.
The event gives emerging junior and senior amateur motocross riders from across Victoria a chance to compete.
The weekend is set to feature A, B and C grades, as well as a range of junior category and memorial races in memory of former club members Maggie Stacey and Bronte Holland. Usually hosted at the club’s Dooen track during the Labour Day long weekend in March, it was last year postponed to September due to weather conditions. People can find more information about the event and how to enter by visiting the club’s website horsham-mcc.com/events/mx-amateurs.
Celebrating women
It’s been a big week for women’s sport, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons, and no matter what you think of the rant of the now sacked radio person, in 2025 we all must respect the contribution women make to our sporting landscape.
Saturday is International Women’s Day, where we celebrate the social, economic and cultural achievements of women across the world.
Volleyball Horsham will highlight the achievement of our women with a retro round on Wednesday night.
At the end of 2024 women and girls made up 57.5 per cent of our membership, with more than 170 participating in our association.
This has been achieved by a consistent level of success and in the post-COVID period the establishment of a standalone women’s competition.
Member for nearly 20 years and current women’s captain Kara Johnson said her participation for such a sustained period was the result of a welcoming and inclusive environment the association created.
“Ever since I started, I have been able to play with my friends initially and then progress through the grades, to now where I am playing A Grade in my role as a setter and looked upon as another one of the
association’s key players and treated as an equal,” she said.
“This has enabled me to remain competitive and participate in a higher level of play, which has been great for my game.
“The association has been really good at giving the leading females the opportunity to play in A Grade over the years and it is no coincidence that we have been able to build a strong and successful women’s representative team in that time.”
Volleyball Horsham places equal emphasis on both men and women representing the association at tournaments, championships and events.
Everyone is given the opportunity to showcase their skills at a level commensurate with their ability initially, which then gives them a taste and then helps them to progress their game and take on the best teams from across the state.
Leading female player Laelah Robertson believes the most important aspect of this representation is the uniform.
“Both the Volleyball Horsham men’s and women’s teams wear the same uniform. There is no differentiation between the sexes, which I believe is a positive,” she said.
“An organisation’s uniform is its greatest selling point and is instantly recognisable.
“To have both our men and women wearing the same uniform makes me
feel like an equal and that is all we are asking for.
“We are looking forward to our International Women’s Day retro round this year as it takes on more meaning following the news of last week.
“All the girls are really keen to showcase our sport on Wednesday night and highlight to everyone what we can do.”
The games start at 6pm with women’s A matches, with Johnson’s Phantoms taking on Ilze Van Zyl’s WLC Thorns on court one and Amelia Van Buuren’s Heidelberg doing battle with Paige Hemley’s Nuggets on court two.
At 7pm on court one, Kayla Kelm’s Lakers will square off against Robertson’s new-look Tsunami team, which welcomes back former top junior Ellonia Barnett.
On court two from 7pm the women’s B competition kicks off with the two youngest teams, Power Divas and Bombers, going head-to-head, followed at 8pm by Stars and Magnificent Medicos, and at 9pm the Von Steiger Derby between the Sisters and the Shadows, which will showcase beautifully the multi-cultural nature of our great sport.
Volleyball Horsham encourages everyone to come down and support the women’s teams as they showcase their skills and the fun they have each and every week in a welcoming and inclusive environment.
UNBOWLIEVABLES: Horsham City Bowling Club completed its Night Hawks bowling competition for new bowlers last week, with the winners the Unbowlievables team of Sharon Clough, Jeremy Newell and Dean Arnott, pictured. Runners-up were the GWMWater team – Tap Dancers. The six week competition was for new players learning the game, with workmates, parents and children enjoying the competition, often interchanging players to make up teams of three players. Vice-president John Williams said having fun and learning the game of bowls was the aim of the competition.
Devlin consistent in wins
Gary Devlin enjoyed a successful week in Horsham Golf Croquet’s competition, winning both Thursday and Saturday division one events, although sharing the honours with Shirley Price on Thursday with equal scores.
Marj Weidermann and Shirley Price were division one’s runners-up on Saturday. Marg Pope and Elaine Nicholls led
division two, while Marlene Schmidt and Bev Keogh came out on top in division three.
On Thursday, Ian Rees was division one’s runner-up. Rob Bahr won division two ahead of Elaine Nicholls and June Liddy. Kerrie Brody took out the honours in division three, just ahead of runner-up Rachel Cousins.
Lawn on track for back-to-back
Horsham Lawn’s quest for backto-back Central Wimmera Tennis Association pennants is nearly a reality, with the team awaiting the winner of a preliminary final between Central Park and St Michaels on March 15.
Lawn punched its ticket to the pennant grand final with a comprehensive 10 sets, 99 games to four sets, 71 games win over the Parkers in the first semi-final at the weekend.
Although the Parkers got an early score on the board with men’s pair Matt Jones and Reece Harman winning their opening rubber 8-6, they were unable to sustain the momentum.
Horsham Lawn’s women were dominant, with Tahlia Thompson and Cherie Wood making short work of Willow Sainsbury and Eve Wear 8-1, while Gemma Walker and Ella Thompson fought out an 8-6 win against Parkers Adele Joseph and Tara McIntyre.
Sainsbury and Joseph got their revenge in the singles section, defeating Thompson 8-5 and Walker 8-1 respectively to keep their team alive, but Lawn flexed its muscle in the final doubles frame.
Lachlan Punchard and Graeme Wood combined to best Harman and Brendan Nitschke 8-3, while the Thompson duo of Ella and Tahlia were too strong for Sainsbury and McIntyre, winning 8-4.
An 8-7 tiebreak win to Joseph and Wear over Walker and Cherie Wood proved too little, too late for the Parkers, who remain alive thanks to their double chance and will face St Michaels after the Saints edged past Drung South, 8-90 to 6-83.
The Saints appeared primed for victory after winning all four opening doubles rubbers, with men’s pair Eli Bailey and Nick Robertson, and women’s duo Kassie Peachey and Barb Crough each winning 8-7 thrillers.
Singles sets saw two wins each, and
RETURN: Horsham Lawn pennant player Lachlan Punchard won two of his three sets in his team’s win on Saturday. Pictures: KAREN REES
when Aaron Jennings and Dale Schmid narrowly defeated Robertson and Peter Hayes 8-7, the chase was on in earnest.
Despite winning a further three rubbers, Drung South came up just short, as Steve Schultz and Robertson put the finishing touches on the Saints’ win with an 8-2 rubber against Harrison Daniell and Jennings.
The preliminary final promises an enthralling contest, with little separating the Parkers and Saints this season.
A round one contest between the sides was abandoned with scores locked at five sets apiece, while the Parkers won on games in round six, 7-97 to 7-68. Their final meeting in round 11 went to the Saints, who won 8-86 to 6-90 despite winning fewer games.
Other grades
Central Park has advanced to the A Special grand final after defeating Horsham Lawn Thompson 11-102 to 3-72 in the first semi-final, with Lawn Thompson to face Natimuk in the preliminary final after downing Horsham Lawn Gillespie 8-74 to 6-91 in Saturday’s other match.
Minor premier St Michaels avoided an upset in the A Grade first semi-final,
defeating Haven 9-85 to 3-62 to book a grand final berth.
The Saints await the winner of March 15’s game between Haven and Horsham Lawn McGennisken, which easily overcame Central Park 10-88 to 2-60 to advance from the second semi-final.
The Horsham Lawn Tigers were too much for Drung South to handle in B Special, winning 11-81 to 5-53 to advance to the grand final, where they will play the winner of the Drungsters and Laharum, which disposed of Central Park 13-84 to 3-47 on Saturday.
Central Park White continued a dominant season in the junior open division, beating Natimuk 6-36 to 0-12 to qualify for the grand final, while Natimuk will face Central Park Blue for the other spot after the Parkers beat Quantong 4-31 to 2-19.
Booking spots in junior boys grand finals were, section one, Horsham Lawn Green; section two, Haven; and section four, Horsham Lawn White.
Qualifying for junior girls grand finals were, section one, Horsham Lawn Green; section two, Haven; and section four, Horsham Lawn Green. Grand finals will be played on March 22.
FOCUS: Yolanda Molineaux was a solid contributor for Drung South against St Michaels in pennant competition.
IN FORM: Kassie Peachey won her three sets for St Michaels on Saturday, against Drung South.
OPPORTUNITIES: Wimmera Football Netball
Terry Arnel, Laharum’s
New competition ‘a game changer’
Players, coaches and administrators are excited for the launch of the Wimmera’s first female football competition this season.
The Wimmera Football Netball League, WFNL, will launch women’s under-14.5 and senior competitions, with five clubs set to participate – Horsham Demons, Ararat, MinyipMurtoa, Warrack Eagles and Horsham District Football Netball League club Laharum.
WFNL subcommittee female football competition chair Terry Arnel said the competition’s inauguration would be welcomed by the region’s female footballers, many of whom previously played under the Horsham Demons banner in the Western Victoria Female Football League, WVFFL.
“Hopefully this will do two things – give the under-14 age cohort a chance to start locally, which reduces travel time a lot and makes it easier for parents and returning members to opt in,” he said.
“On the senior side of things, it’s the same thing – we’re fully aware of what the Demons have had to do in the last five or six years to participate. It’s a huge drain on time and resources to travel like that.
“If you’ve only got to travel to Horsham or Laharum or Murtoa to participate and you can train at any one of those venues, it’s a lot easier than putting a line through your Sunday to go to Portland or Tyrendarra or Warrnambool.”
Mr Arnel said the league would maintain an under-18 side in the WVFFL.
“The under-18s are still going to have to participate in a stronger and more established competition in the Western Victoria league where the talent pathways are obvious right now,” he said.
“Then on the senior side of it, if you’re not in the VFLW or AFLW talent pathways and your involvement is socially, you’re still able to play locally.”
AFL Victoria Wimmera Mallee region manager
Ange Ballinger said local representation would be a big part of growing girls and women’s football.
“From the region’s point of view, if you can’t see it, you can’t be it, and because we haven’t had the competition here, not enough of the local people can actually see what the product is,” she said.
“For anybody who aspires to play, they just don’t have access to see it at a local level, so this is huge and exciting.”
Women’s Health Grampians will partner with the new competition, and chief executive Marianne Hendron said its launch marked ‘a significant step toward greater gender equality and increased opportunities for participation in football’.
“The new competition will be a game changer – literally – for women and girls in the region. We are delighted that the Wimmera Football Netball League is taking gender equality seriously, and we’ll be here to support them every step of the way,” she said.
Ms Hendron said all clubs entering teams in the competition would be required to uphold a culture of inclusivity through an understanding of Women’s Health Grampians’ CoRE Alliance principles and by adhering to an AFL Victoria Women’s and Girls Chartered Club framework.
The first season of competition is set to comprise nine rounds, starting on May 18, with a grand final on August 10.
WFNL chair Peter Ballagh said teams were seeking expressions of interest from girls in the under-14.5 age group and encouraged them to get involved.
“We are incredibly excited about what lies ahead for female football in the Wimmera region. This competition will provide new opportunities for young athletes and senior players, and we are committed to ensuring a fantastic experience for everyone,” he said.
People wanting further information or to register their interest in the competition can contact the WFNL on 0492 415 829.
Caris hits court with Vixens
Former Horsham Saints netballer Maggie Caris took to the court in a Melbourne Vixens practice match at the weekend.
The Vixens hosted a two-day Ballarat Blitz pre-season event, hosting Adelaide Thunderbirds, West Coast Fever and the Giants.
Caris, who grew up in Quantong and attend St Brigid’s College, is in her fourth year as a training partner with the Vixens.
She played in defence against the Vixens 57-60 loss to Adelaide Thunderbirds.
League subcommittee female football
Olivia Lenehan, Minyip-Murtoa’s Tash Mustafa, AFL Victoria Wimmera Mallee region manager Ange Ballinger and AFL Victoria Wimmera Mallee operations officer Chloe Haughton look forward to the season kicking off.
Nhill weekend premier
Nhill is the Bowls Victoria Wimmera Playing Area division one weekend premier for 2024-25 after defeating Horsham City in a closely contested grand final at the weekend.
Horsham City had finished atop the ladder with 12 wins and two losses, and advanced directly to the grand final after defeating Nhill in a semifinal last month.
But Nhill regrouped to down Horsham Golf 12 points, 72 shots to four points, 68 shots in a preliminary final to set up a rematch with Horsham City in Saturday’s grand final.
From the outset it was clear Nhill had come to play.
In their semi-final meeting Horsham City won the first two rinks convincingly, but Nhill reversed the results at the weekend.
Ryder Byrnes, Terry Robins, Greg Ryan and skip Darren Gebert got Nhill off to a good start with a 25-21 win over Horsham City’s Colin Morrell, Govan Bellinger, Bruce Campbell and Anthony King in the first rink.
The second rink also went Nhill’s way, with Roger Brown, Barry Morrison, Brad Blackwood and skip Kevin Jones downing Horsham City’s Gary Knight, Geoffrey Inglis, William Hogan and Ron Dolby 23-21.
Although Horsham City struck back
ON TARGET: Above, Nhill’s Russ Dunlop gives the thumbs up to a teammate, and above right, Horsham City’s Bruce Campbell sends down a bowl. Pictures: KAREN REES
in the third rink, with Derek Ballinger, Michael Turner, Graham McDonald and skip Kevin Clyne besting Nhill’s Ray Olney, Russell Dunlop, Ivan Reichelt and Allan King 22-19, Nhill prevailed 14-67 to 2-63 overall.
Nhill narrowly missed out on a weekend premiership treble, with its division two and three sides each losing to Coughlin Park.
Midweek pennant
Meanwhile, Sunnyside was crowned the midweek division one premier on Monday, defeating Horsham City 1688 to 0-63 in the grand final.
All three rinks went the way of Sunnyside, with Hedi Holtkamp, Paul Southcott, Barry McIntyre and skip Jillian Coutts defeating Cheryl Mc-
Donald, Elsie Bardell, Graham McDonald and Ron Dolby 28-23; Debra Macinnes, Rod Skurrie, Norma Hair and skip Jim Hadden downing Betty Cozens, Helen Roll, Colin Morrell and Geoffrey Inglis 28-21; and Hans Verheul, Roger Macinnes, Margaret Dolan and Rex Bergen beating Maureen Petschel, Marie Lehmann, John Lehmann and Duncan Bottoms 32-19.
Serviceton was the midweek division two champion, defeating Sunnyside 14-68 to 0-34 in a comprehensive result.
Regional finals
The Wimmera Bowls Region state event finals will be from Friday to Monday at Ararat VRI Bowls Club, 66 Girdlestone Street, Ararat, with representatives of the Grampians Playing Area set to host.
Lunch will be available to order for competitors, with a bar open throughout the competition.
More information is available at wimmera.bowls.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/1013/2025/02/WimmeraBowls-Region-Finals-2025.pdf.
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