WS Feb. 24, 2023

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Rett’s Roost Fundraiser Ends with Polar Plunge


The Second Annual “Behold the Cold” Polar Plunge, in support of Rett’s Roost Retreats, will be taking place both remotely and in-person at Ogunquit’s Main Beach on Sunday, March 5 at 11 a.m. Extreme weather alternative will be Sunday, March 12 at 11 a.m. The fundraiser officially kicked off on February 22, the eighth anniversary of Rett’s passing. In addition to the plunge, the following events leading up to it are also scheduled:

Behold the Yoga

Sunday, February 26, 12

p.m. at Yoga East, 2 State Road, Kittery, and Wednesday, March 1, 5:30 p.m. at Shilo Farm, 88 Beech Road, Eliot. A gentle practice to address seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, and depression. Virtual option and recording are also available. Donations for the “Behold the

Cold” campaign wi ll also be accepted at both events.

Community Pizza Night

Tuesday, February 28 at Brickyard Hollow Brewery, 335 Main Street, Ogunquit. Profits from pizza sales to go directly to the “Behold the Cold” campaign.

Honoring Richard Perkins


Ogunquit has lost a local icon, the legendary Richard Perkins, who passed away on Sunday, February 12, 2023 at age 92.

Richard was part of the soul of our beautiful community. Many have had the pleasure to hear directly from him at his lectures at various town events. Friends and family remember him fondly, and are forever grateful for his contributions to our special little community.

Richard Perkins came

from a family of eight children, who were raised by his grandmother on an old saltwater farm in Wells. His father was a lobsterman and off season, his traps and buoys were stacked next to the barn. Richard’s first school had a wood stove for heat and featured two outhouses, one for the girls and one for the boys.

After high school, Richard served as a licensed sea captain, operating a tour boat out of Perkins Cove. For several years he was also an artist’s model at The Art Students League of New York. In the mid-1950s, Rich-

ard met Robert Maurais, his business and life partner, and together, they made Ogunquit a destination for fine dining.

Prince Charles, Julia Child, and Bette Davis, among numerous celebrities, all dined at one of their eight establishments.

For 45 years, in place of a traditional advertisement, Richard wrote a weekly letter in The York County Star, updating readers with what had happened at the restaurant. He sometimes included a recipe for a favorite menu item. He signed the letters “How Rude,” two words now

Plunge in Solidarity

Sunday, M arch 5, 11 a.m. at Ogunquit Main Beach. The organizers at Rett’s Roost love to promote self-care and easy, inexpensive ways to therapeutically support wellbeing during trying times. This “shocking” therapy of submerging into freezing cold water as a form of therapy can benefit many ailments and diseases, chronic pain, fatigue, and can mitigate anxiety and depression. Winters in Maine can be long and depressing; to maintain sanity, it is imperative to embrace the cold and dark months of the

year just as much as the warm summer months.

“Behold the Cold” is the perfect annual fundraiser for Rett’s Roost. It is part of the organization’s mission to use nature to heal and to be fully present and aware of both the sorrow and the beauty all around. Participants can start their own fundraising page, with the goal of raising $222 or more. Prizes will be awarded to those who raise more than the $222 goal! The fundraiser will last for one-and-a-half weeks, and will

See RETT on page 2 . . .

the Leavitt Theatre.

closely associated with Richard.

For a time they were even on his license plate. A documentary about his life and his restaurants titled, “How Rude,” was produced in 2011 and shown at

In 2006, after almost 50 years in the restaurant business, Richard and Robert closed their last restaurant, Poor Richard’s Tavern, at 131 Shore Road. Ogunquit diners have been in mourning ever since, but not Richard. In 2016, Ogunquit named Richard its Outstanding Citizen, and in August 2018, the Ogunquit Select Board accepted a proclamation naming Richard Perkins the town’s Poet Laureate. At least five times a week, those fortunate folks on Richard’s mailing list, would have received an ode that would make

See PERKINS on page 16 . . .

Annual Seacoast Environmental Film Festival

KITTERYSaturday, March 4 is the day to get informed and energized about critical environmental issues at the 5th annual Seacoast Environmental Film Festival (SEFF). A benefit event for the Kittery Land Trust, SEFF is a full day of films, discussions, panels, exhibits, food and fun at the STAR Theatre at the Kittery Community Center. The event has grown to become an important coming-together of organizations, experts, businesses and activists from around the region who care about the environment,

sustainability and conservation.

“We are so excited for our 5th annual film festival,” says Lisa Linehan, Executive Director of Kittery Land Trust. “We have an interesting mix of films, speakers, exhibitors, and organi-

zations under one roof so people can connect and cross-pollinate their ideas and passions.” Linehan adds that “KLT’s hope is that these films get our seacoast community informed and inspired to act locally to protect our shared home.”

SEFF gets underway at 8:30 a.m., with a caffeine kickoff sponsored by Beach Pea Bakery, Lil’s Café, and White Heron. The first block begins at 9:15 a.m. with “It’s Bean Too Hot” and “Seeding Change,” two films about businesses that are producing profits while they

protect communities and the planet. The showings will be followed by a panel discussion with organic gardening specialist John Bochert, Eldredge Lumber and Hardware, and others. This block is sponsored by Placework and Veris Wealth Partners.

The second block begins at 1:30 p.m., with the screening of “The Ocean Solution,” and “Maine Coast Harvest.” “The Ocean Solution” introduces Bren Smith, the ocean farming pioneer whose vertical kelp and

See FILM on page 8 . . .

Classifieds 20-21

Dining 10-12 Home

Your Community Newspaper Serving: ARUNDEL, BERWICK, CAPE NEDDICK, ELIOT, KENNEBUNK, KENNEBUNKPORT, KITTERY, KITTERY POINT, MOODY, NO. BERWICK, OGUNQUIT, SO. BERWICK, WELLS, YORK & YORK HARBOR ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Seacoast Media Group Portsmouth, NH POSTAL CUSTOMER Sentinel The Weekly 13 9 PAGES 8 Friday, February 24, 2023 Volume 19 • Issue No. 8 Date am Local Average Tide Chart am pm pm Low High Sat 25 2:42 3:12 8:54 9:10 Sun 26 3:34 4:08 9:52 10:05 Mon 27 4:29 5:09 10:54 11:04 Tue 28 5:29 6:15 11:58 Wed 1 6:29 7:19 12:06 1:01 Thu 2 7:31 8:17 1:09 2:00 Fri 3 8:26 9:06 2:07 2:51 Sun Rise Sun Set Sat 25 6:23 5:27 Sun 26 6:21 5:28 Mon 27 6:20 5:29 Tue 28 6:18 5:30 Wed 1 6:16 5:32 Thu 2 6:15 5:33 Fri 3 6:13 5:34
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~ News ~

“Great Grief” at Brick Store Museum

KENNEBUNKThe Brick Store Museum is partnering with Maine Humanities Council for its Maine Speaks programming. On Saturday, March 4 at 1:30 p.m., the museum will host a free, virtual discussion led by USM Professor of History Libby Bischof, titled “Great Grief: Mourning & Remembrance in New England.”

The lecture will use examples from the museum’s archives, full of personal grieving stories, to illustrate the changing experience of public and private grief in society over the past 200 years. Complemented by audio recordings of archival letters, Bischof will lead attendees in an engaging discussion of the history of grief and mourning and

what it means to each one of us over time. Participants will have the opportunity to consider the importance of making room for grief in our communities. This program takes place via Zoom, will be recorded, and those who register will receive the recorded version the next day. For more information, visit

GWRLT Annual Online Spring Auction

SOUTH BERWICKBidding in the Great Works Regional Land Trust (GWRLT)

2023 Spring Auction begins at 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 5 and closes at 8 p.m. on Saturday, March 11 online. Preview and bidder registration begins Monday, February 27.

“GWRLT relies on this annual fundraiser to build community and financial support.

Thanks to business sponsors, item donors, and the hard work of volunteers, every dollar raised will go directly to continuing the work of protecting the wildlife lands and working landscapes that make our area special,” said GWRLT Board Member and Auction Chair, Pat Robinson. In addition to bidding, auction participants can raise funds for an area that GWRLT’s cur-



Solid white cedar

Set includes 2 chairs, 1 ottoman, and 1 table

• Made in Eliot, Maine!

rent budget cannot accommodate. In past years, the “Funda-Need” has successfully raised funds for trail improvements at Bauneg Beg Mountain Conservation Area, among many others. This year, GWRLT has a goal of raising funds to improve the parking area at Kenyon Hill Preserve, a property popular for educational programs and dog walking.

There is truly something for everyone amongst the items up for auction. This year’s auction features outdoor experiences for all ages, food and beverage offerings, handcrafted

Kittery Ramp Closings


As of February 22, the Exit 1 SB on-ramp in Kittery will be closed for approximately two weeks for construction activities related to the ongoing Part Time Shoulder Use (PTSU) project. This project is being managed by New Hampshire DOT. The work includes installation of a concrete foundation for the signage that will be used when PTSU becomes operational in the future. On February 21, construction crews began placing detour signs on local roads. Motorists are cautioned to be alert as the approach

treasures for the home, and gift certificates galore. Some items and experiences included are: a personal guided tour of 17th Century POW sites with museum archivist John Demos, a local pond canoe fishing trip with Jeff Chase, beginner horseback riding lessons at Broadfields Highover Morgans, and a quart of fresh raspberries. All these opportunities and many more are on the table this year’s Spring Auction and help support GWRLT’s work in the region.

this area as southbound lane closures on the Maine Turnpike my cause traffic delays. During the closure, detour signage will be placed on Dennett Road in both directions of approach to the I-95 Southbound on-ramp, and at the Irving gas station rear exit, located along the Route 1 Bypass. The closure is required during construction in order to ensure public safety. Those with concerns or questions about the project, can contact MTA Public Outreach Manager, Erin Courtney at 207-482-8119 or

of natural, historic, agricultural, forestry, scenic and recreational resources in southern Maine. For more information, email info@, visit, or call 207-646-3604. Auction information can also be found at gwrltspringauction2023.

• Solid kiln-dried Northern Maine white cedar

• Multi-step waterborne hybrid alkyd varnish Warm and inviting – dramatic angles – versatile shape –will compliment any room!


398 Harold L. Dow Highway #31, Eliot, ME 03903-1424

Mon-Sat 11-5 • Email

/ Voicemail 207.613.5150 • Facebook Message

Great Works Regional Land Trust is a member-supported organization that provides conservation options to landowners and programs for community members, including fifteen preserves with hiking trails. Since 1986, Great Works has conserved over 7,000 acres

. . . RETT from page 1

culmi nate on March 5 with the plunge. Come dip in solidarity at Ogunquit Beach! The organizers at Rett’s Roost encourage fundraisers to do a few extra plunges on their own, and to post them on social media, to raise more awareness around this wonderful fundraising campaign. For more information and to donate, visit


Southern Maine’s Largest Weekly Circulation 952 Post Road, Suite 10 Wells, ME 04090 (207) 646-8448 / 384-5500 Toll FREE: (877) 646-8448 Fax: (207) 646-8477


Ads & News: Monday 12 Noon

Classifieds: Tuesday 4 pm for following Friday publication

Publisher: Carol A. Brennan

Operations Manager: Dan Brennan

Art Director: Raina Keim Graphic Designer: John Crommett

Copy Editor: John Crommett

Account Managers: Carol Brennan Dan Brennan Kevin Cox

Contributing Writers: Nancye Tuttle Gina Carbone Susan Gallagher Lemmo

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The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.

WS 2 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023 CK CLEANING Homes - Businesses - Rentals - Vacation Homes We don’t cut corners, We clean them! Experienced Reliable Trustworthy Call today for your free estimate 207-752-7585 Locally Owned & Operated, Fully Insured & Bonded • Ask how to get a FREE CLEANING! sk
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n e y a t L a w
E s t a t e P l a n n i n g W i l l s  P o w e r s o f A t t o r n e y  H e a l t h c a r e D i r e c t i v e s I r r e v o c a b l e & R e v o c a b l e T r u s t s E l d e r L a w P r o b a t e ( 2 0 7 ) 3 6 3 - 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 U S R o u t e O n e  S u i t e 1 0 3  Y o r k , M E 0 3 9 0 9 w w w k a t h r y n b e d e l l l a w c o m  i n f o @ k a t h r y n b e d e l l l a w c o m NEW LOCATION

Town of Wells Updates

Transfer Station Changes

Beginning March 1, all residents are required to display a Wells Transfer Station sticker on their vehicle for any use of the Transfer Station. The sticker must be affixed on the lower left-hand corner of the windshield. Stickers cost $5 each and are available at the Wells Town Hall, 208 Sanford Road. The price of the orange pay-as-youthrow trash bags have increased to $4 per bag, and are now sold only in the 33 gallon size. The price of demo will also increase to $0.12 per pound. These changes are not intended to generate additional revenue to the Transfer Station, but rather to ensure no losses are incurred when operating the facility.

Friday, February 24

Overeaters Anonymous

Fridays at 9 a.m. at First Parish Church hall, 180 York St., York. For those who struggle with food, weight or unwanted food behaviors. Fellowship and support, free of cost. FMI:

“I Want to Work with Animals” Workshop

12:30-1:30 p.m. at the AWS training classroom, 46 Holland Rd., Kennebunk. AWS certified trainer, Melissa McCue-McGrath, CPDTKA, will walk participants through the many ways in which people can work alongside animals. She will introduce an arson detection dog, archeologist assistant dogs, library cats, humans who use aquatherapy to help baby elephants heal from injuries, and more! For anybody interested in learning about working with animals. FMI:

~ Calendar of Events ~

First Parish UUC Concert

“Songs and Dances from Faraway

Lands” is a cello and piano concert featuring pieces from Georgia, Turkey, and Japan, performed by Anna Han, Chris Staknys, and Leland Ko. Held at 7 p.m. online and in person at First Parish UUC, 114 Main St., Kennebunk. $15 suggested donation at the door or register at www.uukennebunk. org/events.

Saturday, February 25

Narcissist Support Group

This group meets to thrive, recover, empower and educate (TREE) individuals who have been in narcissistic or toxic relationships. FMI:

Winter Tracking at CFW

9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Center for Wildlife, 375 Mountain Road, Cape Neddick. Naturalist Series with Master Naturalist Dan Gardoqui of Lead with Nature. Participants explore the woodlands surrounding CFW in search of signs of wildlife. This program is outdoors, with moderate to difficult navigation of uneven terrain. FMI: www.

Wildlife Story Time

12-12:30 p.m. at the Center for Wildlife, 375 Mountain Road, Cape Neddick. Enjoy a self-guided tour of the nature center and outdoor ambassador enclosures with the added bonus of story time. Local author and music therapist Marie Miller, with Rhythm and String Music Therapy, will read a seasonal-themed story and talk about the animals at center. FMI:

Sunday, February 26

LEGO Winners Announced

Winner contest announcement at Village Toy Funatic, 232 Main St., Ogunquit. FMI: or 207-646-7728.

Behold the Yoga

12-1:30 p.m. at Yoga East, 2 State Rd, Kittery. For those that are dipping in March or not, join Deana Cavan, Rett’s Roost CoFounder and Executive Director, for a gentle beginners yoga class before the “Behold the Cold” Polar Plunge fundraiser. Learn helpful breathing and movement techniques. Free for Polar Plunge fundraisers, all others encouraged to donate whatever they can. FMI:

Chowder’s On!

12-3 p.m. at the Kittery Community center, 120 Rogers Rd, Kittery. Chowder’s On! Is an “all hands on deck” community gathering to support Maine’s lobstering industry. The Maine Lobstermen’s Association (MLA) is raising funds to support legal efforts challenging ogoing federal regulations to Maine’s lobster industry. Lobster stew luncheon, with local clam chowder and homemade pies. A silent auction and live auction will showcase over 100 prizes, such as a Weber grill, a lobster fishing adventure in Pepperrell Cove, tickets to Juston McKinney Comedy, a Wood Island tour for 12, dinner and overnight at Bar Harbor Inn, and much more. FMI:

Wildlife Ambassador Meet-and-Greet

1-1:30 p.m. at the Center for Wildlife, 375 Mountain Road, Cape Neddick. Enjoy a self-guided tour of the nature center and outdoor ambassador enclosures with the added bonus of a meet-and-greet with one of the ambassador animals to learn about their species. FMI:

Seed Swap

1-3 p.m. at Nooney Farm, 22 Stevenson Rd., Kittery. Eager for warmer weather? Kittery Land Trust has partnered with Pis-

See FEB.26 on page 4 . . .

The Weekly Sentinel 3 February 24, 2023 WS Pre-Season Sale Now in Progress – Call for Details! 109 Gosling Rd, Newington, NH 03801 • 603-294-0370 • Corner of Woodbury Ave • Open Tues-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4, Closed Sun-Mon Looking for a fun and healthy way to get around town? Want to feel like a kid again? Look no further than e-bikes! Riding an e-bike can: » improve cardiovascular health « » strengthen leg muscles « » boost mental well-being « With the added assistance of an electric motor: » you can ride longer and farther without breaking a sweat « Why wait? Visit us at Seacoast E-Bikes in tax-free New Hampshire!

cataqua Seed Project to hold a seed swap in the greenhouse at Nooney Farm. The Piscataqua Seed Project is a communitybased organization whose mission is to empower people to grow food locally and save heirloom seeds for future generations. Participants are encouraged to bring their unused seeds to swap. All are

~ Calendar of Events ~

welcome, event and seeds are free. FMI: www.kitterylandtrust.

Monday, February 27

Post Office Job Fairs

Post offices across the state will be taking part in a district-wide job fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Stop by any office for a listing of available jobs in your area. The service offers competitive wages and great benefits with jobs available in sorting, mail transportation, retail, and delivery at locations across the region.Apply at www.

Tuesday, February 28

Dementia Support Group Home Instead and the Alzheimer’s Association is offering a free dementia support group on the last Tuesday of every month, 4-5:30 p.m. at Home Instead, 71 Post Road, Wells. Please RSVP to Melissa at 207-641-1155.

Be the Spark!

12-1 p.m. Online discussion with Wells Reserve at Laudholm docent volunteers. Find out how to join the Wells Reserve community. Docents engage visitors of all ages

in creative ways, and it’s easy to get involved. Bring curiosity and a love of learning; volunteers provide training and support. Free. Registration required at wellsreserve. org/calendar.

Yoga and Cancer

3:30-4:30 p.m. with Michelle James at Yoga on York, 250 York St., York. Classes are free to anyone newly diagnosed, in cancer treatment or surgical recovery, or are in remission. Active caregivers are also welcome to attend. No yoga experience is necessary. Many virtual classes also available. FMI:

Lenten Community Soup Dinner

4:30-6 p.m. at Union Congregational Church, 18 Church St, York Beach. Free community meals consisting of soup, bread, and dessert. Pick-up only. FMI: or 207-363-4821.

Wednesday, March 1

Coffee with Cops

Meet York police officers and members of the Committee to

Combat Racism and Bias, and take a guided tour of the York police station, at 10 a.m. in the York Police Department’s training room, 36 Main St., York. Limited to 20 people. RSVP to Missy Avery at 207-363-1031 or mmavery@

Wednesday Walk

10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Wells Reserve at Laudholm, 342 Laudholm Farm Rd., Wells. Meet on campus and explore nature through a poetic lens with guide Norma Fox. Ages 12 and up. Free. Microspikes available to rent with advance notice. Registration required. FMI:, or 207-6461555 x 110.

Kittery & Eliot Municipal Career & Educational Event

4-6 p.m. at the Kittery Community Center, 120 Rogers Rd., Kittery. The Towns of Kittery and Eliot, along with representatives from Kittery and Marshwood Adult Education, to co-host. Opportunities to meet with hiring managers, learn more about specific municipal career paths, and discuss current employment opportunities in many departments, including Law Enforcement, Public Safety Dispatch, Recreation, Public Works, Wastewater Treatment, and more. Attendees are encouraged to bring resumes for assistance. FMI:

Webinar: Literary Mysteries of Sally Sayward Wood

6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Sally Wood was Maine’s first novelist, and her four novels published between 1800 and 1804 place her among the first and most prolific fiction writers of the time. Literature professor, Tom Hillard, presents an overview of Sally’s life, placing her career and writing in the contexts of the literary and publishing worlds of the post-Revolutionary War era. Free, registration required. FMI: upcoming-events.

York History from Your Perspective

7-8 p.m. online, through Wednesday, March 22, with instructor James Kences. Interested in learning about York’s history? The objective of this class is to explore local history from the perspective of the students. Their questions will influence the structure of the course. $35 registration fee. FMI: visit or call 207-363-7922.

Thursday, March 2

Stormwater 101 and the Maine Climate Action Plan 10-11 a.m., online. Sponsored by the Wells Reserve and Maine Department of Environmental Protec-

tion. A great primer or refresher for people interested in how stormwater is managed. This session will focus on stormwater in the context of climate change planning. Free. Registration required. FMI: www.

Exploring Compassion, Loss, and Grief

10-11:30 a.m. at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm, 342 Laudholm Farm Rd., Wells. Elizabeth Straka, local author and therapist, facilitates four weekly gatherings to help those in the midst of loss and grief. The group will build resilience in the healing natural environment of the Wells Reserve campus. Meetings are held outdoors, weather permitting, for reflective walks. The series is free and works best if participants plan to attend all four sessions. Registration required at strakaspeechlanguage@gmail. com or 207-967-1000. FMI: www.

“The Chosen” Series 6 p.m. at Cape Neddick Baptist Church, 34 River Rd, Cape Neddick. All three seasons of the video series “The Chosen” will be shown on Thursdays. The series traces the life of Jesus and his disciples. FMI: 207-363-3566.

Friday, March 3

Astronomy Club Meeting

7:30 p.m. at The New School, 38 York Street, Kennebunk. The Astronomical Society of Northern New England (ASNNE) will hold its monthly meeting, with a business meeting at 7 p.m. ASNNE is proud to present Ms Lauren Rock, owner of Dynamic Escapes. Her presentation will showcase astronomy photographs that she has taken from her astronomy-focused tours. The March agenda includes Bernie Reim’s “What’s Up for the Month” and “Astro Shorts,” where attendees and members share questions, activities, news and observations. ASNNE is a local association of amateur astronomers that meets monthly. FMI:, laurenrock@, or call 404-372-4303.

Saturday, March 4

The Prince Project: Rescheduled

10 a.m. at the Historical Society of Wells and Ogunquit, 938 Post Road Wells. Speaker Vana Carmona will present her research documenting the enslaved people of Maine and New England, highlighting their stories. Vana is the founder of The Prince Project, a database of over 2000 people of color who lived in Maine prior to 1800. $10 members, $12 nonmembers. FMI: or call 207-646-4775.

WS 4 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023
Book Now! Tiling and Flooring: Tile Kitchen or Bathroom Backsplash Tile Showers New Floors And More! Call 207-337-4498 Email Visit Serving Southern Maine Fully Insured Time & Again NON-PROFIT CONSIGNMENT SHOP Open Tuesday-Saturday 10:30am-3:30pm Call for Consignor Appts: (207) 646-8885 676 Post Road #2 Wells, Maine 04090 MOST of our winter clothing is ON SALE for$1.00 each! DON’T MISS IT! The Pease Greeters are back and active! Please join us to welcome the troops at Portsmouth International Airport at Pease. Visit or call 603-793-3835. Welcome Home to Annie’s! New & Used Books Arriving Daily • Since 1985 676 Post Road, Wells • 207-646-3821 March Hours: Open Thursday-Saturday 10am-2pm
. . . FEB.26 from page 3

Berwick Public Library

Calling All Artists

Those interested in displaying artwork at the Berwick Public Library may do so by contacting the library at the info below. The library features a different local artist every two months.

Adult Reading Challenge

Adults and teens are invited to take part in a winter reading challenge through Tuesday, February 28. This year is a BINGO-style reading challenge.

Genealogy Club

Genie Club meets at the library the first Friday of every month, 1:30-3:30 p.m. The library has access to genealogy sites like There is also a collection of genealogy books to use. Volunteer Laurie Jackson will be on hand to help. The next meeting is Friday, March 3.

Social Seniors

Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Hot chocolate, coffee, tea, goodies, and, of course, good conversation! Winter in Maine can be very long, but a weekly meetup group can help stave off the isolation. Games and puzzles available, and plenty of great books and magazines to peruse and discuss!

For More Information

Call the library at 207-698-5737 or visit contact the library at www.

D.A. Hurd Library

Penguin Tie Pillow Craft

Friday, February 24, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., with Patty.

Edward Jones Foundations of Investing Program

Tuesday, February 28, 6:30 p.m. at the library. Presented by Deb DeColfmacker and Jackie Pampinella, financial advisors from Edward Jones of South Berwick.

Winter Reading Challenge

Through Tuesday, February 28.

Earn raffle entries by completing activities. Raffle drawing is on Wednesday, March 1.

For More Information

Call the library at 207-676-2215 or visit

Graves Memorial Public Library

Portside Readers

Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on the Library’s Facebook, YouTube channel and on the Town of Kennebunkport’s cable channel 1301. Stories, poems, tales, essays, drama, songs and more by the Portside Readers, a small group of local actors, writers, book club members and musicians.

Tech Help

Weekdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. For those trying to set up a social media account, download a book, make a picture folder, learn how to add to a virtual shopping cart, etc. Staff members are here to help with technology needs, library staff is always happy to assist any time during library hours. No appointment necessary!

For More Information

Call the library at 207-967-2778 or visit

Kennebunk Free Library

Story Times

Mondays at 10 a.m. Join Miss Maria for songs, stories, thymes, and more.

Dragon Hunters and Treasure Seekers Guild

Mondays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Hanks Room. Join in on the world of Dungeons & Dragons. Open to new and experienced players alike. Bring in a character from a previous game, make a new one, or use an existing character from the starter set. All other supplies will be provided. Ages ten through teen; new players encouraged.

In Stitches

Tuesdays, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. in the Walker Room. Masks required. Grab that half-finished project and enjoy the company of others. All skill levels are welcome. Also meets on Zoom on the first Tuesday of every month.

Tech Time

Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m., Thursdays and Fridays, 2-5 p.m. Technology is a constant in everybody’s daily lives, but it can move too fast for some to keep up. The library is here to help. Sign-up for 45-minute one-on-one appointments. Learn to download eBooks and apps, make heads or tails of a new device, and troubleshoot software.

For More Information

Call the library at 207-985-2173 or visit

Ogunquit Memorial Library

Book Arts Group

Saturdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the library. Call ahead to make sure the group is meeting. This is an established group that meets weekly at the library. Interested newcomers are always to come and learn the art of bookbinding.

For ages 12 and older.

For More Information

Call the library at 207-646-9024 or visit

Rice Public Library

Story Time

Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., on the second floor, story-time area. Stories, play, and a small takehome craft or coloring page. Open to children up to age 5 and their caregivers. No registration needed; just stop in.


Wednesdays at 4 p.m., on the second floor, story-time area. For builders ages 5-12. Casual, drop-in building and play. All that is needed is imagination!

Teen Crafternoon

See RICE on page 6 . . .

The Weekly Sentinel 5 February 24, 2023 WS J and J Oil of Southern Maine, llc. Serving Eliot, Kittery, York, Wells, Sanford, Lebanon, Acton, Shapleigh, and all the Berwicks Locally owned by the Fenderson Family Call (207) 676-8458 or email PLEASE CALL PROUD MEMBER OF THE KEY AUTO GROUP 422 ROUTE 1, YORK, ME 03909 (207) 363-2483 • NO SALES TAX! TO NH RESIDENTS “THE LOWEST PRICE, PERIOD!” 2018 Volkswagen Passat 2.0T SE 2020 Honda Civic EX 2021 Ford Escape SE AWD 2019 Lincoln MKZ Reserve AWD 2020 Subaru Forester Prem. AWD $19,295 Stock: P10080 $23,595 Stock: Y0297A $26,495 Stock: P10052 $29,995 Stock: K2313 $26,041 Stock: K1513A 2020 Ford Fusion SE $19,395 Stock: K2255 ~ Library News ~ Elder Law, Estate Planning & Probate (207) 361-4680 • 279 York Street, York, ME 03909 2 Storer Street, Suite 111 Kennebunk, ME 04043 Informed and Compassionate Legal Care Mary Kathryn Brennan, Esq. Smilie G. Rogers, Esq. Katherine Audet, Esq. Michael Cahill, Esq.

Wednesdays at 4 p.m., floor L, in the Makerspace. Ages 12-18. An afternoon of crafts with Greta, our resident crafting queen.

For More Information

Call the library at 207-439-1553 or visit

South Berwick Public Library

Dungeons & Dragons

Teens meet on Wednesdays, 5-7 p.m., all ages meet on Saturdays, 12-2 p.m. The fantasy tabletop role-playing game! No experience is required. Come to the library or


~ Library News ~

call ahead to register.

LEGO Club Thursdays, 1-5 p.m. Weekly challenges. Unleash creativity! Free LEGO building.


Fridays, 12-5 p.m. Children ages six and up are welcome to the library for afternoon crafts. Simplified crafts are provided for younger children. Friday, January 27’s Crafternoon will feature sparkly icicles.

For More Information

Call the library at 207-384-3308 or visit

Wells Public Library


Due to continuing repairs from a burst pipe, please check online or call the library to verify programs. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Fiber Arts via Zoom

Friday, February 24, 10:30

a.m. Show off latest knitting creations, get tips on crochet technique, chat with old friends, and make some new ones. All ages and levels of ability can to join for ideas, inspiration, and lively conversation. For the Zoom link, email or call 207-646-8181.

Kids Crafternoon

Friday, February 24, 1-3 p.m. Unleash creativity with a variety of crafts.

Cribbage Game Night

Tuesday, February 28, 6 p.m. Calling all cribbage players! A casual monthly game night. Players of all ages and abilities are welcome. Watch others play, learn the game,

or just kibbitz. This free event is sponsored by the Friends of the Wells Public Library.

Teen Collaborative Crafting:

Resist Painting

Wednesday, March 1, 1:15 p.m.

Using painter’s tape and wax, create a geometric unique piece of art that plays with negative space and color. All materials and snacks are provided. For students in grade 5 and up. This free event is sponsored by the Friends of the Wells Public Library. For more information, please contact Kayla Sawyer at HYPERLINK “mailto:aherman@wellstown. org” or call the library at 207-646-8181.

Great Decisions Friday, March 3, 10:30 a.m. Lively and informative discussions on major global issues. Meetings center on topics outlined in the Great Decisions briefing book provided by the Foreign Policy Association. Books may be purchased online: or The library will have one copy on reserve. The focus this month is War Crimes.

AARP Tax-Aide Cancelled

There will be no AARP tax-aide at the library this year due to AARP’s lack of volunteers. Check our tax webpage for other options. 2022 federal tax forms are available in the library.

For More Information

Call the library at 207-646-8181 or visit

William Fogg Library

Hook with Books Sewing

Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Join other library patrons who love to


If you are thoughtful, energetic, and prepared to deliver authentic Maine hospitality for a dynamic resort, please apply online today. Team members will be trained on all protocols for today’s environment. Positions posted daily. Visit or call People Services at 207.361.6223.

sew, knit, quilt, or hook. Bring your own project. Chat, share knowledge, and learn together!

Story Time Schedule

Nest (caregivers and pre-walkers), Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m.; Toddlers, Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.; School Aged, Thursdays at 2 p.m.

For More Information

Call the library at 207-439-9437 or visit

York Public Library

Virtual Author Talk:

Sadeqa Johnson

Tuesday, February 28, 4 p.m., online. Sadeqa Johnson is the award-winning author of four novels, including “Yellow Wife.” Sadeqa joins the York Public Library with a virtual talk about her latest novel, “The House of Eve,” a fast-paced, harrowing story that hinges on what it means to be a woman and a mother, and how much one is willing to sacrifice to achieve her greatest goal. FMI: or

Elephant Ella’s Winter Library Challenge for Kids

Complete Elephant Ella’s Winter Library Challenge during the month of February to earn a free book from the prize cart. Challenge worksheets are available in the Children’s Room. Stop by the desk to pick up a Challenge paper. Children through grade 4 are encouraged to participate. Challenge prizes must be picked up by March 11.

Story Time at York Land Trust Stories, songs and rhymes. Meet inside for stories and an activity, bring snow clothes to play outside after the program. An off-site series to be held on the fourth Monday of the month, through March. Next meeting will be Monday, February 27 at 10:30 a.m. at York Land Trust, 1 Long

Neck Marsh Road, York. Online registration required.

“Hidden Stash”

“Hidden Stash” is on dis play through March and features a sampling of works from the private collection of Chris Caraviello. The show includes contemporary pieces by local artists and works dating back to the early 1900s.

So, You’ve Always

Wanted to Read the Bible

6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Wheeler Room. February session TB A. Monthly reading group to simply read the Bible, discussing what has been read in a non-religious setting and format. The group plans to read the entire Bible in one year. Registration required. The group is limited to 14 people due to room capacity, so sign up soon.

YPL Walking Club

Mondays, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Join a rotating selection of favorite librarians for a guided walk around town. Tour starts at the library lobby. Some weeks will host special guests who can share about the history of the areas traversed. Call ahead for info and to RSVP.

Preschool Story Time

Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the children’s story-time area at the library. Stories, movement and songs. Suggested for preschool age with a caregiver. Please register to guarantee a spot.

Italian Conversation Group Tuesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. in the Wheeler Room. The library is pleased to resume the group for casual conversation in Italian. Suitable for those with intermediate to advanced conversational skills in the Italian language.

A Matter of Balance

Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. In partnership with Southern Maine Agency on Aging, a nationally recognized program designed to help reduce fall risks, exercise to increase strength and balance, and learn selfadvocacy for independence. This is a discussion-based class with the goal of learning from fellow participants. Free of charge. FMI: 207-396-6578 or

Baby and Toddler Time Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the children’s story-time area. Stories, songs, rhymes and lap bounces. For babies and toddlers and their caregivers. Register to guarantee a spot.

LEGO Builders

Wednesdays, 3-5 p.m. in the craft area. Build something amazing! Use the library’s LEGOs to create something to be put on display until the next builder meeting. Kids K-4 can participate with a caregiver. This is a drop-in program, no registration necessary.

For More Information

Call the library at 207-363-2818 or visit

WS 6 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023
Housekeeping Bell/Valet Line Cook Front Desk Agent Reservations Laundry Attendant And Many Other Positions Available! 207-606-0046 16 White Birch Lane, York
We Got You Covered! Over 300,000 Lineal Feet in Stock! IPE - Naval Deck Amarillo - Angelim Pedra All Lengths 1x4 - 5/4x4 - 1x6 - 5/4x6 61 Willie Hill Road, Wells 207-251-3427 Monday–Saturday 8am to 4pm Our Services: Working with people & the environment Appliance Recycling Oil & Propane Tank Removal Heating System Disposal Scrap Metal Recycling Roll Off Dumpster Rental Schedule a pick-up, or drop-off Our Services:
. . . RICE from page 5

~ Arts & Entertainment ~

Archaeology Series at Museum


The Cape Porpoise Archaeological Alliance (CPAA) is hosting a free Winter Series exploring Visual Anthropology & Archaeology. CPAA is a partnership between the Brick Store Museum and Kennebunkport Conservation Trust supporting archaeological research in Cape Porpoise and the surrounding areas. This five-week series will take place at the Brick Store Museum’s Program Center, and will be led by CPAA’s professional archaeologist Tim Spahr, with guest speakers.

The goal of this series is to highlight current trends in the field that incorporate science and art into the practice of archaeology. The partnership with the Kennebunkport Conservation Trust and the Brick Store Museum supports documentation and contextualizing the archaeology of the islands and intertidal zone threatened by global sea level rise.

This series will run in-person weekly on Thursdays at 6 p.m. Session I already happened on Thursday, February 23; the public is always welcome to any of the upcoming sessions.

Schedule includes: Session 2: Thursday, March 2 at 6 p.m.: Anthropological film viewing and discussion; Session 3: Thursday, March 9 at 6 p.m.: Visual Studies Presentation & Student Exhibit Preview, with presenter Anelli Allard, (MA Nordic Visual Studies & Art Education, Finland); Session 4: Thursday, March 16 at 6 p.m.: Introduction to Archaeological Field Note Taking and Sketching for scientific documentation, with presenters Tim Spahr & Elizabeth Kelley (Artist CPAA); Ses-

sion 5: Thursday, March 23 at 6 p.m.: Archaeological Field Note Taking and Sketching, viewing of lithic artifacts recovered by the Cape Porpoise Archeological Team. Students can produce field drawings from artifact models, materials provided. Led by Elizabeth Kelley.

All presentations are held


The Speers Gallery at the Kennebunk Free Library presents “It’s Never Too Late!”, an exhibition of botanical drawings and paintings by local resident Vera Piper. The exhibit runs

at the Brick Store Museum’s Program Center, 117 Main Street, Kennebunk. Parking is available on Main Street, Dane Street and in the Town Hall parking lot. Admission by donation is suggested to help support session speakers. Registration is optional and suggested. For more information, visit www.brickstoremuseum. org or call 207-985-4802.

Book Signing with “Choose Your Own Adventure” Author Goodman


Village Toy Funatic is excited to announce that Deborah Lerme Goodman will be visiting the store on Sunday, February 26, 10:30-11:30 a.m., for a book signing. The public is invited to meet this talented writer who has has penned multiple “Choose Your Own Adventure” books, and is one of the original authors from the series made famous in the 1980s. She is best known for her unicorn series. Her newest book, “The Warlock And The Unicorn,” releases this month; this is a great opportunity to read her newest adventure, and have a copy signed by the author.

Aside from her three other “Unicorn” titles, Deborah has written three other books in the original “Choose Your Own Adventure” series. All of her books will available during the signing.

What is a “C hoose Your

Own Adventure” book? “Choose Your Own Adventure” is a series of children’s gamebooks, where each story is written from a second-person point of view, with the reader assuming the role of the protagonist and making choices that determine the main character’s actions and the plot’s outcome. Each book has many different endings. This book series has book titles for ages 6-12. Deborah’s books are available to pre-order via phone or in-store by filling out a form of personalized information to go with each book purchased. Preorders of the books will be available for pick up after the book signing. For more information, visit or call 207-646-7728. Village Toy Funatic is located at 232 Main Street, Ogunquit.

Wednesday, March 1 - Friday, March 31.

Piper was born in 1940 in the hills of western Maryland, where she spent her childhood exploring the mountain woods with her sister, later choosing a career as a microbiologist. Looking at tiny plants and animals under a microscope led Vera to develop a deep appreciation for all of the beautiful forms found in nature. Although she had every plant identification book imaginable, she never thought she could learn to draw the lovely plants she was collecting wherever she traveled.

Piper finally took her first drawing class in 2000 at age 60 on a whim, but it remained a part-time hobby until she relocated to Maine in 2018 at age 78 to be closer to her family. Vera began to develop an interest in expanding her art education, so in 2021 she began to take a few classes locally to explore sketching and watercolors. The exhibit in Speers Gallery is designed to show how, even those in their 80s can continue to grow and change, taking on new risks to express a lifetime of experience. Vera hopes that sharing these drawings will inspire the public to try their hand at something new, no matter the age! Vera will also be teaching a class in botanical drawing at The Center in Lower Village Kennebunk this upcoming spring. Kennebunk Free Library is pleased to display the works of this octogenarian artist.

The public is invited to view the exhibit in the library’s Speers Gallery at 112 Main St., Kennebunk, during regular library hours when the gallery is not in use for library programs. For more information, visit www.

The Weekly Sentinel 7 February 24, 2023 WS
220 Clay Hill Rd. • Cape Neddick Two Miles from Ogunquit Reservations Required. Limited Seating. 207.361.2272 • Celebrate the trials and triumphs of America’s favorite poet as Kirk Simpson performs a dramatic reading flowing from narrative to poetry in this remarkable theatrical dining experience. FINAL SHOW! SUNDAY, FEB. 26 @ 1 PM $25 PER PERSON Plus Dinner from Our A La Carte Menu Doors Open @ 12:30 P.M. "Simpson Holds Everyone's Attention CAPTIVE! " — York Weekly VOICE LESSONS Opera & Broadway Alum LESLIE GIAMMANCO Voice Faculty – CAP21, NYU, Pace Vocal+ Breath Techniques College Audition Prep Classical, Musical Theatre Jazz, Cabaret, Rock, Pop Call (917) 838-5722 Wells – Kennebunk Locally Owned & Operated By David & Teresa Babkirk • Eliot, Maine 03903 SERVING THE GREATER SEACOAST AREA WWW.HEATWAVEOILLLC.COM CASH CALL NOW 207.703.0291 DIESEL #2 HEATING OIL MOBILE HOME BLEND K1 wellsreserve at laudholm A PLACE TO DISCOVER open every day just off Route 1 joy VOLUNTEER DOCENTS LIGHT UP KIDS’ EYES LEARN HOW 2/28 at 12pm ON ZOOM Vehicles are Expensive, Protect Your Investment from Harsh New England Winters New or Old, Protect Them with NH Oil Undercoating – “The Good Stuff” DEP Approved, Earth Friendly Undercoating that Works! For Your Cars, Trucks, Campers, Trailers, Etc. Call Today for More Info: 207-604-0225 Detailing & Repairs, Wells
KFL Announces March Exhibit, “It’s Never Too Late!”

New Federal Funding To Expand Broadband Internet Access

STATEWIDEExpanding broadband access to areas that need it in Southern Maine is the goal of a new federally funded program led by Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission (SMPDC). SMPDC recently received $250,000 to manage the Regional and Tribal Broadband Partners Program, which will cover York County and portions of Oxford County.

SMPDC is engaging town and city leaders, businesses, institutions, and community based partners to advance this effort. York County Community Action Corporation (YCCAC) will serve as SMPDC’s primary partner for outreach and engagement with residents within the region. Other partners include the City of Sanford, Southern Maine Agency on Aging, and Southern Maine Finance Agency. Zoe Miller Strategies, a Portland-based consulting firm, will help draft a regional digital inclusion plan to ensure that all residents are included in the forthcoming state plan to improve broadband connectivity throught.

Project Manager James

Rather, Director of Strategic Initiatives at SMPDC, says, “Our goal is to ensure that everyone in our region will have access to high speed, reliable internet. Expanding connectivity means figuring out where we need to extend and enhance this critical

tech talk

infrastructure. This will entail a major mapping and planning effort. We view internet access as a ‘fourth utility,’ as important to daily life as access to safe drinking water, electricity, and waste treatment. We want to ensure that everyone is able to afford internet access and, when necessary, ensure that residents of our region possess the digital literacy skills needed to use the internet effectively to meet their own needs.”

SMPDC received the project grant from - and will be a regional partner with - Maine Connectivity Authority, a quasigovernmental agency chartered by the State of Maine in 2021 to bring universal access to highspeed broadband. For more information visit

Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission (SMPDC) is a non-partisan nonprofit and state-chartered regional planning agency that cultivates thriving, sustainable communities and strengthens local governments by leading planning and economic development for 39 member communities in Southern Maine. The organization was founded in 1964 to provide technical expertise to municipalities in York County, and southern Oxford and Cumberland Counties. For more information, visit www.

shellfish farms can transform the way food is produced. Ben discovered a way to produce large quantities of nutritious food that also fights the climate crisis, cleans the ocean, creates aquatic habitat and sustains his sea-going way of life. “Maine

Coast Harvest” is a series of short documentary films shar-

Mainers and AI


A recent survey of 3,000 employees across the United States has shed light on the extent to which Maine workers are concerned about the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on their job security. The research reveals that half (50%) of Mainers are worried about the possibility of AI making their professions redundant.

When analyzed by state, the survey found that workers in New Hampshire are the most concerned about AI’s impact on their jobs, with 71% of respondents indicating their concern. Conversely, the state with the least concern was Nebraska, where only 17% of respondents expressed worry about their job security. This disparity may be due to the fact that Nebraska is a traditional farming state, and agriculture has yet to be significantly impacted by AI.

The results of the survey also broke down workers’ concerns by industry. Surprisingly, workers in the technology industry were the most concerned, with 64% of respondents indicating worry. This paradox can be explained by the very nature of the tech industry itself. Workers in tech are often highly knowledgeable about the latest

ing the stories of Maine’s sea farmers. Home to 3,500 miles of coastline, an abundance of cold, clean, nutrient-rich water, and some of the America’s last working waterfronts, Maine is an ideal place for aquaculture to thrive. Despite these advantages, the state has not fully realized the opportunities that aquacul-


is a 501(c)3 non-profit that helps veterans who can’t afford a computer system. Seeking desktops, laptops, netbooks, or tablets... whether they work or not. Accessories also accepted, such as keyboards, mouses, cables, old software, which can be reused. Monitors and printers accepted in working order only. Hard drives will be thoroughly cleaned to a DoD level. All donations are tax deductible. Know a veteran in need of a computer?

advancements in AI and understand the potential for automation to take over many tasks that were previously performed by humans. This can lead to a heightened sense of vulnerability and uncertainty about their own job security. Moreover, the pace of technological change in the tech sector is faster than in other industries, and the introduction of AI systems has already resulted in the automation of many jobs in areas such as customer service and data analysis. This has only added to the anxieties of tech workers who see the writing on the wall and fear for their own futures.

The least concerned workers were those in the public service sector, where only 19% of respondents expressed concern. While this result may come as a surprise to some, it highlights the resilience and stability of public sector jobs and the belief that they are less likely to be impacted by technological changes. The public sector, which encompasses government agencies, schools, and other organizations, is often seen as a bastion of stability, providing a secure and stable career path for employees. One reason for the low level of concern among public sector workers may be the perception that the

ture can offer. A panel discussion with Gunnar Ek, an aquaculture specialist at UNH, Ingrid Potter of Cold Current Kelp, and Maine Aquaculture Association Director Sebastian Belle, follows the showings. The panel discussion is sponsored by Osprey Ecological Services.

The final film starts at 3:30 p.m. with “The Seeds of Vandana,” a film that tells the story of Gandhian eco-activist Dr. Vandana Shiva, who stood up to the corporate Goliaths of industrial agriculture, rose to prominence in the food justice movement, and inspired an international crusade for food security. The film will be followed by a panel discussion

See ENVIRO on page 9 . . .

government is less likely to adopt new technologies, including AI, as quickly as the private sector. Public sector organizations often have more bureaucratic processes and regulations in place, which can slow down the implementation of new technologies. This means that public sector workers may feel that their jobs are less vulnerable to automation and other forms of technological change.

In the hospitality industry, 59% of workers expressed concern about AI’s impact on their jobs. Healthcare workers were not far behind, with 44% indicating their worry. In the legal industry, 52% of workers expressed concern, while in retail and tourism, 43% of respondents expressed worry.

The finance industry saw 42% of workers expressing concern, while 38% of workers in the real estate industry indicated their worry about AI’s impact on their jobs. IT workers were also concerned, with 52% indicating their worry, as were those in education (44%) and engineering (44%). In the media industry, 52% of journalists expressed concern, while 41% of engineers indicated their worry.

Agriculture is an industry that has been relatively slower to adopt new technologies compared to other industries such as technology, finance, and retail. However, this is changing as the agriculture industry is starting to embrace new technologies, including AI, to increase efficiency and productivity. While the adoption of AI in the agriculture industry has the potential to increase efficiency and productivity, it is also likely to lead to job displacement in some areas. For example, tasks that are repetitive, dangerous, or require high levels of precision may be automated, potentially leading to job losses. On the other hand, the adoption of AI in agriculture may also create new job opportunities in areas such as data analysis and machine learning.

Lastly, the results of the survey also showed that 36% of workers admit to using AI technology in their day-to-day jobs to make their work easier.

“The results of this survey provide a valuable insight into American workers’ attitudes towards AI and its impact on their job security,” said Shaun Connell, founder of “It’s clear that workers across the country are concerned about the impact of AI on their jobs, and industries must take proactive steps to support and re-skill their employees to ensure they remain competitive in the AI-driven job market.”

Article content provided courtesy of The Weekly Sentinel does not endorse any products or services suggested by articles from www.freelancewritingjobs. com.

WS 8 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023
NOW HIRING! $1,000 Sign-on Bonus Store Discounts, Paid Time Off & More! For more details EOE. Apply in-store, online at or contact Paige Galkowski at 207-752-9085 WALK-IN INTERVIEWS DAILY 9:30AM - 6:00PM 301 US RTE 1, KITTERY Firearms Records Clerk Firearms Trader Janitorial Worker Archery Sales Fudge Counter Sales Store Greeter FMI: FULL TIME • PART TIME . . . FILM from page 1
Contact Mark Grimshaw at 603-734-2340 or and visit


ServSafe is a food and beverage safety training and certificate program administered by the U.S. National Restau-

. . . ENVIRO from page 8

led by herbalist, ecologist and educator Alison Magill, who has played an integral part in building the local Seacoast food system for over two decades. Alison was a founding leader of Slow Food Seacoast, and now runs the Piscataqua Seed Project, a community seed bank whose focus is on education and saving seed for future generations. This film is sponsored by the League of Conservation Voters-NH and Site Structures.

Exhibitors and co-presenters at SEFF this year include the Center for Wildlife, Conservation Law Foundation, Eldredge Lumber and Hardware, Kittery Climate Action Now (KCAN), Kittery Climate Adaptation Committee, League of Conservation Voters NH, Mr. Fox Composting, Seacoast Permaculture, SEAREI, Seacoast Science Center, Shoals Marine Labs, We Fill Good, York Ready for Climate Action, 350NH, Traip Academy Changemakers, and others.

The day’s events and panel discussions will be moderated by Melissa Paly, Great Bay-

rant Association. The program is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Conference for Food Protection. ServSafe is a system that aims to prevent foodborne illnesses based on a set of guidelines to improve safety and hygiene in the food preparation process. Sanitation certification is required by most restaurants as a basic credential for their management staff. To date, over five million ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certifications have been awarded.

YCCC is offering all-expense paid ServSafe training to prepare students to take the certification exam for managers.

Topics to include: “The Importance of Food Safety,” “Good

Personal Hygiene,” “Time and Temperature Control,” “Preventing Cross-Contamination,” “Cleaning and Sanitizing,” “Safe Food Preparation,” “Receiving and Storing Food,” “Methods of Thawing,” “Cooking, Cooling and Reheating Food,” “HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points),” “Food Safety Regulations,” and more. The course culminates with the national certification exam.

Training dates for Spring 2023 are as follows: Thursday evenings, March 2, March 9, March 16, March 23, 5-8:30 p.m.; Tuesday, April 18 - Friday, April 21, 2-5:30 p.m.; Saturdays, April 29, May 6, May 13, May 20, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Students should expect

three to four hours of reading and homework between class sessions. Qualified participants must be Maine resident, have a high school diploma or equivalent, at be least 18 years of age before the start of the training.

This program is free for those who qualify, including the textbook and certification test. Funding is generously provided through the Harold Alfond Grant

and the Maine Jobs and Recovery Plan to provide customized workforce training grants to Maine residents, with delivery through YCCC and Maine’s other community colleges.

Seats for training will be filled on a first-come, firstserved basis. For more information, visit degree/servsafe-managercertification-training.

The Weekly Sentinel 9 February 24, 2023 WS Health & Fitness Free Food and Beverage Safety Training at YCCC Each Home Instead Senior Care franchise office is independently owned and operated. © 2020 Home Instead, Inc. Enjoy training, 24/7 support, flexible shifts that fit your life, and a job that nurtures the soul. Call 207-641-1155 or Visit Now more than ever, compassionate people are needed to keep folks safe at home. We have immediate openings for all shifts. Join our team if you want to make a difference in a senior’s life. DO YOU CARE ENOUGH TO HELP? Begin your career as a Care Professional Need Teeth? $150 OFF ANY DENTURE - OR$15 OFF ANY REPAIR OR RELINE ONE COUPON PER PERSON • EXPIRES 2/28/23 WS Philip R. Sanguedolce L.D Same Day Repairs & Relines While You Wait Full Dentures & Partial Dentures • MaineCare Accepted DENTURE CRAFTERS LLC “We Will Give You A Reason To Smile” 647 Route 1, Meadowbrook Plaza, Suite 107, York (207) 361-4485 / DENTURECRAFTERSLLC.COM Open Tues, Wed, Fri 9-5:30, Thurs 11-7, Sat 10-2, Closed Sun-Mon Please wear a mask in our office. “Where low price is the point!” Paul and Alex Vasapoli 2nd and 3rd generation Opticians 257 Main St, South Berwick (in town center) 207-384-LENS (5367) We use nothing but the BEST for much LESS! VARILUX DIGITAL Progressives Starting at $339 including FRAME Compare elsewhere from $600 to $700 CRIZAL Anti-Glare Coatings $89 Compare elsewhere from $100 to $150 LARGEST SELECTION OF FRAMES IN THE AREA!
See FEST on page 13 . . .

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Each entrée comes with 2 sides: red beans & rice, baked sweet potato, or mixed veggies - excluding the hot dogs & beans special. Sandwiches Also Available 1151 Route 1, York, ME 03909 • 207.606.0556

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SERVING LUNCH & DINNER BEER & WINE THURSDAY-SUNDAY 11AM-7PM TAKE-OUT AVAILABLE 1732 North Berwick Rd (Rte 9) Wells, Maine • 207-646-8561

WS 10 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023 ~ Dining ~ 756 York Street, York Harbor 207-351-1100 • OPEN Thursday-Monday 11:30am-8pm HAPPY HOUR Daily 3-5pm Appetizers, Entrees or Desserts Choose Any Combination of the Three that Total to Either $35+ or $25+ and We’ll Deduct $10 or $5! Liquor and tax not included. Cannot be used with group menu. Maximum of 3 coupons/discounts/complimentary certi cates may be used. $35/$25 per coupon must be spent. Coupon valid only at time of purchase. Please present coupon before ordering. Not valid on holidays. Expires 3/31/23 (WS) Not valid on holidays. Expires 3/31/23 (WS) $22.99 Now Open! Open on Valentine’s Day 11:30-7:00 Hours: Sunday-Wednesday 11:30-4:00, Thursday-Saturday 11:30-7:00 OPEN YEAR ROUND 11:00 to 7:00, Closed Only Mondays FAMOUS CHOWDERS and LEGENDARY SEAFOOD ENJOY OUR FULL MENU FOR TAKE OUT! PHONE ORDERS: 324-4700 1465 Main Street So. Sanford Maine 04073 WWW LO R D S C L A M BOX .COM FINAL SHOW! Sunday 2/26 @ 1pm Robert Frost: Fire & Ice
a quiet winter afternoon with a literary legend in this one man play by June August. Starring Kirk Simpson. Tickets: $25 plus cost of food & beverage.
Music Nightly
Dinner Friday-Monday from 4:30pm
Pub Nights Mondays through March Join us for hot pub specials and cool tunes to help shake off that winter chill! Live music with Curt & Jenn in the lounge. We will be closed for Winter Break from 2/28 to 3/9. Reopening on Friday, March 10 – See you then! 207.361.2272 220 Clay Hill Rd. Cape Neddick
5-9 PM order online at 207-646-4118 limit one per customer. not available 11/23,12/28, or 2/22. ends 3/29
The Weekly Sentinel 11 February 24, 2023 WS ~ Dining ~ Sunday Chicken Parmesan or Shrimp Scampi $15.95 Monday Fried Seafood Combo $17.95 choose 2: haddock, shrimp, clam strips, or sea scallops, with french fries & coleslaw Tuesday Fried Buttermilk Chicken $14.95 with green beans, mashed potatoes & bacon gravy Wednesday BBQ Grill Combo $17.95 choose 2: 1/2 rack baby back ribs, BBQ chicken breast, BBQ shrimp, or BBQ salmon with 2 sides Thursday Steak Bomb $11.95 Friday Fried Haddock Platter $15.95 with french fries & coleslaw Open Daily at 11:30am for Lunch & Dinner 124 Post Road / Route 1, Wells Daily Specials 11:30am-8pm Full Menu Available • Take-Out Cocktails & Beers! Dine-In or Take-Out: Call (207) 641-0601 125 Shore Road | Ogunquit, ME 03907 | 207.646.9384 | Open For: BREAKFAST 7 Days A Week 7am-11am LUNCH & DINNER Friday-Saturday 12pm-Close Reservations recommended. Gluten Free? No Problem. Even Fried Food! 658 Main Street Ogunquit, ME 03907 (207) 646-8998 Check Out Our Website For Updated Seasonal Hours TAKE-OUT WELCOMED CALL 646-8998 CLOSED MONDAYS ~ Dine-in Only Specials ~ Tuesdays: $12 SELECT ENTREES Chicken Parmesan • Kielbasa Dinner Smoked BBQ Chicken • Mac & Cheese Wednesdays: 50 CENT WINGS Thursday Nights: $10 SELECT BOTTLES OF WINE 4-6pm Every Day: $5 HAPPY HOUR

Safe Haven Humane Society

WELLSYoung Boo Boo and Emmie are healthy, happy kitties who find themselves in a pickle. Their owner had to move, and

Safe Haven Humane Society

PO Box 91 / 1784 Post Road Wells, ME 04090 (207) 646-1611 / (207) 216-9169

~ Pets ~

Boo Boo and Emmie weren’t allowed in the new place. So they are now staying at Safe Haven. These two are the most loving and delightful kitties!

They’re like friendly little dogs. They run to you when you come into the room and then engage you in affections and play. Their ideal match will be an active family with the desire to engage and interact with their lively personalities.

Animal Welfare Society

KENNEBUNKLong-term resident, Twix –hello! It’s so nice to meet you, my friends! My name is Twix and I’m a handsome and friendly guinea pig who is looking for my new, happy home. I found my way to AWS when my original owner could no longer care for me, and now that I’m here I’ve been so excited to start this new chapter in my life! In fact, I’ve been waiting for my new home since November of 2022 and that means that I am one of the longest term residents here at AWS. What a bummer! I know that you have to be patient when waiting for your perfect people but I can’t help but feel a bit antsy. After all, the weather is warming up and I can feel that Spring is right around the corner. Wouldn’t it be lovely if I was adopted in time to smell the fresh flowers and munch on the first of the grass poking through the ground? What a

dream come true.

Of course, in the meantime, I’ve been spending my days with my foster family getting lots of attention and being spoiled rotten. I guess it pays to be this cute! Like most of my kind, I always enjoy getting fresh hay and veggies daily that I can munch on, lots of toys and tunnels and ramps to play with, and time spent outside my enclosure to hang out with my people and get some exercise and stimulation. There’s always so much to


Shelter: 207-646-1611 • PO Box 91, Wells, ME 04090

THRIFT/VINTAGE/ANTIQUE SHOP: 207-216-9169 • 1784 Post Road, Wells Open 11am-4pm SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!

Help us pay our vet bills and other expenses!

Donations Accepted 12-3pm on Saturdays Only ( FMI 207-229-8314)


Boo Boo and Emmie will join you on the sofa, watch TV, cuddle in bed, and play with anything and everything. They will follow around like shadows, and give back twice the love and fun.

Boo Boo is all gray with the pretty looks of a Russian Blue. Emmie is a classic tabby with a bright white marking on her neck that we refer to as a locket. Both have short hair, big curious eyes, and happy and lively energy and spirit that radiates from them.

Find out more and arrange

explore when you’re an active guinea pig like me! I’ve heard the humans mention that I’m a rather large pig and while some of you might take offense, I love being a big boy! I’m just stocky and tall and rather muscular. It adds to my good looks!

I’ve also heard the humans mention that I’m named after a rather tasty candy bar that many of you might enjoy. I think this makes sense for me because I’m sweet, popular, and I definitely make you feel good! Now all I need is a home of my own and my perfect guinea pig dreams will have come true. It’s been wonderful living with my awesome foster but I do think it’s about time I found my forever family. I’ve waited through Thanksgiving, Christmas, the New Year, and now Valentine’s Day without being adopted, and by the time spring rolls around and everyone is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, I hope to be adopted. That’s my lucky wish, and I hope the odds are in my favor. Please give my friends here at AWS a call to finally come and meet me! I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Animal Welfare Society PO Box 43 / 46 Holland Road West Kennebunk, ME 04094 (207) 985-3244

~ Dining ~

for a visit by calling the shelter.

Just a few nights ago, Safe Haven finally trapped its final feral cat from a colony that had to be closed down due to new property ownership. The trapping began in late August, and ended this week in February.

Thirty-one(!) cats are now no longer living outside, fighting for food and shelter. They’re no longer at risk from cars and predators. They are safe in our care, with everything they need, including volunteers who work on socializing them.

Safe Haven has never released a feral cat. Releasing them does not solve the problem. Instead, we give them the time, love and care they need to be tamed and socialized. Then we match them with an experienced person who understands and appreciates the delights of helping a “formerly feral” kitty

Angels Rescue


Meet our special pets of the week!

Stella is a two-year-old, sweet Pitbull mix who is good with everyone she meets. She loves lots of play and toys. She is 45 lbs. Stella is good with other dogs and kids. No cats, please.

Hershey is a handsome dude who is looking for a person who will give him lots of attention! He is an 8-month-old Gray Tabby.

Both pets come from overcrowded shelters in Louisiana. They are spayed, neutered and up to date on all vaccinations. If

you would like to meet either pet, call the number below to set it up.

Emma’s Angels Rescue is an all volunteer, foster based organization in North Berwick. Needed at this time: wet cat food. Donations can be left in our drop box at 30 Meeting House Road in North Berwick.

Emma’s Angels Rescue 30 Meeting House Road North Berwick, ME 03906 207-676-5599 us/me/north-berwick/ emmas-angels-rescue-me

Weekly Recipe: French Canadian Chocolate Silk Pie

In Double Boiler:

3 cups milk

2 Tablespoons butter

In Mixing Bowl:

3 cups sugar

3 heaping Tablespoons

Hershey Cocoa

3 heaping Tablespoons flour

1 teaspoon salt

3 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla added at end

Preparation: Add dry ingredients to double boiler mixture, when it thickens add vanilla and pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake at 400 degrees for 35 minutes. Let it cool then refrigerate. This pie is extremely sweet, but it’s great with Cool Whip or whipped cream!

This recipe is from Rita Parent, and taken from Paul Parent’s Garden Club newsletter.

12 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023
Our 33rd Season! 1205 POST ROAD (ROUTE 1), WELLS NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON Open Tues-Thurs 4:30-8, Fri 4:30-8:30, Sat 4-9 Closed Sun-Mon WWW.THE-STEAKHOUSE.COM (207) 646-4200
Hours: Monday-Friday 10:30am-8pm New Thailand Cuisine at its finest! 519 US Route 1, York •
a secure and happy family member.

~ News ~

Local Students Receive Recognition

Belmont University, Nashville, TN

This November, Mae McDougald of Kennebunkport, performed in “Requiem for Colour” at Belmont University’s Fisher Center for the Performing Arts. The requiem is the masterwork composition of Dr. Jeffery Ames, school of music professor. Commercial music major McDougald performed in

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FEST from page 9

Piscataqua Waterkeeper for the Conservation Law Foundation, and long-time board member of the Kittery Land Trust. Tickets are not required, but there is suggested donation of $5 per film. Kittery Land Trust is also selling VIP passes for $50 that include admission to all films, and food during the caffeine kickoff and at lunch. For more details visit:

the Oratorio in front of an audience of more than 1,200 people.

Ames’ labor of love pays musical homage to the sufferers and saviors, the casualties and champions of Black American peoples in a requiem for the dead.

William Paradis of Lebanon was recognized on the dean’s list for the fall 2022 semester at Belmont University. Students must have a minimum course load of 12 hours and a GPA of 3.5.

The Citadel, Charleston, SC

Heidi Fortin of Ogunquit is one of the more than 650 cadets and students recognized for their academic achievements during the spring 2022 semester. Gold stars are awarded to those who achieved a 3.7 grade point average or higher. Recipients are also automatically placed on the dean’s list which requires a 3.20 or higher. Cadets may wear gold stars and the dean’s list medal on their uniforms throughout the semester following their academic achievement. Gold star recognition and

dean’s list certificates are given to non-cadet students. Veteran and active duty students are also awarded challenge coins. Fortin was also named to the president’s list for the fall 2022 semester.

Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY

Ryan Michael Perkins of Kittery, a senior majoring in financial information and analysis, was named a Presidential Scholar for the Fall 2022 semester at Clarkson University. Presidential Scholars must achieve a minimum 3.8 gradepoint average and carry at least 14 credit hours.

The College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA

The College of the Holy Cross congratulates the following students who were named to the fall 2022 dean’s list: Robert Moxham of Kennebunk (class of 2026) and Grace Toshach of Arundel (class of 2023). Students must pass four or more letter-graded courses with no failing grades during the

semester and earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

The College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY

Abigail Bull of Kittery, majoring in forensic psychology, earned a spot on the president’s list for the fall 2022 semester at the College of Saint Rose. Students must complete a minimum of 12 graded credit hours and achieve a GPA of 3.9 or higher.

Dean College, Franklin, MA

Dean College is pleased to announce that the following students have earned a place on the dean’s list for the fall 2022 semester: Kara Donovan of York and Steven McKeel of South Berwick.

Endicott College, Beverly, MA

Endicott College is pleased to announce the following students have been named to the fall 2022 dean’s list: Adam Lux of Arundel, majoring in business management; Ryan Abbott of Berwick, majoring in digital media; Iris Ross of Eliot, majoring in liberal studies and education; Lucien Breault of

Kennebunk, majoring in architectural studies; Samantha Fortin of Kennebunkport, majoring in liberal studies; Matt Smith of Kennebunkport, majoring in accounting; Emily Sweeney of Kittery, majoring in nursing; Isabel Melton of South Berwick, majoring in liberal studies; Tyler Bridge of Wells, majoring in finance; Connor Ellison of Wells, majoring in sport management; Alex Frame of York, majoring in business management; Sarah Johnson of York, majoring in studio art; Kristen Leroux of York, majoring in nursing; and Bailey Oliver of York, majoring in exercise science. Students must obtain a minimum GPA of 3.5, and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits for the semester.


February 20-27 is Maine

Unclaimed Property Week, through a proclamation put

forward by the Maine Office of the State Treasurer (OST).

The proclamation builds on the National Association of State

Atlantic Foundation Scholarships Available

STATEWIDEThe 2023 Atlantic Federal Credit Union Foundation College Scholarship Program is now accepting applications. Members graduating high school this spring and planning to continue their education are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Atlantic will award one $10,000 scholarship, one $5,000 scholarship, one $2,500 scholarship, one $1,500 scholarship, and one $1,000 scholarship, for a total of $20,000.

The scholarship aims to recognize outstanding high school graduates and help reduce their financial burdens for college. To be considered for the scholarship awards, all applicants must fill out and submit an application, write a 350400 word essay, and provide a resume and a letter of reference. The Atlantic Scholarship Committee will review all submitted applications and documents.

Applications must be received or postmarked no late than Friday, March 24. For more information, visit www.

The Atlantic Federal Credit Union Foundation is

the charitable arm of Atlantic Federal Credit Union, Maine’s leading credit union. With over $1 billion in assets and serving more than 49,000 members. Atlantic has branches in Biddeford, Brunswick, Cumberland, Freeport, Saco, Sanford, South Sanford, Topsham, and York. For more information, visit www.

Treasurers (NAST) celebration of National Unclaimed Property Day on February 1 and coincides with a telethon during Maine Unclaimed Property Week.

OST manages Maine’s unclaimed property program. Unclaimed Property consists of money and other financial assets that are considered lost or abandoned when an owner cannot be located after a specified period of time of inactivity. It includes items such as bank accounts, uncashed checks, life insurance policies, unpaid wages, stocks and dividends, refunds, and safe deposit box contents. Unclaimed Property does not include real estate, animals or vehicles. Each and every year, tens of millions of dollars go unclaimed by Maine residents. These finan-

cial assets are turned over by thousands of national and local businesses and organizations by a law called MRSA Title 33, Chapter 45: Maine Revised Unclaimed Property Act (http://

The Treasurer’s office holds these assets, free of charge, until claimed by the owner or heir. The State is currently holding over $303,000,000 in unclaimed property. In the month of January alone, 55,782 claims were made against unclaimed property totaling $4,498,652.01 in payments to Maine people.

University, Fairfield,


CT Emma J. Keniston of Wells received dean’s list honors for the fall 2022 semester. Students must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours in a semester and attained a GPA of 3.50 or better.

See KUDOS on page 14 . . .

Treasurer Beck said of the proclamation, “Maine continues to play a leading role among states in reuniting people with their unclaimed property,” he said. “The Governor’s proclamation recognizes and amplifies our commitment to the process, providing us a perfect launching pad for increasing awareness of unclaimed property in Maine.” he said.

Monday, February 27 is the last day to file for unclaimed property. For more information, visit www.

The Weekly Sentinel 13 February 24, 2023 WS ~ Arts Entertainment ~ FINANCE & CAREER Unclaimed Property Week Ends Monday Ham Insurance Agency Personal & Commercial Insurance 49 Portland Street, South Berwick, ME 03908 “We Understand” Local Agents, Local Service – We live where you live. Get a “Sizzling” quote from us. 207-384-2787 Karen FDI-1867L-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AECSPAD > | Member SIPC Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured % APY* % APY* % APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 02/17/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). 3-month 4.55 6-month 4.75 1-year 4.85 FDI-1867L-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AECSPAD > | Member SIPC Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured % APY* % APY* % APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 02/17/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). 3-month 4.55 6-month 4.75 1-year 4.85 FDI-1867L-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AECSPAD > | Member SIPC Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured % APY* % APY* % APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 02/17/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). 3-month 4.55 6-month 4.75 1-year 4.85 FDI-1867L-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AECSPAD > | Member SIPC Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured % APY* % APY* % APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 02/17/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). 3-month 4.55 6-month 4.75 1-year 4.85 Deb DeColfmacker Financial Advisor Jackie Pampinella Financial Advisor 49 B Portland Street, South Berwick, ME 03908-0471 207-384-5793

WHS First Trimester Honor Roll ~ News ~

WELLSWells High School recently released the honor roll for the first trimester of the 2022-2023 school year:

Seniors – High Honors

Cosette Allaire, Elena Booth, Alivia Boucher, Lucy Breton, Indie Brogan, Chloe Carbonneau, Aiden Drew, Dalton FaronFrench, Willa Ferris, Santiago Fitch-Cury, Sara Hayden, Bryce Hoag, Olivia Hunter, Owen Madsen, Krista Miner, Nicholas Olsen, Jace Patel, Amelia Rider, Kendal Anne Shiels, Christos Stathoplos, Eli Steere, Thanyaphorn Thakong.

Seniors – Honors

Hayden Bedell, Tabitha-Morgan Boudle, Abel Brethauer, Keenan Campbell, Elise Chandler, Emerson Clark, Grace Cote, Karter Crosby, Jonah Curley, Trent Dubois, Jaycob Ferrante, Madison Gagne, Tyler Goodwin Jr., Hunter Hood, Tyler Hunter, Casandra King, Jenna Knobloch, Ava Kreie, Landon Lessard, Michael Lewinski, Tyler Lippe, Brody Maxon, Gregory McDonald, Precious Nickless, Kenna Olsen, Gavyn Petrie, Skye Randall, Savannah Ratliff, Alyssa Robie, Max Rosenberg, Madison Smith, Keller Stearns, Alaina Stivaletta, Summer Sullivan, Kambrie Thompson, Meagan Towne, Chase Trudeau, Faith Verge, Kirra Villator, Marina Villator, Alyssa Wheeler, Anna Woodward.

Juniors – High Honors

Sarah Ackerman, Grace Badger, Lauren Barber, Evan Belanger, Camdyn Blynn, Kayla Bolton, Olivia Boutot, Jasmine Cogliano, Samuel Coleman, Dyllan Davis, William Griffith, Colton Harding, Katarina Hoffman, Jackson Koh, Cameron Mahoney, Gabriel Ordway, David Patnaude, Casey Rand, Brian Stevens, Kameron Tufts.

Juniors – Honors

Joshua Adams, Ryan Bingham, Logan Blanchard, Garrett Bohn, Nathan Bolduc, Bianca Brown, Noah Burrows, Spencer Carpenter, Bailey Cavaner, Calvin Chase, Sophia Davis, Rylee Ducharme, Brooks Fox, Madelaine Hemly, Mason Hudnall, John Paul Huppe,

Devin Jarosz,, Sarah Jarry, Catherine Kaszubinski, Abigail Mabry, Samantha McDermott, Nathan Muchemore, Riley Nichols, Kaden Paswaters, Om Patel, Samantha

Price, Hale Rowe, Colby Sevigney, Zachary Smith, Gavin Soloniewicz, Kaden Springer.

Sophomores – High Honors Quentin Ackerson, Natalie Blaisdell, Cooper Bourque, Victoria Chase, Sky Curley, Lola DaRosa, Phillip Fortin, Cailin Henry, Landon Jacobson-Theriault, Isabella Leslie, Chloe Madsen, Nicholas Marquis, Hailey Marshall, Derek Martin, Kendall Maxon, Maren Maxon, Hayden Meffert, Ellie Moore, Elizabeth Nichols, Eli Potter, Grace Richard, Pieper Shead, Lila Sprague, Molly Tavares, Brandon Wallingford.

Sophomores – Honors Hailey Adams, Hunter Adam s, Alexander Albright, Thaddeus

Allaire, Nickolaus Allen, Scarlet

Arbelo, Dominic Buxton, Jack

Coggeshall-Beyea, Honey Conley, Maya Connor, Kylie Corbett, Bryce

Curley, Elias Curley, Samuel Dean, Angelina Demarco, Dante DiNardi, Kyle Donahue, Patrick Dufresne, Cameron Field, Alex Finn, Matthew

Flagg, Shawn Haggerty, Teagan

Hludik, Gibson Holloway, Alana

Johnson, Emma Lear-Lapierre, Robert Lucas, Chase Lunetta, Jonathan Martinez, Ciara McDermott, Gabrielle Miner, Emily Morrell, Kaitlyn Ouellette, Jacob Pardoe, Chase Pelletier, Evan Peterson, Connor Peterson-McLeod, Sabin Piatek, Jada Pullen, Anne Randle, Dorothea Robertson, Kayla Rollins, Grace Seguin, Rowen Shafer, Ava Sprague, Savannah Tardiff, Elana Vennard.

Freshmen - High Honors Julia Allen, Daniel Blaisdell, Kevin Bolduc, Elizabeth Boulger, Abygail Bubier, Christopher Buckley, Camryn Chase, Evan Chase, Arianna Cote, Damian Cyr, Norah Donnell, Ainslie Donovan, Miranda Doughty, Caroline Dufort, Payton Fazzina, Sara Giddens, Gabriel Hatfi eld, Aria Holloway, Lily Holmes, Meghan Kaszubinski, Helen Lee, Logan Lorello, Evelina Lucas, William Martinez, Hrutuja McChesney, Abraham Medrano, Megyn Mertens, Caleb Moo dy,

from page 13

Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY Hofstra University is proud to announce the fall 2022 provost’s list, which recognizes students who earned a perfect 4.0 grade point average: Phoebe Keenan of York, whose major is in women’s studies, and Eliza Mason of Arundel, whose major is in film studies and production. Kogen Serrano of South Berwick with a major in English, also excelled during the fall 2022 semester, achieving a GPA of at least 3.5 to earn a spot on the dean’s list.

Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY Colin Martin of Kittery Point was named to Ithaca College’s fall 2022 dean’s list.

Lasell University, Newton, MA

Named to the dean’s list for fall 2022: Isabelle Babcock of York, Sarah Webb of Wells, Adrianna Marchi of Kittery, and Kylie Tice of South Berwick. Students must complete at least 12 credits as a full-time student and achieve a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher. Chelsea Miller, a recent Lasell University master’s degree recipient from Arundel, received a Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) Book Award in recognition of a 4.0 cumulative GPA. Miller graduated with a master of science in communication degree in December 2022. The award is

Camden Mosher, Samuel Philbert, Jackson Pollard, Robert Quint, Owen Shangraw, Caitlin Shiels, Ariella Springer, Paul Stair, Brandon Talevi, Tessa Ward, Madison Webb, Ryan Woodward.

Freshmen – Honors Elizabeth Adams, Ethan Afthim, Caleigh Berube, Nathan Bohn, Jacy Brown, Madelyn Campbell, Mia Campbell, Anntonella Ciorra, Aydan Collins, Kerri Davis, Landon Fifi eld, Todd Gilliam Jr., Sofia Groff, Colby Haskell, Savannah King, Joshua Lindsey, Parker Lomabardi, Violet Mabry, Rylee Maguire, Kevin Paswaters, Matthew Patnaude, Alden Pelletier, Samuel Perry, Alaina Rakiey, Caitlin Rooney, Natalya Springer, Brayden St. Onge.

given in recognition of a demonstrated commitment to excellence.

Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA York resident Emma Simonds, who is majoring in a bachelor of business administration with finance, has been named to the dean’s list at James Madison University for the fall 2022 semester. Students must carry at least 12 graded credit hours and earn a GPA of between 3.5 and 3.899.

Omicron Delta Kappa, Lexington, VA

Nicholas Marino, from Kittery, was recently initiated into the University of Miami Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society. Students must be sophomores, juniors, seniors, or graduate/professional students in the top 35% of their class, demonstrate leadership experience in at least one of the five pillars, and embrace the society’s ideals.

Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH

The following students were named to the Plymouth State University president’s list for the fall 2022 semester: Olivia Howard of Berwick, and Courtney Hyotte of Cape Neddick. Student must achieve a GPA of 3.7 or better and attempted at least 12 credit hours during the semester. The following students were named to the dean’s list for the fall 2022 semester:

Hanna Lanoie of Lebanon, Robert Christian of Eliot, and Kira Winter of Eliot. Students must achieve a GPA between 3.5 and 3.69 and attempted at least 12 credit hours during the semester.

Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT

The following area students were named to the dean’s list for the fall 2022 semester at Quinnipiac University: Skylar Berry of Eliot, Cala McEllin of Kittery, MacKenzie Davis of South Berwick, Bridget Flynn of South Berwick, Zachary Naffah of Wells, Sophia Barbaro of York, and Jillian Carr of York. Students must earn a GPA of at least 3.5 with at least 12 credits that have been graded on a letter grade basis.

Radford University, Radford, VA

Chase Francis Eckert, from Berwick, has been named to the

fall 2022 dean’s list at Radford University. Students must have 12 semester hours of coursework, and earn GPAs of at least 3.4.

Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV

Oliver S. Leonard of Kennebunk has been named to the dean’s list at Shepherd University for the fall 2022 semester. Student must achieve a minimum 3.4 GPA for the semester while carrying at least 12 hours of coursework.

Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following students on being named to the fall 2022 dean’s list: Laura Bailey of Berwick, Gianna Festa of Kittery Point, Nichole Roberts of South Berwick, Joseph Wilder of South Berwick, Benjamin Hay of York, and Riley McDermott of Kennebunkport. Students must have earned a minimum gradepoint average of 3.5 to 3.699 for the reporting term, enrolled in 12 credits for the term.

SNHU also congratulates the following students on being named to the fall 2022 president’s list: Ryan McCabe of Berwick, Cody Pritchett of Berwick, Christopher Morri of Eliot, Kayla Goodwin of Eliot, Michael Vargas of Kittery, Sifa Kanuga of Kittery, Nicole Baldin of Kittery, Amelia LeeRogers of South Berwick, Melanie Dube of South Berwick, Victoria Long of York, Sophia Stephens of York, Jacob DeMaris of York, Hannah Cronin of York, Ralph Anderson of Lebanon, Ryan Menter of Lebanon, Alec Midgley of Kennebunkport, Samantha Chase of Wells, Keenan Cullen of Wells, and Michaela Albano of Wells. Students must have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.7 and above for the reporting term, enrolled in 12 credits for the term.

Stonehill College, North Easton, MA

Named to the dean’s list this past semester: Peyton Nickerson of York, and Grace Verde of Berwick. Students must have a semester grade point average of 3.5 or better and must have successfully completed all courses for which they were registered.

See SCHOOLS on page 20 . . .

WS 14 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023 ~ Real Estate ~ 207.384.4008 96 Portland St, South Berwick, ME 03908 JEAN KOVACS REALTOR® Associate Broker I am a REAL ESTATE MATCHMAKER for Sellers and Buyers I LOVE MY JOB! Call: 207-408-1822 REALTY ONE PUZZLE ANSWERS
. .


Come have lunch and discuss this gorgeous property!

Hosted by Debbi Bozworth, broker, and Bill McDonough, REALTOR

MONDAY, FEB. 27 • 11AM - 1PM


Exquisite home built in 2021. Located close to Wells beaches and all that the “Friendliest Town in Maine” offers. Details matter and this home has them – crown molding, vertical siding, custom shower, and LPV flooring! Enjoy your summers relaxing at the ocean or entertaining visitors. This open home has 3 BRs, 2 full BAs, and 1 half BA. The primary BR has a walk-in closet and the W/D is thoughtfully located on the 2nd floor. Efficient heat pumps provide heat in the winter and AC in the summer. Interior access to the concrete crawl space and an outdoor shed offer plenty of storage. This is a free-standing condominium with a road maintenance agreement shared with 19 Curtis Road. $799,999 • MLS#1551010

DEBBI BOZWORTH 207-522-8950

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Each Office Independently Owned and Operated

This is not intended as a solicitation if you are contracted with a real estate agent. Equal Opportunity Housing Provider. Each office is independently owned and operated.

The Cottages at Coastal Pines offers bright and spacious open concept floor plans perfect for casual living and easy entertaining. From beautifully designed layouts to spacious kitchens and cottage style trim with generously sized bedrooms - the sense of warmth and charm within these unique cottage-style homes is felt the moment you step inside.

For more information about The Cottages at Coastal Pines, from open houses to new listings, visit or contact Carrie Scoville at (207) 409-9378

The Weekly Sentinel 15 February 24, 2023 WS 2+ Bedroom Year-round home in desirable 55+ Brookside Circle OGUNQUIT GOSSELIN REALTY GROUP GRG Greg Gosselin, Broker/Owner 207-752-2353 direct greg@greggosselin com 647 US Route One, York, ME Great Opportunity in Ogunquit Offered at $289,000!
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is Independently
and Operated ~ Real Estate ~ Each O ce

Vernon Francis Huestis, 95

BERWICK – Vernon Francis Huestis died peacefully Friday, February 10, 2023, at the Scarborough Maine Veterans Home. He was 95 years old.

Vern was born September 22, 1927 in Bristol, RI, to Grace Simister Huestis and John Floyd Huestis.

After graduating from Colt High School, Vern was drafted into the Army, and would later receive a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Missouri through the GI bill.

While in Rhode Island, Vern met his first love, Marie Elizabeth Perry, and the two raised five children together. Vern worked for 26 years in his father’s shop, J.F. Huestis, Inc., until the family moved to Berwick. Vern then worked for Corning/Components in Biddeford until retiring after 25 years. After 20 years of marriage, Vern and Elizabeth divorced, and Vern met his second love, Terri Dubois. They married and Vern became stepfather to Terrie’s children.

He was a proud member of Berwick American Legion Post #79 and Biddeford Knights of Columbus.

Vern is predeceased by his second wife Terrie Huestis; daughter Sara Huestis; stepdaughter Carol Dubois; granddaughter Haley Dubois; and sister Barbara Husband.

He leaves behind his first wife, Elizabeth Perry; daughters, Julia Huestis, Lisa Huestis,

Martha Huestis and husband Tom Byrne; son Jareth Johnson; stepchildren, Carlene Laflamme, Carla and husband Rob Membrino, and Norm Dubois and wife Holly; nephews, David and Richard Husband; plus grandchildren, great grandchildren, and many friends, including Art Dennison and Eric Mihan.

A memorial mass will be held Saturday, February 25 at 11 a.m. at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, 178 Elm St., Biddeford.

In lieu of flowers please make a donation to the Maine Appalachian Trail Club (www.matc. org/donate). More information and photos can be found at www. /vernon-f-huestis.

Michael F. Guyer, 63

WELLS – Commander

(SEAL) Michael F. Guyer, United States Navy (retired), of Wells, went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on February 11, 2023.

Mike fought his final battle with cancer like he lived his life, with a quiet stoic resolve that was truly inspirational. Observing his faith, hard work, integrity, friendship, and humility taught his vast collection of family and friends how to live. Observing his faith, courage, humor, grit, and grace as he battled cancer taught his family and friends how to face adversity, taught them how to die.

Mike was born on October 6, 1959, in Portsmouth, VA, to Margaret and Marvin Guyer.

He was raised in Cincinnati, OH, and Raleigh, NC. He was a graduate of Sanderson High School in Raleigh, Old Dominion University in Norfolk VA, and the Naval War College, Newport, RI. Mike also graduated with BUD/S Class 149 at the Naval Training Center in Coronado, CA.

His career in the U.S. Navy spanned 29 years of exceptionally distinguished service from Seaman Recruit, to Pharmacist’s Mate, to Commanding Officer of SEAL Team Two. Mike excelled at every aspect of leading SEALs from his early days in a SEAL Delivery Vehicle platoon, to his deployments to Latin America with SEAL Team Four, to his time as the Operations Officer at Unit Eight in Panama and the Plank Owner Executive Officer standing up SEAL Team Ten. Mike earned a reputation as an outstanding operator, decisive leader, and team player.

His many years of service at the Naval Special Warfare Development Group are where Mike really made his mark on the community. During his time leading an element and squadron, he planned and led a historically successful mission pre-9/11, when missions were scarce. Post 9/11, he served as Operations Officer in the early days of Afghanistan, establishing the foundation of success for hundreds of followon deployments.

Upon retirement and as a civilian, Mike continued to play an important role in supporting Naval Special Warfare for over a decade by writing about its history, compiling the lessons learned at Naval Special Warfare Development Group, and periodically coordinating the pre-deployment certification exercises for both the East and West Coast SEAL Teams. The operators trusted and confided in Mike, which enabled him to accurately document their accomplishments and hard-earned lessons post-mission. Their leaders trusted in Mike to help them prepare deploying SEAL teams for the challenges of combat and deployment. Bottom line, Mike devoted his entire adult life to leading or assisting the community he loved.

Mike was also an expert gardener and military history afficionado, who could discuss the merits of his favorite species of Japanese Maples as easily as he could discuss the eccentricities of his favorite, or least favorite, Civil War general. He loved




Garrison City Crematory Tasker Monument Co. 621 Central Ave., Dover, NH 03820 603-742-4961 •


. . . PERKINS from page 1

them ask, “How did he do it?” At last count, Richard had penned more than 1,800 odes.

An Ode in Honor of Richard Perkins

He wasn’t born, he was discovered

A man by all Ogunquit most beloved Crowned Ogunquit’s oldest teen

With impish smile and humor keen

Richard’s eyes were a reflection of the sea that he lived on in his early years as a captain

A dramatic blue that captures the heart like the beauty of the ocean

An author whose odes are famous far and wide

He’s been named Ogunquit’s Poet Laureate with great pride!

Restaurateur and Chef Sublime

Always ready to have a good time!

We’ll miss the odes, the stories and smile

But you’re in our hearts forever and that’s quite a while

T he community will honor Richard Perkins, “Ogunquit’s Oldest Teenager,” in a celebration of life, on Wednesday, March 8 at 3 p.m., at Jackie’s Restaurant, 91 Perkins Cove, Ogunquit.

Donations to cover the costs of final expenses are greatly appreciated. Checks can be sent to Richard’s lifelong partner, Robert Maurais, at PO Box 894, Ogunquit, ME 03907. Richard’s friends and family want to thank everyone who knew him, and knew how much he touched the lives of everyone around him. This article was submitted courtesy of friends and family of Richard Perkins.

anything with an engine, which included a long list of motorcycles, cars, trucks, and boats. He always had a “project.” Mike also loved to fish, drink a nice glass of wine, cook on the grill, and explore new places.

His deep faith in Jesus Christ and his family gave Mike the most joy. He loved to travel to California to visit his daughter, Carey, his son, Andrew, and his three grandsons, Tristan, Trevor, and Declan. He treasured his life in Maine with his best friend and life partner, Eileen, stepdaughters Meaghan and Emily, son-in-law Sean, and grandson Callahan. His travels to North Carolina encompassed many delightful times with his sister Debbie and her husband Tim, his brother Joe and his mother, Margaret, his nephews, nieces, and all their children.

Mike’s wisdom, bluntness, humility, wit, and acute powers of observation ensured he had an outsized impact on everyone he met and interacted with. Whether it was helping to coach the Wells High School Football Team or instructing his grandson how to ride a motorcycle, you were a better person after being counseled by Mike.

Mike is survived by his beloved partner of 19 years, Eileen Sheehy; son Senior Chief Andrew Guyer and his partner Cindy Dela Cruz; daughter Carey Guyer; stepdaughters, Meaghan Lewia and Emily Roche; son-inlaw Sean Roche; grandchildren, Declan Guyer, Trevor Guyer, Tristan Guyer, and Callahan Roch; mother Margaret Guyer; sister Debbie Shinbara and her husband Timothy; brother Joe Guyer; mother-in-law Marianne Sheehy; and sisters-in-law, Kerry Sheehy and Janet Sheehy. Mike also has many nephews, nieces,

outstanding teammates, and friends, all of whom he relished.

A fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital has been established in Mike’s honor. If you would like to provide a donation on his behalf, go to https://

A Celebration of Life will be held at the JEB-Little Creek SEAL Heritage Center on Friday, May 12. Details will be published at a later date. To share a memory or leave a message of condolence, visit Mike’s Book of Memories Page at Arrangements are in the care of Bibber Memorial Chapel, 111 Chapel Rd., Wells.

Lucy L. McDonald, 97

KENNEBUNK – Lucy L. McDonald, 97, a loving and spirited wife, mother, grandmother, and resident of Kennebunk, passed peacefully surrounded by her children on February 2, 2023.

Born to Lea (Lil) King and (Andrew) Edgar King in August of 1925, she was one of ten children raised on the family dairy farm in Whippleville, NY. She is predeceased by siblings, May Schneeberger, Ethel Gerowe, Francis King, Norman King, Oscar King, Marge Johnson,

See MCDONALD on page 17 . . .

WS 16 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023 Funeral Home and Cremation Services 207-676-2622 26 Market Street, North Berwick, ME 03906-0475 Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1880 ~ Obituaries ~ EXCAVATION (207) 439-5868 KITTERY | RONBET.COM Driveways Stump Removal Land Clearing Drainage House Lots Demolition Established in 1947 Built in Seacoast Area • Since 1947
Main St.,
Div. of Tasker Funeral Service,
So. Berwick,
03908 207-384-2373 •
Owned and Operated
• • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • •

and Barbara McCormic. Lucy is survived by two sisters, Anna Marie Johnston and Eleanor Villandre.

Lucy is also preceded in death by her husband, Erwin Allgauer of Brooklyn, NY. Married 33 wonderful years, they raised six children together. She is survived by John Allgauer and his wife Donna, Michael Allgauer and his wife Darlene, Karl Allgauer and his wife Evelyn, Catherine Grant and her husband Steven, Steven Allgauer, and Theresa Curran and her husband Timothy. She has eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Lucy and Erwin kept themselves busy building a life they loved. Together they owned and operated Erwin’s Delicatessen in Brentwood, NY, where Lucy became famous for her 25-pound batches of both German and American potato salad. As their children grew older, the family came together to build their beloved camp in Fish Creek, NY, “Allgauer’s Sans Souci.” For decades, Lucy would spend summers up at the camp taking in the serenity of the Adirondacks, hosting family visits and celebrations.

Lucy later remarried, spending nine years with John McDonald of Bay Shore, NY,

enjoying many tri ps together before his passing. She also shared lots of laughs and created warm memories traveling parts of Europe with her sisters.

Lucy was a dedicated nurse who started her career at the VA hospital in Tupper Lake, NY, and continued her love of nursing at Southside Hospital in Bay Shore. After retiring from nursing, she volunteered for Catholic Charities at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Beverly Hills, FL. There she founded Care Connection, a volunteer program, recruiting over 100 volunteers to assist those that needed respite help in her community. Due to its success, the program’s design was later modeled by the Archdiocese of Tampa, St. Pete. She also developed a local activities program at her church for people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Her famous potato salad, stollen fruit bread, laugh, one liners, and signature “Lucy looks” will be missed by all.

A viewing was held Monday, February 6, 4-7 p.m. at Johnson’s Funeral Home, 26 Market St., North Berwick.

A Catholic Funeral Mass was held on Tuesday, February 7 at 11 a.m. at St. Martha’s Catholic Church, Kennebunk. Burial service to take place at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Catholic

Charities at donate or to Our Lady of Grace Church, 6 Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly Hills, FL 34465 for the food pantry or Feed the Homeless ministries. Please indicate the ministry on the check. Arrangements have been entrusted to the Johnson Funeral Home in North Berwick, where condolences may be shared at

Theodore A. Searles, 81

WELLS – Theodore A. Searles (Teddy, Ted) of Coles Hill Road, passed away on February 5, 2023, at his home peacefully, with family by his side.

Born October 8, 1941, to Theodore W. and Natalie Perkins-Searles. His mother was in the hospital giving birth to him while his soon-to-be dad and brothers were moving them into the home that his dad and mom

had just bought. Ted was a lifetime resident of Coles Hill Road in Wells Branch for 81 years.

Ted was a hardworking man at many different jobs and trades. He had to be doing something all the time: fixing vehicles, plumbing, working on tractors and lawn mowers, and pretty much anything he could find to do. He enjoyed woodworking, hunting, fishing, and sometimes just hanging out in his garage, kicking back a few.

Ted’s favorite place was his camp up Maine. He would spend weeks in the summer and then back in the fall for hunting. He loved being outside, cooking especially. So many projects for him to do there. Dad, you and Bert will forever live there in spirit.

Ted is predeceased by his parents, his wife Roberta, and his daughter Kristina.

Ted is survived by his brother Joe Searles and his wife Linda of Wells; daughter Lori and husband David Edgerly of Wells; two grandsons, Benjamin Edgerly of Sanford and Averey DeVoe of Florida; great-granddaughter Kristin Edgerly of South Carolina; niece Dawn Downer and nephew Dale Searles and their families; and stepson Rick Wentworth and his family.

There are not enough words and thank yous for all that dad’s girlfriend, Daryiln Davis, has done these past months.

Putting her life on hold, she had been right by his side until the end. You are such an angel to us. Thank you for everything.

A celebration of Ted’s life will be held at his home on Coles Hill Road, April 1, at 1 p.m. Bring your stories and we will share a cheer. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Wells Branch Fire Association Fire Museum, 257 Clark Road, Wells, ME 04090. Arrangements entrusted to the Johnson Funeral Home, North Berwick, where condolences may be expressed at

YORK – Todd Dean Spelman, 41, passed away on Friday, February 10, 2023. He was born December 15, 1981 in Exeter, NH.

The Weekly Sentinel 17 February 24, 2023 WS EXCAVATION & LOGGING WINTER RENTALS! Large Frame Skid Steers Wheels or Tracks $1,850.00 / Month with four month commitment Call 207-384-2001 540 Portland Street, Berwick, ME 03901 HARDSCAPE: • Patios • Walkways • Driveways • Pools • Retaining Walls • Stone Work/Veneer • Patio Sealing • Lawn Installation • Landscape Design/Install EXCAVATION: • Roadways/Driveways • Trenching • Site Work/Earthworks • Septic Systems • Land Clearing • Drainage Solutions • Commercial/Residential Snow Services ZACH AT 207-752-0031 OR FASKIANOSHARDSCAPE@GMAIL.COM Competitive Pricing. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Contact us today to start your project! ~ Home & Business Services ~ COMPUTER SERVICES Computer Services & Repair Virus Removal, Repairs, Upgrades, Networking & New Systems in Home or Office Call or email Jeannine at 207-251-2235 QUALITY Furniture Repairs CALL: Brian Bourque Chinchillas Antiques Kittery Point, ME 207-703-2567 207-240-6348 Over 35 Years Experience Free Honest Estimates FURNITURE REPAIR 207.337.3315 Residential • Commercial • Janitorial MAJIK CLEANING SERVICES & RENTAL MANAGEMENT 24 / 7 / 365 Residential, Commercial, AirBnb, Vrbo, Condo Assocs. & More! Insured / Bonded / OSHA10 207-289-5688 Facebook & Instagram CLEANING Rickers Mulch & Storage Mulch / Loam / Gravel Outdoor storage Firewood Pick-Up or Delivery 207-384-8500 • Route 4, Berwick MULCH / LOAM ALL DRY SERVICES OF SOUTHERN MAINE EMERGENCY WATER DAMAGE SERVICES MOLD REMEDIATION SEWAGE CLEANUP ODOR REMOVAL WEBSITE: EMAIL: CALL (207) 607-5952 | OPEN 24/7 Fully insured contractor serving residential and commercial customers throughout Southern Maine WATER & MOLD RESTORATION ~ Obituaries ~ SMALL ENGINE REPAIR ELIOT SMALL ENGINE REPAIR, INC. New Toro Snow Blowers We Service All Brands Pickup & Delivery Available RTE 236, ELIOT, MAINE 207-439-4015
• • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • •
Todd Dean Spelman, 41
. . . MCDONALD from page 16
on page 20 . . .


WS 18 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023 ~ Home & Business Services ~ R.P. PLUMBING Ryan Porell New Construction Remodeling Service & Repairs Seasonal Turn-Offs Insured Master Plumber (207) 730-1966 PLUMBING & HEATING EST. 1959 C a l l 20 7-985-2 13 0 Plumbing • Heating Air Conditioning Installation • Service 119 York St., Rte. 1, Kennebunk, ME • Insured Master Plumber Master Gas Technician • Kitchen/Bath Remodels • New Construction • Heating Systems • On Demand Hot Water • Plumbing Service & Repairs 207-646-0629 - Residential/Commercial - 65’ Bucket Truck - 72’ Turf Friendly All Terrain Li - 115’ Crane - 30 Years Experience of Tree & Shrub Installation - Specializing in Technical/Hazardous Pruning & Removals - Licensed & Experienced Arborist - Free Estimates & Fully Insured DBTREE@YAHOO.COM • TREE REMOVAL • STUMP GRINDING • FORESTRY MULCHING 603-834-3726 H3LANDWORKS@YAHOO.COM FREE ESTIMATES • RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • FULLY INSURED • LAND CLEARING • YARD EXPANSIONS • LAWN INSTALLATION & RENOVATIONS TREE SERVICES FULLY LICENSED & INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 207-460-5536 TREE REMOVAL - STUMP GRINDING - LOT CLEARING STUMP GRINDING & REMOVAL Forestry Mulching Land Clearing Road & Drainage House Lots Tree Removal Firewood Cut, Split & Delivered License Arborist Free Estimates & Fully Insured 207-604-3312 BCFORESTRYLLC.COM WASTE REMOVAL PLUMBING PAINTING KEY PAINTING • fully insured • • free estimates • • over 30 years experience • 207-324-8362 COLOR MY WORLD PAINTING CO. Insured & Estimates Interior & Exterior Contact Dan: (207) 451-9323 (603) 205-3686 HARLEY’S PAINTING  Professional Painters Interior & Exterior 30+ Years Experience Licensed & Fully Insured Competitive Rates Commercial & Residential ( 781 ) 983-7301 FIVE STAR Ratings House Painting interior - exterior professional - insured Bob Roux Phone: 207-985-4080 Cell: 207-251-8995 Email: INT/EXT HOUSE PAINTING R. B. Ellis CALL 603-501-0175 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE FULLY INSURED “Let us make your residential and commercial needs a reality. Covering a wide variety of services in the industry, and derived from an engineering and construction background!” General Excavation, Demolition, Land Clearing, Land Development, Landscape Construction, Site Construction, Snow Management “We work throughout the winter!” Residential - Commercial- Municipal - Federal Competitive Pricing - Free Estimates - Fully Insured Previously known as F&R Excavation & Property Maintenance
Cameron Roll, Owner Roll Excavation & Land Management York, ME PAINTING
The Weekly Sentinel 19 February 24, 2023 WS ~ Home & Business Services ~ LEFEBVRE’S REMODELING G Need your project done? No project too small. Make your house a home again! Garages, Additions, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Decks, Interior Trim, Basements, Drywall, Painting... Ask for Glen 603•534•0643 Remodeling & Repair • Interior/Exterior Painting • Carpentry Yard Work • Power Washing • Wallpapering & Stenciling Handyman Jack, etc. LLC by Jack and Diane Professional, experienced, fully insured • FREE estimates 207-363-5793 Member of the York Chamber of Commerce Dave The Door Man Installations & Repairs Interior & Exterior Storm, Shower, Basement Wood, Steel, Fiberglass Weather Stripping Lock Replacements Call Dave Lomasney 207-475-8928 DRAKE’S ISLAND CONSTRUCTION Handyman Services Available Homes • Additions • Remodeling • Garages • Decks Roofs • Painting (Interior & Exterior) • Siding Replacement Windows • Kitchen & Baths Free Estimates - Fully Insured - References - Over 30 Years in Business Email Lance Tufts Phone 207-646-3369 Phone/Fax 207-985-9165 No job too small 207.883.6003 ww 24 HOUR EMERGENC Y SERVICE AVAILABLE Maintenance & Remodeling Kitchen & Baths ~ 25 Years Experience ~ CASON CARPENTRY “NO JOB TOO SMALL” Licensed & Insured Kitchen, Basement & Bath Remodeling ~ Decks Replacement Windows ~ General Carpentry & Repair Dan Cason Cell: (207) 651-8580 Tel/Fax: (207) 676-9840 Email: KENCARP Have an idea for your home? Make it a reality. Interior Trim • Additions & Remodels Custom Built-ins • Windows & Doors EPA RRP Certified, Licensed & Insured 603.674.4213 STEVE’S CARPENTRY Home improvements remodeling & repairs Expert finish carpenter No job too small 207-361-4019 HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENT ROOFING & GUTTERS Fully Insured Bryan Bedard ROOF SHOVELING • ASPHALT SHINGLES RUBBER ROOFING • WOODEN SHAKES • GUTTERS Accepting All Major Credit Cards Free Estimates Commercial & Residential 207-229-8108 Ruck Roofing Residential & Commercial Asphalt • Rubber Serving the Seacoast one job at a time! Visit Email Call Bill @ 207-710-8574 Free Estimates ~ Fully Insured ~ Workman’s Comp Quality Materials Superior Workmanship Brooks Roofing 207-252-2016 Roof Shoveling / Snow Removal! Free Estimates Residential / Commercial Asphalt Shingles Metal Roofing Single Ply Rubber Fully Insured Serving York County Serving Our Community Since 1999 ROOF SHOVELING ROOFING: ASPHALT & METAL SIDING: VINYL & WOOD REPAIRS FOR ROOFING, SIDING & ROT Senior & Veteran Discounts Fully Insured 207-459-0869 COMMUNITY HOME SERVICES LLC Roof Repa ir • Leaks • Inspections • Repairs • ReSealing • Replacement Cell: 781-662-6842 David Botolino KS Construction General Contractor specializing in: New Construction Decks & Docks Landscape & Hardscape Garages Remodeling Kitchens Bathrooms Basements Sunrooms Serving Local Maine & NH • Free Estimates • Insured Call/Text 603-833-8394 Computer 3D Drawings with Virtual Tour CHIMNEY SERVICES 207-985-3477 Swept, Lined, Repaired, Professional, Fully Insured, Guaranteed No Mess FIRE SAFETY MEANS PEACE OF MIND Ch imney Repa ir • Leaks • ReSealing • ReBuilding • ReFlashing • Caps Cell: 781-662-6842 David Botolino Paula in Stitches custom sewing everything but alterations teaching, original designs & soft furnishings (213) 550-9065 KENNEBUNK find me on facebook & instagram SEWING

Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA

Katie Plourde, of Wells, was named to Susquehanna University’s dean’s list for the fall 2022 semester. Students must achieve a GPA of 3.4 or higher and complete a minimum of 12 semester hours.

University of Maine, Augusta, ME

University of Maine at Augusta

(UMA) Interim President and Provost Joseph Szakas announces the 2022 fall semester full-time dean’s list (GPA 3.25 to 3.79): Caleb Corey of Wells, Nicholas Roberge of Lebanon, and Aiden Stone of South Berwick.

University of New England, Biddeford and Portland, ME

The following students have been named to the dean’s list for the 2022 fall semester at the University of New England: Allison Cloutier of Arundel, Vickie Collins-Libby of Arundel, Robin Gorham of Arundel, Caroline Lowery of Arundel, Carrie Grace of Berwick, Izabella Haagenson of Berwick, Erin Kinsey of

~ Classifieds & News ~

Berwick, Isabella Reil of Berwick, Cavin McNamara of Cape Neddick, Cheryl Kaufman of Eliot, Amy Marble of Eliot, Carina McAllister of Eliot, Emma Enis of Kennebunk, Grace Howard of Kennebunk, Chase Lamontagne of Kennebunk, Anela McMichael of Kennebunk, Kate Moore of Kennebunk, Molly Sweeney of Kennebunk, Caitlin Whalen of Kennebunk, Brett Collard of Kennebunkport, Tralee Pomerleau of Kennebunkport, Tristan Wirth of Kennebunkport, Mohamed Shaikh of Kittery, Alexis Weaver of Kittery, Morgan WelchThompson of Moody, Gavin Mason of North Berwick, Hannah Michaud of North Berwick, Madison Gagner of South Berwick, Colin Grady of South Berwick, Emily Lewis of South Berwick, Alexander Mitchum of South Berwick, Logan Bedell of Wells, Grace Boucher of Wells, Lily Clough of Wells, Leah Finn of Wells, Maxwell Gates of Wells, Samantha Metzler of Wells, Brianna Ordway of Wells, Kimberly Towne of Wells, Alyssa Wallingford of Wells, Gwen Wallingford of Wells, Mackenzie Webb of Wells, Megan Baker of York, Emma Catling of York, Alicia Reynolds of York, Conor Tully of York. Students must attained a GPA


Town of Kittery Seeks Proposals for Feasibility Study

The Town of Kittery, in cooperation with the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) and the Kittery Area Comprehensive Transportation System (KACTs), is seeking proposals for professional services for a Route 1 Corridor Planning Feasibility Study, MaineDOT WIN 026680.00. For a complete description and instructions on how to submit a proposal, visit Questions accepted via email to Jason Garnham, Director of Planning & Development,


Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Town Manager, 208 Sanford Road, Wells, Maine 04090 until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 9, 2023 when they will be publicly opened and read for:

Roof Replacement for Harbor Park Pavilion and Hope Hobbs Gazebo

Bid packages are available on our website at


Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Town Manager, 208 Sanford Road, Wells, ME 04090 until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, 2023, when they will be publicly opened and read for:

Seasonal Landscaping

Bid packages are available on our website at





TIME: 5:30PM

Notice is hereby given that the Select Board of the Town of Eliot, Maine will hold a public hearing on Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 5:30PM in said Town to hear public comment on the following:

An application for a renewal of an All-Alcohol Beverage Restaurant License for 207 Tavern Inc, 811 Harold L. Dow Hwy, Eliot Maine (map 29, lot 27-1A).

All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Please refer to the Town of Eliot’s website for zoom instructions if you do not want to participate in person at the town office.

If you cannot attend the meeting in person or by zoom, and want to make comments in regards to the topic, please send any correspondence to the Town Manager prior to meeting date at Copies of the license application is available at the town office for review.

of 3.3 or better.

University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

The following students graduated from the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in December 2022: Lindsey Bogh of Eliot, graduated magna cum laude with a BS in communication sci and disorders; Natalie Lord of Kittery, graduated with a MS in natural resources, environmental; Joshua Hodgkiss of York, graduated with a MS in kinesiology; Meredith Kohler of York, graduated with a MS in nursing; Quinn Normandeau of Kennebunk, graduated with a MS in occupational therapy; and Sean McCormack-Kuhman of Wells, graduated with a BS in homeland security. Students who received the honor of summa cum laude graduated with a GPA of 3.85-4.0; students who received the honor of magna cum laude graduated with a GPA of 3.65-3.84; and students who received the honor of cum laude graduated with a GPA of 3.50-3.64.

The following students have been named to the dean’s list for the fall 2022 semester: Cheyenne Collins of Berwick with high honors, Lydia Solak of Berwick with highest honors, Krista Farrell of Berwick with high honors, Orion Hayes of Berwick with highest honors, Rain Bugado of Berwick with highest honors, Emily Howard of Berwick with high honors, Luke Conroy of Berwick with highest honors, Elizabeth McGranaghan of Berwick with highest honors, Gabriella Caterino of Berwick with high honors, Lucas Safford of Berwick with highest honors, John Gant of Cape Neddick with high honors, Kai DiMuzio of Cape Neddick with honors, Lindsey Bogh of Eliot with highest honors, Olivia Pride of Eliot with high honors, Willa Stewart of Eliot with honors, Vivian Webster of Eliot with honors, Ian Bryant of Eliot with high honors, Avery Harrison of Eliot with honors, Parker Swanson of Eliot with honors, William Kirkpatrick of Eliot with highest honors, Lauren Welch of Kittery with highest honors, Kaylin Moriarty of Kittery with highest honors, Jemma Glenn Wixson of Kittery with high honors,


GREEN FIREWOOD Cut, Split & Delivered Call Eric Hobson 207-467-0621

GREEN FIREWOOD Cut, Split & Delivered Clean & Guaranteed Full Cord North Berwick 207-409-6567

Wood Pellets Call for Pricing! Eliot Agway 207-439-4015

Liam Reeve of Kittery with highest honors, Leah Glidden of Kittery with high honors, Natalie Ouellette of North Berwick with high honors, Lea Wallbaum of North Berwick with highest honors, Cassandra Chabot of North Berwick with highest honors, Emily Lowery of North Berwick with high honors, Daisy Aromando of Ogunquit with honors, Katherine Austin of South Berwick with high honors, Abigail Kaye of South Berwick with high honors, Sophia Freeman of South Berwick with high honors, Molly Barrett of York with honors, Nathan Doane of York with honors, Tamta Jologua of York with high honors, Hayley Smith of York with highest honors, Lena Huang of York with high honors, Christine Ellis of York with highest honors, Amelia Burley of York with highest honors, Collin Edminster of York with high honors, Max Allen of York with honors, Gavin Tucker of York with high honors, Cody Sigouin of Lebanon with highest honors, Hannah Marquis of Kennebunk with high honors, Alexa Leigh of Kennebunk with high honors, Emma Westley of Kennebunk with highest honors, Catherine Campbell of Kennebunk with highest honors, Rowan Pow of Kennebunk with highest honors, Jacob Towne of Kennebunk with high honors, Meghan Lynch of Kennebunk with honors, Allie Bennett of Kennebunk with honors, Margaret Yemma of Kennebunk with highest honors, Kevin Finn of Kennebunk with high honors, Elizabeth Toshach of Arundel with honors, Garon Woods of Arundel with high honors, Samantha Underwood of Arundel with highest honors, Ryan Harriman of Moody with high honors, Kathryn Cafaro of Wells with high honors, James Ackerman of Wells with highest honors, Charlotte Allaire of Wells with high honors, Quentin Curtiss of Wells with high honors, Zachary Steere of Wells with high honors, and Mackenzie Foss of Wells with highest honors.

University of Tampa, Tampa, FL


UPRIGHT PIANO! It doesn’t stay tuned but the cabinet is in good shape and may be worthwhile as a bar, aquarium cabinet, or what can be imagined. Need upright piano dolly. Call 207-351-8038 and leave message.



Expert cleaning and repairs, stock alterations, recoil pads. Over 50 years experience. Very reasonable rates. 207-450-8957


. . . SPELMAN from page 17

Todd leaves behind his wife Joanna Spelman of Rye, NH; children, Noah, Will, and Savannah; parents, Mel and Marcia Spelman of York; sister Kelly Spelman of Maynard, MA; in-laws, Ron and Julie Lavoie; sister-in-law Jennifer Taylor and her husband Matt Taylor; sisterin-law Kara Rice; many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, and nieces; as well as countless friends who miss him every moment of every day.

Celebrations took place in York on Wednesday, February 15, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Lucas & Eaton Funeral Home, 91 Long Sands Road, York. A Christian Celebration of Life was held at 1 p.m. at the First Parish Church, 180 York St., York. Burial directly followed in the First Parish Cemetery, with a reception at the Union Bluff Meeting House. In lieu of flowers, there is a GoFundMe set up for his children at Visit for a full obituary and online condolences.

The following local students were named to the University of Tampa dean’s list for the fall 2022 semester: Timothy Stauss of Kennebunk, majoring in communication media and culture (BA); John Remick of York, majoring in environmental science (BS); and Dyamond Dempsey of York, majoring in education-elementary for K-6 (BS). Students must maintain a GPA of 3.75 or higher.




“Life on the Piscataqua 1630s”

A novella about my Piscataqua ancestors, by Lewis Brackett

2018 POLARIS ATV Model 570ETS, excellent condition, 92 hours used, comes with a winch, 60” plow, chains, windshield, new battery, and 2” lift. $7800. 207-337-3701

SHOP FOR RENT 30’ x 40’ shop for rent with a 14’ x 14’ door and a truck lift in South Berwick. $380 / week. 603-817-0808


Room rental, walking distance to ocean. Fully furnished and all utilities included. $1295/month. Available Feb.18. 207-479-2116

WS 20 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023
FIREWOOD Seasoned • Green • Kiln Dried Cut - Split - Delivered 207-216-2983
207.384.4008 96 Portland St, South Berwick, ME NORTH BERWICK RENTAL 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Totally Renovated Farmhouse One Year Lease $3200 / Month + Utilities RENTALS
. . .
SCHOOLS from page 14

~ Classifieds ~


Established business in Wells hiring for two positions!



(part / full time). Competitive pay, year round, upbeat working environment! Please contact the Bistro at R&R, 913 Post Road, Wells, ME • 207-351-8091


countryside dog daycare program in York is adding staff to our family like team. Our program operates 7am to 6pm Monday - Friday, offering a relaxed work environment with flexible shifts and P/T hours. If you are people friendly, dog loving, and comfortable handling groups of dogs indoors and in fields, call to learn if being part of our team fits you! 207-363-0099





Clearing of Car, Mailbox, Trash

Cans & Porch • After Storm

Clean Up! Eagle Lawn Service: Call 207-351-2887



Income Tax Prep-Individual Business-Corp-NonProfit

C 781-956-2713 H 207-384-5425


Bookkeeping & Tax Preparation

Licensed & Insured

C 207-646-5244 H 207-809-0928


WANTED: VINTAGE CLOTHING! Downsizing? Need help with a cleanout? Just have a bunch of OLD clothes? We buy men’s and women’s vintage clothing from 1900-1990! We pay cash. Condition does not matter –we launder and repair! Call today for a consultation: 207-245-8700


Antiques * Silver * Gold * Coins


One Item or Entire Estate. Cash paid for all antiques. Antique jewelry, coins, silver, gold, paintings, clocks, lamps, telephones, radios, phonographs, nautical items, weathervanes, dolls & toys, pottery, photography, military items, swords, advertising signs, fountain pens, bottles, tools, books & much much more! Buying antiques for over 20 years. Barn and Attic Clean-Out Also. (207) 233-5814 • ME & NH


Retired man with varied business background SEEKS WORK at home, or to help in your business part time. Call 207-632-5857



For a spotless home. Trustworthy and dependable. 207-439-1363



“JACK OF ALL TRADES” full time, year round, exible schedule required

~ sign-on and end-of-season bonus ~ vacation and personal days o , health and dental insurance, retirement please email if interested e Beachmere Inn, 62 Beachmere Place, Ogunquit •

Bread & Roses is hiring!



Join a local favorite! Raspberri’s Restaurant in Ogunquit is currently seeking: BREAKFAST COOK

This is a year-round position that includes salary commensurate with experience and a full benefits package including: health, dental, and life insurance; paid time off; 401k with company match; and profit-sharing bonus.

Apply in person at the Gorges Grant Hotel, 449 Main Street in Ogunquit, or forward resume via mail to: Human Resources, PO Box 2240, Ogunquit, ME 03907 or email to:

Misty Harbor Resort 60 Mile Road, Wells, ME 04090

Come join our team! Misty Harbor offers a great work environment. Year round and seasonal, full and part time positions available. We offer top wages, medical and dental for our full time employees.

Hiring Housekeepers & Front Desk Attendants

Stop by for an application or download one from our website:




All Makes & Models


or email

• Key Auto Group, 422 Route 1, York


TOP $$$


Call Dan: (207) 251-2221 or Email:


Year-round and seasonal positions available.

Year-round positions include salary commensurate with experience and a full benefits package including: health, dental, and life insurance; paid time off; 401k with company match; and profit-sharing bonus. Apply in person at 336 Main Street or 449 Main Street in Ogunquit, mail resume to Human Resources, P.O. Box 2240, Ogunquit, ME 03907, or email resume to

The Weekly Sentinel 21 February 24, 2023
Baker’s Assistants, Breakfast Cooks, Counter Help, Dishwasher Great Pay! Morning Hours Year Round & Seasonal Positions Experience Preferred but willing to train the right person One Weekend Day Required Apply in person at 614 Post Rd, Wells or on
one of Southern Maine’s premier hotels and family of companies.
hospitality leader is currently hiring for:
Cook Full & Part Time Visit to view open positions Scan QR Code To Apply Today! Huntington Common, 1 Huntington Common Dr, Kennebunk, ME 04043 Sunrise Senior Living Huntington Common in Kennebunk is Hiring! Apply Online Today! Come join the team and work with us! Sign-On Bonus! $1000-$2500 Care Givers (CNA or PSS) Full & Part Time Housekeeper Full & Part Time Waitstaff Full & Part Time (Age 16+) Dishwasher Full & Part Time Driver Part Time Medication Care Manager (CRMA) Full Time Maintenance Assistant Full & Part Time Activities Assistant Part Time Offering DifferentialsShift& DailyPay Full and part time positions available immediately with flexible shifts. FULL-TIME YEAR-ROUND POSITIONS ARE FULLY BENEFITED! COOK / PREP COOK FRONT DESK AGENT DISHWASHER Come join our seasoned staff! OPEN YEAR-ROUND. Apply by phone, email, or in person: 207-646-9384 • • 125 Shore Rd, Ogunquit Looking to hire a couple of Mechanics Full time for small engine repair. Mechanical ability is a must. Experience prefered. Medical and dental benefits available. Contact Mike at 207-439-4015 or, or apply in person at ELIOT SMALL ENGINE
236, Eliot, Maine
VOCAL LESSONS Marsh Music Studio
Ages 5-85
35 Years Teaching
Call Tisa Marsh: 850-519-1162

~ Sports & Outdoors ~

Wells Warrior Wrestling Class B Champs

Noble Knights Wrestling Class A Champs


Congratulations to Noble’s High School (above) and Middle School (below) Wrestling teams for their Class A State Championships! Individual winners from the high school include Derek Cote, Brady Ouellette, and Kaden Dustin. Photos and information from Noble Wrestling’s Facebook page.

Rams vs. Rams!

KENNEBUNKA “Students vs. Teachers” basketball game is happening at Kennebunk High School (KHS) to benefit their Class of 2025 Project Graduation. Members of the girls and boys KHS Varsity basketball teams will compete against the KHS Faculty “Dream Team.” The fundraiser will take place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday,


Congratulations also to the Wells High School Warrior Wrestling team on their Class B State Championship! They had six individual winners: Calvin Chase, Karter Crosby, Griffin Brickett, Brody Maxon, Eli Potter, and Nate Malloy. Placing second were Nick Allen and Dyllan Davis. Photo and information from Facebook.

Perro Named Noble’s First Girls State Champ


Congratulations to Noble High School Wrestling’s 2023, 100 lbs. Girls State Champion Hannah Perro! Perro is Noble’s first Girls State champion since the Maine Principal’s Association (MPA) sanctioned girls wrestling in 2019. Photo courtesy of Noble Wrestling Facebook page.

March 1 at the school at 89 Fletcher St., Kennebunk. There is a $5 entry fee to be paid at the door. The concession stand will be open, and there will be a 50/50 raffle and half-time games as well.

The captain of the faculty team is KHS Principal Jeremie Sirois. Other faculty team members include Jason Kenuk, Corey Leach, Crystal St. Onge, Paul Maguire, Josh Viola, Maddie Kasperzack, and Alex Fusco.

~ Puzzles


Protein-rich liquids

14. Not moving

15. Call it a career


WS 22 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023
CLUES ACROSS 1. Sea grape 5. European public health group (abbr.) 9. A way to delight 11. Appetizers 13. Ancient heralds’ wands 15. Make a booking 16. ‘__ death do us part 17. Pearl Jam frontman 19. Spider genus 21. Fill with high spirits 22. A major division of geological time 23. Catch 25. An independent ruler or chieftain 26. Electronic music style (abbr.) 27. Influential Spanish cubist painter 29. Illegally persuades 31. A way to derive 33. British School 34. Appear alongside 36. Surely (archaic) 38. Harsh cry of a crow 39. A day in the middle 41. Kansas hoops coach Bill 43. The longest division of geological time 44. The first sign of the zodiac 46. Appetizer 48. Link together in a chain 52. A bacterium 53. In a way, forces apart 54. Cheese dish 56. Combines 57. In an inferior way 58. Colors clothes 59. Dried-up CLUES DOWN 1. Gastropods 2. Confusing 3. Romanian monetary unit 4. The rate at which something proceeds
state of wellbeing
5. A prosperous
6. Asked for
less soft
of speech
Advice or counsel
7. Makes
8. Part
of success
Geological times
between east and southeast
term 20. Not wide 24. Pastries 26. Turns away 28. Satisfies 30. Gift adornments 32. San Diego ballplayers 34. Manufacturing plant 35. Check or guide 37. Dogs do
42. Unproductive
43. Electronic counter-
45. Attack with a knife 47. Feel bad for 49. Enclosure 50.
55. Midway
The Weekly Sentinel 23 February 24, 2023 WS

Snow may still be on the ground but the housing market has sprouted! Is selling part of your plan for 2023? Get ahead of the spring rush so your property stands out now! Talk with one of our expert agents about how to strategically position your property in today’s complex market.

Portland | $714,900

Newly renovated with first floor bedroom & large eat-in kitchen, new dishwasher, gas stove with convection oven and hood. Second floor has 5 rooms and is plumbed for a second bathroom & kitchen…can be converted to an accessory dwelling unit. Sunny porch has been heated. 2 new electric meters & circuit breaker panel. Newly installed ADT Security System. Wired for generator. Ramp for Wheelchair. 1 car detached garage. Short walk to the River. Large sunny lot. Very short walk and access to Salmon Falls River for recreation. Being Sold ''as is'' with right to inspect.

Joanne Stone | 207.337.2359

One acre lot close to all the areas attractions yet tucked off on a quiet street. This piece of land is level, and cleared. MINIMAL EXCAVATION

NEEDED! Wells is referred to as Maine's Friendliest Town - and is home to one of the best school systems in the entire State! Wells does not have all that many open, level and cleared lots left - do not let this opportunity pass you by. Taxes are estimated based upon listing price and the town of Wells Mil Rate.

Dawson Sibley | 207.333.0400

Portland Old Port living at its best. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath downtown condo is comprised of 12 privately owned units on the top floor of a prominent hotel. Unit overlooks Portland's business district and working wharfs. Snuggle up in front of the fireplace, entertain guests with the open concept eat-in kitchen. Fresh carpet in both bedrooms. Two full baths, one with laundry and the other located in the primary bedroom, alongside the deep walk-in closet! Book your exclusive showing today. Furniture in photos is digitally staged.

Joshua Lagasse | 207.251.3701

Check out this well-cared-for mobile home with spacious one-level living in desirable Yankee Green. This 2016 model has 2 bedrooms and one full bath. The kitchen has room for more than one chef or you could utilize the side porch to cook on the grill or just to relax. You can also enjoy watching the rain fall on the covered porch. There is plenty of storage in the outside shed, and there is a washer and dryer! Close to York beaches and Fort Foster park and all Kittery has to offer. Schedule a showing today. bbCB=1617368488690?bbCB=1617381645630?bbCB=1617384082360?bbCB=1617635073256?bbCB=1617637081374

Kim Bohn | 207.337.2102

In today’s competitive market, choosing an agency doesn’t have to be a challenge. Our agents have the experience, local knowledge & resources to ensure exceptional service every step of the way.

Ready to better your career?


Ogunquit | $399,000

A buildable lot, in Ogunquit, a stone's throw to town center?? UNHEARD OF!! Well that is exactly what we have to offer. Lot 1 Berwick road is being split off from a larger parcel and can now be yours! This lot can be attached to public water and sewer, is a little over a quarter acre large and offers you one of the most sought after amenities in this town, less than half a mile to the beach! Act fast as this will not be available for long! 75 ft road frontage and 12,500 square ft lot.

Don Wunder | 207.252.1775

Come see why RE/MAX Realty One is home to Southern Maine’s most productive agents and those who aspire to be.


WS 24 The Weekly Sentinel February 24, 2023
- Ogunquit
Biddeford - Kennebunk - Wells
- 207.363.2497
Realty One Maine
REMAXRealtyOneMaine REMAXRealtyOneMaine
Kittery | $110,000
Like & Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on market trends & YOUR HOMETOWN AGENCY LEADING THE WAY
Berwick | $295,000 LAND Wells | $230,000

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