WS Jan. 11, 2013

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Friday, January 11, 2013

Volume 9 • Issue No. 2

Old Village Inn Wins Community Spirit award OGuNQuIT – Make-A-Wish Maine has awarded Old Village Inn with their Community Spirit Award. This annual award is bestowed upon organizations or individuals outside of Make-AWish that make significant contributions to their cause over a period of time. Each year, Old Village Inn holds an exquisite Christmas Ball with proceeds to benefit Make-A-Wish Maine. The tradition began in 2009 and has generated a total of $15,000, which covers costs for more than two wishes (each wish costs an average of $6,000). Dean Goodman, owner of Old Village Inn, said he was hon-

ored to receive the award. “We work pretty hard to do what we can,” he said this week. “The first year, we raised around $1,500 and it’s gone up exponentially since then.” Goodman said the effort to help Make-a-Wish Maine began when an employee came to him and asked then if they wanted to do something. They have a raffle and sell gift certificates, and the response has grown each year. “This year, it’s the first wish we’ve done ourselves,” Goodman said of raising more than $6,000 in one go. “We are honored that Old Village Inn continuously dedicates their holiday event to raising funds for Make-A-Wish,”

said Tom Peaco, executive director at Make-A-Wish Maine. “Their ongoing enthusiasm and dedication to help local kids makes them a perfect recipient of this award. Partnerships like these are invaluable to us as an organization.” Rebecca Leaming, events manager at Make-a-Wish in Portland, said “Every year they have almost doubled from year to year, which is pretty amazing.” Make-a-Wish is a Portlandbased agency that grants wishes to children in the state of Maine with life-threatening conditions to bring them hope, strength, and joy, Leaming said. “We grant about 70 wishes

Old Village Inn (courtesy photo)

a year. What (Old Village Inn) does also brings a lot of awareness to the area,” she said. “This

year they became wish makers so we will be granting a specific wish in their honor.”

Students research Veterans laid to rest in Wells Story and photo by Reg Bennett WellS – Wells Junior High School fifth grade teacher Rachel Kilbride and students in fifth grade recently completed a project to identify and honor veterans laid to rest at various locations throughout Wells.



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With the help of Kilbride’s husband James, who is a veteran, and Wells historian Hope M. Shelley, students discovered that there are more than 800 veterans buried throughout the town at 100 or so locations, 488 of them interred just across the street from WJHS at Ocean View Cemetery. It was learned that the oldest veteran at Ocean View served the American Colonies at some point during the French and Indian Wars. To honor these veterans,

students, with assistance from the fifth grade teachers, created and colored over 800 paper wreaths in early December. With information provided by Shelley, each wreath listed an actual name in the center. During much of December these wreaths were displayed on the walls of the multi-purpose room at WJHS. “The purpose behind doing the wreaths was to help students visualize how many veterans from the French and Indian War

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Several of the students who took part in the fifth grade project to identify and honor veterans buried in Wells. They include (back row from l to r) Hannah Wrigley, Kaitlyn Chrisemer, Erin Dinmore, Savanah Wilder, Abigail Booth, Zachary Steere, and Nathan Chandler. In the front row are Rielly Delucca and Meredith Bogue. Each wreath behind them represents a veteran laid to rest in Wells.

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to present day are buried here in Wells,” said Kilbride, who noted that WJHS students experience the closeness of Ocean View Cemetery almost every day as they travel to and from school and look out their classroom windows. “Students commented on how many families have had members serve in the military throughout Wells history,” wrote Kilbride in an email. “Stu-

dents were also surprised by how many veterans are buried here in Wells.” Kilbride indicated that the most common last name on the list provided by Shelley was “Littlefield,” still a very common name in the Wells-Ogunquit area. “Our plan is to repeat the process for Memorial Day and have students color a flag and write a veteran’s name on each flag,” said Kilbride.

Grants available for York County Nonprofits YOrK COuNTY – Nonprofit and public organizations seeking funding for projects that draw on the strengths of the community and foster collaboration are encouraged to apply to the York County Fund, part of the Maine Community Foundation’s Community Building Grant Program. A volunteer committee of York County residents and business leaders reviews grants and makes recommendations for funding through the York County Fund and York County

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Children’s Aid Society Fund. The majority of grants in York County are directed to programs that assist vulnerable youth. The deadline for applying is February 15, 2013. Application and guidelines are available at www. With offices in Ellsworth and Portland, the Maine Community Foundation works with donors and other partners to improve the quality of life for all Maine people. To learn more about the foundation, visit www.

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