Hawthorn ruckman Lloyd Meek was the special guest at Minyip-Murtoa Football Netball Club’s Auskick clinic launch at Horsham on Sunday. The Burras will host Auskick programs in Horsham, at the Dimboola Road Community Oval, and Minyip-Murtoa this year. Meek, who hails from Mininera, south of Ararat, is pictured with youngsters Tommy Byrne, Edie Hudson, Cleo Hose and Rolston McKenzie. Football and netball seasons start next month, and The Weekly Advertiser will publish its new, comprehensive liftout to preview the Wimmera, Horsham District and Mininera seasons in next week’s edition. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Council suspends deal
Horsham Rural City Council has suspended its Memorandum of Understanding with mining proponent WIM Resource.
Councillors voted at Monday night’s meeting to formally suspend the MoU, subject to further review.
Council signed the MoU in July 2022, formally mapping out how the proposed Avonbank Mineral Sands Project mine at Dooen would be ‘mutually beneficial for stakeholders and the region’.
The State Government has since approved an Environmental Effects Statement for the Avonbank project –a 38-year project set to start eight kilometres north-east of Horsham, attracting criticism from landowners whose property will be affected and from a larger, growing group of farmers across the region who believe ag-
riculture should be prioritised, and the community should be aware of mining risks concerning radiation; dust; economical impacts and environmental concerns.
WIM Resource has applied for a mining licence, with the community able to submit feedback until April 9.
Cr Cameron McDonald, who stepped down from his role of secretary of Mine Free Wimmera Farms when he was elected to council in October, also raised a notice of motion that council establish a Mining, Renewables and Energy Committee.
Councillors passed the motion 6-1, with Cr Rebecca Sluggett the only councillor to vote against.
The Mining, Renewables and Energy Committee, made up of a minimum of two councillors, the chief executive, and not more than two dedicated staff involved in the process of mining,
renewables and energy, will present recommendations to council.
Cr McDonald said the committee would review the MoU, presenting it to the council for final approval.
He said council would consider community engagement about the issue, showing ‘impartiality in the process to not be partnering with any one party’.
“It was a requirement for the council to review this MoU every two years, and as this has not happened to date, and due to increased tensions in the community, a formal suspension should occur until proper community engagement has occurred,” he said.
Cr McDonald said the new committee would inform the council of the risk and engagement process; considered conditions and negotiations involved in regard to mining and renewable energy; report to council any issues about the safety and concerns
of the community in relation to the development proposals; and the instrument of delegation to staff for decisions on mining and renewable energy be limited and restricted for approval by only a full council meeting.
A small number of people in the gallery clapped when Cr McDonald read out his reasons behind the motions.
“ This notice of motion is two years out of date, so it’s technically null and void as we speak,” he said.
“It has no legal standing – it’s a document of honour. There is a 90-day notice required to end the agreement –well, it’s two years out of date anyway, so it’s technically void. But I will point out that we do not have an MoU with affected rate-paying farmers.”
WIM Resource director of projects Micheal Winternitz said WIM Resource was ‘deeply disappointed’ by the council’s ‘unexpected decision’ to
suspend the MoU. “We value our excellent and long-standing relationship developed over the past decade with HRCC, and we reinforce that the MoU was intended to foster collaboration that maximises economic and community benefits for Horsham while ensuring best environmental practices for the Avonbank Mineral Sands Project,” he said.
Mr Winternitz welcomed the opportunity to be consulted by HRCC, noting WIM Resource had undertaken extensive community consultation and was happy to share insights gathered at various community outreach opportunities.
Cr Brian Klowss, who seconded the motion to suspend the MoU, said nothing had happened with the MoU document in the past two years since it was signed, and it needed to be reviewed.
Continued page 3
Johns’ farm a ‘safe and sacred place’
The family of well-known Horsham identity and former mayor, the late Don Johns, are reeling their father’s resting place may be mined under the proposed Avonbank project.
Josephine Johns wrote to Victorian Planning Minister Sonia Kilkenny following her approval of WIM Resource’s Environmental Effects Statement late last year, telling her the threat of the Johns family farm being mined was causing her family ‘an enormous amount of emotional distress’.
Don Johns’ ashes were interred on his family farm after his death in 2017, aged 83.
Mr Johns, father of six and husband to Jo, was a Horsham councillor for 17 years, including three terms as mayor.
A long-time pharmacist in Horsham, Mr Johns was a justice of the peace for 25 years, a Uniting Church elder, and founding member of the Wimmera Health Group Foundation which was instrumental in establishing a cancer centre in Horsham.
He was awarded an Order of Australia Medal in 2000 for his volunteer work with many community organisations.
Ms Johns said she wanted it publicly known that her family’s farm was the
resting place for her father, as the public was now being asked for submissions to WIM Resource’s application for a mining licence.
Ms Johns also submitted a question to Horsham Rural City Council at its meeting on Monday, asking if the council would organise a community consultation session before the mining application submission deadline of April 9 to ensure all community members are informed about the impacts of the mine, and given an opportunity to raise concerns.
“This isn’t just a farm, it is generations of memories starting from the 1880s. Currently our family’s sixth generation are living and working the farm,” she said.
“Before my Dad passed away, after a short eight days of being diagnosed with cancer in 2017, it was his final wish to return to the family farm to have his ashes placed by the trees he so fondly remembered, where he would play for hours with his four brothers growing up.
“Dad’s ashes were not just scattered, they were placed with purpose.”
Ms Johns said Uniting Church Minister Reverend Tupe Ioelu and family members were present for a short service and blessing for her father’s ashes in 2017.
“By digging up our family farm, by
digging up this land, they will be digging up my Dad’s final resting place and our family cannot let this happen,” she said.
“Our Mum is still living and when the time comes, will have her ashes placed with her husband, on the family farm. We are talking about my dad’s ashes, his final resting place, his last wishes granted.
“Who has the right to dig up someone’s grave? A final resting place? No one. This is private land, owned and passed down through generations of our family. It is a safe and sacred place. A way of life, a livelihood and a future for our family generations to come.”
Ms Johns said she would do ‘everything in my power’ to ensure her father’s final resting place would be kept as intended.
“If someone put themselves in our shoes and it was their dad, how would they feel?” she said.
“Knowing that this person has given so much to the community over their life, would they be able to stand up and help us allow him – this wellrespected community man – to have his final resting place and wish to just be returned home.”
In Ms Johns’ letter to Ms Kilkenny, she requested the Avonbank project be paused to formally address the matter,
Drumming up opportunities
Horsham City Pipe Band’s Kim Brooks will drum at the Virginia International Tattoo in the United States next month with the Pipes and Drums of the Royal Caledonian Society of South Australia.
Ms Brooks has weekly practise on Skype with her interstate band mates, as well as the US-based score-writer.
“This is my first chance to do something like this, I am nervous and excited, and there is a lot to learn in the lead-up to it,” she said.
“Horsham’s is a competitive band, we do travel a little bit for competitions – Australian Championships are in Perth in a couple of years, and potentially New Zealand might be the first big band trip at some point.
“But I would never have thought I’d go to a tattoo and play.”
Ms Brooks will arrive in America on Good Friday, have access to her drums on the Saturday, and start practice on the Sunday.
Her trip will include school outreach sessions and matinee shows, and four tattoo performances at Scope Arena, which is primarily used
for ice hockey and can seat about 10,000 people.
Tenor drummer Ms Brooks will play to a split score at the tattoo.
“We’re splitting it into five voices, so we won’t be playing every beat that’s written, we’ll only be playing along for the note that we’re assigned,” she said.
“It takes more concentration because you’ve got to remember that you’re not actually playing every beat. You might have one random beat in a run of beats.”
Playing with Horsham’s pipe band on-and-off since she was in grade five, Ms Brooks, now 39, encourages interested people to contact the band.
“Everyone is welcome – people don’t need experience, they can come and have a look on a Thursday night at our hall in Pynsent Street, or send us a message on Facebook,” she said.
“It’s a great family environment, and as I’ve learnt, you do develop relationships with other bands and there is potential opportunities.”
and reconsider an alternate location for the project.
Ms Kilkenny’s response, dated February 14, 2025, acknowledge Ms Johns’ family’s strong connection to land and the ‘significant distress’ the mine is having on the connection.
Given her determination about the EES had already been made, Ms Kilkenny referred Ms Johns to contact Resources Victoria.
“It is clear through your stories he was a remarkable individual, a role model and a very important community member,” Ms Kilkenny wrote.
“Your father was clearly an important and respected person for so many; not least of all to you. You must be so proud of him and all his achievements and selfless contributions to the local community.”
WIM Resource director of projects Micheal Winternitz said all matters related to landholder consultation were private and confidential, however the matter of Mr Johns’ ashes was raised with WIM Resource in 2023 during the EES panel submission and panel hearing process.
“WIM committed to consulting with all landowners and remains committed to doing so,” he said.
Advertisement objection
Maryla Johns and Donna Johns, relatives to Josephine, have also written
As Yvonne Derbyshire steps into a well-earned retirement, O’Brien & Smith Lawyers are excited to continue Derbyshire Legal’s tradition of exceptional legal service. O’Brien & Smith Lawyers extend their heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Yvonne on her retirement and thank her for her continued trust and support.
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to Resources Victoria, objecting to the mining licence application advertisement, which was published in The Weekly Advertiser on March 19. Their concerns centre on the map included in the public notice, which omitted the Melbourne-Adelaide rail line; and does not mark the Wimmera Intermodal Freight Terminal which is within the mining licence, the proximity to the Wimmera Agriculture and Logistics, WAL, HUB, the Dooen and Darlot swamps, Longerenong College, and the location of WIM Resource’s secondary processing plant.
The Johns’ have requested to Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, DEECA, and Resources Victoria that WIM Resource’s mining licence application be suspended due to what they describe as a ‘misleading’ advertisement.
Mr Winternitz said the map included in the newspaper advertisement was in line with the Earth Resources Regulator advertising guidelines.
“A more detailed map is provided with the program of works, and contact details are included in the advertisement for anyone wishing to inquire about additional maps,” he said.
“We are committed to being transparent and open, ensuring the public has access to the information they need, and welcome public enquiry.”
Need to update
From page 1
Cr Sluggett voted against the motion to suspend the MoU because she needed more time to analyse the proposal and her concern in suspending the document was that it removed WIM Resource’s obligation to adhere to the MoU.
“We need to update the MoU – I feel it needs to be done in collaboration with our community,” she said.
“This is a hard one – I do not oppose having this committee in place. My concern is that ... I do not feel informed enough on this matter.
“I would like to have seen terms of reference attached to this so that I had a clearer understanding of the remit and the make-up of this committee.”
Cr McDonald said the terms of reference would be referred to a special council meeting where terms of reference would be signed.
“I’ve included the word energy, so it’s a forward-thinking document to include things like hydrogen plants that may take place in the future,” he said.
Cr McDonald said it was important the committee provided the council with a high level of scrutiny, accountability and transparency.
Lauren Emblem
LL.B., B.A., GDLP M.App Law (Family Law)
Patrick Smith
LL.B. (Hons), B. Int. St., B.Ec., GDLP
INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE: Horsham City Pipe Band tenor drummer Kim Brooks will travel to the USA next month and represent The Pipes and Drums of the Royal Caledonian Society at the Virginia International Tattoo. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Olsen Labor candidate for Mallee
Greg Olsen will be Labor’s candidate for the seat of Mallee at the upcoming federal election.
While the election is yet to be called, it needs to be held on or before May 17.
Mr Olsen, a life member of the ALP, said he was inspired to join the party as a teenager when the Hawke government was elected in 1983.
He grew up and still lives in Castlemaine, moving to the city to study and work before returning to Castlemaine to care for his elderly parents, and also work in fruit picking and at factories.
Mr Olsen has undertaken a range of studies with degrees in music, social work, and public policy and management, leading him to work in corrections, child services and disability services.
In a media release, Mr Olsen said strong Labor values, attributed to his parents – both teachers – underpinned his belief in equality of opportunity, irrespective of economic background.
“This principle of ‘opportunity’ is fundamental to people’s sense of purpose, direction and participation in building meaningful lives. It means that no child should be denied access to a quality education because of family disadvantage and that people have rights of self-determination to pursue vocational pathways that suit their potential and capacities,” he said.
Mr Olsen said he was also a strong supporter of businesses – from small businesses to primary producers –recognising their commitment and challenges.
“Equally, the dignity of working people needs to be supported through fair wage growth and job security to match cost-of-living pressures and enable families and individuals to build positive lives,” he said.
Two Yarriambiack Shire projects will receive federal funding through the Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program.
Transport, Regional Development
and Local Government Minister Catherine King announced at the weekend that $13.7-million would help fund five new projects in Victoria – aiming to improve safety and create more resilient roads for communities across the state.
The two Yarriambiack projects are $878,080 to widen the Banyena Pimpinio Road in Murtoa; and $490,000 to widen Glenorchy Road in Rupanyup.
“We know that local governments in the regions often require more funding to manage rising costs and increased pressure on transport infrastructure due to climate change and extreme weather events,” Ms King said.
“The Albanese government is committed to delivering the funding local councils need to improve road safety, allowing more money to be spent on projects and less on administration.
“We’ve increased funding under the Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program, as well as the Roads to Recovery Program and the Black Spot Funding Program to strengthen
41st annual
A traditional car and bike swap meet at Horsham on April 5 will be Wimmera Mallee Historical Vehicle Society’s 41st annual event.
Horsham meet director Terry Pollock said organisers invited traders and visitors alike to attend this year, with more than 250 sites available.
“We used to have a system where traders had to pre-book, but we have dropped that in favour of just turning up with your gear on Saturday morning or even Friday if you want
car and bike swap meet
to be set up the day before,” Mr Pollock said.
One of the oldest between Melbourne and Adelaide, the society was formed in 1968 and boasts about 200 like-minded members.
“Some of our members will display their classic automobiles at the meet this year,” Mr Pollock said.
With an established reputation for a successful event, the show shares a weekend with Castlemaine’s meet.
“The back-to-back events give
traders and buyers the opportunity of a weekend trip,” Mr Pollock said.
“We get traders who come from Melbourne and Adelaide, and they’ll do a round trip from Horsham on Saturday to Castlemaine on Sunday,” he said.
The meet opens for trading at 7am and finishes at 2pm. People can find more information on the society’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/ WimmeraMalleeHistoricVehicle Society.
investment in safer and more productive local roads.”
Also in the region, Ms King visited Buangor, south of Ararat, to announce 32 high-priority railway level crossing improvements across the state’s regional rail network.
The federal and state governments will spend more than $54-million, through round two of the Regional Level Crossing Upgrade Fund for treatments such as installing boom gates, axle counters, flashing lights and signage.
Twelve level crossings, mostly in the north and east of the Mallee electorate, will share in $21-million of joint funding.
In the Ararat and Pyrenees council areas, eight level crossings will share in $14-million of funding.
Ms King was joined by state Member for Ripon Martha Haylett and Labor candidate for Wannon Fiona Mackenzie at the announcement at Buangor – where two level crossings, one at Challicum Road, near Dip Road, and the other at Gravel Route
Road, will be upgraded. Other Ararat Rural City Council area upgrades will be at Greenhill Lake Road in Ararat, Military Bypass Road in Armstrong, Porters Bridge Road in Tatyoon, and Warrayatkin Road in Dobie.
“Country level crossings can be dangerous places for motorists, pedestrians and train drivers,” Ms Haylett said.
“These upgrades will make such a difference to the people who drive through these level crossings every day.”
Senator for Victoria Jana Stewart also welcomed the ‘significant announcement’.
“I grew up in the Mallee and I know how much of a difference these crossings make for families and workers to travel safely to school, sports, and work,” she said.
“These upgrades will make a real difference to all road users and I’m proud that our government is making regional roads safer.”
• Editorial, page 11.
Dogs a first for Natimuk
Natimuk show-goers can enjoy a range of free entertainment, competitions, food and music at the town’s 133rd annual Agricultural and Pastoral Show on Saturday.
A car and bike show, wildlife, state yard dog championships and a theme of music will feature, along with a sensory area, sandpit dig, traditional showgirl competition and an evening meal.
Show secretary Judith Bysouth said the show would feature a multitude of free entertainment for the family, as well as dog championships.
“The State Yard Dogs Championship will run from Thursday, finishing with the championships on Saturday, and is a first-time event for us,” she said.
“Our horse entries are coming in, as are our handcrafts and photography, and our shearing and poultry are exceptional this year.”
Mrs Bysouth said there were several competitions people could enter on the day.
“The pet dog, showgirl, and car and bike shows are all enter on the day, so
we encourage people to enter those,” she said.
The pet dog competition is at 1pm, with the official opening by Horsham Rural City Mayor Ian Ross at 1.30pm, followed by the showgirl competition.
Mrs Bysouth said there would also be hand gesture cars, the climbing club’s wall, virtual reality header and silo, trade sites, grain and fleece competitions, and a mountain bash music competition with $500 in prize money available.
“The Horsham City and Natimuk bands will entertain, and the Mt Arapiles Historical Society will exhibit –it’s well worth a look,” she said.
People can find more information at the Natimuk Show Facebook page or website www.vicagshows.com.au/ natimuk-show, and can buy tickets online at ticketeboo.com.au/natimukshow or at the gate on the day.
Memberships, with entry for two adults and two children, are $30; entry for adults is $20, pensioners $10, children 17 years and below can enter free of charge.
Kinder opens at Warracknabeal
Warracknabeal’s capacity to deliver kindergarten and offer spaces for meetings and allied health visits has expanded, with the official opening of its new kindergarten building.
The Department of Education and Training’s Building Blocks funding
of $1.15-million, along with contributions from Yarriambiack Shire Council, enabled the project.
Three-year-old and four-year-old kindergarten programs will be delivered at the building, which was officially opened by Mayor Kylie Zanker.
READY: Terry Pollock, Neville Thomas and Rob Binns prepare for the 41st annual Horsham Car and Bike Swap Meet. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Since the Clubs inception in 1992, they have provided sponsorships to help hardworking local organisations, with a grand total of just over
Groups that may qualify can find criteria and application forms at www.hscc.org.au or by scanning the QR code above. Applications open from February 27 to 5pm, April 3, 2025. For further information please contact the Club during office hours.
Solar farms shutdown following fire
Two solar farms at Stawell and Ledcourt are among Sungrow Power Australia subsidiaries ordered to be shut down following a fire at its Raywood property.
Energy Safe Victoria has ordered five solar farms to cease generating electricity due to bushfire concerns – at Raywood, Goornong, Ledcourt, Stawell and Moolort.
There are concerns vegetation was not being managed as required to reduce the potential for bushfires to
Dimboola Dollars
Dimboola Lions Club is investing $5000 in the town in a bid to help the community and its traders recover from the Little Desert National Park fire, while promoting shopping locally.
The club has printed $10,000 of ‘Dimboola Dollars’ in denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100, which people can purchase for half the face value.
Once spent, traders can redeem the face value of the Dimboola Dollars.
Club president Rod McKenzie said the program was designed to encourage more local spending.
“We know that local small businesses have been doing it tough since the fire, and we wanted to do something that would encourage locals to spend more locally in the immediate future,” he said.
“We are keen to see how this will work in stimulating a bit of local expenditure and we want people to spread a bit of joy around the traders who are doing it tough right now.
start on the sites. The directions followed a safety blitz by Energy Safe officers who inspected 18 solar farms in the Shepparton, Bendigo, Kerang and Mildura areas over two weeks in February.
During that period a fire broke out at the Raywood solar farm on February 20.
It originated in electrical equipment and spread to vegetation on the site.
When Energy Safe officers attended the scene, they observed a lack of
adequate vegetation management including insufficient fire breaks and vegetation that had grown too high.
Officers also had concerns about how vegetation was being managed at four other Sungrow solar farms, two of which were inspected as part of the blitz.
The directions to stop generating electricity took effect at all five solar farms on February 22.
They will remain in place until Energy Safe is satisfied the vegetation is
being managed appropriately to address the safety issues.
Energy Safe chief executive Leanne Hughson said energy businesses had to prioritise safety and ensure their installations did not present a risk to the community.
“At the beginning of summer last year, we wrote to the operators of all solar farms in Victoria to ensure they were actively managing safety risks during the fire danger period,” she said.
Ideally we want people to spend on a few extras rather than their usual shopping – maybe it’s a plant, an outfit, a takeaway meal, a treat for the kids or something you had an eye on at one of our vintage or gift stores,” he said.
Available during March, April and May, there is a purchase limit of 250 Dimboola Dollars per person. They
can not be used to purchase alcohol, for gambling, or on pharmaceutical prescriptions.
Dimboola Dollars are available from Dimboola Visitor Information Centre at 119 Lloyd Street, between 10am and 6pm each day except Wednesdays, subject to volunteer availability.
People can call Jan John on 0408
397 020 or La Vergne Lehmann on 0408 121 118 for more information.
Dimboola Dollars will work in conjunction with a ‘Meet me in Dimmy’ digital marketing campaign launched by the Dimboola Progress Association.
– Bronwyn Hastings
Celebration of all things Dachshund at Edenhope
A tail-wagging celebration is set for Edenhope on Sunday with the muchloved Day of the Dackel returning for 2025.
Dachshund lovers will gather to honour the popular long-bodied companions with a day full of fun, festivities, and furry friends.
Day of the Dackel will transform the town into a dachshund paradise.
The event, hosted by the Edenhope Dachshund Museum, promises a packed schedule, thrilling Dachshund races, a best-dressed Dackel competition, and plenty of dog-friendly activities for all to enjoy.
The event is not just for dachshund
owners – all dog lovers are invited to join in the festivities.
The day starts at 9am with market stalls, followed by the dog show at 10.15am featuring the Hobby Dachshund Race.
After lunch, the excitement continues with the Dachshund races and an open dog race for dogs no more than 30 centimetres at the shoulder.
Edenhope Dachshund Museum founder and organiser of the event Diana Lee Saville said the Hobby Dachshund Race for children 12 and under was a new addition.
The Edenhope Men’s Shed has handcrafted 10 hobby dachshunds –
similar to hobby horses – so children can participate in their own fun-filled race on the day.
“We are so excited to bring this event back in 2025 and celebrate everything dachshund,” Ms Saville said.
“Each year, the festival grows bigger and better, and we can’t wait to welcome dachshunds and their devoted humans for a day of fun.”
Early arrivals on Saturday can enjoy a meet and greet at a private fully fenced dog park, where dachshunds can run and play while their ‘pawrents’ relax over a coffee.
Later that evening, there will be a
PJ party for both humans and hounds at Edenhope Lakeside Tourist Park recreation room.
On Sunday, visitors can browse market stalls, enjoy live entertainment, and indulge in food and drink.
Ms Saville said people travelled from as far as Tasmania and Queensland to be part of the event.
“Day of the Dackel has become a significant tourism boost for the region, benefiting businesses and putting Edenhope on the map as a destination for dachshund lovers,” she said.
People can get more information by visiting the Facebook group ‘Day of the Dackel, Edenhope, Victoria. AU’.
“That includes managing vegetation on the sites to minimise the risk of a fire spreading in the unlikely event that one starts in equipment.
“Solar farm owners and operators have a legal duty to minimise bushfire risks and if they do not, we will take action to protect people and property.”
Energy Safe continues to inspect other renewable energy facilities in Victoria to ensure they comply with their obligations to maintain and operate safely.
Wellbeing day for women
A free day of yoga, nutrition information and a creative activity is being offered to women living with cancer and their supporters.
Organised by Grampians Health and Counterpart – a statewide service of Women’s Health Victoria that supports women with cancer to live well – the event is designed to find support for people who are sharing similar experiences.
Wimmera Cancer Centre manager Carmel O’Kane said Wimmera women living with cancer could obtain support and spend time with other people who understand their experiences at the wellbeing day in Horsham.
“Wellbeing and supportive care close to home is such an important part of a woman’s cancer experience. We are very pleased to see this opportunity in Horsham,” she said.
The event at Coughlin Park Bowls Club on April 3, is free for women who have/had any type of cancer, as well as their partners, family or friends. Bookings can be made online at counterpart.org.au/events or by calling Counterpart on 1300 781 500; registrations close on Monday.
Toddler drowns
A Warracknabeal toddler has died after drowning in a dam near Nagambie in central Victoria.
The two-year-old girl was found unresponsive in a dam at Whroo, just after 10am on Sunday.
An Ambulance Victoria spokesperson said CPR was performed, but the child could not be revived.
Aleece Shearer and her daughter Mackenzie were visiting the property when the accident occurred.
Nicole Hotker, of Minyip, has started a GoFundMe appeal to raise money for funeral costs.
People can support the appeal at www.gofundme.com/f/kjgfumackenzie.
SUPPORTER: Jan John promotes Dimboola Lions Club’s ‘Dimboola Dollars’. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
ADVERTISEMENT Fighting for Mallee
If you’ve felt powerless during the cost-of-living crisis, relief will soon be in your hands in the privacy of a voting booth.
Under the Albanese Labor Government, electricity prices are up 32 per cent, mortgage repayments up 41 per cent, gas is up 35 per cent and insurance is up 33 per cent.
Remember Labor’s promise, made 97 times before the last election, that your energy bills will permanently reduce by $275 per annum? The lived experience is power bills have gone up by $1,300.
Families with a typical mortgage are paying $50,000 more in interest repayments since Labor came to power.
Victorians are struggling to meet their mortgage repayments, with the nation’s highest percentage of borrowers in 90-day arrears, almost double what it was in 2023.
As Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health, I am pleased to say the Coalition has promised almost $10 billion for Medicare to make health care and medicines more affordable.
In health, Labor continues to rob regions to buy votes in the cities,
not content with taking doctors from the regions as soon as they seized office, Labor recently added the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast as ‘regional’ priority areas which does nothing for Horsham, the Wimmera or Mallee.
The average taxpayer is paying $3,500 more in income tax compared when the Coalition was in office. Federal income tax is at an all-time high of 26.1 per cent of incomes in the last reporting year, compared with 23.7 per cent under the Coalition almost 3 years ago. I don’t hear anyone in Mallee saying we have better roads or service to show for it.
Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton MP is outlining how the Coalition will help struggling families and small businesses, for example committing - on a return to government - to permanently increase the small business instant asset write-off to $30,000 per asset.
With 17 May the deadline for a federal election, Prime Minister Albanese has clung to office.
The good news is that soon you could help elect a new Coalition Government and get our country back on track.
Zoo scores campaign win
Halls Gap Zoo is one of 50 winners of the Commonwealth Bank’s CommBank Matildas on Loan competition, resulting in the national sporting heroes’ support in an advertising campaign.
Halls Gap Zoo, Victoria’s largest regional zoo, is home to more than 120 species and 500 animals, including cheetahs, rhinos, and Australia’s spot-tailed quolls.
Since being founded in 1982, the zoo has grown into a major conservation and education hub, recognised for its breeding programs and commitment to animal welfare.
Mark Treweek and his family became the zoo’s owners in 2023, investing in animal welfare upgrades, new exhibits, and an on-site café.
As part of the bank’s national advertising campaign, the zoo will receive an advertisement for their business, alongside the CommBank Matildas, which will be distributed by the bank via billboards, radio, and branches, as part of a national advertising campaign.
Each winner will get a tailored campaign to promote their business within their respective communities.
Mr Treweek said the zoo was a popular destination but had to close for an extended period during peak season due to the Grampians bushfires over summer, resulting in a continued downturn in visitation.
“We’re proudly Victoria’s largest privately-owned zoo and although we’re only a few hours’ drive from Melbourne, there are many who aren’t aware of our existence,” he said.
“It’s more important than ever that we get the word out – that’s why we’re so happy to have the CommBank Matildas supporting us. When you’ve got the right team backing you, anything is possible.”
The CommBank announcement comes as new research shows nearly 90 per cent of Australian small to medium businesses expect to continue to face challenges in 2025.
CommBank’s small business banking general manager Victoria, Tess McCormack said despite the challenges, more than 70 per cent of surveyed Victorian businesses felt optimistic and were planning to grow their business during the next 12 months.
“This just shows the resilience of Aussie small businesses who are incredibly brave in the face of continued economic uncertainty,” she said.
“It’s been incredible to see the overwhelming response from thousands of Aussie small businesses who entered the competition.
“We are thrilled to be able to support Halls Gap Zoo in this way and I hope this campaign will create a powerful impact for them, and an unforgettable moment in their history.”
For CommBank Matildas goalkeeper Chloe Lincoln, there are many similarities between playing in a sporting team and owning a small business.
“Slow and steady wins the race and that goes for both – it takes a lot of hard work, and it’ll take time as well,” she said.
“Make sure you have that vision, and you keep working towards that goal. Setbacks will come, but it’s how you can overcome it – little steps each day.”
Western Australia’s Lenny Deacon is cycling around the country with an aim to raise mental health awareness and $1-million for Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation. He has dedicated his recumbent trike ride to a friend he lost to suicide, Simon ‘Dippa’ Wheaton. Mr Deacon, a retired shearer, said he previously raised almost $45,000 for the cause with a 24-hour shear-a-thon, but felt he wasn’t finished. “My shearing days are finished, but I found this bad boy and came up with the hare-brained idea to pedal around Australia,” he said. Mr Deacon and dog Lucky started his ride at Bunbury on November 2 and passed through Horsham last week.
Feedback sought on parking meters
Horsham Rural City Council is inviting the community to provide feedback on the future of parking meters in the city centre.
The parking meters were temporarily suspended in December, with a new council deciding to immediately stop the need for people to pay for parking in time for Christmas shopping. Time limits remain to park in the CBD.
Council is now seeking input on whether they should be permanently removed or reinstated.
The survey, which has a version for business operators as well as
shoppers, aims to gather information on the impact of the temporary suspension.
Residents, visitors and businesses are encouraged to share their thoughts on how the change has affected convenience, accessibility, and overall parking behaviour within the area.
The survey will explore how the decision has influenced daily routines and shopping, as well as any potential issues such as congestion or limited parking availability.
Council is keen to hear from all community members, as their
responses will guide the decisionmaking process moving forward. The survey is open to everyone who has experienced parking in the area, with all opinions considered as part of the Review of CBD Parking Meters Operations. People can have their say before 5pm on April 14 by visiting haveyoursay.hrcc.vic.gov.au/cbdparking-review or paper copies of the survey are available from the council offices. Two separate surveys are available: one for business owners and one for community members.
Community members and landholders can catch up with the Transmission Company Victoria team in towns across the region through March and April, as the regional pop-ups program continues.
TCV is rotating between Charlton, Kerang, Boort, Donald and Stawell each week – hearing directly from community members, responding to questions and sharing the latest VNI West project updates.
Stop by for a casual chat, ask us about what matters to you and share your thoughts with our engagement team.
All welcome!
Tuesday, March 4
Tuesday, March 11
Tuesday, March 18
Tuesday, March 25
Tuesday, April 1
Dates and locations are subject to change, please visit the TCV website for the latest event information.
Visit www.transmissionvictoria.com.au/ landholders-community/community-events or scan the QR code to the right for more information about the regional pop-up events.
and cash flow strategies to meet living needs. Personal circumstances shape fees and strategies, emphasizing the need for specific advice before deciding.
As we edge closer to a federal election, candidates have come out of the woodwork in the past fortnight to stand in the electorate of Mallee.
Incumbent Nationals member Anne Webster, vying for her third term, is hot favourite to win.
Her primary vote rose from 27.9 per cent to 49.1 per cent at the 2022 election – and with her profile across the electorate it is hard to see her losing.
Traditionally a conservative region, the Mallee has somewhat changed demographically over the years but, given the growing distaste for the current governments both at a federal and state level, it will be an even more difficult task to claw back the margin. And this could be one reason behind
the next point. Despite being aware an election needs to be held before May 17, the other parties have been tardy in announcing candidates for Mallee.
Labor announced at the weekend that Greg Olsen – a Castlemaine resident – would stand in the Mallee electorate.
The ALP has never held the seat of Mallee since its creation. It would be a mammoth task to win – Sportsbet has it at odds of $21, but I would think it should be far greater.
How the minor parties will fair will also be of interest.
Nicole Rowan, Greens; Chris Lahy, Australia Citizens Party; Vaughan Williams, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation; and Ashleigh Gray, Family First,
By Lauren Henry
are among those to have put their hand up to stand in Mallee.
The rise of independent candidates across Australia has not hit this part of the world.
No independents, to my knowledge, have indicated they will run as a candidate in Mallee.
While accusations of many independents being closet Greens supporters are strong, it does certainly throw another voice in the mix when
it comes to debating the key issues.
So what are the key issues for Mallee?
The size of the electorate – the largest in Australia, covering more than a third of Victoria – poses challenges within itself.
The Mallee includes the regional cities of Mildura, Horsham and Swan Hill, as well as major towns such as Maryborough and Stawell, plus a plethora of small towns in between.
Each place is varied in their needs, and being across all of their issues is a monumental task for any sitting member, let alone candidate.
A common thread of issues include cost-of-living; housing availability; and the rise of renewable energy and mining projects, the regular subjects
Drink-drivers, speedsters, keep police busy across region
Two drink-drivers who were intercepted at Horsham early Saturday morning have been issued with immediate driving bans.
Horsham Police observed a vehicle driving erratically on Firebrace Street at about 2.45am; its 24-year-old driver from Barham was breath-tested and returned a positive result of 0.131.
He received an $840 penalty notice and has been disqualified from driving in Victoria for 13 months.
The second driver was intercepted near Horsham Plaza at about 3.17am; the Beulah man returned a breath test of 0.157 and is expected to be charged on summons with drink driving offences.
Horsham Senior Sergeant Eddie Malpas said it was disappointing peo-
ple were making poor choices and getting behind the wheel when they should not.
“It is no secret drink driving causes a great deal of harm on our roads. These intercepts should serve as a reminder to the community that our team is out and about at all hours of the day and night,” he said.
Snr Sgt Malpas said road policing was a strong focus of Horsham’s policing team, who continue to work with licenced and entertainment venues in Horsham under Operation AURA, promoting public safety through liquor licencing compliance and road safety.
Excessive speed
Nhill police will charge a 23-yearold Dandenong man after he was de-
tected speeding on the Western Highway at Nhill on Saturday. He allegedly reached speeds of 170 kilometres per hour while driving erratically and overtaking other road users.
Police intercepted the Ford Focus, which was carrying four people, and breath-tested the driver. He returned a reading of 0.112. His vehicle was impounded for 30 days at a cost of $2095. He will be summoned to court for various driving offences.
Witnesses sought
Nhill police are investigating damage to the Whitehead Avenue kindergarten’s fence, which occurred between 4pm on March 18 and 8am on March 19.
Witnesses or people with CCTV footage are asked to call police on
5391 1022.
Warracknabeal assault
Police are investigating an assault of two males on Lyle Street, Warracknabeal at about 10pm on March 11.
They sustained serious injuries and were taken to Horsham’s hospital.
People with any information can call Warracknabeal police on 5396 2100.
Yacht club theft
A 65-inch wall-mounted television, new sound system, microwave, defibrillator, bottled water, rubbish bin and tea towels were stolen from Horsham Yacht Club between February 26 and March 5.
Anyone with information that might assist with the investigation is asked to call Horsham Police on 5382 9200 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
of health and education will also play a role.
But what is a priority in Stawell may not be the same in Swan Hill, and will vary from Maryborough to Mildura. With much of the focus and announcements centralised in Mildura, where many of the candidates live and work, it can sometimes feel like the Wimmera is forgotten come federal election time.
A message for candidates: the Mallee doesn’t start and end at the north of the electorate. There’s a big, wide world in the Wimmera with people –voters – wanting to be engaged and valued in federal politics and just waiting for a visit from candidates, who are keen to show an interest in issues affecting regional Australia.
Clear the bushfire fuel
In light of the recent bushfires in the Grampians and Little Desert I believe that they could have been brought under control and put out much quicker if there was not so much bushfire fuel left lying around.
Reducing the amount of bushfire fuel would not only make the jobs of the firefighters a lot easier, but would also come with a lot of other benefits, such as:
The dead trees and fallen branches could be cut up into fire wood and sold and the money used to fund wildlife preservation projects, or even community projects easing the financial burden of councils.
The Department of Corrections is struggling to find places for people on community service order to use their hours. The amount of bushfire fuel in bushland and along highways could provide work for hundreds of people on CS orders.
It would mean a reduction in the spread of fires, which reduces the likelihood of people losing their homes or farmers losing livestock or crops and reduces the need for evacuations.
It would mean fewer financial losses to businesses and tourism operators. The longer the fire goes on the longer it takes to get tourists back into those areas. Each extra day costs hundreds of thousands in lost revenue.
Ultimately, it would reduce the stress felt by members of the community during these disasters.
As you can see clearing out fire fuel before fires start is a win-win situation for everyone.
David Brown, Nhill
DIMBOOLA SHOWCASE: A host of Wimmera talent will feature in the musical thriller Sweeney Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street when it stages at Dimboola next month. Directed by and starring Shane Harman as Todd, he is joined by performers Margaret Arnup, Shonie Finn, Thomas Fax and Georgie Schilling. Four shows will run in conjunction with the Wimmera Steampunk Festival from April 9 to 12 at Dimboola Memorial Secondary College hall. People can find more information and buy tickets at www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1301530.
Community Newsletter
Trainee Nurses sign on: All excited to kick start their career
The trainees have signed up to complete the two-year Diploma of Nursing through
Warracknabeal also a component of their training.
Joining RNH in environmental services, Kaihley later moved to the Leisure and Lifestyle team and said: “I applied for the nursing traineeship because I have absolutely loved working with the residents and when this opportunity came up, I was quick to jump at the chance.” “I have so much support around me and
“By the end of my study I hope to do a grad. year and work my way up to becoming a neonatal nurse” Eliza said she chose to apply for the skills.
“I was looking to study the Diploma of Nursing and thought the traineeship was a great opportunity,” she said.
Having worked in hospitality since the plan for Eliza.
“I have been interested in nursing for as long as I can remember, and I’m super excited to start my career with RNH as
nursing here together in the past,” she said.
Registered Nurse.
as part of the environmental services team, later returning as both a Social Support Group Assistant and a Leisure and Lifestyle Assistant.
Having also worked in retail and disability support, Maddy enjoys working with clients and has had long held a desire Diploma of Nursing before stepping into
Looking forward to embracing the diversity of the industry, as well as building her clinical set and learning and Maddy said she is also excited to work beside, and receive support from, the RNH team.
“ Throughout my journey, I have already learned so much and gained so many skills that I can take anywhere I go, but I would like to thank RNH for this opportunity and look forward to said.
Imaging now shared
changes regarding the upload of Health is pleased to advise that it is reports with the My Health Record system. Thank you to Medical Records and
radiology suppliers to ensure
Our team was kept busy ensuring the health of Wimmera Machinery Field Days visitors during March 4-6.
Centre, the RNH team were excited to welcome specialist nurse Michelle Bruce on site to perform skin checks - vital for all outdoor workers.
general health advice, and to perform free blood pressure and blood sugar checks.
Eliza Kirby, Kaihley Hynes, and Madalyn Alexander on board as our newest Enrolled Nurse trainees.
Kaihley, Maddy joined RNH in 2016
RNH CEO Jenni Masters (right) chats with specialist nurse Michelle Bruce in the skin check area.
blood sugar of Horsham visitor Jacqui.
Health Nurse Lou Bellizzi and daughter Maddie,
Digging deeper into mine impact
Yarriambiack Shire Council has commissioned a social benefit cost analysis on mining within the shire, aimed to determine if mining will benefit or harm societal welfare.
The motion was endorsed at a council meeting last month, resulting in council making a financial contribution to the University of Melbourne to fund a scholarship for a masters research student to conduct a social benefit cost analysis on mining.
The Donald Mineral Sands project, a proposed open-pit mine for rare earths and mineral sands, located 15 kilometres east of Minyip, is the major mining development in the shire.
The commitment to the study follows council’s adoption of a position statement in January, outlining council’s position on mining, renewable energy and transmission lines.
A key advocacy piece of the councillors statement included ensuring the Environmental Effects Statement process used a Social Benefit Cost Analysis, SBCA, model to weigh both tangible and intangible costs against the benefits.
Yarriambiack Mayor Kylie Zanker stated the SBCA was critical in accounting for non-market impacts such as environmental degradation and social displacement.
“The failure to utilise the SBCA model ignores long-term sustainable impacts on regional industries like agriculture,” she said.
“When considering Yarriambiack Shire Council and mining, our shire’s footprint is covered either via an exploration, retention or mining licence.
“This information has become realised across our community in more recent times, with the announcement of the State Government Victoria’s Critical Minerals Road map.
“The map identifies opportunities for the Mallee and Wimmera Southern Mallee region.
“This has created apprehension across our communities, as they grapple with what does each of the licences mean, how does that relate to the road map, and what impact will it have on their farming practices and way of life.”
Council will invest $40,000 each year, for two years, to undertake an SCBA for mining within the shire, with the aim of making the research and results available to shire residents once completed.
The analysis will assist councillors in future advocacy and planning, as it provides the evidence required to assess if mining will improve or diminish the welfare of people in the shire and region.
Cr Zanker said a SBCA was the economic technique that estimated more than the changes in economic activity, estimated using computerised general equilibrium modelling.
SBCA estimates the size of all primary and secondary benefits and costs of a private and public nature.
SBCA estimates the change in producer and consumer surplus, which, when summed, gives the net social benefit of an investment, which is the change in people’s well-being with and without the investment.
It estimates the change in social welfare after counting all the benefits and costs, whether they have market prices on them or not.
HONOUR: Ararat Rural City Council Mayor Jo Armstrong will champion the interests of local government as a newly-elected director to the board of the Municipal Association of Victoria.
Armstrong elected to board
Ararat Rural City Council Mayor Jo Armstrong is one of eight newly-elected directors to the board of the Municipal Association of Victoria.
Cr Armstrong will represent the Wimmera Southern Mallee Central Highlands Region, one of the 10 regions that form the board’s geographical scope, for a term of two years.
In addition to the eight new directors, the board comprises two re-elected directors and the re-elected president, Macedon Ranges Shire Cr Jennifer Anderson.
The Municipal Association of Victoria, MAV, is the legislated peak body for Victoria’s local councils, representing and advocating local government interests at state and federal levels. It promotes the role of local government, facilitating effective networks while supporting councillors throughout Victoria.
Cr Armstrong’s new position will see her play a central role in delivering on the MAV’s responsibilities, which include defining details of policies, objectives and strategies determined by State Council, the MAV’s governing body, made up of representatives from each member council; setting and evaluating the MAV’s priorities and
standards; appointing the chief executive and monitoring his or her performance; and liaising with MAV representatives from the Wimmera Southern Mallee Central Highlands Region.
“Throughout my civic service I have been proactive in working through some very difficult challenges, all the while keeping community wellbeing and benefit front of mind,” Cr Armstrong said.
“It’s an honour to join the Municipal Association of Victoria’s Board of Directors in working purposefully to champion the interests of local government – the tier of government that is most accountable and transparent to our communities.”
Originally elected to Ararat council in 2016, Cr Armstrong is a passionate advocate for improving the lives and future of all communities within the Ararat municipality, balanced with a firm eye on the municipality’s economic sustainability.
The October 2024 elections resulted in her return to the position of mayor for her fifth oneyear term.
♦ Visit our Community Information Hub 83 Firebrace Street, Horsham
♦ Visit our Virtual Information Hub at www.wimresource.com.au
♦ View our Avonbank Project Overview Video by clicking here
♦ Register for stakeholder updates by clicking here
♦ Register your interest for employment or business opportunities by clicking here
Petition part of pathway forward
Member for Lowan Emma Kealy tabled petitions in Parliament last week bearing more than 12,300 signatures opposing the State Government’s plans to close scores of rockclimbing routes at Mt Arapiles.
Ms Kealy launched the petition in November following the release of the Dyurrite-Mt Arapiles Cultural Landscape Management Plan Amendment, which proposed closing up to half of the climbing routes at the mountain.
The management plan followed a four-year process to investigate cultural heritage in the area, with little community or industry consultation.
The petition calls on the government to engage in transparent and expanded consultation with all stakeholders and demands that established climbing routes are not removed until further consultation occurs.
Ms Kealy said the petition received more signatures than almost any other to be tabled, by any MP, in the current term of Parliament.
“The enormous amount of support for this petition makes it very clear that Labor has made a monumental mistake,” she said.
“Mt Arapiles is an iconic destination known
Jeffcott Fire Brigade captain Bradley Burke insists he was ‘just doing his job’ following the presentation of a CFA Chief Officer’s Commendation for Courage, presented by Bill Johnstone at Donald last week.
around the world that attracts tens of thousands of climbers every year, but Labor’s plans will force climbers away and in turn devastate the local economy and the town of Natimuk. It’s absolutely gut-wrenching.
“Since the plans were announced I have heard from hundreds of people locally and overseas, completely shocked and angry that they were given no say in something that directly affects them and, in many cases, will compromise their livelihoods.
“There is a pathway forward where we can protect our cultural heritage assets while maintaining our best and beginner climbing routes.
“But rather than build trust and respect between all users, Labor has acted to divide our community.”
Ms Kealy thanked everyone who had contacted her to share their views and lend their voice to the campaign.
“It is now incumbent on the government to listen and ensure everyone has the opportunity to have their say over the future of Mt Arapiles,” she said.
Consultation for the plan ended on February 14. Parks Victoria is now assessing the feedback, with the next step the release of an amended draft of the management plan.
Burke awarded for courage
Jeffcott Fire Brigade captain Bradley Burke received a CFA Chief Officer’s Commendation for Courage after risking his life to rescue a truck driver from a burning vehicle in late 2023.
While driving through Jeffcott, Mr Burke saw a semi-trailer carrying grain crash into trees – he ran towards the wreckage, calling his brother, also in the CFA, and alerted him to the incident.
Mr Burke battled to get to the driver, tearing away the bonnet, smashing glass and climbing onto the engine bay. As he worked to free the driver, fire ignited in the rear of the cabin and spread quickly.
Burke pulled the driver to safety through the broken windscreen.
Fire crews arrived quickly to stop the spread of the fire and the driver was taken into the care of paramedics and has since made a full recovery.
CFA District 18 assistant chief fire officer
Gavin Wright praised Mr Burke’s actions.
“He acted with incredible bravery under extreme pressure. His quick thinking and determination saved a life that day, and his actions are truly worthy of this recognition,” he said.
Community Workshop
Plan and Promote Successful Events
Presented by Jackie Peacock - JP Creative
A FREE workshop for all community groups and clubs
Covering KEY STEPS of promoting your group and events:
Understand who you are trying to reach
Define your group and event targets
Different methods of promotion
Goals for your promotion campaigns
Planning your event promotion - develop a plan to get the word out about your event
Costing your event promotion - understand and prepare a realistic budget for your event promotion
Tuesday, April 1 6pm to 7 30pm St Arnaud Community Meeting Room Town Hall, St Arnaud
“You don’t think, you just do it,” he said.
“The priority was getting him out and making sure no one else was inside”.
Despite sustaining lacerations, Mr
After receiving his award at Donald Fire Station last week, Mr Burke insisted he was just doing his job.
He is now one of just 19 recipients of the Chief Officer’s Commendation for Courage since its introduction in 2012.
Please RSVP: community@ngshire vic gov au or (03) 5358 0512 Tuesday, April 8 6pm to 7.30pm Stawell Library Sloane Street, Stawell
Economic diversification the key
Historically, the Wimmera Mallee region has been dependent upon agriculture as its primary sector, often using its performance as an indicator of the local economy’s health.
When farmers thrive, the entire community benefit.
However, as the changing environment increasingly affects our lives, work, and future planning, it is crucial to consider how we develop our cities and regions.
This includes the growing pressures of an ageing and declining population,
challenges such as drought, shifts in land and farm ownership, with larger entities gaining a greater hold, and understanding the broader implications of this for the wider community.
Alongside the evolving nature of our agricultural sector, we have transitioned from being an insular business community, to an integral part of the global landscape.
The swift shifts in client expectations, consumer behaviours, emerging technologies, and product offerings emphasise the urgency for us to adapt, not only as singular business entities, but also as a united community.
with Stacey Taig West Vic Business Ambassador
Just as a business is advised to invest in diversification to reduce and mitigate risk, so too should our region.
New and varied sectors respond and perform differently, each bringing new challenges, however this is offset by many more opportunities.
And it is these opportunities that we need to pursue for many reasons.
Warner graduates enter workforce
Warner Institute celebrated the graduation of 26 students in aged care, disability, and leisure and health at Horsham earlier this month, most of whom have already secured employment within their sectors.
Graduate Louise Binney gained a Certificate IV in Ageing Support, after studying for about 18 months.
“It was a classroom situation for me – some of the students here did it online, but I really appreciated being
in a classroom with other people,” she said.
“I was a teacher, I did that for 30 years then had a career change, which I have enjoyed. It’s very rewarding, I really enjoy working with my elderly clients.”
Warner Institute has been delivering training to the Horsham community since 2005, helping to develop skilled and compassionate professionals in the field.
Its graduates have been equipped with the resilience needed to thrive in the industry, ensuring Horsham and Wimmera communities continue to receive outstanding support from dedicated professionals.
People can enquire with course consultant George Bonnici on 0437 931 307, via email at george@ warnerinstitute.com.au or via website warnerinstitute.com.au.
Community feedback shapes final study scope for VNI West
Throughout TCV’s ongoing engagement with landholders and community members, several key concerns have been raised consistently about the potential impacts of the VNI West transmission project. Late last year, many people took the time to formally share their views through the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) EES scoping consultation process. That feedback has helped shape the Final Scoping Requirements (now published), which sets out what must be investigated as part of the Environmental Effects Statement (EES) - Victoria’s most rigorous environmental and social assessment.
Four key themes emerged from community submissions:
• Housing availability and potential solutions during construction
Reversal of ageing demographics, retention of youth, attracting young families, all come through a conscious effort to be open to change, to welcome the new.
Creating a sustainable cycle of economic activity through diversification enables businesses to expand their profitability through flow on business, and in turn the local economy continues to thrive and grow.
As the number of businesses continue to rise, it contributes to the expansion of supporting industries.
A larger community means an increased demand for daycare centres,
schools, construction firms, paediatricians, and so much more.
A diverse economy paves the way for delivering the goods and services necessary for a thriving community.
The more significant the needs, the more opportunities arise to meet them.
Opportunity is the key word throughout, and it is here where our region sits ready and waiting.
The price of doing the same thing is far greater than price of change, for without it, opportunity fades away.
Queen anniversary tour
Ararat Town Hall will come alive to celebrate a watershed moment in rock and roll history when tribute act Queen Rocks hits the stage this month.
The Queen tribute act is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the single Bohemian Rhapsody – as well as the album from which it came, A Night at the Opera – with a tour across Australia and New Zealand, including a show in Ararat on March 29.
Lead singer Jason Hess said he was keen to celebrate the milestone with Ararat punters.
“We’re performing A Night at the Opera in its entirety from front to back in the first part of the show, and then in the second part of the show we go through a set of all of Queen’s greatest hits, of which there are many,” he said.
“It’s a nod to the most important album in the band’s history and then all their best stuff after that.”
Mr Hess said the band had performed as a Queen tribute act for more than 25 years after forming for what they thought would be a one-off gig.
He said the artistry of both Queen and its iconic frontman Freddie Mercury made performing the band’s hits a joy.
“I’ve been a Queen fan since I was a kid. I think what drew me to them was the variety of the music that they played,” he said.
“They played hard rock and they played rockabilly and gospel and opera and funk.
• Mental health and wellbeing impact for residents
• Accessibility concerns for farming equipment around transmission lines and the impact of the project on floodwaters
• Biosecurity concerns about the potential spread of weeds or pathogens that could affect agriculture. Due to these submissions, the final scope reflects these priorities, ensuring they will be properly assessed. You can view the requirements in full here: https://www. planning.vic.gov.au/environmental-assessments/ browse-projects/referrals/victoria-to-new-south-walesinterconnector-west-victorian-component
Your voice matters
TCV knows that VNI West will have real impacts on landholders and communities, which is why we remain
“You look at the variety of Another One Bites the Dust, or A Crazy Little Thing Called Love, or Somebody To Love – they hopped genres, so when you listen to Queen’s greatest hits, it’s jumping from one musical style to the next.
“Then of course there was Freddie Mercury, who as we all know had one of the most incredible voices of all time and was one of the most incredible rock frontmen of all time.
“The way he could perform on stage to a stadium full of people and put the stadium into his pocket and take everyone for a ride was incredible.”
Mr Hess said he enjoyed the challenge of doing justice to Freddie Mercury’s live performances.
“Queen have got an amazing catalogue of songs and they’ve left an amazing legacy as a band – Freddie passed away 35 years ago, but they are still a very relevant band all these years later,” he said.
“I enjoy that we do need to put forward a show that is going to do that material and that legacy justice.
“That’s what we try to do when we perform, is create the same sort of energy and spirit that a Queen show had, so that when people come in they can suspend their disbelief for a little while and pretend that it’s 1986 all over again.”
Tickets for the Queen Rocks performance are now on sale via ararattownhall.com.au/event/queenrocks-the-definitive-tribute.
committed to listening, learning and acting on local concerns.
The EES process will not only assess potential impacts but also explore ways to minimise them – shaped by both technical studies and ongoing community input. As we continue these studies, we want to keep hearing from you. Local knowledge is critical to getting this right, and we encourage landholders and community members to stay involved.
To find out more about the project, and the EES process, or have your say, visit our website transmissionvictoria.com.au or scan the QR code.
SUCCESS: Warner Institute graduates following a ceremony at Centre For Participation, Horsham, led by Jania Warner, managing director of Warner Institute, right, with course manager Debbie Hutchinson, left, presenting the certificates. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Diversity on display
Harmony Week was celebrated with a range of events that showcased the diversity of communities, while bringing people together to share a sense of belonging.
Celebrations took place at Nhill, Ararat and Horsham.
Hindmarsh Shire Mayor Ron Ismay, who hosted the Nhill event, said he was proud the shire was a multicultural municipality, with more than 30 nationalities residing in the community.
“Our community is made stronger by our diversity, through benefits to our economy, workforce and population, but also through opportunities to learn more about the history, culture, food and traditions of our residents, our neighbours, our friends, our colleagues and our families,” he said.
“I am sure you will agree, there is no place for racism, exclusion and discrimination in Hindmarsh Shire.”
The Nhill event acknowledged the coinciding Cultural Diversity Week, both of which run from March 17 to 23, and featured guest speakers deputy mayor Chan Uoy and Wiremu Albert Larkins, as well as a dance performance by members of the Horsham Karen community.
Ararat’s celebration saw the Ararat Punjabi Girls Group deliver a Gidha performance that showcased traditional attire and Punjabi heritage.
Dancer and Ararat Rural City councillor Teli Kaur said the dance highlighted the beauty of multicultural expression and was a vivid reminder of how diverse cultural traditions could come together to create a harmonious and inspiring celebration for everyone.
“This was our first performance at Ararat – it is a dance we perform at every celebration in our country, India and Punjab,” she said.
“The dancers were all happy, and I was overwhelmed to see their performance and be part of it, and would love it if we can get a chance in the future to represent our culture anywhere.
“If there are any multicultural events happening or any kind of diversity programs around, we would be happy to perform.”
Harmony Day celebrations were also observed at schools, including Horsham College, where students were encouraged to wear a touch of orange and participate in a fiesta during the school’s lunch break.
For more photographs go to theweeklyadvertiser.com.au
Students full STEAM ahead
St Arnaud students won the annual Wimmera Science and Engineering Challenge, competing against six other secondary school teams at Longerenong last week.
Rotary Club of Horsham East volunteers hosted the Rotary and Newcastle Universitycombined two-day event, which was attended by about 240 year nine and 10 students on Tuesday, and about 250 grade five and six students on Wednesday.
Rotary’s Tom Gallagher said primary students took part in a discovery day, while secondary students competed across a range of sections under a STEAM theme – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths.
“The students built an eco-habitat, which was a building that had to withstand water, wind and pressure,” he said.
“We also had what they call fish traps, which is a 5000-year-old Aboriginal ancestral way of collecting food with tidal water – when a high tide comes in, they catch animals on the way out, that’s what fish trap’s about.
“We had an air turbine, an aeroplane, a Tetris called Job Jungle, and we had a bridge.”
Mr Gallagher said the seniors’ day was a national event, attracting up to 40,000 students across Australia.
The junior section at Longerenong saw eight teams enter, with Horsham’s Ss Michael and Johns Primary School the winner.
“We thank all the entrants, and the volunteers who run the day – we wouldn’t have been able to run it without the assistance of Friends of Rotary, Northwest Grampians Lions, and Green Park Lions,” Mr Gallagher said.
CHALLENGE: Maeve Patton, Amelia Watta and Brisbane Nielson of St Arnaud College.
HAPPY: Sonia Dhir, of Indian Punjabi Girls Group performing a Gibha dance at Ararat Rural City Council Harmony Day celebrations.
SPECIAL: Sisters Calista and Esther Hamura at Horsham College Harmony Day.
UNITED: Left, Solomon Island troupe at Ararat Rural City Council’s Harmony Day celebration, in collaboration with Rural Australians for Refugees at Gordon Street, Ararat.
SPECTACULAR: A crowd of 1200 people enjoyed a night out at RegFest on Saturday, cementing Horsham’s reputation as a premier destination for multi-regional events. The showcase marked the debut of Horsham City Oval’s new stage, which provided an impressive focal point for performances. Pictured are, clockwise from left: country music icon Adam Brand entertains; Leanne Shevlin and Harry Daggers; Sandra Nuske, Diana McDonald and Jenny Hopper; the crowd soaks up the atmosphere; Georgia Hutson, Yolande Hutson, Amy Gawith, Steven Petschel and Tim Miller; Mick Grey, Giny Grey, Darcy Taberner, Crystal Eccles, Sam Gowland and Bree Hofmaier; and centre, Casey Barnes takes the spotlight.
App connecting communities
Northern Grampians Shire residents can download a free smartphone application designed to foster community connection and provide vital information before, during and after emergency events.
The CommunityConnect app, which launched this month, simplifies staying connected, engaging with community events and supporting local businesses.
Mayor Karen Hyslop said the app provided real-time updates to help make residents’ lives easier while keeping them engaged in the community.
“The app will encourage interaction among community members and is designed to foster a sense of belonging and collective responsibility,” she said.
and landowners to engage, share information and promote things happening in their region.
“Among its key features is a business directory, so people can connect with businesses, community groups and other organisations,” she said.
“The app also has an events directory, which showcases local events, meetings and other community activities. There is a digital noticeboard, which you can easily browse and search for relevant information.”
Cr Hyslop said council staff would use the app to share important emergency preparedness and recovery information.
“This gives us an opportunity to quickly get information to the people who need it most, in the case of events such as the Grampians bushfires in December and January,” she said.
“It’s also perfect for people who don’t use traditional social media, as it’s a centralised noticeboard with a wealth of information at your fingertips.
“The premise is that you don’t need to visit multiple websites or look for business pages or contact details through various online searches.
“Instead, you log in to CommunityConnect and the information you need is in one place.”
Cr Hyslop said the app provided a platform for local businesses, community groups, residents
“This is not only key during an emergency, but also through the recovery phase, which as we know can be ongoing.
“It will also allow us to push out notifications about preparing for emergencies.”
The app is free and is available for both Apple users, via the app store, and Android users, via the Google Play store.
People can visit website community connect.digital for more information about CommunityConnect.
Donations secure service’s future
East Grampians Health Service’s Building for the Future Foundation invited sponsors and supporters to an afternoon tea this month to discuss ways to promote the foundation to the Ararat and district community.
The Building for the Future Foundation is a charitable trust established in 2010 with the purpose of providing money for staff development, special-purpose projects and equipment for the service.
The foundation is governed by six independent local trustees who manage its assets and the distribution of funding for the sole benefit of the health service.
The current trustees are chair David Hosking, Bill Jones, Geoff Laidlaw, Graeme Foster, Jill Tivey, Heather Fleming and East Grampians Health Service, EGHS, board directors Sybil Abbott-Burmeister and Cameron Evans.
Mr Hosking said the foundation funded educational scholarships for staff, assisted with purchasing equipment and funded large-scale projects, and was currently managing assets of about $7-million.
Mr Hosking said a donation to the foundation via a person’s Will would help ensure the future of the EGHS workforce and contribute to capital projects.
“If you choose to donate or leave the foundation a gift in your Will, you can be assured that it will be of immense value to the health service,” he said.
Since 2010, the foundation has donated $1.184-million to EGHS, including $537,000 in capital support and $847,000 in bursaries and scholarships.
The trust offers annual scholarships up to the value of $30,000 to individuals to enhance and develop their knowledge and learn new skills. In 2020 the foundation introduced a new scholarship on behalf of the Estate of Joe Kapp, up to the value of $15,000.
The scholarships are open to both clinical and non-clinical educational support to improve staff retention and to contribute to workforce development and service delivery.
Last year the foundation also introduced a Doctor in Training Scholarship, valued at $15,000 per year for four years to support an EGHS employee to complete qualifications in medicine, as well as a Master Scholarship valued at $20,000 to support an EGHS employee to complete a master course.
Keith Little also made another $15,000 scholarship available through the foundation in the name of Ray and Wayne Ord.
People considering leaving a donation to the foundation in their will can contact the foundation by emailing buildingforfuture@eghs.net. au or phoning 5352 9300 and requesting to speak to a trustee.
UNITED: Pictured, from back left, at the East Grampians Health Service Building for the Future Foundation function are Aidan Moar, Sarah Woodburn, Tony Roberts, Stuart Kerr, Euphemie Barr, Bill Jones, Dianne Radford, Cameron Evans, Catherine Howison, Heather Fleming and Nick Bush; and front, David Hosking and Keith Little.
What happens if… FINANCE focus
The introduction of compulsory superannuation in 1992 embedded the concept of retirement saving into our investment psyche.
While Australia’s superannuation scheme has its complexities, the idea is simple: regularly contribute a percentage of earnings to a complying superannuation fund to provide financial support upon retirement.
Well, that’s the plan. But what happens if your savings strategy is disrupted before you get to retirement?
Knowing how super is affected when life does not go to plan can help you determine your approach. So, what happens to superannuation when…
• You die. Superannuation is governed by Australian tax law, which means your Will does not determine how the benefits are distributed. This is done by nomination of beneficiary.
There are two types –
Binding nomination: specifies one or more dependents to receive the death benefits. Trustees must follow your nomination.
Non-binding nomination: records your preference although trustees retain discretion and distribute the benefits according to what is deemed most appropriate.
If you die without completing any form of nomination, the trustee’s decision around beneficiaries and entitlements may not be what you had in mind.
Speak to your financial adviser or fund trustee about completing a nomination of beneficiary. It’s quick, easy and provides peace of mind.
with Robert Goudie
• You die without a Will. Fund trustees refer to nominations of beneficiary whether a Will exists or not. If there is no binding nomination of beneficiary, the trustee assesses your relationships to determine entitlement. If there are no dependents, the death benefit may become part of your estate and be distributed according to intestacy laws.
Get your Will done. Additionally, speak to your financial adviser or fund trustee about completing a nomination of beneficiary.
• You get divorced. Superannuation, in family law, is considered an asset and entitlements are determined between you and your former partner through negotiation or court order.
Your former partner may then: open a super account for themselves; roll the amount into their existing complying fund; access the amount as a super benefit if they meet standard release conditions.
Tax-free and taxable components are calculated and divided proportionately between the two entitlements.
Your tax position may have changed and your contribution threshold may also be impacted. Seek professional advice to fully understand your new circumstances.
• You move overseas. Moving per-
manently overseas was once a condition of early release of super. The Australian government removed this option in 2002, the logic being that your savings can be maintained in Australia, where normal preservation and release conditions apply.
Alternatively, under the qualifying recognised overseas pension scheme, QROPS, you may transfer your savings to an eligible overseas fund.
Contact your fund trustee for information about what happens to your super while you are overseas. The Australian Tax Office, ATO, can also provide guidelines for managing and transferring super when leaving Australia.
• You retire early. The government’s approved early retirement scheme provides limited tax-free payments for people 65 and older and who have not reached retirement age. While aiming to encourage certain employee groups into early retirement, strict conditions apply and the tax structure is complex.
Speak to the ATO for more information, or visit the government’s Approved Early Retirement page.
Your superannuation is a valuable asset, and regardless of what life throws your way, making informed decisions about how your super is managed, can greatly impact your financial security in retirement.
Seek professional advice when in doubt and plan for success.
• The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.
Into the Woods cast call
Stawell Performing Arts Company has announced Into the Woods as its 2025 production, and invites interested people to an information session for both on-stage and behind-the-scenes roles.
Having staged several productions, the company is aiming to make this its biggest show yet, calling on as many people as possible to bring the show to life.
President Ian Mitchell said the company was committed to inclusivity.
“SPACi is a very inclusive group, we welcome people of all ages and abilities,” he said.
“We can find a role for you to enjoy, and remember we will also be looking for backstage, sound and lighting,
Community Grants Program
West Side Horsham will be allocating $10,000 to its Community Grants program for 2025.
Grants will be available to community groups that meet the relevant criteria, and range up to a maximum of $1,000 per application.
Application forms can be collected in the venue between 10am and 5pm from Friday, March 14.
Applications close at 5pm on Monday, April 7, 2025.
Please contact West Side Horsham on 5382 1416 if you have any questions.
We look forward to receiving your application so we can support our community!
Scan here to find out more
and front-of-house supporters.” The information session will start at 7pm on Friday at Stawell Golf Club.
Attendees can learn about the show, meet the production team, and sign up for an audition time.
Auditions will take place from April 25 at Stawell Golf Club, or April 27 at Stawell Entertainment Centre, between 2pm and 8pm both days, with additional times available by arrangement. The production is scheduled for late October to early November. For more information or to register interest, people can email spaci@ outlook.com or phone production director Margaret Arnup on 0418 879 493.
Laser Electrical has some big news!
We’ve got some really exciting news to share with you.
Our air-conditioning division has teamed up with Bondys Contractors, and we’re thrilled about what this means for you.
With this new partnership, we can now offer electrical, plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration services all in one place.
This allows us to take on bigger projects and give you even faster, more efficient solutions.
And don’t worry – it’s still the same friendly faces you’ve always trusted, providing the same great service.
We’re excited about this
next chapter and can’t wait to continue supporting you with our expanded team.
Thank you for being such an important part of our journey.
We’re grateful for your trust and support.
ALL WELCOME: Production director Margaret Arnup, centre, with SPACi performers portraying a scene from the musical of the witch attacking Rapunzel.
Former Dimboola resident Dave Hedt, who now resides in the United States, returned to the region to debut his Walkabout Mother Bins business at the Wimmera Machinery Field Days. Story, page 27. Picture: Bronwyn Hastings
Display of farming, regional life Sheepdog trials well supported
Moyston Sheep Dog Club hosted Victorian Working Sheep Dog Association trials earlier this month, an annual event that has taken place at the town for almost a century.
Moyston Sheep Dog Club president Max McLean said the event – in its 97th year and the longest-running sheepdog trials in Australia – was well-supported, with about 80 entrants across the competition, some travelling from interstate.
“We had to bring the trials forward a little bit because Saturday’s forecast was hot; the association has a policy that limits the work of the dogs when it’s above 35 degrees,” he said.
“It ended up being about 39 on Saturday afternoon, but we had finished by lunch.”
The standalone competition saw dogs compete to association rules, with a set layout, obstacles, and expectations of entrants, where they follow similar commands to their everyday paddock work.
“The rules are the same each year, with the dog expected to bring three sheep to the worker, but the dog’s not allowed to cross between the sheep and worker, which is different to paddock work,” Mr McLean said.
Mr McLean, whose father had a 50-year history with the trials, said the Burke family had also been keen supporters for many years.
“Bill Burke won the first trial we had in 1928. It started from a bet at Moyston’s Southern Cross Hotel, when two boundary riders from the Lexington and Mount Ararat stations had a bit of a challenge about who had the best dog.
“The blokes – Jimmy Murphy and Billy Mason – went down a couple of weeks later and tried it out down on the flat there where the oval is now. Jimmy won that with his dog, Toby, and then the trials were set for the next year, but neither of them won.
“Bill Burke came in from the side and beat them both.”
Although open to any dog breed, this year’s competition saw the majority being border collies, with some kelpies entered.
Bruce Harper’s working dog Ruby 3rd won the improver and open sections.
Ruby 3rd scored a total of 174 points, ahead of second-placed Mike Deppeler’s Deppeler’s Roy on 143 and third-placed Colin Reid’s El’Shamah Queen on 119.
In the open final, Anthony Ireland’s Oakdowns Byn placed second with 166 points and John Tuddenham’s Tintagel Peta third with 162.
In the novice final, Peter Kerin’s Belmonte Black Jack 3rd won with 116 points and Ed Thompson’s TK Joe was second with 79.
William Chisholm’s Nola was first in the encourage trial with 67 points.
Merino studmasters from across Victoria and South Australia are gearing up for the fifth annual Fabstock Wimmera Autumn Merino Sheep Show, set to take place at Maydale Reserve on Sunday.
The event offers a platform for professional and social interaction among breeders, wool growers, and young Merino enthusiasts.
Hosted by Horsham Agricultural Society, the show is organised by merino stud breeders from Tamaleuca Merino Stud in Ouyen, Melrose Merino Stud in Nurrabiel, and Glendonald Merino Stud in Nhill.
Horsham Agricultural Society executive officer Andrea Cross said there was an increase in entries this year from nearly 20 merino sheep studs, making it an excellent year for the sheep show.
“With the increased number of entries, preparations are already underway to ensure we have enough pens to accommodate the stock,” she said.
The judging panel will feature brothers Harry and Will Miller, both sixth-generation shearers and fifth-generation merino breeders from the Miller family at Glenpaen Merino Stud in Brimpaen.
2024 Longerenong College student Briney Wright volunteered as a show steward and also competed in the junior sheep judging competition, winning second prize.
Harry has previously judged at Sheepvention, while Will has experience judging merinos at the Lodden Valley Field Days.
Mrs Cross said the brothers had also been invited to judge at several sheep shows throughout Australia, as they embarked on a relatively new challenge in their careers.
Young people from the region, aged between 18 and 25, including students from Longerenong
College, will have the opportunity to showcase their skills in the junior sheep judging section, with the winner advancing to state level.
The prize pool will be $300, donated by Nutrien Ag Solutions.
“While the fleece competition has been a highlight in the past, dwindling volunteer numbers have posed challenges,” Mrs Cross said.
“However, the collection of commercial and non-commercial fleeces for the Wimmera Legacy fundraiser will continue, with submissions accepted from now until the Horsham Agricultural Show in September.”
The sheep show allows families to learn about rural life and food and fibre production.
“It provides a visual exhibition for the public and lets breeders compare stock and showcase their produce,” Mrs Cross said.
“The show is an accessible display of Australian farming and regional life, bringing the community together.”
General admission is free, and the event is fully catered from 7am for breakfast, lunch, and afternoon tea.
More details can be found on the Horsham Show Facebook page.
Full catalogue available on AuctionsPlus. Inspections by appointment for Noradjuha items on Friday, March 28 from 1pm to 3pm. Please call Andrew on 0437 717 879 for further details. Sale Opens Tuesday, April 1 @ 10am with timer starting at 6pm Thursday, April 3, 2025.
Crazy idea leads to big business
While the adages about idle hands imply unfavourable outcomes, the opposite is true for Dave Hedt, chief executive and founder of Walkabout Mother Bins.
Formerly of Dimboola and a permanent resident of the US since 2012, Mr Hedt was ‘home to help with harvest’ in 2015 for what, he said, was not a particularly good year.
“Of course, when you don’t harvest much, then you have some beers and then you come up with crazy ideas,” he said.
“I said to dad, ‘why don’t they have mother bins in the US?’, and he said, ‘why don’t you build some and find out?’.”
Mr Hedt contacted school friend and engineer Bruce Bartlett, together de-
signing a mother bin, before Mr Hedt found manufacturers in the US.
“In 2016, we built the first prototype. My goal was always to build the best mother bin I possibly could,” he said.
“I always dreamt of shipping them anywhere in the world, because they’re such a great efficiency tool, and I’ve always wanted to bring one home.
“So ever since day one, we’ve had a bolt together design so I could flat pack them in a shipping container.”
Mr Hedt has now built more than 110 at his South Dakota base, with another 30 to 40 to be built this year, and another 10 to be exported – including to South Africa and Kazakhstan.
Mr Hedt made the mother bin’s debut at this month’s Wimmera Machinery Field Days after shipping one to Australia and assembling it with Horsham Hydraulics staff.
Launching in the Wimmera marked Mr Hedt going full circle; he attended school at Dimboola and lived on the family farm on the town’s outskirts.
His move to the US started with a chance meeting of a man in a pub, and meeting a girl kept him abroad.
“I met a guy in a pub in Melbourne who had a contract harvesting business in South Dakota, so I went over there to work in 2003,” he said.
“I went back and forth after I made really good friends, and eventually I met a girl – so I moved over there and we’re still happily married, it’s great.”
Mr Hedt said his mother bins are meant to be a simple piece of equipment, but have features that revolutionise mother bins, and make them a little bit nicer to use.
“The bins have a self-steering front and hydraulically controlled rear steering that comes standard, with a
hydraulic system with a forward and back end in and out spout,” he said.
“That comes with a remote system to open and close both the rear and front doors and use the spout functions.
“You can use up to 20 remotes on it, but you also have the option to control it manually if you don’t have a remote with you.
“Pricing is very competitive against our local bins, too – our 110 tonne plus, and the reason we call it a plus is because you can roll the tarp with 110 tonne in it so you can get a lot more in it if you don’t roll the tarp, is $229,000 plus GST, and our 165 tonne is $289,000 plus GST.”
Mr Hedt said the bins could be used to unload grain bags and pick up piles.
“We have a couple of options; we have a vibrator if you’re doing really wet grain, which is not really an issue here, but in the US they do 40 per cent
Native nursery a growing enterprise
The native nursery at Wail has had a variety of incarnations across its 80-year history, but has maintained its reputation in the establishment and supply of a variety of indigenous plants for commercial and residential use.
Now under ownership of Barengi Gadjin Land Council, Dalki Garringa Nursery is working towards expanding its retail capacity while maintaining wholesale orders.
Nursery production supervisor Adam Blake said the land council took ownership of the nursery in 2017 and started producing plants about five years ago.
“It is still a wholesale nursery by and large, so the great majority of our stock is under order for the industry,” he said.
“At present, we’re doing some facility upgrades to make it better for retail, which will include shaded areas, cups of coffee, that kind of thing. I think it’s fair to say we’re in the growth stage.”
Mr Blake said people could visit the nursery by appointment.
“People are welcome to come in, but we don’t have as much retail stock as we will have in the future, but we are building that up,” he said.
“We do have hundreds of plants at the nursery, from trees to ground covers, bush tucker plants to ornamental shrubs.
“The bush tucker foods are becoming popular, as well as plants that have got medicinal qualities.
“For example, we have sea celery, an Australian plant that people have seldom heard of – it grows on our coastline here in Victoria, and tastes just like celery.”
About 12 staff, working casually and full-time, plant seeds and cuttings to establish the stock. This has the potential to expand in coming months, with the development of the retail side of the business.
People can visit the nursery’s website www. dalkigarringa.com.au for more information on opening hours and available stock.
– Bronwyn Hastings
moisture corn, for feedlots,” he said.
“We have also revolutionised the steering system in a mother bin – we can almost turn it around on itself, it’s so incredibly manoeuvrable.
“I’ll put it against any other mother bin on the market for manoeuvrability.
“We also developed a downforce hitch, which gives the tractor more control over the bin, rather than the other way around, and we have a fully contained electric tarp, so even if it’s not connected to a tractor, the electric tarp still works.”
People can find out more information about Walkabout Mother Bins at website motherbin.com, and can find out about Mr Hedt’s other invention, Outback Wrap at outbackwrap.com.
Mr Hedt said people could buy the bins direct, or through a local dealer, which is set to be finalised in coming weeks.
Drought help available
Member for Mallee Anne Webster has assured farmers they can access many drought assistance initiatives amid dry conditions across the region.
Farmers can access Farm Household Allowance for up to four years through Services Australia. The allowance is equivalent to the maximum Jobseeker rate, between $712 and $833 each fortnight, with eligibility criteria applying.
Other supports available include:
Access to Rural Financial Counsellors through 1300 735 578; Concessional Loans through the Regional Investment Corporation; Tax concessions and deductions such as the $20,000 instant asset write-off and accelerated depreciation for water and fodder infrastructure and fencing, with more drought assistance information available via 1800 806 218; Farm Management Deposit Scheme to set aside pre-tax income one financial year to draw on in future years; Support from the Australian Taxation Office to average tax liabilities for up to five years; Farm Business Resilience Program, which, to date, has helped 913 farm businesses develop business plans; and social and wellbeing support including the Farmer Assistance Hotline 13 23 16. People can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36.
PROMOTION: Dalki Garringa Nursery staff, from left, Pajocha Morabokkeeree, production supervisor Adam Blake, Brian Steff and horticulturalist Rose Feely, at the Wimmera Machinery Field Days. Picture: BRONWYN HASTINGS
Keeping connected on farms
The closure of the 3G network has prompted people in remote areas to find solutions to their connectivity needs, some of which were presented at the Victorian Farmers’ Federation grains conference at Horsham last week.
Telstra manager of rural and regional partnerships, sustainability, external affairs and legal Nic Stacpoole said a helpline had been set up to assist people after the closure, to explain options such as boosters and other technologies.
“It is critical to know that we did have to shut down the 3G network – it was outdated,” he said.
“It was not able to support the consumption of data people are using today – usage of data has been increasing 25 per cent each year since the network started about 20 years ago.
“Back then, we didn’t have all these streaming services, or video calls and conference calls, so we needed to upgrade it. We upgraded it to 4G, and now we’re in the process of upgrading to 5G.”
Mr Stacpoole said the company was collating data to problem-solve to meet clients’ needs, from having the capacity for water sensors and sending intermittent data, to being able to make phone calls from the paddock.
ENGAGED: Attendees at last week’s Victorian Farmers’ Federation grains conference at Horsham.
“It’s about working out what it is you’re trying to achieve, and then trying to find a solution that fits that,” he said.
Mr Stacpoole said the smaller aerials on new mobile phones had contributed to connectivity issues.
“Old phones had massive antennas, but there are tiny ones on today’s phones,” he said.
“Towers send out a big signal, but to make a phone call you have to send a signal back. That’s where boosters work well, because they provide a bigger antenna, whether that’s on your
car or at home. We’re working with companies to bring in newer technologies, such as Starlink and low-Earth orbit satellites.
“If you have line-of-sight to the sky, you’ll be able to do basic text messaging – we’re hoping for that in the next 12 months, then I’d suggest by 2027 we’ll be looking at voice, then we’ll look at data after that.
“Emergency services texting is available now, for iPhone 14 and the Samsung equivalent – you can text a service centre who then calls triple zero on your behalf.”
Mr Stacpoole said he was collaborating with the VFF, and had partnered with the National Farmers’ Federation and other businesses.
“We’re working together to find out where those black spots are so we can invest in that, plus also invest to upgrade the network to build its capacity under the Regional Connectivity Program,” he said.
Mr Stacpoole encouraged people to contact Telstra’s 3G helpline on 1800 990 853 to discuss any issues they are having and to find options for connectivity solutions.
Bigger is better when it comes to carting grain
The continual drive for efficient and seamless grain cartage from road, to rail and to port, paired with an increase of grain production, has most recently seen bigger trucks on regional roads.
GrainCorp road commercial manager Stewart Osborne said they were working towards allowing access for bigger trucks at their receival sites to assist in the process.
“We need to recognise that bigger trucks are better – we’re quickly transitioning away from B-doubles,” he said.
“They just don’t exist in Queensland anymore, and that change is happening more and more through New
South Wales and into Victoria.”
Mr Osborne said GrainCorp had 40 sites in Victoria for grain, with 13 on the 85-tonne A-double network, and 23 on the 91-tonne A-double network.
“We’re starting to see ABtriples going to Portland, and we’re very close to getting them into Geelong at 113-tonne,” he said.
Mr Osborne said several industry bodies were working towards the more efficient movement of grain, including the Victorian Farmers’ Federation, and the Grain Transport Safety Network, which includes GrainCorp and a number of other bulk handlers.
“The bigger trucks are not just cheaper per tonne, they also, on a per tonne basis, create less road wear, emit less carbon and are safer,” he said.
Although, Mr Osborne said the cheapest freight available was by ocean.
“Once it gets to a port and leaves, you might be talking US$15 to go around the other side of the world or across to the Philippines or wherever,” he said.
“Before that, ideally we’d have got it on a train because trains are the next most efficient form of transport in terms of dollars per tonne.
“But the reality for us is, all the grain comes in on a truck, and it either leaves on a train
or a truck from our upcountry network.”
Mr Osborne said 1.7-million tonnes of grain was put on rail in 2021, which increased to 2.2-million tonnes in 2024.
“We have some good exPacific National people who have a lot of experience in the rail industry, who have enabled a lot more access to the rail network, including longer and improved loops and sidings,” he said.
However, Mr Osborne said there were improvements that could be made to improve efficiency in both cartage by road and rail.
“What we see – and what breaks our hearts – is we
have stackers that can move 400 tonnes an hour, and we see drivers who are on the phone, and we see operators who consistently load at over 120 tonnes an hour, but others who come in and load at 40 tonnes an hour,” he said.
“It’s just human behaviour, but it’s something we have an influence on.
“And one thing that Paddy Prendergast – port operations manager for GrainCorp –from Geelong said to me was, if we could fuel the trains up close to Geelong instead of sending them back into Melbourne to refuel, that’d be huge.
“So there’s another opportunity.”
A heavy vehicle automatic bridge assessment tool that will save operators money and months of time will be implemented from January 1 next year.
Department of Transport and Planning senior policy officer Bryce Spittle said the new tool, which had been welcomed by NatRoad, Victorian Transport Association and Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia, could produce an outcome in about 15 minutes.
“Operators can apply for their access as per normal through the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator portal, it will then go into our Heavy Vehicle Structural Assessment Process System, HVSAPS, tool,” he said.
“People will be able to put whatever combination they want into that system, which will then assess the bridges that will be crossed on the Department of Transport and Planning network, and confirm whether or not they can run their combination on our network.
“That would be zero dollars to the operator, and they will be able to figure out the optimal combination to be able to move their product to the ports or to a grain retrieval site.”
Mr Spittle said the current permit process was long – up to six months – and required road and bridge engineers to manually research the proposed routes.
HVSAPS is funded by the Federal Government and developed in Victoria. It uses real-time information that will allow the industry to experiment and innovate with safer and more productive configurations in a shorter timeframe.
“For example, if you are in Queensland, you’ll be able to do a route assessment from Queensland to Victoria, plug it into the fully automated system and know exactly where you’re allowed to run your truck, and be able to get the full mass without having to figure that out yourself,” Mr Spittle said.
“Instead of you submitting a permit and finding out that halfway through that route the structure that you picked is not perfect for what you need to do, this will allow you to find the quickest and easiest and best way to get to where you need to go.
“It’s basically your Google Maps for a heavy vehicle operator in Victoria.”
– Bronwyn Hastings
Hosking up for the fight
Transmission lines, wild dogs, and mineral sands mines are among issues newly elected Victorian Farmers Federation president Brett Hosking has pledged to engage with members on.
Addressing the VFF grains conference at Horsham Golf Club last week, Mr Hosking said while there was a lot going on in agriculture at present, he was keen to keep moving forward as a newly elected board.
“It’s exciting, we’ve a new, refreshed board and we’re keen on moving forward and making change,” he said.
“We’re starting to see that happen and I hope that members are starting to see that happen.
“I don’t remember a time
in agriculture when there has been so much going on.
“For me it’s transmission lines, but it’s not just that because every time I talk to somebody, they will say, ‘well I’m dealing with this but at least I’m not dealing with renewables’, or, ‘at least I’m not dealing with mineral sands mines’.
“I was talking to a farmer who was losing sheep every morning to wild dog attacks coming out of the Big Desert, something that in 70 years of farming there he’d never had to face, until the last 18 months after a change in rules around control measures.
“He’s losing sheep every day and at the end of the conversation he said ‘well at least I’m not dealing with transmission lines’.
“But we shouldn’t be saying this, we shouldn’t be say-
ing ‘oh there’s worse problems than mine’. We should be actually moving forward from some of these problems.”
Mr Hosking outlined other issues affecting people in regional areas, including the state of the roads, the disconnect left by the closure of the 3G network, the animal welfare bill, and changes to the Fire Services Property Levy.
“The levy is going to triple, possibly quadruple over the next couple of years as it becomes the Emergency Services Volunteer Fund,” he said.
“I’ve spoken to a lot of landholders who sat in fire trucks at the edge of the Grampians or at the edge of the Little Desert waiting for the fire to come out because it wasn’t being contained inside those state parks, the management wasn’t in place to contain it, they stood there waiting for it,
and their bill’s going to go up.
“They’re going to be paying tens-of-thousands of dollars a year more, not just to the CFA and emergency services, but the SES, the call centres, the State Control Centre, Forest Fire Management – the people who possibly did not get that fire out, and I’m not being critical, but they didn’t get the fire out before it was dealt with by volunteers.
“We’re shifting the burden, the cost burden onto farmers, onto rural communities, onto people who are volunteers.
“When we started making the volunteers pay for the things they’re already doing, that they’re already supporting, the things the state should be contributing to, we’ve got a lot of pressure on us.
“So we’re going to get better, we’re going to get more vocal, we’re going to get stronger.
“We do have to really step up. We really need to push back hard. And that’s what I hope you’ll see out of VFF in coming weeks, months, and years.
“The policy team is probably having kittens while I’ve
Eileen’s lifelong legacy recognised
Eileen Jorgensen’s lifelong commitment to agriculture was recognised with a Victorian Farmers’ Federation life membership, awarded to her at last week’s Horsham conference.
An active member of the federation’s Wimmera and Murtoa branches since the early 1990s, Mrs Jorgensen has farmed between Murtoa and Rupanyup with her husband Peter since the mid-1970s.
The couple, along with one of their six children, Tim, produce grains, legumes, fine wool and Clydesdale horses.
Mrs Jorgensen’s VFF experiences range from the installation of the Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline to the current issues of mining, fire services levy changes, land access and biosecurity.
She said the benefits of the 2010-completed pipeline far outweighed the losses.
“We’ve had huge water savings with the pipeline, we don’t lose water through evaporation now,” she said.
“But I do feel sorry for the kids, because mine used to say they were bored and then go yabbying, but kids don’t get a chance to do that anymore.”
Mrs Jorgensen said she had confidence in the VFF, and felt it was already strengthening, however ‘it can be further improved’.
“I feel it needs to be more inclusive compared to what it was; I’d like to see more interaction between farmers on the ground and the head office,” she said.
“I feel at the present it’s improved to what it was in the last four years, and I think it will keep improving – it’s starting to get back on track.”
Mrs Jorgensen has volunteered on several committees, including the Country Women’s Association, Clydesdale Society, Partners in Ag, and Murtoa’s op shop, and has lived on only two properties during her life.
She grew up on a dairy farm and market garden at Lyndhurst,
HONOUR: From left, VFF grains president Ryan Milgate with VFF life members Meg Parkinson, Eileen Jorgensen and Ian Hastings, and VFF president Brett Hosking.
between Dandenong and Cranbourne. She started working at age 13, alongside her father.
“My dad was a third-generation market gardener dairy farmer, and my mother’s great-grandfather was an original settler in that area,” she said.
“I didn’t want to do anything else, I liked working with the cows.
“I think it’s genetic – I was born with agriculture in my blood.”
just said all this, but anyhow, they will deal with it because they’re a good team and they’ll support us, and they’ll make sure that we’ve got the right policies to support you.”
Unlocking drought relief
Plans for a drought network to transport feed and fodder is being developed by the Victorian Farmers’ Federation, Agriculture Victoria and Department of Transport and Planning.
Limitations on some bridges and culverts within the Department of Transport and Planning’s network, paired with considerable costs for permits to run to affected farms, present a barrier to larger vehicles operating within Victoria.
Freight Victoria land and freight systems senior policy officer Bryce Spittle said the spine network would allow larger vehicles direct access to sites.
“We’ve been working with the VFF team to determine distribution points along the network, where large vehicles such as AB-triples, A-triples, B-triples, and even heavy A-doubles, can drop off along the principal freight network,” he said.
Mr Spittle said the first part of the network focused on southwest Victoria. Livestock exchanges and saleyards at Ballarat, Mortlake, Camperdown, Hamilton, Colac and Horsham are potential sites, along with rest areas at Deep Lead, Dartmoor and Glenthompson, and Nhill trailer exchange.
“The idea would be that we could run an A-double at 36.5 metres from New South Wales or South Australia into Victoria to one of these drop-off sites, unhinge or unhook the trailer and turn it into a semi to allow it to run on the general access network to a farm site,” he said.
Mr Spittle said he would meet with representatives from both South Australia and New South Wales to determine what combinations would run into Victoria.
Brett Hosking
There is a better way
The current approach to meeting renewable energy targets is dividing communities, driving a deeper wedge between rural and metro people and creating unnecessary and extreme stress for many farming families.
The rush to meet policy targets has led to instances of poor consultation by government and appointed authorities, developers financially incentivised to take a short term view, i.e just get the project built, and project design that fails to consider long term benefit for all stakeholders.
There is a better way.
The move away from fossil fuels is a seismic shift from the way humans have created energy for heating and cooking for thousands of years and for transport for over a hundred years.
So maybe it’s worth thinking carefully about how we implement this change.
I need to put in a disclaimer here. I don’t know much about energy policy.
But I do believe if we consult widely and plan well, this reshaping of how we generate and transmit energy can bring significant benefits to rural and regional Australia.
Not though, with the current top down approach.
Present design thinking seems to
From left field
with David Matthews
focus on developing very large scale wind or solar installations.
These then require very large scale transmission infrastructure to get the energy to where it’s consumed.
Some landowners and communities are happy to host this infrastructure, but many are not.
This approach seems to be stuck in a past era, where generation had to be located at the energy source, usually a coal mine.
Then, of course, large scale transmission was required to move energy to the consumption centres. We needed an extensive grid.
The step change with wind and solar is we can now generate energy anywhere.
So why aren’t we putting more effort into design of distributed energy generation and localised grids?
Perhaps it’s because it’s a bit more complex.
Maybe it will take a bit longer to reach certain politically created targets. But how about we think of the long term upside?
Embracing distributed energy design would enable farms, businesses
and whole communities to become self-sufficient with their energy needs.
We could actually reduce the need for transmission. We could remove much of the poles and wire network.
And this locally generated energy could be used to power local homes and industry, not just exported out the region as happens with current large scale developments.
There will still be a need for large generation projects. But again, better design could overcome some of the current concerns.
Instead of a development of 250m high wind turbines, landowners might find a footprint of 15ha areas of solar panels more acceptable.
These 15ha areas, which generate about the same power as a large turbine, could be placed on less productive parts of the farm.
Or they could embrace an agrivoltaics philosophy and be used as a lamb containment area or native grass site. Or maybe even cover for free range poultry.
If government and developers don’t genuinely consult with the people most affected by the current push, we’ll never achieve the outcomes that are possible.
And for those of us who live in the regions, as well as being clear about the things we don’t want, let’s start talking about the things we do want.
LEADER: Agriculture
Victoria research scientist
Dr Audrey Delahunty was awarded the 2025 Emerging Leader – South award.
Accolade for Delahunty
Agriculture Victoria research scientist
Dr Audrey Delahunty has received the 2025 Grains Research and Development Corporation Emerging Leader –South award for her commitment and contribution as an emerging leader in the grains industry.
Victorian grain grower and panel chair Andrew Russell presented the awards, selected by the GRDC southern panel.
“Dr Delahunty kicked off her career with the grains industry through a PhD researching genetic solutions for heat tolerance in lentils – such a relevant and valuable topic for growers,” he said.
“Her focus on research of value to growers has continued and she has since extended her research into frost, quality, technology, and other pulses.
“Dr Delahunty is well known to
GRDC, researchers and growers across the industry through her regular speaking slots as a speaker at Grains Research Updates and at crop walks across the Wimmera and Mallee.
“We love seeing enthusiasm, intelligence and hard work in the up-andcoming generation of researchers and are thrilled to present her with this award.”
Dr Delahunty said it was a huge privilege and honour to receive the award, and thanked her team at Agriculture Victoria.
“I work with amazing people across the grains industry,” she said.
“I’m grateful for all the relationships I’ve made – all the people who have provided advice, mentorship and those who I work alongside every day.
“This is such an incredible industry.”
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‘Tariffic’ Trump Country Today
While we sit and wait with bated breath for US President Donald Trump to announce the next round of tariffs on April 2, his on again, off again tariff war is reverberating around the globe, with some unexpected consequences.
The two major Australian agricultural exports to the US that are most vulnerable are beef and lamb. Meat and Livestock Australia’s latest report on red meat exports states: “In 2024, Australia exported 2.24-million tonnes of red meat to 102 markets, representing the largest volume of red meat ever exported. The United States is the number one destination for Australian beef, lamb and goat meat. In 2024, we exported 394,716 tonnes of beef to the US, 104,210 tonnes of sheep meat and 22,559 tonnes of goat meat.”
The US beef herd is still rebuilding after the worst drought in decades, so whacking tariffs on our beef is only likely to increase the price to US consumers.
It’s already unsettling Americans with the latest consumer sentiment survey conducted by the University of Michigan showing a dive in confidence to the lows of 2022 during COVID And it gets worse, with five-year inflation expectations the highest since early 1993.
The US cattle industry is rattling the cage, nonetheless. R-CALF USA, which represents ranchers and cattlemen was the first to sing the praises of the President.
“Our organisation was the only one that publicly came out and said, we support these wholeheartedly whenever our price point in the cattle industry reaches a level that would incentivise our industry to begin expanding our cattle herd,
with Libby Price
we see a flood of imports,” R-CALF chief executive Bill Bullard said in a media statement.
Just last week, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association in the US took aim at the Free Trade Agreement Australia signed with the US in 2005, claiming it was ‘by far the most lop-sided and unfair trade deal’ for US cattle producers.
For 20 years, Australia has used a myriad of sanitary concerns and endless bureaucratic red tape to delay the approval of US beef, even though the United States is internationally recognised as having some of the highest food safety and animal health standards in the world.
That Free Trade Agreement is not worth the paper it’s written on as Trump will do what he likes with no consideration of previous agreements.
At the Global Food Forum held in Melbourne earlier this month, Federal Trade Minister Don Farrell was blunt.
“Donald Trump’s refusal to give Australia exemptions to trade tariffs on steel and aluminium is unjustified and completely unprovoked. He never had any intentions of granting exemptions.”
Minister Farrell said he would not retaliate and would instead be taking a calm and considered approach to diplomacy.
Bolstering the ag industry
The agricultural industry has been boosted by 80 Longerenong College students and apprentices, who have graduated from courses in agronomy, agribusiness management, agriculture and wool classing.
College marketing and business development co-ordinator Brad Barber said Friday’s graduation ceremony at Horsham saw students celebrated by their families, dignitaries and industry leaders from across the country.
“These qualifications represent a diverse and robust skill set that the graduates will carry with them as they enter the workforce, equipped with expertise in areas like agribusiness, agronomy, wool production, and general agricultural practices,” he said.
“The event celebrated not only their academic accomplishments, but also the strong ties the college has with the agricultural industry, ensuring that these graduates are prepared to make a real impact.”
Mr Barber said the college’s graduate employment rate was more than 95 per cent.
“Companies call us regularly, wanting to offer positions to our students, which is great,” he said.
Graduating with an Advanced Diploma in Agribusiness Management and a Diploma of Applied Agronomy, Amity Smith said growing up on her family farm near Ballarat inspired her to study at Longerenong.
“I am currently a machine operator at Altora Ag in central New South Wales, and am on the hunt for an agronomy position,” she said.
“For now I’ll just follow the
work – I’ve got the rest of Australia to explore – but ultimately it would be nice to run my own company or work with agronomy in the precision ag space, and one day move back near home.”
Nick Cushing, also graduating with an Advanced Diploma in Agribusiness Management and a Diploma of Applied Agronomy, is working at Nutrien Ag Solutions Rupanyup.
“I’m working as a trainee in ag and sales, it’s where Longy gets all their seed and chemical, so that’s how I found the job,” he said.
Mr Cushing said he would also like to return to the family farm, south of Beaufort at Lake Goldsmith, where they run a mixed enterprise of broadacre and sheep.
“For now, I’d like to build up a client base and work as an agronomist, until the old man retires from the farm,” he said.
“When that happens, I’ll move home and run the farm with my brother and hopefully take on cli-
ents at home, do a bit of half and half.”
The graduation ceremony awarded students who displayed excellence in specific areas and recognised the Dux of each qualification: Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness Management; Diploma of Applied Agronomy; Certificate IV in Wool Classing; Certificate IV in Agriculture; Certificate III in Agriculture; and Certificate II in Agriculture.
First boron + salt tolerant IMI lentil
Left, Longerenong College Certificate IV in Agriculture graduates
Jett Hird, Tom Dunn, Georgia Anderson, Griffin Fowler and Tom Cox, and below, Advanced Diploma for Agribusiness and Diploma of Applied Agronomy graduate
Amity Smith and Advanced Diploma in business management and agronomy graduate
Nick Cushing. Pictures: BRONWYN HASTINGS
Mr Barber said the event was a proud moment for the graduates and their families, as well as the college.
“Longerenong continues to play a key role in developing skilled professionals for the agricultural industry, and has done since 1889,” he said.
“The ceremony celebrated not just academic success, but the readiness of graduates to contribute to the future of agriculture.”
Just one promise
In a previous article, we discussed disputes involving promises made about family farms.
The High Court recently made an important decision which helps clarify when a person might make a successful claim to a farm based on a promise – even if it was only made once.
The case – Kramer v Stone [2024] HCA 48 – has some key points farming families should bear in mind.
The court held the person making the promise does not need to have later behaved in a way that further encouraged the other person to rely on the promise.
In other words, a single promise can be enough.
Also, the person making the promise does not need to have known the other person was relying on the promise.
In the case, a mother left her family farm to her daughter in her Will. However, for about 40 years, the farm had been managed by a share farmer who was not a family member.
About 23 years before her death, the mother made a verbal promise to the share farmer that he would receive the farm when she died.
The share farmer made life decisions to his detriment based on the promise.
He stayed on the farm, did not seek other job opportunities, accepted a low and irregular low income, shared farm costs and lived in poor conditions on the property.
The mother did not encourage the share farmer to rely on her promise in the years after it was made.
In fact, the evidence suggested the mother had forgotten she had made the promise.
When the farm was not left to him in the mother’s Will, the share farmer made a successful claim against the mother’s estate based on her promise he would receive the farm.
What does this mean for farming families and their advisors?
The recent decision has potentially expanded the scope of potential claims to include the situation where a single promise has been made, there has been no follow-up or ongoing encouragement and the person making the promise did not know the other party relied on the promise to their detriment.
A one-time promise could be enough to support a claim if additional factual and other requirements can be established. This may lead to an increase in future estate and other litigation and should also be considered as part of effective succession planning.
be Hosted at Natimuk Showgrounds, March 27-29
Come along to watch the best of the best working dogs and handlers.
This is a fantastic event for the Wimmera township of Natimuk - bringing participants and spectators to this part of the state to view the best working dogs competing for the grand prize of Champion. Other trial classes over the 3 day event are Maiden, Novice, Open & then Championship. The local pubs onsite units have been booked for accommodation and camping for participants will be provided.
We thank the many local businesses, farmers, and the Natimuk P & A Society for their support of the 2025 VYFUDA STATE Yard Dog Championship
The Victorian Yard Utility & Farm Dog Association work to help improve the quality and standards of livestock workers and stock dogs in the rural sector. We run regular events to provide an opportunity to showcase the skills of our members and their dogs. This cause is important to us, and the strides we have made so far wouldn’t have been possible without supporters in our community like you.
Wimmera township Natimuk have been announced as 2025 Hosts of the Coprice STATE Yard Dog Championships.
Held over 3 days 27-29th March with the Championship on Saturday’s Natimuk show day, will bring the best of the best working dogs in the state and interstate to compete!
Tracking dogs to protect livestock
AState Government tracking trial will give producers and management bodies information about the habits of wild dogs in the state’s north-western national parks, in a bid to curb increasing attacks on livestock in the area.
National Wild Dog Management coordinator Greg Mifsud said the GPS-enabled radio tracking collars were working well in other states, with more than 1000 dogs tracked.
“These devices give us much better detail about how these animals use the landscape from an ecological perspective, which is far better than just having cameras in the landscape,” he said.
Mr Mifsud said there was also capacity to use geo-fencing, which transmits an alert when a dog approaches a defined area.
“We can put a border or some sort of physical attribute or GPS location on those devices so that when the animals come near the edge of the park and in proximity to private property, the GPS device sends an alert to a nominated person that dogs are within X-number of metres or to the boundary or whatever asset that they’re trying to protect,” he said.
“That’s why I put the proposal forward. I saw it as a way of allowing landholders and the government to be able to monitor population of dogs in the park, while also allowing
landholders the capacity to know what the dogs are doing and allowing them to respond and modify their grazing practices to avoid those conflicts.”
Mr Mifsud said footage of distressed dogs caught in traps, to enable the collars to be put on, was inaccurate and detrimental to the research project.
“The dogs shown were alarmed and jumping around, but that is only after the people taking the videos were physically walking towards them,” he said.
“If you look at some of the videos online, most often those dogs are curled up in a ball fast asleep.
“The point that I’d like to make is that these traps hold animals by the foot, and once they get over the original shock, they are generally quite calm. When we’re doing our research, we can almost walk right up to them and process them.”
Mr Mifsud said if the State Government entertained non-lethal control techniques such as donkeys, guardian dogs and fencing, the collars on the guardian animals would show how they interact with wild dogs.
“Maremmas could travel through the park and actively chase the dogs away from the livestock,” he said.
Mr Mifsud said the tracking information would be provided to producers in the project. People can find further information on the National Wild Dog Action Plan website.
Partnership Against Pets field day
The success of a Grampians program that uses a systematic approach to control foxes will be the subject of a field day in the southern Grampians.
The free field day, hosted by Warrnambool Coastal Landcare Network, will be on April 8 from 10am to 2pm at Orford Hall. It will be the last in a series of events as part of the Partnership Against Pests program.
The Grampians Ark project has brought together landowners, government departments and Landcare groups to use a variety of fox control methods.
Guest presenter South Grampians and Environment Landcare Network facilitator Lisa McIntyre will detail how the coordinated partnership approach can keep foxes at bay.
Grampians Ark delivers fox control across 226,000 hectares of the Grampians National Park, Black Range State Park, Grampians State Forest and adjoining private land in partnership with the Mirranatwa and Panyyabyr Landcare groups.
Ms McIntyre said Grampians Ark started in 2010 to slow the movement of foxes from the Serra Range to the Victoria Range by doing control work in the valley.
Control work in the Victoria
Valley includes co-ordinated landscape-scale fox baiting.
The baits are cleared after 10 weeks allowing other forms of control to be used, including spotlighting, fumigating, den destruction or fox cages.
“The program doesn’t preclude people who don’t want to put baits on the ground,” Ms McIntyre said.
“We know one form of control method doesn’t work as well if you don’t have other forms of control. We try to make it as easy and accessible as possible.”
Ms McIntyre described it as a more co-ordinated way to control foxes.
NOTED: Guest presenter South Grampians and Environment Landcare Network facilitator Lisa McIntyre will detail how a co-ordinated partnership approach can keep foxes at bay.
“Because we’ve so many people involved, along with blue gum farms, we can put out one bait per 100 hectares, which reduces the amount of bait, is more efficient and reduces the habit foxes have of caching baits and storing them in dens.”
Also at the Orford field day, Agriculture Victoria’s David Blythe and Fraser Harrison will discuss emerging pest species, like feral pigs, that are making their way into the state, and Friends of Pallister’s Reserve members will discuss their experiences with fox control and demonstrate control methods.
“Previously, it was fairly adhoc. Farmers were putting out baits but weren’t necessarily joining up with each other or doing it at the same time,” she said.
All entries close on Monday, March 24
Venue: Navarre district
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Operating a Business from Your Home Property
What You Need to Know
Running a business from your home property can be convenient and cost-effective, but it’s important to understand how it can affect your insurance coverage.
Many homeowners don’t realise that operating a business from home can impact the claims process and may even void your coverage if you haven’t properly disclosed your business activities to your insurer.
Most standard home insurance policies don’t cover business-related risks or damages that occur because of business activities on the property. For example, if you have customers visiting your home or business equipment stored on-site, your policy may not cover damage or theft of that property.
What many don’t realise is that this can extend beyond business-related incidents. A claim unrelated to your business, such as a water pipe burst that causes damage to your home, could be excluded if you’re running a business from home and haven’t disclosed it to your insurer.
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From The Weekly Advertiser archives: March 24, 2005 –Ararat’s Jarrod Brewster with the trophy he earned for his winning entry in the Rocker Cover races at Alexandra Oval during the Jailhouse Rock Festival. The 10-year-old took the honours in the open section of the novel event.
10 years ago: March 25, 2015
A $600,000 gift from the Geoff and Helen Handbury Foundation wiped off more than half the money required to complete Horsham Town Hall and art gallery’s redevelopment project. Horsham Mayor Mark Radford said the donation would ensure Horsham Regional Art Gallery improvements would leave a legacy of highquality gallery space. Work on the $17-million project started in February 2014 and was due to be completed by the end of 2015.
Five years ago: March 25, 2020
Nhill-based ‘Save the Overland’ protestors were fighting to retain the rail service, which was due to run out of funding at the end of the month, but was cancelled earlier due to COVID-19-forced border closures. West Wimmera Health Service chief executive Ritchie Dodds said losing the service would be detrimental to his staff, as some had migrated from other countries and were without driver’s licences.
One year ago: March 27, 2024
After a lengthy debate, Horsham Rural City Council approved a planning permit for a service station to be built on the southern outskirts of Horsham. The development, near Riverside, was to include two bowser canopies with eight bowsers for cars and six bowsers for trucks, a single-storey building with a lounge, toilets, kitchens and seating area, and 76 car parking spaces and 10 truck parking spaces.
taKe a BReaK
yOUR LUCKy staRs With saRah KULKens
ARIES (March 21 - April 20)
Lucky Colour: Blue
Lucky Day: Friday
Racing Numbers: 7, 8, 9, 3
Lotto Numbers: 4, 12, 23, 24, 35, 41
1. What do English actress Keira Knightley, American poet Robert Frost, and American singer Diana Ross have in common?
2. In birth order, who are the late Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s four children?
3. What is the main purpose of a vehicle’s catalytic converter?
4. Which Asian country’s national flag consists of a red background with a yellow star in the top left corner?
5. On this day in 1953, Dr Jonas Salk announced he had successfully tested a vaccine to prevent which disease?
6. Which acting icon embodied Atticus Finch in the 1976 To Kill a Mockingbird movie?
7. What is the literal translation of karaoke?
8. In the 1980 children’s novel by Roald Dahl, what does Mrs Twit put into Mr Twit’s spaghetti?
9. What is the title of the book used to write insulting remarks about classmates and teachers in the movie Mean Girls?
10. What is the traditional wedding cake cutting ceremony meant to symbolise?
Empty orchestra. Daisuke Inoue, a Japanese musician, invented the first karaoke machine in 1971. 8. Worms. 9. Burn Book. 10. The couple’s first joint task and shared future.
Answers: 1. They were all born on this day, in 1985, 1874, and 1944 respectively. 2. King Charles III, Princess Anne, -An drew and Prince Edward. 3. To reduce exhaust emissions. 4. Vietnam. 5. Polio. In 1952 a major outbreak in the US infected about 57,000 people, killed more than 3000 and left some 20,000 with a form of paralysis. Today the disease is very rare, only known of in Pakistan and Afghanistan. 6. Gregory Peck. 7.
Our office is at 2 Stawell Road, Horsham. Mail: PO Box 606, Horsham 3402. Telephone: 5382 1351
5382 1351: Mark Sulic: marks@team.aceradio.com.au; Lee Meadows: leem@team.aceradio.com.au; Kelly Schilling: kschilling@aceradio.com.au; Danica Cutter: dcutter@aceradio.com.au; Heidi Higginson: heidih@aceradio.com.au; Lily Olver: lolver@aceradio.com.au
Newsroom 5382 1351: Lauren Henry: lhenry@aceradio.com.au; Bronwyn Hastings: bhastings@aceradio.com.au; Georgia Bailey: georgiab@team.aceradio.com.au The publisher and general manager is Brendan O’Loughlin,
Someone in a position to help could offer assistance, boosting your luck. Financial matters may improve unexpectedly, setting the stage for a prosperous period.
TAURUS (April 21 - May 20)
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Racing Numbers: 7, 8, 9, 3
Lotto Numbers: 1, 6, 8, 23, 35, 22
Things may be moving slower than you’d prefer, but improvement is near.
Special people in your life could help advance your career.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 21)
Lucky Colour: Silver
Lucky Day: Saturday
Racing Numbers: 6, 3, 4, 6
Lotto Numbers: 3, 5, 45, 13, 39, 40
Legal matters require the expertise of professionals. An unexpected windfall could boost your finances, and family matters will take a positive turn.
CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
Lucky Colour: Orange
Lucky Day: Tuesday Racing Numbers: 7, 3, 1, 5
Lotto Numbers: 6, 12, 24, 34, 45, 11
Be cautious when making promises, and only commit when fully informed. It’s a socially busy time with luck on your side in games of chance.
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Day: Monday
Racing Numbers: 9, 7, 6, 4
Lotto Numbers: 9, 4, 5, 45, 33, 21
A romantic or interesting offer may come your way. Misunderstandings with friends or relatives are possible, so tread carefully with communication.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 23)
Lucky Colour: Lilac
Lucky Day: Monday
Racing Numbers: 6, 7, 3, 4
Lotto Numbers: 2, 13, 24, 34, 41, 11
Avoid being too demanding with loved ones. You may be called upon for advice. Socially, it’s a vibrant time, but take care of your health.
LIBRA (September 24 - October 23)
Lucky Colour: Cream
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Racing Numbers: 8, 9, 5, 4
Lotto Numbers: 1, 14, 23, 34, 42, 33
Your reputation could be on the line, so be cautious with promises. Financial improvements may come slowly, but your organisational skills will be crucial in speeding things up.
SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22)
Lucky Colour: Violet
Lucky Day: Tuesday
Racing Numbers: 2, 4, 3, 7
Lotto Numbers: 2, 4, 12, 23, 31, 22
Health could be a key focus, either for yourself or someone close. Cool-headed logic may be more helpful than emotional responses during this time.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 20)
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Day: Monday
Racing Numbers: 8, 9, 3, 4
Lotto Numbers: 5, 12, 23, 34, 45
You may be enjoying the good life a bit too much, leading to possible weight or health concerns. Travel plans may need revising, and errors in judgement are possible, so be thorough.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19)
Lucky Colour: Blue
Lucky Day: Tuesday
Racing Numbers: 8, 4, 5, 6
Lotto Numbers: 1, 13, 24, 34, 42, 22
Happy times with loved ones are on the horizon, and a cherished wish may come true. Reuniting with old friends could bring surprising developments, potentially altering your future plans.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 19)
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Day: Friday
Racing Numbers: 4, 5, 6, 2
Lotto Numbers: 1, 3, 12, 24, 34, 45
You may learn valuable lessons from someone you hadn’t appreciated before. It’s time to embrace new ideas and information, and you might even consider furthering your education.
PISCES (February 20 - March 20)
Lucky Colour: Silver
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Racing Numbers: 7, 8, 3, 4
Lotto Numbers: 2, 13, 23, 34, 41, 11
d e f g h i
Tact and diplomacy are essential, as misunderstandings could arise easily. Financial improvements are likely, helping restore your confidence.
Fill in the blank cells using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block.
Quick Workout
Fit the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 into the hexagons so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers will be the same. No number is repeated in any hexagon.
forms or plurals ending in ‘s’
* No proper nouns and no hyphenated words
Good: 12 words FOCUS Very good: 18 words Excellent: 30 words
Fit the given numbers into the hexagons so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers will be the same No number is repeated in any hexagon
has announced the introduction of its all-electric G-Class range to Australian showrooms this week, the G 580 with EQ Technology, as it is formally known, available from $249,000 plus on-road costs. With four electric motors – one at each wheel and with 108kW/219Nm apiece – the G 580 EQ offers a total system output figure of 432kW/1164Nm. That number means the battery-powered model delivers 2kW and 314Nm more than the twin-turbocharged 4.0-litre V8 petrol-powered AMG G
63, a model the G 580 EQ undercuts on price by more than $119,000.
Power comes from a 400-volt/ 116kWh battery pack (which is protected by a 26mm thick composite bash plate) to offer a claimed driving range of 567km – NEDC.
The pack may be recharged from 10 to 80 per cent in 32 minutes via a 200kW DC fast charger. An 11kW AC charger is also available.
Riding on the same ladder-frame chassis as its petrol-powered sibling, the 2025 Mercedes-Benz G 580 with EQ Technology offers G-Turn steering ability to its off-road arsenal, each
wheel capable of being powered individually for additional prowess away from the beaten track.
Water wading is 150mm deeper than petrol-powered models, at 850mm, while a three-speed crawl function allows the G 580 EQ to crawl rocks, climb at a 45-degree angle, or traverse a 35-degree grade.
A 360-degree camera system with transparent bonnet feature is also included.
Visually, the G 580 EQ sports aerodynamic elements, a backpack-style tailgate charger housing – in lieu of the spare wheel – and the availability
of a blanked-out grille with darkened headlights to further define the model as ‘all electric’.
Inside, familiar dual 12.3-inch instrumentation and infotainment screens run the latest MBUX software and offer connectivity features familiar to the petrol range.
The range is available with options including the Night Package, $4300; Manufaktur Exterior Package, $4100; Black Panel grille cover, $3800; Superior Line Interior Plus Package, $14,500; and Interior Comfort Package, $8500.
In welcoming the G 580 EQ Down
Under, Mercedes-Benz will offer a limited-run Edition One variant, from $299,000, boasting blue styling elements, five different paint colours, 20-inch aerodynamic wheels, Nappa leather upholstery in silver pearl over black, and carbon-fibre decorative garnishing.
The 2025 Mercedes-Benz G 580 with EQ Technology is now available nationally.
The Mercedes-Benz G 580 with EQ Technology 2025 pricing – plus onroad costs: G 580 a: $249,000; G 580 Edition One a: $299,000. – Matt Brogan
— Page 44
• Nissan puts driverless tech to the test on busy streets of Yokohama, Japan
Australia’s RAV4 supply at risk
Australia’s best-selling car, the Toyota RAV4, may be at risk of supply shortages following an explosion that rocked suspension supplier Chuo Spring’s Fujioka factory in Toyota City, Japan, killing one employee and injuring two others.
The explosion is understood to have snarled Toyota’s justin-time supply chain, halting the supply of suspension components to two of the seven lines at Toyota’s Takaoka assembly plant – which produces the RAV4 and US-market Harrier, a close relation of the Lexus RX.
The explosion has also impacted a related Daihatsu line in Kyoto that produces the Toyota Probox, a compact commercial wagon sold both domestically and into developing markets.
“Safety is Toyota’s top priority,” a Toyota Motor Corporation spokesperson said.
“Safety investigations are currently underway at the Chuo Spring site.”
While it is too soon to predict any possible impact on overall production numbers, the interruption to RAV4 production could prove troublesome for Toyota Australia, with the importer currently delivering more than 4400 examples of the RAV4 per month.
Speaking with GoAuto, a Toyota Australia spokesperson said they were seeking further information from its production team in Japan.
“At this stage it’s too soon to know if this will impact on RAV4 production for Australia,” he said.
Both Toyota Australia and Toyota Motor Corporation expressed its condolences to the family of the victim of the Chuo Spring plant explosion, saying it would look to recover lost output once investigations into the cause of the explosion are complete.
It is understood the March 6 explosion occurred in a dust collector at the plant and is the second for Chuo Spring in as many years, following an October 2023 explosion and subsequent fire that caused 10-day part shortages at several Toyota plants.
ROCKED: Supply of Australia’s most popular car may dry up after an explosion at the Japanese plant of supplier Chuo Spring. Pictured are workers at the plant before the explosion.
Driverless tech tested on public roads
Nissan has been developing its driverless vehicle technology since 2017 and recently put its latest prototype to the test on busy public roads in Yokohama’s Minato Mirai region, proving its potential in “a complex urban environment”.
Unlike the brand’s autonomous demonstration last year, during which it put a prototype self-driving Leaf through on-road testing around Yokohama, the latest trial run didn’t have a ‘backup’ driver behind the wheel –instead, an occupant sat in the passenger seat of the vehicle.
The Nissan Serena van, a top seller in Japan, was fitted with 14 cameras, nine radars and six LiDAR sensors, mounted throughout the vehicle, with the Serena’s high roof offering a visibility advantage of previous Leaf-based prototypes.
Nissan used AI alongside the array of cameras and sensors, to improve recognition, behavioural prediction and vehicle control in complex scenarios, and its engineers verified a range of possible scenarios along the test route.
The vehicle was equipped with an emergency stop function and other redundancies, like Nissan team members sitting in a control room ready to act, and of course the occupant within the van itself.
The technology has been developed, Nissan explains, through its research in Japan, at the Nissan Advanced Technology Centre in Silicon Valley, and through its backing of the UK-based evolvAD project.
Nissan has confirmed it is now planning service demonstration tests around Yoko-
hama using 20 of its autonomous drive (AD) equipped vehicles, across 2025 and 2026. It is also building an operational framework and service ecosystem.
The manufacturer plans to use self-driving technology to offer mobility services in Japan from 2027, which it says will ‘enable freedom of mobility’ amid a growing driver shortage that is the result of an ageing population.
The plans are backed by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; other government ministries through a Level Four Mobility Acceleration Committee.
Meanwhile, self-driving solutions continue to accelerate in the United States as Hyundai beats Tesla to the robo-taxi punch via third party service providers like Waymo – formerly Google’s self-driving project – and emerging player Avride.
Waymo is already operating in parts of California, Arizona, and Texas using Jaguar I-Pace and Chrysler Pacifica models in its autonomous fleet, but the company recently shared plans to purchase Hyundai Ioniq 5 models.
Earlier this month Texas-based self-driving technology startup Avride also partnered with Hyundai to expand its robo-taxi fleet with 100 Ioniq 5 models.
Tesla chief executive Elon Musk promised a similar robo-taxi service by mid-year, during the Tesla Q4 2024 Earnings Call, but it might just be Hyundai and Nissan that win the self-driving race with real-world runs on the board.
TESTING: Nissan put its driverless vehicle prototype to the test in Japan, with an occupant in the passenger seat, not a ‘back-up’ driver.
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death notices
90th Birthday
March 27
Looked good at 19, Still good at 90.
All our love, Claude, Johnny, Rita & Tiny, six grandchildren & one great grandy.
HOUNSELL (nee Williams), Helen Margaret
13.02.1945 – 23.03.2025
Passed away 23rd of March 2025.
Loved wife of Ron.
Cherished mother & motherin-law of Steven, Darren + Jenni, James + Kiersten, Michelle + Andrew.
Adored grandmother of 9 & great grandmother of 10.
Your love & Strength will always be with us.
Horsham & District Funerals
Dylan & Amity Hartwich 5382 1149
McKENZIE, Shirley F.
Of Warracknabeal on March 21st, 2025
John William
Of Horsham and formerly Hahndorf, Monarto & Adelaide.
Died 21st March 2025, aged 89 years & 7 months with his daughters Louise & Naomi by his side.
Much loved cheeky Grumpa of 6 grandchildren.
Reunited in heaven with his beloved wife Eleanor, parents Roy and Frieda, brothers Alan and Neil.
The Lord is my Shepherd.
HILL, Billie
Passed away peacefully on March 12, 2025 aged 94 years.
Loved and remembered always by her sister Elaine, nieces Lisa and Jacqui and their families.
HILL, Billie
Passed away on March 12, 2025 aged 94 years.
Loving daughter of Lincoln & Annie (both dec).
Sister of Pat (dec), Elaine, Nancy (dec) and Geoff.
In God’s Care
Loved Wife of Trevor
Loved Mother & Motherin-law of Brad & Bec, Leigh & Sarah, Nanna of Riley & Chloe
McKINNIS, Lindsey Victor of Ararat
Beloved brother and brother-in-law of Lola and Brian (dec).
Loving uncle to Jilleen (and Paul) and Delwyn.
Dear great-uncle to Bronte.
Much loved and deeply missed.
Now resting peacefully.
McRAE (nee Rushbrook), Frances Lillian ‘Fran’
Passed away peacefully on March 24, 2025 aged 85 years.
Dearly loved mother and mother-in-law of Steve & Gloria.
Adored Nanna to Alaura & Jaxon; Claudia & Riley. Great Nanna to Charli.
Cherished sister of Helen.
Treasured memories are ours to keep
PETERSON (nee Bunting), Nancy
Dear mum, nan, great-nan, Your presence I miss, your memory I treasure.
REID, E.W. ‘Wayne” of Bendigo formerly Warracknabeal on March 12, 2025
Loved father of Kristen, Naomi, Damian, Anthony & their families
In keeping with Wayne’s wishes a private funeral will be held.
Live streaming of the service will be available on Thursday March 27, 2025 commencing at 11am.
LINK: https://livingitlive.com. au/wayne-reid/
W.B. Gardiner & Son
Funeral Directors Warracknabeal 0407 340 064
DRUM, Angela ‘Ange’
A memorial service for the late Ange Drum will be held at Banyena Hall, 3568 Banyena Rd, Banyena on Friday the 4th of April commencing at 11:00am.
Following the service Ange’s family warmly invite everyone to stay for a light lunch and refreshments.
Ange’s ashes will be interred with Mum and Dad in a private family gathering.
Details will be updated with www.davidbull.com.au
FULWOOD, John William
The Funeral of John William Fulwood will take place at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Horsham on Monday, 31 March 2025 commencing at 12noon. Private cremation.
The service may also be viewed online at youtube. com/@horshamlutheran churchaustr7146/streams
In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of John may be made to the Christian Emergency Food Centre. Donation envelopes will be available at the service.
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter
Ph 5381 1444 AFDA Member
Billie Hill was farewelled at a private family gathering.
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter Ph 5381 1444 AFDA
HOUNSELL (nee Williams), Helen Margaret
The graveside service for the late Mrs. Helen Hounsell will be held at Horsham Lawn Cemetery on Monday 31st of March commencing at 1pm. Please wear a splash of colour.
Amity & Dylan Hartwich 5382 1149
The Funeral of Mrs Shirley F. McKenzie will leave the Uniting Church Warracknabeal on Tuesday April 1st, 2025 after a Service commencing at 11am for the Warracknabeal Lawn Cemetery
W.B. Gardiner & Son Funeral Directors Warracknabeal 0407 340 064
McRAE, Frances Lillian ‘Fran’
The funeral of Fran McRae will take place at St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Horsham on Thursday, April 3, 2025 commencing at 1.30pm Private cremation.
The service may be viewed online at horsham. unitingchurch.org.au/watch
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter Ph 5381 1444
number) in the advertisement.
2 beautiful Jack russell puppies both male born 3rd Feb, source# 116613, microchip# 95301000702031 0/953010007019451 $750 each Ph Peter 0403409354
2 beautiful sweet 20 yr old mares, need a perfect forever home, unfortunately I can't afford all that I have anymore, both $500 ono, to good homes ONLY Ph 0423182267
Aged pensioner looking to buy a male chihuahua, 1 1/2 - 2 years old Ph 0421237043
Aust White/Dorper Ewes pic# 3WWWJH126 Ph 0447275737
Beeamma White, Australian White Stud purebred rams, private sale on farm, BRUC, ACC, OJD, VAC, ewes available, Elders Alan Thompson 0427849779, Rod Donnell (08) 87582095
Birds for sale , princess parrots, cockatiels and bourkes, all colours Ph 0408535515 Stawell
Bristlenose catfish , great tank cleaners $5ea until sold out Ph 0474159010 after 6.30pm
Budgies , assorted colours $10 each Ph 0417533579
Budgies , pastel and standards $10 each Ph 0428010996 Horsham
Chihuahua puppies , last litter, one girl and two boys available, born on 20/01/25, grey/white male microchip#
953010006886663 Grey male microchip# 953010006886703
Black female microchip# 953010006886699, source MB168010, microchipped and first vaccination, ready to go Ph 0406048840
Goats for sale, 6mth old male goat, pregnant female goat Ph 0414851313
Goats for sale, mixed breeds, pic# 3YKHS059, from $60 each Ph 0427361940
Love birds assorted colours $20 each pick up only Warracknabeal Ph 0447776408
Purebred black faced Dorper , rams and ewes, rams 2yrs old, ewes 9months old, pic# 3HSDC083 Ph Liz 0419664345
Purebred German Shepherd, 13 weeks old, black and tan, great temperament, toilet trained, straight, 2 boys source# MB115424, m/chip# 953010007067038/7069200 Ph 0421018631
Purebred German Shepherd, 7 months, black and tan, great temperament, toilet trained, straight, one boy & one girl source# MB115424, m/chip# 956000016586733/6681104 Ph 0421018631
Roosters, ducks and guinea fowl wanted to buy Ph 0427361940
Very pretty & young budgies, assorted colours, ready to go $10 each Ph 0423182267
2014 Lagoon Pasadena Caravan, 2 single beds, showr & toilet, diesel heater, air con, annex & rear camera, sat king TV, $38,000 Ph 0427861784
Caravan 20' full length, solid annex, ensuite shower, basin toilet, on permanent site in Portland Seaside Caravan Park, fully furnished, for holidays or permanent living $5800ono Ph 0432544164
CUB Escape camper, 2020, Australian made, off road camper that will go anywhere, queen size bed, all canvas awnings, very good condition
$24,800 Ph 0490532715
Jayco 1985 pop-top caravan , elec brakes, full annex, new tyres, microwave, tv, lots of storage, new mattress, full rego $4500 ono Ph 0428820446
Jayco Finch Pop Top, double beds with fly mesh, electric brakes, boat rack, annex $12,000 Ph 53582560
MDC Highside Cruiser 2019
3 ton McHitch, fridge, redarc dc to dc charger, EC $14,500 Ph 0407147996
REDUCED 2006 Concept
Ascot pop-top, immac cond, shedded, low kms, new full annexe, R33763 $18,500 Ph Ray 0413445347
REDUCED 2009 Jayco
Stirling Expander , immaculate cond, front club lounge, slide out q/bed, full ensuite, roll out awning and full annex $40,000ono Ph 0428913307
REDUCED 2014 Concept
Innovation, 590R, 19ft 6in, full ensuite, WM, Q bed, full fridge/freezer, TV, new microwave, 2 batteries, AC, 2 toolboxes, awning, annex, ex cond, $42,000 Ph 0437164589
REDUCED 2018 Dingo
Ultimate Camper , heavy duty top of the line off-road trailer including boat rack, fully enclosed annexe including ensuite, lots of storage, built-in instant gas hot water to sink and shower, dual AGM batteries and built-in inverter and charger, innerspring mattress and ability to make up second double bed, two new off-road tyres, VGC, Y76535 $16,500ono Ph 0407360212
REDUCED Isuzu Outback
Express Motorhome for sale, 2 seater, sleeps 3, 4ltr diesel engine, solar panels, auto, diesel, fridge, tv, shower, toilet, stove and lots more, have to see to believe, can drive on normal car licence, 3.1m long, RWC, $38,000 with 6mth rego and RWC Ph Phillip 0428173606 or Susan and ask for Phillip 0458727370 Horsham
REDUCED New Age 2013, queen bed, TV, large fridge, microwave, gas/electric hot plates, toilet, shower, washing machine, full annex, sway bars, $44,000 Ph 0427778747
Toyota Coaster camper , 2 seater, diesel heater, 1hz motor, solar and 12v awning much more $40,000 Ph 0418325662
1997 Hercules Tipper
$76,000 plus Gst Ph 0428386295
Air Seeder RFM 30' $20,000 Ph 0427031310
Cox ride on lawn mower $900 Ph 0407285097
12L weathershield Indian red , semi gloss $120 Ph 0419359501
Camping equipment, 2 dome tents, 10 man and 4 man, sleeping chair tent, 3 roll up tables, shower tent, 2 gas stoves, 4 spare bottles, camp kitchen, blow up q/bed $450 Ph 0429164375
Camping Equipment, including as new Yamaha 2KVa inverter generator never used, aqua cube shower, porta potty, Komodo pantry, and clothesline $2500 Ph 0458683879
CCE cage on wheels 6x4 well made $400, 500 gallon ex fuel tank $100, Coolgardie safe $100, Ute crate, 6x4 tub tight $50, Bailey extension ladder 5.3 extends to 6.3
$500, leith grain measuring sheep feeder $1000, new Holland Mower GC with parts, best offer Ph 0429857207
Gold and opal ring, approx 80yrs old, current valuation $4500 would like $2500 Ph 0458014560
Kirby Avalir 100th Anniversary, EC, clean and functions perfectly, includes filter bags, brand new home care system, all attachments some brand new $750 Ph 0429679481
Metres Console Radio, ex condition Ph 53824316
Omega gold watch , approx 65yrs old, still keeps perfect time $1500ono Ph 0458014560
Pea straw small square bales, $7 per bale, great garden mulch, pickup or delivery to Horsham Ph 0488303725
3.7 m boat and cover , QL624, an aussie made trailer P83061, Yamaha 15 HP motor, near new $4000 Ph 53582560
3.7 savage aluminium boat, UM198, 25 HP Mercury forward steer reyco trailer, b15834 electric motor and lawrence fish finder $2600 Ph 0428523919
Craftsmen ZTS700 ride-on zero-turn mower, good condition, 21 hp engine, reconditioned spindle and deck, many hours left in this machine $2850 Ph Eddy 0428922335
Flip Billiard/ Air Hockey table , 110cm x 210cm, accessories included, trailer required $300 Ph 0409122968
Galvanised trailer, 5x5 $800 Ph 53522691
Rare 1895 Furphy tank, both casts are in good condition
Pietscraft 3.5m Fishing Boat, 15hp, Johnson tilt trailer, boat cover, all accessories $5000 Ph 0428822730
Quintrex FishAbout MKII
Repowered 40HP Yamaha, low hours, new Oceanic Trailer
Bimini Hummingbird Finder 40Ib Elec Motor Dec Estate Ph 0491644368 Horsham
BMW R1100 RT, EC, reg till 5/25, 123k kms, YD865 $4600 Ph 0409954491
1999 Toyota Dual Cab Ute, 4x4 diesel with fold out camper
$12,500 Ph 0428822730
Hilux 2022, 4 wheel drive, auto, diesel, new tyres, warranty, immaculate condition, 48,747kms, 1NV4FU $42,390 plus Gst Ph 0427858264
Aspire wheelchair, as new condition, barely used once a day for 3 months, extremely comfortable, cost $3500 from Action AIDS, reduced price $950 Ph 0427562913
2001 Nissan Pulsar, 2 keys, as new tyres, auto, just serviced, reg to April 30, RWC, 1WD5ZZ, 143,000km, $5000 Ph 0413960612
2005 SP Mazda 3 Hatch, 5 speed manual, power steering & aircon, black in colour, 1YD6TE, 193000km, RWC, $4500, Ph 0423335246
2006 Mitsubishi CH Lancer ES Wagon, 2nd owner well maintained and very reliable, 4 cylinder petrol, Automatic, Power Steering, ABS, Front Air Bags, Cruise, Window Tint, new tyres, 3 months rego, RWC, UEO093 $3900 Ph 0498981106
2013 Ford Mondeo Zetec hatch, auto, economical turbo diesel, silver colour, full service history, registered June 25, RWC, 317,000km, 1AG2PW $5500ono Ph 0428928248
Honda Civic , 1994, great condition with RWC, automatic & aircon, colour black, Vtech motor, vin JHME6548005203141
$10,000 Ph 0428501109
2014 Kia Cerato , auto, reg til Oct, RWC, s/room condition, 26,500kms
1 owner, full service history, elec brakes, good cond, dual batteries, reg till Aug, 220,000km, 1EB5FL $14,000 ono Ph 0408576391
MGB GT Sports car, 1974 model, burgundy colour, 4spd manual in perfect cond, built for the American market, all leather interior with original Smiths instrumentation, original 1.8 motor with twin SU carbies with only 29,000 miles, comes with many club awards and trophies, manuals etc, valued by Shannons at $31,000, selling $15,000 or nearest offer Ph David 0402 318 447
REDUCED 2013 Toyota ATARA, 2.5L sports sedan, auto, RWC, Toyota seat covers, only 2 owners, selling due to downsizing, 127,000kms, $12,000 Ph 0400728252
1990 75 series Toyota
Landcruiser ute, diesel, dual tanks, 1HZ engine, second owner, dual batteries, comes with rooftop camper, TJM pro diff lockers front/ back, airbagman suspension fitted, 5 new tyres, winch, Engel fridge and slide, lots of accessories, very well looked after, RWF984 $25,000 ONO Ph 0487700251
2010 3.0L Turbo Diesel Toyota Landcruiser Prado 150 series GXL, immaculate condition, never taken off road, car is in perfect condition, no dents or scratches, car comes with: 2 remote keys, fully serviced logbook, genuine ARB bullbar colour matched, dual battery set up, rear Anderson plug, trailer brakes, Apple Car Play/ DVD player upgrade, head unit upgraded with genuine Toyota Kakadu 18” gun metal wheels, roof racks, towbar, clear title - with no accidents, no finance owed, genuine low kms at 145,000, would suit the fussiest buyer
$38,000 Ph 0407046864 Horsham
2014 Nissan Navara D22 2.5 turbo diesel 4X4 ute, registered until December with service books, low 91,600kms $22,500ono Ph 0492496448
2019 Ford Ranger XLS grey double cab with full screen, very good condition 125,000km, 8 mths rego, new tyres, snorkel, arb bull bar, air bags, side steps, black duck seat covers, under tray tool boxes, many extras always shedded, minimal towing $45,000 inc Gst Ph Andrew 0427923236
HSE TD4 Discovery Sport 7 seater, very economical, 7 seater 2 foldout seats in the rear, 1 owner since new, factory towbar, leather seats, great condition, diesel, auto start/S\stop, heated/cooled front seats, lane departure warning, keyless start, front rear sensors, rear camera, power tailgate, full service history, all the gadgets, USB ports, 171,579kms, CYU214
$19,990 Ph 0419597954
Ararat man, 67 years old interests include gym, fishing, camping, singing, acting, Lions Club, bushwalking, ballroom dancing, looking for a lady aged between 40-70 years old, Ph 0467791009
Jill Nicholson went to Dover girls tech in the 60s Adelaide, lived 5 Broadway South Brighton left Adelaide to live in rural Victoria early 70s Ph John 0423315174
Private Sale Executive, 4 bed, 2 bath, large, spacious home, in popular Horsham West, a short stroll to river, fully renovated to a
tree for
Funeral remembrance videos edited with cherished media by professional, each project individual, AI photo restoration available Ph 0478609837
Massage service, very clean, full body massages available for both men and women, very discreet, you come to us or we can come to you, call for quote and booking, in the Wimmera area and beyond Ph 0473311660
Sheep slaughtered at $15 per head Ph Andy 53838240
Mini Cooper S , 2016, 5 door hatch, 2.0L, 6speed auto, near new condition, 51,900kms AHB987 $29,900 Ph 0428320108 Horsham REDUCED 2019 Toyota Hybrid Camry SL sedan, with all the luxury features of a top of the range Toyota, pearl white, full service history, RWC, 2AM8IL, $30,990 ONO Ph Eddy 0428922335
Applications close 8th April 2025. For more information, refer to our website www.wcma.vic.gov.au or search CMA Board member on boards.vic.gov.au
Sarah Sargeant
Weir pushing limits
Horsham athlete Lilly Weir’s sights are set on a trip to the United States to compete in the finals of the 2025 CrossFit Games after finishing in the top five globally in a preliminary round this month.
The CrossFit Games are an annual worldwide competition for all CrossFit affiliated athletes, involving trials across a range of physical disciplines.
The 2025 competition consists of three rounds – open, semi finals, and a final round.
Competitors can participate in the open and semi-final rounds online, while the final is an in-person competition in the United States against the world’s top CrossFit athletes.
Weir, 17, was the top competitor in the Oceania region in the 16-17 age bracket during the open competition, and placed fifth worldwide.
The Horsham College student said she would need to place in the top 30 competitors in next month’s semi-final to punch her ticket to the USA.
“It’s a big jump from online to going to America. I’m hoping to get there. That would be the ultimate goal,” she said.
“Being fifth after the open, I’m really hoping to get there.
“Last year I think I missed out by about 15 spots, so this year I’m hop-
ing that, being top age, there’s a good possibility. I’ll just keep training and keep hoping.”
With the trials for each stage not disclosed to athletes until the day of competition, Weir said she had an anxious wait ahead.
“You don’t know what the workouts are until the day, so you just have to be ready for anything and keep training, keep doing the things you’re expecting to see as workouts,” she said.
“There are lots of different workouts. It could be how fast you can do a certain amount of reps, how many reps
you can do in a certain amount of time, how heavy you can lift,” she said.
“I would say my strength is probably gymnastics. I did have to work a bit on my strength from when I started, because I wasn’t doing any strength training.
“A lot of the girls do weightlifting before they do crossfit, so they have a bit more experience with weightlifting under their belts.
“Now it’s just about cardio, keeping fit and working on the skills I’m not as confident with.”
Weir said she became hooked on CrossFit training after a Horsham centre opened about two years ago.
Despite being relatively inexperienced in the sport, she said she enjoyed the challenge of taking on some of the world’s best athletes.
“CrossFit started in Horsham twoand-a-bit years ago and I joined about a week after they started,” she said.
“It’s not long, but it’s as long as CrossFit has been here – I didn’t have an opportunity to start it earlier.
“I was hooked with the community and the fitness – I love fitness.”
Weir thanked the coaches at Horsham’s HCF CrossFit centre for helping her achieve her results.
“The coaches are amazing. Having the four of them helping out in any way they can has been amazing. I love getting different tips from them,” she said.
Gout Gout special judge
Stawell Cup Day on Easter Sunday will be headlined by the presence of rising Australian sprinting sensation Gout Gout.
Already scheduled to compete in the Stawell Gift for the first time, Gout’s appearance at the time-honoured athletics meeting has ensured major focus on the region throughout the Easter period, his presence at Stawell Cup Day an added bonus for the town.
The 17-year-old became the first Australian to break the 20-second mark over 200 metres, clocking 19.98 seconds in the under-20 final at the Queensland Athletics Championships last week.
While the time was wind-assisted, and not considered legal, many judges expect him to legally break the sub-20 second mark at upcoming meetings in Melbourne and Perth.
Gout broke Peter Norman’s longstanding 56-year Australian record in the 200m sprint, running 20.04 seconds only a few weeks earlier at a schools athletics meeting.
Stawell Racing Club manager Rachel Samsonenko said the club was thrilled to have Gout Gout on course.
“I’ve already had people in the community ask whether the rumours are true, Gout attending the Stawell Gold Cup. When confirming the news, they want to buy a ticket to Cup day and the Gift, which is so good for the town,” she said.
“It’s the biggest weekend of the year for Stawell, and the added star-
factor will bring more people to our cup meeting, for sure.”
Majority owner of 2015 Melbourne Cup champion, Prince of Penzance, and prominent businessman Sandy McGregor is responsible for luring the sprinting sensation to the 143rd running of the Powercor Stawell Gift.
Gout is scheduled to run in the 120m sprint at the Stawell Gift on Easter Monday at Centennial Park. Ms Samsonenko was especially thankful for the work of the McGregor family in organising Gout’s presence on course on Stawell Cup Day.
“Sandy is such a wonderful supporter of racing in the Wimmera area. He sponsors many clubs, his support of jumps racing is unwavering, he and his family give so much back to the industry,” she said.
Gout will present the trophy for the egg and spoon race, the Don Murphy Cup, at the Stuart McGregor Stawell Cup Day on April 20.
Heats for the Don Murphy Cup will be run at Stawell Harness Racing Club at its Good Friday meeting on April 18.
First and second place-getters of each heat within two age categories will qualify for the final. Families of participants who qualify for the finals will receive a free family entrance to the races, with half-price tickets for families of children who did not make the final. Participants will also receive a personally signed photo of Gout on course.
Women Come & Try Session
Lilly Weir
NEXT STEP: Wimmera Umpires Chloe Haughton and Kynan Stasinowski with AFL umpire John Howorth, centre, and junior umpires at a clinic in Horsham.
Umpires in the spotlight
AFL Wimmera Mallee is hopeful of recruiting more umpires through hosting key AFL Victoria coaching and umpiring personnel on Monday.
The visit promoted umpiring in schools and to developing umpires, providing opportunities to upskill volunteer umpires and clarify with the AFL Vic policy writers on important developments in the vilification and auditory offences space.
AFL umpire John Howorth – once a country community umpire himself who umpired in local leagues as a developing 13-year-old – headed up the school visits, accompanied by local coaches and
female liaison personnel. AFL Wimmera Mallee head field coach Cameron Pickering said the umpires facilitated practical and informative sessions with AFL Academy and interested students to give them a greater understanding of the game and how umpiring could be complementary to their footy intelligence, as well as a legitimate pathway in itself for aspiring athletes.
“Beginner junior umpires were introduced to the basics of umpiring by John Howorth and local coaches, with clubs encouraged to send any of their volunteer umpires along, including junior boundary umpires who are often put onto rosters
with little instruction,” Pickering said. He said an indoor session for club volunteer senior umpires went through some basics of umpiring, upskilling them and giving them confidence going into the 2025 season.
The night then concluded with AFL Vic’s football operations manager Darryl Collings leading a workshop focusing on auditory offences and vilification and how it should be administered.
An ‘Outrun the umpires’ session at Wimmera River parkrun in Horsham will be raced on Saturday, with clubs encouraged to enter players. Swifts player Scott Carey will return to defend his title.
Weekdays from 6am to 9am
Drought relief package
Racing Victoria has created a support package for eligible licensed trainers and acknowledged post-racing program providers in Ararat and the southern half of the West Wimmera.
Trainers and programs in 12 local government areas are eligible to receive a one-time payment of $500 per Stud Book registered thoroughbred – up to a maximum of $10,000 per individual recipient – for the provision of feed for pasture fed thoroughbreds.
The drought relief support package is only available once per successful applicant in the application window open until June 30.
To be eligible, the thoroughbred must be in the direct care of the licensed trainer or acknowledged post-racing provider; not be actively in race training, or the horse may be retired but still in the care of the licensed trainer; be majority owned by the licensed trainer or acknowledged post-racing program provider; and be domiciled in an eligible Local Government Area for a minimum of 30 days.
RV equine welfare general manager Melissa Ware said the aim of the program was to help ease the current impacts of lower harvest yields following a sustained drought period putting pressure on feed prices. RV
hopes the money will also allow recipients time to put in place a plan to manage the potentially ongoing dry conditions.
“I know some trainers and acknowledged post-racing program providers with thoroughbreds in their care are finding it tough with the dry conditions and rising feed costs,” Ms Ware said.
“I’ve seen it first-hand with my own family’s farm in the southwest of Victoria and the need to plan to mitigate the impacts on managing horses and livestock.
“I hope the drought relief support package can go some way to assist those with pasture fed thoroughbreds who are facing challenges as a result of the dry conditions and allow them some additional time to plan and consider their options, such as rehoming.”
Ms Ware said RV’s equine welfare team would be on hand to discuss with the applicant their individual circumstances to understand their requirements and answer any questions people had about the support.
“For those not eligible and seeking emergency assistance, we encourage them to still reach out to us as we may be able to assist through our other safety net programs,” she said.
Horsham to host state junior titles
Young tennis stars from across Victoria will converge on Horsham this weekend for the Tennis Victoria State Team Championships.
The championships are regarded as the grand slam of junior team tennis in the state, with teams representing country and metropolitan associations competing in 12-and-under, 14-andunder and open age divisions.
The best-performing overall association is awarded the Pat Cash Cup, named in honour of Victorian tennis legend Pat Cash.
Teams at the championship comprise two players, with each player playing a singles rubber before the teams combine for a doubles rubber.
Central Wimmera Tennis Association junior competition plays singles rubbers to six games, however, Pat Cash Cup teams will play an eight game set with a tie break at seven games all, but the doubles rubber is played to six games, with a tie break at six games all.
Tennis Victoria officials said a total of 172 players representing 86 teams would contest the championships, which will be at Horsham Lawn Tennis Club on Saturday and Sunday.
Eight teams from the Wimmera region will compete at the tournament: Nicholas Gillespie and Nixon Beattie, boys 12-and-under; Maggie Kelm and Maya Smith, girls 12-and-under; Frazer Shurdington and Yassasri Sumanapala, boys 14-and-under; Lydi Boyd and Sienna Wood, girls 14-and-under; Harry Allan and Eli Bailey, boys open; August Koch and Jake Maher, boys open; Adele Joseph and Emma Streeter, girls open; and Ella Thompson and Mia Rees, girls open.
Harry Allan, who plays for Central Park in the CWTA’s junior and senior competitions, said he was looking forward to playing in the state championships on the Horsham Lawn courts.
“This is my third time playing in the championships,” he said.
“It’s tough competition, but it’s always enjoyable playing in the team and representing the Wimmera. It’s a good experience.
“It’s tough tennis against all those Melbourne kids, but it’s good to test yourself against strong players.
“They tend to come with a different game style to what we’re used to.”
See next week’s edition of The Weekly Advertiser for photos and results from the tournament.
Brought to you by The Morning Crew Weekdays from 6am to 9am
Horsham Lawn Tigers premiers, back, from left, Di Rudolph, Adam Gibbs, Shelly Stockdale, Lacey Fleay, Jeremy Schmidt and Harrison Comb, and front, Imogen Stockdale, Maddie Morgan, Hayden Fleay and Greg Hamilton.
A GRADE: St Michaels premiers, back, from left, Sienna Harberger, Naomi McConville, Emily Martin, Brendan Martin, Gavin Kelm, Brendan Ward and Jake McIntyre, and front, Tegan Ward, Ayva Robertson, Courtney Clough, Zeena Kelm and Rebecca Pohlner.
A SPECIAL: Central Park premiers, back, from left, Ross McIntyre, Nathan Jensz, Rod Shurdington, Frazer Shurdington, Dave Wear and Shaun Alexander, and front, Misha Wear, Sienna Nitschke, Paula Davis, Kate Wear and Erin Alexander.
READY: Wimmera representative junior tennis players, from left, Yassasri Sumanapala, Frazer Shurdington, Adele Joseph and Harry Allan are looking forward to competing in this weekend’s state team championships.
Lawn prevails for back-to-back title
HorshamLawn was pushed to the brink of defeat but ultimately prevailed in a thrilling Central Wimmera Tennis Association pennant grand final against Central Park on Saturday.
Lawn entered the grand final as a deserving favourite to capture its second successive premiership after finishing atop the ladder with only one loss all season.
The team dispatched Central Park with relative ease in a first semi final earlier this month to advance directly to the grand final, but from the opening rubbers on Saturday it was clear the reigning premiers had a challenge on their hands.
While Lawn’s Jae McGrath and Lachlan Punchard downed Harry Allen and Rhys Harman 8-6 to open proceedings, Parker pair Brendan Nitschke and Matt Jones defeated D’Artagnan Walls and Graeme Wood by the same score to level the contest.
On the women’s side of the draw, Horsham Lawn duo Gemma Walker and Ella Thompson beat Central Park’s Eve Wear and Tara McIntyre 8-6, while Tahlia Thompson and Cherie Wood scraped by Parkers Adele Joseph and Willow Sainsbury in an 8-7 tiebreak to give Lawn a narrow advantage heading into the singles frame.
Lawn’s mettle in tiebreak scenarios showed through again in the first singles rubber, with McGrath pulling out an important 8-7 result against Allen. But Jones and Joseph rebounded for Central Park, defeating Walls and Tahlia Thompson 8-3 and 8-2 respectively to give their side a lead in head-to-head games that it would not relinquish.
While Lawn’s Walker defeated Wear 8-6 to round out the singles section, the contest remained up for grabs.
The final doubles rubbers were backand-forth affairs, with plenty riding on each outcome.
While Parkers Sainsbury and McIntyre defeated Cherie Wood and Ella Thompson 8-4, Lawn’s Punchard and Graeme Wood hit back to beat Harman and Nitschke 8-5.
McGrath and Wood defeated Nitschke and Allan 8-4, but Jones and Harman rebounded to best Walls and Punchard by the same score.
In the end, the grand final hinged on the third tiebreak of the day, with Lawn’s Tahlia and Ella Thompson teaming up to beat Joseph and McIntyre 8-7.
It was the third 8-7 result of the afternoon, with each going the way of Horsham Lawn.
If Central Park had won just one of the three tiebreaks, it would have been crowned the CWTA’s new pennant premier, as Lawn triumphed 8-6 on sets while Central Park was comfortably ahead on games, 96-85.
Other grades
The A Special section saw an even more thrilling contest, with Central Park prevailing 7-89 to 7-85 in the narrowest of victories over Horsham Lawn Thompson.
The sides split the opening doubles rubbers two apiece, but it was Lawn Thompson that had the early advantage in head-to-head games.
Lawn Thompson seemed even more in control at the conclusion of the singles rubbers, with Dylan Thompson downing Frazer Shurdington 8-7, Emma Streeter beating Sienna Nitschke 8-2 and Courtney Ramsey outlasting Misha Wear 8-6, with the Parkers’ only victory coming via Shaun Alexander’s 8-1 win over Paul Webster.
Lawn Thompson led five sets to three following the singles, but Central Park flipped the match on its head in the final doubles frame.
David Wear and Nathan Jensz started the comeback with a hard-fought 8-6 win against Lawn’s Mitch Fromm and Brett Thompson, with Jensz then teaming up with Alexander to best Thompson and Webster 8-4.
Nitschke and Paula Davis beat Streeter and Paige Thompson 8-4, while Wear and Rod Shurdington got the better of Fromm and Shane McGrath 8-5.
While Lawn’s Ramsey and Maree Thompson won a late doubles rubber, they were unable to hold back the Central Park wave, with the Parkers claiming a nail-biting premiership.
St Michaels was too strong for Horsham Lawn McGennisken in the A Grade grand final, winning 8-86 to 4-76.
The Saints set up the win by triumphing in all four opening rubbers, and
while Lawn struck back thereafter, it was unable to make up enough ground.
The B Special grand final was even more lopsided, with Horsham Lawn Tigers overpowering Laharum 12-84 to 4-49.
In addition to presenting trophies and medals to the winning grand final sides, the CWTA also honoured long-serving committee member Herb Hallam with life membership.
Mr Hallam has volunteered with the association for 23 years, serving as president from 1994 to 1998, as well as vice-president in 1989 and 1999.
He was senior recorder from 1990 to 1993 and again from 2006 to 2012, and has been on the association’s grading committee for more than five years.
FOCUS: Horsham Lawn’s Ella Thompson in action during Saturday’s pennant grand final. Pictures: PAUL CARRACHER
HONOUR: Long-serving Central Wimmera Tennis Association committee member Herb Hallam was honoured with a life membership.
SHARP: Horsham Lawn’s Graeme Wood won two of his three sets for the pennant premiers.
WINNER: Central Park’s Nathan Jensz won all three of his sets in his team’s grand final win in A Special competition.
Brought to you by The Morning Crew
Weekdays from 6am to 9am
Young wins national selection
Ararat lawn bowler Chris Young has earned an opportunity he thought would never come again – a chance to represent Australia.
The Chalambar Golf and Bowls Club member was last week announced in an Australian squad to compete at the Atlantic Senior Fours tournament in Cyprus in November and December.
Young is one of four Australian men picked for the tournament, which comprises bowlers aged 55 and older from around the world.
Young, 65, said he thought another chance to represent Australia would never come after he was picked in an extended national squad more than 20 years ago.
“The last time I made an Australian squad was in 1999 – I was in the 12man Australian squad. We played three unofficial games against some overseas nations,” he said.
“We travelled to South Africa for trials for the World Bowls Championship and they picked a side from the 12 that were there.
“I wasn’t fortunate to make the side, but just to be in the 12-man squad at that time was a bit of a feather in the cap.
“I never thought that would ever happen again, but now that I’m in a different age group, to get an opportunity to represent Australia is personally very satisfying.”
Young will serve as skipper for both the Australian men’s fours team and a mixed team at the tournament.
Young has been in a rich vein of form in recent seasons, having won this year’s Grampians Playing Area weekend pennant championship with Chalambar and following it up with a victory at the Wimmera Bowls Region championships in Ararat.
At the region finals, Young was also named the men’s champion of champions.
Young and the rest of the Chalambar team will now contest next month’s Champion of State Pennant finals in
Moama as one of 12 finalists from across Victoria.
Last season Young also won the Bowls Victoria Over 60 State Carnival singles and men’s pairs titles, the latter coming alongside Warracknabeal Golf bowler Warren Perris.
Young said he loved playing bowls as much as he ever had and was grateful for his success in the sport.
He said he valued local success with Chalambar as highly as any of his other achievements.
“It keeps me motivated, playing at the higher level, but I still just love the team environment at the club,” he said.
Golf and Bowls Club
lawn bowler
Chris Young will serve as skipper for both the Australian men’s fours team and a mixed team at the Atlantic Senior Fours tournament in Cyprus.
“To me, the greatest achievement that we’ve had this year is winning the club pennant for Chalambar. That surpasses everything for me.
“We only had about 16 or 17 bowls members last season, but a few of our golf members wanted to play bowls this season, so we’ve ended up with about 25 or 26.
“It’s addictive. It’s just a good environment. Anyone can play the game and anyone can succeed at the game.
“It’s just that some people are more fortunate than others to get opportunities, and I put myself in that bag.”
Racing at Rainbow
Racers will converge at Rainbow for the fourth Big Desert 480 race at the weekend, where 49 crews from across Australia will battle for the ARB Australian Off Road Racing Championship.
Hosted by the Victorian Off Road Racing Association, events begin on Friday with a street display and vehicle scrutiny from 4pm.
The prologue begins at 10am Saturday, with racing from 1pm at the main spectator site 51 Rainbow Rises Road, with Sunday’s racing from 8.30am.
Event secretary Dee Sibson said competitors were coming from all over Australia.
“We have Clayton Chapman, who claimed second place at last year’s Big Desert 480, the consistent Simon Tucker, and young gun Matthew Burrows, who will make it an eye-catching battle,” she said.
Ms Sibson said there was a large field of single-seat competitors, several newcomers, and former Rainbow resident, Justin Mitchell, who will compete in a Polaris. People can find more information and purchase day passes for $20 or weekend passes for $30 for the main spectator site on the association’s Facebook page.
Electrical Apprentices
Horsham – Applications close: 01 April 2025
• Above award rates apply
• Full PPE supplied
• Training fees paid upfront
Wish to start a rewarding career? Earn and learn as an electrical apprentice with a renewable energy company, developing essential skills. What we’re looking for:
• Have sound mathematical aptitude
• Physically fit with the ability to perform manual labour tasks
• Able to work as a part of a team in a safety-focused work environment
For more information, please contact Skillinvest on 1300 135 008.
Sport Development Traineeship
Natimuk – Applications close: ASAP
• Fast track your career possibilities with a traineeship
• Great positive working culture
• Flexible hours with some during the day and evening Want to make a difference in children’s lives? Join our team at Natimuk & District Gymnastics Club learning to assist in the gym in all facets and supporting the students.
• Co-ordinate administrative duties, rostering and schedules
• Take on beginner coaching roles.
• Social media and Business’ website
For more information contact Brendan Schier on 0427 346 655.
Civil Construction Apprentices
Horsham – Applications close: 01 April 2025
• Above award rates apply
• Full PPE supplied
• Training fees paid upfront
Begin a civil construction career through a hands-on apprenticeship, combining paid training with practical work like site prep and machinery operation.
• Assisting with site preparation and clean-up.
• Operating machinery and tools under supervision.
• Performing tasks like earthworks, concreting, and drainage.
For more information, please contact Skillinvest on 1300 135 008.
Horsham – Applications close: ASAP
• Casual position based between Warracknabeal and Horsham
• Flexible work hours 2-5 days per week
• Immediate start available
Farm hand required for a role with local Wimmera Farmer, you will have flexible availability and be happy to work varying hours per week.
• Fencing
• Tractor and other farm machinery operations
• General farm/labouring duties
To learn more about this opportunity, please contact Tamira Cullinan on 0408 109 324.
Closing Date: ASAP
• Full time hours Mon - Fri + overtime opportunities
• PPE supplied & maintained annually
Road Workers required for an immediate start! Join a great team where you gain valuable exposure to civil projects in Regional Victoria.
Duties will include:
• General Labouring
• Compacting, leveling, and spreading of materials to form roads
• Required for overtime and after hours call outs
For more information, please contact Tamira Cullinan on 0408 109 324.
• Friendly work environment
• Casual part-time role 12-18hrs p/week
• Exciting work opportunity at a National Heritage listed site Part-time casual position at The Stick Shed based in Murtoa, you will be available to work 2-3 shifts per week.
About the role:
• Greet visitors as they arrive to the premises
• Basic merchandising and sales
• Process cash and Eftpos transactions
Road Worker
Farm Hand
Phantoms ready for league start
Preparations are complete and now the real thing starts for Phantoms Volleyball Club in season 2025 of State League.
Teams completed their final hit out in Ballarat at the weekend with the premier one and two women recording wins in their respective divisions.
The premier one women’s team featuring Volleyball Horsham’s Tamikah Dockrill went through the tournament undefeated to qualify for the final against McKinnon.
In the final the team showed great character to come from two sets down to record a thrilling five-set victory.
Dockrill said the win has given the team great confidence going into round one.
“We’ve had 13 matches now to get ourselves ready for round one and as each game has gone by we have been feeling more and more comfortable with our teammates,” she said.
“Knowing our role and forming a connection with our setters has been the theme throughout the pre-season, and I believe we are now more than ready for Latrobe Uni this weekend.
“That final against McKinnon was great for our psyche as we had to dig deep and eventually we wore them down.
“That is the sort of competition we’re going to come up against in State League so, to get that five set win under our belts shows how far we have progressed in this pre-season.
“I’m excited for Saturday’s matches against Latrobe Uni.”
That excitement is well justified as the team
went into the Ballarat tournament without two key players.
“We were missing our two premier pass-hitters in Hilary Hannagan and Karly Hines, so to record a win like that only sets us up for a big season,” Dockrill said.
“The fact that those two players come into our team only makes us stronger, as Hilary is on the Volleyball Australia pathway while Karly is a former Volleyroo and took the Superleague by storm last year in her return to the top level of volleyball.”
Volleyball Horsham’s Laelah Robertson, Sophie Quick and Paige Hemley were key contributors in the premier two women’s straight sets win over VFUM in their final.
Robertson resumed her pass-hitter role throughout the weekend and her experience and cool head shone throughout.
Hemley was good in her middle blocker role, while Quick was calm under pressure in her defensive specialist role.
Round one for Phantoms sees games at Red Energy Arena in Bendigo on Saturday, with the premier one men and women taking on newcomers to the premier state league, Latrobe Uni.
The premier two men and women do battle with Latrobe Uni in their morning games and Western Region in the afternoon.
The State League one men have a double header against Alliance Gold, while the State League one women also have a double header against Carrum Downs Royals.
The State League two men face off against Carrum Downs Royals in their morning match followed by Western Region in the afternoon.
ATHLETICS: Horsham’s St Brigid’s College hosted its annual house athletics carnival on Thursday, with Clontarf winning the shield, followed by Kildare, then Melleray. Age champions were crowned and records broken. Charlie Hobbs broke the 14-years boys shotput record with a throw of 12.35 metres and James Burton jumped a record-breaking 11.67 metres in the 17-years boys triple jump event. Pictured above, Luke White takes the lead; above right, Niamh McDonald launches the discus, and right, Hannah Plazzer and Iris Sudholz head for the finish line. Pictures: PAUL CARRACHER
Close competition across croquet
Horsham Golf Croquet’s events saw some close competition across all three divisions in the past week.
Shirley Price won Saturday’s division one event, ahead of Brian Drendel. Rob Bahr won division two, Marg Pope was runner-up, while Robyn Devlin won division three, with Rachel Cousins runner-up. Greg Phillips won Thursday’s division one, with Ian Rees the runner-up.
Rosemary Rees won division two ahead of Rob Bahr, and Robyn Devlin finished just in front of Kerrie Brody in division three.
Horsham Lawn won a thrilling Central Wimmera Tennis Association Pennant grand final at Horsham Lawn Courts on Saturday, the team, from back left, Andrew Dorman, Lachlan Punchard, Jae McGrath, Graeme Wood, D’Artagnan Walls, Cherie Wood; front, Lydi Boyd, Ella Thompson, Tahlia Thompson and Gemma Walker,